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  • Runic symbols of the Slavs. Interpretation and use of Slavic runes in oversets

    Runic symbols of the Slavs. Interpretation and use of Slavic runes in oversets

    Slavic runes are not referred to as the alphabet, because this is a centuries-old form of communication with them and between the victims of our land of Russian, and historians and experts of the Russian Vedas have long been not arguing with each other on this topic. It is gratifying to notice how the revival of generic memory occurs daily, because brothers and descendants nourish no less interest in the language of communication of their progenitors than modern foreign languages.

    Approved in time, the tradition of making fabrics with the application of Slavic runes covers new generations that felt deep values \u200b\u200bof protective amulets and their endless force. Calavian runes constitute a part of the capacious word and saying, concluding a semantic interpretation and living energy. Most of the considered alphabet from the 18 main Slavic runes are translated into the letters of Cyrillic, and Perun, Chernobog, Dazhibogog and Lelja entrusted their names to the strongest runes.

    Let us admit yourself that we feel confused and worry to make a mistake in the interpretation of the meaning of Slavic runes, and even more we try to avoid self-explanation of whole viscos deposited on amulets and talismans, and their actions.

    Since you are interested in Slavic runes, we have collected interesting information for you, and when you carefully examine the materials, you will open the deep meanings of an ancient alphabet, which is saturated with the force of timeless knowledge.

    What is common in the description, interpretation and the meaning of Slavic Runes and Scandinavian Futarca

    If you have information about, you will not be difficult to determine what its description is similar, meaning and interpretation with the characteristics of Slavic runes. We will not argue and persistently apply for the truth, we are also not starting our own research in order to form loud screaming conclusions (our Internet portal is intended to report the well-known true information and proposals, excluding the generation of existing and new intentional disputes), we celebrate In fact, there is a place to be.

    Here you should not pay attention to the one who is still the first - an egg or chicken. Slavs and Arias from the very beginning are wetted by common roots with common culture, and the relationship between them was folded on mutual respect for actions, customs and maintenance of each other, and the wisdom of their descendants manifested itself in the reverence of Veles. Therefore, you can choose the alphabet and Futark, which is closer in the inner sensation and more affordable in application - as a conversation in a certain language or, for example, as the use of certain adventures and manifestation of a pronounced accent characteristic of a particular nation.

    We advise you to achieve an understanding in the dialogue with the gods, as well as the right interpretation of the answer to you by the highest forces to an exciting topic, first of all, try to feel and hear both Slavic and Scandinavian runes, tuned to their sound in words and in the shower. Ask your heart to prompt you - what a message Runes have prepared for you, listen to him and catch your personal.

    To do this, you may need one day, month and even a year. If for one reason or another you can not do without the overchard with the engraving of Slavic runes - please contact our skillful masters. They know their native ancient language and thus support communication with the progenitors, receiving them to be blessed to the creation of talismans for the success and help of gods and ancestors in the prevailing difficult situations, besides the manufacture of amulets to attract well-being.

    The meaning of each Slavic Rune: the interpretation of characters and the use in the overags

    The values \u200b\u200bof Slavic runes appear in the embroidery ornaments on any textile home, in curly drawings on home utensils: dishes, decoration of the room, a cult product, or a child, on the tumors and belts.

    According to Slavic runes per person and on the shields of warriors, you can read - to which kind of owned, what roles performs in it and how strong his dedication to the gods are fulfilled. The ritual symbolism of the Slavic alphabet is used quite largely - the leaders are applied runes in weaving viscos, which are saturated through due activation, and the feeling of strong sending and energy interaction of Javi, Navi and the rules will affect the mind of the generation in need of knowledge.

    Without Slavic runes, it is not necessary to do in the mantic, with their help the effective diagnosis of situations and the compilation of the formation on the upcoming work and the identification of its result, in addition, it is possible to define an individual forecast for the future. The presence of Scandinavian and Slavic runes on wooden or stone dies speaks of direct and inverted values, which is taken into account in the process of their interpretation. A conversation with Slavic runes through the author's alignment passes according to the scheme of the formed system, but each of them by itself already has an important offer and a bright image of a single, frank story of the gods.

    The dialogue with them in front of the mantle and blessing is more active than the power of the genus and unity with her, it is the energy of spirit and will, contributes to the awareness of the coming and preparing for it, sometimes making changes in the way, which may be an excellent possibility of weaving with the goddess macasus of a happy share in Future of the kind.

    1. Rune Mir

    In the Slavic alphabet of runes corresponds to the letter M
    Detention sense: White God, Tree of the World, Inner I

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune World:it helps to get help, answer, protection; explains the complex situation, broadcasts the appeal to the native gods and contributes to the acquisition of peace and well-being, orients the rethink of the available values. Runa forces not so much through justice, but taking the concept of light good and pure good. For this reason, it is forbidden to use the power of the runes for a negative impact on anything and in attempts to draw situations for personal gain.

    The traditional Slavic representation of the rune of the White God - the world forms the image of God and man as his manifestations in Javi. The axis of the Universe is an universal tree of the genus, the same role and the person's vertebrate axis is an indispensable basis for life. The symbolism of the Slavic rune represents us a tree and a person who turns the branches-hands to swell. The Word of the world can be explained as a genus, community, community, which are built in their own procedure, implying compliance with laws.

    Slavic rune The world through the Scandinavian Futrk reveals his meaning in two runes: Mannaz - man, personality and Algiz - God. In the image of the White God, Parallel Heymdal, lightly from Asov. Hamedal's role is similar to the mission of Slavic Belbog, it protects the limits and order when chaos overtakes them.

    2. Rune Chernobog

    Slavic alphabet runes - letters h and c
    Contents meanings: black, inverted wood, shadow, jester

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune Chernobog:unlike Belboga, the black bodies are in absolute evil. The destruction of the old and unnecessary is necessary for our path and life to be separated by something new and good. The load of past memories is delayed by new love - so black and white gods are manifested in two sides of life, being the edges of the establishment of equilibrium in it. The runes of the world (Belboga) produces a fatal mission - fate together with a man's hand. Change and destroy, mislead, negatively affect and hide the obvious - in these values \u200b\u200bof the rune the shadow is active.

    Belbog's mission - to contain the universe in order and light, and the Chernobogo carries in our life chaos. Due to the fact that the views on certain actions, as well as on their beginning, will be polar in various situations, because in person there is always good and evil, think about absolute evil as a negative action and power is incorrectly and unreasonable.

    Good and evil - the eternal nature of existence and interaction, always seeking to catch an equilibrium in the world, having a direct impact on him.

    Chernobog on the rune is a lover's lover who plays the role of a jester and a soldier, fighting with the order and crushing the established limits. For a person, the blackbody becomes a shadow from the left shoulder, in the form of the game directing each to destroy the illusions and disrupt the larva. The magical forces of the Black Help helps to resolve the sleeping contacts and break through the closed circle.

    Scandinavian Futarka compares the rune of a black man with Ruju Hagalaz and Perth. The image of the blackboard is similar to the joker and the destroyer of the space.

    3. Rune Alatyr

    Slavic alphabet runes - letter A
    The meanings of the content: the mountain of the world, the sacred grail, the basis, the source, the fizz

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune Alatyr: First source, basis, center of the world. Alatyr - he is and he is not, he is an intention and amazing, he is insignificant and huge. It is active in the energy of purity, it has the beginning of everything. The main value of the Runic symbol of Alatlar in the strength of knowledge and its potential, and cyclicality, stability, treatment, recovery, indication of the road - opens ways and prospects to each.

    Scandinavian Futark in his runes could not absolutely express the state of the rune Alatyr. Partially it is similar to the Yero and Ruhnaya Stan, which represent the Northambry series of runic symbols.

    The center of the Universe, Alatyr Mountain, around which black and Belbog, Chaos and order, while maintaining legal equilibrium are always fighting. Alatyr-stone was a handful of land on the ocean day, from where his gods raised and moved to the island of Buyan.

    From under Alatlar, each river and road in the world begins. The magic altar from which they turn to the rules and present the demand is the symbolic image of Ston Alatyre, the throne of the main gods.

    4. Rune Raduga

    Slavic Alphabet Rune - Letter R
    The meanings of the content: the path and happiness, victories and successes, achievements

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune Rainbow:the smallest route from point A to point B, which connects one bank of the river with another celestial bridge. It is a way, a travel, the greatest rapprochement with the desired, even through magic, the intervention of the highest strength.

