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  • Composition of hot sauces from central asia. Asian sauces

    Composition of hot sauces from central asia. Asian sauces

    Our article will acquaint you with Asian cuisine, as well as teach you how to cook simple and delicious oriental dishes.

    • Recently, Asian and Oriental dishes have begun to gain popularity. Chefs love them for their quick and easy preparation. Ordinary people like their original taste and catchy aroma.
    • Each person finds something of his own in these exotic dishes. Plant-based food lovers can cook dishes with a lot of lightly stewed vegetables, people who watch their figures can eat rice with turkey or glass noodles with seafood
    • Most importantly, do not be afraid to try something new and believe me, Asian cuisine will definitely surprise you. If you still haven't gotten to know this exotic cuisine, then we offer you some simple recipes that will help you surprise your family and friends.

    Asian and oriental products

    Tofu cheese
    • Probably, everyone knows that it is almost impossible to cook an Asian dish from the products we are used to. And it's not about spices.
    • After all, for example, we have nothing to replace such a component as soy sauce. Therefore, if we do not put it in a marinade or in a savory dressing, then our food will taste completely different.
    • For this reason, it is better not to look for a substitute for oriental products, but to use them for cooking. Moreover, you can buy them now without even leaving your home. You only need to place the desired order in the online store and wait for delivery

    Most popular products:
    Rice for sushi
    Sesame oil
    Shiitaki mushrooms
    Tufu cheese
    Rice vinegar and paper
    Pickled ginger
    Coconut oil
    Tempura flour
    Japanese noodles

    Asian and oriental cuisine - recipe

    Chinese cabbage soup with chicken

    Eastern cuisine is very different from ours. Food is prepared very quickly there and most often it is fried. Minimal heat treatment makes it possible to preserve almost all useful vitamins and give the finished dish a more piquant and fresh taste.

    Therefore, if you want to cook a completely identical dish, then strictly adhere to all cooking rules.

    Recipe for Asian Peking Cabbage Soup:
    First, cook broth from meat or fish
    While the meat is cooking, fry the bell peppers, onions and oyster mushrooms in sesame oil
    Cut Chinese cabbage into long strips and place in broth
    Leave everything to boil for literally 2-3 minutes
    Then add fried vegetables and hot peppers to the soup.
    Boil for another 2 minutes and you can start your meal.

    Peanut Butter Chicken Recipe:
    Boil rice noodles
    Pour oil into a frying pan and put hot peppers, wheat germ and green onions in it for just one minute.
    Next, we move on to frying pieces of meat
    Then mix the soy and hot sauce, peanut butter and finely chopped ginger in a saucepan.
    Add noodles, meat and vegetables to the resulting mixture
    Mix everything thoroughly and lay out on plates

    Asian soup recipes

    Coconut milk soup

    Asian-style soups have a rather interesting and special flavor. Due to the fact that a lot of ingredients are used for their preparation, they always give off a wonderful aroma.

    Most often, meat is added to them (can be replaced with fish and seafood), rice or noodles, aromatic spices, hot peppers, fresh vegetables, and, of course, wheat sprouts. As a result, the dish turns out to be not only tasty, but also very colorful.

    Recipe for Thai Tom Kha Soup:
    Heat the wok and pour the sesame oil into it
    In the next step, add pre-chopped chili and lemongrass to the oil
    When the oil is saturated with the aromas of spices, pour coconut milk into it and add lime leaves to the mixture
    Let the soup boil a little and put small pieces of meat in the broth
    When the meat is cooked, add salt, pepper and fish sauce to the soup and pour everything into plates

    Recipe for Asian Fish Soup with Coconut Milk:
    First, wash, cut and chop the fish
    Heat coconut milk in a saucepan and season it with hot spices
    When the milk boils, we begin to dip the fish and chopped ginger into it
    Boil the rice noodles in a separate saucepan until the soup is cooked.
    After all the components of the soup are ready, you can proceed to the presentation of the dish.
    First, put a small bowl of noodles in a bowl
    Then cover everything with fish soup and sprinkle with peanut butter

    Asian Salads

    Asian salad with chicken grapefruit

    This salad may well be both a hearty snack and a great addition to steamed rice or vegetables in sweet and sour sauce.

