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  • My professional achievements. Presentation on the topic: "Designing situations and events that develop the emotional and value sphere of the child (culture of experiences and value orientations of the child)" Designing situations that develop the emotional value

    My professional achievements.  Presentation on the topic:

    The system of work to preserve and strengthen the psychological health of preschoolers in the framework of valeological education.

    The World of Emotions Project

    Purpose: to develop children's understanding of the diverse world of emotions; teach children to understand their feelings and the feelings of others; teach to establish causal relationships between life events, experiences and facial expressions; give an idea of ​​how to distinguish and name different emotional states; teach to use a kind of "alphabet of feelings"; to develop the ability to feel the mood in music and color.


    1. To contribute to the development of the emotional-value sphere of preschoolers.

    2. Teach children to recognize schematic images of emotions, involve children in their reproduction.

    3. Strive to ensure that children are able and learn to adequately respond to situations and events.

    4. Teach preschoolers to really perceive the world.

    5. Promote psycho-emotional correction.

    6. To teach children to control their emotional behavior, to refrain from impulsive manifestations.

    7. Give an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe emotional world of the child to parents. Teach them to influence the emotional sphere of the child.

    Relevance: We live in an era of social and economic instability in society, which leads to an increase in the number of preschool children with behavioral and emotional disorders. In many children, self-esteem decreases, and the level of aggression increases. To help overcome these difficulties, teach children to adequately respond to situations, events, navigate the states, moods of people around, teach to regulate their emotional behavior, I have developed a project "World of emotions" as a component of valeological education in the system of work to preserve and strengthen psychological health pupils of our preschool educational institution.

    The peculiarity of the system of work: Originality I see my system of work in the fact that developing the emotional-value sphere of pupils, I rely on their personal social experiencesusing various, including non-traditional forms of work with children and their parents, since only through immersion in life situations can a child develop the ability to manage emotions, take care of his mental health, teach empathize and understand the feelings of others.

    Working methods:

    • Conversations on the topic "The world of emotions" (viewing pictograms).
    • Lesson on the theme "School of emotions".
    • Didactic games: "School of the Clown Bones", "Create a Mood", "My Day", "Find a Pair", "Collect a Man", "Kaleidoscope of Emotions", etc.
    • Creating and maintaining a diary of the mood of the child and the caregiver.
    • Solving problem situations by the type: "What needs to be done to change the child's mood?", "What needs to be changed to make the day happy?" etc.
    • Emotionally expressive exercises: "What is the mood of a fairy tale", "Rainbow of mood", "Why am I cheerful?", "Why am I sad."
    • Collaboration with the music director of the preschool educational institution (listening to musical compositions and correlating them with a certain emotional state: Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata", Brahms "Lullaby", Freed "The Merry Violinist", Strauss "Waltzes"). Conducting a joint children's-parental holiday "New Year's Tale".
    • Classes on visual activity on the theme "The world of emotions" (the ratio of color and emotional state of children). Exhibition of creative works of children on the theme of the project.
    • Exercises of psychological relief: "I am calm", "Yablonka", etc.
    • Work with parents (consultations, conversations, round table work on the topic "Development of the emotional sphere in preschool children." Conducting a workshop with them on the topic "Psychological health of preschoolers").

    Project problem:

    As practice shows, in many preschool institutions, work is planned in such a way that priority is given to the intellectual development of the child, overshadowing the formation of the emotional sphere, as a result of which the harmony of the development of the future personality is often violated. Emotions perform an adaptive and evaluative function. They are related to the needs of the child, they represent the correspondence of the child's behavior to his basic needs, interests and values. Therefore, emotional-sensory reactions, emotional-sensory states of the child are considered the main catalyst for the awareness of their individuality, their "I".

    Expected results of the project:

    1. To influence the development of the emotional-value sphere of pupils, to increase the level of their emotionality and the ability to control their emotions.

    2. To change the attitude of parents to the problem "Psychological health of preschoolers".

    3. To improve the professional level of teachers.

    Efficiency markconducted in 3 directions: educator, children, parents, through conversations, observations, study and analysis of the results of the project. After the end of the project, a survey of participants is carried out to assess the effectiveness of the project.


    The system of work to preserve and strengthen the psychological health of preschoolers within the framework of the World of Emotions project allows:

    1) develop the emotional-value sphere of pupils, increase the level of their emotionality;

    2) to form in children the ability to regulate their emotional behavior;

    3) teach children to adequately respond to various situations, events, manifestations of emotions of others;

    4) to involve parents in solving the problem of preserving the psychological health of preschoolers;

    And her lead mother is a psychologist Anna Bravoslavskaya that answers your questions. If you also have a question for a psychologist, you can send it to Anna by mail [email protected] .

    Hello dear blogging moms!

    I received many letters from you after the article about. So, I would like to dwell on the topic of emotions in more detail.

    So, how to develop intelligence is more or less clear. But what about emotions? How to develop them? And is it necessary?

    It is simply necessary to develop the emotional sphere of the child. This became apparent to the general public after the publication of the book "Emotional Intelligence" several years ago. As it became known, numerous studies have shown that for achieving success in life, IQ is not so much important as EQ.

    This indicator includes such important concepts as empathy, intuition, the ability to establish and maintain a wide network of social contacts and strong emotional connections, etc.

    But even if we leave aside the notorious success, it is obvious that the more developed the emotional sphere, the better a person is “built” into society, the more fruitful, richer his relationship with others, the higher his satisfaction with life in general. Not to mention the fact that people who are new to their sensual sphere are much more susceptible to serious illnesses, including oncology.

    There is such a psychological term - alexetimia - it denotes the inability of a person to name the emotions experienced by him. So, in the study of patients with various diseases of moderate severity, most of them (up to 80%) have alexetimia.

    How can we contribute to the development of the emotional sphere of the child? First, let's start with ourselves. You need to learn how to monitor your condition and speak your emotions, especially negative ones. Best suited here "I am the statement"- This is a method of communication in conflict situations, in which any phrase must begin with the words "I" and "me". For example, not “How could you ?!”, but “I am very unpleasant when ...”. Or instead of "Why are you ..." - "I am very upset that ..." and so on.

    By commenting on your condition, gradually your child will become better at recognizing your emotions, and at the same time his own. Of course, it is good to comment on the states of other people, cartoon characters, books, etc. in the same way. "How do you think he felt when ...", "why did she do that?" etc.

    This is how a sense of empathy and empathy is fostered. In addition, it is good to play feelings and emotions together with toys, dolls. You can play entire scenes, and do not forget to feel sorry for the dolls, sympathize with them, or rejoice with them.

    Over time, you will most likely find that you can anticipate your behavior in a certain situation. For example, that the state of fatigue is accompanied by severe irritability, etc. In such cases, you can warn your family that you need time to recover and that outbursts of discontent should not be taken personally.

    Children can also be given a time and place to experience unpleasant conditions. In addition, it is here that children learn how to express their emotions: what does a mother do when she is upset? How is daddy angry?

    Our emotions are connected with our body, if we suppress their manifestations, the emergence of psychosomatics is inevitable. But it is you who can show the child that, being angry, you can hit, but not a person, but a pillow or door frame. That with strong joy you can and should hug or, at least, jump and wave your arms. 🙂

    The more shades of emotions your child knows and discerns, the richer his emotional life will be. Here, both the study of the dictionary of synonyms and special games with cards, books on emotions, psychotherapeutic tales will help.

    Specialty stores even have posters of various emotions. You can discuss how this or that feeling is manifested on the face (the eyebrows are raised, the corners of the mouth are lowered ...), play "portray an emotion" or, conversely, "what do I feel?"

    While the child himself is not very well versed in his own feelings, we can prompt him: "You are very upset, right?" or "I see you are very angry ...". It is important here, of course, not to impose your vision, but to read the baby's emotion and name it.

    In the event that you guessed right, the answer is a relieved "yes!"

    However, this technique is also well suited for empathic listening at any age. It is also important here to normalize the emotion, thereby reducing its degree - “still! There is something to get angry about! " or "if I were you, I would feel the same!" Then it is better to let the child speak.

