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  • Gregory Rasputin who he was on the very. Killing Rasputin: what was really

    Gregory Rasputin who he was on the very. Killing Rasputin: what was really

    In the youth, Gregory went in the footsteps of his father: he had a peasant insatiable appetite for work, the use of strong hot drinks and a fun pastime with easily agreed on all women. At the age of 20, Rasputin married a local girl named Praskovya Dubrovina. They had four children. In about 1900, he became a member of the heretical religious sect, which was known as "whiskers". We believed that a person must first sin, and then pay his sins. They had a lot of diverse and strange sexual traditions and rituals. Due to conflicts with representatives of the traditional church, Rasputin was forced to leave his native village. He passed through the whole of Russia, earning the healing of patients with the cure and devoting entire crowds of women in the rites of "rudder". By 1905, he donkey in St. Petersburg, where rumors about his "wonderful" ability to cure people suffering from the most severe and terrible diseases reached the royal family. Rasputin appeared before the king Nikolai and the queen Alexander. Their son Alexey suffered from hemophilia. Rasputin really managed to somehow facilitate the suffering of the boy. It immediately made it famous and led to his extraordinary elevation under the royal court. To Rasputin, especially in favor of Queen Alexander. Rasputin shocked the highest light of St. Petersburg with their wild and scandalous leavings. In 1916, Rasputin fell victim to a conspiracy arranged by a group of nobles. They first drove away the poisoned wine, and then shot it in it several times out of the pistol. After that, Rasputin was tied up and threw in the Neva, where he drowned.

    Rasputin was, beyond any doubt, one of the most fortunate sexual adventurers in history. The sexual activity of him was just incredible. Daughter Rasputina Maria told her later that the 32-centimeter sex member of her father seemed to be more likely to "radiate" activity. When Rasputin was still a boy, this magnificent part of his body always led to the delight of local girls and women with whom he was bare in a rustic pond. I truly introduced Rasputin into the world of sex Irina Danilovna Kubasova, a young and beautiful wife of General Russian Army. To seduce 16-year-old Rasputin, she called for the help of six of his maiders who managed to put him in her bedroom. After that, Rasputin began to actively resort to the services of young women living in his village. He did not stop doing it and after marriage to Praskovye. Soon he became a member of the sect of the rudder, which not only did not prohibit, but, on the contrary, they warmly welcomed the active destruction of the flesh. Soon after, Rasputin went to his long journey through Russia, during which he always found a huge number of women, ready to participate with him in his unusual sexual rites. These rites, in fact, were ordinary orgies with the change of partners. It was possible to spend these rites everywhere - "in the forest, in a barn or in the house of any of the participants." Rasputin theory that sins can be soldered with sex, they made an opportunity for the first time to truly enjoy this side of the human life to thousands of peasants, despite the dirty and sloppy appearance of the "Holy Depravrodian". Even the sophisticated ladies of St. Petersburg became later victims of the sexual power of Rasputin. His biographer Robert Massey noted: "To have sex with this unwashed peasant, who had a sloping beard and dirty hands, was something completely new, previously unknown and unusually exciting. The ladies gathered in his apartment and waited in the queue of invitations to his bed. Some of Rasputin himself called "Holy Saints." Rasputin became so fashionable and acquired such fame that even the husbands of women with whom he had slept, at all embarrassed, they boasted each other about the fact that their wives already "were with this incredible dissolve" . Almost at any time Rasputin could be found in the hall, where he sat surrounded by his "students". One of them was usually sitting on his knees. He stroked her hair and whispered in her ear something about "mysterious resurrection". Then He began to sing. The song immediately picked up all those present. Soon everyone began to dance some kind and crazy dance. Behind this began hiking to another room to the place where the "Holy Saints" stood. At one of these classes, Rasputin suddenly began to talk about the sex life of horses. Then he rudely grabbed one of the "students" and said: "Let's go, my beautiful mare."

    Even in how Rasputin was killed, you can find sexual subtext. His murder was planned and carried out by people who were very jealous of the authorities and the court at the courtyard, which Rasputin enjoyed. He was invited to the late dinner, where they treated him with poisonous meal and poisoned wine. One of the murderers, Felix Yusupov, had homosexual inclinations. He repeatedly tried to get closer to Rasputin, but it could not him. When Rasputin began to lose consciousness from a novice to act poison, Yusupov initially raped him, and then shot him four times from the pistol. Rasputin fell to the floor, but was alive. Grigory Rasputin then neutered. His sliced \u200b\u200bpenis found a later servant. He handed his maid, which, according to the latest data, lived in Paris back in 1968. In a polished wooden box, she kept the body that became like "... Black felling banana long about 30 centimeters ..."

    Name: Rasputin Grigory Efimovich

    State: Russian empire

    Field of activity: Politics, religion

    The greatest achievement: Became an adviser to the imperial family, he had an impact on Alexander Fedorovna Romanov and through her state policy

    Grigori Efimovich Rasputin was born in 1869 in the West Siberian village Pokrovskoye.

    As a child, there was a problem in development, as a result of which the immoral lifestyle was in his youth, the law was violated.

    Tired of this lifestyle, Rasputin appealed to faith. He became a religious elder, a wandering healer.

    The people recognized a certain healing and progressive gift in Rasputin, which once led to his acquaintance with the imperial family.

    Rasputin was the only one who could deal with the symptoms of hemophilia, which was tormented by Tsearevich Alexei, which allowed the elder to constantly be at the court, and also influence the decisions of the Empress.

    Rasputin's activities and his influence on the royal family could not cause protest of the part of the state of the state, which led to the murder of Rasputin Felix Yusupov.

    He was considered a wonderworker and anarchist: Grigory Rasputin was born in the farm family and reached the adviser to the Russian Emperor's family. Not everyone appreciated his booty career. In 1916, Rasputin became a victim of cruel murder.

    On December 19, 1916, a man was discovered on the Ice of the Neva River in St. Petersburg. His face was worn, the skull was abandoned, the right eye was knocked out. Several times shot it. Nevertheless, this man was still alive and tried to remove the shackles. This almost the dead was Grigory Rasputin.

    In his report, the police wrote that in the days of the funeral, many came to the shore of the Neva to kill the water in the vest and glasses - with water was the strength of the dead, which could work wonders, as thought at the time in Russia.

    Life Rasputin

    Grigori Efimovich Rasputin was born in 1869 in the West Siberian village Pokrovskoye. He called himself "old man", bent. Religious preacher, never had theological education. As this pious tramp has become one of the most influential figures in Russia, posthumously accepted the songs of the group Boney M. "Lover of the Russian Queen" (Lover of the Russian Queen) is considered one of the most popular secrets of the 20th century.

    Today, sources today make it possible to analyze his life quite in detail, because almost all people in his surroundings wrote something about him: the imperial family, his Jewish secretary, his killer. A few years ago, Russian playwright and historian Edward Radzinsky made a valuable addition to the "secret Rasputin's Secret Materials". Radzinsky received from the auction to Sothebis (one of the oldest auction houses in the world) carefully stitched 426-page material about Rasputin, released in 1917.

    Provincial folk prophet

    Although the estimates of Rasputin will be very different - some noted about black spots in the mouth, unpleasant smell, others on the contrary, admired him with white strong teeth - in any case, it was indisputable how powerful the provincial folk prophet was. Rasputin provided offices, and even ministerial positions. He served the imperial family as a confessor, healer and adviser.

    Some are inclined to assume that there is a romantic and even sexual relationship between Raztlin. But, in particular, Edward Radzinsky and other historians do not see signs of sexual relations between Empress and Rasputin. In fact, he was not so close to the royal family and quite rarely visited the royal court. Nevertheless, on the eve of the revolution, the aristocracy returned to normal life, but still found a potential "sinner" in the monk. The end of his life also marked the end of the imperial power in Russia. He was killed in December 1916. Literally two months later, the revolution began in the country.

    In his Siberian village, Rasputin was considered a loser. His fellow villagers called him "Grishka-Fool." He has a lot of cradle, drank everything that burns, led a very rampant lifestyle. But at some point Rasputin decided to turn to faith and began to wander from one monastery to another.

    At the end of 1903, Rasputin moves to St. Petersburg. There, the dear priest John Kronstadt certified his faith, gave a farewell (as the diaries neither Rasputin, nor John were not preserved, it is not possible to find out reliable details of this meeting yet). Rasputin comes to the Imperial Dvor, where his healing abilities were very by the way. He produced a very strong impression.

    The fact is that the son of Nicholas II suffered from hemophilia (low blood intake). When in the fall of 1907 he was diagnosed with blood poisoning, the royal family caused Rasputin. A wonderful healer blesses the room, reads prayers - and the boy unexpectedly cures.

    At least, from the day Rasputin in the royal court is an indispensable person. The queen considers him a messenger of God.

    But even after that, anarchist Rasputin is clearly not satisfied with this authority. He criticizes the king, attacks the nobility, stands for the Constitution and accuses landlords that farmers are deprived of education and land. In the circles of aristocrats, it is positioned as a plebey.

    Rasputin was a big pet favorite. The people went to the opinion that he had a rather rampant lifestyle and even accused him of immorality. Some even argued that he was collected at home a whole harem.

    A lot of rumors began to form around Ruins. Newspapers conducted entire campaigns against Rasputin, reported his alleged victims.

    Murder Rasputin

    Since the royal family ordered to protect Rasputin, any attempts to kill him were pretended by the police. In November 1916, the dispute about the dubious elder began to rise in the State Duma. Right deputies are massively attacking the king and the "German queen". The deputy Vladimir Purishkevich, known for his anti-Semitic views, argued that the country was managed by "dark forces". "All this comes from Rasputin, it threatens the existence of the empire."

    Also for a long time they thought in court circles, including Prince Felix Yusupov and the young Grand Duke Dmitry. Together with Purishkevich, they developed a plan for the murder of Rasputin in December 1916.

    So, the prince of Yusupov invited Rasputin to herself to introduce him to his attractive wife. But, instead of lady, in the basement of the Palace of Yusupov, there was an abundance of wine. At first he was offered tea with ecles, in which potassium cyanide was diluted in advance. But it did not affect Rasputin at all. He did not take it either echel with potassium cyanide, nor poisoned wine. Then Yusupov shot Rasputin. But despite this, after a shot, he woke up and tried to escape, but his killers caught up with him, tied up and thrown from the bridge to the river. But even then he was still alive. So it is believed because when I found his body, it did not have any fabric or rods.

    "I'm lost," said the king after the news of the death of Rasputin. Although, this bloody act showed discord in the family of Romanov: Some family members demanded that the petition recognize the murder as the patriotic act. In general, many with a positive perceived the death of Rasputin. In the State Duma, there was a whole celebration on this occasion.

    Although the king refused, but Yusupov, who later lived serene in Paris, was expelled in the estate. Later, Maria Rasputina, Gregory's daughter wrote that her father was called Spyware, the Saint Devil and the "Equestrian Thief."

    Archimandrite Feofan (Bystrov) meets Rasputin, introducing it also to the Bishop of Hermogen (Dolganov).

    Petersburg since 1904

    House on the pea, where Rasputin lived (with windows on the courtyard)

    Rasputin and Imperial Surname

    1908 year. Tsarist village. Rasputin with Empress, four children and a governess.

    The date of the first personal meeting with the emperor is well known - November 1, 1905 Nicholas II recorded in his diary:

    November 1st. Tuesday. Cold windy day. From the coast, it was frozen to the end of our channel and a smooth stripe in both directions. It was very busy every morning. Breakfast: kN. Orlov and Resin (Dezh.) Walked. At 4 o'clock went to Sergiyevka. Dried tea with Milita and Mill. I got acquainted with the man of God - Gregory from Tobolsk lips. In the evening she stacked, he did a lot and spent the evening with Alix.

    There are other references to Rasputin in the diaries of Nicholas II.

    Rasputin acquired an impact on the imperial family and, above all, at Alexander Fedorovna, what helped her son, Hemophilia's hemophilia, the hemophilia, the disease, in front of which turned out to be impotent medicine.

    Rasputin and church

    Later vitality of Rasputin (O. Platonov) are inclined to see in official investigations conducted by the church authority in connection with the activity of Rasputin, a wider political meaning; But the investigative documents (the case of the whip and police documents) show that all cases had the subject of its investigation quite specific acts of Grigory Rasputin, encroached on public morality and piety.

    The first thing about "whipping" Rasputin 1907

    The secret case of Tobolsk spiritual consistory about Grigory Rasputin's peasant.

    By order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Makarov dated January 23, 1912, an outdoor observation was established for Rasputin, launched before his death.

    The second case on "whipping" Rasputin 1912

    Decree of Nicholas II.

    It should also be noted that the opponents of Rasputin often forget about a different elevation: the first case of the Bishop of Tobolsky Anthony (KARZHAVIN) started on Rasputin (Karzhavin) that was moved in 1910 from Cold Siberia to the Tver Department and Easter was built at the San Archbishop. But they remember that this translation took place just because the first thing was sent to the synod archive.