    You can use it for a light snack at work if you like. A small portion of salad will help you quickly feel full and forget about hunger for a long time.

    Chicken Oriental Salad Recipe:
    Boil chicken fillet, chill it a little and cut into small cubes
    Peel half of the grapefruit from the films and cut in the same way as the meat
    Grind hot peppers, mint leaves and ginger root
    Squeeze lime and grapefruit juice into a separate bowl
    Salt it, pepper it, drizzle with sesame oil
    Place the meat, mint leaves, ginger, grapefruit, hot pepper in the center of the plate and pour over everything with a light dressing

    Asian Sauces

    Sweet and sour sauce

    Some people think that there are only two sauces used in Asian cuisine, soy and fish. Of course, in most cases, it is they that are taken for marinating meat, fish and for preparing various dressings.

    But if you start getting to know oriental cuisine a little closer, then you can learn about the existence of other, no less tasty and original sauces. We will now introduce you to the recipe for one of them.

    Sweet and sour sauce recipe - it's yin and yang.
    Pour the rice bite into a saucepan and heat it up a little
    Then add soy sauce and chili peppers to the gruel
    When the mixture boils a little, put a couple of tablespoons of any fruit jam in it
    Darken the sauce for another 5 minutes and let it brew

    Asian food menu

    Peking cabbage spicy pickled

    Asian dishes differ from those more familiar to us not by an exotic combination of components, but by an abundance of seasoning and soy products. Another difference is that they almost never use such familiar potatoes to prepare their dishes.

    For example, they often put rice noodles, meat and a variety of vegetables in soups. As a result, they get a rather thick soup, which can be both the first and second courses at the same time.

    List of the most popular Asian dishes:
    Pork in sweet and sour sauce
    Peking cabbage spicy pickled
    Pork stew with star anise
    Rice noodles with beef
    Spring rolls with shrimps and pork
    Chinese puff pancakes

    Eastern cuisine menu


    Eastern cuisine is practically no different from Asian cuisine. They also like spices, hot sauce, wheat germ and lightly stewed vegetables. Its only difference is the complete absence of liquid dishes, that is, the usual soups and borscht.

    But this does not mean that people go exclusively to second courses, they just cook soups a little differently than we do. Their broth is more like a thick and nutritious gravy, which slightly covers the vegetables and meat. This is due to the fact that oriental housewives are very fond of thickening it with starch.

    The most popular oriental dishes:
    Radish kichmi
    Kuksi soup
    Heh from zucchini

    Eastern cuisine: meat dishes

    Chicken skewers in soy sauce

    Eastern cuisine involves the use of lamb, beef, chicken and very rarely pork. But unlike us, people living in the east do not like to grind meat for minced meat. They believe that in this way, all the taste of the product is killed. Therefore, they try to bake it whole or cut it into small pieces.

    Eastern meat dishes:
    Lamb shashlik with vegetables
    Lagman with beef
    Chicken skewers in soy sauce
    Heh from meat
    Korean style pork ribs

    Oriental soups

    Oriental lamb soup

    If you want to surprise your household, then prepare a delicious and aromatic oriental lamb soup for them. It requires a minimum set of products and approximately 1 hour of cooking time.

    If you want to make this dish more festive, then garnish it with fresh herbs and chili peppers. This soup must be served with freshly baked flat cakes.

    Cook celery and onion broth
    Add to it cut into pieces of meat
    When the meat is cooked until half cooked, put rice in a saucepan
    Next, beat the egg, yogurt, lemon juice, salt and pepper
    Introduce the mixture into the boiling soup in a thin stream and let it reach readiness

    Oriental salad recipe

    Spicy vegetable salad

    If unexpected guests decide to come to you, and you have nothing to treat them with, then try to prepare a simple but original oriental salad. By itself, it consists of products familiar to us, but the mayonnaise dressing we are used to will have to be replaced with a lighter and more useful one.

