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  • All about the child 5 6 months. Development of coordination in babies from five to six months

    All about the child 5 6 months. Development of coordination in babies from five to six months

    In this article:

    Only four weeks remain for the baby at 5 months before he celebrates his first serious birthday - six months! The development of the child during this period is rapid, and every day the baby pleases with new skills.

    Physiology of a child at 6 months

    At five months, when the first, albeit small, anniversary is getting closer, the baby becomes noticeably stronger, stronger, more resilient and developed. The new successes of the child delight and inspire parents, who, in an effort to stimulate development, it is at this age that they begin to force events, trying to unload the child and even teach him to stand and walk holding hands.

    There is no need for such a boost, moreover, it can have a negative impact on the physical development of the baby. If the fifth or sixth month has not become the time for the child when he is ready to sit down himself, then the development of his muscle corset requires a delay. Parents in such a situation need to forget about the ambition and desire to help the child sit up early with the help of numerous pillows that support him from all sides.

    The diligence of adults, who by all means want to seat the baby, if not earlier, then at least within 5-6 months, can lead to serious problems with his spine. Over time, when the child's muscle corset is ready for stress, he will sit down by himself, and this will happen in the next few weeks.
    The main thing is to be patient, not rushing the development of the baby in this direction.

    At the same time, at 5-6 months, most babies have their first teeth. Their gums swell and itch - children become whiny, irritable and capricious, experiencing new torments for them. To alleviate their condition during this period, special pain relievers for babies during the period of the appearance of teeth will help.

    About psychology at 5-6 months

    Analyzing the mental development of the baby, more and more noticeable shifts can be noted. A child at 5-6 months already consciously reacts to the sounds of his name, demonstrating with all his appearance that he understands who is being addressed. The baby distinguishes between the faces of close and unfamiliar people, shows alertness towards people whom it finds suspicious, unusual, or sees for the first time.

    At 5-6 months
    The toddler can entertain himself by imitating the behavior and speech of the adults around him. The baby is trying to copy not only individual sounds, but also whole syllables, so parents at this time need to try to pay as much attention as possible to communication with the baby:

    • read fairy tales to him;
    • read poetry;
    • sing songs;
    • playing, inserting nursery rhymes into speech, etc.

    Adequate and regular communication will be an excellent impetus for the development of your child's speech perception skills.

    In this age the baby is already able to feel the atmosphere around him. If the house is calm and quiet, the child will feel relaxed and confident, at the same time, noisy gatherings will surely become a load for the crumbs, followed by stress. Therefore, if the baby is 5-6 months old in the house, then it is better to refrain from noisy festivities.

    Basic skills of a child at 5-6 months:

    • the baby tries to crawl - more often backwards than forward;
    • plays and controls hands;
    • tries to sit without support;
    • sleeps all night without feeding.

    The last point is especially pleasing for parents who, after many months, finally get the opportunity to sleep.

    Interesting educational games with toddler

    Communication with a child at 5-6 months is easiest to organize in a playful way, thus having a positive effect on his mental and partly physical development.

    Try to take crumbs in your arms and go to the mirror with him. Knock on the glass and wave the baby's reflection with the words "Hello!", And then help him wave his pen to the reflection this time. In front of the mirror, you can change your facial expression, make grimaces, shake your head, clap your hands and do a number of interesting and funny things from the child's point of view that will attract his attention.

    Considering that during this period the baby learns to reach and grab objects, you can play with him, training the coordination of hand movements. For example, you can hang toys with laces over your child's crib or playpen so that they can reach them. You can also put rattles in your child's hands,
    showing him with what noise they fall or knock. Don't forget to encourage your kid's efforts!

    The development of hearing in 5-6 months can be accelerated by periodic listening to music. It is better to turn it on not too loudly so that the child can understand where the sound is coming from. You should not listen to music in the baby's room continuously, as the uninterrupted sound background will quickly tire the child. Excellent entertainment - joint dances with a baby to the music: already at this age he can enjoy rhythmic movements.

    All About Baby Development: Month Six

    Sixth month of life baby marks a round date: half a year of its growth and development. At the end of the fifth month child manifests itself more and more actively. He has learned to make good turns on his side, and then on his stomach, looks at you with great interest, as if expecting your participation, "calls" for communication.

    If at 5 months. the baby learned to make good turns on the side, and then on the stomach, then at the 6th month of life the child masters turns from the abdomen to the back.Thus, its locomotor development (change in the position of the body in space) receives the status of greater independence. This is very important for the further development of the baby. Now child without your help, makes turns in the horizontal plane in all directions, almost 360 ° C. therefore the baby should not be left unattended at a height, in a space not limited by the sides.

    The child, having mastered the turns, "trains" in his skills. It is very good if the mother encourages the baby to move and, rejoicing in his success, supports him with a smile, a joyful voice.

    The sixth month introduces another action, or rather, a motor reaction in behavior baby. The child begins to tighten his body in his arms. No, this is not yet crawling, but only preparation for it! Therefore, it is called crawling. What does it look like?

    The baby's arms are so strong that he can, turning from his back onto his stomach, place them and, leaning on his palms, raise his body high. If child sees a bright toy or some interesting object in front of him, then makes an effort to pull himself closer to him on his hands. The child may get tired, but after a little rest, he pulls himself up again in the direction of the object that interested him.

