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  • Crossing the disease on the animal. Conspiracy to reduce the disease

    Crossing the disease on the animal. Conspiracy to reduce the disease

    really make a cross of the disease on another person and how and got the best answer

    Answer from Liana Latter [Guru]
    do that

    Answer from I see everything as on x-ray[expert]
    those are useless ill stupid in life

    Answer from Bakastov Oleg (sorcerer)[guru]
    Yes, really shifting the disease from one person to another person. I will operate one secret. When practitioner has some of the close relatives with something serious ill, this is how the problem is solved. Second option. Why do all practices magic amazing health? Why don't they hurt? All the same is the same. That is why they do not hurt that such shifts really exist. How it's done? There are two ways. One through sin and punishment for sin. And the second method is quite sinless. The first way. This is when the human health problems are hung in secret from this person. This is a direct sin. For this sin will meet the practitioner and one with whom the disease is removed. Many practices and patients go to this sinful step consciously, in the reason that the punishment for this sin will be after life, and the disease is today and now, and the problem must be solved now. Its shirt closer to the body, respectively, when you want to be healthy and happy becomes careful on other people. Perhaps to avoid punishment for such a sin? Yes it is possible. For this, it is necessary for justification for such a sinful effect. Example. I need to shift the disease from the person who I like or in which I am interested. And, at the same time I do not want to be sinful. It's just that I can not do this, there is no justification. I have forced to start you to provoke a negative regarding me, a word or some action regarding me. That is, you do not harm me, it does not matter that this is the reason that it provoked you. There is a fact of the moisture in relation to me, and this is a sufficient justification for the fact that I shifted the disease. But it will take for a long time. I need to find a person, call him aggression against me, wait for the manifestation of this most aggression and only after that my hands will be unleashed. This is a complex and hemorrhoidal task in particular, if everyone knows that you are sorcerer, that on the face is a clear sign of provocation, and people just do not undergo it, do not go to the conflict. There is, as already wrote, the second way. Sinless. In this case, it is necessary to find a person who will voluntarily assume the human disease. This task is generally solved at times, easy and simple. You will be shocked, but such people walk along the street, sitting on the Internet. These people, for different buns are ready to take over the disease of another person. Why? Because these people do not believe in this. Example. Man needs money. I suggest this man, without return, but for this, this man must take the disease with a person of another. Will agree? It will necessarily agree, and the more the person does not believe in magic, the faster it agrees. Because the money receives the person now, and the disease is once then, and indeed it will this disease, if a person does not believe that it is generally possible. Everyone is considered a charlatan, the mass of everything is written on the Internet. I go to a person, I suggest money, I give a condition. A person on the Internet through a search engine reads that I am a charlatan, but it turns out also, I just give you money. A person agrees. Let it be not me, someone else, just as comes to a person and offers money, under the same conditions, and a person will agree, because this person is confident that magic does not exist, and one who gave money, will be considered just a psycho, After all, you do not need to give money.
    Now about patients. Diseases are different. People to cure, take millions of loans, sell apartments, spend this money for treatment and the result of treatment from medicine does not receive, and at the same time, it's all legitimate.
    And now the question. Here you are sick. For many years already sick. You have option. Either on medicine you spend 5,000,000 rubles and you don't even give you 10% on what will become a healthy person, you may be from this disease and cured

    Answer from Natalia Nikolaevna[guru]
    Do not correlate genetics

    Answer from Lemonade Joe[guru]
    really do, but when reverse if it appears this .. 100% your death .. Think before ...

    Answer from russians Russians[newcomer]
    Yes, I had to deal with such things. I have a little aunt sisters Pope They did me to death and my brothers's wife. By the way, one of them is a black witch. She has the most important since childhood I do but God protects me. Really, I am not lying this. No one will believe I prayed to God came to me. It was a man that was Jesus, and I never went to Niskkaya Church. There were no icons there I icons prayed from myself as I could have tried to make a lung cancer for the first time, I saw what this disease looks like Threshold at home I saw a silhouette of a person as if from dark smoke I prayed and God drove this creature and I knew who it brings on me on the threshold after that I found the needles melted at one end He had lost cancer of the last stage and you know him deleted the light and he stayed alive Okomlika even taksut everything is surprised because the cancer does not pass so easily, I'm sure that this disease was removed from him Ny and shifted even mine I know for whom my sister had a husband with a lung cancer and a man didn't drink not smoking not worked in harmful production and it's too easy now they say necessary to delete but that's what I can't understand how much they did it They threw them into the house, but how to find and what I do not know to the sorcerers, neither they don't care because it means to get into the same whirlpool I would find what they did cross because at home I have already found more than once Got rid of and returned to those who made it and how to seek they do not know
    Her husband sisters told that he was at the beginning dream that he wanted to kill a snake without a tail with a shovel behind her she chased but did not kill it so I realized that I did this disease, where I think the lining and where I don't know, you can really do this

