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  • Oatmeal muffins. Oatmeal Cupcakes Oatmeal Cupcake Recipes

    Oatmeal muffins. Oatmeal Cupcakes Oatmeal Cupcake Recipes

    Light, delicate tasting cottage cheese and oat cakes are simple and delicious homemade baked goods that will add a pleasant variety to your everyday menu. Made with cottage cheese and ground oatmeal, the muffins are soft, porous and juicy, and have the thinnest, slightly crispy crust reminiscent of oatmeal cookies - an incredibly appetizing combination to which you want to return again and again. Try it!

    To make cottage cheese and oatmeal muffins, you will need the ingredients listed.

    Grind or mix the curd and softened butter with a mixer.

    Add sugar and vanilla and beat for 4-5 minutes, until sugar dissolves.

    While whisking the mixture at the minimum speed of the mixer, stir in the chicken eggs one at a time. Beat the resulting mixture for another 1-2 minutes, until smooth.

    Grind the instant oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder.

    Add the resulting oatmeal, baking powder and cinnamon to the curd mass and mix thoroughly. Add flour gradually, in small portions until a thick dough is obtained.

    Leave the finished dough at room temperature for 15-20 minutes, so that it infuses and thickens a little more.

    Lubricate the silicone muffin tins with vegetable oil or melted butter.

    Using a spoon dipped in cold water, spread the dough into the molds and flatten slightly.

    Fill the tins about 3/4 full as the muffins will slightly increase in volume when baking.

    Place the curd-oatmeal muffins in an oven preheated to 170 degrees and bake for 40-45 minutes, or until tender and golden brown. Use a wooden skewer to check the muffins are ready.

    Leave the muffins in the tins for 5-7 minutes. Then remove, refrigerate, dust with powdered sugar or decorate to your liking.

    The curd and oatmeal muffins are ready.

    Don't have time to have a full breakfast? Bored with the classic oatmeal? Then bake oatmeal or cereal muffins on weekends and indulge in healthy and delicious pastries in the morning.
    Recipe content:

    It does not matter whether you work sitting in an office or physically tense at the workplace, everyone needs breakfast. Oatmeal is considered to be the healthiest morning dish. However, some people simply do not like oatmeal, others are bored with it, and some do not have time to cook breakfast at all. If so, bake a variety of oatmeal muffins with different flavors and toppings over the weekend. Then during the week you will always have a delicious breakfast at hand.

    Oatmeal muffins are simple and affordable instant desserts. They are much healthier and less nutritious than conventional wheat flour baked goods. Even those who cannot tolerate oatmeal in their own way use them with pleasure. In addition, the assortment of soft and fluffy pastries can be varied with all kinds of additives. And most importantly, this idea is good because you can pamper yourself with delicious food without harming your waist and gaining extra pounds.

    • Oatmeal muffins are baked in round, rectangular, with a through hole like a ring or portioned small forms.
    • The main secret of airy and tasty muffins is the following: the dough is whipped neatly and quickly. Mix from top to bottom with a whisk or blender. The consistency of the dough should be like thick sour cream.
    • To obtain more tender baked goods, it is allowed to use yolks instead of eggs, and so that the dessert does not stale for a long time, part of the flour is replaced with starch or ground nuts.
    • Homemade cake will be much tastier and more aromatic if you add raisins, dried apricots, prunes, fruits, poppy seeds, nuts, candied fruits. These products are added after whipping the mixture.
    • The products are baked in a preheated oven for about an hour at 200 ° C. They can also be cooked in a multicooker in 35–45 minutes. The readiness of the baking is checked with a dry wooden splinter or stick.
    • During the baking process, it is not recommended to open the oven door and stir the baking dish. Otherwise, due to the temperature drop and unnecessary movements, the biscuit will settle.
    • Pull the baked goods out of the oven after cooling; it will be difficult to remove it from the mold while hot.
    • The finished product is decorated with fruits, berries, powdered sugar, melted chocolate, sweet syrup.

    Traditions and habits of other countries

    Each country prepares muffins, while they differ slightly in preferences and tastes. So, for baking in the Bahamas, dried fruits and nuts are soaked in rum, in England the product is covered with marzipan or glaze, in Switzerland they prefer a light cake generously flavored with candied fruits and nuts, and in the USA the dessert is impregnated with aromatic liqueur or cognac.

    Oatmeal Cupcake Recipes

    It is always pleasant to please yourself and loved ones with crumbly pastries for tea and coffee. A hot drink with warm aromatic cupcakes is a symbol of family comfort and home warmth. It is always the best way to start and end your day. Bake soft buns with all kinds of additives (chocolate, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, berries) and chat with your family during tea breaks, putting off important tasks for a while.

