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  • What real long tea looks like. What is called long tea and why? Contraindications and possible harm

    What real long tea looks like. What is called long tea and why? Contraindications and possible harm

    Many have heard about long tea, but hardly thought about what its peculiarity is. Why is this variety so named and what is it?

    In the classical sense, this is tea, the main constituent of which are not only tea leaves, but also tips - the buds of a tea bush that have just begun to blossom (the more there are, the more the tea is valued). Let's plunge a little into the history of this drink.

    A long time ago in China there was a special and very valuable type of white tea - "Baihao Yinzhen", which means "silver needles" in Russian. The choice of this name is due to the appearance of the tea, which is twisted light-brown sticks, with pointed tips, covered with a light fluff. This fluff occurs only on tender, barely blossoming buds collected from a tea bush at a certain period of the year.

    Baykhov tea for a long time (from the 12th to the 18th centuries) was considered a drink of the highest power, which was produced specifically for the imperial court. Due to its highest value, it was often taken out of the country by smugglers (although this was punishable by death). The possible punishment did not stop the merchants - outside of China they could sell long tea for fabulous money.

    Russian merchants, who were lucky to get this rare variety, pronounced the complex name in their own way, so the word "long" arose. This tea is also known as "Bai Hao" in its home country.

    Not all Chinese merchants were completely honest with their customers. Often they offered to buy other types of tea under the guise of long tea. A completely different product reached many representatives of the European and Russian nobility.

    Types of long tea

    Today long tea is no longer worth a fortune, and many companies produce it. But, buying long tea from different manufacturers and trying it, many will be surprised, since the tastes will differ from each other. What's the matter?

    It turns out that there are as many as 11 classifications of this type of tea, according to which the quality of the drink is determined. The modern concept of long tea has expanded, most likely due to historical background. Or because “long tea” is not registered as a commercial grade. Companies take advantage of this by calling other types of loose tea baikhov. To choose the right long tea, you need to know what to look for.

    • In the cheapest varieties, they do not even put buds from a tea bush, but simply roll large tea leaves into balls or tubes. Of course, this is far from the very original long tea;
    • The variety with an admixture of young leaves and plant tips is slightly more appreciated;
    • Tea marked "Golden" is made from tender, young leaves, tips and tips of shoots;
    • The best quality long tea should be marked "Finest". Such varieties are more expensive, but they are also made exclusively from selected raw materials.

    Original long tea is produced only in two Chinese counties: Fuding and Zhenghe. Fudin variety is lighter in color, lighter and fresher in taste, the tips in this tea are smaller. Zhenghe, respectively, darker, the kidneys are larger in size. The produce of these counties is worth a lot, as the Chinese are true to tradition and collect the original "Baihao Yinzhen" in much the same way as they did 800 years ago. Added to this are the requirements of modernity: a picker working on a tea plantation must always be neat, cleanly washed, neatly dressed. There is a ban on the use of perfumes.

    Undoubtedly, the tea produced in these two provinces will historically be considered original, but good long tea is also produced in other parts of China. The tips themselves are sold by weight and produced not only in China, but also in neighboring states.

    What kind of long tea to choose?

    Now, not only white tea, but also yellow, green, red and black tea can be called baikhov. They differ from the original version, but have their own flavor and useful properties.

    • Black long tea... Its production begins with rolling a tea leaf. Then fermentation takes place (the required level of oxidation is reached). The production of expensive varieties is carried out under the supervision of an experienced technologist who can manually determine the readiness of a tea product. The final stage is drying.
    • Green tea... It is done by withering, and in some cases it does without it. But the essence of the production is that the moisture level in the tea leaf reaches 60%. For this, a two-stage procedure is carried out to rid the sheet of moisture.
    • Yellow tea... In China, it is very popular, and in Russia, many do not even know about the existence of yellow tea. Its difference lies in the fact that at the production stage, the tea leaf, in addition to other manipulations, is fried and steamed. This tea is unusually fragrant, has a stimulating effect on the body.
    • Red tea. This is a kind of low-fermented product with a burgundy brown tint and a fairly pronounced floral aroma. Red tea, like yellow tea, goes through a roasting process.

