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  • Features. Karelian cuisine

     Features. Karelian cuisine

    Water, potatoes, onions, bay leaves, black peppercorns, salt.

    Process. Clean the fish and wash thoroughly (do not peel the scales of a perch, cut large fish into pieces)... In boiling water, lower the potatoes cut into pieces and a whole onion, cook for 10 minutes, then add the fish. Cook after boiling for about 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, add black pepper and bay leaf.

    After cooking, let the soup brew, remove the fish from the fish soup on a separate plate. First they eat fish soup, then fish.

    Earlier on Syamozero fish soup was cooked only, potatoes and onions were not put, and they drank from mugs.

    Components: freshly caught vendace, Syamozero water, onion, salt.

    Process. Clean the fish and wash thoroughly. Fold the vendace back down into a deep frying pan, top with chopped onion rings, pour water to cover the fish. Salt, cook for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam.

    Components: 500 g of meat (beef, lamb), 10-12 potatoes, 2 onions, 2 tsp salt, 5-6 black peppercorns, salt, pepper, dill, 50 g butter.

    Process. Cut the meat into small pieces, cut the washed and peeled potatoes into large pieces, cut the onion into slices.

    Put potatoes, meat, onions and spices, meat again, potatoes on top in a cooking utensil, for example in a cast iron. Pour cold water over so that it covers the top layer. Add butter. Put the cast iron in the oven, simmer until tender.

    This dish is served with pickles or sauerkraut. Simple, tasty and nutritious.


    In Karelian: kurniekku... In Syamozerie, both fishmongers and meat pies were called so.

    Components: milk 0.5 l, yeast 25 g, sugar 1 tablespoon, half a teaspoon salt, fish 1 kg, rye and wheat flour.

    Process. Dissolve the yeast in 100 ml of warm milk with sugar and let the yeast ferment. Pour the remaining warm milk into a bowl, add salt, diluted yeast that has come in, mix well. Then add flour until thick dough. Knead the dough well so that it does not stick to your hands. Let the dough stand and rise. Then knead again.

    Divide the dough into two parts, one slightly larger than the other. Roll out a cake with a thickness of slightly less than 1 cm from a larger piece, put the layer on a greased baking sheet. Put the fish in slices on top. Roll a second cake out of the remaining dough and put it on the fish. Pinch the edges of the dough carefully so that the juice does not flow out.

    Pierce the top layer with a fork in several places, grease with oil. Bake at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

    Remove from the oven, grease with plenty of oil on top, cover with a towel and let cool slightly. Bon Appetit!


    In Karelian kurniekku.

    It is baked like a fishmonger, but with meat. Although in Syamozero, fishmongers were sometimes called that. Kurniks were cooked from rye yeast dough. When fish was baked, unleavened dough was sometimes used.

    Kurniks with meat were eaten only on Sundays and holidays. On ordinary days, the fishmongers baked.


    In Karelian piirakka or pie.

    Of course, there are no Karelian, or even Syamozero, others.

    Components: a glass of milk , 2 tbsp. spoons of water, salt, rye flour .

    Process. Stir it all well! If the dough turns out to be liquid, then add flour: it should be thick. Roll out the sausage, cut into pieces. Then roll out thin (1.5 mm) tortillas from each piece (sprinkle them with flour and put them in a stack so that the dough does not dry out).

    Then put the filling and pinch the edges, giving any shape: round or oblong. The filling can be mashed potatoes or millet and barley porridge (barley grits are poured with kefir overnight, by the morning it will soften, add melted butter).

    In Finland, you could see karjalanpiirakka, which means a Karelian pie. It is also a wicket, but with rice. On Syamozero, and indeed in Karelia, rice is not put in the gates. Although with rice filling, the gate lasts longer. Karelian gates have no storage problems: they fly away, you won't have time to serve them. Remember, the real gate is the one with the potatoes!

    In Karelian surčinat.

    Components: a glass of milk (can be replaced with kefir with sour cream or yogurt), egg, 2 tbsp. spoons of water, salt, rye flour (half rye, half wheat).

    Process. Knead a thick dough from the products. Sausage is made from the dough, it is divided into small equal pieces (balls). Very thin cakes are rolled out of them (scoot) (sprinkle them with flour and put them in a pile so that the dough does not dry out). Then they are baked. Finished skunks are greased on the outside with melted butter and stacked in a pile. From the inside, the scans are greased with porridge or mashed potatoes, rolled up.

    Scans are eaten by dipping them in melted butter or heated sour cream. Very tasty and just like that, with milk or tea.

    Thin pies

    In Karelian keitinpiirai.

    Components. For the dough: 1 egg, 1 glass of milk, salt to taste, wheat or rye flour. For the filling: ½ cup rice, 2 hard-boiled eggs, salt and sugar to taste.

    Process. Stir the egg and milk well, add salt and, gradually adding flour, knead the dough. Roll the dough into a rope, cut into pieces of the same size, roll them into balls. Roll each ball as thinly as possible. Ready-made crusts can be folded in a slide, first sprinkled with flour slightly so that they do not stick to each other.

    For the filling, boil crumbly rice porridge, add hard eggs, cut into pieces, and granulated sugar to taste. You can only use granulated sugar. It will also be delicious. Children love such pies.

    Put a couple of tablespoons of the filling on one half of the skins and cover with the other half, folding the skins in half. Press lightly and trim the edges of the crust by rolling the edge of the saucer over them. Pies are fried in a well-heated skillet in vegetable oil.

    Whatever cakes and pastries are on the table, these pies will fly away in no time. The deliciousness is extraordinary. Previously, they were baked for holidays, for guests and when they received matchmakers.

    Scrambled eggs in milk

    In Karelian munamaito.

    Components for as much as in the photo: 1 liter of milk, 5 eggs, one and a half teaspoon of salt.

    Process. Break the eggs into a bowl that can be put in the oven or oven, pour milk over them, mix well, salt. Pour a little melted butter on top, then do not interfere. In an oven preheated to 200 degrees, keep for about an hour. You can keep it in the stove even longer - it will only get better.

    The same yummy hot or cold. With Syamozero pastries - gates, thin pies with rice, pancakes - delicious!

    Oat pancakes with or without filling

    In Karelian čupoj, vällöi.

    Components for the test: oat or barley flour, milk or water, salt.

