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  • Watch what is "Sumo" in other dictionaries. Sumo in Russia rules for the struggle of soumo

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    SUMO,japanese national struggle, one of the oldest species of sports martial arts. Currently gained distribution in many countries of the world, including Russia. There are vocational and amateur sumo. See alsoMARTIAL ARTS.

    Rules, technique of struggle and equipment in Sumo.Fights of the Undermamamant (Sumo Fighters) pass on Doha: a special global dumplings covered with small sand. In the center of the square (7.27 x 7.27 m) of the peel is marked with a circle with a diameter of 4.55 m. The chascoist should either push the opponent beyond the limits of this circle, or make it touch the surface of the circle by any part of the body - except the feet. The fighters are forbidden to strike the fists, ribs of palms and feet, strangle each other, pull the hair, - from the side of the fight of the seconds, looks like a persistent "pushing" of each other. At the same time, fights in Sumo are extremely vehicles: usually they last one - two minutes, the fights lasting for more than five minutes - a rarity.

    The course of the fight is followed by 4 side judges, the main referee and the referee on the platter.

    For the ultray, its own weight is important. Modern sums - people of a large complex. And since the technical arsenal of this type of struggle does not include pain techniques and aggressive attacking actions, the bulk of the body of the chalides are not muscles, and fat deposits, which gives the fight unique uniqueness: in fact, the viewers are the huge size of fathers, most of which are not different athletic buildings . Along with physical strength, the chascoist should also have a good reaction and a sense of equilibrium, to keep which during the struggle, - given the large weight of rivals, is quite difficult.

    Sumo Fighters Equipment includes only special belts - Mavasi, who are observed through groin on the waist. The absence of any clothing on the sums does not accidentally, it emphasizes the "clean" character of this noble, in Japanese standards, struggle: rivals do not have the ability to hide weapons in folds, for example, kimono, in which judoists are. Mavashi rival is often used by a sum when he holds captures and throws, since it is simply impossible to grab the majority of the body of the body of the high fat weight of the athlete. It is forbidden to deliberately to disappear from the opponent, and the loss of the belt is due to the wrestler itself leads to his disqualification (though, it happens extremely rarely).

    Simple and uncompressed Sumo seem only to the uninitudated viewer. Clean the giant - a chaser on the platform or pour it out of the circle is not easy. This prevents the giant weight of fighters. In addition, in Sumo, as in any other form of struggle, there is a set of techniques that allow the athlete technically competently to attack and defend themselves. In modern Japanese Sumo, there are 82 main techniques. The most common includes such techniques like "Jorikiri" - carrying out a mutual seizure, in which the athlete, which turned out to be back to the border of the circle, is supplanted with an opponent (on average, about 30% of victories in modern SUMO is achieved by this admission), and "Cajori" - Throw the opponent through the thigh. One of the most complex and, at the same time, the most beautiful and spectacular techniques - "IIPPondsa", seizure by both hands of one of the hands of the opponent, with the subsequent throw of it through the back (for the period from 1990 to 2001, this most complex reception brought the victory only to one Sumyist - Kayo, which With its own weight, 170 kg managed to transfer 220 kilogram Musasimar).

    Unlike international Sumo tournaments, where fights are carried out by weight categories, fighters participate in the classic Japanese Sumo in the fights, regardless of their weight. This gives him exceptional entertainment - and clearly demonstrates that not only the weight, but also the technique of an athlete is important in Sumo.

    Fight as a ritual.Japanese Sumo, being a national sport with a long standing history, extremely conservatively in its essence. The match is carried out at the current century ago traditions. An important value is its ritual side.

    Before the start of the fighting athletes, they are obliged to fulfill the traditional ceremony of shaking the gloomy dust from their hands: they fold the palms in front of them, and then they bred them on the parties, thereby showing the intention to fight "clean". Then the fighters make semi-trades, resting their hands in semi-baked knees and looking into each other's eyes (the so-called Sack's posture). Currently, such movements are not more than a tribute tradition, but in ancient times it was a kind of psychological match of the wrestlers, who tried a harsh look and the Grozny pose to suppress the opponent morally. Such a "psychological confrontation" lasts, as a rule, a few minutes - 3-4 times longer than the duel itself. Fighters are 2-3 times sitting on each other opposite each other, and then straighten and diverge to the side, thereby reinforcing the voltage in the hall. These ceremonial preparatory activities are accompanied by throwing salts: participants in the fight by hand thrown in front of them to the platform, which is a symbol of the expulsion of demonic spirits from the sports field. Only after that - a sufficiently prolonged - the fighters ceremony are sitting on the last time, rest in the fists in the platform and the judge rushes along the sign.

    At the end of the fight, the winner again occupies a Sonkey's posture - in anticipation of the official decision of the judges. After his announcement, the wrestler takes the right hand with palm down and only then leaves the platform.

    Professional Japanese Sumo.

    Competitions.In modern Japan, the tournaments on professional Sumo (or as it is called "TuzoMo" - letters. "Big Sumo") largely define a national calendar, asking the cyclical rhythm of the life of the whole country. The regularity of tournaments instills in the Japanese confidence in the inviolability of ancient traditions and stability of their own existence. Tournaments are held 6 times a year (in odd months, starting from January). Permanent and place of their holding: in January, May and September - in Tokyo, in March - in Osaka, in July - to Nagoya, in November - in Fukuoka. The duration of one tournament is 15 days. The first and last day of tournaments is necessarily Sunday. Fights are held in six "rating" categories with a total of almost thousands of athletes. In the highest category - Makuati - currently there are 40 an ultra of the ultrasamamamamant, which are held on one duel per day, the wrestlers of lower "divisions" are struggling every 2 days. The winner of the tournament becomes a wrestler who has achieved the greatest number of victories in the fights (maximum - 15). In the event that two or more wrestlers won the same number of victories during the competition, additional fights are carried out between them, which determine the strongest. The fights of the recognized leaders of SUMO - "Surgeons" (Fighters of the 2nd Rank) and "Ekodzun" (Fighters of the 1st or Higher Rank) begin, as a rule, at 16.30 and ends by 18.00, when the traditional evening news release of the NHK television company goes into broadcast , for many years owning the exclusive right television broadcast of SUMO tournaments.

    The disadvantage of these competitions has long been the fact that representatives of the same schools of SUMO (or "Rooms" - Yap. Hay) are already considered to be dealing with each other. According to tradition, representatives of a "room" (now there are more than 50 people) should only oppose the fighters of other schools, but not their comrades. The exception is only additional fights in the tournament finals.

    In addition to six official tournaments, professional sums during the year take part in demonstrations in different cities of Japan and abroad.

    Ekodzun.The title "Ekodzun" (letters. The Grand Champion) is assigned to magnificent sports results, which a wrestler is achieved over a long period of time (at least 3-5 years), as well as for outstanding achievements in the Sumo region. The title assigns a special commission that long and caresly studies every candidacy. Unlike the spense, Ekodzun - the title of life. It is assigned to it infrequently: over the past 300 years, it was awarded only about 70 seconds.

    According to the rules, no more than five Ekodzun can participate in one sports season. At the same time there are seasons when there are no ekodzuns among the participants of the tournaments.

    If the acting Ekodzun begins to "take positions", he must leave Sumo.