    The path is the feeling of the balance of order and chaos. The stroke does not have the beginning and the end, but there is sources, the beginning of the movement and the result. The famous motto "Do, what should and be, what will be" can illustrate the Runa Rainbow. She directs the hearts with a rainbow to Alatyry. And what will the trajectory of the movement, the amount of speed and other characteristics are determined by the eternal conference. Rainbow path support heart energies, so the Runic Sign sends to Alatyry. The orientation of the path, the speed of following it and other characteristics are determined through the confrontation of the forces of the black and white, the harmony of the effect of fiery elements and water, light and dark, daytime and night pore.

    Scandinavian Futark reflects the Runa Rainbow in the general meaning: the road, a trip like Rune Raid - it is an image of the time in the sides and its presence in the universe, sometimes and the lasting life path. It is not possible to constantly live on the rainbow, since this is the time of the gods to a specific point with a certain goal.

    5. Rune need

    Slavic alphabet runes - letter n
    Destination meanings: Viy, Dark Nav, Wisdom of fate, lie, inevitability

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune Need: Through Runa passes a hellish fire, causing suffering to those who deserve such consequences. A positive meaning is the acceptance of your own imperfections, an understanding of what you need and what you want. Negative - the effect of pressure and coercion, the occurrence of difficulties, the lack of freedom, sorrow of poverty and bitter grave existence. Contact a runeen symbol - setting up a Dark Veles Lick.

    The need is Rule Veles through the image - these are Viy, the head of the world of darkness, Nava. Wiray serves as a black, scattering around fear and horror, burning living organisms, picking up the light from the world with its fire and throwing all the chains. This is hopelessness, emptiness. Despite the negative impact, such an effect is necessary at certain points in order to direct the movement of the path of the path in a truly right direction. Magical forces need to prohibit the course of any action, predicted material difficulties, it is the bonds and shackles in consciousness, which are gossiping the universe.

    Naties - Rune Scandinavian Futark, its descriptions are the meanings of the Slavic Rune.

    6. Rune Krada

    Slavic alphabet runes - letters g and to
    The meanings of the content: truth, divine fiery power, implementation, action

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic rune Krand: The energy of the sacrificial fire, which lights the gods both during the burning of the deceased and rituals, and to bring a sentence to ask for advice and assistance in difficult situations. The fire destroys everything that does not need and what prevents, cleaning and opening the bright paths. Crane helps in work affairs - gaining recognition, desire to strive for decent purposes, open new knowledge, express a grateful attitude and choose true landmarks.

    Strong and irreversible divine energy through fire as a diving to each of us, from here and matching the values \u200b\u200bof the rune of the Slavs of Krada with Kandinsky Kano, Gebo. Runa - action, verb - intention of the incarnation of intended goals. The magical capabilities of the runes of the Krand open in the cleansing of the channels, the release of desires, the incarnation of them in reality.

    7. Rune Treba

    Slavic Alphabet Rune - Letter T
    Destination meanings: warrior, victims, spirit hardness

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune Treka: The Warrior Warrior, holding a course for Alatyr, is revealed in this man. It establishes its rules, demands and chooses the victim as needed. Compliance with the rules, the desire to study them and follow them - will lead to victories, so it makes sense to violate the laws.

    Without rivalry, battle, competition will not be real victories, but to overcome difficulties, distribute strength and competently apply them, to achieve the goal - this is the development that determines the content of the demands. She is visible in the Scandinavian rune Taywaz. Northern fairy tales say that the Wolf Fenrir, caught by the gods, covering the ragging - the outcome in the world, should have been custodized with strong ways that protect the force of his actions. Exceptionally cunning could help here. After deceiving Fenrir, that the shackles after the test will be withdrawn by the gods, the Ture did not regret their hands, and she was in the wolf paste as the approval of the promise. It was broken, and the bought the hand of the Tyura remained at the wolf. Such a price was given to the victory of light in Chaos, to continue peaceful being.

    Such a forced donation is expressed in Teivaz and demand. But here you need to clarify what means not all sacrifices, namely the victim - myself. Bright fire warrior courage breaks down on consciousness, opening the road leading to Alatyra, giving strength and knowledge.

    8. Rune Power

    Slavic alphabet runes - letter with
    The meanings of the content: the forces, receiving knowledge, integrity

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune Power: Any force that affects the world around the world, including intentional actions, changing situations and objects. The key characteristics of force can be called source, exposure, concentration, calls on gods and elements, accept the energy streams.

    The rune of the forces of the Slavic alphabet is the rune of the Soulu of the Scandinavian Futark. Nordes determine the strength of the opportunity and ability to change the surrounding space and themselves, also following the selected road, which conducts the border of thought and being. Such a logical interpretation is accepted and the Slavs, they determined the rune symbol of the victory of the Okov, and the sacrifice of himself releases the spirit and its own "I". Magic applies this Slavic Rune to destinar asking for the shortest faithful road, clarifying the questions asked and finding action.

    9. Runa Wind

    Slavic alphabet runes - letter in
    The meanings of the content: God of Veles, the strength of the wind, Muck, knowledge

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune Wind: Unstability, destruction, completion, natural disasters, the mowing, dispelling, cleansing, the potential, the pace is the wind itself, with the power of which you need to study interact and intelligently apply it to the goal, asking it the exact direction of the following. Basically, working with a rune wind, a one or another combination is compiled with another RuNu, it clarifies a positive and negative position and allows you to work with deep me, improving it and developing, as well as causing elements and using air and its energy. Magic energy Runes Wind - the shape of the magic circle and the prisoner inside the force dropped in the vortex and the developing speed. The wind is the power, heritage of wisdom, accumulated wealth, knowledge, it is Veles himself. Visual similarity with a dual demand - manual strong spirit of warriors. Both runes symbolize the traveler, which goes to the ston-aging energy to achieve the result and gain strength. Wind emotions are violent and inspired.

    10. Runa Beregin

    Slavic Alphabet Rune - Letter B
    Destination meanings: Mother Makoshi, Earth, Karma, Birch

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune Beregin: Interaction with the energy of water and earth, the acquisition of forces for new undertakings, luck, prosperity, well-being, the solution of controversial situations in the family and protection of patronage - so much the main properties and values \u200b\u200bof Rune Beregini. Her glory in strengthening female beauty, wisdom, tricks, maturity, fertility.

    Beregini strength - in the maternal beginning, on the pages of the Slavs, she was called the goddess Macoš. Mother Mankos in the rune blesses terrestrial fertility, allowing us to exist, takes responsibility for human destinies. Each of the two hatters - the time of day and night, talks about the meaning of the Slavic Rune and in the opposite sense - the "death" and "life" symbol.

    Few Runa Bereginy is similar to the Scandinavian Rulean Berkan and Goddess Freigga, Helheima and the Lady of the Underground World. Traditions of Mother Macoshi - give the beginning of the earthly life to the soul and take away from the outcome of the years, as if the fate of every fate and no longer. The fateful Runu Bereginina as a continuation of Veles, his second half is the power of the earth, heavy, mighty, grateful care.

    11. Rune Hd.

    Slavic alphabet runes - letter
    Sense of content: Velesova Son, Yara, Yaril, Fire, Love, Passion, Youth

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune UD: In it is - Yarovit, Velezov Son, or Baldr - His Father Scandinavian God is alone. In the rune laid a huge force, awakening in women - femininity, and in men - courage.

    In the runes of Uruz and Ingus Scandinavian Futark, you can consider the compliance with the strength of the Slavic Rune, which unites each of the polar principles and boring new lives, fiery energy of love and passion, creative outbreak and attraction. ODM is also called fertility, and the transformation of the Faped chaos, as well as how emptiness is filled with life.

    Spring flourishing Yaril as Runes wars all alive and fills the world with joy. Symbolizes a bright relationship in a pair, the birth of the body, warmth, development, desire, the beauty of youth.

    12. Rune Lelya

    Slavic alphabet runes - letter l
    Content meanings: Spring Goddess, Love Beauty, Water Element, Inquiries

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune Lelia: Lada gave the life of the little on and filled with youth, beauty, tenderness of spring, pure streams, freshness of melting of cold snow. Runes in himself hid for the strength of love, family, children, deputy, intuition and joy. The magic aspect of Lelja is the development of the force of intuition, blessings for the search for true.

    In Scandinavian Futarca there is a rune Laguz, it is similar to the meaning of the rune Lelia, and actions resemble a light joyful vehicle.