    Process. Knead the batter. In a greased frying pan, bake thin pancakes. For the filling, boil barley, millet or buckwheat porridge. Add butter to it. Put the porridge on half of the pancake, cover with the other half and fold in half again.

    They eat it dipping in sour cream or butter, with Karelian scrambled eggs or curd milk (curdled milk is put in an unheated oven, kept for several hours, curd milk is obtained). Yum!

    The same pancakes without filling are called vällöi.

    In Karelian pyöröi.

    Components for the test: 1 glass of warm milk, 200 g butter or margarine, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1 egg, half a pack of yeast, rye or wheat flour, sugar, salt.

    Process. Kolobas made potato and semolina. Accordingly, mashed potatoes or semolina were used for the filling.

    Stir heated milk, diluted yeast, sugar, salt, eggs, add sifted flour and knead the dough. Add softened butter or margarine, knead and sprinkle with flour, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for an hour and a half. When the dough rises, knead it and put it back to fermentation. After 2.5-3 hours, divide the dough, ready for baking, into small flat cakes, make a small depression in the middle of each and put the filling there. Grease the top with sour cream. Bake in an oven or oven. Spread the finished kolobas with melted butter.

    Traditional Karelian cuisine is an element of the culture of the people. Food is one of the most important elements of the material culture of the people. Its specificity depends on many factors, and, first of all, on the geographical environment in which the people live, on their economic activities, social and economic conditions of life; contacts with neighboring peoples also affect it.
    Traditional cuisine is the most used and widespread among the people dishes, prepared from those food products that are provided by flora and fauna, the main economic activity. It took shape over many centuries. From generation to generation, the skills of cooking, the features of food processing, and their preservation are passed on.

    "The earth will not feed, the water will feed"

    Since ancient times, one of the first places in the diet of the Karelians was occupied by fish, which was consumed in a wide variety of forms: fresh, salted, dried, etc. Dried fish (kabakala), which was boiled for a year, was prepared everywhere for the future. Strong ear from the essence was an excellent medicine for gastric diseases. They consumed fish oil, melted from the insides of perch and pike, for food and for medicinal purposes.
    The traditional national cuisine of the Karelians has evolved over many centuries. From the earliest times on the Karelian table the first place was occupied by lake fish, which was used in various forms: fresh, dried, salted, dried. Meat of wild animals (elk, deer), gifts of the forest (berries, mushrooms).
    Salted fish (kaba) was prepared for future use and ate all year round. Fish, as a rule, were not fried; they were baked in milk and sour cream. There is no word “fry” in the Karelian language. Even the pies that were fried in oil were called keitinpiiroa literally "boiled" pies in oil. Fish bones were used to make flour, which was added to the swill of cattle in winter. And from the scales of large fish they cooked aspic-jellied meat. Caviar of valuable species was sold, the rest was baked, using hot and cold. The favorite food of the Livvik Karelians is still fresh fish soup, rye fish and jellied meat. For all the importance of fish, grain products were still the basis of food. Round bread (leiba) was baked from rye, barley and oat flour and was grown everywhere. And the swaddling cloth was cultivated mainly on the Olonets plain.
    Various cereals were very popular - pearl barley, barley, pea, bearberry and oatmeal. Traditional dishes of Sunday and holiday tables - gates, skantsy, rybniki. The Karelians were skilled cooks.
    Along with fish, the Karelians almost always had milk and dairy products on the table - sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, baked milk.
    Various stews and soups from fish, meat, turnips, salted mushrooms were widespread, and the soup was served not only for lunch, but also for dinner, for breakfast.
    Of the drinks, the most favorite drink of the Karelians is tea, they brewed kvass (turnip, bread) and jelly.
    The Karelians had many special ritual dishes that were prepared on the occasion of one or another event in a person's life. For example, fishmonger is an obligatory dish at all celebrations and at a memorial dinner.
    National Karelian cuisine is a kind of symbiosis of Old Russian cuisine and cuisine of Northern Europe.

    The most popular first dish of the Karelian cuisine, which is obligatory served to all guests, is the fish soup - “Kalaruokka”. There are a lot of options for its preparation, but the most typical use is whitefish. In addition, milk ear and ear from pickled fish are also secreted. A rather unusual combination for our person, isn't it? Nevertheless, the taste of such a dish is not inferior to the traditional Russian ear. The secret of making Karelian fish soup is as follows: five minutes before cooking, the fish broth is passed through a thick layer of birch coals. Unlike Russian fish soup, which is more transparent, the tastier, Kalaruokka is a little unclear: it includes not only eggs and Icelandic moss, but also rye flour, birch or birch buds, and dried fish.

    It is interesting that despite the rather diverse assortment of first fish dishes, there are few Karelian recipes for preparing second courses. First of all, these are fish pies, which are usually prepared from the same fish, which acts as a filling, and unleavened dough based on rye flour. Not many people know that, as in the Udmurt cuisine, in the Karelian cuisine they put fish in pies without peeling - together with scales. The rest of the pies are baked with porridge, but unlike elongated fish pies, it is customary to make them sickle-shaped or semicircular.

    Of the vegetables, Karelians eat turnips, radishes, potatoes, cabbage and green onions. But locals practically do not know fruits and confectionery. So, malted dough - "Mammi" is used here as sweets.

    A popular drink in Karelia is kvass, which is prepared from completely different raw materials: turnips, malt or bread. In addition, do not mind here to enjoy a cup of hot aromatic coffee or tea. Among alcoholic Karelians they prefer wine and vodka, but beer is also in no less demand.

    Salted fish is used for soups, main courses, and is also served with hot potatoes. Fish is part of vegetable salads, boiled, fried, baked in dough. The favorite snack of the Karelians is salted fish with boiled potatoes. Typically, finished fish products are not poured with sauce when served.

    Fish soup cooking traditions in Karelia

    The first dishes of the local cuisine are inimitable in taste of the ear. Moreover, it can be not only in fish broth, as we are used to, but also with the addition of cream, milk, butter. The traditional white fish stew on the restaurant menu is called Kalakeitto (kala-keito). Salmon fish soup - a festive version with the addition of cream, is already called Lohikeitto (lohi-keito) and under this name is known all over the world.
    It was customary to cook such a rich fish soup for dear guests, because it has a special, velvety taste, devoid of a fishy smell. Even an avid gourmet and fastidious will not refuse a plate of this amazing soup.

