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  • Browser game Command Conquer Tiberium Alliances. C & C - Tiberium Alliances Review, description, reviews Tiberium Alliance

    Browser game Command Conquer Tiberium Alliances. C & C - Tiberium Alliances Review, description, reviews Tiberium Alliance

    Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances offers all participants to take one of the parties to the opposition and help to win the final victory by the Brother's NOD or their opponents from GDI. Each of the players receives at its disposal a small military base, which he will have to develop and improve all the forces. Successful progressive development allows you to build your own army and start the conquest of the surrounding world.

    Video from the game

    For the development of its database, you need to earn four types of resources. Each of them is necessary to solve specific tasks. Tiberius is used to build various buildings and structures within its territory. Crystals are needed to create defending and attacking units. Electricity is useful for both defense and aggressive actions to conquer new territories. Loans are used to organize resource exchange between databases.

    To train military skills, the first week of the game participants can work out their skills at the bases in which robots are hosted. In the future, it will be possible to attack the deployment sites of other players who are members of the warring coalition.

    So that the battle was as successful as possible, it is necessary to enlist the support of friends. Each of the players can organize their own alliance and capture territories together with its allies. Alliance can combine up to fifty people. Such a combat unit can become an impressive strength and make the rest of the world be considered to be considered.

    Screenshots from the game

    To achieve real success in the game, it is necessary to carefully think through each step. Any intended attack should bring some profits and recoup all the costs that are necessary for its implementation. In order for the attack to be successful, it is necessary to select rivals with which you can fight, being at each specific level. You should not get involved in a skirmish with too strong fighters. It is better to develop, producing resources from robots bases to more carefully prepare an invasion of well-protected territories.

    • The main goal is to manage sectors, with battle bases located on them. Initially, the player is available only one sector, where he will rejuvenate his first base that will be invulnerability from attacks from the side in the first seven days.
    • In the process, several basic types of resources are involved - crystals, thiberias, electricity, research glasses and loans.
    • The main resource for the construction of buildings and the purchase of improvements is Tiberius, crystals are necessary for learning defensive and attacking troops, and electricity has a high meaning in the work of defensive structures.
    • For the development of new technologies, research glasses are used, and loans - a gaming currency that can be bought for real money, using it, you can exchange tyberies and crystals between databases or accelerating research or construction.
    • The entire process of the development of the game universe is designed for the fact that during the formation of a person only computer opponents in the face of the camps forgotten, but gradually, he will be able to fight the battles and with a real opponent.

    Everyone needs Tacitus

    All the history of oppositions in one way or another is spinning around the ancient artifact of alien origin - Tacitis, which throughout the history of Tiberius wars alternately turned out to be in the hands of various parties, allowing you to temporarily receive superiority over others in the development of technologies and weapons. For the brotherhood, Tacitus generally became the basis for all ideology. And this time everything spins around an unusual subject. For a long time, Tacitis was kept in GDI, who were planted in his headquarters, but "forgotten", the race of mutants who were forced to stay on the territories infected with Tiberius during evacuation, managed to steal the cherished artifact and hide it in a huge pyramid located in the center of infected land . For a long-standing opponents - GDI and Node there is no choice but to combine their strength in the fight against the general enemy, which during the use of the artifact significantly strengthened its military power and cope with him one - the task is impossible.

    Alliances in the game

    Combining several players in a single union is called the Alliance. Any alliance includes no more than fifty people. The main goal of the association of people is to hold several key strategic positions, with which you can turn off defensive shields of the pyramid forgotten. The entire process of capturing the Tacitus occurs in three consecutive stages, in which each of the participants of the alliance should reach the required level, otherwise it will be impossible to conduct exploration of the location of the cherished artifact. With a favorable outcome of the capture of the most strongly fortified base in the game, all members of the alliance receive additional bonuses, but the passage does not end at the same time, because the alliance participants can continue to play, interfering with the capture of the base with other alliances. Soon, according to the development of developers, the list of tasks and technologies should grow significantly.

    Tiberium Alliances can be safely called the most unusual game from the C & C series. And not because it is a browser, but because her gameplay does not have almost nothing to do with predecessors. The only points of contact - fractions (GSB and nodes) and, in fact, the Tiberium itself.

    More details

    The world map here is a big circle, inside which each player stands out six acres of land, on which he has to develop its base. Slowing out on the outside of the circle, players, forming alliances, are gradually moving towards the center, along the way exciting resources and fighting with other alliances. New players are planted further from the center and also strive for it. At the same time, on their way there is a previous generation of users who are forced to defend on two fronts: to expand their territories at the expense of "old men" and at the same time defend the external borders from "young". Expansion can be accelerated due to neutral territories on which the forgotten - the main enemy of both factions live, but it should be remembered that a large area means a longer border that is harder to defend.

    Obviously, the key to success in Tiberium Alliances is the competent development of its base. It is in this, by and large, and the essence of the game is. The difference between Tiberium Alliances from other similar strategies is that the construction of buildings here occurs instantly, so the development speed is resting only in the number of resources. Resources are spilled rather slowly, and new technologies are studied even slower. Such an approach was unlikely to justify yourself if there were not for one important detail - your plants, laboratories and resource centers continue to work, even if they came out of the game.

    However, in Tiberium Alliances not enough to be just a good administrator. You need to be able to fight, and here the game is revealed with another, no less interesting side. Each fight in Tiberium Alliances occurs in one scheme: the units of the attacker move on eight lines - they are opposed to the units and the construction of protecting. Step down to the side will not work, but to maintain the fire of the neighbor - quite. The attack occurs in 4 waves (with an interval of 10 seconds), and the battle itself occurs in automatic mode.

