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    Chapter X. Wealth in the house

    Conspiracies on the crop

    Conspiracy on grain harvest

    This conspiracy is carried out in spring or early summer. Divide the bonfire on whom the scrambled eggs. I do not throw away the shell from eggs and leave immediately. Eat the scrambled eggs, then take the shell of eggs and spoons with which you eating the scrambled eggs (necessarily eat spoons!), Grind the shell with your hands. Throw her up along with spoons, pronounced conspiracy words:

    Let me eat such a high rush like a high spoon will rise.

    Conspiracies to remove damage to the harvest (water)

    On Thursday, it was customary to protect the rites of rain causing so that there were no droughts in the summer. So, on this day, people drank each other with water. Hence the name of this day - the douse.

    Take a large watering can with water and read a conspiracy over it:

    Blow, winds, to the side, go around the frost by another way, the water goes to the ground and will send us a big harvest - bread and wheat will give it to urge.

    After that, take the water from the watering can, your friends and relatives and the field you are standing.

    Conspiracies to remove damage to the harvest (on fire)

    The ritual is associated with the power of fire, which the ancient Slavs always worshiped. It was very honored. The same fire could be in his housing both kindly and evil, and discovering, which was especially important in summer hot and rich days. The medium was still called degrees. On this day it was categorically forbidden to work. Slavs were dedicated to his prayers to the gods to remove degrees and thunderstorms in the summer period from the peasant fields.

    They burned the big bonfire and read the next conspiracy over the fire:

    Blow, winds, to the side, go frost to another way, the fire will not drain the ground, but the harvest will save - bread and wheat will give it.

    Removing damage to the house

    Amulets to protect the house

    1. Lower the white thread with a length of 22 centimeters into a bowl with water from the source, then skip it into the hole of the steel needle. Connect the thread ends with a triple node.

    2. Circlave the needles with the needle all over the door jamb, after which they stick it into the top of the jamb above the loop and say:

    This needle is guarding to stand, all enemies and dislikes to break.

    This amulet (charm) reliably protects from damage, the evil eye and the unclean strength of you, your home and your loved ones.

    3. Take two needles, make an equilateral cross from them, tie the blue thread. Hide this cross into the pitch of the broom or broom and lower it into the water, then say:

    Broom Sor Wimp, the needle evil will take.

    Remove the broom from the water, nothing to do with this broom, put it at the threshold, so that the milestone of the magic is hidden in the broom guarded from the troubles of your home. And water is pouring the threshold.

    Monetary damage2
    Website materials

    Monetary damage occurs mainly from the envious. It is not difficult to know it. If the money evaporates in an unknown direction, that is, they break through the sand through the fingers, it means that damage to you. How to find out the damage and secure yourself? There are many ways to do it. We use the most affordable.

    Removing the monetary evil eye or damage to luck

    Type water into a cup or a jar, throw a pinch of salt there, burn the match. While she burns, cross the cooked water three times and say three times: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Then, on a burning match, climb the burned part three times and throw the broken burnt pieces into the water. Then, over the water, nine times read the plot:

    After that, spray a person with water, uttering: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Then let him drink water. He must drink conspiracted water several times a day.


    Throw into the water a pinch of salt, burn three matches. Burned matches put into the water and read the "Our Father", and then - plot:

    On the blue sea, the girl was standing, a blue handkerchief, Mahala, Mother God called for help. Sooty, Mother of God, and helping the slave of God (name), and run the disease eye eye on the dark forests, on thick vines, where the month does not shine, where the sun does not warm. I do not speak, and the Most Holy Mother of God helps his mouth, with his fingers, his Holy Spirit. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Conspiracy read over the water nine times.

    Removal of monetary damage to holy water

    Take the consecrated water, sprinkle the person and overseas the back of the hand. Pour the remaining water for the threshold and read 3 times:

    From Gogol - water, from Gogolyuhi - Rosa, with a servant of God (name) - Other bonds, from where they came, go there and go, to the old owner under the stove. Amen. Amen.

    How to remove cash evil eye

    Sit at midnight in front of the mirror. Complete with each other and the mirror put three lit candles, close to the candles, put the icon, then read the prayer of the Most Holy Virgin and say a plot:

    The father of Abraham with his beloved Son was his Isaac and led to Christ the slave of God (name) on healing from the eye of a bad. They met on the road to them twelve antichrist daughters.

    "Is you, Daughters of Satan, smoothed a good man - a slave of God (name)?" Daughters of Antichrista Father Abraham bowed, before Jesus Christ was signed, and with the slave of God (name), the evil eye was taken away.

    Who on Friday will read the consignation, from that evil eye will come down! Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Then blend the candles and go to bed.

    Cashless protection

    If you suddenly have noticed that it seems to get a lot of money, but there are no them in the house, they fly away to the pipe, try to spend a protective ritual. Take a sheet of paper, divide it into two parts. In one column, write down your expenses with an exact indication that money was spent, and in another column - our income, noting where the money came from. That part of the list, which included all the "failed" spending, which you nothing but headaches did not bring, tear off, crush and burn from match on a metal tray, and put the ashes to the street and let the wind. Disting on their empty spending, say such words:

    The ash flies, the bad luck leaves. Good luck flies, I will carry me.

    Fold the second half of the list four times, remove in your pocket and keep another month, and then throw out. For a month after the ritual, fate will become graciously, you will often receive good income and do not make reckless spending. Just do not forget to replenish your list, do it every 10 days.

    Conspiracy on Easter on a coin and water

    Before Easter, on Saturday, before sunset, take a coin of any dignity, lower it in the holy water and tell it:

    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Cash to the money, a penny to a penny. How people are waiting for a bright Easter, how they go to the temple of God, so would go to me, the slave of God (name) the money was river. All holy waters, all with me. Amen.

    Coeth wear all year in his wallet.

    Conspiracy for money

    In the drawn circle put a bowl with water, poppy popping around it and read a plot:

    On the sea, there is one island on the ocean. On the island Tom there is Earth. There is there God, Mother of God and I, I come to them closer, worship me down. Mother of God, you lived on Earth, I took bread in our hands, I paid money for bread, I walked money in the wallet. Without money, food will not give, not woven clothes, the candles in the church will not sell. Dai, Lord, I, how much Maku on this scarf, so much money in my wallet. I lock my words, I close my business. Key, castle. language. Amen.

    Chapter XI. your child

    Man was born

    Conspiracy of prosperous delivery3
    Website materials used.

    As soon as childbirth began, the bath was melted, in which the female soldered so that she could easily give it, with the words:

    Grandma Solomonidushka Christ Paris, and left us the park. Lord, bless! Pens grow, fat, nucleotte, legs, walk, wear your body; Language, tell, your head feed. Grandma Solomonb jushnaya Paris and Rules, the God of Milicia asked: Do not be Sidun, be a temper; Banyushki-Parisy Listen: couples, yes Banya, yes freest Baibi and waters listen. Do not listen to neither lessons, nor removal, nor boring, nor from thin, nor from good, nor from promotion. Live yes fat, yes poison.

    Removing the evil eye on the water in labor

    For the guys were preparing brooms from a young birch. Baba-obstacle walked with a new bucket on the river, gained water there necessarily for the river. Returning to the bath, prayed, then lowered the right hand in the bucket, dragged the water, merged her hand through the elbow to the eared and sentenced:

    How the water on the elbow does not hold, so on the servant of God (name) - neither lessons nor the winners do not hold on!

    Then draw on the water with a knife cross. Then put the female in the threshold of the bath face east and splash to her three times in the face of the water in the face, while repeat the words three times:

    Water-water! Water-queen! Water-thank youth! So flow, wash the red brunette, yellow sands, pegs and roots, white stones, so Oh Ohmoy Slava God (name)! Foggy, winners, dashing consensions from individuals and braids, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a rheetic heart, from hot blood. The words are the key and castle, a strong conspiracy!

