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  • Castle Clash: best heroes for different game modes. castle clash legendary heroes castle clash legendary

    Castle Clash: best heroes for different game modes.  castle clash legendary heroes castle clash legendary

    Sep 13, 2016 Game guides

    In this guide, I will try to describe the best heroes for all game modes. Please note that I am describing first of allthe best - and such heroes are by no means easy to obtain. This guide is primarily aimed at helping high-level players - but novice players can also read it and imagine what awaits them at the top levels of the game. If you would like to get basic information about the heroes - how to get them and which ones are better to start with - then try reading this .

    Raids and dungeons

    The first and most powerful hero to clear any enemy castle - maxed outminotaur chief. He will clear the entire enemy castle from everything that is on the ground without any problems in a matter of seconds - especially with the developed skill “Shockwave”, which allows him to deal 7000-8000 damage to 50 (!) targets on the ground at the same time. It's very easy to get the Chieftain of the Minotaurs - buy 150,000 gems and he's yours! If you don’t really want to spend fifteen hundred dollars on gems, then you can get it for free using the exploit with buying gems described . Keep in mind that it will take you quite some time to get the Minotaur Chieftain this way, but trust me, it's worth it. And if at the same time you save “purchased” gems, then pumping it will not take you very much time.

    Support for the Leader of the Minotaurs will beCupid. Angelic Boy not only buffs allied Heroes, but also speeds up the collection of energy for the use of skills. Imagine what the above-described Minotaur Chief would be able to do if he didn’t even need to recharge his destructive skill for a long time!

    To finish off the surviving heroes and flying troops of the enemy should be with the help ofSpirit Mage and/or Santa Claus. These heroes, with competent pumping, are able to quickly exterminate the manpower of the enemy. Santa Claus is quite difficult to acquire due to the low chance of dropping, but when dropped (or buying a special card), he should be preferred, since his area of ​​​​effect is higher and he can hit more enemies with his attacks.

    Areswill become your favorite hero killer. He is not distracted by anything else and crushes the enemy heroes, preventing them from using their special skills. Did you go up against the pumped Leader of the Minotaurs or are you afraid that Death will kill your heroes? Use Ares and he will silence all the skills of the heroes, making them completely useless. In conjunction with the previous heroes, Ares actually hammers the final nail in the coffin for the opponent!

    Druid, which is most likely to be yours early in the game, is an incredibly useful hero in any raid. The leader of the minotaurs did not destroy the entire city with one attack, and Ares has not yet accumulated his ult and you see that your slender team can fall apart due to the successful attack of the opponent? Don't worry, the Druid will quickly restore a lot of health to your heroes and they will be able to deliver devastating blows again, blowing the enemy's castle to smithereens.

    If you are not inclined to play it safe with the Druid and like blitzkrieg, then you can replace the Druid withDuke Pumpkin.A pumpkin pumped to the edge can apply a buff that increases the speed and attack of friendly units by 50% for eight seconds - and at the same time the buffs are cumulative, so under the influence of Cupid Duke Pumpkin is able to increase the attack and speed of your fighters by two, or even three times. With Pumpkin, everything will be decided very quickly!

    boss challenge

    To kill the boss, you are unlikely to need heroes that hit a huge area, like the Chieftain of the Minotaurs. First of all, you will need those heroes whose attacks are aimed at single targets and those heroes that are able to strengthen allies and weaken the boss.

    The main tool for killing the boss is primarily the aboveDuke Pumpkin.Increase damage from allies and hit the boss very quickly with powerful empowered attacks. Whatever heroes you use, Duke Pumpkin will always provide useful support.

    Will help in weakening the bossKnightcapable of stunning the enemy. While the Knight won't deal staggering damage, it will force the boss to stand still and not retaliate, thus extending the life of your party. An additional assistant to the Knight will bethunder god, which can also stun its target and deal constant damage.

    A master at dealing true damage to a stunned boss would besnowsill. 300% damage every half second for 4 seconds while slowing down the enemy is what Snowzilla can do. Given his high attack threshold, you will be able to deal massive damage to the boss as quickly as possible. The second attacking hero will bePharaoh. His upgraded Sefa Storm deals 300% damage over 6 seconds and with high attack values, Pharaoh is also an indispensable hero in a boss fight.

