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  • Meatballs for soup minced beef recipe. Ground beef meatball soup

    Meatballs for soup minced beef recipe. Ground beef meatball soup

    Meatball is a dish made from minced meat, shaped like a ball the size of a walnut or slightly smaller. Meatballs are included in the menu of children's, dietary and medical nutrition, including in the diet for pancreatitis. How to make minced meatballs, read on

    Soup with meatballs turns out to be tasty, aromatic, satisfying. Soup preparation time is minimal. The flavoring variations of the meatball soup are different - they depend on the composition of the minced meat and on the ingredients included in the soup.

    To answer the question how to make meatballs, let's define their types:

    Types of meatballs:

    • meatballs;
    • fish meatballs;
    • poultry meatballs.

    General information:

    • Finely chopped onions and spices are added to the minced meat; greens are permissible in accordance with the recipe.
    • Adding eggs to the minced meat is possible, but the broth loses its transparency.
    • It is possible to add a loaf (bread) soaked in water or milk to the minced meat. At the same time, the consistency of the minced meat becomes more elastic.
    • But the introduction of cereals or vegetables is unacceptable. Minced meat with cereals or vegetables is not meatballs, these are meatballs.

    Meatball processing type:

    • Boil in boiling water, broth or soup.

    If you saw somewhere a recipe for "fried meatballs", then I will answer you - these are not meatballs! These are small meatballs, cutlets or zrazy, etc ... Meatballs are only boiled! - in water, broth, soup.

    How to Make Minced Beef Meatballs Recipe.

    Make the minced meatballs yourself. Minced meat that is sold in the store may contain various additives, minced meat that can be bought on the market is no doubt made from trimmings.

    Meatballs are prepared from beef, pork, lamb, or a combination of different types of meat. For example: pork and beef, beef and lamb in a 1: 1 ratio, or in other proportions to taste.

    However, dietary requirements for pancreatitis impose restrictions on the choice of meat. Pork and lamb, fatty beef are prohibited. Read more about what you can eat with pancreatitis.

    You can use lean beef, veal, rabbit. Connective tissue and tendons must be removed from the meat.

    The recipe described below can be used in medical nutrition for pancreatitis - diet No. 5p.


    • Beef (cutlet meat) - 500 g
    • Onions - 42.3 g (1/2 medium sized)
    • Eggs - 1/3 pcs (you can take 1 pc, you can not lay eggs)
    • Salt - 10.6 g (1 tsp)

    Cooking method:

    1. Let the meat, well washed, free of tendons and fat, go through a meat grinder 2-3 times.
    2. Finely chop the onion (ie "scald" with boiling water).
    3. Combine the meat mass, blanched onion, egg. For the elasticity of the minced meat, you can add water. Knead thoroughly.
    4. From the minced meat obtained, we form balls the size of a walnut.
    5. Boil the meatballs in boiling water, in broth or add to soup.
    6. Bon Appetit!

    How to make minced meat for cutlets and meatballs correctly

    Meatballs beef Calorie content of 100g dish - 221 TOfeces

    • Proteins - 26.27 g
    • Fat - 12.63 g
    • Carbohydrates - 0.89 g
    • B1 - 0 mg
    • B2 - 0.0147 mg
    • C - 0 mg
    • Ca - 30.0403 mg
    • Fe - 1.6355 mg

    How to Make Fish Meatballs Recipe

    Fish dishes are very healthy. Fish dishes contain vital substances and elements - these are phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, unsaturated fats and proteins, vitamins B and D.

    - Fish dishes must be included in the diet of baby food, in the diet of people leading a healthy lifestyle.

    - Dishes from fish of low-fat species are included in protein diets, in diets for weight loss.

    - Fish dishes are part of numerous therapeutic diets, including for pancreatitis. The proposed recipe corresponds to diet # 5. Let me remind you that diet # 5 is less stringent than diet # 5p. The transition from diet No. 5p to diet No. 5 is carried out with the permission of the doctor during the period of stable remission.


