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  • An individual educational route for a pupil with a secondary school. Guidelines

    An individual educational route for a pupil with a secondary school.  Guidelines

    Individual educational route

    1st grade student

    1.1 Explanatory note

    The school has 3 children with disabilities (musculoskeletal system). These students are socially adapted, intellectually developed. An individual approach is recommended for such children at physical education lessons. Children with disabilities (HH) are children whose health condition prevents the development of educational programs of general education outside the special conditions of education and upbringing, that is, they are children with disabilities, or children with temporary or permanent disabilities in physical and (or) mental development. Children who are advised to study in classrooms are especially difficult.Viispecies, data of students in the primary grades of our school - 2 people.

    These children are taught in a general education class. The main problem of underachievement of children with disabilities is the discrepancy between the child's intellectual system and the educational system at school. At present, it is generally known that children with mental retardation who did not receive special psychological and pedagogical assistance in preschool childhood become unsuccessful students at school from the first grade. Quantitatively, this group of children is the largest in comparison with any other child group with developmental pathology. Moreover, it has a tendency to constant growth, for which there are objective reasons.

    In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 79 of the Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation"dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 (hereinafter - the Federal Law" On Education in the Russian Federation ") established:" ... the content of education and the conditions for organizing training and education of students with disabilities (hereinafter - HIA)determined by an adapted educational program, and for disabled people also in accordance with an individual disabled person's rehabilitation program ”. Due to this in OO developed an adapted basic educational program forchildren with disabilities studying in the form of full-time education.

    Basic aim is the creation of a humane educational environment at school for the purpose of social and personal rehabilitation of children with disabilities and their subsequent integration in the modern socio - economic and cultural - moral space.

    The individual educational route provides for the solution of the main tasks:

    Providing conditions for the realization of the rights of students with disabilities to receive free education;

    Organization of high-quality correction and rehabilitation work with students with various forms of developmental disabilities;

    Preservation and strengthening of the health of students with disabilities on the basis of improving the educational process;

    Creation of a favorable psychological and pedagogical climate for the implementation of the individual abilities of students with disabilities;

    Expansion of the material base and resource support of the school for organizing the education of children with disabilities.

    Expected end results

    Providing a basic level of education for students with disabilities.

    Implemented at the first stage of education - 4 years:

    The second stage - basic general education - 5 years.

    1.2 Design and implementation principles

    1. The principle of humanization - involves the implementation of a person-centered approach aimed at general development personality with disabilities, his socialization, maximum integration into modern life.

    2. The principle of an individual approach - implies the need to determine the individual goal of education and training, the selection of content, the choice of forms and methods of education for each child with disabilities, taking into account his professional and educational needs, opportunities and conditions of upbringing.

    3. The principle of consistency - ensures the unity of education, diagnosis, correction and development of students with disabilities, i.e., a systematic approach to the analysis of the peculiarities of their development and correction of disorders, as well as a comprehensive multi-level approach to solving the child's problems;

    4. Integrated approach principle - involves the integration of training and correction by including a corrective component in the working curriculum, focused on primary defects presented in the structure of student developmental disorders.

    5. Continuity principle - guarantees the continuity of pedagogical assistance to students with disabilities until the problem is completely solved or an approach to its solution is determined.

    6. The principle of complex interaction of all participants in the educational process during the implementation of AOP - assumes constant cooperation of teachers, a psychologist, the administration of the educational institution, medical workers and other specialists for the most successful implementation of the goal of teaching a student with disabilities in AOP.

    7. The principle of priority of independent forms educational activities - assumes maximum activity and independence of the student in the course of learning.

    1.3 Terms of sale

    Organizational conditions

    This program provides for both variable forms of education, and various options for special support for students with disabilities. These can be forms of education in a general education class according to a general educational program or an individual program; using home and (or) distance learning.

    Psychological and pedagogical support includes:

    The optimal mode of training loads;

    Correctional orientation of the educational process;

    Accounting individual characteristics child;

    Compliance with a comfortable psycho-emotional regime;

    Use of modern pedagogical technologies;

    Recreational and protective regime;

    Strengthening physical and mental health;

    Prevention of physical, mental and psychological overload


    Compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations;

    Participation of all children with disabilities, regardless of the severity of their developmental disorders, together with normally developing children in educational, cultural and entertainment, sports and health and other leisure activities.

    This work is provided by the interaction of the following specialists and teachers:


    Social teacher;

    Subject teachers;

    Classroom teacher;


    The nurse monitors compliancerequirements of SanPin

    The teacher - the psychologist conducts diagnostics emotional sphere, aesthetic and cognitive needs and has ahelp the child and parents (legal representatives) in solving complex social and emotional problems.

    Together with a social educator, a psychologist and a nurse, the class teacher and subject teachers carry out complex psychological, pedagogical and medico-social support of students in order to create conditions for their fullest self-organization and mastering educational programs.

    Software and methodological support:

    Teaching materials and work programs in academic subjects;

    Diagnostic and correctional and developmental tools necessary for the implementation professional activity teacher, educational psychologist, social teacher

    Digital educational resources.


