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  • Dysplasia hip joints in babies. Underfloor hernia in adults How to protect against the infringement of ventral umbilical hernia

    Dysplasia hip joints in babies. Underfloor hernia in adults How to protect against the infringement of ventral umbilical hernia

    Basic hernia is insidious that a long time can not disturb the patient at all. But the danger is that the disease can lead to complications and the most common is pinched the umbilical hernia. The fact is that internal organs fall into the hernia bag and in most cases this is a bowel. Accordingly, the signs of pathology will be associated with a violation of the function of this particular body. In addition, there is a violation of blood circulation with subsequent necrosis. The state requires emergency care, as it rushes a threat to the patient's life.

    Frequent complication in hernia is its infringement

    The infringement clinic of the umbilical hernia depends on what type the state occurred. Provice a sharp period can a sharp cough, lifting weight, long constipation and so on. Traditionally, the infringement can be primary and secondary. In the first case, the provoking factor is an increased physical activity. Secondary protrusion occurs more often on the background of existing pathologies and is their progression.

    In addition, another classification is allocated:

    • Elastic - formed as a result of overpressure in the cavity. At the same time, the organs can no longer return to the correct position without additional assistance, since the ring does not make it possible to freely move the intestinal loops. This condition is accompanied by pronounced pains, nausea, severity in the stomach. Gradually appears weakness, dizziness, sometimes the digestive organs react to a pronounced spasm.

    There are two types of infringement

    • Caluo - occurs when the hidden masses occurs in the part of the intestine, which is localized in the bag. In most cases, such a complication arises from those who have been diagnosed with "hernia". At the same time, the exacerbation, that is, the infringement occurs sharply. This is accompanied by the same symptoms as elastic, but complemented by intestinal obstruction, in which emergency intervention is required.

    The disadvantaged poucher hernia is the cause of tissue necrosis, peritonitis and pronounced intoxication, so without an emergency operation, the risk of fatal outcome is significantly increased.

    Clinic pathology

    The main symptom is associated with the fact that blood circulation is broken in the area of \u200b\u200binfringement. This is accompanied by a pronounced swelling of the intestinal walls. As a result, plasma is released into the enumeration of the organ, which is manifested by a bright clinic of intoxication. It is important to emphasize that the navel is covered with a minimum amount of adipose tissue, at the same time the hernia is hidden under the gland. Due to this clinic manifests itself very slowly. Prior to the formulation of an accurate diagnosis in the area of \u200b\u200binfringement, the purulent contents and exudate will have time to accumulate.

    It is possible to suspect the development of hernia by characteristic pain

    The main signs of pathology are:

    • The expressed pain syndrome, provoked by a circulatory disorder, as well as irritation of nervous endings. In addition, pains can be due to a strong spasm of organs.
    • Changes in well-being are especially noticeable after increased exercise. It can be removed the ripple in the bag area. Such pain pohes only after taking drugs. In extremely rare cases, it helps to ensure rest to the problem place.
    • Often patients with such pathology are irritable, nervous, there is an increased fatigue, and sometimes anxiety.
    • The skin in patients with signs of infringement of tissues pale, patients note the decline in appetite and the lack of interest.

    The absence of timely treatment will lead to pressure surges and more serious complications.

    • When examining hernia against the backdrop of pinching, an increase in tissue density is marked. In addition, the bag is no longer in the cavity, and its palpation often causes pain.

    If at the first signs of pinching are not taken, the condition deteriorates. A pronounced intoxication is joined by reducing the level of chlorine in the blood against the background of organ inflammation. Next join violations of the heart, kidneys, there may be problems with breathing. It is often observed an increase in blood pressure. The absence of treatment may cause shock, which is accompanied by a violation of cardiac activity, pain and loss of consciousness.

    Methods of diagnosis

    In the event of listed symptoms, it is especially important to carry out a full-fledged patient examination in order to identify not only hernia and its infringement, but also related diseases. In addition, it is important to determine the localization of the focus, as well as assess the degree of danger of the state. It is important to remember that in some cases there is a false protrusion that does not carry a particular danger to the patient.

    Diagnosing infringement may require radiography

    Particular attention is paid to the differential diagnosis in order to eliminate such pathologies as pancreatitis, ulcerative disease, cholecystitis, as well as ectopic pregnancy.

    Thus, a full-fledged examination of the patient is assigned in the presence of a pronounced seal in the field of navel, pain, as well as in the absence of changes in the hernial bag under the cough. Secondary defeat to identify easier. As a rule, patients already know about their disease and turn to doctors when other symptoms appear in addition to familiar features. In most cases, this is an amplification of pain, the inability to enhance the hernia, the problems with digestion.

    In the event that there is a primary appeal, a full range of surveys should be completed:

    • Radiography of organs are prescribed to determine their position and relationships to each other.
    • Ultrasound examination, as a result of which it is possible to identify the deformation of the intestinal loops and the accumulation of gases.

