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  • Sesame health benefits. Sesame: useful properties and contraindications

    Sesame health benefits.  Sesame: useful properties and contraindications

    Sesame or sesame - a herbaceous oil plant belonging to the category of annuals. Its fruits are small seeds of different shades: from deep black to chocolate. There is no snow-white sesame - the usual white seeds for us are grains, peeled from the husk.

    A large number of components also allows the use of seeds for medicinal and prophylactic purposes.

    Black and white sesame seeds: what's the difference?

    There are two main types of sesame seeds available for sale: white and black. They are distinguished not only by color, but also by taste and beneficial features.

    Black sesame, unlike white, is not peeled from the husk, which contains a huge amount of vitamins and nutritional components. Therefore, it is much more useful than white. It mainly grows in Southeast Asia, Japan and China.

    From black sesame seeds, a quality oil with a rich taste and aroma is obtained. At the same time, it does not take all the attention to itself, but only sets off other ingredients in the dish. Therefore, it is most often used for dressing side dishes, for sauces and marinades.

    In the East, it is black sesame that is used for medicinal purposes, since all the main components that can improve the human condition are located in the outer shell of the seed.

    White sesame also contains unique oils, has a pleasant neutral taste with a subtle nutty note. This is a refined seed, which in 90% of cases serves in cooking as an external decoration for desserts, sushi or side dishes. The main importing countries of refined sesame seeds are El Salvador and Mexico.

    Calorie content of sesame

    Almost all plant seeds have a high energy value, since they are dominated by fats. This is especially true for flax and sunflower seeds - the percentage of fat in them can exceed 50-60% per 100 grams. Sesame is also considered a high-calorie product - there are 280-300 kcal per 50 grams, and the fat content reaches 55%.

    In addition to the high concentration of fats, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids predominate in its composition, which are responsible for nutrition and cell regeneration.

    A unique feature of sesame is the presence of a unique substance sesamin, which is considered a natural antioxidant. It prevents early skin aging, fights free radicals, which are the root cause of oxidative stress.

    When choosing sesame seeds, pay attention to the condition of the seeds, whether they are whole and not glued to each other. To do this, it is better to buy it in a sealed bag. The seeds should not taste bitter and should not have any strange aftertaste.

    As for the storage rules, black til is more unpretentious in this matter. It keeps longer even if it remains in the manufacturer's packaging. But it is better to pour it into a glass or enamel dish with a lid. Sesame does not like moisture and sun.

    White (peeled) seed usually has a shelf life of several months, because it quickly loses its natural taste and begins to taste very bitter. To prevent this, store it in the refrigerator. In this case, it will not lose its taste and benefits within six months.

    Useful properties of sesame seeds

    1. Sesame contains thiamine, which is necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and the proper functioning of the nervous system.
    2. Beta-sitosterol, which is present in sesame, is responsible for lowering cholesterol. It prevents blockage of blood vessels and is useful for the prevention of many diseases.
    3. The composition of this unique seed includes amino acids, which are the building blocks of organs and systems.
    4. Sesame is also rich in vitamin E, which contributes to the youthfulness of the skin. It is an essential vitamin responsible for maintaining optimal body function. It normalizes the work of the female and male reproductive systems, affects the endocrine and nervous systems. A powerful antioxidant, it protects cells from free radical damage.
    5. Sesame is an excellent remedy for the prevention of osteoporosis. He has a record concentration of calcium - 100 grams of the product contains 750-1150 mg of the mineral. For comparison: 100 grams of cottage cheese contains only 125 mg of calcium. It is needed by the body of pregnant women, children, the elderly, since it is the main building material, it is involved in the processes of restoring the structure of bones, hair, teeth. For pregnant women, its daily dosage should not exceed 30 grams.
    6. Black sesame is enriched with phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, iron and other minerals involved in hematopoiesis and immunobiological processes.
    7. The phytoestrogen contained in sesame is especially beneficial for women over 50. It is considered a natural alternative to female hormones, therefore it is indispensable during menopause.
    8. One of the advantages of sesame is a high concentration of vitamins A, C, B. Retinol is involved in the regulation of protein synthesis, it is necessary for the normal growth of new cells. Without it, the normal functioning of the immune system is impossible. B vitamins improve skin condition and bowel function, strengthen immunity and increase the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

    To get the most out of a product, you need to eat it properly. Regardless of the variety, you need to buy only live sesame, which has not been specially processed. It is quite simple to check this - live grains can germinate.

