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  • "Pain" - a morpheme analysis of the word, analysis of the composition (the root of the suffix, the prefix, end) the root of words pain is sick hospital
  • "Pain" - a morpheme analysis of the word, analysis of the composition (the root of the suffix, prefix, ending). "Pain" - a morpheme analysis of the word, analysis of the composition (the root of the suffix, the prefix, end) the root of words pain is sick hospital

    Scheme analysis of pain:


    Selling words in composition.

    The composition of the word "pain":

    Connecting vowels: absent

    POCTFICC: absent

    Morphemes - parts of the word pain


    Detailed PAZBOP Cause Pain Cost. Coppie, prefix, suffix and ending words. MOPFEM PAZBOP CONTACH PAGE, EGO CXEMA and CLA).

    • Morphemes scheme: pain /
    • Morphem Word Structure: Root / Ending
    • Scheme (design) Word pain in composition: Root pain + end zero ending
    • List of morpheme in the word pain:
      • pain - root
      • zero ending - end
    • Bid MopFEM and their number in the word pain:
      • proper: absent - 0
      • copa: pain - 1
      • cOEDINITE HLACHNA: absent - 0
      • cyFFICC: absent - 0
      • pOCTFICC: absent - 0
      • check out: zero ending. - 1


    Word-forming word pain

    • The basis of the word: pain;
    • Formation Affixes: Prefix absent, suffix absent, postfix absent;
    • Food formation: or non-derivative, that is, is not formed from another single word; or formed by a bessfixing method: cutting off the suffix from the basis of the adjective or verb;
    • Method of education:

      or non-derivative, that is, is not formed from another single word; or formed by a bessfixing method: cutting off the suffix from the basis of the adjective or verb


    See also in other dictionaries:

    Single words ... These are words having a root ... belonging to different parts of speech, and at the same time close in meaning ... Single words for the word pain

    Examples of the words of the Russian language with the root of "pain". Full list of speech parts: nouns, adjectives, verbs ... Words with the root of pain

    Pain the word pain on cases in the only and multiple number .... Declination of the word pain

    Full morphological analysis of the words "pain": part of speech, initial form, morphological signs and shape words. Direction of language science, where the word is studied ... Morphological analysis of the pain

    Emphasis in the Word Pain: What syllable does the stress fall on and how ... the word "pain" is correctly written as ... Stress in the word pain

    Synonyms "Pain." Dictionary of synonyms online: Choose synonyms for the word "pain." Sangs of synonyms, similar words and close to the meaning of expression in ... Conincons for the word pain

    Antonyms ... have the opposite value, different in sound, but belong to the same part of speech ... Antonyms for the word pain

    Anagrammas (make an anagram) to the word pain, with mixing letters .... Anagram to word pain

    What dreams pain is the interpretation of dreams, find out for free in our dream book that means sleep pain. ... The pain seen in a dream means that ... Dream Interpretation: What dreams pain

    Morphem word pain pain

    Morphem word analysis is usually called the analysis of the words according to the composition - this is a search and analysis of the Morpham included in the specified word (parts of the word).

    Morphem disassembly of pain pain is very simple. To do this, comply with all the rules and order of analysis.

    We will make a morpheme analysis correctly, and for this we will simply go to 5 steps:

    • the definition of the word speech is the first step;
    • the second - allocate the ending: for the changing words, we hide or inclined, for immutable (verbal spirits, adverb, some names of the nouns and the names of the adjectives, the official parts of speech) - the endings are not;
    • further we seeking the basis. This is the easiest part, because to determine the basis you just need to cut off the end. This will be the basis of the word;
    • the next step needs to search the root of the word. We select related words for pain (they are also called single-handed), then the root of the word will be obvious;
    • We find the remaining morphemes by selecting other words that are formed in the same way.

    How do you see, morpheme analysis It is done simply. Now let's decide on the main morphems of the word and make it a parsing.

    * Morphem word parsing (analysis of the words in composition) - Search root , consoles , suffix , end and basics of words The analysis of the words on the composition on the site site is made according to the dictionary of morpheme analysis.

    The reasons for the pain may be the most different.

    But what would be painful manifestations, their relatives relate them - the presence of the root of pain.

    When pain appears, it has no deep base in tissues and organs.

    It occurs as a functional violation.

    But since the appearance pain forms feeding root. How does this happen?

    The beginning of pain can be conjugate with insignificant in the body scale functional changes. As often happens: Kornello, cut and passed. Well, if a person does not sharpen his attention at this insignificant event. Kornelo, frowned, forgot.

