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  • Healthy drink recipes. The most useful drinks for health

    Healthy drink recipes. The most useful drinks for health

    Samir Bechech has repeatedly received the title of the best personal trainer in the world, he is a real specialist in the field of fitness programs and diets, promoter of a healthy lifestyle, healthy nutrition and exercise. We analyzed its development and councils and offer you ten very best and healthy drinks.

    1. Water.

    Water will always stand in the first place, because she is the basis of life. Water participates in digestion, removes intoxication, is an important component of blood and is necessary for absorbing the vitamins of the group B and ascorbic acid.

    2. Wheat sprout juice

    This drink is one of the best and most affordable sources of chlorophyll, protein and fiber, which is important for healthy digestion. In addition, it contains a large number of diverse vitamins, minerals and amino acids, including retinol, vitamins B 12, C, E and K, as well as calcium, potassium, folic acid and riboflavin.

    3. Fresh vegetable juice

    Fresh vegetable juice without exaggeration can be called a salad in liquid form. It may include several types of vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals. This drink perfectly relieves inflammation in the intestines and regulates his work, cleans the body and can even speed up your metabolism.

    4. Coconut water

    Coconut water is an excellent alternative to sports drinks, it has in its composition natural electrolytes and perfectly suitable for thickening thirst after a long workout. In addition, there is a lot of magnesium useful for the nervous system.

    5. Lemon juice

    Lemon juice is rich in ascorbic acid and is very useful for your immune system. It also helps digestion and cleanses the liver. To prepare a refreshing summer drink, just mix the juice with cold water.

    6. Pomegranate juice

    The benefits of the pomegranate juice are invaluable. It has been proven that the beverage rich in antioxidants can prevent inflammation, heart disease, lung cancer and prostate cancer. Always check the composition on the label to make sure you drink pure juice. Many manufacturers dilute the drink by other less healthy juices and add sugar.

    7. Beck-made juice

    Beetal juice reduces blood pressure and increases stamina. Studies have shown that athletes who drink beet juice to workout are trained by 16% longer.

    8. Green tea

    It accelerates your metabolism, has a beneficial effect on teeth health and gums.

    9. Kefir.

    The drink is rich in not only probiotics, but also calcium, magnesium, protein and vitamin B 12.

    10. Ginger tea

    Ginger is great for the digestive system, as well as warm water. Ginger root helps ease nausea, sea disease and contains anti-inflammatory connections that can help with arthritis.


    Some people are easier to drink water temperature. But perhaps, do you feel about the number of lovers of ice "well" water? This preference is not very healthy: drinking an excessive amount of cold water can aggravate the problems with digestion. If you use water from under the tap, take the filter.

    It is useful to add fresh lemon juice to the water - this is a known disinfection and cleansing agent. It also refreshes the addition of a small amount of cucumber juice into clean water.

    If you drink mineral water for medicinal purposes, you probably know about its varieties. A simple consumption of mineral water differs from the healing mode of reception, which is not so strict.

    Get the useful habit of drinking a glass of water immediately after sleep.

    Milk and milk

    If you stick to the philosophy of healthy nutrition, then you probably choose milk and fermented milk drinks no greater than 1-1.5%.

    Milk contains calcium and protein. An excellent alternative for cow or goat milk is soy milk. This useful drink is especially relevant for vegetarians, people with lactose intolerance, with chronic infections of the upper respiratory tract (nasal sinuses or ear), asthma.

    It is not worth sacrificing and kefir (ion, Marty, drinking yogurt, etc.). 1 cup of fermented daily - guarantee of the health of your intestines.

    Drinks play an important role in a properly balanced nutrition. Teas, compotes, kissels are an excellent addition to breakfast, dinner or dinner. We drink drinks not only for thickening thirst, but when you need to calm the nervous system or, on the contrary, cheer up. It is especially useful to drink in the period of mass influenza disease, and not only the flu, during the period when the body is not healthy, as well as to maintain the desired tone for life and work.

    Via vitaminized drinks You can fill the lack of vitamins and other beneficial substances. It is simply necessary in periods of off-season when the body's immune system is usually weakened. Older people, children, during hard work, students especially need to use vitaminized cocktails to maintain their body in a tone. And not only for tone, but also for health.

