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  • Systematics Type Flat Worms Class Classified Worms Representative: White (dairy plane) Salerchik classes Representative: liver. Type flat worms

     Systematics Type Flat Worms Class Classified Worms Representative: White (dairy plane) Salerchik classes Representative: liver. Type flat worms

    Body cover Outside the body is covered with a single-layer epithelium. At the cereal worms, or turbellarium, the epithelium consists of ciliary cells. Saladers, monogenes, cure-shaped and tape worms for most of the life are deprived of a ciliary epithelium (although the cilia cells may occur in larch forms); Their coverings are represented by the so-called tugment, in a number of groups of carrier microwaves or chitin hooks. Flat worms with the tugment are related to the Neodermata group. Flat worms can regenerate 6/7 of their body.

    Musculature under the epithelium is a muscular bag consisting of several layers of muscle cells that are not differentiated into individual muscles (a certain differentiation is observed only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pharynx and genital organs). The cells of the outer muscular layer are focused across, internal - along the annex-ardent axis of the body. The outer layer is called a layer of ring musculature, and the inner - layer of longitudinal muscles.

    The nervous system and sense organs The nervous system is represented by nerve nodes located in the front of the body of the worm, cerebral ganglias and the nervous pillars separated from them connected by jumpers. The senses are usually represented by separate skin cilia - the process of sensitive nerve cells. Some free-acting representatives of the type in the process of adaptation to the habitat conditions have acquired photosensitive pigment eyes - primitive organs of vision and equilibrium organs.

    The structure of the body bilateral-symmetric, with well-pronounced head and tail ends, a slightly flattened in the dorsovetral direction, in large representatives is greatly flattened. The cavity of the body is not developed (with the exception of some phases of the life cycle of ribbon worms and seashers). Gas exchange is carried out through the entire surface of the body; Respiratory and blood vessels are absent.

    Questions: How many flat worms inhabit in Russia? What are the covers of the body in flat worms? What musculature? What are the senses? Describe a brief body structure as flat fastened? How to breathe? How to breed?

    Interesting facts 1. By digestion, flat worms are able to "learn." A group of scientists made an unusual discovery regarding the abilities of flat worms. It turns out if the planar worms first teach the labyrinth, then grind them in mashed potatoes and give it to eat other worms, then such a labyrinth will go from the first time.

    Interesting facts 2. Different kind of worms - schistosomes are inseparable throughout life. The female lives in his pocket in the male all his life.

    Interesting facts 3. Almost all types of flat worms can be turned inside out. 4. But even interesting facts about flatwives. For example, flat worms are truly almost immortal. If you cut off the worm of a very small piece of approximately 1/100 of a part of a whole worm, then it is still capable of recovering to a whole body.

    Interesting facts 5. On the skin of some planaries living in fresh water, scientists discovered the spectal cells, which are very similar to cutting cells available in intestinal individuals. It turns out that these cells really previously belonged to the intestinal, which later eaten the cilia worms. Crazy cells are not digested. They fall into their skin and serve to perform a protective function and attack.

    L J.

    Subcutaneous worm rishta

    There are worms living in human blood. These include saintosomes. The main habitat is blood vessels. However, they are able to penetrate into various organs, causing symptoms of the defeat of the urogenital system, liver, kidneys.

    In the blood there may be larvae of some helminths. For example, there is a spread of them in the body of the intermediate owner. With blood flow, the larvae migrate to various organs, where cysts are fixed and formed, containing adult worms heads. The final owner in the digestive path in the digestive tract is attached to the intestinal wall, giving the beginning of a semi-shine individual.

    Flat worms: general characteristics

    The body of flat worms can make complex and varied movements.

