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  • Shrimp salad and rocket salad recipe. The most delicious salad recipes with arugula and shrimp

    Shrimp salad and rocket salad recipe. The most delicious salad recipes with arugula and shrimp

    Due to the minimal processing of products, this salad retains a lot of nutrients.

    Heavy salads with mayonnaise are gradually being replaced by lighter, but no less tasty versions of these dishes with the addition of fresh vegetables, herbs, as well as healthier dressings. This salad with arugula, shrimps and an unusual dressing is sure to please not only seafood lovers. Due to the minimal processing of products, it retains a lot of useful substances, and its appearance and taste will delight you and your guests. See our step by step photo recipe and experiment!


    For the salad:

    • 1 bunch arugula
    • 300 g shrimp
    • 10 cherry tomatoes
    • 30-40 g of hard cheese
    • clove of garlic
    • 20-30 g pine nuts

    For refueling:

    • 3 tbsp. l olive oil
    • 2-3 st. l. soy sauce
    • slice of lemon
    • 1 tsp honey


    Step 1: Wash and pat the arugula on paper towels. Place it in a heap on the plate where you will serve the salad.

    Step 2: Wash the cherry tomatoes, cut in half and place on a plate on top of the arugula.

    Step 3: Peel the prawns and fry with garlic in a preheated pan for 3-5 minutes.

    Step 4: Also add the cooked shrimp to the arugula and tomatoes and arrange them nicely on a plate.

    Step 5: Grate or gently cut the cheese into thin slices.

    Step 6: Place the cheese slices on top of the salad.

    Step 7: Prepare the dressing. Combine olive oil, soy sauce, honey and lemon in a bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth.

    A variety of salads with spring herbs are very useful for those who are looking after their figure. Italian herbs - arugula, basil, oregano - add a unique flavor to the dish. And seafood is nutritious, tasty and looks beautiful in cold appetizers. Let's whip up, or rather, in ten minutes, build an original and fashionable salad with rucola and shrimps.

    It doesn't take too much to make it. Take a little bit of cheese for sprinkling (ideally parmesan, but you can choose any other hard variety instead), olive oil for dressing, black pepper and salt. Well, of course, you need arugula with shrimps.

    The latter can be either peeled, boiled, frozen, or fresh, unpeeled.

    True, in the second case, you will have to tinker with small arthropods - boil them and peel them (you can fry them in oil and throw them on a paper towel to drain excess fat).

    You just need to pour boiling water over frozen seafood and drain the water.

    Wash the arugula, tear it into separate leaves and put it in a salad bowl. Lay the tomatoes on top, cut into halves (if large enough, then into quarters). On the green-red variety, spread the soft pink shrimps and sprinkle with grated cheese. Prepare the dressing in a separate bowl: for this, beat a couple of tablespoons of vinegar and olive oil with a fork, pepper and salt until an emulsion is obtained. Sprinkle it on our Arugula with Shrimp salad just before serving, so that the grass does not lose its crisp freshness.

    If desired, such a dish can be supplemented with a small avocado, but then you also need lemon juice. The exotic fruit should be cut into thin strips and drizzled with lemon to soften. Otherwise, this salad with rucola and shrimps is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe. In order to please not only the stomach, but also the eye, you do not need to mix the ingredients before serving. Line the bottom of the portioned dish with arugula, add cherry, then avocado, and top with seafood. No cheese - let it be a riot of colors. Drizzle with lemon, vinegar, oil and enjoy.

    Rucola and shrimp salad can be changed indefinitely. For example, you can add orange notes in the form of fresh paprika. Wash a pod of bell pepper, peel it from seeds, cut it and find a place for it over cherry tomatoes and under seafood. Coarsely ground cashews, which should be sprinkled on the prepared salad, will give a special charm to this dish. If you prefer, you can use them entirely. This recipe also works if you are not using pure arugula, but a salad mix of Italian herbs (for example, along with radichio, frisse, iceberg).

