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  • Pork heart in a multicooker polaris. Stewed potatoes in a slow cooker with a pork heart

    Pork heart in a multicooker polaris. Stewed potatoes in a slow cooker with a pork heart

    Oh, what an incredibly delicious pork heart you can cook in a slow cooker! It always turns out to be deliciously tender, juicy, tasty, well, it just melts in your mouth. And the vegetables stewed with it are always so colorful and rich in taste that it seems that no matter how much you cook them, everything will be small. Cooking in a multicooker is always very simple, absolutely easy and without any hassle. As a matter of fact, she will do everything herself, we just need to lay the food and watch the process. You can serve the tender and soft stewed heart with the vegetables with which it was cooked, or you can make a separate side dish for it.


    • 1 kg pork heart
    • 2 carrots
    • 2 onions
    • 1 bell pepper
    • 2 tomatoes
    • 4 - 5 cloves of garlic
    • salt, pepper, seasonings to taste
    • some vegetable oil

    Cooking method

    It is good to clean the pork heart from vessels, films and fat, rinse under running water and cut into small pieces. Pour a little vegetable oil into the multicooker pan, put the chopped pieces and fry on the Fry mode for 15 minutes, stirring them a couple of times. Then we add hot water so that it covers the heart by two centimeters, salt, pepper and switch to the Stew / Steam mode. We simmer it for 40 - 60 minutes, the cooking time may be longer, taste it periodically and, as soon as it becomes soft, add finely chopped vegetables. If necessary, add a little more water and continue to simmer everything together in the same mode for about 30 minutes, until the whole dish is ready. Bon Appetit.

    This offal is undeservedly excluded by ordinary people from the top popular for cooking due to the inability to cook it correctly. Only true culinary experts, gourmets, appreciate the dishes made from it: boiled, baked, fried, stewed appetizers, minced meat, liverwurst, pates, goulash, salads and much more.

    Pork heart is much cheaper than pork, and in nutritional value it is in no way inferior. The presence of a variety of vitamins, microelements, soft structure, low calorie content, sophistication of taste make you change your usual opinion and figure out how much to cook a pork heart.

    You only need to cook this by-product of the first freshness, therefore, having bought it, you should start processing, and then cooking quickly. Only after it is boiled, you can calmly decide: what dish to make from the resulting semi-finished product.

    For example, a boiled heart with fried carrots and onions (per serving):

    Product (semi-finished product)Gross, gNet, g
    Pork heart75 70
    Bulb onions15 10
    Cooking oil1 1
    Carrot20 18
    Spices (to taste)0,7 0,7
    Salt- 0,3
    Output- 100

    Processing offal before cooking

    Pork heart must be properly processed before boiling. Initially rinsed in cold water, it is placed in a container and filled with ice water (about four liters) for fifteen minutes. You can add a little vinegar to the water to speed up the process. This softens the blood clots, making them easier to remove. Then the water is drained, films, fat layers are removed, blood vessels are cut off.

    Advice: restaurant chefs, who consider the pork heart to be an exquisite delicacy, recommend soaking it in cold water for a day, placing the container in the refrigerator.

    Cooking technology on the stove

    Options for how you can cook:

    1. Pour one liter of cold water, bring to a boil on the stove, reduce the heat a little, cook for about sixty minutes, periodically skimming off the foam, turning the pieces so that they do not stick to the bottom. Then the broth is drained, the pan is rinsed to remove the remaining scale. The saucepan is filled with cold water (750 ml), placed on the stove and as soon as the water boils, a pork heart is placed in it. It again needs to be cooked for at least a quarter of an hour, then add seasonings, salt and keep on the stove for fifteen to thirty minutes until soft. As the cooked product cools down, you can cook what is intended.

    Tip: to cool the product, you do not need to take it out of the broth in which it was cooked, then a dry crust will not appear on the surface.

    2. Can be cooked in three steps. The product is placed in cold water, adding a minimum amount of salt (a small pinch so that the water becomes slightly salted), and after boiling it is drained all over. Again, pour the offal with colder water and cook it for half an hour, removing the film from the broth. Then drain the broth completely. The third stage is similar to the previous ones, only now the pork heart needs to be cooked until tender. Total time: one and a half to two hours.

    Tip: in order to cook for a shorter time, it is better to cut the heart into pieces or cut into a large piece. This will also help to open unnoticed vessels during cleaning. Be sure to add salt and seasonings towards the end of cooking, otherwise the heart may remain hard.