    Spicy Vegetable Salad Recipe:
    Take any salad mixture, tear into pieces and lay out on a beautiful dish
    Cut cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and ginger into strips
    Put the prepared vegetables on the salad mix
    Prepare a dressing from vegetable oil, salt, pepper, garlic and lemon juice
    Pour the sauce over the salad and serve

    Southeast Asian cuisine

    Fish in Indonesian

    The main highlight of the southeastern cuisine is, of course, seafood. Local chefs complement them with seaweed, exotic spices, juicy vegetables and edible flowers.

    Very often travelers, having seen such a still life, are afraid to try it. And they do it, of course, in vain. After all, usually for the preparation of these dishes, fresh seafood is used, which can saturate the body with useful substances.

    Fish recipe in Indonesian:
    Fry onion, lemongrass, banana in vegetable oil and add pre-boiled and washed rice to it
    Cut the fish into large pieces and marinate it in pepper, salt and lemon juice
    Dip the fish first in cream and then in flour and fry in plenty of butter
    Place the rice and banana on a plate and the fish on top of it
    Any hot sauce can be served with the dish

    Eastern European cuisine

    Meat - in Moldavian "Three shepherds"

    Eastern European cuisine includes food from Georgian, Armenian, Bulgarian and Moldovan cuisine. Although the dishes of these regions are close and familiar to us, there are also some among them that can surprise us with something new.

    As a rule, for cooking, residents of these regions use the same products as we do with one difference; in Eastern European countries, they do not really like to marinate fish and meat in liquid marinades.

    Meat recipe - in Moldavian "Three shepherds":
    Marinate chicken, pork and beef fillets in dry spices
    After 1.5 hours, beat each piece separately and cut them into strips 2 cm wide
    Next, alternating each type of meat, we begin to twist it clockwise
    We cut the blank with bamboo sticks
    We bake the meat in the oven, occasionally sprinkling it with wine

    Uzbek oriental cuisine

    Uzbek pilaf

    A typical feature of Uzbek cuisine is meat dishes. Uzbeks love meat and know how to cook it properly. Moreover, most often they do not eat it in, for example, baked. Usually they stew it with vegetables, put it in pies or make the most delicate manti with it.

    But the main pride of this region, of course, is. Unlike us, they put a lot of meat, carrots and spices in it, in short, they do everything to make the aroma from the dish amazing.

    Uzbek pilaf recipe:
    We heat the oil in a cauldron and chop chopped onions and carrots into it
    When the vegetables are browned, add pieces of meat to them (ideally, it should be lamb)
    As soon as you notice that the tips of the carrots darken, immediately add half a liter of water, salt, cumin and barberry to the cauldron
    Send everything to languish for 40 minutes
    At this time, pour boiling water over the rice and let it swell a little.
    Then add rice to the cauldron, put 5-7 cloves of garlic on top of it and close everything with a lid
    Pilaf will be ready in 15 minutes

    Eastern sweets

    Honey baklava

    Almost all those with a sweet tooth like oriental sweets. The main highlight of these delicacies is a variety of spices and herbs. This allows pastry chefs to create culinary masterpieces unparalleled anywhere else in the world.

    There are more than 200 types of different sweets in these countries. Moreover, in each region they prepare one specific one. This is usually done by trained people (shackles) and with special equipment.

