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  • Gabe Valkin Grandfather. Passage of The Walking Dead: a New Frontier

    Gabe Valkin Grandfather. Passage of The Walking Dead: a New Frontier


    The passage is written on the original Steam -Eversion game


    The game overlooking the third person and the nonlinear plot. Depending on your actions and choosing phrases in the dialogues, the passage is changing. Not all phrases affect the passage, some replicas affect the end of the episode and the game as a whole. By choosing a similar phrase, in the upper left corner there is an inscription about the following content "Clementine I remember this". In his passage, I will focus on those phrases that affect the passage. And the choice of phrases that affect the plot of the game, I will leave at your discretion. I draw your attention to the fact that the choice of phrases is given a certain time. Management in the game is carried out both from the keyboard and the mouse buttons. To move the character, the keys are used. WASD.. To interact with objects, the left mouse button is intended. For scrolling, replicas in the dialogs corresponds to the mouse wheel. Saving in the game is automatic. An alternative actions are allocated in passage in passage.

    Chapter I: Family Travel

    In the prehistory of the game, David calls his brother Havi and tell him immediately come home, because Their father is in death. Because of the huge traffic jams, Havi have to throw the car and run. He does not have time to arrive on time, his father had already passed away by this time. David accuses the younger brother that he was not with his father, when he was sick, and he could not even come on time to say goodbye to a dying father. We are trying to justify the brother, but we get a fist in the face. Gabriel comes out of the house and interrupts the quarrel of the brothers. Mim and go to the house where we get a slap from the mother, who just like David, condemns our absence. Soon the little girl Marianne fills the glass of the deceased and reports that the dead grandfather woke up. We enter everything into the room and see how the Father turned into a walking dead man. Zombie attacks his spouse and bites it. Neutralize the revived dead man, and we ourselves decide to take the mother to the hospital. David puts yayya into the car and brings her to the hospital. We, together with my brother's wife, finding the niece Marianna with her brother Hector and all together are leaving on the second van.

    Currently, Kate, Havi and two children of his brother move on the van, in an attempt to escape from the herdabry of the dead. Kate is a stepmother kids. In the car, when children fall asleep, agree or refuse to smoke herbs along with my sister, and then we decide to make a halt and stop.

    Attainment Steam : Passing the first chapter, we get achievement "Family Journey"

    Chapter II: Unexpected Guests

    Upon arrival, we decide that we will look first, but a little later we note the walking dead man approaching us. Three times Click on the key E."To defeat the enemy. Let me instruct Marianne, and go to search for something useful. We look at B. broken window The bus on the right and understand that most of the front panel is pulled out, and the seats are disappeared. Next inspect mattress To the left of the bus and poke in his finger. Return to the first bus and look in barrels To the left of it. In barrels stored waste oil, which is not valuable for us. We are moving towards Kate and turn to the left to the passenger cars. Watch out machine from the left And begin to merge gasoline from it. From under the car crashes the dead man and tries to attack us. Quickly press the " S."To strike the enemy. We continue to overflow gasoline for what four times Press the button " E." Learning tanks with acetylene And we decide to leave them in place. Approach K. right car and freely drain gasoline by pressing four times button " E." Gasoline is still not enough. We go past Geiba to truck , merge gasoline from it, using the key four times. E." We continue to inspect the terrain. Go to the right pass and detect staircase , in which jumble through the fence along with Gabe. On the other side of the fence we find a non-plored ambulance. First of all, try to open tank cover But it does not work with us. Then we apply scrap to the lid, and clamp the left mouse button. Once the cursor circles are connected to one, then pull the mouse down. That's how we open the tank. Way to the pump hose pump, press the key four times. E.", And merge the next portion of gasoline. Fuel in the car turns out to be abused, but for now it shifts, we will continue bypassing the landfill. Learning rear doors Machines "ambulance", which are locked. We are moving forward between the boxes and we meet a walking dead man, which is neutralized by pressing the " Q." We continue to go ahead and soon go to a small trailer. We climb the porch, we first try to open the door with your hand, and then try to hack the door with scrap. Both attempts are unsuccessful. Then we look through the glass of the door inside and we assume that we can climb into the trailer through the hatch in the floor. We descend from the porch by right-clicking. Learning beam leaning to the porch, and we move it aside. We climb into the resulting passage. Using the control key of the mission, left and stop under the hatch.

    Raise the hatch cover and climb the trailer. Unlock from the inside the door and invite Gabe to Trailer. Open the drawer of the chest to the right and remove the batteries from it.Batteries can not take. Look at the room bed and shelves. On the shelves we find large stocks of food and decide: stay here at night or leave. If you decide to stay, then we make a choice: to give Marianne batteries for Player or leave them for later. We communicate with Kate, and then go for gasoline. We do not have time to take a canister, as a group of men surrounds us, completely unfriendly. Under the pistol, we go to the trailer and open the door.If you do not open the door, but stand and wait in front of it, then we will be killed. We see how at the last moment our companions barely have time to hide under hatch. Press the button "BUT"To align the hatch lid. The gang leader decides us to pacify and departs for handcuffs. We remain under the supervision of Lonnie. Under the hatch, some kind of noise is heard, and our guard hears him. Regardless of the choice of our replica, the guy raises the hatch cover, and Javier strikes him.Or we grab scrap, and beat them Lonnie. Management returns to us. Quickly click on the key "BUT"To make a repeat. Next, squeeze the neck of the enemy, by pressing the key several timesQ." Return the enemy with the keyE." Members of the group come to the trailer and bind our hands with clamps.

    Attainment Steam achieve "Unexpected guests"

    Chapter III: In her responsibility

    One of the guys ships us into a truck, and lucky in an unknown direction. So that we say to him, a man will be adamant. Suddenly a tree falls on the road, and the truck moves into a ditch. Havi takes a gun with a panel and first selected from the car. The driver comes out and tries to escape. We decide, shoot it or not. After that, the girl takes us on the sight, who attached this accident. The girl is our old familiar - Clementine. Clem finds out that Havi remains a working van in the landfill. She agrees to preserve the life of Haviera and take him to a landfill, for this captive will give his van.

    Attainment Steam : For the passage of the third chapter we get achievement "In her responsibility"

    Chapter IV: The matter went bad

    We are moving with a girl on the road and talk, while choosing any phrases. Soon we understand that the flock of the walking dead overtook us. We cut the clamps on the hands of Harvey and run to the camp, who already has the dead. Shipping the first walking dead man by pressing the " BUT" The inhabitants of the camp closed the gate before us, but help to cope with several zombies. So that we were allowed into the territory, we need to deal with the rest of the zombies. We shoot three active dead and see how the cell is experiencing problems with shooting. We shoot in a walking dead man who attacked the girl, after which we run into the opened gate. Together with us on the territory of the horse, a woman named Francin. From the conversation with the inhabitants of the camp, we know the name of the main thing - tryypes. Together with the Clem go to the bar, where she goes to decide the question with their bullets, and the girl recommends us to make friends with someone. We pass forward and inspect the chess on the table on the left. Behind the bar, we note the players in the card and inspect them. We bring a conversation with playing, and get acquainted with the bartender by Convada, who recognizes us, because Previously, we are lifelessly disqualified for a dishonest game with rates. We help Francine beat the bartender, and hearing the noise in the next room, rush to Clementine to help. A man with whom the Clem had a conflict, slipped her idle cartridges, because of which the girl could not defend. Join the fight with a deceiver, press the key several times. Q.", And then we press once the key" E." The enemy surrendered is ready to return the batteries that the bullets were exchanged, but Clementine does not suit it. She puts the gun to the head of a man and start shooting. Among the idle cartridges it turns out the battle, the girl accidentally kills a man. Resorts of camp residents and begin to find out what happened. We decide: cover with a cab or not. In any case, we are dismissed and locked up by bars. If you told the truth and laid Clementine, then only she will be behind the bars.

    Attainment Steam : After passing the fourth chapter, we get achievement "The case went bad"

    Chapter V: Heavy Farewell

    In the cage there is a local doctor Eleanor and immediately manifests sympathy for Havi. If only the cell is sitting in the cage, then we have been going to the doctor. The approached Tripp proposes to us to sleep in a cage, and in the morning he will release us. If you are free, the tripp will lead the terminal to the doctor. Eleanor advises to escape from the camp through the rear gate even at night, while the girl gathered to flee with us. We speak with the Clem and together decide how to do. We sleep together in a cage or in Lazarut.

    Falling asleep, Havi notes that the girl lacks one phalange of the finger. Here, depending on our choice at the end of the second season, we can see a pallium or scar. In any case, we are transferred to the memoil.

    If at the end of the second season you killed Kenny, but then we left alone. Playing for the Clem, we are trying to survive with Hey Jema, Rebecca's child from the previous season. Clementine carries a child behind his back, and herself tries to shoot a hare. Child's exclamations all the time frighten the hare and runs away. Soon the children go to the car. Open the door of the car and plant hey-Jay in it, and they will be sent to hunt. After passing the prey, hearing a strange noise from the parking lot and come back, where we see the walking dead, trying to get inside the car. We shoot two closest zombies and run to the car, from which you get the baby. We do not have time to run away, as one of the dead closes the door and pursues the flip of the door. We grab the stone to the right of us and twice we beat them the dead by pressing the key " E." It is not possible to get the hand from under the door, so we open the door and take out your hand. One of the fingers is broken, and curved in the other side.

    If at the end of the second season you killed Kenny and stayed with Jane . Jane makes us a squint on his hand with the initials of Hey-Jay. We invent the baby the second name, after which Jane goes to sleep, and she brings us to inspect the perimeter. After a while we go to the building and open the door, behind which, presumably, is sleeping our companion. Only she is no longer sleeping - she hanged himself, and her body had already managed to contact the walking dead man. On the floor we find a positive pregnancy test. We carry the gun on the zombie in the loop.

    If at the end of the second season you stayed with Kenny and did not go to Wellington . We are going in the car, and Clementine drives a car under the sensitive leadership of the senior comrade. Hey jay sits in the back seat. We switch the speeds along the Kenny pointer, while clamping the PCM and wait when the cursor circles connect, then the mouse pull up. Next, we do not cope with the management and go to the skid. Quickly press the "D" key to rotate the car towards the drift and get out of it, but still fly into the tree. We look at and understand that Kenny flew through the windshield. We run to him and help Kenni stand up, pressing the "Q" key several times. It does not work out, because Kenny paralyzed below the belt. We immediately surround the zombies. Save Kenny there is no chance, and therefore we hurry to the car and take the kid's hands. Together with Hey Jeme run away. Kenny eat walking.