    Tea traditions of the countries of the world

    Having chosen one (or several) types from the whole variety of long tea, it remains to figure out how to brew this tea correctly? For this, let's turn to the culture of tea countries. One of them, Great Britain, is a country where tea has become one of the components of the national culture, practically one of the national symbols.

    Russians can afford to drink tea anywhere (even on the go), tea drinking is not something special for us. A British gentleman would see such treatment of tea as barbaric (of course, he would not say it out loud).

    Tea drinking in many cultures (especially Chinese) is a special ritual, ceremony, with its own rules. It is believed that by observing them, a person moves away from the animal world and thus contacts with society. Tea ceremonies were originally practiced in the highest circles, among the nobility and representatives of the aristocracy, and then this custom passed to the people.

    • Water:

    Use soft or settled water for brewing. Never re-use boiled or even boiled. When heated to 100 degrees, oxygen disappears in the water. With it, when brewing, part of the taste of the tea drink will disappear.

    • Tableware:

    It is preferable to use dishes made of natural materials - clay, porcelain, faience. These materials do not chemically bond with the liquid. Before brewing, to remove foreign odors, rinse the kettle with boiling water.

    • Brewing procedure and time:

    Fill the pot with tea leaves a quarter full and wait 50 seconds. Then fill it out entirely. Leave it on for two minutes. Thus, at first a concentrated infusion of tea leaves with a strong taste is obtained, then it is brought to an optimal state.

    Tea and tea additives

    Russians are accustomed to drinking tea with sugar, while real connoisseurs of tea prefer not to drown out subtle flavor and aroma notes with a sweet aftertaste. Of course, sugar isn't the only additive. Drinking tea with lemon is no less popular in Russia. There is a version that this method comes from our country. It is curious that Europeans call tea with lemon "Russian tea".

    The aforementioned Britons cannot imagine tea drinking without desserts. An interesting fact: in the old days, English ladies (as you know, ladies are very fond of sweets) were allowed to loosen their corset before drinking tea. Such a measure was forcedly introduced, as often the ladies often fainted from lack of oxygen. After all, it is not easy to resist good tea and an abundance of sweets.

    In China, tea ceremonies have a special meaning. In the homeland of long tea, it is not allowed to eat food during tea drinking.

    Tea is loved and drunk all over the world, each country has its own traditions and preferences associated with this wonderful drink. Good tea is able to unite, it always has to be in place.


    Reading time: 4 minutes

    A A

    Baikhov black tea was brought to us from China a long time ago. The name of this amazing drink is translated into Russian as "white eyelash". It was named so because the tipsa (unopened tea bud) and one side of the leaf are covered with pile and resemble small cilia.

    The taste and aroma of black long tea depends on the number of buds and their quality. Because the essential oils that are part of the kidneys influence the unique taste of the drink. "Bai hoa" is exactly how the name of tea sounds in Chinese. Russian traders then simplified the name and began to call it simply "baikhov". Here, now on many packs you can see such an inscription, so when choosing tea, you need to be extremely careful.

    How tea is made

    According to GOST 1938 90, black long tea packaged according to technical conditions must go through the following stages: withering, rolling, fermentation, drying, sorting and packaging.


    On special conveyors, sheets are dried using warm air; the whole process lasts from four to eight hours. When moisture evaporates, it becomes less elastic, its mass and volume become smaller. Dry them until they become soft and pliable and will shrink when squeezed into a lump.

    Leaf withering is done in two ways: natural or artificial. Basically, manufacturers use the first method and wither the product in the open air, spreading it in a thin layer. In rainy wet weather, this process takes up to forty-eight hours, and in dry, warm weather - only seventeen. The favorable temperature for wilting is twenty-four degrees with an air humidity of seventy percent. With the natural method, you need to attract many workers, use large areas and spend a lot of time on the process itself - these are the disadvantages of this method.


    At this stage, the sheet is rolled on rollers. In this case, the product breaks down and secretes juice. Basically, three-time twisting is carried out with a duration of up to forty-five minutes.