    Honey baklava recipe:
    Take flour, eggs, salt and milk and knead into a soft dough
    Divide it into 5 equal parts and swing them as thinly as possible
    Grease each layer with oil, roll it up with a snail and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour
    Until the dough reaches the desired consistency, chop the nuts
    We take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll it out thinly again
    Put the first layer of dough in a mold and sprinkle it with chopped nuts
    We repeat the manipulation three more times
    We roll out the last piece, put it on nuts and cut the blank into diamonds
    We send the baklava to the oven for about 30 minutes
    While it is baking from honey and water, we prepare a fragrant syrup
    Fill the finished baklava with syrup and let it soak well

    Video: Asian Lemon Cheesecake

    The most basic. I'll tell you the country of origin, briefly the composition / taste and, of course, the application.

    Light soy sauce

    China. Light brown sauce with a mild taste. Used in soups, sauces, seafood and vegetables.

    Dark soy sauce

    Darker color, more pronounced flavor and sweeter. Used with red meat dishes and poultry.

    Japanese soy sauce

    Compared to Chinese, it is sweeter and therefore less salty. Such light sauces are used for soups, sauces, for fish dishes, and also simply as a separate seasoning.


    Japanese sauce. It is made on the basis of soy sauce, but thicker. The composition contains wine, sugar, spices. Used for marinades and as a seasoning for grilled dishes.


    Japanese dark soy sauce with a rich flavor. Fermentation takes place without adding wheat. Used as a universal sauce and sushi.

    Quetzap Manis

    Thick, sweet Indonesian soy sauce. Its variant is quetzap asin, which is more liquid and with less strong aroma. Both are used in rice or noodle dishes.

    We are

    Thai sauce. Made from salted fermented fish. Gives a peculiar salty taste to fish, meat and poultry dishes. A versatile condiment that can be paired with chili, garlic, lime and lime juice. It is also used as a separate seasoning.

    Shrimp paste

    It is widely used throughout Bgo-East Asia. Prepared from small salted shrimps. Sold in pressed or dried form. Used like us pla. Has a peculiar harsh odor, which disappears during heat treatment.

    Oyster sauce

    Chinese thick soy sauce, tinted and flavored with oyster juice. Has a very delicate taste. It is used with chicken, tofu cheese, and noodle dishes.


    A sweet, spicy soy sauce with anise flavor. A classic Chinese sauce, used for Peking duck.

    Plum sauce

    Chinese sweet and sour sauce. Consists of plum juice, plum vinegar, chili, ginger and other spices. Used for Peking duck and other Chinese dishes.

    Fish sauce was also popular in ancient Rome and Greece. In addition to soy sauce, it is the main spice for Asian cuisine. The sauce has a salty, unique and irreplaceable flavor derived from fermented and perfectly enhances the flavor of the curry. The color of the sauce is rich in red-transparent or golden brown. Some types of fish sauce are prepared with raw small fish. It is usually used instead of salt as a spice for fried dishes or as a marinade for meat or fish. Traditional fish sauce is known in Vietnam as nuoc nam, in the Philippines as patis, in Thailand as nam pla in Thailand and in Japan as shottsuru. In some other regions it is also called fish gravy or fish gravy.

    It is worth noting that fish sauce has a very characteristic pungent aroma that softens during cooking. Asian fish sauce is different from each other. For example, fishy is sweet because sugar is added to the fish during fermentation, and the Filipino sauce known as Bagoong Monamon tastes sour.

    Today fish sauce is made in villages and fishing villages. For its preparation, the fish is placed in barrels, sprinkled with salt and allowed to ferment. After that, the liquid that forms in the barrels is removed through the tap located at the bottom of the can. When the fish meat is finished fermentation, it is filtered, placed in a clean container and exposed to the sun. The more such a product is in direct sunlight, the better the sauce will turn out, with a more intense aroma - this is how the first grade of fish sauce gets. The second and third grades are made by covering the remains of the fish with salt water again and left for two to three months to continue fermentation and then bottled. Finally, the leftover fish is boiled in salted water, and the lowest grade of fish sauce is obtained, in which the taste is significantly reduced. In terms of consistency, some sauces are quite diverse - some can be liquid, while others are more like mashed potatoes.

