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  • Fruit pilaf for children. Fruit pilaf: baby food

    Fruit pilaf for children. Fruit pilaf: baby food

    Probably everyone knows that the pilaf recipe has been known for a long time. It was served on big holidays among many peoples, it was often considered a remedy for depletion of the body. And in the East, from where he came to Russia, he was prepared, as a rule, by men. This article does not talk about traditional pilaf, but about dessert, which is prepared with fruits. So let's see how to cook

    Fruity with dried fruits and spices

    We will cook this pilaf in the oven, so we take a baking dish and put 200 g of basmati rice in it, fill it with water (1 to 2) and put a pinch of saffron. 100 g of prunes, the same amount of dried apricots and ½ stack. chop light raisins and put on rice. Sprinkle with 10 peeled pistachios, put butter cut into small pieces (50 g is enough), be sure to cover with a lid and bake for 30 minutes. Then pour in 100 g of cream mixed with vanilla, and another 5 minutes. languish in the oven.

    The set of dried fruits and spices in this recipe can be changed according to your taste and the availability of products. You can add cinnamon, apricots, figs, or use sesame or almonds instead of pistachios. In short, there is room for imagination.

    Fruit pilaf: recipe with syrup

    Boil one and a half cups of rice in lightly salted water until half cooked. Be sure to rinse it with cold water to get it crumbly. Put a thin layer of ordinary dough on the bottom of the enamel pan, on top - half a glass of rice mixed with 50 g of melted butter, level the layer. Then put the remaining rice, put another 50 g of butter on top, be sure to cover and simmer over very low heat for about 30 minutes. (the rice should be completely cooked).

    In a deep frying pan in butter, fry 200 g of raisins and dried apricots, 3 peaches, 100 g of almonds, a glass of cherry plum. Boil the syrup in a saucepan. It consists of 2 tablespoons of honey, ½ stack. grape or pomegranate juice, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a small spoonful of cinnamon and 2 cloves. Put the fruit in the syrup and boil for 5 minutes, then pour the rice with the resulting syrup and stir.

    Fruit pilaf: recipe with dried fruits and spices in corn oil

    For this dish you will need 2 stacks. long grain rice (preferably pink). It must be washed, be sure to dry it and put in a pan with Fry with constant stirring until golden brown. Then add 70 g of chopped dried apricots to the rice, the same amount of white raisins, 50 g of chopped figs and 100 g of dried and chopped dates. Put 2 tablespoons of dried barberry and 50 g of almonds there. It can be slightly salted. Then pour boiling water over the rice (so that the water is 3-4 cm higher than the rice). Close the pan tightly and simmer over low heat until the rice is cooked.

    Pilaf with vegetables and fruits

    When it is quite possible to combine fruits with vegetables. Boil 120 ml of water, add 50 g of rice and 20 g of butter to it. Cook for 15 minutes, and then put on a steam bath, where we simmer until tender. Boil 20 g of carrots, 10 g of green peas and 30 g of cauliflower separately, cut everything into small pieces. Put 20 g of prunes and 5 g of raisins in a saucepan, add rice and vegetables there and put in a water bath for half an hour.

    Fruit pilaf: recipe with Azerbaijani-style rice

    2 stacks rice is thoroughly washed and 15 min. soaked in warm water. Next, mix 1.5 stacks. water with 2.5 stack. fat milk and cook rice in them. When it is almost ready, wash it with boiling water, dry it, put it on a cloth, and put it in a deep saucepan, the bottom of which is lined with kazmag. Put a piece of butter on top and simmer for 5 minutes so that the oil is absorbed.

    Kazmag for sweet pilaf is prepared in this way: 1.5 stack. Mix flour with 1 egg, 25 g butter, 1 spoonful of sugar, the same amount of ground cinnamon and dilute with a spoonful of water. We knead the dough, roll out a thin layer, which we put on the bottom of the dish. Then we grease with oil and spread the rice. Kazmag protects rice from burning, and fries itself perfectly. It is served with pilaf along with butter and cinnamon.

    Fruit is added to: raisins, peaches, cherry plums, dried apricots and any others at their discretion. Finely chopped walnuts and cinnamon are a great addition.

    Many people know only traditional recipes for this dish, but there is also fruit pilaf. It has a characteristic taste that only dried fruits or fresh fruits and berries can give. Such pilaf is a godsend for children, as well as for parents.

    Traditional recipe

    Fruit pilaf will become a favorite for children and adults not only for its taste, but also for its beneficial dietary properties. It is quite simple to prepare it, and you can eat it both hot and cold.

    What is required:

    • litere of water;
    • 2 cups rice
    • 70 grams of figs, dried apricots and prunes;
    • 100 grams of raisins;
    • 1 carrot;
    • salt;
    • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
    • half a teaspoon of turmeric.


