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  • Cross on the rails Runes Rune. Destruction of relations with runes

    Cross on the rails Runes Rune. Destruction of relations with runes


    Sometimes we really want two certain people to stop communicating among themselves, they have stopped the relationship. Moreover, we can talk not only about the love alliance, which we, because of the inquisitiveness in one of the partners, we want to break, but also about the friendship, relationships of colleagues or relatives. Although, what is the sin to tate, the formulas for disorders in the love area enjoy the greatest popularity. Leaving aside a moral selection of a question, let's talk about how you can forcefully break the connection between people, and will help us in this ruffy betrayal-rashurka forever.

    What is a rune racket and how does it work?

    Despite the fact that completely different runes can be used in such formulas, the principle of operation of the VZI on a quarrel will always be the same. Ancient magic symbols change the nature of the people or the circumstances in which they are located, they are sent to them and instead of a good relation to each other, these persons begin to swear, to scandalize, and in most cases they generally stop communicating. It can be said that the Runic Getting-Razorka is a wall between people who grows suddenly, in a flat place.

    Rules of application, tissue and activation of incoming

    In order not to repeat ten times the same when describing each Stava, we will immediately tell about the general rules for working with these rune formulas. Apply them best on the joint photo of those people we want to breed with different roads. We are negotiated or entirely (depending on your desire or the Council of the author of the formula). We activate the way that we consider the most appropriate.

    Runic Handling

    This simple ruffy becoming - Razorka friends, loved, relatives. Used as universal.

    Working runes

    • - This is a zipper burning love or friendly affection
    • Two Isa - cold, alienation of partners, as well as the "fixer" of Stava
    • Hagalaz - responsible for the destruction, destruction of relationships
    • - People breed with different roads

    Simple Rune Raskarius "Lode of Relationship" from D. Voron

    This ruffy betroturn from Runologist Dmitry Voron acts very effectively, although there are only four working runes in it, three of which are repeated.

    • Gebo - a symbol of relationships that we want to destroy
    • Three Isa - Loda, who freezes all the good feelings of people to each other

    Runic formula "Arrow Rip" from Vitoria

    Runner, according to the author's arrow, according to the author (Runologist Vitoria), acts very softly and imperceptibly, i.e. Loves begin to experience cooling to each other not instantly and immediately, but gradually, which will allow them to not notice outside interference in relations. It is better to promote a better, definitely by making an emphasis not just on quarrels, but on the break of the couple.

    Runes involved in the formula

    • Hagalaz destroys relations between people
    • Forces people to rupture
    • Reverse destroys the joy from communicating loved with each other
    • Mirror reduces their mutual sexual attraction
    • lowers the level of libido of both partners
    • Inverted Ansus destroys mutual understanding and provokes scandals
    • Isa blocks the output, does not give people to leave the position without breaking the relationship

    Runes becoming "collapse of relationship" from Forest Fairy

    This Runner Becoming - Razorka on her husband and mistress or on legal spouses (if it makes it just the third side of the love triangle). The author is a runologist with a nickname Forest Fairy. Under the action of Runes in a pair, constant quarrels, scandals, feelings of lovers are cooled and as a result of the relationship fall apart.

    Working runes

    • Two hagalaz - destroy relationships
    • Two ca are frozen, cool the feelings of people to each other.
    • Two faces make quarrels permanent
    • Inverted - responsible for constant cooling of feelings

    Runic formula "Cross of Relations" from D. Voron

    Another work from the Runologist named Dmitry Raven. This ruffy becoming racked for any circumstances. It is impossible to predict in advance how the runes will act, because when using them, the relationship will destroy themselves. But the fact that the result will be fast is for sure. The author promises the parting of the pair for two weeks after. The formula is reminded of the above "Lode of Relationship", but Hagalaz is removed from it. First you need to draw the central part of the Hagalaz, then at the edges of the firm to draw two canes. Stipulated entirely.

    Formula "Quarrel, Rugan, Dirt" from Insolate

    Icelandic runes of black rows

    • Úr, causing partners with mutual irritation at each other's sight
    • Ýr provoking constant scandals and disagreements
    • Æsingur, generating people aversion to each other

    With a tale, we mention the names of people and say the overall action of formula (irritation, scandals, disagreements, disgust).

    Runic Runori "Corrida" from Insolate

    Another ruffice betrayal from the same author. Under its impact, relationships are crumbling, and the clarification of relations becomes not just violent, but also public - people begin to swear not exclusively alone, but also with relatives, friends, acquaintances. Such a "show" was simply impossible to be called differently than "Corrida." Becomed was created for the colleagues colleagues, but, according to the practitioners of lawologists, it works on married couples.