    Sumo - Sport faters.It is believed that the "exterior" of the sumuers meets the ideas of the Japanese about the male ideal. Like ancient Russian heroes, the Japanese Sumo Fighters personify the greatness of the mighty flesh and the good spirit, clothed in this flesh.

    It should be noted that the truly gigantic weight of the sums has become only in recent decades. Moreover, until 1910, the Japanese, weighing more than 52 kg, were not allowed to soumely. In 1926, it was allowed to perform at the tournaments those whose weight did not exceed 64 kg, and in 1957 the minimum permissible weight of the sum was officially introduced - 66.5 kg, from the maximum limit association of Japanese Sumo (images in 1927) refused.

    Currently, adolescents are accepted in Sumo schools at least 173 cm and weighing at least 75 kg. The average weight of a modern wrestle-professional ranges in the range of 120-140 kg, although the newest history of SUMO knows both unique giants (for example, the Havaleman of the Concern in different years of his sports career weighed from 270 to 310 kg) and wagon "kids" (one of Few sums with higher education mayo weighed less than 95 kg).

    The base of the suisoists is usually fatty set hot soups with meat and vegetables, which wrestlers eat twice a day to 3 kg for one sitting, drinking beer.

    As practice shows, after the end of the sports career, most of the sums lose weight: their weight is lowered to 85-90 kg.

    Historical reference.Initially, Sumo was a hand-to-hand fighting of warriors, identical to the fact that they existed in the Tatar-Mongolian troops. Its historical roots are still definitely defined, however, most researchers lean towards the fact that the Sumo chronology has at least 2000 years, and it fell into Japan from Mongolia in the VI-VII centuries. (There is also a "Japanese" version of the origin of the Sumo, according to which the Shinto god Takakakazuti won in a hand-to-hand fight with the barbaric deity, after which the heavens allowed the Japanese to settle on Honsu - the main island of the Japanese archipelago.) The first mention of Sumo in Japanese historical documents refers to 642 year.

    Starting from the XII century there is a separation of Sumo on combat and sports. In the XIII-XIV centuries. It acquired the status of a folk Japanese struggle, the competition was carried out on the agricultural calendar - in connection with the end of autumn field work, and later on other "economic reasons." In addition, the Sumo tournaments began to timing to separate religious (Shinto) holidays.

    Sumo flourishing falls at the XVII century, when tens of thousands of Japanese became his avid fans, and the sums of the public were in favorites. Competitions were held on the occasion of state and local holidays. It was in the XVII century that the basic principles of Sumo as a sports struggle were fully formed, the rules for holding tournaments were clearly regulated, which are still complied with this day.

    For a long time, the Japanese Sumo remained sports exclusively "for their". Up to the end of the 60s. XX centuries Nonaponians were not allowed there: a rare exception was naturalized foreigners - the Chinese and Koreans. From the late 60s. In the Japanese Sumo began to perform "ordinary" foreigners. Starting from the second half of the 80s, some of them, first of all, the people from the Hawaiian Islands, "began to seek noticeable success on Doha.

    At the end of the XX century, the amateur sumo was noticeable in different countries. In 1992, the International Sumo Federation (IFI) was established: Initially, it included 25 countries, in 2002 there were already 82. In the same 1992, the World Championships on Sumo were debuted. Three years later, the European Championship was played first. At first, representatives of other martial arts participated in such competitions, parallel with the technique of the struggle of Sumo, but by the end of the 90s the elite of the masters of the "pure" soume was developed.

    Favorite tournaments pass in four weight categories: light (up to 85 kg), average (85-115 kg), heavy (over 115 kg) and absolute (athletes are involved in the fights regardless of their weight). In women, chasoists are the same category: light (up to 65 kg), average (65-80 kg), heavy (over 80 kg) and absolute. Favorite competitions are held both individually and in the team standings.

    Currently, the strongest sums in the world, - except the Japanese themselves, are fighters from Brazil, Mongolia, Russia, Poland, Germany and the United States.

    Sumo is included in the World Games Program (World Games - Sports Disciplines Competitions, which are not included in the Olympic Games official program, are held since 1980). The question of assigning the status of the Olympic Sports status to it. According to the rules of the IOC, the sport is announced by the Olympic only if the male and female varieties of this sports discipline are cultivated in different countries of the world. Now women's Sumo is actively developing in the USA, Germany, Russia and many other countries - except Japan. There, Sumo is still considered a purely male sport. Separate chasoists in the country are, but as long as they cannot count on universal recognition and conducting their own tournaments. Therefore, the emergency recognition of Sumo Olympic sport is very problematic.

    Sumo in Russia.Initially, the Judo Federation of Russia functioned SUMO Section functioned. In 1998, the Federation of Sumo Russia was established, which is currently holding the Moscow Championships and St. Peopleburg, a number of other regional competitions, and also plays the nationwide championship.

    Our sums successfully act at international amateur sumo competitions. The Russian team was not equal at the European Championships of the 2000th and 2001, as well as on the world championship-2000. The most titled Russian sumizers - Aas Mongush and Olesya Kovalenko.

    In recognition of the merit of our sums, Russia has received the right to spend the European Championship 2002 and the 2003 World Cup.

    In 2000, the 16-year-old Buryat schoolboy Anatoly Mikhakhanov was the first of the Russians in the professional Sumo - under the name of Asahi Mitsouri. In 2002, the company made up two more people from Russia - the brothers Sosland and Bratz Batraza.

    Alexandra Vlasova

    Sumo is a kind of dealing with a loin bandage (Mavasi) on a specially equipped area (Dohalo).

    The following weight categories are defined in SUMO competitions:

    • Boys 13-18 years old:up to 75 kg, up to 100 kg, over 100 kg and absolute weight category.
    • Men:up to 85 kg, up to 115 kg, over 115 kg and absolute weight category.
    • Women:up to 65 kg, up to 80 kg, over 80 kg and absolute weight category.


    Participants of the competition must wear a headband - Mavashi. However, in amateur Sumo, it is allowed to wear melting or tight shorts of black. Maavasi width is 40 cm, a certain length is not prescribed, but the length of Mavasi should be sufficient to wrap it to be wrapped around the torsa athlete 4-5 times.

    Athletes are forbidden to go to the fight with the objects that can injure the enemy. This is primarily applies to metal decorations (rings, bracelets, chains, etc.). The body of the wrestler should be completely clean and dry, the nails on the hands and legs are briefly sked. Encloser Club, Federation, Number, etc. It is allowed to attach (tie) to Mavashi.

    Place of Competitions - Doha

    SUMO Competitions are held on a square platform with a side of 7.27 m, which is called Doha.

    There are two types of Doha:

    • mori-Duho - clay or earthen trapezoid 34-60 cm high;
    • hira-Dohao is a flat duho, which is used for training and for competitions in the absence of Mori-Doha.

    Arena Fight is a circle of 4.55 m with a diameter, the center of which is the intersection of two diagonal lines of the square specified in paragraph 5.1. Arena contractions around the perimeter is limited to the harness from rice straw - Cebu Davara.

    In the center of the circle from the eastern and western side, duma on the surface is applied at a distance of 70 cm from each other two starting lines of white (Sikirisan). Sicirisen length - 80 cm, width - 6 cm.

