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  • Porch to put in prison. A strong conspiracy on the offender, which can be read at a distance

    Porch to put in prison. A strong conspiracy on the offender, which can be read at a distance

    Damage on the snow from the grave
    I personally did not have to treat people with this spoof. But I saw how my grandmother did. A woman led to her, she was shaking, as they shake in chills frozen people. Feet, hands, the whole body was ice, despite the warmth in the room. Lips blue, faceless face. It seemed that she stayed for a long time in the cold, Caverbla and could not warm up. She was made damage to the snow from the grave.
    According to my grandmother, they make this damage so. At the grave of a person with the same name, like the sacrifice, the snowman funerals, leaving a certain amount of candles taken from the deceased coffin. Before the snowman, the name of the dead man comes to the snowman. People spoiled such a spool do not live long.
    Treatment is.
    Bold incense, bought in a holy holiday, in a roasting with aspen coals. Salted crucifably three times and say 12 times:
    The Lord created the light. The Lord created the sun. The Lord created warmth. The name of the god of the living and cross of the life-giving, incense, go to coal. From the coal to get warm. Go, warm, slave (name) in the blood, in her body, her heart, liver, in her chest, in its joints and polusstava. The body was created according to the likeness of the Lord of our Jesus Christ. Forbid you, the enemy, touch the likeness of the body of Jesus Christ. Now, confessed, in the eyelids, Amen.

    If done on two prisons (permanently remove damage)
    From the letter: "Father married after the death of our mother on a woman who was older than twenty years old. She did not have her children, and she did not love us with his brother. Father, it happened, will go to work, and she let us be messed up. We sit down, she will take something and punish the plates with the soup in punishment, will catch the soup in the bucket, and we go hungry. Or I will make me wash the floor, and then, when I already almost finish, my bucket will blow and says me to wash.
    "Zadushanka, I'm a teachlessness of you," she said.
    Seven times the floorboard trot, sneak all.
    Once my brother, and he was 14 years old, did not squeeze when she slapped me on the face of a dirty cloth, and rushed to fight her. And then sat down, grabbed his head with his hands and overwhelmed, I cried, and so it's so terrible that I have not broken from pity for him. And the stepmother has poured and says to him:
    "You, dried, make me make me." Who are you, the joy, picked up? I'm going to prison for this. I will make you, Gadina, for two prisons damage, and the third and all the others you will learn to earn money after that.
    And demonstratively turning over the icon, put two candles.
    Brother at night described. And since then - how devils in it settled. Replaced it, and that's it. We planted it in the first and then the second time. And I pull him all my life. "
    Take a broom, which before this was steamed three people with the same name as the pitiful. When a broom dries, take a photo reported. Put a photo on the floor, harvest her broom, drive out the prison demon and say, yes loud:
    The deva, go on the east side, no to you, the demon, the go to the dock in the donkey, nor in the dark, nor in his eyes, nor in the mouth, nor in the ears, nor in the heart, nor to the hands, nor to Thrown legs. Go to the pure field, not to be you more in the servant of God (name), Amen.
    From now on, in prison, you do not sit, do not wear goals, do not drag the shackles, you will not be closed with the key, they will not work into the prison. My word is hard, my thing is tenacious. Amen.

    Eating pancakes (how to remove this damage)
    Sometimes a person takes pancakes without any thought when he is told: "Remember the rest." I want you to know: someone really asks to remember, and someone wants to be treated on a person. I saw one woman who was very sick after the neighbor ran her to himself and said:
    - Sat, Sasha, Blintsov, Remember the rest of my friend.
    - And how is your friend your name? - asked Sasha.
    "Yes, just like you, Shura," the neighbor answered.
    They sat down, and Sasha went home, and in the evening she became so bad that they had to call "ambulance". Before that, she never had problems with pressure, and here suddenly hypertensive crisis. The doctor even said she could perish.
    But on the other day she did not become better. For several months now she is torn. She was translated into disability, and the neighbor, on the contrary, was praised, flutters like a module, as if she was not fifty years old, but twenty five.
    That's what Sasha itself told me:
    "I went down to her, called the door, and she does not let me, says that not alone.
    - To give me my health, - I shout. - What did you do with me! At thirty years I look like an old woman!
    And what do you think she answers me:
    - What fell off, it was gone. Will you think the head before you eat pancakes for free to eat.
    I cried and gone. For me, there is no one to get up, because my husband threw me two months ago. He does not need a disabled person, a man is very young, thirty-two years old ... "
    Jam pancakes, fold them with triangles, tie into white - without a picture - a towel and hang on the door handle that you treated pancakes. When the pancakes will add triangles, tell me:
    I remembered pancakes, I corrected myself pancakes. Himself on health, enemy for rest. My body, not pain, my liver, not sickle, my heart, not Noah. Lord, free from trouble. Save, save and root. Now and in the eyelids. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

    Dog fright (calculating)
    God help me. Lord, bless. Mary's Virgin, settled, sat down at the tree and climbed. Sleep, Mother Jesus Christ, no one will move you, no one offends you. The snake will pass - you will not hear, the evil beast will not see you, the dog does not lie down, the raven black will not shout. So, with God's help, I will read the slave (name) from the fright, from Laya, and from Warm, and from the fangs, from any unclean and attack, the sun rises, the moon comes. The moon rises, the sun comes. So and every fear and fright go back to centuries. Amen.
    Making a follower, you should drive with the right hand around the patient's database clockwise, and with the last word "Amen" the master should cross and spit three times through the left shoulder.
    Read the reading on even days. The word "slave" is changed to "slave", if there is a need for this.

    In our time, the time of targeting damage is also an effective way to solve problems, as in former times, let many people still doubt

    It can be smoothed by a grandmother on a shop near the house, but I can't even bring damage without every witch because it is a serious action and know the text of the conspiracy and all this is simply little. Damage is a very complex ritual. She will not be able to bring a stupid man. Therefore, often a person does not suspect that a curse is imposed on him. The action of the damage is explained by banal failures and coincidences. People until the latter do not believe in something supernatural. They try to find more familiar and logical explanations to what is happening madness.

    Signs of damage

    • Long diseases leaking extremely difficult. If you ask for help in the hospital, the doctors will not be able to state the correct diagnosis. They will rush between several similar. In the end, you will leave with anything, and your body will continue to get quiet and fade until you die.
    • Suicidal depression. You feel constant weakness. You do not want to do anything. You want to end with you. This is exactly the essence of damage. Bring you to despair so that you yourself choose your further fate.
    • Impairment of appetite. Furious aggression towards friends and family.
    • Sharp relief of a large amount of weight.
    • Unwillingness to attend the church. In man, as if the devil is pressed. It often falls into fainting, may even get into some of the fumbness.
    • The impossibility of pregnancy. If a woman cannot get pregnant, it is most likely a damage to her, and the strongest of all available.

    Types of damage

    Damage to health. When applying this damage, the victim receives physical diseases.

    Damage to death. The scary type of spell. When conducting a ritual, it should be remembered that the person you will do this damage will take away from life.

    Damage to financial condition. This damage ruins a business or a relationship with the boss. Most often, this ritual is used to remove competitors from the road.

    Damage to relationships with people. The victim will not have any friends or the second half. This spell enjoy offended women of all ages, abandoned by husbands and women who dream of a married man.

    Damage for money. The victim of such a damage is inevitably deprived of work or becomes an object of abduction of jewels - everything that will entail the early ruin

    Also subspecies of damage

    • damage to the disease;
    • damage to the destruction of marriage;
    • damage to loneliness;
    • damage to relationships;
    • damage to impotence;
    • damage to infertility;
    • damage to business;
    • damage for money or property
    • damage for fear.

    If you decide to bring damage to someone, do not hope for a quick result. It acts slowly, but effectively, as a romel of black magic, which is smoothly embedded in a biofield and destroys it from the inside. And such an effect leads to various diseases, apathy and depression. A person disappears incentive to life, he begins to feel very exhausted. Also, this virus begins to repel good luck and attract failure in all spheres of life. Sometimes destroys family relationships, overlaps cash flows, and a man begins a black strip.

    Dark forces living in the middle of us, but thoroughly hiding their subsidiary, help damage. If the rite is incorrect, then you will lose not only an effective result, but you can put the troubles on yourself. The selected ritual in this case does not matter, since each of them is a long process consisting of special prayers capable of collecting negative energy and direct to the object. Prayers should be made over the subject chosen for the ritual. There is a huge number of conspiracy to remove and get rid of damage, methods of diagnosis of karma, removal of various kinds of negative impact on your biofield, but it is almost always impossible to find information as this very damage to bring. The argument is usually standard, in fact, you just don't want to share information in our world the information most importantly. You can not understand it. You can not use it until time you may not work at first, but if this information you have it means you own it and this is the main thing. Before we consider some types of damage, you need to understand some things if you put the pigeon in the cage and every time he will peck the wall to throw him on the grain, then after a while the pigeon will think that when he beats his head about a cage only Then the grain appears. In order not to be the same as the pigeon you need to understand the connection of things, otherwise you will also think that if a neighbor's cemetery thumps the earth, it will be a damage. Alas is not the case, the pointing of damage is not at all such a simple matter, and you should be able to make some things related to witchcraft, and not with folklore. You do not stand on your knees in front of the car In order for gasoline in the gas tank, you understand that he will not appear there on any conspiractions, you need to go to the refueling. Understand and what is witchcraft, and how it works.

    Consider the easiest way to point damage to salt it easily guides, but it can also be easily filmed. Take the stone salt. It is sold in any practically shop. Wrap in matter and take it where the person goes to the person who needs damage, it is better if at this time there will be no rain otherwise all your works are in vain salt without water. The bag should be fleeing the day at no less than this, then pick it up on it the face with a marker and write the name of the offender, with the words "Saw Salt and you (name)" if it is winter, then shove the bag for the battery, in the summer you can throw on the closet. Salt or sugar absorb the information well so good for such actions. Conspiracy must be made by this for an example. If it consists of ten words including all prepositions The keyword should fall on the word at number six and the meaning for what you started this, that is, the very essence must fall out at the beginning of the fourth word how to make conspiracies are described in the article "How to make text conspiracy "

    Powering through a doll

    First of all, the established connection between the sorcerer and the targeting object is important. This connection can perform hair, clothes, sweat, household items to which touched. Then the object with which you will be the opposite, it can be a wax doll, plasticine or clay as well as rag. Condition that is mandatory this expressed signs that it is a man or a woman. Also no paraffin is only wax, the wax can be bought from beekeepers or in stores where they sell the coach. If your hair does not need to sculpt the muffin doll better to miss them in the doll itself. How to make a doll to guide the damage is written a lot, but how to make it correctly almost always a word, and many misses this moment. Doll as a car that delivers damage to the addressee, and he must be able to drive otherwise meaning in the air shaking will not be any spell. There are only three ways to manufacture dolls in the Witchcraft language. This is called Volt. Someone manifests creativity that creates more works of art that is not entirely appropriate and no need, you have completely different tasks. After you made a doll you need to remove your energy that got into this doll through your hands.

    For this, the doll is falling asleep in whole salt and leave for several days alone. Salt will pull out your energy, but since, for example, the hair or a piece of clothing will remain there energy to whom you do the damage will remain. If you hold a month in salt a month, it will become absolutely neutral and useless for carrying out the porching ritual. The next step will be the adoption of the doll with the name. A very important moment is not all name and not name to whom the damage. To do this, you need to know the date of birth and the name you will substitute in the formula and calculate the numeric code, then this is a number to substitute for the formula of the naughty and get a name. In nature, everything is digitized The whole world consists of electromagnetic wave oscillations, even the light has a numeric wave, because the light is electromagnetic radiation that has its own frequency, and any frequency is expressed by numbers. Nature does not record names with letters, it writes all the numbers. As a computer or smartphone is based on the entire numbers, but on the screen you see already what is characteristic of these numbers. You do not see this similar to the operating system, it consists of numbers and signs, but manifests itself on the screen of the pictures. But the picture consists of numbers. Therefore, in order to know how the universe recorded the name of a person, we need formula and figures.

    Now, after all calculations, you have a dump double who is saturated by damage, it can be used for a different type of energy fleet of disease and other things. It remains only to learn to work with it, for this you need to know several nuances otherwise it will remain the fruit of your imagination.

    Never use not ready-made so-called gray dolls not brought to the final ending. The ritual of damage in this case will not work. It is also better to get acquainted with basic concepts how to make and work with conspiracies, then there will be no difficulties in the future. Witchcraft does not tolerate dilatancy or superficial knowledge, everything needs a serious approach to everything is not possible here so immediately nothing knowing to become a professional in some kind. First you need to at least collect or acquire information and basic knowledge about it. Practice and understand how it works, and do not wade away immediately to the fact that you are not at the moment at the moment.

    How to bring to a person who offended

    All people have enemies, but to bring damage to a very strong occasion. The most important thing in this magical ritual, calm down and do not act. So that the spell came out more efficient, you need to soberly assess the situation and act in justice. This ritual belongs to black magic and with this jokes are bad, you must be confident of one hundred percent that you need it, and without it can not do.

    • If you still decided on this rite, we will help you make everything in a safe way.
    • There are a number of rituals that can greatly punish the one who offended.

    Preparation for the rite of damage

    The most important thing is preparation, first you need to evaluate your goal. Think carefully what you want to impose damage. There are cases when a man of egoist and loves loneliness, and he was damaged by loneliness, she would not harm him. And even worse - damage can contact the one who caused it, because it is black magic that is impossible to tame. You need to analyze your target, find out what he loves the strongest: money, its status or appearance. And then you need to beat the most vulnerable place to apply more harm. This stage of preparation is the most important, and without such training can not go out.

