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  • Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value. Diet Mayonnaise Recipe

     Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value. Diet Mayonnaise Recipe

    Mayonnaise is a well-known and popular product. Various varieties of this sauce are available for sale. Healthy food advocates refuse to include in-store sauce in their diet. The reason for the refusal is not only in the calorie content of mayonnaise, but also in its composition.

    Mayonnaise: history, composition, characteristics

    Mayonnaise appeared in French cuisine in the 18th century. Legend associates his invention with the siege of the city of Mayon, which gave the name to the famous sauce. It was there that, having nothing at his disposal but eggs, olive oil and lemons, an unknown chef created a culinary masterpiece.

    Mayonnaise has retained this composition to this day. In the process of cooking, the yolks are ground and beaten with butter, and various seasonings are added to add flavoring nuances - for example, the addition of mustard is the main difference of the Provencal variety.

    100 g of homemade mayonnaise contains 4.9 g of proteins, 51.3 g of fat, 7.1 g of carbohydrates. Its caloric content is 508 kcal per 100 g.

    Store-bought mayonnaise contains even more calories (about 600), and includes trans fats, preservatives and emulsifiers that do not work well with a healthy diet. Therefore, for those on a diet, mayonnaise, unfortunately, is a taboo product. People who are prone to overweight should also limit the use of this sauce, but with moderate use, this is a healthy and very tasty treat that can decorate a festive table.

    Calorie content of mayonnaise of different varieties

    How many calories are in mayonnaise depends largely on its fat content. According to the percentage of fat, mayonnaise is divided into three groups: low calorie content (fat less than 40%, calorie content not higher than 350 kcal), medium (from 40% to 55% fat, caloric content - from 350 to 520 kcal), high (more than 55% fat , calorie content above 520 kcal).

    Sometimes a group of ultra-light sauces with a fat content of no more than 17% and a calorie content of up to 150 kcal is distinguished separately..

    Mayonnaise variety Calorie content per 100 g,kcal Calorie content 1 tablespoon (30 g) kcal Calorie content of 1 teaspoon (12 g), kcal
    Dairy table 627 188 75
    Provencal 67% 625 187 75
    Classical 618 185 74
    On quail eggs 616 185 74
    Home 508 152 61
    Light 299 90 36
    Lean 293 88 35
    Dietary 204 61 24
    Japanese 134 40 16

    BJU mayonnaise is characterized by a high fat content. For example, 100 g of Provencal mayonnaise with 67% fat content contains 3.1 g of proteins, 67 g of fat, 2.6 g of carbohydrates.

    Light varieties are low in calories. But when choosing them, it should be borne in mind that the composition usually includes components that are harmful to health, and the taste differs significantly from the classic one.

    How to make homemade mayonnaise

    Homemade sauce is a guarantee of the benefits of natural ingredients, and the number of calories in it will be lower than in many purchased varieties.

    The sauce prepared at home cannot be stored for a long time - no more than two days in the refrigerator, in contrast to store options containing preservatives. It should also be remembered that homemade mayonnaise stratifies during heat treatment, that is, it should not be used for baking, limiting itself to dressing salads and sandwiches.

    You don't need to be a culinary guru to make your own sauce:

    Recipe 1

    • chicken egg yolk - 1 pc.,
    • olive oil - ½ cup,
    • mustard and lemon juice - ½ tsp each,
    • salt and sugar - pinch each.

    Recipe 2

    • chicken egg yolk - 1 pc.,
    • olive oil - 3/4 cup,
    • mustard, salt and sugar - ½ tsp each,
    • apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp.

    You can add herbs, cheese, various seasonings to taste. The proportion may vary depending on the recipe. All components should be at room temperature.

    For cooking, all the ingredients, except for the oil, are combined in one container, mixed and begin to beat. Gradually add oil in small portions. It is necessary to achieve a uniform consistency, then stop whipping. If you continue to beat, the sauce will stratify and the flavor will deteriorate.

    Natural mayonnaise is tasty and healthy, but you need to remember about its high calorie content. For those who seek to maintain a slim figure, it should become a festive delicacy.

    Industrial mayonnaise is not only high in calories, but also harmful, therefore nutritionists strongly advise to exclude it from the diet.

    Mayonnaise has long become a familiar addition to most dishes - it is added to soups, salads, pastries, and main courses. Many people literally cannot imagine their life without mayonnaise, it is so firmly included in their diet. But what is mayonnaise?

    Mayonnaise, prepared according to the classic recipe, consists of familiar and healthy products - eggs, vegetable oil, mustard, vinegar or lemon juice, salt. The main components of this sauce, to which it owes its useful properties, are vegetable oil and eggs, more precisely, egg yolks. The better these two products are, the more beneficial the mayonnaise will be. The healthiest mayonnaise is made from natural olive oil and quail eggs.