    Prophecy, writings and repeat

    With his life, Rasputin issued two books:

    Books are a literary recording of his conversations, since the preserved notes of Rasputin testify to its lightness.

    The eldest daughter writes about the Father: "... The father of diploma was trained, to put it mildly, not quite. The first lessons of writing and reading he began to take in St. Petersburg. "

    In total, there are 100 canonical prophecies Rasputin. The most famous was the prevention of the death of the Imperial House: "As long as I live, the dynasty will live."

    Some authors believe that the references of Rasputin are in the letters of Alexandra Fedorovna to Nikolai II. In the letters, the surname Rasputin is not mentioned, but some authors believe that Rasputin in letters is indicated by the words "friend", or "he" from large letters, although it does not have documentary evidence. Letters were published in the USSR by 1927, and the Berlin Publishing House "Word" in 1922. Correspondence remained in the State Archive of the Russian Federation - Novoromanovsky Archive.

    Anti-Volsputhutin campaign in the press

    Attempted Chone Guseva

    On June 29 (July 12), 1914 at Rasputin in the village of Pokrovsky was an attempt. He struck him with a knife in the stomach and heavily injured Guseva, who came from Tsaritsyn. . Rasputin showed that he suspects in organizing the attempted orodore, but could not submit any evidence of this. On July 3, Rasputin transported to a steamer to Tyumen for treatment. In the Tyumen hospital, Rasputin remained until August 17, 1914. The investigation of the case of the attempt was lasting about a year. Gusev in July 1915 declared the mentally ill and freed from criminal responsibility by placing in a psychiatric hospital in Tomsk. On March 27, 1917, according to personal instructions, A. F. Kerensky Gusev was released.


    The body of Rasputin extracted from the water.

    Photo corpse in morgue

    Letter V.K. Dmitry Pavlovich Father V.K. Pavel Alexandrovich about the attitude towards the murder of Rasputin and Revolution. Isfahan (Persia) April 29, 1917. Finally, the last act of my stay in Peter [fence] was quite conscious and thoughtful participation in the murder of Rasputin - as the last attempt to give the opportunity to the sovereign to replace the course, without taking responsibility for the removal of this person. (Alix he would not have given it.)

    Rasputin killed on the night of December 17, 1916 in the Palace of Yusupova on the washing. Consignors: F. F. Yusupov, V. M. Purishkevich, Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, Officer of British intelligence Mi-6 Osvald Reiner (eng.)russian (Officially, the investigation did not consider his murder).

    The murder of contradictions, they were confused by both the killers themselves and pressure on the consequence of the Russian, British and Soviet authorities. Yusupov changed the testimony several times: in the Police of St. Petersburg on December 16, 1916, in the link to the Crimea in 1917, in the book of 1927, the data under the oath in 1934 and 1965. The memories of Purishevich were originally published, then Yusupov energized his versions. However, they drastically dispersed with the testimony of the investigation. Starting from the name of the wrong color of clothing in which Rasputin is dressed according to the murderers and in which it was discovered, and before how much the bullets were released. For example, the foresters found 3 wounds, each of which is deadly: in the head, in the liver and kidney. (According to British researchers who studied photograph, the control shot in the forehead is made from the British revolver Webley .455.) After a shot into the liver, a person can live no more 20 minutesAnd it is not capable, as the killers said, after half an hour to run down the street. Also was not shot in the heart, which murderers were unanimously affirmed.

    Rasputin first lured into the basement, having treated red wine and cake poisoned with cyanium potassium. Yusupov went upstairs, and, returned, shot him in his back, which was why he fell. The conspirators went outside. I checked the body that returned behind the cloak of Yusupov, unexpectedly Rasputin woke up and tried to strangle the killer. During this moment, the conspirators began to shoot in Rasputin. Approaching, surprised that he was still alive, and began to beat him. According to the killers, poisoned and shot, Rasputin came to himself, got out of the basement and tried to climb the high wall of the garden, but was caught by the murderers who had heard the drunk dog Lai. Then he was tied up with her hands and legs (according to Purishkevich, clogged first into the blue fabric), taken by car to a predetermined place near the stone island and dropped from the bridge to a worm of the Neva in such a way that the body turned out to be under ice. However, according to the materials of the investigation, the detected corpse was dressed in a fur coat, there were no fabric or rods.

    The investigation into the murder of Rasputin, who was led by the director of the Police Department A. T. Vasilyev, moved pretty quickly. Already the first interrogations of family members and servants Rasputin showed that on the night of the murder, Rasputin went to visit the prince Yusupov. City Vlasyuk, on-night on the night of December 16 on December 17, on the street near the Palace of Yusupov, showed that he had heard a few shots at night. When searching in the courtyard of the USUP houses, traces of blood were discovered.

    In the afternoon of December 17, blood stains were seen on Parapede of the Petrovsky Bridge. After the study of the divers, the Neva in this place was discovered the body of Rasputin. The forensic examination was instructed by the famous Professor of the Military Medical Academy D. P. Kosososov. The original of the opening protocol has not been preserved, the causes of death can only be said allegedly.

    "At the opening, quite numerous damage was found, of which many have already caused posthumously. The whole right side of the head was fragmented, sustained due to the bruise of the corpse when falling from the bridge. Death followed from abundant bleeding due to a firearm in the stomach. The shot was produced, in my opinion, almost in the focus, from left to right, through the stomach and liver with a fragmentation of this last in the right half. Bleeding was very abundant. On the corpse there was also a firearm wound in the back, in the spine, with the fragmentation of the right kidney, and another wound to stop, in the forehead, probably already as a temple or deceased. Breasts were intact and surrounded superficially, but there were no traces of death from drowning. The lungs were not fluttered, and in the respiratory tract there was no water or a foamy liquid. In the water, Rasputin was already abandoned dead. "


    The poison in the stomach Rasputin was not detected. Possible explanations for this that cyanide in the cakes was neutralized with sugar or high temperatures when cooking in the furnace. His daughter reports that after the attempt of Guseva Rasputin suffered with increased acidity and avoided sweet food. It is reported that he was poisoned by a dose capable of killing 5 people. Some modern researchers suggest that the poison was not - this is a lie to confuse the effect.

    In determining the involvement of O. Reiner, there are a number of nuances. At that time, there were two MI-6 officers in St. Petersburg, which could kill: School friend Yusupova Oswald Reiger and born in the Yusupovsky Palace Captain Stephen Alley. Both families were close to Yusupov, and it is difficult to say who who killed. Suspected the first, and the king Nikolai II directly mentioned that the killer is a school friend Yusupov. In 1919, Reiner was awarded the Order of the British Empire, he destroyed his papers before his death in 1961. In the magazine of Comton, there are records that he has brought Oswald a week before the murder (and to another officer Captain John Skale), and the last time - On the day of the murder. Also Compton directly hinted on Reinener, reporting that the killer is a lawyer and was born in one city with him. There is a letter of an alley written by Skale 8 days after the murder: "Although not everything went according to the plan, our goal has been achieved ... Reiner notes traces and will undoubtedly contact you for briefing." According to modern British researchers, order three British agents (Reiner, Alley and Skale), eliminating Rasputin walked from Mansfield Smith Camming (eng.)russian (First Director Mi-6).

    The investigation lasted two and a half months before the renunciation of the emperor Nicholas II on March 2, 1917. On this day, Kerensky became Minister of Justice in the Interim Government. On March 4, 1917, he ordered a hurry to stop the investigation, while the investigator A. T. Vasilyev (arrested during the February Revolution) was transferred to the Petropavlovsk fortress, where he was interrogated by the Emergency Investigation Commission until September, later emigrated.

    Version about English plot

    According to researchers motivated by the film and released books, Rasputin was killed with the active participation of the British intelligence agency Mi-6, the killers confused the consequence to hide the British trail. The motive of the conspiracy was the following: Great Britain feared the influence of Rasputin to the Russian Empress, which threatened the conclusion of the Separate world with Germany. To eliminate the threat, a conspiracy against Rasputin was used in Russia.
    In the same place, it is stated that the next murder of British special services immediately after the revolution planned the murder of I. Stalin, louder than everyone sought to the world with Germany.

    The funeral

    Rasputina sent well with him familiar Bishop Isidore (bells). In his memoirs, A. I. Spiridovich recalls that a clocking lunch (which was not eligible to do) served the Bishop Isidor.

    They spoke after the Metropolitan Pitirim, to whom they applied to the funeral, rejected this request. There was a legend in those days that the empress was present at the opening and funeral, which came to the English embassy. That was a typical regular gossip aimed against the Empress.

    I first wanted to bury in his homeland, in the village of Pokrovsky. But due to the danger of possible excitement in connection with the shipment of the body through the half, they betrayed the Earth in the Alexander Park of the Tsarskoye village on the territory of the seraphim of Sarovsky built by Anna Circular Temple.

    Three months after the death of Rasputin, his grave was desecrated. Two inscriptions are inscribed on Birch in Birch, one of which is in German: "Hier Ist Der Hund Begraben" ("Dog is buried here") and then "the corpse of Rasputin Grigory burned on the night from 10 to 11th of March 1917" .

    Fate Rasputin's family

    With the rest of the Rositino family members, Soviet power severely dealtfully. In 1922, his widow of Praskovia Fodorovna, the son of Dmitry and the daughter of Varvara were deprived of voting rights as "malicious elements." Even earlier, in the 1920s, the house and all the peasant farming Dmitry Grigorievich were nationalized. In the 1930s, all three were arrested by the NKVD bodies, and their trace was lost in the special settlements of the Tyumen North.


    Rasputin and his fans (St. Petersburg, 1914). In the upper row (left to right): Den Yu. A., 1914 Rasputin settled in the apartment on the street. Gorokhova, 64 in St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, various dark rumors began to spread about this apartment, they say, Rasputin turned her to the test and uses for his "orgies". Some said that Rasputin contains there a permanent "harem", others - collects from the case. There was a rumor that the apartment on the pea is used for witchcraft, etc.

    From the memories of witnesses

    ... once aunt agn. Fed. Gartman (Mine sister) asked me - I don't want to see Rasputin closer. ...... .. After the address to Pushkinskaya st., On the appointed day and an hour I was in the apartment of Mary Alexandrovna Nikitina, aunty friend. Entering the little dining room, I found everyone in the collection. Over the oval table served for tea, a man was sitting 6-7 young interesting ladies. Two of them I knew in my face (they met in the halls of the Winter Palace, where Alexandrian Fedorovna Tailoring of Lingerie was organized). All of them were one circle and in a vibrant lively talked among themselves. Having done in English a common bow, I sat next to the hostess at Samovar and talked with her.

    Suddenly, he would have a common sigh - ah! I raised my eyes and saw in the doors located in the opposite side, where I came from, a mighty figure - the first impression - Gypsy. A high powerful figure felt on a white Russian shirt with an embroidery on the collar and a clasp, a twisted belt with brushes, black pants at an eye and Russian boots. But there was nothing Russian in him. Black thick hair, a big black beard, a dark face with the predatory nostril nostrils and some kind of ironically mockery smile on the lips - the face is definitely spectacular, but something unpleasant. The first thing that attracted the attention - the eyes: black, splitted, they burned, peeling through, and his glance was felt at you just physically, it was impossible to stay calm. It seems to me that he really possessed a hypnotic force submitting to himself when he wanted it. ...

    Everyone was familiar to him, they tried to please in vain, to attract attention. He sat down at the table, appealed to each named and on "You," said, sometimes gone and rudely, talked to himself, sagged on his knees, fell, stroked, patted in soft places and all "instilled" - melted from pleasure ! It was disgusting to look at it disgusting and insulting for women, humiliating, lost and their female dignity and a family honor. I felt like blood sticks to the face, I wanted to scream, knock the fist, to do something. I was sitting almost opposite the "High Guest", he perfectly felt my condition and, mockingly laughing, every time after the next dip stubbornly stubbornly stubbornly. I was a new, unknown object. ...

    I cheekily turning to someone from those present, he said: "Do you see? Who embroidered a shirt? Sasha! " (Members of Alexander Fedorovna's sovereign). No decent man would never give the secrets of a female feeling. I've gotten from the stress in my eyes, and the Rosetinsky look disasterked and drilled. I moved away closer to the hostess, trying to hide behind the samovar. Maria Alexandrovna looked at me with anxiety. ...

    "Masha", "the voice rang out," do you want a vamp? " Come to me. " Masha hurriedly jumps up and hurries to the call site. Rasputin boils his leg leg, takes a spoonful of jam and overturns it on the sock of the boot. "Liza" - volatilely sounds voice, she becomes kneels and, toning his head, licks the jam ... I did not stand more. Squeezing the hand of the hostess, jumped up, ran into the hallway. I do not remember how to put on a hat, as fled on Nevsky. I came to admiralty, I had to go home to Petrograd. Midnight swore and asked to never ask me that I saw and myself I didn't remember this hour with my aunt, I could not see Maria Alexandrovna Nikitina. Since then, I could not calmly hear the name Rasputin and lost all respect for our "secular" ladies. Somehow, being visiting De Lazari, I went to the phone call and heard the voice of this scounding. But immediately said that I know who says, and therefore I do not want to talk ... ..