    What you need to bring damage at home. The most important thing is the photo of the offender, on which he should beat one. There is a nuance - it is impossible to trim the photo, it should be natural. You will also need an rye bread boob and a black candle. The optimal time to hold the rite of damage, from midnight to dawn, and preferably from Saturday to Sunday. Put the table in the middle of the room and cover it with a black tablecloth or a simple black cloth. Put rye bread in the middle of the table, and stick the candle and burn it into it.

    Now let's say out loud what you wish to the offender. This should not be a lot of text, you need to clearly state the essence of the wishes, and at the same time remember all the offenses that he caused to you. All this time will erase on his photo and feel how all the negative energy rushes in this person. And do not forget that only one must be desired. Several will not work and there is a risk - it can turn against you. If a person is very greedy, wish him to live in a poverty before the end. In this case, you can put a small coin on the bread, and then it's carefully to put it, so that he does not notice.

    Coins are very good carriers of spanking, and if you find unknown coins, it is better to throw them out.

    Slap your wishes six times, and tear off the photo of the offender on small pieces. Then start to crumble bread on the table and you say such words:

    "How not to become crumbs grains: Taki (the name of your offender) Do not know the rest: the trouble goes for you. Your thresholds hurt: life fills in misfortune! "

    Then carefully roll up a black tablecloth with crumbs and pieces of the photo, and pour out in the yard, where the bread jams the birds. In ancient times, these crumbs attributed to the yard of the villain and poured his birds (chirms or other animals). And if the rite was carried out correctly, then the first sign was the fact that the world was attacked by livery. The candle is also not worth leaving at home, for more effect, it can be buried at the gate of the offender.

    But if you do not want to carry out such a complex magic rite to damage the damage on someone who offended you, then there is a simpler ritual for this. But it is already necessary to perform in the temple. Buy twelve sacred candles, install eleven of them by the Virgin, burn and pray for the icon. And put the twelfth candle for rest.

    Also burn down and say such words:

    "God forgive and save! Not death to your slave. I wish.

    Just ask! Let (say that spoiling a person).

    If the Lord does not help, the devil will begin. Everything, in my opinion, will happen! Amen!"

    Now you know how to damage the person who hurt a person. But remember that after this rite is damage, it is impossible to go to the church for a month. And the result may not be as effective as at the first ritual. Also this method is not predictable, since the Lord himself will decide how to punish the offender. It happens that the highest forces may consider that they hurt you right, and your enemy will not suffer any punishment. However, this method is the safest, it can protect against the error of a frustrated person. Decide yourself, what kind of way to catch up the damage to you like.

    How to bring damage to the ruin

    Often, women face the treason of her husband and almost always part because of this. To damage your marriage at the direction of your marriage, you should contact Black Magu. But if you decide to punish this woman on your own and enjoy revenge, then read on. But remember, use the knowledge of knowledge with caution!

    For this ritual, damage, you will need such items:

    • The thing that is impregnated with the energy of the rainbits and which can be pierced with a needle;
    • Icon with the name of the victim (for example: Anna icon, or Victoria, and so on);
    • Two wax candles;
    • Thirteen new needles.

    This ritual damage is carried out from 16 to the 19th lunar days at midnight. Light and put the first candle and put on the table, and the second melts and drop thirteen times on the icon. During the rite, it is necessary to pay off from the dark forces, and get their approval. To do this, write your ringtone on your left hand, and drop the blood to the burning candle. If the candle is walked, then you should stop this ritual, for it does not like evil spirits.

    But if the candle continues to burn, then you need to whisper:

    "So you, the demon, my fee, for my request"

    When you finish the spill, split all the 13 needles over the flame of the candle, each in turn, and at the same time say:

    "This is me, the witch (name), at midnight the face of the holy dam, in the name of Satan, damage, and the hell for this face of my rival (name) will spoil. So that the face of the slave (name) arrows sharply, so that purulent ulces, but the grozhi scary on it appeared. So that she knew the bitterness bitter, and the sufferings are terrible, and terrible sadness. May come true what is said "

    Then, in turn, stick all 13 needles in the thing of your rival (if it starts to light up, then put it up with the left palms).

    Over the next day, take two bottles of vodka, five coins, a bottle of water and all yesterday's items that were used in the ritual and go to the cemetery. Find a nameless grave. Put an icon on it with a personal briefing and take them with vodka from the first bottle. Then quickly go and in no cases do not turn around. When you reach the first intersection, stop, open the second bottle and put on the road, and throw coins through the right shoulder and tell me:

    "You, eternal hostess of this effort"

    At the second crossroad, throw thirteen needles and pour them with water, whispered:

    "It's to you, Beddown's demons, scary demons. I give you, I treat you. And you will repay me to pay me, my rites are running by force "

    After that, go home and do not try to turn around. This damage is soon to very spoil your rival life, and believe me, she will also regret what has contacted you. On the first Sunday, it is desirable to go to the church and ask for forgiveness for all your sins.

    Make damage to beauty

    This is a strong and effective rite. With it, you can seriously spoil the appearance of your opponent. This may be the usual pimples, and serious changes on the skin, as well as health problems.

    Imagine damage to beauty, you can both own. But, it is desirable to contact the knowledgeable magicians, healers and sorcerers. If you decide not to seek extraneous help, think very well on whether it is worth doing it. If the rite do not perform by the rules, it is possible to harm not only to your opponent, but also yourself.

    This is a fairly simple and easily accessible way, which will allow you to quickly reduce your rival. It is desirable that you are familiar with your "sacrifice" so that you have had the opportunity to throw it a conspiracy subject. For a ritual, it is not necessary to memorize a certain set of words, you can simply express your wishes. It is advisable to damage the damage with the help of a mirror (but any other object can also be used). The mirror is a very strong magic object.

    Take the item that is going to "put" the opponent and, using all its energy, tell all your wishes on it. Hold it for a while in your hands, thereby charging it. When you charged the right thing, you need to give His rival, mentally expressing my wishes to her address. If it is impossible, you need to "put" a conspiracy subject to the house of the opponent. It will be important here that she does not notice him. Spicy damage with a "lining" is very common. And if you are afraid that damage can damage you, try not to take away from our girlfriends and just familiar pocket mirrored men and various suspicious items.

    How to make damage to obesity

    This type of damage will be in taste not only to those who crave to get rid of the newly mistress of her husband, but will also help break the existing relationship of spouses, take revenge on the enemy or former friend, punish the offender, etc. But, despite the entire price list of possible services, in Most, want damage to the obesity of Women's customers to eliminate a unwanted rival. The method is very effective in the sense that damage beats on the most valuable and dear to the representative of the beautiful floor - its beauty and attractive appearance.

    What are the consequences of damage to obesity? They are colossal. The victim not only loses its sexuality and an attractive appearance, she completely deprived of the signs of attention from the opposite sex, self-confidence, respectful relationship in the women's team, and also slowly, but very true, collapses as a person. The damage to obesity is not a single ritual, but a whole range of energy programs that are tuned to the most killed result. The final result of these programs (the development of phobias, complexes, the scale of suffering) largely depends on the victim itself and its attitude to life. What needs to have with yourself in order to damage for obesity? I draw your attention that for holding a ritual to the master must need biomaterial (hair, nails, blood), personal belongings or a recent photo of the victim. For the root, you need a photograph of your rival, a small piece of bass, preferably with a bristle, as well as black threads, a black candle and rusty needles. There is no specific conspiracy here, but the main wish is about this: "To be like a pig." The "lining" at this form do not need to perform. The spent material remaining after the rite must be buried in the ground where there is no vegetation. If the rite was completed correctly, your rival not only takes seriously in weight, it will not be attractive for the opposite sex, but will forever forget about your man. Spot to beauty is a very serious and strong ritual. Before you do, you need to think carefully, and take the right decision. Remember, an incorrectly conducted rite can turn into "boomerang" for you.

    Take a photo of the victim, a piece of pork salary with a bristle skin, a few non-seated needles, black threads and a black candle. Grind a black candle. Put the photo of the victim on the fat side of the skins. Stick on the contour image of the needle victim. Skinny all this is a pretty cross on a cross with black threads. And order all this pretty wax with a burning black candle. While working three times, we read a conspiracy:

    "We instill in you the slave (BA) (name of the victim) of the Spirit of Pig. You will now come out with a swine spirit and a pig is likened. As a pig devour everything, I don't know the disaster, the fat is gaining. So you are a slave (BA) (the name of the victim) will be all without dismissal. In a pig soul and body turn. May it be so!".

    To burn it all on the garbage deeper.

    Epiphany damage to help

    A very strong day in a year, when any action is repeatedly enhanced. Go to the temple and buy three three candles. Put one enemy in the church behind the seama. I will give the second or tramp, which will ask the church to ask alms, give him money and ask to put a slave (the name of the enemy), and with the third go home. At home, close all the mirrors, prepare melanches. Arrange symbolic commemorations in honor of your enemy. Having become remembered by neighbors. Then put a photo of your enemy to the frame with a black ribbon of the painter (how to put the photos of the departed), lit down next to the candle for placing the enemy and sit next to the silence and doing nothing, while the candle does not do the end (this is very important). After all, take the photo in the frame and the grinding from the candle and go to the cemetery. Place a frame with a photo on a fresh grave with the name of the enemy, next to the candle's grinding. Give the late man the last bow and leave without looking around.

    How to make damage for loneliness

    It is necessary to take his photo and draw on the back of the card an inverted triangle size about 3 * 3 cm. To make damage, take a non-consecrated church candle and burn the edges of the photo paper notice, it must be high enough for the image tool, and not burning. When not a single edge will remain in the photo, burn the hole exactly in the center of the triangle independently back. Write loneliness is possible if you will pronounce the following words in the process:

    "The circle of the witchcord eye in Vorovskaya will not be either the exit will be careful no one will look no one will tell you and if you want to tell you everyone will refuse! Never be happy to you, the slave of God and the earth (the name of the victim)! "

    If you decide to make damage in a similar way, it is necessary to remember that the dark forces will want to get a spill, which will help you to do with smaller troubles.

    It is necessary to bring sacrifice to the use of other people's services, even the closest relatives and acquaintances, will be considered for the manifestation of greed and lead to very difficult and unpleasant consequences. If you put loneliness, it is worth using ten coins, the disease is thirteen, and in others, more serious cases - to use so many money signs as the victim is fulfilled, but not less than thirteen. Money must be left at night at any intersection in the north-western corner and leave without looking back. If there is a feeling of surveillance, transfer coins through the left shoulder, and run as quickly as possible.

    Curse or targeting implies an energy impact to destroy the usual lifestyle of a person from ill-wishers. And if you can smooth someone unknowingly, then the guidance of any damage is the process conscious, which involves the implementation of special rites. An offended or disappointed person in a rustling of emotions can wonder how to damage the person. And not everyone understands the strength of such a rite and its negative side. Therefore, before making a decision and the choice of a ritual, it is best to weigh everything over and against this rite, because the consequences can touch all the participants, and not just the victims. Damage is not just a magical impact on a person. Damage is the perfect means of revenge enemy. However, an impeccable way to punish the one who so daring and stupid that dared to create you trouble. For all my time my practice, I repeatedly solved problems with ill-wishers that exactly through the use of simple damage. I do not know to my happiness or fortunately people around me, few people are trying to come on the tail. I do not know the innate sense of self-preservation here or the subconscious feeling of danger, but the fact remains a fact, people prefer to be friends with me, and not fight. But it is so by the way. In this material I would like to tell you about the most beloved me and the most effective way to punish the enemy at a distance, namely about the damage to the photo. Pagter on the photo is a universal method of vedder.

    Damage to death ritual

    In principle, if you have a photo of the victim, the ritual to death is quite easy. Just as practicing I warn you, think carefully, whether you need it. After all, it's not so easy to pick up a person. Plus, it is also worth remembering about the balance in the field of the universe, you can even talk about the balance of the universal mind. I mean that if you decide to damage to death on the saleswoman in a stall, who had no 5 rubles for delivery, then the universe, the highest strength, call, as you wish, just will not allow the ritual to bring the effect, but it will give you a risk with all generosity . I will not take on the role of the judge and tell what misconduct the dignity of such punishment, and which is not, I'll just say: he deserves the death of a blood enemy, one who his deeds or words led to the destruction of the family, offended, strongly, a member of your family and so Further. Here is such an act I am punishing the ritual for death.

    In this case, there are two options for performing damage: put a photo in the coffin to the dead man; Skip a photo in the grave to the dead man with the name of the victim. For the first option you need: photo of the enemy; Knowledge where the funeral passes. You just need to put a photo of your enemy to the coffin to the dead man, preferably in the legs. An image that hollowed in the neighbors to the dead will create a closed circle, the dead will crave to drag over the world who was presented to him. In addition, in this ritual there is both the second side, the photos containing a particle of the soul of your enemy, is associated with a strong energy channel itself, and in the process of natural rotting of the tupa, a colossal charge of negative energy will receive a colossal charge through the sacrifice. In some sources, I met the advice that you need to illuminate the photo before you bury. It seems to be advised to do this due to the fact that there is an opinion that the wizard will act as long as the face of the victim differs in the photo. And at the moment when the face is dissolved under the influence of rotting, witchcraft will disappear. There is a share of truth. But I would not advise such a thing. The thing is that the energy program acts so that from the moment you fulfill the ritual life will begin to present you surprises, as a result of which your enemy can become a truly relative and close person. Here it lies the trick. Photos from the grave you are hardly getting better, this time, the second, to fully neutralize my deed, too, is also not able, this is a fact. So let's leave the victim a chance. The second important nuance swinging you personally as a customer or artist. How long will the integrity of your photo be kept, how much you will feed the ritual with your vital energy. In addition, I figured out an interesting fact, the laminator can play a role of protection. That is, it will not give energy photos in the process of exposure to the processes of rotting mixed with the unclean energy of death. That is, the process is as it were, the ritual works, and the effect of zero. And the ritual, made by you, still pulls your energy. And it is not known who in this thin plan is stronger than you or your opponent. Well, with the second option is increasingly clear. You need to take a photo of the enemy, go to the graveyard, find a fresh relatively grave with the name of the deceased like the victim and just bury the photo in the hill of the burial land. I advise those who do not have adequate practice in the magic and the fulfillment of rituals to unaccept at night on the graveyard, as if you were on the neck of the "neighbor" from the next world. One of the ways to protect will be a purification ritual: take a handful of coins and a bottle with holy water. Leave the water at the entrance to the graveyard, beyond the goal, and take money with you. When they spend the ritual, throw a part of coins with words near the grave:


    And when leaving the forefront, crossing the right foot, the line of ownership of the master of the cemetery to quit behind the second part of the coins with the words

    "I bought it off!".