    The remaining water pour the woman in the head. Then help the feminine to lie down on the shelves, knead and rub her body and belly with hands and cloth rags, a wooden birch broom, saying:

    There is a red girl with a dry broom, extinguished, extinguishes a biennial evil, all the swings and pain! Like this broom, the sheets will fall, and the swings and pain will be lost! ". Immediately splash three times the water to the Kamenka and say: "My servant of God (name) in the heat, in a couple! How goes out of the heaters of the heat, and from the smoke of the pairs, so with the slaves of God (name) all the grief and pain! "

    Plot against the evil eye of the newborn

    So that the child is not smoothed, it must be washed in the water, the mother's sealed milk. Waterly sealed water is not only useful for the skin, but also creates an energy barrier, which helps to protect the baby from the evil eye, even if the involuntary. Washing baby, read this plot seven times in a row:

    Water - in the ground, child - in growth.

    After that, put the child's dress, saying:

    Pure dress on the shoulder, health, bass and beauty in Teles.

    Also after the first bath, so that the baby did not have hernia, do the ritual "Throwing":

    I myself face, I won't wear myself, herself silently, the baby takes all the flour. Now and fall and from the century to the century.

    Three times pronounce spell. Then a little and slightly bother your fingers and all the joints, pressing only lips.

    Conspiracy against newborn diseases (against damage and evil eye)

    According to Staroslavlyansky, it is just that a born child is still between life and death - at the very border. Therefore, he is susceptible to the attack of all sorts of black forces. No wonder during the month of the baby did not show anyone, except for close relatives, afraid of applying the evil eye. Now this belief is forgotten, and the newborn is staring all who will want. And among them there may be no good person at all or simply indifferent - it can also damage the child. That is why it is necessary to spend a ritual to protect the baby from diseases and from the evil eye.

    To conduct a conspiracy, take a large church candle and a bowl with holy water. Put the baby on the changing table. Light a candle and bring it around the baby three times splashing it with water. At the same time, pronounce the following spells:

    Tsar fire, queen-water! How to bear neither the lesson nor the prize nor a bad tranne, so would have a lesson, nor a prize nor a bad tale! Get down, lesson, yes the cherry, and a thin reservation from a white body, with clear eyes, with kilniy kud and!

    POWER CROP, also say:

    Water-Queen, Rhodov Source, running with sunrise, fall on the goal, fall, steep shore and yellow sands are wicked by the reservoir of the newly born of any afraid of the night and midnight, bottom and midday, dryness, lubrication, thinness, uncleanness. With the rain chapter, from the ridge bone, with hot blood, from the rheetic heart, from all over the mill.

    Conspiracy from damage

    Like the baby, immediately after birth, the young mother is also on the border of the two worlds, so it is also helpless and is not protected before the slogony and damage. Therefore, her mother or husband must be sure to read a plot against her evil eye and damage. Otherwise, the woman in labor can get sick or experience other difficulties - she will disappear milk, there will be a long and difficult restoration of forces, postpartum depression and even disease is possible.

    Protect the fever from the invasion of dark forces is the holy duty of relatives, not the youngest woman.

    To carry out the ritual, take Luchin, burn it and lower it into the bowl with water. Then bring this bowl three times around the guinea, while simultaneously pronouncing the following spell over the water:

    Twelve ailments, twelve perobulats, bottoms, midday, night, midnight, away. Get out and stay there and now and is dreaming such, Taco ECU, Taco Budy. In the glory of the bright gods and the many-sorts of our ancestors, as well as in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Then the fever should sleep, and you pour water for the threshold.

    Conspiracy against damage to the child

    If the child cries a lot and shouts loudly, with no reason for the disorder, then most likely that it has already been smoothed. To remove the curse, you need to read a special conspiracy over it. But before take a dish with water, ones (chest) charm or cross and two coal. Throw coals into the water. Take into the hands of the child and have the following conspiracy into the water:

    Vorozhb-Hvoroba, leave his threshold, clearing and turning the trouble-villain, attracting happiness, health, joy and fun. In the name of Stuma, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    After that, lower the wubble or cross in the water and spray the child with this water. Then put it to sleep.

    Rituals on the infant

    1. Before putting a child in the cradle, a cat launched into it. The cat is lying, pouring, and clean the crib from the evil eye and damage. Now in her baby can lie calmly.

    2. On the bottom of the cradle lay a small knife, stuck the needle, under the head lay bread with salt and garlic (first - as a wish of health and well-being, the second - as a wanted from the unclean strength and the evil eye).

    3. If the child in the cradle is worried, does not sleep at night, he needs to get rid of Crys and nights, from his disturbing midnight. To do this, it is necessary after dinner to complete the child in a wedding tablecloth, do not touch your hands, tie the knots to your teeth, put in the hem, 3 times on the evening dawn to bring to the window, and the baby calms down.

    Conspiration from all diseases

    Conspiracy is read on a child of any age, but it is best to read it for a newborn. Put a saucer with water. Bringing the kid to the shirt, put him on the back and sentenced, blowing on the water:

    The man was born, the cross was watered, and Satan contacted her stronger, and God became famous, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids, Amen! Holy Father Ostafi and the Holy Father Naughty, put it, Lord, the servant of God (say the name) to the holy place, think about God and do God's own: the Holy Spirit will find on him and all heaven will reach him, and the whole sealing passing him, Spassova Hand, Christ is the seal, the Mother of the Mother Cross, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Conspiracy from damage to a child from severe illness

    Take water from the natural source. Pour it into a wide bowl. Put the bowl in the headboard of the child. Read 7 times a quiet singing voice:

    As the Lord God, Jesus Christ, installed the sources, rivers and streams, taco, install and comfort the disease and ailment in the servant of God (say the name) the prayers are the Most of the Virgin Mary, and the Mary of Mary, and all the saints and heavenly forces. Forever and ever. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Then spray this child of the child, wipe his heels and palms, every finger, moisten the ears. Put the remaining water under the bed or next to it. Outlou pour it out for the window.

    Conspiracy from bronchial asthma

    Astmatic cough brings many sufferings to a child, it can be dangerous if he goes into shortness of breath. But this cough is most often caused by the evil eye, like the disease itself - a damage that is applied to the whole genus. You can get rid of damage by special conspiracies that take birth to generic curses. They need to be seriously prepared and you will read about them in the XII chapter.

    To remove the cough, tormenting the child, and generally stop the attacks of the disease, you can start with a simple ritual of the decline of the evil eye against asthma. To do this, take the lump of wool from red dog, preferably homeless. Put it on the saucer and read a plot:

    As this skin does not breathe, do not bark and not bite, and the slave (name) is not choking the whole month. Key in the river, skin in the ground. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Then go wool in the yard.

    Conspiracy from urticaria and other allergic manifestations

    Pour in a red bag shallow cereals, shake over the child's head and read:

    The rash-rash, children's mate, rushing, went with the slave of God (name). Amen.

    Do so three times, pour out the croup on the road.

    Conspiracy from herd (epilepsy)

    1. Event the bath. In the first heat, open the doors and say:

    Let me, Banaka, wash up, go, the servant of God (name) to hide on health.

    Then baby wash and put your mother between the legs, saying:

    I, Dietatko, gave birth, I brought you and I use you and use you. From what my dietyko was born, originated, those and use.

    Up to three times put it in a steam room, and when you go from the bath, read the plot:

    You, the Baenka, Tinnitsa, and Slava God (name) on a healthy.

    On the way home you can not talk to anyone.

    2. Read on the water in which the baby is then bumping:

    I will become, blessing, I will go, cross, out of the hodges, from the courtyard gates, I will become east. On the east side there is a Most Holy Church, in that Blessed Church stands the Most Holy See, the Most Holy Mother of the Mother of God sits on that Most Holy Table. Fellows and mohaws with silk brush all white light and mother cheese ground. Most Holy Mother of God, Outshi, Fooling 12 Rodimans, 12 Rogging, Shake, True, stretching, seamless, ear, eye, tent, plud, dental and dental root. The Most Holy Mother of God Opochala and deceived 12 herds, 12 climbs. Go you, the lords, go, the Sharks, in a purely field, in the dirt of the middle, in the swamp of Zybuchi. There you, the lords, there you, the rainer, eternal memory, nor the entrance or the exit. Like the word spoke, did not negotiate, the words said, talks. Be, my words, stronger the strong castle, an acute bouquet knife. Be, my words, to help the slave of God (name). The key in the sea, castle in the company. Amen.

