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  • Correct feeding of the newborn. Breastfeeding a newborn in the early days

    Correct feeding of the newborn. Breastfeeding a newborn in the early days

    It is important for young mothers to know how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk, what should be the regimen, the necessary norms, and the permissible postures for breastfeeding. The health of a woman and a child depends on this process. Improper attachment is one of the causes of impaired lactation. To avoid problems, you need to remember the basic rules, which will be discussed.

    The rules for breastfeeding children in the 21st century have changed a lot from the previous century. Many strong recommendations have been refuted or softened.

    No need to wash your breasts before every feed: The fat layer will be washed off the skin. This protective film protects your nipples from cracks and scratches. Frequent use of soap will dry out your skin and nipples. It is enough to shower at the beginning and end of the day.

    In most cases, babies under 6 months old do not need to be given water. Drinking is allowed in case of constipation, but this rarely happens on HB.

    You do not need to offer your baby water until 6 months old if he is breastfed. Mom's milk replaces food and drink. He will find all the useful substances in milk and will not feel thirsty.

    It is recommended that a nursing woman drink a glass of liquid 15–20 minutes before the start of the process - pure water, rosehip decoction, tea with milk. This will increase lactation and give you strength.

    Grabbing the chest

    Mom's milk is the most suitable food for newborns. This is important for the full development of the child. For the first attempts to be successful, you need to know some of the subtleties of the process.

    First time

    The first feeding of a newborn should take place within the first hour after delivery... This stimulates the woman's nipples and activates the lactation system, thanks to which the contraction of the uterus in the postpartum period is better. The baby has a feeling of hunger, colostrum starts the process of forming the correct microflora.

    The benefits of the first portions of milk (colostrum) are determined by its composition. The table describes its main components.



    Polypeptides Stimulates cell growth and reproduction, tissue repair
    Vitamin B Participates in the formation and development of the nervous system, stimulates hematopoiesis
    Antibodies of subtype A Protect the mucous membranes of the digestive system and nasopharynx from infection
    Endorphins Increase the body's resistance to adverse external conditions and stress
    Amino acids Promotes the development of the brain, heart, muscle tissue
    Prebiotics Fills the intestines with beneficial bacteria
    Antioxidants Stimulates the formation of the body's defenses.

    The first attachment starts the feeding process. This is a natural process, important and necessary for a child to grow and develop safely.

    5 stages of breast capture

    Breast latch is the most important thing in how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk (read if necessary). First, wash your hands thoroughly. A few drops of milk can be squeezed out of the nipple to lubricate the nipple. It will become softer, it will be easier for the baby to grab it with his mouth.

    Stages of capturing the breast with the baby's mouth:
    Place pillows or bolsters under the child so that his back is straight. Mom clasps her breasts with her fingers, without touching the areola circle. Brings the baby to the face. He will smell milk, open his mouth. If this does not happen, it is necessary to squeeze drops of milk on his lips, put the nipple on his mouth.
    The chin touches the mother's chest, and the nose faces the nipple. The mouth should open wide. The nipple and part of the areola should get into the mouth.

    The mouth should cover the areola, not just the nipple

    The baby starts sucking. Babies are different - some immediately suck actively, others do it slowly. If milk leaks a little from the corner of the mouth, the baby's head should be raised, and the index finger should be placed under the lower lip. The baby will press the lips tighter.
    When the baby is full and begins to fall asleep, place your index finger between the chest and the corner of the mouth. This will help you pull the nipple out effortlessly.
    You do not need to get dressed right away, it is advisable to let the milk dry on the nipple. The child must be held in an upright position so that he regurgitates air. After the characteristic sound, put him to bed.

    With the right technique, the baby will develop high-quality sucking. This will prevent future nipple injuries. It will be easier for mom to cope with the baby when he grows up and gains weight. If the mother has, it is imperative to find out the reasons, because this is fraught with serious illnesses.

    The following video shows you how to properly breastfeed your newborn.

    Attachment at different positions

    The choice of a position for feeding a newborn is up to the mother. The process should take place in a relaxed state. It is important to take the load off the woman's back.

    Sitting position

    Mom puts her hands in a "cradle". There should be support under the back

    In this position, it is convenient to feed throughout the day. It is imperative to provide support for the back to rest the spine..

    A suitable position when mom folds her arms in the form of a cradle. One hand supports the head and the other the rest of the torso. The baby's body is turned towards the mother, it is convenient for the mouth to reach the nipple.

    It is better for weak and premature babies to put a pillow under the body. It will be convenient for mom to control the baby's head with both hands.

    Lying position

    Mom puts the child on her side, and herself lie down on the side. Baby head on mom's hand

    If mom has had a cesarean section or has stitches in her crotch, it is best to lie down during the whole process. How to properly feed a newborn with breast milk while lying down is shown even in the hospital.

    There are several provisions:

    • Mom lies on her arm. She puts the child on her side, she herself lies down next to her. In order for the baby to eat from the upper chest, he is placed on a pillow. For the bottom, the pillow is removed. The head rests on mom's hand.
    • The baby is on the mother. In this way, the baby is fed with severe colic, as well as a large influx of milk from the mother, so that the newborn does not choke. Mom lies on her back, puts the newborn with her tummy on her stomach so that he can reach the nipple. Mom can put a pillow under her head and shoulders.
    • From under the arm. The nursing woman is half-sitting, leaning on the hip and forearm, the baby lies on a pillow between the mother and the supporting arm. She holds the baby's head from below, from above gives him the breast.