    Grigorova-Rudikovskaya, Tatyana Leonidovna

    The temporary government was led by a special investigation into the case of Rasputin. According to one of the participants in this investigation, V. M. Rudneva, who was sent by order of Kerensky to the Emergency Investigation Commission for the Investigation Commission for the Investigation of Former Ministers, Ministerial and Other Supreme Officials "and the Party of the Comrade of the Prosecutor of the Ekaterinoslav District Court then:

    ... The richest material for illumination of his personality on this side was in these of the most unlawful observation of him, which was conducted by the Security Department; At the same time, it turned out that the amur adventures of Rasputin did not leave the framework of night orgies with the girls of easy behavior and chancesty singers, and sometimes with some of his staff.

    Matrius's daughter in his book "Rasputin. Why?" Wrote:

    ... that with all the impregnation of life, the father never abused his strength and the ability to influence women in the carnal sense. However, it is necessary to understand that this part of the relationship was of particular interest for the detractors of the Father. I note that they received some real food for their risks.

    ... Then he approached the phone and caused all sorts of ladies. I had to do Bonne Mine Mauvais Jeu, because all these ladies were extremely dubious properties ...

    Estimates of the influence of Rasputin

    According to the memories of the courtiers, Rasputin was not close to the royal family and was generally rarely in the Tsarist Palace. So, according to the memoirs of the Palace Commandant V. N. Warikov, the head of the Palace Police, Colonel Gerardi to the question, how often there are visits to Rasputin Palace, replied: "Once a month, and sometimes two months later." In the memoirs of Freillana A. A. Zublava, it is said that Rasputin was in the tsarist palace no more than 2-3 times a year, and the king took it much less often. Other Freillus, S. K. Bukshevden, recalled:

    "I lived in the Alexandrovsk Palace from 1913 to 1917, and my room was connected by the corridor with the shakers of the imperial children. I have never seen Rasputin for all this time, although I was constantly in the company of the Grand Duzhon. Monsieur Gilor, who lived there for several years, also never seen him "

    From the memories of the Director of the Police Department A. T. Vasilyeva (he served in the "Security" of St. Petersburg since 1906, and headed the police in 1916 \\ 17gg):

    Many times I had the opportunity to meet with Rasputin and talk with him to different topics.<…> The mind and natural cutter gave him the opportunity to soberly and insight to judge a person, only once he came. This was also known to Queen, so she sometimes asked his opinion about a particular candidate for a high post in the government. But from such innocuous issues to the appointment of the ministers Rasputin - a very big step, and this step neither the king, nor the queen undoubtedly never done<…> Nevertheless, people believed that everything depends on the block of paper with several words written by hand Rasputin ... I never believed in it, and although sometimes investigated these rumors, but never found convincing evidence of their truthfulness. Cases that I tell are not, as someone can think about my sentimental fiction; They show the reports of agents, who worked as servants in the house of Rasputin and, therefore, who knew his daily life in the smallest details.<…> Rasputin did not climb into the first ranks of the political arena, he was pushed out there the other people, seeking to shake the foundation of the Russian throne and the empire ... These harbingers of the revolution sought to make scarecrow from Rasputin to fulfill their plans. Therefore, they dismissed the most ridiculous rumors who created the impression that only through the mediation of the Siberian man can be achieved high position and influence

    The premises in printing reports of Rasputin could be limited only partially. According to the law, articles on the imperial surname were subject to preliminary censorship by the head of the office of the Ministry of the courtyard. Any articles were prohibited in which the name Rasputin was mentioned in combination with the names of the members of the Tsarist family, but the articles where only one Rasputin appeared, it was impossible to prohibit.

    On November 1, 1916, at a meeting of the State Duma, P. N. Milyukov made a speech, critical in relation to the government and the "court party", in which the name of Rasputin was mentioned. The information about Rasputina Milyukov took him from articles in the German newspapers "Berliner Taglablatt" dated October 16, 1916 and "Neya Freary Press" dated June 25, with respect to which he himself recognized that some of the information they reported were erroneous. On November 19, 1916 V. M. Purishkevich spoke at a meeting of the Duma with a speech, in which Rasputin attached great importance. The image of Rasputin also used German propaganda. In March 1916, the German tspelins spread a caricature over Russian trenches, depicting Wilhelm, who opted to the Germanic people, and Nikolai Romanova, who was making himself on the sexual organ of Rasputin.

    According to the memories of A. A. Golovin, during the First World War, rumors that Empress is Rasputin's mistress, spread among the officers of the Russian army by the staff of the Opposition-Urban Union. After the overthrow of Nikolai II, the Chairman of the Zemava Prince Lviv became the chairman of the Provisional Government.

    The first revolution and the following counter-revolutionary era (1907-1914) found all the essence of the royal monarchy, brought it to the "last feature," revealed all its rottenness, piling, all cynicism and debauchery of the royal bug with a monstrous Rasputin at the head of her, all family atrocities Romanov - these fools who fled Russia with the blood of Jews, workers, revolutionaries ...

    Opinions of contemporaries about Rasputin

    ... oddly enough, the question about Rasputina involuntarily became the central question of the near future and did not go from the scene for almost all the time of my chairmanship in the Council of Ministers, bringing me to resignation with a little in two years.

    In my opinion, Rasputin is a typical Siberian Varnak, a tramp, intelligent and extinguished himself to the famous Floor of the prominary and whistle and playing his role on a memorized recipe. According to the appearance, he did not take only the Arrest Armenian and the tambourous ace on his back. By pumping - this is a person who is capable of everything. In his crifold, he, of course, does not believe, but he developed a firmly memorable techniques, which deceives both those who sincerely believes all of his eccentricity and those who inflated their adolescence in front of him, having in mind only to achieve through It is the benefits that are not given in other ways.

    What imagine Rasputin contemporaries? As a drunken, dirty man, who penetrated the royal family, appointed and dismissed ministers, bishops and generals and a decade was the hero of Petersburg scandalous chronicles. In addition, even wild orgies in Villa Rode, lustful dancing among aristocratic fans, high-ranking minions and drunk gypsies, and at the same time incomprehensible power over the king and his family, hypnotic force and faith in their special purpose. It was all.

    If there were no Rasputin, then the opponents of the royal family and the preparations of the revolution would create it with their conversations from the cut-off, do not be cut, out of whom you want.

    The investigator in the case of the murder of the royal family Sokolov Nikolai Alekseevich in his book-judicial investigation writes:

    Head of the Main Directorate of Post and Telegraphs Plvisianv, who held this position in 1913-1917, shows: "According to the established order, all the telegrams that submitted to the name of the sovereign and the sovereign were submitted to me in copies. Therefore, all telegrams that went to the name of their majesty from Rasputin, I was known at one time. There were a lot of them. Remember consistently the content of them, of course, there is no possibility. According to conscience, I can say that the huge influence of Rasputin at the sovereign and at the sovereign content of the telegrams was established with full apparent.

    The priest of Archpriest Philosopher Ornahsky, the abbot of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg describes in 1914 the meeting of John Kronstadt with Rasputin:

    O. John asked the elder: "How is your last name?" And when the latter replied: "Rasputin," said: "Look, by your last name and will be you"

    Attempts by canonization Rasputin

    Religious veneration of Grigoria Rasputin began around 1990 and went out of that time. The Mother Original Center (over the next years he has changed its name).

    Some extremely radical monarchic Orthodox circles also, since the 1990s, they expressed thoughts on canonization of Rasputin as a holy martyr. Supporters of these ideas were:

    1. Editor of the Orthodox newspaper "Blagovest" Anton Evgenievich Zhogolev.
    2. Duznes Konstantin - editor-in-chief "Rus Orthodox".
    3. "Church of John the Bogoslov" and others.

    Despite this, in the past ten years, the religious admirers of Grigory Rasputin issued at least two akathists to him, and about a dozen icons are written.

    • According to the strange coincidence, Rasputin met the king of Nikolai II in the same year (1905) as papus (came to Russia in 1905). Rasputin, like Paul, rendered a strongest religious influence on the king: Paul dedicated to the king in Martinism, he treated his family and, allegedly, predicted his death ... It is also talking about Rasputin. Both were killed at the end of 1916, with a difference of only about two months.

    Rasputin in culture and art

    According to the study of S.Fomin, during March-November 1917, theaters were filled with dubious productions, and more than ten pasta films about Gregory Rasputin came out. The first such film was two-particle "Sensational drama" "Dark forces - Grigory Rasputin and his associates" (Production of Joint-Stock Company Liebken). The picture was delivered in record time, within a few days: March 5, the newspaper "Early morning" Announced it, and already on March 12 (! - 10 days after the renunciation!) She went to the screens of cinemas. It is noteworthy that this first pacval film as a whole failed and had success only in the outskirts of small cinemamen, where the audience was easier ... The emergence of these films led to a protest of a more educated public due to their pornographicity and wild erotica. In order to protect public morality, they were also offered to introduce a cinema room (and this is in the first days of the revolution!), Temporarily laying it on the police. The group of the Cinemamen requested before the Minister of Justice of the Provisional Government A. F. Kerensky banning the demonstration of the tape "Dark forces - Grigory Rasputin"Stop flow kinogryazhi and pornography. Of course, it did not stop further dishonesty in the country of the film examiny. In power stood those who "Summary Autrogement", and they needed justifying this overthrow. And then, S. Fomin writes: "The Bolsheviks after October 1917 came to the case of fundamental. Of course, the film scatter on Rasputina received a second breath, but much broader and deep steps were taken. Falsified P. E. Schegolev and others were released. Multi-volume protocols of the Extreme Investigation Commission created by the Provisional Government; from the beginning to the end faked by the same P. Schegolev with the "Red Graph" A. Tolstoy "Diaries" by A. Trubova. In the same series there is a widely demonstrated play by A. Tolstoy "Plispage of the Empress" . ... Only about the 1930th year, this campaign went to a waning - a new generation that joined the adult life in the USSR was already "processed".

    Rasputin and his historical importance had a great influence on both Russian and Western culture. The Germans and Americans at some extent attracts his figure as a "Russian Bear", or "Russian man."
    In p. Pokrovskoe (now - the Yarka district of the Tyumen region) is valid for the private museum of G.E. Rasputin.

    References on Rasputin

    • Avreh A. Ya. Tsarism on the eve of overthrow. - M., 1989. - ISBN 5-02-009443-9
    • Amalric A. Rasputin
    • Varlamov A. N. Gregory Rasputin-New. Series Zhzl. - M: Young Guard, 2007. 851 p. - ISBN 978-5-235-02956-9
    • Vasilyev A. T. Security: Russian Secret Police. In the book: "Security". Memories of heads of political school. - M.: New Literary Review, 2004. Volume 2.
    • Vatal E. Rasputin. No myths and legends. M., 2000.
    • Balkhanov A. N. True on Gregory Rasputin. - M: Russian Publishing Center, 2011. 608 p., 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-4249-0002-0

    Gatiaturina Yu. R. Museum Grigory Rasputin // Revival of the historic center of Tyumen. Tyumen in the past, present and future. Abstracts of reports and reports of the scientific and practical conference. - Tyumen, 2001. P. 24-26. - ISBN 5-88131-176-0