    If at the end of the second season you first stayed with Kenny, but then went to Wellington . We see how several cars drive up to the camp. We transfer to the room where Hey Jay sits on the floor and draws something. We make any assumption that is drawn on paper. I hear some kind of noise and immediately open the door Edith. Edith is the girl who at the end of the second season let us in Wellington. At our camp attacked and urgently need to disappear from here. Edith Melith quickly collect all the most necessary. We go to the rack, where we take any four subjects. I grabbed a bottle of water, a box with bullets, canned soup and bandages. Edith resides, takes on the hands of the baby, and all together we run away for the gate of the camp. The enemy shoots and falls into Edith. We approach the murdered, take the hey Jay from her hands and run away into the forest.

    Return to reality.

    Attainment Steam : For the passage of chapter we get achievement of "Heavy Farewell"

    Chapter VI: In Service

    In the morning, Tripp brings us to the landfill. Together with Eleanor on horseback, we go to the landfill. We look at the floor with the floor, pick up a hammer. We are trying to pick up a cassette tape recorder, but zombies wake up next to him. We kill the hammer of the dead man, then select Marianna player. Soon and the girl herself runs away from shelter. We go in search of Kate and Gabe. In our van, it does not turn out to be, but we hear how somewhere they are trying to make a car. We look out from around the corner and see how the walking dead surrounded the truck, which is trying to start Kate. Zombies notice us and begin the offensive. First enemy by pressing the "key" BUT", And the second - key" W." Beying the third zombies using the button " Q." The next dead man also destroy the key Q.", And then beat the hammer on the enemy before us. By interrupting everyone, hug Kate and Gabe. All together go to the tripp van ( or Eleunor's horses), because Promised Clem truck burned down. Marianna picks up headphones from his captivity and gets a bullet in the head. This from the forest shoot the owners of the trailer, from which we first stole food. Kate decides to drag the girl's body, but the bullet falls into the stomach. Gabe rushes to stepmown. We choose: shoot on the enemy or run to the family. If you decide to shoot, then shoot in the opponent before us and the command to run relatives. Or immediately run to the family. After moving towards them, we see that Marianna is no longer helped, but Kate needs to see a doctor. Tripp ( Eleanor) advises to immediately go to the camp, because Kate needs a doctor. Clementine also advises to deal with the enemy, otherwise he will be chasing them. If you decide to leave, the cell is delayed and distracts the enemy until all members are climed into the van ( horses). If you stay fighting, then fast We select a bomb and throw it in opponents. We see how people remaining in the forest, the dead are attacked. On the way to Camp Kate loses consciousness.

    Attainment Steam : Passing the sixth chapter of the game, open achievement "in service"

    Tatyana Damandanda

    "Javier's paths and his families accidentally intersect with a hostile-tuned group, and simply misunderstanding develops into an unmanaged skirmish"

    "Memories from the past"

    As soon as the screensaver passes, the control will turn to you. First of all, talk to David near the house. When Gabe appears, it will be necessary to decide what to say, and after choosing to either take the hand of David, or refuse to help. As for the dialogue with Gabe, you will need to answer the next phrase :.

    As soon as two brothers appear on the porch of the house, David will tell you about what loves you, so you have to answer, so carefully select your answer: ,. Resolved, continue communication with your mother, after the dialogue from which the time for the cat scene comes.


    It turns out that before that the events presented were only memories, so now you have returned at the present time. First of all, talk to Kate. Inside the car you will need to choose one answer option: ,,,

    Immediately after the answer, Kate will offer to smoke, so it will be necessary to take another decision: ,.

    As soon as the girl smoothly turns to the topic of sex, you will need to decide again with the solution :,,

    Talk to all who will be available. At one time, you will soon be on the old abandoned landfill. The first thing here kill the walking dead man, by pressing the same key several times - "E". And as soon as Gabe leaves you, it will be possible to talk to Mariana :,

    However, at this moment, the conversation with the girl will not end. The next answer will have to choose when it says that the batteries in the player ended a couple of days ago: ,.

    As soon as management returns to your caring hands, you can finally search for a landfill. After careful inspection, go to the booth on the left side. In this booth, Mariana will sit and will need to talk to her once again. This time she will tell you that she needs a pen in order to record everything that remembers today about his past. At the same time, it is necessary to choose what to say to her: ,.

    In the landfill it will be possible to inspect: barrels with waste oil, broken wind of the bus on the right side and a little further old mattress (it can even try to move it). However, in any case, you will need to go a little forward to find Kate and talk about the flock and the situation as a whole. After a small conversation, go to the left side of the girl - on the left side will stand canister. Canister will need to be simply inspecting, after which turn to the right and draw your attention to the car.

    Have you seen a car? So now inspect it, or you can immediately "poke" on the canister icon to begin pumping gasoline. At the same time, walking, suddenly come out from under the car, so click on the key - "S". As soon as the living corpses acquire eternal peace, continue to pump out all gasoline. Dropped out? Then go now the right side and throw out gasoline from another machine. When and with the second machine will figure it out, then note that in the background, Gabe will sit on the container, and a little further will stand in full solitude of the truck. So from the truck, too, will need to drain all the gasoline, after which it is already talking to Gabe.

    After a small conversation, pass on and find the staircase. However, before the next action there is a choice - climb up or stay below. If you are climbing, then Kate is sickle, after which it will call and Gabe. As a result, two men will rise up and jump over a large container.

    Now it's time to inspect the ambulance van: study the benzobak, take out the roof (using scrap), after which it is used to deal with the usual business - a gasoline shock. One fine moment, as usual, the walking dead will appear. To kill it, click on the key - "Q". After the murder, go to the house. Inspect the doors that will be locked, so use scrap and apply it to the handle. Nothing will come out. It's time to see the door in the window - you will find the hatch in the floor. Click on the right mouse button and exit approximation. Go away on the right side, at the bottom of the house you can find a panel of wood. The panel will be mobile, so move it and break on under the house to get inside through the hatch, which you have previously noticed inside.

    Once inside, carefully read everything. Open the boxes on the right side and, thus, find the batteries - take them. In the background there will be a shelf with products - carefully inspect them. After the search, the house can be back and talk to all members of the group.

    It's time to do a serious choice: or. But this is not all, because after that it will need to take the following decision, but only if you mined batteries in the box: ,.

    A little later it turns out that if you do not care whether you agreed with Kate or children, because you will have to stay anyway, since the pack is nearby. And still talking to Kate outside, you can get a chocolate with it. With the first meeting with the bandits, you can choose absolutely any answer options. In any case, you will stay one on one with a black man, but you are not afraid of it: just grab the scrap, which lies on the windowsill, then score a gangster. When it turns out to kill it, the cat scene will come.

    After the cat scene and the screensaver, during which you will get into an accident, you will have to make a very important choice: or.

    As soon as the back of Javier will be prefeed a gun, to choose what to say: ,,,

    So, a man with a gun will be Clementine (and you did not hear). The girl will get a chocolate, after which it will be necessary to choose what to say next: ,.

    The girl in return for his services will ask the Family Van of Javier. However, you will agree, or refuse, but the outcome will still be one - Clementine, along with Javier, go back to the landfill to understand everything.

    While you will be on the way, you can talk a little and discuss a lot. The first dialogue to be paid attention to will have the following dialogue options: ,.

    At a certain moment of travel, heroes stumble upon the flock of the walking dead, but nothing complicated, just a little later, the conversation continue again. Soon Clementine will remember your answer: ,. After this dialogue, you will need to take another time with the dead. Then you will be already in the press of the press.

    To begin with, inspect the bar inside and talk to people who play cards near the bar counter. You can also help Francine or say that you do not play cards. Before the game, know that Conrad will always have a winning combination, so it will be more correct to say Francine to save.

    We go further: Talk to Lysis a man who will make Clementine fake cartridges. From his hands, first to knock the knife, and then just wait for the moment, Clementine will shoot it. At the same time, a certain tripp and other unknown people will come running, so an important decision has to be taken: or.

    What were the consequences of shooting and murder? .

    After the tripp leaves you, you will need to choose one of the answer options, but only if you covered Clementine: ,.

    As soon as Eleanor appears and asked to tell what happened in fact, then it will be necessary to answer her one of the proposed replicas: ,.

    With Eleanor, you will meet even if you select other options for answers and will be locked in the chamber. True, you will meet with her in a completely different place, but, nevertheless, the conversation will take place 100%, so do not worry.

    The doctor will suggest you to go on a landfill at night together. Therefore, it will be possible to decide exactly how to turn in this case: or.

    Depending on who you choose (a girl or a man), one extra dialogue appears, but only with one of two people. No more, no less. Nevertheless, this small branching does not play any important role, because the development of further events will be the same.

    The memory will last long and everything is quite simple. First of all, go to the car and open the doors after pulling the handle. Shoot on in two walking and thereby saving hey-jee. Next, open the doors to free your hand.

    "The present"

    If you go to the landfill with Eleanor at night, then you can talk about trypite with it :,

    Raise the kirk from the ground, look at the player, and then quickly kill the walking dead man. After the murder, it will be possible to talk to Mariana, as well as find Gabe along with Kate, which are hidden in the truck. However, after that, it will be necessary to deal with several more walking. For all these actions, you can calmly talk to Kate: ,,,

    As soon as Kate asks about what the girl is next to you (it will be about Clementine), the following replica will be given to the choice: ,,,. After a small conversation, the cat scene will begin and continue to look until you choose: shoot enemies, or run to the family.

    At a certain point, Eleanor will report that it is necessary to return back to the city as soon as possible. However, at the same time Clementine will insist that the bandits will need to figure it right here and right now, so the choice: or.

    Passage "Episode - 2: Incredible Tives" (Part 2)

    "Overcoming the attack for the attack, Javier leads a group of refugees to a safe place in the town nearby"

    "Memories from the past Javier"

    First of all, talk to Kate. During the conversation, it will soon be necessary to make an important decision that Kate will remember: ,.

    Cogd Kate will put the hand of Javier to his own, to decide what to decide what to do now: ,.

    The first key decision. Now you have to make a very important choice when David appears. You must choose how to do: ,. In the first version, Javier will take and say that Kate is going to escape from David.

