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  • Cannot be pregnant. What can not be done pregnant? What should I refuse? Ban on any work on holidays

    Cannot be pregnant. What can not be done pregnant? What should I refuse? Ban on any work on holidays

    When a woman learns that in the near future she will have to become a mom, she will define the mass of questions. One of the main is the following: what can not be done in the early periods of pregnancy?

    If a woman has already encountered such an interesting position, then she certainly knows the answer to this question. Also, a wonderful sex representative should know what to do during pregnancy. Let's try to figure it out in these two points and learn how to behave during the baby tool.

    Early gestation

    To begin with, it is worth saying which time segment is called early immediately after fertilization of the female cell, the sperm begins continuous division of the zygota. At the same time, the cells move towards the eleven body.

    Physical activity

    What charging do during pregnancy in order to support your health and secure a baby?

    Recently, the following areas are very common: yoga and fitness for pregnant women. A woman can choose what it is suitable for her. Also, doctors are recommended throughout the deadline to make a swim. This will help maintain the body in the tone and prepare for childbirth. The exceptions are those cases when

    Reception of drugs

    In the early period of pregnancy it is very important to fully eat and take the necessary vitamins. In most cases, doctors prescribe a woman receiving folic acid. It is she who participates in the formation of organs and fabrics, and also helps on time and correctly closing the nervous tube.

    In addition, the future mother needs iodine for the proper work of the thyroid gland. Also, the doctor may recommend the reception of magnesium, iron and potassium. Many specialists prefer to immediately prescribe a pregnant complex of vitamins, and not solitary drugs containing useful trace elements.


    The future mother must carefully observe it is necessary to wash hands more often. This will help avoid intestinal infections and viruses.

    It is also necessary to follow the purity of the genitals. After all, the appearance of bacteria in them may threate the fetus infection. If necessary, use daily gaskets. They will help you feel comfortable.

    Proper nutrition

    During the child's waiting, it is necessary to eat right. This condition concerns not only early pregnancy terms. It is necessary to use a large amount of vitamins (fruits and vegetables), useful minerals and microelements.

    Drink fresh juices and rest more. If possible, try to spend a lot of time in the fresh air. The baby now needs a lot of oxygen for the correct development and formation of all organs.


    Now you know how to behave during the expectation of the baby. Always remember that there are also other surveys that can damage the tiny body, it is better to postpone for a while. Be careful to yourself and always follow the recommendations of the doctor.

    During pregnancy, a woman is forced to take care of not only his health and life, but also the health and life of the future child. It is responsible for the development of the fetus, its growth and livelihoods. And therefore, forced to adhere to many rules, refuse many habits and be particularly vigilant and attentive.

    What can not eat during pregnancy

    The first thing that will have to start changing your life is meal. It must certainly be useful and full. This means that the future mother must consciously approach the compilation of its diet. In the daily menu, animals and vegetable proteins, complex carbohydrates, useful fats should be included in the daily menu. A variety on the table during pregnancy is desirable and even necessary. But now you have to think about it several times before you eat. First, it is necessary to control weight gain so as not to gain extra; Secondly, a lot of things can not eat during pregnancy or at least limit quantitatively.

    So, there are categories of potentially dangerous for the future mother and child products that are capable of causing strong allergic reactions, lead to a reduction in the uterine muscles, cause stool disorders and constipation, ignite blood and threaten the start of bleeding, disrupt the work of the heart and worsen the blood circulation, provoke the appearance of edema.

    Mold cheeses, sharp spices, severe salty dishes and products, sushi, raw eggs and meat, alcohol, and others have been made to the list of products for prohibited during pregnancy. More information can be found in this section.

    What can not be done during pregnancy

    But the exception of some food restrictions during pregnancy are not exhausted. Now much will not be done from the fact that there are no big dangers in ordinary life. Doctors do not recommend future mothers to wear gravity, walk in high heels, smoke and be in the coastal premises, sunbathing and visit the solarium, nervous and polit, perform heavy physical work. Regarding many prohibitions, there is not only a medical, but also a folk view: is it possible to paint and cut hair, raise your hands, knit and embroider, go to church, take medicine, having sex and much more - here you will find answers to all these questions .

    30 votes

    Very often the women call me, with such questions: "I learned that I was pregnant, where to start? What to do? Where to run? What to take? " I decided to make it easier to write a detailed short guide than telling everything every time.

