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  • How to get rid of stretch marks on the stomach: help for men and women. Stretch marks in men: causes and treatment How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy: prevention methods

    How to get rid of stretch marks on the stomach: help for men and women.  Stretch marks in men: causes and treatment How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy: prevention methods

    Stretch marks are quite common. It is believed that this problem, however, like cellulite, is faced exclusively by women.

    This is not at all the case. Stretch marks can also appear in men.

    In essence, stretch marks are atrophic scars. They look like curved repeating stripes on the dermis. Stretch marks in men, as well as in women, can be of different colors.

    For example, fresh striae are pinkish or reddish in color, while old ones are whitish in color.

    Frequent localization of a cosmetic defect is the abdomen, thighs, armpits, forearms, groin, lower back, back. Scars are caused by stretching and rupture of elastin and collagen fibers.

    Why appear

    There are actually plenty of reasons for the appearance of stretch marks. A problem may arise due to frequent and dramatic weight loss or weight gain, excessive physical exertion, hormonal changes, and the use of corticosteroids.

    The occurrence of stretch marks in representatives of the strong half of society may be due to:

    • Genetic predisposition. Some men have a tendency to form atrophic scars. If one of the parents has this problem, it is quite possible that the child will also develop striae. Although striae in the stronger half are not a frequent phenomenon, they can appear at any age.
    • The presence of pathologies of the pancreas. One of the main reasons for the formation of striae are malfunctions in the functioning of this organ. Marfan's syndrome, characterized by the abnormal development of connective tissue, provokes the appearance of striae. This ailment is accompanied by an increase in the production of the hormone cortisol. As a result, the skin becomes too soft and less elastic.
    • Rapid weight gain. Quite often, striae are formed due to a sharp increase in body weight over a short period. The appearance of stretch marks is caused by the rapid stretching of tissues. As a result, the skin becomes thinner and torn. Microtrauma appears on the skin. This problem is often faced by athletes who are rapidly gaining weight. The appearance of stretch marks in adolescents is not excluded (due to hormonal changes).
    • Dramatic weight loss. Often, the formation of stretch marks in men occurs due to a decrease in body weight. When losing weight, there is a loss of nutrients in the skin, as well as a decrease in elasticity.
    • Bodybuilders are often faced with the formation of atrophic scars. If you do not control the increase in muscle volume, this is fraught with its rapid increase and rupture of the fibers of the dermis.
    • Corticosteroid abuse. The drugs of this group help to increase the protective properties of the body, minimize the inflammatory process and accelerate the healing of wounds on the dermis. One such drug is prednisone, which can help treat arthritis and asthma. Excessive use of corticosteroids is fraught with the formation of stretch marks.

    Localization of stretch marks

    Stretch marks in representatives of the strong half of society can form on almost any part of the body. However, the favorite localization of stretch marks in men is the back, abdomen, hips, chest, buttocks, lower back, groin, armpits, arms.

    Today many men watch their bodies and improve it in every possible way. Fighting stretch marks is not an easy and lengthy process. But possible. The result is well worth the time and patience. It is completely impossible to get rid of stretch marks. But to reduce stretch marks and make them less noticeable - everyone can do it.

    Along with various procedures, preparations (creams), several effective exercises will contribute to minimizing atrophic scars:

    It is worth considering the fact that atrophic scars in the buttocks and shoulders are removed very hard and slowly. Exercise alone will not be enough. In this case, you cannot do without cosmetic procedures, peeling, the use of creams and wraps.

    Effective remedies

    There are many ways and means to help eliminate such an unpleasant problem as striae. However, the most effective are retinoids and oils. Retinoids are analogs of vitamin A (retinol compounds in pure form are less stable than their derivatives).

    That is why retinol palmitate is often added to creams to reduce atrophic scars. One form of vitamin A is retinoic acid. The funds can be bought both in the pharmacy and in the online store, with and without a prescription. Prescription drugs work well, but if your stretch marks are small, over-the-counter drugs can help.

    Retinoid creams contribute to:

    • renewal of dermal cells;
    • the formation of new elastin and collagen fibers;
    • the return of the skin elasticity and elasticity.