    "The present"

    So, that you will now have a wounded Kate. Hold the left mouse button to hold hands on an open poolement wound. At a certain point, Gabe will say that he wants to assist, so it will be necessary to decide what to say: ,.

    In any case, after this solution will need to help Eleanor to carry out operation. Then you need to talk. And as soon as you can move, you will need to talk to Tripp, which will be engaged in the hood of the van. Consider the fact that in the depths of the screen from the table you can pick up a bottle with water.

    Soon tryPPs to decide, so will suggest to stay in Prescotte, so you will need to choose what to answer him: ,.

    Go to a conducer, which is at the front gate on the right side, after which, talk to him about everything, what can only be. After the conversation, go through the gate to find Gabe, where you will have to decide even once, exactly what: ,.

    Soon the next dialogue will follow, in which you will need to choose another key phrase. So: , .

    Onemost moment, calm will break the Clementine that appeared, which gangsters are pursued. It will be necessary to talk a little with them, but when they show Francis to decide how to answer: ,. And you will agree you finally go down or not - it doesn't matter. Shooting will begin anyway, so get ready for decisive actions and attach.

    Second key solution. Another detail depends on your key solution: or.

    After that, the decision, it will still have to deal with the gangsters, deal with the dead and finally, will have to leave what will remain from the affected peaceful town of Prescott. As soon as you stop, you will have to talk to the condam, and then soothe Gabe: ,.

    Now it's time to talk to Eleanorm about Clementine and Gabe: ,.

    Now attention, because if in Prescott you took a bottle of water from the table, it will be possible to give water Kate. To do this, you will need to talk to the girl. During the dialogue, she will remember your words, consider :,

    Soon you will get to the place where you find yourself in front of the tunnel, the path through which will be covered with a car. First of all, you will need to talk with everyone. Next will need to try to push the car, although nothing will happen.

    Talk now with Tripp and the rest of the guys. After the conversation, go to the left side closer to the van, on which Tripp moved along with the conva. So you will hush on the garage gate that you need to raise. Inside there is a dead man, so pick up a wrench rather and kill it. Next, inspect the winch carefully, after connecting the power. Now you can go to the right side of the car of red (near this car will still climb Gabe). So, open the trunk and take the "crocodiles" from there. Together with them, it's the time to return back to the car with a winch inside the garage. On the battery of the machine in the garage, you will need to use the very "crocodiles", so that you can connect the machine battery to the battery with a tript van battery.

    However, before you can push the winch, you will need to use the spanner on the switch on the right side. Next, with the help of the winch, move the car from the spot. Walking, as usual, so it will be necessary to deal with them. However, in any case, it will have to escape from them and hide on the roof.

    Soon you will notice a rather strange silhouette. Have to go in his direction. Reach, sneak up behind and first question the strange person. Suddenly, a bearded and long-haired man will appear. In the course of the conversation, among other things, learn more about how things are going on in Richmond. In response, he will suggest to go through the railway tunnel.

    Third key decision. Now it is necessary to decide what to do with this unknown man :). The fact that this is the most Jesus, I hope you have already understood.

    "Memories from the past Clementine"

    Choose the doors of the trailer, after which it will be necessary to barricade. Next, open the doors for a woman to let her inside. Soon it turns out that the girl is in the grouping "New Front". And she is also offered to go with her: ,. Nevertheless, no matter how you choose the option now in this dialogue, Clementine will still have time to visit the grouping "New Front" and this is not avoided.

    "The present"

    Moving through the tunnel, talk to Clementina and find out in more detail about the "New Rise". At the end of the dialogue to choose a key answer: ,.

    Soon you have to move through the train. On the way, you will need to break the pipe and insert it into the door so that it blocked the passage for the walking dead. At a certain point, Conrad will attack you.

    Fourth key solution. In any case, so that you do not choose, Javier will get their weapon and have to decide how to do: or.

    Select rather from this tunnel and talk first to Tripp. On his question about the fate of Konrad to answer as you consider it necessary: \u200b\u200b,.

    In case you decide that the conrad is not to kill, then this madman will tell about the tripput (about the fact that Clementine is a member of the "new turn"). In this case, the last scene will change, because instead of lowering the weapon, it will have to show Clementine. But in any case, when you get along with Kate to the gate of Richmond, you will need to talk to the very thug.

    Fifth key solution. It will be necessary to choose how to do: or.

    Moreover, in case you decide to lower the weapon, you will need to agree or refuse to put hands on the back of the head: or.

    Thus, your choice will be one of the most important during the passage of the entire second episode: or. However, in any case, the gate will open, after which a meeting will take place with those who you could hardly expect to see here ...

    Passage "Episode - 3: Out of Law"

    "Shocking discoveries knock the wedge between brothers in arms"

    "Memories of Javi"

    The third episode begins with important memories of the main hero, Kate and two kids. As soon as the control goes to you, talk to Kate in any comfortable form. After that, from the van, deliver a white gas cylinder. When you get it, continue the conversation. Soon the conversation will interrupt walking, so kill him and talk to Kate again. However, this time you have to make a very important choice by choosing one of the two replicas replied: "We must go back" (Kate will remember this), "I'm with you Kate" (Kate will remember this. "Once in the house, talk to children and inform them. The time has come to advance. The entrance cat scene will come.

    "Present, camp"

    Talk to my brother, and after - with friends who are sitting in the chamber. At this stage, the passage will need to either agree during a conversation with Tripp, or to convince him that David can be trusted.

    In any case, you will need to get acquainted with all the inhabitants of Richmond, after which it is necessary to talk to Kate. Moreover, during the dialogue with it, it will be necessary to make an important choice: promise to leave the "new frontier" or to declare that they should all stay with David. A little later, you can tell my brother about exactly how Mariana died.

    When the moment of a meeting in the hall with Joan and other leaders of Richmond comes, then the choice will come. It will be necessary or to follow the Council of David and thereby talking to anything about the murder of Mariana, raids from Max and Badkuka, or just blame them. Thus, two options for dialogue appear in the window: "To demand a pile for the murder of Mariana" and "Listen to David and silek." However, one way or another, let the chief hero will be given for the courtyard if not because of the charges, then because of the "theft", so the reason to expel Javier will still appear.

    "Outside Richmond"

    Open your bag, take a baseball bat and carefully read the map. Click on three points on the map: the first point is Richmond, the second is the blue circle, the third point is a red circle in the upper left corner that will have the inscription "Building".

    Now take a gun, then make another very important choice: send a gun to conradia or leave it yourself (of course, provided that Konrad is alive). Follow through the forest, passing through the trip with tripp. In the end, you have to deal with the dead (for this it will be enough to press on the specified keys in time).

    "Memories of Clementine"

    Very soon, Clementine will still decide to tell Haviere about how it was expelled from the "New Row". Extremely gently move forward to the tent, where you need to calm Hey-Jee (choose an option with theft in order to calm it). After chant, choose the first aid kit and find the right medicine. Take a syringe from there, after which listen carefully to the doctor.

    So, after Clementine mined a syringe with injection, it will have to decide: "Don't make an injection of hey-jy" or "not to make a kid." And no matter what choice will be made, the medications will not remain - it either break up, or you are accepted. At the end of Hey-Jey will be taken away, although they will say goodbye to him - you have to agree to leave, but finally, David can spit in the face.


    As soon as you find yourself for the fence, you will need to open the gate that lead to the warehouse. Carefully inspect the gate and try to raise them. After that, go to the car on the left side and find it under the hind wing of the jack. However, it turns out that the handle from it is inside the car, so open the doors, kill the dead man inside and take the handle, after which you freely raise the gate.

    Inside it will be necessary to decide whether to open the doors doors or still better listen to Clementine in this regard. Ultimately, the door will open either Jesus or Javier (Jesus will open if she listens to Cleventina). Next, you will need to move a rather massive box to the doors. By the way, this is the place where Conrad will die, but if it remains alive in the second episode of the game. However, in any case, after that, it will have to deal with the reserves, mostly with a badger.

    Now it is necessary to decide exactly how to turn with the badger, and there are four options for solving the problem: "Allow the badger to turn into a walking"; "Kill badger quickly"; "Clear Barcuka Skull"; "Let the Trippa kill the Barusuk." Although this is not all that is to be done. Still will have to decide exactly what to do with Max: to take it into Richmond in order to blame in everything Joan, or just kill him.

    "Return to Richmond"

    Outside, be sure to say goodbye to the floor (he is Jesus), and then you can safely go to Richmond. As soon as you find yourself for a yellow car, I feel free to throw a stone in the power lines post. After that, it will be possible to talk to Gabe and Kate. And again, you have to take a key solution.

    The choice is given two options: "Agree with Gabe and stay to help David in confrontation with Joan" or "agree with Kate on what to leave Richmond." The following will follow the scene that will occur regardless of what actions were taken.

    In case you agree with Kate, then Gabe will decide still to stay. However, you are still caught, so you will find yourself in the hall with Joan Plus to all David accuse you in treason. However, if you agree with Gabe, then although I will find yourself in the hall with Joan, but David will be more appreciated.

    Thus, in the first case, everything will end in that David will take a gun in his hands and starts to shoot absolutely in all, but in the second case it will be completed by the fact that you are arrested (provided that Max will remain alive).

    Passage "Episode - 4: Current Water"

    "When the group threatens the danger from the inside, Javier concludes incredible unions for the protection of those who love"

    Detailed passage of the last episode of the game Walking Dead: A NEW FRONTIER, THE - EPISODE 5 - "With Hands"


    • Passage of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 1
    • Passage of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 2
    • Passage of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 3
    • Passage of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 4

    Not so long ago, the fifth and last episode of the third season became available. The Walking Dead: A New Frontier. At the beginning of the game, you will see a brief sequence of events of previous series. As always, the game can be passed in a few ways to achieve one or another result.

    In the last episode David. Judged for an attempt to the uprising, and the player was subsequently offered to make a choice - to kill one of the two comrades. Finally, Joan was killed.

    Review the memory during which the father Javier and David. It will declare that he has cancer.

    There are several options that you can choose to help or harm relationships. David. and Javier. If you decide to support your father in conversation with David., the last one will feel the devotees. If you agree with the words David.then he will feel more strong family bonds with his brother. After the end of the memories will be a sequence with participation Javier, David., Kate, Geiba and Clementina. Follow the prompts by performing simple QTE-actions until you see the episode title on the screen.

