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  • The names of the laureates of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize have become known. The names of the winners of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize became known

    Literary award winners announced

    Last Wednesday, November 2, in the hall "Atrium" of the auxiliary building of the Bolshoi Theater, the ceremony of awarding the laureates of the literary prize "Yasnaya Polyana", established by the museum-estate of L.N. Tolstoy and company Samsung Electronics. We found out who divided the prize fund of 7 million rubles among themselves and, most importantly, which books of this year are worth reading without fail.
    Annual all-Russian literary award "Yasnaya Polyana", established in 2003 by the L.N. Tolstoy and Samsung Electronics, today it is rightfully considered one of the most authoritative and prestigious literary awards in Russia. For 14 years in a row, the award jury has chosen the best works of art traditional form in the categories "Modern Classics", "XXI Century" and "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". Last year, on a special initiative of Samsung, 2 new nominations appeared: "Foreign Literature" and "Readers' Choice".

    IN award jury includes: Lev Alexandrovich Anninsky, Soviet and Russian literary critic, writer, publicist and literary critic; Pavel Valerievich Basinsky, Russian literary critic and literary critic; Alexei Nikolaevich Varlamov, prose writer, researcher of Russian literature of the 20th century, Evgeny Germanovich Vodolazkin, writer, Doctor of Philology, laureate of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize, Valentin Yakovlevich Kurbatov, writer, publicist and literary critic; Vladislav Olegovich Otroshenko, Russian writer and essayist, winner of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize. The jury is headed by the great-great-grandson of the writer Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy.

    Anton Utkin, Alexei Ivanov, Zakhar Prilepin, Vasily Golovanov, Mikhail Tarkovsky, Elena Katishonok, Evgeny Vodolazkin, Roman Senchin, Fazil Iskander, Valentin Rasputin, Yuri Bondarev and many others have become laureates in various categories at different times.

    Laureates 2016

    As noted by the chairman of the jury of the Yasnaya Polyana literary award, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on culture Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy, the award jury had to do a titanic job: first read more than a hundred books (there are no special selectors in this award), and then determine the best of the best. “Behind the shoulders of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize is, indeed, 14 years: already a whole story! The laureates of previous years are wonderful - we are not ashamed of any of them - however, there has never been such a choice as this year in the entire history of the award. he explained. The ceremony was hosted by a well-known Russian journalist, radio and TV presenter Fyokla Tolstaya.
    • Laureate in the nomination "Modern classic" became Vladimir Makanin for the book "Where the sky converged with the hills"(premium - 1,500,000 rubles).
    • In nomination "XXI Century" For the first time in the history of the award, two writers received the award at once: Narine Abgaryan for the story Three apples fell from the sky And Alexandra Grigorenko for the story "Lost the blind pipe"(1,000,000 rubles each).
    • The prize fund of the short list of this nomination of 1,000,000 rubles was divided between the finalists of the nomination "XXI century": Sukhbat Aflatuni("Adoration of the Magi"), Boris Minaev("Soft Cloth"), VladimirEisner("Pomegranate Island") And LeonidYuzefovich("Winter road").
    • Marina Nefedova became a laureate in the category "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" for the book "Forester and his nymph", receiving a cash prize of 500,000 rubles.
    • The finalists of this nomination shared 300,000 rubles among themselves: Marina Moskvina And Julia Govorova (“You, most importantly, write about love”) And Julia Yakovleva("Children of the Crow").
    • nomination winner "Foreign literature", designed to select the most significant foreign book of the 21st century and celebrate its translation into Russian, became Orhan Pamuk for the novel "My Strange Thoughts". A bonus of 1,000,000 rubles is sent to him, and the translator of the book Apollinaria Avrutina became the owner of a prize of 200,000 rubles.

    Orhan Pamuk could not fly to the ceremony from New York, but transmitted a video message: “For me, this award is an award on behalf of all great Russian literature. Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Chekhov… The very sound of these names is like a poem for me, like music. Not only I am alone - all Turkish literature has learned a lot from the Russian classics. Due to lectures at Columbia University, I will not be able to take part in the awards ceremony, which will be held at the Bolshoi Theater. However, in February I will come to Yasnaya Polyana to receive the award. When I was 25 years old and I was writing my first novel, reading Tolstoy, I dreamed that one day I would go to Moscow, from there to Yasnaya Polyana, where I would see Tolstoy's house ... 40 years later, my dreams become a reality, and I am very excited, anticipating the trip there".

    • A special prize was also awarded to Samsung "Readers' Choice": the largest number of votes according to the results of an open reader's Internet voting on the recommendation service scored Narine Abgaryan, author of the story Three apples fell from the sky. She got a trip to South Korea for two.