    Moreover, it is very important to distinguish between sensations, emotions and feelings... Many adults confess that they themselves confuse these experiences. Feelings are of a bodily nature: hunger, fatigue, chills ... Feelings are deeper than emotions: compare love and interest, irritation and rage. Confusion in their experiences leads to the fact that people do not distinguish between what they feel, and, therefore, do not know how to effectively work with their states.

    For example, something is bad for me somehow, I'll go eat. In fact, this is not hunger at all, but a feeling of anxiety due to troubles at work. Or: something turns me straight! Who to fight with? It just infuriates everything! And this is not irritation, but a feeling of sadness due to a quarrel with a girl. Negative feelings are often replaced by more acceptable ones for a given personality, and the substitution is the easier, the less a person understands himself.

    All creative pursuits also work well for the development of the emotional sphere, but precisely as free creativity or work with music, for example. All bodily practices - dancing, swimming, massages, draining and all kinds of hugs are also certainly good. 🙂

    In addition, it is important to note that intellectual pursuits are in some way antagonistic to emotional development. The fact is that our body has a limited supply of energy, and we can only spend it on one thing. It has long been proven that an overabundance of intellectual workload in preschool age leads to depletion of the emotional sphere in the long term.

    Of course, I mean extreme indicators, and there is a fairly large continuum between the obvious overload of the intellectual sphere and pedagogical neglect. 🙂

    In any case, I will definitely dwell on this point in more detail in the following articles.

    Illustration source:

    Description of the presentation for individual slides:

    1 slide

    Slide Description:

    Designing situations and events that develop the emotional and value sphere of the child (culture of experiences and value orientations of the child) "Our true guilt before children is in a semi-spiritual, in a non-spiritual attitude towards them."

    2 slide

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    4 slide

    Slide Description:

    Is it necessary, in your opinion, to help your parents? Answer options High school students,% Teachers,% -Yes, if possible financially 11.5 13 - Don't, let them cope on their own 0.5 0 - It is necessary, only in an exceptional situation 2.5 1.5 - Always and with everything they need 40 54 - No need, parents should take care and help children all their life 0.5 0 - Attention, care, help in household chores 44 31 - Hard to say 1 0.5

    5 slide

    Slide Description:

    What do you think should be done with terminally ill newborns? Answer options High school students,% Teachers,% -Difficult to say 25 37.5 - To bring up at home as a full member of the family 32.5 28.5 - To send them to a specialized institution for education 3.5 4 - It's best not to give them the opportunity to live right away so that they did not suffer or torture loved ones 17 12 - To bring up at home, periodically placing them in medical institutions 16 12.5 - To be assigned to a specialized institution, periodically taking them home 5.5 4 - Do not take them from the hospital 0.5 1.5

    6 slide

    Slide Description:

    How, in your opinion, is it advisable to deal with sick old people? Answer options High school students,% Teachers,% - Leave them in families, providing all kinds of help and endure all the inconveniences 45 64 - Send them to comfortable homes for the elderly so that they receive medical care and visit them as often as possible 29 13 - To alleviate their old age and suffering medical means (euthanasia) 3 1.5 - Leave houses and do not pay attention to them 1 0 - If possible, hire a person to help take care of them 14 16 - Make the state take care of them 1 0.5 - Don't know 7 5

    7 slide

    Slide Description:

    Is adultery possible for those who are married? Answer options High school students,% Teachers,% -Perhaps and even useful 6 3 - Perhaps, if there is no love or understanding in marital relations 41 25 - Certainly, impossible 11.5 22 - Impossible, since nowadays there is just an epidemic of transmitted diseases sexual intercourse 2.5 3 - Impossible, because it is offensive to the other spouse 15 28 - You can get carried away and change, but not destroy the family 16 11 -It is difficult to say 8 8

    8 slide

    Slide Description:

    You found a wallet with money and a passport. What will you do? Variants of answers High school students,% Teachers,% -I will take the money, I will send the passport by mail 20.5 7.5 - I will consider myself lucky: I will take the money, I will throw away the passport 6.5 1.5 - I don’t know 10.5 13.5 - I will return both the money and the passport 33.5 55 - I will return the money and the passport, but I will ask for a reward 11 5.5 - I will take the money, but I will demand a ransom for the passport 3 1 - I will not even raise my wallet so that there is no temptation 15 16

    9 slide

    Slide Description:

    Turning around in your car, out of inexperience, you damaged a car standing on the side of the road. What will you do? Answer options High school students,% Teachers,% -If there is no owner, I will leave as soon as possible 22.5 10 - I will leave, but if they find me, I will pay for repairs without speaking 35 12 - If they find me, I will not admit my guilt so as not to pay for repairs 1, 5 0 - I’ll find the owner and pay as much as he says 5 4 - I don’t know 12 32.5 - I’ll wait for the owner and, if he demands, I will repair the car 12.5 26.5 - I’ll leave, but leave my phone number 11.5 15

    10 slide

    Slide Description:

    You were asked to give a letter to a friend you know, the envelope is not sealed. What will you do? Variants of answers High school students,% Teachers,% - I will, of course, read the letter. I am interested in everything that happens to people close to me 5 3 - The letter is not sealed, which means that people want me to read it. I will read 5 5 - If the letter is not sealed, then people trust me. I will not read 40 57 - If I am interested in the contents of the letter, I will ask about it, but I won’t read it in secret 36.5 20 - I will not read - away from sin 3.5 7 - I don’t know 4.5 5 - I will read, why not and no 5.5 3

    11 slide

    Slide Description:

    You have learned that a misfortune has happened in the family of your neighbors, very rich people. Which line of behavior is closer to you? Answer options High school students,% Teachers,% -I will be glad, because I consider myself no less worthy rich life I don’t have 13 1 - Probably I will rejoice: this is retribution, because it is impossible to become very rich honestly 1.5 1 - I will express sympathy and offer my services in a neighborly way 32.5 40 - I will offer my help - maybe it will be well paid 3 1 - I don’t know 4.5 5 - I would like to express my condolences, as is customary, but in my heart I will be glad that “the rich also cry” 3.5 1 - I sincerely sympathize with them: there are neither rich nor poor in grief 42 51

    12 slide

    Slide Description:

    "Our true guilt before children is in a semi-spiritual, in an unspiritual attitude towards them." S.L. Soloveichik

    13 slide

    Slide Description:

    Have a spirit and know how to nurture it! Have a spirit and be able to pass it on to your child!

    Maslov Sergei Ilyich



    The relevance of research. On the threshold of the third millennium in the world pedagogy there is an intensive search for models of educational systems that meet the needs of the individual and humanistic society. Nowadays, few people deny that the modern primary school, along with the cognitive side of development, should also focus on the formation of value orientations in the child, the development of his emotional-volitional sphere, the development of affective stereotypes, on the basis of which human behavior is carried out. The implementation of this task will require significant adjustments to the content of primary education, methods and means of teaching, which should be adequate to the goal of shaping the student's personality as a whole: his intellectual, volitional and emotional spheres.

    “When we educate or teach, we convey values ​​... Values ​​permeate all educational activities,” says the Scottish Curriculum Advisory Board's report. The upbringing of a child on values ​​that really function in society is the main goal of upbringing. Common values ​​cannot disappear, because otherwise the very concept of "person" would disappear. But values ​​can be considered appropriated if they are perceived internally - emotionally (V.I.Slobodchikov, E.I. Isaev). L.S. Vygotsky wrote: "If you want to evoke the forms of behavior you need in a student, always make sure that these reactions leave an emotional mark on the student." In turn, values ​​are the meaningful basis of emotions.

    The orientation of modern elementary education towards a rational understanding of the surrounding world goes without taking into account the peculiarities of children's consciousness, which leads to spiritual and emotional starvation, destroys the unique fairy-tale-mythical world of childhood. In the life of a child, there must be a period of emotional perception of the world around him; it is unnatural for him to be “only a materialist”. If the environment in which the child lives does not offer him a multidimensional (not only intellectual, but also sensual) understanding of the universe, then this will disfigure the child's spiritual world, form pragmatism and heartlessness.

    Even KD Ushinsky wrote: “No, one mind and one knowledge is not enough for rooting in us that moral feeling, that social cement, which sometimes, in accordance with reason, and often in contradiction with it, binds people into an honest, friendly society".