    Inside the circle sprinkled with sand. The sand is also scattered outside the circle, along Cebu Davar, on a width of about 25 cm, so that the "control" band is formed. In controversial cases, the presence or absence of traces on Jiane helps to correctly determine the outcome of the fight.

    Structure of the judicial collegium

    The judicial board includes: the main judge of the competition, Deputy Chief Justice, Chief Secretary, Judges, Informors and other attendants.

    The main judge is responsible for the fulfillment of all provisions relating to the general rules of refereeing, including the appointment of the judicial brigades.

    The composition of the judges' brigade

    The judiciary must consist of 6 people:

    • brigade Head - Syllite,
    • referey - Gödyzi,
    • 4 side judges - symps.

    Rules of struggle

    With the exception of special situations, the following provisions determine the winner of the bout:

    • wins a wrestler who forces the enemy to touch the militant to any part of the body outside Cebu Davar;
    • the wins wrestler who forces the enemy to touch the militant to any part of the body, except for the soles of the feet, within Cebu Davar.

    The situation is the situation of the Sinthai ("Dead Body") - a complete loss of equilibrium, inevitably leading to an amazing.

    The attacking does not lose the fight, touching the hand to hand, in order to soften the fall and avoid injuries at the end of the technical action, as a result of which the enemy falls into the Sinteat position. This situation is called CaBaitoe.

    The attacker does not lose the fight, standing in Cebu Davar in order to mitigate the fall and avoid injuries at the end of the technical action, as a result of which the enemy falls into the situation. This situation is called Cabaiasi.

    The attacking does not lose the fight, standing for Cebu Davar when he, holding up the enemy, puts out and lowers him for Cebu Davar. This situation is called Okuriasi. However, the attacker loses the fight, if, conducting this technical action, comes out for Cebu Davar back forward.

    The attacker does not lose the fight, if when performing a victorious throw, the rise of his legs touches Doha.

    It is not a defeat, if the horizontal front of Mavashi (Orikomi) touches Doha.

    Wrestling can declare defeat by decision of judges in the following cases:

    1. If he cannot continue the fight due to injury,
    2. If he holds Kindzite (forbidden actions),
    3. If he independently finishes the fight,
    4. If he was deliberately not rose from the initial position,
    5. If he does not execute Göji teams,
    6. If he did not appear in the expectation sector after the second official call,
    7. If Maebukuro (Gulfik) Mavashi is unleashed and subsided during the fight.

    If the fight lasts longer than the set time, but the winner is not defined, it stops and repeats.

    Prohibited actions (Kindzite):

    • Blowing fist or pen fingers.
    • Boots with legs in the chest or stomach.
    • Captures for hair.
    • Capture for the throat.
    • Captures for vertical parts of Mavashi.
    • Half the fingers of the opponent.
    • Biting.
    • Straight blows in the head.


    In Sumo, as in other traditional martial arts of Japan, rituals and etiquette are preserved.

    Rituals consist of Ritsu-Rey (Bow Standing), Tirildse (Water Purification) and Sikiri (Manufacture).

    Tritza - This is a unique ritual leading to the beginning of the ancient Japanese custom of the wrath of the warrior before the battle.

    Tirildse is performed by both fighters at the same time when you exit DCA. They are squatting in the Sonoka Posoka, balancing on socks. Heels are torn off from the floor, the body and the head hold straight, the hands fall on their knees. Fighters lower hands down and nod to each other. The athletes are then reduced their arms at the chest level, spread them down the palms down and re-drive the front with cotton palms, straighten their hands and bred them on the sides parallel to the ground with palms up, and in the completion of the ritual turn down the palms.

    Sikiri - Present prepared movements. Fighters sit down, widespread legs and tilting the torso ahead. The thighs and shoulders are kept horizontally, and their hands, perfect in fists, rest on the surface of Dohah along Cikirisan, without touching, which corresponds to the position "Ready!"

    The transition from Sikiri to Tatiai (starting jerk-lift) should be carried out athletes at the same time.

    Rituals are an integral and important component of SUMO and must be carried out without a rush, adequately and calmly, emphasizing the harmony and greatness of Sumo.


    The duration of the fight is:

    • for the age group of 13-15 years old - 3 minutes;
    • for the age group of 16-17 years - 5 minutes;
    • for adults 18 years old and older - 5 minutes.

    If, after the specified time, the winner is not defined, a repeated fight is assigned (Torinosi).

    No break between the fights is not installed. The next fight begins immediately at the end of the previous one.

    Call participants

    Competition participants overlook Ducho-Damari in the following order:

    • in team competitions, two teams who have to be followed must come out and settle in Ducho-Damari until the end of the previous meeting;
    • in the personal competition, the wrestler must be in Doha-Damari for 2 grip to his own.

    Being at Duho and Doha's Damari, the participants of the competition must behave adequately, not to allow rude expressions to not infringe upon the feelings of others.

    The wrestlers are invited to Dohiiio-informant on a microphone with a loud and distinct voice 2 times. If, after the second official call, the participant does not go to Duho, he is counted.

    Presentation of participants

    Fighters take part in competitions under the numbers they received on the draw. The informant judge represents all the wrestlers in every weight category at the beginning of the competition. Before the start of each fight, participants are represented by the indication of their data (age, growth, weight), titles and ranks.

    Start fight

    The fight begins on the Göji team after performing the necessary rituals.

    Stop combat

    Göji can stop the fight one or several times due to injury, disorder in clothes (Mavashi) or for any other reason that does not depend on the desire of the participant.

    The time spent on the breaks per fighter can be established by the Regulations on Competitions.

    End of fight

    The fight ends when Gödyzi, having determined the outcome of the fight, announces: "Cebu ATTU!" - And pointing hand to the other side of Doha (East or West), with which the winner began to fight. Fighters on this team must stop the struggle.

    Winner announcement (Katinanovari)

    After the end of the fight and ads "Cebu Atta!" Gödyzi and wrestlers are returned to the starting positions.

    The loser performs a bow (Ray) and leaves Doha. The winner accepts Sonkey and, after Gödyzi, pointing to him with his hand, will announce: "Higashi, but Kati!" ("Victory of the East!") Or "Nici-but Kati!" ("West West!"), Stretches the right hand to the side and down.

    In case of termination of contractions due to the use of one of the fighters of the prohibited reception, the declaration of the winner occurs in the prescribed manner.

    In case of the impossibility of continuing the fight by one of the fighters due to the injury, his enemy takes a Sonkey's posture, and Göji in the established order announces his winner.

    In the event of a non-appearance of one of the wrestlers, the Wrestler released on the Doha takes the son of Sonko, and Gödyzi in the prescribed manner announces his winner.

    One of the popular national sports in Japan is the struggle of SUMO. Japan is the only country where the SUMO Competitions are at the professional level. In other countries, such as Korea, Sumo is also a popular sport, but only at the amateur level.

    Sumo originated in antiquity, in the era of Yoyui, which comes from the period 300 BC - 250 G. AD. At that time, SUMO was a synthosh ritual ceremony (Shito - the traditional religion of the Japanese people), which gradually turned into a combat duel. Then for the joy known to those times, around the place where the match took place to boil the pointed bamboo piles. And then, the loser wrestler, falling out of the circle, pierced with these pile, which led to the indescribable delight of the audience.