    More often, it happens differently - Колоноло, frowned, thought: why is it there such a cake? A general negative attitude will make it alert, listen to yourself. A person with a positive inner attitude simply will not pay attention to pain or immediately forget about her.

    In everyday life, most of us, as a rule, do not pay attention to their subtle sensations. And in vain. The informativeness of them is very high. If we knewfully used the subtle sensations, trusted them, could avoid many troubles, to meet complex situations in fulfillment.

    But back to pain.

    When we start listening to ourselves, our feelings, we fix the attention on the slightest changes in well-being and the effort to enhance them. Psychophysiology of such a strange interaction is described in the textbooks of academic medicine. But psycho-energy is not really investigated. Why increases pain, worsens well-being?

    The fact is that a simple concentration of attention on some kind of body or domestic body changes energy and begins an active fence of energy from the outside. The concentration of attention, as if magnet, attracts energy to the point of concentration.

    But we record attention on the feeling of pain, therefore pain and gets an additional energy impulse. Whenever we concentrated on how pain leaves, fades, a sense of comfort appears in the sick place, the energy feeding would be given positive processes to counter pain.

    Unfortunately, most people, having experienced pain, listen carefully to their feelings and are waiting for her new burst. Waiting determines its appearance. Arriving in some internal structure, painful sensations immediately begin to be fixed, forming energy roots, permeating them surrounding the fabrics.

    You might think that the pain is an independent, reasonable principle that is looking for the possibilities of its strengthening. Of course not! Works the mechanism of filling emptiness.

    If the pain appears in the body, and even reinforced by the attention of a person, it begins to expand the sphere of its influence. If the initial focus is small, which arose spontaneously, then the person's attention will attract the impulse of power and the focus will strengthen. Next, he begins to pull the energy from the surrounding organs and tissues. The energy emptiness that has arisen is immediately filled with the pain itself or it is still non-leaving vibrations.

    According to their own experience, we know that the pain often has clear localization. The pronounced core is surrounded by a kind of "halo", a cloud of less intense pain. From the kernel to the periphery, the pain smoothes, subsides and on sufficient removal from it is not felt at all.

    This does not mean that where there is no pain, everything is in order. There she has not yet manifested. In general, every pain tends to accumulate. If you do not fight with it, it will soon spread to all the inner space of the body.

    In addition to the fensel filling of the energy emptiness, the effect of cellular information exchange is valid. In short, if you analyze in detail and describe the pain as a diverse phenomenon, seeking the global coverage of the entire body, then a separate book will be. Our task is more specific: learn to localize pain, compress it into a small knot and remove from the body.

    The accumulation of pain occurs at the energy-information level of the intercellular metabolism. And if it is not stopped, then it, as a computer virus, will be introduced into all available information and software blocks of physiological structures.

    In everyday life with pain is struggling in various ways.

    These are mainly anesthetic chemical medicine or folk paining agents. Arsenal of drugs and drugs of traditional medicine is wide and diverse. But most of them stop pain, erects the barrier on the way. This impact can be compared with two oncoming fires. They are welcoming the walls of the fire go towards each other, faced and go out. Here are only sparks fly away in all directions, and after the fire there remains a scorched earth.

    So after pain, it takes time to restore the normal efficiency of organs, tissues and systems of the body. And painful information (by analogy - "sparks from fires") can manifest anywhere. Let's say a headache. Where are the roots? Where does the pain originate, which served her reason? And if you take a painful, what will be the body's response after the pain disappears? There are many questions, and practice is responsible for them.

    Any external pains are based on their violation of the activities of the internal organs. And when pain sensations are neutralized by some means, but the cause and root of pain remain intact, the body reacts with vascular disorders, by some system disorders, etc.

    East experience suggests that pain needs to be removed by any ways, and not tolerate it or even more so to accept and believe that this is punishment for sins. However, it is possible to remove it in different ways. We have already spoken about the likely consequences of neutralization of pain with medication. In the chapter dedicated to working with rings, we gave a description of the impact on the foci of pain with the help of focusing energy rings.

    In addition to these techniques, we describe another, from which, in fact, you need to start all the healing practice.

    We have already said that the pain forms its root in the tissues of the body.

    This root can not touch his hands, because it is virtual and does not have some anatomical substrate (of course, if we are not talking about ulcerative, wound, traumatic and other body damage).

    By the way, the above external factors also create their root, but it is more difficult to neutralize, because wounds, ulcers and injuries distract attention to themselves and we do not think about deep internal echoes.

    Acceptance of pain removal is simple and does not require special training..

    You need to learn how to lengthen your fingers due to the energy rays. We represent that from the pillows of fingers we produce energy rays that can feel and even affect the body of another person.