    Folk ways of treatmentin its history, many recipes for the preparation of healing drinks to maintain and preserve health are accumulated.
    At any time of the year, fruit, berry or vegetable drinks can be prepared using fresh, canned or dry fruits.

    Anti-frequency drinks. These drinks are good for colds, angina and influenza.

    Egg-Honey Cocktail: 1 egg yolk is well confused with 1 h. Honey spoon. Pour 1 glass of hot milk. Add soda at knife tip. Drink a cocktail with hot little sips. Heat and soften the larynx, the throat, there is a cleansing of the upper respiratory tract, the voice is restored, happiness goes away. Man sweats, along with then slags, inflammatory process.

    Lukovo-garlic cocktail: In 1 glass of boiling milk omit 1 average bulbs and 2 finely chopped garlic cloves. Boil 5-8 minutes, strain. Drink warm. As is known, onions from seven ailment, and garlic destroys up to 300 malicious bacteria in the body.
    Folk healers are recommended in winter and infectious time to use one clove of garlic.

    The peppermint is used in the preparation of alcoholic beverages, kvass, as an additive to tea, with homemade pastries, as well as in compotes, kissels, plates. Mint's essential oils give the mint drinks a specific warm taste with a relaxing warming and soothing effect. I think that mint, along with a pharmacy chamomile, should be in every house all year round. Help everyone, especially small kids.

    Mint drink: Finely chopped mint add to natural yogurt, prostrip, Maconi or kefir. Last time crushed grass (not only mint, but any other healing at your discretion) with the help of a blender. Here you can reach the consistency that you are most pleasant. Just do not overdo it, do not lay too much in order not to harm the body. It helps to remove headaches, relieves tension, very beneficial effect on digestion, relieves the spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, soothes the stomach and intestines.

    20 g of mint, 50 g of sugar, 1 tbsp. Spoon Cranberry juice, 1 l. water. Mint boiled boiling water, after 5 minutes, strain through a sieve, add sugar and cranberry juice, cool.

    Mountain shot: 0.5 g of peppermint, 0.3 g of cinnamon, 0.2 g of carnations. All spices pour a glass of hot water, insist in a warm place for 20 minutes. Then add another 3-4 glasses of hot water and honey to taste (about 3 tbsp. Spoons).

    Teas soothing: 25 g of leaves and soul flowers, 15 g of blackberry leaves, 10 g of mint, in 20 g of herbs of the mother-in-law and rosehip fruits.
    All plants mix. 5-6 g of a mixture of brew 0.5 l of steep boiling water. Insist in heat for 30 minutes. Drink 3 times a day 150 g 15 minutes before meals.

    Tea with Melissa: Several leishes leaves and 1 t. A spoonful of green-tea tea pour hot water to insist 6-10 minutes in a warm place, strain. Serve tea with dried fruit.

    Mix mint, melissa and cruel sheetin the ratio of 1: 1: 3, add 3 parts of green cava tea. Serve tea with sugar or honey. Especially favorable such tea is valid when taking overnight, the sleep is made deep, calm, restoring forces. Yes, and during the day, if you are "stuck" the nerves are not bad to take a cup or two such tea. In general, this is the most common tea for everyday reception.
    It is not recommended to use Melissa in arterial hypotension.

    Vitamin Drink To Strengthen the Immune System: Squeeze juice from 3 kg beets, 3 kg of carrots, 2 kg of grenades and 2 kg of lemons. From lemons to pre-remove the bones, and pomegranates together with bones, partitions and peel to skip through the juicer. The juice obtained to merge into the jar, add 2 kg of honey. Drink drink 1 glass 2 times a day for 1 month. Then make a break and repeat the course. This drink is especially useful in spring, with spring avitaminosis. The body is replenished with a complex of vitamins and minerals, with such a reception does not fall on spring. Immunity is at a high level.

    In the summer, it is especially easy to prepare various delicious and helpful drinks using fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as all kinds of greens. For thickening, thirst is perfect for kvass, which you can prepare not only from bread, but also from other cereals. And we had a lot of homemade kvass recipes. Here are some more.

