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  • Video Tutorial "Type flat worms. Type Flat Worms Prevention of Helminth Infection

    Video Tutorial
    summary of other presentations

    "The features of the structure of the Planaria" is the internal structure of the White Planaria. White plane or dairy. White planaria. General types of type. The structure of a white planarium. General features. Sectional system of planaria. Castle worms. Coelenterates. Mature of flat worms. Planaria's body regeneration. White planaria. Different types of planarium. Bilateral and radiation body symmetry. Planaria body layers and hydra. The internal structure of the planarium.

    "The structure of flat worms" - movement. The digestive system of seashers. Nervous system. Sense organs. Castle worms. Turbellaria. Selective system. Sex system. Life cycles of ribbon worms. Sex system of seashers. Salers are distinguished by huge fertility. Slaceer class. Gas exchange and transport substances. Digestive ciliated system. Type flat worms. Ribbon worms. The development of seashers. Sex ribbon system.

    "Planaria's structure" - type of flat worms. Selective system. The appearance in the process of development of the third germinal sheet. Eggs are covered with dense shells. Dairy plane. Space between organs. Planaria's movements. Sex system. Digestive system. Signs of flat worms. Body planaria. Type of wildcake worms. Flat worms. The internal structure of the planaria. Ring muscles. Single-layer epithelium. Nervous system.

    "The structure of the White Planaria" - bodies of the body. Plathelminthes. Nephond and kidney accumulation. A variety of flat worms. Composition of the group. Flat worms. Structure of planaria. Structure. Seating with white planaria. Muscle location. Nervous system and sense organs. Musculature. Harness and intestine. Food and movement. Complication of body cavity. Class of turbellaria. Ring worms. Nervous system of white planarium.

    Body cover Outside the body is covered with a single-layer epithelium. At the cereal worms, or turbellarium, the epithelium consists of ciliary cells. Saladers, monogenes, cure-shaped and tape worms for most of the life are deprived of a ciliary epithelium (although the cilia cells may occur in larch forms); Their coverings are represented by the so-called tugment, in a number of groups of carrier microwaves or chitin hooks. Flat worms with the tugment are related to the Neodermata group. Flat worms can regenerate 6/7 of their body.

    Musculature under the epithelium is a muscular bag consisting of several layers of muscle cells that are not differentiated into individual muscles (a certain differentiation is observed only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pharynx and genital organs). The cells of the outer muscular layer are focused across, internal - along the annex-ardent axis of the body. The outer layer is called a layer of ring musculature, and the inner - layer of longitudinal muscles.

    The nervous system and sense organs The nervous system is represented by nerve nodes located in the front of the body of the worm, cerebral ganglias and the nervous pillars separated from them connected by jumpers. The senses are usually represented by separate skin cilia - the process of sensitive nerve cells. Some free-acting representatives of the type in the process of adaptation to the habitat conditions have acquired photosensitive pigment eyes - primitive organs of vision and equilibrium organs.

    The structure of the body bilateral-symmetric, with well-pronounced head and tail ends, a slightly flattened in the dorsovetral direction, in large representatives is greatly flattened. The cavity of the body is not developed (with the exception of some phases of the life cycle of ribbon worms and seashers). Gas exchange is carried out through the entire surface of the body; Respiratory and blood vessels are absent.

    Questions: How many flat worms inhabit in Russia? What are the covers of the body in flat worms? What musculature? What are the senses? Describe a brief body structure as flat fastened? How to breathe? How to breed?

    Interesting facts 1. By digestion, flat worms are able to "learn." A group of scientists made an unusual discovery regarding the abilities of flat worms. It turns out if the planar worms first teach the labyrinth, then grind them in mashed potatoes and give it to eat other worms, then such a labyrinth will go from the first time.

    Interesting facts 2. Different kind of worms - schistosomes are inseparable throughout life. The female lives in his pocket in the male all his life.

    Interesting facts 3. Almost all types of flat worms can be turned inside out. 4. But even interesting facts about flatwives. For example, flat worms are truly almost immortal. If you cut off the worm of a very small piece of approximately 1/100 of a part of a whole worm, then it is still capable of recovering to a whole body.

    Interesting facts 5. On the skin of some planaries living in fresh water, scientists discovered the spectal cells, which are very similar to cutting cells available in intestinal individuals. It turns out that these cells really previously belonged to the intestinal, which later eaten the cilia worms. Crazy cells are not digested. They fall into their skin and serve to perform a protective function and attack.

    L J.

    § 1 habitat and external structure of flat worms

    Tip-light worms have about 15 thousand animal species. Flat worms are found in all habitats: water, soil, terrestrial and organisman. The size of their body vary from half a millimeter to 15 meters. However, despite such a variety of species, all representatives of this type have a number of common features.