    In order for the baby to start crawling, you should help him: roll a roller, for example, from a fleece blanket, and place it under the baby's feet, thus creating a situation of pushing away from the support. It is necessary to organize a space in which to kid it is convenient to turn and move, fill it with toys that encourage movement.

    The third achievement baby becomes an amazing ability take objects (toys) independently from any position.

    Remember, in the fifth month of life child learned to "intercept" from your hands a rattle extended to him with a comfortable grip handle. Now the baby, seeing an object in front of him, reaches out and takes it. He can perform this action lying on his stomach, on his side, on his back. In this case, the hand begins to perform sliding, circling movements in order to reach and grab the object.

    With the development of independent actions with objects (toys), the position changes baby in relation to the surrounding world. Now leading the way baby becomes objective activity Is an introductory game with objects: manipulative in form and orientation-research in content . Let us explain what has been said.

    At six months, the baby sharply reacts to the world around him. His curiosity is boundless. The child discovers new properties of objects in the process of actions with them. All sense organs (analyzers) are included in the work - sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. You see that the baby takes every object or toy into his mouth, no matter how hard you try to counteract it. It turns out child tongue (the tongue has a special sensitivity) examines the surface of the toy and recognizes its taste. That is why during this period vivid sensory activity to kid Do not hand objects that are environmentally hazardous. Any toy intended for a baby must have a medical quality certificate. And some more important information. A child should not be given small objects in the hands. The rattle should have at least 5-6 cm in volume. If you want to give to kid smaller items, then secure them carefully on a thin, smooth ribbon. The baby performs all actions with objects and toys in the presence of the mother and with her active participation. Rattles are useful for a child, which have differently shaped gripping handles and entertaining main parts, captivating with color, shape, unexpectedness of "hidden" properties, and sound. It can also be geometric toys, i.e. in the form of a ball, cube, cylinder, and plot, for example, a bunny, a chanterelle, a kitty.

    Another great achievement baby by the end of the sixth month of life are vivid speech reactions... If by the end of the fifth month the baby was walking around, delighting you with roulades of vowel sounds such as "aua", "wow", "ay", "ioa", now you clearly hear: "wow-wah-wah" or "boo-ah-ah "," Boo-boo-b "," va-va-va "," m-m-ma ". This is a new stage of speech development, which is called babbling.Babbling includes combinations of consonants and vowels, i.e. syllables. This stage of speech development is very important, because the baby begins to master the sounds (phonemes) of the native language, their articulation.

    Such significant innovations in the motor, sensory, and speech spheres have a positive impact on the development of the first life skillsarising from your participation. If you begin to form them in time, then in the future the baby will be able to eat well, removing food with his lips from a spoon, drinking from a cup, etc.

    In conclusion, I would like to mention the pace of development baby... Usually, at the end of each month, the results are summed up - what the baby has learned over the past period. In pediatrics normal developmentbaby at this age is confirmed by the formation of skills with a deviation from the average time by no more than 15 days. If a baby at six months does not perform certain actions characteristic of this age, he still has time (14-15 days) to master the necessary skills. And this is a long time for early childhood. Skills formed 16 or more days ahead of schedule indicate accelerated or early development... Mastering actions with a delay in one or more indicators for one month (i.e. below the permissible degree of deviation) indicates slowing down pace of development. The reasons for this phenomenon should be established. This may be due to the personality of the baby, but it can also signal an illness. If the reason is parental ignorance or pedagogical neglect baby, we advise parents to reconsider their positions. A baby who is lagging behind in development within one month needs an increase in the number of educational and training influences.

    Skills formation delayed by two months is classified as lag, and for three months or more - like significant developmental delay, which can be attributed to a condition bordering on pathology, or to pathology. In these cases, the baby needs immediate consultation with specialists: a neurologist, pediatrician, psychologist, teacher, etc. to identify the causes of developmental delay, as well as to determine methods for their elimination. The table below will help you correctly assess your baby's progress. And even if he has not yet succeeded, do not be sad: he and you still have everything ahead.

    Development and education baby... 6th month of life






    Pedagogical focus

    Sensory education and development of actions with objects

    Emotional education in the process of communication with an adult

    Preparatory stages for the development of active speech and thinking

    Development of general hand movements and actions

    6th month mini-program

    1. Continue to develop the objectivity of perception, encouraging baby to the examination of the same and different toys, placing them at a closer and more distant distance from the baby, bringing them closer and further away from him.

    2. To consolidate the experience of visual perception of objects (toys) from different positions: lying on the stomach, on the side, on the back, in an upright position on the hands of an adult.

    3. To form more complex manual skills, enriching actions with objects (toys) with more complex motor tasks.

    1. To enrich the emotional life of the baby, enhancing the content side of communication between an adult and a child.

    2. To carry out hygienic procedures, feeding, games, classes, etc. against the background of an emotionally positive state baby.

    3. To teach to elementary independence in everyday life.

    1. Develop an understanding of the adult's speech to to kidusing all possible moments of playing with objects and special speech lessons.