    Refreshing drink: This cocktail is not only useful, but also perfectly quenches thirst in the summer heat. In a small grater, rub the purified fresh cucumber, mix with chopped with greens of mint and pour kefir.

    Kvass from oats: This kvass is suitable for okroshka, perfectly quenched thirst and very useful to people who have problems with the stomach. 3 tbsp. Spoons of washed grains of oats pour 1 l of "living" water (spring, well, purified or rescued) and add 1 tbsp. spoonful sugar. After 2-3 days, depending on the temperature in the room, the kvass will be ready. Ready kvass through a siete or gauze to merge into another jar, and first put 1 tbsp. A spoonful of sugar and pour 1 liter of water again. Oats can be used up to 1 month or more, and then replace new. In folk medicine, Oats, oatmeal, drinks are widespread as cleansing and restoring when restoring liver, kidney, cardiovascular system. It is only necessary to not be lazy and purposefully use infusions, decoctions, kvass from oats.

    If you add berries into a glass of kvass, a wonderful vitinal drink is obtained.

    Tminovny kvass: 40 g cumin, 1 kg of black bread, 25 g of yeast, 500 g of sugar, 10 liters of water.

    Bread cut into pieces, dried, pour with water. After 3-4 hours, strain, add yeast, sugar, cumin, put in a warm place for fermentation. After 2-3 days, strain and store in a cool place.

    Bread kvass with basil: 600 g of rye superstars, 6 liters of water, 300 g of sugar, 5-7 branches of basilica, 15-20 g of yeast, raisins. Sukhari pour hot water, stir well and insist 4 hours. Then the liquid is carefully drained, add sugar, basil, cool up to 25 degrees, put yeast and leave for 10-12 hours for fermentation. The young kvass is pouring into bottles through a funnel with a filter (you can use wool), add 2-3 raisins to each. Before the appearance of bubbles, carbon dioxide bottles to withstand at room temperature, and then wait and put in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

    Celery drink: 100 g celery, 60-70 g of grated cheese, ½ cup of cold pasteurized milk. Celery grind on the grater and from the resulting mass to squeeze juice. In the mixer pour 50 g of grated cheese, pour celery juice, cold milk and beat for 1 minute. Before serving, a drink in a glass or a glass sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese. Serve well cooled. Celery is one of the common vegetables with a cleansing property.

    Drink "Vitaminized":On 6 portions, 2 beam of radishes or 2 fresh cucumbers, 2 tbsp. Spoons of finely chopped green onions, 4 glasses of prokubvashi, salt to taste.

    Washing radishes or cucumbers to shallowly cut, mix with green onions and add to thoroughly stirred prostropro. Salt to taste, cool and file to the table. Drink can be chopped in a mixer.

    Tomato Drink: For six portions, 2 glasses of fresh juice from tomatoes will be required, 2 glasses of prokobvashi or kefir, 3 tbsp. Spoons of finely chopped green parsley or dill, salt and sugar to taste. This drink is best prepared in the mixer so that dairy products are not curled. In this case, all components are mixed all together at the same time. If there is no mixer, it is mixed or kefir mixed with greens and, constantly whipping, slowly pouring juice from tomatoes in it, watching the drink does not curl. It is such a vitaminized drink that it makes no sense to comment.

    Or, according to the second option, it will take 3 glasses of juice from tomatoes, 6 egg yolks, 6 tbsp. Spoons of cream, 3 tbsp. Spoons of finely chopped greenery, salt and sugar to taste.
    Yolks thoroughly rub with cream, add greens and mix quickly, slowly pouring juice. Ready drink Find the taste of salt and sugar. This portion of the drink is also designed for 6 people.

    Such drinks can be prepared using carrot and beet juice, mixing them with greens, onions and combining with various vegetables.

    Ginger Juice with grapes. This refreshing juice is an excellent way to start the day. He will make thoughts clear and clean the body.

    About 25 red grapes will be required, a piece of fresh purified ginger (about 5 cm), 1 peeled lemon, 100 ml of water to dilute juice gashed or simple.

    Using juicer prepare Limond and ginger juice, mix them in a glass and pour gashed or cold boiled water.

    And, of course, it is possible to prepare ginger juice not only with grapes, but also by other berries that you like more than others. Experiment!