    Preparations with retinoids will help eliminate stretch marks in men in short time... After using the cream, a decrease in the size of the stripes is noted. The use of oils is also effective.

    Vegetable and essential oils are endowed with natural, nourishing and moisturizing substances that help to improve the condition of the skin, restoring its firmness and elasticity.

    In addition, oils supply the dermis with vitamins and other beneficial substances. Often, in the fight against striae, the use of the following oils is prescribed: wheat germ, jojoba, coconut, olive. You can use oils both in pure form and buy preparations with them.

    The correct selection of a cosmetic product, as well as the appropriate and regular use of oils or formulations with them, will help reduce the cosmetic defect and improve the condition of the dermis. Essential oils are effective in the fight against striae.

    Experts advise the use of orange, lemon, lavender, rose, jasmine, tangerine oils. Orange oil helps to tone the dermis. In addition, it has a softening effect. Lemon essential oil helps to stimulate blood flow to problem areas. Lavender oil has a relaxing effect and helps in leveling the dermis. Rose oil helps in increasing the elasticity of the dermis.

    Since essential oils are not recommended to be used in their pure form (this is fraught with the appearance of burns), experts advise mixing them with base oils. Such oil mixtures can be used to massage problem areas. Good results can be achieved by mixing olive oil- 10 ml with almond and lavender essential oil - three drops. This mixture should be rubbed into the stretch marks every day.

    The following mixtures are no less effective:

    • olive oil - 10 ml with frankincense and lavender essential oil - three drops;
    • rosehip seed oil (10 ml) with hazelnut essential oil - two drops;
    • wheat germ oil (10 ml) with essential oils of mandarin, neroli and lavender - three drops each.


    Stretch marks in representatives of the strong half of society, the problem is quite common. Eliminating stretch marks is many times more difficult than preventing their occurrence.

    In order to prevent the appearance of white stripes on the body, it is recommended:

    • go in for sports, but in moderation;
    • eat more foods saturated with ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E;
    • introduce protein-rich foods into the diet;
    • eat more fruits and vegetables;
    • drink at least two liters of liquid per day;
    • monitor nutrition, eat healthy food rich in amino acids, vitamins and useful microelements.

    Stretch marks on the skin, or striae that appear during pregnancy and after childbirth, as a result of weight gain, etc. Is a problem familiar to most women. However, oddly enough, many men also know firsthand about stretch marks.

    Stretch marks on the body in men are found, although less often than in women, but, nevertheless, this is not such an exotic problem for the stronger sex. And if women almost always know why they may have stretch marks, how to prevent them, or how to deal with existing ones, then men are usually not so competent in such matters.

    What causes stretch marks in men?

    First, as in women, stretch marks appear with significant weight gain. When this process occurs in a short time, the skin simply does not have enough elasticity to “cover” the increased volumes.

    Secondly, oddly enough, playing sports can also provoke the appearance of stretch marks. This is especially true for those who are actively building muscle mass. As with weight gain, the skin is not as elastic. These stretch marks are especially common on the arms and shoulders, closer to the armpits.

    Thirdly, stretch marks can appear in men taking drugs of the group of corticosteroids or glucocorticoids, which worsen skin tone and often lead to weight gain.

    Also, factors affecting the occurrence of stretch marks are diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, changes hormonal background in adolescence, hereditary predisposition.

    Areas of the body on which stretch marks appear most often in men - the stomach and arms, also stretch marks can be located on the legs, back, in the groin.

    Naturally, unlike women, for whom stretch marks sometimes turn into a real drama, most men do not take these little troubles as an example more calmly, because striae do not pose any threat to health, but are a purely cosmetic defect. However, this does not mean that the issue of combating stretch marks is irrelevant for men. And for professional bodybuilders, for example, smooth and even skin generally becomes a requirement of the profession.

    How to remove stretch marks on the stomach in men? How to get rid of stretch marks on the back in men?

    Fresh, new-onset stretch marks are usually reddish or purple in color. Over time, they brighten, become white or translucent. The "older" stretch marks, the more difficult it is to get rid of them.

    If getting rid of stretch marks is a matter of principle, then it is better to resort to professional salon procedures.