    It is produced to oxidize and change the composition of the leaf. This stage is very responsible and important, the quality of the finished product depends on it. After this process, the leaf has all the properties of the finished tea.

    Drying, sorting and packaging

    This process is carried out to give stability to the product during storage and to accumulate useful substances. It consists of two parts, first it is dried for about fifteen minutes at a temperature of ninety-five degrees, then another ten minutes at ninety degrees. In this case, the sheet loses moisture and stops. The tea is completely ready when the tea leaves are dry and break well.

    Tea is sorted by separating broken leaves from whole leaves, large from small ones, and also from dust. Then the coarse parts of the product are crushed, which are part of the broken sheets. Finished products are packed in special plywood boxes, lined with clean paper or foil inside, covered with lids on top and taken to tea-packing factories.

    The composition of black long tea contains various vitamins and minerals so necessary for our health. It is rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and others. The most famous among the varieties of long tea is black. Dry tea leaves, like brewed tea, should be black. If you have purchased a product in which the color of the tea leaves is gray or light brown, this means that it is stale or of poor quality. The quality of the tea depends on the degree of curl of the leaves. The better and tighter the folded leaves, the better the quality of the tea. Poorly curled leaves that crumble are considered low grade tea.

    Varieties of long tea

    There are also varieties of black long tea according to the type of leaves:

    • The first type includes large tea leaves, plucked below the fifth leaf. The content of useful properties is minimized and attributed to low-grade teas;
    • The second type consists of hardened leaves, the Chinese roll such a product into balls;
    • The third type includes sharp whole leaves, which grow fourth or fifth from the top, with a small number of unopened buds. This tea is considered to be of high quality;
    • The fourth type includes leaves growing third or fourth from the top with the addition of tips. In this case, manufacturers write the word “Golden” on the packaging and indicate the ratio of tea leaves and buds;
    • The fifth elite type includes the product collected from the top and tips. Highest quality tea, look for the word "Finest" on the packaging. The price of this variety is high.

    If you try modern black long tea, buying it from five different manufacturers, the taste of each will be strikingly different. How can one and the same variety be so versatile? There is a logical explanation for this, rooted in the history of China and our country as well. Let's take a closer look at what it is.

    How are tea leaves selected? There are 11 in total, by which quality is determined. All of them are arranged according to the following principle:

    • The cheapest varieties are made from large sheets without adding buds. Curl up into tubes or balls;
    • A rank higher than the previous ones - plant tips and young leaves are mixed in. Low content of shoots in expensive varieties is acceptable;
    • With the postscript Golden - made from delicate plant parts (tips, tips, young leaves);
    • With the postscript Finest - the most expensive varieties. This black and green tea is made from selected raw materials.

    Baykhov tea what is it

    Have you ever heard the name "Baihao Yinzhen"? It is known to any true connoisseur of a herbal drink. This is not green tea, as many think, but a rare variety that came from the Middle Kingdom, also known in our country as "Bai Hao". It translates into Russian as silver needles or villi. Looking at the structure of the tea leaves, the origin of the name becomes clear - these are light green sticks with pointed ends, covered with white fluff on top. Still, what does long tea mean? These are not only the leaves, to which we are so accustomed, but also the buds of the tipsa bush, which began to bloom. The more the latter, the more valuable the product.

    Tea and the Emperor: From the 12th to the 18th century, the presented drink was available only to the nobility, produced exclusively for the imperial palace. The death penalty was assumed for its export, which did not stop the smugglers, who received colossal money from European buyers.

    What can be considered real long tea? With the beginning of international trade, enterprising Chinese merchants began to apply the famous name to other varieties. Thus, many nobles from Russia and European countries received a completely different tea drink. Only over time did they manage to figure out how to define a real product. It is produced in two counties - Zhenghe and Fuding, and also has its own differences. The Zhenghe product is darker and coarser, while the tips of the Fudin variety grow small and taste lighter.

    Baykhov tea today - what does the market offer us?