    Teaching children with disabilities is carried out by teachers and specialists of appropriate qualifications, having specialized education, having completed compulsory coursework or other types of vocational training. The qualification level for each position held corresponds to the qualification characteristics of the corresponding position.


    Availability of folding ramps and specially equipped training places;

    Purchase of universal digital tablets for teaching children with disabilities;

    Installation of floors without drops and thresholds;

    Expansion of doorways and installation of handrails on the paths.

    Information Support

    Creation of an information educational environment for distance learning for children with mobility difficulties using modern information and communication technologies.

    Creation of a system of wide access for children with disabilities, parents (legal representatives), teachers to online sources of information, to information and methodological funds, assuming the presence of teaching aids and recommendations for all areas and activities, visual aids, multimedia, audio and video materials.

    Content of work programs in academic subjects

    Work programs for students with disabilities are drawn up on the basis of sample programs in subjects. They meet the requirements of FKGOS and FGOS. Programs determine the goals and objectives of studying the subject, possible levels of development teaching material, criteria and methods of assessment educational outcomes... The number of hours allotted for the study of program material is planned based on the individual curriculum.

    Pedagogical technologies, forms and methods of teaching

    and raising children with disabilities

    1. Technologies of modern traditional education.

    Traditional education provides for the classroom-lesson organization of education, which allows you to provide:

    The systematic nature of training;

    Logically correct study of educational material;

    and optimize resource costs for training.

    2. Technologies based on the personal orientation of the educational process.This group of pedagogical technologies is characterized by an orientation towards personality traits, its formation and development in accordance with the natural abilities of a person, and the maximum realization of the capabilities of children. It is represented by technologies of cooperation pedagogy that implement a humane and personal approach to a child, apply an activating and developing didactic complex, and carry out pedagogy environment... Work with the use of these technologies ensures the most complete immersion of students in the pedagogical process, "living" in oneself the peculiarities of such an interaction of the participants in the pedagogical process, which is characterized by a humanely personal and, moreover, an individual approach to the child.

    3. Pedagogical technologies based on the revitalization and intensification of students' activities.The principle of the child's activity in the educational process is implemented, motivation, awareness of consumption in the assimilation of knowledge and skills is carried out, compliance with the social needs of students, their parents and social environment is achieved.

    The group of these technologies includes game technologies, problem-based learning, the elements of which are implemented by the teachers of the school.

    4. Gaming technologies (mainly cognitive and business games)are widely used at all levels of education, since they are a universal way of transferring the experience of older generations, and the structure of the game as an activity organically includes goal-setting, planning, goal implementation, analysis of the results in which a person realizes himself as a subject of activity.

    5. Problem learning - such an organization training sessions, which involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of the teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which there is a creative mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities and the development of the mental abilities of students. Problem-based learning is an important preparatory step towards achieving competence as a predictable level of education, preparation for solving educational and life problems.

    6. Information (computer) technologiesensure the development of skills to work with information, develop the communication skills of students, form research skills, the ability to accept optimal solutions, allow everyone to work at the optimal pace and content that is optimal for them. Thus, students are prepared for life in the information society and the development of professional educational programs.

    Student certification

    Certification of students with disabilities is carried out in the form of:

    Current and intermediate attestation in accordance with local regulations

    State (final certification) in accordance withregulatory documents for the conduct of the State Examination and the Unified State Exam.

    Individual curriculum 1st grade


    Number of hours

    By uch. plan

    At home

    In class

    Name of teacher

    in absentia



    Lit. NS.


    Env. peace




    Fig. Lawsuit.






    Physical education



    2.1 Expected results of the program implementation:

    Reducing the number of students with persistent learning and personal development problems;

    Formation of effective behavioral strategies and personal resources in children with disabilities;

    Inclusion of interaction with other organizations in the school's correctional work system;

    Improving the professional level of the teaching staff on the problems of correctional work with students with disabilities.

    The educational institution has created comfortable and accessible environments in the training, development and upbringing of children with disabilities:

    Contributing to quality and affordable education;

    Providing joint education for children with disabilities and children without developmental disabilities;

    Providing social adaptation and integration in the society of children with disabilities.

    Municipal budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities "Special (correctional) general education schoolVIII species "

    Individual educational route of the pupil

      Full name of the child …………………..

      Date of Birth……………….. . Class 6 Program VIII kind

      Organization of correctional and developmental work carried out earlier: studies at this school from the second half of the 5th grade (second year).

      Peculiarities physical development has the status of a "disabled child" until July 2020, is registered with an ophthalmologist (strabismus), has a preparatory health group for physical education.

      Features of mental development

      Cognitive sphere: does not master the program material in mathematics and labor training. Geometric material is not assimilated. Experiencing difficulties in learning new exercises, poorly oriented in space. The girl learns the subjects of the humanitarian cycle better: she reads correctly, consciously, in whole words. She is good at memorizing poetry. Self-control is low. Work efficiency and fatigue are average.