    Chapter XII. Wrestling with evil forces

    From evil people

    Remove the cemetery damage

    Ordered prayer 3 days before the start of rites. If Christians, then in three churches - for health. If another religion, then pray, respectively, the religious canons. On the third day, when the prayers began, a glass of jelly was prepared, a glass of buns and three eggs. It is impossible to try this food.

    Then you need to go to the cemetery, find the grave with the name, like the awesome. It is necessary to put eggs, put cooks and bun. Then ignite the wax candle and read while it burns:

    The path was our earth, he left underground. Help, the following bends, the cemetery Cemests with (name) will take off, from the grave fence ray. You, dead, here lie, and (name) home run. Exactly!

    All the same is done on the 9th and 40th days.

    Removal of damage

    On the descending moon you need to read on drink and give a manifold drink 3 days in a row. The conspiracy is:

    Blood, you, blood, go from the blood, my heart is not Noah, the soul is not pain. Sooty with black eyebrows, with white bones, with clear eyes, strong hands, from all over the eclast. Its breasts do not turn it, the legs do not send it, it's not a disturbing head. Blood slaves (name) / slave (name) Do not ride. The Mother of God with me, the icon of Christ in front of me. From where the blood came, there and go. My word is not killed, my business is wrong. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

    Conspiracy-Wereg from the dark burning

    The name of the spawthh, heavenly blacksmith,

    The name of Dazhbog, the trisvelized sun,

    The name of Perun Thunder!

    You, Svarog, Boron, truth from Kryvda,

    You, Dazhibogog, Boroni Day from the night,

    You, Perun, Boroni Deli from Navi!

    The power of the fire of heaven,

    Power of fire between heaven and land,

    The power of the earth is spell!

    Let the dark tea burned

    Yes burnt the nuclear shrug

    Yes burnt outflows of Navia

    In the black fire of the Bekel!

    Sky - key, land - castle!

    Yes, it will be so asked!G. oh!

    Conspiracy on health (removal of damage and evil eye)

    On the sea on the outbreak, on the island of Buyan

    Lies Bel-Gulching Stone Alatyr.

    Near the stone of Alatyra

    Standing the old Mature man, three sons father.

    How does the old-mator pulls his bouquet knife,

    Cuts - he sees them all the hands of yes disease,

    All lobes and dry winds at the grandson of the gourmet (name),

    Puts them under Bel-Gulching Stone Alatyr,

    Locks three gold keys,

    Throwing those keys to the Okian-Sea blue.

    Who Bel-Gulching Stone Alatyr will post

    That words of mine exceeds!

    My words are full-ones like the Okyan-Sea.

    My words are strong and hard as Alatyr-stone!

    Velees Conspiracy Char

    Zaezhi, Veles,

    Sorcerer and witch,

    Language and lead

    Cherkets and Chernice,

    I'm giving and ghoul

    On the grandson of the gaze-like (name)

    Evil is not thinking!

    From the Red Maiden

    From the black widow.

    From the rules and the black-haired,

    From red and oblique

    From one-eyed and disagreement

    And from any undead!G. oh!

    Conspiracy from the evil eye on happiness in life (appeal to Mother Earth)

    Mother Cheese Earth!

    I'm born of you (a), from you body with false (a),

    You wear me

    You feed me,

    You will take me on death back.

    Mother Cheese Earth!

    Okrani me, my child,

    I bet the path of Lada!

    Yes, there will be my cases in glory to you!

    I bow to you! Goy-Ma!

    After that, lay low.

    Conspiracy from Schalza4
    This and other conspiractions from this chapter use the materials of the site

    Read the prayer "Our Father", read the following conspiracy after it:

    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Clean blood and heaven! Save, save the slave of God (name) from any eye, from a bad hour, from female, from male, from children, from joyful, from hated, from the conspiracy, from the negotiation.

    Then pour into the jar of holy water, throw a pinch of salt, burn the match, chrubbire three times with water and say the same time: "In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

    As the match is combustion, the burnt part of having to have it to fall into the water. Such fragments should be three. Conspiracy read over the water is 9 times. After that, the patient is sprayed three times with the words: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Conspiracy from damage

    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The slave of God will rise (name), blessed, go, cross, out of the hollows, from the courtyard, goes into a clean field, the cloud will be wrapped up, the morning gourds are suburced by frequent stars from the prize, from the cozhes, from a finished person, from black, from White eye, from the drawback, from white stall, from docked, from doubled, from the one-car, from the turn, and from the Trozub, and from the sorcerer and from the sorcerer, and from the lead and from the lead, and from all sneezing dashing, and from his wife, and from strangers, and from every bitten, from a sutower and from the humpback in advance, from the elder and the old men, from Chernya and the Blue, from the ass and from the Dyakon, and from the shelter and from any slot, and from the girl Prostoloski, and from women -Belheads, and from any on the road of the oncoming, comprehending, leaking, enviable. Every kind of relative man of God's creatures do not know, the clouds do not open, do not unlock, frequent stars do not shuffle not sticking, do not stop the zori with a toporist, the mlad of the month does not push away, do not unlock and his, the slave of God (name), not spoil anyone, Do not converge, eyelids over the century. Evil and Lychom Porchineku, a street, every born man, salt in the eyes, iron needles in the guzno, a trap stone in his teeth. Which words forgetting, benut, be, my words, all in full talk, for every day, in every hour, notarently, disgusting, eyelid, in the age of century, and in century. Sky is the key. Earth - Castle. Amen.

    Conspiracy from damage

    Divorce of the Divine Gospel: Yes, it is faded, disappeared in you, the slave of God (name), the strength of the dewing devil, and the power of the Divine Spirit will arrange. Amen! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. God of the gods, Lord of Lord, Christ's Son of God, the Most of the Virgin Mary, Virgin Mary, all the heavenly power of the strongest, the guardian angels, the archangels, cherubs, seraphim, the beginning, the thrones, the domination, power, power, and all the forefathers, kings, prophets, the apostles , and evangelicals, and all the presented, righteous, martyrs, ashlations, saint, the sacred and binding of cathedrals and faces, the masculine and female sex, save, healed, and surf the slave of God (name). Amen, Amen, Amen.

    Conspiracy from damage done at the funeral

    At night, burn in the coal incense, saying:

    As this incense is burning and melts, so that burned, yelled the sobility from the slaves of God (name). Amen.

    Conspiracy from human hatred

    Chisthers stars in the sky, the sand near the river, and I am in honor and love. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Conspiracy so that good will be taken

    To wash into the full moon with milk, half diluted with water, and pronounce:

    My God my God, I stand in front of you. Angel my keeper, from evil hearts delighting, save me, protect me. As a loving mother does not want to take away the child from the breast time, so that no one, never, never at any time, did not take my good luck. Agive, Lord, my lucky, went, Lord, from enemies Reliable. My Angel, be with me, keep my happiness and good luck. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Conspiracy from diseases and from dark forces

    Put water and read a plot on it, touching your hands to the patient's body (first of all touching the places where sick bodies are, as well as head and spine), saying:

    Mother - River Water, You Wake up, you wash your yellow sand, you wash the stone, you grumble. Smear with the slave of God (name) all the pains, all suffering, damage, fright, stuttering, face, hernia, (call the disease that this person suffers), and the servant of God (name), Mother River, leave alone. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    After reading this plot 3 times, give a patient to drink some of this water. After that, read another plot:

    Cross on me, cross in me, servant of God (name).

    No wilderness beast

    No sorcerer nor the sorceress

    Not a single gangster nor a gangster

    No evil person

    No evil tongue of sorcerer

    Neither angry bandit language,

    Will not be offended by the slave of God (name).

    Amen! Amen! Amen!