    2. Create situations that encourage baby to speech activity: develop humming, contribute to the emergence of a lepet.

    1. Create conditions conducive to the baby's motor activity. Continue to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck, abdominals, and leg muscles.

    2. Carry out further locomotor development (turns).

    3. Continue to develop hand actions.


    1. To continue to form simple orientation-research actions with objects (toys): to acquaint with their color, shape, size, mass, texture and physical properties.

    2. When gripping, holding and squeezing an object, induce a simple effective action (for example, squeezing a rubber squeaky toy, make a sound; turning the rattle ball, detect changes in its color; pulling some toys - pendants, change the position of others, etc.) ...

    3. To form the ability to take an object (toy) from any position: lying on your stomach, on your side, on your back, etc.

    1. Stimulate a joyful mood by creating play situations that induce the baby to smile, laugh, and emotional contact with an adult.

    2. Along with an affectionate appeal to to kid(for example, "sun", "zainka", "berry", etc.) it is imperative to call him by name, and also to ensure that the baby perceives this appeal.

    3. Emotional communication with the child is gradually enriched with "business" contacts about actions with objects and toys.

    4. Pay attention to individual manifestations of personality baby, reaction to the presence of a loved one, a familiar voice, the sight of a favorite toy, a sounding melody, etc. Take into account the preferences of the baby.

    5 Support the manifestation of elementary independence.

    1. Continue to develop speech hearing babyencouraging him to listen to the voice of an adult.

    2. Create situations that contribute to the development of understanding of the speech of an adult (introduction of the question "where?", Address by name, etc.).

    3. Create situations that contribute to the development of active speech - the manifestation of baby babbling. Note what sounds (close to speech) are heard in his babble.

    4. Enter into "roll call" with the child, repeating his speech sounds after him.

    5. Promote the emergence of intonational-expressive vocal reactions based on imitation of an adult.

    1. Strengthen the ability to lie on your stomach for a long time, with your head raised high and leaning on the palms of your straightened hands.

    2. Encourage baby to turns from back to stomach, and then from stomach to back.

    3. Promote movements preparing the appearance of crawling. At this stage - pull-up on hands: crawling (to the toy).

    4. Strengthen the support of the legs, causing repulsion from the support (table surface, adult knees).

    5. Promote locomotor development by helping to kid independently change the position of your body in space (turns, crawling, etc.)

    6. Learn to take toys from different positions, in different ways (pulling up, grabbing, etc.).

    Implementation of the mini-program and educational tasks baby 6th month

    LESSON 1

    Goal.Develop orientation to objects in the horizontal plane in front of the child. Improve the tactile sensitivity (feeling of touching something) of the palms when touching objects.

    Material.A flat pad made of foam rubber (40x40 cm, thickness 1-1.5 cm), which is accompanied by a set of covers of the same size, made of bright fabrics, different in texture (terry, fleece, cotton, silk, jute, etc.). The sides of the covers can be decorated with a large convex applique (flowers, berries, various patterns).

    The course of the lesson.The child lies in the arena on his stomach, leaning on his forearms, the mother takes the baby's hand and holds it along the surface of the object, making it possible to feel it. Adult must pay attention baby on the picture, name the picture on the cover. Then the pad turns over, the baby gets acquainted with the texture of a different type.

    LESSON 2.

    Goal.To teach how to perform two interrelated actions that lead to a certain result (for example, pulling up one object sets another in motion).

    Material. Suspension device (module) to which various toys are attached. It allows you to create a situation of simple effective actions arising from alternately grabbing and attracting toys.

    The course of the lesson.Mom encourages baby reach out to an object hanging in his field of vision (ball, bell). Pulling one toy changes the position of the second and the third, located next to the second. The LESSON can have many options, and the different selection of toys contributes to the enrichment of the sensory experience baby.

    LESSON 3

    1. An adult selects 23 bright toys, different in physical properties. For example, a rubber squeaker, a soft toy, a plastic rattle (horse, parrot, etc.). Mom shows each toy, drawing attention to its sonic properties. Then he puts the toys in front of the baby, to the left or right, about 30 cm from him. The child first lies on his back, examines the toys that his mother shows. Then, seeing them from the side, near him, makes a turn from the back to the side, and then to the stomach. Raises itself high on outstretched arms, slightly tightens the body (performs crawling). Reaches out and takes the toy. He examines her, listens to the sound. Performs a turn to the side, then to the back. Manipulates a toy. Similarly acts with other toys, transfers them from hand to hand. Thereby child gets acquainted with the physical properties of objects made of various materials.

    2. An adult puts a musical toy in front of the child, for example, a bright Petrushka. Pre-wraps the toy with a ribbon (width 3-4 cm, length 60-80 cm), in two or three turns, at the end of which a ring is sewn (for example, a teether). The ring is placed in front of the child, at arm's length.

    The kid reaches out, grabs the ring and pulls on the ribbon. The toy sways, rings. The child practically establishes a connection between the intensity of his actions with the object (ring) and the movements and ringing of Petrushka. He seeks to pull himself closer to the toy or to pull it up by the tape (action and result).

    Note: lesson with a ribbon is carried out only in the presence of an adult. If the baby is not interested in the subject, the mother "helps" him to discover the amusement of Parsley.