    You can make a rocket salad and shrimp more delicious and flavorful if you give yourself the trouble to tinker with raw arthropods. Of course, buying a package of boiled and peeled seafood is much easier, but as a holiday option, let's remember this recipe. Finely chop one or two cloves of garlic, fry in vegetable oil, when browned, add seafood, add soy sauce at the end of the heat treatment process, let it soak. A special charm will be given to a salad in water with salt and dill. The bundle can not be cut, but put entirely. It is needed only for smell; it is thrown away after cooking.

    Step 1: Prepare the garlic.

    Despite the fact that we need very little garlic, it is better to grate it or crush it with a garlic machine. It will not work so finely with a knife, and large pieces of garlic in this salad are not appropriate. Transfer the garlic to a plate.

    Step 2: Prepare the shrimp.

    Shrimps are sold fresh, fresh-frozen and boiled-frozen. If you are lucky enough to live by the sea, then you will not have any problems with the choice. Fresh shrimp is always the best option.

    When buying frozen shrimp, be careful. Some manufacturers, in pursuit of profit, do not freeze them under a thin layer of ice. Unfreezing such a purchase at home, you will be unpleasantly surprised by the real size of the shrimp. Choosing between boiled and freshly frozen, you can be guided by your own preferences and financial capabilities. The main thing is that they are fresh and of good quality. However, fresh frozen shrimp contains more nutrients.

    How to defrost shrimp? Different sources suggest doing this at room temperature, or scalding with boiling water, or cooking without defrosting. I don't like the result of any of them. Perhaps you can cook without defrosting. But only if you cook shrimp. If you need to fry them, then the ice crust in the pan will turn into water, which is not needed there. I leave the defrosting shrimp on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator so that the process proceeds gradually and the taste of the shrimp does not deteriorate. This method has one drawback - time.

    If you need to cook the salad quickly, then scald the shrimp so that the ice crust completely disappears, and dry it on a paper napkin.

    Preheat a skillet, add olive oil, add shrimp and sauté for a couple of minutes. The readiness of the shrimp is determined by the color - they will turn white and pink. If you are using cooked-frozen, then you do not need to determine their readiness.

    Salt a little, add garlic, soy sauce. Stir and cook for a few more minutes over low heat. Turn off the heat and let the shrimp cool in the skillet.

    Step 3: Prepare the tomatoes and arugula.

    Why small cherry tomatoes cost several times more is still a mystery to me. They say they are sweeter, but there are varieties of tomatoes that are not inferior to them in this. Small, beautiful, neat - I agree, but ordinary tomatoes are of this size. In general, if you want - cook with cherry babies, if you want - with ordinary tomatoes.

    The tomatoes should be washed, dried to keep them dry and cut into halves or quarters, depending on size. Transfer the chopped tomatoes to a plate.

    Rinse the arugula in running water. Then you need to dry it and put it in a salad bowl.

    Add chopped tomatoes to arugula, add a little salt and stir.

    Step 4: Serve the arugula with shrimps.

    Place the arugula with tomatoes on a plate, place the shrimps on it and pour over the sauce that was formed in the pan during the frying process.

    Bon Appetit!

    If you are preparing a salad for a romantic garlic dinner, perhaps it is better to skip it. I think you yourself would have guessed about it. The taste of the salad will not suffer much, but an awkward situation is excluded.

    The number of ingredients in the salad can be increased, for example, add hard grated cheese or pine nuts; soy sauce can be supplemented with balsamic vinegar, just a little.

    Arugula and shrimp salad - general cooking principles

    Everyone knows what shrimp is, but the wonderful arugula plant began to appear on our tables relatively recently. Arugula is a salad with a pleasant spicy taste and fresh aroma. This cruciferous plant contains vitamins of the groups A, B, E, C and K, as well as trace elements such as zinc, manganese, phosphorus, iron and selenium. The product contains very few calories (only 25 per 100 g), promotes the digestion process and has a general strengthening effect on the body.