    • Pollock - 900 g
    • Onions - 150 g (2 pieces of medium size)
    • Eggs - 1 piece
    • Salt - 5 g (0.5 tsp)

    Cooking method:

    1. Cooking fish fillets. To do this, rinse the fish well, remove the head, free it from the bones. The skin does not need to be removed. Cut into pieces;
    2. Grind the fillet using a meat grinder;
    3. Finely chop the onion and (ie "scald" with boiling water).
    4. Combine the fish mass, blanched onion, egg. For the elasticity of the minced meat, you can add water. Knead thoroughly.
    5. From the minced meat obtained, we form balls weighing 15-20 g.
    6. Boil minced fish meatballs in boiling water, in broth or add to soup.
    7. Bon Appetit!

    Meatballs from fish Calorie content 100g dish – 67,79 TOfeces

    • Proteins - 12.78 g
    • Fat - 1.05 g
    • Carbohydrates - 2.41 g
    • B1 - 0.0124 mg
    • B2 - 0.2699 mg
    • C - 2.6995 mg
    • Ca - 0 mg
    • Fe - 0 mg

    In conclusion:Minced meatballs are a hearty dish that cooks quickly and turns out delicious. If you include meatballs in your diet, then this will save you a lot of time: in one day - cook minced meat, mold meatballs from them and freeze them, having previously packed them in portioned bags. On the day when there is a desire to cook them, take one of the packages and

    • boil meatball soup. Diet Soup Recipes Coming Soon

    or boil meatballs and serve as an independent dish:

    • e.g. dietary
    • with mashed potatoes;
    • with vegetables.

    Bon Appetit!

    If you want a rich soup with meat broth, but there is no time to boil the meat, I recommend keeping 300 grams of minced meat in the freezer for this case. In this case, I was making a ground beef meatball soup and it cooked pretty quickly.

    Let's start by peeling and chopping the potatoes, filling them with water and setting them to boil on the stove. Meanwhile, peel the carrots, onions, chop them for frying, pour them into the pan. Grind onion and dill. We start cooking meatballs: for which we measure out 3 tablespoons of rice, rinse in water, mix with minced meat. Add to it 1 raw egg, half a teaspoon of salt, a pinch of paprika and ground black pepper.

    Moistening hands under cold tap water, we sculpt balls-meatballs for soup and lay them on a cutting board. Meanwhile, frying is being prepared, which we pour into a saucepan with potatoes.

    When the potatoes boil, put the sticky meatballs into the pan and add the chopped greens. Add salt to taste.

    Boil the meatballs from the moment of boiling for 10 minutes, or longer if the potatoes did not have time to cook until tender. The egg holds the minced meat together, so do not worry that they will disintegrate or fall apart from prolonged boiling. Of course, do not give in to the temptation to verify the fact and cook them for longer than 20 minutes. Pour the finished soup into portions, laying out the meatballs, and serve.

    The usual lunch for everyone consists of the first course (soup, cabbage soup or borscht), the second with a side dish and vegetable salad. Every housewife knows how difficult it can be to please the family and serve a dish that will appeal to all family members, especially young children, whose fussy food is known to every mother. Today we will talk about how to make a soup, the recipe for which you will find in several versions in our article. A light broth with vegetables and meat balls will definitely appeal to fastidious kids, and adults will not disregard your culinary talents.

    How to Make Meatballs for # 1 - Classic

    To make delicious and juicy meat balls, you will need the following ingredients:

    Half a kilogram of minced meat, any will do: beef, pork, or a mixture;
    - 50 ml of milk;
    - the crumb of half a loaf (the crusts must be cut off);
    - a little salt and pepper to taste.

    Soak the bread in milk, it will be enough to immerse it in liquid for 5 minutes, and then turn it into a soft homogeneous mass using your hands or a blender. Mix with minced meat, salt and pepper. By the way, if you want to get airy meat balls that melt in your mouth, pass the meat through a meat grinder 2-3 times. Cooking meatballs will not take you even 20 minutes: moisten your hands with water or egg white and mold small, walnut-sized balls from the mass. It is not necessary to make a new portion every time you cook soup. You can freeze some of the balls and use the blank later. To do this, proceed as follows: put the meatballs on and put in the freezer for a few hours. After this time, take them out of the refrigerator and arrange them in portions into bags, each containing 15-20 pieces. Simple and convenient.