    About 2/3 of the composition of this sauce is fat. Mayonnaise also contains carbohydrates, proteins and cholesterol. Mayonnaise contains vitamins A, PP, E, choline, B vitamins, as well as micro and macro elements: magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, etc.

    The calorie content of mayonnaise depends on its fat content - the more fat, the more calorie... Unfortunately, in addition to the classic ingredients, manufacturers supplement the recipe for the preparation of this sauce with other additives that reduce the cost of the production process and extend the shelf life, but negatively affect the usefulness and taste of the product. Among them it should be noted:

    • sorbic acid, potassium sorbate - a preservative, and not the safest;
    • starch - it increases the mass and calorie content of mayonnaise, makes it "satiating";
    • stabilizers (guar gum, xanthan gum) or thickeners (E1422, etc.) - make the consistency of mayonnaise thicker, without them it would be too liquid, since it is diluted with water to increase its volume;
    • flavors (for example, mustard) - few people use natural mustard;
    • antioxidants - extend shelf life;
    • colorant (beta-carotene) - needed to give a yellowish color to the product, the only useful ingredient in supplements.

    Few manufacturers use mustard or olive oil, even less take natural lemon juice, and the use of natural egg yolks is out of the question - they are replaced with egg powder.

    The calorie content of mayonnaise is the reason why it is contraindicated for people who are overweight... The presence of irritating components - acid, pepper, mustard - imposes a ban on its use by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, do not forget that mayonnaise contains a lot of cholesterol - if you have problems with the cardiovascular system, it is also advisable for you to refuse this product.

    In the absence of contraindications and subject to moderate consumption, self-prepared mayonnaise is a tasty and satisfying sauce that increases appetite, helps to digest certain foods and facilitates the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

    How many calories are in mayonnaise

    If you look at GOST, then it divides all mayonnaises into 3 groups depending on the degree of fat content, and how many calories in mayonnaise, as we remember, depends on the fat content... Low-calorie mayonnaise contains no more than 40% fat. In medium-calorie foods - 40-55%. In high-calorie foods - more than 55%.

    The average calorie content of low-calorie mayonnaise is 260 kcal per 100 g. Calve Extra light 8% contains the least calories in mayonnaise - only 110 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of mayonnaise of the same olive brand 33% will already be 325 kcal per 100 g. mayonnaise MZhK Provencal - 299 kcal per 100 g.

    High-calorie mayonnaise contains, on average, about 620-625 kcal per 100 g. The most famous mayonnaise of this group is Provencal (67% fat). The calorie content of Provencal mayonnaise is 630 kcal per 100 g, which means that in a tablespoon of mayonnaise there will be no less than 100 calories. A teaspoon of mayonnaise will contain 23 to 30 kcal of calories. The calorie content of mayonnaise Sloboda classic or Sloboda on quail eggs is 627 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of mayonnaise Ryaba olive - 616 kcal per 100 g.

    The calorie content of mayonnaise prepared at home can be up to 800 kcal per 100 g, and maybe quite small - in the region of 300-325 kcal per 100 g. It depends on the recipe and the desire of the hostess.

    It is obvious that mayonnaise can hardly be called a dietary product. A tablespoon of mayonnaise can "weight" a dish by almost 100 kcal - a lot during a diet. If you can't imagine your life without this product, cook it yourself at home, choosing the fat content and controlling the quality of the ingredients, and when using it, mix it with low-fat sour cream or unsweetened classic yogurt.

    You can replace fatty, high-calorie mayonnaise with other sauces - creamy, cheese, sour cream sauces, etc. For example, a sauce made from cream or milk, garlic, herbs and grated cheese is suitable for meat and fish; poultry will go well with sour cream and soy sauce; you can make a simple sauce of sour cream and garlic for mushrooms; light natural yogurt (no additives) can be used as a salad dressing; a sauce made of cream, cheese, garlic and white wine is ideal for seafood. You can also make a quick "replacement" for mayonnaise - mix sour cream with mustard and add grated egg yolk and lemon juice to them. It will turn out quite similar, and there will be much less calories and fat.

    Homemade mayonnaise: recipe

    The calorie content of mayonnaise prepared according to this recipe will be less than the purchased one, as well as it will be a tasty and healthy product. It will not contain those harmful components that are part of industrially produced mayonnaise, but the shelf life of such a product will also be very short - no more than 2 days in the refrigerator. Keep this in mind when making your homemade mayonnaise.

