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  • Games at wishes with friends list. Erotic games for two: the losers do not happen

    Games at wishes with friends list. Erotic games for two: the losers do not happen

    11. Tell a funny joke

    12. Name your main drawback and tell you how you are fighting with him.

    13. Using the pantomime, to tell about the events known to all.

    14. Pictulate a person in a chair at the dentist.

    15. Phant must depict a boiling kettle, going through the train, flying plane, etc.

    16. Get candy with teeth with a saucer, where pops of flour.

    17. A tighter option is to get a ring with a saucer with a saucer, where sour cream is nanit.

    18. Phanta should crawl under the table.

    19. Take into your hands a full glass with water and dance Kankan.

    20. Scroll from the balcony "People! I love you!".

    21. Try to eat an apple attached on the rope. An easier option is to eat a banana (peeled and lying on a plate). Of course, all this needs to be done without the help of hands. Analogically, eat an apple floating in a water basin.

    22. Phanta should shove a glass of vodka or wine (in the children's version of juice or milk) from a saucer.

    23. Pail with a statue (each wishing can change your posture).

    24. Pictulate the mirror (each wishes can look at you, you need to copy the facial expressions and movements).

    25. Picture some famous person.

    26. Make the most unusual cocktail from what is on the table, try to drink.

    27. Picture on the face of 7 different emotions.

    28. Quickly pronounce the patter. For example, "the yard grass, on the grass of firewood. Not Ruby firewood on the edge of the yard."

    29. Pictulate a predictor (fortune tune) and predict something funny neighbor on the right.

    30. Ask to the guests alms (for travel to the native city, on breast milk for a child on Bentley for yourself, etc.), to extort until 100 rubles will be gathered.

    31. Sell anything from the table (bottle of mineral water, sandwich with caviar, etc.) to paint the properties of the "product" until someone from the guests will buy.

    32. Pictitate a candidate (to deputies, mayors, governors) and promise this to be guaranteed to avoid.

    33. Move the money to the nose by the floor to a particular purpose (you can and on the table).

    34. Dial a random phone number and play a person at the other end of the wire.

    35. Fold the newspaper or sheet of paper fourly with one hand.

    36. Pictulate an athlete for the public to guess the sport.

    37. Phanti must draw a cow, holding a felt-tip pen in the teeth.

    38. Again the role of the lead and hold a competition.

    39. Come up with a funny but not offensive gossip.

    40. Submit that you are a journalist and "expand inside out" the neighbor on the right.

    41. Play with your finger on the lip melody, for example, let run awkward ... ".

    42. Phanto for 1 minute to sit with an angry face, saying "I'm offended at you" while the rest will be all means trying to laugh.

    43. Phanti should stand on all fours and depict a car that takes up parallel parking in the space between two chairs.

    44. The Phant must tell (preferably in the form of a fun story), as he will get out of the difficult situation proposed by the leading difficult situation.
    For example:

    - You lost the salary of your subordinates or public money in the casino.
    - You accidentally locked in the office late in the evening.
    - Your dog ate the important statements that you should submit to the director in the morning.
    - You are stuck in the elevator with the general director of your company.
    - You come to work, and another worker is sitting in your place.
    - You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors have a big party that does not fall asleep.
    To be a phantom got a presenter who could offer such situations:
    - You came home, and an unfamiliar man sleeps on your bed.
    - You were invited to a restaurant, you had dinner and suddenly your satellite disappears without paying.
    - You bought hair paint, painted your hair, and it turned out that it is green, but you have no time to repaint you, a solemn reception.

    45. Phanta must transfer information written on the card using a pantomime.
    For example: For example, imagine that it (if a man is only funnier) in the maternity hospital, just gave birth to a boy. Looks like dad. Eye - Mamina, hair - in the grandfather. Light. Well eats.
    The rest of the guests act as a crowd outside the window and should understand what Phanti reports them.

    46. \u200b\u200bThe presenter reads some poem, for example, "baggage" (the lady passed into the luggage sofa, suitcase, sacrum, etc.), and Phanti must act as a temper.