    Even though the boss attacks are extremely strong and can take down heroes in one hit, well-leveled and matched heroes can take more than one boss attack. How to survive another and the second? Heal withDruid! Stand longer - hit longer, so Druid is a good hero to support the whole party of characters.

    The coming of the monsters

    Vlad Dracula. This hero is so good at Coming of Monsters that he can single-handedly deflect waves up to J. His high speed and attack power and significant health allow him to kill all attackers, and the ability to fly and the health recovery from the “Blood Banquet” skill saves from death .

    You can supplement the murderous Dracula withdragon. The dragon is powerful, fast and fearsome, and is able to repel attacks no worse than the legendary vampire. The only disadvantage of the Dragon is that you can’t get it just like that, and in order to do this, you need to buy gems in special game events.

    minotaur chief, already described above, will also help you in the coming of the monsters. His area attack will get rid of many enemies on the ground - but it will not hit a single flying enemy, be careful!

    Druid. The reasons do not change - the heroes need to be healed and the Druid specializes in this.

    Finish off stragglers and separate waves of monsters will help youSpirit Mage And Father Frost. They are fast and hit very hard, so any monsters left after Vlad Dracula, the Dragon and the Minotaur can be finished off with their help.

    In the event of the appearance of big bosses and powerful monsters, as usual, it will help youDuke Pumpkin. By upgrading allies, the Duke allows them to cope with even the most powerful enemies!

    Court of Heroes

    In the Court of Heroes, all the heroes already listed above will help you. It will be more useful than allminotaur chief, able to stun many heroes with one ult, andSpirit Mage And Father Frostwill quickly kill attacking heroes. Help the Leader will still beCupid, accelerating the shock waves of the Minotaur, andDruidtake on the role of a healer. A nice addition to this team will beVlad Dracula, Dragon or Death. All of them are good and deal excellent damage to the enemy.


    The Arena is where heroes and their skills rule. The first thing to understand is that it makes no sense for you to spray your heroes into several paths. Focus on one extreme and with a powerful squad, you will either take out the enemy squad and finish off the base, or quickly get to the base and destroy it before the enemy can do it. The king of the arena isAres- he is fast and powerful, and is able to “disable” enemy heroes for 5 seconds at maximum pumping, making them much less useful.minotaur chiefalso good for similar reasons.Cupidagain useful to you, as it will allow you to use skills much faster - and therefore faster to destroy enemies or their base. It will be even faster to do it with an already familiarDuke Pumpkin paired with spirit mage- Together they will inflict fast and huge damage to the enemy.

    Storm Mesa

    Every player in Storm Mesa must haveDuke Pumpkin. If one Pumpkin can double the power of the heroes, then four Pumpkins will allow you to deal super-massive damage to everything that is standing or moving.

    The mandatory heroes for each player must beDruids. You will need to heal your tank heroes as the boss in Mesa Storm cannot be stunned and deals damage all the time. Maybe one won't hurtBulldozer- He will be able to heal all heroes at the same time, keeping both tanks and supports alive.

    Tank number one isThe Dragon. Able to quickly fly over the entire location and reach the boss, the Dragon has high health and will take a hit for a long time while the attacking characters kill the boss.

    Clear the way to the bossminotaur chief. In order not to waste time destroying obstacles, use the Leader's Shockwave and you can quickly reach the boss. On this, however, the function of the Leader of the Minotaurs ends - he is not particularly strong against the boss.

    Can deal damage to the bosssnowsill And Pharaoh- Their attack stats are very high. Can also be considered as attacking charactersSpirit Mage And Santa Claus. The latter, among other things, also deals damage over large areas.

    battle royale

    Despite many game differences, the battles in this mode essentially differ little from the battles in the Arena - except that here the heroes will definitely fight each other, of course. So the approach here is about the same - rules the ballAreswith his ability to "Disable" opponents,Father Frostable to deal a lot of damage at once,Cupidspeeds up allies' ults, andDuke PumpkinMaximizes heroes and increases outgoing damage. The difference, however, is that in this mode it is very usefulatlanticore- it can reflect all damage received for 7.5 seconds at the highest level of the skill. If he goes into battle very first and uses his skill, then the most powerful attacks of the opponents will be reflected in themselves - and your remaining heroes will only have to finish off the wounded enemies. It is possible that you will be helpedDruid And thunder god- the first, as always, will be able to heal the heroes, and the second stuns opponents.