    It is not necessary to use a professional germination technique for this. Put slightly damp gauze folded in several layers on a regular plate. Pour 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds on top of it and cover it with the same slightly damp gauze.

    Put the sesame plate for a few days in a dark place that is not exposed to sunlight (in a kitchen cabinet or oven). If within 2-3 days the first seedlings begin to appear from the seeds, then this is a natural, safe sesame for consumption.

    Sesame seeds are best absorbed when slightly heated and soaked. Fried seeds are already deprived of any useful properties, and would rather simply enhance the taste of the dish than replenish the vitamin or mineral deficiency of the body.

    Sesame needs to be chewed slowly and try not to expose it to strong heat treatment without the need. Based on these considerations, nutritionists recommend pre-soaking the seeds in water - this will make them much easier to experience. For these purposes, you do not need to take too much liquid - take 100 ml of water for 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds.

    The optimal amount of sesame seeds for an adult is up to 3 teaspoons per day. Do not consume the product in the morning or on an empty stomach. This can provoke an attack of nausea and excessive thirst.

    Sesame is an excellent dressing for salads and meat, it is used to decorate muffins and added to the dough. In oriental cuisine, it can be found as part of special desserts, for example, kozinaki or halva.

    Unique Features of Sesame Oil

    The oil obtained from sesame seeds is also considered incredibly beneficial for the body. It is used for medical purposes, cosmetology and as an alternative to traditional edible oils.

    It is clinically proven to be effective as a detoxifier and laxative. It moisturizes the intestinal mucosa, indirectly improving its peristalsis.

    Sesame oil is an affordable treatment for aging skin of the face for any woman. It perfectly copes with fine wrinkles, restores tone, moisturizes and nourishes the epithelium. Unique substances, included in its composition, relieve redness and even out the complexion.

    Of course, from it, like from any other oil, there will be the effect of dirty hair. To get rid of it, you need to choose the optimal amount and rinse your hair with shampoo after the procedures.

    Many manufacturers use organic sesame oil to fortify tanning products because it is not UV resistant.

    Sesame is a widespread product that will become good complement to any dish. They can be sprinkled with boiled rice, meat and salads - it will enrich their taste. Because of their nutritional value, sesame seeds can be a staple ingredient in vegetarian cuisine.

    Sesame seeds are very beneficial for the reproductive system, especially the female.

    If you combine sesame, flax and poppy seeds, you can get a powerful aphrodisiac, which, by the way, works great for both women and men.

    In the Middle Ages, sesame seeds were in great demand among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity - many women who took care of their health chewed a teaspoon of sesame every day in the morning.

    In those days, it was believed that sesame is very useful for the female reproductive system. However, sesame seeds can increase the outflow of blood during menstruation, so pregnant women should be very careful when eating sesame or any of its derivatives.

    The high concentration of calcium contained in sesame seeds contributes to the formation of the skeleton of the unborn child, however, excessive enthusiasm for this product can lead to miscarriage.

    The use of semen for medicinal purposes

    Sesame is used in traditional and folk medicine

    Sesame is widely used as a remedy traditional medicine externally and internally. It is used on its own or as part of a recipe.

    Products based on sesame seeds are useful for strengthening the body's defenses. V pure form it is recommended to take them for diseases of the heart and blood vessels (ischemia, arrhythmia, hypertension, anemia).

    The seeds have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract with intestinal obstruction, stomach ulcers, gastritis, helminthiasis.

    Sesame is also indicated for the treatment of asthma, colds of the respiratory tract (including acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections). Topically applied oil from grains to heal wounds and eliminate flaking and irritation.

    Folk recipes

    From diseases of the cardiovascular system

    1. In case of violation of blood clotting, it is recommended to take sesame oil three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. before eating.
    2. To strengthen the heart, sesame seeds are added to the daily diet.

    For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    1. An uncomplicated recipe will help with indigestion. Dissolve 1 tsp. honey in 200 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Add 1-2 tsp there. sesame seeds, crushed in a blender or coffee grinder. Drink in small portions until diarrhea stops.
    2. For pain in the stomach, colic in the intestines and spasms, take 1 tbsp. l. seeds on an empty stomach 1-3 times a day.

    For problems with the musculoskeletal system

    1. For rheumatism and joint pain, warm sesame oil a little (to the temperature of the human body). Massage in the product.
    2. For neuralgia, the seeds are fried in a pan and ground into powder in a mortar or coffee grinder. Take 1 tbsp. l. in small portions, washed down clean water.