    You will have a number of options to condemn David. In how he communicates with Gabe.

    Selection will appear: forgive or condemn Eleonora For the fact that she betrayed the group.

    After there is another choice: cut off the hand to the victim of the bite of the dead man, or allow to die quietly.

    Even if you cut your hand, then the person will die from pain.

    Soon everything will go awry when David Breaks hand FernAnd that will shoot her husband when he turns out.

    David Supremely Javier Stand up with him on the parapet. This is a key choice of gameimer:

    • If you decide to get up with David, it will increase the connection between the two brothers.
    • Otherwise, everything will come around.

    Havi and David on Parapede

    If you manifest support and loyalty DavidThis will further increase the connection between the brothers.

    Will appear Tripp And you can even restore relationships with him. Gabe and Javier Talk O. David.And then another short sequence of actions will begin.

    After the group passes through the bridge, using a helicopter propeller, the tripp will fall and disassemble to death.

    David Change plans and decide to take a group and leave. Kate Decides to stay and save Richmond.

    Kate Announce that in love with Havi.and players will have a choice - to fight with David.Or insisted on communication, says several times that you love him.

    David in furry

    After care David. from Gabe Players will be able to either pursue them using a motorcycle, or return to Richmond with Kate and Clementinato save the city.

    If you decide to return to the city and help people, then another QTE sequence awaits you. Then you have to open the gate on the observation tower. To open this gate, click on the green button.

    If you decide to help Richmond, then after reappear, Havi. and Clementine Decide to go to search David. and Geiba. However, by the time when Javier To achieve them, the father will be dead, and the son will die in his arms. One of the key points that will allow the guy to survive is that you will give him a gun or not.

    In the end Havi. and Kate It will be possible to discuss the possible creation of a family, or refuse, but stay to live in Richmond.

    Jesus It will appear in the city to help in rescue people, but will not be able to stay and declare that it should help others. After a short conversation with Clementina The game will end.

    Timely help

    In an alternative finale if you decide to go after David. and Gabeand not help Kate, Havi. It will get to the truck with his father and son and will take a zombie attack using a baseball bat. In the same time David It will be bruoked in the neck, but you will have the opportunity to chat with it before it dies.

    Then Gabe uses a gun to kill David. Before he turns out. Javier and Gabe Return to Richmond and open the gate.

    When this happens, they will find out that Kate Wrapped. No one tells how it was the residents of Richmond managed to close the hole in the wall.

    Such an ending in which Gabe Slives, ends with two memories talking about death Kate, in contrast, if Kate and Javier stayed alive and said about death Geiba, David. and Mariana.

    There is another alternative that can be more difficult to show. It is connected with the fact that Clementine will go to meet with Gabetrying to stop it, and David runs away. Clementine saved Geiba, until Javier and Kate Will be repaired by the Richmond wall with a tractor. It will happen if you have a good relationship with Clementina. If you did not kill the doctor in the fourth episode, then it will also be alive. If the doctor is alive, then he will tell Havi. and Clementine, where is Hey-jay. In this case Clementine Pour Richmond to find and return the baby.

    But there is another finale. This is the best ending in which Havi. Savings Kate, Geiba and David.!

    If you have a strong relationship with Clementinathen she will go for Gabe. If a Havi. S. will go Clementina per Gabe and David., I can save both heroes. Players will be able to talk with David. And convince him to return to Richmond, or let it go.

    This is considered the best end, because everything is survived, and Clementine confirm that Hey-jay Alive. In the end, the results of your relationship with different characters will be summed up. And here are the key points ...

    Havi. and David.:

    • After the father's death is David hit Havi.You agree or refuse to shake your brother's hand.
    • Attempt to leave Richmond without David. or rejection of this idea.
    • At the moment when David Support will be needed, you could turn away from it or agree to help.

    Elections affecting relationships Havi. and Kate:

    • Kiss Kate On landfill or refuse.
    • Support plan Kate escape from Richmond or refuse.
    • To tell KateWhat would like to build a future with her, or refuse.
    • To tell KateWhat you want a family or abandon this idea.

    Elections affecting relationships Havi. and Geiba:

    • Please Geiba, agreeing to spend the night in the trailer, or refuse.
    • Hide OT Geiba The truth about his friend-neighbor or tell about everything.
    • Before going for GabeYou helped Kate In Richmond (or vice versa).
    • If a Geiba We bited, then you can give him your weapon or refuse.

    Hello everyone! If you passed the New Frontier, then surely noticed some shortness, kutomost in the whole season (not counting the first two episodes, they came out not to become the remaining three). And now I will try to touch on the entire carved content of the new frontier.

    Already on it, you can judge what processing was subjected to a script, take at least Capricorn's stamp on the neck from Javier. But about it a little later.

    The first screenshots were made public on July 22, 2016. And then, probably, it is worth noting how the episodes were called on July 21, 2016:
    1. Ties That Bind - binding bonds
    2. Divided We Fall - Padl
    3. United WE Stand - Together
    4. The End of Days - the end of the world
    5. How hard i try - [no matter] how hard I try.

    As can be seen, of all episodes, only the first one has retained its name, which Teiley decided to divide into two parts. Of course, we can say that the original name of episodes is rough. But this option can be boldly to capture, reading the following material.

    The first episode of the TWD Tiesthatbind was almost completed in July 2016 with a completely different plot, other acting. But something did not come together and Realese Candidate version of the episode, along with the plot of the whole game was sent for the processing of TellTalegames leadership.

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    An anonymous source that has previously worked on the TWD: Anewfrontier scenario, opened the curtain of secrecy about what changes occurred in the game since the summer of 2016 and why it happened. It was originally planned to do 8 chapters in each episode of the game. The proportions between the game for Javier and Clementine were 75/25. It was planned to make 5 chapters for Havi in \u200b\u200breal time, one chapter for him in Flashbek and two chapters in the past Clementine. Three episodes published ("Ties That Bind" and "Above the Law") were two and lasted about 4 hours.
    However, due to the introduction of the new version of the TELLTALETOOL engine, it was necessary to refuse. In the summer of 2016, the game was abounded by bugs and drops, caused regular damage to the preservation and ignored their transfer from the episode to the episode. As you can see, mainly the role of Clementine, which has found partial confirmation in an interview with Melissa Hutchison (Clem's voice) and Job Stauffer. I had to refuse and with the possibility of replaying individual chapters, reducing their number up to six.

    The main story of the game, after the stories of Javier and the Clem about themselves in the form of Flashbekov, began with their return to the tent camp from the intelligence expedition. At Javier, a group of armed people who were previously used under his start were attacked. After the fight, Clem and Havi were recognized that Aidges, Kate, Eleanor and Mariana were abducted. Further plot was built on finding out the place where they are kept. This place was the PRESCOTT airfield.
    Further, on the scenario, Javier collected forces for attack. This collection of forces required the fulfillment of various tasks of groupings from comics, other group camps under the sign of Capricorn, and groups, in the comic not mentioned. Completed tasks for some groups harmed relationships with others. One of the groupings was ready to provide artillery for attack on the airfield.
    In the end, after the fall of the resistance of Prescotta, the bed found out the girls that no one had kidnapped them, and Agea just had no one to leave. Clementine was a newcomer in the community, because she was not dedicated to the details of the conspiracy against Javier and his bandits.
    The cause of the rebellion was its methods of community management, actions under foolishness, family relationship of Javier.

    It is also worth noting that in the initial scenario there were no characters David and Gabe. In the course of the history, the Clem fell in love with Havi and in the end recognized the whole truth about him.

    All information is taken from the page href \u003d ""\u003e

    And now we turn, actually, to the cut off the content.

    Initially, the Prescott community was called "Schulenburg". However, it was renamed to a well-known version of the spring of 2016. The initial name remains on the arts.

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    The scene on the landfill when Gabe offers to spend the night in the trailer, could go in different ways.
    If you decide to leave, the scene was played as well as in the final version of the plot.
    If we decided to spend the night, you saw people with lanterns in the window and forced Kate with children to hide under the floor.
    "You could fight with Max, then you would have grown up, and Max could get wound or a gun gave a mischief.
    - Or surrender, then they will be connected and will be taken in consciousness. It was possible to say Kate in Spanish, that you will return it.

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    Character whom Tayila wanted to kill in the first episode was Max. It was tied to the choice - to leave him to the excitement of walking or humble on it and cut off his torment to the head.

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    From the game, the slaughterhouse was cut off, which lit up in the first screenshots.

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    Now jump on 5 episode.
    From the episode were cut out:
    1) Flashbek Clem: with Lee and Sandra.
    2) Death of Conrad if you rushed into a chase for David and Conrad was still alive by that time.
    3) Life or death of Max (it is strange that he just fell into a black hole from the 3rd episode).
    4) The death of David on a landfill, where they killed Marian. From Havier's hand, if you went for David. From the hand of Gabe, if you did not go.
    5) Loss of Clem Cap in the crowd of walking, if you remain to defend Richmond.
    6) indirect confirmation of the status of the Agea / Walking Dead. Prologue to explain the stigma "Capricorn".
    7) A large scene in Richmond, with a plan to reorganize the community. Javier could leave her or stay, agree on the return of the surrenders of the victims of the communities (if Clint alive), to solve the fate of Joan (if she is alive).
    8) Less LGBT dialogue with Jesus, more about affairs than male love.
    9) Clem kissed with surviving Gabeon in a dark corner.

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    A more detailed description of the carved material.

    In addition, in different versions of the Anewfrontier script planned to include the following comic characters:
    1) Nigan (cut out in the summer of 2016 / changed the time of action and the plot of the game, rejoicing the class for a year with a little)
    2) Yujina Porter and Espinose Rositis wanted to include one screenwriter, but it was pushed off from the development after the release of #tiesthatbind
    3) Sofia (cut out in February 2017)
    4) Maggie Green

    Rick and Karl to send to the game does not want to personally Robert Kirkman.

    The game begins with the fact that Javier is our protagonist of the new season, hurries to his hometown, where his father dies. On the porch we see his brother - David. I learn from him that the Father is already dead. Choose a response option. It is necessary to do this for the allotted time that displays the strip from below. David hits his brother with anger, tells him how his father waited for his appearance. All this action notes the son of David - Gabe.