    Chemical peels - the skin is treated with acid, as a result of which its upper layers are completely renewed. Immediately after the procedure, severe redness and irritation usually occur, which disappears after a few days, and the results become noticeable. This method is suitable for treating abdominal stretch marks.

    Mesotherapy: in the places where stretch marks are located, injections of special medicinal preparations are made, which improve the structure of the skin and gradually make stretch marks less and less noticeable.

    Laser resurfacing, like peeling, removes stretch marks by renewing the upper layers of the skin, but this procedure is less traumatic. In this way, you can remove stretch marks on the abdomen, back, legs, etc.

    How to remove stretch marks on the hands of men? Stretch marks on the legs in men, treatment

    In addition to salon procedures, exist and folk remedies to eliminate stretch marks. However, here it is better to tune in to long-term and consistent use and not wait for brilliant results, especially when it comes to stretch marks with a long period of limitations.

    For example, in order to make stretch marks on the arms or legs less visible, you need to apply a composition of hydrogen peroxide and badyagi powder to problem areas (the ratio of the components is about 1: 1). The mixture is applied for 10 minutes, then washed off. The procedure must be repeated every day or every other day at least 10 times in a row.

    Honey wrap is also effective. The honey is heated in a water bath and applied to the stretch marks on the hands or feet. Wrap the top of the arm or leg with cling film and put on something warm. After 40 minutes, the honey can be washed off.

    Good results are obtained by wrapping with kelp (purchased at the pharmacy). The contents of the package are poured with warm water, and when the algae swell, they are applied to areas with pronounced stretch marks, wrapped in cling film and left for 20 minutes.

    As a home remedy for stretch marks in men, body scrubs are helpful. It can be any ready-made scrub, which is applied with massage movements to the “target” areas and washed off in the shower. You can also make a scrub yourself - for example, from ground coffee or grape seeds crushed in a blender. Both are added to the shower gel.

    There are also ready-made cosmetics for stretch marks that can be used by both men and women. Such compositions are in the lines of the brands Vichy, Collistar, Clarins, Biotherm and others.

    Prevention of stretch marks

    It is not easy to deal with stretch marks that have already appeared, so it is advisable to take measures to prevent their occurrence. How can stretch marks be prevented? Of course, try to avoid the main risk factors as much as possible - not to allow large weight gain in a short period, to build muscle mass gradually when playing sports, to monitor the state of the endocrine system. In addition, you can:

    1. drink enough liquid - at least 2 liters pure water per day (tea, coffee juices and other drinks are not counted);
    2. be sure to eat protein foods;
    3. include in the diet more foods containing vitamins C, A and E, as well as zinc.

    To protect yourself from the appearance of stretch marks on specific areas of the body, it is very useful to use wheat germ oil (regularly rubbed into the skin with massage movements).

    Is there such a problem as stretch marks in men? It turns out that this is a fairly common occurrence. Such a skin defect does not entail dangerous consequences for the body. The only problem is the unaesthetic appearance.

    Reasons for the appearance

    In fact, stretch marks on the body in men appear for various reasons, of which there are many. The main ones are:

    • fast weight gain;
    • the rapid growth of a man in adolescence;
    • use of corticosteroids;
    • genetic factors;
    • Marfan and Ehlers-Danlas syndromes;
    • violation of the proper functioning of the pancreas.

    Long-term use of drugs based on corticosteroids preserves the immune system, but at the same time causes thinning of the collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for the formation of the skin. For this reason, there is a violation of the integrity of the skin and the formation of stretch marks.

    When there is a rapid weight gain, the skin does not have time to stretch, forming stretch marks. The same thing happens with young people who are growing rapidly.

    The fact that this phenomenon is of a genetic nature is only suggested. Scientists believe that the appearance of stretch marks in one of the family members increases the likelihood that a similar defect will happen to another relative.

    In rare cases, diseases of the pancreas or thyroid glands can cause damage to the skin in men.

    Stretch marks appear on the body in men due to the Marfan and Ehlers-Danlas syndromes. This is due to the large amount of the hormone cortisol, which weakens the connective bonds between the tissues of the skin, which leads to their damage.