    For the diagnosis, blood is made for analyzes

    • Blood test, allowing to identify the presence of an inflammatory process in tissues, as well as reflecting the degree of intoxication and the severity of the state.
    • A visual inspection, as a result of which a seal is revealed, which is not in charge of the cavity, which points out one hundred percent points.

    First aid

    If there is a confirmed hernia in a state of infringement, the only option is the operation. After a complete examination of the patient is hospitalized. It is especially advantageous to use a laparoscopic method, characterized by minimal traumatic. Emergency assistance helps to eliminate tissue necrosis, since the conduct of surgical intervention in later deadlines increases the risk that fabrics, at first glance, not changed, are subsequently exposed to necrosis.

    The purpose of the operation is the dissection of the ring, comprehensive organs. With the help of a specific technique, there is a dissection of tissues, which allows you to free the intestinal loops.

    Self-treatment is fraught with various complications

    Any delay in performing the operation increases the risks of necrosis and complications, including peritonitis, dangerous to the patient's life.

    It is important to emphasize that there is no speech about any self-medication. It is impossible to take painkillers before visiting the doctor and the more it is forbidden to enter the organs with their hands. When characteristic symptoms appear, immediately cause an ambulance brigade and comply with bed regime.

    Possible complications

    Complications are especially dangerous in patients who ignore the presence of hernia for a long time and do not carry out any treatment. As a result of pinching, the appearance of a section of necrosis is possible, which causes severe intoxication of the body that can lead to a fatal outcome.

    One of the complications of the infringement of the umbilical hernia is peritonitis

    It is especially important to distinguish the consequences of self-control:

    • if there are several intestinal loop cameras, it can shift into the adjacent chamber that aggravates the state;
    • the swelling of the intestinal loops, which are in the bag can lead to their rupture and, as a result, peritonitis;
    • the hernia bag can shift into the embroideress space;
    • often, after an attempt of self-displacement, the clinic is sacrificed, despite the fact that pathology progresses.

    This explains the fact that the suspicion of infringement requires medical advice.

    For the treatment of infrained umbilical hernia, operational intervention will be required

    Operation when infringement

    It should be noted that the signs of infringement are not always the cause of the operation. First of all, you should observe the patient. In the presence of symptoms of circulatory disorders against the background of intestinal obstruction, an operation is assigned. If there is no intestinal obstruction, you should observe. The sacrament of signs within two hours indicates a false impairment that does not require surgical intervention. In such a situation, the patient is placed in the hospital for a full examination.

    At the same time, the lack of complaints after independently affecting the bodies is not the cause of cancellation of the operation. The intervention itself is carried out by a laparoscopic method with a full survey of organs. If there are contraindications, such as heart or kidney pathologies, you should estimate the danger of the existing situation and the risk of anesthesia. Only after that the feasibility of the operation is solved.

    Additionally, the umbilical hernia can be found from the video:

    Umbilical hernias are called the pathological protrusion of the abdominal organs through a navel ring, which can disappear or significantly decrease in size when the body position is horizontal. This disease in adults occurs in 6-10% of the population and is more often observed in women, unlike men.

    First, the umbilical hernia is small, disappears in the lying position, easily goes. But over time, the umbilical ring can increasingly expand, hernia to grow. Its content first is the gland, then the delicate intestine falls there. But time goes, and man is not treated. The ring of the navel increases as if not much. Then the time comes, and the hernia is no longer running.

    The treatment of umbilical hernia in adults is carried out only surgically, regardless of symptoms. Modern methods for operating hernia can be divided into two ways - installation of a mesh implant and a sewing of a hernial gate. These methods practically do not leave the scars on the body and the recovery period after the operation ranges from 1 to 5 days. After the operation, the patient can be assigned a diet, restricting physical exertion for a long time.

    The reasons

    The umbilical hernia occurs when the equilibrium is disturbed between the intra-abdominal pressure and the abdomen's ability to counteract him. In a simple understanding, this means that weak abdominal muscles can lead to hernia, if a person raises gravity and is very much. In medicine, two categories of factors that lead to hernia are classified:

    1. Predisposing. In this category there are factors relating to the human constitution - for example, heredity, a certain structure of the body, age, gender. So, in pregnant women, the development of hernia is very likely due to intra-abdominal pressure.
    2. Producing. This category of factors contributes to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. It is because of them as a result and the hernia arises - for example, when lifting the cargo, strong cough, long constipation, etc.

    Thus, the umbilical hernia in adults - the phenomenon is quite common, the symptoms of the disease have characteristic features, and to distinguish it from other types of hernia, as a rule, does not represent much difficulty.

    Symptoms of umbilical hernia in adults

    The umbilical hernia is always accompanied by visual symptoms, therefore, it is not difficult to note the beginning of its appearance to his health care.