    • To cook fruit pilaf, heat the cauldron over the fire, pour vegetable oil into it.
    • Grate carrots, put them in a cauldron, and then add raisins to it.
    • Cut the dried fruits into halves, lay them on top of the raisins, then add the figs cut into pieces, sprinkle the dried fruits with turmeric.
    • While the dried fruits are fried, turn to rice. Rinse it until the water is clear.
    • Place the washed rice on top of the dried fruit and cover with hot water. The water should cover the rice layer 1 to 2 centimeters.
    • Carcass the rice until the water has completely evaporated, then turn off the heat and tomato fruit pilaf for 15 minutes, covered.

    Peach recipe

    Pilaf with peaches is a very tasty dish, worthy to be prepared in summer. Fruit pilaf with peaches is light, with an unforgettable taste and aroma. Preparing such a fruit dish is a little more difficult than the traditional fruit pilaf, but it's worth it.

    What is required:

    • 1.5 cups of rice;
    • 100 grams of butter (vegetable oil can be used);
    • 200 grams of dried apricots and raisins;
    • a glass of cherry plum;
    • 3 ripe peaches;
    • 100 grams of peeled raw almonds;
    • honey for 2 tablespoons;
    • half a glass of juice of one pomegranate;
    • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
    • 2 carnations;
    • a teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
    • 1 tablespoon saffron infusion.


    • To prepare this delicious fruit dish, rinse the rice first and boil it in enough salted water until half cooked.
    • Put the rice in a colander, then rinse under cold water.
    • Put half of the boiled rice in a thick-bottomed bowl, mix with 100 grams of butter.
    • Level the rice layer, cover the saucepan or cauldron with a lid, and simmer for about 30 minutes. This is enough time to fully cook the rice.
    • Cut dried fruits, fruits, almonds into small pieces and fry until golden brown.
    • In a separate saucepan, boil the syrup from pomegranate juice, sugar and honey. For the final syrup, add fried fruits and spices to it.
    • Toss the rice with the fruit syrup. Fruit pilaf with peaches is ready.

    Recipe with apples and pumpkin

    Making pilaf with apples and pumpkin for children and adults will not be difficult. Apples and pumpkin go well with each other and with other ingredients.

    What is required:

    • 1.5 cups of rice;
    • 0.5 kilograms of pumpkin;
    • quince;
    • ½ cup vegetable oil;
    • 100 grams of raisins;
    • 2 apples;
    • nutmeg;
    • sugar;
    • cinnamon;
    • a pinch of salt;


    • To cook pumpkin and fruit pilaf, peel the pumpkin from the skin and seeds, and cut the apples (preferably green) into cubes.
    • Combine pumpkin, apples, raisins and finely chopped quince.
    • Rinse the rice several times so that the water is clear.
    • Pour odorless vegetable oil on the bottom of a cauldron or saucepan and heat it up. Then lay out the pumpkin pieces so that they cover the entire bottom, then cover it with some of the rice, and on top put some of the apples with quince and raisins, sprinkle the fruit dish with sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg.
    • Then make a layer of rice and a layer of fruit again. Pour the dish with salted water and oil so that the rice is completely covered with it.
    • Cover the cauldron with a lid, tomi a dish of rice and fruits for about an hour on low heat.

    Now you know that cooking is quite simple and easy, but pilaf turns out to be light and tasty.

    I make fruit pilaf in the same way as my mother cooked it. On my own, I added only turmeric - for a beautiful color and cinnamon - for aroma, but these spices are optional. I like crumbly rice, so I use steamed long-grain rice - it does not stick together when cooking. I took dried fruits in the proportion: 2 parts of dried apricots, one by one - raisins and prunes. Sugar was enough for me two teaspoons, but if you like sweeter, add all four! I cooked this pilaf today in a slow cooker, as I was leaving with the children for a walk, and on my return I needed a ready-made hot dinner. You will need a medium saucepan with a lid, preferably one with a thick bottom!

    Let's prepare dried fruits: I rinse them with hot water, then cut them into small pieces (to make it easier for children to eat), but you can cut them into larger pieces, for example, into quarters.

    Cut the apple into cubes, leave the peel - this way the apple will be more noticeable in the finished dish.

    Lightly grease the bottom of the baking dish with butter. Pour half a portion of rice, smooth. Top with half the dried fruit and apple, sprinkle with 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 1-2 tsp Sahara. Divide some of the butter. Form the second layer in the same way: the remaining rice, dried fruit, apple, cinnamon, sugar, butter.

    Dissolve turmeric in a glass of water.

    Pour the future pilaf. Add more water so that the liquid level is above the rice level on your finger (1.5-2 cm). All I needed was water - 750 ml.

    If you are the lucky owner of a multicooker - porridge / cereal mode - 30 minutes, or 20 minutes + 15 minutes on heating. If you are cooking on the stove, cover the pan with a lid and bring to a boil, then cook over low heat, with the lid ajar, for 20-30 minutes, until the rice absorbs all the water and becomes soft.

    See the recipe for the dish with a photo below.

    Hello everyone! If you would like to try something unusual, then sweet pilaf s - that's it! I knew the recipe for this fruit pilaf for a long time. I remember that even in kindergarten we were fed with some kind of this gorgeous dish. True, then this dish seemed to me just rice porridge with the addition of raisins and carrots. Nevertheless, it was well prepared. I have modernized this recipe to my liking. So, we meet fruity sweet pilaf!