    3. An adult uses hanging module toys.

    The child performs simple effective actions, pulling one or the other toy. Takes items from any position.

    1. An adult, starting to feed, change clothes, wash, etc., creates a baby preliminary emotional setting. So, for example, before feeding, mom shows to kid bottle. The next question is: "Who will eat?" The mother smiles at the baby, helps him to adopt a feeding position and expects a response.

    The child enters into emotional contact with the mother, "internally" prepares for the upcoming meal. "Responds" with a smile, humming, general motor activity.

    In the process of feeding, he keeps his hands on his mother's breast or bottle.


    "Playful" communication provides an overall good mood.

    2. The adult encourages the baby to respond to the call to him by name.

    Mom checks the baby's reaction: out of sight baby, calls a name that does not sound similar to the name baby... Repeats it twice. After a pause (10 seconds), he calls the name twice baby and after another pause (10 seconds) - another name.

    The child, hearing his name, rejoices, quickly turns around, looks at the adult.

    1. An adult in the process of caring for a child talks to him, briefly explains his actions and actions baby... An adult's words and actions synchronously coincide with feelings baby.

    2. An adult listens to the baby's speech reactions. If baby mainly buzzing (vowel sounds) is heard, sometimes babbling: "v-va", "ba-ba", "m-ma", etc., mother voice enters into "roll call" with the baby based on those sounds (phonemes ), which have already appeared in his speech reactions.

    The child listens, then echoes the adult expressively. If something doesn't work out for him, he tries to repeat it. Situations are created that contribute to the appearance of baby active babbling.

    3. At 6 months, an adult introduces to kid the question "where?"

    For this, a toy (dog) or some object (clock) is placed in a certain place in the room.

    Mom several times a day asks: "Where is the dog?" Shows the dog always standing in the same place. Similarly: "Where is the clock?"

    The child gradually begins to turn his head towards the "memorized" subject in response to an adult's question.

    LESSON 1.

    Goal.Learn to take the rattle from any position, as well as from the hands of an adult. Hold it in your hand for at least 2-3 minutes. Strengthen the ability to change the position of your body, focusing on an object lying on the side. Rotate from back to stomach and from stomach to back.

    Material. Bright rattles with handles of various shapes: in the form of a stick, flat or thickened downwards like a mace, in the form of a loop, in the form of a ring, in the form of a dumbbell, as well as shaped rattles (parrot, monkey, crocodile, etc.). Their lower part (tail of a parrot, crocodile) serves as a grip handle.

    The course of the lesson.The child lies on his back. Mom offers him a rattle with a stick handle. Positions it 20-30 cm above the chest baby... An adult holds the toy by the tip of the handle, leaving the middle part free, i.e. creates conditions convenient for intercepting the rattle from the hands of an adult. The child takes it. It is desirable that he be able to hold the toy in his hand for 1.5-2 minutes. Mom eliminates all distractions, steps aside, creates all the conditions for the baby to hear the sound of a rattle when shaking.

    In the second part of the lesson, mom encourages baby take a different type of rattle from her hand, for example with a ring-shaped handle. The further course of the lesson is similar to its first part.

    In the third part of the lesson child should turn from belly to side and back. For this to kidlying on her stomach, mom shows the toy, tries to focus on it. Then mom moves the object in a circle behind her back. baby.

    He watches the toy, turns his head and quickly rolls over onto his back. To call u baby crawling, objects are placed in front of the baby at a distance slightly larger than his outstretched arm.

    The child looks at them and tries to get them. He pulls himself up on his hands, crawls forward. Can change direction by moving sideways or backward depending on the movement of toys. Also, an adult creates playful situations with objects that induce baby not only take the toy from different positions, but also facilitate learning (the method of passive exercises) in various gripping techniques. Adult performs with hand baby sliding, covering, loop-like, etc. actions. An adult continues to learn to distinguish between toys of different textures,

    Development indicators baby by the end of the 6th month

    1. Follows the object (toy) displayed for a relatively long time to kid adults, quickly moves to practical contact with him (manipulation).

    2. Confidently takes toys from different positions, transfers them from one hand to another, performs approximate actions that reveal their properties: pats, knocks, squeezes, shakes the toy, etc.

    3. Able to engage in one subject for 1-3 minutes.

    1. Responds to the actions of an adult, willingly makes contact. 2. Reacts sensitively to the mood of an adult: smiles, laughs, hearing a gentle tone, and frowns, catching strict intonations.

    3. Rejoices at the appearance of a loved one. He pulls both hands to his mother, expressing a desire to be picked up.

    4. Experiencing tension at the sight of a stranger, in a new environment or a situation that is incomprehensible to him.

    5. Reacts differently to his own and someone else's name: does not respond to someone else's name or calmly looks at an adult, is distracted. He emotionally responds to his name.

    6. Needs active interaction with an adult and his help in mastering new actions with objects (toys), manipulating them ("business communication").

    8. Begins to master the first social skills in everyday life: he removes food from a spoon well with his lips, eats semi-liquid and thick food. Drinks from a cup held by an adult.