    There is such a way it is very effective and easy to perform. You can transfer a birth not only to the decoration, but practically any item including a person who is the enemy or just you unpleasant. Watching the enemy and say:

    "You're Mieta Mieta, Body Holvoroba, go away and run away, for the (name) takes. May it be so"

    In the next enemy, when he went on business:

    "Where to go, there and come, no talent, nor good luck. empty road. And lich fault. Amen. May it be so"

    To translate your illness to the village, the patient needs to be touched by hand

    Before this person and pronounce spell:

    "Asfaero Galaamus Essa Valgak. Kabura yes Naecel, Galag Edi Baz "

    Share a disease

    Take a five-meal or five-mea coin into the left hand, and imagine how all your illnesses are included in it, a conspiracy.

    "Pyattie from the body disease, a pinch of the body. May it be so!"

    Pyatif is thrown at the intersection, where you usually do not go. On the way there and back, you can not talk and turn around. Your illnesses will take someone who will pick up, or even just touch the penq. Or coin is given (throws up) the enemy.

    Summer transfer with bread

    Cooking the sick shirt (T-shirt, any underwear, which was on a sick to the body. If it is a cravy of the throat - you can tie a patient a cotton handkerchief on the neck and hold the day-two, and then cook this handkerchief) at midnight, take a couple of blood drops (you can sweat , pieces of nails, skin, hair - no matter) of this person, baked bread with them with pieces of solid grain. Baking read

    "As this bread is not (the name of the patient) and the disease is not (the name of the patient). As (the name of the patient), this bread is not eating and illness from it in this bread. Even black, all dirty, every Moro - everything is in bread and grain! "

    Hot bread runs human. Bread is cut into 3 parts, one salted and bury, one give a person, one belongs to the church on the remembrance table. Sometimes bread does not bake, but buy ready-made solid grains, invest in three different places in it, slices of nails or the skin of the patient, or drip in three places with blood, usually from the bottom of the loaf. The water in which the thing was cooked from the patient, soaked bread and give it to dry. After that, they divide as written above. Put better in the graveyard on the grave with the name of the patient with the words:

    "Besu Besuzo, damn damn, Dyumkovo. You, the dead man (name) pumped up, worshiping to the raw grave. Seven deaths will not be, seven troubles do not avail. Take yourself a hard ride, sea black. Its solvent in crude land, the earth is black-uncomparable. For that, I'll pumped up to you, I worshiped low low, I prepared my gift, my purchased purchased procurement.

    Purchase in this case - vodka, and - an open bottle or a stack, pillow and left on the grave. Spump - After the ritual on the grave, small coins are left or paper money near a glass or a bottle with vodka. Sometimes the money is put on the nearest intersection, it is desirable to left from the head of the dead man.

    The second part of the bread gives a person who want to make a smaller. Sometimes they feed the stray dog, if they do not want to shift onto a person. The third part belongs to the church on the memorial table and ordered the commemoration of the one of the person there, on whose grave the first piece was added.

    Naturally, when carrying out this ritual to comply with maximum safety itself. With our bare hands, do not take anything, the knife, to which this bread cut - throw away, and it is better to bury on the same cemetery or at any intersection.

    In the bathroom

    Get down in a pelvis or bath and wash yourself completely, starting with the ass, then wash your head, back, legs and hands. Belly do not wash. It is impossible to confuse. Without leaving the water, the sick wreck into the water and says after that:

    "Washed (washed - wives) and Posal (Prshal - Women), and I gave my illness (I gave it - Women)"

    Then, water is drained into a lot of water and carry their illness, poured under the tree, to the cattle housing or human dwelling. The disease, which is assigned and is called apparent.

    Each of us wants to be healthy and happy. But for health it is not necessary to swallow the tablet grove and turn their organs into solid rubber. It is enough to know the secret of our wise ancestors. How in a simple way to heal and remove the negative?