    A small spherical digging in the nesting area may not even immediately draw your attention. Meanwhile, this is the first sign of the development of the hernia of umbilical in adults. In a state of rest, lying on the back, this swelling disappears, and when coughing, the stress of the abdomen is protruding.

    At first, this education is easy to go on the place. But then the adhesion process begins, and the right of hernia in the abdominal cavity becomes impossible. Characteristic drawing pain occurs when lifting weights or other physical exertion associated with the tension of the muscles of the abdominal press. Similar symptoms are felt during defecation, especially in the case of constipation.

    If the hernia in adults achieves quite large sizes, which ceases to edit the abdominal cavity, the symptoms are aggravated: constipation appear, vomiting, urination disorder. This significantly worsens the quality of the patient's life. In the absence of surgical treatment, the development of hazardous complications is possible - infringement, threats of inflammation, tumor lesion, and the development of coprostase.

    What is needed for diagnostics?

    Basic hernia is a disease whose treatment is engaged in a surgeon. Patients entering characteristic symptoms are first examined by the doctor, the clinical manifestations of the disease are studied. To confirm the diagnosis, the specialist is often prescribed by some additional research.

    The current informative research methods include the following:

    1. X-ray study of duodenum and stomach;
    2. Gastroscopy - Ezophagogastroduodenoscopy, EGDS;
    3. Herniography with the introduction of a contrasting agent into the abdominal cavity;
    4. Ultrasonic study of hernia education.

    Basic hernia on its manifestations is similar to the symptoms of some benign subcutaneous tumors (lipomes, dermatomas, dermatophibromes), congenital developmental anomalies in the area of \u200b\u200bthe umbilical ring, very rarely in this area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen may appear separated metastases of malignant neoplasms of almost all organs and human body systems.

    That is why, when any protrusion in the field of umbilical depression and the umbilical ring or somewhat apart from it, it is necessary to seek advice with a qualified surgeon.

    What does the umbilical hernia look like: photo

    Infringement of umbilical bumps

    Basic hernia in adults can be rejected. Such manifestations are characteristic of the elderly, because the conditions for infringement of hernia are manifested with time, and the longer the hernia exists, the greater the chances for the occurrence of infringement.

    The infringement of hernia can occur with any kind of education. The main symptom is the sharp manifestation of pain in the place of hernia protrusion, as well as the impossibility of the grooming right, which was previously improved simply.

    If intestinal hinges are infringed, then the person can manifest symptoms characteristic of the state of acute intestinal obstruction.

    Treatment of umbilical hernia

    Treatment of an umbilical hernia that appeared in adults should be carried out necessarily. If it is not treated in time, there may be serious consequences - infringement.

    Conservative therapy It is applied only in the absence of complications, and also if the patient has contraindications to the operation:

    • acute diseases;
    • aggravation of chronic diseases;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • large time of pregnancy.

    Depending on the development stage, one of the techniques are selected. surgical treatment:

    • plastic of the hernial gate using the patient's own fabrics;
    • operation using synthetic implants;
    • laparoscopic hernioplasty using synthetic implants (grid).

    How to treat the umbilical hernia in each particular case will solve the surgeon. To date, laparoscopic techniques of hernioplasty are becoming increasingly distributed and popularity. The removal of the umbilical hernia during the minimum invasive operational intervention not only allows to completely eliminate the neoplasm, but also has several advantages, for example, a short period of rehabilitation, the low probability of the development of complications.

    Tensioner hernioplasty

    Plastic of the hernia gate is recommended for small navel hernias, up to 5 centimeters. The operation is fast, often carried out under local anesthesia. During the surgical intervention, the surgeon restores the anatomical ratios of tissues, strengthens the weak points of the abdominal wall. For this type of treatment is rare complications.

    The main disadvantages of this method Treatment are as follows:

    1. Long rehabilitation period. After this type of operations, rehabilitation may continue until the year. Restriction of physical exertion, sports are recommended.
    2. Frequent relapses. The occurrence of re-umbilical hernia in the same place. According to some data, the frequency of such complications in the treatment of small hernia ranges from 5 to 20%. And in the treatment of naughty hernias of large sizes and at all up to 30-50%.
    3. The presence of the postoperative scar. Also when using the operation according to the Sapprox method, the hernia is removed along with the navel. This leads to a significant cosmetic defect.

    Luggage hernioplasty

    Treatment of hernia using implants - wicker grids - also called non-heavy plastic. The method is optimal with large hernias. Endoprosthesis strengthens the hernia. The operation gives a very good result: when followed, recurrences are practically excluded by the recommendations of the doctor. To restore the patient requires a minimum of time.

    Benefits of the technique Next:

    1. Short period of rehabilitation. With this technique, it ranges from seven to twenty days. Already on the first day after the operation, the patient can get out of bed, eat. On the third day, you can follow the usual power mode.
    2. Lack of cosmetic defect in the form of the postoperative scar.
    3. Low recurrent frequency. According to some data, it is up to 1%.
    4. Lack of long pain syndrome in the postoperative period.
    5. Low traumatic operation, the possibility of its holding with associated somatic diseases.