    After that, David is trying to justify his anger on his brother, the conversation on souls begins. During the conversation, choose the answer options. Havi finally enters the inside of the house, and goes to the mother. She also evil on Havi. The girl carries a glass of a glass of water, in response to the question of adults, saying that he woke up. Entering the room, the family discovers grandfather by the window standing back to them. Suddenly, "rising from the grave of his grandfather" attacks one of them. The dead man time to bite mom, before Havi decides to cut out the father. The family is divided into two groups. David decides to take mom in the hospital and will later meet there with Havi and the rest. They sit in a van and leave the house.

    A little later we find heroes on the way. They run from the flock of walking. Havi and Kate - David's wife, sit in the car and continue to go. Kate decides to smoke a bit. You can join or refuse. In the car through the conversation Kate and Havi, it is brought to us that she is a stepmother of these children. She has difficulty, but it copes. Children wake up and feel the smell of Kury. They are clearly not like that. The band decides to stop to replenish the supplies.

    Havi leaves the car and inspecting until Kate drives it into the landfill. Havi draws attention to the praying Marianna. Kate folds everything around the shelves and first of all says that you need to look for gasoline. The conversation interrupts stray nearby walking. Press the appropriate key to get a scrap and finish the dead man with two blows by clicking on the other. Then we speak Marianna. She admits that headphones wears in order to fool us, the batteries at the player died.

    Now we manage to "charge" for the first time this season. We inspect a landfill. You can talk with all the characters, but our goal is to find fuel. In the depths of the landfill we find the car. We approach and press the action key to begin to merge gasoline. From under it suddenly crawling walking. Kill him with one specimen blow. Further continue to merge fuel by pressing the key. We go around the containers and find another machine, we repeat the previously described actions. The last truck remained on this location a little further than the container on which Gabe sits. We go to the easiest and bump on the stairs. Probably worth seeing what is there. Havi decides to climb and grabs Gabe with him. On the other side, they find a whole truck honey. Aid. The gas tank under the lock, but not trouble, we also have scrap, we break the lid with one movement and begin to merge gasoline. Fuel there is a lot there, so it is worth seeing further. We demolish the tank next zombies and moving forward. Behind containers is some kind of housing. We climb the stairs to the door and try to open it. Locked Hmm, inside something interesting. On the floor is a hatch. Maybe it will make somehow bottom. Near the veranda pets the board and climb into the hole. Using the mission keys, the half of the hatch, and the next button open it.

    We look at the dwelling from the inside. In the table of the table you can find batteries. Later, they can be given to Marianne for her player or save to another case. We approach the regiments at the end of the room and find stocks. There is everything you need: mattresses, blankets, food ... decide what to do, stay or move on into the path. One way or another, this "choice" does not particularly affect anything, only on the ratio of Kate to us, which we will support or not, respectively. After talking with her, we go to pick a canister with gasoline. But here is an ambush, we are surrounded by the thugs with a weapon, it turns out we will fight. Under the Swamp of the Havi pistol lead inside. Inside launch us first. Rug behind the handle and open the door. The group managed to hide down, under the hatch. After examining the room, one of the guys decides to go beyond your handcuffs and leaves a black guy to look after Havi. We try to agree with him, but everything is in vain, since the group issued itself a cough. What we do not choose, all exactly everything will come to what they will be captured.

    After a time, Havi is already driving in the car with some type. Havi is trying to negotiate, but the trip interrupts the tree fallen on the road. The truck flies into the cuvette. Lee grabbing a gun, leaves the car. Soon this makes our carrier. We decide to kill him or let go. I chose a second option. Our freedom lasted not long, after a second Havi was taken to the fly. Oh God, it's Clementine! She arranged all this ambush with a truck. She needed transport. Javi tells all the current situation and decides to help him return to the place from which he was taken away. But in return requires his van. Along the way, heroes get acquainted. A zombie comes across on the road, with whom the Clem first-class straightens, thereby surprising Javier. The path blocks a big flock, Clementine proposes to wait in the city nearby.

    Moving to the gate will have to go a little. Run to the left of the walking. The gate closes. To get inside will have to kill all the zombies on the street. Guide and shoot them. The weapon of the Clem brings and attacks the walking. Shoot him in the head. Now it's time to quickly climb inside. We are allowed to stay here for a while if we are not aligned.

    Havi with a cell enter the local bar. She needs to hand over with one person about the cartridges. For a while she leaves us. We approach the bar and try to talk with the local. Bartender recognizes Havi, his life disqualified for a flour with rates. Itself seems to be a condam, and the woman at the table is called Francin. She will decide to consult when playing poker, that she is better to do. Select the option with the equalization. He is clearly bluffing. Suddenly, the situation with the Clem and the conversation in general flows into unfriendly. Bald sold it without shooting cartridges. Clementine proves it by firing into it, but the dealer is attacked on it with a knife. We often press the action button to resist the attacker, then another button to be packed.

    Clem inadvertently presses on the trigger and falls right in his head. HEADSHOT! The cell says the rest of the Bar's visitors, that he attacked them and she was forced to defend. We can confirm this or not. In my case, everything turned out as she said. The chief decides to plant a couple under the castle and then decide what to do with them.

    In the cage, the cell thanks for the cover. Soon the pretty doctor comes to look at the cut from the knife on the face of Havi. Eleanor, so her name, having learned that they were attacked by Havi, decides to help him somehow. Tripp - the chief in this "town" says that he will leave us in a cage for the night. But Eleanor proposes to escape at night through the rear gate. It's time to solve. We put forward at night with the good doctor, and while it is better to lie down.

    Clementine recalls former times: she is looking for food together with a small boy behind his back. The girl decides to leave him for a time in the car to get calmly. A child's cry attracts walking. Overlooking near, Clem discovers that zombies are already hanging around the car. We shoot in mind that it rubs around the car, then the second. After the Clem is trapped with a clapped hand, take the stone and beat the walking, trying to attack us. Open the door and free your hand.

    Time passed and our heroes are already on the way. Soon they drive up to the place. On Earth, we find a walking and a couple of items. Take the hammer and immediately with the zombie rollem, we select a tape recorder. Somewhere nearby must be Marianna. The girl was found, it remains to find Kate and Brother Marianna. A small crowd of walking surrounded the tractor in which Kate is hiding. Pose with the battle to the car, pressing alternately buttons pop-up on the screen.

    Freeing all, Havi introduces all the heroes, and they are sent to the settlement nearby, from where Havi with the Clem recently fled. On the way, Marianna finds his headphones, but suddenly the events unfold very hrenovo, as a result of which Marianna dies. Bandits returned! Kate, who solved something to help, also turns out to be wounded. Shot in response to the fire of the enemy. By this we give a chance to the family to go away. We decide that it is time to stay and help the clam fight, because the gangsters may return if they do not get rid of them. Severe leave Eleanor. One of the gangsters throws explosives. Guide on the claft and protect it from the explosion.

    Episode 2: Inseparable Tives (Part Two)

    After what happened in the previous episode, we are transferred to the past, in the house of Brother Havi - David. Javier is trying to help Kate with washing dishes and talk about what will do next. Here Kate suddenly inadvertently breaks the army glass of David. He comes to noise. In a conversation, you can provoke a quarrel or cool the dust and not to be sophisticated to span on David, which, in fact, and do.

    On this Flashbek ends and we again with the Clem near the landfill. Armed thugs gone, but Marianna is no longer returning. Clementine took care of the grave for her and dug a hole. Havi puts the body into a pit and is preparing to bury the pit. You can put a cassette tape recorder or leave yourself and continue to bury the grave. The sound of the dead is heard nearby. Kill the last remaining. Javier notices his label on his neck. Clementine knows something about it. She already met such guys. According to her, they are called a "new frontier". Clem was in camp, she was a prisoner, but managed to get out.

    Clem found a car and everything also thinks to leave your way. Well, while they decide to return back to Prescott, where they took the rest of the group.

    In the camp, Java finds Eleanor, who cares for the wounded Kate. Its condition stabilized, but the bullet falls just below, we would lose it. Eleanor says that Gabe really wanted to help and stayed, but then still could not stand it. It is worth finding it and talk.

    In the courtyard you can talk to Tripp. He's a kind man and invited us to settle in Prescotte. True, he was a little upset that we left, he did not say anything last night. Under the wing of the aircraft, having passed a little further, you can detect water reserves, you should take a little with you. At the gate we inform you that Gabe joke to the front goal. The evil boy desperately rubs into pieces already and so killed walking. He wants to return and bury Marianna. Havi says he did it. Also, the guy worries that he did not help Kate during the operation and ran away as a cowardly boy. We convince him that this is not so we say that he is not to blame. The conversation interrupts the sound of the approaching machine ... Damn, to us guests. Havi with Gabe run to the gate. The group decides to take defense on the wall.

    They were welcomed with old friends. On the neck they have a label "new frontier". Bandits want to pick up HAVI and present it before the court, for killing their people. But the fact is that he was just defended! To give the stimulus, they brought Francin. After a couple of seconds, the woman loses his finger. We accept the decision to open fire, since the words of these thugs cannot be trusted. The slaughter begins. As a result, Francin is killed. Ice and kill one of the thugs. On the wall there is an open fire, we lean the movement down so as not to get under the bullet. While the enemy will reload, get out due to shelter and shoot in the head. One of the enemies passed through the first line of the gate and decided to sabotage the strengthening. We shoot it, but the explosive falls out of his hands and demolides the gate. The guys sit in the truck and decide to spread the gate in Prescott. An excellent idea that ended with an accident and the release of several walking, which they brought with them. One of them attacks Javi. Return the mortar and finish the knife. Due to the gate, grenades with tear gas are flying. Havi decides to find Kate and Gabe. We make my way through the clubs of smoke and kill everyone in our way. From the gate, a car suddenly appears, jump away and aimed in the direction of the door, from which the driver will seem. Make a tagged shot. The group sits into the car and leaves this place. Tripp says they retire to the east, he will follow them.

    Leaving on a safe territory, they decide to stop and discuss everything. Conrad lost his wife. The group is trying to somehow cheer it up, but only pour oils into the fire because of which the conflict is brewing. He blames all Havi, if he did not enter the gate of Prescott, everything would be fine. All this interferes with Gabe and instructs the trunk on the conrad. We speak Gabu to lower the weapon, to which he obediently agrees. Clem suggested goes to Richmond, where there are people. There will probably eat food and there will be safe. Havi supports Clem and Conrad in the end agrees to continue the path.