    For women's health

    1. For mastitis, compresses are used in complex treatment. Gauze or bandage folded several times is soaked in sesame oil and applied to the chest.
    2. After 45 years, the use of sesame in any form is indicated for women's health. The phytoestrogen contained in them improves well-being, minimizes the appearance of "hot flashes" and strengthens the nervous system.

    With a lack of calcium

    Calcium deficiency can be replenished not only with vitamins. Sesame seed oil will do an excellent job with this task, which must be taken in 1 tbsp. l. once a day (preferably in the morning).

    As a prophylactic agent

    To strengthen the immune system, it is useful to take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach in the morning every day.

    For the purpose of prevention and maintenance general health sesame flour is introduced into the diet. Add 1-2 tbsp. l. product when cooking cereals and side dishes.

    Seasoning is prepared on the basis of sesame seeds - gomasio . It effectively cleans the body and has a pleasant smell and taste. Gomasio is both a medicine and an aromatic spice for dishes. It is prepared like this:

    1. For one teaspoon of salt (preferably sea salt) take 18 tsp. sesame seeds.
    2. Salt is calcined separately for three minutes and grains - over low heat for 2 minutes.
    3. Mash salt in a mortar, then add sesame seeds to it. Rub everything until the seeds open.
    4. The finished seasoning is stored for no more than two weeks.

    Despite the high calorie content (565 kcal per 100 g), sesame seeds are used for weight loss. They normalize digestion, help eliminate toxins and lower cholesterol. How do you get the most out of this weight loss product?

    Remember that during heat treatment, the seeds lose most of their nutrients. Therefore, fried sesame should be excluded when losing weight. Nutritionists recommend steaming it. Just pour warm water over the beans and let them brew. Once swollen, they can be consumed in small amounts to reduce appetite.

    Sprouted sesame seeds will help restore strength during the period of diet and active training. It is very simple to germinate it at home:

    • Take unpeeled black sesame seeds, rinse them under water and transfer to a shallow container.
    • Fill them with water so that it is 1–2 mm above the grain level. Cover with clean gauze and place on a windowsill.
    • Change the water once a day until the first shoots appear.
    • Store sprouted seeds in the refrigerator. Consume 1 teaspoon of them daily for a week.

    During the diet, replace olive and sunflower oil with sesame oil. Additionally, you can drink "kefir" from sesame seeds. One glass of grains is soaked overnight in a little water. The next day, they are mixed with clean water (preferably boiled) in a ratio of 1: 2. Then the resulting consistency is filtered through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

    The composition is poured into a glass container and covered with clean gauze. Kefir should be infused for 12 hours in a warm place. It should be taken in half a glass 15 minutes before meals. You can add a little honey and lemon juice.

    Do not forget that the oil is also used as an external agent. During fast weight loss the formation of stretch marks and sagging of soft tissues is possible. To prevent their occurrence, daily massage the problem areas of the body with sesame oil in combination with others (for example, peach or almond).

    Sesame oil has become very popular in cosmetology. It softens the skin well, eliminates inflammation and irritation due to its antibacterial properties. The oil is used to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and prevent UV-induced photoaging.

    Here are some tips on how to use sesame seeds for your skin:

    1. To heal cracks in the skin, use a composition of sesame oil and crushed licorice root in equal proportions. The mixture is infused in a dark place for a day. It should be filtered and lubricated on damaged skin.
    2. Use sesame oil as a base for your face mask.
    3. The oil can be used as an alternative to makeup removers.
    4. To maintain the tone of aging skin, heated oil is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Massage a little, hold for 30 minutes and remove with a soft napkin.

    Sesame seed oil is an excellent remedy for healthy hair. It is not as heavy as burdock and has good penetrating ability. Use it to restore hair after dyeing and for regular grooming.

    It is enough to rub sesame oil into the scalp once a week and apply it along the entire length of the hair. Cover your head with plastic wrap or a towel. After half an hour, wash off the product with warm water. In case of severe hair loss, dandruff and other diseases, the method is repeated 3-4 times a week.

    Precautionary measures

    When choosing sesame seeds, take a close look at them. They should all be the same color, crumbly and dry. The grains should not taste bitter. The unrefined product can be stored for up to a year in a dark, dry place. Purified - no more three months under the same conditions. You can extend the period by placing the product in the freezer.

    It is worth remembering the high calorie content of sesame seeds. In combination with sugar in large quantities, it will provoke a rapid increase in mass. The daily rate should not exceed three teaspoons of grains or 100 g of oil. It is recommended to take it in the first half of the day, because at this time the calcium, which is so rich in the product, is absorbed better.