    During the day, the posture changes depending on the woman's preference and circumstances.

    Negative consequences due to improper attachment

    Correct latching on your newborn while breastfeeding will help to avoid many troubles. The baby can damage the nipple. He sucks hard, but improper attachment prevents him from getting milk. This will hurt the woman, some refuse for this reason to try again to apply to the breast.

    It also provokes ineffective milk suction. Because of this the gland will coarse, swell, inflame... We advise you to read and advice on how to prevent it.

    It is worth buying clothes for nursing mothers in advance - blouses and T-shirts with slots

    Breastfeeding mothers sometimes have to feed their babies in public. If you are planning a long walk, then you need to take into account that the child will get hungry, so you need to prepare. Take with you a large scarf or diaper, a set of wet and dry napkins, and a small snack.

    You can wear special clothes for nursing women - these are blouses, T-shirts with openings for the chest, sewn in bras. When it’s time to eat, it’s better to work ahead of schedule: do not wait for demanding crying, feed the baby before he asks.

    You should find a secluded place where there will be fewer people. If this is not the case, then just sit with your face away to attract less attention. Throw a scarf over your shoulders, a diaper to hide the baby from prying eyes. Feed him and vilify him vertically (read in this article), as the newborn should be kept in this position after feeding to regurgitate air.

    Eating outdoors stimulates a good appetite and gives you a sound sleep. Mom allows you to take a break from the everyday work of caring for the baby. If you can't feed outside the home, you can take a bottle of expressed milk with you. How to use a breast pump in this case and which one is better to choose is a topic.

    Basic Rules

    Breastfeeding should be done correctly. When latching, there are various difficulties that affect feeding.

    How to alternate breasts

    The milk in the gland is not homogeneous. First, the baby sucks on the so-called "front" milk. It is thinner and contains less fat and nutrients. Then comes the "back", richer portion. This combination allows the baby to eat in a balanced way. When feeding, you need to give one breast, and the next - the other.

    If at one time the child sucked first from one gland, then a little from the other, then he received two not very nutritious portions, and he no longer wants to eat up the saturated residues. It is reasonable to alternate breasts only when establishing a feeding regimen, and not on ordinary days.

    Regime or demand - which is better?

    Modern pediatricians are inclined to believe that it is better to feed newborn babies on demand, and not by the hour. After all, the baby calls his mother not only during hunger. When sucking, it is easier for him to calm down. With his mother, he is not so scared, cold or worried. Lactation with on-demand feeding will be stable.

    Feeding at night should not be ignored, although it is inconvenient for the mother

    Hourly feeding of a newborn baby is convenient as it is predictable. When feeding on demand, the mother is “attached” to the baby. This is especially unusual for young women with their first child.

    Necessarily need to feed at night. The hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation, is produced precisely at night. The most effective meals are considered to be from 2 am to 8 am.

    Mom is not able to get enough sleep with this feeding schedule for the newborn, but you need to use the baby's daytime sleep hours for your rest. In the future, the child will grow up and stop eating at night.

    How much should a newborn suck

    Every kid is different. From birth he has his own character. One sucks briskly and actively for 15 minutes, the other slowly, with pleasure, almost 40 minutes. With prolonged feeding, cracks may appear on the nipples. But if you pick up the breast earlier, the fattest and healthiest portion will not get to the baby.

    There is a feeding rate for a breastfed newborn - from 10 to 40 minutes. Next, you need to observe the child, whether he is eating up during this time.

    Several signs that your baby is full

    If the baby is gaining weight and is feeling well, it means that he is eating up.

    Many breastfeeding women are worried about whether their baby is eating when the newborn is feeding. There are several signs by which you can understand that the baby is full:

    • the newborn is gaining weight normally and is feeling well (in this publication you will get acquainted with by month);
    • urine is excreted about 10 times a day;
    • the chair looks like porridge, up to 8 times a day;
    • the skin is clean, pink;
    • the development of the baby is going according to the terms.

    Moody behavior between meals is not a symptom of a lack of milk. He may suffer from colic or an uncomfortable posture. How much a newborn should eat in one feeding can be determined with the pediatrician. It depends on birth weight and age.

    7 times you shouldn't breastfeed

    There are situations when the use of breast milk is contraindicated, as it can transfer to the child the remnants of drugs or bacteria from the mother.

    Diseases and conditions of a woman, excluding breastfeeding:

    • oncology;
    • open form of tuberculosis;
    • deadly infections - plague, cholera;
    • mental disorders - schizophrenia;
    • taking medications for nervous disorders - antidepressants, lithium salts:
    • hepatitis.

    For some diseases (chickenpox, measles), milk must be expressed, sterilized and then given to the baby.


    Breast milk is essential for the growth and development of the baby's immunity. But in order for this process to take place with benefit, you need to remember the basic rules for attaching and grabbing the breast. You need to understand that some diseases impose restrictions on breastfeeding and even prohibit it. Therefore, promptly ask for information about the rules of artificial feeding, as well as about for a newborn.

    Breastfeeding is the best feeding option for newborns. With breast milk, the child receives all the trace elements and vitamins necessary for his further development and growth. This feeding method is the most safe, convenient and economical.