    • E. F. Dzhanumova. My meetings with (Gregory) Rasputin
    • N. N. Jerins. Mystery Rasputin. L.: "Poison", 1924 (M: "Book Chamber", 1990 Reprint: ISBN 5-7000-0219-1)
    • V. A. Zhukovskaya. My memories of Gregory Efimovich Rasputina 1914-1916.
    • Ilodor (Trufanov S.) Saint Chort. Notes on Rasputin. With preface S. P. Melgunova. T-Wa Lambushinsky printing house. - M., 1917 XV, 188 c.
    • Zhevakhov N. Memories. Tom I. September 1915 - March 1917]
    • Kokovtsov V. N. From my past. Memories 1903-1919. Tom I and II. Paris, 1933. Chapter II
    • Miller L. Tsar's family - the victim of the dark power. Melbourne, 1988. ("Lodia": Reprint) ISBN 5-8233-0011-5
    • Nikulin L. Adjutant of the Lord God. Roman-Chronicle. - M., 1927 "Worker" No. 98 - "Work" No. 146
    • The fall of the royal regime. Stenographic reports of interrogations and testimony, data in 1917 in the Emergency Investigation Commission of the Provisional Government. - M.-L., 1926-1927. In 7 tons.
    • Pikul V. Unclean force ("The last feature")
    • O. Platonov. Life for the king (the truth about Grigory Rasputina)
    • Polishchuk V.V., Polishchuk O. A. Tyumen Grigoria Rasputin-new // Slovesovsky Readings-2006: Materials of the XVIII All-Russian Scientific Local Lore Conference. - Tyumen, 2006. P. 97-99. - ISBN 5-88081-558-7
    • Purishevich V. M. Diary for 1916 (Rasputin's death) // "Life of the prodigal elder Grishk Rasputin." - M., 1990. - ISBN 5-268-01401-3
    • Purishevich V. M. Diary (in the book "Recent days of Rasputin"). - M.: "Zakharov", 2005
    • Radzinsky E. Rasputin: Life and death. - 2004. 576 C - ISBN 5-264-00589-3
    • Rasputina M. Rasputin. Why? Memories of the daughter. - M.: "Zakharov", 2001, 2005.
    • Rasputy theme on the pages of publications of our days (1988-1995): Index of literature. - Tyumen, 1996. 60 s.
    • Fühlop Miller, Rene Holy Demon, Rasputin and Women - Leipzig, 1927 (Him. René Fülöp-Miller "Der Heilige Teufel" - Rasptin Und Die Frauen, Leipzig, 1927 ). Reprinted in 1992. M.: Republic, 352 p. - ISBN 5-250-02061-5
    • Ruud Ch. A., Stepanov S. A. Fontanka, 16: political cheer with kings. - M.: Thought, 1993. Chapter 14. "Dark Forces" around the throne
    • Holy Damn: Collection. - M., 1990. 320 C - ISBN 5-7000-0235-3
    • Simanovich A.. Rasputin and Jews. Memories of Personal Secretary Gregory Rasputin. - Riga, 1924. - ISBN 5-265-02276-7
    • Spiridovich A. I. Spiridovitch alexandre (Général). Raspoutine 1863-1916. D'Après Les Documents Russes Et Les Archives De L'Auteur. - Paris. PAYOT. 1935.
    • A. Tereshuk. Grigory Rasputin. Life Picture
    • Fomin S. Murder Rasputin: creating a myth
    • Chernyshov A. Who was "on the clock" on the night of the murder of Rasputin in the courtyard of the Yusupov Palace? // Lukich. 2003. Ch. 2. P. 214-219
    • Chernyshov A.V. In search of the grave Grigory Rasputin. (About one publication) // Religion and Church in Siberia. - Vol. 7. P. 36-42
    • Chernyshov A.V. Choosing a way. (Strokes to the religious and philosophical portrait of E. Rasputin) // Religion and Church in Siberia. - Vol. 9. P.64-85
    • Chernyshov A. V. Something about Rasputniad and Publishing Conditions of our Days (1990-1991) // Religion and Church in Siberia. Collection of scientific articles and documentaries. - Tyumen, 1991. Issue.2. P. 47-56
    • Shishkin O. A. Kill Rasputin. M., 2000.
    • Yusupov F. F. Memories (End of Rasputin) Posted in the collection "Life of the Prodigal Elder Grishk Rasputin." - M., 1990. - ISBN 5-268-01401-3
    • Yusupov F. F. End of Rasputin (in the book "Last days Rasputin") - M.: Zakharov, 2005
    • Shavelsky G. I. Memories of the last protopsychiatrist of the Russian Army and Fleet. - New York: ed. them. Chekhov, 1954.
    • Etkind A. Whip. Sects, literature and revolution. Department of Slavs University Helsinki, a new literary review. - M., 1998. - 688 s (book review - Alexander Ulanov A. Etkind. Whip. Gorky experience of culture. "Banner" 1998, No. 10)
    • Harold Shukman. Rasptin. - 1997. - 113 p. ISBN 978-0-7509-1529-8.

    Documentary films about Rasputin

    • The last of the kings: the shadow of Rasputina (Last of the Czars. The Shadow of Rasputin), dir. Teresa Cherf; Mark Anderson, 1996, Discovery Communications, 51 min. (released on DVD in 2007)
    • Who killed Rasputin? (Who KILLED RASPUTIN?), Dir. Michael Wedding, 2004, BBC, 50 min. (released on DVD in 2006)

    Rasputin in the theater and cinema

    It is unknown to be more unknown, whether there were some kind of chronic filming of Rasputin. None of the tape did not reach this day, on which Rasputin himself would be captured.

    The very first silent artistic short films about Gregory Rasputin began to leave from March 1917. All of them dismissed the personality of Rasputin, exposing him and the imperial family in the most unsightly light. The first such film called "Drama from Gregory Rasputin" released Russian kinomognat A. O. Drankov, who simply made the film on his tape in 1916. "washed blood", filmed by M. Gorky "Konovalov". Most other films were filmed in 1917 by the then the largest filmmaster "Joint-Stock Company Liebken". A total of them were released more than a dozen and about any of their artistic value it is not necessary to speak, because even then they called protests due to their "pornographicity and wild erotica":

    • Dark forces - Grigory Rasputin and his associates (2 series), dir. S. Veselovsky; In Rasputin - S. Gladkov
    • Saint Chert (Rasputin in hell)
    • People of sin and blood (Tsarskoyell sinners)
    • Love adventures of Grishk Rasputin
    • Funeral Rasputin
    • Mysterious murder in Petrograd December 16
    • Trading House of Romanov, Rasputin, Sukhomlinov, Myatseedov, Protopopov and Co.
    • Tsarist Ochrichniki

    etc. (Fomin S. V. Grigory Rasputin: Investigation. T. I. Punishment of the Truth; M., Publishing House Forum, 2007, SS. 16-19)

    Nevertheless, already in 1917, the image of Rasputin continued to appear on the movie screen. According to IMDB, the first one who embodied the image of the elder on the screen, became the actor Edward Consoreli (in the film "Drop Romanov"). In the same year, the film "Rasputin, Black Monk", where Rasputin played Montagus Love. In 1926, another film about Rasputin - "Brandstifter Europas, Die" (as Rasputin - Max Newfield), and in 1928 - three: "Red Dance" (as Rasputin - Dimitrus Alexis), "Rasputin - Saint A sinner "and" Rasputin "- the first two films, where Russian actors played Rasputin - Nikolay Malikov and Grigory Khmara, respectively.

    In 1925 he was written and immediately put in Moscow, A. N. Tolstoy "Conspiracy of the Empress" (published in Berlin in 1925), where the murder of Rasputin is shown in detail. In the future, the play was put on some Soviet theaters. In the Moscow Theater. I. V. Gogol in the role of Rasputina performed Boris Chirkov. And in the Belarusian television in the mid-1960s, the Tolstoy's play was removed by the TV link "Krach", in which Roman Philippov (Rasputin) and Rostislav Yankovsky (Prince Felix Yusupov) were playing.

    In 1932, German "Rasputin - a demon with a woman" (as Rasputin - the famous German actor Konrad Weidt), and, nominated for Oscar, "Rasputin and Empress", the capital role in which Lionel Berrimoru went. In 1938, "Rasputin" came out with Harry Baurom in the lead role.

    Again, the cinema returned to Rasputin in the 50s, which were marked by productions with the same name "Rasputin", released in 1954 and 1958 (for television) with Pierre Bronssher and Narzms Ibanen Menta in Rasputin roles, respectively. In 1967, there is a cult film of the horror "Rasputin - Crazy Monk" with the famous actor Christopher Lee as Gregory Rasputin. Despite the many mistakes from a historical point of view, the image created by him in the film is considered one of the best Rasputin cinery.

    In the 1960s, such films as "Night Rasputin" (1960, as Rasputin - Edmund Pard), "Rasputin" (Telepostanovka of 1966 with the Herbert Station in the lead role) and "I killed Rasputin" (1967), where The role of Herrt Frieba, famous for his role Goldfinger, a villain from the eponymous film about James Bond.

    In the 70s, Rasputin appeared in the following films: "Why did the Russians revolved" (1970, Rasputin - Wes Carter), telepostanovka "Rasputin" within the framework of the "Pieces of the Month" cycle (1971, Rasputin - Robert Stevens), "Nikolai and Alexandra" (1971, Rasputin - Tom Baker), TV series "Falling Orlov" (1974, Rasputin - Michael Oldridge) and telepostalovka "A Cárné Összeesküvése" (1977, Rasputin - Nandor Tomanek)

    In 1981, the most famous Russian film about Rasputin - "Agony" Klimov element, where Alexey Petrenko was successful. In 1984, "Rasputin - Orgien Am Zarenhof" with Alexander Conte as Rasputin.

    In the 90s, the image of Rasputin, like many others, began to deform. In the Parodiy Sketch Show "Red Gnome" - "Tyane", released in 1991, Rasputin was played by Stephen Mikalef, and in 1996 two films were released about Rasputin - "successor" (1996) with Igor Solovyulev as Rasputin and "Rasputin"where Alan Rikman played him (and the young Rasputin - Tamash he). In 1997, the cartoon "Anastasia" was released, where Rasputin voiced the famous actor Christopher Lloyd and Jim Cummings (singing).

    In the new millennium, interest in Figure Rasputin does not weaken. The films "Rasputin: the Devil in the flesh" (2002, for television, Rasputin - Oleg Fedorov and Killing Rasputin (2003, Rasputin - Ruben Thomas, as well as Hellboy: Hero from Pekla, "where the main villain is the Risen Rasputin, The role of which was played by Karel Roden. In 2007, a movie came out "Conspiracy", Directed by Stanislav Libina, where the role of Rasputin is performed by Ivan Okhlobystin.

    In music

    Rasputin in poetry

    Commercial use of the name Rasputin

    Commercial use of the name of Grigory Rasputin in some trademarks began in the West in the 1980s. To date, known:

    In St. Petersburg also exist:

    see also


    1. The government of the Tyumen region. On approval of a list of unique documents subject to the register of unique documents of archival funds of the Tyumen region. Data Metrics on the birth of Lasputina.
    2. "Big Soviet Encyclopedia" (3 edition), Moscow, Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia" 1969-1978. (Verified April 12, 2009)
    3. "Rasputin: Life and Death", M.: Vagribus, 2000, 279 pp (Chapter - "Disappeared Birthday") Edward Radzinsky (Verified April 12, 2009)
    4. See chapter LXI // Nikolay Zhevakhov. Memories of the Ober-Prosecutor of the Synod of Prince N. D. Zhevakhova. T. 1. September 1915 - March 1917. - Munich: ed. F. Winberg, 1923.
    5. Varlamov A. N. Grigory Rasputin-New. Series Zhzl. - M: Young Guard, 2007. 851 p. - ISBN 978-5-235-02956-9
    6. Nicholas II diaries (1894-1916) Nicholas II diary. 1905.
    7. Ioffe G. Z. Even the warnings of the native sister Elizabeth Fedorovna that dissatisfied with the people's dissatisfaction is transferred to the royal family, no way affected the empress. About this in his book "Riddles of love. Rasputin. Chanel. Hollywood" writes a writer and journalist Igor Obolensky:

      On cautions that dissatisfaction with Rasputin in the people is transferred to the royal family, which surrounded themselves unclean on hand and thoughts by people, and the worst thing can happen, the empressly answered coldly: "All this is not true. The people love us." Leaving the sister who made it clear that the audience was over, the Great Princess said: "Do not forget about the fate of Maria Antoinette, which the people who also loved her people sent together with the Emperor's husband on the guillotine" ...

      Archimandrite Feofan (Bystrov) meets Rasputin, introducing it also to the Bishop of Hermogen (Dolganov).

      Petersburg since 1904

      House on the pea, where Rasputin lived (with windows on the courtyard)

      Rasputin and Imperial Surname

      1908 year. Tsarist village. Rasputin with Empress, four children and a governess.

      The date of the first personal meeting with the emperor is well known - November 1, 1905 Nicholas II recorded in his diary:

      November 1st. Tuesday. Cold windy day. From the coast, it was frozen to the end of our channel and a smooth stripe in both directions. It was very busy every morning. Breakfast: kN. Orlov and Resin (Dezh.) Walked. At 4 o'clock went to Sergiyevka. Dried tea with Milita and Mill. I got acquainted with the man of God - Gregory from Tobolsk lips. In the evening she stacked, he did a lot and spent the evening with Alix.

      There are other references to Rasputin in the diaries of Nicholas II.

      Rasputin acquired an impact on the imperial family and, above all, at Alexander Fedorovna, what helped her son, Hemophilia's hemophilia, the hemophilia, the disease, in front of which turned out to be impotent medicine.

      Rasputin and church

      Later vitality of Rasputin (O. Platonov) are inclined to see in official investigations conducted by the church authority in connection with the activity of Rasputin, a wider political meaning; But the investigative documents (the case of the whip and police documents) show that all cases had the subject of its investigation quite specific acts of Grigory Rasputin, encroached on public morality and piety.

      The first thing about "whipping" Rasputin 1907

      The secret case of Tobolsk spiritual consistory about Grigory Rasputin's peasant.

      By order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Makarov dated January 23, 1912, an outdoor observation was established for Rasputin, launched before his death.

      The second case on "whipping" Rasputin 1912

      Decree of Nicholas II.