    47. Phanti must understand what item is meant to describe.
    For example:
    - This item is in every home, but they do not use it so often.
    - This item is of different sizes, different colors and forms.
    - In the hands of an experienced woman, this item can delight and the woman itself, and her family.
    - Sometimes these objects are especially economic men.
    "Even with a big desire, this item cannot be bought in a pharmacy or a stall" Soyuztens. "
    - This subject in the hands of a woman can turn into a terrible weapon on a drunk head.
    - Without it, you will not bake a cake.
    Answer - "Roll"

    48. Phanti is given two eggs, it says that one of them boiled, the other is raw (in fact, it is better if both are boiled). He is given time to choose one egg, while it is allowed to carry out any experiments. Then Phanta should crush the eggs chosen by him on the table, you can help your hands, put a small piece of paper between the forehead and egg, so as not to cut. The fact that the second egg was also boiled better than anyone. Let the Fed consider the man bold and dismantling in the eggs.

    49. Phanta must choose among the guests of his "twin", explain that between them common: the color of the eyes, hair, the ability to deal with any technique, love for fishing, etc.

    50. Phant turns to guests with his back, a portrait of a famous man is attached to him on his back. Phanti must ask guests to visit their answers to understand who he is. For example: Am I man or a woman? I am an artist? What movie I shot? etc.

    Here, such a letter came to the post in this article. Sorry I'm sorry, I corrected something:

    "Hi, Olya.

    She prepared a party (for colleagues on the occasion of his birthday) and stumbled upon your article about Phanti. Although I have never heard about the game in the Phanta with the possibility of "scraping" and with the bank, the idea seemed interesting to me.

    Knowing not in a healing of his colleagues, I decided that it would be safer. Began to play, the contribution to the bank for the "Zerkok" was installed in 100 rubles. At first it was very boring. Whether the amount is small, or the tasks were too complicated, but the phantas did nothing - they just scored.

    The amount reached 2000 (with a hundred contributions). And then instead of the Fantas, who fell to perform a striptease (I say my colleagues still those) I found a volunteer, Vanya-student, courier. Although he was not exposable to the end - he remained in the shorts, the crowd managed to light. We have a full panties of money, all 2000, that was in a bank, it is not only hundreds, but dozens and even trifle.

    After that, it suffered. The bank is not that up to 2000 to five hundred no longer reached. Especially disappeared, mocking over the "statues" and "mirrors". You write that these are harmless tasks - you simply do not know the perverted creativity of some of our compatriots, especially under the influence of alcohol.

    What can I say in the end. The most difficult is the crowd to shake, then do not invent anything. If you have any thoughts - write.

    Nastya. "

    I do not know the walls will you like my answer, but since I have placed a question, then it's just obliged to answer.

    I wrote in the article by the Russian language that the game in the phantas, where the tasks would be allowed to invent guests, it is possible only in the company of close friends. In all other cases (and your case applies to the rest) it is recommended to use in advance prepared cards with assignments for phantas.

    I have fifty pieces in this task, and a dozen can be done from some. Enough even for a very large company. No, of course, if the idea is to turn a corporate party to Swinger Orgia, then your question has the right to exist.

    For such a case I answer:

    First, I will not open America if I say that the main means of ignition is alcohol, strong and large quantities. If the guests prefer a strong alcohol wine, then more ancient Romans found a way to drink them: use spices, they cause thirst and the amount of drinking wine or beer grows in the exhibitor, and imperceptibly for the victim.

    Secondly, before proceeding to such extreme entertainment, as your version of the game in the phantas, the crowd should be heated with something less extreme. On my site you will find you with your fantasy, I'm sure you will be able to turn into a prelude.

    Thirdly, if such an outcome was supposed in advance, why it was hoped that there would be a Vanya-student who would light the crowd, you organized this disgrace - you had to go in an avant-garde.

    Funny, not vulgar, tasks for the game for the phantas. Find for yourself the best of them and do not forget to keep bookmarks. Fanta is a famous game that is suitable for a big and fun company. Her roots go far in history, and the name from German is translated as "Pledge".

    The essence of the game is to perform, the so-called tasks for the phantas. But none of the participants can guess what kind of instruction will fall out.

    It is mistaken to believe that this is a game only for children. It is also interesting to play as adults of different ages. And this is a fact that has already been proven.