    Now take holy water, wash my hands, smear, wash the neck and moisten the head. In the process of washing, read our own or prayer to your guardian angel to protect.

    Making a damage to boiling water

    The burning ritual in the photo here will also offer you two options for damage in the photo, which can be brought at home: with boiling water; with acid. In the first case, you will need to simply put a container with water on fire, bring the fluid to a boil and throw a photo of your enemy into boiling water. See how the image is brewed in boiling water and pronounce a conspiracy:

    "The body of the slave (slaves) (the name of the victim) is to burn, boil the blood, then proceed, the rest of him (her) is not found. May it be so!"

    The effect of this ritual comes very quickly: your enemy will join the temperature, it will have a terrible lubrication in the whole body, the skin will turn red and starts to climb from the sun, well, not immediately, and after the ritual will weaken. In the process of exposure to the spell, your enemy will take a lot of unpleasant and painful minutes. It can be said will be punished on health.

    Damage is the most common negative program in black magic. A magical damage can only bring a professional having a certain "gift". Love damage both on himself and in his beloved very often, women, who wanted to chase a man and who do not understand the essence of promotional rituals.

    Black disease - satizes sexually transmitted diseases, male impotence. Often, women are so fastened to men who threw them. A woman can send damaging and on a rival, after having broke down a desire to communicate with her forever.

    Great grief - causes heartfall and mental flour. A person loses any peace, can't get rid of longing, sadness and sadness. All signs of depression. The surrounding it seems that he has grief. He is immersed in himself, to communicate with him even close friends is almost impossible.

    Tools - damage causes severe continuous headaches

    Ugly Ocaler - damage -Prolation, causing schizophrenia, epilepsy, etc. Easily transmitted by inheritance.

    Especially terrible damage when there are candles for the living person in the Church. Now many people in the church refuse to read "Over the rest" at left to remember, demanding evidence of death. It is a pity that this is practiced not everywhere.

    Damage in the house

    If near the door, in the house or on the coup you find suspicious items (land, water, blood, sand, feathers, needles, dead animals or birds)

    • in periods or pillows, find wheat, corn, associated or sticking feathers, threads, sharp objects
    • one or more photos of puncture needle
    • find no good whose scissors or knives
    • feeling of fear in the family, constant diseases and scandals
    • incurable alcoholism
    • sanctified salt cracks and darkens in a frying pan
    • until the candle taken from the church on Friday, smoking at home bypass
    • dogs marvel, and cats seek to leave home
    • incomprehensible or, on the contrary, very clear drawings awaiting on the walls
    • you do not like to walk guests

    How to determine what's damage

    Take the glass, type cold water from the crane. Fresh chicken egg must be carefully scattered and pour into this water. It is important not to hook yolk, it should be whole. Immediately put a jar on your topic, leaning the chin to the chest.

    • Retrol so 2-3 minutes. Now see what can be seen in the water.
    • If the water is clean, transparent and yolk lies in the protein, there are no damages on you.
    • If the yolk lies, and from the protein go up strips, obviously witchcraft intervention.
    • If these strips (candles) have bubbles, then damage is strong.
    • If there are black dots in the stripes, damage is made to death or from gravestone (in this case, urgent intervention is necessary)
    • The damage to death is the strongest negative energy impact on a person. The victim in this case is programmed on the fatal outcome in the shortest possible time, and on the outside it looks like a person is looking for death.

    Before interested in how to make a damage to death, it should be realized that such a destructive impact is very dangerous for both the customer and the performer of a negative send. In the world, magic argue that the damage made to death lies with black seal and can lead to the most unpredictable terrible consequences.

    The most famous rite of damage

    Survived rite for self-fulfillment is the following. On a Friday evening, you need to get to the cemetery and find the abandoned grave there. It is desirable that there were no signs on it. Next, so that no one can see, you need to drive into the center of the grave, pre-prepared aspen col.

    Progressing at the same time three times magic words:

    "Friday-Friday, for all unhappy deeds companion. Your idea, I am executed, your assistant nameless is. I am a pair of osine alive, the death of the victim is caught up. After the dead man nameless, Kolz Osinov Mount-Bed to the slave (-U) of God (s) (the name of the victim) I sat down. Everything is done as it should. Amen".

    Count must stand on the grave for a week. Next Friday, you need to repeat the spell, deeply driven over, and repeating magic words. The ritual repeats three weeks in a row, after which the rub pulls out and driven alongside the enemy's house.

    Using a shirt

    The damage to the fast death of a person involves the use of the sacrifice shirt.

    During the ritual, the following actions are carried out:

    The shirt spreads on the table. At midnight, in a period of decreasing moon, it should be killed by a black rooster with a knife, while the blood should sprinkle the victim's thing;

    During the sacrifice, this conspiracy is pronounced:

    "As a rooster black at the time of death, it is convened from the world of otherworldly unclean spirits, and his blood revealed demons to the slave (e) of God (bing) (the name of the victim) will be attracted."

    All attributes of the magic ritual, including the knife, wrap in a shirt;

    After the sacrifice, you need to immediately go to the lively crossroads and bury all objects there, and there should be no witnesses;

    Reads again the same conspiracy;

    From the intersection should be leaving quickly, without looking back.

    Strong ritual for damping

    A severe damage to death can be posted with the help of water that was washed by the dead man. It shifts into a separate container and added to drinks used by the victim within 3 days after the funeral.

    After that, you need to stick a knife in bread and speak the following magic words:

    "Change your actions with your Nava to Yav. The dead man, in the world of the dead sacrifice will find, and they will turn to Nava. "

    Bread must be buried on the grave of the dead man. After that, the victim will leave life within 40 days.

    Damage to take revenge on the enemy

    There is a strong rite that can lead to a fatal outcome. But if a person has a strong energy from nature, then such a directional send will take him a lot of unpleasant minutes and hurts, but will not be fatal. That is why such an impact is often used to revenge the enemy.

    To make your enemy regret the deed, you need to send a curse that can disappear over time yourself. To do this, you first need to go to the place where your enemy goes. You need to go through it in the footsteps, and for this it is absolutely not necessary to follow him in close proximity.

    It is necessary to make six steps and in the course of this six times to talk in a whisper of such a plot:

    "Let your trail runs, my enemy (the name of the person), let him stick to you forever and your whole blood will drink. May it be so!"

    The ritual continues next Tuesday. For this, at 6 pm, go to the cemetery. It is necessary to find a grave of a man who during his lifetime was the same name as the victim.

    You need to become next to it and say this spell six times:

    "I'm to this grave you, my enemy (the name of the person) tie, I, I, my enemy (the person's name) in the coffin, reliably seal and leave forever in this cemetery. Your health, your joy in the cemetery land I cough. It will take time, and your entire life force in hell will leave. "

    Despite such terrible words, the promise is rarely fatal. But at the same time, when the damage starts to work, then the person will seem for some time that death is close. After writing words, you need to take a handful of earth from the grave and quickly leave the cemetery, without looking back. This land immediately needs to be attributed to the house of his enemy and throw it under the threshold. As soon as Ragu comes to the conspiracy, leaving the house, the damage will start working.

    The easiest way to make damage

    There is a very simple rite, allowing to send damage. The main difficulty is to be at the funeral and imperceptibly make a lining to the dead man in the coffin. To do this, you can use a photo of a person or any genetic material, for example, slices of nails or hair. You can also use for this any personal item of the victim, but in this case the power of negative impact will be weaker.

    Before throwing into the coffin, the thing, photo or genetic material, over the attribute should read such a spell:

    "Iproof and spell, I want to damage the enemy of my (human name) to lime. I curse him, let him add to the bad weather, troubles and grief, let him pursue him in everything. Let him famously surround it from all sides and his life will not be cute. Everything will be bad. "

    After the thing falls into the coffin, it remains only to wait. It is believed that the time and the deadman will attract a person to the afterlife. It should be understood that such a damage to remove it is unlikely to be able to be able, so before performing such a work it is necessary to weigh everything.

    Ritual damage from the cemetery land

    Very often, the ritual is carried out with which the damage to death from the cemetery land is sent. There are many diverse and pretty simple, at first sight, rites. But the simplicity of their deceptive. For their success, it is necessary not just to comply with the conditions for their holding, but also hate their enemy so much to organize a strong splash of negative energy during magical actions.

    • One of the strong rituals, allowing to make a strong negative message to death, is to conduct the following actions:
    • It is necessary to get a fresh photo of the victim on which a person is depicted alone;
    • Going in the afternoon to one of the days of the decreasing moon period of the cemetery and picked photos on a nameless grave;
    • Take a little land with the selected grave and go home;
    • At home at midnight the same day you need to speak the cemetery land with the following words:

    "This night is clear, and the day was dark, in it the water is dirty, I soak tastelessly like. I will take seven pieces of rusty constipation, chains, knives, and seven pieces of axes are not fulfilled, yes nine coffins from oak boards. I will come to the cemetery, here in the coffin to the Unnamed three times, I will not cry loudly with a loud voice: "Occuping, the dead man appears for a dead and death to the ground with me, and with you let one feature will turn away. And I turn around him around him around him and turn my leg. Take the dead by me awakened seven rzhoy coated constipation and chains. Create them legs and hands of the slave (s) of God (s) (the name of the victim). Let him be bored with a unthinkable disease, a little, a bright sun for him will be closed for him forever, and the water healing pylon will become. And you, death, seven knives of rzhoy-covered believes, and in addition to them and seven not compatible axes. Zrubi, a break of a slave (s) of God (s) (the name of the victim) on nine slices of bloody. And this day, let it be for the enemy of my last. You, the hell, alone, designed by the father of the horns of their horns, and hesitate to shaggy with hooves. Take the servants of hell pieces of human people, but put them separately in nine coffins from oak boards, and after swing them reliably and forever. " My strength is strong and strong words. The soul of the slave (s) of God (s) (the name of the victim) will fly away and will free me. My conspiracy is not changed. May it be so!"

    The conspiracy land should be added in a small amount in the food of the victim.

    Such a damage is very strong and acts quickly, but at the same time the rite requires very large energy costs. Therefore, the performer of the ritual will feel very bad for a long time.

    Rite Powered Using Knife

    This rite is very powerful. In order to minimize his negative consequences for himself, the performer needs to be accurately followed by recommendations. The main attribute of the rite is a knife with a black handle.

    It should be purchased without passing and at the time of payment you need to mentally say such a phrase:

    "I take a knife magic not for myself, but for sending damage to my enemy (human name).

    The rite is carried out on Thursday in a period of decreasing moon.

    To conduct a magical action, you should go to the cemetery, having capting with you besides a knife:

    Four polyethylene packages;

    Spump with lots of different sweets.

    First you need to bypass the cemetery or drive around if it is very large. At each cemetery corner, you should take three handfuls of the earth. Subsequently, entering the cemetery, it is necessary to pour out the assembled land in the middle of any cemetery intersection.

    On the resulting land, the lands need to draw the crosses with a knife to speak in the process of this such a spell:

    "The Earth is white and black, I cut you with a knife with a knife, the crosses are walled, black, not church. These crosses urge to help the dead, in the corners of the cemetery of the lying. They send them a black arrow of the grave right in the heart of my enemy (the name of the victim). Let them torment him, hands and feet twisted, the body seems to be twisted into the outer, in the veins, let the blood on the water replace. Let them torment it, and disassemble the body. Words their cemetery land fix. Satan himself call for help. Let them burn in my enemy of the horns of an unclean and shake out of him the whole soul. All forces, let them take away and in the corners of the cemetery scatter and confuse, to collect them failed. Let my enemy and day and night fear of death. I cut the knife with a magic and excised the life of my enemy (the name of a person), and his body in the pit I quit the ground cemetery sprinkle. Amen!"

    Further, the cross-like movement must be divided into four parts and pouch each in a separate bag. The knife together with the spill should be left at the crossroads. Then you should go to the intersection, where many people usually passes.

    Make damage on the graveyard

    There you should pour out the land from the first package, saying such words:

    "I order a black mother to bypass all four corners of lean and get to the body of my enemy (human name) to drive him into the coffin. Amen".

    The land from the second package should be poured into the natural flow of water and say such words:

    "With water flowing, go, the quarter of the land of Cemetery, and with me the soul (person's name) Take the black ribbon of death. Amen".

    The third package should be released from the Earth on the grave of the dead man, who in his life wore the name of your enemy.

    In the process of this it is necessary to speak such words:

    "One dead man lies, and soon next to him will be another dead man lying. Do not avoid the enemy of your death, as not to get up to this dead man, the namesake of him never. Death is terrible accept my enemy. Amen".