    This article is your fast guide to a new country for you - "Pregnancy". This then you will learn everything you can and will be great oriented in all signs and states. In the meantime, I give you fast, short advice - what to do what to throw, what are and drinking which vitamins to take and others.

    So, the 15 first steps:

    First - do a pregnancy test and hand over blood for hgch

    At first suspicions, we make a pregnancy test, start doing it no earlier than 1-2 weeks of delay of menstruation. Previously, he can show anything.

    If there are doubts, it is possible to pass blood on a hormone, highlighted by a fruit egg - chorioganadotropin (HCG).

    It is important not to do ultrasound to determine pregnancy!

    For some reason, everyone immediately seems to be running on the ultrasound and put up. This is not true!

    Ultrasound - very strongly affects the embryo, and it is possible to do it no earlier than 12 weeks.

    To accurately make sure that you are pregnant, it is enough to pass blood on hgch. This is a very accurate analysis and no interference in the development of the fetus.

    Secondly - tell us my husband and native

    After you exactly make sure that you are pregnant, you can tell my husband and relatives about your happiness. If the pregnancy is unplanned, be patient and delicate.

    Tell us first my husband, better in writing, leave a note in the morning, write that you are pregnant and discuss all the evening. Give him time to come to my senses from this news. Then you can also tell my relatives.

    Who to tell - to solve you. But many girls do so - until 3-4 months toll only the most closest, and there they say everything.

    I think this is a fully justified decision, the first trimester is usually the most important and complicated and for the baby and for you.

    Third -Change the pace of life

    Of course, pregnancy will require you changes from your rhythm and lifestyle. First of all, exhale and relax.

    100% of all future mothers feel tension, fear and uncertainty in the first days of pregnancy. And it is natural, do not blame yourself in this.

    You are standing on the threshold of great change and do not know yet, cope with them or not. But you have to get used to eat even 9 months.

    Although I know by experience, the feelings of future motherhood will come in the second trimesterAnd when you feel the first chapels of the child, you will understand how much the motherhood feeling is in you, and how natural this process is natural.

    Always slow down your temp- Try to rest more and more often. There is a minute - sit, but better even lie.

    I often hear, and how to relax - still painted - no minute there is no time from where to take time. The answer is simple and at the same time very complicated - throw away everything too much. And what is not superfluous - sleep, food, water.

    Everything else can be discarded or postponed: a cafe with girlfriend, phone calls, work, home affairs, movies, books, purchases. Be patient until the 2nd trimester, it will be easier there, and you can catch everything.

    Moreover, your body will help you in this, in the first trimester, all moms complain about very high fatigue and a constant desire to sleep.

    Fourth - urgently stop smoking and taking alcohol

    As soon as they found out about pregnancy, still urgently - smoke, taking alcohol Even in small doses, even wine and beer. The consequences can be absolutely not predictable.

    Every day of the first trimester is a huge work, the cells of the embryo are divided with an incredible speed, the base of all organs, systems, cells and tissues is laid. Any interference in this process - can cause great harm.

    Fifth - stop taking medication and any treatment

    If you take some drugs, go through or are going to undergo treatment - urgently stop.

    Go to your doctor in the female consultation and tell you what drugs you are taking, the doctor will change the treatment method.

    Any indisposition during pregnancy you will be treated not as you used to do it, so you feel signs of colds, do not run for Fernex or aspirin.

    Most of the drugs during pregnancy it is impossible!

    Look in section You can find the answer there to the question whether it is possible to accept this or that medicine during pregnancy.

    Sixth - Start carefully listen to yourself

    Pregnancy is a time when you hear your inner voice more clearly. He protects you from all the harmful and dangerous.

    Listen to everything he says unconditionally.

    Pulls to wrap hever - do, despite the opinions of others. Pulls to sleep - jogging. Suddenly there was a unpleasant person or a whole family, the smell - Well, come back to them after childbirth.

    Keep and protect your body like a temple!

    Seventh - Suspend sports

    If you have been engaged in some sport before pregnancy, suspend all classes. (Including running, ride a bike, riding a horse, tennis, hiking, aerobics, fitness, classes in the gym and, of course, all kinds of professional sports.)

    During pregnancy, you can dance (all dancing, except for sports) to make gymnastics for pregnant women, swim, do some asians from yoga.