    Sons-Slavs provided reverence of the daughter's wise mother. We know the words "cherish Lyalu-Child" - warm, soft, originated due to the name of the goddess of spring. Her brother Yarovit is a fiery element, and Lelia is a water element, which is always in motion, running in the streams and rivers, saturating every spring.

    Lelia, like the goddess of strength, familiar to many cultures and legends - her role of marine and river Virgin, keeps the sacred grail and the way to it, directs a confident and focused water flow, winning any obstacles in motion to goals. Unmarried, unclosed by the jacket, enveloping and rolling, gives the world saving moisture, washes off the bitterness and sadness.

    13. Rune Rock

    Slavic alphabet runes - letter x
    The meanings of the content: the rock of fate and the power of the Spirit, the fate, unknown, implicit

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune Rock: Karmic laws, the prescription of the inevitable fate - the fatal rules that the gods prepared their fatal rules. This understanding is that there are no options, other outputs, but at the same time there is a determination, the right to be in the search for the best share.

    The complexity of the Rune Rock is predestination, karma, the motto of which can be called the words "what be - not to power."

    The truth of rock is that it is impossible to touch it, the spirit is not transformed into the flesh and there is no visual bley, we can only sense him and try to understand. Rock is the structure of every world - the pity, Nav, the right takes the carma prepared, which is not even known to the gods. The magic of the embedded rock means transformation, the beginning of the game of the Divine Forces, the unpredictability of the outcome, and only the lead can determine it.

    Runa Hagalyz, Evaza and Perth - so the Scandinavian Futark determines similar by the meaning of the rune, but neither the one nor the other are endowed with the whole of Rock. In addition to these runes there are several Northumbian rune characters - Kveort, Ear, Gar.

    14. Rune Opora

    Slavic Alphabet Rune - Letter O
    Detention senses: Pantheon gods, homeland, count, stakes, pillars support

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Runes of the Support: She talks about divine help and protection, this is the form of the magic circle - the center of the zone of influences, the presence of a key goal, hardness of character, resistance to its own positions. Otal and Ansus - Runes of the Scandinavian Futark, something similar to the values \u200b\u200bof the rune of the support.

    Support is called the rune of the Divine Forces themselves, the foundation of the universe. The gods and the tree of the world are poles-supports each of us. Norman language translates the words of the pillar and God as "ANS" and "ASS", notice - they are pronounced monotonous. The axis of the tree is a round-shaped post, a colo, count. Inside the circle - respect, reverence of the Divine Pantheon, following the prescribed karma. The legacy of the progenitors, native land is the scale of the rune of the support.

    15. Runa Dazhibogog

    Slavic Alphabet Rune - Letter D
    Detention senses: gifts, good deeds, wealth of fertility, wealth

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune Dazhibog: God fertility is the owner of this rune. Dazhbogu with understanding and care refers to its descendants, and the love of the wise grandfather teaches and punishes the case, bringing the family. The wealth of the inheritance is given to him, he will even help him increase. The feeling of consistency and confidence in each new day, the acquisition of good luck and prosperity, profits and increases, the responsibility of daily labor, decent results - in this magnificence of the Dazhbog.

    Iran and Feu - Runes of the Scandinavian Futarca, close to the meaning to the Slavic rune of Dazhbog. Gebo, Dagaz, Ingus - Runes whose functions are similar only on certain issues. The gods and ancestors presented us with the rune of God fertility, which finds new connections, true friendship and promising opportunities. The fortress and the power of the whole should always be protected, then the actions will be successful. Scandinavians Dazhibogogo - Freir, the name of the cult - Dagda. The wealth of well-being is guarded by the okayboga.

    16. Runa Perun.

    Slavic Alphabet Rune - Letter P
    Detention senses: laws of justice, power, justice, generosity of patronage

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune Perun: Justice Perun is different from the extended Svarog and for the enemy she can become his death. Contact Perun can be extremely confident in its right. In this case, the fair car will be determined. The warrant of military force and courage is this rune, supporting in the battle for the truth and homeland. The elements and their energy, battle, victory, no matter what - such forces are laid in this rune.

    Strong, powerful, straight and courageous Perun protects all the universe in front of chaos, supporting life in order and truth.

    Rune Tourisas Scandinavian Futark is as close as possible to these characteristics and values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic rune.

    17. Runa is

    Slavic Alphabet Rune - Letter E
    The meanings of the content: the movement of life, the natural course of events

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Rune is: This is the reality, the course of life - the juice of the Earth flows and feeds the roots of trees, the sunlight and the power of water grow grass and plants. Filling, updates, born and lactating - formative results.

    Berkana, Evaz - Runes of the Scandinavian Futark, symbolize improvements in situations and their development, fixed result achieved - abundance of wealth, wealth, property, good, health.

    18. Rune Istok

    Slavic alphabet runes - letter and
    The meanings of the content: cold ice, immobility, basics, start, starting point, base, root

    Description of the values \u200b\u200bof the Slavic runest source: The ice is the beginning of the universe from one single grades-hail, immobility, freezing as neutralization. Rod base, energy and movement energy, progress in situations. The source is called life sense and objectives current in a certain direction that feed and boring new lives.

    Scandinavian Futarka conducts an analogy in Hagalaz and Isa runes.

    There were Slavic runes actually?

    The first arguments in favor of the existence of the Slavic Runic Lettuce were launched at the beginning of the last century; Some of the testimonies given then are now attributed to the verb, and not to "Runice", some were simply untenable, but a number of arguments retain strength so far.

    So, it is impossible to argue with the testimony of Titmar, which, describing the Slavic Temple of Retre, located in the lands of Lutych, indicates the fact that inscriptions performed by "special" non-German runes were applied on the idols of this temple. It would be absolutely absurd to assume that Titmar, being educated, could not recognize the standard younger Scandinavian runes if the names of the gods on idols would be inscribed by them.

    Massage, describing one of the Slavic temples, mentions some signs on the stones. Ibn Fodaln, speaking of the Slavs of the end of the I-th millennium, indicates the existence of Y of them griming inscriptions on the poles. Ibn El Hedims talks about the existence of the Slavic Docyrillic Letter and even leads in his treatise Rubynock one inscription carved on a piece of wood (famous Nedimov inscription). In the Czech song "The Court of Lyubushi", which remained in the list of the IX century, the quantities are "desi of the belt" - laws recorded on wooden boards with some letters.

    The existence of the Y of the ancient Slavs of the Runic Lettus indicate many archaeological data. The most ancient of these are the findings of ceramics with fragments of inscriptions owned by Chernyakhovsky archaeological culture, uniquely related to the Slavs and dated I-IV centuries AD. Already thirty years ago, Tyy back signs on these finds were defined as traces of writing. The example of Chernyakhovsky's Slavic Runic Lettuce may be presented to the wreckage of ceramics from the excavation of Y Village Lebesska (South Volyn) or a clay shard from Ripneva, relating to the same Chernyakhov culture and is probably a vessel fragment. Signs, distinguishable on the shard, leave no doubt that this is the inscription. Unfortunately, the fragment is too small to have a possible decryption decryption.

    In general, Ceramics of Chernyakhov culture gives a very interesting, but too meager for the implementation of the decryption material. So, the Slavic clay vessel discovered in 1967 in 1967 during the excavations Y village of the military (on Dnieper) was extremely interesting. His surface is applied inscription containing 12 positions and using 6 characters. The inscription is not amenable to a translation or reading, despite the fact that the attempts of decryption were undertaken. However, it should be noted a certain similarity of the graphics of this inscription with Runic graphics. There is a similarity, and not only similarity - half of the signs (three of six) coincide with the Pynes of Futarca (Scandinavia). These are Runes Dagaz, Gebo and the secondary version of the runes of Ingus - Rhombus, delivered to the top.

    The other, later group of evidence of the use of the Slavs of the Runic Lettuce will obey the monuments associated with the Ventami, the Baltic Slavs. Of these monuments, first of all, the YBent on the so-called Mortinsky stones found in 1771 omen in Poland.

    Site Management

    From this article you will learn:

      When the Slavic runes appeared

      How many runes came to this day

      What is the power of the rune and what gods they correspond to

      What is the value of runes

      How to apply runes in fortune

      What are their direct and reverse interpretation

      How to apply Slavic runes as charms

      What materials are better to do Slavic runes

    Ancient Slavs worked closely with the world around them. Studying the laws, according to which nature lives, and watching the elements, the person was able to create a system of Slavic magical runes. In it, signs have special properties: they can produce energy that comes from the outside, and with its help to protect a person and help achieve their goals. Thus, the energy of ancient Slavic runes helped maintain the main components of life: a person, family, etc.