    Types of stretch marks

    Stretch marks in men are classified according to their depth, type and time of formation. Thus, two types of stretch marks were identified:

    • White, is observed mainly on old scars, when more than half a year has passed since their formation. Lightening of stretch marks occurs due to the fact that new connective tissue grows on their surface.
    • Red, recent stretch marks. Scars acquire a bright color as a result of capillary rupture. It is much easier to treat young striae.

    By location on the body, stretch marks are:

    • longitudinal (vertical);
    • horizontal.

    Horizontal striae are the result of hormonal disorders in the body. For this reason, before proceeding with their correction, consultation with an endocrinologist is mandatory.

    In men, vertical stretch marks are quite rare. Basically, the skin of pregnant women is prone to this defect. The most common cause of their appearance is a rapid increase in body weight:

    By their appearance, stretch marks in men are in the form:

    • scars;
    • threadlike;
    • longitudinal.

    How to get rid of stretch marks

    On hands

    The most difficult to remove stretch marks on the hands of men. If scars have formed on the forearm or shoulder, then barbell exercises are best suited. You need to perform the exercise in a standing position from behind the head.

    In addition to sports training, cosmetic procedures such as peeling or mesotherapy will have a positive effect. At home, men can use special masks for stretch marks.

    On the belly

    Most often, you can find stretch marks on the abdomen in men. To remove formations and prevent their appearance, physical activity is best of all. They are aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles: in a sitting position, the legs are pulled up to the stomach, and in the prone position, both legs are raised simultaneously.

    In the groin

    Most often, groin stretch marks in men are the result of hormonal disruption in the body. Before proceeding with their correction, you need to identify and cure the cause of their appearance.

    Cosmetic procedures that help to cleanse the groin area. For this reason, doctors recommend using algal or honey masks, as well as special creams and ointments designed for these purposes.

    General methods of getting rid of stretch marks on the body of men

    The fight against stretch marks implies a whole range of procedures aimed at removing formations on the skin and preventing the appearance of new ones.

    Medical methods

    How to remove stretch marks in men using medical methods? The most popular is, which is prescribed by course treatment.

    For each patient, therapy is prescribed on a strictly individual basis. After that, with the help of a syringe, a drug is injected under the man's skin in the area of ​​cicatricial formations.

    The amount of injected drug depends on general health, skin type, old age of scars and the reasons for their formation. The first visible results appear after the third procedure.

    Deep chemical peeling is quite effective method which helps to remove stretch marks in men. With it, you can get rid of scars permanently. But it is worth treating it with caution, since this procedure has contraindications.

    Peeling is not permitted on all areas of the body. Most often it is used to remove stretch marks on the face and abdomen. During the procedure, a special acid is applied to problem areas, which penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and starts the process of cell regeneration.

    This method has side effects that appear in the form of skin redness and increased sensitivity of the treated integument. But the result is noticeable to the naked eye after the first session.

    Home treatments

    Many folk remedies help to remove stretch marks in men. These drugs improve skin tone and elasticity.

    So, when added to any cream of crushed tablets of mummy, it turns it into an effective remedy to combat stretch marks in men. You need to apply the product to problem areas, gently rubbing into the skin. Store such a composition in a cool, dark place. The duration of treatment is about 90 days, provided that the cream is applied at least once a day.

    Badyagi masks are no less effective in helping to remove stretch marks on the hands. The powder is thoroughly mixed with hydrogen peroxide until a mushy mass is obtained. The resulting mixture is applied to the area of ​​the hands with stretch marks and left for 10 minutes. It may take 10 to 15 procedures to completely get rid of stretch marks.

    A positive result is achieved with. The necessary amount of algae is poured with warm water and waiting for swelling. After that, the mass is applied to the skin with scars and left for 20 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can wrap the body with cling film.

    Pharmacy products

    Products containing vitamin A help to remove stretch marks on the body in men. These ointments are suitable for removing only young and small stretch marks.

    The active substance included in their composition accelerates the process of cell and collagen fiber renewal. After applying the ointments, there is a significant decrease in stretch marks, and sometimes they disappear altogether. Best of all, these products help to remove scars on the sides, abdomen and back. It is not recommended to deviate from the attached instructions for use.