    1. Pronounces individual syllables (beginning of babbling).

    2. One time or rarely pronounces any one syllable ("ba", "ma", "ha", etc.).

    3. Repeats after the adult some sounds and syllables from his babble, which he has already mastered.

    4. The phonemes of the native language are clearly heard in babbling. At will, pronounces syllables (babbles) while awake.

    1. Can perform a full turn: from back to side, from back to stomach, from abdomen to back.

    2. Performs crawling forward, backward, sideways.

    3. Smoothly, steadily stands with support under the armpits.

    4. Confidently takes the toy from any position.

    5. For a relatively long time (3-5 minutes) he can deal with objects.

    6. Shifts the toy from one hand to the other.

    7. Waving a rattle, repeatedly repeating successful actions. Expects to be repeated when operated with a rattle.

    8. Distinguishes between their toys (friends) by sound and appearance. Able to search for an object that has disappeared from sight, making turns in all directions.

    Finally! So you have come to the first serious date in the life of your baby - 6 months. For us adults, this is not a great time, but for a child the first six months is a landmark. Over the past months, your baby has already learned a lot: he began to comprehend the basics of communication, turn over and sit down, eat thick food. What else should a child be able to do at 6 months?

    What a baby can do at 6 months: height, weight, motor skills

    During the first months of life, your baby gained about 600-900 grams per month. At the developmental stage of a child at 6 months, it should already be twice as heavy as at birth. By this time, he is gaining weight about 400 grams per month. Its growth rate will also decrease slightly, to about 1.2 centimeters per month.

    If in the fifth month of development the baby has learned to get up on all fours, then at 6 months the child will most likely begin to sit down on his own. At first he will lean on the handles to help himself, but very soon he will be able to sit without any support. And he will do it with great pleasure! After all, his horizons in this position are much wider, he is more involved in communication with others and has more opportunities for games.

    A six-month-old baby has long been able to roll over from back to tummy and vice versa, and some children by this time can even move on the floor in such a simple way. They are quite capable of crawling forward, but most often they move only in the backward direction, pushing off the floor with their handles and sliding on their stomachs. No matter how funny and ridiculous it may look, the baby does everything right: he moves in the direction where it is easier and more convenient for him to move from the point of view of muscle tension. You will see, not even a couple of weeks will pass - your baby will crawl in all directions and with amazing agility.

    Baby development at 6 months: sleep like an adult

    At the developmental stage of 6 months, the child can already sleep calmly all night until the morning - sometimes he sleeps soundly for up to eight hours in a row. Many parents who still have difficulty falling asleep at this age turn to the pediatrician Richard Ferber's method.

    Ferber's method is to put the baby in the crib while he is still awake. If the child is crying at the same time, you do not approach him this very minute, but wait for a while. Moreover, every night you increase the reaction time to crying and come up two or three minutes later than the last time.

    Of course, this method will not work for every child, and not for every parent. But it's worth a try, you do not do any harm to the child, but rather learn to fall asleep on his own - in his own interests.

    Now that your baby can roll over from his back to his tummy, don't worry if you find him sleeping in a different position than you put him in. The risk of occurrence, which all modern young mothers are so scared of, by the sixth month of the child's development is reduced to almost zero. Nevertheless, it is still better to remove all soft toys, pillows and the like from the bed during sleep.

    Eye color: recent changes

    You probably noticed that by 6 months your baby's eye color is no longer the same as it was at birth. Light eyes by this time often change color to a darker one. But if your baby's eyes are still sky blue, the chances are very high that they will remain so from now on and forever.

    Menu and diet: how and what a child should eat at 6 months

    If you are not yet six months old, your doctor will most likely recommend that you do so. They usually start with iron-fortified porridge diluted in milk or. Or - from special children's curds and kefir.

    When your child gets used to these foods, start giving him mashed fruits and vegetables. Preferably without mixing, one species at a time. Whenever you feed your baby something new, wait a few days to make sure he is not allergic to this new product. Allergies can manifest themselves in several ways, but the most common are nausea, diarrhea, and skin rashes.

    If signs of allergy do not appear within 48 hours, then they will not appear.

    Most doctors do not think eggs and fish can cause allergies in a six-month-old baby. But honey should not be given to a child, at least until he is one year old. Honey may contain bacteria that cause botulism in children. , wait up to a year. Although products made on the basis of milk - special children's yoghurts or curds - can be given.

    If the child does not like a new product, wait two to three days and then try feeding that product again. At this stage of development, children are very changeable, their tastes can change from day to day.

    Baby at 6 months: features of communication

    To help a six-month-old baby who is already smiling, laughing and uttering various sounds (not yet putting them into words) to quickly master communication skills, read fairy tales and tell him stories. You can do this at any time of the day, the more often the better.

    During this period, children recognize people and the objects around them. Your child will already feel comfortable surrounded by family members - mom, dad, grandparents. As well as surrounded by loved and familiar toys. Finally, 6 months is the optimal age when you need a baby.