    This oatmeal cake is low in calories, yet tasty with a pleasant sweetness of honey, raisins and a light citrus aroma.
    • Caloric content per 100 g - 170 kcal.
    • Servings - 10
    • Cooking time - 40 minutes


    • Oat flour or ground flakes - 1.5 tbsp.
    • Whey or kefir - 0.75 tbsp (warm temperature)
    • Egg - 1 pc.
    • Raisins - 50 g
    • Honey - 2 tablespoons
    • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
    • Baking soda - 1/2 tsp
    • Vanillin - sachet


    1. If using oatmeal, use a grinder, coffee grinder, or meat grinder to turn it into flour.
    2. Combine oat flour with baking soda and vanilla.
    3. Add kefir (whey) to the dry ingredients and mix with a whisk.
    4. Pour lemon juice into the mass.
    5. Add washed raisins, honey and egg.
    6. Mix the dough thoroughly.
    7. Fill 3/4 of the portion muffin tins with dough.
    8. Send the products to be baked in an oven heated to 180 ° C for 30 minutes.
    9. Check the readiness of the muffins with a puncture of a toothpick - it should come out dry.

    If there is no oatmeal available or there is no opportunity to make it, then you can bake muffins just from flakes. The rest of the products are selected according to the principle of usefulness and goodness.


    • Oatmeal (regular rolled oats) - 1.5 tbsp.
    • Eggs - 1 pc.
    • Thick honey - 2 tablespoons
    • Low-fat kefir - 0.5 tbsp.
    • Baking powder - 1 tsp
    • Raisins - 100 g
    • Ground ginger and cinnamon - a pinch
    • Refined vegetable oil - 50 ml.
    1. Pour the oatmeal with kefir and leave for half an hour so that they absorb all the liquid.
    2. Pour in refined vegetable oil and add the pre-beaten egg.
    3. Knead the food.
    4. Sprinkle in the washed raisins, add honey, add baking powder and mix again.
    5. Fill the molds in 2/3 parts with dough, sprinkle with oatmeal on top and send to bake in an oven heated to 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

    Biased critics are negative about diet baking. But thanks to the efforts of nutritionists and culinary specialists, the opposite can be proved. Making a diet oatmeal cake is not a complicated process, but the result is simply amazing.


    • Oat bran - 2 tbsp
    • Milk - 200 ml
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Baking soda - 1 tsp (no slide)
    • Liquid honey - 2 tablespoons
    • Low-fat yogurt - 0.5 tbsp
    1. Combine oat bran with baking soda and stir.
    2. Pour in yogurt, milk and stir again.
    3. Divide the eggs into yolks and whites. Beat the latter until firm foam. Then add the yolk, honey and continue beating until smooth.
    4. Combine the eggs with the bran mixture and knead the dough. The consistency should be like thick sour cream.
    5. Divide the mass into tins into 2/3 parts and send to bake in an oven heated to 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

    Curd muffins are the most delicate delicacy. Sweet, aromatic, light, airy. They go perfectly with your morning coffee or evening tea. In addition, there is room for culinary imagination. By changing fillers and flavors, you can constantly get new flavors of baked goods.


    • Cottage cheese - 250 g
    • Butter - 50 g
    • Sugar - 100 g
    • Vanillin - sachet
    • Eggs - 1 pc.
    • Orange zest - 0.5 tablespoons
    • Oat flour - 100 g
    • Coconut flakes - 2 tablespoons
    • Cognac - 2 tablespoons
    1. Combine cottage cheese with butter and beat with a blender until fluffy.
    2. Gradually add sugar, vanillin and continue beating until sugar dissolves.
    3. Beat in an egg and beat the mixture for another half minute.
    4. Add oatmeal, coconut, orange zest and stir. Leave the dough for half an hour.
    5. Pour in the cognac, stir and fill the molds with dough.
    6. Preheat oven to 170 ° C and cook muffins for half an hour.

    Not many people know that great baked goods can be made without flour. Instead, it is enough to put oatmeal and the product will turn out to be no worse, but on the contrary, it is healthier, tastier and more satisfying.


    • Oat flakes -200 g
    • Kefir 1% fat - 200 g
    • Eggs - 3 pcs.
    • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
    • Vegetable refined oil - 2 tablespoons
    • Raisins - 50 g
    • Baking soda - 1.5 tsp
    • Salt - a pinch
    • Ground coriander and nutmeg - a pinch
    1. Pour oatmeal with kefir, stir and leave to swell for an hour.
    2. Soak the raisins in warm water for 20 minutes.
    3. Add eggs, sugar, soda, spices to the swollen flakes and mix.
    4. Add vegetable oil and raisins. Stir again. The dough consistency will be slightly thick.