    The answer is simple as the method itself. How to heal through the transfer of disease to other items They knew for a long time and intuitively did it.

    For the transfer of "disease", we take the earth and add a little sputum into it in a patient, saliva or pus, urine or sweat. Earth with a "illness" mix and flower flower pots. In it, you need to plant three seeds of some plants, you can flower bulb. When the sprouts will appear in several centimeters from the Earth, you need to take them off with the roots. Depending on the disease, if it is distinguished, for example, sweat, pus, sputum, blood, sprouts are burned. In other cases you need to go to the river so that there is at least a small course. And throw away water. Their water will take, like the disease.

    Each plant corresponds to the sign of the disease and the planet, which it controls it. You can not sit in a pot with a "sick" land of hell, it will be little space, he will die, which is very bad for a sick person.

    Do not worry if the seeds do not germinate. Sit even once again. Another one with our bodies.

    What planets control disease

    Below are lists of diseases that control planets.

    The moon manages:

    • rheumatism and gout;
    • fusing wounds;
    • epilepsy;
    • allergic convulsions;
    • worms;
    • lies and fleas;
    • deprive and scabies;
    • water;
    • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
    • epilepsy and lunatism;
    • melancholy and depression;
    • drunkenness.

    What plants need to be perfected:

    • astra or Anemone;
    • iris or Veronica;
    • camellia or Fuchsia;
    • duman or mother-and-stepmother;
    • portulak or crap;
    • cabbage or salad latobe;
    • carrots or cucumber.

    Mars manages:

    • diarrhea and constipation, hemorrotype;
    • pulmonary and colds;
    • migraine and ear diseases;
    • jaundice and dysentery;
    • gangrene and non-healing wounds;
    • liver diseases;
    • radiculitis;
    • internal bleeding.

    What plants are planted:

    • ruta and wormwood, plantain;
    • thistle and nettle;
    • kinza and basil;
    • radish and radish;
    • garlic and leek;
    • pepper and artichoke, beet;
    • basil.

    Mercury manages:

    • brain, dizziness and fainting diseases;
    • stuttering;
    • unfortunate fears and nonsense;
    • dental ulcers;
    • acne, chirns, fistulas and boils.

    What plants need to be perfected:

    • valerian and Anis;
    • bindweed, clover and fragrant peas;
    • drag and chicory;
    • margaritka and forgetcoming;
    • left, phlox and dahlia;
    • tomatoes and Pasternak.

    Jupiter manages:

    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • hypo- and hypertension;
    • disease gasts;
    • spleen;
    • ENT diseases;
    • eyes;
    • musculoskeletal system;
    • poisoning.

    From plants you need to close:

    • lemon and rose;
    • rosemary and Jasmine;
    • violet and vasilek, peony;
    • mint and dandelion;
    • sesame and cress salad, trouser;
    • wheat grains.

    Venus manages:

    • urinary and renal diseases;
    • sexual and sexual perversions;
    • venerable diseases.

    Sit such plants like:

    • altea and cloves, Badan, tulips;
    • geranium and begonia, gladiolus;
    • swan and drinking, yarrow;
    • peas and patisson, either beans;
    • root black.

    Saturn manages:

    • all systems (endocrine, lymphatic, etc.);
    • oncological and non-diagnosis of diseases;
    • lupus and psoriasis, eczema;
    • sclerosis and senile dementia;
    • childlessness;
    • fractures.

    Plants land like:

    • pansies and Dolphinium;
    • belladonna and Belen;
    • baghone and aconite, a shepherd bag;
    • rewal and celery;
    • parsley and dill;
    • potatoes.

    The sun manages:

    • frostbite and burns, thermal and cold neurodermatitis;
    • nervousness and fainting, thermal blows;
    • endocrine system;
    • exchange processes and obesity;
    • paralysis and severe heart lesions;
    • heavy infections, influenza, rye;
    • eye disease.

    Plants are suitable such:

    • chamomile and sage;
    • ginger and aloe;
    • marigold and buttercup, justice;
    • adonis and St. John's wort;
    • aIR Bolotnaya and Verbena;
    • hyacinth and heliotrope, thyme;
    • rye and corn, sunflower.

    What you need to know about the procedure for transferring the disease to the plant

    It may happen that it will be difficult to attribute the disease to one of the planets. For example, the viral hepatitis can simultaneously control the two planets Mars (liver) and the sun (infection), then you need to plant two plants, but in different pots and at the same time.