    Unlike the restaurant recipe, the method of making yushka (“yushka” is the more traditional name for fish soup in Karelian usage) is somewhat different. According to an old recipe, fish pieces were cooked whole without peeling. In order to make the ear more satisfying, it was also churned with flour, eggs and such exotic things as Icelandic moss or birch buds were added. It turned out not only satisfying, but also very useful food, because all these original seasonings are a storehouse of vitamins that are so necessary to support the human body during the long northern winter.
    Before a meal, pieces of fish were necessarily taken out of the fish soup, which they ate separately, as a second course, with a strong salt. It is interesting that while fishing there was a kind of "division" of prey: giblets and head - for the rower, the best piece - for the cook, and the tail - for loafers.

    In the old days, fish soup was also cooked from dried fish, which was poured with water and simmered in a Russian oven for about a day. Often this dish resembled a dense and satisfying fish porridge.

    Another recipe for making Karelian fish soup is a fish soup made from fermented fish. However, this dish has become a rarity. V. Pokhlebkin in his book "National Cuisines of Our Nations" writes that the art of fermenting fish has been lost, and modern chefs do not know it to the extent that they knew how in the old days, they get fish with bitterness or an unpleasant odor.

    Speaking about languor, as the main component of recipes for preparing all kinds of dishes in Karelia, one cannot fail to mention such a dish as stewed fish for the second. The secret of cooking such a juicy and tender fish with a tantalizing aroma is to keep the iron pot and its contents warm for a long time in the oven. The contents of the cast iron were, of course, fish and pouring from milk or egg-milk mixture. The peculiarity of uniform heating of a cast iron in a Russian stove is an important component of a successful result. Tasting such a fish bored in the oven is a rarity not only for guests, but also for the average Karelian; if you manage to attack such a recipe on the menu - be sure to try it, you will not regret it!

    Lohikeitto recipe (Karelian ear with cream)

    The recipe for lohi-keito is quite simple: salmon is cut by separating the fillet from the bone and skin. Putting the fillet aside, the broth is cooked from the rest, into which, after boiling, salt, black pepper, bay leaves and the head of an onion are added. Then, after straining, the broth takes potatoes, leeks, and carrots. After 15 minutes of cooking over low heat, add flour and butter to the soup, then diced fillet and, at the very end, cream.

    The traditional national cuisine of the Karelians has evolved over many centuries.

    Among the second courses, products made from rye and wheat flour, potatoes and various cereals prevail. Pancakes and flat cakes made from unleavened dough are served along with cereals, mashed potatoes, sprinkled with butter.

    Maitokalakeitto (fish in milk)

    A piece of fish is placed in a portioned pan, poured over with milk and placed in a hot oven. Served with oil.

    Cod fillet 180, butter 15, milk 50, salt.

    Kalalimtikko (fish and chips)

    Put raw potatoes, cut into slices, in an even layer in a pan, and on it - thin slices of herring, sprinkle with chopped onions, flour, pour over with oil and bake. When the potatoes are ready, the fish is poured with a raw egg mixed with milk and baked again.

    Potatoes 150, egg 1/2 pcs, fresh herring 40, onions 20, sunflower oil 10, milk 25, wheat flour 3, salt.


    They prepare mashed rutabagas, dilute it with milk, add sugar, eggs, put in a greased pan and bake.

    Rutabaga 160, butter 5, milk 25, sugar 10, egg 1/5 pcs.

    Rice baked with beets

    Rice is boiled and combined with pieces of boiled beets. Raw eggs are diluted with milk, salt is added and mixed. This mixture is poured over rice mixed with beets and baked.

    Pork Kalaladika (casserole)

    Fillet of fresh or salted herring is cut into pieces. Slices of raw potatoes are placed in a layer on a baking sheet, sprinkled with slices of herring and chopped onions; another layer of potatoes and a layer of fatty pork are placed on top. Sprinkle with onions, cover with a layer of potatoes, pour over with fat and bake. The finished dish is poured with eggs mixed with flour, salt and milk, and baked again. Serve hot.

    Potatoes 150, salted or fresh herring 20, pork 20, onions 20, egg 1/5 pcs., Flour 3, milk 25, fat 5.

    Kalakyaareitya (fishmongers)

    The yeast dough is rolled out into a flat cake 1 cm thick, fish fillets are put on it, salted, sprinkled with fat, the dough is wrapped and baked.

    Wheat flour 145, sunflower oil 10, sugar 5, yeast 5, fresh cod or herring, or trout, or whitefish 120, butter 5.

    Potato wickets

    Gates are another popular and well-known Karelian cuisine pie in many countries of the world. The hostesses said: “Kalitoa - kyzyy kaheksa” - “The gate requires eight,” that is, to make them, 8 components were required: water, salt, flour, milk, yogurt, butter, sour cream and filling. A gate is a kind of open small pie, such as a cheesecake, often square or polygonal in shape. The filling for the gates could be the same porridge, as well as potatoes or berries. The unusual name "gate" has two versions of possible origin. One by one, the name of the Karelian pies comes from the Finnish "kalittoa - spread", because the viscous filling is spread on a pancake-base made of unleavened dough. According to another, from the Russian "kalita" - that is, a purse or a bag, which resemble wickets in shape. In such a "bag" you can put almost any content - filling to your liking. Perhaps the most delicious and beloved by many gates are berry ones. They are abundantly greased with oil and placed in a deep saucepan, which is carefully wrapped. Fragrant, oozing with berry syrup, they are loved by all those with a sweet tooth. They say that such pies were made already in the 9th century, that is, even before the baptism of Rus. Today, wickets are a popular type of baked goods not only in northwestern Russia, but also in Finland and Scandinavian countries, where wickets made everywhere are called "Karelian pies". A meal with gates in Karelia resembles a kind of family ritual. In the middle of the table is a large bowl filled with hot milk with the addition of butter. All pies are put in a bowl and soaked in a creamy mixture. After the pies have acquired softness, they are taken by the hostess, who lays them out on plates to everyone present, according to seniority. They eat this dish only with their hands, wiping them on a nearby towel. Round cakes are formed from unleavened dough, in the middle of each one is filled with mashed potatoes diluted with hot milk and mixed with butter or margarine. The edges of the cakes are pinched, the products are greased with sour cream and baked in an oven.

    Flour 230, potatoes 750, milk 250, creamy margarine 50, sour cream 75, salt.