    To neutralize the pain and its removal from the body, the energy continuations of the fingers slowly introduce into that zone of the body, where the pain is manifested. The rays of the fingers are beginning to feel the painful knot. Most often, we feel the hearth as a dark cloud, but having clear and noticeable borders. If the rays thumbs up to carefully feel the boundaries of the pain of the painful hearth, then you feel that the density of pain is decreased from the center to the edges.

    We will define the borders of the cloud of pain, then start the rays to your fingers to collect it cloud in a small lump. We launch the energy continuations of the fingers under the cloud of pain and as if we are folding it.

    Imagine that on the tablecloth traces of yesterday's feast. You can collect snappings separately, but you can simply take a tablecloth, wrapping the edges inwards so that Sor does not wake up, make it out and then shake the remains of the pyr into the garbage bucket.

    We do the same with the hearth pain. Watch his edges inside and tighten them to the center. When the cloud of pain will be collected in a dense lump, we begin to dust it. We present how the fingers and rays are tightly pressed the cloud of pain. Analogy: - As if we knew a piece of plasticine.

    Then, when the pain will be collected in a lump, the rays fingers launch under it. Soon there will be a feeling that somewhere deep into the body is a thread that we feel a mental touch. Let's go through it and we define how deeply it sprouted in the fabric. If you stop pain in time, then its root will be small, just a few centimeters. We start feeling the root, sip it.

    All manipulations we carry out energy continuations. The root of pain is discovered, we penetrated the rays to his tip and slowly pull it out. Such a root to pull it is not easy. The effort is required not only energy, but also muscular.

    When the root hooked and stretch it, the hands strad up. Along with the efforts of muscles, energy rays also work. The root is hardly pulled out of the fabrics. He resists, rests, but still gives in. Then, when the root was almost pulled out, it is necessary to hook it stronger and sharply pull out.

    After the root of the root of the pain appears a clear feeling that some invisible mud rises to the fingers and palms. Reset it. It is best to do this by putting hands on both sides of a tight jet of cold water beating from the crane. The flow of cold water neutralizes the energy of pain, destroys its structure, captures with me and takes.

    We will conduct an experiment.

    When we walked the root of pain, we would simply wash your hands under the jet of water. The feeling is that in the hands of a fatty film. The water rolls down the skin as if the hands are abundantly smeared with cream. This is a materialized manifestation of energy, ectoplasm of pain. It has a strong structuring charge and does not destroy without additional effort. And when we keep your hands on both sides of a tight jet of water, the vortex interaction of water flow vibrations and the energy of the root of pain begins.

    To enhance the cleansing effect of water, we take a deep breath, and exhale mentally send through your hands to the palms and we present that he permeates the palm, removes the remnants of negative energy from them. When the feeling that, during exhalation, they seem to be lengthened, the desired effect is achieved, and we can breathe pain with palms.

    You can use this technique not only for riding the root of pain. You can make a tight lump of pain just dumping from the hands, best in a stream of water or to the ground. Straighten with the energy of the energy bunch of pain and exhale several times through the palm.

    Very interesting, the reaction of people who thus pulled out pain. Let's say a tooth hurts. Man is worn, but to go to the dentist hinders the fear of bramshina or some other reasons. You need to immediately say such a patient that it is possible to reduce or remove the pain, but the patient should treat a professional dentist. From caries energy impacts, as far as we know, do not save.

    We introduce the rays to the fingers in the jaw and we determine the localization of pain. We collect it in a tight lump, and then this lump is pulling and discarding the water into a stream. The man at first looks at all these manipulations with a frank skepticism. But the dental pain is such that he is ready for everything except visiting a dentist. And then the pain is collected and doried. For some time, the inertia of pain and the patient listens to it.

    It is clearly written on the face: you did not help me, did not cope. Then the pain begins to sink. What is bliss when the dental pain retreats. Lomotic in the jaw passes, stops pulling and shooting, the head is no longer split and it seems that there is still a little bit and decreases grace.

    The expression of the patient's face is changing. There is a quiet peace and at the same time tense expectation of a new burst of pain. But it is not in a minute, nor in two. When the patient realizes that the pain released, he is happy. But goes around half an hour, and he has already forgotten about everything. Hessed promises to visit the dentist seem non-serious and better forget about them ... and so - until the next burst of pain.

    The effectiveness of ripping the root of pain and removing it from the body is the higher, the more accurate the healer complies with the sequence of the steps and brightly represents each of them.