    The affective sphere of a person, like the cognitive one, goes through the path of cultural development, socialization. Emotional saturation of the human body is its important innate and life-developing need. The need for emotional experiences is similar to all other functional needs of a person, in particular his need for movement. However, the existing emotional impressions of a modern child are often fragmentary, one-sided and disordered. Excessive stimulation of some emotional experiences cannot compensate for the passivity of others. Children can even build up a special emotional hunger for certain experiences, which contributes to the instability of their behavior. If earlier affective development was dictated by the very traditional way of life of the family, providing an influx of necessary emotional impressions, now adults must more and more consciously and purposefully stimulate and regulate the course of the child's affective development. Even in the most normal and seemingly favorable conditions, the child often lacks adequate emotional stimulation. In most cases, a modern child does not have a yard with his adventures and a company of peers living according to its own dramatic laws. Game folklore, saturated with rhythms, movement, emotional images, is lost. Yes and modern education junior schoolchildren highly rationalized.

    The words of L.V. Zankov that in school education “the personality of a child is replaced by intellect, or, more precisely, by thinking. Ample evidence of this can be found in any methodological manual... In the best case, sometimes they mention will and emotions, but things don't go further than declarative statements. "

    All this creates difficulties in the formation of an adequate emotional image of the world in a child, an active position, stability and mobility in relation to him. It is no coincidence that teachers-practitioners note an increase in deviations in the affective development of a modern child. Teacher work in last years complicated by the fact that there are more and more children prone to quarrels and aggression, avoiding their peers, withdrawn, etc. A significant role in the occurrence of such difficulties is played by the impoverished emotional life of the child, the loss of whole layers of emotional experiences, all this can contribute to the development of general emotional distress in children.

    Mechanisms of volitional regulation play an equally important role in the acceptance of values ​​and in the normal functioning of the affective sphere. The volitional qualities of a person are among the most essential, without their development, the value orientations of the individual do not receive the desired manifestation. It is the mechanism of volitional regulation of activity and emotions that makes the activity itself and the impact of emotions on it less situational, more reliable and consistent, and therefore more effective. Therefore, the formation of significant personality traits should be the concern of the school. The earlier the conscious process of educating the will begins, the greater success can be achieved.

    Insufficient attention to the problem of emotional-value education leads to an unjustifiably narrow range of spiritual values ​​in a significant part of schoolchildren. Thus, out of two thousand surveyed senior pupils, 53% are concerned with material values, and only 44% of those surveyed are concerned with spiritual values. For 82% of high school students, the concept of "patriotism" does not exist. In order to identify among junior schoolchildren the attitude towards nationality as a spiritually significant value, we put them in a situation of free choice of nationality. 45% of students preferred a different nationality - American, because "they have all the best", "they are rich."

    The problem of emotional-value education and volitional development was solved throughout the history of education and pedagogy. Many psychologists and teachers have been studying this problem: K.D. Ushinsky, L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein and others. In recent years, this problem was investigated by M.V. Boguslavsky, Z. I. Ravkin, B.I. Dodonov, V.A. Krutetsky, V.V. Kraevsky, I. Ya. Lerner, N. D. Nikandrov, M.N. Skatkin and others.

    Many questions have now been answered. In the works of L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontyev et al. Proved a direct connection between the emotional, intellectual and volitional development of students. The necessity is proved and the emotional-value component of the content of education is theoretically substantiated (I.Ya. Lerner, I.K. Zhuravlev, L.Ya. Zorina), the principle of a positive emotional background of education is substantiated (M.N. axiology for the theory and practice of pedagogical research (N.D. Nikandrov, Z.I Ravkin, M.V. Boguslavsky), the role of emotions and feelings in education is shown (B.I.Dodonov, P.M. Yakobson, A.Ya. Chebykin), shows the ways of forming value relationships in certain types of activity (L.V. Kulikova, T.V. Ravgina, G.P.Savkina, A.D. Soldatenkov), the influence of learned values ​​on the personality traits of a child and his behavior (I. Y. Skvortsova, O. N. Prokopets). Theoretical foundations and practical advice on the upbringing of volitional qualities and abilities for volitional regulation of children's behavior are given in the generalizing works of A.Ya. Aret, A.I. Vysotsky, A.G. Kovaleva, A.A. Bodalev, V.I. Selivanova, L.I. Ruvinsky and others. A large number of works are devoted to the study of the patterns and methods of educating individual volitional personal qualities: endurance (R.L. Kvartskhava, N.S. Lukin), courage (T.I. Agafonov, L. Golovina), dedication (A. S. Shevchuk), perseverance (A.I. Golubeva, T.S. Konoreva, N.D. Levitov, A.V. Poltev, A.I.Samoshin, A.P. Chernysheva).

    However, a number of issues remain unresolved related to the substantiation of the structure, expressed in the unity of the content and procedural aspects of the emotional-value component, its place and role in the system. primary education, influence on the cognitive activity of younger students.

    An analysis of textbooks and teaching aids, school practice and data from a survey of teachers show that attempts to solve this problem empirically turned out to be insufficient. Therefore, it is quite legitimate to say that all these issues cannot be solved without theoretical justification.

    Emotional value education occurs throughout the entire learning process. But in the primary grades, the foundations of value orientations, volitional development are laid, and a special sensitivity to emotional development is manifested. This led to the choice of the elementary school as the object of study.

    Value orientations and the emotional-volitional sphere of the child play a special role in intellectual activity, possessing significant motivational power and activating cognitive processes.

    Thus, the relevance of the research on the topic "Didactic foundations of the implementation of the emotional-value component in primary education"Due to the fact that there is a clear contradiction, firstly, between the tasks facing the primary school stage, which include not only the assimilation of knowledge, skills, intellectual development, but also the formation of the emotional-volitional sphere and value attitude to the world in the child, and lack of clear didactic guidelines for organizing such work; secondly, between the awareness of the need to include an emotional-value component in the educational process and the lack of scientific

    justified indicators of its construction and implementation in primary school.

    Object of study: the content and process of the formation of emotional-value relationships among elementary school students.

    Thing: emotional-value component as part of the integral process of primary education.

    Purpose of the study: to identify the place and role of the emotional-value component in the primary education system, to determine the ways of its inclusion in the content of education and to develop mechanisms for implementation in the learning process.

    Hypothesis: a certain specificity of the teaching process of primary schoolchildren, associated with the predominance of the emotional factor in the cognitive and practical activities of students of this age, their sensitivity to emotional development, suggest the leading role of the emotional-value component in primary education.

    The emotional-value component is a unity of value, emotional and volitional elements, each of which appears in the content plan in relation to itself and in the procedural aspect in relation to the other two. The system-forming element of the substantive aspect is the values, and the procedural one - the affective mechanisms.

    The emotional-value component is successfully implemented if:

    • the design of the content of education is focused on the system of basic values ​​that are significant for assignment by younger students, built taking into account the logic of their assimilation, the age characteristics of children and the tasks of a modern primary school;
    • in the process of forming values, take into account the levels of their manifestation and the determining role in this of the affective sphere;
    • reflection in academic subjects, takes into account their didactic features and will have specific ways of fixing them in educational and methodological literature;
    • carry out the directed development of feelings, given their special role in primary education;
    • to carry out the directed formation of significant volitional qualities of the personality of a younger student through the awareness of their value and the inclusion of mechanisms of emotional and volitional regulation;
    • take into account the manifestation of the emotional-value component when assessing the quality of the learning process of primary schoolchildren.

    In accordance with the purpose of the study and the hypothesis put forward, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

    1. To reveal the essence of the emotional-value component of education and to reveal its structure.

    2. Determine the place and features of the implementation of this component in primary education.

    3. Determine the set of basic values ​​necessary for the assimilation of younger students.

    4. Reveal the specific features of groups of objects in the implementation of the emotional-value component.

    5. Determine common ways and identify conditions that ensure the successful implementation of the emotional-value component in primary education.

    6. Develop a didactic model for the implementation of the emotional-value component in primary grades.

    7. To identify the criteria by which the effectiveness of the assimilation of the emotional-value component by primary schoolchildren is assessed, and, on their basis, to carry out an experimental test of the effectiveness of the developed model for the implementation of the emotional-value component.