    Kakriskukka (turnip pie)

    The dough-free dough is placed in a warm place and allowed to come up. Roll out thin layers, put turnip sliced \u200b\u200binto thin slices, sprinkle with salt, flour, cover the filling with a second layer of dough and bake. The finished pie is cut into portions.

    Flour 550, water 230, sugar 38, yeast 15, turnip 440, margarine 30, melange 30, fat 5, 1/2 egg, salt.

    Pannukakku (pancake in a pan)

    Sugar, ground with egg, sour cream and milk, is added to wheat flour. The dough is thoroughly kneaded, laid out in a greased frying pan and baked in an oven. The hot cake is cut into portions.

    Wheat flour 390, milk 390, sour cream 80, sugar 80, egg 2 pcs., Butter 15, salt.

    Capkarat (unleavened pancakes in a pan)

    A little cold milk is poured into wheat flour mixed with salt and mixed thoroughly. Then pour in the rest of the milk and stir with a whisk. The dough is poured in a thin layer into a frying pan greased with bacon and fried on both sides. Before serving, put a thin layer of viscous rice or wheat porridge on the pancake. Sprinkle with butter.

    Wheat flour 50, milk 125, egg 1/2 pcs., Bacon fat 2, butter 15, salt.

    Ryunipiyiraita (fried cake)

    Unleavened dough is rolled out into a cake 1 mm thick, crumbly wheat porridge with sugar is placed on it. The edges are connected, giving a semicircular shape. Fried in ghee.

    Flour 30, butter 10, millet 20, sugar 5.

    Makeyta piyrayta (sweet pies)

    From the choux pastry, rolled out in a thin layer, cut out circles with a notch, in the middle of which they put granulated sugar, fold in a semicircle and fry.

    Wheat flour 30, sugar 17, ghee 10.

    Skansy (tortillas with cheese)

    Skantsy - or, as they are also called today, “pies for son-in-law” - is a traditional type of baked goods for Karelian cuisine. Classic skantsy are a crescent-shaped rye flour pie filled with millet or rice porridge. By tradition, the dough was rolled out (hence the name "skanets"), when matchmakers came to the house, baked and treated the groom, matchmakers, hence the name "pies for son-in-law" was attached. Today, when preparing skantsy, dough is made more often on white wheat flour, and instead of hearty porridge, they prefer a sweet filling made of sugar or honey. The result is wonderful holiday baked goods and great tea treats - quick and easy to prepare. Thin flat cakes are rolled out of unleavened dough and slightly dried in an oven. The tortilla is placed in a frying pan, sprinkled with grated cheese, covered with another tortilla, poured with butter and baked.

    Flour 30, sour cream 10, water 50, grated cheese 15.


    Sulchins are a recipe for Karelian cuisine, known in Russia since time immemorial. In fact, these are hearty filled pancakes. Dissolve 1 tsp. salt in a glass of water and mix it with 200 g of rye flour. Divide the resulting dough into lumps the size of a chicken egg, roll out the pancakes and bake in the oven for 5 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C. Grease hot sulchina with oil and stack it. Bring 250 ml of milk to a boil, add ½ cup of rice and cook until tender. At the end, add salt and sugar to taste. Season the pancakes with rice porridge and roll them into rolls. Sulchiny for breakfast is a very tasty and unusual dish.

    Coconut with cottage cheese

    From unleavened dough, roll out a skanets (flat cake) 2 mm thick, grease with butter and put two pancakes on it, greased with oatmeal mixed with butter and cottage cheese. Layered pancakes are folded in half, greased with oil, covered with a skimmer, given a semicircular shape to the product, pinched and baked. Served with butter.

    Wheat flour 50 (including for pancakes 20), sour cream 10, water 50, ghee 5, oatmeal 30, cottage cheese 15, butter, salt.

    Potato flakes

    From yeast dough, roll out cakes 1 cm thick, on which mashed potatoes are placed, greased with sour cream and baked.

    Wheat flour 40, potatoes 115, yeast 1, milk 50, butter 10, sugar 1, sour cream 15, salt.

    Perunapiyrayta (potato pies)

    Stir the boiled potatoes, add flour, salt and cut the cakes, put millet porridge in the middle of each, give the product the shape of a semicircle, grease with butter and bake.

    Potatoes 75, flour 18, butter 8, millet 10.

    Kulebyaka with mushrooms

    The yeast dough is rolled out into a strip 18–20 cm wide and 1 cm thick. In the middle of the strip, put minced meat from chopped salted mushrooms and onions. The edges of the dough are connected and pinched. Grease with an egg, bake.

    Wheat flour 160, sugar 8, sunflower oil 8, yeast 3, egg 1/6 pcs., Onion 35, mushrooms 150.
    Pea cocks

    Cakes are formed from yeast dough. Minced meat is placed in the middle of each, the edges of the dough are connected and pinched. The products are greased with vegetable oil and baked. Minced meat is prepared from peas passed through a meat grinder and mixed with oatmeal, chopped onion and butter, salt.

    Rye flour 60, sourdough 10, oatmeal 10, peas 15, onions 10, sunflower oil 15, salt.

    Oat ears

    From yeast dough, cakes are formed with a thickness of 1 cm. In the middle of each place minced meat made from curdled milk mixed with oatmeal and egg. Grease with sour cream and bake.

    Rye flour 30, sourdough 10, oatmeal 20, yogurt 20, egg 1/10 pcs., Ghee 5, sour cream 10, salt.

    Lingonberry with oatmeal

    Lingonberries are washed, then pounded and mixed with oatmeal and sugar. Lingonberry 100, oatmeal 50, sugar 50.

    Oat kissel

    The oatmeal is poured with warm water and placed in a warm place for 24 hours, the mixture is filtered, salt is added and boiled, stirring frequently, to make a thick jelly. Butter is put into hot jelly, and then poured into molds and cooled. Served with milk. When serving, you can sprinkle with granulated sugar.

    Groats 60, water 240, salt 2, milk 200, butter 4.

    Semolina mousse with rhubarb

    Rhubarb is cleaned of fibers, washed, chopped finely, boiled in water with sugar for 5 minutes, rubbed, add cottage cheese and mix, and then bring to a boil. Pour semolina and cook until thick. After cooling to 40 °, the mass is whipped into a foam, poured into molds and cooled. Served with fruit or berry sauce.