    Eighth - Start folic acid

    In the first trimester, it is very important to take folic acid, since it is she who will lay out the basis of the correct development and formation of the brain and the entire nervous system of the kid.

    However, I advise you to take folic acid is not in tabletsas is customary, but only from food sources.

    The fact is that, according to the latest research, artificially synthesized pill with folic acid tablets do not have the necessary positive action, their activity and strength fluctuates within 10% of the relics that a simple spinach can give.

    In addition, American scientists have proven the relationship between taking tablets, in which there are folic acid, and the occurrence of breast cancer between 40-50.

    We will talk about vitamins of natural and artificial in more detail in the section of food, a separate block of articles will be devoted to this.

    So, you will receive folic acid only from greenery and vegetables, taking into account the fact that on the day you need to receive at least 400 μg.

    The content of folic acid in products of plant origin:

    Product How to eat?
    Masha, raw
    Lentil, crude In the form of seedlings adding to salads
    Beans, crude In the form of seedlings adding to salads
    Gestroined wheat (embryos) In seedlings, adding to the cocktail, in salads
    Raw sunflower seeds
    Spinach (raw) As is, adding to salads, in cocktails
    Parsley dill As is, adding to salads, in cocktails
    Beet (raw) In juices, in a salad - in the raw form
    Bitter pepper Adding to salads
    Sea cabbage In the form of salat

    What recipes i can posh essential to saturate yourself and your baby folic acid?

    - So, the very first is a green cocktail with spinach (1-2 beam) and seedlings (greens) wheat (daily 0.5-1 liter). Alternating spinach with parsley every 2-3 days.

    - Fresh carrot and beet juice (daily 0.2-0.5 liters)

    - Salads with seedlings of beans, Masha, green peas (only raw canned), colored and white cabbage, tomato.

    Ninth - Turn on the rations containing calcium

    Calcium in the body is not only the material from which the human bone tissue is a skeleton, teeth, bone, and so on. Calcium participates in a huge number of processes in the body, more than 179 organism functions are known.For which calcium meets.

    Calcium influences:

    • to work all the muscles of a person
    • affects the work of the heart muscle and the regulation of heart rhythm
    • is one of the factors of blood coagulation
    • participates in the process of the formation of antallergic protection of the body
    • remove pain syndrome
    • exhibits anti-inflammatory action
    • affects immune processes
    • normalizes the function of the endocrine glands
    • participates in the transfer of nerve impulses

    In the body of a pregnant woman, calcium lack increases the risk of miscarriage and premature genera, hypertension and the development of other complications - eclampsia, postpartum bleeding, etc.

    It is clear that calcium is needed to a person not only during pregnancy, but also in ordinary life. Your norm per day is 1500 mg calcium per day.

    However, contrary to the common opinion of calcium you can not get with the help of tablets, additives, you can not get calcium from water, milk, cheese, sour cream and other.

    According to the latest research on Calcium in water, tablets, mineral additives is an inorganic calcium, which is not absorbed by the body, moreover is postponed in the most different parts of the body, causing a lot of problems.

    Milk, cheese, sour cream not only do not add calcium, but also wash it out of bones.

    You can read in detail about calcium in these two articles:

    So, your calcium rate you must receive here from these products:


    How to eat?

    Raw seeds of sesame In the form of sesame milk or adding to salads
    Raw sunflower seeds You can dock for 1-2 hours and eat, either add to salad, cocktail
    Almond, raw As it is, in raw form
    Shipovnik In the form of tincture on cold water
    Dill As is, adding to salads, in cocktails
    Top Dips As is, adding to salads, in cocktails
    Garlic As it is, adding to salads
    Basil fresh As is, adding to salads, in cocktails
    Sea cabbage In raw form like salad
    Figure dried As it is
    Algae "Vakam" In raw form like salad
    Bitter pepper How is it in raw form, add to salads
    Beans, crude
    Beans, crude Germinate and eat in raw form by adding to salads
    Parsley As is, adding to salads, in cocktails
    Lemon As it is, adding to salads
    Masha, raw Germinate and eat in raw form by adding to salads
    Top beet As is, adding to salads, in cocktails
    Hazelnut, raw As it is


    - Sesame milk

    - Cabbage salad, with celery, onion, seeds, basil

    - Green cocktail

    All these recipes are in the article -

    Tenth - Turn on the rations containing iodine

    Iodine during pregnancy is very important, as it affects the work of the thyroid gland, which provides the body with hormones.