    Possible harm and contraindications

    • Sesame seeds are not useful in all cases. Since they help to improve blood clotting, they cannot be used by patients with thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, varicose veins of grade 3 and 4.
    • It is not recommended to use sesame seeds for urolithiasis, as well as active peptide ulcers.
    • Sesame is incompatible with oxalic and ascorbic acid. This combination provokes the formation of insoluble compounds that are the cause of the formation of stones. Read more:
    • Take the product with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is better to consult your doctor.
    • The product is excluded in the presence of allergies and individual intolerance. The same limitation applies to the external use of oil. To test your reaction, apply some oil to your skin. If after 15 minutes itching and redness do not appear, you can use it without fear.

    Sesame seeds are useful in any form. One teaspoon is enough to fill the deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, essential for health.

    You can use them in the form of seasonings and dressings for ready-made meals. For the treatment of diseases - as part of recipes. The external use of sesame products is practically unlimited.

    Since ancient times, mankind has been using various seeds for the treatment and prevention of diseases, one of which is sesame seeds. Its benefits for women are very great, despite the fact that these seeds are not very popular in our country. Sesame has many varieties and is grown in India. The plant is used in cooking and traditional medicine and has a huge number of valuable properties, especially for women's health, which will be discussed in the article.

    Composition and effect on the female body

    The composition of sesame seeds will tell you about the benefits of sesame seeds for women. It is high in fat, as well as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Despite the high calorie content, it is difficult to recover from sesame seeds. To do this, you need to eat it every day in huge quantities, because the fats contained in the seeds are extremely useful.

    Sesame is rich in saturated and unsaturated fats, dietary fiber, vitamins E and PP, group B. It is saturated with minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, which makes it possible to use sesame during pregnancy.

    The oil that contains sesame seeds is rich in special active substances - phytosterols. They have great benefits for the human body, and for women, products with their content are especially recommended. Phytosterols rejuvenate and cleanse the body, help lower blood cholesterol levels, raise immunity and normalize the activity of the endocrine system. A distinctive feature of phytosterols is the ability to prolong the period of reproductive function in women.

    Sesame contains a substance - sesamin, which has high antioxidant properties. Due to them, sesame oil can be stored for a long time and not oxidized. Sesame seeds and oil are beneficial for women and are valued for their anti-aging properties.

    The high calcium content in the seeds should be noted. Sesame seeds with gv or pregnancy will help without use medicines make up for the deficiency of this mineral. Many women suffer from calcium deficiency, whether during reproductive years or during menopause. The daily rate will be replenished by one hundred grams of seeds or a couple of tablespoons of sesame oil.

    The use of seeds helps with many diseases. The benefits of sesame seeds for women in reducing the occurrence or development of mastopathy. It helps with diabetes or lung diseases, asthma, bronchitis. The seeds are good at eliminating constipation, treating shortness of breath and increasing blood clotting, are recommended by doctors for anemia.

    Valuable seeds regulate the level of hormones in the blood, which allows them to be successfully used during pregnancy, menopause or other disorders hormonal background... There is no need to doubt whether a nursing mother can use sesame seeds. After all, it not only normalizes hormones, but also saturates the body of the mother and child with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

    Sesame helps with thyroid problems, which is often observed in the fair sex. Moreover, it is a powerful aphrodisiac.

    Due to the content of more than fifty percent oil, as well as vitamins and amino acids, the seeds have a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails. This undoubtedly has a beneficial effect on appearance girls or women. The seeds will help when consumed, and the oil can not only be added to food, but also make masks for the face or hair on its basis. A luxurious mane and soft velvety skin will be provided for you.

    In adulthood, you also need to consume sesame seeds. Benefits for older women are also very high. It improves memory, eliminates excess cholesterol, and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and vision. Has a positive effect on blood vessels, blood, heart and organs digestive system.

    Harm and contraindications

    Undoubtedly, the beneficial properties of sesame seeds for women are very high, however, like all products, it has its own contraindications. The negative properties of seeds are minimal, but they also need to be taken into account:

    1. You cannot eat sesame seeds on an empty stomach or if the gastrointestinal tract malfunctions.
    2. Do not use sesame seeds if you are threatened with miscarriage.
    3. Seeds are not recommended with a tendency to thrombophlebitis.

    Healing seeds are gaining more and more popularity, because many mothers are wondering if sesame seeds can be used with breastfeeding... In the absence of the above diseases and symptoms, use it without fear.