    Where did Slavic runes come from

    Runes are special signs that were once distributed throughout Europe. At that time they were used immediately for several purposes: fortunenesses and magical rites and as a conventional alphabet. Runic writing reached our time. Various peoples possessed their runes. Today, the most famous runes, who used the ancient Germans and ancient Slavs.

    When did Slavic runes appear? Scientists still discussed on this occasion, putting forward various versions. However, they agreed in one: Slavic runes are the same ancient as Celtic and Etruscian. Dear chronicle of Titmar Merzeburgsky, who lived in Germany at the end of the X - early XI centuries, describing the Slavic Temple of the Tribal of Lutych, speaks of idols with unusual signs. Of course, be it German or Scandinavian symbols, a specialist of this level could identify them.

    Arabic writer Ibn El Nedim, who lived in the same centuries also spoke about similar signs. He managed to find samples of ancient docyrillic writing on grave stones of Slavic graves. From this it follows that the Old Slavonic runes were the first alphabet of our progenitors. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations. Analyzing finds, scientists saw that earlier the masters were decorated with runes the objects of life.

    Examples mass. In the village of the military, which stands on the Dnieper, found a pot of clay, on it with a six symbol written twelve words. Some of them resemble the runes of Scandinavians, and therefore, we can talk about the intersection of the cultures of peoples.

    Such signs were found and when studying the ruins of the Redegasta: the old church of Polands (Baltic) Slavs, which was destroyed in the 11th century. However, given the meaning of Staroslavnya Runes, mistakenly attribute them only to the means of writing. Old Slavonic runes played an important role in the life of the ancient Slavs. They decorated the body, household items, utensils, pets, and so on.

    What features are Slavic runes

    Ancient Slavs used a huge number of diverse runes, but not everyone came to us. For example, only 18 pieces have survived from magical runes. They have a deep meaning and not so easy to work. It is worth resorting to them only when there is experience with the symbols and mythology of the ancient Slavs.

    To work with the Old Slavonic runes, the following nuances should be taken into account:

      the features that the Old Slavonic gods had;

      what kind of elements belongs to the Old Slavic gods;

      rune value;

      knowledge of the rites necessary to establish interaction with the gods.

    Each magic Slavic rune has its own special properties and interpretation. True, it is necessary to explain their meaning only with the characters that are nearby. Depending on the desired goal, the total number of magical runes is chosen. Ancient Slavic runes are primarily used in defensive purposes. This is a completely logical explanation. Our ancestors wanted to participate in the struggle between the light and darkness, which they were considered the foundation of the life of the universe. It is for this reason that the runes as a guard were so popular among the Slavs. This includes Runes Perun, Dazhibogogo, peace.

    There were Slavic runes of chaos (black, need). The listed characters were not only the source of evil. They were considered an important element of all things, because it was the confusion of order and chaos - the cause of the existence of everything alive on Earth.

    Important! Slavic runes are used as letters, and as images. For example, the word "Perun" can be read by letters. In this case, the sound will remain the same. And you can read in images, then the value will be different: "The path is our urty."

    Slavic runes and their meaning

    In order to make Slavic magic talismans independently, it is necessary to study a large amount of theoretical information: the features of culture, religious customs, the meaning of the Valves Slavic runes. The fact is that the runes are not ordinary signs, but a kind of keys that make the way to any God and his strength. The goal of all Slavic magical runes is to strengthen the world order, distribute the divine destination in the world of people. Therefore, it is so important to know the value, the description of Slavic runes and their interpretation.

    1. Peace.

    The main meaning of the Slavic Rune - the tree of the world, Belbog. This Slavic Rune has a deep and complicated meaning. The world is a symbol of the Slavic Junior Futarka, and the Madr or Mannaz-traditional senior Scandinavian corresponding to it. Rune looks like a man who pulls his hands to the sky. The appearance is not accidental: in each of us there is a particle of the Divine. The main meaning of the rune is the defense that gods provide us.

    1. Chernobog.

    One of the main interpretations is destruction. Keywords - chaos, darkness. Chernobogogo and Belobog are located at two opposite ends as the whole world and destroyed. This opposition is traced in their appearance. Chernobogo - the personification of the unconscious principle, which is in each of us.

    1. Alatyr.

    The meaning of this Slavic rune is the basis of the universe. Alatyr is a stone that is located in the heart of the universe. Around him there is a war of dark and light forces that launch the law of equilibrium. For this reason, Alatyr is statical, but he is all the time in the center of the movement - here they take its beginning of the road. Similar Slavic runes are the most efficient and powerful wubblers for children.

    1. Rainbow.

    The symbol of the road to Alatyra in the Slavic and Scandinavian runes. For the same reason, she has no beginning, no end. In other words, it's just a movement from one point to another. A condition that does not look like inertia or passivity on the one hand, and on a bustle without a goal - on the other. The rainbow characterizes the measured course of life, the road to his goal.

    1. Need.

    The main word is fate. If you look at the image, the appearance of the need looks like Alatyr, only in this rune side turn in another direction. The meaning of this Slavic rune is the need to stop movement and development. The reason may wage in financial difficulties or other problems that do not give a person to know the world. Similar Rounic signs are hiding in themselves Via - Veles as God Navi. He carries a deadly fire, which is the cause of all sorts of interference.

    1. Craft.

    The key is truth, fire. Even translated from Staroslavlyansky "Krand" and there is a "fire". This element is a gift of gods, so the rune can be interpreted as a movement upwards to the light. The same sign is the designation of speech, as it is the embodiment of the desires of a person, his plans and dreams. Fire cleans: he destroys a lie and exposes the true face of each of us.

    1. Treka.

    The key is the road, warrior, sacrifice, courage. Slavic rune looks like an arrow, which is directed up. She resembles the Scandinavian rune Tayivaz and has a similar meaning - victory. The secret meaning laid down in this man - the sacrifice without which on the road will not be able to implement his plans. However, in the inner tradition, this is not an ordinary gift to the highest forces. Sacrifice must be sacrificed. Talismans - Requires Choose representatives of the criminal world.

    1. Force.

    Key - knowledge and power. Rune resembles "and" with a slightly displaced side faces. The main meaning is to combat a variety of problems in life, the ability to choose the right direction. Slavic Rune personifies unity and integrity. In addition, it is a rune of victory: the warrior of the Spirit gets strength, only won over himself. To do this, you need to destroy the shackles of consciousness and bring yourself sacrificing to free your inner divine J. The force is described as a rune of victory, power, integrity - its magical meaning relates to these meanings. This Slavic Rune helps a person strive for victory and integrity gain. With it, you can find a solution even in the most difficult situations and make the right step.

    1. Wind.

    The main words - the wind, Veles, the vertex. Slavic rune looks like an arrow with an empty tree, the edge of which is directed up. The wind rune also belongs to the ancient Slavic Futarca. The main point is the ability to behave, know about the Divine, to fulfill its purpose, to live in accordance with the plan of the Higher Forces. Rune personifies the element of the wind and the ability of a person to self-development. The result of the right use of the rune is inspiration, which is given by the highest forces.

    1. Beregin.

    Keywords - land, mother. Slavic Rune is the personification of female start, fertility, goddess - mothers. It is she who allows souls to receive physical incarnation on earth and takes life when the right moment comes. For this reason, Beregini has several opposite names at once: the rune of life and the rune of death, as the Heavenly Mother (Skand. Frygg), which is responsible for the fate of man, and the underground mother (Skand. Hel), which is dominated in the kingdom of the dead, are different manifestations of one goddess. In the Nordic tradition of Beregina is and Ruju of fate. Slavic rune personifies strength. However, it is a different force than the rune of the wind, the heavy and powerful power of the Earth, which is directly related to the image of the Great Goddess.

    Keys - Yarovit, Love, Fire. Slavic Rune personifies creative potential, love, passion. They streamline chaos and help to achieve a balance in the universe. It refers not only the passion for representatives of the opposite sex, but also in the general sense - a passion for life. UD personifies the male beginning. However, this Slavic rune can use women who want to become a mother.

