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  • Hook a hook of love and marriage author Angel. Runic bet on love men

    Hook a hook of love and marriage author Angel. Runic bet on love men


    Heart on hook. Will hurt and rigidly

    This is a spell, which can be used independently, and you can complement any other rituals. It works completely on the personal power of the witches, we do not encounter here here and no complicated rites are doing. But in order to work as it should, it is necessary to strict adherence to several conditions.
    1. We are doing only for a person who was personal contact with who you did not have a love relationship with whom you did not work with.
    2. Need good visualization abilities and the ability to deeply dive into the trance.
    3. This spell works in your personal strength, if you have it and so little, and even more of it, you will run into a love spell - problems can begin in life. But this is not a rollback, but a banal "where it is thin, there and breaks" - the energy stops grabbing to maintain the usual balance in life.
    4. This spell is very tough, the victim may fall into the hospital bed after it will fight with the program. Therefore, it is important if you do not share the position "be with me or die without me," suffering to humiliation or afraid of the consequences - refrain from this love spell.
    For all consonants with such conditions - TECHNOLOGY
    Come into the deep state of the trance (those who were in class at school of monetary magic or in class Shamanic techniques for women's efficiencycan successfully use the account technique that I gave).
    In the trance you see your sacrifice, transparent and open to you. See the heart of the victim. If there are still energy channels between you - the remains of the former connection, you will also see them.
    You are interested in the channel, which comes out of your field, it may still go to the victim field or be torn off. It must be strengthened and lengthen. From their energy form, pull out of the body (so I write above, which can die much more energy!) Rope. Personally, I really like the image of steel cables, which masts are attached to boats :-)
    We are gossying him with a scribe before the rope there or what the channel is displayed there. And at its end we form a sharp serrated fishing hook.
    We are spinning and throw sacrificing, so that the hook is deeply stuck in the heart and the served end in us tightly hooked. Hold the rope, let it fasten very well in the heart. At the same time, on a fine plan, the energy projection of the heart is injured and soon the victim is already in reality may feel pain in the heart. But it does not care if we have a goal and we go to it.

    When the hook is fixed, and the rope is weakened, the victim does not deliver discomfort.
    And now the most interesting starts! Watch the victim in the eyes and speak directly (all this is still in the trane!) That she has no choice, or return to you either to go to the grave. And that now the victim will be unbearable to suffer from heartfelt flour while you will not return to you. And begin to choose a slack in a rope, pull the sacrifice for him. The rope is stretched, the hook is increasingly sticking into the heart, it breaks it more and more. At one time you do not tighten it to yourself, but it is not interesting. Tension well rope and remembering this feeling, exit trance.
    After some time, return to the trance state again, still talk with the victim, repeat the program, tighten the rope even stronger, let the hook come even deeper ... continue to do it day after day, to a victorious end. Once again I want to emphasize - your sacrifice can get very sick, or even die, if there are prerequisites for heart disease, so think yourself, do or not !!!
    Over time, you and without a trance you will feel this channel - the rope perfectly feel and several times in the day you can mentally spend on it, like a string - let the hook hesitate in the heart, rolling and reminds you ... and, of course, the program Action for the victim every time you repeat and say!
    And then let her choose herself, with whom she is! The choice was given to her ;-)


    Runes help us in all life spheres - the masters of lawologists come up with all new and new letters from these magical symbols. And especially the most common sex users use them, especially if it comes to personal relationships. Today we will just talk about the "female" topic and consider the ruffice becoming a man's love, and also learn whether such formulas are infections.

    How are the run-old men on love men?

    Everything is quite simple here. The principle of action of such verse is similar to classic love spells: the object of sympathy begins to test the attraction to the operator, think about it, to pay attention, etc. The main difference between the roads of men and ritual love spells is that the runes cannot act constantly - after a certain time, the power of their impact begins to sink. That is why it is recommended after activating the formula, do not sit back, but to participate in the situation. The runes give an object of sympathy a little push towards the operator, and then he needs to start acting himself.

    For example, the girl activates a certain becoming, which causes its chosen one (for example, a colleague at work) interest. Previously, this man simply did not notice her, but now catches himself to think that she is very pretty and interesting. If the girl does not do anything herself - for example, the conversation with him will not ask him, he will not ask the number of his phone, then after a couple of months, the action of the formula will come to no. Although much here depends on the nature of the object. If the person you brings the runes, has a volitional, strong character, then under the action of Stava, he himself can invite you on a date, if the object is shy and indecisive, then he can just silently dream about you, without making attempts to approach. Therefore, it is important to use the situation created by the runes, simulate the development of relations yourself.