    Semolina 100, water 700, sugar 175, rhubarb 350.

    Fish in Karelian style

    A dish loved by many residents of Karelia. It occupies, as it were, an intermediate position between the first and second courses. It is prepared from any fish. Especially tasty from vendace or cod fish. The cleaned and washed fish is placed in a deep frying pan, on which - chopped potatoes, bay leaves, pepper, finely chopped onions. After salting, all this is poured with cold water so as only to cover the contents, and put on fire. After the water boils, reduce the heat and pour a little sunflower oil into the pan. The fish should boil slowly for 30 to 40 minutes. They are eaten hot and cold. 500 g fish, 2 medium potatoes, 2 onions, 1 bay leaf, 4 - 5 peppercorns, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sunflower oil (can be replaced with butter).

    Fish pies.

    All kinds of fish pies, oblong in shape, with a hole into which sour cream is poured, are very common in Karelia, which makes the filling extremely tasty. Finnish Karelians sometimes cover it with a layer of finely chopped pork fat to flavor the fish. Fish in such a pie is put whole, in layers, sometimes interlayering with mushrooms and onions. The filling simply comes out with juice soaking a thin layer of rye dough, and the taste of such a pie can seduce any gourmet, even if he doesn't like fish dishes.

    One of the notable varieties of fish cakes is the Finnish Easter cake - Kalakukko (kalakukko). Outwardly, it looks like a closed loaf of rye dough, but instead of a bread crumb inside it, a juicy fish filling mixed with onions and lard. Easter fishbread is served warm with a crispy crust, and eaten with a spoon from a loaf like a stew.

    You can hardly find desserts in Karelian cuisine. Steamed lingonberries, so beloved in the north, are difficult to attribute to them. But with it you can bake a delicious pie, so the lingonberry preparation will be very useful. In the old days, the berries were steamed in a Russian oven, and a multicooker will help us. Pour 500 g of washed lingonberries into a bowl, select manual mode and a temperature of 90 ° C. After 30 minutes, reduce it to 70 ° C and simmer the berries for half an hour. Then we transfer the multicooker to the "Heating" mode and keep the lingonberries for another 30 minutes. Now you can lay it out on the banks, tightly closing the lids. By the way, tea with such berries is a thousand times tastier and healthier.

    Karelia is the land of lakes and rivers. This also affects the national cuisine. It is based on freshwater fish and wild meat. The gifts of the forest complement it. These are mushrooms and berries, various wild herbs and nuts. Still, fish occupies the central place in the Karelian cuisine. Of course, in order to taste the dishes in their original performance, you need to visit this amazing land. But you can try to do something similar at home.

    Subtleties of Karelian cuisine

    There are a lot of fish dishes here. Each housewife knows at least ten ways to prepare the catch. Fish is boiled, dried, salted and even fermented. Its taste in ready-made dishes is set off by mushrooms and berries: strawberries, blueberries, blueberries and cloudberries. But wheat flour is practically not used here. It is replaced with great success by rye and barley.

    Karelian cuisine is distinguished by the fact that it almost completely excludes dishes from dairy products. Of course, today the boundaries of national cuisine are greatly erased, but we are talking about traditions. The heat treatment of food is also special. There is no concept of frying here. What we think of as fried is for them boiled in oil.

    Primordial dishes

    Speaking about the Karelian cuisine, one cannot but recall the fish soup. This simple fish soup is prepared here in different variations almost every day. Often this fish soup is made from several types of fish, sometimes with the addition of cream or milk. Various cereals are also typical for the Karelian table. The hostesses cook barley and pea, oat and millet porridge here. But the highlight of the table is the bearberry. It is usually eaten with berries. Dishes of the Karelian cuisine are simple, but tasty and healthy.

    Vegetables are often used as a side dish. These are turnips and radishes, zucchini and cabbage, potatoes and onions. As a rule, they are stewed or boiled. Traditionally, in the villages, they were simmered in ovens to make the vegetables tender and crumbly.


    Karelian national cuisine is an example of healthy nutrition. It is still not customary to eat sweets here. But each family harvests lingonberries and cranberries in large quantities. The berries are served with tea in a pounded form, used as a filling for pies. They make excellent jelly. Dried blueberries and raspberries are harvested. It is usually used for medicinal purposes. The residents of this amazing country have a lot to learn. Favorite drink is tea. It is usually drunk with baked milk. Often, an infusion of St. John's wort flowers, raspberry leaves and stems is used as a tea.

    Cooking features

    Surely the readers are also interested in the recipes of the Karelian cuisine, so now we will proceed directly to their consideration. In the process of getting acquainted with the traditional dishes of the Karelians, you notice another characteristic feature - it is almost complete absence of second courses. They are replaced by simple unleavened dough pies. They are usually prepared with the same fish. It is put in the filling without first cleaning it, that is, together with the scales.

    So, the first dish that needs to be given its due is, of course, the ear. It is prepared from a wide variety of fish, but it is best to choose fatty varieties. Chopped potatoes and an onion are placed in boiling water. When the water boils, the gutted and washed fish sinks into it. It is recommended to cut off the head of roach so that the ear does not taste bitter. Before the end of cooking, bay leaves and black pepper are added. Traditionally, a little rye flour was added to the hot soup. In some places, the ready-made soup was flavored with a raw egg.

    Ear royally

    For every day, fish soup was prepared from the simplest and most affordable products. But this dish can be table-worthy. Considering the recipes of Karelian cuisine (you can see photos of some of them in the article), one cannot but pay attention to the trout soup with cream. This is actually a red fish in a creamy sauce, which is served in our restaurants as a gourmet dish.

    You will need:

    • Fresh trout - 400 g.
    • Potatoes - 3-4 tubers.
    • Carrots, onions - 1 pc.
    • Cream - 1 glass.
    • Spice.

    The cooking time does not exceed 30 minutes, so you can start cooking just before lunch. The fish must be thoroughly washed and divided into portions, cut the potatoes into cubes. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan and put potatoes to boil. Fry the onions and carrots separately in butter. 10 minutes after boiling the potatoes, put the fish, and after another 7 minutes fry. The potatoes are ready, now add the cream and spices, bring to a boil and let stand for another 5 minutes.