    What's better for breakfast than cottage cheese diet cakes and milk? This is a complete meal, rich in vitamins, with a minimum set of calories, and even quite satisfying.

    The composition of the cupcakes can be anything, rely on your taste in preparation. It can be not only cottage cheese treats. For example, I advise you to pay attention to the recipes for making muffins with raisins, nuts, berries.

    The set of products is wonderful. For those who wish, you can reduce the calorie content of the dish and add berries, dried fruits, nuts instead of raisins.

    Kefir is perfectly replaced with whey, only in this case you will need to use a little more oatmeal. You can make diet curd cakes at home, with carrots, dried fruits, pumpkin ...

    In general, do not limit yourself to fantasy. I propose to learn simple recipes for making delicious cupcakes with photos that every housewife can cook at home.

    Another plus is that even those who do not like dairy products gobble up cottage cheese desserts by both cheeks.

    Cupcakes with raisins and nuts

    Components: 1 tbsp. Hercules flakes; 1-1.5 tbsp. ground flakes; 1 tbsp. kefir (low-fat); 2-3 tbsp honey; 1.5 tsp soda; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; raisins, nuts; salt, ground coriander; cinnamon; vanilla; nutmeg.

    Cooking Algorithm:

    1. I fill Hercules with kefir for 1 hour.
    2. Soak raisins in boiling water for 20 minutes. I fry the nuts in a pan, and then chop, chop.
    3. I add chicken flakes. eggs, honey. I'm getting in the way. I put in salt, soda, spices and add a drop of olives. oils. I knead the dough, but make sure that it is thick, if it doesn't work out, I add more flakes.
    4. I put nuts, raisins in the dough. I put them in molds and send the muffins to bake in the oven at 180 gr. 40 minutes

    That's all, but below there are more entertaining recipes for delicious diet baking.

    Oatmeal muffins with kefir


    1 tbsp. oat flakes Hercules (ground); 0.5 tbsp. low-fat kefir; 1 tbsp. whole oatmeal; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 2 tsp baking powder; stevia; salt; 80 gr. prunes.

    Cooking algorithm:

    1. Oatmeal (115 g) pour half st. boiling water. The rest of the Hercules is chopped and mixed with low-fat kefir.
    2. I combine 2 mixtures, drive in chickens. eggs, add stevia and baking powder. I'm getting in the way.
    3. I put prunes. I spread the mass into forms, greased with rast. butter, shaping cupcakes. I bake for about an hour. That's all, boldly serve your own diet muffins.

    Cupcake with carrots and cinnamon for dessert

    The dessert recipes collected on my site are varied. Diet cake with carrots will also be very useful, and therefore I definitely recommend making it a sweet treat for your children.

    They will be delighted with the taste of the dietary dessert, not even realizing that it contains carrots. It is for this reason that such recipes are liked by many mothers who make sure that their child eats healthy food.

    Components: 250 gr. carrots; 4 tbsp small oatmeal; 3 pcs. chickens. eggs; sweetener; 1 tsp each cinnamon, baking powder; raisins and lemon zest.

    Cooking algorithm with photo:

    1. First of all, I warm up to 180 gr. oven. Separate the whites from the yolks, mix the latter with cinnamon, sweetener, bran, carrots and lemon zest. Grind carrots in advance.
    2. Beat the whites to form a foam, add to the yolks. I put the liquid mixture in molds and send it to bake for 45 minutes. I coat the finished muffins with yogurt, you can add a sweetener to it. I advise you to let the dessert stand in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Eat cold diet treats.

    Cupcake with nuts and pear

    All adherents of proper nutrition should know that in addition to pampering yourself from time to time, preparing dietary curd cakes without flour, you can also make a pear dessert with nuts.

    The calorie content of muffins is not great, but they have a lot of benefits. Plus, the original taste that the pear gives will appeal to both adults and children. You can even prepare such cupcakes for the holiday.

    Components: 150 gr. whole grain flour; 100 g kefir; 3 pcs. chickens. eggs; 2 pcs. small pears; 30 gr. walnuts; 1 tsp each baking powder, cinnamon, turmeric, orange peel; sugar substitute.