    N.I. Sherstennikov from the book "Reserve of Health"

    Scheme analysis of the composition to root:

    bol e

    Selling words in composition.

    The composition of the word "sick":

    Connecting vowels: absent

    POCTFICC: absent

    Morphema - parts of the word sick


    Detailed Pazbop Crop to hurt Po Cost. Coppie, prefix, suffix and ending words. MOPFEM PAZBOP CONSIBILE HEAVE, EGO CXEMA and CLAA (MOPFEM).

    • Morphemes Scheme: Bol / E /
    • Morrem Word Structure: Root / Suffix / Suffix
    • Scheme (design) Words to hurt in the composition: Ber root + suffix E + suffix
    • The list of morpheme in the word is sick:
      • bol - root
      • e - Suffix.
      • t - Suffix.
    • Bid MopFEM and their number in the Word to root:
      • proper: absent - 0
      • copa: bol - 1
      • cOEDINITE HLACHNA: absent - 0
      • cyFFICC: e, T. - 2
      • pOCTFICC: absent - 0
      • check out: zero ending. - 0


    Word-forming word pavement

    • The basis of the word: Bole;
    • Formation Affixes: Prefix absent, suffix e, T., postfix absent;
    • Food formation: ○ Suffixal;
    • Method of education: derivative, as formed 1 (one) method.

    See also in other dictionaries:

    Single words ... These are words having a root ... belonging to different parts of speech, and at the same time close in meaning ... Single words for the word

    Full morphological analysis of the words "root": part of speech, initial form, morphological signs and shape words. Direction of language science, where the word is studied ... Morphological parsing is sick

    The emphasis in the Word to root: What syllable does the stress fall on and how ... the word "root" is correctly written like ... Stress in the word

    Synonyms "sick." Dictionary of synonyms online: Choose synonyms for the word "sick." Sangs of synonyms, similar words and close to the meaning of expression in ... Sinsonimi for the word

    Antonyms ... have the opposite value, different in sound, but belong to the same part of speech ... Antonyms for the word

    Anagramma (make an anagram) to the word to sow, with the help of stirring letters .... Anagramm for the word

    Morpham analysis words sick

    Morphem word analysis is usually called the analysis of the words according to the composition - this is a search and analysis of the Morpham included in the specified word (parts of the word).

    Morphemal analysis of the words hurt is very simple. To do this, comply with all the rules and order of analysis.

    We will make a morpheme analysis correctly, and for this we will simply go to 5 steps:

    • the definition of the word speech is the first step;
    • the second - allocate the ending: for the changing words, we hide or inclined, for immutable (verbal spirits, adverb, some names of the nouns and the names of the adjectives, the official parts of speech) - the endings are not;
    • further we seeking the basis. This is the easiest part, because to determine the basis you just need to cut off the end. This will be the basis of the word;
    • the next step needs to search the root of the word. We select related words for sick (they are also called single-handed), then the root of the word will be obvious;
    • We find the remaining morphemes by selecting other words that are formed in the same way.

    How do you see, morpheme analysis It is done simply. Now let's decide on the main morphems of the word and make it a parsing.

    * Morphem word parsing (analysis of the words in composition) - Search root , consoles , suffix , end and basics of words The analysis of the words on the composition on the site site is made according to the dictionary of morpheme analysis.

    The sampling diagram of the patient:


    Selling words in composition.

    The composition of the word "patient":

    Connecting vowels: absent

    POCTFICC: absent

    Morphemes - parts of the word patient


    Detailed PAZBOP Calus Sick Cost. Coppie, prefix, suffix and ending words. MOPFEM PAZBOP CALA PATILY, EGO CXEMA and CONSIVE (MOPFEM).

    • Morphemes scheme: pain / n / o
    • Morphem Word Structure: Root / Suffix / End
    • Scheme (design) The words of the patient in composition: the root of the pain + suffix n + ending oh
    • List of morpheme in the word patient:
      • pain - root
      • n - Suffix.
      • oh - ending
    • Bid MopFEM and their number in the word patient:
      • proper: absent - 0
      • copa: pain - 1
      • cOEDINITE HLACHNA: absent - 0
      • cyFFICC: n. - 1
      • pOCTFICC: absent - 0
      • check out: oh - 1


    Word-forming palate word

    • The basis of the word: sick;
    • Formation Affixes: Prefix absent, suffix n., postfix absent;
    • Food formation: ○ Suffixal;
    • Method of education: derivative, as formed 1 (one) method.