    No. 2 - specially for children

    If your child does not want to eat the first course, then offer him such an unusual dish, where not meat balls swim, but real "octopuses". To prepare this miracle, you will need:

    300 g minced meat of your choice;
    - 10 pieces. spaghetti (yes, exactly 10 long thin pasta);
    - a quarter of an onion;
    - salt, egg yolk and black pepper.

    Chop the onion finely or grate it on a coarse grater, add to the minced meat mixed with the yolk, salt and pepper. You should have a homogeneous mass of meat. Now we are sculpting meatballs for soup. The recipe contains a little secret: to make "octopuses", first mold a small meat ball, then break 1 long pasta into 3 pieces and just pierce the meatball with them. In the process of cooking, the spaghetti will boil up, and beautiful pasta legs will turn out along the edges of the balls. The child will certainly love this unusual soup. Now you know how to cook meatballs. Keep in mind that they are usually dipped into the pot 15 minutes before the end of cooking. And if you prepare meat balls for future use, as described in recipe number 1, then you can cook a delicious and light soup in just half an hour.

    As I understand you are here, because you have just embarked on the crooked path of culinary the true way and are learning how to cook? And today you are interested in how to make minced meatballs for soup. So? So (by adjusting the glasses on the nose), meatballs in soup can be prepared from almost all types of minced meat. But each has its own nuances. Let's take a look at them.

    Minced meatballs

    Naturally, the cooking process will start with minced meat. If you are holding a ready-made package in your hands, just skip the first part and go straight to the second. If you are determined and want to do everything with your own hands from the very beginning, then let's cook minced meat. It can be made purely from pork or beef, and you can combine the two to create a blended, sometimes called "homemade" meat. Chicken meatballs are also popular.


    • pork pulp;
    • beef pulp;
    • chicken fillet (breast, thighs);

    The exact amount is not important here, the main thing is to understand the principle and proportions.

    Making minced meat

    Ground beef meatballs

    Despite the fact that this item is so called, I would not recommend cooking purely from only beef, except in special cases, such as not eating pork, dieting, or if you are preparing soup for children. It will turn out dry and there is a possibility that they will fall apart during cooking. Therefore, it is better to mix 50/50 beef with pork. So it will be juicy, and they will keep their shape well.

    Mix both types of meat with your hands until smooth.

    Minced pork meatballs

    Made from pork, they easily roll into balls and keep their shape perfectly. So with the minced meat itself, you don't need to be wise anymore. Perhaps just add spices or seasonings for a better taste.

    Minced chicken meatballs

    You can take any fillet, both breast and thighs without skin and bones. In the same way, mince with the addition of onions.

    But unlike the two previous options, minced chicken is very tender and, as a result, sticky. You can't roll the balls by hand. Therefore, it is better to take two tablespoons and scoop up the mass of one, throw it directly into the broth of the other. Unfortunately, this will not work perfectly round.

    How to make delicious soup meatballs

    Now let's see step by step not how to prepare minced meat, but how to cook the meat balls themselves.

    The simplest option is fig. You can add both raw, washed with water rice, and already boiled, ready-made.

    Greens, of course. Traditionally - dill, parsley. Less traditional, but also interesting - mint, cilantro.

    For taste, you can add, in addition to the usual salt and black ground pepper, mustard. About 1 tbsp. for 500 gr of minced meat.

    Stir and stick balls 2cm to 4cm in diameter. Usually, the smaller the meatballs, the prettier they look in the soup.

    When cooked in soup, the bitterness of the mustard will disappear, but the aroma will remain.

    You can put a cheese cube inside the meatballs.

    For puffiness, you can add bread crumbs. And for taste, grated hard cheese on a fine grater.

    The meat balls can even be pre-baked in the oven. A crust will form on them, they will become more appetizing, and the soup as a whole will acquire a richer flavor.

    How to cook meatballs in soup

    On culinary sites on the Internet, you can find recipes by which meatballs are put in water at the very beginning. Perhaps so that the broth in the soup is more rich. But it seems to me that this is superfluous. Minced meat is prepared quickly. The meatballs take 3 to 7 minutes to fully cook. So I put them in a pot near the end of the soup.

    When we put them in a pot of soup, the boil stops, since the meatballs are cold and cool the soup. Therefore, we increase the heating and when we see that the soup has begun to boil again, we reduce it to moderate. To keep the meatballs from falling apart, the boil should not be too vigorous. For the same reason, stirring them with a spoon at first is not recommended.