    3 types of phantas games

    • With the help of the lead. Players give the leading any of its item, such as decoration, mobile phone, keys. The presenter folds everything into a special bag, which can be used as a conventional hat. Now players take turns take something from there something and ask: "What should I do Phanti?" The presenter comes up with each task for his fifty. After graduating from the game and perform all tasks, the thing can go to its present owner.
    • Second version of the game - with the help of cards. All players come up with any funny tasks for the phantas and write them on small leaves. Then everything is mixed and put into the bag. Get in turn and perform what is written. Inventing tasks, do not forget that you can also get to your own card. This is better to write what you could do. But it is also no need to invent very lungs and elementary desires, for example, jump on one leg ten times. It will make the game as uninteresting as possible.
    • Phanti with matches. This type of game is unsafe, therefore it is not necessary to play with the children. But still he takes place. Players ignite the usual match and transmit each other in a circle. Make a task should a person who will put out the match.

    As you can see, play this game in different ways. The main condition of the good party is a good and a little noisy company.

    But how to think of the tasks for the phantom, if nothing climbs into your head?

    This article will come to help you. We selected only the most interesting and funny tasks of the phantas, which you with your loved ones can easily use and not bother. Some of them are perfectly suitable, like contests.

    So, friends to your attention the 50 best fifth tasks:

    1. Show no words anything, for example, what you do on learning or work.
    2. To take pictures with all the players, but the prerequisite is to place everyone in any original postures.
    3. Fill the full mouth of corn sticks, popcorn or candy. And then say some funny phrase. This is a good task for the phantom, but be careful!
    4. Go to any person and wish happiness, love and health. But it is necessary to do it only on your hands! You can ask for help from friends.
    5. To pretend to be very drunk and start to pester everything in a row, and then defiantly losing consciousness.
    6. Wear a bathrobe and sunglasses and so go to the store. Ask for the seller a fly swatper and a pinch of salt. This is one of the highest fifth tasks in the summer season and preferably in the evening.

      Phanti game - find your task

    7. Draw or glue a cute mustache and go to the end of the game.
    8. Go out into the street or on the balcony and shove: "People, I adore you all!".
    9. Show athlete, animal, plant, stripter, harry potter, a famous politician or singer, etc.
    10. Give the will of your fantasy and make tasty cocktails players.
    11. for an hour, report to all players, every five minutes, which passed five minutes. If you forget at least once, then start again.
    12. Make any player a beautiful hairstyle or massage.
    13. Play someone by phone.
    14. Tell the most ridiculous case from your life for which you are ashamed.
    15. In the winter season, bring snow babo from the street to the house. You can in parts.
    16. Make a special medal for each player. What exactly is exactly what you decide.
    17. Push the players from the spoon.
    18. 10 minutes depict a foreigner. Speak in any language, you can even on your own.
    19. Try not funny jokes for 10 minutes.
    20. Drink something, using a puncture tube. If you pierce well, then it will be very difficult to do it.
    21. Make yourself bright evening makeup. We go to the end of the game.
    22. Juggle eggs. Be sure to remove it.
    23. For 20 minutes, turn into a fabulous or cartoon creature.
    24. Exchange with someone from clothes players.
    25. Drink something out of the glass, but only without hands. Good fifty assignment, especially in the company where alcoholic beverages are sulking.
    26. Write your phone number lipstick on the napkin and throw someone when everyone will forget about this task. If a person is noticed, he has the right to throw a napkin to someone else. The one who will have in the end - must kiss any of the players.
    27. Play scene with other players. For example, how the husband returned before the business trip.
    28. Play representation called "Blue Spark". Assign yourself to other players role.
    29. Kiss your neighbor in the knee.
    30. Picture that you are a hereditary fortune teller and predict the fate of each of the players.
    31. Come up with the best way to escape from prison. Do not be banal.
    32. Consider and shift all players about your most terrible sins over the past couple of years.
    33. 10 times tell me which you are well done with different voices and intonation.
    34. Picture an infant child.
    35. Eat food that does not combine at all. For example, a herd with sugar. Be careful in your preferences.
    36. Burst the air ball with your own buttocks.
    37. Imagine that you run for president. Say your election speech.
    38. Stoney dance, for example, Cankan, holding in the hands of a glass with water.
    39. Begging until you collect 100 rubles.
    40. Draw what you will say, holding a handle in your teeth.
    41. Imagine that you are a reporter. Distribute "yellow" and not true news about people sitting near you.
    42. For half an hour, call absolutely all players with the same name, for example, Gennady is perfect.
    43. Make a proposal of hands and hearts neighbor on the right. Do it beautifully and most romantic.
    44. Put the tights on the head. Walk in this hat with the ears until the end of the evening.
    45. Imagine that you have a graduation from high school. Push the heartbreaking speech.
    46. Recognize to the touch 5 different items with tied eyes, of course.
    47. Spoite a popular song, but pronounce only vowels. It's fun.
    48. Talk in the style of jigurd for 5 minutes.
    49. Draw yourself a solid eyebrow and sit so until the end of the evening.
    50. Invite five people on a common slow dance. Do it as beautiful as possible and sensually.