    As you can understand from the above, you will be able to buy the same drink produced by only a couple of provinces by paying a tidy sum. But this does not mean that tea, which has gained overwhelming popularity, is not produced elsewhere. Today, tipsa buds are grown both in various cities of China and in neighboring countries, often sold by weight.
    What do large manufacturers produce? The concept of "long tea" is not a registered trademark - it is just the word "Bai Hao", put in our way. Today it is customary to call loose varieties of the product. Therefore, the company can produce green tea or any other, giving it this name.
    How is the real "Baihao Yinzhen" going? Just like 800 years ago, the demands on plantation personnel are extremely high. The person should be cleaned and dressed. The use of perfumes is prohibited.

    What kind of long tea to buy?

    Despite the differences between the modern product and the original white "Bao Hao", it deserves attention. Over the years, manufacturers have bred many worthy species containing a lot of useful properties that have good taste. Take a closer look at the existing ones:

    • Black: during manufacture, the leaf is curled and fermented to naturally obtain the desired level of oxidation. The production of expensive varieties requires a technologist who manually sets the readiness of the product. Finally, drying is done.
    • Green: There are several ways to make green tea - in some cases withering is done, in others it is not. The process of bringing humidity up to 60% and a two-stage procedure for getting rid of moisture remain unchanged.
    • Yellow: a popular product in China. Roasting and steaming are added to all of the above operations. It is distinguished by aroma and strong stimulating effect on the human body.
      Red: Low fermentation allows this type of tea to get a burgundy brown hue. Just like the previous type, it is roasted and has a pronounced floral scent.

    How to brew and drink long tea?

    In the countries where tea has become a national culture - China, Japan, England, special attention is paid to the drinking process. Show the Briton how they use this drink in our country - between times, spontaneously, to chat with a neighbor, and he will be horrified. She will not say out loud, but she will think to herself that such behavior is barbaric.

    The cultural value of tea drinking lies in the observance of the rules, thanks to which a person separates himself from the animal world and contacts his society. Therefore, it was inherent primarily to kings, educated aristocrats, and only then entered the masses.

    Today long tea, like any other, should be brewed based on the basic rules:
    Water quality and temperature: the liquid should be soft, not containing a lot of metals. If one is not at hand, it is enough to let it settle. Re-boiled water is never used, moreover, it should not be brought to a temperature of 100 degrees at all, otherwise oxygen will disappear from the composition, and with it the liveliness of taste. It is better to remove the kettle when it reaches 70-90 degrees.
    The quality of the dishes: have you already seen how plant drink lovers rinse the kettle with boiling water? This is done in order to fight off the smell. It is absolutely not important what the container is made of - if only it does not enter into a chemical combination with water. Clay, porcelain, earthenware are preferred.

    Duration of infusion: pour the infusion into a quarter of the size of the vessel. After 50 seconds, fill it in completely. Such actions will allow you to first capture the main part of the taste, making it strong, and then bring the product to perfection. Two minutes is enough for him to gain the necessary power.

    With what to drink long tea?

    Do they drink it with sugar? Of course, a certain part of people, and all over the world, are very fond of this option, which is not traditional. A true connoisseur of a herbal drink will never sweeten it, so as not to lose subtle notes in the aroma, preferring other additives that decorate them:

    • Milk - an Englishman, whether it is an ordinary resident of the country or the queen herself, will certainly pour milk into a cup. He will do this first, before pouring the tea leaves. So the two noble liquids will mix evenly, and the fragile porcelain will not crack from overheating;
    • Lemon - today it is not known for certain where the tradition of adding lemon originated. There is an opinion that a similar method was invented in Russia. Even in the West there is an expression "Russian tea", referring to this particular method of preparing the drink.
    • Desserts - In terms of food, the UK is similar to the CIS. Sweets and desserts are a must. In the old days, ladies were even allowed to loosen the corset during tea drinking, as having overeat, they lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen. But on, this procedure is exclusively isolated and does not imply the presence of dishes on the table.

    From the foregoing, we can conclude that each country has its own values \u200b\u200bregarding the use of the drink under discussion. This does not mean that someone else has them better. It's just that every nation has its own preferences and goals, and good tea is always in place.