    The land from the fourth package must be poured in the place where your enemy passes through it. As soon as a person stands on a conspiracy land, damage to death will begin to work.

    Pshawing land, such magic words should be spoken:

    "The knife magic is all seeded and marked by cemetery angles. Black longing will come down from all the dead and my enemy will be tied to you forever. You will not be able to fight off from it, and you will not resist, and with her we will leave in the grave. Amen".

    This is a very strong rite. This damage can only take off the professional magician. But if it succeeds to do, then the whole negative will return to the performer and will cause it irreparable harm.

    According to professionals, there is not a single item in the magical book of life, which would justify this negative impact, therefore the consequences of damage to death can be the most terrible and unpredictable for the customer and the contractor. The performer who seeks to take revenge on his offender, poured on him, must remember that such a magical action will not remain unpunished. Especially strong punishment will be for believers. After such actions, they will not be able to salty such a sin, and it means that they will not fall into paradise. Sataluable damage to another person, the performer not only causes the flow of reverse negative energy on itself, but also exposes the dangers of their loved ones in future generations. The children of a person who used damage to revenge can seriously hurt, and the traces of such an act will have traces on the genus on many generations.

    To minimize the negative effects of damage to death associated with a rollback, it is necessary to follow the rules that are prescribed in ritual.

    Most often, the rite is conducted independently using the victim's photography. A must also visit the cemetery. Moreover, it is sometimes necessary to do in the afternoon, but for a strong energy sending to death requires a visit to the cemetery at midnight. There may also be a voice connection with the victim of damage to death. To do this, you need to use a mobile phone that does not know the person on which the negative impact is directed. Because the ritual does not require a conversation, but only the victim's answer, the call must be associated with a random call. The person who is damaged by damage to death and everything is fulfilled correctly, in a short time ills in an incurable fleet or dying during an accident. And from now on, the performer or customer must understand what sin falls on it.

    To reduce the power of the reverse negative, it is recommended to make a spill. As a rule, it is the end of the ritual and provides for special actions at the intersection. For each specific rite, its sputter has been developed, and it is impossible to replace it with any other actions.

    After the ritual was performed on targeting damage to death, the customer must stop communicating with his victim, even if it is a close friend or relative. This will reduce the negative consequences. And, by itself, of course, no one can tell about the conducted rite. It should be known that the dark forces that contribute to the damage to death to be successful will appreciate the vows of silence and to a certain extent in this case can protect the performer from negative consequences.

    If the damage to death was performed by an experienced magician - a professional, then, of course, he will put special protection to protect himself and the customer from the backway wave. But at the same time, there is still no 100% guarantee that there will be no rollback. But if the rite is carried out independently, it is safe to say that in most cases, pay for sin, will have to descendant for many generations.

    The damage to death is not distinguished by special features, they coincide with the symptoms that cause other types of damage. The main difference is that all signs work more rigidly and, as a result, a person can die at any moment. The damage to death can be compared with avalanche of negative energy, which very quickly destroys all the systems of the human body.

    The main sign of a negative program aimed at death is an unexpected severe disease, which arises from a practically healthy person. Moreover, despite the constantly worsening condition, difficulties arise when diagnosing the methods of modern medicine. As a rule, the disease is diagnosed in the later stages. At the same time, treatment with traditional medicine methods is ineffective.

    Another obvious feature is constant fatigue, which does not leave a person for a minute. Against this, the thoughts on suicide arise. A person under the influence of damage to death is also constantly tormented by nightmares that do not allow fully relaxing. Trying to relax, the victim begins to use alcohol and its dependence is developing rapidly, which leads to alcoholism. To warn about the damage to death can also be pets, which begin to behave restlessly and do not want to approach the owner or hostess. Especially painfully react to changing the energy of the cat. When suspicion arose that it was damaged to death, you need to urgently diagnose it. If fears were confirmed, then you need to urgently remove the negative program. It should be remembered that it is very difficult to remove the damage yourself, so not to lose time, it will be better to turn to professional MAG.

    How to make a western damage to the setting sun

    There are two options for the execution of this damage in principle almost identical.

    "Sun west, day on the outcome, and the slave (name) to the exertion. As the sun, the Red West falls, and the slave (name) will find himself. It will dry, sneeze and make me to die. I spell a cross and a damn crown. I witnessed the demon, yes, I myself, I myself, Breeding (name). Word. Key. Lock".

    After that, take a predetermined rope from a natural material and knit on it arbitrarily nine knots, stern on each:

    "As you live nicely, it is too climbing. As you alive, zealing, so I am worrying. As longing to wear and sleep with a dream. "

    After that, you need to go to the cemetery and bury the rope there, preferably on the grave with the name of the enemy ...

    Second option

    To fulfill the rite, a red thread is needed about 20 centimeters and boxes of matches, which lay in your house more than sixteen days. Taking a thread and boxes, you need to buy a new box of matches, go with him at the crossroads of three roads (the paths are also suitable), reveal the bought boxes, strangle it and choose a match, which will seem the thick, powerful, strong, "fattened" to you. All other matches throw away where you are standing, tie a loop on a thread, make a removal and tighten it on the selected match as much as possible in the middle. Now turn the face to the West and start a plot:

    "The Sun west, the day on the outcome, the slave of God (the name of the victim) to the exertion. I will put it in the grave, in a deep pit, in crude land, under the black stone. I will go to a pure field, I will find three elders. They have black beards, empty eyes, and the teeth are the easiest. The first I will give the soul of the slave of God (the name of the victim), I will give the body of the slave of God (the name of the victim), and I will give the third life to the slave of God (the name of the victim). "

    Using these words, you must tie the first nodules on the thread. You can then express all your personal additional wishes, each time tieting on the knot. The number of nodes is not limited, they can be knit not only in a free place, but also on top of the old nodules-curses, but the last conspiracy should be like this: "As a Muha, the dung is not silent, it would have stood in the house in the house. Amen".

    Having finished the conspiracy, get your boxes, turn the knotted match about it, say: "I caught fire from me, from me and extinct" and put the match. Everything, you have a ready-to-carry, which is able to achieve all your goals. Now it is necessary in any way to throw it into the house of the victim.

    How the martyr's damage is guided

    For her guidance, you need an icon of 40 martyrs, symbolically bless it enemy and tell me:

    The icon of 40 martyrs bless 40 flour slave (name) to surpass. Amen.

    Cut the damage to nine-day

    Nine days in a row, starting with the 13th day of any month, take a black candle in the evening, install it on a plate. Under the plate put a photo of the one who is porter. On the right side of the plate there is a piece of black bread on the left side of a piece of white.

    Light the candle and read a plot.

    "Top and bottom day, day yes night, white yes black life Yes, death, lively and scorched bread white. Yes, the bread is black with a black whole world, and everything is folded in a pair. Yes, it began to be prepared for human destiny. there is fate (name) doomed, yes not two and the ninth kipped, then not two days, one selection, another fierely flour and converges, and nine days will climb the nine days (name) to give birth, and nine days nine days (name) I died, but I did not leave left. Yes, I had a bad body, yes the soul gave way, my heart was stiffed by every day, and each of those Besnes were entrusted with his torment, the nine of their tormented with their torments, the nine forces of the secret will go, yes Every day, his appointed by the thirteenth all begins, but after nine days it pays the first body (name) in the afternoon, the cold will carry one of the demons with its ice water ooter and the second (name) of the blood of the blood is going on Sen, yes the blood of the earth will try on the third day (name) breathe all over the third demon of his neck for the tailgate will drag the fourth day by the north (name) of the way yes Besin Wajuk in his stomach consists of the fifth day (the name) to think the Duma will think, so it will not pull the Fifth Besyn black infantry, yes straight in (name) Head and the sixth day has been protected. (Name) In the coffin to go to bed everything will become yes, the reinny shoes are nailing the coffin, but the seventh day is dismissed for (name), the seventh Bes will be incense, and the news will be eighty day The body (name) in the coffin cleans the octal demon of him on the part spreads and the ninth day they will disperse, then the ninth demon, a nine-day curse will come out. Every day this conspiracy is read three times. The candle goes along with even parts, on the ninth day, the candle tramples completely, the photo gets from under the bottom of the plate and burns. Ashes are collected in a plate. The plate is attributed to the intersection, the ashes dispel in the wind, and the plate split on the ground with words. Nine-day, yes on (name) days went yes demons led. Amen on the ground throw pieces of dried bread.

    Walking without turning around.

    How is the damage of mansur for prison (somewhat)

    Make an old speaker damn damage to a dust share of any month of an odd number. For work, a chain is needed on which there was also a dog before, and two locks with keys. The chain is twice as much as they hit the ground three times, for every blow, uttering a strong conspiracy of damage to Mansura Smeashed:

    "Goom Go, and with a ringing to the most administration, where the human destinies are kuyu. There is a chain of Covana, through this chain, the dog frowned, did not know anywhere. So through the PSA (name), the share of it will take himself. Bad to help me. Amen". There is also a chain to cut in half and say: "That's not a chain in a sunbath, then fate (name) holds a government house, like a dog on the chains I frightened and you (name) in prisons exerted. The black book is created, the demon is done. Amen".

    Both parts of the chain are closed by locks. Nine times for each part of the chain read the conspiracy of black damage to mansura to prison. One chain is buried at the courthouse, the second - on the victim's grave of the same name. Keys to throw into the house of the victim.

    Damage on the peak ace

    This is probably one of the most good damage at Mansur. The ritual is not a complicated damping damage and the experience in this should evaluate it. There are no clear spells and strange elements. Everything is simple and concise. It can be seen to anyone. This damage gives good results. Beats a lot on the health of the enemy. The only difficulty in sprinkling on the peak ace is what is needed fresh grave. Those. It is necessary to go to the cemetery and find where the burial place. And then come there with a map.

    To perform damage on the peak ace, they buy a new deck of cards. Houses light two candles, between them put a deck. Put the left hand on the deck and read the spell.

    "Thousand features of four texts, red and black, peckels, adorniki heretics, anathettes, walleles, MiG, gather, will conquer my will, and get sid to the peak ace. All Silina Besksk in it begins, swirl black, grinds to the tooth, frosting vortex, pectoral yes by force that the densitrant calls, the hairs of the Skital Weller is calling. That is not a cauldron, and the galloper, the fate of the woman, the peak ace, the hostess of the Besin, in one coming down. Pink ace wrap. Amen!"

    Then get from the deck from the peak ace. The image of the peak ace is dripped with wax with the candle that to the left of the deck, and attach a photo of the enemy to it to the image of the peak ace. When they are fastened to say.

    "You, Besin, a toggie peak, go, go, run chrome, by curves, but right in the soul (the name of the enemy). Yes, in the soul of his loop, the Duma demonic methows, the worst things, the Irodovsky piglets come on. In order to otherwise, he did not give lives, I would have gotten, survived my relatives, strangers. And he himself, (name), the torment of the spiritual, a frigneling whitewashing, the impairment proceeded, proceeded, would have wondered (the name), in the yurody would be turned into a soul and body. That peak suit him fell. Shrug, shop, ace, a funeral, on the fun, we are at home, (name) in the plednavigoy do. So commanded. Amen".

    Pronounce this spell 3 times. Then take it all, attribute and bury in a fresh grave. The very deck of cards, in which there is not enough peak ace, must be left at any intersection with words.

    "Ace peak, the hostess does not yet be thickened (name), until then you will not grind, so you are on the welfress, the management of the exercise, (name), notify. Amen".

    How is the mirror damage

    A raise two mirrored sizes to you comfortable.

    Through the mirrors, the enemy your kara will be great. It will suffer from suffering, that bowl that it is possible to prepare through a mirror smooth.

    When the moon of the subject will deeper, yes so that it does not see her in the sky, as if it is not in the sky, and who should be done, where she is sheltered, where it is sinking, and since no one will be able to give a skate, then it's time to mean time Emagne Karu TU is unpaid through the mirror smooth. Yes, he will not suffer, the supostatina of that punishment for the thieves, Aki Death to comprehend him will make sure, the mouth will be in the flour, I will be given to the misfortune.

    Take the Black Aki Quince Rooster and at night, go to the graveyard, where the moods of the mouth have a marina last.

    Find the Mogiline that it is not heavy, the soul is that there is a prevail in it, the blood of the cock will bring more benefit, and if she is useful, then the Great Sugosta is a great supostat.

    On the Mogilin of the Unnamed, Abandoned Put the Mirror on the Earth, one face, that the shine is to have to the ground: his clashes, so that the graves looked into the departure, three times so put so that heaven would reflect in him.

    Petushina with bandaged buses between the mirrors of those clashes, the left knife will give it, so as not to shit chibel, and the place to change to love to love the spirit of a mustache, having to be honored.

    I will give it to give it, if you create, then start the spell of the Vedovo to create, but not loudly, and do not whisper, do the tale, say, do not stuff. Here are the words that the verbity you should:

    "Aki voltinine chains of perversame, aki she is dark aki of the authority of the word I know. And they are here I do I do a legitimate foot. I am on the ground. I stand the left foot to the sacrifice to give you a sharp of the sacrifice to me, the sacrifice to serve and you are a soul, the Mogilins of the Hostess of Mortals Othestimee make me serving. I'm whispering with the dark dark, the Earth is unprofitable, the dead-in-making gravestone. Tears of widowes, children with unresolved, with rusty cloves, Mr. Thoroughly. Crosses. Crosses, churches of Hulo knowing the sickness of you verbal. Way, treasure you treated. That mirror Put, you treasured you, Khorom. In her, they are engaging, Aki fog out of the burls of Aki Savan Ond, in the mirror, that the bottom look, bite. In it, you will enter, and the mirror is in general, but two, and if two, then wait for you. Stay, Go, through the told grave. Amen. "

    Again, a knife of the side of the head is a cock, so that the bloodstream went, the head, from the too, let it be.