    Icelandic black row

    • Úr - makes people looking like a couple of wild, furious bulls
    • OR - is responsible for the "cycle" of quarrels, disagreements and scandals, ensures clarifications of the relationship "Permanent Foundation"
    • Hagall - blocks the partners of the way out of the position, thereby not allowing to avoid scandals
    • Æsingur - causes all the dirt (disgust, desire to scandal, call upon, offend each other), undermines the moral foundations of people
    • Stunginn Kaun - all the vices awakens in people, opens their negative sides, and sometimes even forces them to spread their hands

    Runic becoming a "wall between people" from Anwar

    Runic betting-rasorochka "wall between people" operates in a somewhat different principle than previous formulas. It forces "experimental" not violently find out the relationship, and silently hate each other, do not trust - and gradually their communication is coming down. Under the influence of the runes between people, a special psychological block is created.

    Symbols included in Vyaz

    • Two - mean two people we wish to build
    • Stan - wall, stone, barrier between them
    • (inside the rune of the camp) - distrust, gossip, deception, and so on, that gets up between people

    We apply in the photo where people stand near - mannases on their heads, and the camp with the included Ansus - in the middle.

    Here is such an impressive list of Rune ravings we turned out. About the consequences for the operator conducting a ritual, talk, I think, no need - any violent intervention in someone else's life, and even more destructive, it leads to a powerful rollback - but, however, not all stopping it. So act exclusively at your own risk.

    Runner lamp or cooled runes are used to cool the relationship. Making this ritual, a person sends the energy that is the basis of our world. Correctly using it, you can achieve any goals. Runic magazine uses the principle of energy. In love magic, Runes, as well as the Stoves are often stripped into the progress and cooling rituals. Strong Runner Lapel will solve the problem forever.

    Applying runes, you will achieve wonderful results that will change your life. Also, these symbols can be removed the outstand made by another person.

    Runes for challenge

    Hagallaz, Algiz and Isa are very important for such rituals.


    A sign of the runes of Isa is the symbol that causes the strongest Runic Tord.

    This sign is a symbol of getting off, tapping. For weaplation, it is allowed to apply only once.

    Act very carefully! Otherwise, this ruffy will cause harm to a person who loves you.
    Multiple or improper use can turn into sad consequences.

    • For example, the person's unloved people may have problems with brainwriting, he can lose energy.
    • The multiple operation of this symbol can lead to the incurable impotence in men, and women fully deprive the ability to love.

    Runa for challenge Algiz

    Algiz is used to protect. This symbol is correlated with the roots of Iggratrasil, which are underground, in the world of the dead. Algiz in a literal position symbolizes life, and in an inverted form means death. This sign is used to appeal to other runes.

    Runa Hagal

    Hagalla (Hagallaz) is also actively used to destroy feelings. The sign symbolizes absolute destruction, a change, the gap of the unpleasant relationship and the elimination of love, which is not predetermined by fate. It is used to remove the witchcraft aid. Together, these two runes are used in the formula of the oscold.

    Group runes for challenge

    Strong Runner Lapel can be created using chains of characters.
    • Algiz Gebo-Isa

    It is allowed to apply only if you really love the person who is going to make a lapse. Taking advantage of this Runic betrayal (Lapel) you should be ready to make absolutely any act and sacrifice everything for this person to be with you.
    • Isa-tourisaz-Isa

    It is the formula that contributes to a slow, but inevitable rupture. It rarely provides the desired effect on legitimate spouses. If they got married for love, then Runner Lapel will not be able to embroil them.
    • Ansus-Perth Ansus-Laguz

    This magic chain helps to cool the connection. She erases memories. Using the rune, you will achieve the fact that a person will forget about all the good, made for him, and will not remember the reasons that made him feel love.
    • Gebo-Isa-touris

    Causes a sudden quarrel that will cause complete destruction of relationships. Former beloved will become each other worst enemies.
    • Laguz-Sovulo Hagalaz-Eyvaz Algiz

    Will destroy the strongest feelings. This is a very powerful way to break the relationship. Applying it, be careful and careful! This is a very strong ruffy lapse. It is able to cause a long and complex disease in humans.