    There are many delicious and healthy dishes that include arugula as ingredients. One of these is a salad with arugula and shrimp. These two amazingly tasty and healthy products perfectly complement each other not only in taste, but also in chemical composition. The dish is easily absorbed by the body, has a positive effect on immunity and lowers blood sugar levels.

    Arugula and shrimp salad can be prepared for breakfast, served as a side dish for lunch, or replaced with this light dish for dinner. From the name it becomes clear that the basic ingredients of the salad are shrimp and arugula plant. In addition, you can add various raw vegetables (for example, peppers, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers), cheese, eggs, fresh herbs, and other seafood (squid or crab meat) to the dish.

    Depending on taste and culinary preferences, the dressing used for a salad with arugula and shrimp also differs. Vegetable oil (olive, sesame, corn, etc.) is best suited for these purposes, some add lemon juice, mustard or olive sauce. Options such as low-fat mayonnaise, creamy, cheese or sour cream sauces are also not excluded. An interesting solution would be to prepare such an emulsion for dressing: balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and a mixture of peppers.

    Arugula and shrimp salad - preparing food and dishes

    Arugula and shrimp salad can be served on a wide shallow dish or in a beautiful salad bowl. To prepare the dish, you will also need a saucepan or pan for boiling or frying the shrimp, a cutting board, a separate sauce bowl and a knife for slicing food.

    All raw vegetables and herbs must be thoroughly washed and chopped according to the recipe for arugula and shrimp salad. Special attention should be paid to shrimp. They can be pre-boiled or fried. If a cooked-frozen product is used, the shrimp is poured with boiling water and left to "rise" for 2-3 minutes.

    If raw seafood is taken for a salad with arugula and shrimp, it is necessary to cook them strictly according to a certain algorithm. The shrimp should be cooked strictly for 3 minutes after boiling again (add peas, salt and dill seeds to the pan). If the shrimps are pan-fried, fry them on each side for 2 minutes.

    In order to save time and effort, it is better to buy a refined product right away. If this is not available, the shrimp will have to be additionally peeled after boiling.

    Arugula and Shrimp Salad Recipes:

    Recipe 1: Arugula and shrimp salad

    This incredibly tasty and light salad is especially loved by the female half of the population. The low-calorie components included in the dish do not harm the figure at all and increase vitality. The salad will perfectly cope with the role of a light dinner.

    Required ingredients:

    • 1 kg of peeled shrimp;
    • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.;
    • A bunch of arugula;
    • Parmesan cheese - 200 g;
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons l .;
    • Black pepper, sea salt - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    An important point in the preparation of this salad is properly fried shrimp. To do this, heat a frying pan with olive oil and put halves of garlic cloves on it, add black pepper. Fry the garlic until golden brown and remove from the pan. Next, peeled small shrimps are taken and fried directly in this garlic oil. They need to be cooked literally 3-4 minutes (fry for 2 minutes on each side), then salt. Next, put the shrimps in a salad bowl with arugula. Add the halved cherry tomatoes and grated Parmesan cheese. Pour the prepared salad with arugula and shrimps with hot cooled oil from a frying pan, sprinkle with lemon juice.

    Recipe 2: Salad with arugula and shrimp with tangerines

    An unusually tasty salad that will conquer any gourmet. Ideal for a festive table.

    Required ingredients:

    • Sweet tangerines - 6 pieces;
    • Peeled shrimps - 200 g;
    • 1 large sweet and sour apple;
    • Celery - 100 g;
    • Arugula - a bunch;
    • Half a lemon;
    • Parsley;
    • Low fat mayonnaise - 4 tbsp l .;
    • Salt, vinegar.