      It should also be noted that the opponents of Rasputin often forget about a different elevation: the first case of the Bishop of Tobolsky Anthony (KARZHAVIN) started on Rasputin (Karzhavin) that was moved in 1910 from Cold Siberia to the Tver Department and Easter was built at the San Archbishop. But they remember that this translation took place just because the first thing was sent to the synod archive.

      Prophecy, writings and repeat

      With his life, Rasputin issued two books:

      Books are a literary recording of his conversations, since the preserved notes of Rasputin testify to its lightness.

      The eldest daughter writes about the Father: "... The father of diploma was trained, to put it mildly, not quite. The first lessons of writing and reading he began to take in St. Petersburg. "

      In total, there are 100 canonical prophecies Rasputin. The most famous was the prevention of the death of the Imperial House: "As long as I live, the dynasty will live."

      Some authors believe that the references of Rasputin are in the letters of Alexandra Fedorovna to Nikolai II. In the letters, the surname Rasputin is not mentioned, but some authors believe that Rasputin in letters is indicated by the words "friend", or "he" from large letters, although it does not have documentary evidence. Letters were published in the USSR by 1927, and the Berlin Publishing House "Word" in 1922. Correspondence remained in the State Archive of the Russian Federation - Novoromanovsky Archive.

      Anti-Volsputhutin campaign in the press

      Attempted Chone Guseva

      On June 29 (July 12), 1914 at Rasputin in the village of Pokrovsky was an attempt. He struck him with a knife in the stomach and heavily injured Guseva, who came from Tsaritsyn. . Rasputin showed that he suspects in organizing the attempted orodore, but could not submit any evidence of this. On July 3, Rasputin transported to a steamer to Tyumen for treatment. In the Tyumen hospital, Rasputin remained until August 17, 1914. The investigation of the case of the attempt was lasting about a year. Gusev in July 1915 declared the mentally ill and freed from criminal responsibility by placing in a psychiatric hospital in Tomsk. On March 27, 1917, according to personal instructions, A. F. Kerensky Gusev was released.


      The body of Rasputin extracted from the water.

      Photo corpse in morgue

      Letter V.K. Dmitry Pavlovich Father V.K. Pavel Alexandrovich about the attitude towards the murder of Rasputin and Revolution. Isfahan (Persia) April 29, 1917. Finally, the last act of my stay in Peter [fence] was quite conscious and thoughtful participation in the murder of Rasputin - as the last attempt to give the opportunity to the sovereign to replace the course, without taking responsibility for the removal of this person. (Alix he would not have given it.)

      Rasputin killed on the night of December 17, 1916 in the Palace of Yusupova on the washing. Consignors: F. F. Yusupov, V. M. Purishkevich, Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, Officer of British intelligence Mi-6 Osvald Reiner (eng.)russian (Officially, the investigation did not consider his murder).

      The murder of contradictions, they were confused by both the killers themselves and pressure on the consequence of the Russian, British and Soviet authorities. Yusupov changed the testimony several times: in the Police of St. Petersburg on December 16, 1916, in the link to the Crimea in 1917, in the book of 1927, the data under the oath in 1934 and 1965. The memories of Purishevich were originally published, then Yusupov energized his versions. However, they drastically dispersed with the testimony of the investigation. Starting from the name of the wrong color of clothing in which Rasputin is dressed according to the murderers and in which it was discovered, and before how much the bullets were released. For example, the foresters found 3 wounds, each of which is deadly: in the head, in the liver and kidney. (According to British researchers who studied photograph, the control shot in the forehead is made from the British revolver Webley .455.) After a shot into the liver, a person can live no more 20 minutesAnd it is not capable, as the killers said, after half an hour to run down the street. Also was not shot in the heart, which murderers were unanimously affirmed.

      Rasputin first lured into the basement, having treated red wine and cake poisoned with cyanium potassium. Yusupov went upstairs, and, returned, shot him in his back, which was why he fell. The conspirators went outside. I checked the body that returned behind the cloak of Yusupov, unexpectedly Rasputin woke up and tried to strangle the killer. During this moment, the conspirators began to shoot in Rasputin. Approaching, surprised that he was still alive, and began to beat him. According to the killers, poisoned and shot, Rasputin came to himself, got out of the basement and tried to climb the high wall of the garden, but was caught by the murderers who had heard the drunk dog Lai. Then he was tied up with her hands and legs (according to Purishkevich, clogged first into the blue fabric), taken by car to a predetermined place near the stone island and dropped from the bridge to a worm of the Neva in such a way that the body turned out to be under ice. However, according to the materials of the investigation, the detected corpse was dressed in a fur coat, there were no fabric or rods.

      The investigation into the murder of Rasputin, who was led by the director of the Police Department A. T. Vasilyev, moved pretty quickly. Already the first interrogations of family members and servants Rasputin showed that on the night of the murder, Rasputin went to visit the prince Yusupov. City Vlasyuk, on-night on the night of December 16 on December 17, on the street near the Palace of Yusupov, showed that he had heard a few shots at night. When searching in the courtyard of the USUP houses, traces of blood were discovered.

      In the afternoon of December 17, blood stains were seen on Parapede of the Petrovsky Bridge. After the study of the divers, the Neva in this place was discovered the body of Rasputin. The forensic examination was instructed by the famous Professor of the Military Medical Academy D. P. Kosososov. The original of the opening protocol has not been preserved, the causes of death can only be said allegedly.

      "At the opening, quite numerous damage was found, of which many have already caused posthumously. The whole right side of the head was fragmented, sustained due to the bruise of the corpse when falling from the bridge. Death followed from abundant bleeding due to a firearm in the stomach. The shot was produced, in my opinion, almost in the focus, from left to right, through the stomach and liver with a fragmentation of this last in the right half. Bleeding was very abundant. On the corpse there was also a firearm wound in the back, in the spine, with the fragmentation of the right kidney, and another wound to stop, in the forehead, probably already as a temple or deceased. Breasts were intact and surrounded superficially, but there were no traces of death from drowning. The lungs were not fluttered, and in the respiratory tract there was no water or a foamy liquid. In the water, Rasputin was already abandoned dead. "


      The poison in the stomach Rasputin was not detected. Possible explanations for this that cyanide in the cakes was neutralized with sugar or high temperatures when cooking in the furnace. His daughter reports that after the attempt of Guseva Rasputin suffered with increased acidity and avoided sweet food. It is reported that he was poisoned by a dose capable of killing 5 people. Some modern researchers suggest that the poison was not - this is a lie to confuse the effect.

      In determining the involvement of O. Reiner, there are a number of nuances. At that time, there were two MI-6 officers in St. Petersburg, which could kill: School friend Yusupova Oswald Reiger and born in the Yusupovsky Palace Captain Stephen Alley. Both families were close to Yusupov, and it is difficult to say who who killed. Suspected the first, and the king Nikolai II directly mentioned that the killer is a school friend Yusupov. In 1919, Reiner was awarded the Order of the British Empire, he destroyed his papers before his death in 1961. In the magazine of Comton, there are records that he has brought Oswald a week before the murder (and to another officer Captain John Skale), and the last time - On the day of the murder. Also Compton directly hinted on Reinener, reporting that the killer is a lawyer and was born in one city with him. There is a letter of an alley written by Skale 8 days after the murder: "Although not everything went according to the plan, our goal has been achieved ... Reiner notes traces and will undoubtedly contact you for briefing." According to modern British researchers, order three British agents (Reiner, Alley and Skale), eliminating Rasputin walked from Mansfield Smith Camming (eng.)russian (First Director Mi-6).

      The investigation lasted two and a half months before the renunciation of the emperor Nicholas II on March 2, 1917. On this day, Kerensky became Minister of Justice in the Interim Government. On March 4, 1917, he ordered a hurry to stop the investigation, while the investigator A. T. Vasilyev (arrested during the February Revolution) was transferred to the Petropavlovsk fortress, where he was interrogated by the Emergency Investigation Commission until September, later emigrated.

      Version about English plot

      According to researchers motivated by the film and released books, Rasputin was killed with the active participation of the British intelligence agency Mi-6, the killers confused the consequence to hide the British trail. The motive of the conspiracy was the following: Great Britain feared the influence of Rasputin to the Russian Empress, which threatened the conclusion of the Separate world with Germany. To eliminate the threat, a conspiracy against Rasputin was used in Russia.
      In the same place, it is stated that the next murder of British special services immediately after the revolution planned the murder of I. Stalin, louder than everyone sought to the world with Germany.

      The funeral

      Rasputina sent well with him familiar Bishop Isidore (bells). In his memoirs, A. I. Spiridovich recalls that a clocking lunch (which was not eligible to do) served the Bishop Isidor.

      They spoke after the Metropolitan Pitirim, to whom they applied to the funeral, rejected this request. There was a legend in those days that the empress was present at the opening and funeral, which came to the English embassy. That was a typical regular gossip aimed against the Empress.

      I first wanted to bury in his homeland, in the village of Pokrovsky. But due to the danger of possible excitement in connection with the shipment of the body through the half, they betrayed the Earth in the Alexander Park of the Tsarskoye village on the territory of the seraphim of Sarovsky built by Anna Circular Temple.

      Three months after the death of Rasputin, his grave was desecrated. Two inscriptions are inscribed on Birch in Birch, one of which is in German: "Hier Ist Der Hund Begraben" ("Dog is buried here") and then "the corpse of Rasputin Grigory burned on the night from 10 to 11th of March 1917" .

      Fate Rasputin's family

      With the rest of the Rositino family members, Soviet power severely dealtfully. In 1922, his widow of Praskovia Fodorovna, the son of Dmitry and the daughter of Varvara were deprived of voting rights as "malicious elements." Even earlier, in the 1920s, the house and all the peasant farming Dmitry Grigorievich were nationalized. In the 1930s, all three were arrested by the NKVD bodies, and their trace was lost in the special settlements of the Tyumen North.


      Rasputin and his fans (St. Petersburg, 1914). In the upper row (left to right): Den Yu. A., 1914 Rasputin settled in the apartment on the street. Gorokhova, 64 in St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, various dark rumors began to spread about this apartment, they say, Rasputin turned her to the test and uses for his "orgies". Some said that Rasputin contains there a permanent "harem", others - collects from the case. There was a rumor that the apartment on the pea is used for witchcraft, etc.

      From the memories of witnesses

      ... once aunt agn. Fed. Gartman (Mine sister) asked me - I don't want to see Rasputin closer. ...... .. After the address to Pushkinskaya st., On the appointed day and an hour I was in the apartment of Mary Alexandrovna Nikitina, aunty friend. Entering the little dining room, I found everyone in the collection. Over the oval table served for tea, a man was sitting 6-7 young interesting ladies. Two of them I knew in my face (they met in the halls of the Winter Palace, where Alexandrian Fedorovna Tailoring of Lingerie was organized). All of them were one circle and in a vibrant lively talked among themselves. Having done in English a common bow, I sat next to the hostess at Samovar and talked with her.

      Suddenly, he would have a common sigh - ah! I raised my eyes and saw in the doors located in the opposite side, where I came from, a mighty figure - the first impression - Gypsy. A high powerful figure felt on a white Russian shirt with an embroidery on the collar and a clasp, a twisted belt with brushes, black pants at an eye and Russian boots. But there was nothing Russian in him. Black thick hair, a big black beard, a dark face with the predatory nostril nostrils and some kind of ironically mockery smile on the lips - the face is definitely spectacular, but something unpleasant. The first thing that attracted the attention - the eyes: black, splitted, they burned, peeling through, and his glance was felt at you just physically, it was impossible to stay calm. It seems to me that he really possessed a hypnotic force submitting to himself when he wanted it. ...

      Everyone was familiar to him, they tried to please in vain, to attract attention. He sat down at the table, appealed to each named and on "You," said, sometimes gone and rudely, talked to himself, sagged on his knees, fell, stroked, patted in soft places and all "instilled" - melted from pleasure ! It was disgusting to look at it disgusting and insulting for women, humiliating, lost and their female dignity and a family honor. I felt like blood sticks to the face, I wanted to scream, knock the fist, to do something. I was sitting almost opposite the "High Guest", he perfectly felt my condition and, mockingly laughing, every time after the next dip stubbornly stubbornly stubbornly. I was a new, unknown object. ...

      I cheekily turning to someone from those present, he said: "Do you see? Who embroidered a shirt? Sasha! " (Members of Alexander Fedorovna's sovereign). No decent man would never give the secrets of a female feeling. I've gotten from the stress in my eyes, and the Rosetinsky look disasterked and drilled. I moved away closer to the hostess, trying to hide behind the samovar. Maria Alexandrovna looked at me with anxiety. ...