    The first 4 weeks and you, and the baby are developing, and live at the expense of your hormones (mother hormones), which strongly produces the thyroid, at 16 weeks - placenta comes to the rescue.

    Therefore, the first 3 months should be monitored so that the iodine fall into the body is at least 250 mg daily.

    The daily share of iodine will provide a marine cauldron, it contains from 500 to 3000 mg of iodine per 100 grams of the product.

    You can eat it both as salad and dried, swinging and adding into ready-made vegetable salads.

    Eleventh - N. e Take any vitamins!

    Recent studies in which more than 15,000 pregnant women participated, did not confirm the benefits of taking vitamins.

    It was proved that vitamins are medicines, and not an additive to food, it is necessary to take them, only if the results of the analysis found out that there is not enough vitamin, they were prescribed - all.

    You can not simply "drink" for health, many of them do not benefit, some are simply not absorbed, but some kind of harm.

    Vitamins need to receive from food.

    Your vitamins for all 9 months are vegetables, fruits and greens:

    We will talk in detail about the nutrition, on this topic I will write a lot of important articles because changing your food, you are able to restore yourself completely, get rid of diseases, complications, and prevent all unnecessary diseases in the future with your baby.

    All is listed all that you need to eat to fill the organism with folic acid, calcium, iodine and vitamins. Boldly take the products listed, make up your diet of them.

    But remember a few gold power rules:

    1. You do not need to eat for two, the child is only enough. No need to increase food substantially. The phrase "Eat for two" is not true! Eat as it asks the body, but do not indulge all your desires overly. If your pregnancy is accompanied by nausea and vomiting (vomiting no more than 3-4 times a day and you do not lose weight - this is normal) and you are almost nothing, do not be afraid, it does not hurt the child, it is still developing at the expense of your stocks.
    2. Your diet should consist of: 80% of vegetables, fruits and greens.
    3. Fruits and berries need to eat separately from any other food and preferably in the morning.
    4. Every day there should be a lot of greenery in your diet. 0.5-1 liter of green cocktail is the key to your happiness and health before - during - and after pregnancy.
    5. Vegetables need only in the raw form, since when cooking, they lose most of their vitamins.
    6. It is necessary to remove the animal protein From your diet, it applies to meat, fish, birds, eggs, milk and all milk products.
    7. It is impossible to drink water / juice / tea and other liquids during meals and immediately after. Drink a glass of clean water 20 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals.
    8. Do not run on sweet and flour, type: cookies, lumps, bread, candies, gingerbread and TP. Instead, try to eat sweet fruits or dried fruits, in the extreme case pure chocolate.
    9. Stop drinking carbonated juices and drinks: Cola, Phanto and all this. Read the label, there is nothing natural except for water, the rest of the chemical compounds that you never will be digested, but will only spend the body's forces on their conclusion. In addition, all carbonated drinks are forced to wash out calcium from your bones, teeth and nails, as well as baby bones.
    10. Stop eat canned food, sausages, jams, pies, stuffing. The composition of each canned product includes a mass of chemistry, and it is not known anyone how it will affect you.
    11. Forget about the microwave oven, it destroys not only all useful vitamins, but also changes the chemical composition of food!
    12. Avoid excessive salt use, and it is better to refuse it at all. This step will help save your kidneys and prevent such complications of pregnancy as high pressure, preeclampsia and eclampsia.
    13. Herbs, herbal tinctures and infusions are also medications, so do not take them just so without clear recommendations. For example, nettle has the strongest action - causes contractions, which is useful only after delivery to remove the last and all over the uterus, but not during pregnancy.

    Thirteenth - Drink water!

    Daily drink 1.5-2 liters of water. Please watch this very carefully. In ordinary life, we barely drink, mostly tea, coffee, juices, soups, but not water.

    However, all drinks, pure water feed is a food for our body.

    Only the water is immediately absorbed into the blood, diving it, helps to carry oxygen, and all substances cells.

    With a reduced amount of water in the bloodstream (if drinking a glass per day), the microscope shows that the erythrocytes stick together and "float" not one by one, but a chain. In this form, the erythrocytes do not tolerate enough oxygen.