    Methodological framework research constitutes the most important philosophical provisions on the nature and essence of human existence, the meaning of the existence and development of human society, the role of the rational and irrational in human life.

    The methodological guidelines of the research are: the concept of the integrity of the pedagogical process and the system-structural approach in its research; the principle of unity and dialectical interaction of theory and practice in scientific knowledge; modern didactic ideas of educational content and teaching methods.

    The theoretical basis of the study is the ideas and provisions: the psychology of emotions and values ​​(L.S.Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyev, S.L. Rubinstein, A.V. Zaporozhets, V.V. and mechanisms of volitional regulation (V.A. Ivannikov, P.V.Simonov, V.A. Nikandrov, Z.I. Ravkin, V.P. and others), pedagogical theories of educational content and didactic teaching methods (N.F. Vinogradova, I.K. Zhuravlev, L.Ya. Zorina, V.V. Kraevsky, V.S. Lednev, I.Ya. Lerner, A.M. Pyshkalo, M.N. Skatkin and others).

    Research methods and base.

    To solve the set tasks and test the initial assumptions, a set of research methods was used, mutually checking and complementing each other: the method of theoretical analysis (historical, comparative-comparative, logical), pedagogical observations (direct, indirect, included), study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience, extrapolation method, oral and written polls, study and analysis of documents, modeling, forecasting, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.

    Organization of the study. The research was carried out in several stages, starting in 1981.

    The first stage (1981-1989) was devoted to observing the educational process at school, collecting empirical data on the shortcomings and difficulties in the transmission of meaningful values ​​and the development of the child's affective-volitional sphere. Psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature was analyzed, the initial positions of the research were determined.

    At the second stage (1989-1992), theoretical concepts of emotional-value education of primary schoolchildren were developed at the substantive and procedural level.

    The third stage (1992-1995) is associated with the development of a system for the implementation of the emotional-value component in primary education.

    The fourth stage (1995-1999) is the use of the research results in the practice of schools, the final generalization of the research results and their registration in a dissertation.

    The main provisions for the defense:

    1. The basis of the emotional-value component is the interconnection of three elements: value orientations, emotional and volitional spheres of a younger student, reflecting his content and procedural aspects. Each element is meaningful in relation to itself and procedural - to the other two. In terms of content, values ​​are leading, and in procedural terms, emotional mechanisms.

    2. The emotional-value component is a necessary component of primary education. This is determined by its following functions: value-orientation - to convey significant generally recognized values ​​of society; emotiogenic - to realize a full-fledged emotionally rich life of a schoolchild; motivational and stimulating; motivational-restraining; estimated; cognitive - emotional knowledge of the world, developing - the development of will and feelings; communicative - means of communication, etc.

    3. In primary education, in accordance with the psychological characteristics of junior schoolchildren, the emotional-value component becomes not only its integral part, but is also a leading factor influencing the entire content, determining the selection of methods, means and forms of education. This allows you to significantly increase the cognitive activity of schoolchildren due to the awakening of internal motives for learning.

    4. The construction of the content of the emotional-value component should be carried out in the following logical sequence: the selection of groups of values ​​included in the content of education; selection of nomenclature for each group, establishment of their hierarchy; identifying the availability of the allocated values ​​for a specific age, etc. In this case, the following principles must be observed: completeness, taking into account the previous emotional and value experience, age and social characteristics, accessibility, from the concrete to the abstract, didactic value, priority.

    5. In academic subjects, the peculiarity of reflecting the emotional-value component depends on the goal of introducing the subject into the curriculum, on the leading function of the subject in the content of education as a whole, which is dictated by this goal. The emotional development of children, especially for primary school, has an intrinsic value determined by the sensitivity of this age for the formation of emotions and the predominance of the emotional factor in the behavior of children. This presupposes a special role for subjects of the art cycle in primary grades, focused on the emotional development of children.

    6. The emotional-value component in the projected learning process can be fixed through the conditional, direct, indirect, indirect and activity reflection of values, in the form of value-oriented and emotiogenic texts and tasks, tasks that contribute to the development of volitional qualities of the individual, as well as in pictures, words , phrases and sentences.

    7. The assimilation of the emotional-value component is carried out through the following teaching methods: emotional-value accentuation, adequate emotions and emotional-value contrasts. Their identification is due to the fact that the process of realization of the emotional-value component presupposes the decisive role of affective mechanisms in the assimilation of values ​​and the development of the volitional "sphere, as well as taking into account the levels of assimilation of values ​​we have identified, the mechanisms of their assimilation and mechanisms of emotional manifestations.

    8. The implementation of the emotional-value component should be carried out taking into account a number of conditions. Among them, the main ones are the following: to rely on the actual needs and interests of the student; to ensure the emotional richness of the life of schoolchildren and freedom in the expression of feelings; create an atmosphere of emotional and volitional tension and shared experience in the classroom; to provide a joyful, upbeat lifestyle for the children's team; use the positive impact of public opinion; avoid emotional satiety, etc.

    Testing and implementation of research results.

    The research results are reflected in books, textbooks, scientific articles, abstracts and conference materials, methodological recommendations, the total volume of which is 14.6 printed pages.

    They were discussed and approved at the meetings of the Department of Pedagogy of the Tula State Pedagogical University (1990-1997); at the annual final scientific conferences of teachers of TSPU named after L.N. Tolstoy (1989-1997); at meetings of the Laboratory of General Problems of Didactics of the Research Institute of Theory of Education and Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education; at interuniversity scientific and scientific-practical conferences (Oryol, 1992-1996; Volgograd, 1992; Tula 1992-1997; Ryazan 1997), at international seminars and scientific-practical conferences (Tula 1996-1997 .).

    The implementation of the research results is also carried out in the direct pedagogical activity of the author in pedagogical university at lectures and other classes, as well as when reading a special course, lectures at MRO, pedagogical colleges No. 1,2g. Tula and the Chernsk Pedagogical School. In addition, field seminars were held for teachers and students at Kaluga, Murmansk, Eletsk, Michurinsk and Ural pedagogical universities.

    Scientific novelty of the research.

    The didactic foundations of the emotional-value component of primary education have been determined and its generalized didactic model has been built: the essence of the emotional-value component has been determined, its structure has been identified, and the place of the emotional-value component in primary education has been determined.

    The logic is substantiated and the principles of selection and methods of fixing the content of the emotional-value component are highlighted.

    The specific features of groups of subjects in the implementation of the emotional-value component of primary education are determined.

    The conditions and general ways are identified that ensure the implementation of the emotional-value component of primary education.

    A group of general didactic methods is proposed that contribute to the implementation of the emotional-value component in the educational process (the method of emphasizing emotions and values, the method of adequate emotions, the method of emotional-value contrasts).

    Theoretical significance work is determined by enrichment: the general theory of education - substantiation of the structure, content, functions and place of the emotional-value component in the integral education system; the theory of the content of education - substantiation of the logic, principles of selection and methods of fixing the emotional-value component in the content of education at various levels of its design; the theory of a school subject - the selection, on the basis of a generalized didactic model, of a new typology of school subjects, taking into account the peculiarities of the implementation of the emotional-value component in them; general didactic theory of a textbook - identifying ways of fixing and forms of reflection of the emotional-value component in textbooks and teaching aids; didactic theory of teaching methods - supplementing the nomenclature of the general didactic system of teaching methods, distinguished by the nature of cognitive activity, substantiating the inclusion of methods for implementing the emotional-value component of education in it,

    Practical significance. The new knowledge obtained as a result of the research about the structure, content, functions of the emotional-value component of education can be used in practical work to improve learning in comprehensive school- the purposeful formation of the value-orientational and emotional-volitional sphere of schoolchildren, the activation of cognitive activity, contributing to their full-fledged communication and unity.

    The built-up logic, the selected selection principles and methods of fixing the content of the emotional-value component can be used in drawing up curricula, developing curricula, textbooks and manuals for teachers and students.

    The highlighted methods and conditions for the effective formation of the emotional-value sphere of the personality of a younger student can be used in planning and implementing the learning process, in the work of practicing teachers striving for the diversified development of children.