      Emotional-volitional sphere: not conflict, listens to the teacher's opinion, is not whiny, can laugh for minimal reason and for no reason. Cannot set himself up for the lesson on his own. Instructions and instructions for action from the teacher are carried out.

      Behavioral domain: Very low social orientation. The girl forgets where and what of the things she has.He cannot independently monitor his appearance, tidy up his hairstyle, observe the girl's personal hygiene. The girl has an obsessive nose-to-mouth habit, and the girl is not shy about it. She actively participates in competitions.

      Initiator of an individual educational route:

    Administration of the educational institution (justification - IPR).

      Purpose, tasks: social adaptation of a child with disabilities in society.

    * Formation of ZUN in subjects, taking into account the capabilities of the child;

    * HMF correction: the development of visual - figurative thinking and speech, the formation of visual and auditory perception, training of memory processes.

    * correction of the VET program - psychological correction of motivation for work.

      Timing 2014 -2015 academic year.

      Forms of interaction with parents:

      Individual conversations and consultations:On the need for training in an individual program in mathematics and VET; about the need to form social and household skills in the family and about the peculiarities of raising a disabled child.

      Open classes;

      Joint activities of parents and child:Doing homework. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge at the lessons of the SBE at home.

      Laboratory work with parents;

      Thematic parenting meetings:"Parents about punishing children"


      Other _______________________________________________________

      Forms of work of a parent with a child

    p / p



    Orientation in the yard of the house

    2014-2015 academic year

    Formation of hygiene skills and habits

    2014-2015 academic year

    Developing the ability to occupy oneself in the absence of adults

    at home

    2014-2015 academic year

    Ability to shop in the store

    2014-2015 academic year

      Circle of specialists



    Timing / result

    Educator - psychologist

    Teacher speech therapist

    Classes for correcting violations

    writing and reading by:

    Development of phonemic processes;

    Development of skills in language analysis and synthesis;

    Refinements and extensions of the lexical dictionary;

    Development of the grammatical structure of speech;

    Development of coherent speech, communication skills;

    Development of motor functions.

    2014-2015 academic year

    Since September 2014 years to May



    lessons 2 times

    in Week:

    Wednesday Friday.

    12/26/2014 -



    04/27/2015 -




    Individually - remedial classes on

    development of HMF.

    Corrections of cognitive activity.

    2014-2015 academic year

    The individual form of work gave positive results. Bridging the gaps in the ZUN - in mathematics has a positive result. She learned to solve movement problems, mastered multiplication and division in tables.

    VET teacher ("sewing")

    Development of indicative and planning activities;

    Development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements;

    Formation of emotional and volitional qualities and positive motivation for work.

    Ability to transfer working methods to new working conditions.

    2014-2015 academic year

    I coped with the program material for the 5th grade, the debt for the 5th grade for the assessment "satisfactory" was liquidated. I performed independent and practical work at "3."

    Indicative and planning activities at the intermediate level;

    Fine motor skills and coordination of movements at an average level;

    Ability to transfer work methods to new working conditions at a low level

    Mathematic teacher

    Development of educational skills; - the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, reading skills, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of the student; - refinement and enrichmentideas about yourself and the world around you; - development of spatio-temporal representations;- increasing the level of general and speech development;- the formation of moral qualities; - protective mode of life.

    Positive dynamics. With the tests for the 5th grade I coped with "4" and "3". With the tests for the 6th grade I managed to score "3".

    Additional teacher


    Basic PC skills.


    Knowledge of the necessary traffic rules

    "Road alphabet"

    Development of fine motor skills of hands ("Creativity")

    2014-2015 academic year

    Positive dynamics when using a PC

    Traffic rules testing results: "average level".

    Positive dynamics

    Social teacher

    Formation of a culture of behavior in society

    Positive dynamics

      Evaluation of results: "sewing business": insignificant positive dynamics.

      For parents: a tolerant attitude towards the child and the creation of a positive psychological microclimate in the family.

      For teachers __________________________________________________________

      For narrow specialists: teacher-speech therapist - continue to work on the correction of writing and reading disorders.

    Deputy director. on water resources management:

    VET teacher:

    Mathematic teacher:

    Teacher - defectologist:

    Teacher speech therapist:

    In the context of the transition to the practice of individualization and differentiation of the educational process individual educational route for a child with disabilities becomes the optimal model for building highly efficient pedagogical work... Under the condition of targeted optimization of intellectual, psychological, physical and emotional stress, it is possible to ensure full satisfaction of the real educational needs of school-age children, to create conditions for their all-round progressive development and successful socialization.

    For working with children with disabilities and children with disabilities, it is important that teachers improve their qualifications and develop professionally. It is most convenient to study remotely, without interrupting work. For example, in . This portal contains online training courses for teachers. To find a course on working with children with disabilities and sign up for training, go here. / p>

    An individual educational route for a child with disabilities includes:

      • creating conditions for learning at a personal pace corresponding to the level of optimal daily workload;
      • highlighting the goals and objectives of the education of a student with disabilities, regardless of the psychophysical state;
      • choice of the most effective methods, methods and forms of conducting educational activities, taking into account the declared target guidelines;
      • designing an environment that promotes the formation of social skills and lays the foundation for career guidance;
      • implementation of corrective medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance, which is an important component of the educational process.