    All flat worms have common line features:

    • Outdoor cover is represented by the cuticle. Free-lived individuals are covered with cilia, the surface of the body of worms is usually smooth.
    • Under the outer cover there are several layers of muscle fibers.
    • There is no body cavity.
    • The digestive system has only one hole - the mouth. The intestine ends blindly. Some worms are generally devoid of digestive organs. So, the tape worms, absorbing nutrients with the whole body from the boss of the owner's intestine, they are not needed.
    • There is no blood system and blood, as well as respiratory organs.
    • The excretory system is represented by a network of tubes that permeate the whole body.
    • The nervous system is primitive. Near the pharynx there are several ganglia, from which the nerve trunks connected by jumpers are departed. The senses are formed only at free-lived individuals and some worms at the larval stages of development.

    A system that is really well developed is sex. Flat worms - hermaphrodites. The reproduction is possible with the participation of 2 individuals or by self-emptying.


    The development cycle of trematodes is one of the most complex. From eggs, which came to the external environment, Miracidia come out. In the water, the latter feel comfortable and some time exist as free-lived organisms. The next stage is the introduction of Miracidium in the first intermediate owner. The larva does it with the help of a special cutting machine on the head. The owner usually becomes mollusk.

    Their life cycle can occur in several owners and accompanied by natural alternation

    Here Miracidia turns into a sporocist, which gives the beginning of the next stage of development cycle - fines. Those, in turn, are precursors of the churches, which leave the intermediate owner and again fall into the aquatic environment. Next, the development cycle is one of two options. Cerciria is transformed into cysts directly in the external environment (attached to algae) or in the body of the second intermediate owner (mollusk, fish, amphibian).

    These are the longest worms with a transparent shell

    Infection of the final owner occurs when eating them infected intermediate bodies. The development cycle is completed with the attachment of the head from the cyst to the wall of the intestine and the development of an adult worm. The latter can reach significant sizes (so, the Lenthec is widely growing up to 10 m long).

    A man for the losers is the final owner, but for ribbon worms can be intermediate.

    What symptoms occur when a man is infected with helminth? The clinic of the disease is due primarily to the fact that the body was amazed. Half-green worms usually live in the intestines, so in the overall picture of the disease prevail symptoms characteristic of digestive disorders: nausea, gas formation, stool disorders, abdominal pain.

    Helmintes highlight the products of life, which, falling into the blood, cause poisoning and symptoms of intoxication (temperature rise, fatigue and other). In addition, they are perceived by the immune system as an allergen. Therefore, helminthoses are often accompanied by the symptoms of an allergic reaction (rash on the skin, itching).

    Flat worms, which are included in the group of bilateral symmetric, studies science biology. Flat worms (PlatyHelminthes) are not the only representatives of this group, it belongs to more than 90% of animals, including ringed and round worms, arthropods, mollusks, etc.

    Types of flat worms are diverse and common worldwide. They are numbered about 25 thousand.

    Scientific classification of flat worms

    Flat worms belong to the kingdom of bilateral (symmetrical on both sides) due to some disputes that have arisen when trying to divide flat worms in different groups, scientists refer them to a parafilation group. It includes representatives of a small part of the descendants of the same ancestors.

    The structure of the internal organs of a flat worm

    The body of flat worms extended and flattened, inside without cavity. That is, all the space is filled with cells. Inside there are layers of muscles, which together with the shell of the worm form a skin-muscular bag.

    There are systems of internal organs:

    • The digestive system is represented by mouth and blind (no exit) to the intestine. Nutrients come through the mouth, and can be absorbed by the entire surface of the body.
    • The nervous system consists of brain gangliy and nerve pillars. Some classes of flat worms have primitive equilibrium organs.
    • The excretory system consists of special tubules, but most often the selection occurs its entire body surface.
    • The sexual system is represented as women's (ovaries) and male (semenniki) by genitals. Flat worms hermaphrodites.

    Differences of flat and round worms

    Round worms differ from flat fact that with cross section the body has a round shape. Round worms are still called nematodes. Possessing the bilateral-symmetric structure of the body, they have a developed musculature. But the main difference from flat worms is that round have the inner cavity of the body, and flat - no.