    The knowledge gained about the levels of assimilation of values, the principles of selecting the content of the emotional-value component, the conditions for its effective implementation can serve as the basis for determining the criteria for the effectiveness and quality of the educational process in a general education school.

    Currently, the research results are used in the activities of more than 80 schools in Russia and the CIS countries.


    The dissertation consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and annexes.

    In the introduction substantiated the relevance of the research topic, set the problem and goal; the object, subject, tasks, hypothesis, methods and research base are determined; formulated the main provisions for the defense; the scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the research are determined.

    In the first chapter - "The emotional-value aspect of teaching younger students" - based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the essence is revealed, the structure and content of the emotional-value component of education are determined; the functions of the emotional-value component, its place and role in the integral system of primary education are revealed.

    In the second chapter - "Ways of fixing the emotional-value component in the content of primary education" - substantiates the logic and principles, the content of the emotional-value component at various stages of designing the content of education. The methods and forms of its fixation are determined. The significance and functions of the emotional-value component in various types of educational subjects are shown.

    In the third chapter - "Realization of the emotional-value component in the process of primary education" - the levels of assignment of values ​​and the stages of assimilation of the emotional-value component are highlighted, on their basis the mechanism of assimilation is substantiated. General didactic methods are highlighted, a number of techniques for the implementation of the emotional-value component in the learning process are described. The conditions for the effective formation of the emotional-value sphere of primary schoolchildren are described.

    In the fourth chapter - "Organization of the experiment and verification of the effectiveness of the educational process" - describes the logic, content, criteria and methods for assessing the effectiveness of the experimental implementation of the emotional-value component in primary grades. Is given comparative analysis the results obtained, which make it possible to judge the effectiveness of the learning process, organized on the basis of the selected didactic indicators.

    In custody summarized the results of the study, formulated its main conclusions.

    It is generally accepted that the educational process should not be limited to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities. Knowledge, emotions and faith are called the constituent elements of education (V.A.Razumny); thinking, will and feelings (LS Vygotsky, LV Zankov); physical development, emotions and intelligence (J. Korczak). Including faith and will in the emotional-value component, we believe that education as a pedagogical phenomenon includes intellectual, emotional-value and valueological components. The intellectual component includes the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities, the development of thinking. Emotional-value-oriented - aimed at familiarizing schoolchildren with values ​​and the development of their emotional-volitional sphere. The valeological component is associated with physical development and introduction to a healthy lifestyle. In the learning process, all three components appear in an indissoluble unity. Based on the goal and objectives of the study, we considered in a logical sequence the emotional-value component of primary education.

    Speaking about the essence and structure of the emotional-value component, it is necessary to give answers to the questions: what elements does it consist of, what is their purpose, how are these elements related? It can be assumed that the emotional-value component consists of three elements: value orientations, the emotional-sensory sphere, and volitional qualities of the individual. This is due to their inextricable interaction.

    Raising a child on values ​​that really function in society is the main goal of education. Special studies have shown that the most important means of transferring meaningful values ​​to schoolchildren is the awakening of adequate emotional experiences in them. Values ​​can only be learned through emotional recognition. On the other hand, the characterization of emotions as a kind of assessments of reality, or, more precisely, information received about it, is a generally accepted point of view of philosophers, physiologists and psychologists. Emotions are always associated with values. This is due to the fact that emotions are most often directed at a certain object and are associated with the expression of an attitude towards it. So, moral emotions are directly related to moral values, the same can be said about intellectual, social, aesthetic and others. On the other hand, without correlating with the value of the object, one cannot speak of positive or negative emotions: joy over the success of a companion in content is positive, but joy over his failures can hardly be called positive.

    Mechanisms of volitional regulation play an important role in the realization of values ​​and in the normal functioning of the affective sphere of the individual. The volitional qualities of a person belong to a number of the most essential, however, by themselves they can have a positive or negative meaning "for society. It depends on the value orientations of a person possessing these volitional qualities. The presence of volitional qualities means that a person owns his behavior, he is the master. A special question is what these plans are. Will is only a means of achieving an end or a means of realizing values. Without its development, the value orientations of a person are not manifested to the required degree.

    The undoubted merit of modern psychology is the establishment of the closest connection between the will of a person and his system of values ​​(see: L.I.Bozhovich, A.I. Vysotsky, V.I.Selivanov). Naturally, the higher the level of assimilation of a value, the greater volitional efforts a person makes to realize it. A person can overcome difficulties only if he knows why he is doing it (B.M. Teplov).

    No less close relationship between emotions and will. "Since the volitional act proceeds from motives, from needs, it has a more or less pronounced emotional character," wrote S.L. Rubinstein.

    Both volitional and emotional spheres regulate the child's behavior, they are so interconnected that recently in psychology they began to talk about the emotional-volitional regulation of activity (K. Izard, V. Vilyunas, V. Lebedinsky, J. Raikovsky, etc.).

    Thus, we can talk about an inextricable connection between value orientations and the emotional-volitional sphere of the individual. The emotional-value component consists of content and procedural aspects. Accordingly, in the content, the system-forming values ​​are, and in the procedural - emotions.

    The emotional-value component of education is understood as the purposeful formation in students of a system of value orientations that are significant for the individual and society and the development of their emotional-volitional sphere, reflected in the content of education and implemented in the learning process.

    The task of the school is to form in schoolchildren a system of basic values ​​adequate to the progressive interests of our society. WITH on the one hand, it must be universal, on the other, it must be taken into account; that each person is distinguished by his system of value orientations, depending on his abilities, individual characteristics, professional orientation, etc.

    Analysis of research in the field of axiology (3.I. Ravkin, V.P. Tugarinov, O.G. Drobnitsky, T.V. Lyubimova, etc.) makes it possible to distinguish the following groups of basic values:

    1. Moral: goodness, freedom, mercy, peace, duty, loyalty, honesty, gratitude.

    2. Intellectual: knowledge, truth, cognitive activity, creativity.

    3. Religious: faith, shrines, piety, ceremonies, relics.

    4. Aesthetic: beauty, feelings, harmony.

    5. Social: family, ethnos, fatherland, humanity, friendship, communication.

    6. Material: natural resources and phenomena, housing, clothing, tools, materials, equipment, money, and for younger students - school things and toys.

    7. Physiological: life, health, food, air, water, labor.

    The value attitudes of people are incomparably more diverse than the above classification. Any general theory of values, precisely because it is general, cannot exhaust all the infinite variety of value relationships that arise in human life. But this classification is important for pedagogical practice when modeling the content of education and the learning process. We call these groups of values ​​basic, they include many specific real values.

    All values ​​are interconnected and form a system of value orientations of a society or individual. Thus, religious values ​​have no less important aesthetic, social, moral and material values, and the significance of these values ​​will depend on the value orientations of the individual and society. National values ​​include the aesthetic values ​​of national culture, language, customs and rituals. This suggests that all the basic values ​​should be included in the content of school education, but their differentiation will depend on the goals set for the educational institution. So, for a pedagogical university, the most significant are socio-pedagogical values ​​(a child, his moral and physical health; childhood as an important period of a person's life; pedagogical activity; knowledge that a teacher transfers to students, etc.), for confessional educational institutions - religious values, for art - aesthetic, etc.

    The next element of the emotional-value component is emotions. The range of basic emotional phenomena includes emotions, feelings, moods, affects. All these concepts have in common the fact that they reflect the attitude to reality and their main, central element is experience (V.I.Slobodchikov, A.V. Petrovsky, etc.). Many researchers use the words “emotion” and “feeling” as synonyms (S. L. Rubinstein, V. A. Krutetskiy, L. A. Venger, V. S. Mukhina, etc.). Due to the fundamental kinship of all types of emotional phenomena, which include an attitude to the surrounding reality, for convenience in the further presentation we will mainly use the term "emotions" when referring to the actual emotions, as well as feelings and affects.

    The study of various forms of expression of emotions and their functions requires the classification of emotions. Attempts to classify them were undertaken by D. Hume, R. Descartes, W. Wundt, A. Ben, N. Groth, T. Ribot, K. Ushinsky, M. Astvatsaturov, K. Pluchik, P. Simonov, B. Dodonov and others. Currently, psychology has a number of independent or partially overlapping classifications of emotional phenomena.