    Simple Runic Lapel

    To spend this maroon with runes, study the groups described above and select a set of runes suitable for your case.
    1. Take a clean sheet of paper, fold twice.
    2. Write the names of the people you want to light up. On the left, write the name of the woman, on the right - men.
    3. Expand the sheet and drew on the bending of the rune or the RUN group selected by you for the Runic Turnure.
    4. Conspirasions do not need to be pronounced, but during rituals keep the most important idea in my head - you make a marriage and really want these people with these results have never been together.
    5. Bend again to the paper on the fold line and hide so that no one ever finds, did not see, did not touch.
    The deadlines for the runes will be distinguished from 3 days to 3 months.

    There are two behaviors. Some people just suffer and do nothing. Other people try to somehow affect the events that occur in their lives. For example, with the help of various coordinating runes. Make a lapse on yourself as follows.

    1. The ritual of the oscillate is best done at midnight.
    2. You need a photo of a person, relationship with whom you wish to break.
    3. The rite is built on the runes of Hagalaz and Isa. Hagalaz will help destroy emotional attachment. Isa will help lose interest in man.
    4. A photograph of a adorable person must be assigned to the middle of the table.
    5. Top table on the right you need to install fragrant substances. Fit aromatic sticks with the smell of needles, amber or sandalwood.
    6. On the left, you must watery the candle.
    7. Do not forget the bottom of the table to the left to install the vessel with water. Water should be a spring. If you can not reach the spring water, use not boiled from the tap after settling.
    8. A small tank with salt must be put on the right side.
    9. Candles and aromatic substances will fall further, become a face to the table, raise your hands up and ask for help from the gods. You can call for Torah. Tempting and understanding in magic runes use their own texts. People attending in this section of magic can consume this text: " Oh, the story is great and mighty, I appeal to you. Power and your urge strength. Your hammer is powerful to me for the battle and your protection, I ask for this battle».
    10. After words are known, it follows for a while to frozen with the arms raised.
    Nothing at this moment should distract the person who carries out the rite. If the rite goes well, then at this point will appear any sensations. For example, some people feel light tingling on the body or a strong influx of internal energy. After that, the hands should be lowered and give off a bow, in thoughts to express their appreciation to the highest forces for the alex and return to the ritual.

    Lapel on yourself

    Produce actions in brocade sequence:
    1. The snapshot is carried out over the flame of the candle, so that the magic words will not be proclaimed and proclaim it: " I will power you by force of flame».
    2. The picture is carried out over aromatic substances, and words are pronounced: " I light you by air power».
    3. Snapshot sprinkle with water, and spent words: " I will light up you by water».
    4. A snapshot rotates salt, and words are pronounced: " I'll light you the power of the earth».
    5. After the execution of these manipulations, the snapshot is again placed in the center of the table, and the following magical words are dedicated: " I appeal to you, the great, omnipotes and mighty gods, give the runes of Hagalaz and Isa, the inhabited by me, the force directional. I want the connection between me (own name) and (the name of your loved one) ever broke out».
    After that, it is supposed to sit and wait until the incense and candle will exist. The ash should be dispelled in the wind, and the photo is invariably carrying along with you until you feel that the feelings are cooled. After that, the snapshot you just need to burn, but ashes also dispel in the wind.

    How to "win" the feelings of a beloved person at the rival?

    Rutauri on a rival with runes can also help in achieving the goal, if someone's third appeared in the relationship. Strong Runner Lapel will pick up a man and a woman. There are several rituals for this purpose. The actions of the ritual are similar. For the coercion are needed:
    • joint photos of people who need to embroil;
    • white and black paper sheets;
    • pen with black paste.
    Everyone can spend a ritual. The main thing is to make a lapse of runes correctly, without making mistakes.
    1. At midnight, it is necessary to sit at the table, take a sheet of white paper and draw the symbols of the runes on both sides of both sides: "Soulu" + "Teivaz" + "Raid" + "Isa" + "Dagaz" + "Isa". Thanks to these symbols, the crusher is accomplished instantly, in the continuation of several days.
    2. Place a sheet of paper between two juiced pictures of people and vapor the words of the activation of the formula (in arbitrary form). They must contain the intention of the challenge.
    3. After the words of the conspiracy will be said to hide the magic attributes from other people's eyes.
    4. The photo and the sheet with runes turn into black paper and are placed in a pre-scheduled place.
    A person should be aware that Rumori Runov will function only before the moment until the photos are near her.

    To forever destroy a love or friendliest communication, many are used by the ruins. Runic Runorovka put not only on a man and a woman lovers, she can break partner, friendly, related relationships. Many leave aside the moral part of the issue, and because of unclaimed love or for the sake of retribution with the help of the runes, they split families, intelligence the relationship between loved ones, and even put a reservation to the death of the enemy or rival. Ruthless conspiracies are very strong and remove them not easy, and sometimes impossible at all.