    Good fish sauce, recipe t which is quite simple, it is made from a mixture of fish and salt that has been fermented for 1 to 18 months. Anchovies are generally used, although some sauces can be made with other types of fish, such as mackerel, tuna, shrimp, and even squid. There are many recipes for its preparation, but the most common ones always include ingredients such as anchovies, salt and water. Sugar can be added but is not necessary. Vegetarian fish sauce is also available in Vietnamese shops.

    For those concerned about their personal sodium intake, using the sauce can be a bit of a dilemma. But don't worry. If the sodium content in fish sauce sounds outrageous, remember that this amount is evenly distributed throughout the food you cook. Add only part of the fish sauce provided in the recipe, and feel free to replace the rest of the portion - it contains less sodium than usual

    Add a few drops of lime juice to prevent fish sauce from smelling bad. Most Thai recipes combine the sauce with lemon and other spicy ingredients. Fish sauce is generally not served alone as a main sauce due to its intense flavor. Instead, it is most commonly used in dishes that were originally flavored with other spices.

    Natural fish sauce takes time to make, which is why it is made in large-scale production. Although you can cook something like this at home. To do this, you need to peel the salmon, remove the bones and cut into small pieces. Peel the shrimp and cut into 2-3 pieces. Also cut the cod into small pieces, squeeze the garlic through a garlic press. Add olive oil and white wine to the fish. Cook until the wine has evaporated. Add tomatoes, salt and pepper. Keep the sauce on low heat for another 30 minutes, add chopped parsley at the end.

    Pour the sauce into a gravy boat and serve! It can be served with meat, and fish, and with your favorite grilled vegetables, and just vegetables! We had kebabs today!

    The sauce is really versatile and delicious!

    Continuation of my love story))
    ... I saw how hard it was for my Sasha. A complete mess at work (she works a lot, they don't pay at all!), Lack of money, relatives take out their brains every day to return home, and then my aunt with her child (that's me about myself!) Fell on her shoulders !!! He only came from the army for a year, he would have to walk and walk more, and here I am)) Sasha certainly did not show his mood, but I saw his sad eyes, and I just wanted to scream out of hopelessness! I was so afraid that he would not stand it, that he would break, that he would leave ...
    And then one day Sasha did not come home from work, did not come at night, did not come the next morning ... Then there were no cell phones, I could not find out where he was, though my mother had a home phone (Sasha and I chatted on it for hours !), but I had no idea where to call, and the relationship with my parents after we left for the apartment did not work out. I couldn't go to his parents either, because they just hated me! So, in ignorance and tears, two days passed ... And when on the third day the doorbell rang, I rushed to open it, almost breaking my neck !!! My mother came, to which I was very surprised and brought me terrible news. She was called from the hospital and told that my Sasha was in intensive care, he was unconscious for two days, and when he woke up, he immediately asked the nurse to call ... I’m probably selfish, but I felt better from the fact that he didn’t leave me, and instead of this, another feeling of anxiety began to creep into the soul: like in a hospital, why, what happened !!!? I rushed to him as if scalded. Of course, they didn’t let me into the intensive care unit, the nurse somehow indistinctly explained that they brought him in at eleven o'clock in the evening, badly beaten, unconscious and unconscious (((I was just shocked! I didn’t want to leave, but the nurse reassured him that he was now I came to my senses, my condition stabilized, but they wouldn't let me in until I was transferred to the department. The only thing I could do then was to convey through my sister how much I love him! It took five long days until Sasha was transferred from intensive care , I will not describe my pre-faint state when I saw him, one continuous bruise! It turned out that Sasha, as usual, was returning late from work and on his way there were several thugs who, in such a difficult time for everyone, earned as much as they could, they beat him, they took off the sheepskin coat, the mink hat and left it to freeze (on the street at the end of January) ... He was found by a stranger, God grant him health and salvation !!!
    I left my Sasha, after being discharged, he could not work for some time, he had to quit his job and we had no choice but to bow to my parents. We talked, conferred and decided that we would live with them, but we did not live there for long, Sasha quickly found himself a new and well-paid job and we again left for an apartment!
    Like any family, we wanted a common child, but it’s not destiny. I started having female problems. One day, severe pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding, a hospital, a complicated operation and the doctors' verdict "you won't have any more children" ... I cried for a week, And Sashulya calmed me down as best he could: - "Well, dear, don't cry , we have a daughter! " After being discharged from the hospital, I decided that I had no right to ruin his life, he should have a real family with kids. At first, she just asked, let's disperse, then she screamed and hysterical ... Withstood all my tantrums, listened to all my arguments ... I didn't leave !!! Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge ... There were quarrels, and reconciliation, and how many times we were going to disagree