    In the car, Havi looks at Kate. She's thirsty. It is good that we grab a bottle of water with you. Let her Kate. Eleanor sees a bad sign in what she wants to drink. The sooner the band gets to Richmond, the better.

    There is a forced stop on the floor of the path. The tunnel is littered with old cars and not to drive alright. Behind the fear of walking, but the claft with the condam is quickly shared with them. We have to sink cars to clear the way for travel. Manually do this not, even with the help of a trypt.

    Near the truck you can find the door of the garage. Open it. We will be careful, behind it is a walking, which will immediately attack us. After breaking him the skull, take the key in the corner and interact with the winch. We use a wrench on the winch latch so that it can be pulled out and pull out the cable to the car. On the left is the battery to be powered to deploy the machine. Near the refueling in the trunk of a red car we find wires for cigarette. Connect them and launch the mechanism. Because of the car, walking, where without them? They immediately attack the car in which Eleanor and wounded Kate. Let's start saving them, separated with the dead. Clearing the way, Havi tells them to get out and continue the way to Richmond.

    The truck, on which they arrived are already inseparable. Javier decides to climb the roof. Sign the container to block the path of walking from behind, Gabe comes to the rescue. In the meantime, while he climbs the stairs to the top, shoot in walking. Suddenly, one of the deads attacks in Java. He shoots him in his head right away from his ear, which stuns himself. We climb on the container and with the help of a condam on the roof. By that time, the entire territory was chosen by the crowds of walking. On the roof of Havi notes some kind of silhouette of a person. He pierces there and finds stuffed. In a moment, Havi feels a pistol blow on his head. Soon the rest of the group comes to the rescue and our new friend is on the fly. They suspect a new acquaintance from the "New Rowing". It is impossible to trust anyone, so I check the mark on his neck. The guy did not lie, he is not with them. It also turns out that Richmond, where the whole group was sent seized a new frontier. This is not very pleasant news, because Eleanor came there with Kate. The stranger offers a short way to Richmond through the railway tunnel. He himself seems to be a floor, for friends just Jesus.

    We are transferred to the past and show another scene with the cele and baby. They run away from the herdock herd and find a temporary shelter in some trailer. We take out the door with two blows and get inside. Move the cabinet to the door so that no one passes into the inside. The baby is very frightened and begins to cry, try to sing a song to him so that he calms down a little. Suddenly someone knocks on the door, it is a person. Soon the girl was broken inside. We help her keep the door. Subsequently, the Clem first finds out from Ava, so her name is about the group "New Front".

    In this group, together with a new member - Jesus moves through the tunnel. Clem decides to tell in more detail that she connected her with a new border. She says Havi, that they had in captivity and shows his label, the one that gangsters had attacked them. Clem cannot be shown again, so she decides to leave the group as soon as they come out of the tunnels. Having passed a little further, the group finds a whole bunch of walking, tuning in the tunnel. We wasting a couple of Zombakov until the conducer would take into mind to shoot, shoot ... in the tunnel ... The group remains only to keep your legs as soon as possible and get out to the surface. There is a train on the way, so they decide to go through it. Someone should stay and keep the door so that the walking does not go close. Havi together with Clem and Gabe decided to stay. We find a piece of a pipe that the door can be taped. The case is done, it's time to pour ... But this is not entirely possible. Conrad stands on the way. It showed that he suspects something. He heard the whole conversation and asks for the Clem to repeat his words. She shows a label. The restless conference wants to hand over her guys from Richmond to benefit. We say a conducer to lower the weapon, then aiming in it from your own. Black takes a guy hostage. Well, all, it's time to stop this chaos. It has long been time to get rid of him. Shoot in Conrad.

    Clementine leaves us on this. And it is also time for us to seem other. At the outlet of the channels, everything is asked where Conrad. It is worth sitting, saying that he caught Walking that he was no more with us. About Clem also should not tell the truth, "she just left" - this answer will be more profitable.

    The streets of the city are empty, here so quiet, rather strange, for the place where a new frontier lives. A group, more precisely, that it remains from her, finds a car on which girls left. Inside, Havi finds Kate. It seems to be everything in order. But where is Eleanor? Kate says she went for help and never returned. It's time to knock on the door and ask for help. Going to the goal, we see already old familiar gangsters from a new frontier. Havi proposes to postpone all the disagreements and help the girl. He presses on the gangsters and is trying to call them compassion. As a result, everything ends with the fact that the bandits agree to let the group, provided that they will empty weapons. We give the order to remove the weapon. We do everything as they say ... for the sake of Kate. The gate opens and ... they have David himself.

    Episode 3: Outside the Law

    Havi together with Kate got out at night outside in search of propane. Dangerous time of day, the debt may seem from nowhere. They notice a truck and find what they were looking for. We take a gas cylinder and ... unexpectedly, but it turns out to be empty. Kate with anger throws it. Oh, can you hide? I just had been afraid of every rustle, and now I decided to british all walking from the county, well done, a girlfriend.

    While the heroes sat down to relax on Havi from the back attacks the walking, press the corresponding keys to be saved. Zombie turns out to be a child, damn ... and again Kate fails. Now at least forgiven, it can be understood, she lost her daughter and did not dare to raise his hand on the zombie-child. Havi copes with him. Kate learned Geiba - Drew in the boy. Havi explains her that it is no longer people, only the appearance remained.

    Returning to the house, Kate says that it is necessary to get out of here and move on, where safer. Perhaps she is right. David disappeared for three months and never returned. It is necessary to somehow persuade children. They overhear the conversation and do not want to leave. We explain to them that every day it becomes more dangerous. Gabe insists on his own and does not want to leave the house, saying that if he needed help, he will ask his friends. Probably, it is worth telling him to tell the truth that Havi with Kate was seen on the street. Gabe agrees to leave and wants to leave a note to the Father, if he returns. Last preparations and family leaves the house.

    Now we return to the place, which ended 2 episode. All heroes are kneeling before the "new frontier" at the gate. Kate needs help. David takes her on his hands and spends in Lazaret. The rest are discharged into the chamber, where Eleanor turned out to be captured. She is worried about the state of Kate. Havi says they did not even look for her, but now she is in the hospital. Eleanor also learns that these people are a "new frontier", and leader of Javier's brother. But on this not everything, Tripp says that Kate's wife David, so she did not hit the camera to the rest. Later, the guys begin to discuss David and estimate how much he is involved in the assault on Prescott and was noticed at all, or the "new frontier" does not introduce it to the case. Tripp wants to restore justice and answer them for what happened on his land. Havi decides to talk to David alone before making some rapid actions. By the way about David, he's like here. He wants Havi to see Kate. The rest remain in place. It is worth saying that we will come back and do not leave them here.

    The brothers walk along the street, heading to the hospital. On the way, David says Gabe told him some strange things. It seems that he suspected something about them with Kate, well, let's say the truth. But ... fortunately he is not about it. David in rage, when he learned that they lost Marianna. It is worth telling him the truth about the death of his daughter. Havi says that those who shot Marianna wore a label of the turn and in Kate shot too, they. It seems that he does not know what is happening here. As it turned out, he was not the most important bump and richmond three more. David is responsible for security. He learned about the two of his guys who could be involved in this. On the way, they meet Ava, a girl who first led the cele to the "new frontier".

    The brothers reached the place where they take care of Kate. The chamber was already sitting Gabe. Kate is glad to see Havi. Suddenly she gets not good. Gabe with David run away by the doctor. Yeah, it was all in order to talk to Havi alone. She says that she is terribly here, she wants to get out of here, says that these people are killers. Havi agrees and gives her words that at the first opportunity they will leave this place. Soon the doctor is seized, Kate says that she is already better. Kind of weird. Having rummaged to her, Havi says that it may have broken the seams. The doctor is impressed with the work done to help Kate. He wants to see Eleanor. Havi is trying to rescue the entire team, but it will not be.

    Now the brothers are sent to the meeting with the rest of the leaders of the "New Rowing". In place, David introduces Havi with everyone. The guys prepared food and just gathered. We are offered to choose from: cake, vegetables, or say that everything is delicious. And there is. Looks like Havi, they liked. They sit down at the table and begin the conversation. After some time, Max is suitable with a pair of guys. Everything is already aware that Max and Havi were hostile. The first asked to tell how everything was. Next, without restraining, Havi says that his people killed a niece and part-time David's daughter. We continue to tell the truth about what happened earlier. The main decides to put everyone for the gate, David cannot do anything.

    So, Havi, Trippa and Jesus tweaked behind the gate. Ava handed the bag with a weapon from David. Tripp begins to persist, and Ava gives him on his face. Well, let's see what's in the bag. There, the guys find a card and a bit. We inspect the map. On it we find all the points, interacting with each. On the map, David pointed out the way to move. Now you have to find the north to understand which way to move. Havi looks at the sky, find the bright star itself. In the bag put in the main weapon, no food. Well, you will have to do without it. On the way, Tripp says that he would never have thought that they were not together with Kate. They have a conversation for souls. Jesus sown ahead, noticed something. Shooting is shown soon. The meat grinder begins. Press the appropriate keys to achieve. Suddenly, from the side attacks the walking, the second is joined to him, you need to do something, quickly urine alone, but the second has time to clean the HAVI, clay [q], then [E], from nowhere to appear and helps the final impact. Havi tells her that they were thrown from Richmond and she learns that David Brother Javi.

    We transfer us to the past and the craft resorts to theft to save the baby. We make my way into the tent using the movement keys, the baby begins to cry, calm his song and look at what medicine is needed. Vancomycin. We take the syringe to the right at the top on the shelf, then there only from the bottom you need the medicine. We recruit the medicine in the syringe, and as always, everything can not go smoothly. One of the inhabitants wake up in the tent and discourages the Clelet of the Culley, saying that the injection of the boy will not help and she will only spend the last dose of wasted. Clem decides to make an injection, it should. David comes to the kid's cry. After a long conversation, he decides to drive the cell. The baby they decided to leave themselves. Clem was allowed to say goodbye, after which she left.