    Laparoscopic hernioplasty

    With a laparoscopic operation, a mesh implant is also used, it is installed through a puncture in the abdominal wall.

    The surgeon does not make a large cut, due to which the postoperative rehabilitation time is significantly reduced. According to reviews, this operation is most preferable for adult patients.

    But there are certain difficulties. For laparoscopic hernioplasty, special equipment and trained surgeons are needed. Such an opportunity is not any hospital. Operations through the puncture are contraindicated to patients with the pathology of the respiratory and cardiovascular system, with a large extension of the umbilical ring.

    Rehabilitation after surgery

    Usually, if the operation passes without complications, the patient is allowed to get up on the first day.

    1. In the postoperative period, wearing a special bandage (using mesh implants - about a month).
    2. For 10-14 days, you can begin to engage in medical gymnastics, but it is forbidden to do the exercises for the abdominal press.
    3. After the operation, daily dressings are carried out, the seams are removed on the 7th day (if not resolved themselves).
    4. For pains, painkillers are prescribed.
    5. The doctor can also assign antibiotics, vitamins, immunomodulators.

    After surgery, patients should avoid physical exertion and any actions that provoke the tension of the abdominal muscles.

    Basic hernia in adults: reviews after surgery

    We picked up some receptions for adult patients who suffered an operation to remove the groin hernia.

    1. It took 3 years since I had an operation on the right of hernia. Everything was wonderful until I was frightened and screamed sharply - from the sudden stress of hernia appeared again. They performed an operation using tensioner herniophi, now I will insist on the installation of the grid. The doctor fell very wise, all told and showed, assured that everything would be wonderful.
    2. I was imprisoned very quickly, but did under general anesthesia. As soon as he moved away from anesthesia, immediately went to walk around the hospital, I think everyone will be the same. The doctor was discharged after 6 days, allowed everything except lifting weights and physical education - about jogging had to forget for a while ...
    3. And the hernia was operated on 4 months ago. In the hospital, everything was kept 2 weeks (1 week did the necessary tests, then did the operation itself, and I restored the remaining time). A day after the operation, it was already possible to walk normally, it was not particularly painful. The doctor allowed to raise no more than 4-6 kg, and so you need to do another 6 months.

    Treatment without surgery

    Sometimes operations are contraindicated to people for a number of reasons. In this case, the doctor recommend adults to wear a bandage from the umbilical hernia. It helps to hold the abdominal fabric, and the likelihood that the growth will not become greater, decreases.

    You can also conduct a massage of the abdomen. The purpose of the procedure is to increase muscle tone. Recommended:

    • strokes of the abdomen (held clockwise);
    • light plugging of the octopup region;
    • rubbing the muscles of the abdominal press;
    • light relaxing strokes.

    The physical activity should be moderate - overload can lead to a deterioration in the state of the patient.

    The disadvantaged poucher hernia is formed due to the absorption and pinching of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity under the skin of the abdomen in the umbilical ring. Basically, such pathology is observed in children. Upon correctly spent a course of treatment, hernia is eliminated without any negative consequences. Much more dangerous infringement of the umbilical hernia for adults and the elderly, so at the first signs of pinching the umbilical hernia, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

    Types of infringement of organs

    The occurrence of pathological infringement (squeezing) organs in the hernial gate occurs in different ways:

    1. The elastic infringement of the hernia of the belly occurs when the sector of the intestine in the hernial gate comes from where the loop cannot return to the place after the hernia is returned to its original position. In the case of an elastic (or elastic) infringement with sharp physical exertion, the internal organs are joined through a narrow hole of the umbilical hernial gate and pinch. It is impossible to correct them. Due to squeezing the hernial ring, ischemia begins (circulatory violation of the blood circulation of the organs). This causes severe pain. Spasms arising due to pain syndrome provoke an increase in squeezing the hernial ring, which becomes the cause of necrosis - the fusion of the tissues contained in the jewelry bag. With elastic impairment of necrosis of the intestinal loop begins after a few hours from the mucous membrane. Then necrosis affects the submembraty layer, muscle and serous shell. It is necessarily taken into account when prescribing treatment.
    2. Caluing infringement is a consequence of the fact that the reduced peristalistic of the intestine interferes with the promotion of the roaming masses and they accumulate in the hernial bag. During the cavalous infringement of the umbilical hernia, the pressure of the hernia is increasing due to overflow of the incense portion by feces. It becomes possible if there is a wide hernial gate. The emerging squeezing and flattening of the intestine causes a violation of blood supply and gradual necrosis (dieting organs and tissues). Due to the cavalous infringement of the necrosis of the intestinal loop, there arises in several tens of hours. The cause of cavalous infringement is not exercise, but motility disturbances and intestinal peristaltics, curvature or twisting the intestine of the intestine pinched in the hernial ring. Caluing pinching is, as a rule, the complication of chronic immiguous hernia, therefore is diagnosed mainly in patients of elderly and senile age.
    3. Mixed infringement occurs when intestinal loops filled with wheel masses are infringed with hernial gates.