    What runes are used?

    The cross on the railway rails is raised with the help of runes, and although various roads are used to destroy love, friendly or related relationships, the meaning of their activation is one - to break the existing relationship, dilute in opposite parties of people connected by concrete bonds, ensure that For the future connection. The effect of runes leads to frequent quarrels, negative elements, misunderstanding. In a flat place, scandals and conflicts arise, and the existing contact is broken irretrievably.

    In most rituals, the same runes are used, including one direction - break, destroy, dilute. The strongest are considered:

    • Algiz. Makes breakdown, collapse in relationship.
    • Rido. It gives rise to cold, disgust and alienation.
    • Gebo. The main symbol of human relationships, the reserve generates a quick separation.
    • Nautis. It is characterized by compulsory parting, discharging any contacts.
    • Fehu. Characterized by permanent quarrels, umblancers, hatred and disgust.
    • Mill. It builds an invisible wall, breed a couple, forcing on separation.

    How do flocks apply?

    With the help of specially selected characters, you can destroy a couple living in marriage.

    Runes work in different directions. It may be a reservation to the rival, the Runic coordination of himself with annoying fans, a conspiracy to destroy the love or married couple, on cooling the senses between friends or magic love spells on an unloved person. So that the runes acted in the right direction, you need to know how to use them correctly, what formulas to apply how to carry out rites and rituals. Most often, the solved on Rune application appeals for help from runologists, who know all the runes, but often daring armed with the necessary information and use their knowledge to get the desired independently, without the help of outsiders.

    Bindings or Ostudude runes are carried out on personal belongings or items, such as:

    • picture of the pair that you need to embroil;
    • clothes belonging to one of the lovers;
    • subject from the house of the married couple;
    • personal accessory of a concrete person (handkerchief, pendant, ring).

    The rune negotiation is applied in two ways: in part, which implies the removal of the coating over time, and the entirely irrevocable act, to remove which even experienced bunners will not be able to remove.

    Formulas and rituals

    Becoming "Universal"

    Such a formula will master any, since it is very simple in execution and acts exactly in the target.

    It is also called "Lightning". The easiest to use Runic Lapel, which is directed to the extermination of romantic, friendly and related relationships. The formula employs such runes:

    • Double Isa. Makes chill, alienation, misunderstanding and strengthens the acting becoming.
    • Hagalaz. The destroyer is only positive.
    • Soulu. Acts with a speed of lightning, burns love, friendship and loyalty.
    • Rido. Directs partners in opposite sides of the life path.

    "Ice relationship"

    The name of Stava speaks of itself. The formula includes only 4 runes, but they act quickly and irrevocably. Composed by Razorka by the famous Runologian Dmitry Ravenov and includes such signs:

    • Gebo. Symbolizes relationships that are exposed to break.
    • Triple Isa. Three signs activate the chill ariser between partners, turning it quickly into ice.

    "Gap Arrow"

    The effect of such a formula begins with the fact that people swear among themselves because of some everyday little things.

    Bunities claim that the action of Stava passes very unnoticed. Directed an extreme to a rival or a competitor. Lovers are cooled to each other. Their gap begins with small domestic litters. Frequently unreasonable quarrels pushed a pair to mutual indifference and alienation. Parting seems to be granted, and partners are disagreeing in different directions with a sense of relief, even without guessing the intervention of third parties. Formula:

    • Nature. Forced gap.
    • Kenaz. Removes sexual attraction from relationships.
    • Uruz. Reduces libido.
    • Hagalaz. Combines all negatives, pushing to the rupture.
    • Veuno. Helps to remove pleasure from the time spent.
    • Anzus in an inverted form. Conflict provocateur, burning litter.

    "Crash relationship"

    Strong runery becoming a divorce of family couples, relations between lovers or communication, where a love triangle is present. The formula leads to full cooling of the senses between partners, which in a short time tired of constant scandals, swearings, conflicts and diverge in different directions, leaving behind them complete collapse of relationships. Runes:

    Such formula will quickly make people relations unbearable, which will lead to their parting.

    • Double hagalaz. Directed to parting.
    • Two canes. Bring cold and alienation in relationship.
    • Tayivaz in an inverted form. Activates and enhances the misunderstanding.
    • Double faces. It brings regular conflicts to the house, removes a sense of debt to family or another partner.