    From unclean power

    Conspiracy from the devil and his spirits

    The devil with his unclean and evil spirits can cause a psyche disease, putting in the repository of the human soul. Therefore, this plot should be read three days (in the morning, in the evening and at midnight on the threshold of the house). Put a large laghan with water and read the conspiracy on it:

    Odade, diazole, from the temple and from the house of this, from the door and from all four corners. No in you, diazole, parts and participation, places and peace, here Cross Merior, Mother of Christ, Most Holy Mother of God, Saint Peter, Saints Evangelicals: John, Luka, Mark, Matthew, Holy Archangels: Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail, Uryal, Ugasyl , Neughdil, Varahail. The forces of heavenly live, the holy cherubs and seraphims, the Saint Michael, now all universe, holding the shelves, holds the Holy Peter, the Potion Holding, Here the Christmas Forerunner, here you, Diazole, there is no part and participation, places and peace, do not take part, Diazole, this place and house, and a person, and a cattle, and all the servants of God, run from here to hell is a pitch, where your real shelter and Tamo is dying. My word is tough, yako stone. Amen, Amen, Amen!

    Water every time pouring out for the threshold, then pour a new one.

    Conspiracy from the spirits of unclean

    God's perpetual, save us from the captive of the devil, is the souls of your slave (name) from any kind of spirits are unclean, and they will reset the demon from the soul and body, from the slave of yours (name), and do not be, they will not be like him, or on it attackers, but yes will leave your son my son, the sick of our Jesus Christ and the life-giving cross, and your holy and life-giving spirit from creating your hands, and it will be cleaned from any diabolian action, the naval, reverend and righteous, and piously exercise, considerably and lively Tyne, the only Song of the Son and the Lord God of our, Jesus Christ, with Him the same ECU and are declared, with the Most Holy and Good, and the Life-Giving Spirit, always, now and confessed and forever. Amen. Yes, you will sweep and retreat from the house of this and from this place! And yak destroyed every feather and journey, in nudion and chicken, from the servant of God (name) of any Diyvolsky circumstances and magic wagon's magic acts with a sprinkling of prayer and water Say sprinkling disappear ECU DEYTIAb forces, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Conspiration from unclean strength

    Conspiracy is read on fire. To do this, it is necessary to get a burning out of the stove is full and read the conspiracy. Then throw it in the river.

    Sgin, an unclean spirit, from our house, of all places, doors and corners, zakulkov and ceilings, of all, from all seats. We have a Merden cross, with us the Holy Spirit, all the saints with us and evangelists: John, Luka, Matthew, and the Holy Archangels of Heaven: Mikhail, Gabriel, and the great George Victorious, Mother of God, all Cherubim and Serafima. Amen! God will resurrect! (Pronounce 3rd.)

    Conspiracy-Prayer "Mother Maria"

    Mother Marya for crude land went, Jesus Christ was spoded, he drove for a handle, led to the Zion mountain, the throne stands on the Zion mountain, the Golden Book is sitting on the throne, the Lord himself sits, reads, sacrows the Holy Blood, comes Saint Petro: "What You, Lord, read, shed the holy blood? " "Oh, Saint Petro, do not look at my flour, take a cross in your hand, go to the village, tell the old, small, let the law performed, prayers are read, from Czzyuya, from the flying, from the vain death." Amen. Amen. Amen.

    From nudience

    Conspuses are read by water, which is then poured over the threshold:

    From the Spirit of the Holy, Party of Christ, Spassova Hand, Bogoroditsyn Castle, My Angel, my Savetor! Save my soul, scraping my heart; Enemy Satan! Look away from me. I have three sheets, everything is written on all Mark and Luka, and Nikita the Great Martial Party, for the sins the soul torments, for me a pray. (This prayer from an unclean spirit, which is coming to sleep coming, is a safety and solid tool from any illness and sorrow.)


    It is read on 4 burning candles that stand around a person with an induced spool:

    The name of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, which kicks you, an unclean spirit, from the body of the slave of God (name). I associate you, unclean spirit, prayers, destroying fire. Sylow, given to me from God, I forbid you to be in the body of the slave of God (name). In the name of the Lord God of our Jesus Christ, I order to you, an unclean spirit: Leave the body of the slave of God (name) from now on and forever! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    White Magic

    What is damage?

    The damage is a disease from witchcraft, induced magical and quite consciously.

    Damage is able to cause disease physical as well as death.

    The damage causes a spiritual disease, psyche disorder, longing, sadness, fear and on this soil various "mental deviations, referred to in schizophrenia medicine.

    Damage - These are scandals in the family, mutual understanding, divorce. Therefore, do not hurry with the latter, look back around, fail by damage. It will save your family. Correct and take care of good family relationships. The devil, first of all, penetrates the family to destroy it, as the family has the basis of society. Young recommend wedding in church. This strengthens the future family: you acquire the patronage and protection of God.

    1. The damage is the desire of fornication, marital treason.
    2. Damage is a thrust for alcohol, because the demon of alcohol is overwhelming a person.
    3. Damage is a lifestyle, lossed.
    4. The damage is disobedience and pride manifestation.
    5. The damage is a foolishness, a neraction, child's disease.
    6. Damage is apathy for work, tape. It is inexplicable for all the evil when demons scream in your soul.
    7. The damage is a curve of the road that leads you from God. "This is a female and hatred of neighbor, this disrespect for parents and dislike for children. This is a direct way to sin.
    8. The damage is the disease of animals and the crown of your land.

    A lot of other phenomena can be attributed to damage, which destroy and reduce the life of life.

    How is damaged?

    Up to our time, it was preserved, mainly one method used to remove damage: water consumption, less well-known methods of enucleation and pouring on wax.

    Conspiracies that use the most different, but the essence of them is alone: \u200b\u200bthey are all aimed at the expulsion of demons and giving health to the patient.

    The sequence of execution is approximately the following, although it is allowed, improvisation in prayers to appeal to God.

    Before applying the main conspiracy, it reads three times over the water of the prayer of our "Father Our" prayer, then request and appeal to the holy (for example: Holy healer Panteleimon, Holy Martyr Trifon, Holy Great Martyr Varvara, Holy Martyrs and Guri confessors, the most, Aviv, Pray God "us, about the forgiveness of sins, about the healing of the slave of God (name), etc.), should not be too verbal; You can finish this as follows: "All saints, the pray of God about us." Next, appeal to the Most Holy Virgin. You can express a request in your own words, as John Kronstadt did in his prayers, you can use fragments from prayers. For example: "V.Raskiya crook from the depths of the soul: the laddy, help, soaring over us: Hurry, we die from a variety of sins. Do not let your slaves with nothing, for in you we have the only hope. "

    Most of the healers apply the prayer of the cross "God will resurrect", because it is its main content to death demons, as well as the prayer "Lives in Help", which can be read to a conspiracy or after him.

    Prayer Cross

    (When reading it comes to a cross)

    "God will resurrect himself, and the gazes are growing, and it beats from his face that hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear;

    Yako melts the wax from the face of fire, Tako and the demons will die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godfather, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the beams by force on you the prison gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, to hell and corrected strength The devil, and who bestowed you, the cross is honest for the defendance of all soup. Oh, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help Mi with sacred Madam, the Devocy Virgin and with all the "holy events. Amen." -

    "Living in help" is one of the most famous people. With her words on the lips of the Christian warriol during the Great Patriotic War, Protopali from Moscow to Berlin. Everywhere, everywhere she was protected from fear, died, the invasion of the enemy. In the Bible, she is known as Psalm 90, in the Orthodox Church is read at Starrog Slavian, and many of them know that in this version. Below I give this prayer in both languages.

    "The Lives in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God of Heaven, is ruined, the Mother Recament: My Esu and Refair. My God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from the network of catch and from the word of rebellious: the shrub will be squeezed with their own, and under Kille, it is hooked: the weapon will be created by the truth of him. Do not be wondering from the fear of Nobachnag, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in the darkness of transient, from shaking and demonstigo. There is a hundred thousand people from the country, and darkness to you, you will not get closer to you.