    Because one erythrocyte should be surrounded by oxygen if it is slipping with others it simply does not have a free space where oxygen atoms could attached.

    Blood is thickened, blood flow slows down, organs and tissues suffer from hypoxia. We feel weak, headache, fatigue, lethargy.

    During pregnancy, water is infinitely importantLittle thing is that it increases by 40% of your blood, so the water is needed even to fill the child's pool (the communal bag) to constantly clean it and update water in it, because the mother's body will lead everything for himself and for the kid .

    Therefore, we carry with you everywhere the bottle of water and teach yourself to drink as much as possible.

    Water sometimes creates just miracles - if they have bothered, all day you can drink only clean water and nothing more, the disease passes in 1-2 days completely, if they are tired after some loads - increase the amount of water the next day, you will restore in 3-5 Once faster.

    At the beginning, I know by myself, drinking water as it would not want, one glass is hardly drinking. Everything pulls on something sweet, carbonated. But the time passes (5-10 days) and you feel that nothing except water does not want.

    Fourteenth - stand up

    Next, you need to find a place where you will take tests and where you will be given all the necessary documents (sick leave, exchange card). It may be a female consultation or any paid clinic who has a state license for the provision of "obstetric and gynecology" services.

    In the LCD all analyzes will be free, but on this, perhaps the benefits and end. In a paid clinic less queues, more attention to you, better equipment. It will be convenient to visit the doctor for a period of 12 weeks, then you can make an inspection, and do ultrasound.

    It's still all you need! If you have any questions, please write in the comments to this article, I will be glad to answer you.

    The answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant during pregnancy, it seems obvious. It would seem that the conception has already come and can not repeat. However, in recent decades, serious discoveries were made in the field of gynecology and earned earnings when pregnancy fell in a pregnant woman.

    Physiology of conception

    In order for conception, it is necessary to merge the female sex cell with a sperm. This natural process occurs in the cavity of a small pelvis in a woman. Previously for several weeks ripens the follicle. When the egg is ready for fertilization, it leaves the ovary and goes to the uterine tube.

    Unprotected sexual contact, performed during the week to ovulation or in the following day leads to the fact that the spermatozoid penetrates the vagina. From there, it is transported through the neck and cervical canal in the uterus, and then in Fallopiev pipe.

    Sometimes in the body of a woman ripening two eggs. This leads to the onset of multiple pregnancy. In such a situation, embryos develop separately from each other in an individual fruit egg. If, in the process of fertilization, the egg cell was divided into two identical parts, then one can become pregnant with single-hour twins, but this happens less often.

    What happens to the female reproductive system during pregnancy

    After conception, the fertilized egg is sent to the cavity of the eleven organ. After about 3-7 days its implantation occurs. At this point, the uterus should be the most prepared for this process and have a sufficient thickness of the endometrium - a functional mucosa layer.

    After the release of a female gamete from the ovary at this place is formed a yellow body. It is the source of progesterone. This hormone is necessary to maintain the uterus in a normal tone, which prevents the rejection of the fetal egg. Progesterone is a hormone of the second phase.

    If it is distinguished throughout the cycle, it will suppress the activity of estrogen - substances necessary for the ripening of an egg. Based on the work of the hormonal background, it is scientifically proven that during pregnancy can not happen.

    By the beginning of the second trimester, the yellow body is subjected to regress, and its role begins to perform a placenta. The child's place reliably protects the baby from the influence of negative factors, and also performs the transportation of nutrients and blood circle. The probability of pregnant in this case is not even considered. New eggs do not ripen, and the uterus is not in that condition to take the embryo.

    Despite the scientific experiments and the existing evidence base, some women were able to get pregnant during pregnancy again. By 2011, medical practice launched at least 10 such cases. The conception of women occurred in a natural way in the middle of the cycle, as is supposed.

    However, over the next two weeks was carried out. Unprotected sexual intercourse led to the fact that the pregnant woman again experienced everything that has already happened a few weeks ago.

    The second fertilization can occur only in the same cycle as the first. That is, when the woman still does not know about his new state. In the second, third and subsequent months of pregnancy, a new conception is impossible.

    An interesting fact that superecdation is a normal process for animals (cats and dogs). In humans, this state arises extremely rarely and becomes an exception to the generally accepted rules of the reproductive system.