    Cooking Algorithm:

    1. I mix the pre-detailed nuts and flour. I add stevia, a baking powder, I put cinnamon on the eye, also turmeric. I clean the pears and only one of them I rub on a grater, add to the existing mass. I drive in 3 chickens. eggs, pour in kefir.
    2. I cut the pear into pieces, put it in a baking dish. I grease the rast shape. oil before that. If you are working with silicone, then this is not necessary. I pour the dough there.
    3. I send them to bake in the oven. Temperature 180 gr. About 40 min. enough to make the dessert ready. You can check the readiness with a wooden toothpick. If dough remains on it, then the dish is not ready yet.
    4. The finished dessert should be cooled and only then taken out of the mold. That's all, you can eat with tea and pamper your loved ones.

    My recipes do not end there, see below what I decided to surprise you with, even if there are healthy homemade muffins on your table.

    Oatmeal with chocolate

    Components: 1 PC. chickens. egg; 3 tbsp oatmeal; 1 d.l. fiber; 3 tsp milk; 1 h.d. cocoa; stevia; cinnamon.

    If you don't have fiber at home, you can replace the component with bran.

    For the cream: natural yogurt; juice of half an orange (you can whole); stevia; blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries. You can take frozen cherries.

    Cooking Algorithm:

    1. Chicken. I beat the egg and add the rest of the ingredients to it. Leaving aside, the oatmeal needs to swell. This can take about 10 minutes. I stir the mixture and send it to the microwave for 3.5 minutes. Then I send to bake.
    2. Cool and cut into 4 cakes. I saturate them all with orange juice.
    3. I fold the cake. I smear the cake with yogurt, stevia, put the berries, cover with another layer. I repeat this with each cake. I cover all sides of the cake with yogurt. I leave it in the refrigerator for the whole night.

    Banana cranberry muffin

    Components: 80 gr. cranberries; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 1.5 pcs. banana (better than ripe); 150 gr. ground oatmeal; 50 gr. whole grain flour; cinnamon; olive. oil; ¾ tsp soda (extinguish with lemon juice).

    Cooking Algorithm:

    1. Beat chickens. eggs. I add banana puree, flour, oatmeal to them, add cinnamon to taste. I stir and add soda, a little olives. oils. Only then I put cranberries. I'm getting in the way.
    2. I send to bake in the oven for about 40 minutes. That's all, you can serve it with aromatic herbal tea.

    You can make small cupcakes in the same way, you just need to choose the forms.

    You have already learned quite a lot of ways how to cook curd-oatmeal muffins with different additives, now I propose to find out the recipe originally from Italy.

    Italian dessert with corn flour

    Components: 250 gr. cottage cheese; 80 gr. psh. and 180 gr. kukur. flour; 1 tsp baking powder; 3 pcs. chickens. eggs; 1 pc. orange, lemon; salt and sugar. powder; sweetener.

    Cooking Algorithm:

    1. I heat up to 180 gr. oven. I grind a lot of cottage cheese, squeeze juice from citrus fruits. Rub their zest and mix with the first mass.
    2. I add chickens. egg. I get in the way, then I enter another. I put in kukur. flour, then add wheat, baking powder and a little salt.
    3. I spread the mass in a greased form. butter and sprinkled with flour in advance. Better take a round shape.
    4. I bake for about 40 minutes.

    I decorate hot Italian dietary dessert with sah. powder.

    On this dietary recipes have come to an end, I advise you to definitely try to cook each of them, cottage cheese or berry cupcakes will be an excellent decoration for both everyday and festive tables!

    My video recipe

    I was ripe for this review for a very long time: the idea was born a long time ago, and now I can implement it.

    I understood that the review would be great, just MEGA-REVIEWand it takes a lot of time and inspiration. Spring has come, brought new strength and energy - now I am ready to share my secrets. Yes, and I want to somehow dilute the reviews on cosmetics.

    In addition, now it is Great Lent - many people are looking for a replacement for their usual desserts, so I decided to become useful, tell about something new.

    What I will tell you about is absolutely harmlesslyon the contrary, USEFUL! After all, there is nothing superfluous in the composition - everything you need and tasty.

    Who adhere to proper nutrition, can also write down my recipes - I'm sure you will be amazed how this fast and tasty!

    Oatmeal is always at hand - you can make flour in a second! The main thing is not to be lazy. After the second or third such preparation, you will do everything quickly - the recipes are so easy. And the recipe can be changed.

    Any oatmeal is suitable for this. I have - "Grain of Belarus" from "Firm DIAMOND LTD" .

    Therefore, make yourself comfortable, brew tea - I invite you to your warm review!