    The most valuable person is his life. And sometimes we grab for any straw so that. The main thing is to believe and do not lower your hands. Plants always helped a person, help now.

    Take the patient's shirt in which he sleeps, and, without erasing it, take it into a field or forest. Try to at the time of the rite next to you there was no one. Read a special conspiracy over the T-shirt, and then burn it. Do not wait for the shirt to burn, and immediately, as soon as she roams, leave without looking back. All day during the rite do not talk to anyone. The rite do not spend on Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Consulting words such:

    She walked the Lord on the ground, helping people, raising the coffin.
    Lift, Lord, your slave (name) with Odra Disease,
    Mortal bed, with bodily flour, holes from death,
    Turn to life with your name, my business,
    Provided the slave to its (name) of the Earth's century. Amen.

    Conspiracy throw off the disease

    To do this, in an odd day go to the river or to the sea (water must be flowing, it is important for treatment). Do not eat anything before that, do not comb your hair and do not talk to anyone. Going to the water, turn it around three times and loudly, well-rolled voice, say:

    Get out of my body, trouble,
    Every hussy and mud
    In the water, go to the deep bottom to come.
    Sit on the seabed, do not ride
    To my body never bother.
    There you have sea roots,
    There you have sea treats,
    There you have to live before the century
    There you will be there.
    And be, my words, strong,
    And be, my deeds, modeling.
    What I said, I did not tell -
    The Lord will help
    All my illness exceeds.

    Conspiracy get rid of the disease

    Spit over the shoulder and say:

    Like Judas lost color
    After his death,
    So I lose my disease.
    Forever and ever. Amen.

    Conspiracy from hidden ailments

    I speak, the slave of God (name), twelve sorrow,
    Twelve twelve, twelve pain -
    Underweight, firing, shaking, loko,
    Sowing, blinker, jerking, black black,
    Damage blind, cologitat, scrambles,
    Potagalitsa, surrounding and swift,
    Bloody mortar, cosine, skew.
    Oh you, all twelve and thirty three hands,
    Go you, my hands and pain,
    In the blue of the sea, in the Hell of the Earth, in a boiler resin.
    There will fall, all the dottle burn, all my pains and kilives,
    Answer me, the servant of God (name), push out.
    My word is tight and challenged,
    For all days, all the hours, at all times.

    Conspiracy throw off the disease on the personal thing

    The disease most often discovered on some personal thing of the patient (any) or the thing that the patient bought with his own hands. However, such a thing must be attributed to the place where people do not go, the more children do not play for anyone to give her God did not pick it up. If a person specifically throws an expensive thing on the road, to which the disease was drawn, he takes a serious sin on herself, because it becomes a killer and it will not be good from it or a patient. Also a conspiracy thing can not be thrown next to the house, even if you live in a blind spot. It is best to attribute a thing as far as possible. Conspiracy to be spoken by a thing, such:

    Like this thing there is no soul,
    Neither pain, nor's hands, no hairs, no sighs,
    No pus, no tears, no clever,
    So, from the slaves of God (name)
    Nothing hurt and did not grieve.
    Here's you, the rhodes of God's slaves (name), new horse,
    And the slave of God (name) from this hour is not a trick.
    To you, a birth, in the slave of God (name)
    No longer ride
    And on her new thing to remain forever.
    Key, lock, tongue.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Conspiracy throw off the disease to the wind

    To do this, wait when a strong wind will rise on the street, go out into the yard and read this plot:

    Three Hilarges, thirty pain, all you are counted,
    All of you recalculated, the East does not accept you,
    West curses you, the south does not allow you to yourself,
    The north will park you, but you will throw you on the ice.
    Go you, Kalvor and the pain of God's slave (name),
    On the wind-windshche, on his strong Gorbit.
    He will take you, he will take you, my father's wind,
    Take diseases of the slave of God (name) with you.
    With bones, with relics, with clear eyes,
    From the liver Tezia, from the Rule Heart,
    From elbows, with nails, from all corporal parts.
    Carrying his hands, bodily pain under the most heavens,
    For dark forests, there is his rows to live, there they should be there.
    My word is strong, my business is messenger.
    Key, lock, tongue.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Reduce disease on fire and smoke

    To do this, we ask for forty Luchin, set fire to them from church candles and read the following conspiracy:

    Disease, Krichin Raba God (name)
    I transfer to Lucina as this mud sorrows,
    So let the disease from the slave of God (name) dump.
    Carrying smoke, his rhussob, where the gates are open in hell.
    There you are waiting for you, wait, there your cases glorify.
    And on the body of the slave of God (name) you are not
    Never approach to his body.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
    Now, confessed, in the eyelids. Amen.