    "Blood will go, yes not speech, and dripping to donate from the torso fleeting. You have been reserved this blood cross on that kind of mirror that it should look into the sky, you should draw. When the cross is drawing, then whispering the following: soul is unnamed, in the mirrored sorcery soul. Her blood is to follow my blood, her sinuskie. You are the cross of the blood ale, the gates that there is a coffin creaking. Clean the soul, to leave, fly away. Soul Unnamed, Bludinkochka, you sacrifice you, you are blood from the christening of the bloody, unmamable. . Naidi Luda (name) Yes His rolls. Make the door to the mirror. Yes (Name) Baked Cutting, let the moon out to be treated. Yako Flame of candles in the wind to go out. So and his mystery, hearts and souls to go out. Coordinates Let the spell let reflect the light of life and the light of death, the aquies of the dead man alive, the same and the light of life will fool (name), let them in the mirrored mirrors. I don't have to have a refund! black Book, sheet of black, and bookpoint is Bela, then red. She spells all this, claim: you, the soul, innocent, are creating that they are driving. Amen".

    Therefore, take and get together the mirror of those both, on the fact that the cross is a bloody seal to have, put the fact that it looked in the land. Connect them together, Yako Brothers. When connect, say.

    "The mirror is smooth, connect, (name) in spirit Unnamed to the dungeon trembling. Amen."

    Scroll both of these Mirror in the same place on the Mogiline, watch, do not break, it is bad then to make it. Petuha Leave near the entrance of the cemetery, the words of Molvi:

    "Petushin, black, collar, the need. Amen."

    Do not go to the cemetery until the moon is growing.

    How do forty nodal damage

    Two black candles put on the table. Between them put a photo of the enemy. On the picture

    put a saucer with salt. The rope is put on this salt and pronounce.

    "Like Judas Hangcop, the enemy is addicted through the rope, the enemy will accept my enemy (name) across the rope of Kara, then the forty-strong promise will go, they are wrapped up without knowledge, they are angry, they are creators, so the enemy of my (name) through the Judene rope threaten, In the grave, the Dark will be sworn, the sobility of the way will be blocked, the dawn in the evening is notes, and my enemy (the name) is a terrible flour. Amen

    Then the rope takes into hand, read this plot:

    "There is a black book, yes in the book in this skeletonist, the dyes of the restlessness, the malicious young female, in the vain death of the wanderers to whom will come, will be exeted so initially to root them, in the grave, we call them the souls in Out The number of their forty forty-sective wigs, I convene yes into the body of my enemy (name) I send to tie the first knot and say: Yeremey the dark message of the sending of my (name) vision by depriving the Rambicknik, sending the blood of the enemy (name) to the water of the dark I let the heart (name) on 7 parts tearing the Stasulka that the swamp of the fake path knows that by the enemy (name) Ridge Low River Furniture Farm Low Boots IT IT Nutro Enemy (Name) In Chernozem Skeins the Drafts of Judah Shoots Iovna His Thoughts of the Enemy (Name) blasphemous enveloping grinc of the feling string siza's throat he enemy (name) will cut, comforted revenus red from the grave by the death of the dead on the enemy (name) I scripting it Student, yes, not a guest and in life. Velibia womb that it is easy to hit the enemy (name) in the soul of the enemy (name) let her torment the chudridge in the dark foggy paths of this enemy (name) in the coffin, I urge the night at night, I urge 13 nodes, 13 knots are tied up, the host says (the enemy's name) The flour to you is crowned from the unambiguous to take a black, flour suffered by the enemy (name) into the body of the needle of a sexy, coffin of the ethoma, a knife enemy (name) in the heart of a fearful, rusty loop in the blood of the enemy (name) scaring the passage, there you (name) Location of bone, the enemy (name) in the coffin of the road scare from the SIZY, the enemy (name) by the sobility of the sobility in the darling of the face of the faithful enemy (name) with a rope in the loop of the incentive, the rustle is a terrible enemy (name) in the heart then stop and say: what It was said, it is ordered, the 10 last nodes are tied, the 10 last nodes are tied. When each node is knotted, it is said: (name) Judine rope in the coffin Vannan.amin, when 40 knot was tied, then the rope is tied on a saucer with words for (name) prepared, in Yerovka must defend there until the next morning. It applies and taught around any bitch that there is anyone in anyone. When this is done, it is necessary to say, not at the bitch, but on the neck (name) we wear. Amen.

    Walking without turning around.

    How is the Muslim damage

    Muslim damage in its strength can significantly exceed the usual one. In Eastern exercises, there is a mention of such creatures as genie, which can be called conventional demons. Islam does not deny such an evictance of evil, so it warns all the people that Ginnes are able to enslave your soul and subjugate your will. They do not have to imply in you, since the simple presence is destroying the bioenergy balance in any house and room. It is the jeans that you attract, brought by Muslim damage. Earlier, we wrote about how to determine damage and return her to the enemy. Check out this article to know how to secure your life.

    Eastern philosophy tells us: In order to make damage, you need to have good reason. It can not be just a whim, since we are not gods, but simple mortals. Remember always that if you impose damage on the one who did not do anything wrong with you, then you convert yourself to the torment. In other words, the curse will not work only on who is his object, as it will return to you.

    If you are sure that a person wants you evil and is ready to go to all go to make life your loved ones, then you can bring Muslim damage to him. To do this, take the dark cloth, the photo of the enemy, dark threads. Main conditions of the day of the week Tuesday, as well as a decreasing moon. You take a photo of who should be the object of a curse, then you read a dark conspiracy: "Let Allah change your life to teach you good and hit you with your same arrows." It is read 9 times, looking at the photo, after which the photo wraps into the fabric, tied with threads and puts it there, where no one will find it can even be buried. After about 5 days, your enemy will not be able to deliver you trouble, and it will be on the throat in problems.

    You can also pronounce this plot to the ground, pouring it out on the enemy's threshold. Read the plot 11 times, pour out the land. A ritual is performed in a full moon or a decreasing moon.

    Second option

    The damage is triggered very quickly holds for a very long time. You take the handful of the Earth and spell 11 times the name of the one spoil the name, then read five times on the ground. Spell itself:

    Allahum Munzilyl Kitabi, Saryl Hisabi, Akhzimil Akhzaabi Allahum Akhzimhum Ua Salzimhum.

    when you say Allahum the second, but it is said rounded. Earth plug on the threshold, or to the house as a lining. Earth can be taken from any terrain, however, you can take a cemetery fence from the cemetery or take the land next to the mosque, the effect increases.

    How to bring Arabic damage

    You will need for a ritual

    • Shroud.
    • Dead ground
    • Small wooden coffin.
    • A piece of pure wax.

    To carry out the ritual, it is necessary to own the technique of entry into the state of unmanaged madness (the shamanic practice is quite suitable - use the appropriate incense, music, dance, etc., the way to choose an operator). You should be able to reproduce powerful and even vibration so that your workplace resonates with your voice. It is necessary to be able to reproduce a distinct visualization until the smallest details (wind breeding, rustling of trees, voices, cry, etc.). Naturally, do not forget about choosing the relevant planetary days and hours.

    Seven days before the ritual, start training. Get dead land taken from the three graves with the name of the victim, with the corresponding plot, make a black coffin suitable in the size of Volta. Check all the ingredients you need. Each evening, before bedtime, meditate on the purpose of my work, using the visualization of the final result with the corresponding vibration. By little start to reduce your sleep time. Refuse alcohol, sex, oily food, preferably coffee is also not used. You must at least once to see the victim of your witchcraft, or, at least, have his photo to create appropriate visualization images.

    Conspiracy of the dead land

    Black Earth, dead fellow sister. You are warmly impregnated, the suffering is covered, the coming is consecrated, the dead are dedicated. Go to me, (name), to assistants, in accomplices, to the ruined. As the dead under you lies, he sleeps eternal sleep, and my enemy (name) will sleep with a dead sleep. May it be so! Send every time you take the earth from the grave with the name of the enemy.

    • Fimiam for meditation:
    • part of the resin of acacia;
    • part of the sandalie.
    • Fimiam for destruction:
    • 2 parts of the musk;
    • 2 pieces of alder;
    • 2 parts of tobacco;
    • 1 part of the draconic;
    • add some sulfur and own blood.

    Mantra for meditation: "UA Tabarakasmukya Aharman Ana Nastagynukya Cashvish Ana Nastagynukya Sij."

    Visualization for meditation: to choose an operator. For example: Sit relatives, there is a coffin, in the coffin the object of your damage, people mourge the dead man. After the car arrives and takes the coffin, they go to bury, playing the funeral march, the cemetery, everyone is forgiven with the late. The coffin bursts, relatives in tears. You can choose something from this picture or recreate your own visualization (best), the main thing is that it is not very long, but at the same time described the essence of your work you want to achieve. At sunset, on the appointed day, the ritual starts. Enter the workplace, burn the candles, delve the FIMIAM FIMIAMS and three times the next anthem is added: "UA Tagal Jaddukya Shaitan! Ua La Ilyaha Gaiuk! Innakya Hamdid Magyid! Ua Tabarakiakya Shaitan! Subhana Rabyal-Gasym! Ana Nastagynukya Shaitan! Work with relevant visualization). Shaitan at Akbar! " Start making the volt, placing the wax in just boiling water. Add three chips of the dead Earth into the same water, in the sequence in which they took them from the grave. After the water has cooled, the wax film is formed on its surface, then it is necessary to make volts from it for all the rules (i.e., as believable). When the Volt is ready, cut the initials of the victim to his attack on his chest, and, putting it on the Savan, say the rate: "You (N.N.), who I made from chaos the abyss to do with you what I wish. I am the authority of the prince of Darkness, (your occult name), I conclude you, (N. N), in this Savan (roll out the Savan over your head so as to cover it) "With your black will, I, (my name), take your eyes, ( Nn), life "(roll out the savan in the field area)

    "Let you, (NN), wander, returning to black" (roll up the right side of Savana) "Where did you come out" (roll up the left side so that the volt is completely covered) "I associate your own will" go to the workplace twice counterclockwise, focusing him and singing: "Ua Tabarakasmukya Shaitan! Wa La Ilyaha Giukón! Shaitan at Akbar!" Visualizing your sacrifice lying in the coffin and wrapped in Savan. Put the castor on the altar and start dancing counterclockwise. Take yourself to madness, shouting the curses and the wishes of death to your enemy.

    Visualize how the black cold vortex of death is created from your circular dance and covers your sacrifice, leading it to horror. When you stop controlling your madness, jumper in the most climax, and the will overload in half the Volt to your Atama. Gloate over the death of the enemy, refine, laugh. Put the volt into the coffin. Closing it, continue to join the death of the enemy, get a good death for your death. Take the coffin and litten it to the cemetery, uttering: "Innakya Hamidid-Madzhid Shaitan! UA Tabarakajakya! And so happen, (NN) is dead according to my will! Shaitan at Akbar! Shaitan at Akbar! Shaitan at Akbar!"

    How to damage the nonsense

    He read the words conspiracy on drinking husband to a walk and give a drink. About that from home to run, yes adventure to look for, husband and thinking will forget. Strong conspiracy words. On its strength, the visualization make a clear. How much power in the magic rite is to bring damage to men's impotence, such a result will be. As you can see from the conspiracy, the husband will not be able to be anyone else's woman, with anyone, except for his legitimate wife:

    "Boronil Filat on the bull, the bull stumbled about the features of the stump, broke the horn. It would have lived a steady husband of my slave (name) broke down, I didn't stick it into one body, I loved and wanted one of me, my wife slave (name). Amen".

    On Prut

    To disrupt the living petroza rod, it is 3 times to slander them, and read the witchcraft plot three times on men's impotence. And after bend the rod of the arc, tie the rope from the natural fiber, and attributed to the nominal grave of the one who is intended for a strong damage to the sexual powerlessness. In the cemetery work in accordance with the rules of black witchcraft. Gifts to the owner and pominent the dead man must.

    "How I'll take in the hands of the pasty whip, scratching them from all over the shoulder, yes Stegna from all his mild black. How the whip will take off, the arrow stretches how that whip will fall, all. I will begged him in a steep arc, covering to Knutoviching tightly, I will start the rope with a smallest, let it go to the ground to the ground, I will hold the stones with pudders. So that he will not whistle to whistle, do not wave, do not stretch into the arrow, so that in the arc bent, under the stones lie, about the past Gulbe and do not remember. Bole does not straighten him, not to be turned off, under the stones to stay. Knut - Arc, rot under the ground, and you, the slave (name), with the rooster of yours, not indulgent, forget about the joy, the rooster to bend, in the neck and the body is breaking, barely move, the grains do not peck, do not trample. It turns out everything now, but will last for long age. Nobody will not remove the words of the detail, the prints are not broken. Exactly".

    Before applying a magic ritual to make damage to impotence to its enemy, digitize its protection and how the ritual falls. Loosen the evil enemy as it should. This damage is proven, efficient. Split quickly, for nothing that Cemetery. It keeps well, firmly. In addition to the direct effect, there is also a strong depression guy provided.

    This sexual damage will work until it is removed. And so that the magician who will treat a man, I did not find, put the protection against your ritual, impenetrates. A discharge, again, will never be superfluous. Dispose of a lot of ways. People do, on animals (except for cats, in magic, the taps on cats do not do), on the egg, on the tree can be reversed, on a stone.

    Yes, and on the fives can. And at least in this way. By bringing damage to impotence in the photo of the enemy, Pyatif in the left hand to take and read the words of the spell:

    "I sent badly, I added, and I began to turn back, and I will take it, then the pile will take it, the incl. Amen".