    How to use sesame seeds

    Sesame seeds taste sweetish, with a nutty flavor. It is often used to make oils, and in the seeds themselves, its share reaches sixty percent. Sesame is prized for breastfeeding and during pregnancy.

    In Asian countries, sesame is more common than ours. It is added to various dishes, to meat and vegetables. In our country, it is more often used in the production of confectionery and bakery products, bread or oriental sweets.

    However, it can also be added to various vegetable salads, oil from it can easily replace sunflower or olive oil and be used as an ingredient in a sauce or salad dressing. It is added to meat or fish, sushi and rolls are prepared with it.

    Sesame seeds, the benefits of which are very high for women, must be included in your daily diet. It can be used not only in baking, but also in the preparation of meat and vegetable dishes. And its use in food will help maintain women's health and youth.

    Watch a video on 5 ways to use sesame seeds in your dishes:

    Sesame seed: the benefits and harms of how to take the spice are all critical questions that should be carefully studied. In this review, we will discuss the indications and contraindications, talk about the composition and features. But first, let's note what it is.

    Sesame or sesame (simsim) is the oldest oilseed crop first developed in South Africa. Now the spice is grown in Central Asia, India and Far East... Take a look at the photo - these are small, slightly elongated grains of a delicate wheat or black color.

    The benefits and harms of seeds

    Small grains are rich in beneficial properties - let's talk about sesame seed uses and what it heals:

    The health benefits and harms of sesame seeds are essential information to take note of. We have already talked about the benefits - it's time to note and possible harm... A medicinal plant, like any other, has minor contraindications.
    See an interesting story about these wonderful seeds:


    In order not to face the harm of grains, you need to strictly limit consumption. The beneficial properties and contraindications of sesame seeds are manifested depending on the dosage of the spice:

    Now that you know how to properly consume sesame seeds, if you have any questions, contact your doctor who will help you choose the dosage and tell you about the possible dangers.

    Who Shouldn't Take

    In the meantime, let's note who shouldn't take the spice:

    • In the presence of high blood clotting and diagnosed thrombosis - since the spice improves blood clotting;
    • In the presence of stones and sand in the organs of the urinary system;
    • If you are allergic to a spice or have a high tendency to develop allergic reactions.

    We noted in detail the medicinal properties and contraindications of sesame seeds - let's go further? In the next part of our review, we'll talk about how to take sesame seeds for medicinal purposes and more.

    How to use

    You already know how sesame seeds are useful for the body - it's time to figure out where small grains are added. There can be a lot of ways of application:

    • As a seasoning for salad or hot dishes;
    • As an additive to baked goods;
    • For the preparation of decoctions and infusions;
    • For squeezing out oil - it is used in Food Industry and for cosmetic purposes.

    As you can see, there are tons of answers to the question of how to use sesame seeds.

    Let's give helpful advice if you want to use seeds for health - do not fry sesame, as after heat treatment all the available benefits go away.

    Now let's talk about how to use sesame seeds for calcium absorption.

    For calcium absorption

    Sesame holds the record for calcium content among other seeds. To keep everything useful qualities, it is necessary to follow certain rules for taking raw sesame seeds - the absorption of calcium is a very complex process that is influenced by a lot of factors. We recommend that you stick to our tips:

    The revealed beneficial properties and contraindications of sesame seeds are a consequence of the chemical composition of the product. Understood? It's time to move on - let's discuss what benefits and harms sesame seeds contain for women.

    Application for women

    The question of how sesame seeds are useful for women has been discussed since ancient times - several centuries ago, the unique positive qualities of the product were identified.

    What exactly are the benefits of sesame seeds for women?

    • Has a positive effect on the genitourinary system;
    • Prevents the risk of developing mastopathy during breastfeeding, increases milk flow;
    • During pregnancy, it has a positive effect on the formation of fetal bone tissue;
    • During menopause, helps to produce the right amount of hormones that protect against cancer

    Is there any possible harm? The correct dosage can only be prescribed by a doctor - before taking grains, it is recommended to consult with your gynecologist.

    It's time to figure out in detail what exactly is included in the sesame, which elements should be thanked for the enormous benefits of the spice.


    To know and understand the benefits and harms of sesame seeds, how to take the spice, it is important to study the composition of the product. This is a unique combination of elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body - let's take a closer look.

    One tablespoon of seeds (GOST 12095-76) includes:

    • 2 grams of protein;
    • 4 grams of fat;
    • 1 gram of carbohydrates;
    • Caloric content - 52 Kcal.