    All representatives of flat worms are multicellular animals and have bilateral body symmetry. Recall what symmetry is. Symmetry in biology is the logical location of the same parts of the body relative to the center, which is called the axis of symmetry. Bilateral symmetry means that one side of the body of the animal is a mirror reflection of the other side.

    An important feature of the external structure of representatives of this type of animals is also flattened from above and below the body shape. Outside, the body of flat worms is covered with only one layer of epithelium, under which there are 3 layers of muscles. The totality of the skin and muscles of the worms is called a skin-muscular bag.

    § 2 Interior structure of flat worms

    Speaking about the inner structure of this type of animals, it is necessary to remember that the blood and respiratory system are missing. They are characterized by aerobic or anaerobic breathing. Oxygen enters the body through the entire body surface.

    The digestive system of flat worms is represented by mouth, throat and a strongly branched bowel. However, the rear part of the intestine and the anal hole is missing, so unauthorized residues of food are removed through the oral hole.

    The operation of the excretory system is aimed at removing excess water and some metabolic products from the body. Flat worms, it is represented by a whole network of branched tubules, which are located along the whole body, combine in 1 or 2 excretory channels, they open at the rear end of the body.

    A pair of pumping nerve nodes and longitudinal nerve trunks connected by hoods form a nervous system. From the sense organs in flat worms there are photosensitive eyes, special equilibrium organs, as well as tactile cells.

    Most of the types of flat worms are hermaphrodites. Hermaphrodites are called animals, in the body of which are at the same time organs and male and female sexual systems. Despite this, 2 individuals participate in the process of fertilization.

    § 3 Systematics of flat worms

    The type of flat worms is divided into 3 main class, namely: Class Classified Worms, Class of Salers and Class Belt Worms.

    Class Castry Class includes about 3.5 thousand animal species. Most wilderworms are free-lived, i.e. They live in any habitat, with the exception of the organisman. Their skin is covered with cilia, which gave the name to this class. Due to the reduction of the muscles of the cilia, moving, thereby moving the body in space. The most famous class classified worms are: Milk Planaria, Black and Poly-Point Planaria.

    List of references:

    1. Konstantinov V.M. Purchasing planning to the textbook "Biology. Animals "for grade 7, Konstantinov V.M., Babenko V.G., Kumchenko V.S. / Konstantinov V.M. - M.: Ventana Graf, 2005. - 304c.
    2. World Encyclopedia: Biology / Ch. ed. M.V. Adamchik: ch. Scientific Ed. V.V. Adamchik: MN: Modern writer, 2004. - 832c.
    3. Ionseva A.Yu. Biology in schemes and tables / A.Yu. Ionseva, A.V. Torgalov. - M.: Eksmo, 2014. - 352c.
    4. Sadovnichenko Yu.A. Biology / Yu.A. Sadovnichenko. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 512c.
    5. Biology: allowance for applicants to universities: at 2 t. T.1. - 2nd ed., Act. and add. - M.: RIA "New Wave": Publisher of Deaders, 2012. - 512C.

    Used images:

    a brief description of

    Habitat and appearance

    Dimensions 10-15 mm, sheet-shaped, dwell in ponds and low-trimmed reservoirs

    Pokrov Body

    and skin-muscular bag

    The body is covered with a single-layer (ciliary) epithelium. Superficial muscular layer of ring, internal - longitudinal and diagonal. There are spinal abdominal muscles

    Body cavity

    There is no body cavity. Inside there is a spongy fabric - Parenchima

    Digestive system

    Consists of anterior department (pharynx) and medium, which has the form of strongly branched trunks, ending blindly



    Nervous system

    Brain ganglia and nervous trunks

    Sense organs

    Tangible cells. One or more pairs of eyes. Some species have equilibrium organs

    Respiratory system

    Not. Oxygen enters through the entire surface of the body


    Hermaphrodites. Fertilization internal, but cross-door - two individuals are needed

    Typical representatives of cilia worms are planaria(Fig. 1).

    Fig. one.Morphology of flat worms on the example of a dairy plane. A - the appearance of the plane; B, B - internal organs (schemes); R - part of the transverse section through the body of the dairy plane; D - terminal cell of the protonethylene excretory system: 1 - oral hole; 2 - throat; 3 - intestines; 4 - protonphrey dii; 5 - left side nervous trunk; 6 - head nerve knot; 7 - peephole; 8 - Epithelium Epithelium; 9 - ring muscles; 10 - oblique muscles; 11 - longitudinal muscles; 12 - dorsovetral muscles; 13 - parenchyma cells; 14 - cells forming chaddits; 15 - Relditi; 16 - single-cell iron; 17 - bunch of cilia (flickering flame); 18 - core cells

    general characteristics

    Appearance and covers . The body of the cricker worms stretched in length, listoid. Dimensions vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The body is colorless or white. Most often rash worms painted in various colors with grains pigmentSlap in the skin.