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    What is dangerous disadvantaged umbilical hernia?

    The pinching of the contents of the hernial bag can be dangerous for individual sections of the small intestine, the gland, the fat intestines are less likely. Much less often pinching bladder, blind intestine or uterine appendages. Squeezing, flattening or twisting intestinal departments in the junk bag contributes to the development of intestinal obstruction, general intoxication of the body, the development of pain and necrosis of tissues. Therefore, it is a greater danger to the human body.

    The disadvantaged umbilical hernia, as a rule, causes a violation of the normal blood supply to the fallen sector. Constant phenomena in the intestines cause necrosis that affects the internal part of the intestine, mucous membrane and submucosal bowel layers, muscle tissue of intestines and a serous shell.

    When impassing the umbilical hernia in the hernial bag, liquid accumulates (hernia water). Herry water is first not color, but gradually becomes pink and then red-drier. The intestinal wall affected by necrosis is not an obstacle to the microbial flora from it, therefore the shelter water becomes purulent with a special colibacilla odor.

    In addition to other complications caused by the disadvantaged hernia, a piece of hernial bag may occur. The phlegmon appears, as a rule, a few days after the increasing hernia. During this period of fabrics and organs that ended up in the junk bag are gradually die away. The hollow organ in the hernial bag is deprived of normal lymph and blood circulation. The liquid accumulated in the intestine - hernia water is toxic. The purulent inflammation begins, which destroys the wall of the abdominal cavity. The fllegon of the hernial bag is a consequence of an elastic, cavalous or mixed infringement of hernia.

    The main symptoms of phlegmon:

    1. Acute pain on the place of pinching hernia, gradually subsided.
    2. Fever, bloating, vomiting with the smell of Cala, oppressed consciousness.
    3. Eveniness, redness, soreness and elevated skin temperature around hernia.

    The pellery bag is a consequence of an elastic, cavalous or mixed infringement of hernia and is a serious danger to the body.

    For the treatment of phlegmon, the patient is opened during the operation to reveal the hernia bag to remove hernial water, and is washed by the affected disinfecting drugs.

    After the operation, antibiotic treatment is carried out.

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    Belly hernia: infringement symptoms

    Basic hernia may not disturb a person for a long time, causing him only some inconveniences. However, in case of infringement, it becomes dangerous to health. Among the main signs of infringement of hernia in children and adults should be noted:

    • sharp pain in the umbilical area;
    • indigestion;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • constipation and intestinal obstruction;
    • the presence of blood in feces;
    • incorporation of hernia;
    • general weakness, violation of consciousness.

    Even if the patient was able to push the umbilical hernia on their own, you need to consult a doctor to avoid mistakes and unpleasant consequences. But it is better to abandon self-medication.

    The main thing is to remember that in the infringement of the umbilical hernia, it is categorically contraindicated to take antispasmodic and painkillers. It is necessary to refuse from receiving a warm soul or bath.

    The progressive hernia is extremely dangerous by its complications. With the low-time medical care provided, death is possible. If the patient is diagnosed with an umbilical hernia, he needs to closely monitor the newly emerging symptoms and carefully comply with the recommendations of the attending physician.

    There are primary and secondary infringement of the umbilical hernia. In the case of primary squeezing, the cause is excessive physical stress. The secondary infringement is formed in the case of existing pathology. In turn, the latter is divided into three subspecies:

    • cALOE;
    • elastic;
    • mixed.

    Callery. It occurs with the reduced ability of the intestinal walls to reduce and, as a result, the difficult movement of its contents. The reasons are constipation, digestive disorders and the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Symptoms can be: sharp pain while driving, weakness and dizziness, gravity in the stomach, intestinal obstruction. Mostly arises in people of old age.

    Elastic. The reason may be a strong physical stress or increased pressure inside the abdominal cavity. In this case, the internal organs, which independently cannot return to the place through the herncecale. Follow the protrusion of independently strictly prohibited.

    Most often, the disadvantaged organ happens the intestinal loop. The squeezing of the hernial rings is accompanied by ischemia and strong pain, which causes additional spasms. All these complications in aggregate lead to the dying of the progressed parts. Symptomatics is the same as in the fellow squeezing, with the exception of intestinal obstruction.

    Mixed. The reason is the disadvantaged bowel loop filled with feces. Accompanied by inflammation, strong pain and violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The greatest risk of necrosis. It is considered the most dangerous type of infringement of the umbilical hernia.