    Cooking method:

    Boil the shrimps in salted water with vinegar for 3 minutes after boiling. Wash and peel tangerines. Separately prepare the dressing sauce: mix mayonnaise and juice of two tangerines. Divide the rest of the tangerines into slices, remove the film from the slices. Wash the apple, peel it, remove the core and cut into slices. Chop the celery finely. Wash and chop parsley and arugula. Put tangerine and apple slices, boiled shrimp, herbs, celery in a deep salad bowl and mix all the ingredients. Before serving, season salad with arugula and shrimp with cooked sauce and garnish with thinly sliced \u200b\u200blemon circles.

    Recipe 3: "Original" salad with arugula and shrimps

    The dish is very easy to prepare, but this does not affect its taste at all. This healthy and nutritious salad can be used as a party snack or prepared on regular weekdays.

    Required ingredients:

    • A pound of peeled shrimp;
    • 2 squid carcasses;
    • Arugula is a small bunch;
    • A clove of garlic;
    • Olive mayonnaise;
    • 2 chicken eggs.

    Cooking method:

    Boil shrimp and squid separately. To do this, each product must be boiled in salted water for no more than three minutes. After - let the seafood cool, cut the squid into strips, if the shrimps are large, also cut them into 2-3 pieces. Boil eggs hard-boiled, cool and chop. Finely chop the garlic, mix with mayonnaise. Wash arugula, chop. Combine all ingredients in a deep bowl or salad bowl. Season the prepared salad with arugula and shrimps with garlic sauce.

    Recipe 4: salad with arugula and shrimps and pine nuts

    The spicy, slightly sweet taste of the salad will give you incredible taste sensations and a good mood. The whole "highlight" of the dish lies in the properly prepared dressing.

    Required ingredients:

    • A pound of peeled shrimp;
    • A bunch of arugula;
    • Pine nuts - 80 g;
    • 8 pcs. cherry tomato;
    • Garlic and olive oil (4 tablespoons);
    • Honey and granular mustard - half a teaspoon each;
    • Balsamic vinegar - ½ tablespoon;
    • Salt, black pepper.

    Cooking method:

    Peel the garlic, divide into cloves. Take a few cloves and cut into halves. In a frying pan preheated with olive oil, fry the garlic for a few minutes. Fry the shrimps in the same oil until tender (2-3 minutes). Prepare the dressing sauce: mix thoroughly 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey, mustard, salt and pepper. Cut cherry tomatoes in half, grate cheese on a coarse grater. Tear arugula with hands in any shape. Mix all ingredients in a deep salad bowl. Season the finished dish with sauce and sprinkle with fried pine nuts.

    Recipe 5: Arugula and shrimp salad with avocado

    An excellent solution in a situation where there is not much time left before the arrival of guests, and you need to surprise them with something. The salad is easy to prepare and tastes great.

    Required ingredients:

    • Peeled shrimps - 300 g;
    • 12 pcs. cherry tomato;
    • 1 lemon;
    • Avocado - 2 pcs.;
    • Arugula - 200 g;
    • 1 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar, salt, black pepper;
    • Olive oil - 3 tbsp l.

    Cooking method:

    Boil the shrimps in salted water for minutes after boiling again. Wash arugula, tear with hands. Wash tomatoes, cut into halves. Peel the avocado, cut in half, remove the pit and cut into thin slices. Prepare the dressing: beat the butter, salt, vinegar and black pepper. In a salad bowl, mix all the ingredients and season with the prepared sauce. Ready-made salad with arugula and shrimp can be garnished with olives or sesame seeds.

    Arugula and shrimp salad - secrets and tips from the best chefs

    The success of making a salad with arugula and shrimp largely depends on the processing technique of the shrimp. They should never be boiled or roasted for too long or they will become tough and rubbery. It should also be borne in mind that when buying unpeeled shrimp, about 1/3 of their mass will go to waste (shell, etc.).

    It is not advisable to store a salad with arugula and shrimps for a long time, it is better to eat it right away. Over time, the dish loses its taste.