    Time plays a very important role in the treatment of stretch marks. The faster a person reacts to their appearance, the easier the treatment will be.

    If striae appeared on the body more than a year ago, then making them completely invisible is unlikely to work. In this case, only cosmetic procedures will help, which will make them invisible. Perhaps cosmetologists will recommend peeling or mesotherapy in combination with a special massage. After analyzing the patient's skin condition, a professional will select the most effective method for everyone.

    Prevention of stretch marks formation

    It is much easier to prevent the formation of stretch marks than to remove them from the body. On this occasion, there are several recommendations, following which you can avoid the appearance of stretch marks on a man's body.

    The most effective are:

    • proper nutrition;
    • the predominance of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet;
    • sufficient water intake;
    • the presence of protein-rich foods on the menu;
    • creams and ointments designed to prevent this phenomenon;
    • regular physical activity.

    By following these simple rules, you can minimize the likelihood of scarring on the body.

    Look after the beauty of your own body. When the first signs of stretch marks appear, it is best to seek professional help. Be healthy!

    The article has been checked and approved by Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, a practicing family doctor - see.

    Defects that arise on the skin due to spontaneous rupture of deep tissues of the epidermis are found in both males and females. Streaks are reddish stripes of atrophied dermis, which eventually lose their color. Stretch marks on the abdomen in men are formed under the influence of many predisposing factors and require timely treatment.

    Among the main primary sources of striae formation are:

    1. Genetic features - some representatives have a hereditary predisposition to the development of stretch marks on the abdomen. If one of the parents has a problem with an atrophied dermis, then there is a high probability of recurrence in the next generation.
    2. Pathologies of Ehlers-Danlos and Marfan are associated with disorders of the development of connective tissues. Syndromes cause malfunctioning of the body, provoking an increase in the production of cortisol. Under its influence, the dermis loses its elasticity, its sensitivity increases.
    3. A rapid increase in body weight - stretch marks on the abdomen in men occur against the background of an accelerated set of kilograms in record time. Fast-growing tissues provoke stretching of the skin. In the process, the dermis becomes thinner, followed by a violation of the integrity of the deep layers of the epidermis. Tissues are torn due to the inability to cope with external pressure and the formation of microscopic trauma.
    4. The problem is recorded in professional athletes, with a sharp increase in muscle mass. In adolescence, the risk of striae increases against the background of passing hormonal changes associated with puberty.
    5. A sharp decrease in weight - stretch marks on the abdomen of a male in the process of losing weight are common pathologies. With these indicators, there is a loss of nutrients, a deterioration in blood circulation in the problem area, a decrease in the level of elasticity of the subcutaneous layers of the epidermis.

    Treatment options

    Among the effective means designed to combat stretch marks on the abdomen in men, they are distinguished.

    Vitamin A analogs

    Retinol compounds are characterized by a low level of stability compared to their own derivatives - retinoids. It is customary to add retinol acetate or palmitate to cosmetics designed to solve the problem of stretch marks. Retinoic acid is one of the variations of the vitamin.

    Creams with the specified substance are distributed in pharmacy chains with and without the presentation of a prescription form from a doctor. For minor stretch marks on the abdomen, experts recommend purchasing over-the-counter forms of the drug.

    High efficiency in their application is achieved by increasing the activity of renewal of cellular structures. New fibers begin to form from elastin and collagen, these elements are responsible for the level of firmness and elasticity of the skin.

    Cosmetics show the maximum results on stretch marks that have formed during the last six months. Even with the partial disappearance of stretch marks, a visible effect is recorded - it decreases in size.

    Vegetable and essential oils

    Recommended for the treatment of abdominal stretch marks in men and for use as a means of prevention. They contain nourishing and moisturizing ingredients to increase the level of firmness and elasticity of the dermis. At the same time, the skin is enriched with vitamins, minerals, and beneficial ingredients.

    For the treatment of stretch marks in the abdomen, the following were recognized as the best: wheat germ, cocoa, olive, coconut, jojoba oil. When purchasing lotions or creams, you should pay attention to the information provided by the manufacturer - they should include these elements. Additional necessary inclusions are glycerin and a complex of vitamins.