    Breastfeeding is an inherently natural process, which in most cases should proceed without problems and bring joy to mom and baby. It has long been noticed that latching on to the breast calms the baby, gives him a sense of security and a feeling of closeness with the most important person - his mother. But not all mothers manage to easily and quickly establish proper breastfeeding. We hope that the following tips and tricks will help women in this important matter.

    # 1: Early Breastfeeding: Making Contact With Your Baby

    Experts have found that the earlier the baby is attached to the breast, the faster breastfeeding will be established. It is recommended to apply the newborn to the mother's breast for the first time no later than 1 hour after childbirth., therefore, in many maternity hospitals, babies are applied in the first minutes after birth. It is very important for the baby to receive colostrum, which appears in the mother immediately after childbirth and is beneficial in its properties.

    Early attachment contributes not only to successful lactation, but also to the establishment of the first contact between mother and child. Skin to skin... This is their first meeting, direct contact, touch. It is especially important for a newborn to feel the closeness of the mother, to hear her heartbeat. Plus, the first application contributes to a faster discharge of the placenta in women in labor, and contributes to the formation of intestinal microflora and immunity in a newborn child.

    Pediatrician, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Alla Pavlovna Surovtseva talks about the first application:

    # 2: Correct latching is the basis for successful feeding

    During the first feed, it is important that the baby lasts correctly. At the same time, doctors should help the newly-made mother and check the baby's sucking reflex.

    If the newborn was attached to the breast incorrectly, the mother will have to face a number of troubles in the future:

    • cracked nipples;
    • mastitis and lactostasis;
    • poor milk outflow;
    • refusal of the child from the breast.

    To avoid such problems, a woman in labor should consult with doctors and, during each feeding, ensure that the baby is correctly attached to the breast.

    1. Firstly, a woman should find a position that is comfortable for herself and the newborn. Feeding is considered optimal while sitting or lying on its side. These positions help to create a comfortable feeding environment and ensure good milk flow. (See article about all).
    2. Secondly, you need to watch how the baby captures the breast. It is considered correct to capture not only the nipple, but also the area around it.
    3. Thirdly, the mother should hold the breast and slightly direct it to the baby's mouth.

    Initially, the correct application will protect a woman from cracks and abrasions on the nipples, lactostasis. The baby, with correct attachment, will actively suck and gorge. If the attachment is incorrect, the mother will experience discomfort and even painful sensations during feeding, the baby will also find it uncomfortable and difficult to suckle, and he may completely refuse to breastfeed.

    In the event that the newborn does not properly capture the breast, you need to interrupt the feeding and offer him the breast again, substituting it for the correct capture. Don't be afraid and insecure. The baby will calmly accept this situation and will soon understand how to accept the breast.

    But the uncertainty of the mother, in addition to all sorts of troubles, can also result in the retraining of the child to the correct capture, which will take about 7-10 days. In some cases, it is improper attachment to the breast that is the primary reason for the refusal of the newborn from breastfeeding.

    Natalya Kudryashova, a breastfeeding and childcare specialist, tells and shows how to properly attach a baby to the breast:

    # 3: Feeding on demand is an important condition for HW

    Just a few years ago, hourly feeding was considered correct. In accordance with this, the baby should be fed at regular intervals (usually every 3 hours).

    Breastfeeding rules have changed somewhat these days. Modern experts believe that for successful lactation and absence of problems, feeding on demand of the child is necessary.

    Every newborn needs an individual feeding schedule. In this regard, it is important to listen to the needs of the child and satisfy them at the first request. Offer your baby a breast whenever he is naughty, whimpering or opening his mouth in search of a milk source. Even if the previous feed was an hour ago. In addition, frequent lactation increases milk supply and improves lactation.

    Do not worry about overeating when feeding on demand. First, the baby will not eat more than he needs. Secondly, his stomach is adapted to the rapid assimilation of breast milk. After a while, the child will form his own schedule, which will be optimally suited to his needs.

    Feeding on demand contributes to the creation of psycho-emotional comfort for the newborn. The baby feels that his needs are being met in a timely manner, which means that he is important and needed, he is loved. Such children grow up more balanced, calm and confident compared to those who were fed on time.

    # 4: Duration of feeding: how long should the baby suckle

    The duration of feeding depends on several factors:

    • sucking reflex of the baby and the efforts that he makes;
    • correct attachment to the chest;
    • saturation of the child.

    On average, the feeding process lasts 20-30 minutes. However, feeding should not be limited to strict timing. The baby will move away from the breast by himself when he is full. The duration of feeding is due to the fact that at the beginning of feeding, the child receives early milk, rich in water, minerals and carbohydrates (i.e. the baby drinks), and after 3-6 minutes of sucking it reaches the rear milk, which is rich in fats and proteins. those. begins to eat fully.

    In some cases, the baby can suckle at the breast not only because of the feeling of hunger, but also in order to calm down, feel safety, being close to mom. Do not deprive your child of this opportunity. In this way, he seeks contact with his mother, keeps in touch with her. This also explains the peaceful sleep of newborns after breastfeeding: having calmed down and having eaten, the babies fall asleep sweetly, feeling completely safe.

    As he grows up, the baby will learn to quickly satisfy his need for satiety and will find other ways to establish contact with his mother. This means that feeding time will be significantly reduced. But in the first months, be sure to give the newborn the opportunity to be at the breast as much as he wants.

    See how much to breastfeed by time:

    # 5: alternate attachment

    The correctness of breastfeeding largely depends on the alternate attachment of the baby to the breast. During one feeding, the mother should offer the baby only one breast, during the next feeding the other. This is due not only to the gradual accumulation of milk in the mammary glands, but also to its composition.