    There are also pies in the Karelian cuisine. And such that just drools will run. Of course, for the filling, you need to take pitted fillets so that you don't have to pull them out of the finished pie later. In fact, this is a kurnik, only instead of a bird there is fish. It is made from yeast dough, because unleavened dough is too fragile, and all the juice will escape during baking. For cooking you will need:

    • Flour - 350 g.
    • Water - 250 ml.
    • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.
    • Butter - 50 g.
    • Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons.
    • Sugar - 1 tablespoon.
    • For the filling, you need 700 g of fish and a little onion.

    The first step is to prepare the dough. To do this, fill the yeast with warm water and leave for 10 minutes. Add all the other ingredients and knead to a soft dough. While it fits, you can do the filling. To do this, the fish fillet must be seasoned with salt and pepper to taste. Cut the onions into half rings. If you use green, then it needs to be finely crumbled.

    Divide the finished dough into 8 parts. Roll each of them into a cake and put part of the fish in the middle. Onion goes on top and a piece of butter is required. Now roll it up with an envelope and make a puncture with a fork, and you also want to grease the surface with an egg. They are baked at a temperature of 200 degrees until golden brown. Then brush with butter.


    This is one of the most famous national dishes. To prepare the dough, a glass of yogurt or kefir is poured into a bowl and a little salt is added. After that, they begin to gradually add flour to make a soft dough. It is recommended to take rye flour, and if not, take wheat flour, but add brown bread crusts soaked in water.

    It is these pies that have become a symbol of Karelian cuisine. Wickets can be prepared with different fillings. This can be milk porridge or mashed potatoes. Cottage cheese is also suitable. The dough must be rolled into a rope and cut into pieces. Roll each of them slightly and stretch with your hands. The edges need to be bent and generously greased with salted sour cream mixed with raw yolk. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes and grease with plenty of hot butter.

    Karelian roast

    As we have already said, fish is traditionally used more often in Karelia. But the abundance of forests and game simply obliges you to cook meat dishes. Karelian roast is made from several types of meat. Of course, it is difficult to find an elk, bear or wild game in urban settings. Therefore, let's simplify the task a little:

    • Pork belly - 250 g.
    • Beef - 250 g.
    • Lamb shoulder - 250 g.
    • Bulb onions - 100 g.
    • Bay leaves and spices.

    Cut the meat into cubes and fry until golden brown. After that, the oven must be preheated to 90 degrees and folded in layers in a roaster, first lamb, then beef and pork. Pour boiling water over to cover the meat and set to simmer for 6-8 hours. It is very important to do this at a moderate temperature. The meat should not boil, then the dish will turn out to be surprisingly tasty and very tender.

    Blueberry pie

    Sweets are baked less often in Karelia, but all the same, these recipes need to be given attention. Traditionally, such pies were made in the farewell to summer. The dough is sour, yeast. Suitable also for fishmongers. For richer baked goods, add an egg to the recipe and replace the water with milk. You can replace it with your favorite yeast dough, it will still be very tasty.

    The most important thing is fresh blueberries for the filling. For Karelian hostesses, this was not difficult, but today we often sell only frozen blueberries. But she will do just fine. You just need to grind it with granulated sugar. The matched dough is rolled out a centimeter thick and spread on a baking sheet. On top of it are berries rubbed with sugar. To prevent the juice from flowing out of the pie, you need to sprinkle it a little with potato starch. Or put a spoonful of starch directly on the berry.

    This pie is very tasty with shortbread dough. To prepare it, you need to chop 200 g of butter margarine with 2 cups of flour, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 yolks and 1 protein. Roll quickly into a ball and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

    Berry jelly

    It can be cooked any time of the year using fresh or frozen berries. Karelians in the season harvested a lot of wild berries and then ate amazing jelly until spring. The cooking method is simple, it is available even to a novice cook. To do this, the berries need to be sorted out, washed and combined with sugar, without grinding. The proportions are selected individually. For 1 glass of berries, you need to take 3 glasses of water.

    As soon as the water boils, add the berry and add sugar to taste. Separately in a cup, dilute 2 tablespoons of starch with cold water and pour into a saucepan in a thin stream. Boil - and you can remove from heat. It turns out a jelly of medium density. It can be changed by decreasing or increasing the amount of the gelling component.

    Today we told you about the Karelian cuisine. Recipes (with a photo of some of the dishes can be found above) will allow you to diversify the table and surprise your family with delicious dishes.

    The harsh beauty of Karelia with its mirror-like lakes, eternal forests and fabulous northern lights touches to the core. Dishes of the Karelian cuisine have absorbed the atmosphere of these places and carefully preserved the old culinary traditions.

    Northern-hardened pancakes

    Sulchins are a recipe for Karelian cuisine, known in Russia since time immemorial. In fact, these are hearty filled pancakes. Dissolve 1 tsp. salt in a glass of water and mix it with 200 g of rye flour. Divide the resulting dough into lumps the size of a chicken egg, roll out the pancakes and bake in the oven for 5 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C. Grease hot sulchina with oil and stack it. Bring 250 ml of milk to a boil, add ½ cup of rice and cook until tender. At the end, add salt and sugar to taste. Season the pancakes with rice porridge and roll them into rolls. Sulchiny for breakfast is a very tasty and unusual dish.

    From mother-in-law, with love

    Baking has a special place in the Karelian cuisine. Son-in-law pies are one of the most popular recipes. Beat the egg lightly, add 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, 4 tbsp. l. milk, 1 tsp. sugar and a pinch of salt. Knead the thick dough and let it rest for half an hour. Then we roll it out into a sausage, cut into pieces and roll out thin skans, that is, flat cakes. Sprinkle half of each skunky with sugar, cover with the other half and pinch the edges. Fry pies in oil until golden brown. However, you can please your loved ones without any reason. By the way, pies for the son-in-law were called pies that were treated to the young groom when he came to woo the girl.

    Rook carrying the sun

    Another type of traditional baking of Karelian cuisine is gates, or open pies with filling. We suggest you opt for mashed potatoes. We knead the dough from kefir, rye and wheat flour - we take 250 g of each ingredient, not forgetting to add 1 tsp. salt. Cooking mashed potatoes from 5 potatoes, 30 ml of milk, 50 g of butter, ½ tsp. salt and raw eggs. Divide the dough into 10 parts and roll out skunks with a diameter of 15–18 cm. We spread 2 tbsp for each. l. mashed potatoes and pinch the edges to make “boats” with a filling in the center. Lubricate them with yolk and send them to an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes. Elegant gates will decorate any festive table.