    What a 6-month-old baby can do: summary

    So, let's summarize the results in a long list. At 6 months of age, the baby usually:

    • knows how to roll over from back to tummy and back;
    • demonstrates readiness to crawl - pulls up on the handles, pushes off and "slides" back on the stomach;
    • may sit for a while with or without support;
    • trying to get up, grabbing the side of the crib;
    • willingly takes toys with both hands and loves to play in a sitting position;
    • likes to throw objects and watch them fall;
    • actively pronounces sounds and syllables;
    • responds to his name and can already recognize some objects by name;

    What to look for when caring for a 6 month old baby

    The first thing that should be monitored daily and carefully is the baby's skin. After all, 6 months is the traditional time for the introduction of complementary foods, and it is not surprising that the new diet, as if in a mirror, reflects on the condition of the baby's skin. and any redness is a signal to temporarily reduce the dose of complementary foods, or even "postpone" the tasting of a new product for 10-20 days.

    In addition, at the age of 6 months, gymnastics and are extremely useful for a child's development. After all, his physical activity increases every day, which means that the load on the muscles and joints also increases. Massage and gymnastics help to withstand the increased load with dignity.

    And finally, communication. Now, when the child is more and more consciously trying to enter into a dialogue with you, communicating with him is not only extremely useful, but also incredibly pleasant.

    Until recently, your baby was a tiny and helpless little man, but time flew by quickly and today you are celebrating his first anniversary - six months from his birthday. The baby has already achieved some success and continues to continuously improve his skills. So what is he like, a six month old baby?

    Physiological development of a child at 6 months - weight and height of a baby at six months

    For the sixth month, children, on average, add 600-700 grams of weight and grow 2-2.5 cm.

    Average physiological indicators of a six-month-old baby:

    The six-month-old has already learned a lot from the continuous development and improvement of his physiological parameters.

    The baby's teeth are teething at six months

    For many parents, the period of teething of the first teeth becomes quite a difficult time. The baby feels physical discomfort. He is naughty, does not sleep well, he may have a high fever and disrupted stools.

    The main symptoms accompanying teething:

    • Rising salivation.
    • Swell and the gums turn red.
    • Decreases appetite, sleep worsens.
    • Increases the need to hold various objects in the mouth.
    • Rising temperature.
    • Appears cough and runny nose.
    • May appear diarrhea or constipation.

    In many children, teeth can come out in pairs, which is even more difficult for the baby.

    Parents should be especially attentive to the baby, more often take him in their arms, gently hum and talk with the baby and distract him with joint games.

    Medications can be used to relieve symptoms after consulting a doctor.

    Hearing and vision in a six-month-old child

    The kid hears well if the sound source is at a distance of no more than 6-6.5 meters from him. He already responds to his name, distinguishes the vocal intonations of those who speak to him. The kid responds with great joy to his mother's voice. The child listens sensitively to sounds, turns his head to its source. He distinguishes the noise of steps, the sound of opening, the murmur of water. In addition, he is able to hear whispers, light rustling, and other quiet sounds.

    At 6 months, the development of the visual centers of the brain of a six-month-old baby has made significant progress.

    The child sees objects more clearly than before, follows moving objects with a faster and more accurate gaze. He already clearly distinguishes all colors, visual acuity is improving. Better coordination between the eyes and hands allows you to quickly find an object, grab it and drag it into your mouth.

    Achievements of your baby at 6 months

    Motor skills

    By six months, the child's movements become more confident and focused.

    At this age, the baby:

    • Flips freely from the back to the stomach or to the side and back
    • Tears the body off the bed or the floor with the help of outstretched handles that rest on the surface with palms
    • Makes attempts to crawl that at 6 months many babies are quite good at
    • Long enough with a fulcrum behind the back
    • Shifts toys and other things from hand to hand
    • Stretched by an outstretched handle behind a distant object
    • Uses both hands at the same time holding a toy in each
    • Some babies get up and try to stand on their feet, holding onto the support.
    Baby's speech When the baby is not worried about anything, he, as before, hums for a long time, and consonants clearly slip in his babbling ("a-ma, ba-ba, etc.") At 6 months, and the child's speech reactions develop ... That is, he confidently associates the subject with its sounded name.

    Listening to the speech of adults, the child tries to imitate them not only by sound, but also by intonation. The baby is amused by new sounds now he talks with pleasure, even when he is alone in the room ... At 6 months, a child masters the articulation of the language, and the sounds become more diverse.

    Fine motor skills The crumbs' fingers become even more mobile, he confidently takes and holds in his hands not only toys that are convenient to grip, but also small objects. Toddler coordinates better when trying to reach or pick up small toys .
    Using gestures The kid learned to express his desires through gestures. He persistently stretches his hands when he wants to be taken out of the crib, points out the items that he certainly wants to get. Now he tries to copy the actions of adults, carefully observing them. ... For example, if you clap your hands, the baby will also start playing nice.

    Psycho-emotional development of a child at 6 months

    The inquisitiveness and desire for knowledge of the world around in a six-month-old child knows no boundaries. The kid is interested in everything that surrounds him - objects, sounds, people, events and phenomena. The kid grows up right before our eyes. He already shows his character, becomes more purposeful, shows persistence and perseverance in achieving the desired goal.

    A six-month-old child already understands how you can manipulate loved ones in order to achieve the desired goal. This is due to the realization that it is the people around him that are the cause of certain actions.

    With inanimate toys, he shows much less emotionality than with people. At 6 months, the child is able to self-occupy himself from half an hour to 40-45 minutes. He already has favorite toys and entertainment.