    It is impossible to imagine that the article with such a name could appear in the journal for women thirty years ago. From the heading "Useful Tips" in such magazines it was possible to learn how to get rid of moths, make a mask from the face cucumbers and starch the linen tablecloth. The magazines printed the recipes of salads and snacks for the festive table, but recipes, how to diversify sexual life, did not give.

    Of course, the intimate relationship between a man and a woman is the area of \u200b\u200btheir personal life, closed for outsiders, but if they freeze at one point, it does not bring joy to any of the parties. Today, this topic is discussed more freely and relaxed, and many couples are not shy from time to time to use erotic games in order to warm the cooled passion.

    Why do I need erotic games

    Erotic games are not only an expression of sexual emotions. With their help, you can diversify your intimate relationships, wake up a former passion and interest, and they also help to understand the needs of their body and embody the most immodest dreams and fantasies into reality. They give the opportunity to find out what your partner actually is waiting for from the proximity, and will make a "highlight" (or even the "Perchinku" - for amateurs of more acute sensations) into sexual relations.

    Some games can be very sophisticated and assume the presence of a certain props. For others, nothing is required, except for the desire to delight their partner. So, what kind of games can you advise for those who decided to diversify their sex life?

    Games that do not require changing or special entourage

    1. Kiss blindly

    This game is quite simple, but it does not mean to play it boring. One of the participants tie their eyes. He holds his hands behind his back - under the conditions of the game, he can not use them. The second player takes any position and freezes without moving. He "orders" those parts of the body where he would like to kiss him. The first participant at random kisses partner. The game continues until the player with tied eyes does the "order". After that, partners change roles. The game can continue long enough - the first player may turn to miss, and the second is specially called hard-to-reach parts of the body.

    2. Beach

    Another pretty simple and uncomplicated game for two, which nevertheless can deliver the sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure to both sides. On the carpet or bed spreads a wide beach towel. One player rubs the body of a partner with massage cream or lotion, trying not to miss anything. Such gentle and at the same time, sensual massage will make the skin more susceptible to further caresses. You can rub each other at the same time, not forgetting to exchange gentle words and kisses.

    3. Guess what I think

    One of the players makes sexual desire (kiss me on the lips, to pursue my breasts, etc.). The second participant looks into his eyes a partner and tries to guess what he thinks about. Both players can not be pronounced words. Guessing can begin any action and observe a partner's response. The one who faded the desire is allowed to prompt look, smile or movements. Changing roles occurs after the desire of the first player will be executed.

    This game for two is an excellent way to fulfill those erotic desires that both participants are shy to inform their partner out loud. They can also find out sexual addictions each other and deliver one different maximum pleasure.

    4. Magic deck of cards

    For this game, you need to take the most ordinary playing deck with arbitrary, but necessarily an even number of cards. Participants share a deck on 2 parts: black and red. The main thing is that the number of cards "black" and "red" suit was equal. The girl takes himself a red half of a deck, a young man - black. Next for each card is assigned any erotic desire. Desires can be written on a separate sheet of paper or directly on the map. For example: Ace worms - French kiss, king worms - striptease, lady worms - foot massage, etc. Give the freedom to your sexual desires and do not limit yourself to familiar caresses, because indiscreet fantasies will make the game much more interesting.

    Maps must be mixed and put a shirt up. Players take turns take cards. If a girl gets a black suit card, she fulfills the partner's desire, which he guess for this card. The young man, respectively, fulfills the desire of the girl if he gets a "red" card. If someone from the players pulls the "her" card, then the right move goes to another participant.

    This is how the magic deck of cards will help forget about the conventions and release the most immodest erotic fantasies on the will.

    5. Slow-up bomb

    Very often, the couples bring up a love prelude to a minimum, trying to go to the "main" as soon as possible, and we do not think that a very important emotional component of sexual relations is lost. This game helps focus on pre-caresses and kisses and teaches players while not in a hurry to enjoy the love game.