    3. Cook in pots. Prepared heart, cleaned of unnecessary parts: hard upper part with skin, veins, vessels, soaked and washed, cut into slices first, like a pear. Cut these slices into small pieces, then place on the bottom of the pots. Cover with carrots, onions, sprinkle with any vegetable oil. Top with layers of sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes, eggplants, bell peppers. All this is salted, peppered, seasoning with curry, coriander, bay leaf, a little peeled garlic is added (for one heart weighing three hundred grams - three potatoes, one onion, a small carrot or half a large one, one eggplant, half a large sweet pepper, four cloves of garlic , everything else to taste). Each pot is filled with a glass of tomato juice or ketchup diluted with water, finely chopped greens are sprinkled on top. Cover the pots with lids, put in the oven, cook for sixty minutes at a temperature of two hundred degrees.

    Advice: for the further preparation of minced meat or for eating by young children, the elderly, it is better to cook the heart in the first and second ways for three hours.

    Modern cooking options

    The offal can be cooked not only on the stove, but also with the help of modern household appliances.

    For example, having found out how long it takes to cook a pork heart in a double boiler, you should choose this method, despite the fact that the cooking time is slightly increased, but there are much less worries.

      • Small pieces of chopped and pre-processed offal are laid out in one layer on the steam grid.
    • After ninety minutes, you can check if the pork heart has become soft. Surely it will happen in a hundred and twenty minutes.
    • Salt is the finished product, in extreme cases - ten minutes before the end of cooking.

    Boil the heart in a multicooker on the "Steamer" mode similar to the above method, and the stewing mode has its own nuances. To begin with, the prepared small pieces of pork heart are fried in vegetable oil in the frying mode with the lid open or with the lid closed, in the Baking mode, for half an hour. Then hot water (700 ml) with salt and seasonings (spices) is poured into the multicooker container. It takes sixty to ninety minutes to cook at "Stew".

    Tip: adding sour cream or butter will add tenderness and sophistication to any pork heart dish.

    The variety of dietary dishes made from this offal is impressive. Knowing how much to cook the heart, you can safely take on the preparation of any dish from it. Without spending a lot of time and effort, you can please your family with the excellent taste of healthy food.

    Time: 120 min.

    Servings: 2-3

    Difficulty: 3 out of 5

    Delicious way to cook pork heart with vegetables in a slow cooker

    Pork heart has recently become little figured in the preparation of recipes. But in vain! After all, this product can be added to any dish, for example, salads, pastries, stews, and so on. Pork heart in a slow cooker with vegetables turns out to be very tender, aromatic and tasty.

    Moreover, the dish turns out to be rich and incredibly appetizing. Even after a hearty meal, you can eat a piece of this yummy.

    It is not difficult to cook stewed pork heart, especially since modern kitchen technology will help us with this. The multicooker is able to quickly cook vegetable stew with the addition of pork products, while maintaining its softness and beneficial properties.

    A heart stewed with vegetables in a slow cooker is an unusually delicious hot appetizer that can be served not only for dinner, but also for lunch and even an afternoon snack. After all, the dish turns out to be so light and low-calorie that you can use it at any time.

    If desired, along with the vegetable stew, you can serve any sauces, as well as mayonnaise and sour cream, which will diversify the heart and make it more tender.

    To quickly cook this hot appetizer in a multicooker, it is necessary, first of all, to acquire the products that will be required to prepare the dish.


    The first step is to prepare the meat part.

    Step 1

    Boil the heart in a slow cooker on the "Soup" mode for at least 1.5 hours. It is important to rinse it thoroughly. After cooking, put it on a plate and cool slightly.

    Step 2

    Peel the carrots and three on a grater, peel the onions and cut them into small cubes.

    We send the slices to the kitchen appliances and set the “Baking” mode for 10-15 minutes (if desired, add finely chopped tomatoes to the bowl). Let the vegetables brown slightly. You do not need to add oil to the bowl. There is no need to salt the fry, since pickles will be present in the dish.

    Step 3

    As soon as the vegetables acquire a light crust, add the pork heart cut into small pieces to them, add half a glass of pickle from salted to the "Stew" program.

    Step 4

    While the food is stewing (20 minutes), cut the cucumbers into thin strips.

    5-7 minutes before the end of stewing, add chopped cucumbers, a little salt and your favorite seasonings to the bowl.

    Let the dish stew completely.