    Move disease for twelve breads

    Bake twelve loaves, read a special conspiracy over them and take them to the church, where give the nurses or beggar. Consulting words such:

    Fire river runs,
    Through the fiery river the axis bridge is worth
    On the bridge, the old man goes, the golden dish carries.
    On the gold dish bread and salt,
    Take, old man, with a man.
    Distribute, spread to all four sides.
    Let this ael junk black crows.
    To whom the bread, and the servant of God (name) health.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Make a sickness to a straw doll

    To do this, make a small stuffed straw. On the doll, put on the outfit, stitched from the clothes of a sick person. Put the doll to the ground and draw a circle around it. Conspiracy is read three times, and then the doll is burned. The rite cannot be carried out in large holy holidays, posts and on Sunday. The rites are carried out on a decreased moon, for men - in men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), for women - in women's (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). Consulting words such:

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    With the slave of God (name) I take off the disease,
    I put it on the soul that
    I put it, dressed, sentenced.
    You, idol straw, take a birthday
    And with the slave of God (name) the pain take off.
    And the word mine will be tight, to the idol lopko and tenacious.
    Key, lock, tongue.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Conspiracy with any serious diseases

    Google nine aspen raysin and read such a plot at smoke:

    Smoke Dymovich, Kum Fire,
    Sorsake good service for me.
    From this day, here
    Remove from the slaves of God (name) every rhir and infection.
    Go, her a birth, where old gate is there.
    Go to the old grave
    All that it is thugged,

    Key, lock, tongue.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Conspiracy on rapid recovery

    Exit the post on the street, look at the descending moon and read this plot:

    Month, you month, you wander high
    See you far away
    You walk past forests, hills, villages,
    Houses, baths, yards.
    Some of you, month, a birth and pain of the slaves of God (name)
    Where birds do not fly away,
    People will not raise, the animals do not run.
    Mother of God, take blood her patient
    And give good health.
    In now, on forever, it is infinite.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Conspiracy on recovery

    Walked Father Abraham with his son Isaac,
    Carried a survivor to healing.
    They met twelve comuch,
    Twelve hatch dschers.
    Abraham at Komuh asked:
    - You ruined the health of God's slaves (name)?
    Herod Dshcheri bowed before Father
    Abraham, they obey
    Before Jesus Christ fired
    Cured sore promised.
    Someone unleashed their nodes
    From the body of the slaves of God (name) Havors took out,
    So that it does not take, did not hurt and never grieve.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

    Conspiracy to return health and vigor

    Read forty times in a row following conspiracy:

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    I speak the slave of God (name)
    Not for a year, not a month,
    Not for a week, not an hour,
    Not for a minute, but for the whole of God.
    Lord, help, Lord, bless.
    I revealed you, Lord, Dead Lazarus Sunday,
    Javi and the servant of God (name) their wonderful healing.
    Homes, Lord, her, save and save.
    And his wonderful grace for life bless.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
    Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

    Transfer problems and responsibilities on other people's shoulders are very convenient and practiced in society. People easily drop off all that they strain them or what can not cope with.
    The magic captain implies the same, only to get rid of the negative energy in the form of a decline, damage, can be shifted on other diseases, bad luck and poverty, in general, everything that slows down our development is poorly affected by fate and threatens our lives. Naturally, this occupation refers to dark magic and especially impressionable or doubters in their abilities, please do not take an article into account.
    If you decide to make a magic charging, for a successful outcome, remember several immutable rules:
    The king can be done freely, that is, leave an expensive thing in a crowded place.
    You can make a passage to a specific person, but it must be one with you floor (preferably with the same name), good if the age is younger than you.
    You can shift the unnecessary animals, plants, land, water.
    To make shifts on relatives older than yourself - it is impossible. Get all right back in blood, and even with the impact.
    If you shift heavy diseases - they need to shift them on those who already have a tendency to them. This stretches to the like.
    Things for crossbar give or losing, leave.
    When reading the text of the conspiracy - you must be most focused on action. The disease or object of the crossbar is called clear and clearly.
    One ritual does not reset many objects. One ritual is one object of the cross.
    Do not bother in choosing a carrier thing. Forces, moral value - has weight.
    Observe the moon, the retrogradity of the planets, the days of the week. See the astrological cards in detail to know when what day what moon, lunar day. The successful of the whole shift in the Satanian lunar days, in full moon, February 29, on the days before the winter solstice (when the longest night of the year is a deaf or dark night) in the days of eclipse.
    Do not spare, do not mind the victim, so as not to bring down the work.
    Place the protection before and after work.
    We give several rituals of the smuggles, which have practically positively proven themselves.