    Variety of classes of flat worms

    Table "Flat Worms" clearly shows the division of the form of classes, which modern science has seven.

    Class name


    Life cycle

    Monogenesey (Soskers)

    With the help of an attachment disc at the rear end of the worm of monogena, it is attached to the cacks of fish and the skin of amphibians and turtles

    Very small, on average no more than 1 mm

    For life, the worm has one owner, to which he gets in the form of a free floating larva


    Length varies from 2.5 to 38 cm

    The larvae develop in the body of crustaceans when swallowing the egg. After eating a crustacean water vertebral, an adult part easily from the intestine of the new owner moves to the body cavity, where he lives and breeds


    Dwell in the bodies of mollusks, freshwater and marine fish

    Adult individual rarely reaches more than 15 mm

    The hosts for the life cycle of worms occur several times

    Trematodes (Soskers)

    For life there are several owners. The larva lives at the beginning in which he subsequently dies. Fits inside when swallowing churches (ready to settle in the final owner of the larvae)


    From 2 to 20 cm

    Hypothetically larvae first develop in the body of the intermediate owner, and only then move into fish. But due to the fact that chimeric fish deep-water, experimental hypothesis is not confirmed by


    The habitat of the flat worms of the intestine of a mammal and a person, to the wall of which they are firmly embarrassed with the head

    Can reach sizes up to 10 m.


    Basically free-free worms, inhabit fresh and salted water bodies, sometimes in wet soil

    The length of the body ranges from microscopic sizes up to 40 cm

    A larvae similar to an adult worm comes out of the egg, upholstered among the plankton, until it grows


    They are predators who use small invertebrates, arthropods and even large clams. They completely swallow small mining or strong sucking movements tear off her pieces.

    The body of worms can independently regenerate. A bright representative is a planaria, which even a small part of the body rebels in a full-fledged individual.

    Flat worms in home aquariums

    Helmintes can become a big problem for fans of fish breeding in aquariums.

    The habitat of flat worms is mainly water. Being alcohol, flat worms can be attached by means of an attachment disc to the surface of the gills and skin of aquarium fish.

    Adult worms lay eggs from which larvae leaving on the skin of fish. Gradually, they quarre into the gills, where they grow, reaching sexual maturity.

    Some species of flat worms fall into the home aquarium with a soil, alive food. The larvae can be on the surface of algae, on the skin of new fish populated into the aquarium.

    • Pseudophyllidea (Lenthec wide). Infection may come if raw, poorly salted fish is present in the diet. In the small intestine of man, Lenthec can live decades, reaching lengths up to 20 m.
    • AeniaRhynchus Saginatus. (bovine chain). The habitat of flat worms is a human intestine and cattle. Singing to its walls, the gelminist grows up to 10 m. The larvae can be in other internal organs, in hard-to-reach places (brain, muscles, liver), so often it is often impossible to completely get rid of them. The patient has a fatal outcome. Infection occurs when the eggs of helminths in the stomach with insufficiently thermally processed food, from dirty hands.
    • Echinococcus (Echinococcus) is often found in dogs and cats, moving from them to the body to man. Despite minor sizes - only 5 mm - the ability of its larvae to form Finns, paralyzing internal organs, is deadly. The larvae is capable of penetrating the respiratory, bone, urinary systems. Reference worms of Echinococci are often found in the brain, liver and other internal organs. A person can easily be infected with larvae allocated with a feet of a dog that apply to wool, and from there to all household items and food.
    • The liver lodder is a culprit of cholecystitis, liver colic, disorders of the stomach and intestines, allergies. The habitat of flat worms is mainly a liver of a person and warm-blooded animals, biliary paths. The length of the body of the loser does not exceed 3 cm. A feature is that not only mature individuals, but their larvae are capable of reproduction.