    1. Lelia.

    Ensures the daughter of the Great Mother, Sisters of Yarovit. These Slavic runes have Slavic roots. They are associated with water and water streams of streams. Like a spring, who is worn by the distance, Lelia leads everyone. If we talk about the real world, then we are talking about intuition, which becomes an incentive to move. In the magical world, this rune personifies premonitions, knowledge is out of mind, the forces that encourage us to constantly go to search. It is also a rune of spring awakening and fertility, flowering and joy.

    1. Rock.

    Slavic Rune looks like a letter "F", written by a simple font. Keyword - incomprehensible. Fatum is the main force on which our life depends. He is not subject to the gods. There is nothing outside the rock. Rock, VIR, Orlog is not God, law or predetermined events. This is all something. In the magical world of rock use to devote the subject or the situation unrecognizable.

    1. Support.

    Keywords - count, pillar, gods. Here, the Slavic Rune personifies the support of the ancestors, a strong connection with them. Support embodies sole shamans or tree. With their help, the shaman travels to the sky. Here, the described Six is \u200b\u200bthe personification of higher forces, which he takes the strength to travel. His ishing the circle. It passes the lives of people who honor their deities.

    1. Dazhbog.

    Elimination of fertility, gifts. This Slavic Rune embodies a variety of gifts - both material and spiritual. This is money, good, calm, joy. Scandinavians are known for the name of Freira, Celts - Dagda. The main attribute is a horn of abundance or, in more ancient form, the boiler of the inexhaustible benefits. Rune Dazhboga is the incessant flow of gifts.

    1. Perun.

    The meaning of the Slavic rune is the power, protection. Perun has a special force and power. This Slavic Rune is an embodiment of a male start. Perun is a symbol of the Divine Mirror, which is the opposite of chaos. At the heart of the power of Perun - the action of forces that can solve an absolutely any problem. But on the other hand, these forces are severe and may not always act reasonably.

    1. There is.

    Main words - nature, life. Slavic Rune personifies the divine powers that give life to everything in the world. Thanks to them, the grass is growing, the juice flows in the trees, and blood flows in the human vessels. There is - the power of life. Light, loose, light. This is a natural thrust for the movement.

    1. Source.

    Keyword - ice. In order to properly interpret this Slavic Rune, it must be borne in mind that in the Nordic tradition of ice is the creative initial element. The main meaning is an external stagnation, which in this case suggests a permanent internal work.

    Slavic runes in the form of a tattoo

    Today, the symbols and meanings of the Old Slavonic runes are tremendous in tattoos. If you decide to make a tattoo with Slavic runes, be especially accurate. Wrong selection of a symbol or insufficient faith in its force can bring no favor, but trouble. You will be lucky if the effect is simply not. Otherwise, it will be opposed to your expectations.

    The most important role is played by the sincere faith in the possibility of runes, as they have a strong connection with a concrete god. Slavic runes are famous for unusual possibilities only because faith endowed them by force. Previously, the ancient Slavs used these characters to protect themselves from the dark forces and attract good luck to life. It is for these purposes that the Old Slavonic runes are used today.

    Therefore, choosing Slavic runes for Tatu, study their meaning. Such a tattoo will be a strong amulet for its owner. Depending on the purpose and desired effect, various Slavic runes must be applied. Therefore, a more practical tattoo alternative is to make an amulet with the image of the chosen rune.

    Slavic runes as charging

    There are various ways to apply Slavic runes. Ancient Slavs used amulets with their image in order to protect themselves from the evil eye and other types of magical effects.

    However, such overalls performed not only protective functions. They give a man strength and direct its energy in the right direction. The man who used the runes, calmly solved all the problems that arise and were released from the front. They were portrayed on everything:

      Doors and walls of houses.

      Clothes and interior items, dishes.

      Military uniforms, weapons, ships, etc.

    And today, a person through the use of magic Slavic runes can:

      Change your destiny.

      Count on supporting gods when moving through a career ladder.

      Wait for help in terms of creative development.

      Expect their participation in the field of relationships between people.

      Get a stimulus for self-improvement, etc.

    Slavic runes can be used in any spheres of human life, which are in a state of stagnation or decline. With competent use, they will be able to save you from negative moments and will give a strong charge of positive energy.

    Slavic runes are applied to the base. The form can be any - a circle, rectangle, square. Materials can also be used completely different: wooden, leather, paper, stone, clay products. Often, silver items were used to apply Slavic symbols, since this material increases strength. Choosing a tree, most often stayed on the following rocks - cedar, oak, birch, spruce.

    Slavic runes and fortune telling

    Slavic runes are a unique subject for divination. Archetypes and symbols that lie in them are distinguished by depth and versatility. The information stored in them makes it possible to apply them to search for answers to questions in absolutely different fields - relationships, career, spiritual life. There is a version that Slavic runes have divine origins. Their creation is often attributed to Veles. This God was able to know the truth of light and darkness and subjugate the natural laws. He forced the world to move.

    Interpretation of runes during fortune'y:

      Peace- personifies the inner world of man. The rune is a symbol of the Beloboga, life, the desire to achieve this order and balance. The secret meaning of the rune is the favor of higher forces, spiritual development.

      Chernobog- Symbol of death, changing the ratio of warm and light forces. If this rune comes across during divination, it shows the destruction of the old connections, a way out of difficult situations.

      Alatyr- The cornerstone is the altar. Slavic Rune presents the basis of everything that is in our world. Having dropped during fortune, it means the stability of the situation.

      Rainbow- Symbol of joy and happiness. It should be interpreted as a positive resolution of any situation, finding equilibrium.

      Need- It has several values \u200b\u200bat once. First, this is a lack of money. Secondly, she personifies the fate from which it is impossible to hide. Interpretation - any restrictions, prohibitions, the need to adhere to the rules.

      Craft- also has several values. This is simultaneously cleansing fire and speech. In the first case, we are talking about getting rid of all extra and dilapidated. In the second case, the speech implies the disclosure of talents, the embodiment of desires.

      Treba- Sacrifice, self-sacrifice that have a clear goal - to get new knowledge, try yourself in another field, to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

      Force- We are talking about internal strength. The rune symbolizes the opportunity to win over himself: to doubt its desires for the sake of achieving a big goal.

      Wind- personifies God Veles, who is a patron of magic. It should be interpreted as magical providence, creative charge, impulse, inspiration.

      Beregin- The symbol of the goddess Mother Mankos. She protects the family hearth and helps everything alive. Runa, dropping out when fortunate, needs to be interpreted as wealth and fertility.

      UD- A sign that is a pair with Ruju Beregin. He symbolizes male strength. CD helps spouses and retains good relationships in a pair.

      Lelia- symbolizes the daughter of Makoshi. Lelia personifies spiritual vitality, manifestation and strengthening of intuition.

      Rock- indicates that it will not be possible to learn the interchange of the situation. It all depends on the divine forces. A person will in no way be able to influence the position of things.

      Support- Sensation of solid soil under the legs. Manifestations of character force in any even the most difficult situations.

      Dazhibogog.- Protecting abundance, well-being due to the help of Divine Forces. This Slavic Rune can predict getting an inheritance or money without any actions on your part.

      Perun- symbolizes God of the same name. Speaks about protecting evil forces, directs to the right path.

      there is- Speaks about constant life development. In the fortune telling, Slavic rune talks about good changes that are related to important solutions.

      Source- personifies the world alone, the beginning and the end. At gadania speaks about a stagnant in life, which will soon pass, to wait a little about the need.

    The meanings we described are suitable only for the runes that are located directly.

    But in an inverted form, they change their meaning as:

      Peaceit turns out when a person cannot find a solution in the current situation. The inverted world suggests that something needs to be urgently changed - first of all, in the spiritual plan. In addition, the Slavic Rune may indicate the presence of complexes, emotional tension, uncertainty and unreasonable pity for themselves.

      Chernobogspeaks about the need to soberly assess his strength. You need to analyze your actions and solutions. This Slavic Rune also testifies to the presence of complexes. The blackbody in an inverted position indicates an egoism, which becomes the cause of inaction and apathy.

      Alatyron the contrary, testifies to the excessive self-confidence of man. This quality does not give him to make faithful steps on his way. Often, the Slavic Rune speaks about quarrels in the family and can predict the disintegration of the family. If this Slavic rune fell out during the divination, it is necessary to work on their relationship with native people.

      Rainbowit suggests that you misunderstood the path in life. However, you still have the opportunity to fix everything. In some cases, the Slavic Run indicates that the period of stagnation has occurred in your life.