    And in conclusion, the recipe for another drink, which can be submitted to the table as a dessert or drink for quenching thirst. And vitamins in it abound!

    Lemonade from currant: At the rate of 6 portions, 250 g currant will be required, 125 g of sugar, lemon juice, 1 l of water. Mix berries with sugar and lemon juice, pour water and bring to a boil, give half an hour, then strain through the sieve and cool on the ice. Serve drink in cups.

    A person daily needs to replenish the water balance, since each cell cell consists of water. But, unfortunately, we too often forget about it. The result of this is a number of health problems, about the true causes of which we do not even suspect. We offer a list of 10 health beneficial drinks that will not only replenish the water balance in the body, but also will strengthen your immunity.

    It is estimated that about 90% of people suffer from chronic dehydration, which occurs with a decrease in total it is 2% of water in the body. How to fix it? Every day you need to drink a minimum of two liters of fluid. Best possible that it was a mix of vitamins and trace elements in the body.

    1. Water.

    Our body is 70% consists of water. And often a person does not provide himself with a sufficient amount of fluid for normal life. We drink a little or choose for these purposes completely unsuitable drinks.

    Water performs many functions in our organism. Its main task is to maintain body temperature on a constant, favorable to its functioning level. An important role of water is also in the removal of toxins and various harmful substances from the body.

    Unfortunately, a person has no ability to accumulate water. This means that its losses should be constantly replenished. The right stock of water also provides optimal intestinal operation and adequate feces hydration.

    2. Pomegranate juice

    Doctors argue that the grenade is a fruit of life. In antiquity, he was considered a symbol of good health.

    Studies show that rubies nectar is filled with antioxidants, which counteract heart diseases or oncological diseases.

    Protects the prostate, blood vessels, improves well-being, rejuvenates and adds vitality. Pomegranate juice has a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the psyche. Studies show that regular consumption of pomegranate juice helps reduce stress levels.

    However, remember when you see a pack of juice pack on the shelf, on which grenades are drawn, make sure whether the juice is present there at all. Manufacturers often replace its drink.

    3. Green tea

    The wonderful properties of green tea can be listed infinitely. Some people claim that it is he, and not water, best rings thirst and moisturizes the body. Early Chinese used it to fight drowsiness, with digestive disorders, headaches and vision problems.

    Today we also know that green tea helps to cope with emotional stresses and stress, has properties that impede the growth of bacteria in the digestive system, and also stimulate the secretion of digestive juices.

    Regular use of green tea reduces blood pressure, improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of heart disease. Due to the high content of antioxidants, it is also used in the prevention of oncological diseases.

    4. Vegetable juice

    Can I drink salad? It sounds funny, but why not! It is enough to squeeze the juice from fresh vegetables. Such a drink is indispensable for the body, it quenches thirst, refreshes, saturates, provides the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber. Vegetable juices are treated with various diseases and have cleansing properties. Due to them, toxins and excess salts are derived. In addition, they are very tasty.

    They are preparing quite easily. In the juicer, it is enough to put vegetables that we love: tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, even salad. Run it and we will get a real vitamin bomb. In addition, this drink is low-calorie.

    5. Kefir.

    This is an excellent refreshing drink suitable for daily use. He is perfectly quenched thirst and restores strength. Kefir comes from the Caucasus - the region in which long-livers live. It was there that his properties were first appreciated. Today we know that it is a delicious, healing and nutrient drink.

    Kefir is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including protein. It contains a sufficient calcium, which is in an ideal ratio with phosphorus, as well as magnesium and potassium. Magnesium and calcium compound adjusts blood pressure. Calcium himself reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby preventing arterial hypertension and protects against cardiovascular diseases: atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack.

    6. Ginger tea

    9. Grape Sok.

    Early grape juice was used to treat diseases of the digestive system, constipation, cuts and wounds. No vintage is called divine berries. The healing properties of this plant have a positive effect on the skin, nervous system, kidney and liver.

    The grape contains many vitamins: b, c, d, e and pp, as well as trace elements: boron, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and copper, so that they oxidize and detoxify the body, increasing its immunity. Drinking grape juice can reduce or even prevent the risk of memory loss.