    Throughout the gestational period, doctors advise to use the barrier method of contraception. The purpose of protection is not to protect against the new conception. Condoms are necessary in order to prevent venereal diseases. Most of them negatively affect the state of the fetus, they are especially dangerous in the early and late periods of pregnancy. Sexual contact with a condom will be safer for a woman and her future kid.

    In the late period of pregnancy, the sperm can influence the state of the cervix, soften it and bring the process of childbirth. With the threat of early childbirth, experts do not allow sexual intercourse without a condom.

    >>Medications for pregnancy

    Medications for pregnancy. What can and can not be taken pregnant?

    If you are pregnant and do not know how to cope with the symptoms of pregnancy, then, often, open your home first-aid kits in search of the necessary, in your opinion, the drug. And one of the chosen medication can be safe for you, but another you consider absolutely safe is prohibited to use pregnant women.

    In any case, before taking something, call your doctor and ask him. The drugs described below should be avoided. When talking with a doctor, be sure to inform him about your position and ask if your pregnancy will not affect your pregnancy.

    Anesthetic drugs. Acetaminophen

    Pharmacist response: almost always safe

    Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is safe during pregnancy, but it is necessary to be careful and not to take it more than indicated in the recipe. With a large receipt, kidney chain can develop. And in some cases, women with congenital vices were born in women who took acetaminophen in excess of the specified norm.

    Antibiotics during pregnancy

    Pharmacist response: the degree of danger is unknown

    Some types of antibiotics are safe during pregnancy, others can pose a threat to a child. And the third occupy an intermediate position between them. But, in any case, take them with caution.

    The most common antibiotics, which are safe for pregnant women are penicillin, amoxicillin, ampicillin, cephalosporins (Sefalexin), erythramicin. All of them are successfully applied to treat a large number of infections, provided that you have no allergies on them.

    Antibiotics that need to be avoided are streptomycin (for the treatment of tuberculosis), which negatively reflects on the hearing of the child, up to its loss. Tetracycline, which increases the likelihood of the child's birth with congenital vices, if taking it in the first trimester of pregnancy. If you start using it in the second or third trimesters, it can damage the development of teeth at the kid.

    Tremimoprian, a common component in drugs used to treat urinary system diseases, should be prescribed with caution. It may prevent the absorption of folic acid - the most important vitamin for pregnant women.

    Antidepressants during pregnancy

    Answer psychologist and Pharmacoog: the degree of danger is unknown

    Drops or sprays from a cold

    Pharmacist responds: in most cases safely

    Sprays of the vasoconductive action can be used against the ethics during pregnancy, but their use is inefficient, because After several days of their application, a jet edema may occur, due to which your condition may worsen.

    When nasal is running, the best option will be the use of salt spray for the nose and rubbing camphor oil into the base of each nostril.

    Echinacea during pregnancy

    Pharmacologist meets: insecure almost in all cases

    Homeopathic preparations for pregnant women

    Replies naturopath obstetrician: in most cases, safe

    Homeopathic preparations are safe in most cases if you consult with an experienced doctor. But one drug - Kalofilaum cannot be taken in any way. The composition of this medicine includes a grass staller blue, which is used to stimulate the cutting of the uterus.

    Influenza vaccination during pregnancy

    Sister-midwives answers: in most cases safely

    In many cases, the influenza vaccination is even recommended if a woman has no allergies to egg protein, and if earlier she had no allergic reaction to the vaccine. If you have a rare disease - Guienen-Barre Schtroll syndrome, report this to the doctor so that it can compare the risk from the use of a vaccine with its benefit.

    Doctors recommend making preventive influenza vaccinations to all pregnant women, if you know about the start of the flu epidemic, because if you get influenza, you may have complications, for example, pneumonia. If you have chronic diseases, such as bronchial asthma, diabetes or disease of the cardiovascular system, the flu disease becomes especially dangerous.

    The influenza vaccination is considered safe because it is manufactured from the killed virus. It should be noted that the nasal spray vaccine is manufactured from a live virus and its use is unacceptable during pregnancy. Although the composition of some vaccines include preservative Timerozal (mercury compound), whose influence on the mother's mother and child is not studied, doctors it is believed that the benefits of the vaccine exceeds possible harm. If you have anxiety about this, consult this with your doctor.

    Video: Medications during pregnancy