    Disease Cross

    The incurable disease is reduced to the animal, which, if everything is done correctly, and your Molver is heard, must die instead of you. For the treatment of men use male wool, for the treatment of a woman - bitch wool. The procedure is carried out at a decreasing moon. Wool must be burned and read the conspiracy on the ash, which then bury under the aspen.
    "From under the Black Stone, I caught the power of the Dark,
    Dark strength, sinner case,
    Longing, dry, hearts in bulk,
    Death of the Hvorob with slaves (name)
    Remove, send to the dog.
    Chert Satan, hoof, horns,
    Me, my servant, help,
    Instead of the name of the patient) Slaves Dog thugs,
    Skoroni, Life Clock Return. Amen".
    After the rite, three days cannot be given any of the house.

    Crossing disease or problems on the thing

    Find a X-shaped crossroads, the road must be earthen, and not asphalt.
    Buy a new expensive thing. Golden products are well suited without stones, you can take a mobile phone. The main thing is not slipping.
    Put this thing on the table. Put the left and right from it are two wax not church candles. Light them and read them six times:
    "Decate all troubles and misfortunes from me!
    Get out of me dry, Mataget, bad luck!
    With myself I take off, on (the name of the dear thing lying on the table) I give.
    Let all my misfortunes and failures come from this (name of the thing)!
    Who (the name of the thing) will take - everyone will immediately take you! ".
    Take a conspiracy thing, go to the intersection and put closer to the center. Take out, through the left shoulder throw six coins of any dignity (one coin). When coins are thrown, tell me:
    Leave without looking back. Who will pick up this thing, will drag all over.

    Loneliness to Ryabina

    Score rowabine berries when it stands in the juice. Take so much berries as one years old man. Go through every berry in hand to hold. Prepare a thread and speak it:
    "The life of life is getting better, my share of women will fix it, with a sweet one will come around, it will disappear with loneliness."
    Strip the berries on the thread with a plot for each beroda:
    "I will put it on the berry on the berry, on the thread a white nanion, the loneliness will come out with each subsidence, the birthday yes hunts will leave me, a rowan-berry for ourselves a lot of bitter, lonely, takes.
    When all berries are risen, tie the nodes on the thread, saying.
    "With the first node - loneliness took off myself,
    With the second knot - Ryabina gave
    With the third - the road was closed with loneliness, the plot conspired. "
    Go to Ryabina, hang beads on her with words:
    "Loneliness, the proportion of bitter, took off myself,
    Ryabinushka gave, you wear beads, red rowan,
    Give me life with cute, life is beautiful.
    With loneliness bitter fraction
    And Ryabinushka in the belt lowly worship me! ".
    Thank tree with soul and go without looking. To the same place no longer walk.

    The negated negativity on the salt

    Do any day and any phase of the moon. Put your photo on the table. Pour a slight salt in a plate and from above on the salt face up putting a photo. Then, in the photo, pour a hill of salt, stick the wax candle, light it and read:
    "The graveyard thrown in him that the dead man is comfortable in the coffin, sins, sins, Hula wanders to the death of the wismatches the paths of the swords kept, and he scratched Huhu on the people of Hulu, throws. The dead of the blind, does not know that sinful things through it are smarter asked heats, the dead is taking it to the gigant, I will have a whisper and this tale will tell you like (name) Hula input, there is an imaginary damage in the coffin. . The dead of the dead salt to me like a routine, give, I will give it without a fee. To whom I throw it - to find a new black dominant. What I was a tale of Vella, to be.
    Candle should turn completely. Collect wax and salt in the rag and tie. Take a place where many people go to the intersection, leave and say at the same time:
    "Who is touching, not to leave, with (name) to pick up everything, with a lot of living."
    Walking without turning around.