    Prevention of Helminty infection

    Preventive measures of eggs and larvae of helminths in the human body are as follows:

    • It is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with soap before each meal, after visiting public places, toilet, street, pet-friendly.
    • Wash raw vegetables and fruits with warm water with soap.
    • Do not eat raw meat and fish.
    • Durable heat treatment food, especially meat, fish.
    • Pay attention to the timely prevention of melting invasions of pets.
    • Regularly, at least once a year, donate the analysis of the feces on the eggs of worms.
    Check yourself 1. Name the main groups included in the type of flat worms and characteristic distinctive features on the example of representatives of each

    2. What way of life is representatives of various groups of flat worms? How are the features of the structure of worms with a way life. And habitat?

    1) Call the main groups included in the type of flat worms, and their characteristic distinctive features on the example of representatives of each group.

    2) What lifestyle is representatives of various groups of flat worms? How are the features of the structure of worms with the lifestyle and the habitat?

    . Name the main classes like flat worms and their characteristic distinctive features on the example of representatives of each class. 2. How lifestyle leads

    representatives of various classes? How are the features of the structure of worms with the lifestyle and their habitat lifestyle? 3. On the example of the features of the structure of flat, round and ring worms, list the signs of complication of the organization compared to intestinal. 4. What diseases cause flat worms? What is their prevention? 5. What is the features of the structure and lifestyle are characteristic of representatives of the type round worms? 6. Why did the collee worms got such a name? What is characteristic of the structure of each segment? 7. On the basis of what signs of ringed worms belong to more complex animals than previously studied

    11 Flat worms a) have a double-sided symmetry b) the skin-muscular bag c) a special excretory system D) is true all answers

    12 body cavity in ascaris a) is filled with connective tissue b) filled with liquid B) filled with air d) missing
    13 In every segment of the body of the rainwater worm are repeated a) Nervous nodes b) excretory tubes c) Ring blood vessels d) are true all answers
    14 In the rainworm from the senses, there are a) Salfing b) taste c) hearing d) there is no special senses
    15 The rainworm breathes a) in an oxygen-free medium b) atmospheric air c) both options d) absence is absent
    16 Sinks of an ordinary string coated with a layer a) lime b) rod-like substance c) chitin d) silicon
    17 In the circulatory system of the string
    a) two-chamber heart and one circle circulation b) two-chamber heart and an unlocked blood system C) open circulatory system, the heart function is performed by two vessels in front of the body d) one-chamber heart and an unlocked blood system
    18 To the bucculent mollusks include a) naked slug b) grunce c) beribon d) true all answers
    19 chitinist cover arthropods performs functions a) protection b) thermoregulation c) gas exchange d) true all answers
    20 Heart of cancer has a) two departments: atria and ventricle b) three departments: two atrium and one ventricle c) one department d) absent heart
    21 The nervous system in cancer consists of a) of the dad's nervous node b) of the subglostic nerve knot B) of the abdominal nerve chain g) are true all the answers
    22 Brystko Pauka-Crossing has a) Three segments b) five segments c) the non-grinstone structure d) None of the answers is faithful
    23 The process of digestion at Spider-Cross:
    a) domestic b) partially extra-complete c) completely unsolveged d) liquid components digested outside the digestive system, and solid spider stomach
    24 The body of arthropods consists of:
    a) heads, chest and abdomen b) heads and torsions c) pumped and trunking d) heads, chest and abdomen; Chawns and abdomen.
    25 Insects, the number of paths of motor limbs may be equal
    a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 g) are true all answers
    26 oxygen to insect tissues comes from diffusion through
    a) the walls of the capillaries b) the walls of the trachea c) the walls of the pulmonary bags d) arrives first in the trachea, then in the capillaries
    27 Fish belong to type:
    a) Beshorda b) semi-ferrous c) chord
    28 The body is covered with bone scales: a) only in cartilage fish b) only in bone fish c) in all fish, with rare exceptions
    29 fish eyes are always open, because they have:
    a) eyelids have grown and turned into a transparent shell b) there are no eyelids in) eyelids stationary
    30 spinal cord among fish is
    a) under the spine b) in the spine, which forms the upper arc vertebrals c) above the spine
    31 Blood System
    a) closed b) open-in) open in cartilage and closed in bone
    32 Fish Temperature
    a) constant, and does not depend on the temperature of the medium b) is a non-permanent, but it does not depend on the temperature of the medium) a non-permanent and depends on the temperature of the medium
    33 leather in reptiles
    a) has sebaceous glands b) dry (without glands) c) has a small amount of glazing glands
    34 Heart in reptiles
    a) three-chamber b) three-chamber, except for crocodtlov c) four-chamber
    35 Fertilization in reptiles
    a) external b) internal c) both outdoor and internal
    36 dirbs is
    a) a naked lizard b) snakes c) a special group of reptiles
    37 In all mammals, the chest cavity is separated from the abdominal rughead
    a) brigade b) ganglia c) diaphragm d) cuticle
    38 The following element belongs to the skeleton of the lower limb
    a) Tsevka b) thigh c) shin d) radiation bone
    39 animals characterized by radiation body symmetry
    a) mollusks b) flat worms c) shepherd g) fish
    40 Exclude too much
    a) shovel b) clavicle c) Voronene dice d) shoulder bone
    41 bird science is
    a) poultry farming b) ornithology c) cynology d) zoology
    42 Kiel on Bird Breasts
    a) contributes to the dissection of air during flight b) increases the area of \u200b\u200battachment of the breast muscles B) does not matter how tool to fly
    43 What digestive organs arose in birds due to their lack of jaws and teeth
    a) goiter b) iron stomach b) muscular gastric d) slim intestine
    44 mammals spread on earth due to the fact that
    a) had minor sizes b) fed the young milk c) were warm-blooded d) are true all answers
    45 fabrics for the first time appeared
    a) the simplest b) intestinal c) flat worms d) ringed worms
    46 Darwin Theory argues that all organisms
    a) unchanged and created by the highest forces b) were first created, and then evolved naturally by c) arose and