    Ear in milky waters

    Karelian cuisine cannot be imagined without fish dishes, the main of which is fish soup. Saute the onion in a saucepan with butter. When it turns golden, pour in 2 slices of potatoes and simmer until softened. Fill vegetables with 500 ml of warmed milk, and then send 500 g of salmon fillet in pieces. Salt to taste and cook the soup for 10 minutes. Pour in 100 ml of cream, put in ½ bunch of chopped dill, 7–8 peppercorns and bay leaf. Cook the soup for another 5 minutes, then remove from heat and insist under a closed lid. Sprinkle with fresh dill before serving. You won't have to persuade your family to try it for a long time.

    Little fishy treats

    - a recipe for the second course of the Karelian cuisine. Knead the dough from 350 g flour, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 50 ml of vegetable oil, 200 ml of warm water and 2 tsp. dry yeast, diluted in 50 ml of water. Divide the dough into 8 parts and roll out flat cakes 1 cm thick. Put 80–90 g of whitefish fillets on each one, sprinkle with green onions and season with butter. We form envelopes from the dough, pierce with a fork and grease with a beaten egg. We bake them at 200 ° C until golden brown. As befits delicious hot cakes, they will fly apart instantly.

    Northern-minded meat

    The visiting card of Karelian cuisine is Petrine-style meat in pots. Soak 80 g of dried mushrooms in water, cook for 20 minutes, chop finely and fry until golden brown. We breed 1 tbsp. l. flour in a glass of mushroom broth, pour it into the mushrooms, simmer the sauce for a minute and remove from the stove. Coarsely chop 600 g of veal and sauté with 2 onions until half cooked. At the bottom of six pots, put 2 potatoes in cubes, lightly adding, 1 chopped carrot. Next, lay out the veal with onions. Cover the pots with lids and put them in the oven for 45 minutes at 200 ° C. This dish will diversify your menu and will surely be loved by the whole family.

    Vitamin charge in the bank

    You can hardly find desserts in Karelian cuisine. , so beloved in the north, is difficult to attribute to them. But with it you can bake a delicious pie, so the lingonberry preparation will be very useful. In the old days, the berries were steamed in a Russian oven, and a multicooker will help us. Pour 500 g of washed lingonberries into a bowl, select manual mode and a temperature of 90 ° C. After 30 minutes, reduce it to 70 ° C and simmer the berries for half an hour. Then we transfer the multicooker to the "Heating" mode and keep the lingonberries for another 30 minutes. Now you can lay it out on the banks, tightly closing the lids. By the way, tea with such berries is a thousand times tastier and healthier.

    We hope that your acquaintance with the Karelian national cuisine turned out to be productive and inspired you to try something from the offered dishes. And we are waiting for our favorite recipes with a Karelian flavor from experienced chefs.

    Fishing is one of the main trades of the local population, therefore, fish in all forms - salted, dried, dried, smoked, occupies an important place in the diet of Karelians.

    Salted fish is used for soups, main courses, and is also served with hot potatoes.

    Fish is part of vegetable salads, boiled, fried, baked in dough.

    The favorite snack of the Karelians is salted fish with boiled potatoes.

    Typically, finished fish products are not poured with sauce when served.

    Karelian cuisine also uses meat products: pork, beef, veal, poultry.

    In summer and autumn, many mushrooms are prepared for future use in Karelia (mostly salted).

    Salted mushrooms are served with vegetable oil, onions or sour cream.

    In addition to mushrooms, strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, cranberries, cloudberries are used.

    Among the second courses, products made from rye and wheat flour, potatoes and various cereals prevail.

    Pancakes and flat cakes made from unleavened dough are served along with cereals, mashed potatoes, sprinkled with butter.

    Fish, mushrooms, turnips and other products baked in the dough are served whole or pre-cut into portions.

    Karelian cuisine recipes

    Karelian salad

    The caviar is salted, and the milk and liver are boiled.

    Then caviar, milk, liver and onion are finely chopped and everything is mixed.

    Fresh fish caviar 75, milk 30, fish liver 30, green onions or onions 25.

    Maimarekka (soup with sushi)

    Potatoes and onions, cut into large slices, are placed in boiling water.

    When the water with potatoes boils, add sushik (small dried fish), bay leaf, pepper and cook until tender.

    Sushik (dried fish) 80, potatoes 150, onions 25, spices, salt.

    Calaneitto (soup)

    Potatoes are placed in boiling water, allowed to boil, then milk, fish, onions are added and boiled until tender.

    Fresh pike perch 100, potatoes 195, milk 300, onion 10, salt.

    Naparocco (soup with dried perch)

    Thoroughly washed and pre-scalded dried perch is placed in boiling salted water and cooked until tender.

    Separate the pulp.

    Strain the broth, put the flesh of the fish, bring to a boil, add potatoes, cut into cubes, and continue cooking.

    At the end of cooking, flour diluted with cold broth is introduced and brought to readiness.

    When serving, put sour cream.

    Dried perch 80, potatoes 200, flour 3, spices, sour cream 10, salt.

    Maitokalakeitto (fish in milk)

    A piece of fish is placed in a portioned pan, poured over with milk and placed in a hot oven.

    Served with oil.

    Cod fillet 180, butter 15, milk 50, salt.

    Kalalimtikko (fish and chips)

    Put raw potatoes, cut into slices, in an even layer in a pan, and on it - thin slices of herring, sprinkle with chopped onions, flour, pour over with oil and bake.

    When the potatoes are ready, the fish is poured with a raw egg mixed with milk and baked again.

    Potatoes 150, egg 1/2 pcs, fresh herring 40, onions 20, sunflower oil 10, milk 25, wheat flour 3, salt.


    They prepare mashed rutabagas, dilute it with milk, add sugar, eggs, put in a greased pan and bake.

    Rutabaga 160, butter 5, milk 25, sugar 10, egg 1/5 pcs.

    Rice baked with beets

    Rice is boiled and combined with pieces of boiled beets.

    Raw eggs are diluted with milk, salt is added and mixed.

    This mixture is poured over rice mixed with beets and baked.

    Pork Kalaladika (casserole)

    Fillet of fresh or salted herring is cut into pieces.

    Slices of raw potatoes are placed in a layer on a baking sheet, sprinkled with slices of herring and chopped onions; another layer of potatoes and a layer of fatty pork are placed on top.