    Become a professional in teaching children with disabilities and children with disabilities. Come to refresher courses at the School of Education Manager. Sign up for training under the program "Teaching children with disabilities and children with disabilities according to FGOS LLC and FGOS SOO". Based on the results of the training, we will issue for you a certificate of advanced training in the established form.

    Individual educational route for a child with disabilities: relevance of the issue

    The relevance of addressing the issue of accompanying schoolchildren with special educational needs is associated with current trends education. The need for psychological and pedagogical support, realized in particular through design individual educational routes for of each a child with disabilities, leads to an expansion of the range of professional tasks that a modern teacher solves. This actualizes the issue of increasing the professional competencies of teachers and specialists, taking into account the variability of work with children. of different ages with sensory, motor, speech, intellectual, emotional and other developmental disorders.

    According to current statistics, over the past 15 years, there has been a decrease in the number of teachers-defectologists, and this fact actualizes the problem of training specialists working in the system of accompanying children with disabilities in an inclusive education. The training of specialists (psychologists, teachers of additional education, social teachers, speech therapists, teachers-defectologists) for the implementation of special education involves the development of a system of professional pedagogical competencies. In this regard, the most important condition for the formation of professional self-awareness and personal development of teachers in the conditions of inclusive education is the purposeful formation of their skills and qualities that contribute to the implementation of reflexive and organizational actions necessary in the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities.

    One of the key competencies of a modern teacher is the ability to model individual educational route for a child with disabilities... At the same time, the development and implementation of IOM implies the joint participation of parents of a child with disabilities (or persons substituting them), all teachers and specialists involved in a complex correctional and developmental process aimed at overcoming developmental deficiencies and increasing the level of adaptive capabilities of a child with disabilities for a more favorable its inclusion in the educational environment.

    According to the trajectory provided for in the differentiation of the educational process, the movement of a student can be carried out along various educational routes: internal, providing for training within the walls of one school, or external, possible subject to the establishment of cooperation between educational institutions and other institutions. Peculiarities an individual educational route for a child with disabilities are determined by a set of factors, the most significant of which are:

    1. The age of the student.
    2. The state of health, the level of psychophysical development, the readiness to master the program material.
    3. The desire, opportunities and needs of the student, his family members to achieve the agreed educational result.
    4. Professionalism of teachers and narrow specialists educational organization, availability of special material and technical means and resources.
    5. The presence in the region of correctional institutions of the right orientation.

    IOM implementation is provided by choosing or creating an adapted educational program, which should preserve the right of a child with disabilities and his parents to choose the optimal pace of learning in order to achieve a personally significant result, as well as maintain an individual component that corresponds to the real indicators of the psychophysical and emotional development of the student, his aspirations, interests.

    Development of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities

    In connection with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, HVZ when organizing an inclusive educational space competencies for the design of adapted educational programs are becoming relevant, development of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities... At the same time, one of the most significant is reflexive competence as a condition for the development of all participants in educational and educational interaction, as well as a means that determines the formation of inclusive competence.

    If we talk about the organizational and practical component, then the design of IOM provides for the implementation of the following stages:

    1. Conducting a comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnosis of schoolchildren with psychophysical disabilities and special educational needs caused by them, in order to identify the current level of development and the nearest learning area. Only the PMPK (psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions) are authorized to carry out expert activities, which, based on the results of the examination, with the consent of the parents, can hand out a conclusion of the established form, which contributes to the selection of the optimal educational strategy.
    2. Setting an individual educational goal, taking into account the physical and mental state student, his aspirations, educational needs and interests.
    3. The choice of options (pedagogical and correctional techniques), the implementation of which will ensure the achievement of the educational goal.
    4. Decoration of the outer and inner sheet individual educational route of a student with disabilities.
    5. Development or selection of correctional and developmental program content based on flexible, traditional and innovative pedagogical technologies, taking into account the peculiarities of the psychophysical development of schoolchildren with special educational needs.
    6. Awareness and correlation by specialists and families of individual needs and capabilities with external requirements.

    Many experts in the field of education consider the process of modeling IOM as an open joint reflexive action of all adults accompanying a child in the educational process. In light of this, an individual educational route is intended to be a means of the most effective assimilation by a child of the educational program he is mastering. A team of adults consisting of teachers, specialists and parents identifies specific difficulties in the education of a child and builds a personal optimal educational trajectory in such a way as to create Better conditions for the successful mastering of the program content by the student.

    In the new educational strategy, an individual route is a "child's movement map" and his concrete steps in accordance with this map. The development of IOM as an open joint reflexive action is the coordination of the interests and tasks of all participants in accompanying a child with disabilities and the construction of a system of joint actions included in correctional, developmental, rehabilitation and other measures. Building an individual educational route for a child with disabilities includes seven stages, each of which should be considered in more detail.