    Offering his own classification of emotions, B.I. Dodonov writes: "Obviously, it is generally impossible to create a universal classification of emotions, so a classification suitable for solving one range of problems must inevitably be replaced by another when solving problems of a different kind."

    Agreeing with this statement of the question, proceeding from the goals and logic of our research, and also considering it generally accepted that emotions are oriented towards values ​​and are associated with their realization, we propose the following classification of emotions, which is based on the expression of values:

    1. Intellectual: surprise, interest, doubt, curiosity, curiosity.

    2. Moral: shame, guilt, compassion, kindness, duty, love.

    3. Aesthetic: charm, admiration, admiration.

    4. Religious: faith, reverence.

    5. Social: kindred (maternal, filial, etc.), friendship and fellowship, patriotism.

    6. Physiological: hunger, sexual, pleasure, displeasure, fatigue, thirst.

    The third element of the emotional-value component is the volitional sphere of the personality. Psychologists distinguish the following volitional qualities: initiative, purposefulness, decisiveness, perseverance, endurance, independence, courage and courage, etc. The system of these qualities and the degree of their development determine the level of volitional development of a person. Depending on the type of activity, these qualities can be specified. So in cognitive activity such qualities as the need to acquire new knowledge and methods of activity, the ability to focus on a set goal are significant; persistence in getting things done, striving to improve the work performed, striving to find unconventional ways to achieve goals, etc.

    The main thing in the formation of volitional qualities of a person is the activity that contributes to their development. But the first thing that is necessary is to awaken a positive attitude towards the formed volitional qualities, to bring them to the realization of their value.

    The need for an emotional-value component in primary grades is due to the educational function of teaching. In this case, the following more specific functions are implemented:

    1. Axiological - to convey significant generally recognized values ​​of society. Upbringing consists in transferring values ​​to children and, naturally, this process must be purposeful.

    2. Emotional - to realize a full-fledged emotionally rich life of a schoolchild. The school should more and more consciously and purposefully stimulate and regulate the affective development of the child. Normal emotional adaptation requires the development of the mechanisms of all emotional manifestations and linking them into a single whole with emotional meaning.

    3. Motivational and stimulating educational and practical activities. First, the child's activity proceeds more efficiently if it is perceived to be value-significant for the child. Secondly, the activity, supported by the emotions of a person, proceeds, as a rule, much more successfully than the activity to which he forces himself only by the arguments of reason.

    4. Motivational-restraining: a formed negative emotional attitude towards certain actions serves as a restraining factor in actions. In addition, the child, through efforts of will, inhibits unwanted manifestations of emotions or restrains their motivating influence.

    5. Estimated. The characterization of emotions as a kind of assessments of reality, or, more precisely, the information received about it, is a generally recognized point of view of Russian psychologists, physiologists and philosophers.

    6. Cognitive. Emotions are a special form of knowing the world. Affect as a set of signals is as obligatory a means of cognizing reality as thinking (K. Izard). Back in the 13th century, Roger Bacon spoke of two types of knowledge: one - obtained through arguments, and the other - through experience.

    7. Developing - the development of will and feelings. The development of the emotional sphere is part of a single process of mental development of children (P.P. Blonsky, L.S.Vygotsky, L.V. Zankov) First of all, development consists in the gradual differentiation of emotions - enrichment of the qualitative palette of experiences. At the same time, the content of emotions changes: their objects become more complex, the circle of these objects expands. Gradually, more and more objectively significant events, more and more complex needs become the cause of experiences.

    8. Communicative. Emotions play the role of regulators of human communication. By external expressive movements accompanying emotional experience (facial expressions, posture, gestures), as well as by speech intonation, we judge the internal states, experiences of others and take them into account in our actions.

    9. Corporate. Most often, people are united by similar value orientations or, more precisely, dominant values ​​(political, aesthetic, etc.). Also, being in one emotional situation, experiencing one state contributes to the unification of people. Only through the emotional sphere does social rapprochement arise in general. The strength and strength of social ties directly depend on the strength of our feelings in relation to them.

    10. Productive. Emotions and value orientations influence creative cognition and transformation of the world. Education should be aimed not only at the assimilation of values, but, at the same time, at the formation of a personality capable of multiplying and creating these values. The child's intellectual activity is guided and supported by interest. The relationship between interest, thinking and memory functions is so extensive that a lack of emotional support threatens the development of intelligence. To think, you need to worry, be excited, constantly receive emotional reinforcement.

    Emotions play a special role in teaching younger students. The emotional perception of the world is consistent with their nature. The phenomena and objects with which children come in contact are perceived by them primarily emotionally. This fact is a powerful stimulus for the development of the child's feelings and the formation of his value relationships. Practice shows that the impressions laid down in childhood leave an indelible mark on the whole life.

    The inappropriateness of narrowing the tasks of the school to scientific education is already being realized, which is manifested in the development of fundamentally new experimental programs in music, fine arts, literature, etc. The renowned researcher of elementary education A.M. Pyshkalo points out that the task of the school cannot be reduced only to the development of the cognitive abilities of the child. It assumes a purposeful and systematic influence on the emotional and volitional sphere of the individual. The place of the emotional-value component of education depends on the designated general educational goal of the school and the level of education.

    The purpose of the various stages depends on the functions of a particular stage of education, psychological characteristics of children and sensitivity to the formation of certain neoplasms. In addition, the goal of the school is to different stages learning should be broken down into subordinate goals, which imply obtaining optimal results in achieving the main goal, and here the effect of direct action is often unjustified.

    The mental originality of childhood, according to V.V. Zenkovsky, is determined by the "dominance of the emotional sphere."

    L.S. Vygotsky wrote: "Before communicating this or that knowledge, the teacher must evoke the corresponding emotion of the student and make sure that this emotion is associated with new knowledge."

    Since primary school is the first step in the systematic assimilation of scientific knowledge, it must take into account the logic of cognitive activity at this age, when the primary is the formation of an attitude towards the student. First of all, it is necessary to take care of awakening a positive attitude towards educational and cognitive activity. If, while teaching, we form the child's desire to learn, then the learning process will be much more efficient and faster. Conversely, if in the first place we take care of the skill, not paying due attention to the attitude of children to this type of activity, then this can lead to a negative attitude towards learning and a slowdown in the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of a skill. The desire to influence the will of children is ineffective. Of course, at this age the volitional sphere is actively developing, but it is very brightly colored with emotions - it would be more accurate to say that emotional activity dominates, and volitional regulation is only included in it “in the form of a subordinate moment” (V.V. Zenkovsky).

    Younger school age is the most sensitive for emotional development. The lack of conditions for normal emotional development will lead to negative consequences in all areas of the personality. The internal mental forces of the student are characterized by a tendency towards activity, the activity itself is a need for the student, only under this condition his various mental functions can be manifested and developed. If the emotional function tuned to activity does not find itself in the environment in which it should be realized and developed, after a certain time the child may permanently and irrevocably lose this ability.

    The emotional-value component should be reflected in the content of education at all levels of its design. In the process of designing the content of the emotional-value component, first of all, it is necessary to determine which groups of values ​​should be included in the content of primary education. The next step will be the selection from these groups of the nomenclature of those values ​​that are important in educational terms. Then you need to establish their hierarchy. The next step is to determine the availability of values ​​for a particular age of schoolchildren. After that, values ​​that are specific to a particular age should be identified. The next step is to identify the specific reflection of basic values ​​in specific age groups. After that, it is determined through which educational subjects it is more expedient to convey these values. Then it is established what emotional responses to these values ​​need to be awakened. After that, it is important to determine at what level these values ​​should be learned. Then the mechanisms of assimilation of each value at the required level are identified. At the last stage, the completeness of emotional experiences is determined.

    At all stages of the selection of the composition of the emotional-value component, it is necessary to be guided by the principles of the formation of the content of this component. These include the principles of completeness, taking into account the previous emotional-value experience, taking into account age characteristics, accessibility, from the concrete to the abstract, taking into account social characteristics, didactic value, priority.