    During the formation of the class of samurai, the struggle of Sumo becomes its privilege. In combat training, sumurai soumely played a significant role, since it contributed to the skill firmly stand on the legs.

    Sumo includes a certain ritual of preparing and conducting the fight. Before starting a duel, his participants prayed for victory, sprinkled with Solu's arena to drive evil spirits to Earth, and then clapped into his hands to draw the attention of that deity, in honor of which the competition was satisfied, this ritual was held today.

    In the 16th century, professional chambers tournaments began to pass. The rules for doing the struggle changed over time and were finally developed in the 17th century and since then no longer changed.

    The SUMO platform is an elevation of 40-60 cm, on which there is a circle called doha, rammed clay and sand sprinkled. In the center doha Two white lines ( sikiri-Sen) These are the starting positions of the sums. Around the Arena is a mank of fine-sided sand called "Snake's eye." With the help of sand, it was possible to determine whether the fighter was touched outside of the arena. The diameter of the wrestling circle is 4.55 meters.

    Sumo wrestlers are dressed in mavashi. - This is a special belt made of dense tissue, as a rule of dark colors. This wide ribbon is winding around a naked body and between the legs several times and is tied by the knot on the back. On the mavashi. There is a fringe - sagari.which is just an ornament and does not bear any semantic load. If Mavashi is unwinding during the fight, it automatically leads to the disqualification of a wrestler.

    The hairs of the sums are lubricated and stacked in a large beam on the top of the top. The judge observes behind the duel ( gödyzi) Competitions. He is dressed in ancient ritual clothing and during the struggle gives commands with the help of Were.

    The rules of fighting includes a number of prohibitions, this is: it is impossible to grab the opponent for the hair, fingers, ears, you can not conduct suffocating techniques, you can not get enough for Mavashi in the field of genitals, you can only beat open palm, but you can not beat in the eye and in genitals. All other techniques are allowed.

    In the following cases, the defeat of Sumo Wrestle is counted:

    • wrestler touched the earth by any part of the body except feet feet
    • the wrestler was supplanted from the circle
    • a wrestler held forbidden to fight
    • mavashi came to the improper view
    • a wrestler is declared sini Tai. (corpse). It happens extremely rarely when the wrestler is in the impossible position

    The duel lasts for a short time and can be from a few seconds to a few minutes. Decisive, but not the main thing, the role in the victory is played by the wrestler, because the more weight, the easier it is to push the opponent for the circle. Therefore, directly before the competition, the wrestlers in large quantities use water - up to 10 liters per day and eat in huge quantities of fatty food, increasing their mass. Sumors weigh from 125 kg to 235 kg. But the fighting technique is still playing a major role and therefore you can observe how a noticeably smaller fighter wins in a duel.

    The struggle of Sumo is inherent in a strict hierarchy, it depends on the skill of the fighter. The hierarchy was established in Edo era and exists today. Each wrestler receives a pseudonym from the instructor. The wrestlers after each fight are either moving, or fall in the circle depending on the number of performances and their victories. Given that the status of the wrestler depends on the number of victories, the sums are trying to take part in all competitions, no matter what they did not recover from injuries after the previous competitions. And Sumo is a fairly attendant sport. Often in competitions you can see a wrestler with stamped hands, knees.

    SUMO there are six discharges: makuuti, Jury, Makusita, Sandamme, Zenendan, Zeonunuti.

    The career of the chaser begins with the very lowest rank - zonokuti and and to reach the highest circle - Makuuti, you need to make a lot of power and work out the skill of fighting. This requires a lot of time and exercise from the wrestle.

    At the top of the qualifying is the Grand Champion - ykodzuna(Great Champion). If the wrestler gets to the title of Ekodzun, then, unlike other (lower) ranks, it is no longer subject to a decrease in the rank even if you lose a duel. But usually, Ekodzun leaves sports and does not take part in competitions, if he sees that it is gone and he does not meet the champion standard.

    The winner of each competition receives the emperor Cup and a large cash premium. Professional sums are obtained from the Association of Sumo Japan monthly fee in the amount of 10,000 dollars, they are additionally received for each battle won, plus there is a system of relevant bonuses.

    The struggle of SUMO requires great strength and health and huge weight also adversely affects the general state of the fighter, so at 35 years old, Sumo wrestlers come back and live enough at the expense of funds accumulated for their professional activities, in addition, depending on the qualification level, they receive A decent pension is 5-6 thousand dollars.

    In Japan, six Sumo tournaments are held annually. Three in Tokyo - January, May and September and one in Osaka - in March, to Nagoy - in July and in Fukuoka - in November. Each tournament lasts 15 days during which each wrestler takes part in one match per day (with the exception of lower matches, if they have already been won). During the tournaments, the hierarchy rating is updated daily on the results of the competition. Wrestlers who have more victories than lesions are moving up the hierarchy, who has more lesions in their arsenal - decreases in the rank.

    The best way to see Sumo is to take part in the tournament, tickets are sold for all 15-day tours in specialized organizations, in mini markets, in stadiums (the cheapest tickets are purchased on the day of speeches, at the stadium, special places are allocated for these tickets).

    There are three types of places available for Sumo lovers. These are places in the ring, which are located at the Arena itself (Circle), in which competitions are held. These are the most expensive places and get it difficult to get there. Spectators are sitting on the pillows, on the floor and are at risk of injury in cases when the fighter flies outside the circle.

    Will the place - these are places on the first floor of the stadium, in the form of a bed, separated by each other, in which 4 places are located - pillows on the floor. These places are sold at once 4 tickets, regardless of whether there will be four people or two. In the shoes in these places it is forbidden.

    And the third type of seats is balconies, in Western style. The cost of the ticket depends on the range of location from the arena. Children under 3 years old with their parents visit the competition for free, but in distant places, without providing a separate seat.

    Tickets for competitions are usually purchased in advance, otherwise there is a chance not to get to your favorite spectacle.

    Historians have no reliable data about whether this struggle arose in Japan itself or it was brought from the mainland. However, Japanese specialists who met the history of the emergence and development of SUMO, are not unable to believe that Sumo appeared on the Japanese Islands at least 2 thousand years ago.

    Among Japanese myths and legends there are many tales associated with Sumo. So, in the ancient Japanese chronicles "Codziki" ("records about the activities of antiquity") describes how the goddess of the sun Amateras-Omikov (the main Sinto goddess, created by the Japanese Islands) sent to God Okuninusi-Butiko, who managed the country of Izumo, the new appointee Takamizuti, but kami so that he takes the brazers of the board to his hands.

    Son and heir to Okuninusi - God of Tamminakata, but Kami (then all the rulers were gods), who had to get power over the country from the hands of an aging ancestor, did not dare to disobey the order of the Verkhovna Goddess and told God-appointees: "Let's get in the forces, will fight, and that who wins, he will become the ruler. " And so, the two Gods come together in a wrestling match. Takaemizuti won and became the ruler of the country Izumo.

    This legend is largely significant.

    Firstly, this was probably the first in the history of Japan's fight Sumo, and he took place in times of immemorial - none of the historians would not even approximately determine when Izumo country lived and ruled these gods.

    Secondly, one of the first self-visuals of the country of the rising sun is consonant with Sumo. Maybe the ancient Japanese itself became the formation of his country with Sumo?! And the most interesting! This, apparently, was the first in history case relative to the peaceful outcome of the struggle for power!