    Stages of developing an individual educational route for a child with disabilities Activity content


    Allows to reveal the necessary understanding of all participants in educational activities about the orientation of IOM, the organizational and substantive conditions for its implementation, the degree of involvement of each adult in correctional and developmental activities.

    The first stage includes questions to determine the meaning of the activity:

    • for whom is this IOM and for what purpose is it created?
    • what results are expected? what organizational conditions are needed?
    • what content will be implemented?
    • how will the process be monitored? how will the quality of the educational process be assessed? how best to track the relevance of previously set tasks?

    All partners in the creation and implementation of an individual educational route provide answers to determine the meaning of the activity. At this stage, the participants in joint activities on IOM modeling carry out perspective reflection, which makes it possible to determine the image of the future and the proposed steps for its implementation.

    In addition, such activities reveal the possibilities and limitations of each participant in understanding the prospects for educational activities with a child with disabilities.


    Second phase building an individual educational route for a child with disabilities provides for the determination of the optimal types and forms of educational activities. Revealing the sequence of pedagogical actions, the list of priority organizational tasks and the effectiveness of work, each participant in joint activities for the implementation of IOM reflects on the implementation of organizational conditions and, in accordance with this, assumes that he has specific knowledge and skills in order for these conditions to be met. Along with the answers of the partners in organizing the activity, at this stage of modeling, the child's supposed reactions with respect to the proposed types and forms of activity are prescribed.

    Building forecasts already at the modeling stage, teachers and narrow-profile specialists have the opportunity to assess the thoughtfulness of the organization of the proposed pedagogical activity.


    The third stage is based on open reflexive action, conducting a dialogue between the participants regarding the content of all events, their pedagogical expediency of psychological conditioning for a given child. In addition, the participation of parents and teachers, specialists in the joint modeling of the content of pedagogical activity makes it possible to expand and deepen the knowledge of parents not only about the forms of activities carried out with their child, but also about their content. This will further allow them to be included in the joint implementation of an educational program adapted for their child.

    Such perspective reflection stimulates parents of children with disabilities to take a closer look at pedagogical suggestions, study them on the eve of implementation, make their own suggestions, and receive the necessary consultations.


    This stage is aimed at identifying the quality of the implementation of the educational program, the success of its assimilation by the child. By providing up-to-date reflection, all implementation partners individual educational route for a student with disabilities reveal what behavioral and emotional reactions, manifestations are observed in the child at different moments of the IOM implementation, whether it is necessary to make adjustments to the approved pedagogical strategy.

    The coordinated work in the direction allows the participants of joint activities for the implementation of IOM to conduct a qualitative analysis of the implementation of the program, discussing the vision of the results both from the part of teachers and specialists, and from the part of parents.


    Provides for the possibility of changes in the organization and content of educational activities, improving the quality of educational, correctional and developmental processes in connection with the changes made. Conducting an open dialogue with partners, considering new pedagogical proposals will make it possible to make the most accurate and local adjustments to the IOM.

    The need for a transforming stage may be associated with the lack of positive dynamics in the development of the child, the need to create psychological comfort for the child in the conditions of the educational organization. The transformation of IOM can also be associated with the creation of new elements of the subject-spatial environment, a change in the type of communication with the student, the expansion of his circle of communication, the introduction of new experience.

    Expert and analytical.

    At this stage, work on development of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities teachers take the position of experts and carry out a reflexive action to analyze and evaluate the implemented activities and achievements of the child, answering the following questions:

    • how successful is the child?
    • Do the expected results correspond to the actual manifestations of the student?
    • what effects have been found?
    • What are the results for the formal part of the educational program (all sections have been mastered, all planned activities have been implemented)?
    • what are the results (effects) relative to the environment?
    Reflective design Based on setting tasks for the future. All members of the correctional group should think about what shortcomings were identified during the implementation of the IOM, what are the next steps child development in the current educational situation. Prospective reflection makes it possible to more accurately identify the tasks for building a scenario for the near future for correctional and educational activities with a child with disabilities.

    When developing plan of an individual educational route for a student with disabilities the participants of the correctional group gradually fill out the forms in the form of tables corresponding to each stage, entering their answer options and discussing the expected answers of the partners in the activity and the child's reaction in accordance with this. In the mode of open dialogue, discussion and discussion takes place between all adults involved in the educational support of the child. As a result of this, an optimal, pedagogically expedient and psychologically conditioned version of the IOM is constructed.

    Features of the design and implementation of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities at school

    The practice of organizing and conducting educational work, providing for the implementation of a correctional component, is still new for many Russian schools, therefore, there is a high probability of incomplete interaction between the managers of educational institutions, members of the correctional group and parents, and ultimately the child suffers from this. To create conditions for effective joint activities, when drawing up individual educational route for a child with disabilities at school it is necessary to inform parents about the maximum permissible educational load, the main program content and additional correctional and developmental programs, the essence of psychological and pedagogical correction, the possibilities and rules for making changes to the IOM, if shortcomings and difficulties are revealed at the stage of its implementation.