    Scroll of Disease on another person

    The sick person pierces a finger that corresponds to the patient. Drips his blood from a finger into a glass with water. Trucks three times:
    "As my blood has moved away, and my wife left, on (the victim's name) crossed. May it be so!".
    Then from the same glass, to make a person who has been done.

    Throw the damage or disease to water

    Buy a new pin, put out the purchase from the purchase separately from other money. On the full moon, at midnight, go to the river, take a pin, a white bread loaf and a bottle of sweet wine. Find a place where no one will interfere. Undress Donaga, enter the belt to the river and release the bread for the flow, then pour into the river the wine, pinch the ring finger on the left hand and three drops of blood drip into the river with the words:
    "Battywa water treatment required
    Vino, yes bread, do not blame
    Yes, about me (name) do not forget.
    How the bread bunch sailed
    So and the disease with me (name) sued,
    How the wine is sweet in water dissolved,
    So damage, but the disease with me (name) fell.
    River Castle, Blood is my key.
    The blood river took, and the wave took.
    Word yes, yes, so it will be! ".
    Immerse yourself with a head 12 times, coming out of the river, get lost quickly without wiping. Through your head, throw the surrender from the pin into the river, and pin to the clothes pin, it will be a charm. Take a bottle from under wine and throw on the garbage. Leave without looking back.


    Ritual must be performed in the morning, until 12.00 in the afternoon. In this morning, a person should not eat and drink. After performing the ritual, it is possible to drink only two hours, and there can be only after 18.00.
    In open areas, for example, in the field, you need to collect stones. They must be about the same size. The roads need to build a pyramid of stones. The number of stones is determined by years of life. Children under a year - months of life. The pyramid is built arbitrarily sick. For children, the pyramid should build a child's mother or grandmother. During the construction of the pyramid, it is necessary to think that all diseases remain in these stones. Collecting stones and folding the pyramid, you can not talk to anyone. When the pyramid is built, you need to get around it three times against the sun, every time saying:
    "Harbor is not in me, a birth is not on me. Harvest in stones gone. Who will blow the stones, he will take a birth. Amen".
    It is necessary to go home another expensive, silently, without looking around. At the construction site, the pyramid can not appear until the pyramid costs the whole. Pyramids can not be built on days on the growing moon. It is also impossible to transfer the disease on Saturday, Sunday and on your birthday. The ritual of the 17th and 25th is excluded. One pyramid can be transferred only one disease. This can be done no more than once a year.

    Plant transfer

    During the rite, your clothes should be dark (black), all buttons are fastened, the hair is collected, there are no metal jewelry. Take the patient a certain amount of "mummy" (blood, sputum, saliva, pus) is stirred from the ground and invest this land in a flower pot. There are 3 seeds (bulbs, tuber) plants, the planetary sign of which coincides with the sign of the ailment. Then, when sprouting appears, a few centimeters high, it is necessary:
    1) burn if the disease is associated with the release of blood, pus, sweat or sputum;
    2) Throw in the river in all other cases.
    After that, the disease must retreat. It is desirable before burning the plant, attach it to half an hour to the patient's body.
    Moon: rheumatism, gout, watercolor, allergic cramps, cuts, fusion wounds, menstrual disorders, worms, lice, fleas, scabies, deprived, epilepsy, lunatism, depression, drunkenness.
    Mars: Ear, pulmonary, hepatic, cold, hemorrhoids, radiculitis, migraines, non-heaven, diarrhea, constipation, gangrene.
    Mercury: Brain diseases, fainting, dizziness, stuttering, unfortunate fears, nonsense, dental, exterior ulcers, chiries, acne, furuncula, fistulas.
    Jupiter: Cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, pancreas, spleen, hypo-and hypertension, angina, eye, musculoskeletal system, poisoning. Venus: urinary, renal, venereal, sexy, onanism, sexual perversions.
    Saturn: systemic (for example, endocrine, lymphatic system, etc.), oncological, childlessness, lupus, psoriasis, sclerosis, dementia senile, fractures, eczema, diseases that are not diagnostic.
    Sun: burns (any), frostbite, heavy infections, flu, face, severe heart and eye damage, paralysis (due to injuries and strokes), thermal and cold neuroders, nervousness, fainting (thermal strikes), endocrine, incorrect metabolism (in including completeness).
    Moon: Astra, Veronica, Durama, Iris, Camellia, Cabbage, Coltsfoot, Carrot, Cucumber, Cup, Portulak, Latuke Salad, Fuchsia.
    Mars: Artichoke, Basil, Kinza, Nuts, Leek, Pepper, Plaintie, Radish, Ruta, Beets, Horseradish, Garlic, Thistle, Georgine, Peas, Easy, Clover, Levka, Daisy, Forget, Pasternak, Tomato , Reeded, Phlox, chicory.
    Jupiter: Bruce, Vasilek, Jasmine, Cress Salad, Schuput, Lemon, Mint, Dandelion, Peony, Wheat, Rose, Rosemary, Violet.
    Venus: Alhai, Badan, Begonia, Carnation, Geranium, Gladiolus, Peas Ordinary, Swan, Patsson, Pyrey, Tulip, Yarrow, Beans.
    Saturn: aconite, pansies, ballroom, belane, belladonna, dolphinium, potatoes, shepherd bag, parsley, rhubarb, celery, dill.
    Sun: Adonis, Ayir Swamp, Aloe, Verbena, Hyacinth, Gajuna, St. John's wort, ginger, corn, buttercup, nail, sunflower, rye, chamomile field, chamomile garden, thyme, sage.
    Planting plants in the form of cuttings, mustache or root (with the exception of Khrena) for this procedure is not recommended, since the plant may die, and this is dangerous for the patient. If the seed just does not germinate, there is no such danger.
    Sometimes the disease is uniquely attributed to a particular planet. For example, viral hepatitis on one side is a liver disease (Mars), and on the other - infectious disease (sun). In such cases, both plants should be used, but it is necessary to plant them in different pots in one day.