    In other ancient Japanese scrolls - "Netons" ("Japanese chronicles") is a legend of how on the 7th day, the 7th month, the 7th year of the Sunin era (29 g. BC. - 70 g . N. E.) Before the eyes of the emperor, and he was already a legend was the eleventh emperor of the country, two famous warrior - Nominosukune and Timanokhechi agreed in Sumo's duel.

    According to the ancient (lunar) calendar, the 7th month accounted for August - the period of collecting the first harvest of rice. Apparently, the Sumo fights have been held regularly in those days regularly on the days of the festivities - thanksgiving the gods for a rich harvest and were part of the religious ritual.

    Thanks to the legend, the winner of this fight - Nomominosukune - was deified, became one of the shinosoy gods, and still revered in Japan as a source of Sumo.

    Sumo in Ancient Japan

    By 3-6 centuries. n. e. The archaeological finds indicate the widespread dissemination of Sumo and the acquisition of new functions.

    In those days, there was a rite of burial of rulers in high gravestone hills - Kofun. This period in the history of Japan is called the era of Kofun.

    Among the things found in the excavations of the gravestone hills were found, clay figures of Haniva, filled in the form of Ricky (Sumo wrestlers, literally - a strong warrior), as well as ritual and household clay dishes, on which painting was preserved with the image of SUMO FIGHTS.

    Apparently, Sumo fights are also part of the funeral ritual. Interestingly, the god-founder of Sumo Nomominosukuna was also worshiped as the hedge of the clan of pottery masters responsible for the manufacture of ritual utensils for the burial of the emperors.

    It is significant that in painting, not only the pairs of Ricky were depicted in the duel, but also the figures of the audience. And this means that Sumo in those times was already a spectacle.

    The first historically reasonable fact of the SUMO tournament, apparently, can be considered a testimony from the same "Japanese chronicles" (nihons)

    Emperor Kogeuk in the first year of his reign (642 N. E.), on the 22nd day, 2nd months, taking the Messenger of the country Kuar (southern part of the Korean Peninsula), gathered from all over the country, the best elected soldiers ( In Japanese - Konday, the same, that in Russian - heroes) and arranged in his honor the tournament on Sumo.

    Japan in those times was if not the colon, then the "younger brother", the satellite of the Korean kingdom: statehood on the Korean Peninsula began to develop a little earlier than on the Japanese Islands. That was why he took the emperor to the messenger from the country of Kuar as specially high-ranking.

    The tournament in honor of the Korean envoy of the Sumo tournament indicates that Sumo is also becoming an integral part of the courtier, secular ritual.

    Sumo in the early Middle Ages.

    In the era of Nara (710-794), the court ritual of "soumely" (sideways, and Satie) begins to take shape. Sumo tournaments are arranged right in the Imperial Palace. The appearance of the emperor and his suits on honorary venues, the output of fighters and judges to the site for competitions becomes ritual.

    In the heyan era (794-1185), the Sumo tournaments under the imperial courtyard are regularly held several times a year. The main tournament was organized on the 7th, the 7th month in honor of the fight between Nomominosukune and Timanokheha. True, over time, these dates have already been respected so strictly.

    Fighters, and they were called Sumybito, they collected across the country. The role of breeders were the top ranks of the Imperial Guard, who were traveled before each tournament to the farthest corners of Japan and were taken away among the strongest warriors-Sumybito.

    By this time there was already a tournament system, a system of rules and refereeing.

    On the day of the tournament, the fighters were conditionally divided into two groups - "right" and "left" (according to the right and left hand from the emperor). At the first stage, the "right" and "left" fought only among themselves. Every Sumybito during the tournament spent about 20 fights.

    Doha (the playground for the struggle) was then not; The struggle took place on a non-limited area, and the winner in the fight was the one who overturned his rival to Earth. The fighters were forbidden to grab the opponent for the hair, beat the fists in the head and kick their feet.

    And the winner of the tournament, as well as, was already detected at the ratio of victories and defeats. If two Sumybito, this figure turned out to be equal, the decisive fight was arranged between them.

    The referee was then called the IDEI, and he was the main and only arbiter. However, if the emperor seemed that the outcome of the fight was doubtful, by his sign, the head of the guard could give an indication to re-fight (Torinosa).

    There were the concepts of manufacture, starting position (nonarya) and re-start (Sikirinosi), and therefore, the referee should have followed the synchronization of the start of the wrestlers and appoint Sikirinosi if any of them committed Falstart.

    During this period, a certain tournament ritual was also regulated, and the ecase of the Sumybito was also regulated. On the duel, the fighters went out in the loin bandages, which were called the Tosagi then. True, it was not clear whether they were also told, as in modern Sumo or simply tied around the belt.

    Before the tournament, all the Sumybito for the solemn exit, before the eyes of the emperor, over the Tosagi put on a special hunting kimono carigine, and headed a special shape with a short, curl of the brown wing color headdress, which was called Ebosi.

    In later times, Carigine and Ebosi are becoming the main elements of the casual wear of the court known for samurai, and in modern Tuzoo - Uniform Referee (Göji).

    In the future, as the military estate (beuxe) and the weakening of the imperial power, the court tournaments began to be held with large breaks, and in the 4th year of the Soyo era (1174), "Museum of Sumo" as the court ritual was held for the last time, and four century This page of the imperial rituals was closed.

    Sumo in feudal Japan.

    During the period of feudal fragmentation, in the Kamakura era (1185-1333), when the power of Sögun (Supreme Military Ruler) is finally established in the country and, especially, in the era of Muromati (1392-1568), Sumo is widely distributed as a type of applied martial art. , tool (path) of the cultivation of the spirit and strengthening the body of warriors-samurai.

    In the famous chronicles of that period "Eastern Zernalo" (adzumakags) compiled by the Government of Minamoto (Dynasty of Sögunov, rules in the Epoch of Kamakura), all sections are devoted to the "seeing Sumo" as the ritual conducted at the court of Sögun.

    In the "Zrzalle" emphasizes that the songs necessarily attended (and maybe he himself participated in knightly tournaments, regularly held at the head of the god of war Hatimanu in the city of Tsurugaok, which is not far from the then rate of the Supreme Ruler, and watched the connoungers of horse archers (Yabsame), jumps (Cam) and Sumybito fights.

    At a later time, in the era of Muromati, when the rules of the dynasty of Sögunov Asikag, with the Khatimani Temple, even special clergymen appear - Sumyukov, who were responsible for holding Sumo tournaments. Tournament ritual, rules of struggle and regulation of refereeing are improved, and, in fact, during this period the foundations of professional Sumo are laid.

    Along with the applied, military species of this struggle throughout the country is widely distributed "People's" Sumo. "People's" Sumo leads its origin from the most ancient ritual fights on the days of the festivities - thanksgiving the gods for the harvest.

    Sumo tournaments devoted to harvesting, the beginning of construction or the opening of a new bridge are held in all corners of Japan.

    In most cases, this was the so-called Sumo-sacrifice. Sumybito fights were part of a horn of a crop or ritual thanksgiving for a harvest. Later, charity tournaments on Sumo were widely carried out, at which donations for the construction of roads, bridges and other public works were gathered.