    So, for several minutes of sucking, the baby absorbs early milk that satisfies his need for fluid. It is liquid milk containing water, carbohydrates, and minerals. Only after 3-6 minutes late milk begins to emerge. It is thicker and richer in healthy fats and nutrients. If a woman changes her breasts during one feeding, the baby may not receive late milk, which is valuable in its composition. As a result, the newborn may remain hungry and lack the necessary micronutrients.

    In addition, alternate latching is also useful for the mother: excess milk will not linger in her breast, and the mammary glands quickly adapt to the established regime.

    When the baby grows up (5-6 months), he may not have enough milk from one breast. Only in this case it is possible to supplement it with the second breast.

    # 6: feed at night

    At night, it is also necessary to feed the newborn at his request. This will provide peace of mind for both the child and the parents. Night feeds help maintain lactation and milk production in sufficient quantities. At first, the baby may need 2-3 applications at night.

    For the convenience of feeding the baby at night, mothers often resort to sleeping together. This allows you to feel the baby, quickly respond to his needs, offer him the breast without getting out of bed.

    But if a mother decides to sleep with her baby, she should be especially careful and careful so as not to crush him during sleep. You also need to wake up for night feeding, and not feed the baby "through sleep".

    Young parents consider the option optimal when the baby's bed is pushed close to their bed, and one of its side is open. This allows the baby to take a separate seat, but be in close proximity to the parents. And the mother can at any time move the newborn to her and feed him.

    See Breastfeeding Consultant for Night Feeding:

    Thus, properly organizing breastfeeding is a process that does not require certain efforts and special skills. If a woman encounters any difficulties, she should consult with specialists. Do not forget that breastfeeding takes time... But loving mothers can easily endure all the troubles associated with the period of hepatitis B, because the benefits of breast milk for a newborn are priceless. No high-priced formula contains as many nutrients as breast milk. Only breast milk acts as a natural defense of the newborn from bacteria and contributes to the formation of immunity.

    In addition, breastfeeding is not only a natural and necessary process, but also an important moment in establishing emotional contact between a mother and a child.

    More on the topic (entries from this section)

    The nutrition of an infant is significantly different from the intake of adult food in different ways: the food itself, its quantity, and the frequency of meals. How to feed a newborn correctly - this question is important to find out, because how long the mother can and wants to feed the baby with the best food - breast milk, will depend on how successful she is to "start" in the race called "breastfeeding".

    How lactation appears or why there is no milk

    We are uniquely created: the body of the expectant mother, long before giving birth, begins to tune in to breastfeeding (HB), because this is the same natural process as bearing a fetus, embedded in a woman at the DNA level.

    Immediately after birth, lactation begins with the production of colostrum. Despite its small amount (about 30 ml), it is high in calories, rich in immune bodies and complete protein, so it is quite enough for a child in the first days of life. In addition, colostrum has a mild laxative effect, which facilitates the release of the original feces of meconium.

    Colostrum helps a newborn to adapt to a new way of feeding, thanks to this period he needs to spend less energy on sucking, which is not much at first, because both the mother and the baby are resting after childbirth.

    Also, within 2-3 days, the mother has the opportunity to learn the technique of latching the baby to the breast, and this is one of the most important secrets of successful lactation.

    About the position and technique of attachment

    Take a comfortable position before breastfeeding your newborn. Each woman has her own, the main thing is to be comfortable for both you and the baby.

    It is good to master 2-3 poses, for example, the “cradle” pose, when the baby is on her mother’s hands with her tummy towards her, lying on the elbow. It is important to learn how to feed while lying down: on the arm, from under the arm, from the upper chest. Many women find it convenient to use a special nursing pillow, which reduces the strain on the arms.

    Some comfortable positions and an example of proper nipple grip

    Correct feeding means proper gripping of the nipple. It looks like this:

    • the baby grasps the nipple with his mouth wide open together with a halo, while the baby's lower lip turns outward;
    • the nose is pressed tightly to the chest, but the ability to breathe normally remains;
    • in the process of sucking, there should be no smacking and other sounds other than swallowing;
    • feeding a newborn should be pleasant, if you are experiencing discomfort, then something is wrong.

    What to do if cracked nipples appear

    Fissures can form in the periolateral region due to improper application. They need to be treated, because, firstly, this is an open gateway for infection, often leading to mastitis, and secondly, it becomes almost unbearable to feed because of the pain. During treatment, you can use special silicone pads and lubricate the bust with 5% synthomycin emulsion.

    Day three - did you order milk?

    At the onset of the third day, the breast pours noticeably - the so-called transitional milk arrives, which in a couple of weeks will change to full milk. Now an interesting process begins, which can be understood if we recall physiology.

    About the effect of hormones on milk flow

    The hormones prolactin and oxytocin are responsible for lactation. The latter is released directly during sucking, due to which a reflex contraction of peri-duct cells occurs and milk begins to flow. The role of prolactin is different. During sucking, a signal is sent to the brain, more precisely, to the pituitary gland, about the existing need for the future. In other words, under the influence of prolactin, the brain analyzes how much milk needs to be produced next times.

    An important conclusion follows from this: during lactation formation, you should often apply the baby to the breast, even if it seems that it is "empty".