    Tea is the most noble and ancient drink. Legends, legends are composed around him, tea ceremonies are dedicated to him. In a large amount of antioxidants, which help the body to cope with various diseases, stop premature aging. In tea shops of all countries, you can now see a variety of types and varieties of teas: black, hibiscus, fruit and herbal. Long tea is especially popular. Many people mistakenly assume that only black tea sold in loose form is called baikhov. But this is not the case.

    Baykhov tea: what is it

    Baikh tea "bai hao" can be of different types depending on the manufacturing technology: black, red, green. Initially, only a white variety of tea, which was produced from the rudiments of leaves with small white hairs, was considered as baikh. The more buds a tea had, the more it was valued. This variety was harvested and processed by hand. The tea was fragrant, aromatic and tasty. Over time, the concept of "baikhovy" spread to almost all tea varieties, although this did not always correspond to the properties of white tea.

    Useful properties of green long tea

    Long green tea is very popular in Japan and China. It tones up well, refreshes, quickly quenches thirst. The brewed tea turns out to be light green in color with a yellowish tinge. The drink has a tart taste, aroma of rose petals and dry hay. Tea has many beneficial properties:

    • improves mood;
    • strengthens the immune system;
    • has an antioxidant effect;
    • has a beneficial effect on prostate adenoma;
    • improves digestion;
    • lowers blood sugar;
    • helps to lose weight.

    Tea has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Even one cup of this drink improves mood and invigorates. Regular intake of tea prevents the development of infectious diseases, strengthens the body. Tea has antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

    The drink slows down the aging of the body. There are many long-livers among those who take this tea regularly. He is able to improve metabolism.

    Tea is used for cosmetic purposes. The antioxidants contained in it improve the condition of the skin, slow down its aging. The skin becomes beautiful, soft and smooth when using products that include long tea extract.

    Baikhovy for men's health. It has been proven that most men after 40 years of age suffer from prostate adenoma. The research results showed that those men who took up to 5 cups of green tea per day had half the rate of prostatitis.

    Green tea drink has a beneficial effect on the body of diabetics. Sugar levels decrease with regular use.

    This tea has an antioxidant effect. It reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors. from radiation.

    Tea helps with poisoning, digestive disorders. To normalize the condition, it is recommended to drink strong green tea for several days.

    Approved for use by pregnant women. It reduces toxicosis.

    Often this type of tea helps to lose weight. It has a diuretic effect, removes excess fluid from the body, reducing weight. The tea drink contains a lot of polyphenols, which enhance heat exchange, helping to burn fat.

    Contraindications of long green tea

    • It is not recommended to combine drinking tea with alcohol. This can greatly undermine the condition of the liver and kidneys.
    • Don't drink low-grade green tea. It will not cause harm, but there is no benefit in it either. It is best to purchase tea from a specialty store.
    • Experts advise against drinking green tea on an empty stomach even for healthy people. This can irritate the stomach lining.
    • You cannot brew tea again, it is not recommended to drink yesterday's tea.

    How to make long green tea

    Speaking about long tea, the benefits and harms of which we have already examined, it is worth clarifying that you need to drink only freshly brewed tea. It is better to use spring or purified water. The temperature for brewing green tea should be no more than 80 ° C. If you use boiling water, the beneficial properties of the tea will disappear, and the taste of the drink may also deteriorate.

    Warm up the brewing utensils with hot water. Take one teaspoon of tea leaves for 150 ml of water. Tea is brewed, left to infuse for two minutes. After that, it is better to drain the first infusion and refill it with water. Then the tea leaves can really open up. Tea is poured into cups. The taste of the tea should be rich, even slightly bitter. Those who like sweet tea can add a spoonful of honey.

    The most common tea today is long tea. The origin of this word is associated with the Chinese word combination "bai hoa", which the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire used to denote the highest quality tea, including the buds of the tea bush. Nowadays, any tea presented in loose form is called "baikhov".