    In such tournaments, peasants, artisans, merchants and other commoners take part. The fights often passed directly on the streets and squares of cities and towns and collected inconspicuous crowds of Zewak. Neither Duho, nor the referee, no ritual robe of fighters on such fights was not. The winner was detected by the most democratic way, they became the one who poured the opponent to Earth or poured him into the crowd of spectators.

    The image of this Sumo in our days is guessed in various people's festivals and synthosist rites, still widely held throughout Japan.

    In the period of Sengoku Dzidai (the era of the warring provinces) (1467-1568), in the second half of the board of the dynasty of Asikag's Sögunov, when feudal fragmentation reached its limit, Sumo becomes a truly massive popular spectacle. The knightly, and "folk" soumo flourishes.

    Large landowners, Princes-Daimo, seeking to promise each other and even Syogun, organized a lush massive mass tournaments in the Sumo, in which several hundred Sumybito took part in their castles.

    So in the only 1568, the two largest tournaments were held, which, probably, be safely called Sumo games, because in one of them, 300 fighters took part in the province of Omie, and in the other - in Kyoto, 1500 (!) Sumybito .

    At the end of this era, the first professional associations are appeared - a prototype of modern professional homes clubs (Hay). They even had their charter, but were extremely small - 8-10 people, and largely depended on the financial and material support of local daimyo.

    "Golden Age" Sumo.

    The new impetus for the further development of SUMO received in EDO era (1703-1868), when after uniting the country by the efforts of Syogun Tokugawa IEYASU, in Japan there is a new political and socio-economic situation favorable for the development of trade, crafts, arts.

    Especially rapidly during this period, the "people's" soumo is distributed. Communities of artisans and merchants were regularly conducted by Sumo Fights and Mass Tournaments. Concerned about the threat of erosion of the "pure" obscuration, Knight's Sumo, Sögunat tried at the beginning of the 18th century. Special decree ban "Street" Sumo.

    This attempt was naturally unsuccessful, and after a few years the decree was practically canceled. A new decree was encouraged to conduct in specially designated places "charitable" tournaments.

    Restrictions were imposed on the "street" Sumo, since when determining the winners of the fights conducted on the squares and crossroads of cities without every judging, mass skirts arose massacre and even armed clashes of citizens.

    In the three largest cities of Japan - Osaka, Kyoto and the new capital of Japan - Edo (Tokyo) at the 18th century. Already acted by professional communities of Ricky, like the associations of artisans.

    However, the symotori had a higher social status than artisans and merchants. Since most of them were immigrants from the military environment, they were equated with unresay samurai.

    Sogunat permitters began to regulate the activities of the Ricky community activities. In the "charitable" tournaments from the end of the 18th century. We had the right to participate only members of these communities. From these tournaments, the history of modern Sumo is already directly.

    In the same period, special platforms appear for SUMO Fights. They were at first square, later inside the platform bags from the ground began to fire the circle in which the duel was held. Thus, Doha's born, who attached to the ancient struggle, special entertainment and emotional painting.

    The rules of struggle, the regulations and ritual of tournaments are finalized, the refereeing system is approved, with minor changes that have come down to this day. At the same time, the rank system in Sumo began to develop. The highest lifetime title of Ökodzun also appeared.

    Edo era is fairly called the "golden age" in the formation and development of Sumo. Professional Ricky tournaments (bass) from the end of 18 V. held regularly twice a year.

    Having become an integral part of the life of the Japanese people, Sumo had a serious impact on the culture and art of the country. Literary works appear, in which the Sumo tournaments are described in the chronic-report-report style, in the traditional Japanese theater of Kabuki, there are performances, where popular Rikisi becomes the main actors.

    In the now the world-famous color Japanese engraving, Ukiye has developed even independent genre - SumoE. Colored engraving portraits of fighters - the pets of the public or pictures-sketch of the hot Sumo fights were available even to the poor Japanese, and diverged across the country huge for those times the circulations. This genre of Ukiye is alive and thrives in modern Tuzoo.

    Sumo in the new and the latest time

    The Japanese Sumo time had to survive after the restoration of Maidzi 1868, when the Sögunat regime was overthrown in the country, the autocratic imperial power was restored, and a young bourgeoisie rose to the political arena.

    Japan after almost three centuries of the indity, under the threat of the American squadron, was opened for the outside world and greedily began to absorb all new, West.

    The rapid modernization of Japan had a huge impact on the emerging public opinion. Proponents of invalid Japanese, distinctive phenomena in the cultural and public life of the country were loudly declared retrograds and reactionaries. Sumo subjected to furious attacks.

    The most robin Japanese progressors demanded a legislative procedure to prohibit SUMO as a relic of a feudal era.

    Sumo lost the support of their patrons. Professional clubs (Hay) and the whole Army Ricky remained without livelihood. The most popular fighters were forced to look for additional sources of income.

    Thus, in Edo, renamed Tokyo, an independent fire department was organized by the SUMO community, in which 56 rickysis of a whole professional division were heroically worked.

    The crisis was overcome thanks to the Universal People's Love and the efforts of the Sumotori themselves. The community was transformed into the Tokyo Association of Sumo, which under the influence of general democratization made several progressive amendments to the tournament regulation.

    In 1873, the Sumo tournaments were allowed to allow women-spectators who immediately became violent fans and supporters of the revival of the victims of the Sumo glory.

    The point in the struggle for the future of an ancient Japanese struggle put the emperor. According to his highest enrollment in 1885, in the special hall, Enrolo in the presence of His Majesty was held an indicative SUMO tournament. The emperor, therefore, reminded his subjects about the ritual of "soumely" the ritual and clearly made it clear that Sumo was in his sphere close attention and care.

    Up to the beginning of World War II, Sumo in Japan developed without any cataclysms, finally won the love and support of the entire nation from the emperor to commoner.

    The story of Sumo during this period is marked by such important events as construction in 1909 in Tokyo, in the Ryugoka Palace of Soumo - Kokuggican, in which all Tokyo Basy were held, and the union in 1927 of the regional communities of SUMO in the Unified Association of Sumo Great Japan which has become a commercial organization, i.e. purely professional.

    The most popular figure in Tuzoo this era was Yokodzun the Hitatius, which during the speeches in the highest division - Makuuti - achieved an outstanding result: his ratio of victories and lesions was 150-15. The hitch was, to the whole, the person intelligent, highly educated.

    Thanks to his efforts, in Tuzoo, a new regulation of the behavior of Ricky in society was adopted, according to which the symotori had to be in the light "dressed strictly and beautifully" in the corresponding kimono rank and "behave personally and politely, as applied to the knight."

    Hitatius led widely educational activities, in every way promoted the popularization of Sumo, and not only in Japan, but also abroad. In 1909, he visited the United States, where he was adopted by the President T. Roosevelt and spent several demonstration performances.

    An important stage in the development of SUMO in 1928 was the beginning of direct radio broadcasts from Sumo tournaments. Some changes have occurred in the rules of the fights: two white starting lines - sichirisan began to be applied to milking, and Dohao itself is somewhat expanded in diameter from 13 (about 4 m) to 15 Xiank (4.55 m).

    The number of judges was increased: to the Referee on Duho - Gödyzi and four side judges - Syppa was added by the chief judge - Sympantia. Tournaments, thanks to these innovations, began to pass more dynamically and spectacular.