    From the outside, it may look like a mockery of a baby, relatives may repeat about the need to supplement with formula. Do not panic. If the baby was born with normal weight, without pathologies, 3 days for debugging for milk intake will not harm him, and this time, as a rule, is enough for the brain to give the command to increase lactation. We will talk about when to introduce supplementation a little later.

    Feeding mode

    How often should I feed my newborn? There are two styles of breastfeeding:

    1. On demand. Its essence is that as soon as the little one begins to cry, declaring his feeling of hunger, the mother "hurries to the rescue."
    2. By the hour. In this case, 3 hours wait from one feeding to another, accustoming the child to the regimen.

    It must be admitted that the nature of the toddler often influences the process of eating, because not every mother can withstand half an hour of screaming, and it is not worth annoying the baby to such an extent. The same can be said about the duration of one feeding: it can last up to 30-40 minutes, it seems that the newborn "hangs" on the chest, but for the first meals this is absolutely normal.

    Feeding on demand seems to be the smartest option in the first two to three weeks, when both parties are adjusting to each other. Further - how it goes. But in how many hours? The style of free feeding is popular, in which the baby is fed on demand, but not earlier than 2 hours after the last meal.

    Do I need to pump?

    In the case when you have chosen the option on demand, there is no need for pumping - the child will already empty everything to the last drop. However, there are situations in which you need to help free yourself from milk:

    Breast pump makes pumping easier

    1. If, for various reasons, the mother is separated from the baby in the first weeks of life (the premature baby is placed in a hospital), but there is a desire to preserve hepatitis B.
    2. If the baby has eaten and you feel that your breast milk supply is not depleted.
    3. If the mother leaves the child with one of the relatives, and she goes to work, school, but at the same time wants to continue the GW. In this case, the “food product” is stored frozen in a clean container. Do not worry about freezing and defrosting - it does not affect the composition and taste of milk in any way.

    Up to what age to continue GV? It is believed that the first six months of life, a baby especially needs breast milk. The further development of events depends on the wishes of the mother and the needs of the family. Some feed for up to a year, others for up to one and a half years or more.

    Is there enough milk?

    How to understand whether a child is full or not? There are several signs that everything is in order:

    • the baby fell asleep with the sissy or let you go himself;
    • normal weight gain and height;
    • he sleeps well, is active during wakefulness;
    • baby pissing a lot.

    A few words about hygiene

    Before starting "feeding", you should wash your hands with soap and water. At the same time, there is no need to wash the bust every time, it is enough to take a hygienic shower without soap once a day.

    A special bra is the right thing for a nursing mother

    It is recommended to buy a special bra that does not compress your breasts. For such models, the cups are unfastened for more convenient attachment of the baby. Keep in mind that clothing in general should provide quick access to the dairy kitchen. For example, on a walk, a mother will not be able to feed a baby in every dress.

    How to switch to mixed feeding?

    With mixed feeding, the baby receives both milk and an artificial mixture. This process in medicine is called supplementation and it occurs for various reasons:

    • a nursing woman needs to go to work;
    • there is a need to take medications that are contraindicated in hepatitis B;
    • lack of milk;
    • underweight in a newborn.

    Competent transition to mixed food means calculating the missing amount of food, which will help the pediatrician in the children's clinic. In addition, it must be appropriate, that is, you fall under the situations described above, and the doctor recommends that you feed the baby.

    You can read the article on our website about how to choose a formula for a newborn and not get lost in their assortment.

    It is worth mentioning the fact that when mixed food is given to a child from a bottle, a small problem arises: the baby very quickly realizes that it is much easier to suck from a bottle than to get milk with hard work, so there may be vagaries near the sissy that need to be experienced. For this reason, you need to remember the basic rules:

    • first, the newborn is applied to the breast, and only after it has been emptied, the intended portion of the mixture is given;
    • it is better to spoon feed, but if this fails, the opening in the bottle nipple should not be too wide, preferably a nipple with an anti-colic valve.

    Bottle feeding sometimes creates difficulties for further GW

    About night feeding

    The benefits of GW at night, especially in the morning, have long been proven, so you do not need to give up night vigils. How often this happens is another matter. It happens that the baby confuses day with night and the whole family takes turns running around with him.

    To solve this problem will help late bathing and feeding at night a little later than usual: our goal is to make the little ones tired and hungry. Cool, fresh air also promotes good sleep. Ideally, feed once at night, gradually, closer to the year, refusing such midnight meals.

    Problems associated with GW and ways to solve them

    The baby does not fall asleep after feeding

    Often babies fall asleep right at the breast, but there are exceptions. What if the baby is awake after feeding? Perhaps your baby has just grown up and began to sleep less in principle. But sometimes he expects additional assurances of love and affection: wear him in your arms, sing a lullaby, if a motion sickness mechanism is provided in a crib or stroller, use it.

    Belching is something that you must definitely wait before going to bed.
    If a newborn has swallowed air, it will be uncomfortable for him to sleep, as gas bubbles press on the walls of the stomach. Hold the baby upright, as the people say, "in a column" until the belching makes itself felt, and then put the baby to bed.