    You have seen the most powerful combinations of heroes for individual game modes in Castle Clash. Know that any lineup of heroes functions differently anyway, and you can certainly find combinations that function better in certain situations. The hero combinations described in the guide are good for their versatility and work great in a variety of game situations, so count on it.

    Good luck in battles!

    The usual mobile strategy where you need to create your own army, attack enemy bases and defend your own. The power of your troops and heroes is a key factor in victory and survival in general. Especially for you, we have prepared some tips and tactics that will help you achieve success in the Castle Clash!

    Rapid Level Up

    Do you have a hero who is very late in levels and needs as much experience as possible? The technique that we will tell you about only works if you have a legendary hero. Vlad Dracula. Thanks to his ability Blood Banquet", he can easily handle the J wave alone in the " The coming of the monsters". As a result, all experience will go to the heroes waiting in the garrison, so if you need to level up very quickly at no extra cost, then put the right character there.

    We are well aware that Vlad Dracula is a rather costly hero, so if you don’t have him, then God of Thunder would be a good alternative. His skill " Storm» Deals incredible damage in an area and plunges all enemies into a coma for 1.5 seconds.

    To upgrade one character (but it's best to do it with legendary ones), just leave it at the base, hide all the other heroes, go to " The coming of the monsters” and select a wave, and then constantly press the “ Pass". This will give a large amount of experience to one character, but note that experience does not go to heroes who are in the garrison!

    We use orders correctly

    The order is the currency that is used to exchange in the warehouse. Every day 12 random in-game items will be available for pickup. These can be resources, runes, passes, heroes, and so on. Be prepared to buy useful or important items as quickly as possible, even if you don't need them right now. Otherwise, you may not see them in stock for a long time. If you already have a decent stock of Orders, or are just about to, here are some tips for making the best investment:

    • Acquisition of a card that gives an additional slot for a character in the Altar. Grab it as fast as you can and you won't be disappointed as your collection of heroes is constantly growing and space is getting smaller and smaller.
    • The talent upgrade card will allow you to re-assign the talent to your hero. Instead of spending 300 gems, use it. If luck is on your side, then a good result will not be long in coming, but if today is not your day, then even the same skill as it was before may fall out.
    • Crystals (aka shards) of heroes play a key role in obtaining and improving the hero, and are also necessary for the development of the guild. This resource is always needed in large quantities, so feel free to exchange orders for medium and large sets with fragments.
    • Dungeons have always been a good source of Hero Crystals. It is for this reason that orders can be given for dungeon upgrade cards, and not spend gems on this business. Quest upgrade cards will also be a good spend due to the nice rewards from the quest board.

    Beginner's Guide

    If you are new to Castle Clash, then you may have a lot of questions. If you even have no idea what needs to be updated first, then this section is required reading.

    • Always update City Hall Firstly. Don't miss this upgrade, especially if you have the gold for it! The updated Town Hall opens up both new defensive structures and the possibility of improving existing ones. Immediately after that, you can start upgrading Warehouse, as this will allow you to accumulate and save more resources for the next improvements, which will surely cost you a round sum. To somehow soften the blow to your wallet, build and improve manna mills And gold mines that will generate a steady income.
    • Also, don't keep huge reserves of gold and mana in the Vault. Sooner or later, your wealth will bring profit lovers. It is better to constantly invest resources in your castle. This will make it much harder for other players to get through to you, and if they do, they end up spending a lot more than they get.
    • Among combat units, try to improve as quickly as possible first fire mages up to the fifth level, because after that you will open Griffins. This unit can fly, which means enemy units that fight in hand-to-hand combat and cannon towers are not able to attack it. At the beginning of the game, Griffins will be quite enough in almost any situation. If you are not satisfied with this tactic, then you can first update hunters to access Centaurs, which are also effective in the early stages. In addition, this strategy will help you deal with a player who relies on flying units.
    • Update as soon as possible Hall of Exhibits up to sixth level to have two spells. From spells we recommend to improve Rage of Ares. This will give all your units an additional percentage of attack points. After that you can improve Rain of arrows to increase damage.
    • Choose a place to build Hero bases so that your heroes have bonuses to their attributes while defending. Improve army camps to increase the number of your troops and reduce the recruitment time. It's best to work on this only when you have extra builders and resources.