    The pre-war years were noted by the appearance of the brightest star Tuzuro the Great Ekodzun - Futabayama. Having risen to the summold of Sumo in the spring of 1936, Futabayama did not know defeats for three years. He won 69 fights and with an absolute result won 5 bass in a row.

    In March 1939, the day after the first three years defeat Futabayam from the famous Ricky Akinoum, all Japanese newspapers broke out by special issues and were bought by huge circulations. It was an event of a nationwide scale, much more significant than the resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers.

    In 1941, the Pacific War began, and the life of Tuzoo, like everything in Japan, froze for many five years.

    In the first postwar years, Sumo had to go through the test. At the peak of a new wave of democratization, zealous supporters of the modernization of the country again tried to betray anathem the historical heritage of the Japanese people. But, as well as the century, the nationwide love and attention of the highest layers of Japanese society helped Sumo survive.

    In the spring of 1946, the first post-war tournament was held in Tokyo, and since 1947, a number of reorganizations were conducted under the influence of commocratic processes. In particular, the procedure for holding BASE was somewhat changed, increased from 3 to 6 their number (now they are carried out not only in Tokyo, but also in Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka).

    From the mid-60s, the Association of Sumo Japan in order to propaganda Tuzoo began regularly carry out indicative foreign speeches, and the first tour of Japanese Ricky took place in 1965 in Moscow and in Khabarovsk. So, the Russians got acquainted with Sumo before many other nations.

    Courtnic Sumo

    The first written mention of Sumo is found in the Codziki, a book dated 712, which is the oldest existing source of Japanese writing. According to the legend, 2500 years ago, the gods of Takhemikazuti and Tamminakata grabbed in the duel of Sumo for the right to own Japanese Islands. According to legend in the first duel, the victory won a taxécake. It is from this hero of antiquity leads his pedigree emperor of Japan.

    Sumo is mentioned in ancient Japanese texts dated VIII century, called sumy. In addition to its main purpose, Sumo associated with the ritual of religion. To this day, in some monasteries you can see the ritual battle of man and God.

    In parallel with the temple and courtie, there were both street, folk, square soumes, fights of silly or just citizens and peasants on their own fun and fun to the crowd. There were various wrestling fun, similar to Sumo, in the merry quarters, such as women's fights (often with chubby wrestling names), women's fights and blind, comic struggle and the like. Street Sumo was repeatedly forbidden, because street fights other times overwhelmed into mass skirts and urban riots. The female Sumo is also subjected to restrictions and practically disappeared by the beginning of the 20th century, preserved only as a rare temple ritual and at the amateur level.

    Basic information

    Playground for struggle

    SUMO Wrestling platform is a square vest of 34-60 cm high, called millet. Duho is made of the rammed clay of a special variety and covered on top of a thin layer of sand. The duel passes in a circle with a diameter of 4.55 m, the boundaries of which are laid by special wovers from rice straw (T. N. "Tavara"). In the center of Dohalo, there are two white stripes that indicate the starting positions of fighters. Sand around the circle is thoroughly smoothed by brooms before the start of each fight, so that in the footsteps on the sand it was possible to determine if one of the rivals of the Earth beyond the circle. On the sides of Dohah in clay in several places, steps are made to the wrestlers and Gödyzi to rise.

    The playground itself and many of its surrounding items are full of syntin synth symbols: sand, which covers the clay duho, symbolizes purity; The rushed salt symbolizes cleansing, expulsion of evil spirits; A canopy above Doha (Yakata) is made in the style of the roof in the Sinotosist Sanctuary. Four brushes on every corner of the canopy represent four seasons: white - autumn, black - winter, green - spring, red - summer. Purple flags around the roof symbolizes the cloud drift and the change of seasons. Judge (Gödyzi), among other duties, fulfills the role of a Shinto clergyman.

    Admission to Dohalo for women on an ancient tradition is prohibited.

    Training Duho was made in a similar way, but the circle is located in the floor. For them, the ceremony of purification is also carried out.

    In the amateur Sumo Dohalo - simply indicated circle, not necessarily located on the elevation. The ban for women is not respected, there is a female amateur sumo.

    Gödyzi Kimura Syosoukoe

    Clothing and hairstyle

    The only clothing on the fighter during the fight is a special belt called "Mavashi". It is a dense wide tape tape, most often dark shades. Mavashi is wrapped in several revolutions around a naked body and between the legs, the end of the belt is fixed behind the knot. Worced Mavashi leads to disqualification of a wrestler. At high-level wrestlers Mavashi silk. Sugaries hanging down to the belt - Sagari, who do not perform any other function, except for purely decorative. The fighters of two higher divisions have one more, special, caches-mavashi belt (Yap. 化粧 回 し, 化粧廻 し kesy: Mavashi.) , externally resembling a decorated apron, everyone is on his own way, which is used only during rituals. In amateur Sumo, Mavashi is sometimes worn over melts or shorts.

    The hair is collected in a special traditional beam on the top of the top, in the two higher divisions, the hairstyle is performed substantially more complicated. In addition to beauty, such a hairstyle has a property to mitigate a punch on the pattern, possible, for example, when the head falls down.

    Clothing and hairstyles of fighters are strictly regulated and outside the competition. The prescriptions are very dependent on the level of the fighter. As a rule, appointed in everyday life wrestlers and hairstyle are very archaic. The design of hairstyles requires special art practically forgotten outside the Sumo and traditional theater.


    In Sumo, it is forbidden to beat other than the open palm, as well as in the eyes and to the region of Genitals. It is forbidden to grab the hair, ears, fingers and closing genitals part of Mavashi. It is impossible to conduct suffocating seizures. All other things are allowed, so the arsenal of the wrestlers enter the silent, shocks, captures for any allowed parts of the body and especially the belts, as well as throws, of different types of steps and sheets. The fight begins with the simultaneous fighter fighters to meet a friend, followed by a collision ("Tatiai"). A good tone, as well as more successful tactics, is the offensive struggle. Tricks based on waters (for example, such as contact evasion at the beginning of the fight), although they are permissible, are not considered beautiful. By virtue of a wide variety of techniques, rarely who owns them with a complete arsenal, therefore there are fighters, more prone or to the seizures and struggle in the belt (for example, Cayo oddes), or, on the contrary, to the struggle of the journey at a distance (for example, Tiytaykay).

    Two main rules are used to determine the winner of each bout:

    • asking the first land, any part of the body, except for the feet, is considered to be a loser.
    • touching the first land outside the circle is considered to be a loser.

    The body is considered to be all, up to the tips of the hair. In some cases, the judge declares a wrestler, the first launched land. This happens when his opponent, let him and touched the lands of the second, there was no chance to win: he was very effectively threw, or endured from the circle, taking off from the Earth (the principle of the Dead Body). An attempt to conduct forbidden reception, for example, hair seizure leads to unconditional defeat.

    Often the duel lasts only a few seconds, as one of the wrestlers quickly displaces other from the circle, or knocks out with a throw by throwing or sheet. In rare cases, the fight can last a few minutes. Especially prolonged fights can be suspended so that the wrestlers can translate the spirit or tighten the weakened belt. At the same time, the position and capture are clearly fixed by Gödyzi, in order to accurately restore the mutual position of the fighters on Dohah after Timauta.