    The academic subject is the main means of realizing the content of education, combining into an indissoluble integrity the content to be assimilated, the means of its assimilation by students and the means of their development and upbringing. The dependence of the content of an academic subject on the purpose of its introduction into the curriculum, on its function in the content of education as a whole, which is dictated by this goal, is the starting point in determining the structure of the emotional-value component and its functions in this subject. The function of a subject is understood as its main goal, the main purpose in the curriculum.

    As noted by B.C. Lednev, “the contribution of individual academic subjects to the formation of various components of a personality's experience is different. This is due to the fact that different academic subjects, according to their specificity, allow to a greater extent to contribute to the development of one side of the personality. "

    This determines the leading function of the subject in the educational process, which implies the designation of the leading educational component embedded in it. If we take as a basis the idea that education consists of three components: intellectual, emotional-value and valeological, then we can distinguish three groups of subjects according to the leading educational component.

    The first group of subjects - with a leading intellectual component: mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.

    The second group - with an emotional-value component: literature, music, history, etc.

    The third group - with the leading valeological component: physical education, physiology, etc.

    Having substantiated the fact that the emotional-value component is the leading one in primary school, we must recognize the special role of subjects where this component is the leading one at all levels of education. These items should take longer in volume than they do now, and clearly express their function through the leading component.

    A special manifestation of the emotional-value component in primary school should be found in subjects that are introduced into the educational process, primarily for the transfer of knowledge and skills, intellectual development. Due to the peculiarities of the cognitive activity of younger students, the emotional-value component will be the main one in the procedural block of these subjects.

    In subjects aimed at shaping healthy way life, without the perception of the value of such a lifestyle and negative attitude to bad inclinations that destroy the health of the individual, the effectiveness will be minimal. Therefore, in these subjects in the procedural block, the emotional-value component will be the leading one.

    The methods of fixing it depend on the characteristics of the academic subject. The core values ​​should be listed in the explanatory note. The text of the program should clearly and concretely show how these values ​​are formed in time, from class to class. In textbooks and teaching aids, the emotional-value component is fixed through certain methods:

    1. Conditional reflection of value. Values ​​can be reflected in the modeling of the content, when the methodologist considers certain knowledge, abilities, and skills to be valuable and includes them in the curriculum, textbooks and teaching aids, based on their didactic value.

    4. Indirect reflection of value, when it is not the attitude to real persons, events, phenomena that is evaluated, but the attitude to images as to something general, typical, essential.

    5. Activity reflection of value, when a value attitude towards an object is awakened through organized practical and creative activity.

    In form, it can be value-orientational and emotiogenic macro and microtexts, as well as various tasks and illustrations.

    What is special for value-oriented texts is that heroes, events, phenomena, facts, objects are characterized in them from the point of view of value for society and a person. The main purpose of emotiogenic texts is to awaken a variety of emotions in children.

    In textbooks for primary grades, assignments occupy a large place. To implement the emotional-value component, the following types of tasks are distinguished, aimed at:

    1) accentuation of the feelings of children, including through the images of works of art;

    2) the expression of their feelings in images or the search for images to express feelings;

    3) understanding the feelings of others, the heroes of the works, capturing the author's attitude to them and to the events described;

    4) the development of feelings in play and artistic and aesthetic activities;

    5) development of figurative thinking and imagination;

    6) the development of volitional qualities of the individual.

    The fixation of values ​​in textbooks does not yet ensure their assimilation; a technology for the formation of value orientations of schoolchildren is needed. When developing a technology, it is important to proceed from the level of assimilation of values ​​and the mechanism of their assimilation at each of the levels. We distinguish four such levels.

    The first level is knowledge about values. This level does not yet imply that a person in his behavior will be guided by these values. In this case, the values ​​remain only as known, but not internally accepted and are a guide to action.

    At the second level, a person acts in accordance with values ​​that are significant for others, but not from internal motives, but fearing condemnation, punishment, etc. A person is able to violate them, it is enough to change some external evaluation criteria.

    The third level can be characterized by an internal acceptance of values ​​without realizing their significance. In this case, values ​​become the internal guidance of a person's actions, but in cases of dissonance between actions and values, a moral crisis does not arise.

    The fourth level is characterized by emotional acceptance and awareness of values. It is this level that characterizes the system of personal value orientations. External influences penetrate deep into the personality, enter into a person's own relationship to the world and to himself, become a part of his “I”. At this level, it becomes impossible to act contrary to the learned value without striking a blow to the idea of ​​oneself, without devaluing a person in his own eyes, and infringing on his desire for self-respect. When assimilating values ​​at this level, a person arises not only a desire, but also a need to take actions and actions to realize the assimilated value. If at the third level a person, faced with a moral choice, acts in accordance with moral values, then at the fourth level he is looking for where he can realize this value.

    The mechanism of the assimilation of emotions goes through three phases: the first phase is the primary, but not clear emotional penetration into a new sphere of life, the second phase is the bodily and mental expression of this feeling in the game, and, finally, the third phase is the development and mental design of the initial feeling through the game. - in a certain emotional "getting used to" in someone else's soul, (V.V. Zenkovsky). Consequently, the logic of assimilating new emotions can be structured as follows: first, observing the emotional experiences of another (accentuating an emotion), then an activity that requires the manifestation of this emotion (awakening an emotion), and comprehending the emotion through the image and opposition. The logic of assimilation of values ​​in primary schoolchildren also goes through three phases: emotional acceptance of value (awakening adequate emotions), its awareness (emphasis on value) and inclusion in the system of value orientations of the child (value comparisons).

    When correlating the logic of attribution of emotions and values, it can be noted that the phases of appropriation are similar, although their sequence is somewhat different. On the basis of the identified levels of assignment of values ​​and the mechanisms of their assignment, as well as the mechanisms of emotional manifestations, a set of teaching methods was developed that contribute to the assimilation of the emotional-value component. The essence of this group of methods consists in organizing the assimilation by students of the subject's emotional-value attitude to the object and the learning process.

    The method of emphasizing emotions and values ​​is that the teacher organizes the students' awareness of their experiences or the value of the object of study in various ways. If we had not read and heard about the existence of such and such feelings in such and such circumstances, we would not focus on many of our spiritual movements; they would be transient, they might not be repeated. Verbal description helps to reinforce emotional experiences; it is one of the ways to educate feelings, in particular, in children, adolescents and youth. The teacher's value judgments can serve as an important means of assimilating values. In combination with the skillful leadership of the self-organizing activity of students, the value judgments of the teacher contribute to the education of their will.

    The method of adequate emotions is that the teacher builds the learning process so that the transmitted content awakens adequate emotional reactions of students to the object of study and cognitive activity. When implementing this method, especially in primary education, it is necessary to proceed from the law of double expression of feelings.

    The method of emotional-value contrasts is that the teacher showing opposite values ​​and awakening opposite feelings, sharpens students' experience of meaningful feelings and awareness of necessary values. When implementing these methods, a wide variety of techniques are used. Many of them are inherent in other methods, but there are also more closely related to the named methods. Let's name some of them:

    • creating a competitive situation. Competition is an important attribute of human communication and a powerful stimulus in the assimilation of values. Competition is essentially an emotional phenomenon. There can be no competition without experience.
    • situations of success / failure. Success / failure situations constantly accompany the process of achieving the set goals by an individual or a team. These situations give rise to a wide range of emotional states, from elation to anger.
    • psycho-role situations. These include situations where opportunities are created for the conditional self-expression of the individual, playing a certain role in interaction with other people. These are games, ceremonies, rituals, ceremonies and dramatizations. According to L.S. Vygotsky, play is the best form of organizing emotional behavior.
    • situations of novelty. The need for new experiences is one of the most important human needs. This need, according to the psychologist L.I.Bozhovich, carries in itself the initial force that stimulates the mental development of the child, develops with him, is the basis for the development of his other social needs. The need for new experiences grows into a cognitive need.
    • the situation of an emotional explosion. It is like an attack on the emotional state that can be achieved by surprise.