    To facilitate the process of implementation of educational activities that involve taking into account the individual component for each of the students with disabilities, the organization of training sessions for a five-day week, in the first shift, will help. According to clause 8.2 of SanPiN for children with disabilities, lessons should begin no earlier than 8 am, while the time regime is determined according to the chosen option of AOP, AOOP or an individual curriculum. Directly when drawing up the daily routine of children with pathologies of psychophysical development, it is important to remember about their increased fatigue, possible emotional unwillingness to stay with their peers without parents for a long time.

    Due to the fact that individual educational route for a student with disabilities can be compiled within the educational space of a school or city, the distribution of the teaching load during the day may also differ. So, in the presence of various correctional services in the educational organization, extracurricular activity can organically complement the lesson, since correctional and developmental classes with a speech therapist, a teacher-defectologist and a teacher-psychologist, as practice shows, are best done in the morning. Lessons with specialists should be planned in such a way that the child has the opportunity to consistently implement IOM without the risk of falling behind in basic subjects. But if the student confidently masters the program content within the framework of a standard lesson schedule, extracurricular activities, including correctional work and additional education, are planned in the afternoon.

    To increase the performance of children with disabilities, take risks for health indicators, in the middle of the lesson, teachers should conduct physical exercises that help relieve muscle and emotional stress, and for schoolchildren with visual impairments - eye gymnastics. It is important that during the class the duration of the continuous visual load for the visually impaired students primary school did not exceed 10 minutes, for students of basic and secondary education - 15 minutes. If there are children in the classroom using the Braille system, the teacher, in accordance with clause 8.8 of SanPiN for children with disabilities, should arrange educational work in such a way as to alternate tactile perception of information with continuous visual work (session duration - 5 minutes, no more than two sessions per lesson) ...

    In modern schools, where the training of the child contingent is organized with HVD on individual educational routes, there should be sufficient intervals between lessons - at least 10 minutes. The duration of the big break, which is organized between the second and third lesson, is recommended to be set in the range of 20-30 minutes, or instead include in the schedule two breaks of 20 minutes each. The break between the lesson and extracurricular activities should be at least half an hour for all categories of students, except for children with moderate, severe, profound mental retardation and severe multiple developmental disabilities. If possible, rest during breaks should be organized in the fresh air, with organized outdoor games or independent motor-active activities in the schoolyard or sports ground.

    Thus, ensuring the implementation of individual educational routes of students at school is an attempt to solve the problem of personality development, its readiness to choose, to determine the goal and meaning of life through the content of education; This is an attempt to see the educational process from the perspective of a student. As a result of working with individual educational routes, a positive dynamics is noticeable in the formation of cognitive abilities: the level of general educational skills (logical and communicative), knowledge and skills of goal-setting, planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment of educational and cognitive activity increases.

    Development of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities in an educational organization.

    Development of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities within the framework of an educational organization that implements inclusive practice.

    The main goal of the administration and the entire teaching staff of an educational institution (organization) within the framework of the implementation of inclusive practice is to create special conditions for the development of educational programs and social adaptation child with disabilities. Interaction in an interdisciplinary team of specialists in psychological and pedagogical support, teachers and parents is one of the most important conditions.

    Under individual educational route of a child with disabilities in an educational institution we understand system of concrete joint action administration, main teachers, an interdisciplinary team of specialists to support an educational institution (PMPk), parents in the process of including a child with disabilities in the educational process.

    Individual educational plandocument, reflecting the general strategy and specific steps of the interdisciplinary team and parents in the organization of psychological and pedagogical support of the individual educational route of a child with disabilities within the school for a certain period, approved by the director of the educational institution and signed by the child's parents.

    Features of working on an individual educational plan:

    1) It is developed collegially within the framework of the PMPK.

    Teacher, parents - full-fledged participants in the work on the IEP;

    2) It is developed for a certain time-limited period (quarter, trimester, half a year);

    3) At the end of the period, the child's achievements are assessed - the dynamics of his development, mastering the educational program, adaptation in a peer group, school team. It is also supposed to analyze the dynamics and efficiency of work. Based on the results of all conclusions, the plan is adjusted;

    4) The formulations of goals and objectives, criteria for the achievement of a child with disabilities are

    as specific as possible;

    5) The responsibility and regulations for the activities of all participants in the joint work are fixed.

    An individual educational route (and, accordingly, an individual educational plan) within an educational institution for a child with disabilities is developed in several stages... Let's list the most important ones.

    1.School administration together with the inclusion coordinator defines, to which teacher and to which class (group) the child enters. It also determines which specialists of psychological and pedagogical support can be included in an interdisciplinary team. If there is no specialist in the school, the administrative group looks for possible options for attracting additional resources (cooperation with the PHC center, attracting volunteers, etc.). An agreement is concluded with the parents.