    It is necessary to start an alarm clock or a timer for 20 or 30 minutes. Partners caress each other until this period of time expires. Next, you can gradually increase the game time. The long prelude will wake up "asleep" fantasy and ingenuity, and sexual relations will play with new paints.

    Games with dressing up, or role-playing erotic games

    A variety of intimate relationships make the so-called role-playing games. Many couples refuse this kind of games, explaining their reluctance to the lack of acting abilities. But in fact, embarrassment may be hidden, afraid to seem like funny or ridiculous, the inability to liberate or fear that sexual fantasies will not be supported by a partner. Therefore, trust and readiness to play a friend - these are the main conditions of role-playing games for two.

    You can start with ready-made role-playing scenarios. In the future, when the couples will understand whether they are suitable such games, they will either refuse them, or they will be able to come up with their own erotic scenarios. Those who actively practice sexual role-playing are enjoyed even from the selection of "requisite", mentally or loud, voicing the most unbridled dreams.

    1. Teacher (or teacher) and inexperienced student (or student)

    In the game, the couple plays the seduction of the naive and inexperienced student (student) of an experienced teacher (teacher). The game will require appropriate clothes and some attributes of the educational environment, such as table, textbooks, pointer, etc. You can start with innocent strokes and kisses and gradually increase the glow of passions. You can play a few days in a row: the teacher or teacher gives the second "homework" player: for example, to master any position for sex and then with all the rigor to check its execution.

    2. Nurse and patient

    One of the most popular and common sexual role-playing games. A woman plays the role of a caring nurse, and a man acts as a patient. The nurse allegedly performs the prescriptions of the doctor - makes a patient a massage, gives him medicines (in the role of drugs can perform fruits, chocolate or even a glass of wine), etc. The patient is permitted to "capricious", demanding increased attention of the charming girl in a white coat: for example, he may ask to examine him not only with the help of hands, but lips. For the game you will need a medical sister's clothing. You can sew red crosses on underwear or draw their lipstick on the body.

    3. Maid and guests

    Another popular plot in role-playing games for two. A pretty maid without complexes willingly fulfills all the desires and whims of men. The costume of the maid consists of a white front and blizzard for dust. You can play an alternative version of the game: a modest maid-lobby fulfills the requirements of the guest first timidly and reluctantly, but then more and more goes to taste and, no longer embarrassed, obeys a man.

    4. Courier online store and customer

    A man plays the role of courier, a woman - customers. Spicy scenario is that a woman supposedly ordered goods from sex shop. It offers a courier to check the quality of the goods, and he, of course, willingly agree. Unlike previous scenarios, this game does not imply explicit dominance of one of the partners. Special costumes are not needed: enough casual wear (T-shirt and trousers for a man and a galaxy for a woman). Some couples may already have the necessary props - goods from the sex shop. But even such pairs need to buy something new to bring the novelty element in relation.

    5. Movie star and paparazzi

    The plot of the game is as follows: Famous actress in evening dress and sexy underwear returns home after filming. Photographer-paparazzi hides with the camera behind the curtain or behind the chair. The actress begins to undress and notices the camera outbreaks. A small scandal flares up, but since the photographer Mil and charming, a woman allows him to make a series of erotic pictures. Gradually, the photo session goes into NU mode.

    Scripts of role-playing games can be modified by changing the details of the plots, adjusting to their tastes, desires and dreams. For example, in the "Courier and the Customer" game, you can "confuse" the address and deliver the order is a suspected housewife, which has no idea how to use these "pieces". The smooth courier will be happy to teach the girl to all the subtleties of love.

    The losers do not happen

    The most pleasant in erotic games for two is the fact that they cannot be either winners or losers. Such games are not a contest in erudition, intelligence, speed or skills. The main prize goes to both participants. It is important not to be shy in expressing sexual desires and emotions. There are no restrictions in such games, except those that are installed partners themselves. You can do everything that enjoyed both sides, because it is for this that there are erotic games.

    All, absolutely all people love to play, regardless of age! The difference between the child and adult man is only in bets. If children are most often playing on rolling, chips, candies, and similar trivia, then adult people are unlikely to be engaged in a similar nonsense. They are already interested in adult games: money, stripping or desire. The latest option is the most common, since if the money can spoil the internal relationship, and the nude bodies will not suit each company, then the desire for games can be invented even in a circle of almost strangers.