    Obakha is the clearing of your see and reward sinners of the prurishes. Yako you, Lord, Hope my:

    Voznyago, your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and the wound will not approach your television teem: I can use my angel about you, keep your luck in all your ways. In your hands, you will take the time, but once it is pushing about the stone of your foot: on aspid and Vasilisk Communion, and ease of Leo and Zmia. Yako on my Uporna, and get rid, and covered, and, I can know my name, will call me, and hear him; With him, I am in grief, I change it: I will fulfill him with a long time and I will declare my salvation. "

    "Living under the presence of the Most High under the senion of the Almighty rest. Says to the Lord: "" My refuge I am protecting my, my God, on whom I hope! " He will save you from the catcher's network, from the disastrous ulcers. Feathers will squeeze you with their own, and you will be safe under the wings; the shield and fence - the truth of him. Do not be worse than horrors in the night, arrows, flying day. Ulcers walking in darkness, contagion, devastating " at noon. Thousands of thousands of you will fall beside you, but you will not get closer to you. Just to watch you will be your eyes and see the retribution is wicked. For you said: "The Lord - Hope My"; The Most High elected you by your refuge. It does not happen evil, and the ulcer will not get closer to your dwelling. For the angels are concerned about you - to guard you on all "ways of yours. In the hands you will drive you, but you will not be able to go about the stone. On aspid and Vasilisk, you will go to drink a lion from the dragon." For the fact that he loved me, get rid His; I will protect it, because he knew my name. Rewards to me, I will hear it; I'll get rid of him with him; I will save him, and I will give him a long time; I will find him a long time, and I will give him salvation with him. "

    Then you can proceed to reading a conspiracy from damage.

    I will give a rather strong conspiracy, which is used when removing damage.

    "Lady Mother broke through the bridge. She is towards Nikolai, Ilya Prophet, John theologian.

    Where are you going, God's Mother?

    I'm going to wash your nerves, blow up the eyes and bitterness to drive out the Slave of God (name), from his head, from the hands, out of the legs, from the abdomen, from the heart, from the liver, from greenery, from the spleen, from the uterus (if a woman), from ovaries , from the bladder, from the neck, from the spine, from the blue lived, from red blood.

    Savior with a cross. Savior over the unclean power winner. Leak, Satan, with a slave of God (name). Leave, unclean spirits on all four sides. Amen, Amen, Amen.

    Go out, unclean spirit, from the servant of God (name), from the head, from the hands, out of the legs, from the abdomen, from the intestine, from the heart, from the stomach, from the liver, from greenery, from the spleen, from the uterus (if a woman), from ovarian, from the bladder, from the whole organism. Go to the pain where the grass grows, where the wind does not matter where the sun does not warm. Go to the abyss, on the bottom. Amen, Amen, Amen.

    I'm not flying, I'm not talking, but God's Mother. She treats, washing, talking. The Lord God calls for the aid with the angels, with the archangels, with heavenly forces, with the Lord's gourney, with an evening star.

    Mikhail Arkhangel walked from heaven, carried a life-giving cross on his head. Put this cross on the stone floor and fenced with iron bayonets, locked thirty-three locks and everything is under one key. And I gave the key to the Mother of God's Mother in my right hand. No one will open these locks, no one will spoil God (name) in the housing, nor on the feast or on the way. I go under the red sun, night under a clear month. Damn Satan, move away from the servant of God (name) for a thousand roads, on a thousand fields, where cattle does not walk where people do not go. And here the holy path in the holy place and the Holy Spirit fenced. Lord, save and save the slave of God (name). Amen, Amen, Amen.

    At the end, throw into the water a pinch of salt and three burned matches. When matches are thrown, give a request for healing. Water prepared in this way, they drink the body, bed, room, yard, wash away.

    For leaders take water spituing, as in the case of the treatment of the evil eye. (Perfect water - running, key, that which no one drank - you can't take water from the bucket, if the water from this bucket has already been used).

    When you go to gain water, you need to say so: "Hello, water Tatyana, Land Ulyana, and Ivan's key, give me water, from any trouble."

    White magic. Schalz - means and conspiracy from the evil eye

    What is evil eye?

    Evil eye - The most common phenomenon of influence is one person on another, generating both a disease and various kinds of disorders. Different nations believe in different ways. For example, in Ethiopia, they believe that only people certain classes can be smoothed. In India, they are convinced that any person, as well as spirit and even an animal, are able to jiggle. In Russia, people have always been stolen with black eyes or diagonals.

    But the glare himself sometimes turns out not so dangerous as the unsuccessful word. Beware of scandals, quarrels and short-term curses. Just in Rugan, a person receives a certain proportion of bad effects (in folk magic, sometimes united by the evil eye and curse).

    Effective envious look, like an envious word.

    They equally can spoil the case, lead to ruin and failure. Experienced people never show started, work until it is finished.

    It would seem that the reason for the evil eye is clear - this is a bad eye a bad or envious word, the curse abandoned by someone; However, do not hurry with conclusions. It can be smoothed and joyful, uttered without any back thoughts. Most of all children are subject to this influence. The "smoothed" child makes itself felt on the very first day of unsuccessful with anyone's communication. And the first signs of this are restlessness, whim, lack of sleep. If you do not take action, nothing good, except for the disorder of the nervous system, can not be expected.

    Adults suffer from this not to a lesser extent. Depending on the profession, lifestyle, communication, people and one way or another are under the influence of dozens of eyes, are subjected to discussion, criticism, deception, crouch, and all this to some extent affects them. Spiritual way. People carry the evil eye in different ways. Some can live all their lives and do not need treatment, for the others, the Silver is a serious destroyer of the nervous "system.

    As a rule, the consequence of such an impact is the lack of sleep, impassable, violation of communication between colleagues. This person is sometimes difficult to look into the eyes of the opposite side, he does not stand the view of others. And from here there is what we call the press and nervous disorder.

    Imagine, for example, the actor, temporarily lost the gift of communication with the partner. This means that the game was upset, it's trouble. Drugs, drugs, alcohol are searched for ways outputs. And it is much easier to learn to divert from myself a bustle of the day, applying a simple and harmless tool - conspiracy.

    In antiquity, there were various kinds of carves from the evil eye. For example, if someone will look at the sleeping child, the mother must come off three times after that. A vanity of red threads were worn against the evil eye. The symbolic strength of the bright color was transferred to plants with red berries, for example, Kalina and Rowan. Rowan on the belief distinguishes the witches.
    Conspiracies from the evil eye preserved to the present day and have practical application.
    Conspiracies from the Schalza

    This section provides two conspiracy that can be used.

    All conspiracies are made on the water. The question arises, why exactly? I will try to explain to the words of A. N. Afanasyev from his book "Tree of Life": "And the fire, and water - the elements are light, not tolerating anything unclean: the first is surviving, and the second sheeps and tramples all sorts of evil spirits, whose survivors were counted in the old days and illness. Next to the fusion of the patient, transferring it through the blazing bonfire, carving sparks over the sores and the like tools, the traditional medicine is used by water, ablution, hollowing, accompanying all this by the spells on the disease so that it leaves a person or an animal and retired to the desert places of hell. The advantage of therapeutic properties are attributed to key water. "

    Conspiracy from the evil eye 1.

    "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Clean blood and heaven! Save, save the slave of God (name), from every eye, from a bad hour, from female, from male, from children's, from joyful, from hated, from the conspiracy, from the negotiations. "

    Execution: Pour into the jar of the waters, throw a pinch of salt, light the match, baptize water and say: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Crightening these words three times and three times. As the match is combustion, the burnt part climb that it falls into the water. Such fragments should be three.

    Conspiracy read over the water nine times. After that, the patient is sprayed three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Water drink several times a day. For small children, water can be added to cook porridge. Usually, relief occurs immediately by the victory of one or two sessions.

    Conspiracy from the evil eye 2.

    "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Save, Lord, Protect, Lord, Ukra, Lord, the servant of God (name) from black, from yellow, from Karoj, from gray, from white, Men's, from female, from infant, from the girl, from the guys, from Dumok, from the summers, from conversations, from negotiations, from evil people. I do not speak, speaks by the Most Holy Mother of God with his mouth, with his fingers, with his Holy Spirit. "

    Read over water 12 times. After throwing a pinch of salt, he burned alternately three matches, while baptized with burning matches water and say: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". The rest, as in the first case.
    Other funds and conspiracies from the evil eye and curse.