    2. Planning an individual educational route a child with disabilities upon admission to the first grade of school begins with careful collection and analysis of preliminary (initial) information about the child and his family. Such information may include the following areas

    Information content Possible documentation
    Psychological and pedagogical conclusion on the child's condition at the time of admission to school; Enumeration of the special conditions necessary for a child to master the educational program and social adaptation in this educational institution. Conclusion PMPK
    The current state of health of the child, recommendations of doctors at the time of admission to school. First Grader Medical Card
    Education and psychological and pedagogical support of the child before entering school: did the child attend a kindergarten, what group or structural unit, what specialists worked with him in kindergarten or additionally; Did you attend school preparation groups outside the kindergarten - the PMS center, another school, institutions of additional education, etc. - Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child; - a diary of a psychologist-teacher. escorts
    Family information: complete or incomplete, family composition; is there any support from other relatives; whether the child has a nanny or a constant attendant. ! This information is important for understanding the need and amount of assistance to the family of a child with disabilities, as well as for determining the mode of the child's stay at school. In addition to formal information, in a conversation with parents, school employees find out their attitude to certain school requirements, their willingness to cooperate with teachers and the administration, concretize the idea of ​​teaching their child in an inclusive classroom, find out what short-term and long-term goals for their child have parents.
    Information about additional education: - Does the child attend any circles, sections, creative associations; - whether he works with teachers at home; - what is the mode and duration of additional classes
    Information about the current psychological and pedagogical support: is the child engaged with any specialists (psychologist, defectologist, speech therapist, etc.) at the time of admission to school; Do the parents plan to continue their studies with these specialists in parallel with their studies at school, and if so, how can they "contact" these specialists to determine the general direction of work.

    IMPORTANT: Parents can, but do not have to, inform school staff about the child's medical diagnoses, whether he is being seen by a particular doctor. If a relationship of trust and cooperation develops between parents and school specialists, parents voluntarily report everything that may affect the quality of education or require special conditions for the child to adapt to the school environment.

    At the stage of collecting information and goal-setting, the main task of the school administration and staff is to agree with the parents about one common goal for a certain, "understandable" period of time - for example, one year. In a conversation with parents, it is necessary to prioritize the development of the child based on his capabilities - in accordance with them, the teacher and the entire interdisciplinary team will solve practical problems in the field of learning and social adaptation of the child. At the same time, by signing a cooperation agreement, and then taking part in the development of an individual educational plan for their child, a parent should be aware of the extent of his responsibility for the child's quality of life, not only in the family circle, but also at school.

    3. Development of an individual educational route(and - accordingly - IOP) precedes diagnostic stage, during which, within two (maximum - three) weeks of a child's stay in school, the teacher and specialists of psychological and pedagogical support (PMPk) conduct a comprehensive assessment of his condition at the time of admission to school. If the school's specialists find it difficult to choose certain forms and tactics of diagnostics, to interpret the results obtained, it is possible, through the inclusion coordinator, to seek advice from the specialists of the PMPK or the PPMS center, which is a resource in this direction. As a result, at the meeting of the PMPC on the development of the IEP, a conclusion is made about the psychological characteristics of the child, the formation of his educational skills, the specifics of interaction with peers and adults. The main task of comprehensive diagnostics in this case is to determine what educational needs the child has, what his capabilities can be relied on in the first place, which of the activities of the teacher and specialists are the most relevant.

    Actually, the development of an Individual educational route (and, accordingly, IEP) at a meeting of the psychological, medical and pedagogical (psychological and pedagogical) council of the school.

    5. Joint activities administration, teachers, specialists in psychological and pedagogical support, parents as part of the implementation of the child's individual educational route (Individual educational plan for a certain period of time).

    6. Analysis of the results of the activities of teachers and specialists - the dynamics of the child's mental and physical development, the level of his adaptation in the school environment, the development of the educational program, the involvement of the family in the educational process, as well as the identification of the most effective forms and methods of teaching and socialization of a child with disabilities, the organization of interaction with parents.

    An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler (IOM) is an indispensable element of the effectiveness of the work of every modern educator.

    The essence of IOM preschooler

    FSES defines a new approach to preschool education. One of the main requirements for it is the effective use of all pedagogical resources to achieve the maximum result in the upbringing and development of future schoolchildren. Given that the program is focused on the average student, it is possible that the weaker ones may not master it well enough, and the most capable of losing motivation to learn.

    That is why an individual approach to all children, taking into account all their characteristics, provides an IOM for a preschooler. It is understood as an educational program that is aimed at teaching a particular child and takes into account all his personal qualities.

    Purpose and directions of IOM

    A preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard, an example of which is found today in all educational institutions, is aimed at solving specific problems. The purpose of development and implementation in the educational route is the formation of factors in kindergarten that will be aimed at positive socialization and social and personal development of pupils. The latter includes the main processes of intellectual, emotional, physical, aesthetic and other types of development.

    The main task that the individual educational route of a preschooler solves is the development of cognition, an example of which is demonstrated in open classes. The directions of the educational route are as follows:

    Formation of movement, which includes the improvement of motor skills;

    The ability to engage in various fields of activity;

    Improving speech skills;

    Development of ideas about the surrounding world of objects and social relations;

    Development of the concept of time, space.

    Moreover, the implementation individual route involves carrying out regular monitoring in order to track the degree of development of the educational program by each pupil of the preschool institution.