    To prepare 300 g of this sauce, you will need 2 chicken eggs, half a teaspoon of mustard, half a glass of granulated sugar, a tablespoon of lemon juice, 100 ml of sunflower or olive oil, 2 g of salt. You can add black pepper, chopped lemon zest, garlic, herbs (onions, dill, basil) to taste.

    The calorie content of homemade mayonnaise prepared according to this recipe will be 459 kcal per 100 g. First, take chicken eggs, separate the yolks from the whites, and put the yolks in a blender. If you don't have a blender, use a handy container and a mixer or whisk.

    Add mustard, salt and sugar to the egg whites. Mix everything and beat so that you get a thick homogeneous mixture. Without stopping whisking, start slowly pouring vegetable oil into the container. Make sure that the mixture is completely homogeneous. At the very end, add lemon juice to the sauce and stir again until completely homogeneous.

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    In 100 grams of mayonnaise - 680 kcal. The low-calorie product contains approximately 350 kcal.

    How useful or harmful a given product is can be understood by the ingredients that it contains:

    • Eggs. They are a source of albumin - a protein that is necessary for the normalization of the body's vital processes. The yolk contains choline, a source of B vitamins.
    • Vinegar. Recognized as an effective remedy against harmful bacteria. Recent studies have proven that apple cider vinegar is a good teeth whitener.
    • In 100 grams of mayonnaise - 680 kcal. The low-calorie product contains approximately 350 kcal.

    • Oil. Regardless of the oil in the composition of mayonnaise (rapeseed, sunflower or olive), it is generally recognized as a source of vitamins of groups F and E. In addition, it is the vegetable oil that increases the absorption of vitamin A, which slows down the aging process.

    It should be noted that the composition of the mayonnaise prepared in production, as a rule, contains preservatives and various additives, which, by no means, make the product more useful. The most beneficial for the body will be mayonnaise prepared at home. You just need to remember that such a product is stored for a very short time, which means that you need to make it at home in small quantities.

    If you still prefer a product purchased in a store, pay special attention to the expiration date and the composition of the mayonnaise.

    How many calories

    Calorie calculator

    We have saved the old version of the calorie calculator, you can find it.

    Sour cream is a fermented milk product obtained by condensing milk and fermenting it. It has long been prepared in Russia in almost every home. A special sourdough was dipped into a jug of milk and after a while the resulting white thick mass was “swept away” on its surface, for which it got its name. It is also hard to imagine modern kitchen without this product.

    Sour cream is used in salads, it is eaten with dumplings and dumplings, and various sauces and pastries are prepared on its basis. It is rather difficult to buy such a product abroad, because there it is called “Russian cream” and is not produced independently. However, these two products are not at all the same, unlike cream, sour cream is less high in calories and is easier for the human body to absorb.


    The lactic acid bacteria that are in sour cream allow a person to easily get all the useful substances from it.

    And sour cream contains a huge amount of useful substances: these are vitamins of various groups, and a rich mineral composition:

    • retinol (vitamin A) - good for vision;
    • tocopherol (vitamin E) - promotes the absorption of retinol, and also thins the blood, removing the risk of blood clots;
    • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - has a tonic effect;
    • calciferol (vitamin D) - helps with rickets and lack of calcium in the body;
    • choline, riboflavin, biotin and other B group vitamins also have many positive effects on the human body;
    • iron and magnesium - indicated for use by women during the period of gestation and childbirth;
    • potassium and calcium - will help build a healthy skeleton during the growing up of a child;
    • copper is beneficial for proper estrogen production.

    In addition, sour cream contains zinc, chlorine, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium and other useful minerals.

    Thanks to such a rich composition, sour cream has many useful properties.

    • With its help, you can restore strength after a serious illness or exhaustion of the body.
    • It has a positive effect on the nervous system due to the high content of vitamin B.
    • Sour cream should be used for diseases of the intestines and stomach, constipation and ulcers. It normalizes the digestive system and relieves pain.
    • It is useful for men to use this product for diseases of the urinary tract and to improve the quality of sperm.
    • Sour cream is smeared on the burned areas of the skin with sunburn and is used as a cosmetic product. Masks made from it moisturize and nourish the skin of the face and body.
    • Fermented milk sour cream can be consumed by those people who poorly digest ordinary milk.

    Both adults and children love sour cream because of its delicate milky taste with a slight sourness.

    There are certain restrictions on its use.

    • Fatty sour cream is not recommended for obese and overweight people.
    • You should not eat it for those people who are allergic to fermented milk products or lactose intolerance.
    • Of course, the cholesterol content in fermented milk products is much lower than in vegetable oils such as sunflower or olive. However, their use is still not recommended for people with high blood cholesterol.
    • You should not purchase high-fat products for those with liver or gallbladder problems.