    Coin conspired to throw in a crowded place. Make a discharge on the fifth in the same afternoon, which is done by damage to male impotence.

    Write a man's damage to impotence

    This strong male damage must be made on a decreasing moon. Find in the field or on the forest glade a branch lying on the ground. Get it for the ritual. Such a branch can make a powerful damage to the genital organs, if he deserves punishment or revenge. It is necessary that the man throws this through the branch.

    Then the branch take this, to speak it three times with a strong plot of damage to men's impotence, and to break the hands. Halves of branches attributed to the forest, and on different sides to scatter. Before the demon, leave a good forest. In general, I advise you to maintain communication with it. He comes to contact willingly go, and in many witchcraft rituals helps.

    "In the dark forest, in the cheese Bor, stands the hut, as the time itself is old. In the hut, that gray woman lives, he will not find peace. The spokes of the centuries is sitting there, in the heart it is in the heart of the worship. I approach her closer, worship her down. "Oh, you are a woman Seda, how the time itself is old, I'm not angry with me, on (name) torment. You go into a purely field, there is an ardent bitter (name) Find and his pussy. " Standing a woman Seda, went into the field alone. There, a bright bitch (name) found, broke it and took him to the denuum. As long as this bit does not grow well, as long as he does not exude in a dense forest, until then (name) with anything to be, not to live with one woman. My words are twisted, lock them on a powder castle, hiding it with a lame by side. To nobody to kill my words, the key from them will be the gray woman to store. Now forever. Amen".

    I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, will tell you how to diagnose, and how to remove damage to the genital organ of a man. From customers, I sometimes have to hear very strange, mysterious questions. Here is this, for example, one of them: Can damage can be sexually transmitted? I answer: no. Well this is not a gonorrhea, but a ritual of pointing a damage to a person who is the essence of the program introducing in the field and, accordingly, a certain negative change in the life of a man.

    And you can not only harm the enemy, but also for yourself to do, there are strong rituals. For example, if a witch is in a state of magic war, which takes a lot of power with her, or work with clients has a lot and hard, can use their lover for feeding with life forces by making it damage through sex.

    Winth Strength

    Actually, the damage in the usual understanding is not. This is the codnik of vitality with a man during sexual contact. Here, how to make such an impact. The man needs to be conjugated by wine, and during sex 9 times mentally read a plot, visualizing the desired result:

    "How there lived a bullhing costs, so would the strength of my slave (name) went to me. I have blossom to shine, and my servant (name) will give me strength. Amen"

    I repeat, it is not damage to male impotence, but a tough pumping of vitality in a man. After such a guy will be recovered for a long time. And the witch will be able to conjure.

    Here's how the wine needs to speak, to make the mysterious man's power, or energy damage through sex, this is how you please:

    "As a males to the bitches of the huoons, and my slave (name) before me, the fuck so hard that I would lose my mind, and I gave me the whole silhouce. I spell the potion my secret words. Word. Key. Alatyr. "

    Naturally, the male damage to the Doughup should be removed. Lee cleansing, defibulations, crossbars - this is, as if it is, the main thing is that the result was. But, before you independently remove damage to sex and health associated with sexual relationships, you need to make sure that the magic negative is really present, and that the problems are not caused by other reasons.

    How do damage on the car

    Go to the enemy's car and pushing the left hand to it with an appropriate finger, read out loud (hand until the end of the conspiracy reading does not lower):

    "Damage the road Kazhu, I enter the car into an accident. In an accident, in a dish. On the instructed without the residue. Word, it's. Amen."

    second way

    Attach a magnet to the monument with the words:

    In the north side on the dead ground on the way of deaths between the mountains of the bone lies the stone magnet himself Knight-damn him worshi. The sun in this place does not get up the moon across the sky does not float alive here they are not only dead here. All their stone-magnet thugged all their lives he deprived. Now, this stone-magnet, I take a slave (name) to the death of putting the knightly, I ask my confesses in the case, yes I was out. Key. Items. Magnet. May it be so. After 3 or 9 days, the magnet takes and attach the victim to the car.

    How do damage on an accident

    Takes the poppy and read plot


    Ring from 13 black threads. At midnight, the full moon attributed it to the cemetery and with the light of three black candles seven times to read a plot of the grave with the name of the enemy. After that, the candles to lie down, the filament ring is buried on the grave and leave, not looking around. At the dawn of the next day, go to the house of the ruining and put the sparks of candles at the porch, on the porch and on the threshold or in front of the door of the apartment. After that, all day do not talk to anyone. Within 13 days after the execution of the actions described above, at midnight, seven times repeat this conspiracy, looking at the moon.

    "Stop, without crossing. I will come out, not pouring. I will stop clean in the field, I worship on four sides, I will turn to the mouse. The mouse, in the field living, the toothy yes is voracious, your womb is insatiable, alcoating all food. You run from the field of clean to choir enemia, (name)! You will win all his good, blew up his house with short holes, on let's grow up his pitch, all the devil, Razor Dotla. So that he does not eat, so that he is not to sleep, every God's day is good to lose, begging to become, with a path of wander, happiness and good not to find! As mice in the field do not exterminate and the word is true to be! While the white light stands, my word does not cancel, do not fail, my seal is not broken. Amen!"

    To send evil spirits for a full divide fate

    Water buckets are gaining a well, and the aspen pocket is dipping into it. Do this night. The bucket itself put on the LIC Mother of God, but to defile the icon.

    Thirteen candles are lit. yes all black color. They are given to interfere with a collected counterclockwise, but after being considered a conspiracy.

    From the forest chapkin, yes from the marsh colors, yes, from the polls running, yes from the churches of the destroyed, the power to the book on the book is black, yes, yes, it's strong in Psalm, yes, all the forces are dishonest, yes, I labeled hell Svetami is baptized, and all the forces of obedients, yes the sophisticated mother, yes, God's mother is spoked, yes through this action, the whole strength is assembled, yes, the number is unchecked, yes, it will come around, but it will come out, yes 77, yes Sysmalshchy, yes twigs, raging, yes nastroshika, yes tomb, yes, shuttle, yes, shrill, yes, and the sculptures, and the sculptures, and Rocking, Malnitsa, yes, the fasteners, innocents, and the Winners, Torje all 77 forces secretly drunk The name) is thrown into the television (name) settled, yes there will be crazy, so everyone is on his kidka, yes, a tavern, yes, a discontinuity, everything is measured, yes on pieces, the Tel Tebo (name) is rooted, yes soul in the tomb, yes Mogilny Tsu is sharpened, stir aspen with Osinov, yes, the cut is closed, and then the black is black, and in the body (Iyah) of the Universe. AMEN

    Then remove the stake aspen from the bucket. The next day to go to the land in the ground in the field of anyone, and to merge the water near the corner of the house where the enemy lives.

    Rite of business ruin

    This rite will ruin your competitor. To fulfill this rite, you need to apply quite serious efforts. First you need to get a pot. Under this implies cast-iron, in which they once prepared in the furnaces in Russians and not only villages. Replace it with nothing to succeed, as it is an ancient rite, but finding this boiler is easy enough if you do. You can buy in oldevists or in what deaf village, away from major cities.

    The carom is needed a living rooster or chicken, depending on the floor of your competitor. Bird will need to be lit. There is nothing terrible in this, before, before the appearance of the poultry farm, all people knew how. To succeed, we will explain: the bird needs to tie the paws, take for them and attach her head to the punta or similar. Then a sharp ax cut off the head of the bird and keep the neck down while she beats in cramps about a minute. At the same time you need to drain the blood in the pot.

    After that, the bird needs to collapse and complain. Heart, liver, head, stomach wings and rooster or chicken legs put in cast iron with already fused blood it. The bird itself will have to attribute and put at the crossroads of cemetery tracks. But this must be done after the completion of the entire rite.

    After you have shrawn the bird, the pot with the internships must be put on a strong fire, so that starting to burn, smoke, call and read the forty three times, looking at cast iron. Here is the text:

    "I, the slave of yours (name), the church is shortched, the mother blessed by praying you, Dema Schakka, pick up the life of God's lobby (the name of the enemy). Let it be poverty, in the world, let them go begging the holoper. There is no share, no money, no other wealth. I'll take everything, the slave (name), myself on the hotel. And you, Bes Sacchak, the victim of the blood, bird morning, holy. You drink the blood, and I have a slave (the name of the enemy) to ruin. Word. Key. Lock. Alatyry.

    After that, extinguish the fire. For nearby time, the faster, the better, take the pot with the contents on the cemetery and pour on the grave with the name of your competitor. At the same time, tell me: "Take the sacrifice of blood, the bird is holy, Bes Sacchak (stress in the name of the demon on the last syllable! Not wrong!)". The bird's carcass itself, as already mentioned above, put on the crossing of cemetery alleys.

    Do everything without witnesses and not talk to anyone. Thus, you can spoil no more than three competitors per year. When trying to increase the victims, you will be punished by a demon who sacrifice.

    Sometimes it happens that the competitor is very strong, then you can spend all three rites of one one, after which no one will save his business.

    Expel from the house of annoying neighbors

    Speak at a liner moon, on seeds or salt.

    "Black walls, a black floor, a black ceiling so that you will be the features from home wilts, so that I didn't think so as not to do, and everything looked from the house. There is no sleep here, no rest, no joy here. longing, here you may, here are nausea. Paddi (name) from the house away. Everything I think. "

    Will be laundry

    Profile for money today is the most common type of negative magical impact. Many people try to harm their enemies by applying financial damage, because problems with money, as you know, negatively affect the quality of life as a whole. The main reason for the widespread and applying damage for money is that any person who does not even have experience in conducting magical rituals can bring it. The damage or curse is held in order to reduce human wealth, to protect it from new financial proceeds, from the growth of money well-being. Due to the strong damage, a person can lose not only all of his money, but also the property, because it is very important to recognize the negative magical impact on time and take all the necessary measures to eliminate it.

    Plowing for money among magicians is considered a very strong spell. Those who recently engaged in black magic and conducts rites will most likely not be able to spend it correctly, and the result will be absent. The reason is primarily in the fact that money is the strongest energy that is transmitted from hand to hand. Hold it in your own hands and give certain energy properties is not easy. As for its purpose, the meaning is to protect the object from money, reduce their number and gradually reduce the ability to earn them, get it and so on. Experienced magicians know not only to bring, but also how to remove damage to lack of money.

    Cut the damage to a person having a lot of experience in magic will not be difficult. For the implementation of the rite, the following items will be needed: candle, any rusty object, water, black fabric and paper cash bills. The damage to the lack of money should be carried out only with the bill, which was in a person who will be carried out over which the rite will be held. It is not necessary that he long wore her with him. The main thing is that he still touched it. The resulting bill must be wrapped in a black fabric and bring to your own home. No one should touch it, otherwise the tuned energy wave will accommodate.

    It is necessary to carry out all the intended after midnight, since it is at this time that some types of energies begin to be activated and act more efficiently. Pour in the saucer of water. It is necessary that it covers the saucer to the edges. After that, light the candle. The flame should be reflected in the liquid and illuminate it. After a minute of burning, lower the two fingers there, which will occur by manipulations with bill. This is done in order not to mix your energy field with the victim field. Although liquid is the best conductor, but it does not spend money energy. As a metal rusty item to take an old nail. Put the bill into the water and read the following words: "As a rust grows on a nail and money (name) leave him into non-existence" After that, the money wrap again into the black fabric and you need to navigate the whole rusty nail to any wooden element. After that, the object on which the spell was hovering would feel that the tools literally leave his hands. Problems begin at work and maybe everything will end with dismissal. This damage through the money is very effective and at the same time dangerous.

    Second way

    Here is a simple magic ritual to guide damage to the financial success of your enemy. Externally, everything is simple: he spoke money, made a lining, but, nevertheless, a strong damage for money is obtained. What will you need:

    • photo victim of exposure
    • 13 black candles
    • black natural cloth
    • metal (better copper) Pyat

    Made on a nominal grave. Before with the magic ritual, damage to the poverty go to the dead man, leave me. Well, well, after, in your chosen day, come to make a black rite. In the ground, the graves join the coin, and leave for 13 days. You can leave for 3 days, then the rite will turn out on a decreasing moon. If you leave for 13 days, then a strong damage with the help of money will have to just on the Black Moon, or for the New Moon.

    When a coin is taken to take, the dead man through the power of which was koving - the Pomin, the master of the cemetery - gifts in accordance with the rules of the passage work. Houses on the table spread the matter, chalk counterclockwise Draw a circle. In a circle, the same against the sun, exhibit 13 black wax candles (you can buy candles, but you can make yourself specially specifically for a strong rite of damage by money). In the center of the circle chalk, paint the print of the black bog, put the photo on it, and in the photo - coin. Night candles, and 13 times read the words of the conspiracy:

    "IR. Erch. AZOD. (The name of the enemy) was rich, yes became a nic. Do not see the nature of you, be Nishchebn. Neither the arrogance, and I am imposing a loss, I'll get you on their own. I can't get out of the poverty from the poverty from poverty. Nima.

    Candles do not quit, let them burn. Leave the cloth to other things, come from the photo of the enemy, as you want. Coin lining to throw to which it is intended. You can in the house, and it is possible where the victim works or financial affairs leads. As a result, it turns out the strongest damage for money through the lining. It can provoke very serious changes in the material plan, significantly reduce the level of well-being of the offender.

    Like business curse

    Through the Lutuya Besysk Sili, you can make the enemy to the poor. And here is an independent ritual to guide the powerful damage to the failure in the life of the enemy. At midnight, go to the intersection of three roads, light 3 candles from wax, and read the conspiracy of the money damage on the offender's poverty until the candles are burning. Get away without looking around.