    In the meantime, you can chop some garlic or fresh herbs to give the vegetables and heart an unprecedented flavor and a touch of wonderful taste.

    As you can see, preparing a dish using a modern kitchen appliance is quite simple. It is recommended to serve stewed vegetables hot while they retain their juiciness and aroma.

    It's important to note that Heart Stew is made with a liquid gravy that can be poured over any side dish you make. In this case, the dish will acquire a rich taste and a completely different look.

    You can serve this hot appetizer with pasta, rice, potatoes, any cereals and legumes. Try to cook this light and delicate dish, and you will be satisfied with it. After all, pork products are often prepared by boiling or frying, and this appetizer will easily help to diversify them and give them a new flavor thanks to vegetables.

    By-products (heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, etc.) are ideal for preparing the first or second people: they are inexpensive and add meaty aroma and richness to dishes just like the meat itself. The only drawback in their preparation is that the by-products must be cooked or stewed for a long time so that they become soft. But this is not a problem if you have such an assistant in your kitchen as! Thanks to her, you will save a lot of time and prepare an amazingly tender dish with offal.

    The most delicious and perfect duet will be a stewed pork heart in a slow cooker. To make it soft and tender, please be patient!

    To stew a pork heart in a slow cooker, you will need the following products:

    • 1 fresh pork heart
    • 0.5-0.7 kg potatoes
    • 1 carrot
    • 1 bow
    • 40-50 ml of vegetable oil
    • salt to taste

    Pork heart in a slow cooker - step by step cooking

    Cut a fresh pork heart into 5-7 pieces - you will need to wash the remaining blood out of it.

    If this is not done, the broth will turn out to be very dirty and foam will form.

    After washing the insides of the offal, cut off the yellow porous tubes from it, which will remain tough during prolonged cooking, and cut its middle pieces into pieces - not small and not large, as in the photo.

    Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, heat it well and put the chopped pieces of pork heart.

    Fry the heart in the "Baking" or "Fry" mode for 20-30 minutes under a closed lid. Stir the pork offal periodically to ensure the heart is evenly browned.

    Then add some water, salt and spices to taste. Water you will need about 600-700 ml... Now simmer the pork heart in a slow cooker for about 1 hour in the "Stew" mode.

    30-25 minutes before the end of stewing, prepare the rest of the ingredients for the dish: peel carrots, onions and potatoes, rinse them in water.

    Cut the potatoes into large cubes and place them in a multicooker container. The broth remaining in it is just enough for stewing vegetables. But if there is not enough broth, add some water.

    Cut the onion into half rings and cut the carrots into medium cubes. Add vegetables to the multicooker to the pork heart with potatoes, stir, close the lid and simmer for about 30 minutes.

    Put the finished stewed pork heart in a slow cooker in portioned plates and garnish with sprigs of herbs or finely chopped herbs - according to your taste.

    Enjoy your meal!

    A step-by-step recipe for a stewed pork heart in a slow cooker was prepared by Ulena.

    Pork heart is a by-product that deserves attention not only because of its taste. Irreplaceable nutrients are contained in this product in an optimal ratio.

    Why is a pork heart useful and how to choose it

    Doctors recommend using this by-product for people with a low hemoglobin content, nervous system disorders and patients with anemia. The offal is rich in vitamins: E, B, PP, C. Pork heart is the leader in iron content. It also contains a large amount of phosphorus, iodine and potassium.

    Calorie content is 118-120 kcal per hundred grams of heart.

    A fresh pork heart should be dark red. Tough and firm to the touch. The weight of one organ is approximately 320-360 grams. At the top is a thick layer of fat with blood vessel tubes.

    Product processing before cooking

    Before cooking, you must carry out the following actions with the offal:

    So, how and how long does it take to cook a pork heart until tender? Now we'll find out everything.

    Basic cooking methods

    Most often, a pork heart is boiled. Frying, baking and stewing are allowed. For cooking, you need to fill it with water in an amount of 500-800 ml and put on fire. The foam should be removed every half hour. The total cooking time is 1.5 hours.

    During the entire process, you need to occasionally turn the product over so that it does not stick to the walls of the dish. After an hour of cooking, you need to drain the broth and pour new water into the pan - 3 glasses of water. And again cook the offal for another half hour. You can add salt and spices 15-20 minutes before the end of the cooking time.