    Weight: 500 g

    Price: 0,74$

    Where can I buy: I took in the supermarket, but you can order on the Internet: I found where you can buy -[link]

    Grain grown in Belarus is associated with environmental friendliness, and cereals are produced from it only in accordance with GOST.

    Everyone knows about the benefits of oatmeal! I will not list everything that it is good for. I try to occasionally eat oatmeal for breakfast, but I do this for no more than two weeks, because then it gets bored and I don't want to eat it for a long time.

    This product caught my attention because it says

    "Grain of Belarus"

    Once I ate Belarusian porridge - I really liked it. But not finding it on the store shelf, I decided to try a new one. And it's delicious!

    The flakes are in a dense cardboard box, there are no defects on it. On the back is written the necessary information :

    The flakes themselves are of high quality, without debris and other unnecessary elements, clean, without damage. The smell was normal, like cereal.

    The packaging says that you can just

    pour boiling water, milk or broth, stir, cover and leave for 3-5 minutes.

    But I i always cook cereals... Now you rarely see oatmeal in stores that needs to be boiled - usually only "quick" options come across, but this does not stop me and I boil the cereals. I like it this way more, because boiled oatmeal has a richer, softer, more delicate, real taste.


    For one serving, I usually take three tablespoons of them, pour them into a saucepan where I will cook, pour in a little more than half a glass of milk or water (or dilute milk), put them on the stove and cook. Stir constantly, so that the foam can rise up, or you can make the fire smaller. Then I add cottage cheese or raisins, jam to the porridge. But more often I do salty with olive oil.

    The result is a delicious, viscous porridge with the required amount of gluten.

    Sometimes I come across oatmeal, which does not boil at all - the flakes are whole and remain. Probably, they are steamed, and therefore do not emit gluten. With cereals of the "Grain of Belarus" brand everything is different - the porridge is tasty and healthy.

    At the beginning of the review, she said that she would cook .. desserts!

    I came up with all the recipes myself: some came to mind unexpectedly, some brought to perfection. And now I can safely show all this to people!


    Nothing happens just like that, especially when it comes to nutrition. Our food preferences are built on something: someone is forced to follow a diet due to illness, someone is trying to minimize the amount of "junk" food in their diet, while someone likes to try something new; there are those who constantly "sit on diets", lick their lips at the sight of a cake or other sweets, but cannot afford it, because "the statute dieter "does not allow.

    What category do I belong to? Probably a little bit of everything. For about 6 years I have not eaten anything flourbecause there were suspicions celiac disease (gluten intolerance), so for many years I did without bread, pasta, sweets, etc. Sometimes I bought alternative products: corn pasta, rice cakes, etc. I will not say that I suffered a lot: I even liked that I didn’t eat this, that my diet was becoming cleaner and cleaner. Like, others eat cakes, and I am a loaf - proudly and joyfully. At that time m it didn’t seem that flour would never appear in my lifebecause I stopped understanding the importance of these products, their meaning.

    She made bread from millet flour, pancakes from corn, buckwheat, rice... In a word, I tried many of the available cereals as a base for bread and desserts. But I was not very eager to introduce something new into the diet.

    Such a period of gluten-free diet coincided with dieting:why I did it, I still don't understand, because my figure was beautiful, neat, I myself am miniature. But all girls are familiar with this desire for perfection, which, alas, does not exist, because each time, passing the next milestone, we understand that the ideal is even further.

    Here I am mired in all this for many years. Only recently was it possible to "recover" completely. One day I will write about this, I will share my tips, because I want to warn girls, to warn of what experiments with unreasonable dietary restrictions can be fraught with. But so far for this I am not ripe.

    Frankly, then I was even ... ashamed to cook something for dessert, because I could not eat it - "diet is above all." Scary.

    As it turned out later, i didn't have any celiac disease... Have I started eating flour again? No. But the years passed, I became wiser, comprehended a lot, overcame the "cockroaches" in my head.

    Fortunately, now everything is in order and now I can safely and calmly talk about it, try new recipes, share it.

    ✔ Now I eat everything and ... I'm not getting better... I managed to achieve what I wanted, restore metabolism, "start" the body, go a long way from one apple a day to a normal 4-5 meals a day. The body realized that I was his FRIEND, not an enemy, and now is not afraid to ask for food.

    After two or three hours I feel hungry, so I definitely need to eat something, otherwise my performance drops wildly and I can't even think. It is not always possible to cook something, so it is important to have a snack on hand and it is desirable that it be healthy and satisfying! I started experimenting, trying to cook something tasty and healthy so as not to buy anything, because doing this every day is not very profitable. I used to make oat pancakes: I thought that cupcakes could be made of a similar dough! A little imagination, and a delicious snack is ready.