    The child's understanding of cause-and-effect relationships improves ... So far, this is the development of simple relationships - if you let go of the toy, it will fall, if you shake the rattle, you will hear a characteristic sound, if you press the button of the musical toy, music will sound, and if he whimpers, his mother will come up to him.

    At 6 months, the child not only learns new subjects, but also tries to find a "worthy" use for them, showing a businesslike approach to familiar and unfamiliar things.

    The baby's passive vocabulary is expanding; in addition to his name, he understands the names of many objects, toys and actions.

    Developmental games for a six month old baby

    Activities with children contribute to:

    • Expansion sound and visual images.
    • Harmonious development both emotional and physical.
    • Increase passive vocabulary and gaining new knowledge and skills.
    Games Procedure The benefits of the lesson
    Okay We take the palms of the child and begin to clap them in time with the famous rhyme "Okay-okay". In this case, we do cotton at the moment of pronouncing the first syllable in words. Saying the phrase “flew, flew, sat on the head” wave your baby's palms and lower them on his head.
    1. Is developing sense of rhythm.
    2. Trained memory.
    3. Is improving coordination of movements.
    4. Is strengthening emotional connection with mom.


    We put several cups of different sizes in a row. We take the first of them, bring it closer to the mouth and say a word, for example, the name of the child. We repeat the action with all the cups. The kid will notice that the same word may sound differently, although he will not be able to say about it ... But if you repeat your actions, pronouncing just one syllable, and then bring the cups to the baby's mouth, he will try to repeat the syllable, listening carefully to what is happening. The kid meets with the properties of objects and develops hearing.
    Look for a toy You can play both in the crib and on the floor. We put several toys next to the baby and cover each with a piece of cloth. Then we ask the baby to look for what you have hidden. The toddler will start pulling pieces off the toys, showing great joy when they are found. ... After that, we distract the child and hide the objects so that he does not notice. We ask the kid to start looking again. When playing, trains memory, observation develops and the child's mobility increases.
    Musical bottles Take several plastic bottles (preferably 7 - by the number of notes) and pour different amounts of water into them. We knock on them with a spoon, together with the baby we will listen to what sounds they make ... Have your baby tap the bottles on his own. He will willingly extract sounds, and listen to them. Is developing the child's ear for music.

    So that the baby does not lose interest in developing games, it takes no more than 5-10 minutes to deal with a crumb of the same thing.

    Exercise with your baby at 6 months

    In addition to the exercises that you did with your baby at 5 months, you can add some new ones.

    They should help strengthen the child's cardiovascular system, improve blood circulation, stimulate the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system and develop coordination of movements.

    • Sitting in Turkish ... The baby is seated on a flat surface or on his mother's lap. Supporting the back, bend the legs at the knees so that the child's feet are in contact. You can lightly rub the soles together. Once your toddler is comfortable with this position, reduce the back support to help the baby learn to balance. Exercise strengthens the muscles of the trunk and spine.
    • Low squats ... The baby is taken under his armpits with his back to him and put on his legs. With both hands, bend the child's knees to make him squat down. The baby will try to get up, and then sit him down again. Make sure that the baby's feet are level, not tucking in or out. Repeat 5-6 times. The exercise strengthens the legs and promotes the development of an upright posture.
    • Raising the legs ... Putting the child on his back, we clasp his knees with our palms, straightening his legs along the way. First in turn, and then at the same time, raise the baby's legs vertically up. Repeat with smooth, slow movements 8-10 times. Exercise strengthens the hip muscles and normalizes leg tone.

    Regimen and nutrition of the child at 6 months

    The daily routine of a six-month-old child is not much different from the routine of 5 months. The only change is a slight increase in waking time and a decrease in sleep.

    If at 4-5 months children were introduced selectively, then by 6 months the expansion of the diet is mandatory for all babies.

    In order for your baby to grow up as a healthy and intellectually developed person, devote as much time as possible to him. Read books, recite poetry, sing songs.

    Tell your baby about anything that piques his interest. Only the love and care of loved ones will help the baby to grow up as a harmoniously developed personality.

    Child development from 5 to 6 months
    Physical development

    What are the anthropometric indicators of the child by the end of the sixth month of life? The baby's weight increases by about 600-650 grams, and the height by 2.5-3 centimeters. At this stage, the length in centimeters of the head and chest circumference is usually compared. It is possible that the circumference of the chest is now greater than the circumference of the head. The fact is that the proportions of the child's body begin to change apparently, gradually approaching the usual proportions of an adult.

    By the sixth month, the baby's physical activity gradually increases. Lying on his stomach, the child stops leaning on his forearms. Raising his chest and arms, moving his legs, he makes a swinging movement on his stomach, reminiscent of the movement of a swimmer. The kid tries to crawl, actively rolls over from back to side, onto his stomach and back onto his back; sits with little support. The increased activity of the child makes you now take care of the safety of the baby if he is in the room alone, without adult supervision. Do not leave a crumb alone on a sofa or bed without a rim from which it can fall if it rolls over.