    Fighter life

    The Association controls a significant part of the attracted funds, distributing them between Hay according to the level of their fighters. In addition, Hay can receive funding from third-party sources, for example, sponsorship groups or through the advertisers approved by the Association.

    The life of the association is regulated by many unsupported rules.

    Contractual fights in Sumo

    Until recently, the existence of paid contractual bouts or gratuitous "mutual assistance" of the fighters was not proved. The topic was loved by the "yellow press", suspicions were most often based on the fact that the fighters perform noticeably better if the duel means a lot to them (for example, with a score 7-7). On the other hand, such a phenomenon could be explained by high fighter motivation. At the end of January 2011, the scandal broke out when the police, studying (completely differently) SMS on the phones of some fighters, discovered reports, unequivocally testifying to the contractual fees for money. Amounts were calculated by thousands of dollars. The scandal broken led to exceptional consequences, so, was canceled by the Martov Spring Tournament in Osaka (Haru Basyo) 2011 and all demonstration performances (Dzüngo) 2011. This testifies to the enormous problems - tournaments are canceled extremely rarely, the last time the regular tournament was canceled in 1946 due to the post-war difficulties of a ruined country. The entire preceding war, even after atomic bombing, the tournaments were not canceled.


    University Sumo

    Amateur Sumo

    In 1980, the Sumo Federation of Japan held the first all-air amateur championship, which was invited to teams from abroad to enhance competition. As a result, the first international amateur tournament for SUMO was held. From this point on, the number of foreign teams participating in this event increased each year, and in July 1983, Japan and Brazil have created an organization that has become the predecessor of the modern International Sumo Federation (IFS). In 1985, due to the increase in the number of teams of participants, the name of the tournament has changed to the International Sumo Championship. In 1989, the anniversary 10th championship was held in Sao Paulo. December 10, 1992 to commemorate the creation of IFS, the championship name has changed again.

    Professional Sumo

    The first Sumo World Championship, conducted under the auspices of IFS, has collected a total of 73 participants from 25 different countries. The tournament became an annual, and the number of participating countries continues to grow. The world championship is held in personal and team competitions. Athletes are divided into four weighing categories: light, medium, heavy weight and absolute weight category.

    In 1995, five continental federations of amateur sumo, which conduct qualifying tournaments for the right to participate in the World Championships. Currently, IFS has 84 participating countries. In 1997, the first World Sumo Championship was held among women. The Federation actively promotes the feminine Sumo.

    Foreigners in Sumo

    Although the Assymimylated Koreans appeared in Sumo, the real starting point of the internationalization process should be considered 1964, when American Sumotori Takakiyama appeared on Doha, the world famous for the name of Jesse Queulua. The wrestler born in the Hawaiian Islands became the first foreigner who won the Imperial Cup. He reached the level of Sakivak that there is a sign of a completely successful career, and was very popular. He became the first foreigner, headed by Hay. Following him, under his influence, such prominent wrestlers, as conserviques, Akabono (the best student of Takakiyami) and Musasimar appeared in Sumo. A lot of foreign fighters, in particular, the Chinese, Americans, Brazilians, Argentines, and even Senegalese, did not succeed and remained unnoticed. From the end of the XX - early XXI century, the influx of wrestlers from Mongolia is most noticeable, as well as from the Caucasus. The first odes of European origin and the first European, who won the Imperial Cup is Kotosyu Katsunari - the Bulgarian professional wrestler of Sumo in the rank of odes.

    Restrictions on the number of foreigners are constantly tougher. The introduced overall quota (40 people) was later replaced by the requirement: one person in Hay. In February 2010, the Board of Directors of the Association even more tightened the conditions for the reception of foreigners: the wrestler is considered a foreigner not by citizenship, but by origin. This finally closes the loophole for the Oyakat, who previously resorted to the tricks - collected entire fragmentation (as a School of Oosima) or translating wrestlers to the Japanese citizenship. A new limitation began to act at the end of the traditional spring set of 2010. Partly, the access of foreigners is limited to the recent age of debutant, 23 years old. Since the foreigner enters the wrestlers on the general grounds, which manifested themselves, non-peponian lovers often risk do not have time or fall "on the last step of the last car." In practice, the quota leads to incidents, for example, in different Hei, brothers who assumed to train together - Rokho and Hakurosan. There are Hay, not fundamentally hosting foreigners, there are a hey, which is a seating of foreigners, for example, Oosima and Tatsunov, actively attracting Mongols. Quotas are not saved from the presence of foreigners in the top leagues, so, in the November Baso 2010 in the Higher League of Makuti there were 20 fourths of foreign origin (out of 45 positions), of which Sanyaku (the titles of Komusuby and above) - 7 (out of 9 positions), Including three odes from the four and only Yokodmit. As of November 2012, the Japanese wrestler was last conquered by the Imperial Cup in 2006, the rest took the Mongols, except for two cups that Bulgarian and Estonian took.

    Restrictions have a reason for themselves, as it is believed that Sumo is not only and not how much sport, and the influx of foreigners, with alien manners and look at things, is able to disrupt the inherent soumely purely Japanese spirit. This, as a result, allegedly reduce interest in Sumo in Japan and, ultimately (although it is not customary to speak openly), the revenues of the Association. On the other hand, it is repeatedly foreigners, such as Musasimaru and Akabono, and then Asasyra, greatly heated interest in Sumo, both in Japan and in the world.

    A foreigner does not have a fighter rights fully. So, foreign Ykodzun and zeroski, unlike Japanese colleagues, do not have the right to vote in the association. Without the transition to the Japanese citizenship, a foreigner cannot, after the resignation, remain the coach.

    Recently [ when?] Foreigners were involved in a number of scandals who led to their disqualification: Kokutanho was disqualified for a tournament for driving a car, Asasyra - on two tournaments for a public football game, despite the fact that he did not participate in official demonstration performances, as injured, and three Russian wrestlers - Vakanoho, Rokho, Hakurosan - for life, after the scandal associated with the estimated use of them (and Vakanocho - also proven storage) marijuana. The latter case had a great resonance and led to the resignation of the President of the Association, Olyakata Kityanum.

    Sumo in Russia

    After the end of the career, Thai tried to establish friendly relations between Japan and the countries of the former USSR. He founded the Association of Sumo in Kharkov, the city, whose native was his father. Stroke did not allow Thai personally to visit the city.

    • In some nearby countries, countries, such as Mongolia and Korea, are common types of struggle similar to Sumo. However, the Mongol wrestling of Buch has one significant difference: it is not carried out in the ring, but in a clean field, without designated boundaries.
    • According to one of the versions, until the XVI century, the analogue of Duho was located on the elevation, and beside it were sharp stakes. Historical data confirm the presence of such a sport "sport", but not clarified whether it has a relationship to Sumo.
    • The share of fat in the mass of the middle sum is almost the same as the average man in the same age. With a large overweight, the muscular mass is also very high. A number of sums, for example, the great wrestler of Tiranofuzi, were essentially land.
    • Wrestlers of any level is forbidden to drive independently. Violating this rule is waiting for punishment, so, the convened 2007 Kökutankho was disqualified for one tournament, which meant a significant loss in the rank. Usually, the wrestlers ride a taxi or they are carried on special minibuses.

    see also

    • List of records in Sumo (