    Previously, I could safely not eat all day (do not repeat this), but now I will not last longer than 3 hours without a snack. And that's when they come to the rescue OAT Cakes, which I cook the day before and take with me.

    So briefly (it's really short given the scale of my story) how I got to oatmeal.


    Everything is very simple. For this we need

    • oat flakes
    • coffee grinder

    Everything is very simple, you don't even need to bother: put the cereals in a coffee grinder, grind for a couple of seconds, open, pour into a convenient plate and that's it.

    My coffee grinder is old, comfortable, and holds enough flakes. Usually I do three approaches - the optimal amount of flour is obtained. Honestly, I always did it by eye. I was guided by the consistency: if the batter, add flour; thick - water or milk.

    You can make a lot of flour for future use, but I'm used to making it fresh every time. But if you do it for the future, then it will not deteriorate - you just need to keep it in a jar, which closes tightly so that moisture does not get into.


    I have prepared two recipes: oatmeal muffins and pancakes. The versatility of recipes is that you can change them, add something new, adjust for yourself. I'll show you lean options and the usual ones. The only difference is that in the first version, instead of milk, water.

    I don't put eggs in any of these desserts. Not because I feel some kind of remorse, etc., but because I realized that desserts don't get worse without eggs! On the contrary, it seems even tastier.


    • silicone molds
    • oven
    • pan
    • plate
    • tableware

    This is the base of every dessert.

    Oatmeal muffins

    The classic recipe for cupcakes (as I said, I came up with everything myself):

    This is how few ingredients are needed for the cupcakes. I indicated the usual option, the basis, and only then you can experiment and add something new. Usually I have finely chopped nuts, raisins, you can rub an apple or carrots. In short, there is a place for fantasy!

    Let's start cooking:

    1. Cooked oat flourtransfer to a convenient bowl for making muffin dough. Add dry ingredients to flour: baking powder and cinnamon; mix. I take a little baking powder: half a teaspoon somewhere. There is also little cinnamon, because I love the subtle aroma, and not the intrusive one. Vanilla sugar can be added for flavor, but I do without it.

    2. We begin to introduce milk into the resulting mixture or water (if we do lean muffins), gradually mix. I do everything intuitively: if I added a lot of liquid, then I sprinkle a little more flour, and if on the contrary, I dilute it with water / milk. Milk never warmed - pouring cold. No lumps are formed, everything is mixed perfectly.

    For experiment and clarity, I will add milk to one part of the mixture and water to the other. It will be exactly the same in the mold: three milk cakes, and three "water" ones.

    3. Add to the almost finished dough olive oil: I must admit that I don't always do this, but the oil is healthy, and the cupcakes will be more satisfying.

    4. Now put soda and extinguish it with vinegar... Soda - half a teaspoon, vinegar - two tablespoons. So there will definitely not be a soda aftertaste, and the dough will rise.

    5. The last ingredient is jam or honey... At first I put honey, but I had only thick honey, so it didn't dissolve well. And it is not very useful to heat honey. Then I tried the jam - I liked it more. Often I don't even put jam, but grated with sugar (or without) berries... For example, I have an apricot puree that has been frozen. I defrosted it, put it in a jar and add it to cottage cheese, baked goods, or just eat it. There is a mild sweetness, but no sweetness.

    In muffins, this jam is very tasty! You can also see pieces of apricot.

    Mix everything thoroughly and carefully; leave the dough for 5 minutes to rise a little. But if you are in a hurry, then you can skip this step - the cupcakes will turn out lush and tasty anyway.

    We take silicone moldand pour the dough into it. I get three tablespoons. If the mixture remains, then I add it. But it is important not to pour too much, because the cupcakes will rise very much, come out of their shape - you have to cut them off. In addition, I have a "flower" shape - the bottom is in the form of flowers, so this side of the cupcakes lie on the plate upwards, and for this to be beautiful, you need an even top.

    (my form is old, so it looks not the first freshness)

    We send it to a preheated oven.

    • Temperature ~ 180 degrees
    • Time - 20-25 minutes (you need to constantly visit the kitchen and control the process)

    We take out the cupcakes when they are baked at the top, you can even brown them. I used to be afraid that they would be tough, because oatmeal mixture tends to freeze, but I have never had such a problem! Probably, she intuitively chose the ingredients that made the dough soft and tender.

    This is what oatmeal muffins look like. As you can see, they are all the same: what is with milk, what is with water. They almost do not differ in taste - a little dairy ... dairy (tautology, yes). Cupcakes on water are in no way inferior to milk ones.