      Needspeaks about possible difficulties. Unfortunately, no matter how much you did not want to quickly solve the problems. Slavic Rune Needs the various restrictions - physical and material.

      Craft- Symbol of indignation of divine forces. This Slavic Rune serves as a kind of warning: your enemies weave intrigue. In addition, the symbol claims: at the moment it will not be possible to get the approval of your ideas at your environment. Now all new projects are doomed to criticism from your friends and acquaintances.

      Trebashows that your victims do not make sense. People for whom you have committed it will not appreciate your actions. Business people are encouraged to suspend negotiations and so far not to enter into new transactions - there is a chance to run into fraudsters.

      Forcewarns that you go through the wrong way. Often, the Slavic Rune speaks about the possibility of mistakes that will greatly affect your destiny. It is probability that this will happen when you mentally celebrate victory.

      Windit suggests that you are a little confused in life - and it has become the cause of all troubles. Slavic Rune may indicate intrigues and gossip. There is a chance that someone is trying to take power over you. This symbol indicates a person's desire to escape from all problems.

      Bereginprevents possible money problems. Slavic Rune speaks of the impossibility of realizing conceived plans. Do not think about investments - now for this very unsuccessful time.

      UD - The symbol of unpretentious lust and desire, which is impossible to control. Slavic symbol personifies senseless desires. The sign indicates the absence of creative strength to solve some problems. Regular problems and failures can cause depression.

      Leliaspeaks about the emergence of life difficulties. Perhaps someone wants to use you for their own purposes. Slavic Rune may indicate a deception and fraud. It may indicate an egoism, which becomes the reason for the emergence of problems in communication.

      Rockit serves as a warning of the approaching danger, which can not be logically explained. It was brought by divine powers, so you cannot do something. This Slavic Rune is a bad sign. You can not change anything, it remains only to prepare to strike and make a lesson from the current situation.

      Supportwarns about possible losses. It often predicts the future betrayal or care of patrons from your life.

      Dazhibogog.the symbol of troubles that will affect different spheres in life. When you fortunate, the Slavic rune falls when the financial position of the person worsens. In addition, the symbol indicates the absence of stability in life.

      Perun- Symbol of incredible power. However, there is no wisdom site here, therefore there is a possibility of very serious and even dangerous mistakes. Perun says that a person will not just achieve support even in loved ones. Slavic rune testifies to human noncommunicability.

      there is- A good sign, which indicates that everything in life goes according to plan. But despite the good luck, you are still not very satisfied with the development of events. It is necessary to prepare for the fact that success will require a little effort.

      Sourcespeaks about unsolvable problems. Slavic Run warns: Divine forces specifically put you obstacles.

    Hading, you need to look at the combinations of Slavic runes.

    The most important combinations of Slavic runes:

      "Craft", "Strength", "Bereginy" - a combination that speaks of financial success.

      "Bereginy", "Dazhbog" - a combination says that you are protected from any negative action.

      "Bereginina", "Rainbow", "Lelia" - this combination says that you can prevent an accident.

      "Bereginy", "Peace" - the combination personifies the offensive of the world between enemies. Tranquility and removal of tension.

      "Rainbow", "Lelia" is a combination of the need to think about their protection on the road.

      "Treba", "Peace" - a combination says that it is time to strengthen your spirit.

      "Wind", "Strength" - a combination indicates the need for continuous development and self-improvement.

    Slavic runes are unique magical instruments. Thanks to them, you can get closer to yourself and the outside world. A certain combination of Slavic runes will help protect themselves from negative actions and phenomena. They can tell about what was in the past, and they tell you to wait in the future. Interpret the combination of runes is quite difficult, for this you need to study the values \u200b\u200bof the signs.

    We are sure that the legendary magic of runes will lead to you too. What keeps you from acquaintance with her? Rumors about what it is difficult and requires special training and dedication? A variety of traditions and approaches?

    We will help to figure out and start your fruitful work with the runes. Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Slavic Runes, sets of runes from wood, stone and metal, Runic amulets and talismans - this is not a complete list of what you find in the "Withe happiness", if you strive to master the power of runes.

    In this article:

    Ancient Slavs perfectly understood in esoteric matters, they used these knowledge in all spheres of their livelihoods. In the overwhelming majority they used protective magical amules or talismans. For the manufacture of fauces, the History of the Wannes was used, they were made by special magic properties that could implement various vital tasks.

    Talismans were used to increase wealth, to make a successful trading deal, to become a member of some favorable enterprise, to attract to their side of nature. So, our ancestors knew how to attract rains in a summer drought period to increase yields, as well as overclock the rain clouds when the rains were undesirable.

    The overalls performed a protective function - helped to preserve the integrity of the family, the health of all its members, the love between spouses, contributed to the birth of healthy children, guarded the house and property. Our Slavic ancestors treated nature very tremendously, knew a lot about her power and strength, knew how to use them at the right time.

    Hosted by the secrets of interaction between nature and man, they believed in the highest strength, revered many gods, each of which they endowed a specific set of character traits, elements and strength for its management. Mystical halo rites, runes, magic amulets and rounic symbols of champions are important elements of the Vine Slavic culture, which played a key role in the development of this unique and powerful (at that time) civilization.

    Slavic runes - what is it?

    This concept itself means a certain combination of special signs / symbols, which are simultaneously a magical instrument and an ancient alphabet of peoples living in Northern Europe. The word "Rune" itself (from "RUN") means "secret" or "mystery". Later, ancient Runa writing was displaced with Latin's writing, but did not disappear, but passed into a new quality - it began to use it for divination, magic rituals, creating champs and amulets, talismans.

    There are several options for Runic writing, the oldest German and Slavic runes received the greatest prevalence. It is known that at the disposal of the ancient Slavs there was much more runes, only eighteen of them knows the modern society. You can interpret their value only if you:

    • we understand the ranking of the Slavic gods;
    • you know by name each deity, as well as the element, for which each of the gods is responsible;
    • we understand the "Language of Rune";
    • own methods (magical Slavic rites) of interaction with the gods;
    • capable to manage nature by the runes.

    What are the most powerful runes?

    We can safely say that they cannot be divided into "strong" and "weak", because each of them, having unique properties, performs a specific task. Each rune can be used separately or in combination with other runes folding in combination with their defined quantities. What number of runes you intend to use depends on the complexity of the task that your charms must fulfill and your desire to solve it most effectively.

    The best practice is the manufacture of runes with your own hands

    Based on this, it can be noted that the Vine Slavic Runic Symbols are designed to solve various tasks. The confrontation of darkness (chaos) and light (good) underlies the Slavic culture, our ancestors believed in this, so in priority there were guarding orders. With their help, the Slavic tribes tried to confront the forces of the evil and the negative energy of natural origin or specially directed by unkind people. Such a powerful protective force possess, for example, Runes of Dazhibog, Perun, Peace.

    Such runes, as need and blacks belong to the elements of chaos. However, the runic symbols with the power of chaos should not be attributed to the category of unconditional evil, since together with the forces of light they are fundamental to the existence of the entire living and non-living in the world. Without them there would be no spiritual world. Their main purpose is the destruction and destruction of something unnecessary, patient and who has learned so that in his place it was possible to build something new. Destruction always underlies the creation of anything new.

    Selection of material for making runes

    Our ancestors for the manufacture of Slavic runic symbols were used by a fir-tree material - wood, skin, bone, paper, stone, fabric, clay signs, etc. To begin with, they made the foundation from the selected material - small elements of arbitrary shape (more often they were round, rectangular or Square) H was applied to their surface Runic Symbols.

    Our ancestors in priority were silver - metal, closely related to a blessing, which has antiseptic properties and pronounced healing effect on living organisms. Oak tree, cedar, ate, birches were widely used. Nowadays, many people also prefer to produce runic protective symbols on their own, rightly believing that such chambers will have a special force and fully comply with their destination. Popular protective protective products from silver (sometimes gold) are also popular, made in the form of original and beautiful jewelry.

    Modern person is not devoid of opportunity through the magic Slavic runes:

    • adjust your own destiny;
    • receive help and protect the highest strength in their creative development;
    • count on their patronage in career questions;
    • expect to promote them in matters of interaction and understanding between people;
    • acquire a powerful incentive to self-development, etc.

    In any field of human life, characterized by some regression or stagnation, you can apply the magic of Slavic runes to eliminate the negative aspects and acquiring powerful positive energy.