    1) Name the main systematic groups of the type of flat worms and their characteristic distinctive features of the sign on the example of representatives of each group. Summary of other presentations

    "The features of the structure of the Planaria" is the internal structure of the White Planaria. White plane or dairy. White planaria. General types of type. The structure of a white planarium. General features. Sectional system of planaria. Castle worms. Coelenterates. Mature of flat worms. Planaria's body regeneration. White planaria. Different types of planarium. Bilateral and radiation body symmetry. Planaria body layers and hydra. The internal structure of the planarium.

    "The structure of flat worms" - movement. The digestive system of seashers. Nervous system. Sense organs. Castle worms. Turbellaria. Selective system. Sex system. Life cycles of ribbon worms. Sex system of seashers. Salers are distinguished by huge fertility. Slaceer class. Gas exchange and transport substances. Digestive ciliated system. Type flat worms. Ribbon worms. The development of seashers. Sex ribbon system.

    "Planaria's structure" - type of flat worms. Selective system. The appearance in the process of development of the third germinal sheet. Eggs are covered with dense shells. Dairy plane. Space between organs. Planaria's movements. Sex system. Digestive system. Signs of flat worms. Body planaria. Type of wildcake worms. Flat worms. The internal structure of the planarium. Ring muscles. Single-layer epithelium. Nervous system.

    "The structure of the White Planaria" - bodies of the body. Plathelminthes. Nephond and kidney accumulation. A variety of flat worms. Composition of the group. Flat worms. Structure of planaria. Structure. Seating with white planaria. Muscle location. Nervous system and sense organs. Musculature. Harness and intestine. Food and movement. Complication of body cavity. Class of turbellaria. Ring worms. Nervous system of white planarium.