    Baby crying at the chest

    If you gave the baby a breast, and he bursts into tears when he tries to suck, then something is bothering him. The following are the reasons why your baby cries during feeding:

    1. The tummy hurts. Legs pressed to the tummy will tell about this pain. To avoid this situation, mom should stick to a diet, do not eat foods that increase gas production. The baby is given a massage with warm hands, anti-colic drugs based on simethicone are given.
    2. The problem is ear pain... With otitis media, swallowing movements cause pain in the ears. If, in addition to crying, there is an increased temperature and, when pressing on the tragus of the auricles, crying intensifies, an urgent need to see a doctor.
    3. Headache . If there are neurological disorders, headache may be one of the symptoms. Get examined by a neurologist.
    4. Air entrapment, as mentioned earlier, is uncomfortable. The problem is solved simply - the baby is held upright for several minutes until he belches air.
    5. The milk has changed its taste... The taste of milk depends on the mother's eating habits. The little one may not like the fact that his usually sweet food suddenly takes on a sharp taste. Conclusion: watch your diet.
    6. The mucous membrane of the mouth is inflamed... Thrush, laryngitis, pharyngitis - with all these diseases, it is painful for a child to swallow. Treatment begins as early as possible.

    If the baby hiccups

    But what if after feeding the baby starts hiccupping? Basically, the reasons for this phenomenon are physiological, and we have already discussed some of them:

    • air trapped during a meal;
    • overeating;
    • hypothermia;
    • because of the large flow of milk, the baby chokes on it.

    All these reasons can be easily eliminated: do not overfeed the child, give the air a chance to get out, give him a drink. And only in rare cases, hiccups can indicate neurological problems.

    These are just some of the tips for breastfeeding. This topic can be discussed endlessly, as it is in demand, because what kind of mother would not want to give her precious child all the best, especially when it comes to breast milk.

    Every mother wants to see her child healthy and from the first days of his life begins to give him everything he needs. This is breast milk, which has beneficial substances and trace elements necessary for the growth and strengthening of the child's body.

    However, in addition to the feeding process itself, other factors are also important - proper breast care, comfort in position, pumping, the need for supplementary feeding, etc.

    Find out all the nuances from our article: how to properly feed a newborn baby, the rules for breastfeeding and formula feeding, nutritional features for mixed feeding, how often and after what period of time to feed the baby (schedule and rate of food intake for the baby).

    Natural feeding

    In the first year breast milk is a vital food for an infant... In order for this period to bring only joy to the baby and mother, you should know about the basic rules of feeding.

    What determines the amount of milk in mom

    The amount of milk can be influenced by:

    • transferred stresses;
    • insufficient sleep;
    • mom's nutritional features;
    • lack of physical activity;
    • fatigue;
    • hereditary predisposition;
    • lack of rest.
    • Breast size does not affect milk supply. Neither the shape of the nipple, nor the type of milk matters.

      Breastfeeding rules and breast care

      When feeding, there is only one rule - feeding should be carried out in a separate room, where there is no one except the mother and the baby.

      It doesn't matter what position will be adopted during feeding - sitting, lying, standing; the main thing is complete relaxation and convenience.

      Separately, you need to talk about pumping and breast massage. These procedures should be carried out in the first 3-4 weeks after delivery. Then the milk supply is normalized.

      Hands and breasts should be washed with soap and water before expressing and massaging. Do not use alcohol-based products.

      Ordinary baby soap is an excellent antiseptic. It is also necessary to make sure that the detergent does not remain on the chest after washing procedures.

      It is not recommended to use soap before each feeding. The tool is able to remove the fatty film that protects the mammary glands from external influences.

      Therefore, you only need to wash your breasts once a day. If necessary, warm running water is sufficient.

      The massage itself is not difficult. However, make sure the glands are the same density. If seals are found, massage is carried out in this area more intensively.

      The chest is supported with one hand underneath. The second, with the help of 4 fingers, you need to massage the mammary gland in a circular motion, starting from the ribs and moving to the nipple. The hand that supports the chest from below should not be idle - the technique is similar.

      At the place of compaction, the movements are not intensified, only the duration of the massage increases.

      Expressing is an important step for a nursing mother. If you ignore the excess amount of milk, it will lead to the development of mastitis.

      So, only two fingers should be used for pumping - index and large. It is important to press not on the nipple, but on the gland tissue. The most effective method of expressing is using a breast pump.

      Many of the difficulties associated with breastfeeding are cracks and abrasions on the nipples. These phenomena arise due to:

      • child activity;
      • features of the mother's skin;
      • lack of hygiene.

      Preventive measures must be followed. This includes:

      • the nipple after feeding should always be dry (for this, blot it with sterile gauze);
      • cleanliness of the chest;
      • a nursing mother should not wear underwear containing synthetics - only cotton;
      • the baby should grab the areola (halo), not the nipple;
      • if a crack is found, treatment is started immediately;
      • mom's nails should be short (so as not to get scratched while expressing);
      • do not keep the baby near the breast for more than 20 minutes;
      • you can not bring the baby to such a degree of hunger that he pounces on the chest;
      • perform massage and pumping;
      • keep your chest open if possible.

      For the treatment of abrasions and cracks, vitamin A is used on an oily basis (sold in pharmacies), Bepanten, sea buckthorn oil, special aerosols (without antibiotics).

      If suppuration occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

      Meals by the hour or on demand

      After how many hours do you need to breastfeed a newborn baby?

      Two options for breastfeeding are considered - feeding by the hour and on demand. Both options are equally relevant and acceptable.

      Feeding by the clock is carried out strictly at a certain time every 3 hours. A break is made at night - 6 hours.

      This regime lasts up to 2 months. Then the interval between feedings is increased to 3.5 hours, and at night - up to 7 hours.