    IOM structure

    In the process of introducing new standards into the education system, all educators were required to take advanced training courses. On them, they were shown an example of an individual educational route for a preschooler, a sample of which was considered in sufficient detail. However, this type of child development monitoring is important not only for educators, but also for parents, who are often unaware of the purpose of this pedagogical tool.

    The structure of the educational route should include such components as:

    Target, which involves setting specific goals in line with new standards;

    Technological, which determines the use of certain pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques;

    Diagnostic, defining a set of diagnostic tools;

    Organizationally - pedagogical, determining the conditions and methods of achieving the set goals;

    Effective, containing the final results of the child's development at the time of the transition to schooling.

    Necessary preliminary actions before drawing up an educational itinerary

    Since the main goal of the educational route is to identify difficulties in the learning process and social development of each child, a careful study of its characteristics is necessary.

    An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler involves preliminary research activities before recording the child's results and is mandatory, including the following actions:

    1. Drawing up the characteristics of the child. This document should indicate the pupil's visit to other preschool institutions and the break between their shifts. It is also necessary to note the speed and level of adaptation to the group.

    2. To determine the key difficulties in a child, it is necessary to carefully study his family with the subsequent compilation of its characteristics. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the relationship between the child and the parents, since excessive custody can become a reason for the suppression of the pupil.

    4. Determination of the degree of development of attention, memory, thinking, as well as speech development is mandatory for further monitoring of his success;

    5. It is also necessary to identify the child's propensity for specific activities in order to help in development with the help of such games.

    Registration of the educational program

    An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler proves the degree to which it is necessary to carefully study all spheres of life of each particular child. Having studied all the necessary data, the teacher proceeds to drawing up an individual route, which includes the following sections:

    General information about the preschooler;

    Family characteristics;

    Peculiarities appearance preschooler;


    Features of motor skills;

    Cognitive sphere of the preschooler;

    Knowledge level by sections of the program;

    The level of speech development;

    Attitude towards classes;

    Description of the activity;

    Difficulty communicating;

    Individual characteristics;

    More information about the preschooler.

    This in-depth analysis allows you to build individual work with a preschooler quite effectively.

    Inclusive education and IOM for a preschooler with disabilities

    Introduction involves removing barriers between children of all health groups through collaborative learning.

    It is based on an equal attitude towards each child, but at the same time the creation of special conditions for children with health problems for a comfortable stay in an educational institution. The system of inclusive education includes all categories of educational institutions: preschool, secondary, vocational and higher. Considering that kindergartens also practice such training, the example of an individual educational route for a preschooler with disabilities justifies its relevance.

    When compiling it, the educator is obliged to bring the following information to the attention of the parents:

    Limits of load norms;

    The presence in the institution of additional correctional and developmental programs;

    Possibility of making corrections to the current educational route.

    IOM of a preschooler with disabilities is compiled taking into account the diagnostic data and recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council. It is based on maintaining the strengths of the preschooler with sufficient compensation for developmental defects.

    It is important to take into account that when drawing up an individual route for a specific child, changes in the number of classes and their forms are possible.

    An example of an individual educational route for a gifted preschooler

    Every baby is born with certain abilities that need to be constantly improved. And given that preschool is the first social institution child, it is he who plays the main role in this development.

    This need is due to the fact that if you teach a gifted person standard program, he will quickly lose interest in learning, and therefore motivation. To avoid such a phenomenon, each educator must identify gifted children in his group and create an educational route taking into account all their characteristics.

    To create an effective educational route, it is important to take into account:

    Features, needs and interests of the child himself, as well as the wishes of his parents;

    The ability to meet the needs of a gifted child;

    Available resources to achieve the result.

    In drawing up such a route, the participation of parents is also necessary, who should continue the methodology used in kindergarten at home.

    An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler with OHP

    Creation of an IOM for a preschooler who has speech disorders, should be held in conjunction with the speech therapist and the child's parents. It should be aimed at creating conditions that will help overcome speech barriers.

    A psychological examination is needed, which will reveal the interests and inclinations of such a child. This research will help improve work efficiency. The directions that the educational route should contain are:

    Medical and recreational work;

    Learning and social adaptation issues;

    Correction issues;

    Physical education;

    Musical education.

    Individual educational route in fine arts

    A striking indicator of the importance of a creative approach to educational activities will be an example of an individual educational route for a preschooler in fine arts. Since this subject initially presupposes the presence of creative abilities in the child, it is necessary to direct him towards their development. It can be both drawing and making various things with your own hands. The main thing is to identify what a particular child is showing an inclination and ability. Creating conditions for development will give every gifted preschooler the opportunity to discover the talents hidden in him. Demonstration of creative achievements is an important stage in the work, since a creative child needs public recognition of his abilities.

    A sample of an individual educational route for a preschooler in fine arts


    Thus, the example of an individual educational route for a preschooler proves the need for a personal approach to each child and taking into account all of its characteristics.

    These factors make it possible to develop the future student as efficiently as possible, giving him the opportunity to choose his preferred activity.