    The key to victory is the competent location of the detachments. It is necessary to take into account their speed (it can be achieved that the second wave will catch up with the first), type (there are infantrymen, tanks, aviation, construction destroyers), natural obstacles and much more. In fact, in tactical fights just a huge number of nuances, so every fight in this game is always unique. All together it makes the Tiberium Alliances of one of the most interesting browser of modernity, allowing you to feel at the same time both the wise administrator, and a cunning tactic.

    Fans of the magnificent series of Command & Conquer games can be slightly disappointed, because in this version of the game there remained only a small part of the former greatness. Tiberius is there, but there is no atmosphere.

    Whatever you can understand what is a game, we made a small review of Command & Conquer - Tiberium Alliances. This is something new in the series of games of the Universe C & C:. Now this is a free browser strategy. Now it is possible in the browser window to collect Crystals Tiberius and lead battles for it.

    It is good or bad, you will have to solve you yourself, because in the browser version of the game everything is a little different. The game is good and delays quickly, but playing a few days, you will understand the terrible truth - you have nothing to do.

    Fights with "forgotten" and other players are similar, and the latter rarely happen. The construction of the base ends on the second day of the game, then you can only improve the main database or build new ones. And of course loneliness ... Bases are many, there are many servers, but any dynamic is not visible at all. As if in the game you are alone and nothing happens in it. The global chat is always empty, it is impossible to sell anything or change, there are no reason to communicate players.


    Continue Command & Conquer - Tiberium Alliances story about the universe. The Command & Conquer Universe has undergone some changes, but at the heart of the same conflict for Tiberius, resources and the right of primacy around the world. You also rebuild your base and teach combat units in order to show your commander skills to everyone. The game has unique buildings that some bonuses can give them owner. But, of course, no one wants to part with these buildings voluntarily.


    Strengthen your database, because at any moment an enemy may attack. Optimize resource mining to improve your protective buildings and attacking units. Open new attacking units and do not forget to build defensive units, change your tactics in battles against players and computer. All this will help you win!


    Your main task: to create a strong army, to conclude beneficial alliances and helping each other to achieve world domination. Moved to the center of the map, capture the useful buildings and destroy rivals. Capture the main citadel and become the greatest commandand.

    The game is also called: Tiberium Alliance, Tiberius Alliance, NB, Thbev Fkmzyc.

    C & C - Tiberium Alliances Review comes to an end, but before you go to play, you should fly to the minimum and recommended system requirements C & C - Tiberium Alliances.

    COMMAND & CONQUER: Tiberium Alliances - This is multiplayer from Electronic Arts. The legendary series of Command & Conquer games, moved to browser performance. The plot of the game is as it should be continuing the eternal opposition of GDI and Nod. But this time the alliance was stolen from the GDI headquarters - "Tacit", and hid him in a huge mysterious pyramid in the center of the world, on his land. Scientists from GDI suggest that the power of "Tacita" will allow forgotten to succeed in military technologies that they will gain world domination. And in the first in the history of GDI and NOD are forced to unite against the overall enemy of the alliance forgotten.

    The goal of the game C & C: Tiberium Alliances - Maintaining Center Management. After registration, you choose a certain sector on the world map, and start building the first base on the outskirts of the world. Your base will not be subject to attacks within one week. This time is given to you so that you are mastered and acquired the necessary experience, and did not turn into meat for more experienced online players. From the outskirts of the worlds you will gradually promote your database to the center of the world, where the final battle will happen, the path does not promise to be easy.

    In the management of the newcomer will understand quite simple, as there is a well-thought-out system of prompts, follow the tasks and after a while you will disconnect them so that they do not interfere with yourself. By the way, for completing tasks, you will receive remuneration, in the form of different resources.

    Resources in the game Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances

    In the game Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances are used by the following resources: crystals, thiberias, electricity, research glasses and loans. Tiberius is needed for the construction and modernization of buildings of your base, as well as for military buildings. Crystals are on building and improving combat units. Electricity is used both in construction and when creating military units. Credits are needed so that it can be exchanged typing and crystals between the bases, they are also applied with research points for scientific discoveries of new combat units.

    At the beginning of the game C & C: Tiberium Alliances you have to fight the camps for the forgotten, as you develop and accumulate experience, you will start to attack the outposts, and in a week when when your defense subsides, you can fight with other online players. When you feel that they got stolen and ready for new military fences, you can try your happiness to attack another online player if you defeat the resources of this base will go to you. After combat collisions, you can restore the captured database if it is within a radius of 40 cells from your location.

    The game currency in the game is called Funds, with the help of it you can greatly accelerate your development. Of course, in the game, not everyone can buy for money, such as combat experience you do not buy. And the outcome of the battle often depends on the correctly chosen tactic, so those who play for free in C & C, also have chances of winning.

    Alliances in the game

    In Tiberium Alliances you can combine alliances, it can have a maximum of 50 online players. The target for the alliance is to capture and retention at least 4 of the 7 strategic points. So you will get the opportunity to de-energize the shield of a big pyramid forgotten. This pyramid is the largest base forgotten as soon as you destroy it. You have the opportunity to get to Tacita - this inexhaustible source of energy you want to pick up for victory in the game. Of course, it's easier to write - what to do, so dare and perhaps you will succeed.

    In general, there are more positive impressions from viewing the game than negative. There are a little routine, but again where there is no one now, and for someone this routine, but for someone a pleasant vacancy time. In graphical terms, the game is fully decent, the sound accompaniment really liked, everything is done in the corporate style C & C. Fans of the legendary series Command & Conquer will like it.