    Rules of application, tissue and activation of love stakes

    All love formulas are usually applied to a photo of an object of sympathy, or in some cases on a joint photo (if specifically stipulated). in any familiar way. The most important question is how to make a reservation to Runes on love. Here, too, a lot depends on you: when you draw lick, you must have an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bhow one or another rune will act, or the entire formula, and be sure to speak it. For example, you know that the bunch of Nautiz - Gebo forces a person to tie a partner relationship with you - then it is exactly what to say: "Naties and Gebo will force a man (better name to name) to tie with me equal love relationships that we bring the joy to both of us." If you specify the whole thing - it is necessary to pronounce all-all-all actions and changes that this formula will produce.

    Important information - Moral questions

    Before we cross the concrete strikes, it is worth mentioning one ethical question: is it possible to call a married man rune? This expense does not exist on this: some bunners warn that Runic becoming a married man for love can not work, others allow you to try. Someone does not recommend leading a person from the family in principle, someone - on the contrary, assures that the runes can do everything. The main thing is to understand that a lifetime of a person who is not intended for you on fate can pull the unpleasant consequences. If a married man is clearly present to the sympathy to you, and you are sure that he is "the same, the only one-unique", then, of course, you can risk and try a deliberative formula in action. But remember - responsibility for it only you yourself.

    Simple formulas for love men

    If you do not want to mess with very complex formulas, try using simple, in which the runes are simply written in the line. Such combinations of runes can be applied to a person's photo to achieve a specific goal.

    • Naties - Kenaz - Gebo - - Woney - Yera will force a man with whom you are in relationships to make you a proposal of hands and hearts
    • Eyvaz - Uruz - Tourisas - Kenaz - Gebo - cause sexual desire
    • GEBO - - Kenaz - Gebo - Vuno - Yera - Simple Rune Before the man suggests to be together
    • Ansus - Gebo - Yera - shows you in front of a man in the best light
    • Evaz - Gebo - Otala - allows you to return your favorite

    Runic formula "Pautinka of Love" from DJess

    This proven runery becoming a man's love Author - Runolog Djess - created when he was very fell in love with a man, and he was married. The purpose of the formula was not the departure of a man from the family, but the preservation of relations at the level of lovers. We can say that this is a kind of sex binding, which does not give a man to get away from you.

    Working runes

    • Stynginn ISS hides the magic impact (the object does not feel that they were stuck)
    • Bunch of Gebo - WUNO - Kenaz - creates a bright love relationship that will delight both partners
    • Naties - forces a man to agreed actions
    • Uruz - creates severe sexual attraction
    • Ansus in the background adds mutual understanding to the relationship (so that a person not only sex is interested, but also to talk to the partner was nice)

    Rune Becoming "Fire Love" from Sanea

    This runebook becoming a man's love will not cause a sympathy of a strong, painful binding - it will rather work very softly and delicately, awakening in a person a desire to communicate with you, to keep in touch.

    Working symbols

    • Tayivaz - a man who is impact
    • - WOMEN OPERATOR (Rune can be covered with its own saliva or blood for binding)
    • Mirror Ansus - Love spell acting through words
    • Naties in the background - forcing a person
    • Ansus bundle - Nautiz - give birth to thoughts about this woman in the head of a man
    • Yera - Makes the action of the formula permanent
    • Kenazy with lags awaken passion flow
    • WUNO - gives a feeling of joy and harmony when communicating the object with the operator

    Formula "Hook of Love and Marriage" from Runologist Angel

    This ruffy becoming a man's crazy love was tested personally by the author named Angel. In its case, the object of sympathy was in a permanent relationship with another girl, and their connection lasted two years behind her without any serious promises from a young man. Under the action of Stava, a man left the constant girlfriend, moved to live to the operator, stopped hiding from the new relationship from others and began to behave more carefully, gently.

    Working runes

    • Naties forces man to behave accordingly
    • WUNO - gives joy from communication with the operator
    • Mirror vengeo forces him to be sad and be in a bad mood away from the operator
    • Soulu is responsible for the warm, soft and gentle attitude of a man to a woman, for the revival of his love strength
    • forces him to win the object of his sympathy
    • Reverse Uruz breaks the resistance of a man's work
    • Responsible for the result
    • Eyvaz forces to family uzam, together
    • In the second plan: Kenaz symbolizes feelings and desires, Gebo builds harmonious relationships, awakens love, protects the relationship between people, straight and mirror tourisas cleathing the path of a man to a woman

    Rune becoming "in my opinion ..." from Bezdna

    This proven ruffy becoming a man's love works without harsh coercion and side effects. It can be called rapidly, and not breaking the will.