    "I will go around the black road, I will stand a heart of three roads, worship on the four sides, prize towards the winds of frills. You fly, winds, to the house of the slave (name), fly into the door and in the slits, carry it with you all good it, hooked through the light. Helding hole, trunking pipe, emptiness empty, darkness thick. Let everything be as sentenced. Amen".

    Magic ritual to make damage to poverty itself, a proven, well-working even at novice magicians. Split quickly, according to the reviews of those who independently did, no one will fail. It happens that it quickly brings to the complete ruin. The return does not give. In any case, get a reverse strike is unlikely. How to work it will be depends on visualization. After all, you can bring damage to a business in different ways, not only money to take away. It is possible and the authority and influence, and the luck as a whole, and the latter will go through this and the money.

    I recommend the magical conspiracy for the ruin of a competitor to read at the crossroads, and combine with the rite "Your Sun is gone." If you want not just to ruin your competitor's business with the help of rituals of black magic, and so that you have fallen from good the enemy, then at the beginning, do the rite of fighting good luck, and to take away the necessary for yourself, and then on the next decreasing moon at the intersection.

    Do I need to leave otkump after yourself made a damage on the lack of money?

    Differently. It all depends on the specific case and the applied magic ritual of targeting damage and poverty. In this case, the spill can not be left. And that's why. Here, the performer pays forces, opening them access to the victim, giving the opportunity to pick up a good sacrifice:

    "Worshi at four sides, prize to himself winds frowning, you fly, winds to the house of the slave (name), fly to the door and in the slits, carry it with you all goodness."

    However, if you consider that by doing damage to trading at the crossroads of three roads, you must give off, nothing will prevent you from doing it. It can be vodka, tobacco, money, fresh meat or sacrificial bird. For the deposit of power may ask something special. In such cases, Magu is usually a sign. But, it is the ransom, in the classical version, it is necessary in the magical rite of damage to the poverty and the ruin of the commerce of a competitor. Everything happens here in a different scenario: through this rite, the magician takes everything good to the object of exposure, everything is positive. For it and bumps off, pays forces.

    Damage to financial well-being

    This is a strong damage to the exclusion of good luck, will help bring your enemy to poverty and complete ruin. You can do at least in the afternoon, at least at night. And so, what we must have for an independent implementation of the magic ritual:

    • chalk or soap
    • 6 wax candles
    • the photo of the victim from which you want to do good luck to do (I recommend taking photos not from tight paper)
    • saucer or ashtray
    • cup with milk
    • 2 drops of their own blood
    • rowan chopstick

    On the floor with a chalk draw the inverted pentagram, put 5 candles at the corners of the rays. Six candle in the center. Get up in a pentagram face north, and from the central candle in the object of the object. As long as the photo will burn, read the words of the magical conspiracy Pulling on poverty and chronic bad luck:

    "Your time is gone, your sun went away, everything went to me."

    The ashes from the photo is mixed in the cup with milk and its blood. The contents must mix with a rowan stick and drink. After that, you can get out of the pentagram. Candles leave to trample. As soon as the candles burned, the pentagram is erased. A rowan wand can be left to the result, but you can attribute together with the grids of candles on the intersection. This is a strong damage to failure in business and at the exclusion of good luck at all, there is no simple and understandable, no subtleties and submarine stones.

    It is advisable to make a carriage rite first first, and then, in the next cycle, it is possible to damage it at a competitor and its trading, a stubborn debtor or an enemy who offended you strongly. Visualize your intention; In general, the action of the black witchcraft is aimed at depriving the victim of well-being. Despite all the simplicity of the rite, it turns out a very hard passive of positive from the victim of the influence of Magu - the Contractor.

    How to take away the destiny

    You can take luck from a person, send bad luck. For a black rite, damage to failure in affairs need to be cheated by the lace from the shoes of what the fate you want. And on a decreasing moon, buy a simple native cross. Schedule to this cross lace, tie to 6 knots, each reading the words of the conspiracy:

    "Pulling the slave (name) of fate, the fateful, utilizing and expelling, from the light of a white slave (name) coming. Be to you a slave (name) draw, worthless. If on fate you are happiness, I have been selected. Happiness of the slave (name) I take myself, and you leave you a slave (name). In the name of my father. May it be so".

    In order for this strong damage to full bad luck in all matters, and showed the results tangible object, you should go to the cemetery, and tieting this lace around a wooden cross on the nominal grave of your enemy.

    Ways to pick up luck in affairs

    Here is an example of rapid and simple for self-use of the damnant of luck of luck and good luck. Seeing someone in her hands a lot of money, get the left hand behind the back, fold the cookish, say whisper: "And to me the same." Then do the same with your right hand. Then pin your hands at the level of solar plexus and repeat these witchcraft words. The kradnik is spinning instantly, during the day the victim will have a material loss, and you have a cash profit.

    And this way to find the failure to compete in trade is suitable if you want and pay for yourself to throw, and trading a bobby, buyers to respond to yourself. Good acts. Taking where the enemy of the case leads, dust shrink, read on it the magical words of the conspiracy:

    "Truly Murava, we are full of box. We take away, take, take away, selecting. I am in profit, you will be ascended. So ordered. "

    Another simple ritual, as a businessman life to confuse, i.e. How to independently make damage on lack of money. You can do on any day of the descending moon. From under the chicken it is necessary to take an egg, attributed to the intersection, with the force of Earth to hit, so that it is broken, and read the words of monetary damage to poverty:

    "Crash, the hell was arranged, it will go on a tropyushka, but they will go, (the name) of people will find anyone. What (name) is done, they are spoiled, since the money is counted, then the money is lost, not multiplied, and the ashes sown, in the wind stretched, since the goods are bought, then the week is put. From Luda is disappeared, then everything is discouraged, but rainy done, the score is unchievously, the eyes of unprecedented, hearing unheard of unheard, one egg is survived, mospet life (name) of Putublen. Amen".

    Collect shell and say:

    "That (name) is the surcharge, money and kilt. Amen".

    And to make a damage to the failure and the ruin of your offender, the pieces of these to throw up to the doors of the enemy house, or where it works or trades, or otherwise leads its financial affairs. A, throwing a lining, it is necessary to say so:

    "You are bought, your hells are paid to you, Prenza is not money. Amen".

    Yes, and leave without looking around.

    How to damage the money through the branches from the cemetery

    Black damage This cemetery is done on the ruin of the enemy and constant failures. On the old cemetery it is necessary to dial branches, by number 27. Chop them with an ax, but for now you will cut, read the words spells of damage on poverty and bad luck:

    "The demon cut off, Kosyil kosil, the ax cut, yes (Name) Good luck deprived. The luck is that nailed, and swips of a split, yes to the stove of the beam of the beam, burned, and he is rooted, and there is a silence on that place. Amen".

    Chopped branches are divided into 3 parts. One part of throwing into the water is necessary to say:

    "Seas, rivers and scattered"

    Other part of the branches at the crossroads leave, say:

    "Introduced, and every step of (name) the proportion is taken away. Amen"

    And the last part of the burn must be with such words, to independently imagine damage to good luck - to take away the luck from a person and make it a bandwidth: "The fire has created a fire, yes, the pussy tree fell, yes from the tree of that branch fell back, and hare in life (name) hit, but everything broke into the shreds, but it was unknown to SUMU (name), so now the poor one (name) walk, not to know anyone, not to notice, his eyes are blinded, and it's impossible, then it is in a larger, then nine years old do not see good luck, do not hear with a layer, from one pit to another jump, but from one tomb to another, then I do the branches, and there are those branches in the blocked, and they are now treating them in the hotel, so that Silenka is now dying Yes, his stroke sloted, but right in the heart (name) is redeemed. Yes, in fate (name), the chronicler page was written in the chronicler, yes the page of that neither the edge, nor the end, and then the eternal eternal, and the branches are strong, and fate (name) demons is Popran. Amen"

    The ashes dispel in the wind. A very effective ritual for self-guidance damage to good luck and not luck in business and in all matters of his enemy. He has many positive feedbacks for those who did. If you do everything right, then your enemy will live your failures, in debt and poverty.

    Ritual on a coin

    In order to punish the dishonest person to speak a very small coin:

    "The coffin is on the floor, and the cover near it. I create a new house for thighs. If someone my thing stole, he heard himself with this house. Yes, the thief of my spell will be cursed. You will have to go to a boiling resin, and to be you a resident of the Underworld. Forest the devil thrust you and eat your bones of devils. To be in this house buried under a very heavy earth in this wooden house. Three days are given a thief to return all the values \u200b\u200bthat you have stolen. If you do not do, you are seriously ill and you will die on the ninth day, let it be so. "

    These money should be distributed as alms to the poor and the thief will be punished.

    You can make such a damage only per person who really deserves and there is no possibility to punish it with another. If you have the opportunity to make it legitimate methods, it is better to do this. It is impossible to make a conspiracy to a prison to a person who did not step by the feature of the law.

    Conspiracy to punish the damage of the criminal for a prison

    It is worth taking a rude horse and turn it through a new castle. Then the lock is dried under the tree and it is worth talking the following words:

    "There is a very deep pit behind the Black Mountain, in this pit your fate, which forever prisoner. This fate wandered on the ground and everything just did it badly. Caught this fate of the Guardians and tied it hand and legs. Now the tears pour this fate and understands its sins. This is so self and slave (it is worth named the name of your enemy) so that it was caught and connected by hand and legs. So that he was sitting in the dungeon and lily tears bitter while his tears will not redeek all bad things that he did. My word is the law (call the name of the enemy) and for him I said words it is fate. Since the castle is given through the ultrasound, it is conspired and therefore it will be so and the word is my law. "

    Revenge to those who do you pump it to throw your tears?

    This plot should be done on a simple nasal handkerchief, naturally not paper, and from the fabric. Then together with a conspiracy throw it to the enemy, and he will pour tears and suffer until you forgive him.


    "The dark cloud comes from the east side and the crying of the earth is carrying. So my offender itself (call the person who should be punished) strongly cried and suffered. Not about death or grief, he will cry, and for me he will be a bitter tears. Tears flowed, river and scarf he rubbed them, the eyes of Gasley and the appearance of gloom. Pick my grief and until half you will not worry about me. And therefore will be so! ".

    Rune damage is magical rituals aimed at death, illness, miscarriage, loneliness, beauty loss, enemy alcoholism. Can everyone can bring such a curse, newcomers better enlist the support of the goddess Hel. In order for the ritual to bring the result, you need to make a specific conservation, but it is not necessary to detail, create a framework for the symbols of the older feet.

    The beginners in the rune magic of the master advise to begin with a softer exposure: whispers for acne, obesity, failure, the loss of beauty.

    Rights with imperative use are fraught with reverse influence - the negative may return a witch. You can avoid consequences and revenge, if you put the shields on yourself, blood relatives.

    Before building a rune deterioration, be sure to diagnose the protection of the enemy. For the curse to affect, pre-remove shields from the object with the formulas of the older feet.

    If the formula is activated by burning, then return to reverse, stop the destruction process will not be possible. Decide: whether they are sure that they are ready to send to the grave, destroy the property, human health. The damage is a serious magic ritual, requiring full return, faith, awareness. Be fear sin, impossible punishment. If you do everything right, without errors - harm, there will be no rollback.

    Some damage through the rune symbols attack the blood relatives of the victim of the curse, including children. The first will suffer the weakest energetically: babies, old people, patients.

    Overview of the strongest spanking

    Rage and hatred will give an additional impetus to the ruled formula. Making a rite, forget about him. To constantly think, wait for the results cannot be prevented by the action of characters.

    During the ritual, focus on the desired result, visualize a detailed picture.

    On jail

    To work the Runic damage to the prison, use it with a specific conversion to the bars.

    The rune formula includes peppers forming a box inside Hagalaz. Framing - Naties and Teivaz.

    Due to the damage on a person, all sorts of sorrow, failures, problems with the law are filled. In the reservation clearly, specify that the black band will lead the enemy to prison. Specify the exact cause of arrest is not recommended - it will limit the possibilities of magical symbols. Exception - if there are prerequisites for arrest on a specific article. Apply Ruthless signs need in the photo of the object. Activate burning, breathing.

    To death in a happy way

    Send the enemy to the grave will help a rune combination: Ear and Mannaz.

    Becoming to guide the curse is drawn in the photo: on the facial or reverse side. In the saying can indicate what you want, but it is not recommended to limit the RUN action. Symbols will select the way to quickly send the enemy to the cemetery yourself. It is enough to wish death, fast or painful. Activate the damage to burning photos, preferably outside the home.

    Possible effects: the death of the enemy, rivals in the automotive accident, the development of severe disease with death, an accident.

    Powerful ruling seal is drawn in the photo of the enemy or paper with visualization. The second way is suitable if you use the sublade method - throwing out a piece of leaf in an apartment, a car, office, your personal belongings. The lining will negatively affect the object and destroy its housing. In the damage, a combination of several types of runes - Futarka, black is used.

    The black symbols on the sides are inscribed by the word death. Stava includes 4 Perth, 2 Yera, 4 Hagalaz, 4 Naties, 4 Isa, 4 tourisas, an inverted faces in combination with Nautiza, inverted vessel along with Nautiz. Perverts and thorns are rudged.

    The reservation causes the death of the enemy from illness or accident. Runes will eat the person alive from the inside, destroy the internal organs, will quickly make a body, drove the enemy into the grave. Approximate damage text:

    Rune strength (name) is seriously ill and dies. Becoming destroys (name) from the inside, takes health, forces. Rune curse acts as long as the name) breathes. Act without harm for me, any means. Activating fire!