      The advantage of the method is to teach the child to discipline from early childhood. Otherwise, this method is a radical choice on the part of the mother, since not all children agree with the regime.

      Feeding on demand is the most popular choice among modern parents.

      After birth, the child experiences severe stress, and the only effective way to get rid of it is through bodily contact with the mother. Therefore, it is so important to attach the baby to the breast when he wants it. After all, sucking is not only a process of getting food, but also an effective method of calming the baby.

      This method is a highly effective means of maintaining lactation.

      However, frequent feeding will not allow the mother to do household chores, therefore, the baby should be applied to the breast not at the first signs of anxiety, smacking lips, grunting, puffing, but when the baby really needs food - once every 2 hours with a 20-minute feeding duration ...

      A few words about the breastfeeding regimen and how to properly feed a newborn baby with breast milk, Dr. Komarovsky will tell:

      Which option to choose

      The basic rule is a healthy child knows himself when he needs food... Do not wake him up just because, according to his mother, it is already time for him to eat. Exceptions are such cases:

      • if mom needs to leave urgently;
      • children who weigh little.

      The optimal interval between feedings for children under 1 month is 2-3 hours. Further, the baby himself will gradually increase it as he grows and develops.

      An important condition is latching on to only one breast during one feeding. This rule is irrelevant if the baby is not full or if the mother has cracks on her nipples.

      Make sure that the baby swallows during latching, not sucking. If you do not stop his desire to "hang" on his mother's breast in time, then in the future it will be quite difficult to wean him from his beloved work.

      Bottle feeding your baby

      Bottle feeding a baby is different from latching on to the mother's breast. In the latter case, he himself determines the volume of milk and the duration of feeding. This allows milk production to adapt to the baby's needs and change as the baby grows.

      There are different ways to feed your baby with breast milk if your mother is not around. This situation is justified due to the mother's inability to attach the baby to the breast (severe pain, urgent departure, etc.).

      Then bottle feeding with a nipple allowed... Today, this method is in demand for artificial and mixed feeding, or if the mother is not around.

      The nipple advantage is the safest and most natural process for absorbing food.

      However, bottle sucking and sucking from the mother's breast have significant differences. In the first case, the baby makes less effort. Therefore, after getting to know the bottle, many babies refuse mother's breast.

      An alternative is choosing a special nipple.

      • When tilting the bottle, no drops of milk should come out of the nipple.
      • When pressing on the wide area of \u200b\u200bthe nipple, a trickle should flow.

      Remember to take care of your bottle. It is necessary to regularly rinse and rinse baby containers with boiling water.

      Expressed breast milk is allowed to be frozen. This will preserve all the vitamins and useful microelements, and the newborn will not remain hungry if the mother leaves on business. It is not recommended to mix milk after several expressions. The frozen liquid is stored for no more than 2 months.

      What to do if there is no lactation

      How to feed a newborn baby if there is no milk? Often in medical practice there are cases when the mother does not have enough milk for good nutrition of the baby. The situation can be corrected by additional measures agreed with the doctor.

      • Mom should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
      • The crumb should be applied in the first days of his life as often as possible.
      • Do not replace breast milk with other fluids.
      • Nighttime latching is essential for good lactation.
      • Mom's nutrition is also important.

      10-15 minutes before feeding, mom needs to drink a glass of warm sweet tea with milk or dried fruit compote.

      No stress and worries: with emotional disorders in women, lactation worsens.

      Why can't grapes while breastfeeding? You will find answers to questions about nutrition for nursing mothers.

      Introduction of the mixture into the infant's diet

      If, despite all the efforts of the mother, there is still enough milk, then willy-nilly, you will have to use additional nutrition - switch to mixed feeding. In the case of a complete transfer to milk formulas, we can talk about artificial nutrition.

      What to give

      The infant should receive nutrition that is as close as possible in composition to breast milk. These products are mixtures.

      All mixtures are divided into 3 groups:

      • partially adapted (children after a year);
      • less adapted (after 6 months);
      • the most adapted (up to 6 months).

      The best will be the mixture, on the packaging of which it is indicated: "Intended for feeding children from birth to 1 year."

      You should not often change baby food, since the crumbs may develop unpleasant reactions in the form of diarrhea, frequent regurgitation, allergic rashes, etc.

      It is necessary to switch to another mixture if:

      • if the baby is not gaining weight;
      • if he has frequent constipation.

      It is unacceptable to give diluted cow's milk as a supplementary feed (full feeding). This can lead to irreversible consequences.

      The product does not contain those useful minerals and vitamins that are contained in the adapted formula or breast milk.

      Mixed feeding rules

      • Give the breast first, then the mixture.
      • Only one feeding can be replaced with formula.

      The product should be introduced gradually, starting with a small amount. The mixture temperature should not exceed the child's body temperature. It is only necessary to dilute the product with boiled water.

      Here is another interesting video with the participation of Evgeny Komarovsky, from which you will learn about the mode of feeding a newborn, whether you need to feed him at night and how many times you can do it:

      Feeding hours and dosage

      How to properly feed a newborn baby with a formula and should it be done on time?

      With artificial feeding 6-7 meals a day are recommended in the first months of life with an interval of 3-3.5 hours.

      A 6 hour interval should be done at night. It is important to take into account the required volume, which is calculated depending on age and weight.

      So, for the first half of life, an infant needs 115 kcal per 1 kg, after 6 months - 110 kcal.