    The body is covered single-layer fiscal epithelium. In the cover are available skin glandsscattered throughout the body or collected in the complexes. Are of interest kind of skin glands - reliable cellsin which there are refracting lights barditi. They lie perpendicular to the surface of the body. In case of irritation of the animal, it is rapidly emitted and swelling. As a result, mucus is formed on the surface of the worm, a protective role is playing.

    Skin-muscular bag . Under the epithelium is located basal membraneserving to give the body a certain form and to attach muscles. Muscle totality and epithelium forms a single complex - skin-muscular bag. Muscular system consists of several layers smooth muscle fibers. The most superficial is located ring muscles, somewhat deeper - longitianand the deepest - diagonal muscle fibers. In addition to the listed types of muscle fibers for ciliated worms are characteristic. spinal abdominal, or dorzovtenral, muscles. These are bundles of fibers that come from the dorsal side of the body to the abdominal.

    The movement is carried out due to the beating of the cilia (in small forms) or cutting the skin-muscular bag (among major representatives).

    Clearly pronounced body cavities cammies do not have. All intervals between the organs are filled parenkhimoy- loose connective tissue. Small spaces between the cells of the parenchyma are filled with a water fluid, thereby transmitting products from the intestine to the internal organs and the transfer of the exchange products to the excretory system. In addition, the parenchym can be considered as a supporting tissue.

    Digestive system crystal worms sleple-filled. Mouthserves for swallowing food, and for extraction of untapped food residues. The mouth is usually on the abdominal side of the body and leads to glot. Some large cilia worms, such as freshwater planaria, the oral hole opens in pipper pocketin which muscular glowcapable of pulling out and sticking out through the mouth outwards. Middle intestinein small forms of cilia worms is branching in all sides channels, and large forms have a bowel presented three branches: one frontgoing to the front end of the body and two postersrunning on the sides to the rear end of the body.

    The main feature nervous system cystic worms compared to intestine-haired is concentration of nerve elements at the front end of the body with the formation of a double node - brain gangliawhich becomes coordinating Center for Total Body. From Ganglia away longitudinal nervous trunksRinged transverse ring jumpers.

    Sense organs the cilly worms are developed relatively well. Organ Touchserves all skin. In some species, the touch function is performed by small pair tentacles of the front end of the body. Evidence authoritiesrepresented by closed bags - stavtocists, with auditory pebbles inside. Activitiesthere are almost always available. The eye can be one pair or more.

    Selective system for the first timeappears as separate system. It is represented twoor a few channels, each of which one end opens outward, but another strongly branchingBy forming a network of channels of different diameters. The thinnest tubules or capillaries at their ends closed by special cells - star(see Fig. 1, D.). From these cells in the lumen of the tubules depart bunch of cousins. Due to their constant work, there is no stagnation of liquid in the body of the worm, it enters the tubules and is in the future output. The excretory system in the form of branched channels, closed at the ends of stereos cells, is called protonefridia.

    Sex system the structure is rather diverse. It can be noted that in comparison with the shepherds in the cereal worms special output ducts appearfor

    removal of genital cells outward. Crymfish hermaphrodites.Fertilization - internal.

    Reproduction. In most cases in gender.Most worms direct developmentbut some marine species development occurs with metamorphosis.However, some wildcake worms can multiply and in a forceful way through cross-division.At the same time in each half of the body occurs regenerationmissing bodies.

    Flat worms, which are included in the group of bilateral symmetric, studies science biology. Flat worms (PlatyHelminthes) are not the only representatives of this group, it belongs to more than 90% of animals, including ringed and round worms, arthropods, mollusks, etc.

    Types of flat worms are diverse and common worldwide. They are numbered about 25 thousand.

    Scientific classification of flat worms

    Flat worms belong to the kingdom of bilateral (symmetrical on both sides) due to some disputes that have arisen when trying to divide flat worms in different groups, scientists refer them to a parafilation group. It includes representatives of a small part of the descendants of the same ancestors.

    The structure of the internal organs of a flat worm

    The body of flat worms extended and flattened, inside without cavity. That is, all the space is filled with cells. Inside there are layers of muscles, which together with the shell of the worm form a skin-muscular bag.

    There are systems of internal organs:

    • The digestive system is represented by mouth and blind (no exit) to the intestine. Nutrients come through the mouth, and can be absorbed by the entire surface of the body.
    • The nervous system consists of brain gangliy and nerve pillars. Some classes of flat worms have primitive equilibrium organs.
    • The excretory system consists of special tubules, but most often the selection occurs its entire body surface.
    • The sexual system is represented as women's (ovaries) and male (semenniki) by genitals. Flat worms hermaphrodites.