    In the bath wash. "Grandmother Solomonide Soap and Paris, and conspired spoke out of the veins in the core, in a single custody; so as not to neither the Rocks, and nor the proud, and no reversals, and did not take their own Duma, and did not take their own: and not an earnest, And not the language, and not subwitty, stain and not talent, sole and pre-dry. Amen. "

    In the great Thursday, pebbles are taken: "As pebbles do not bother, so would not have rummaged." Pebble in the water is lowered and you will die this baby.

    "White birch, a bearing birch grew in a clean field, wide late. Everything went - she was jealous. She was not afraid of either the wind, nor the weather, nor the human spores. So you would, baby, the servant of God, was not afraid of either windy fractures, nor human tissue.

    And in the water spoons put the corner. Corner will definitely wake up if the child is amorate. Think by this water, the chest, then pour out through the left shoulder on the road and say: "I came with people - on people go, came from the wind - on the wind go."

    To protect the child from the evil eye, you need to take water, three gray pebbles, three spoons; Pour water into the dish to run on spoons. This is done at the dawn on the Choechnaya Six. This water is needed to wash this water: wet the topic, chest, and then give to drink. Then go out into the street, pour out and talk: "I came with the forest, go to the forest, came with the wind, I got to the wind, and the people came to the people." Three times talk.

    "Sky - Father, Earth - Mother, Water-Queen, give water not at tricks, not on wisdom slaves of God Anna. Amen". (Talking three times on the water, then to wash it out with this oater from the cup and drink; these words are good, there are not many of them, but they are not good, they help).

    "Water water, naval queen, soap-ringed pebly, root, meadows of green, grasses of silk, just as a soul, sprinkle with a slave of God's infant lessons, covers, pursuers." In the water, they make in the bayna this water wash.

    Look at the ascending sun and a ring finger to circle a head so as not to sick: "As the Great Thursday, the sun is boiling, it is rejoiced, with all sorts of colors, it would not be sick, it would not be spinning, I would not have been spinning, I would have rejoiced."

    Conspiracy from eye diseases.

    "Zarka-Zerynitsa, Red Maiden, take the eyes of red, and let me clear your eyes."

    Put silver in the washbasin: "Like this silver is clean and the eyes were clean."

    Seek under the pendant to the chickens and while pronouncing a conspiracy splashing water into the eyes. "Kura, chickens, give me sight, take yourself blindness."

    Conspiracy from the disease of the ears.

    "Cerves you are Cervis, Cerves of horns, not tocyte, give the slave of God's ears. Tocita and turn a dry tree where cattle does not walk, the grass does not grow, the sun does not boost. You have a pitten and a kushan. "

    Conspiracy from throat pain and cough.

    Walked to three sisters, went to three zorms. In the morning I will stand, read: "I will stand, blessing, go, cross, out of doors in the door, from the gate to the gate. Curl into the clean field. And I will stand face to zori. And pumped up, and worship two zorms, two sisters: Ulyana's morning dawn, the evening - Mareman. Morning Zorya Ulyana, Evening Zorya Mareman, and take you to me all the cough and suffocation, but to demolish it for the Okian-Sea. Over the ocean, the sea will take everything. There for you led and welded. Amen".

    It is necessary to go to the great Thursday before sunrise, stand behind the house, so that no one seen, and shout out 3 times: "Morning dawn, give me a voice, abyphery geather."

    Conspiracy from Ikota and belching.

    "Ikota, Ikota, go to Fedot. From Fedot to Jacob, with Jacob for anything. "

    Three times in the morning of the dawn: "Morning - Ulyana, evening - Marimian, the third sweeps-swelling, no belching."

    Conspiracy from dental pain.

    "You're, father, brigh down a month, didn't you fly through the air, did you have anyone from Adam in the house, did you see Adam in the coffin? Like Adam's teeth and guys do not hurt and y (the name of the rivers) did not hurt. "Repeat three times.

    Repeated over the combined mouse with a piece of bread three times. Then this piece should be eaten: "Lord, Isus Christ, Lord, bless slave God (name). Like this mouse-creature, the teeth never hurt, at any time, in any kind of zory, it crepts iron, tree, a stone. So that the slaves of God did not hurt your teeth at any time, in any kind, they did not get naugh. Amen".

    "I will stand the servant of God's Katerina, blessing, I'll go around, from the door to the door, from the gate to the gate, go out into the clean field. In the pure field, a troops, in a lard of the sea - a bubblestone. Lutched a stone with a pike seventy teeth. Iron teeth do not sore without closer to these teeth. So, the slaves of God's Catherine on clear and cloud weather did not hurt, the teeth did not climbed. From now on, beaten, from now on, the key is the key and the castle on my words. Amen". Speak on the salt, on the bulb and put it on the tooth. Lie down and not go outside.
    Conspiracy against back pain, joints.

    Put on the threshold of a person, on the back of a broom and an ax with an ax: "What is the sequin? - Utin. - Sequins, so that there is no pain. " Three times so.

    Oh Ovin Schorkayutsz, so that no one has seen, and say: "- Ovin, you, Ovin, take my utin, and you will not take a Utina, burn you, a ravine."

    In order for the back to not tired when cochbean, pushed the grass under the belt and said: "As a herbushka costs, it does not get tired, so the back does not get tired."

    "Jumping, janking, give my silt." Standing the standing said when they were finished.

    On blood, wounds, uraz.

    "Baba walked, a dog led. The dog began to stop the blood. "

    "The dog a dog ate, only the blood flew, a dog from the Dog of Urvalasi, and the blood is uninformed. Amen". When the sickle or something to be embellished, on a rag or on the plantain speak and tie.

    "The old woman came from Tsareva Kabaka, frightened, fell, she began to have blood."

    "Danilo on a white mare mare was tired and stopped the blood."

    "Begin on a stone, blood does not roll, thread rushes, blood is baked." You need to spit on the wound three times.

    If it is necessary to speak blood, then they sentence: "Earth to me Mati, iron brother me, not carrying my blood and not so much my heart of the slave of God's Ivan, so that neither the blood, no wounds, nor lobs, nor tumper, nor blue tumor.

    "As a mother of cheese, the Earth is not afraid of neither blood, no cutting, no tumor. Neither the blue blue singers, as well as the slave of God (the name of the rivers) is not afraid of neither blood, no cutting, no tumor, nor blue blue. "

    "On the sea, on the outstand, the stone is lying on the fast Buyan. At Stone Alatyri is the mother of the Most Holy Mother of God. Holds the needle in his hands, sewers wounds seventy-seven lived and seventy live joints. Not one bone is not hurting and not to praw. Lobs do not lame. And the belching does not disappear. Amen". At the end of the third time to bother with water. Prayer needs to read twelve times.

    "On the Great Ocean, on the island of Buyan there is a stone Alatyr. Two girls are sitting on it, they are native sisters. They are hiding yarn. Yarny-torn off, and the blood is offended. " So to speak three times.

    Conspiracy with pain when hitting

    If you fall on the street, then I must say three times: "Earth's king and the queen, forgive the slave of God (name). You wore me, and I'm on you. " So you need to repeat three days three times. And if you are drowning, then the same thing is to say three times the king of water and queen water with small kids.

    Here you will fall where, I must say: "Forgive me, Mother Cheese Earth."

    With a burn and from the heat.

    "Morning dawn to noon, and evening until midnight, and your burn before my word." Three times. Every time you say, squeeze.

    "Led on the road, yes Leda on the threshold, and a laced on the river, and Leda on the lake. Led on five versts, yes for ten tops. Leda at the slave of God (name) on the hands, on his feet. " Test, open the pipe and say words. Three times to deal with corner or sour cream burn.

    "In a clean field there is a fuel stone, a sick babe sat on this stone. She holds a hot frying pan in his white hands. Her hands did not burn and the znob did not take. Also, the slaves of God (name) hands would not burn and there was no znob. "

    "Leda on the road, Leda on the threshold, Leda on the river, Leda on the lake, on the seven versts, on nine fingers. At the slave of God (name), I shoot the heat, run ".

    On the volatile fire, coast, sophisticated.

    "Fox fled with Lisachi, with copper languages, lied, blurted out the flying fire, rough and rough." Three times spit at that place, read three times, repeat these words.