    Features of Slavic Runes

    The emergence of a prototype of modern writing in Russia Our society is obliged to the works of the first-satellites of Methodius and Kirill, who invented the Old Slavonic language of the verbs and Cyrillic. Before that, our ancestors used not alphabet, but Rounic.

    In addition to the signs of writing, the runes were endowed with a secret magical meaning, where each symbol was given a certain meaning for divination and witchcraft actions.

    Designation of Slavic Runes

    Slavic magicians and sorcerers widely used Rounic signs in their practice, providing ordinary people with magical assistance to solve a variety of problems.

    Protective charms in the form of runes charged with positive and powerful energy, from such masters were considered very effective and effective. In addition, Runic Vych was applied to various household items, "woven" into the fabric, decorated with their clothes.

    Silver was read as a noble magic metal, so the rootings from it were very valuable and in the first silver guard with the rune signs tried to acquire for children to protect them from various misfortunes. The runes of gold was customary to wear when a person had a decline of forces, a breaking in the farm, pursued failures.

    Features of Slavic symbolism

    The art of use, as well as the production of runes, requires a master of knowledge of the Slavic culture, understanding the religious features of the Version of the Old Society, the ownership of the skills of conducting certain Slavic rites and magical acts.

    Runes are the keys to the information portals, the gift of the gods, projecting their strength and will, designed to strengthen the divine order of the universe on our planet. Proof of this may be a more thorough study of each rune.

    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Order, born Belobog, the tree of the world, the Divine "I" in the human essence. Belobog - a complex Slavic symbol that correlates with the essence of a person, his inner "I," is depicted in the form of a tree or a person whose hands are raised to the sky. Means society, community, Rod. In fortune, means the success of any case or event.

    Magic value is the patronage of the highest strength, the protection of light forces.

    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Chaos, destroying, fall. Chernobogo, darkness, darkness, shadow. The inverted tree of the world, the Rune Antagonist world and the whole Divine. Visually looks like a rune world in an outstanding form. In magic means the collapse of the old order. The talked will be destroyed, the fact that it will take place, will become stronger. In the gadania - death (case, feelings, unions, moral / physical death of a person). Binds the magician with the devastating forces that break through the magic circle, any closed system.
    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    The center of the Universe, the altar and the subject of the struggle between the Belobogo and the Chernobogo. The peak of the world, the beginning, Aza, greatness. Sacred value: Stone-Alatyr. Alatyr is the keeper of the origins of existing roads and rivers on Earth. Rune has all the start and end. This is a stone embedded in the foundation of the world, a steady center of the cycle of events in the struggle between the forces of order and chaos. In magic - the primacy, superiority, priority. Altar for sacrifices. In fortune, he advises to do according to God's law. Rune is a powerful faith for children.
    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Traffic. The road connecting two worlds (order and chaos). Joy, road, pleasant journey. Figure Runes visually resembles the English Lateur "R". The harmonious course, when everything happens by itself and is solved in the right direction. In magic means the right direction, the correct actions, the probability of overcome the obstacles.

    In the forties - experience for business people. Talisman for travelers.

    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Fate, inevitability. Visually, this rune is similar to the drawing with the runa of Alatyr, but the short "foot" is deployed to another (right) side. The need to stop with the subsequent reincarnation through the pain of magic is stiffness, the impossibility of acting and move forward, poverty is zero efforts.

    In desperation means the need to abandon the planned plans.

    Talisman for those who are looking for their own way in life.

    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Fire (sacrificial), cleansing fire. Truth, fire, verb. Visually reminiscent of Alatyr ruined up. This is a rune of the implementation of plans, the accuracy of the dreams, the implementation of plans in its pure form - without applied tinsel burning in cleansing fire. Only sincere intentions come true, the true reasons for which it is worth expecting the corresponding result. Open all the secret, cunning, false. Fire cleansing will be satisfied with everything that lies and unnaturally imposed. Claim, the idea will be embodied in a new form and implemented. In magic - hidden life. In the gadania - a person will achieve the desired, but the true plans for him and thoughts will open to everyone.
    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Spirit warrior, (running along the road). Victim, road, courage, warrior, perseverance, spirituality of the spirit. Visually looks like an arrow directed up. Read more than getting anything, you need to sacrifice anything valuable. Under the victim on the way to dedication and strength, the victim himself is meant. Sacred essence - the road to the altar and the embodiment, obtaining the desired through the sacrifice; Slavic magicians interpret this rune as a fair remuneration after losing. In the gadania marks not a good event, fee for the mistakes of the past. Talisman for people associated with crime in conclusion.
    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Power, omnipotence, domain power warrior. Integrity, knowledge, strength. Visually, the figure resembles the Russian letter "and" with shifted up and down side sides or an inverted lightning symbol. Overcoming any obstacles (internal / external). In magic - directs to the right path, helps to clearly see the goal, gives power, gives victory.

    In the gadania means triumph, ambulance and complete victory.

    Talisman for those who are busy in a competitive struggle.

    Favored athletes.

    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Divine creativity and the beginning, wisdom of the gods, the spirit of Vedov. Veles, wind, top, led. Visually, the rune resembles a hollow arrow directed upwards. To lead about the divine, act by the will of the gods. In fortune, means the possibility of self-realization.

    In magic - a powerful wind power associated with air element that fills the internal magic circle.

    Slavic talismans with this symbolism are suitable for those who need good luck.

    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Mother defending her child. Labor, born all living things. Female start.

    Rune strength.

    Mother, Makos, Earth, Fate, Birch. Visually drawing it reminds the overtook and crossed (like a seven) unit. Rune fertility, power, abundance. Boots with its symbolism are highly recommended for mothers and pregnant women.

    In magic - patronage and support.
    In the forties - the Divine gift, a gift of fate.


    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Eros Fire Force (Greek) or Yar (Glory). Male start.

    Creator, creator.

    Yarovit, Youth, Yar, Fire, Love. Visually, this rune resembles a twisted number four with a beveled "bucket". The personification of passion, creative impulse, fertilization of the void of chaos, the opposites. In the fortune telling means the update. In magic - life, the power of incarnation, the male start.

    Excellent talisman for every Slavic man. Women are charging with such symbols help get rid of infertility, attract the cavaliers.

    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Living water, spring, moisture (giving life), manifestation of life, harmony. Lel, water, love, attraction. Visually, the picture resembles the number "one", drawn up to the other side. Life force, youth, movement, passion, love. In the forties - beautiful young features, the beginning of the case, new perspectives. In magic - power, led by entry, intuition, in any interest.

    Talisman for a young couple in love.

    Slavic protective amulets with this symbolism protected from the evil eye.

    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Unknown, higher, hidden, secret, intimate. Rock, Spirit,

    Incomprehensible, unknown.

    The drawing visually resembles the Russian letter "F". Roca, which should be taken on a situation as it is. Something unknown, frightening in its manifestation, not amenable to mind and strength. In fortune, the influence of rock, the highest uncontrolled forces with the situation that cannot be predicted.

    In magic - dedication to the unknown.

    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    God and the tree of life, the highest essence of all, the foundation (supports) of the universe. Bell, A visually symbol looks like a straight line crossed in the middle by two parallel screenshots. Sacred connection with the ancestors and their powerful support. In magic - a powerful power of ancestors, the tree of the genus.

    In the gadania - divine patronage, reverence and assistance of the gods.

    Slavs are charging with this symbolism protect a person from negative emotions and evil eye.

    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Good, gifts of gods, luck, happiness. Fertility, gift, Visually, the symbol resembles the right triangle lying on the side (top to the right), with the line of the base leaving behind its vertices. Slavs has a symbol of good, a period of abundance and wealth, serene existence. In fortune telling: good news, new acquaintances, acquisition, condescension, success, praise, good luck, profit. For women - pregnancy. In the quality of the talisman, the house has been protected from the misfortune and the family from negative influences from the outside.
    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Infinite power, power Power, protection, coating. In the drawing, the symbol resembles the Russian letter "P". The most powerful energy, a militant and despotic symbol.

    Male start.

    The protection of the world from chaos, maintaining divine order on Earth. In the forties - overcoming obstacles (if it relates to the client), otherwise the rune promises failures, a difficult period that should be waited (any actions in counterweight will be intended).

    In magic - the patronage of the gods. As a talisman is recommended by military and staff of power structures.