    A correctly selected cosmetic product will reduce the area of ​​stretch marks, and at the initial stages of the development of the pathological process, completely get rid of them. Due to essential oils, blood circulation increases, muscle tissue tone increases, and tension decreases. Substances must not be used in their pure form, therefore they are included in mixtures for massage sessions, creams.

    The manipulation is carried out when
    using a roller, on the surface of which there are special needles, consisting of a medical alloy. Some variants of the mesoscooter are made with titanium or gold plating of the needles.

    During the procedure, there is an effect on the skin through multiple microscopic punctures. The therapy helps to activate the cellular structures responsible for the production of collagen.

    Under the influence of the apparatus, the production of melanocytes begins in the area of ​​damaged tissues, due to which the dermis acquires a normal color.

    If you use specialized medicinal substances in combination with the device, then the efficiency will increase several times. Among the common drugs, collagen, vitamin concentrate, hyaluronic acid are distinguished.

    For the treatment of stretch marks on the abdomen in men, needles three millimeters long are used. The therapy algorithm includes:

    • Preliminary cleansing of the integument of the skin;
    • Application of a special solution;
    • Rolling the roller over damaged areas - vertically, horizontally, in a diagonal direction 10 times;
    • Renewal of the drug on the dermis - secondary application will allow deeper penetration of nutrients, which will further increase the level of effectiveness;
    • After the end of the manipulation, a soothing cream is applied.

    The procedure is carried out no more than once a week, 15 sessions are allowed.

    Laser resurfacing

    Treatment with laser beams allows you to eliminate not only new formations, but also old stretch marks on the abdomen for men. The mechanism of action of the apparatus includes the evaporation of dead cellular structures, with the destruction of connective tissues and old collagen fibers.

    The manipulation leads to an accelerated restoration of the dermis, the process of renewal of its cells. The level of penetration of the laser beam is set separately for each patient and depends on the areas of damage and the timing of the course of the abnormal process.

    One of the options for laser therapy is selective thermolysis. A feature of the manipulation is the targeting effect on atrophied tissue structures, while nearby tissues are not affected.

    Treatment does not provoke burns, swelling, and the rehabilitation period does not exceed three days. Fractional thermolysis is characterized not by a single flow of a laser beam, but by its division into many components. This feature allows you to create a fine-point grid, where the size of one unit does not exceed 0.1 millimeter.

    To get rid of stretch marks on the abdomen, men undergo 4 sessions of therapy, with an interval of one and a half months between manipulations.

    Many beauty salons
    tackle the problem by pursuing medium to deep exposure options. The average influence is carried out by the Jessner method. When using it, a mixture of lactic, salicylic acid and resorcinol is made up. The problem areas of the skin are covered with several layers of the drug substance, with an interval of six minutes.

    The number of required volumes of the medicinal product and the time of the manipulation are determined by cosmetologists for each patient personally.

    The substance penetrates deeply into the layers of the epidermis. After a few days, a massive exfoliation of the dermis is recorded. At the same moment, the processes of restoration and renewal of cellular structures are activated. After the final healing of the tissues, the atrophied areas become almost invisible. The total time for regenerative processes is about three weeks. Manipulation is allowed for use once every two months.

    The profound effect on abdominal stretch marks in men requires the use of phenolic trichloroacetic acid. Peeling is characterized by a pronounced pain syndrome; when it is carried out, a local type of anesthesia is performed.

    The formulations that are applied during therapy are designed to dissolve and burn deep layers of the skin. The recovery period reaches one and a half months, before undergoing treatment, the patient undergoes a comprehensive diagnostic examination.

    The manipulation is carried out no more than once per calendar year. After its implementation, the stretch marks on the abdomen disappear forever, there are no visible traces on the surface of the skin.