    Today you can often find the word "baikhovy" in the name of tea. What is it and what does it mean? At present, all loose teas are classified as baikhov (tea leaves are not interconnected with each other). This is the most popular group among the others, distinguished by the technology of mechanical processing of tea leaves (teas can also be pressed and extracted). However, the emergence of the term "baikhovy" in Russian is associated with a certain confusion that occurred during the formation and development of the Russian-Chinese tea trade.

    History reference

    For a long time in the process of tea production in China began to use bai hoa (translated into Russian "white cilia"). This is one of the tea components, which is the buds of leaves of the Chinese camellia (tea bush), which have not yet had time to open. Small white villi are located on them. A large number of tips (the English name for "buds") in tea has always been a sign of its high quality. For this reason, tea merchants from the Celestial Empire, in pursuit of enrichment, sold assorted teas with kidneys marked "bai hoa". For Russian merchants, this phrase has become synonymous with good quality. They began to call all loose teas, different from pressed types, which were then considered of lower quality, Baykhov.

    Note! The stress in the word "baikhovy" falls on the vowel "A", i.e. on the first syllable.

    About what the words "bai hoa" mean, about the appearance of the term "bikhovy", as well as what tips are, they tell in the following video:

    Characteristics of long tea

    Loose tea can be black, green, yellow, white, oolong. All of these species are also subdivided into smaller categories according to a certain characteristic. Black long tea, differing in the size of the tea leaves, can be:

    • sheet (large);
    • broken (medium);
    • small (seeding).

    Loose green tea can be leafy and broken.

    Different types of long tea are characterized by many criteria: the size and external parameters of tea leaves, aroma, presence of seeding, content of tannins and other significant compounds, growing conditions, etc. Loose tea consists of the following main components:

    • vitamins (A, C, PP, K, B);
    • tannins (tannin);
    • flavonoids (catechins);
    • alkaloids (caffeine);
    • essential oils;
    • mineral components (macro- and microelements).

    Benefit and harm

    The benefits and harms of loose tea differ depending on the type and quality. It is clear that cheap low-quality raw materials will have a less effective beneficial effect on the human body.

    The benefits of black long tea are that it:

    1. It has a bactericidal, antiseptic effect.
    2. Provides strengthening of vascular walls and normalization of cholesterol levels.
    3. Tones up, activates brain and physical activity, fights fatigue.
    4. It is characterized by diuretic properties, regulates metabolism.
    5. Contains antioxidants that can prevent the appearance of cancers, skin aging, etc.

    The drink can be harmful if consumed in unlimited quantities. It is contraindicated in people with caffeine intolerance. After drinking tea, they can become irritable, nervous, overly quick-tempered. The drink can cause heart palpitations and headaches in these people.

    Some of the health benefits of green loose tea:

    1. It resists stress and fatigue.
    2. Recommended for people with diabetes. It is a preventive measure against diabetes.
    3. Helps to strengthen the immune system.
    4. Improves the functioning of the digestive system.
    5. Normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
    6. Prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors, aging.
    7. Promotes weight loss, is an integral component of diets.

    Green tea is undesirable to use for diseases accompanied by a significant increase in temperature. For ulcers and sleep disturbances, it is also better not to drink the drink. Tea should not be consumed after drinking alcohol.

    Types of long tea

    Consider the types of long tea by the duration of fermentation and the characteristics of obtaining.

    The black

    The leaf lends itself to prolonged almost complete oxidation (fermentation) for 14-30 days. Dry tea leaves are brown or close to black in color. The taste of the brewed drink is characterized by astringency, lack of bitterness. The color of the infusion is orange - dark red. The scent can combine hints of flowers or honey.

    On a note! In the Middle Kingdom and some other Asian states, black tea is called red.


    It lends itself to mild oxidation or is not oxidized. If the fermentation of raw materials is carried out, then its duration is less than 48 hours, then the process is stopped by heating. The oxidation state is 3-12%. The color of the dry tea leaves ranges from light green to rich green. The infusion has a slight yellow or green tint. The tea emits a herbal scent, possibly reminiscent of hay. The taste is tart, with a slight sweetness. Bitterness is a sign of low-grade or improperly prepared loose green tea.