    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Divine Spirit, Life, Grass (Growing), Blood (young, "boiling"), the sun. Movement, life, nature. Visually almost similar to the rune "Beregina", but directed to the other side and its upper chestnochka does not cross the vertical line. Right forces. Slavs means all new, full strength and talents. Helps to gain joy in life, understand the language of nature, appreciate life. In magic

    In gadania, the pregnancy and birth of children, development, positive perspective, can be foresown.

    Mascot for people of a creative warehouse.

    Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
    Lode, stiffness, glass. Base, ice,

    Stop, stagnation.

    The drawing visually is a straight vertical line. Slavic symbol, which indicates an external embossing in reinforced internal work (preparation for anything, accumulation of forces and knowledge, opportunities, searching for solutions, etc.). In the forties - stop all cases, cooling of feelings, distance.

    In magic - a tool for the ritual of the oscold.

    We reviewed only the most general concepts in the interpretation of Slavic runes and reliable faiths. Their deeper importance is known to those people who study them for a long time and use their knowledge in practice. Connoisseurs of road signs and today it is believed that the mystery of the runes is not fully disclosed and the possibilities of these ancient characters are endless.

    To interpret the value of runes is a very difficult matter, requiring certain skills and understanding the language of their magic signs. If you are lost in the choice of which of the rune faiths you are most needed, proceed from the problem itself. Choose a sign that is more accurate to reflect your expectations and reality around you.

    With the help of runes - unique Slavic magic instruments, you can infinite the surrounding world and yourself, to achieve intended goals, defend against negative influences. They can open the veins of the past, open the window to the future, help determine the present. The separation of the runes on the "Black / White" principle is impossible, because in each individual defold the result of the same rune will depend on a number of factors:

    • man himself;
    • his worldview, attitude to the world;
    • vector of direction (+/-) of its energy;
    • characteristics of the goal;
    • the degree of decisiveness and readiness on the way to its achievement, etc.

    The thin world, as well as the world material, is characteristic of the presence of causal relationships. Harmony with the world and himself reaches only if referring to magic, a person has a good goal.

    The arch of ancient knowledge is hidden in the secretions of Slavic runes. The practice of the traditions of pagans and today is used to achieve certain purposes. Characters with different runic signs perform various functions, they predict, protect, help, warn. You should never forget that Rune is only a conductor to magical sacraments and a tool that allows them to use them, the final result of the desired depends entirely on the person himself.

    The Slavic Runic Alphabet contains 18 characters, which, like Scandinavian runes, have their meaning. With the help of runic symbols, it was possible to learn fate and even protect against the dark forces. Runes are used now, since their strength really helps to solve a number of physiological and internal problems. In Slavic runes, you can guess, and you can use them as a guard. But in order to apply the power of these ancient characters, you need to know the value of each rune.

    Runic symbols are used in the manufacture of jewelry, accessories and jewelry. In order for the rune to become a protective guard, do not buy it in the usual store. It is better to make a rune on your own. This requires natural material (wood or stone) and your own blood.

    Belobog (World)

    The rune symbolizes the universe and the inner state of the person. This is the harmony of all things. In a magical understanding of the Slavic Rune, the world is the patronage of the gods.


    This rune is the opposite of the rune of Chernobog. It has a devastating force leading to the world in chaos. Rune Chernobogo is useful to use as an entry to destroy old connections and the destruction of the usual lifestyle.


    Rune Alatyr is the center of the world. This is the balance of good and evil forces, harmony and chaos. It is given to streamline the whole.


    This rune is the path to Alatyry, the road to equilibrium. It is used as a charm to achieve their goals.


    The rune need possesses magic of restriction, captivity and constraint. She ships a man and gives him to move on. This is a rune prohibition and bonds.


    Slavic rune Krand is the embodiment of energy. It reveals human capabilities and helps to realize desires. Great charm to make a conceived case.


    Rune Treka symbolizes sacrifice. She gives a person everything he only wishes, but in return requires deprivation of something.


    This is the rune of power, power and power. It enclosed in an incredibly powerful energy, guiding a person to win and achieve the goal. This is a rune of real warriors.

    there is

    This rune is natural forces, life. If you want to get the patronage of the elements, then the rune will help you in this. It gives energy and restores the strength.


    Runa Wind symbolizes creative gust. It is suitable creative people. With its help, you can get inspiration to the embodiment of new ideas.


    This is exclusively feminine rune, symbolizing motherhood, female energy and the beginning of life. She protects pregnant women, children and gives sexuality and femininity.


    This is a men's rune associated with male strength, passion. It protects the energy field of strong sex representatives and gives their health.


    This Slavic Rune is connected with water, cleansing and joy. She puts the intuition and attracts good luck in all matters.


    This rune symbolizes the path from beginning to end. This is a rune of fate, which can affect the life of a person both negatively and positively.


    The meaning of this Slavic rune is help, support, protection. This is the strongest charm, which will help overcome any difficulties.


    This is a rune of wealth and abundance. With it, you can attract good luck in all spheres of life. Its main purpose is to attract money and family well-being.


    Runa Perun is a symbol of motion. This Slavic rune-guard helps move any business from a dead point, change life, attract changes and new people.


    This is the rune of energy stagnation. She immobilizes all actions and leads everything in peace and pacification. How to believe this Slavic rune will help bring thoughts in order, become a more balanced and calm person.

    Using Slavic runes for fortune telling or as an overlap, remember that the symbols are important to endow their own energy. For this, they are recommended to draw them independently. We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

    17.08.2014 09:26

    Strong overalls are able to give protection against any negative impact. So that your life is not broken ...

    Use Slavic runes-amulets in everyday life, especially if a person needs protection and support. Old Slavic symbols protect against evil languages, unclean strength, damage, evil eye, curses. But that protective runes worked correctly and did not harm the user, it is important to carefully examine their name, meaning, interpretation and methods of application. Only after that you can use the stales and make up individual needs.

    Features of Slavic Runes

    Old Slavic Alers always had a particular importance in the life of our ancestors. Magic formulas were used for different purposes and tasks, one of the mains was considered to be defense. Runes of Slavs reached our time not in a holistic composition. When writing appeared in Russia and the alphabet of Cyrillic began to be used, the use of runic symbols gradually sued. To date, there are several runes - Chernobog, Dazhbog, Perun, Lel.

    The old pagan legends say that the Old Slavic Runic Alphabet is the holy gift of God Veles. Each symbol has its meaning, interpretation and application. There are the unity of the three attitudes - the global defect, the suppression of chaos, the relationship between them with humanity.

    Types, value: table

    Runic signs are divided into Attis, each of them has a close energy connection with a person, reflecting its existence. Attis and magical signs included in a separate row are presented in the following table:

    To make a person become more enduring and powerful worth use the symbol of force.

    Each Slavic Rune has its meaning. There are male and female runes, which are recommended to write in certain situations to achieve specific goals. The values \u200b\u200bof some runes are:

    • Belobog The mapping of peace has identical writing with Ruju Algiz. Applying this rune on the Amulte gives the user strength, wisdom, protects against bad affairs.
    • Force. Symbol of victory, prosperity, power. Moves people endurance, strong spirit.
    • Treka. Based on the title, the rune symbolizes the need of a person in something. However, to get the desired, the user needs to be signed with their own.

    Use in gadania

    Ancient Slavs used runic symbols for different purposes, including fortunes. Find out what awaits in the future, get an answer to the question of interest - all this is possible if you create and write it right. For beginners, the fortune telling the Creek Voron, with which they receive a clear answer "yes / no" to an important question.

    Experienced cannologists prefer to apply more complex formulas where the combination of ancient characters allows you to get more detailed answers. The magical ritual "Stake Veles" is similar to divination, in which tarot cards or Scandinavian runes are used. To find out the future, use 3 runes. The first talks about the past, the second - about the present, the latter - about the future. But if a person is unfamiliar with the names of the runes and the rules of their use, it is dangerous for such fortune telling.

    Application for protection

    For some people, this alphabet is closer in spirit and more convenient in use.

    Slavic wubbles protect children and adults from damage, evil eye, energy vampires and other negative impacts. Runic linked in a certain order is applied to the amulet or magical inscriptions are drawn on the body. You can choose a rune corresponding to a specific zodiac sign. Outstanding talismans are recommended to be made with their own hands, but if there is no such possibility, you can buy ready-made, after examining the formula description and its value. Ancient Russian magic alphabet, which is convenient to apply in the form of a table, is considered more accessible to the Slavic man than the Scandinavian Futark, but everyone decides, which kind of run is suitable in individual cases.