    Recipe for sweet pilaf with dried fruits

    By the way, some culinary experts claim that this sweet and dried fruit came to us from India. I don't know how true this is, but I like this version) And in Thai cuisine there is also a sweet dish with rice - yummy!

    To prepare sweet pilaf with dried fruits, take:

    • a couple of glasses of rice;
    • vegetable oil;
    • one;
    • a handful of raisins, prunes and dried apricots;
    • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
    • if you want, then salt to taste (I did not salt).

    First, rinse the rice thoroughly with running water. We drain the water and dry it. We also wash dried fruits well, if they are very dry, then fill them with warm water for thirty minutes. We drain the water, discard the fruit in a colander.

    As usual, by tradition, a cast-iron cauldron or a frying pan with a thick bottom and walls is taken for cooking pilaf. I am using a duck. Pour oil generously into the dishes where the pilaf will be cooked. We set the fire to medium. Lightly fry the carrots and dried fruits in oil until golden brown.

    Pour rice and pour boiling water over everything. In no case do we mix pilaf during cooking. Simmer the rice over medium heat until water is absorbed.

    When the rice is ready (determined by the taste test method), turn off the heat, move the cauldron to the cold pot. Add sugar and only now stir the pilaf.

    Lovers of traditional cuisine will most likely like more than sweet pilaf. Still, I highly recommend cooking it! Surely even children will appreciate such a culinary experiment!

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    Many people know only traditional recipes for this dish, but there is also fruit pilaf. It has a characteristic taste that only dried fruits or fresh fruits and berries can give. Such pilaf is a godsend for children, as well as for parents.

    Traditional recipe

    Fruit pilaf will become a favorite for children and adults not only for its taste, but also for its beneficial dietary properties. It is quite simple to prepare it, and you can eat it both hot and cold.

    • litere of water;
    • 2 cups rice
    • 70 grams of figs, dried apricots and prunes;
    • 100 grams of raisins;
    • 1 carrot;
    • salt;
    • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
    • half a teaspoon of turmeric.
    • To cook fruit pilaf, heat the cauldron over the fire, pour vegetable oil into it.
    • Grate carrots, put them in a cauldron, and then add raisins to it.
    • Cut the dried fruits into halves, lay them on top of the raisins, then add the figs cut into pieces, sprinkle the dried fruits with turmeric.
    • While the dried fruits are fried, turn to rice. Rinse it until the water is clear.
    • Place the washed rice on top of the dried fruit and cover with hot water. The water should cover the rice layer 1 to 2 centimeters.
    • Carcass the rice until the water has completely evaporated, then turn off the heat and tomato fruit pilaf for 15 minutes, covered.

    Peach recipe

    Pilaf with peaches is a very tasty dish, worthy to be prepared in summer. Fruit pilaf with peaches is light, with an unforgettable taste and aroma. Preparing such a fruit dish is a little more difficult than the traditional fruit pilaf, but it's worth it.

    • 1.5 cups of rice;
    • 100 grams of butter (vegetable oil can be used);
    • 200 grams of dried apricots and raisins;
    • a glass of cherry plum;
    • 3 ripe peaches;
    • 100 grams of peeled raw almonds;
    • honey for 2 tablespoons;
    • half a glass of juice of one pomegranate;
    • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
    • 2 carnations;
    • a teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
    • 1 tablespoon saffron infusion.
    • To prepare this delicious fruit dish, rinse the rice first and boil it in enough salted water until half cooked.
    • Put the rice in a colander, then rinse under cold water.
    • Put half of the boiled rice in a thick-bottomed bowl, mix with 100 grams of butter.
    • Level the rice layer, cover the saucepan or cauldron with a lid, and simmer for about 30 minutes. This is enough time to fully cook the rice.
    • Cut dried fruits, fruits, almonds into small pieces and fry until golden brown.
    • In a separate saucepan, boil the syrup from pomegranate juice, sugar and honey. For the final syrup, add fried fruits and spices to it.
    • Toss the rice with the fruit syrup. Fruit pilaf with peaches is ready.

    Recipe with apples and pumpkin

    Making pilaf with apples and pumpkin for children and adults will not be difficult. Apples and pumpkin go well with each other and with other ingredients.

    • To cook pumpkin and fruit pilaf, peel the pumpkin from the skin and seeds, and cut the apples (preferably green) into cubes.
    • Combine pumpkin, apples, raisins and finely chopped quince.
    • Rinse the rice several times so that the water is clear.
    • Pour odorless vegetable oil on the bottom of a cauldron or saucepan and heat it up. Then lay out the pumpkin pieces so that they cover the entire bottom, then cover it with some of the rice, and on top put some of the apples with quince and raisins, sprinkle the fruit dish with sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg.
    • Then make a layer of rice and a layer of fruit again. Pour the dish with salted water and oil so that the rice is completely covered with it.
    • Cover the cauldron with a lid, tomi a dish of rice and fruits for about an hour on low heat.

    Now you know that cooking is quite simple and easy, but pilaf turns out to be light and tasty.