      The daily volume of food required for crumbs with normal weight indicators is:

      • from 7 days to 2 months - 1/5 of body weight;
      • from 2 to 4 - 1/6 of body weight;
      • from 6 to 12 months - 1/8.

      A new mixture is introduced according to the following schedule:

      • 1 day - 10 ml once a day;
      • Day 2 - 10 ml 3 times a day;
      • 3 day - 20 ml 3 times a day;
      • 4 day - 50 ml 5 times a day;
      • 5 day - 100 ml 4 times a day;
      • 6 day - 150 ml 4 times a day.

      Complementary feeding start

      Learn to distinguish between complementary foods and complementary foods. In the first situation, the baby receives additional food to prepare for adulthood and food. In the second, it is supplemented with mixtures in case of lack of milk.

      Complementary foods are introduced at the age of 6 months - with breastfeeding and 5 - with artificial feeding. Until this time, except for breast milk, formula and water, nothing can be given.

      Start slowly and carefully. For the first time, you need to give half a teaspoon of complementary foods, and then supplement with milk or a mixture. The "test" is possible before the second feeding, at 9-11 am.

      Assess the child's reaction to a new product. If rash, irritation, anxiety, constipation (diarrhea) were not found, then the next day you can give 2 times more.

      In no case should you introduce an unfamiliar product during illness or after vaccination. If there is any reaction, the start of complementary feeding is delayed by 1-2 weeks.

      Don't force your child to eat. Perhaps the baby is not yet ready for a new stage in life.

      Find out on our website detailed instructions for use for newborns! We will tell you how the drug works, what are the indications for its use.

      And how to give a baby the drug Espumisan Baby? You will find out how effective this remedy is against abdominal discomfort in the little ones!

      We have collected reviews about the dry mix Baby and the composition of these products.

      Where to start feeding

      Better to start with vegetables, this is zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. Any vegetable is thoroughly washed and cooked (in a double boiler or in a regular saucepan). Then it is ground with a blender.

      On the first day - half a teaspoon. Then the dose is doubled every day and brought to normal.

      If there are no extraneous reactions to a new product, after 4 days you can try another vegetable, and then make a puree from the previously proposed products. After 10 days, one meal of dairy food should be completely replaced.

      For 7 months, you can offer porridge. This must be done at the very last reception - before bedtime. To begin with, the baby should be introduced to buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, then gradually expand the diet.

      Use special baby cereals designed for 7 months of age. Giving semolina porridge at this age is not recommended due to the presence of gluten in it.

      At the 8th month, two feedings are already replaced. Now you can introduce your child to fermented milk products - kefir. On day 4, offer low-fat cottage cheese.

      Fruits are introduced into complementary foods when the baby's first tooth appears. The first is an apple. It is not recommended to fully replace feeding with fruit. They are given in addition to the main food.

      Meat is introduced at 9 months of ageand fish at 10 months. You can add half the yolk and vegetable oil to the diet. Since 10 months, soup is already being prepared on meat, fish broth, to which bread crumb is added. The introduction of vegetable oil and cookies is allowed.

      By the age of one year, all 5 feedings should be completely replaced. Although some moms still breastfeed at night.

      Water must be added to the diet. Its temperature should correspond to the body temperature of the baby.

      The main thing during breastfeeding is to eat well. It is prohibited during this period:

      • consume alcoholic beverages;
      • eating spicy, salty, spicy foods.

      It is necessary:

      • exclude cow's milk, peas, beans, white cabbage from the diet;
      • limit the use of caffeine, chocolate;
      • exclude fast food and convenience foods.

      During the feeding period, you should avoid stress, adhere to a sleep and rest routine.

      From this video lesson, you will learn a lot of useful information about breastfeeding positions for a newborn, how to properly feed a baby while sitting and lying on its side, in which position it will be best for you and your baby:

      In contact with

      Mom's milk is the best food for a child, created in accordance with all his needs. Breastfeeding is easy - just follow the recommendations developed by the World Health Organization.

      Early start is the key to long-term feeding

      1. To keep your breasts clean, just rinse your breasts once a day while showering. You do not need to wash it with soap and water before each feeding.
      2. After feeding, the dry skin of the areola can be lubricated with vegetable oil (olive, almond).
      3. It is good to treat cracked nipples with Purelan cream or Bepanten ointment. Some women benefit from silicone areola pads.
      4. You need to wear a comfortable cotton bra with wide straps, without underwire.

      And no need to pump!

      We have already said that with a well-established nutrition of a newborn, milk is produced in the breast exactly as much as the baby sucks. If, after the end of feeding, you express, then the next time more milk will arrive, you will have to express again, etc.

      With strong inflows of milk in the first weeks (hyperlactation), you can slightly express the full breast before feeding, if the baby cannot capture the areola, or if he chokes on the powerful stream of milk.

      Give up the daily weighing of the baby, the absence or presence of an increase is not a sign of a lack of nutrition. Moreover, weighing before and after feeding is not indicative. WHO recommends weighing a baby no more than once a month.

      Up to what age should the baby be fed?

      The WHO recommends continuing breastfeeding for up to two years. Mother's milk will help the baby to cope more easily with diseases and teething. The breast will calm the baby and make him and his mother feel more comfortable in times of crisis.

      Only a mother knows how to properly and for how long to breastfeed her baby. Therefore, rely on the listed recommendations, watch the baby, listen to yourself - and you will provide yourself and your baby with a long and complete feeding without unnecessary problems.