    And arugula. For its light and unique taste, it is loved by many gourmets. Today, many interpretations of such a snack are known. Due to the minimal processing of ingredients, the salad is very healthy. It is for this that he is so loved by adherents of healthy eating.


    Shrimp and arugula salad with cherry and cheese

    Gourmets will especially like the salad with shrimps and arugula and with the addition of cherry and hard parmesan cheese. All products in the appetizer perfectly complement each other in their taste. In addition, they harmonize well in chemical composition. Such a delicious salad can be prepared for breakfast as a light snack. It can also be served as an addition to main courses.


    • shrimp (preferably medium-sized) - 500-600 g;
    • arugula - 1 small bunch;
    • parmesan cheese - 50 g;
    • cherry tomatoes - 400 g;
    • ground black pepper and salt to taste.

    For refueling:

    • olive oil;
    • balsamic vinegar.

    If balsamic vinegar is not available, you can substitute apple cider vinegar.

    How many calories?

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Peel the shrimp from the head, shell, intestinal vein (it is better to leave the tail, so the product looks more spectacular).
    2. Add olive oil to a preheated pan and fry the seafood (shrimps should not be stewed, it is recommended to keep them on high heat for no more than 3 minutes).
    3. Cut cherry tomatoes and cheese into equal sized pieces.
    4. Tear arugula leaves with your hands.
    5. Add pepper and salt to the prepared salad.
    6. Mix olive oil and vinegar, season the salad formed in a plate with sauce.

    The finished dish can be served in a shallow dish. It is better to choose a salad bowl in light colors. This will highlight all the variety of colors.

    Photo gallery

    Salad with arugula, shrimps and avocado

    A dish with shrimp, arugula and avocado can be the highlight of any meal. The appetizer will diversify the boring menu and will delight you with an abundance of colors. This delicious salad will especially appeal to the female half, since its constituent components contain a minimum of calories.


    • shrimp - 500 g;
    • 1 bunch of arugula leaves
    • ripe avocado - 1-2 pcs.;
    • cherry tomatoes and parmesan cheese - 100 g each;
    • pine nuts - 10 g;
    • lime -1 pc.;
    • spices to taste.

    For refueling:

    • balsamic vinegar - 10 ml;
    • soy sauce - 10 ml;
    • olive oil - 40 ml.

    If there is no lime in the kitchen, you can safely replace it with lemon.

    How many calories?

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Rinse thoroughly and then dry the arugula leaves from moisture.
    2. Peel the head, shell and insides of the shrimp.
    3. Peel the avocado and cut into small cubes.
    4. To prevent the avocado from changing its color, pour over it with lemon juice.
    5. Cut the tomatoes in half, cut the Parmesan into thin slices.
    6. Remove the zest from the lime, squeeze its juice into a separate container.
    7. Fry the shrimps over high heat for 3 minutes.
    8. Prepare a dressing with lime juice, soy sauce, and balsamic vinegar.
    9. Start presenting the dish on the plate.

    To make the prepared dish look spectacular on the table, you need to evenly distribute the arugula leaves on the bottom of the dish. Fried shrimp, parmesan and tomato slices are placed in the center of the composition. The salad is poured abundantly with the sauce prepared in advance, after which it is decorated with pine nuts.

    Photo gallery

    Salad with arugula, shrimp, melon and watermelon

    An unusual interpretation is a salad with melon and watermelon added to arugula and shrimp. The dish has a spicy sweetish taste and can be served as a dessert on a festive table. It is especially loved by children for its bright appearance and unusual combination of ingredients.


    • shrimp - 400-500 g;
    • arugula leaves - 150 g;
    • watermelon and melon - 250 g each;
    • greens - 1 small bunch.

    For refueling:

    • balsamic vinegar - 30 ml;
    • olive oil - 100 ml;
    • honey - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
    • spices - depending on preference.

    For the salad, it is necessary to choose dense varieties of melons with aromatic pulp. In the finished dish, the melon should release a small amount of juice. Otherwise, the presentability of the dish will be lost.