    Signs that determine the presence of pathology

    A very important negative factor becomes an extremely slow process of symptoms. This complicates the timely identification of pinching, which causes a threat to a person's life. The following signs are distinguished:

    • sealing and nepractability of protrusion;
    • weakness, anxiety and irritability;
    • the appearance of pain and spasms;
    • lack of appetite;
    • the appearance of blood in a hiding mass;
    • disorder of the digestive system;
    • the protrusion does not transmit an impetus when coughing;
    • feeling of movement in the navel area during exercise.

    If these manifestations are pronounced, then the intestinal loop is siled. With a weak sensation of the above signs, the gland is pinned. It is very important when the symptoms of the infringement of the umbilical hernia do not take antispasmodic or painkillers. Reception hot bath or soul is also contraindicated.

    If the hernia is a multi-chamber, it is possible to feel the feeling of false right. This is due to the transition from one chamber to another. This can lead to late operational intervention and worsen the situation. Danger increases with increasing the number of symptoms in the patient.


    The diagnosis for the presence of a progressive hernia is not difficult. Almost all patients are aware of their pathology and simply inform the doctor about the nebestrability, the appearance of pain or other symptoms.

    There are the following methods for revealing infringement:

    • visual inspection and palpation;
    • blood test for inflammatory processes or infections;
    • radiographic and ultrasound studies.

    Signs of pinching during palpation are:

    • acute pain syndrome;
    • the reaction of the hernia is absent at the tension of the muscles of the press;
    • the organs in the junk bag are sealed.

    In people of old age, the pains are neuroprically expressed, which complicates the diagnosis. Also difficulties in identifying pathology arise in obese people. Fat folds can hide the protrusion.

    Necessary actions from the patient

    In no case cannot be ignored by the manifestation of symptoms characteristic of the disadvantaged umbilical hernia. It is forbidden to directly enter the protrusion. It is dangerous in the coming part of the organ in the abdominal cavity followed by infection. Also, with coarse and inept actions, swallowed or soldered intestinal loops can be broken.

    When identifying the first signs, you need to seek medical attention. It is also necessary to remember the time for the appearance of the first signals.

    Before providing first aid, do not take painkillers and laxatives, it may be negatively displayed on the diagnosis. It is necessary to take the position lying and calm the breath. It is not recommended to overeat and drink a lot of fluid. Warmable compresses and warm baths are strictly prohibited.

    The only way to liberate the progressed bodies is an operation. When you add help, it may occur necrosis and subsequently the need to remove the deadly contents of the junk bag. In compliance with all the recommendations and timely interference of the physicians, the viability of affected bodies is preserved.

    Complications caused by the disadvantaged hernia navel

    If a long time to ignore the umbilical hernia, there is a risk of infringement. In case of refusal to take the necessary measures to eliminate the infringement, a fatal outcome is possible. Complications provoked by the appearance of this pathology are divided into early and late.

    Early complications of infringement include peritonitis

    Early complications of infringement include the initial stage of manifestation of peritonitis. Accompanied by sharp pains, rapid pulse and dry mouth. Also, the type of complications include the first signals about intranicious bleeding. It is possible to recognize it according to the following signs: Ladget, weakness, the appearance of blood in feces.

    Late complications include incorporability and inflammation of hernia. Mostly, the reason for this is attempts to apply to the protrusion.

    The incorrect is characterized by the presence of adhesions of the progressed organs with the walls of the hernia bag, as well as among themselves. It may be partial (when some part of the organs can still be installed) and complete. The incorporated hernia is a multi-chamber. With such a complication, the organs can move to a deeper chamber, which aggravates the situation. The reason for the long-term use of the bandage after surgery can be caused.

    Inflammation occurs due to infection of the abdominal organs. Accompanied by:

    • elevated body temperature;
    • vomit urges;
    • problems with intestinal emptying and gases.

    In all cases of infringement of hernia, operational treatment is necessary, sometimes urgently.

    Principles of operational intervention

    The method of surgical treatment of infringement depends on how long the organs were clamped in the hernial gate. With a timely handling of a specialist, the process is to exempt the sheds of parts by cutting the skin in the navel area.

    Under late treatment, necrosis of clad organs occurs. In this case, the surgeon is forced to remove the affected parts. After such manipulations, it is extremely difficult to restore the normal operation of the GCC. There is also a risk of infection of neighboring organs. Operational treatment can be open surgical or conducted through small punctures (laparoscopy).

    Open operational intervention occurs due to the cut of the tissue in the navel area. Next, the injured bodies are commissioned to their anatomical location, and their dead parts are removed. The next step is to cross the walls of the hernia ring or the use of the implant.

    Laparoscopy is a more modern and safe way to get rid of hernia. Through the punctures made in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion zone, micro-equipment is introduced. Working with affected bodies is conducted using a microscopic tool. After the operation, the patient is in the hospital, and after the rules of the rehabilitation period adheres to. All deadlines are established by a doctor, depending on the complexity of the case.