    Phanti: Game Rules

    Phanti is the most common game of desire after cards. Its rules are easy to remember, but they can be modified depending on the fantasy and the capabilities of the players; No one bothers to offer something new and make adjustments to already existing provisions. The main difficulty is to come up with high-quality and decent desires for games; Everyone understands that sometimes fantasy refuses to work at the most inopportune moment.

    So, the main ones are two.

    1. Playing with pieces

    Each person writes a task on a piece / cardboard / card, and when everything is finished, the leaflets are mixed and re-distributed by players. What got, then you need to perform. The wishes for games can be any, but the danger of writing too a progressive task is that your own piece of paper can get, so each participant needs to think three times before making a frank Caverwe, because the chances of returning your own task, although it is small, but there is.

    2. game with leading

    At first, each player and the leading is closed by one any thing - a phanta - and hides, for example, in a hat. This can be anything, but the more valuable, the more interesting: a mobile phone, a serving ring, a clock, etc. After that, the presenter becomes back to the participants, and they take turns to one phantom and ask what a person should do, Whose thing is at the player in his hands. The presenter should come up with a task that is obliged to fulfill the owner of the subject, while remeasing that he himself may be the owner of the thing that the participant holds. After a successful execution, the subject is returned to the participant.

    Tasks for playing the phantas can be diverse, ranging from the most banal, ending with truly unusual and original. Everything else, most often they depend on how close rivals are, because of each company, this or that task will be successful. The main desires for the game in the Fantas are shown below and divided into two directions.

    List of desires for "their" company

    The game of desire, one of the favorite entertainment of young people. Over the years, it does not lose its relevance and even our grandmothers can boast that some kind of assignments once made for their friends. But on the other hand, the question of what desires can come up with a guy either did not lose their relevance. And many girls, agreeing on such a game, begin to break their heads, what to pose their friend. Let's try and we think about this topic and come up with that to make a guy depending on our plans for this person.

    The guy helped the desire - what to guess?

    Let's start with the fact that once the girl generally agreed to play the desire, it means that it still has certain expectations from a young man. Such is the female nature - we will not communicate with those who are not interested in us. So, the reason itself to make a desire to guy must be beneficial for us. On the other hand, the desire can become a great reason to take revenge on who you did not really like. Simply put, options and situations a great set. Therefore, a list of certain desires for a guy must be made depending on your relationship to it and your intentions. Let's try to figure them out.

    1. If you like the guy, and you would not mind to continue with him closer communication, options for desires can be the following:

    • ask him to write you a letter from own name on the entire sheet of A4 format. This will allow you to learn that you have a chance of attitude with this guy and how he applies to you. Even if your relations are in the future, you will have excellent memory about this moment;
    • let him invite you for a date. Perhaps it will be a good step so that you become closer;
    • ask you to kiss you. This option is for those who are completely internally;
    • ask for myself a gift from all my heart. Also a good way to check how he applies to you.

    2. What can you make a guy, which is for you a close friend?

    • you can save a desire until you need the help of this person (for example, take you if you are late or rescued in a difficult situation);
    • if you like someone out of your common acquaintances, wish that a spurious friend talked to this acquaintance to you, or invited him to walk together with you;
    • if you do not have a second half, ask you to acquaint you with anyone;
    • you can come up with a comic desire from the category of warm and friendly. For example, make the lemon without sugar eat, confess to the love of the local old woman, sing in the middle of the square some pop song or go to the store in one underwear;
    • another option that concerns friends is a desire to surprise you with something. Sometimes it works well, considering that a friend knows you well.

    3. What is the desire to make a guy who like your girlfriend? In this case, thoughts should only go in one direction. For example:

    • agree to go walk along with this girlfriend;
    • if the girlfriend is sitting nearby or is expected to such a moment, this guy should kiss her, or spend time with her. Perhaps something from this will work out.

    4. Often there are situations when the bet is losing the unfamiliar person who is indifferent to you, or you just know him badly. What desire can you make a guy?

    Thinking up, what a desire to make a guy, try to come from your own interests. Perhaps you have a secret urge, which you have hidden so long ago from this person. In this case, the desire is your almost only chance to correct the situation. And remember, the fact that you have come to do not have to be humiliating for a person. No matter how you treat him, such games, and any disputes are usually a comic character and do not be particularly inclined. If your desire is not an attempt to get closer with a young man, translate it into the category of original jokes. And let your fantasy help you!