    10. Milk cocktail

    The combination of healthy fruits has a beneficial effect on our body. If you still add natural yogurt to them or degreased cream, then after using such a drink, our immunity will protect us repeatedly. Fruit cocktails are not only perfectly quenched thirst on hot days, but also hunger. From time to time it is worth replacing them dinner.

    They enrich our diet with vitamins and minerals needed for active life! Colorful fruit cocktails filled with vitamins, minerals and microelements that are needed for good health and maintain the required energy level. Using them, you also provide the body with valuable tissue.

    Video "7 most useful drinks for health"

    Information videos in which the 7 most useful health drinks are described in detail that can be prepared at home.

    The easiest and most healthy drink. Requirements for water, as a healthy drink such: pure, purified from pathogens and microbials. The content of mineral, disinfectants, organic substances should be within the limits of permissible norms. Such properties should have water drinking water. Drinking water in bottles is an alternative to plumbing. This is a healthy drink
    . It is made from spring, key or artesian water and is checked for impurities and match them with standards safe for water consumption. Standards and permissible rules are designed and recommended for the application of the World Health Organization. Each state is obliged to monitor the quality of drinking water, as it preserves its health to citizens. Water neutral drink and does not have calories. Tablet - mineral water belongs to a good healthy drink. It can be used for thickening thirst and replenishing the lack of water in the body.

    Juices are not only healthy drinks, it is food. Healthy drinks are sources of liquid, vitamins and trace elements. However, various juices, as valuable healthy drinks have different calories. It must be taken into account in order to keep the body in shape. To improve taste and useful qualities, juices are mixed.
    Some mixtures improve the state of the gallbladder and the intestine, others purify the liver and kidneys, others contribute to the good work of the cardiovascular system.
    Try to drink one or two glasses of fresh juice during the day. Very valuable juice is coconut water. This is a coconut liquid that can be bought in packages. It possesses good taste and restores the forces of athletes.

    Tea lovely healthy drink. Teas are green, black. Their consumption has a beneficial effect of the body. Green tea from ancient times in China was used to treat all sorts of diseases. Tibetans used tea in nutrition, adding all sorts of products to it. Tea, especially green, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
    These health drinks are antiseptic drugs with stomach and intestines.
    The teas is a large number of antioxidants. These components of health drinks are able to clean the cells of the body from free radicals, and even from some radionuclides with radiation disease. The number of calories in the teas is negligible. They can be your favorite drinks.

    Herbal teas.
    Herbal teas are very useful and tasty healthy drinks. You can find all sorts of teas for sale for every taste. It may be Rojibush, Melissa, mint, chamomile, rosehip fruits and others.
    Some beneficially affect the gastrointestinal tract, others calm the nervous system, others help to cope with fatigue. There are just delicious, fragrant teas with the addition of dried fruits. Each of them is a source of vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants.

    Milk and yogurt.
    Milk and yogurt valuable healthy drinks. They not only fill the need for fluid. When using milk and yogurt in food, the body receives unsaturated fats, the protein necessary for full nutrition, carbohydrates in the form of lactose, calcium and many enzymes. Milk and yogurt have microelements of magnesium, potassium, selenium vitamins B, D, K, vitally important acids. The use of milk and yogurt reduces the likelihood of diabetes disease, improves immunity. The caloric content of cow milk is 60 kcal per 100 grams of drink. Therefore, the moderate consumption of milk and dairy products is necessary to preserve the harness of the shape.

    About coffee, like a drink, you can say a lot. Referring to the research of nutritionists. It has about 500 substances, including vitamins and trace elements. Many are considered useful, others are neutral. Coffee increases the health of the heart due to caffeine. Parkinson's disease retreats coffee. It activates the metabolic processes in the body, increases the endurance of the muscles and helps process fats in energy, contributing to weight loss.
    There are negative properties of coffee. Coffee increases the acidity of the stomach. 3-4 cups of coffee can cause an increased excitability of the nervous system, severe heartbeat, headache. You can meet people who become addicted to this drink. This is because coffee is a natural psychostimulator. Always everything is good in moderation. Therefore, one, two cups of coffee in the afternoon will benefit you. During the day, you can drink a variety of healthy drinks and get pleasure from it.

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