    Removal of cross-country

    To return the bail health, luck, kill the passage. Before work, you need a three-day post, the hair must be removed under the shock, all empty tanks and cans from the room removed during the ritual. If you know who made a cross, then during the removal we think about this person and return it all back.
    It is necessary to take the shell from consecrated Easter eggs, lower it into holy water, hold some time shell in water, you can use an hour, wash the water to whom the thrust is made. Rite spend better after 24.00. On Saturday, acts quickly.
    It should be read first prayers, then a conspiracy 3 times.
    1. "God will resurrect himself, and the gazes are harmful, and it beats from his face that hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts the wax from the face of fire, Tako and the demons will die from the face of those who love God and marked the glory sign, and in the fun of the verbolovy: Rejoice, the presenter and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the demons to the power of our priest of our Jesus Christ, to hell and the actual strength The devil, and who bestowed to you the cross, the cross is honest for the defendance of all sacrup. Oh, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord! Help with the Holy Mrs. Virgin Virgin and with all the holy matches. Amen".
    2. "Fences me, Lord, the power of an honest and life-giving your cross, and save me from any evil. Oslabi, Astavi, sorry. God, our prophets, free and not free in the Word and in the case, Laja, and not in the introduction, Laja in the days and in Narchi, Like in the mind and in the Thickness: We all forgive me, IKO GOOD AND POOT. Hated and offending us, sorry. Lord is a good man, charging. Our brothers and affinations are given to the salvation of forgiveness and the life of eternal. In the unfortunate sustaining visit and healing Darui. I use it in Mori. Traveling confusing. Leaving Darui to serve and sinks us. He delivered to us unworthy to pray for them, humbly in the great of your mercy. Looking, Lord, before the deceased fathers and our brothers and the rest of them, the appearance of your face. Roman, Lord, the brotherhood of our prisoners and save me from all sorts of circumstances. Roman, Lord, Fruit-seeming and preferably in the saints of your churches, and give them to them to save the petitions and the eternal life. Roman, Lord, and we are dead and sinful, and unworthy of your slave and enlighten our mind of your mind of your mind, and to imagine us on the path of the commandments of your mother, prayers, the preching of the domains of our Virgin Mary and Nabdowel Mary and all your saints: Yako blessed Esi forever. Amen".
    "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    Wednesday, Friday, and between them Thursday.
    Like Thursday, first of the environment and Friday do not stand,
    And on the slave of God
    There will be no overhead crossing.
    Until thief before Friday not stand,
    At the slave of God (name), the tires will not be.
    Key, lock, tongue.
    Amen. Amen. Amen".
    Water that was washed away from the face is not to wash. Must dry by itself, while reading, just dries.