    We return to the present. Hug a divergent celement. And again a meat grinder. Click [Q] to close the fence. Well, for some time it will stand, but you have to come up with how to get inside. Manual gates do not open, the door is also locked. Nearby is a car and nearby jack, in a wheelbarrow a pipe that can be used as a lever. We supply the jack to the goal and damage to [E] to raise the gate. All team "Inside!". Doors need to close, a pair of kicks and hava knocks the jack from the gate. Heard shots, this is David! Clem wants not to let David, but Havi decides not to listen. Entering, David asked what happened to the boy. It turns out that he was alive, they did not expect to himself, but he woken up. In this place they left the car and provisions, David came to say goodbye. The conversation of the brothers interrupts the crowd of walking, which broke into the door. Without losing a second, Jesus "takes out" in the jump of one of the walking door. It is necessary to rest in something. Havi finds a container and with David blocks the door. Tripp notes on the container familiar inscriptions. It's all from Prescott. In stock not only things from Prescott, but also drunk from other cities. There were someone's conversation nearby, the sound was intensified. All hid in the shelter. Troika David's soldier appeared here. Well, the guys took the guys with political. Max opens the shooting command. David said Havi that his goal is a badger. Younger brother follows him. Crouching from the falling rack and climb the command post. Tied a fight. Press the appearing buttons. At the end of the battle you can punish him for everything he did ... for Marianna ...

    David separated Max and gave finish the started Havi. He looks more harmless than the badger, he did nothing, did not kill anyone. Remote information from him. Max splits and says that Joan is behind all this, she gave orders. Perhaps it is worth leaving him alive, he will lead us to Richmond and will help get inside.

    At the outlet of the warehouse, Jesus decides to leave the group. Also one of the three gangsters escaped, he can raise anxiety. It's time to move to Richmond. Tripp is divided into the fact that he will say Eleanor about his feelings upon return. David knows the way to Richmond bypassing all patrols that will be expected.

    On the sewage system, the group reached Richmond. David will be divided into working immediately into two goals -tritis will go for Eleanor, Java for Kate and Gabe in Lazareza, and David with Max to Joan. What about Clem? She wants to find his friends in the "New Rise" to find out where he is kept hey. Its further plans are to sit in a wheelbarrow and fall out of here.

    Using, moving forward for the shelter. Bandyuki pass alongside and discuss Javier. To go further, you need to distract their attention. Throw a stone into a glass on the door and pass by. Javi finds Kate and Gabe. Kate said that Joan came to her, and reported that David did not lead this place. Javi tells her who, in fact, Joan, that it stands behind all this and it is her people raised Kate. It is necessary to stop it, but Kate vs, according to her, this is not our business. She wants to just escape. But Havi decides to go to David's house. Gabe misses the Clem. Havi tells him that she came across her, and that her friend would come in handy. Well, it's time to go.

    At the house heroes meet Ava. She says David speaks from Joan and he may need help. But what about the family? They must be protected. Ava says that they will be safe in the house. HAVI leaves them and go to the rescue with Ava. In place of Javi tells all the not excluded members of the "new frontier" what really happens here. As a proof, the group led Max, if he tells the truth, it will stay to live. People will find out the truth. But Joan justifies his actions (robbery and murder) by the fact that she mined the necessary vital supplies for the group. Joan decides to take them into the chamber, the brothers put on their knees and hit Havi on the head ...

    Episode 4: Curly Water

    At the beginning of the episode, we show the past of two brothers, when there was still life on earth ... without stray throughout the districts of the dead. They work out together together. Some girl learns the former Sport star - Javier Garcia and wants to take an autograph. Why not? As it turned out, she only wants to sell it. Well, "this is not for sale," Walk ... The game does not ask when David looks like Havi without losing the shape beat off all the balls. Well, he is the former star baseball, what's already here? David has all Khrenovo: Such work, they are constantly quarreling with his wife. The man decides to go to the army and asks Havi to look after his family. Of course you can count. It is worth supporting it at this moment.

    We return to the present. David, together with his brother, is already in the chamber, where he recently led the HAVI group. Joan's armed minions do not understand what actually happens and that she is. But through time Joan itself is shown. David seriously hates her, for which he gets along the face, trying to pounce on her. She plans to assemble a meeting in the morning to explain to the inhabitants why he was arrested. After completing the conversation, David is taken with them. So, it's time to get out of this hole. You can try to go through the door, but this is not the good idea, it is obviously closed. It is better to try to get out through the window, just not to get to it. Behind the wall near the shower we select a stool, with it you can reach the window. Also need to smash the glass. We approach the sink and pull out the pipe, quickly press the key key [Q], then [E]. Know the glass and try to get the grille. Gabe comes to the rescue. One he does not cope, help him, click on the key. Malts worries about his father, unlike Kate, who has long forgot David. It is worth saying Gabe, that he can cope, we will not throw it. The guys get to a safe place. Suddenly, a stranger is shown from the door. Quickly press to the side, so as not to get into the eyes.

    Behind the door heard the conversation Eleonor and Trippa. It seems he found a moment to tell her about his feelings. Kate meets Havi with hugs. Reply to her reciprocity. Tripp clearly divided. Clarification of relationships are interrupted in the room of Havi and the rest. Part of the group plans to leave while there is an opportunity. Streets have already flooded whole crowds of walking. Everyone hints at what you need to leave. But it is impossible to just take and throw David, even though he is asshole, but he is still a brother. Gabe knows where to find a weapon. What, and the pair of trunks will not be superfluous. Tripp is advised from Havi about Eleanor, who has no feeling for him. Looks like she needs time, perhaps everything will change.

    Ava and Gabe headed by Javi are sent to find a weapon. Ava decides to distract the guard at the door so that you can go inside. Gabe doubts about her devotion when they stay alone with Havi. If David instructed her, then it is worth believing her. The answer convinces a guy. Ava takes the guard, now you can penetrate inside. Open the door and go.

    The door to the weapon turns out to be closed. Of course. You can use a fire extinguisher as the key. What is HAVI and does. Beam on the door several times, clicking, pop-up on the button buttons. There are enough weapons. Also, Havi takes himself a bat. Suddenly the rear sneaks ava. It's time to leave, followed by the exit on the corridor suddenly heard someone's steps. We turn right and wait until the guard passes. Suddenly Gabe decided to prevent and attack him. As a result, it turns out to be in the hairs of death, but Havi is binding into a fight and saves his ass. We often press the button, then another to cut down the enemy. Havi gets a knife in the shoulder. Thank you, Gabe, what a fuck?

    Take off the sleeping beauty to the restroom using the movement keys. Having reviewed the wound Javier, Ava offers him help. Dr. Lingard is nearby in the Medpunk. It costs to look at him.

    In the Medpunk, HAVI notices the dock and ... Clem? This is a meeting. Clem here in order to learn from Lingarland where hey Jay is hiding. It looks like he sleeps strong sleep. Clem notices Wound Havi and offers to sew. While she is looking for a thread with a needle HAVI notes that something is wrong with her. She says that she had blood ... in women it happens. Havi says that this is growing, everything is fine.

    Looks like a doctor in complete bran, even slapped on the cheek could not awaken it. Well, we will examine while the room. In the upper right drawer we find codetain - painful. Clele warns that they do not like theft here, but who cares? The countertop is a first-aid kit, tools for sheep found. In the box on the right, you can also find a thing for an adheated clamber, she will be useful. We speak with the Clem and she is accepted to sew Havi, passing a story about the past.

    We carry us at that time. Clem sits in a trailer. Suddenly she hears the steps on the street. Someone is clear here there is to get the knife. From the bushes shows ava. She brought some things for the cele. We look at things, but most importantly there is a drawing. It will remind her of baby. Ava advises to find someone who can be trusted, and who will trust you. For goodbye, Ava is advised at one place - the Pleaspen airfield, if support is required. Clem says goodbye to her friend, shook her hand.

    Upon completion of the story, she has already bandaged Wound Havi, great job. It's time to talk to the doctor. He just comes to himself. He says that it is thanks to David a boy stayed alive. Clem wants to find out where he is hiding hey-jey. The doctor will tell only if he is introduced a killing injection. We agree to this and receive information. Do not forget to put a knife in the head in the end so that he does not turn.

    Now all together they return to a safe place to the rest of the group. Eleanor says Kate has selected in another room. Gabe is divided by the found weapon with the cell, he refuses, but then agrees to take another gun so as not to offend Gabe. The group decides to speak at court. which will be held in the morning. For covering from walking, they want to use a "new frontier" truck. Ava knows where he is, if you steal him, then no one will stop us. The conversation entered the included Kate and Clem. Gabe is trying to all prove that he is cool and adult to go to such a task, wants to show himself. He is ready to even die to free his father. Havi still protects him and speaks to cool, do not climb into the peckel. Small breaks about the fact that Javi shot a conrad. Tripp can not believe it and immediately fierce. Trust Trippa and with him Eleanor for Havi is lost.

    The group appeared to the location of the truck. Plan as: Havi with the Clem goes to the truck, and Gabe with Kate stand on Shukhra. But Gabe breaks into battle, it's good that in the end he remained behind the fence. Go straight to the building. Behind the gate is the truck you need. Open the door to the button and Havi climbs inside ... Damn, the enemies go nearby! Press down to start. Kate with Gabe was not left aside and also came to the truck. The engine can not start, it will attract and walking and guys nearby. Kate will steer, and all the other push. We often press the button to force the truck to roll. Having twisted the car at a safe distance, you can start it. But the problem is that no one put the key to the visor. You have to close the wires. But we have no tools. Clem notes the things scattered everywhere, maybe the tools are somewhere. Javi finds a red box with tools. We stretch behind the lippers, but suddenly the hand is enough walking. He aims in the skull and divide it with one blow. Now our tools can be accepted for work. We open the panel with a hammer. Cut alternately blue, red and green wires. Connect the blue and red wire. The light is lit. Walking will not be dreamed, immediately come. We take the red and green wire and try to start the engine several times. Ready.

    The group gets to the place and stops in a few blocks to the square. It remains only to wait for the sunrise. During this time, Kate and Havi discusses the future of E children, perhaps Gabe and Cle, something will work. They also discuss their relationships. Kate wants to give a chance to develop their relationship with Havi, but everything complicates when David is near, so she does not want to return it. Havi also manifests her sympathy and wants to see what will come of it.

    According to the radio with heroes, Ava is associated with the heroes and says that there was an indicative execution on the square, Joan wants to hang David. The conversation breaks sharply. I wonder what happened? It is necessary to go on foot, if they notice or hear the car, then it will be killed right away. Kate stays in a wheelbarrow to pick them up later.