      "Masha", "the voice rang out," do you want a vamp? " Come to me. " Masha hurriedly jumps up and hurries to the call site. Rasputin boils his leg leg, takes a spoonful of jam and overturns it on the sock of the boot. "Liza" - volatilely sounds voice, she becomes kneels and, toning his head, licks the jam ... I did not stand more. Squeezing the hand of the hostess, jumped up, ran into the hallway. I do not remember how to put on a hat, as fled on Nevsky. I came to admiralty, I had to go home to Petrograd. Midnight swore and asked to never ask me that I saw and myself I didn't remember this hour with my aunt, I could not see Maria Alexandrovna Nikitina. Since then, I could not calmly hear the name Rasputin and lost all respect for our "secular" ladies. Somehow, being visiting De Lazari, I went to the phone call and heard the voice of this scounding. But immediately said that I know who says, and therefore I do not want to talk ... ..

      Grigorova-Rudikovskaya, Tatyana Leonidovna

      The temporary government was led by a special investigation into the case of Rasputin. According to one of the participants in this investigation, V. M. Rudneva, who was sent by order of Kerensky to the Emergency Investigation Commission for the Investigation Commission for the Investigation of Former Ministers, Ministerial and Other Supreme Officials "and the Party of the Comrade of the Prosecutor of the Ekaterinoslav District Court then:

      ... The richest material for illumination of his personality on this side was in these of the most unlawful observation of him, which was conducted by the Security Department; At the same time, it turned out that the amur adventures of Rasputin did not leave the framework of night orgies with the girls of easy behavior and chancesty singers, and sometimes with some of his staff.

      Matrius's daughter in his book "Rasputin. Why?" Wrote:

      ... that with all the impregnation of life, the father never abused his strength and the ability to influence women in the carnal sense. However, it is necessary to understand that this part of the relationship was of particular interest for the detractors of the Father. I note that they received some real food for their risks.

      ... Then he approached the phone and caused all sorts of ladies. I had to do Bonne Mine Mauvais Jeu, because all these ladies were extremely dubious properties ...

      Estimates of the influence of Rasputin

      According to the memories of the courtiers, Rasputin was not close to the royal family and was generally rarely in the Tsarist Palace. So, according to the memoirs of the Palace Commandant V. N. Warikov, the head of the Palace Police, Colonel Gerardi to the question, how often there are visits to Rasputin Palace, replied: "Once a month, and sometimes two months later." In the memoirs of Freillana A. A. Zublava, it is said that Rasputin was in the tsarist palace no more than 2-3 times a year, and the king took it much less often. Other Freillus, S. K. Bukshevden, recalled:

      "I lived in the Alexandrovsk Palace from 1913 to 1917, and my room was connected by the corridor with the shakers of the imperial children. I have never seen Rasputin for all this time, although I was constantly in the company of the Grand Duzhon. Monsieur Gilor, who lived there for several years, also never seen him "

      From the memories of the Director of the Police Department A. T. Vasilyeva (he served in the "Security" of St. Petersburg since 1906, and headed the police in 1916 \\ 17gg):

      Many times I had the opportunity to meet with Rasputin and talk with him to different topics.<…> The mind and natural cutter gave him the opportunity to soberly and insight to judge a person, only once he came. This was also known to Queen, so she sometimes asked his opinion about a particular candidate for a high post in the government. But from such innocuous issues to the appointment of the ministers Rasputin - a very big step, and this step neither the king, nor the queen undoubtedly never done<…> Nevertheless, people believed that everything depends on the block of paper with several words written by hand Rasputin ... I never believed in it, and although sometimes investigated these rumors, but never found convincing evidence of their truthfulness. Cases that I tell are not, as someone can think about my sentimental fiction; They show the reports of agents, who worked as servants in the house of Rasputin and, therefore, who knew his daily life in the smallest details.<…> Rasputin did not climb into the first ranks of the political arena, he was pushed out there the other people, seeking to shake the foundation of the Russian throne and the empire ... These harbingers of the revolution sought to make scarecrow from Rasputin to fulfill their plans. Therefore, they dismissed the most ridiculous rumors who created the impression that only through the mediation of the Siberian man can be achieved high position and influence

      The premises in printing reports of Rasputin could be limited only partially. According to the law, articles on the imperial surname were subject to preliminary censorship by the head of the office of the Ministry of the courtyard. Any articles were prohibited in which the name Rasputin was mentioned in combination with the names of the members of the Tsarist family, but the articles where only one Rasputin appeared, it was impossible to prohibit.

      On November 1, 1916, at a meeting of the State Duma, P. N. Milyukov made a speech, critical in relation to the government and the "court party", in which the name of Rasputin was mentioned. The information about Rasputina Milyukov took him from articles in the German newspapers "Berliner Taglablatt" dated October 16, 1916 and "Neya Freary Press" dated June 25, with respect to which he himself recognized that some of the information they reported were erroneous. On November 19, 1916 V. M. Purishkevich spoke at a meeting of the Duma with a speech, in which Rasputin attached great importance. The image of Rasputin also used German propaganda. In March 1916, the German tspelins spread a caricature over Russian trenches, depicting Wilhelm, who opted to the Germanic people, and Nikolai Romanova, who was making himself on the sexual organ of Rasputin.

      According to the memories of A. A. Golovin, during the First World War, rumors that Empress is Rasputin's mistress, spread among the officers of the Russian army by the staff of the Opposition-Urban Union. After the overthrow of Nikolai II, the Chairman of the Zemava Prince Lviv became the chairman of the Provisional Government.

      The first revolution and the following counter-revolutionary era (1907-1914) found all the essence of the royal monarchy, brought it to the "last feature," revealed all its rottenness, piling, all cynicism and debauchery of the royal bug with a monstrous Rasputin at the head of her, all family atrocities Romanov - these fools who fled Russia with the blood of Jews, workers, revolutionaries ...

      Opinions of contemporaries about Rasputin

      ... oddly enough, the question about Rasputina involuntarily became the central question of the near future and did not go from the scene for almost all the time of my chairmanship in the Council of Ministers, bringing me to resignation with a little in two years.

      In my opinion, Rasputin is a typical Siberian Varnak, a tramp, intelligent and extinguished himself to the famous Floor of the prominary and whistle and playing his role on a memorized recipe. According to the appearance, he did not take only the Arrest Armenian and the tambourous ace on his back. By pumping - this is a person who is capable of everything. In his crifold, he, of course, does not believe, but he developed a firmly memorable techniques, which deceives both those who sincerely believes all of his eccentricity and those who inflated their adolescence in front of him, having in mind only to achieve through It is the benefits that are not given in other ways.

      What imagine Rasputin contemporaries? As a drunken, dirty man, who penetrated the royal family, appointed and dismissed ministers, bishops and generals and a decade was the hero of Petersburg scandalous chronicles. In addition, even wild orgies in Villa Rode, lustful dancing among aristocratic fans, high-ranking minions and drunk gypsies, and at the same time incomprehensible power over the king and his family, hypnotic force and faith in their special purpose. It was all.

      If there were no Rasputin, then the opponents of the royal family and the preparations of the revolution would create it with their conversations from the cut-off, do not be cut, out of whom you want.

      The investigator in the case of the murder of the royal family Sokolov Nikolai Alekseevich in his book-judicial investigation writes:

      Head of the Main Directorate of Post and Telegraphs Plvisianv, who held this position in 1913-1917, shows: "According to the established order, all the telegrams that submitted to the name of the sovereign and the sovereign were submitted to me in copies. Therefore, all telegrams that went to the name of their majesty from Rasputin, I was known at one time. There were a lot of them. Remember consistently the content of them, of course, there is no possibility. According to conscience, I can say that the huge influence of Rasputin at the sovereign and at the sovereign content of the telegrams was established with full apparent.

      The priest of Archpriest Philosopher Ornahsky, the abbot of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg describes in 1914 the meeting of John Kronstadt with Rasputin:

      O. John asked the elder: "How is your last name?" And when the latter replied: "Rasputin," said: "Look, by your last name and will be you"

      Attempts by canonization Rasputin

      Religious veneration of Grigoria Rasputin began around 1990 and went out of that time. The Mother Original Center (over the next years he has changed its name).

      Some extremely radical monarchic Orthodox circles also, since the 1990s, they expressed thoughts on canonization of Rasputin as a holy martyr. Supporters of these ideas were:

      1. Editor of the Orthodox newspaper "Blagovest" Anton Evgenievich Zhogolev.
      2. Duznes Konstantin - editor-in-chief "Rus Orthodox".
      3. "Church of John the Bogoslov" and others.

      Despite this, in the past ten years, the religious admirers of Grigory Rasputin issued at least two akathists to him, and about a dozen icons are written.

      • According to the strange coincidence, Rasputin met the king of Nikolai II in the same year (1905) as papus (came to Russia in 1905). Rasputin, like Paul, rendered a strongest religious influence on the king: Paul dedicated to the king in Martinism, he treated his family and, allegedly, predicted his death ... It is also talking about Rasputin. Both were killed at the end of 1916, with a difference of only about two months.

      Rasputin in culture and art

      According to the study of S.Fomin, during March-November 1917, theaters were filled with dubious productions, and more than ten pasta films about Gregory Rasputin came out. The first such film was two-particle "Sensational drama" "Dark forces - Grigory Rasputin and his associates" (Production of Joint-Stock Company Liebken). The picture was delivered in record time, within a few days: March 5, the newspaper "Early morning" Announced it, and already on March 12 (! - 10 days after the renunciation!) She went to the screens of cinemas. It is noteworthy that this first pacval film as a whole failed and had success only in the outskirts of small cinemamen, where the audience was easier ... The emergence of these films led to a protest of a more educated public due to their pornographicity and wild erotica. In order to protect public morality, they were also offered to introduce a cinema room (and this is in the first days of the revolution!), Temporarily laying it on the police. The group of the Cinemamen requested before the Minister of Justice of the Provisional Government A. F. Kerensky banning the demonstration of the tape "Dark forces - Grigory Rasputin"Stop flow kinogryazhi and pornography. Of course, it did not stop further dishonesty in the country of the film examiny. In power stood those who "Summary Autrogement", and they needed justifying this overthrow. And then, S. Fomin writes: "The Bolsheviks after October 1917 came to the case of fundamental. Of course, the film scatter on Rasputina received a second breath, but much broader and deep steps were taken. Falsified P. E. Schegolev and others were released. Multi-volume protocols of the Extreme Investigation Commission created by the Provisional Government; from the beginning to the end faked by the same P. Schegolev with the "Red Graph" A. Tolstoy "Diaries" by A. Trubova. In the same series there is a widely demonstrated play by A. Tolstoy "Plispage of the Empress" . ... Only about the 1930th year, this campaign went to a waning - a new generation that joined the adult life in the USSR was already "processed".

      Rasputin and his historical importance had a great influence on both Russian and Western culture. The Germans and Americans at some extent attracts his figure as a "Russian Bear", or "Russian man."
      In p. Pokrovskoe (now - the Yarka district of the Tyumen region) is valid for the private museum of G.E. Rasputin.

      References on Rasputin

      • Avreh A. Ya. Tsarism on the eve of overthrow. - M., 1989. - ISBN 5-02-009443-9
      • Amalric A. Rasputin
      • Varlamov A. N. Gregory Rasputin-New. Series Zhzl. - M: Young Guard, 2007. 851 p. - ISBN 978-5-235-02956-9
      • Vasilyev A. T. Security: Russian Secret Police. In the book: "Security". Memories of heads of political school. - M.: New Literary Review, 2004. Volume 2.
      • Vatal E. Rasputin. No myths and legends. M., 2000.
      • Balkhanov A. N. True on Gregory Rasputin. - M: Russian Publishing Center, 2011. 608 p., 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-4249-0002-0

      Gatiaturina Yu. R. Museum Grigory Rasputin // Revival of the historic center of Tyumen. Tyumen in the past, present and future. Abstracts of reports and reports of the scientific and practical conference. - Tyumen, 2001. P. 24-26. - ISBN 5-88131-176-0