    Becoming "hook of love and marriage." Angel author

    From the author -experience was on my rabbit, as already mentioned sooo hard .. whose will could have broken anything for almost 2 years, and talk about the family, about marriage just did not want to listen .. Literally for 2 weeks changed Fully .. and moved with my spumpings ..
    R.StsS ... Since this is my first creation, I ask you not to throw sneakers ..
    I applied given to the photo in the photo in the blood of the heart, activated with breathing and fire, but did not burn .. At the moment, the photo is still still lying .. the term stipulated a month ..
    I can say that a week after applying this steel, the rabbit with a toothbrush moved to me .. A week later dragged the necessary splashes .. A week later, all possible connections with his rabbit, to which he leaves me with a sooo terrible scandal and subsequent negative from him in her direction (the truth was "a lot of relationship" and "complete destruction of relationships"), completely moved to me and voiced to all that we are now together (although he used to do not even attach that we meet with him throughout 2 years .. and if he was asked about our relationship, he always said that they simply communicate!) And he dad (I have two young children) and thinks about to legalize our relationship with him ..
    In addition, the rabbit is my sooo rare Ham! .. Now it became quite soft, caring, tenderness manifests itself periodically .. on 25 times the day and call and write SMS .. and the most interesting thing: so that he did something, it is necessary It was with the scandal to bring him the whole brain! .. Now it is enough just to hint .. And more, all the surrounding noticed a very clear change towards me (if before I was Meager for him, which in the coffin of Zagoni - now the same angel (hee hee) just holy), although no one hoped for any changes, since he shouted to everyone that - no one would be with anyone under any circumstances .. he already mentioned that he married .. True himself Offers did not arrive .. But only 3 weeks after the application of Stava took place ..

    Uv. Angel
    could you help with the reservation

    + Angel
    This becoming gently, but forcibly, leads a rabbit to the actions to possess me and conquer me, showing me all your feelings, which he in himself hides - love, care, warmth, softness, in connection with all the resentment and smooth disagreements and contradictions In addition, the rabbit enters the hook (Nautiz + Evaz) from which no longer can jump, but comes to my family for marriage.

    i'm all the strikes activating breathing and then carefully spend the fire ..

    + Can I apply a red marker?
    and after what time does the result appear?

    + Angel
    SHAGYLADY, I applied a red marker, and then I drank blood in the heart area and stipulated the term for a month. The first results appeared in a week ..


    I applied given to the photo in the photo in the blood of the heart, activated with breathing and fire, but did not burn .. At the moment, the photo is still still lying .. the term stipulated a month ..

    I can say that a week after applying this steel, the rabbit with a toothbrush moved to me .. A week later dragged the necessary splashes .. A week later, all possible connections with his rabbit, to which he leaves me with a sooo terrible scandal and subsequent negative from him in her direction (the truth was "a lot of relationship" and "complete destruction of relationships"), completely moved to me and voiced to all that we are now together (although he used to do not even attach that we meet with him throughout 2 years .. and if he was asked about our relationship, he always said that they simply communicate!) And he dad (I have two young children) and thinks about to legalize our relationship with him ..

    In addition, the rabbit is my sooo rare Ham! .. Now it became quite soft, caring, tenderness manifests itself periodically .. on 25 times the day and call and write SMS .. and the most interesting thing: so that he did something, it is necessary It was with the scandal to bring him the whole brain! .. Now it is enough just to hint .. And more, all the surrounding noticed a very clear change towards me (if before I was Meager for him, which in the coffin of Zagoni - now the same angel (hee hee) just holy), although no one hoped for any changes, since he shouted to everyone that - no one would be with anyone under any circumstances .. he already mentioned that he married .. True himself Offers did not arrive .. But only 3 weeks after the application of Stava took place.

    The reservation was: given to be gently, but forcibly, brings a rabbit to the actions to possess me and conquer me, showing me all my feelings, which he hides in himself - love, care, warmth, softness, in connection with all the insults and The disagreements are smoothed and contradictions, in addition, the rabbit falls on the hook (Nautiz + Evaz) from which he can no longer jump, but comes to my family for marriage.

    and to apply the nutrote-one under the other, of which the veunolo, soor-drawn through the vehicle, uroused from the foams, Tayivaz passes through the whole thing, Eyvaz is extended only through one natives ..

    i think in the figure it will be more understandable when compliance with the color gamut with the main first

    I had a COMPLAVA: Roworka: Initially, one, then the second, sweats of challenges did, "a dustless SCU" put, then erase the old resentment when she came (but he continued to communicate with his rabbit, although Intima was not in them) when conflicts are already There was a refund of love between us - he returned to me for relations, but for those who were that ite He came-spent-speaking-and left .. That's that I put this thing .. I have this whole process from September! And almost until the very end of December! .... Yes, not so everything is fast and not all right .. and patience ..pring .. and once again patience ...

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