    They are very soft, tender and delicious! The aroma is warm and cozy. Cupcakes are good both warm and cold. Usually I eat chilled - then it is denser and more satisfying.

    I hope you enjoyed this recipe and will definitely try it!

    Oatmeal pancakes (on water)

    Ingredients. THE FOUNDATION:

    ADDITIONAL components:

    As you can see, the recipe is very simple! And it is done in a couple of minutes.

    I decided to do it on the water to show that there will be no problems. Additional ingredients to your liking: I decided to add raisins and grated apple (to have a pleasant apple aroma and flavor).

    1. We mix dry ingredients: flour and baking powder

    2. Add raisins and grated apple (took the latter quite a bit)

    3. Pouring in water and mix thoroughly. The amount of water depends on the amount of flour - you need to be guided by the thickness of the dough. It should be like thick sour cream. But if it is more liquid, then it's okay. The main thing is not to spread.

    4. Spoon the dough into the pan (I have a pancake with a non-stick coating), cover it with a lid to cook faster. We don't go anywhere, but always watch the pancakes, because they cook quickly. As soon as we see that the edges have become dense, we immediately turn it over. So with all the pancakes.

    Thanks for attention

    Step by step recipes for making oatmeal muffins with pumpkin, honey, cinnamon, cream and cashews

    2018-04-29 Rida Khasanova





    In 100 grams of finished dish

    7 gr.

    14 gr.


    38 gr.

    298 kcal

    Option 1: The Classic Oat Cakes Recipe

    Oatmeal muffins are a great option for a dietary treat. In the dough for such baking, there is very little or no flour at all. Some recipes don't even have sugar as the main carbohydrate in food. And all the sweetness of the muffins is provided by the addition of natural candied fruits, bee honey, dried fruits, nuts. Oatmeal muffins won't hurt your slim figure. Eat cupcakes for breakfast, afternoon tea, or any snack, even outdoors as a picnic. A hearty delicacy suitable even for a festive table.


    • a glass of small oatmeal;
    • 4 tablespoons of olive oil;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • a handful of raisins;
    • a couple of teaspoons of honey;
    • half a glass of milk;
    • one egg;
    • on the tip of a baking powder knife;
    • two heaped spoons of wheat flour.

    Step by step oat cupcake recipe

    Rinse the raisins well. Better in hot water. Can be soaked. Then pat dry on a paper towel. If you use other dried fruits, you should also cut them. It is convenient to take kitchen scissors for this.

    Mix small oatmeal with warm milk, honey and salt. Leave it on for half an hour. The flakes should soften and swell slightly.

    Shake the egg separately. Add to milk and oatmeal. Send raisins and vegetable oil there. The recipe uses olive, but you can take any other - sunflower, cotton, linseed. Stir. Add flour with baking powder. Stir the dough well.

    Cover the silicone molds with paper capsules. Pour three-quarters of the way into each dough. You should get 8-9 pieces, but the amount depends on the volume of specific molds.

    Cook the muffins in the oven at 180 ° C for about half an hour.

    Be sure to use paper capsules for small cupcakes. They allow you not to lubricate the mold with additional oil. That significantly reduces the calorie content of the treat. If paper inserts are not on hand, cut them out of regular baking parchment. In the form of small squares or circles.

    Option 2: Quick Oatmeal Cupcake Recipe

    To avoid waiting for the oatmeal to swell for the dough, try using oatmeal. As a result, the muffin dough will knead faster and delicate sweets will not keep you waiting long.


    • a glass of oatmeal;
    • slightly less than a glass of biokefir;
    • one egg;
    • two tablespoons of honey or fructose;
    • one apple;
    • two tablespoons of flour with a slide;
    • a teaspoon of baking powder;
    • a pinch of cinnamon;
    • a bit of table salt.

    How to quickly cook oatmeal muffins

    Mix a glass of cereal flour with kefir and egg. The mixture should be homogeneous.

    Add honey, salt, baking powder and flour. Mix everything thoroughly.

    Turn on the oven to heat up to 180˚С. Until then, get on with the apple. Rinse and peel it. Cut off the pulp. Grind it - cubes or thin plates. Stir in the cinnamon slices. This spice for apples is an ideal "neighbor". But if desired, it can be replaced with ground turmeric, nutmeg, or vanilla seeds.

    Get silicone muffin molds. Insert a paper layer into them. Pour a spoonful of dough into each. Then spread the apple slices evenly over all the shapes. Pour in more dough. Each form should be no more than two-thirds full. Since the baking will still rise during cooking.