    In Castle Clash, heroes play a really important role and have varying degrees of rarity. Rare heroes are very hard to find, but that is why they are the strongest fighters in the game, Ordinary characters most encountered, and Elite- a kind of golden mean. Here are some tips for hiring heroes:

    • Hiring with gems gives a low chance to get a legendary or at least an elite hero. This method is the easiest, but quite expensive, so for those who do not like to spend real money, it will be difficult to open heroes in this way.
    • Hiring for hero crystals will allow the player to select a specific character. A legendary fighter will cost you a few thousand crystals or more, an Elite one for a few hundred, and a Common one for only a couple of dozen. The best option for those who do not want to spend real money.
    • Usage badges of honor gives one random hero. True, there is a high probability of getting Slime, but in a good scenario, an ordinary character will drop out, it is less likely that an elite fighter and almost zero, that a legendary one. A less expensive way, which is suitable for the lucky ones and gamblers.
    • Sometimes the Warehouse offers heroes in exchange for medals. This method will give you a random character of the selected rarity (special cards are used for this). This method, in terms of profitability, comes immediately after the “purchase for crystals”, especially if you are good at knocking out orders.
    • Daily Reward for the first day gives the very first legendary hero - Druid.

    During Expeditions you can use several heroes at the same time (even repeating ones) to cope with many opponents, and then get orders and badges of honor. The more power points you have, the greater your reward, but the enemies become stronger. Some users deliberately keep the number of power points low in order to surely defeat easy opponents and complete everything. 10 levels. If you like this strategy, then you need to update only the buildings that are important for the "Coming of the Monsters" mode (town hall, towers, hero base, resource storage). Also, sacrifice unused heroes, as they also provide a bonus to strength.

    Best Gem Investments

    At the beginning of the game, you will be provided with a large number of gems, and as you complete various tests and tasks, you will receive even more. The easiest way to spend these purple pebbles is to try your luck and recruit a hero. You can go further and spend the gems on something more worthwhile, such as saving up and buying a new builder. The more builders, the faster your development, since by default you only have two of them.

    Try to always check in the store for ways to get free gems. It basically comes down to watching ads and testing apps. If you decide to purchase this currency for real money, then read all the promotions to make a bargain.

    Be careful! Avoid apps and sites that offer you to hack or "cheat" currency in the Castle Clash. Otherwise, you are putting your data at risk!

    Secrets and attack tactics

    Unlike other games where troops disappear in any battle scenario, in Castle Clash your units are returning to the base if they survived the battle. It is for this reason that during the attack you must send your entire army. Also, before leaving the game, check that there are warriors inside your army camps that can protect the base from enemies.

    Units concentrated in one point look great in the early stages of the game. Centaurs or griffins are great at dealing with any threat. However, higher strength players have good defense and know how to deal with such tactics, so you have to adapt very quickly to the situation. Shuffle strong units, for example, mecha people or wild ogres with ranged units of the same level.

    The same advice applies to heroes. Make it so that you have tanks, characters with high level attacks and good support. Some skills, such as those of Duke Pumpkin, improve both ordinary warriors and other heroes.

    Proper positioning is essential to victory. Use the first 30 seconds to select a good place to deploy his army. Avoid military camps and hero bases unless you're sure your forces can handle the wars and heroes inside. If the enemy is strong, then you can put your units further away to try to destroy the structures first. In addition, you can try to attack from both sides at the same time to inflict the most damage.

    Pay attention to the structure of your opponent's base. Some players build their bases in such a way that your attacking units advance towards less important structures. To avoid this, you need to send some powerful units and clear the path for the main army, and then go inside. If in doubt, you can retreat at any time so as not to waste units and resources in a useless attack.

    Every user who considers himself the best warrior should try to play the game called "Castle Battle Legendary Heroes". Here you will become an archer who alone defends a small castle. With every second, more and more different monsters will attack him, which are quite difficult to deal with. In order to overcome any danger, you need to be patient, get comfortable and start destroying everyone who decides to attack you.

    Your castle is located in the middle of the field, so you have nowhere to wait for reinforcements, the only person you can rely on is yourself. Your task in this game is to protect two wooden walls that can be destroyed by dinosaurs attacking you. In order to kill an attacking monster, aim at it and shoot an arrow in its direction. For the elimination of monsters, you get gold, which will be useful to you soon. The top panel shows you the damage level of the doors and once it drops to zero, you lose. But don't be upset because of such a trifle, because after completing the game you will be taken to a special menu where you can improve your character by buying new weapons and arrows.

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