    Sprinkle with onions, cover with a layer of potatoes, pour over with fat and bake.

    The finished dish is poured with eggs mixed with flour, salt and milk, and baked again.
    Serve hot.

    Potatoes 150, salted or fresh herring 20, pork 20, onions 20, egg 1/5 pcs., Flour 3, milk 25, fat 5.

    Kalakyaareitya (fishmongers)

    Roll the sour dough into a flat cake 1 cm thick, put fish fillets on it, salt, sprinkle with fat, wrap the dough and bake.

    Wheat flour 145, sunflower oil 10, sugar 5, yeast 5, fresh cod or herring, or trout, or whitefish 120, butter 5.

    Potato wickets

    Round cakes are formed from unleavened dough, in the middle of each one is filled with mashed potatoes diluted with hot milk and mixed with butter or margarine.
    The edges of the cakes are pinched, the products are greased with sour cream and baked in an oven.

    Flour 230, potatoes 750, milk 250, creamy margarine 50, sour cream 75, salt.

    Kakriskukka (turnip pie)

    The dough-free dough is placed in a warm place and allowed to come up.

    Roll out thin layers, put turnip sliced \u200b\u200binto thin slices, sprinkle with salt, flour, cover the filling with a second layer of dough and bake.

    The finished pie is cut into portions.

    Flour 550, water 230, sugar 38, yeast 15, turnip 440, margarine 30, melange 30, fat 5, 1/2 egg, salt.

    (butter cake in a pan)

    Sugar, ground with egg, sour cream and milk, is added to wheat flour.

    The dough is thoroughly kneaded, laid out in a greased frying pan and baked in an oven.

    The hot cake is cut into portions.

    Wheat flour 390, milk 390, sour cream 80, sugar 80, egg 2 pcs., Butter 15, salt.

    Capkarat (unleavened pancakes in a pan)

    A little cold milk is poured into wheat flour mixed with salt and mixed thoroughly.

    Then pour in the rest of the milk and stir with a whisk.

    The dough is poured in a thin layer into a frying pan greased with bacon and fried on both sides.

    Before serving, put a thin layer of viscous rice or wheat porridge on the pancake. Sprinkle with butter.

    Wheat flour 50, milk 125, egg 1/2 pcs., Bacon fat 2, butter 15, salt.

    Ryunipiyiraita (fried cake)

    Unleavened dough is rolled out into a cake 1 mm thick, crumbly wheat porridge with sugar is placed on it.
    The edges are connected, giving a semicircular shape.
    Fried in ghee.

    Flour 30, butter 10, millet 20, sugar 5.

    Makeyta piyrayta (sweet pies)

    From the choux pastry, rolled out in a thin layer, cut out circles with a notch, in the middle of which they put granulated sugar, fold in a semicircle and fry.

    Wheat flour 30, sugar 17, ghee 10.

    Skansy (tortillas with cheese)

    Thin flat cakes are rolled out of unleavened dough and slightly dried in an oven.

    The tortilla is placed in a frying pan, sprinkled with grated cheese, covered with another tortilla, poured with butter and baked.

    Flour 30, sour cream 10, water 50, grated cheese 15.

    Coconut with cottage cheese

    From unleavened dough, roll out a skanets (flat cake) 2 mm thick, grease with butter and put two pancakes on it, greased with oatmeal mixed with butter and cottage cheese.

    Layered pancakes are folded in half, greased with oil, covered with a skimmer, given a semicircular shape to the product, pinched and baked.

    Served with butter.

    Wheat flour 50 (including for pancakes 20), sour cream 10, water 50, ghee 5, oatmeal 30, cottage cheese 15, butter, salt.

    Potato flakes

    From the sour dough, roll out cakes 1 cm thick, on which mashed potatoes are placed, greased with sour cream and baked.

    Wheat flour 40, potatoes 115, yeast 1, milk 50, butter 10, sugar 1, sour cream 15, salt.

    Perunapiyrayta (potato pies)

    Stir the boiled potatoes, add flour, salt and cut the cakes, put millet porridge in the middle of each, give the product the shape of a semicircle, grease with butter and bake.

    Potatoes 75, flour 18, butter 8, millet 10.

    Kulebyaka with mushrooms

    The sour dough is rolled into a strip 18-20 cm wide and 1 cm thick.

    Minced meat from salted chopped mushrooms and onions is placed in the middle of the strip.

    The edges of the dough are connected and pinched.

    Grease with an egg, bake.

    Wheat flour 160, sugar 8, sunflower oil 8, yeast 3, egg 1/6 pcs., Onion 35, mushrooms 150.


    Cakes are formed from sour dough.

    Minced meat is placed in the middle of each, the edges of the dough are connected and pinched.

    The products are greased with vegetable oil and baked.

    Minced meat is prepared from peas passed through a meat grinder and mixed with oatmeal, chopped onion and butter, salt.

    Rye flour 60, sourdough 10, oatmeal 10, peas 15, onions 10, sunflower oil 15, salt.

    Oat ears

    The sour dough is used to form cakes 1 cm thick.

    In the middle of each one put minced meat made from curdled milk mixed with oatmeal and egg.

    Grease with sour cream and bake.

    Rye flour 30, sourdough 10, oatmeal 20, yogurt 20, egg 1/10 pcs., Ghee 5, sour cream 10, salt.

    Lingonberry with oatmeal

    Lingonberries are washed, then pounded and mixed with oatmeal and sugar.

    Lingonberry 100, oatmeal 50, sugar 50.

    Oat kissel

    Grits "Hercules" are poured with warm water and put in a warm place for 24 hours, the mixture is filtered, salt is added and boiled, stirring often, to make a thick jelly.

    Butter is put into hot jelly, and then poured into molds and cooled.

    Served with milk.

    When serving, you can sprinkle with granulated sugar.

    Groats 60, water 240, salt 2, milk 200, butter 4.

    Mussmanny with rhubarb

    Rhubarb is cleaned of fibers, washed, chopped finely, boiled in water with sugar for 5 minutes, rubbed, add cottage cheese and mix, and then bring to a boil.

    Pour semolina and cook until thick.

    After cooling to 40 °, the mass is whipped into a foam, poured into molds and cooled.

    Served with fruit or berry sauce.

    Semolina 100, veda 700, sugar 175, rhubarb 350.