    After baking, the crumb of the muffins is tender and soft. It is good to give such healthy treats to children. Just sprinkle the cakes with powdered sugar or sweet sauce.

    Option 3: Pumpkin Oatmeal Cupcakes

    Pumpkin filling adds vitamins to baked goods. However, it can be replaced in the recipe. For example, applesauce or peach puree, bananas, or small pieces of pear. The cooking algorithm itself does not change from replacement.


    • 0.1 kg of fresh pumpkin;
    • 0.15 kg of wheat flour;
    • a handful of small candied fruits;
    • 0.1 kg of sugar;
    • 4-5 heaped spoons of oatmeal;
    • two tablespoons of sour cream;
    • one egg;
    • a spoonful of oil;
    • a third of a teaspoon of baking soda;
    • a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar;
    • a pinch of nutmeg.

    How to cook

    Grind a piece of pumpkin on a grater. If the puree is juicy, good.

    Add sugar, oatmeal, sour cream to the pumpkin. Stir in the beaten egg, liquid oil, and nutmeg. Mix thoroughly. Stir in flour and cider vinegar slaked baking soda mixture. Stir in the dough. Enter small candied fruits. Proceed. If you have large candied fruits, it is convenient to cut them with scissors. Leave the dough to "rest" for a few minutes.

    In the meantime, turn on the oven at 180-190˚С. Arm yourself with muffin tins. They can be regular or curly. Fortunately, in stores and supermarkets there is a huge selection of baking dishes. Match paper inserts for your shapes or grease with oil.

    Pour the dough into molds. Adjust their quantity and volume at your discretion.

    Place the semi-finished products in the oven for 25-30 minutes. This is an average time, it varies depending on how large your dough molds are.

    If the pumpkin is taken fresh, bright orange, small grains of pumpkin pulp will dazzle in the crumb of the finished treats.

    Option 4: Oatmeal Cupcakes in Water with Cream

    For oat cakes, it is best to use small flakes. They swell faster and form a complete dough for baking. However, if you only have a large Hercules on hand, a trick can be applied. Grind the cereal a bit in a blender or coffee grinder.


    • half a glass of wheat flour;
    • half a glass of oatmeal;
    • half a glass of water;
    • a couple of tablespoons of cream;
    • 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
    • one chicken egg;
    • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar;
    • half a glass of regular granulated sugar or powdered sugar;
    • 6 g baking baking powder;
    • a pinch of salt.

    Step by step recipe

    Shake the egg. Add cream, water, oil, both sugar and salt. Stir until the mixture is smooth. It will be better if the grains dissolve in the liquid.

    Stir the oatmeal into the slurry. Leave to swell for a quarter of an hour. It is possible for half an hour, if time permits.

    In another container, combine flour, baking powder.

    Transfer the loose mass in portions to the oatmeal. Proceed to a full dough state.

    Divide the dough into molds. Cook the muffins in the oven at 180-200 ° C until golden brown.

    The dough in the recipe is universal. Add an additional flavoring or aroma component to it if desired. In the first case, these are ground nuts, frozen berries breaded in starch, candied fruits, small pieces of dried fruits. This will be enough for about a handful for a given amount of dough. And as an aromatic note, a drop of fruit liqueur or white table wine, spicy syrup or ground spice is suitable.

    Option 5: Oatmeal Cashew Cakes

    Cashew nuts impart their sweetness and zest to baked goods. This product does not require much preparation. However, with cashew nuts, oatmeal muffins will become more varied and more interesting in taste.


    • three chicken eggs;
    • 0.1 kg of sugar;
    • 0.1 kg of flakes;
    • 0.1 kg flour;
    • the same amount of milk;
    • 0.5 kg of butter;
    • a handful of cashews;
    • dessert spoon baking powder.

    How to cook

    Get started with cashews. Rinse them in a bowl of water. Place on a paper towel to dry. Then, if possible, fry the nuts in a skillet. But this is optional. Grind them into crumbs in a coffee grinder or chop with a knife on a cutting board.

    Mix milk with beaten eggs. Add melted butter, sugar and nuts. Stir.

    Combine the flakes, flour and baking powder. Pour over the milk and nut mixture. Stir until smooth.

    Place in muffin molds - silicone, non-stick.

    Cook in the oven at 180-200˚C for about 25-30 minutes.

    Like many other nuts, cashews are high in calories. But, cupcakes with them for breakfast will fill you with more than just energy for the whole day. But also a charge of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. Your daily intake of these nutrients is guaranteed! Bon Appetit.