    It contains tips and the freshest leaves of the tea bush. During processing, they are most often subjected to withering and drying. Light yellow tea leaves. Because the leaves do not curl, in the final form they are large and light. The shade of the infusion is darker than that of green tea. The brewed drink is characterized by a yellow-green color, a slight smell of flowers, a slightly sweet taste and a mild aftertaste. White tea is extremely important to brew properly.


    This type of tea is subjected to oxidation by 3-12%, its closed "languishing" is carried out before drying the leaf. This is an exclusive long tea, for a long time it was made only for the emperor and his entourage. Made in China only. It has a unique aroma with smoky notes and a transparent, yellowish-amber color of the infusion. A special feature of real yellow tea is that it leaves marks on the cup in the form of a pinkish edge. The drink tastes slightly sweet. There is a fine silvery fluff on dark olive tea leaves.


    Another Chinese name is "turquoise" tea, European - "oolong". Fermented for 2-3 days (fermentation rate 30-70%). Appearance and flavor characteristics vary depending on the way oolong is produced. But they all have a special flavor that sets them apart from other teas.

    Producing countries

    • India. Indian long tea is considered one of the most widespread drinks, it is in demand all over the world. The most famous tea varieties produced in Idnia are Assam, Nilgiri and, of course, Darjeeling.
    • Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Ceylon loose teas are mostly black, strong and tart. The island also produces green tea, but so far its share in the global tea industry is insignificant.
    • China. The most popular is Chinese long tea. It has a pleasant and delicate taste. Also, China produces the best yellow and white tea varieties, oolongs.
    • Kenya. Granulated Kenyan tea can also be referred to as baikhovs (in the modern sense of the word). When it is obtained, machine processing is used, during which the raw material is crushed and twisted. The infusion has a beautiful amber hue.
    • Georgia. High quality loose tea produced in Georgia is aromatic and has an attractive soft taste. The highest grade is "Bouquet of Georgia".
    • Japan. It produces and supplies various types of green tea to other countries.

    Famous brands of long tea

    The assortment of black long tea in Russian stores is huge. Let's take a look at some of the popular brands.

    Princess Kandy Medium of Ceylon (medium leaf). This is black long tea, packaged in a metal film and a paper box, produced by the Russian company Orimi Trade. Reviews for this product vary. However, most buyers point out its low price among the advantages.

    Greenfield Golden Ceylon large leaf. Loose tea brought from Ceylon, just like the previous one, is produced by Orimi. There are many positive reviews for this product on the Internet. Buyers note its richness and pleasant taste. The price is quite consistent with the quality (and vice versa).

    Ahmad Tea Ceylon 100 sachets. This is a tea bag belonging to small baikhov (crumb). Manufacturer - Russian company "Ahmad Tee". Main advantages: affordable price, ease of brewing, astringency of taste.

    Long green teas are also in great demand. One of the most popular is the packaged "Maisky". For its manufacture, the Russian company "May" brings raw materials from the Middle Kingdom.

    Today you can buy quality long tea in specialized tea shops, or you can buy cheaper products of not the best quality. Greenfield Milky Oolong flavored tea is available. It is composed of Chinese oolong, milk flavor and mallow petals.

    GOST for black long tea

    The current standard for black loose tea is GOST 32573-2013... The document includes requirements for both loose and other types of black teas. From the characteristics of black long tea:

    • the maximum indicator of the mass fraction of moisture - 10% (wt.);
    • the total amount of ash - 4-8% (wt.);
    • coarse fibers cannot exceed 19% (wt.);
    • water-soluble extractives must be contained in an amount of at least 32% (wt).

    The standard also contains requirements for the appearance of tea, its taste, color. It is said in the document on the transportation and storage of products. The shelf life of tea is determined by its manufacturer (usually 1-3 years).

    Good long tea has many beneficial properties. However, today it is represented by such a large assortment of different brands that it is not difficult to stumble upon low-quality loose tea. Such a product does not harm our body, but there is also little benefit in it.