    Preventive actions

    To prevent the formation of atrophied stripes on the skin, dermatologists recommend using the following rules:

    1. Closely monitor all changes in body weight - for any dietary option, weight loss or weight gain should not exceed four kilograms per month;
    2. Go to the menu recommended by nutritionists - with the maximum inclusion of vitamin, mineral, protein elements and a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates and fats;
    3. Mandatory fulfillment of the requirements of the drinking regime - with the daily consumption of two liters of liquid;
    4. Seasonal vitamin therapy - every winter-spring period, the body must be supported by multivitamin complexes specially designed to improve the condition of the dermis;
    5. Increase in physical and motor activity- swimming has a positive effect on the skin; to increase the tone of muscle tissues, long walks, classes in fitness centers, running, cycling are recommended;
    6. Treatment of addictions of all types - from alcohol, nicotine;
    7. If the patient has a hereditary predisposition and a high likelihood of stretch marks formation, then he needs to periodically go through massage sessions, wraps, use specialized creams and ointments.

    can arise under the influence of many reasons. Fresh striae lend themselves more easily to all types of the above methods of therapy, outdated ones require long-term treatment, the final result does not always correspond to expectations. The appearance of the first symptomatic signs of an abnormal condition requires immediate seeking professional help.

    Without use drugs and cosmetic procedures, stretch marks will change color from red to a whitish shade during the year and will stand out strongly against the general background of the dermis. Timely capture of the beginning of the progression of stretch marks will get rid of them forever.

    We used to call it stretch marks, in medicine it is called striae. They appear as pink or white streaks and can appear on various parts of the body. It is believed that women are much more likely to suffer from this problem, but in fact, stretch marks are present in men as well. It's just that most of the stronger sex do not pay attention to it, that's all.

    Stretch marks in men: the main causes

    Almost every man has stretch marks, some are almost invisible, and some are striking. Despite the fact that the skin is incredibly elastic and adaptable, it reaches its limit and can no longer stretch, resulting in stretch marks. They appear when the skin stretches faster than it can.

    Dermis (middle layer of skin) - gets thinner as it stretches. This makes the blood vessels underneath the top layer of the skin visible, giving stretch marks a pinkish color. After a while, with normal metabolic processes, the dermis is restored and stretch marks disappear, the skin regains its normal color.

    Some men are prone to stretch marks. There are several reasons for their appearance, most often it is an increase in substances such as corticosteroids, due to which the hormonal system suffers. The appearance of stretch marks is accompanied by weight gain, sagging skin.

    Stretch marks do not harm a person, they only cause an aesthetic inconvenience. They look like irregular, colorless streaks on the skin. They are more common than you might think.

    Some common causes of stretch marks in men include:

    Fast growth... Stretch marks usually appear during adolescence due to the rapid increase in height.

    Physical exercise. An increase in muscle mass or weight loss while playing sports also provokes the appearance of stretch marks. The skin does not always have time to adapt to stress and recovers slowly.

    Weight gain or loss... The skin is forced to stretch faster than it can.

    Hormonal disruptions

    As mentioned earlier, stretch marks are usually harmless, but they can appear as a result of diseases (diabetes, Cushing's disease, Ehlers-Danos syndrome). Also, medications, including hormone therapy, steroids, and cortisone creams, can provoke their appearance.

    The appearance of stretch marks in most cases is associated with recent weight gain and, as a rule, does not indicate any health problems. However, if stretch marks continue to appear, be sure to check with your doctor to rule out any health problems.

    Despite the fact that stretch marks do not cause physical discomfort, they can cause aesthetic inconvenience. If you feel embarrassed, try to get rid of them. There are many beauty products that can help reduce stretch marks. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and you can only find a product that is truly effective in your case through trial and error. Many of them have minimal or no effect.

    If you are serious about this, you should see a doctor. Treatment depends on what is causing them. Creams that contain tretinoin are effective. These creams are used to treat acne, but nevertheless, as practice shows, they are also good at eliminating stretch marks. It works by increasing the amount of connective tissue in the skin and preventing the destruction of existing skin. If the creams do not help, a dermabrasion procedure or laser treatment is prescribed, they improve the color and texture of the skin.

    In some cases, such as the rapid growth that occurs during adolescence, stretch marks are inevitable. When the skin is stretched due to weight loss or gain, stretch marks can be controlled. You can prevent them by staying healthy, exercising regularly and eating healthy foods.