    You can choose a more rigid, emotional wording. Hate, rage, anger, will strengthen the action of damage. After applying, burn the rune formula with a photo, the ashes throws or take to the intersection.

    You can bring the curse to death with the help of Stava from the practice of chameleon. Apply the enemy in the photo. Activate incineration.

    Becoming the damage consists of a rune wheel from Euvazes concluded in the ring. EVAZ will provide cyclical attacks on the enemy who will inevitably drive into the grave. The circle symbolizes the life cycle that is destroyed from the inside. When drawing the formula, imagine how the circle is broken, carrying death. Triple hagalaz launch diseases, can't give a person to recover, Berkany provoke the appearance of malignant tumors, the development of a deadly disease. Additionally provide terrible, unbearable pain.

    The damage destroys the life, the health of the enemy, his blood relatives. If the object has children who do not want to hurt, put protection on their photos. Rune magic is able to destroy those to whom the enemy has a strong emotional attachment.

    Becoming activated by burning, change your mind and spare a person. The effect is irreversible. In the reservation, wish the painful death by any paths. The ashes can be left on the ground or throw the enemy to the house, the car so that the rune damage to death further destroyed the property.

    At insomnia

    Right damage will be lying on nightmares that do not sleep. A person will feel complete hopelessness, defeat, constant fear. Against the background of insomnia, neurosis is possible. The runes are used, which are written in the photo in several rows:

    1. Inverted Perth.
    2. Inside the cooler, inverted Perth, manaz, inverted perts, inverted EVAZ.
    3. Inverted Perth.
    4. Inverted faces.

    Use fire to activate - burn photos. To enhance the rune effect, ask for help from Loki. Then relate to the tree a gift. Money will not fit, you need food, alcohol. You can act on your own strength.

    Example of a rune tank for damage:

    Horror will envelop (name), in the darkness strangles, immobilize, in sleep fear and hopelessness will start. Sleep disappears, comes crazy (name), will be afraid to touch the pillow. Peace will now forget forever.

    On fire

    Universal Rune Becoming can be used to destroy in the flame at home, apartments or figurative combustion of all the good - relationships, families, careers, the health of the enemy.

    The pitchflow formula includes 6 Sol, 6 Aesinger, 6 Kveortov, 6 Ear, 6 Gare and Yethun Warry. Exemplary Ruin Fire Turn:

    KVORT burns (object), Ear - to the alert, Gare, Aesinger makes the fire quickly, does not allow to slightly, provokes destruction, salt feeds with energy, enhances the flame, the Yethun Wheel hides (his name). Runes act without harm to me.

    Draw a rune formula in the photo, an object image. Activate burning, mentally wished the poverty by the enemy. For enhanced work, you can draw on the wall of the apartment you need to destroy.

    The formula will help to burn the dwelling or the machine: KVORT (straight position and mirror), Ear, destroying everything to the alert, 3 Kano. Framed by Odaleh and the runes of Soulu. Draw in the photo of the object either on the wall of the building.

    Activate Rune Becoming You need to burn either breathing. The statement for damage is standard, the details depend on the desired result.

    On impotence

    Damage to impotence in runes is simple in writing.

    Rune becoming includes: Ingus, inverted Tayivaz, 2 Town Cauna and 2 Tourisas.

    Draw in the photo of the object - a schematic image of a person with a name signing, date of birth. It is better to draw in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin.

    The damage is valid for women in the form of impossibility to conceive, to endure a child. Activate either burning or breathing. Rune arbitrary reservation. You can simply wish: at (name) everything walked, no longer stood on girls.

    Will the consequences for the artist and when the damage will

    Runic damage to the enemy can go back the witch, sorcerer. The risk is high if mirror protection is standing at the object of exposure. Avoiding negative consequences will help the magical protection.

    Before the guidance, be sure to place shields - formulas on protection against magical impact, kickbacks. Pick based on the war diagnostics or tarot cards. The reverse reaction from damage to death is especially dangerous.

    You can safely protect yourself by making a removal. There are rites with a tap on a tree, on a coin. After the ruled deterioration, squeeze the 5-penny coin in the left palm and say the conspiracy:

    Slim I (Name) Louis, Lychoe sent, if he wakes up back, if the mistake is allowed, then heaves the heels, the evil will take. Amen!

    Throw the coin in the place where people walk on the street.

    Accurate deadlines, when the Runic damage will work in a happy way, to impotence, prison, death is impossible. Set the timing contraindicated. Depends on the situation, human health, personal power, external circumstances.

    Sometimes even the ruled damage to death works within 2-3 days, but months are usually required. Take care, better forget about ritual, release the situation and do not wait for a quick reaction. Magic does not like a rush.

    There are certain rules in society, the retreat of which is punishable by law. The highest strength, to which the executor of the conspiracy from prison, have their own laws. Man cannot judge ordinary people. Only God, the Universe has the right to do this, so the rites from the conclusion should not be considered as a strong sin.

    Black Dolphin - prison for life prisoners

    General rules for conducting rites

    In relation to people who committed an intentional murder, magic is powerless. Make so that a person is not planted, it will not work. But with an unfair decision of the court, the prison will be avoided.

    1. Conducting a rite is carried out on any day of the week, except Saturday and Monday.
    2. The ritual is not used as it will help when a person is under investigation or in suspected of his involvement in a crime. For the sake of checking and interest, the ritual is not carried out. Spells begin to spend from the very beginning of the investigation in the case. Efficiency, the effectiveness of the magic ritual is directly proportional to the time left before the trial.
    3. The words of the ritual will help to contact the highest justice. Magic forces will protect against deception, if the requesting or his native innocent. For man guilt, the conspiracy will be useless or facing him.
    4. Spells are associated with a judicial structure. He follows the justice of sentencing. The prison conspiracy may mitigate the impartiality of the energy egregor. This will lead to the mitigation of the sentence to the defendant or cancel it.
    5. Rituals are forbidden to conduct children under 18, pregnant women, widows and widows. They will only exacerbate the situation.
    6. Magia cannot be used to people who in the past had negative consequences after applying to it. Often and very ill people cannot carry out rituals. Their energies are not enough for spells.
    7. Consciousness, emotions before carrying out rites. All insults are forgiven. With close quarrels, it is forbidden.
    8. Spell text read memory. Exhaust will help focus on the goal of the ritual.
    1. The day chosen for the ritual does not endure valuable things from the house. Do not give anyone products, especially bread. Money does not give a debt, do not give.
    2. In the afternoon do not look in the mirror. The prohibition extends to all reflecting items.
    3. The house does not bring new items, gifts. If necessary, their congestion before the threshold.
    4. If possible, rites are carried out by barefoot.
    5. On the implementation of the intended nobody disclose. Close and friends also should not know about the commission of magical actions and their results.
    6. Upon completion of the magical action, the conspirator observes a strict post. It is forbidden to eat a flour, animal food and finished products based on it.

    When implementing the intended should not be afraid of the chairs of higher forces. If the conspirator considers magic sinful action, he is better not to contact her. Magic will help people, holy in her believers and confident in their abilities.

    Shield from prison

    If there are suspicions that the innocent will be sent for the bars, the prison is held by prison ー shield. The rite is performed with the full moon over midnight. Cooked with a steep egg. Take only a purchased, unused tissue handkerchief and wrap it there. A suspect on which the magical ritual is directed, clamping the thing with palms before holding a rite.

    The place of action is the bridge over the river. With the full moon at midnight, they are approaching the recreation. Under the bridge should flow river or other reservoirs. I bury the egg near the water, but so that it is not cleaned.

    Earth from the pit brought home in the package. It is spread in front of the door of the house and read a conspiracy from prison:

    "While the bridge to stand, I will not be in prison. Holy thresholds, holy martyrs. Amen".

    The land is collected, put the crossroads to the center and there they spread with the words:

    "Pass people around the crossroads, take my misfortune with you and deal it all over the world. And let her never return to me, but she will not get to you. Let the trouble disappear and dissolve without a trace. Amen".

    Change the court decision, the jury to your side will help the ritual before the court. It is read at the entrance to the courtroom.

    To prepare for the magical ritual in the morning, on the day of the meeting, the defendant drinks 7 sips of water from the spring or well. Crane liquid, bottled water is not suitable. Add 7 tbsp. l. Honey or sugar.

    The meeting room should go slow, confident step. They pronounce the text:

    "The Orthodox world has always been sued. Were in court and princes and boyars. And I, the slave of God, (his name) came here to sue. The agreed unfairly in his hand hold the truth holy. What will say to the judges fair, they will believe. Thoughts and things are my right. Nobody can plant me in prison. Amen".

    Right hand compress in a fist. Right leg is poured.

    The performer of the ritual is present when sentencing. In his clothes should prevail a white color. Black should not wear.

    Conspiracy for success in court

    Claim for winning financial

    Often people associated with financial activities have a risk of entering prison. The ritual will help soften the punishment before the fine or complete the case positively.

    In front of the entrance to the trial number they say these words:

    "A fig is appointed, and I, Slave (-e) of God (-si) (his name) house filled with wealth and wallet with money. I will be earned honestly, full barns of good, and chests with gold and silver. I am an honest merchant and on this word of the crown. Said will definitely come true. Amen".

    During the pronunciation, the fig is twisted in the pocket. With full confidence in winning business enter the courtroom.

    With the loss of consciousness, the defendant during a court meeting on it is splashing with cool key water. Prophoving spell:

    "From the water of force on the fate of the smooth."

    Negone, the ritual is not worth it. When not fulfilling there is a risk of tightening the sentence.

    Hidden ritual from prison

    Magic action is carried out by relatives of the suspect to save it. The spell will help help out the son, her husband or daughter, make it so that they are not planted. It cannot be assumed that the object of impacts learned about the holding.

    Take a photo of a person. Facilities should be clearly visible. Eyes should not be closed with glasses. The head is not covered with a headdress. A snapshot from the passport is suitable.

    3 Thin candles bring from the church. Choose a secluded room. The windows closed tightly.

    The text of a strong conspiracy from prison utters in a whisper, at the same time burning the candles:

    "The bird in heaven will ferry freely and does not know the borders of her flight. Fish in water floats freely and an ocean - not the limit for her. So let you (name) are free from the walls yes from the lattices, from the riga and from the treated house. Let not know the borders of your way, and let you wave yourself you choose where you go. Let only God be to you a judge, and not a person whose thoughts are not clean. Amen".

    For maximum efficiency, it is repeated 17-19 times so that the judge really softened.

    For the rite you will need three church candles

    Volshb to grave from the court

    It happens that the Son, the husband is often called court sessions, and he knows what is innocent. Save the suspect will help a three-day grave. It is necessary to dress in black, go to the nearest cemetery.

    In front of the three-day grave ignite the church candle. Pick up to the name of the dead man. Pronounce words, standing on her knees with a candle:

    "The Spirit of the Slave of God (Name), I came to you on the bow, take the slave (such) enemies in full. He suffers and suffers, the rest does not know, the court of him and the judge pesters. And they prove to this dead place of trouble, so as not to torment it (such something) never. Let the brain of enemies dry dry, and about (such something) forget. The deadman has no speech, there is no dead open eyes, the hands do not rise, the teeth are not squeezed, so would be the enemies, and the judges hands against (such something) did not rise, the teeth and lips were not blocked. How do you, the dead, with Hands and feet bandages were filmed, so with (such something) all the courts disappeared. The key in white fish, fish in water, and my word and it's about me! "

    For the ritual, you should find a three-day grave

    Spell for early liberation

    Strong ritual holds a spouse prisoner. He buys a new thing. It may be the subject of clothing, personal hygiene. Food, tobacco products will not fit. They may not reach the arrested. With the full moon, at night, in a secluded place bought by the words:

    "The sinner is to sit in captivity, (the person's name) is to walk in a clean field. The smell of freedom will be with you. Will help you go home. The word is my strong. My desire is firmly. Amen!".

    The thing is transmitted to the prisoner with a lawyer or as a transmission. After a few weeks, the rite takes effect. The arrestant may soon go to the parole or cassation or supervisory complaint can be solved positively.

    For the rite, the spouse of the prisoner must acquire the subject of clothing

    Prayer from death in prison

    When a person was planted behind the bars, it is possible to facilitate its existence in a punitive institution. You can read it to protect your son, husband to save from death.

    Preparation for magical action is a prayer for it read in the morning at the dawn:

    "Oh, the long-suffering and led by the Velikomarter Christ Anastasiya! You are the soul in the champions of the throne of the Lord of the prestigious, on the land, this is given to you with grateful, various functions of healing: the proud of a worm is mercifully for the upcoming people and praying before the holy icon of your own, asking for your help: send to the Lord Holie Your Prayer Your About us, unworthy (names ), and we succeed to leaving our sins, unsushenial healing, mournful and looking ambulance: the mind of the Lord, but I will give us a Christian death and a good answer to the terrible trial of our own, yes, you will advise and we buy with you Slav's Son eyelids. Amen".

    In the evening, in solitude with closed windows, this text should be read:

    "Under the Christ holiday asked the Holy Pavel of St. Peter:" Where did you hear the voice of sturgeon? " . He is responsible to Holy Peter: "No fish says , it does not bite, not shouting, it does not be wound, it does not mock, so would not be enemies to (such something), did not shout on him, did not torment, did not scoff. " Blindly does not see and moaning will not be offended, hungry himself does not eat, does not chew, so let (such something) will not kill any enemy . Holy, meek king David, kiie all villains, Lyarkheev and Sugostites, put them with salt pillars, make them dry bushes. Custoes break, do not rub off, the poles are broken, the poles are broken, who will extend the hand to (such) , Tsar David will throw in his kingdom. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".