    Pour the sauce into a gravy boat and serve! It can be served with meat, and fish, and with your favorite grilled vegetables, and just vegetables! We had kebabs today!

    The sauce is really versatile and delicious!

    Continuation of my love story))
    ... I saw how hard it was for my Sasha. A complete mess at work (she works a lot, they don't pay at all!), Lack of money, relatives take out their brains every day to return home, and then my aunt with her child (that's me about myself!) Fell on her shoulders !!! He only came from the army for a year, he would have to walk and walk more, and here I am)) Sasha certainly did not show his mood, but I saw his sad eyes, and I just wanted to scream out of hopelessness! I was so afraid that he would not stand it, that he would break, that he would leave ...
    And then one day Sasha did not come home from work, did not come at night, did not come the next morning ... Then there were no cell phones, I could not find out where he was, though my mother had a home phone (Sasha and I chatted on it for hours !), but I had no idea where to call, and the relationship with my parents after we left for the apartment did not work out. I couldn't go to his parents either, because they just hated me! So, in ignorance and tears, two days passed ... And when on the third day the doorbell rang, I rushed to open it, almost breaking my neck !!! My mother came, to which I was very surprised and brought me terrible news. She was called from the hospital and told that my Sasha was in intensive care, he was unconscious for two days, and when he woke up, he immediately asked the nurse to call ... I’m probably selfish, but I felt better from the fact that he didn’t leave me, and instead of this, another feeling of anxiety began to creep into the soul: like in a hospital, why, what happened !!!? I rushed to him as if scalded. Of course, they didn’t let me into the intensive care unit, the nurse somehow indistinctly explained that they brought him in at eleven o'clock in the evening, badly beaten, unconscious and unconscious (((I was just shocked! I didn’t want to leave, but the nurse reassured him that he was now I came to my senses, my condition stabilized, but they wouldn't let me in until I was transferred to the department. The only thing I could do then was to convey through my sister how much I love him! It took five long days until Sasha was transferred from intensive care , I will not describe my pre-faint state when I saw him, one continuous bruise! It turned out that Sasha, as usual, was returning late from work and on his way there were several thugs who, in such a difficult time for everyone, earned as much as they could, they beat him, they took off the sheepskin coat, the mink hat and left it to freeze (on the street at the end of January) ... He was found by a stranger, God grant him health and salvation !!!
    I left my Sasha, after being discharged, he could not work for some time, he had to quit his job and we had no choice but to bow to my parents. We talked, conferred and decided that we would live with them, but we did not live there for long, Sasha quickly found himself a new and well-paid job and we again left for an apartment!
    Like any family, we wanted a common child, but it’s not destiny. I started having female problems. One day, severe pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding, a hospital, a complicated operation and the doctors' verdict "you won't have any more children" ... I cried for a week, And Sashulya calmed me down as best he could: - "Well, dear, don't cry , we have a daughter! " After being discharged from the hospital, I decided that I had no right to ruin his life, he should have a real family with kids. At first, she just asked, let's disperse, then she screamed and hysterical ... Withstood all my tantrums, listened to all my arguments ... I didn't leave !!! Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge ... There were quarrels, and reconciliation, and how many times we were going to disagree