    It is necessary to take into account socio-economic, geographical, regional, demographic and other factors when deciding on the formation of value attitudes and the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of schoolchildren. The process of assimilating the emotional-value component becomes effective if:

    Rely on the actual needs and interests of the student. Only those objects and actions that are in the zone of actual needs and motives can cause positive emotional reactions;

    Provide freedom of expression. The child is inherent in expansiveness, he needs freedom in the bodily expression of feelings. Anything that is embarrassing is hard on the emotional sphere of the child. For the normal development of the child's feelings, it is extremely important whether he freely expresses his feelings or "withdraws into himself," conceals his hidden desires;

    Provide a multifaceted emotionally rich life for schoolchildren;

    Create an atmosphere of emotional and volitional tension and shared experience in the classroom; the highest joy is overcoming difficulties, the goal achieved, the secret revealed, the joy of triumph and the happiness of independence, mastery and possession;

    Provide - a joyful, major lifestyle of the children's team;

    Use the positive impact of public opinion (interesting, important);

    Provide conditions for joint experience that serves as an emotional contamination. We experience certain feelings more strongly when we see the expression of the same feelings on the faces of other people. All our feelings are experienced by us more sharply when they are experienced together. In a team, such an uplift of feelings is possible that is beyond the power of one person. All feelings during social communication, as it were, receive a special nourishment, become more lively and vivid;

    Use the positive impact of the teacher's personality. Values ​​have been accumulating over many millennia; none of us has a real opportunity to check their truth through our own practice. Each of us accepts the absolute majority of spiritual values ​​without detailed argumentation, relying only on faith. What the beloved educator says becomes important and necessary for the majority of schoolchildren, which means that each of his words has an increased power of emotional suggestion;

    Create an atmosphere of friendly understanding and trust. The most important upbringing factor in the school is its spiritual atmosphere - a genuine, sincere and holistic inner attitude. It is necessary to constantly maintain a favorable environment of business cooperation and emotional comfort;

    Avoid emotional satiety. It should be borne in mind that not only long-term negative experiences, but also bright positive ones, lead to emotional breakdowns. Doing several lessons in a row at a high emotional uplift will backfire on emotional development.

    The assumptions made in the study needed experimental verification. In the course of the experiment, it was necessary to determine: firstly, the legitimacy of the selected component (emotional-value) as the leading one in the primary grades, and, secondly, the effectiveness of the implementation of the emotional-value component of primary education, built in accordance with didactic indicators, to clarify the value orientation and development of the emotional-volitional sphere of primary schoolchildren.

    The experimental work was carried out in stages over eight years, from 1990 to 1998. For the objectivity of the results, ordinary schools of a large city (Tula), a small town and a village were chosen. In total, 35 teachers and 1030 primary school students participated in the experiment.

    The breadth of values ​​(quantitative indicator) and the level of assimilation of moral values ​​(qualitative indicator), as well as the level of emotional and volitional manifestations were used as indicators of the effectiveness of the developed methodology. In order to identify the breadth of the value field of children, a questionnaire was used. To identify the level of assimilation of values, the methodology of preferences and situations of choice was applied. The emotional and volitional manifestations of children were revealed through the method of unsolvable problems.

    The formative experiment was organized in two stages. To implement his idea, the experimental classes were divided into four groups, two classes in each group (a total of 202 students).

    At the first stage of the experiment, the assumption was tested that the emotional-value component should be realized in the primary grades not empirically, but on the basis of the didactic indicators identified.

    In the classes of groups "A" and "B" teaching was carried out through the empirical realization of the emotional-value component; in classes of groups "C" and "D" - on the basis of the revealed didactic indicators.

    The results at the end of the first stage of the experiment indicate that the assimilation of values ​​and emotional-volitional development occur more effectively if the implementation of the emotional-value component is carried out on the basis of the revealed didactic foundations. In the classes of groups "C" and "D", where training was organized on the basis of didactic indicators, the results are significantly higher than in groups "A" and "B".

    Table 1


    Assimilation of values

    Emoc. responsiveness

    Emotional-vol. manifestations

    Assimilation of values

    Emoc. responsiveness

    Emotional-vol. manifestations

    At the second stage of the formative experiment, to prove the decisive role of the selected factors, the technique of cross-groups was used. At this stage, the emotional-value component was realized on the basis of didactic indicators in the classes of group “B”, in which this component was realized empirically. In the classes of group "B", further education was carried out through the empirical implementation of the emotional-value component. The results of this stage indicate the decisive role of the selected didactic indicators for the implementation of the emotional-value component. In the classes of group "B" the indices of assimilation of values ​​and emotional-volitional development were equal to the indices of the classes of group "C", although after the first stage of the experiment the group "C" was significantly ahead of them.

    Significantly higher than in other groups, the results in the classes of group "D", where training at all stages of the experiment was carried out on the basis of the selected didactic indicators.

    To verify the data obtained, a repeated experiment was organized with a large number of students (828), which took place two years later. He proceeded according to the same scheme as the first one and confirmed the results obtained.

    This suggests that with the implementation of the emotional-value component, taking into account the selected didactic indicators, it is possible to achieve fairly high results in the assimilation of values ​​and the emotional-volitional development of children.


    In the course of the didactic study of the problem of the emotional value component of primary education, within the framework of the integral concept of the content and the learning process, the didactic foundations of its construction were developed, including the didactic substantiation of the essence of the emotional value component, its generalized didactic model: the leading functions of this component and its place in the system were revealed elementary education, the features of groups of subjects in the implementation of the emotional-value component and the ways of fixing it are revealed, the levels of assimilation of values ​​are revealed, the methods of teaching and the conditions that contribute to the implementation of the emotional-value component are highlighted.

    The central link in the didactic theory of the implementation of the emotional-value component was the disclosure of its essence and structure. This made it possible to create a generalized didactic model reflecting its content and procedural characteristics.

    The analysis of research in the field of axiology made it possible to identify groups of basic values ​​that must be taken into account when modeling the educational process in primary school, as well as in the expert assessment of the existing didactic systems of primary education. A scientifically grounded system of value orientations should be reflected in programs, textbooks and teaching aids. It is about designing from a certain angle of view of the very teaching material, embodied in textbooks and teaching aids included in the complex of teaching aids for a particular subject.

    Based on the goals and logic of the study, as well as considering it generally accepted that emotions are oriented towards values ​​and are associated with their implementation, we proposed our own classification of emotions in terms of the expression of values. The study shows an inextricable connection between the volitional development of a schoolchild and his emotional-value sphere. Without the development of the volitional sphere, the value orientations of the individual do not receive the desired manifestation. From this we can conclude that the emotional-value component consists of three interrelated elements - value orientations, emotional and volitional manifestations.

    The knowledge obtained in the course of the study about the functions of the emotional-value component, the sensitivity of the emotional development of primary schoolchildren and the peculiarities of their cognitive activity made it possible to determine the leading role of the emotional-value component in the primary grades. This implies, when designing the content of education and organizing the learning process, first of all, to think about what values ​​need to be formed in children, how and what emotions to awaken in them.

    In the course of the study, methods of fixing the emotional-value component were identified, which depend on the didactic characteristics of the academic subject. The text of the program should clearly and concretely show how these values ​​are formed in time, from class to class. In textbooks and teaching aids, they are reflected in texts, assignments, pictures, individual words, phrases, sentences, proverbs, sayings, riddles and are realized through: conditional reflection of value, direct reflection of value, indirect reflection of value, activity reflection of value, emotiogenic texts or tasks, tasks, contributing to the development of volitional qualities of the individual.

    The most common didactic unit of the procedural aspect of education is the teaching method. The highlighted levels of assimilation of values ​​and the mechanisms of their assimilation, as well as the mechanisms of emotional manifestations, made it possible to determine a set of methods and techniques of teaching that contribute to the assimilation of the emotional-value component.

    Through experimental work, it was shown that the process of mastering the emotional-value component becomes effective if the following conditions are met: reliance on the actual needs and interests of the student; ensuring the emotional richness of the life of schoolchildren and freedom in the expression of feelings; creating an atmosphere of emotional and volitional tension and joint experience in the classroom; providing a joyful major lifestyle for the children's team; using the positive impact of public opinion, etc.

    The didactic foundations of the emotional-value component revealed in the course of the study help to overcome the one-sided approach to educational process as a predominantly intellectual education for the equivalence of intellectual, emotional-value and physical development.

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