    Differences of flat and round worms

    Round worms differ from flat fact that with cross section the body has a round shape. Round worms are still called nematodes. Possessing the bilateral-symmetric structure of the body, they have a developed musculature. But the main difference from flat worms is that round have the inner cavity of the body, and flat - no.

    Variety of classes of flat worms

    Table "Flat Worms" clearly shows the division of the form of classes, which modern science has seven.

    Class name


    Life cycle

    Monogenesey (Soskers)

    With the help of an attachment disc at the rear end of the worm of monogena, it is attached to the cacks of fish and the skin of amphibians and turtles

    Very small, on average no more than 1 mm

    For life, the worm has one owner, to which he gets in the form of a free floating larva


    Length varies from 2.5 to 38 cm

    The larvae develop in the body of crustaceans when swallowing the egg. After eating a crustacean water vertebral, an adult part easily from the intestine of the new owner moves to the body cavity, where he lives and breeds


    Dwell in the bodies of mollusks, freshwater and marine fish

    Adult individual rarely reaches more than 15 mm

    The hosts for the life cycle of worms occur several times

    Trematodes (Soskers)

    For life there are several owners. The larva lives at the beginning in which he subsequently dies. Fits inside when swallowing churches (ready to settle in the final owner of the larvae)


    From 2 to 20 cm

    Hypothetically larvae first develop in the body of the intermediate owner, and only then move into fish. But due to the fact that chimeric fish deep-water, experimental hypothesis is not confirmed by


    The habitat of the flat worms of the intestine of a mammal and a person, to the wall of which they are firmly embarrassed with the head

    Can reach sizes up to 10 m.


    Basically free-free worms, inhabit fresh and salted water bodies, sometimes in humid soil

    The length of the body ranges from microscopic sizes up to 40 cm

    A larvae similar to an adult worm comes out of the egg, upholstered among the plankton, until it grows


    They are predators who use small invertebrates, arthropods and even large clams. They completely swallow small mining or strong sucking movements tear off her pieces.

    The body of worms can independently regenerate. A bright representative is a planaria, which even a small part of the body rebels in a full-fledged individual.

    Flat worms in home aquariums

    Helmintes can become a big problem for fans of fish breeding in aquariums.

    The habitat of flat worms is mainly water. Being alcohol, flat worms can be attached by means of an attachment disc to the surface of the gills and skin of aquarium fish.

    Adult worms lay eggs from which larvae leaving on the skin of fish. Gradually, they quarre into the gills, where they grow, reaching sexual maturity.

    Some species of flat worms fall into the home aquarium with a soil, alive food. The larvae can be on the surface of algae, on the skin of new fish populated into the aquarium.

    • Pseudophyllidea (Lenthec wide). Infection may come if raw, poorly salted fish is present in the diet. In the small intestine of man, Lenthec can live decades, reaching lengths up to 20 m.
    • AeniaRhynchus Saginatus. (bovine chain). The habitat of flat worms is a human intestine and cattle. Singing to its walls, the gelminist grows up to 10 m. The larvae can be in other internal organs, in hard-to-reach places (brain, muscles, liver), so often it is often impossible to completely get rid of them. The patient has a fatal outcome. Infection occurs when the eggs of helminths in the stomach with insufficiently thermally processed food, from dirty hands.
    • Echinococcus (Echinococcus) is often found in dogs and cats, moving from them to the body to man. Despite minor sizes - only 5 mm - the ability of its larvae to form Finns, paralyzing internal organs, is deadly. The larvae is capable of penetrating the respiratory, bone, urinary systems. Reference worms of Echinococci are often found in the brain, liver and other internal organs. A person can easily be infected with larvae allocated with a feet of a dog that apply to wool, and from there to all household items and food.
    • The liver lodder is a culprit of cholecystitis, liver colic, disorders of the stomach and intestines, allergies. The habitat of flat worms is mainly a liver of a person and warm-blooded animals, biliary paths. The length of the body of the loser does not exceed 3 cm. A feature is that not only mature individuals, but their larvae are capable of reproduction.

    Prevention of Helminty infection

    Preventive measures of eggs and larvae of helminths in the human body are as follows:

    • It is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with soap before each meal, after visiting public places, toilet, street, pet-friendly.
    • Wash raw vegetables and fruits with warm water with soap.
    • Do not eat raw meat and fish.
    • Durable heat treatment food, especially meat, fish.
    • Pay attention to the timely prevention of melting invasions of pets.
    • Regularly, at least once a year, donate the analysis of the feces on the eggs of worms.