    Preventive action

    With a timely operated operation, the forecasts regarding the recovery are good. There should be no deterioration and complications. The most effective method of preventing the infringement is the detected and treated hernia. If there are contraindications, the patient recommends:

    • do not overload the body physically;
    • use bandage;
    • stop proper nutrition and eliminate bad habits.

    For prevention it is necessary:

    • make a massage to reduce fat deposits of the lumbar department;
    • swing the muscles of the abdominal press;
    • properly eat, eliminate products causing constipation;
    • do not allow obesity and excess weight.

    The disadvantaged umbilical hernia is quite frequent complication that occurs when the hernial formations of the anterior abdominal wall occurs. The frequency of the occurrence of this pathology is increasing every year. This is due to a seating lifestyle and repeated or multiple pregnancy, which today is not uncommon.


    Umbilical hernia - This is the protrusion of the internal organs through the umbilical ring under the skin, due to the effects of various factors, such as a sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure or the discrepancy of the live abdominal muscles.

    Strangulated hernia - This is the squeezing of organs that are in the hernial bag. In this regard, the ischemia of their tissues is developing (hypoxia associated with blood vessel transmission), which leads to necrotization of organs and the development of local peritonitis, and over time and spilled. Such a state is a life-degrading and requires immediate surgery.

    In the hernial bag there may be a fairly large number of different organs of the abdominal cavity. From the gland, intestines, to the mesentery of the small intestine or the walls of the bladder. According to statistical data, this pathology takes from three to five percent of all cases of hernia protagon on the anterior abdominal wall.

    Also, the disadvantaged umbilical hernia ranks third among all treated outer hernial protagons, which are found in postoperative patients. Most often they arise in women aged older than thirty years. This is due to the features of the postpartum period.

    Allocate different types of disadvantaged hernia:

    • Primary disadvantaged hernia, it develops as a result of a strong physical activity, to which a navel ring turns out to be not ready.
    • The secondary - the already existing hernia occurs, which before that independently went on the abdominal cavity.
    • Elastic infringement when the intestinal wall is captured in the hernial gate.
    • Caluing infringement - the infringement occurs as a result of the accumulation of carts.

    Anatomical component

    The reason for the development of the disadvantaged umbilical hernia is a defect in the anatomical structure of the umbilical ring. Most often under this term implies an insufficient thickness of the tissues that form it. This is due to intrauterine stigma of development, sclerodermia and old age. Also, often the reason is the increase in pressure inside the abdominal cavity, which leads to a discrepancy of the abdominal muscles and their stretching.

    Surgeons allocate straight and oblique naughty hernia. The straight line occurs in the case of the presence of thinning the transverse fascial plate in the navel zone. In this situation, the internal organs are protruding under the skin in the projection of the umbilical ring and penetrate the subcutaneous cellular space the shortest path.

    The sinking poucher hernia is formed as a result of thickening of the transverse fascia in the area of \u200b\u200bthe umbilical ring. Because of this, with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, the internal organs offer a region slightly higher or lower than the ring itself, and as a result, the hernial contents come out between the white linen of the abdomen and the transverse plate. Thus appears oblique navel channel.

    In the structure of hernia, these elements are distinguished:

    • Herried hole (gate).
    • Herry bag.
    • Entrance to the hernia.
    • Neck bag
    • Body bag.
    • The bottom of the junk bag.
    • Causes of development

    The development of this disease can be observed both in children and in adults. Sometimes congenital umbilical hernia is found, which is associated with a disorder of the structure of the umbilical ring. In children, umbilical hernia develops with a long crying, it entails an increase in the pressure in the abdominal cavity, which is why the fabrics forming the ring are stretching and the internal organs are protrude followed by their infringement.

    In an adult population, most often this pathology is diagnosed in women after childbirth, this is due to the discrepancy between the muscles of the abdominal press due to the stretching of the magnified by the fruit uterus. As a result, it is stretched and a navel ring, which predisposes to the occurrence of hernia.

    Symptoms and clinical picture

    To identify the disease does not represent much work even for a non-specialist in this area. Most often, the umbilical implanted hernia is manifested in the form of tumor-like formation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe umbilical ring, which or occurred suddenly due to the effort, or occurred from time to time, but after the occasion of the horizontal position, it disappeared independently, and at one point it was simply damned and stopped.

    The identification of the disadvantaged hernia is an unconditional indication for hospitalization into a surgical department and immediate operational intervention. The fact is that due to the fact that in the infringement there may be like a gland that does not suffer in the infringement and intestinal loop.

    In the case of ischemia, the portion of the small intestine, in addition to painful syndrome, will be observed another generalizing syndrome and signs of acute intestinal obstruction. The symptoms at this condition include vomiting in intestinal content, stopping gases and stool.

    Under the block at the level of the thick bowel, there will be phenomena of thick-bone acute obstruction. It will also lead to the development of vomiting in intestinal content, increase the temperature, the development of local or spilled peritonitis. Radiography will be observed signs that are called "Clabeber Bowls". This indicates fatal obstruction.