    Supported under the armpits, the baby rests on the support with the tips of his toes, keeps his head straight, and turns it from side to side. In a sitting position, the child confidently holds his head and turns it away when adults try to wipe his nose. Hand movements become more confident and coordinated, a palmar grasping of an object is formed with the entire surface of the palm and an extended thumb.

    The movements of the fingers are improved: the baby can hold toys of different sizes equally well with his right and left hands, knock them, throw them, play with several toys at the same time.

    The child gets a lot of pleasure from changing the position of the body. This stimulates his vestibular apparatus. He likes it when you hold him in your arms, lift him into the air, lower him down, swing, press him to you, squat, spin around the room. This game is recommended for the development of the baby's vestibular apparatus, in which the whole family (mom, baby and dad) participates. Take a blanket and put the child on his back. Lift the ends of the blanket and swing it lightly from side to side, then slowly lower it to the floor. Repeat rocking. If the baby doesn't like it, take him in your arms and calm him down. If the baby enjoys such swinging, change directions: swing up and down and from side to side. Do not forget to talk to your child and talk about how he gets from rocking on the blanket.

    Mental development

    The child's behavior becomes more meaningful. Now parents can more confidently determine the baby's well-being - when the child is happy, excited, calm, they can name the reasons for these conditions. The kid clearly shows his parents his dissatisfaction and joy. He can scream and get annoyed if he is not given a toy, and vice versa, babble and smile cheerfully when his parents approach and when they play with him.

    Babbling at this age acquires a tonal coloration, it can be measured or fast, quiet or loud, have different meanings: "I want in your arms, take me", "pay attention to me, look at me, I am here", "take away this, I don't like it. " Noticing the approach of adults and children, the child begins to babble more actively and louder, trying to attract their attention.

    The baby's visual and auditory analyzers continue to develop. The child holds objects and toys in his hands for a long time, feels, examines and studies. Trying to get information about the properties of materials, he puts toys in his mouth, licks and bites them. The child empirically examines which toys make sounds and shakes or knocks them with pleasure. The kid listens to the surrounding everyday sounds, turns his head to the sound source, for example, hearing the sound of a door being opened or the steps of an approaching mother. The child turns his head and reacts even to very quiet sounds: the rustling of paper, the clanking of scissors, the gentle whisper of his mother.

    The kid closely monitors the movements and actions of adults, carefully looks into the faces of the parents who are talking to him, begins to understand their facial expressions, reacting differently to the smiling, angry or surprised face of an adult. He gladly joins in this game, copying the expression on his mother's face, and tries to imitate the sounds that she makes.

    What games and exercises with a baby are useful at this stage? The kid wants to get a new tactile experience. Let him touch different surfaces: warm and cold, soft and hard, smooth and rough. It can be not only toys, but also household items: spoons, cups, terry towels, silk robes. Tell him about the feelings he is experiencing. Take a piece of ice from the refrigerator and touch its handle or cheek. Observe how the child will react. Bring it to the fan. Blow out warm air, then turn off the fan. After a few seconds, repeat all over again. Instead of a fan, make a breeze with a piece of paper or a tissue. Wave it in front of the baby's face so that a stream of air hits him. Fill several cloth bags with different cereals and tie tightly so that the cereals do not accidentally wake up. Make bags of different sizes, but such that the child can hold them. Put them together with other toys and your baby will explore them too. Instead of bags, you can use any scraps of fabric that you have in your home. Fill them in the same way as bags with cereals and tie them in a knot.

    In addition, the little person needs a new visual experience. He can already consider with interest not only close, but also distant objects. Tell your child about the object he is looking at, but cannot reach. If possible, give it to the baby in the arms or bring it closer so that you can better see it. Give your baby toys of different colors, monochromatic and variegated, light and dark tones. You will notice that bright toys attract my attention more. Take two or three toys of the same color and one toy that is very different from the rest - in a contrasting color. Place them next to your child and observe his actions. After a while, repeat the experiment with toys of a different color.

    How to stimulate the baby to speak? When the crumb pronounces not only individual sounds, but also some sound combinations: "ygi", "ghy", "uh-huh" and others, listen to them and repeat after him. When the child utters the next sounds, repeat them again after him. Soon you will be able to play the conversation in turn. Talk to your baby whenever you hold it in your arms, when you feed, dress, put to bed. Talk about what you are doing. Speak with small short phrases and simple words, repeat words. Sing vowels and chains of repeated syllables (ge-ge-ge, dey-dey-dey, ma-ma-ma, ba-ba-ba). Make sounds by puffing out your cheeks and rounding your lips. Do not forget to change intonation, make it expressive and bright. Leave pauses in your speech, then the baby will have time to say something. Play conversation with your baby until he is tired and tired. If he stops talking in turns, stop this activity and give your baby toys.

    We will list toys and objects useful for the development of babies of this age: a mobile, a rubber teether ring, musical toys (rattles, a drum, a xylophone, pipes, bells), a ball with a bell inside, a large ball, a mirror and toys with mirrored surfaces, pipes - tubes with cereal and shiny fillers, which are poured over when shaken, toys for visual tracking (with transparent walls that allow you to follow the falling balls), a disk divided into colored sectors (looking at a contrasting pattern, the baby develops visual perception), a soft book with pictures.