    You will be interested to know that chemical composition retains benefits over nine years!

    The difference between black and white seeds

    Let's just briefly note - this issue worries many inexperienced users. Several main differences can be noted between the varieties of the spice:

    • Black sesame has a strong aroma and does not need peeling of the husk, it tastes bitter;
    • White“Brother” has a delicate nutty smell and sweetish taste;
    • Black simsim is rich in iron, more oily. Contains less protein;
    • White Sesame contains more fat and more moisture.

    These crunchy, oval seeds offer a wide range of health benefits. Prevention of diabetes, heart disease, and promoting bone health should be emphasized first, but sesame seeds can provide us with much more benefits. This will be discussed further: sesame seeds are useful properties.

    What are sesame seeds good for?

    Good source of protein

    These tiny seeds are renowned for their good protein levels. 100 grams of sesame seeds contain 18 grams of protein, which is 32% of daily allowance... This is one of the reasons why they must be included in the diet of children.

    Prevents Diabetes

    These seeds are sources of magnesium as well as various other nutrients. Together, they all enable sesame seeds to lower blood glucose, thereby counteracting the risk of diabetes. People suffering from diabetes should opt for cooking.

    Natural treatment for anemia

    Black seeds are a source of iron. This is why they have become one of the most recommended home remedies for treating anemia as well as other iron deficiency problems. Fry some black sesame seeds and sesame powder with palm sugar. Make small balls out of them and chew. Along with the seeds, palm sugar will also help increase iron levels.

    Prevents Heart Disease

    Sesame seeds can help prevent atherosclerotic lesions and therefore are very beneficial for heart health. Sesamol, an antioxidant that is present in sesame seeds, has anti-inflammatory properties that can help improve heart health. Sesame seeds are rich in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid that can lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol in the body, thereby preventing coronary artery disease and heart stroke.

    Anti-cancer properties

    Digestive health

    Sesame seeds are good for the digestive system and colon as they are a good source of fiber. Fiber helps in normalizing the functioning of our intestines, making it easier to remove waste products, and thus providing relief from constipation.

    Relieves Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Sesame seeds contain copper, a mineral that has an abundance of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant enzyme systems. These systems have the ability to reduce swelling and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. This mineral also strengthens bones, blood vessels, and joints in the body.

    Prevents Respiratory Disease

    The presence of magnesium in sesame seeds can reduce the risk of asthma and other respiratory conditions associated with airway contractions.

    Protects DNA from free radicals

    Sesamol, an antioxidant present in sesame seeds and oil, helps fight the harmful effects of free radicals, thereby protecting DNA from damage caused by them. It can also reduce the risk of damage to the spleen.

    Promotes Bone Health

    Supports Oral Health

    Sesame oil and its seed can help maintain oral health by removing plaque and whitening teeth. Regular gargling with sesame oil can reduce streptococci present in the mouth and teeth.

    Hangover cure

    Consume a handful of white seeds if you have a hangover in the morning. Sesamin helps in overcoming the effects of alcohol by increasing the efficiency of the liver by cleansing it of alcohol.

    Natural antidepressant

    Consuming these seeds is more effective than many drugs. Antispasmodics magnesium and calcium regulate muscle function by increasing the transmission of nerve impulses. Thiamine is a natural sedative that improves nerve function. The seeds also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps in the secretion of serotonin. Serotonin significantly reduces pain and regulates sleep patterns. In short, consuming sesame seeds regularly can actually help lead a stress-free life.

    Reduces cholesterol levels

    Black sesame seeds are abundant in sesamin and sesamolin, a group of fibers and lignans. Lignans are well known for their cholesterol-lowering properties. Hence, including these seeds in your diet can certainly help you get rid of high levels cholesterol in the blood, and at the same time protect against the risk of cancer.

    Good for pregnant women and baby

    Rich in folate, these seeds are an excellent supplement for pregnant women. Folic acid helps in regulating fetal DNA synthesis and is beneficial for the health of the pregnant mother. Black seeds help in preventing anemia during pregnancy, while calcium-rich white seeds are good for maintaining calcium levels during this period. However, early in pregnancy should be discarded as sesame seeds are known for their contraceptive properties.

    Useful properties and contraindications

    People who are allergic to peanuts, walnuts, and so on should avoid consuming sesame seeds.

    The second warning is addressed to those who suffer from varicose veins, thrombosis and other diseases associated with increased blood clotting. With such diseases, you do not need to completely exclude sesame seeds from the diet, but you just need to adhere to a dose that is useful for the body - a maximum of 2 teaspoons. All this is due to the fact that the substances contained in sesame increase blood clotting.