    The nutritional value

    The fat content of sour cream directly affects its calorie content. Therefore, its nutritional value per 100 grams of product depends on the percentage indicated on the package.

    The lightest fat-free product has a label that indicates 10%, and per 100 g contains:

    • 115 kilocalories;
    • 3 g protein;
    • 10 g fat;
    • 2.92 g of carbohydrates.

    15% sour cream is more nutritious and contains:

    • 160 kcal;
    • 2.6 g protein;
    • 15 g fat;
    • 3 g of carbohydrates.

    One of the most popular products for many years has been a product with 20% fat content, the composition of which is as follows:

    • 207 kcal;
    • 2.9 g protein;
    • 20 g fat;
    • 3.2 g of carbohydrates.

    Rarely enough, you can see sour cream with 25 or 30% fat on the shelves. The first consists of 2.6 g of protein, 25 g of fat and 2.4 g of carbohydrates per 100 g, and has a caloric value of about 250 kcal. The second contains very little protein (2.3 g), but very high in fat and carbohydrates (30 g and 3.3 g). In addition, such a fatty product has a lot of calories per 100 g (about 300 kcal). In terms of its calorie content, it is only slightly inferior to mayonnaise, but it is still much more useful in its composition.

    Diet people tirelessly monitor the calorie content of each meal they eat. Nevertheless, it is quite difficult to calculate the calorie content of a salad or dough with sour cream if you know its nutritional value only per 100 g. It is most convenient to calculate the calorie content of a product in 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon.

    Glycemic index

    The rate of increase in blood glucose obtained from digested food can be plotted as a scale. This scale contains 100 divisions, where 100 is the rate for pure glucose consumption. A certain food has its own speed on this scale, and this figure is called the glycemic index (GI) of the food. The healthiest foods have the lowest GI values, and they contain slow carbohydrates that the body converts into energy. Food with fast carbohydrates does not provide energy to the human body, but only increases blood sugar and is quickly deposited under the skin in the form of a fat layer.

    The glycemic index of sour cream, like its calorie content, depends on the percentage of fat content. In addition, for products of the same fat content, but different manufacturers, the GI index can differ significantly.

    It depends on many factors:

    • the quality of the original raw materials and additives;
    • shelf life of the goods;
    • storage conditions;
    • recipes.

    It is impossible to determine the glycemic index of sour cream on your own; this will require a whole laboratory with sophisticated equipment. It is enough to roughly represent the average indicators in order to make a decision on the correctness of the use of one or another type of sour cream for food.

    Particular attention to the glycemic index of food should be given to those people who have diabetes. For example, the most popular sour cream with 20% fat content is not recommended for diabetics. However, it is not necessary to completely abandon tasty sour cream, the main thing is to consume it no more than a couple of teaspoons a day.

    Sour cream of any fat content can be found in almost any grocery store or hypermarket. However, if it is possible to make it yourself from natural products, you should not neglect it.

    For the simplest recipe for thick homemade sour cream, you will need:

    • 1 liter of milk (unpasteurized);
    • 4 tablespoons of kefir.

    The milk is brought to a boil and cooled to a temperature of 40 degrees. Warm liquid is poured into a glass jar and kefir is added to it. Everything is shaken well and removed to a warm place for 7-8 hours. You can wrap the jar in a warm blanket or blanket to cool the contents more slowly.

    After the specified time has elapsed, the contents of the jar are thrown back onto cheesecloth laid in a colander and drained in a cool place for another 7-8 hours. To make the sour cream thicker, you need to stir the mass periodically - this way the whey separates faster. Beat the finished sour cream with a blender to make it more uniform and smooth. The finished product is stored in a refrigerator in a glass container.

    Sour cream is a versatile product. It is used in cosmetology, folk medicine and, of course, in cooking. It is added to first courses, for example, to borscht or hodgepodge. On the basis of the product, dough is prepared for various baking. It is used as an ingredient in dishes such as goulash or julienne. Sour cream sauce with chopped herbs is perfect for many main courses: various cereals, dumplings and cutlets, potatoes and cheese cakes.

    Sour cream is used in any salads and is used in desserts.If you mix sour cream with sugar and season fresh strawberries with this sauce, you get an excellent fruit salad, not only tasty, but also healthy. Many lovers of a fermented milk product make various drinks based on it. A mixture with tomato or carrot juice is especially good.

    Sour cream is great for creating proven favorites as well as a variety of culinary recipes.

    For information on which sour cream to choose in the store, see the next video.