    White Magic

    Conspiracy from fever.

    "The slave of God (name) came out of the door to the door, from the gate to the gate, in a clean field, under the bright month, under frequent stars. It goes by expensive in Jerusalem. There are two gates in them, lies Bel Stone Alatyr. On this stone, they sat the trident marshs, a thirty maiden, thiide girls, they were conquered, how to go to the world, we shake worldly bones. Their father of Moron heard, they prayed to him, they bowed to him: let us go, I will not go to this house, we will not go to this house, so there was no eyelids on a slave (name). I did not have any time. " Conspiracy needs to be read three times, and at the end spit three times.

    Conspiracy from faces.

    "At sea of \u200b\u200bSyyane, on the island of Kurgan there is an oak, on that oak twelve rye: Ryge Blue, Rynza Red, Rynzh Wonderful, Meld. Necknowledgment, Funny, Flooring, Link, Link, Link, Links, Nizhnyt. You are Vasily Senior, collect these wrong nonsense, demolish these faces in a moss-swamp, there are silk tablecloths. Drink and walk the slave Anna Holy Spirit. Amen". This part is pronounced twelve times. "On MCHAM, in the swamps, we break off on white birchings, rolling off. King David Konstantin reduced the sky and land, and cut the sorry for the sorry of Slava Anna Holy Spirit. Amen". This part is pronounced three times. Stopped in the morning early, washed before pronouncing, baptized. Above the sick place of hand drew circles and crosses.

    Conspiracy from barley.

    Three grains of fodder on the pocket put. "As these fetns are cracked, so my Pesries will disappear."

    3 times say and sneakers. You will wake up the fingers of Cukish and the Tkes of it in the eye. It's better not yourself, but if anyone. "Barley, barley, on you Cukish, buy a mare for Cukish. Mare will die, barley shanks. "

    "Barley, barley on you Cukish, what you want, you can buy, buy yourself an ax, roaring yourself across."

    Conspiracy from Chiria.

    An unnamed finger circle around a sore place three times: "There is no one's finger, this place is not. Be my words strong and modeling. Amen".

    Find a bitch, the little finger to circle a bitch, and then the chirns and say: "I dry out, so the chirns dries."

    "From Kamen, there is no flame, there is no blood from iron, there is no fruit from rudeness, but there is no unspelled fret of the name, but you are not talking about the place now and before the century and forever. Amen".

    "Chiri Vasily, dry from above, from the Emphadow of Chaxies, and then in the bitches, and sounded in the bitches." Outline with a knife and knock on some bitch.

    "Chires of Vasily, moving the sewing, you interfere with the place, there are sixty."

    Conspiracy from male impotence.

    Blood is taken from the crest, treat the guy to act. The verdict here is: "How the ride has a rooster, so I would have (the name) stood!"

    The rooster braids dangle, three feather will overcome, burn. Or put ash to put ash, or pour out to overstep the man: "How these feathers dangle, so that the slave of God's Efim dangle. Amen". (3 times)

    Take iron and incandes (he will uhrope on hardware) "How this iron is not bent, so that the slave of God's Efim was not beaten. Amen".

    "How these scissors do not be, do not break, so the slave of God ... so that it was."

    "Like the kettle, the sock stands, so the slave of God ... stood. From now on before the century. "

    "As the bull horn costs, so the slave of God ... stood. From now on before the century. "

    As your man, you will have a weaker, you went to the bathhouse and watched through the wedding ring in the bucket. Then let him catch and say: "Let the trunk and one hundred branches stand on an oak, like an iron, like a stone, so let the slave of God (name) all the veins and one lived, as a stone like flint. From now on, and in the eyelids of the ages of Amen. " And then let him fall and go and go to you, and you are not refusing it, but it's bad.

    To the great Thursday pomted into the bath and pour into the rode of water and throw garlic and pepper and say: "How do this pepper and garlic Oster, so let the slave of God (name) by the slave of God (name) Oster will be" after let him go and takes yourself and say: "How the oak is all a hundred branches and one twig do not be broken, do not break, soft do not become, so let me, the slave of God (name) on the slave of God (name) all one hundred lived and one lived, not Break, soft do not become. And they will be strong, like steel, island, like a knife. Amen. "

    Conspiracy from the serpent bite and when bite.

    "On the sea-ocean, there is an oak on a sharp mound, under the oak - a bush, under a bush - black rune, under that rune - a black snake of the spoken with small spirits. Speaking snake, take out of their humiliar, volatile, narrow, field, slit, yellow, green, red-sustain, marsh, earthwood, water. And you will not endure your sting, I will go to the Lich Archangel, Zazhu is a rotten deck in your family and the tribe Lyugee and Pastle. And the snake of the spokeshop, take out his stings as soon as possible from the slave (or from the cattle). I'm not laughing you, the mother twisters the Most Holy Mother of God. With the words of his saints caused and blew up the spirit. " XX (crosses are put on the instructions of the performer.

    Conspiracy from the bite of a dog.

    If the dogs are afraid of you are in the evening, there are big and unnamed your fingers and say and say three times: "You, a dog, blind, the header is dumb".

    Conspiracy from the bite of insects.

    "The wasps, you are the wasp - Kalenny noses, do not touch me: Gorky Osina - I." Pronounce when they kit, on the nest. Through three times.

    "The wasps you, the wasp, burning noses, do not burn me, do not bite me. Zronne leather, and stone blood. " Repeat three times.

    "Tick, tick, I'm going to the forest, and you climb climb." 3 times

    "I'm under the Christmas tree, tick on the Christmas tree." Three times say.

    "I'm going to the forest, and ticks on the forest!"

    "Tick on the Christmas tree, we under the Christmas tree."

    When collecting herbs, herbalism.

    "Earth-Mother, helping herbs for all areas, for all health"

    The grass therapeutic robs from Ivanov to Petrov's Day. Rvut and say: "The sky is Batka, the earth - the uterus, where it can be, and okay. Amen".

    Rvut, Duck sentenced: "From the ground (grass) root. What is it suitable for, the benefits.

    Conspiracy from drunkenness.

    If anyone is drinking, catch live fish. Lose this fish in vodka and immediately pull out. Write a drink: "How this fishing is treated in vodka, so I would shook the soul at the servant of God (name) when he sees vodka. Amen".

    Teeth at the dead man put in wine or water and drunk: "The dead man is not drinking! So that the slave of God does not drink! "

    Conspiracy from longing.

    "CHUR, CHUR, DUMA, CHUR, CHUR, Thoughts, Chur, Chur Other words. CHUR, CHUR NOT ARE DO NOT A SKUR OF LAY Svetlana. Glory to Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. !Amen!"

    "Mother river, key water. As she washed the coarse coast, as yellow sand worn, so oho-whale sorrow and longing with the servant of God (the name of the rivers) with clear eyes, from bloody bins, from the rheetic heart, from a rivest head. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Ugh!"

    A strong conspiracy that will help get rid of damage

    In this article:

    Over the past few years, the popularity in the population of black magic has grown significantly. Deceived and jealous wives, mistresses, envious, offended subordinates, competitors, they all got access to the Internet, where all the necessary information is collected about how to harm the person.

    But few of them in reality think about the consequences of their actions, they do not understand that damage will not solve their problems, but only aggravate the situation even more negative.

    Be that as it may, but the growing popularity of black magic led to a large number of people suffering from damage.

    The curse is able to strongly damage the physical and spiritual state of the person, and therefore, when the first signs of negative magic are found, it is necessary to hold a controlled control as soon as possible.

    Conspiracy to get rid of damage - strong and safe magical rites that help themselves and at home to remove from themselves or their loved ones superimposed negative. Such rituals can be used even by newcomers, but only with the condition that they will be completely confident in their abilities and will believe in Magi itself.