      • E. F. Dzhanumova. My meetings with (Gregory) Rasputin
      • N. N. Jerins. Mystery Rasputin. L.: "Poison", 1924 (M: "Book Chamber", 1990 Reprint: ISBN 5-7000-0219-1)
      • V. A. Zhukovskaya. My memories of Gregory Efimovich Rasputina 1914-1916.
      • Ilodor (Trufanov S.) Saint Chort. Notes on Rasputin. With preface S. P. Melgunova. T-Wa Lambushinsky printing house. - M., 1917 XV, 188 c.
      • Zhevakhov N. Memories. Tom I. September 1915 - March 1917]
      • Kokovtsov V. N. From my past. Memories 1903-1919. Tom I and II. Paris, 1933. Chapter II
      • Miller L. Tsar's family - the victim of the dark power. Melbourne, 1988. ("Lodia": Reprint) ISBN 5-8233-0011-5
      • Nikulin L. Adjutant of the Lord God. Roman-Chronicle. - M., 1927 "Worker" No. 98 - "Work" No. 146
      • The fall of the royal regime. Stenographic reports of interrogations and testimony, data in 1917 in the Emergency Investigation Commission of the Provisional Government. - M.-L., 1926-1927. In 7 tons.
      • Pikul V. Unclean force ("The last feature")
      • O. Platonov. Life for the king (the truth about Grigory Rasputina)
      • Polishchuk V.V., Polishchuk O. A. Tyumen Grigoria Rasputin-new // Slovesovsky Readings-2006: Materials of the XVIII All-Russian Scientific Local Lore Conference. - Tyumen, 2006. P. 97-99. - ISBN 5-88081-558-7
      • Purishevich V. M. Diary for 1916 (Rasputin's death) // "Life of the prodigal elder Grishk Rasputin." - M., 1990. - ISBN 5-268-01401-3
      • Purishevich V. M. Diary (in the book "Recent days of Rasputin"). - M.: "Zakharov", 2005
      • Radzinsky E. Rasputin: Life and death. - 2004. 576 C - ISBN 5-264-00589-3
      • Rasputina M. Rasputin. Why? Memories of the daughter. - M.: "Zakharov", 2001, 2005.
      • Rasputy theme on the pages of publications of our days (1988-1995): Index of literature. - Tyumen, 1996. 60 s.
      • Fühlop Miller, Rene Holy Demon, Rasputin and Women - Leipzig, 1927 (Him. René Fülöp-Miller "Der Heilige Teufel" - Rasptin Und Die Frauen, Leipzig, 1927 ). Reprinted in 1992. M.: Republic, 352 p. - ISBN 5-250-02061-5
      • Ruud Ch. A., Stepanov S. A. Fontanka, 16: political cheer with kings. - M.: Thought, 1993. Chapter 14. "Dark Forces" around the throne
      • Holy Damn: Collection. - M., 1990. 320 C - ISBN 5-7000-0235-3
      • Simanovich A.. Rasputin and Jews. Memories of Personal Secretary Gregory Rasputin. - Riga, 1924. - ISBN 5-265-02276-7
      • Spiridovich A. I. Spiridovitch alexandre (Général). Raspoutine 1863-1916. D'Après Les Documents Russes Et Les Archives De L'Auteur. - Paris. PAYOT. 1935.
      • A. Tereshuk. Grigory Rasputin. Life Picture
      • Fomin S. Murder Rasputin: creating a myth
      • Chernyshov A. Who was "on the clock" on the night of the murder of Rasputin in the courtyard of the Yusupov Palace? // Lukich. 2003. Ch. 2. P. 214-219
      • Chernyshov A.V. In search of the grave Grigory Rasputin. (About one publication) // Religion and Church in Siberia. - Vol. 7. P. 36-42
      • Chernyshov A.V. Choosing a way. (Strokes to the religious and philosophical portrait of E. Rasputin) // Religion and Church in Siberia. - Vol. 9. P.64-85
      • Chernyshov A. V. Something about Rasputniad and Publishing Conditions of our Days (1990-1991) // Religion and Church in Siberia. Collection of scientific articles and documentaries. - Tyumen, 1991. Issue.2. P. 47-56
      • Shishkin O. A. Kill Rasputin. M., 2000.
      • Yusupov F. F. Memories (End of Rasputin) Posted in the collection "Life of the Prodigal Elder Grishk Rasputin." - M., 1990. - ISBN 5-268-01401-3
      • Yusupov F. F. End of Rasputin (in the book "Last days Rasputin") - M.: Zakharov, 2005
      • Shavelsky G. I. Memories of the last protopsychiatrist of the Russian Army and Fleet. - New York: ed. them. Chekhov, 1954.
      • Etkind A. Whip. Sects, literature and revolution. Department of Slavs University Helsinki, a new literary review. - M., 1998. - 688 s (book review - Alexander Ulanov A. Etkind. Whip. Gorky experience of culture. "Banner" 1998, No. 10)
      • Harold Shukman. Rasptin. - 1997. - 113 p. ISBN 978-0-7509-1529-8.

      Documentary films about Rasputin

      • The last of the kings: the shadow of Rasputina (Last of the Czars. The Shadow of Rasputin), dir. Teresa Cherf; Mark Anderson, 1996, Discovery Communications, 51 min. (released on DVD in 2007)
      • Who killed Rasputin? (Who KILLED RASPUTIN?), Dir. Michael Wedding, 2004, BBC, 50 min. (released on DVD in 2006)

      Rasputin in the theater and cinema

      It is unknown to be more unknown, whether there were some kind of chronic filming of Rasputin. None of the tape did not reach this day, on which Rasputin himself would be captured.

      The very first silent artistic short films about Gregory Rasputin began to leave from March 1917. All of them dismissed the personality of Rasputin, exposing him and the imperial family in the most unsightly light. The first such film called "Drama from Gregory Rasputin" released Russian kinomognat A. O. Drankov, who simply made the film on his tape in 1916. "washed blood", filmed by M. Gorky "Konovalov". Most other films were filmed in 1917 by the then the largest filmmaster "Joint-Stock Company Liebken". A total of them were released more than a dozen and about any of their artistic value it is not necessary to speak, because even then they called protests due to their "pornographicity and wild erotica":

      • Dark forces - Grigory Rasputin and his associates (2 series), dir. S. Veselovsky; In Rasputin - S. Gladkov
      • Saint Chert (Rasputin in hell)
      • People of sin and blood (Tsarskoyell sinners)
      • Love adventures of Grishk Rasputin
      • Funeral Rasputin
      • Mysterious murder in Petrograd December 16
      • Trading House of Romanov, Rasputin, Sukhomlinov, Myatseedov, Protopopov and Co.
      • Tsarist Ochrichniki

      etc. (Fomin S. V. Grigory Rasputin: Investigation. T. I. Punishment of the Truth; M., Publishing House Forum, 2007, SS. 16-19)

      Nevertheless, already in 1917, the image of Rasputin continued to appear on the movie screen. According to IMDB, the first one who embodied the image of the elder on the screen, became the actor Edward Consoreli (in the film "Drop Romanov"). In the same year, the film "Rasputin, Black Monk", where Rasputin played Montagus Love. In 1926, another film about Rasputin - "Brandstifter Europas, Die" (as Rasputin - Max Newfield), and in 1928 - three: "Red Dance" (as Rasputin - Dimitrus Alexis), "Rasputin - Saint A sinner "and" Rasputin "- the first two films, where Russian actors played Rasputin - Nikolay Malikov and Grigory Khmara, respectively.

      In 1925 he was written and immediately put in Moscow, A. N. Tolstoy "Conspiracy of the Empress" (published in Berlin in 1925), where the murder of Rasputin is shown in detail. In the future, the play was put on some Soviet theaters. In the Moscow Theater. I. V. Gogol in the role of Rasputina performed Boris Chirkov. And in the Belarusian television in the mid-1960s, the Tolstoy's play was removed by the TV link "Krach", in which Roman Philippov (Rasputin) and Rostislav Yankovsky (Prince Felix Yusupov) were playing.

      In 1932, German "Rasputin - a demon with a woman" (as Rasputin - the famous German actor Konrad Weidt), and, nominated for Oscar, "Rasputin and Empress", the capital role in which Lionel Berrimoru went. In 1938, "Rasputin" came out with Harry Baurom in the lead role.

      Again, the cinema returned to Rasputin in the 50s, which were marked by productions with the same name "Rasputin", released in 1954 and 1958 (for television) with Pierre Bronssher and Narzms Ibanen Menta in Rasputin roles, respectively. In 1967, there is a cult film of the horror "Rasputin - Crazy Monk" with the famous actor Christopher Lee as Gregory Rasputin. Despite the many mistakes from a historical point of view, the image created by him in the film is considered one of the best Rasputin cinery.

      In the 1960s, such films as "Night Rasputin" (1960, as Rasputin - Edmund Pard), "Rasputin" (Telepostanovka of 1966 with the Herbert Station in the lead role) and "I killed Rasputin" (1967), where The role of Herrt Frieba, famous for his role Goldfinger, a villain from the eponymous film about James Bond.

      In the 70s, Rasputin appeared in the following films: "Why did the Russians revolved" (1970, Rasputin - Wes Carter), telepostanovka "Rasputin" within the framework of the "Pieces of the Month" cycle (1971, Rasputin - Robert Stevens), "Nikolai and Alexandra" (1971, Rasputin - Tom Baker), TV series "Falling Orlov" (1974, Rasputin - Michael Oldridge) and telepostalovka "A Cárné Összeesküvése" (1977, Rasputin - Nandor Tomanek)

      In 1981, the most famous Russian film about Rasputin - "Agony" Klimov element, where Alexey Petrenko was successful. In 1984, "Rasputin - Orgien Am Zarenhof" with Alexander Conte as Rasputin.

      In the 90s, the image of Rasputin, like many others, began to deform. In the Parodiy Sketch Show "Red Gnome" - "Tyane", released in 1991, Rasputin was played by Stephen Mikalef, and in 1996 two films were released about Rasputin - "successor" (1996) with Igor Solovyulev as Rasputin and "Rasputin"where Alan Rikman played him (and the young Rasputin - Tamash he). In 1997, the cartoon "Anastasia" was released, where Rasputin voiced the famous actor Christopher Lloyd and Jim Cummings (singing).

      In the new millennium, interest in Figure Rasputin does not weaken. The films "Rasputin: the Devil in the flesh" (2002, for television, Rasputin - Oleg Fedorov and Killing Rasputin (2003, Rasputin - Ruben Thomas, as well as Hellboy: Hero from Pekla, "where the main villain is the Risen Rasputin, The role of which was played by Karel Roden. In 2007, a movie came out "Conspiracy", Directed by Stanislav Libina, where the role of Rasputin is performed by Ivan Okhlobystin.

      In music

      Rasputin in poetry

      Commercial use of the name Rasputin

      Commercial use of the name of Grigory Rasputin in some trademarks began in the West in the 1980s. To date, known:

      In St. Petersburg also exist:

      see also


      1. The government of the Tyumen region. On approval of a list of unique documents subject to the register of unique documents of archival funds of the Tyumen region. Data Metrics on the birth of Lasputina.
      2. "Big Soviet Encyclopedia" (3 edition), Moscow, Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia" 1969-1978. (Verified April 12, 2009)
      3. "Rasputin: Life and Death", M.: Vagribus, 2000, 279 pp (Chapter - "Disappeared Birthday") Edward Radzinsky (Verified April 12, 2009)
      4. See chapter LXI // Nikolay Zhevakhov. Memories of the Ober-Prosecutor of the Synod of Prince N. D. Zhevakhova. T. 1. September 1915 - March 1917. - Munich: ed. F. Winberg, 1923.
      5. Varlamov A. N. Grigory Rasputin-New. Series Zhzl. - M: Young Guard, 2007. 851 p. - ISBN 978-5-235-02956-9
      6. Nicholas II diaries (1894-1916) Nicholas II diary. 1905.
      7. Ioffe G. Z. Even the warnings of the native sister Elizabeth Fedorovna that dissatisfied with the people's dissatisfaction is transferred to the royal family, no way affected the empress. About this in his book "Riddles of love. Rasputin. Chanel. Hollywood" writes a writer and journalist Igor Obolensky:

        On cautions that dissatisfaction with Rasputin in the people is transferred to the royal family, which surrounded themselves unclean on hand and thoughts by people, and the worst thing can happen, the empressly answered coldly: "All this is not true. The people love us." Leaving the sister who made it clear that the audience was over, the Great Princess said: "Do not forget about the fate of Maria Antoinette, which the people who also loved her people sent together with the Emperor's husband on the guillotine" ...

        This person played an important role in the history of Russia. Rasputin did not tired to surprise his contemporaries, without ceasing to do this and today already with researchers of his biography. The legends and jokes are composed about him, they remove historical and not very movies, emphasize supernatural qualities, including sexual strength.

        Thanks to the friendship with the family of the last Russian king, a simple peasant received worldwide glory. Glory Rasputin was ambiguous, they admired and worshiped, but they were cursed, considering the harbinger of the fall of the royal regime.

        It is no coincidence that such a bright figure interfered with many of them, which was the reason for the murder of an elder. Who was he in reality? Holy or fraudster-passing? Let's try to learn this, debunking some myths about Gregory Rasputin.

        Rasputin was born in 1864 (1865). Extreme contradictory data on the year of the birth of Grigoria Efimovich. Historians converge in the opinion that he was born between 1864 and 1872. The third edition of the Big Soviet Encyclopedia believes that it was 1864-1865 years. In fact, the metric books of the village of Pokrovsky were preserved, where Rasputin appeared. 1862-1868 just survived. The birth of several children in Efim Yakovlevich was recorded. In this period, they all died in infancy. But Gregory is not written about the appearance of Gregory. But in the posts of the All-Russian census for 1897 there are references to him. Grigory Efimovich pointed out that he was 28 years old, which can be believed. Thus, Rasputin was born in 1869.