    On Joan's Square, he speaks his teeth to all those present and tries to blame David with any means and hang it. It submits to universal review of the body of Dr. Linggard and another person. Joan notices in the crowd of Javier. She waited for us. Joan said that they had a conversation with Eleanor and she said that Havi wants to gather people against her. Soon, Joan displays connected trypts and avu. She makes you choose who leave life, and who will die today. But, regardless of our choice, Joan will still change it. That is, if we choose "Save Trippa", then she will shoot him for "betrayal", the same will be with Ava - choose "save Ava", then she will shoot it for "betrayal". After that, Joan's people begin to doubt her adequacy. One of her people is Clint in bewilderment. It is worth proving him to stop it. He agrees on a truce and everything goes to ensure that the group take David and have been removed from the city. We have a choice, kill Joan or enter into an agreement with it. Given the fact that she has done, she has no place in this world. Havi makes a skidding straight into the eye. Joan's minions overturn the stool, and David is suspended. Press the buttons to the sides shown on the screen to shorten the shots. Then we shoot an armed gangster. We climb on the platform and save David, cutting up the rope, then click [Q] to drag it into the shelter. David asks the Son to help him, but Havi stops him, saying that we are not here for the sake of revenge. Nearby Clementine was surrounded and help would be useful. With us, Kate is associated with us. She heard shots. Regardless of what we say to her, it will appear on the square. Unfortunately, one of the gangsters throws the Molotov cocktail and the truck becomes unmanage. Jump off aside, the truck flies into the fence and breaks down, the flowing fuel provokes an explosion ...

    Episode 5: with the gallows

    Havi with her brother and father play domino. We are granted a chance to choose which knuckle to like. Choose any like that. After the game, by chance, the brothers learn about the fatal disease of the Father.

    After a small conversation, we carry us to the present, to the exploded truck. Havi rushes to a truck to help Kate. On the way, we shoot in the walking, after which they immediately evade the left of the enemy fire from behind. We live three times [Q], so as not to let the zombyatin to the truck. It does not really stop it. It will be difficult to get to him, Havi do not allow to dry out. We live again three times the key, this time [E], shooting in the blind. There is a hit. Fight from walking and overtake the truck. Inside Kate does not turn out.

    Havi decides to talk about it with David. Together with him, the brothers go to search by Kate. The body fell nearby, externally similar to it. David is sent to check, but the walking is pretty smart and attacked on it. We help your brother to escape, pressing [q] and ... here the work finishes ... Kate?! She is alive! David is clearly dissatisfied with the unfolding relations of the brother and his ex-wife. But now it is not before, you need to save your ass. Havi notes that Gabu with the cell need help, they were surrounded by walking. But, apparently, they themselves quite successfully cope. Clem taught the boys how to effectively neutralize the knee blow. Crowds walking come, the group decides to hide in the building.

    Gabe is dissatisfied with the fact that Joan had to kill and everything turned so. Havi explains this by the fact that in this case they could save David. But small everything is expanded.

    David decides to check other entrances to the building and make sure that there is a safe place. He also offers Gabu to go with him, to which the Son does not immediately agree and asks the Council of Havi. He says that the boy is careful, in addition to everything for the company goes with a class.

    The remaining alone, Havi with Kate decide to find a safe place at the top, away from the walking. Kate begins to find the pros in the fact that Marianna, her daughter, did not survive before that day, did not see this horror that turned around. She also blames himself behind a break in the wall, what Havi replies that it is not her wines and they will fix everything together.

    Going into the room, they detect Eleanor. She is not very pleased with the guys. HAVI is eventually ready to forgive her for having come down and trusted Joan. Eleanor is an excellent doctor and she really wants to save lives, and in this place she can do it. One of the women here, lost outside the daughter. It's terrible, losing a child in such a world ...

    It looks like this woman completely demolished the roof, and she instructed the trunk at Javi. According to her, this is the fault of Brother David all this, without him, everything was fine in Richmond. HAVI refuses to recognize their guilt. Under the city rises Kate and tries to persuade a desperate girl. Noticing that she calmed down a little, David roughly selects the trunk and throws it to the floor. It is worth even this time to support him and say thank you, because that crazy could and shoot. After David wanted to kill the girl, the whole group fell on him. Kate says it is better to talk to him, as with a brother.

    Havi finds his brother on the roof, he stands on the edge and looks somewhere. Wow, he is not like someone who is capable of suicide. Well, come on, the guy, only without stupidity. David asks his brother to climb him. Well, we climb into the parapet, hoping that he will not hit the brains in brains. My God, the crowds of walking corpses flooded the whole territory. The brothers tying a conversation for souls. Havi tries to get brother and understand it. After a while, Kate rises on the roof, and behind them and the rest, including ... Trippa. The group let him in the last moment when he was on the street. A little embarrassing, especially after that situation on the square. Havi does not regret what he did then. He would also arrive, repeated the situation again. In the end, they laugh. Already well, even with someone relations wept.

    The group discusses where to go now, because on the streets of the crowd zombies and they can be said, surrounded. Kate has a plan with the use of construction equipment she saw near the truck. It is good, everyone agrees. It's time to descend from the roof. Havi notices the fire staircase and jumps on it, we have time to press [E]. The group goes to another roof.

    So time has come to talk. David is interested in why Kate was glad to see Havi, which hugged him. Javier leaves the conversation saying that he himself asked himself. On this serious conversation ends.

    At the bottom of the group notes the guy who grabbed the dead. David soothes everyone and gives the introductory. To survive must be kept together and look at both. They go further on the roof. Now walking on the way they have. Together with his brother, HAVI clears the platform. Near just a couple of walking, boring.

    Gabe on the way talks to HAVI and admits that he used to want to grow like a father, but now he looks at Javi and most hopes to become like him.

    Path through the bridge Block fragments and dump of machines. Kate is very afraid of height, but she did it. It is our turn. Passing near the car, she began to slightly sliding and Havi almost fell down, thanks for all the triple, he handed his hand on time. However, it is successfully that we have established contact with him. It remains to move only tryp. Wow, however, any ass will happen to the last happen to the latter, the walking car came out of the car and pounced on the tripp, but it was not there. Healthy drank him through himself and a miracle saved. Well done, however.

    Having reached the end of the bridge, Javi talks to the Clem about David. The conversation hears David himself and tells why he had to give hey-Jey. Havi supports her brother and says that he did everything right. Clem also does not remain aside.

    Havi examines the bridge and hanging on the wreckage helicopter. It is worth viewing the helicopter hanging half a parachute, the destroyed bridge and water tower itself. It seems we have already closely close.

    The path on the other side is the only one - using the blades, fly on na on the other side of the bridge. Risky. Well, there is no other way out. The first is Gabe, then Clem, Kate. While everything goes well, at least Kate has already doubts about this venture. One thing is children, but here already weight is a little more. Havi persuades the brother to go as follows. Followed by itself. Well, on Javi seems to end and ends. The blade breaks and saves down. Use the keys to go upstairs. It is necessary to be careful, because half of the pilot remained while hand and can grab us. Press the right key to put the body to the reinforcement. The way is free, calmly climb upstairs. Havi could save his skin, but what to do with Tripp, he will no longer be able to move. It is impossible to challenge it. He is trying to shoot, but falls along with a pair of walking down. There is a possibility that he still stayed alive.

    Having reached the place, the group decides to somehow distract walking to gain access to the technique. Gabe notices the generator to include to distract them. And in the meantime, it offers to spend the belonging to the belly to the belly and to coat his internships. She is not used to it, but the team looks at it with wildness. It seems to have to do it to Havier.

    Havi decides to hide behind the drawer and distracting one walk, who fought off, whistling. Well, then the case is for small, we use the mouse and follow further prompts on the screen to part down. Now carefully pass by walking, trying not to hurt them. The smell of the intestine interrupts the smell of "surviving", so the generator is not difficult to get to the generator. Open the generator cover and press the button. The process went.

    In the garage, seeing the car, David decides to leave this place and, of course, grab with me the rest, who wants. Havi protests and says that the plan was completely different, this suicide. On the side of David becomes Gabe. Well, the dude, not now, the reunion with his father was expected. Kate whisked and said David, that she was finished. Finally! Havi confirms her words, saying that they love each other. Perhaps it was not worth it to do. David threw it and began a fight. Events unfold rapidly. Havi says everything that loves his brother, but he does not slow down pressure, but only stretches behind a wrench. Well, now and Gabe got under his arm an angry father. All puts a shot in David. This was a cele. It's time to end someone with it. But the crowd came to the sound. The group managed to fight off and hide in the garage, but ... David, what the hell? He closed the garage outside and dumped with Gabe on Picap.

    You can't wait anymore, people remained in Richmond and they must be saved. Kate wants to take a bulldozer and go to save people, and Clementine will go for Havi, where he, and she. Gabe chose a side, he wanted to leave David, so Kate to save people in Richmond should help. In the box in the garage, Java finds a weapon.

    Defense is already going in Richmond. Jesus, suddenly see him here, and even in such a guise. At the entrance to the gate shoot the gates. Kate commands cluster. To do it interferes with the walking, grabbed Havi for the leg. We are separated with him and jump into the bucket. Kate raises the HVI to get to the opening console. Here we will find many buttons and levers. We need - green (the highest).

    In the city, Bulldozer goes to the crowd Walky, Havi commands "full forward" and begins to hand out everything from the machine, time to press only the buttons. Cartridges in AK end up and now Kate is taken for business. We change places with it and take the control of the bulldozer on yourself. Use the keyboard to lead Mahine in the desired direction. We select a truck and cover the passage for the walking.

    After a while, Clem says that it is necessary to go for Gabe. Their car fell into an accident and David is already dead, Gabu is lucky slightly more. He was bitten. Give the boy a gun so that he can commit suicide and will not turn into this creature.

    3 days later

    In the church, Havi and Kate hung another photo - Gabe, on a commemorative wall, to other dead.

    Kate tells Javi that he wants to make a family, he is not against, and agrees to it. Silence and calm reigned on the streets of Richmond. Walking out of reach over the walls. In the courtyard, Havi meets Jesus, who intends to leave this place, and he sees something in us, believes that Havi will be able to lead these people. Why not? After all, everything fell into place, everything is safe, it's time to settle. It seems that the cell is time to go beyond the baby. But before she leaves, she asks for one favor. It seems that she needs to put in order, the new hairstyle will be a great idea. On this craft says goodbye to everyone and leaves Richmond in search of his boy.

    Congratulations, the fifth episode is finished, and with it and 3 season of the series "The Walking Dead".