    Ready they will float to the surface. Then you can stir the soup. After surfacing, to be sure, you can cook for a few more minutes and turn it off. But again, you need to focus on.

    As you can see, soup meatballs are easy. Any novice cook can cook them. The main thing is to understand the principle of how to make, try, and then experiment with flavors.

    Soup with meatballs is probably the most favorite meat soup of children of all ages, as small tender meatballs seem to them much more appetizing and tastier than boiled pieces of meat. However, adults are unlikely to be able to refuse a plate of hot aromatic broth, in which slices of healthy vegetables and cute meat balls float for one bite. Meatballs made from minced meat chew very well and are easily digested in the body, so the soup with them is ideal not only for toothless children and old people, but also for sick, convalescent and people with digestive problems.

    Soup with meatballs, unlike most other traditional soups, cooks quite quickly, since it does not require a long cooking of meat broth. This is especially convenient for working housewives, as it saves time and effort in the kitchen and in just an hour to prepare a complete first course for the whole family. In addition, this soup consists of simple and inexpensive products, but nevertheless, thanks to its zest in the form of soft and juicy meatballs, it is able to satisfyingly feed and delight households from small to large.

    If your children are regularly naughty and refuse a boring and uninteresting, in their opinion, first course, try making the most delicious meatball soup for them according to this simple recipe. Its light and nutritious broth, simple pieces of vegetables and funny meatballs can pave the way even to the most fastidious child's heart 🙂

    Helpful information

    How to make meatball and rice soup - recipe with step by step photos. A simple meatball recipe for minced meat soup.


    • 3.5 l of water
    • 1 large onion
    • 1 large carrot
    • 3 medium potatoes
    • 4 tbsp. l. rice
    • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
    • 5 - 6 peas of black pepper
    • 2 bay leaves


    • 400 g minced meat (pork + beef)
    • 1 small onion
    • 10 g greens (dill, parsley)
    • 1 tsp with a slide of salt, 1 tsp. hops-suneli


    Meatballs for minced meat soup

    1. In order to cook the meatball soup, first let's make these small meatballs. To do this, put minced meat, chopped onions and chopped greens in a bowl.

    Advice! To make the soup meatballs, you can use any type of meat you like. I most often make meatballs with mixed pork + beef mince, but you can also use minced beef, pork, chicken, turkey, or lamb. If you cook the minced meat yourself, then the onion can be minced along with the meat.

    2. Season the minced meat with salt and spices and knead thoroughly with your hands until smooth.

    Advice! After kneading, the minced meat must be beaten off to remove excess air from it. To do this, the meat must be collected into a lump and several times with force to throw it back into the bowl. Thanks to this procedure, the meatballs will not fall apart during the cooking process.

    3. Mold the minced meat with wet hands into small balls the size of a walnut. I made 20 small meatballs from this number of ingredients.

    How to make meatball soup

    4. Boil water in a large saucepan and gently dip the meatballs into it. Cook the soup at a low boil for 15 minutes, removing the foam from the surface as it accumulates.

    Important! Meatballs must be placed in boiling water so that they immediately "grab" and do not fall apart during the preparation of the soup. But excessive bubbling and boiling of the broth can also damage the meatballs.

    5. While the meatballs are cooking, you can prepare the remaining ingredients for the soup. Peel and finely chop the onions.

    6. Peel and grate carrots.

    7. Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil over medium heat for 8 - 10 minutes until transparent.

    8. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.

    9. Add chopped potatoes to boiling broth with meatballs.

    10. Wait until the soup boils again, and add rice washed with cold water. Boil the soup for 20 minutes on a low boil without a lid.

    I like using round rice for the meatball soup as it boils slightly and takes on an interesting shape and texture. In addition, you can put fine vermicelli in this soup instead of rice. It should be added 5 minutes before the end of the soup.

    11. Add the onion and carrot roast to the soup, mix thoroughly and cook for another 5 minutes. A minute before being ready, put salt, peppercorns and bay leaf into the soup. Close the pot with a lid and let the soup steep for 15 minutes.

    Unusually delicious and nutritious soup with meatballs and rice is ready!