    How many calories?

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Soak arugula in cold water and leave for 10 minutes.
    2. Prepare the shrimp for frying (rinse under water and remove excess).
    3. Chop the herbs finely.
    4. Mix shrimp with chopped herbs, add spices to them.
    5. Fry shrimps with herbs in olive oil.
    6. Cut the watermelon and melon into oblong pieces.
    7. Prepare the dressing by mixing honey, olive oil, vinegar and salt in a separate bowl.
    8. Remove the arugula from the cold water and pat dry with napkins.

    The composition is laid out on a plate in stages:

    1. First, spread the arugula evenly,
    2. Then put pieces of watermelon and melon.
    3. Shrimps are laid out on top.
    4. The dish is poured over with balsamic dressing and served.

    Photo gallery

    In the video of Yulia Vysotskaya, she will tell about the preparation of another variation of this wonderful salad.

    Salad with arugula, shrimps and pine nuts

    This dish has a spicy taste, is enriched with useful trace elements and is easy to prepare thanks to the recipe with the photo.


    • tiger prawns - 12 pcs.;
    • arugula - 1 large bunch;
    • cherry - 100 g;
    • grapefruit - 2 pcs.;
    • pine nuts - 100 g.

    For refueling:

    • olive and sesame oil - 40 ml and 10 ml, respectively;
    • balsamic vinegar -15 ml;
    • salt and spices.

    Sometimes grapefruit is substituted for pineapple as an alternative.

    How many calories?

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Rinse arugula, fresh shrimp under water.
    2. Peel the seafood, fry them in a pan with the addition of olive oil.
    3. Peel grapefruits from the peel and white bitter film, chop the cherry.
    4. Cut the fruit into medium pieces and set aside for a while.
    5. Drain the grapefruit juice released during the cutting process into a separate bowl (you will need it for the sauce).
    6. Fry pine nuts in a dry skillet.
    7. Prepare the sauce by mixing sesame oil with olive oil, grapefruit juice and spices in a separate bowl.
    8. Beautifully place arugula leaves in a presentation container, then shrimp, grapefruit and cherry slices.
    9. Sprinkle the composition generously with sauce and sprinkle with pine nuts fried in a pan on top.

    Photo gallery

    French arugula and shrimp salad

    One of the most delicious variations of this dish is the French arugula and shrimp salad. It goes well with white dessert wine and is a pleasant addition to a festive dinner. French Shrimp Arugula Salad is easy to prepare and requires minimal time.


    • arugula leaves - 80-100 g;
    • cherry tomatoes - 350-400 g;
    • large shrimps - 10-15 pcs .;
    • parmesan - 50 g;
    • melon - a couple of slices;
    • champignons - 4-5 pcs.;
    • olive oil - 50 ml.

    For refueling:

    • dijon mustard - 1-2 tsp;
    • lemon juice - 2-3 tbsp. l .;
    • olive oil 50 ml;
    • salt and pepper to taste.

    If desired, you can diversify the recipe with finely chopped cilantro or parsley, as well as a few drops of liquid honey.

    How many calories?

    Step-by-step instruction

    Cooking an original dish includes the following stages:

    1. Rinse arugula and shrimp under running water.
    2. Dry the arugula leaves and peel the shrimps.
    3. Cut the melon into small cubes, cut the cherry in half and cut the mushrooms into thin slices.
    4. Fry the shrimps over low heat, pre-salt and pepper them.
    5. Cut a couple of slices of cheese (you can grate on a fine grater).
    6. Prepare the dressing - mix oil, lemon juice, mustard and spices in a separate bowl and bring to a homogeneous state.
    7. Put arugula leaves, pieces of melon, fresh tomatoes and mushrooms in a previously prepared container. Top it off nicely with fried shrimps and pieces of cheese.
    8. Then pour the prepared sauce over the dish.

    If desired, the composition can be thoroughly mixed to further saturate all ingredients.