    To cook a heart in a multicooker you need:

    1. Prepare the product for cooking as described above;
    2. Cut into any pieces;
    3. Place the pieces in the multicooker container and fill them with water up to the upper mark;
    4. Add bay leaves, peppercorns and salt;
    5. Select in the menu the item - "Extinguishing", the time is set - 70 minutes, if necessary, it can be increased.

    To cook a pork heart in a double boiler you need:

    By the way, pork lung is also a healthy and easily digestible by-product with a low calorie content. The cooking time depends on the size and on the stove is about 2.5-3 hours. Before heat treatment, it must be removed from the tracheal organs.

    Offal Recipes

    The heart, boiled in any way, is an excellent base for gravies, salads, minced meat, sauces, snacks. In industry, the heart is used to make sausages and pates.

    Stewed pork heart with garlic

    You will need:

    • Finely chopped and fried onions and carrots for two minutes;
    • Medium-sized heart;
    • Vegetable oils - olive and sunflower - 50 ml total;
    • Garlic - a few cloves;
    • Spices, salt;
    • Water;
    • Deep frying pan.

    The washed and dried heart must be cut into pieces and all vessels removed.

    In a frying pan with high sides, fry the onions and carrots, then add the garlic squeezed out in the press.

    Combine pieces of offal in a pan with fried vegetables and fry for about 26-31 minutes with salt and spices. Then add water so that two fingers can retreat from the bottom of the dish. Re-salt the food to be cooked. Remove the pan from the stove after 1-1.5 hours.

    Warm boiled heart salad

    An original and nutritious snack is obtained from this offal. To prepare it you will need:

    • Boiled pork heart;
    • Processed cheese (for example, "Friendship" or special for salads);
    • Onions - 1 turnip;
    • Carrots - 1 root;
    • Flour 1-2 tablespoons;
    • Thick tomato paste - 1 spoon;
    • Mineral water;
    • Vegetable oil 1 spoon;
    • Spices and salt.

    Rinse the heart, process and cut into small pieces. Pour oil into a deep frying pan. Put pieces of heart into warmed fat. Fry them for 5-9 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula.

    Add finely chopped onions and carrots there. Season with salt and spices as desired. Reduce the heat of the stove to the minimum value and fry for 5-7 minutes. Then tomato paste and flour are used. Together with them, you need to add mineral water to the dishes.

    So that the water covers all the ingredients in the pan. Simmer everything under a closed lid for 38-55 minutes. Depends on the size of the pieces and the age of the heart.

    When 10 minutes are left for cooking, add melted cheese to the stewed ingredients. Before that, it is recommended to grate it on a coarse grater, and you can finely chop it.

    It is especially delicious to eat this salad with herbs and fresh warm. But even after some time, when cold, this dish retains its taste and literally melts in the mouth.

    Gourmet recipe for pork heart with mushrooms

    A very nutritious and tasty dish is obtained from mushrooms and a pork heart.


    • Heart;
    • Bow - one head;
    • Mushrooms - about 1.5 kg of champignons;
    • A tomato;
    • Parsley, basil or dill and onions;
    • Refined deodorized vegetable oil;
    • Half a glass of sour cream, or more at the discretion of the culinary specialist;
    • Salt to taste.

    How to cook:

    1. Prepare the offal for further culinary processing as described above;
    2. You can leave it intact, or you can cut it into pieces to speed up the cooking process;
    3. Cook the product for about an hour, then drain the water. Clean the pan and put the heart in there again, add water and cook for another half to two hours;
    4. Add salt strictly 15 minutes before the end of cooking, otherwise the heart will become tough;
    5. Cut and fry the champignons, you can also take oyster mushrooms. If there are chanterelles or russules, then they must be boiled for 15-30 minutes before frying;
    6. The heart, boiled and chilled, is cut into cubes;
    7. Mushrooms and tomatoes are also cut in any way;
    8. Make thin half rings from onions;
    9. Chop the greens coarsely;
    10. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it, then add half rings. Fry them until translucent. Salt everything;
    11. Add pieces of offal to the frying and fry them on the lowest heat for 5 minutes;
    12. Put greens and tomatoes into the pan and fry for 3-7 minutes;
    13. Fry the field of adding mushrooms for another six minutes;
    14. Add sour cream and spices a minute or two before the end of cooking.

    The calorie content of the dish per hundred grams is 180 kcal.

    Pork heart, although it has its own small difficulties in cooking, is worthy of respect and attention of culinary specialists. It is recommended to cook dishes from offal if you want something unusual and new. Moreover, the amount of vitamins and nutrients makes this product unique.

    Bon Appetit!