    A specialist doctor with many years of experience explains the nature of the disease, diagnostic and treatment methods.

    Diagnostic events

    The determination of the presence of the disease must be engaged in a specialist. Self-medication in this situation can lead to fatal consequences. In the event of the above symptoms, it is necessary to seek help from the surgeon. Based on the history of life, disease, a typical clinical picture of the implanted umbilical hernia can be suspected.

    Palpation of the umbilical ring with a disadvantaged hernia

    Further, when conducting a primary inspection, attention is drawn to the presence of local tumor education in the field of a bunching gate. Insperture in the abdominal cavity of such education can be determined palpactorially, and the infringement is determined by the so-called symptom of the "cough jolly". In the absence of increasing the volume of hernia at the height of the cough jolly, they say that the infringement has occurred. In this case, when a diagnosis is established, a speedy surgical intervention is necessary.

    Additional examination methods are also used, such as ultrasound diagnostics, radiography, magnetic resonance tomography. Based on these methods, the final diagnosis is established and the patient is sent to preoperative preparation.

    Treatment of disadvantaged umbilical hernia

    The modern surgery of the hernial protrusion of the anterior abdominal wall highlights open intervention and endoscopic, using a laparoscopic technique. The choice of the method depends on the size of the formation, concomitant complications, the overall state of the patient, the existing medical equipment and the skills of the surgeon.

    Operation about the disadvantaged umbilical hernia

    The existing above techniques have been worked out by decades and the risk of developing complications, with their proper implementation, is reduced to almost zero. As for the intervention in the open method, there are two types of operations - on MEYO and Sapproat. They are applied to the sizes of the hernia and the difference is, the transverse or longitudinal will be dissection of the aponeurosis of the abdominal wall.

    Carrying out surgical intervention, nevertheless, is associated with a mass of problems. For example, during the dissection of surface skin, it is possible to spontaneously refuel the hernia to the abdominal cavity, which in the presence of necrosis of the intestinal loop, will lead to the development of spilled peritonitis. There is also a possibility of dissection of organs in the jewelry bag.

    Isolation of the hernia bag with a pustered umbilical hernia

    Most surgeons are preferred initially after the dissection of surface fabrics, to highlight the hernia in order to prevent the development of the above complications. The primary release of the hernia gate reduces the risk of spontaneous management of organs and the development of peritonitis.

    After that, a dissection of a bag on tweezers and aspiration of dedicated payments, which can be infected. This implies the definition of which authority and determining the further tactics of the operation. In the case of the prep, it is produced in the abdominal cavity with the further plastic closure of the hernial gate.

    When detecting the intestinal loops, it is necessary to determine their viability. If they are pink and normal peristalistic detects, then their right to refuel and close the hernial gate. In the case of determining the presence of areas of necrosis, fibrigrine of plaque and erosioned areas on the serous shell, it is necessary to produce resection of the affected intestine with the subsequent imposition of an intertemeter anastomosis end-in-end or side-side.


    In connection with the conduct of surgical intervention, it is necessary to undergo a recovery course. Much depends on the choice of surgical intervention. When patient with the open method, the rehabilitation period can be from one week to a month. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body, namely from its age and regenerative abilities. After removal of the seams, it is necessary to deal with therapeutic physical education in order to strengthen the muscles of the front abdominal wall and preventing the development of recurrence.

    Performing a laparoscopic operation is considered the most atraumatic. In this regard, the rehabilitation period lasts a shorter time and less painfully. It is recommended to comply with a diet rich in food fibers, vitamins. The exclusion of physical exertion for a while is a prerequisite that allows you to avoid breaking of seams and secondary postoperative bleeding.

    As for rehabilitation in children, it is rare to observe the development of complications in the form of adhesive disease, which leads to strongoing intestinal obstruction. In general, the postoperative period in children does not differ from adults. At first, it may seem that the skin around the navel has become less mobile and stronger, but it is associated with inflammatory processes after the operations that pass within a month.


    Most specialists in the diagnosis of umbilical hernia are advised as a palliative method, apply bandage. This is a belt that tightens the belly in the umbilical ring area and prevents its further stretching. Thus, this tool is a fairly effective method of preventing the impairment of the umbilical hernia.

    Bandage with umbilical hernia

    Also, this method is often used in postoperative patients in order to reduce the risk of discrepancies between the seams and the development of recurrent hernia. The effectiveness of this means is proven for years and tens of thousands of satisfied consumers. There are many manufacturers that produce them from various materials and in a variety of colors.
    Underfloor hernia, which is complicated by infringement - this is a fairly serious pathological condition of the body, which is impossible without consequences to cure at home. The best tactics of behavior in such a situation is to appeal to a specialist, only in this case, you can guarantee minimal risks for the health, life and human life. And modern treatment methods give a guarantee of complete recovery.

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