    How to use

    In order for the seeds to bring maximum benefit, they must be consumed in a milled form. And there are absolutely no problems here, because there are several very tasty treats that contain ground sesame seeds.

    The first of them is Urbech... Urbech is a Caucasian dish prepared by grinding between stone millstones. Add honey or sour cream to the grated seeds, or simply eat it with tea. Delicious stuff. Sold in many organic food stores.

    The second is natural halva... Its composition is almost the same as that of the previous product. Sesame halva is made from ground sesame seeds (not on a millstone, but on a mill or coffee grinder) with the addition of other seeds and honey.

    Third, tahini is sesame paste... Tkhina is also made from ground sesame seeds, but it is added to dishes with vegetables and legumes (for example, falafel) or simply spread on bread. In preparation, sesame seeds (ground) are combined with olive and sesame oil.

    And last the fourth option is sesame milk... Very easy to prepare. How - shown in detail in the video:

    All of these are high-calorie foods. And they will bring the maximum benefit if they are prepared without the addition of preservatives and other chemicals.

    Sesame seeds are obtained by hulling from the pods of the sesame plant. In Russia, it became widespread thanks to Ayurveda - the ancient science of creating a harmonious life.

    All knowledge about the use of sesame came to us from the East. Sesame and products from it can be used in Russia for organizing healthy eating and for medicinal purposes. How can we benefit from sesame seeds?

    Key Features

    Sesame seeds have a very pleasant taste, which becomes even more pronounced after a short roasting in a pan.

    During processing, phytic acid decomposes, which prevents the human body from absorbing the beneficial substances in sesame.

    They contain a large amount of fat (about 60%) composed of saturated fatty acids fortified with the following antioxidants:

    • sesamin and sesamoline from the class of lignans (polyphenols), which have anti-inflammatory properties;
    • sesamol and sesaminol, belonging to the class of phenolic antioxidants, neutralizing the damaging effects of free radicals.

    20% of the composition falls on vegetable protein, 15% - on carbohydrates, readily soluble in water, 5% - on fiber.

    A peeled product is commercially available.

    You can dress salads with unrefined sesame oil, and fry in peeled sesame oil.

    You will also find out on the pages of our site! Let's talk about the calorie content and composition of this product.

    What medicinal properties Do Flax Seeds Have? You will find recipes for traditional medicine.

    Useful properties for the body of men and women

    One of the health benefits of sesame seeds is the ability to activate the work of liver enzymes responsible for the breakdown of saturated fatty acids and transform them into energy.

    Other properties:

    • craving for sweets decreases due to saturation of the body with calcium;
    • polyphenols (lignans) reduce the concentration. The liver also decreases its production. Sesame acts as a natural statin drug with no side effects.
    • Decreases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease by optimizing the ratio of high and low density lipoproteins.
    • PMS symptoms are alleviated in women, and during menopause, the emotional state is normalized due to the synthesis of phytoestrogen enterolactone from sesamin in the intestine.
    • From lignans under the action of intestinal bacteria, the compound enterodiol is also formed, which has a high anticancer activity.

    REFERENCE! Enterodiol and enterolactone are especially effective for the prevention of breast and colon cancer.

    What is useful for pregnant and lactating women

    From the point of view of Ayurveda, sesame seeds should not be eaten during pregnancy. as it is a "hot" product and can cause miscarriage. Official medicine does not agree with this opinion and included it in the list of seven products needed by a pregnant woman. This is due to:

    • A high content of calcium, which is necessary for the formation of the skeletal system of the fetus and replenishment of the supply of this trace element in the body of the expectant mother.
    • Prevention of anemia due to the presence of B vitamins, a trace element.
    • The presence of niacin and tryptophan, relieving a woman while waiting for a baby from anxiety.
    • High in fatty acids that relieve constipation.

    Sesame seed is especially beneficial during lactation., as it enhances milk production, improves its taste and fat content, facilitates expression, contributing to the prevention of mastopathy.

    During feeding, a woman is contraindicated in taking calcium-containing preparations., as they can provoke premature closure of the fontanelle. Sesame seeds are a source of this micronutrient that does not cause side effects.

    Is it worth eating seeds for children

    Sesame milk can be given to babies from one year old. Previously, it is not worth offering it to a child due to the risk of developing an allergy.