    The first signs of negative impact

    Porki is very diverse and can act differently to the body and human well-being. However, there are several main manifestations, which indicate a negative magical impact:

    • the emergence of auditory hallucinations, that is, a person begins to hear the voices of the people unfamiliar to him or dead relatives, it happens that a person hears other sounds, the presence of which cannot be explained from a practical point of view;
    • quick set or discharge;
    • sudden manifestation of unreasonable fear, wild horror in front of anything, as well as apathy, longing, sadness, general oppressed state without visible reasons;
    • constant drowsiness or insomnia;
    • nitrogenation on everyone around, a person under the influence of negative magic may be unreserved to show aggression even with respect to the closest and expensive people;
    • a person can become bad in the church or when exposed to consecrated subjects (a native cross, holy water);
    • The "black band" of trouble, the man literally pursue failures in any of his undertakius;
    • the appearance of the feeling of gravity in the whole body, the general decline of physical forces, frequent ailments;
    • the emergence of the feeling of gravity on the shoulders, as if someone sits in a person on her neck;
    • under the influence of damage, the non-drinking person can suddenly go in the jack, from which nothing can withdraw.

    Ritals for damage

    In addition to universal signs, testifying to the person's imputable damage, there are also special magical techniques that allow you to accurately and quickly determine if there is any third-party negative on the person.

    Ritual with egg

    To learn about the induced damage, you need to take a glass and fill it with cold water from under the tap. Now smash a raw chicken egg in a bowl and pour it into the water, it must be done in such a way as not to damage the yolk. Next, you need to keep the container on the human pattern, which you need to check for damage for 2-4 minutes.

    This is one of the easiest ways to diagnose.

    After this time, carefully consider the contents of the vessel, if the yolk remained the same color as he was, and he floats intact in a yolk, which means there is no negative magical impact on a person. If black dots fired on the surface of the protein, it means that you really lies a strong curse and you can get rid of it only with the help of the most effective rituals.

    Ritual for salt and matches

    To carry out this rite, it will take half a cup of cold running water, six matches and pinch of salt. You need to throw salt into a glass with water, take one match in my hands, set fire to them and, holding a cross over a glass, read the words of the prayer "Our Father". As soon as the matches blown, you need to throw them into the water, light new and continue reading.

    As soon as the last pair of matches, and she will go to the water, carefully consider a glass with water. If all matches float on the surface, it means that there is no magical effect on you.

    If the matches are like floats, sticking out of the water, then there has been a slight magical intervention and it is necessary to get rid of it. If all matches drowned, it means that a person is cursed or is under the action of a strong damage that you need to remove as soon as possible.

    Water that you used in this way can be washed

    This method allows you to diagnose the presence of a negative impact not only on yourself, but also on another person, for this, before reading the prayer, you need to pronounce the full name of the person and try to prevent this person in their thoughts as clearly as possible.

    Conspiracies against damage

    Praise is a very strong negative impact on a person and it is possible to remove it only strong and competently conducted magical rites, because it is necessary to carry out one of the available diagnostic rituals, which will be prompting whether the damage was really imposed, and how it is better to remove it. In addition to the already mentioned signs of negative magic, you can also call any disease of the body that is not amenable to standard treatment.

    It happens that even the most common runny nose is tormented by a person for many months and no medicine helps against him. This is an indication that the cause of human weakness is on spiritual, and not on the physical level.

    Strong conspiracy with dolls

    To carry out this effective rite you will need 12 dolls made by your own hands. Dolls can be made from any material that you have at hand, it can be wax, wood, clay, yarn, paper, or any other available material.

    It is very important to give the dolls with human traits and make clothes for them.

    When the dolls are ready, you need to place them next to the fireplace, a stove or stove so that they are at home the hearth, and leave them there for a day.

    After that, the dolls need to be removed and go to them into the nearest forest, where there are pines or ate. Puppet hang on an old coniferous tree.

    This ritual is based on ancient belief, which states that any strong birth consists of 12 sisters that suffer very much because they have no housing. In search of your own house, they can pounce onto a person and lead to various diseases.

    When the sisters see that a person made their images, they decide that they did housing, because they will come out of the person and settle in these houses.

    Get rid of damage caused

    If you know that damage to you, and its consequence has become a protracted disease, you can get rid of it with the help of this ritual. For the rite you will need two spiders caught at home. Spiders need to be placed in an empty walnut, combine its halves among themselves and fasten them with thick black threads. This nut now will be a talisman for you, which will help get rid of the inductiva and protect enemies from new actions. As soon as you lose an amulet, it means that the disease has left and never returns again. Do not try to "lose" an amulet intentionally.

    Web - symbol of negativity


    This magic ritual is best suited for removing a powerful damage induced on commemoration. To remove the negative impact you need to read the words of the conspiracy.

    For a long time, different peoples have been common concept schalza. The Italians, Germans and Slavs even existed the same ways to protect against evil eyes. In Ukraine evil eye Called a lesson, edit or prozor.

    What is evil eye

    • Lessoncalled the condition of fever caused by envious praise.
    • Under prozorincened the malaise caused by a bad word, which was said with unkind thoughts in an unknown time.
    • Printingalso was characterized by a feverish state, often connected to shortness of breath and colic in the side.

    According to the people's beliefs of Ukraine, all women are endowed with the ability dub" There is even a proverb: "There was a lot of blonde, it's still easy, and if I'm hot, and it will still think, it looks into the ground, death comes from such lessons."

    Often the ability to Schalo. manifests involuntarily. It is characteristic of twice westned from the chest and those who do not lower the eyes when leaving during the church service of the priest with the bowl.

    Several centuries ago
    Before you get out of the house, the inhabitants of Ukrainian villages were sure to wash out of the full bucket.

    For hardening the needle in clothing items, hid with a sinus salt, pieces of coal, bread crumbs or brick residues (lachin).

    When meeting with a potential "glaze" person, the following words should be pronounced:

    "Silo Pekina Tobі, z's dicky. Yak Bazhaєsh Meni of Good, then Nehai Tobі Buda Welcome, and Yak Bazhaєsh Huda Meni, then Nehai І Tobі myself. "
    You could also say such a phrase:
    "Sail Tobі in Vikhi, Pekina from Zuby, and Cryn on the chest."

    Removing the evil eye

    Sheptuch always defined quickly signs of the evil eye - With the "philanthropy", her yawning began, tears flowed and she felt crackling in the bones. The lesson struck by the lesson was smelled by the sanctified lard, it was washed and sprayed with sanctified water from all sides and whispered the following words:

    "Lessons-Urinary, Bubet, Dіvocha, Cholovіchі, Zhіnocha! Yid_tii on the skellations, on the swamp, at your Mist, de Bubli Fire is not Koshe, de Diva Ruso Mios not Chesh, de Pivnyy voice does not go, de Viser Verby is not Cases. ІДіто и вітры, for Dimami і behind the dark lisami. "

    Molding wax

    , in addition to healing himself from the evil eye, allows you to whisper determine who brought damage. It is necessary to dial water before sunrise or, if you can not wait until the morning, talking on ordinary water:

    "Avrama's cloak, dosvolza Zavoli Zavti, Vіd every chaklunship, Vіd anything unclean, Vіd Sich Bolіv, on the good healthy slave (name). Amin. "

    This water is poured 150 grams of molten wax and plant a patient on the threshold, so that the part of the chair is in the same room, and the part is in the other, face to the door and the back to the window. It is necessary to read "Father our" three times and three times "Sunday Prayer". After that, you need to say:

    "Personak, wondered on V_D! Amin!"
    After pouring wax into water The patient is given to relax a few minutes, and then transplanted his head to the West, and in the next two lowings - east.

    Removing the evil eye from the baby

    If a smoothed baby or child The procedure changes slightly. It is necessary to pour into a bowl of water and lower the knife into it three times nine coals from the stove, counting coal and adding the word "not" ("more than once, not two ..."). If the coals do not sink, then it is evil eye.

    You need to wash the child with water from this bowl and read the "Father Our" and "Sunday Prayer" three times. For from Schalza In Ukraine, the red thread is still used, tied around the left handle of the baby.


    It was well known at the Kiev Rus. In the prayer of "Baptism's rank" it is said that the guardian angel will take care of a person from the "Stiteitia of the Ovukavogo", that is, "Print".

    Lessons and grades are often described in the works of classics of Ukrainian literature and in popular legends. This suggests that the problem of evil eyes In fact, it exists and cannot be ignored.