        Rasputin had a powerful physique. The fact that Rasputin was a strong and healthy man - myth. It was a man of low growth, physically not very strong and painful in his youth. In 1980, the film "Agony" was shown in Pokrovsky, but remembered Rasputin, the old people stated that the prototype was not like her prototype. He was not at all so big and terrible, but rather even a vanity, pale, with his eyes and exhausted views. Description Rasputin has been preserved in police documents. The physique of the elder was average, the face is oblong, the nose is moderate, the beard around, and the total type is the original Russian. It is often written that Rasputin's growth was 187-193 centimeters, but it could not be true.

        Rasputin is a native last name. When Rasputin only became a yard, he began to say that his surname was a pseudonym, which reveals the behavior of this person. They even called the "true" surname of the elder - Vilkin. In fact, in the metric books of the village of Pokrovsky, this surname is found quite often. In it, seven families with that last name lived. In Siberia, this surname is generally common, originating from the word "crossroads" (Narilin, Crossroads). Those who lived in such places were raised by dismantle, which was later transformed into Rasputin. In 1862, rural records recorded the marriage of the peasant Efim Yakovlevich Rasputin and Anna Vasilyevna Parshukova - Future Parents Gregory.

        Rasputin in his love adventures of the family and did not remember. Contemporaries noted that the elder did not forget about his wife, I sincerely love her. Married Rasputin at the age of eighteen. Of the seven born children survived only three. Family life began happily, but after the death of Gregory's firstborn changed. He understood it as a terrible sign of God's wrath, in response to the lack of faith. Already acquiring your influence, Rasputin transported daughters to St. Petersburg to give them a good education. The wife also visited him in the capital once a year, calmly reacting to gossip about her husband and without arranging him the scandals. We had a rumor that Praskovaya once even pulled out one of her husband's mistresses from her home. However, when interrogation of a laughter, which became the central figure of the scandal, it turned out the following. His wife really pulled out a guest by the hair, but only in response to charges of her in greed. So about jealousy and speech did not go.

        Rasputin was fabulously rich. Those who claim to power Rasputin over the king, and, consequently, over the whole country, make a logical conclusion that the elder had a fabulous wealth. And it seems logical given that very secured customers appeared to him with personal requests. As a sign of gratitude, they left significant amounts. That's just the creators of this myth bypass the question that the question is, and whether the Rasput nuts assigned to himself. Part of them he really spent on himself. The elder built a two-storey house in his village, acquired an expensive fur coat. However, compared with those mansions that today is building a modern elite, his house in the village of Pokrovsky looks very modest. And there was no own housing in the capital of Rasputin. Even the apartment on Gorokhova Street was not his property, but he was filmed by his fans. So where are all the rest of the money? Special services checked bank accounts Rasputin and did not find significant funds there. But what he spent serious amounts on charity is a fact. Rasputin allocated a lot of personal funds for the construction of churches. After the death of the "wealthy" elder, his family for some reason began to budge. Could this happen to such a rich man?

        Rasputin was a member of the gang of Konokrad. This is one of the first myths, which appeared after the emergence of an elder in St. Petersburg. They said that it was the concoction and became the beginning of work a man. However, evidence of such an accusation is essentially not. The myth appeared due to the words pronounced in the private conversation, Cartavseva said in a private conversation. He argued that he somehow saw the stealing of his horses, he saw Rasputin among the attackers. But the police caught the police, and the rural gathering sentenced to different sentences. For some reason, Grigori Efimovich escaped this punishment. And if you think that he somehow could persuade a police officer, then from the reprisals of the neighbors I certainly could not leave if it was guilty. Yes, and the testimony of Kartavsev suffer from lack of logic. Why did the host calmly watched how his property steal and did not stop the criminals? If Rasputin really would be a thief, it would have lost respect for fellow villagers. But it is known that those honored to the end of life. Most likely, the personal enemy Rasputin simply invented his testimony, which immediately picked up the hiking prior to the sensation of the press. In 1915, one Siberian newspaper tried to resurrect this hearing. Then Rasputin personally addressed the editor and asked to bring the facts confirming this information. And the newspaper could not detect anything, which is also noteworthy.

        Rasputin was a sectarian. They said that Rasputin was included in the scandalous sect of whips. Her fans believed that they could be saved with the help of self-vacation and sual sin, that is, orgies. In the Russian Empire, such associations were really informed for a long time. "Whiskers" under the guise of true Christians sinned so that they had nothing to do with ordinary Orthodoxy. Just someone very much wanted to show that the spiritual mentor of the royal family was a member of an immoral and pseudoreligious society. Only now the Rasputin does not deserve such glory. This is told about the results of a special investigation conducted in 1903-1912 to Tobolsk spiritual consistory. Investigators spent a lot of work, interviewing the fellow villagers Rasputin, having studied his life. All familiar elder stated that he is an honest and deeply believer person who actively preaches and in a sectarian not involved in any way. And although they said that Rasputin aroused in the bath joy with fans, this myth was also proved. Although it became quickly clear that the belonging to Rasputin to the whippers - the fiction, the Tobolsky archbishop of Eusevius insisted on a repeated investigation. Agents conducted a constant surveillance of Gregory Efimovich, but it did not give any information about the symptoms of the sect. As a result, on November 29, 1912, the consistory decided to close the case of the whip of the peasant Grigory Rasputin, recognizing that completely innocent.

        Rasputin was a notable deboschier. This myth appeared in 1915, when General Junkovsky, the head of one of the special services, showed the king a note. It said that in March of the same year, Rasputin at the Moscow restaurant "Yar" arranged a shaped debach. It was said that Grigory Efimovich behaved obscene: he drank a lot, backed with obscene offers for the ladies and even descended his pants. The king, knowing his mentor, did not believe Klause and instructed his adjutant Sablin to investigate the incident. The officer appealed to the Junkovsky with a request to give him written testimony of those persons who were in the restaurant. And then it turned out that these documents are simply not. Sablin could not find eyewitnesses of those disgraces. But there were people who showed that the evening Rasputin behaved in the institution extremely decent.

        Rasputin was the actual ruler of Russia. In those years, a lot of cartoons was published on Rasputin. One of them portrayed him a giant, who kept in his fist of the little king Nicholas II. Today, the myth is very popular, according to which the last years of the existence of the Russian empire, it was ruled by Rasputin. But the study of the facts suggests that this is not the case. For example, with the beginning of World War I, Rasputin sent the king of the whole 15 telegrams, urging to prevent Russia's entry into the conflict. But the king did not agree with such an opinion, having entered into the world slaughter. Earlier, in 1911, Rasputin urged the king not to take with him in Kiev Stolypin. Grigory Efimovich believed that the minister lies a mortal danger. But Nikolay rejected this advice, which was worth the famous reformer of life. There are a lot of examples that the king gave the portfolios of ministers at all not to those people who recommended Rasputin. Yes, and his views on the maintenance of war Nikolai ignored. For example, he did not attack in the Riga area and did not stop the offensive under the jetty. It becomes clear that it was the Russian emperor who ruled the country, having a decisive and sole voice in solving important state issues. Rasputina was just allowed to sometimes advise.

        Rasputin was the lover of Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. What was actually happening in the bedroom of the vengeious - to find out difficult. In fact, there are no reliable data that such different people tied something except religiousness. The rumor about the obscene behavior of the queen was launched with quite obvious meaning - to defame Nicholas and his family. Already in our time, the group "Boney M" in his song turned to myif, straight fit: "Rasputin - Lover of the Russian Queen." The methods of communication of Rasputin with his fans of the very sameness were not implied. The old man caressed women, bringing to the reverent state. Then he stopped his caress and called for prayer to let go of the sin of solvent. It is likely that such a form of intimate friendship was at Rasputin with Alexander Fedorovna and its best friend, Freillan Anna Crowbal. But there is a counterattaking to this myth - the maid of Cubanov worked the adventurer Nadezhobobobnikova. She delivered a goal: to find sensational evidence of the love relationship Rasputin with the queen. The maid began to constantly peep and eave "lovers", but nothing could be discovered. Even Zakoboinikov was forced to openly admit that there was no physical intimacy between Alexander Fedorovna and Rasputin.

        Heir to the throne Aleksey Nikolaevich was Son Rasputin. The myth of the Love Communication of the Empress gave rise to this. Only that's not enough that the facts about the treason of Alexandra Fedorovna with Rasputin did not have it, she could simply give birth to her son from him. The fact is that Alexey Nikolayevich appeared in the summer of 1904, and with the older Empress met in the autumn of 1905.

        Rasputin was a holy man victims for faith. Even if you leave the rumors and myths about the strangeness in the sexual behavior of Rasputin, as well as his drunkenness, historical fact is his participation in the appointment of ministers. Naturally, the elder did it in favor of certain circles and heavenly. There is evidence that Rasputin was involved in the embezzlement in the army and even espionage. For example, the appointment of the Dobrovolsky Minister of Justice brought personally to Gregory Efimovich hundred thousand rubles. And thanks to the Aventurist, Manasevich-Manuilov, the Germans were able to withdraw military secrets from Rasputin. The old man was not for faith at all. He was dreamed of removing both right and left - painfully the strong and unlimited influence of Rasputin had a king.

        Rasputin was a betrayer. This myth is constantly replicated in different stories about Rasputin. There are many facts that seem to confirm this myth. So, Maria Vishnyakova worked as an educator of children's children. She was among the guests to visit Pokrovsky, stating later that she was raped by Rasutin at night. That's just that day there were many guests in the house, and no one heard screams. Yes, and Nicholas himself II personally, the teacher could not confirm this fact, being dismissed for slander. Another victim, the nun Ksenia Goncharenkov, argued that he was serious and for a long time was seduced by the old man. But the investigation showed that the woman even personally did not know Rasputin, seeing him only a couple of times. They wrote that Rasputin's mistress was Freulin Anna Celebov. That's just in fact, they were tied up with clean and disinterested friendship. Already after the February Revolution, the Cubov was a medical examination, which showed that the "victim of debauchery" is actually a virgin! Interestingly, after the overthrow of the autocracy, the temporary government has created a special commission, which was supposed to withdraw the figures of the recent past, including Rasputin. In particular, the goal was to clarify the veracity of the information set out on the old man in the book of orodore "Holy Dam.". However, the Commission found out that no victims of sexual debauchery never exist, the scandalous letters simply do not exist. For the sake of justice, it should be said that Rasputin still contacted prostitutes. He is his friend, Filippov's businessman admitted that he loves to look at the naked female body. But at the same time, the sexual actions themselves did not undertake. Information about this came to the police reports. One of the priestens of love told that Rasputin who went to her asked to undress, looked a few minutes and left the ravis. That's all debauchery attributed to this extraordinary personality.

        Rasputin was a sex giant. Today, fashionable myth that Rasputin is not enough that he had many mistresses, and suffered by Praipism, experiencing a painful-long erection. However, psychiatrists who studied the personality of Rasputin came to the conclusion that it was a man of exteroid type, whose sexual abilities were very modest. Most likely, the old man had a weak potency, and its hypersexuality was taller. Such a different behavior in this regard allowed him to hide his own inferiority.

        A member of Rasputin is kept in St. Petersburg. In the only museum of erotic, the 30-centimeter giant penis is kept in the country. The institution of the institution, the urologist Igor Knyazkin argues, then this body belonged to the Rasputin himself. He tells the story of how bought penis from private collectors. Together with this part of the body walked vintage photographs and letters. In fact, there is no evidence that the authority really belonged to the Great Starta. Knyazkin conducted an examination that showed that a huge penis is indeed more than 80 years. But DNA of the Rasputin itself is not preserved, so it's just nothing to compare with. Nevertheless, the beautiful myth passed on, which brings the owner of the "treasure" material income in the form of curious visitors.

        Rasputin was a German spy. The Russian army was oppressed by defeats, so the culprit of all troubles was required. So the myths of the Rasputin Spider appeared, to whom the Chicken-Queen reports all the secrets, and that sells them by enemy intelligence. This question was also interested in the courtesy, who were not shy to keep track of the queen and even read her letters. But even neutral to Rasputin, people believed that he simply chips military secrets. Later, on the investigation of Freillus, Cubaov said that the secret map of the king was in his locked office, where even children were allowed. In the circle of family Nikolai about military affairs never said. But from the letters of the empress it follows that she was aware of the military strategy of the Russian army, trusting it to her friend. So Rasputin knew the secrets and could well become an invalid spy, the benefit of his surrounded was secret German agents.

        Rasputin was a charlatan. Another extreme is to call Grigory Efimovich Saints. So who was he really? We just need to look at the facts of its activities. Rasputin turned out to be the man who helped the heir Alexey in his fight against hemophilia. After treatment, the boy recovered the boy noticeably. There is no doubt that the elder possessed a powerful hypnotic gift, literally programming people to recover, change their lives. It is no coincidence that Rasputin was constantly walked and wishing to chat with him and healed. If you doubt the Divine Foundation of the Elder's Impact, then not to get away from his talents of mental influence. Charlatan he was definitely not, it was a talented, bright and ambiguous person, will, the will of historical events and fate of a lied multitude of myths.