    Milk can be prepared simply:

    • Pour 20 g of seeds with 150 ml of hot water, leave overnight;
    • in the morning grind the swollen mass with a blender and strain.

    If the baby likes the taste of such milk, then it will be possible to cook porridge on its basis... You can also leave the milk in a warm place for 10 hours. Then it will make kefir useful for the child.

    At an older age, children can be given whole raw grains in the amount of one teaspoon per day. Tahini halva, pasta and other sesame-based sweets will be very useful for them.

    Regular consumption of sesame seeds will help prevent the development of caries and rickets in children. It will contribute to the formation of a strong nervous system due to the high content of the amino acids tryptophan, histidine, methionine, etc.

    Is it harmful in old age

    For older people, sesame is beneficial because of its high calcium content in its most assimilable form.

    Daily moderate consumption of sesame milk, kefir or just raw seeds will prevent:

    • cardiovascular disease;
    • Alzheimer's disease;
    • age-related depression;
    • osteoporosis and oncology.

    With a tendency to be overweight, it is better to avoid takhin halva and other sweets with sesame seeds because of their high calorie content.


    There is an allergic reaction to unpeeled sesame seeds. This is due to the presence of organic acid oxalates in the husk.

    Allergy to a purified product is much less common.... The use of seeds is contraindicated for:

    • increased blood clotting;
    • a tendency to form blood clots;
    • varicose veins;
    • Wilson's disease, associated with high levels of copper in the liver.

    In the absence of individual intolerance and contraindications for healthy adult men and women, the product can be eaten in any reasonable amount.

    With a tendency to be overweight, it is worth limiting the use of seeds to 20 g per day, since their calorie content is about 600 kcal per 100 g. Do not eat them on an empty stomach. They can cause nausea and heartburn.

    Before eating, it is advisable to subject the seeds to short-term heat treatment:

    Phytic acid decomposes at high temperature, which interferes with the absorption of amino acids and trace elements, including calcium.

    After calcining from seeds you can make delicious and healthy pasta... To do this, you need them:

    • Grind in a blender. Ayurveda advises to grind it by hand with a pestle and mortar.
    • Season with salt and a little olive oil.
    • Mix.

    This paste can be eaten alone or spread on bread.... It is especially recommended for older people and pregnant women in the amount of one teaspoon at night, as calcium is better absorbed during sleep.

    Women expecting a baby and breastfeeding should limit their intake of whole raw seeds to 10 grams per day to avoid allergies. A similar amount is recommended for small children..

    INTERESTING! Sesame seeds are white, golden, beige, yellow, brown and black. This does not affect its properties at all. It is noted that the same plant can produce seeds of different colors in one harvest.

    But the consumer most often prefers to buy a product of the same color. Therefore, after harvest, sesame seeds are sorted using a special machine that distinguishes them by color. Such an operation raises the price of the product without affecting the quality.

    You will learn about the beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of apricot seeds by reading our special review:.

    Use in cosmetology

    Sesame oil has a strong moisturizing, regenerating and rejuvenating effect. In cosmetology, it is used to massage the face, body and scalp. It protects the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.

    You can make milk from sesame seeds and wipe your face with it every day. This is especially beneficial for oily skin. Such a tonic is remarkably moisturizing, whitens, cleanses the skin of the face.

    If, when preparing milk, pour the seeds with a hot decoction of herbs, you will get a tonic with the appropriate direction.

    Slimming seeds

    Sesame seeds are useful for low-calorie diets.... It helps break down fats, normalizes stool, and heals the intestinal flora.

    For the greatest effect, they are best seasoned with vegetable salads or added to soups towards the end of cooking.

    The daily dose should not exceed 20 g.

    How to use for medicinal purposes: traditional medicine recipes

    In alternative medicine, well-refined sesame oil is used to treat diseases.

    • With conjunctivitis, one drop can be instilled into the corners of the eyes. At the very beginning of treatment, a tingling sensation may occur, which disappears as you recover.
    • Diseases of the respiratory system are treated with a mixture of honey with a ratio of 1: 1. The mixture is consumed in the morning, immediately after waking up.
    • If there are skin diseases, the oil is applied to the affected areas. Thanks to the regenerating effect, wounds and cuts heal quickly. There are known cases of healing of persistent dermatitis and eczema.

    About the dangers and benefits of sesame seeds, the healing properties of sesame seeds, how to take it correctly, let's talk with Elena Malysheva in this video:

    Sesame seeds are good for all types of people. It goes well with all products. Of course, when using it, you need to take into account the calorie content, personal preferences and contraindications.

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