    See also in other dictionaries:

    Single words ... These are words having a root ... belonging to different parts of speech, and at the same time close in meaning ... Single words by the word patient

    To begin with the word patient on cases in the only and multiple number .... Declination of the word patient

    Full morphological analysis of the words "patient": part of speech, initial form, morphological signs and forms of the word. Direction of language science, where the word is studied ... Morphological analysis of the patient

    Emphasis in the Word of the Patient: What syllable the stress falls on and how ... the word "patient" is correctly written as ... Emphasis in the word patient

    Synonyms "patient". Dictionary of synonyms online: Choose synonyms for the word "patient". Sangs of synonyms, similar words and close to the meaning of expression in ... Conincons for the word sick

    Antonyms ... have the opposite value, different in sound, but belong to the same part of speech ... Antonyms for the patient

    Anagrammas (make an anagram) by the word patient, with the help of stirring letters .... Anagramm to the word sick

    What dreams of a sick is the interpretation of dreams, find out for free in our dream book that means Sick Sick. ... seen in a dream patient means ... Dream Interpretation: What dreams of the patient

    Morphem Sick Word Sick

    Morphem word analysis is usually called the analysis of the words according to the composition - this is a search and analysis of the Morpham included in the specified word (parts of the word).

    Morphem analysis of the words of the patient is very simple. To do this, comply with all the rules and order of analysis.

    We will make a morpheme analysis correctly, and for this we will simply go to 5 steps:

    • the definition of the word speech is the first step;
    • the second - allocate the ending: for the changing words, we hide or inclined, for immutable (verbal spirits, adverb, some names of the nouns and the names of the adjectives, the official parts of speech) - the endings are not;
    • further we seeking the basis. This is the easiest part, because to determine the basis you just need to cut off the end. This will be the basis of the word;
    • the next step needs to search the root of the word. We select related words for the patient (they are still called single-handed), then the root of the word will be obvious;
    • We find the remaining morphemes by selecting other words that are formed in the same way.

    How do you see, morpheme analysis It is done simply. Now let's decide on the main morphems of the word and make it a parsing.

    * Morphem word parsing (analysis of the words in composition) - Search root , consoles , suffix , end and basics of words The analysis of the words on the composition on the site site is made according to the dictionary of morpheme analysis.

    § 1 Word root

    At the beginning of our classes, we recall that we express our thoughts and feelings with the help of speech. It is written when you record, and oral when we speak lips-mouth. Any question consists of proposals. The proposal expresses the completed thought and consists of words. Words in the proposal are connected with each other in meaning - "Friends".

    Words can be friends with each other not only in the sentence, but also on the principle of common, child interests. So, the scientist is friendly with the student, because they have a common interest - learning. And such words, with common interests, are called relatives, or single words.

    Scientists of the lingules decided that in single-root, relative words should be allocated to the general part - the root - a special icon, which is called "the root of the word". Sometimes, because of the form, it is also called a handicraft.

    The root is a significant part of the word, since it concluded the general meaning of all single, kindred words. For example, in the words of the patient and the hospital, the root of "pain", since the patient is a person who experiences pain, and the hospital is a place where pain is treated.

    So sfed there are one-sfed words that they became each other relatives. Of course, they wanted to be similar to each other and everyone said loudly: in all single words, the general part is the root - it is written equally, uniformly.

    As in any family, there are naughty kids among one-sided words who do not want to be like everything and therefore everyone is confused. For example, in the word of the house in an unstressed root, the sound is heard [a]. However, it is necessary for us to pick up a single word with the shock root - the house - then it immediately becomes clear that the letter of the letter is in the root.

    It means that to check the unstressed vowels in the root of the word, one should pick up a single word so that the unknown become a shock sound.

    § 2 Brief results on the subject of lesson

    The root is a significant part of the word, it contains the general meaning of all single, related words.

    In order to test the unstressed vowels in the root of the word, it is necessary to pick up a single word so that the unknown becomes shock sound, because in all single words the general part is the root - it is written in the same way.

    List of references:

    1. A.V. Crowns. Dictionary of the Omographs of the Russian Language // ed. St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, 2004.
    2. Alphabet from A to Z: Illustrated educational and methodical manual \\ Sost.I.A.Gimple. Minsk: Asar, 2004.
    3. Lviv M.V.Methodics for the development of the speech of junior schoolchildren. M.: AST; Astrel, 2003.
    4. Rosenthal D.E., Dzhanjakova E.V., Kabanova N.P. Directory on spelling, pronunciation, literary editing. M.: 1999.
    5. Sukhin I.G., Yatsenko I.F. Azbow Inra. 1 cl. M.: Vako, 2010.
    6. I go to the lesson in primary school. Reading: book for teacher. M., 2000.

    Used images: