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  • Fresh carrot salad for a child. Carrot salad for children's menu

    Fresh carrot salad for a child.  Carrot salad for children's menu

    Fresh vegetable salad with apples as in kindergarten, routing №17.

    The technology of preparing salad from fresh vegetables with apples as in kindergarten.

    So, having weighed all the necessary products for a salad of fresh vegetables with an apple like in kindergarten, I got the following results:
    2 small tomatoes - 100 grams.
    Half a not very long cucumber - 100 grams.
    1 small carrot - 80 grams.
    1 small (closer to small) apple - 120 grams. The apple must be firm.
    1 medium lettuce leaf - 25 grams.
    20 grams vegetable oil- this is about one and a half tablespoons.

    Peel the carrots and apple thinly and cut into strips. For slicing, I used a Berner grater - quickly and conveniently. As for me, it takes quite a long time to cut vegetables into thin strips using a regular knife.

    Carrots must be let down.

    What does it mean? To simmer means to simmer slightly in a little water or in your own juice. The water should only cover a third of the vegetables. Be sure to cover it with a lid, since the lower layer will be cooked in water, and the upper one due to the generated steam. Why is this done? To slightly soften a fairly hard vegetable. In this case, the carrots should not boil and become soft, so be careful - literally a minute and a half and that's it, turn it off.
    Drain the water, cool the carrots.

    Add an apple in the same way. Here you need to be especially careful - I kept the sliced ​​fruit in boiling water for only 30 seconds. The straws are quite thin, and if cooked longer, the apple will turn into porridge.
    To be honest, I don’t really understand why we should also let an apple. With carrots, everything is clear - they are really hard, and children may not like it very much. But the apple ... I think, if you wish, you can skip this step.
    Drain the water, cool the apples.

    Since the previous ingredients are cut into strips, cut the remaining ones in about the same way.

    It remains to combine and mix everything in a bowl, lightly salt (optional) and season with vegetable oil.

    You need to season and salt just before serving, as the salad starts to release water rather quickly. It is worth paying attention to this.

    In general, I liked the fresh vegetable salad with apples as in kindergarten. For myself, I added another pinch of sugar and a little lemon juice - the taste became noticeably brighter (I would recommend you to do this too).
    Bon Appetit!

    "A beauty sits in a dungeon, and her scythe is on the street." There is hardly a person on the territory of Russia who does not know the answer to this riddle. It's even harder to imagine someone who has never eaten carrots. We know from childhood about the benefits of a vegetable, which contains a huge amount of vitamins, we were told: if there is a lot of it, then you will grow faster and you will see better. So what is unique about this wonderful carrot?

    Carrots are a biennial plant from the umbrella family. In our diet we use cultivated, or sowing, subspecies of wild carrots, which were originally grown in the Mediterranean. V Ancient Greece more than 4 thousand years ago, they were familiar with the healing properties of carrots, it was considered a sacred plant. In the 17th century in different countries carrots were still a delicacy. There is a legend that the gnomes exchanged the red-haired beauty for bars of gold, so they liked her.

    Useful properties of carrots

    Carrots contain a large amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It is very beneficial for the health of adults and children.

    To understand what caused beneficial features carrots for children, let's see what it consists of at the molecular level:

    Chemical composition (per 100 g of carrots):

    • Water - 88 g
    • – 7 %
    • Protein - 1.3%
    • Fat - 0.3%
    • Vitamins:
    1. (beta-carotene) - 9 mg
    2. (ascorbic acid) - 5 mg
    3. Vitamin PP - 1 mg
    4. (tocopherol) - 0.6 mg
    5. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.07 mg
    6. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.06 mg
    7. - 8 mcg

    Macro and microelements:

    • Potassium - 270 mg
    • Sodium - 156 mg
    • Phosphorus - 94 mg
    • Calcium - 83 mg
    • Copper - 80 mcg
    • Magnesium - 38 mg
    • Iron - 7.4 mg
    • Iodine - 5 mcg

    And also chromium, zinc, cobalt, fluorine, manganese, nickel, molybdenum.

    The calorie content of carrots is about 35 kcal.

    It is thanks to its rich composition that carrots are useful for everyone. It has long been used primarily as a medicinal plant and only then as a vegetable. First of all, carrots are known for the fact that they contain carotene - provitamin A. Provitamin is a substance that, after certain chemical reactions in the body, turns into vitamin A. Yes, and translated from Latin carota - "carrot". It is considered to be the main source of plant vitamin A (carotene). In the body, it promotes the growth and strengthening of bones, the health of the skin, teeth and gums, hair; plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system, especially increases resistance; participates in the synthesis and regulation of hormones. Retinol is a component of the main visual pigment rhodopsin. With its help, light is converted into brain signals that allow a person to perceive an image. Retinol, being an antioxidant, protects the body, because it acts structural component cell membranes.

    It should be noted that vitamin A is fat-soluble, therefore, carrots should be consumed with a small amount of vegetable oil or sour cream to convert carotene into retinol.

    Carrot juice is also very useful. Our ancestors used it in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns, frostbite.

    When should children be given carrots?

    For a child, vitamin A is simply necessary, and getting it is not at all difficult: you just need to make carrots a regular guest of the diet.

    Finely grate carrots, add nuts, honey and stir. The salad can be garnished with cherries.

    Carrot syrniki

    You will need: 300 g of cottage cheese 9%, 100 g of carrots, 4 tbsp. l. semolina, 1/3 tbsp. sugar, 10 g butter, 1/3 tbsp. flour and 1/2 egg.

    Melt butter in a pan, add grated carrots and a little water there, simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add semolina, mix thoroughly and let cool.

    Mix the cottage cheese, grated through a sieve, half an egg, sugar, flour and stewed carrots. We make balls from the resulting mixture, roll in flour and fry. Serve cooled curd cakes with sour cream.

    Breakfast salad

    Three carrots and an apple on a coarse grater, add raisins, pour sour cream. Mix and sprinkle with walnuts on top. Very tasty, fast, and most importantly - healthy.

    Bon Appetit! Health to you and your kids!

    Healthy food is not always tasty, and even adults understand this, and children feel intuitively. No one doubts that carrots are useful, but how to explain this to a child, or even better to make him ask for it for tomorrow, lunch and dinner, or at least not refuse it three times a week? It's simple - sweet carrot salad.

    Main Ingredients:

    • carrots - 5 pcs.;
    • dried cranberries - ½ cup;
    • lemon - 1 pc.;
    • orange - ½ pc.;
    • liquid natural honey - 1 tablespoon;
    • coriander seeds to taste.

    Cooking method

    Wash carrots, peel and rub on a coarse grater, but you can also chop in a food processor. The cranberries are finely chopped and mixed with the carrots. Lemon juice and orange are squeezed into a separate small bowl, and coriander seeds and liquid honey are added. Everything is thoroughly mixed and served to the table.

    Cooking options: This salad can be not only sweet, but also more savory, with the addition of a richer dressing and garlic. You can also add a little garlic to the sweet version, and use a little frozen red currant instead of cranberries.

    To prepare the "adult" version of the salad, it is necessary to complicate the dressing.

    Main Ingredients:

    • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • salt - ¼ teaspoon.

    When lemon and orange juice has already been squeezed into the bowl, liquid honey and coriander seeds are added, add the other ingredients of the dressing (oil, garlic and salt) here one by one. If it seems a little to someone, then you can add ground black pepper, but quite a bit, more for the look and smell.

    The salad is extremely healthy in both sweet and regular versions. It is easy and quick to prepare and can be served daily for both breakfast and lunch with dinner, as an addition (in the case of a regular salad) to serious meat main courses, and for dessert.

    Given the fact that the main component here is carrots, when choosing it, you should give preference to a juicy vegetable with a pronounced sweetness. Old carrots will not resonate with children or adults.

    Healthy, balanced, good nutrition very important
    for the health of children. Good for improving appetite carrot salads and vegetables. These salads useful
    and as an appetizer before breakfast, lunch, dinner, and as a side dish for meat and fish
    dishes. The House of Tips offers several baby carrot salads... Carrot
    very rich in carotene - provitamin A, vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, in it
    salts of potassium, phosphorus and other elements are present.

    Before preparing salads vegetables must be thoroughly
    wash in running water, pour over with chilled boiled water and then cut it.

    To preserve the taste and and the nutritional value, salads
    cook just before meals.

    If you need boiled vegetables for the salad, then you can cook them without
    peel and in the peel, releasing them in salted boiling water. There should be so much water
    to coat the vegetables.

    Cook the beets without salt or pour boiling water over and cover

    You can also steam vegetables. If there is no steamer, then her
    can be easily replaced: put a colander on a pot with enough water
    with vegetables, covering it with a lid.

    We are not in a hurry to pour out the broth, because some vitamins and mineral salts remain in it. Better
    make soup and sauce from it.

    Dressing salads vegetable oil or kefir, cream,
    sour cream, honey, lemon juice and, of course, add finely chopped greens
    dill, celery, parsley, or onions.

    Beetroot-carrot salad (increases hemoglobin)

    2 carrots, 1 medium-sized beet, 100g sour cream, salt to taste.

    Wash vegetables, peel and finely grate, season
    sour cream, salt and, transferring to a salad bowl, serve.

    Carrot and apple salad

    2 carrots, 2 apples, 100g sour cream, 20g sugar.

    Peel and finely grate apples and carrots. Everything
    combine: apples, carrots, sour cream, sugar and mix. Putting it in a salad bowl,
    serve to the table.

    Carrot salad

    1 medium carrot, 1 teaspoon sour cream or baby

    Wash, peel and fine carrots,
    season with sour cream or baby yogurt, stir.

    Cabbage and carrot salad

    100g cabbage, 1 medium-sized carrot, optional dill,
    celery or parsley.

    Finely chop the cabbage, peel and grate the carrots
    fine grater, combine everything and fill with sunflower oil. Ready salad
    mix and put in a salad bowl, you can add finely chopped greens.

    Carrot-apple salad
    with herbs

    1 carrot, 1 green
    apple, sour cream, celery, or parsley.

    Peel and grate apples and carrots. Everything
    combine: apples, carrots, sour cream and mix. Transfer to a salad bowl, sprinkle
    greens and serve.

    Carrot salad with nuts

    1 medium carrot, 1 teaspoon topped with honey, 3
    shelled walnuts.

    Wash the carrots, peel, finely grate and
    fill with melted and a little
    cooled honey. Mix everything, put
    in a salad bowl and sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

    Carrot salad with cranberry juice

    1 carrot, 2 tablespoons of cranberries, 1 teaspoon of sugar.

    Wash carrots, peel, grate on a fine grater. Fresh
    or defrosted cranberries pour boiling water over, squeeze the juice and add together with
    sugar to carrots. Mix everything, transferring it to a salad bowl, serve it to the table.

    Carrot-raisin cheese salad on crackers

    1 large carrot, 50 g of hard cheese, 4 peeled walnuts
    walnut, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raisins, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream.

    Washed and peeled, grate carrots and cheese on a fine grater.
    Scroll walnuts and raisins in a meat grinder. Everything: carrots and cheese, nuts and raisins
    stir with sour cream, spread thickly on crackers and place on a large
    flat plate.

    Dear Parents! reminds that the appetizing type of salads not only arouses the child's interest in it, but also enhances the secretion
    digestive juices, and this contributes to better absorption of food. Cook and
    fantasize with the children!

    In order for children to be healthy, it is necessary to make sure that they eat salads every day. This is extremely important for a child! You should not teach them to eat unhealthy from childhood.

    Incompatible products

    It should be remembered that only ingredients useful for the child's body should be included in salads for a child. Therefore, you should immediately abandon the mayonnaise bought in the store as a dressing, from "kirieshek" and their analogues, which are made with the use of chemical flavoring additives, mushrooms in any form, since they are poorly absorbed by children, sausages.

    You can add boiled lean meat, poultry, boiled eggs to vegetable salads for a child, if the baby is not allergic to them. But then in no case should boiled potatoes be crumbled into a dish, since they are a storehouse of carbohydrates, which are in no way combined with proteins and fats.

    Many kids just love fruit and berry salads. Sometimes moms experiment, composing their own compositions from vegetables and fruits, adding nuts, raisins, and crushed crackers.

    Ideal salads for a child are seasoned with sour cream, yogurt, vegetable oil, or simply sprinkled with lemon juice.

    Simple salads for 1 year olds

    Acquaintance with such dishes begins at a very early age. The earliest baby salads are usually made with one ingredient. Most often, this is a grated apple, as it is best absorbed by the children's digestive system.

    Then mom tries to give the baby a salad of grated carrots. For the first acquaintance with this root vegetable, of course, after the juice, you just need to chop it as small as possible, sprinkle with sugar and knead it well so that the juice stands out.

    Then you can try making simple salads for children like carrot and apple. A little sugar and a drop of lemon juice will make the taste of the dish much more interesting. Banana is also a highly digestible food, so it should be included in the first salads.

    Carrot and curd salad

    If the baby is already accustomed to such food, you can diversify the salad for the child. 1 year of life is the foundation for health for all subsequent years. And at this time, it is very important to include cottage cheese in the diet. Unfortunately, many kids ignore this useful product, refuse to eat it. Delicious grated carrot salad with cottage cheese. You can fill it with your favorite yogurt. The original color and taste make the dish completely different from ordinary cottage cheese and will surely delight the child. Such a dish will be much more useful than chocolate-covered curds, with which parents are trying to accustom their baby to this super-healthy fermented milk product.

    Carrot, apple and raisin salads

    But now the child has already grown up. Salads for it can be made by including much more ingredients in their composition. Yes, and grate the carrots on a very fine grater now is not worth it. There are wonderful salad recipes for children based on carrots and apples. These products are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

    The most common salad is made with only shredded carrots and chopped apples, sprinkled with lemon juice and (optionally) sugar syrup. Adding orange juice or chunks of this citrus fruit will enhance the flavor. But you should be careful and careful - oranges cause allergies in some children. Some moms put steamed raisins in this salad. Almost all kids and adults like the spicy and amazing taste of this dish.

    Salads based on carrots and beets

    By the age of three, children should already eat beets not only boiled, but also raw. Indeed, during cooking, many useful properties of this truly magical root crop are lost. but raw beets has a somewhat specific tart taste that can alienate the baby. But if you cook this one delicious salad for children, including additionally carrots, golden raisins, mint, orange and crushed nuts, then it can become the most favorite for the whole family. Of course, the recipe can be changed at will, not necessarily all of the listed ingredients should be included in this dish. You can, for example, replace an orange with an apple, and eliminate mint altogether. And some people make this salad with fennel or kiwi fruit.

    This divine dish is seasoned with lemon juice. Then the container with the ingredients is tightly closed with a lid and vigorously shaken so that the vegetables give juice and mix well with the rest of the products.

    Vegetables in the child's diet

    Everyone knows how useful it is for children to eat a wide variety of vegetables. That is why it is so important to offer your baby vegetable salads for lunch before the first course. For children, usually try not to put in them at first onion, garlic, since babies don't all love them. But almost everyone likes cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, sweet bell peppers. Children's salads can also be prepared from one vegetable. Or you can gradually increase the amount of ingredients from two to several. They also include carrots, radishes, dill, parsley, white and red cabbage, lettuce.

    Vegetable dishes are seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream, slightly salted. But you can do without refueling. If you put the chopped ingredients in a bowl with a lid and shake the dishes thoroughly several times, then the released juice will completely replace it.

    White cabbage is tasty and healthy

    You can teach a child to eat cabbage from the moment he has all milk teeth, that is, by the age of three. Usually, mothers give the baby a piece of this vegetable to nibble, choosing the most juicy places.

    Cabbage salads are prepared with carrots and apples. It is best to sprinkle the shredded vegetables with sugar and sprinkle with lemon juice, and then knead well with your hands. Only after that the apple is added to the salad and mixed.

    Older children can make a cabbage salad with onions, onions or greens. Before seasoning this dish, it is also recommended to knead the ingredients with your hands so that the cabbage gives juice. Pour vegetable oil or sour cream over the salad.

    Cauliflower in salads for children

    This vegetable is very useful for both adults and children. But not all kids eat it with pleasure. Perhaps they do not like the specific smell that cabbage acquires during the cooking process. Therefore, it is recommended to put a bay leaf in a saucepan with boiling water and cabbage inflorescences.

    A hard stem, which is not always boiled, can also push children away, especially if the head of cabbage is large. That is why it is better to use only inflorescences for children's salads.

    • The simplest cauliflower salad consists of inflorescences cut into boiled in salted water, sprinkled with parsley and dill. You can add lettuce leaves and a green onion, if, of course, the child loves them. It is recommended to season this salad with lemon juice, you can add vegetable oil.
    • If you sprinkle the ready-made salad on top with ground breadcrumbs, you will get another dish.
    • The following recipe adds boiled and diced potatoes.
    • And some add canned green peas to a salad of cabbage and potatoes - this is not for everybody.
    • The well-known summer salad of tomatoes and cucumbers can be varied and made more saturated with vitamins. To do this, add chopped boiled cauliflower inflorescences to it.
    • An amazing salad is made from boiled carrots, sweet bell pepper and lettuce leaves. Of course, you can't do without cauliflower. She - main component in this dish.
    • Having boiled additional green beans and cut them, you can create a completely different dish based on the previous recipe.
    • There is also a recipe for a sweet cauliflower salad. He's also extremely useful, but creative enough. Therefore, this option is not suitable for every child. But if the kid is happy to eat different salads, then you can bravely cook such an original dish. It contains: cauliflower, tomatoes, fresh carrots, apples, cucumbers and plums. Only cabbage is boiled. You can take 200 grams of it. Tomatoes, apples, carrots and cucumbers for this amount are enough for 100 grams, the plums are 2 times less. Plums are cut in half and pitted, carrots are cut into strips or chopped on a coarse grater. Everything else is cut into cubes, poured over with a vegetable oil dressing with a little lemon juice, mixed and sprinkled with powdered sugar on top. Her 50 grams is enough for such a salad.

    You can wake up a child's desire to try a new dish with the help of an interesting salad layout. Having built a cheerful face out of the product or decorating the slide with "eyes" of olives, halves of small tomatoes, pieces of sweet pepper, "noses" and "mouths" of carrots or a piece of cucumber, it is easy to interest not only the baby, but also junior student... And to try such a dish yourself will certainly be more pleasant than the usual one.

    Sweet salads

    Kids especially love fruit salad. For children, yogurt is usually a dressing, you can take fruit and sweet ones. But sour cream, whipped with powdered sugar, is quite appropriate here. And you can even cook mint sugar syrup or use melted ice cream. Some people make their favorite cream, the same one used to decorate homemade cakes.

    Any fruits and berries are suitable as ingredients. It is only important to thoroughly clean them from seeds and peels. If oranges are taken, then you need to remove only the orange skin with a knife, leaving a white layer. Scientists have proven that it contains even more vitamins and nutrients than the cleaned slices themselves.

    Slices of watermelon laid out in the form of a flower with an empty center will help to decorate the dish. The salad, placed inside these "petals", is poured with sweet syrup or ice cream.