    For 14 years now, the Yasnaya Polyana award has been honoring the works of talented promising authors and true classics of our time. We are proud that, by supporting it, year after year we contribute to the development of great literary traditions in the context of today's Russia. In addition, we are pleased to open new masterpieces to readers, which, I am sure, will rightfully take their place in the rich cultural heritage of our country. I congratulate the winners and prize-winners of 2016 and wish them new creative success!
    Kim Yi Tak, President of Samsung Electronics CIS Headquarters

    Not only smartphones

    Probably, few people suspect this side of Samsung's activities, but the company not only produces all kinds of gadgets, but also makes a significant contribution to culture, art, sports, and is engaged in educational and social projects, which has been taking Active participation in the life of our country.

    So here in Russia, this company is the oldest (since 1991) partner of the Bolshoi Theater, cooperates with the Hermitage (since 1997) and Peterhof (since 2011), supports the Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art (since 2009), in 2003, she became a co-founder of one of the largest literary awards in Russia, Yasnaya Polyana, and in 2014, she became an official partner of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA). Thanks to the support of Samsung Electronics, museum and theater halls are equipped with last word technology, modern electronic posters, decorations and even thematic applications appear.

    Samsung Electronics supports the “Learning to Know” project aimed at creating a unified social and educational space for patients of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology. Dmitry Rogachev and the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital (RCCH). This year it is planned to expand the project beyond Moscow.

    The company oversees the additional education program "IT SCHOOL SAMSUNG" (in more than 20 major cities) and a socio-educational program for children with handicapped"Education for ALL".

    Samsung also makes a great contribution to the development of sports: it is an official partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, supports the Alexander Popov Cup youth swimming tournament and cooperates with the Russian Tennis Federation.

    Since 1993, the Samsung Research Center in Moscow has not only been developing technical innovations, but also supporting young talents by providing jobs and internship programs.

    MOSCOW, November 2. /TASS/. For the first time in the history of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize, the jury chose two winners in the main category "XXI Century". The laureates in 2016 were Narine Abgaryan with the story "Three Apples Fell from the Sky" and Alexander Grigorenko with the story "The Blind Man Lost his Pipe". This was stated on Wednesday at the award ceremony by the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cultural Cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoy.

    “It looks like we have two envelopes. In one of them, the name Narine Abgaryan “Three apples fell from the sky”, and in the other - Alexander Grigorenko “I lost my blind pipe,” Shvydkoy announced.

    Abgaryan and Grigorenko will receive one million rubles each as a cash bonus.

    Presenting Abgaryan's book, a member of the jury, literary critic Alexei Varlamov noted its extraordinary magnetism.

    "There are such books, reading which, you forget that you are a member of the jury, about short and long lists, you forget that it's summer around - you generally forget about everything and are simply grateful to the author for leading you into some kind of wonderful world. It was with this feeling that I read Narine Abgaryan's book "Three Apples Fell From the Sky". The action of the book takes place in a remote mountainous Armenian village, which, of course, has a history, but it is completely different from history. big countries- This story is private, local," he shared his impressions.

    Writer Vladislav Otroshenko named "extraordinary poignancy" among the merits of Grigorenko's story.

    "Grigorenko's story tells about a Siberian family where a long-awaited child is born - Shurka, but he is born with paralysis, half-fool, dies with all the family's love for him because life is so arranged. This story answers the eternal questions: what to do and who Do nothing and no one is to blame - such is the nature of Russian life, "he said.

    The finalists of the nomination "XXI century" this year were Leonid Yuzefovich with the story "The Winter Road", Vladimir Eisner with the novel "Pomegranate Island", Boris Minaev with the novel "Soft Fabric" and Aflatuni Sukhbat with the novel "The Adoration of the Magi". They will share one million rubles among themselves.

    Other nominations

    Chairman of the jury of the competition, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on culture Vladimir Tolstoy, opening the ceremony, noted high level works submitted this year to the competition. "There has never been such an agonizing choice as this year in the entire history of the award. All works from short lists deserve to be laureates," he stressed.

    In the nomination "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" Marina Nefedova became the laureate with her book "The Forester and His Nymph". She will receive 500 thousand rubles.

    “Literature related to teenagers and children is read less and is considered niche. But the Yasnaya Polyana Prize created this nomination, and this is an important readership,” Nefedova emphasized.

    The shortlist was compiled by Marina Moskvina, Julia Govorova "You, most importantly, write about love", Yulia Yakovleva "Children of the Raven". The finalists will share 300 thousand rubles among themselves.

    The winner in the nomination "Foreign Literature" was Orhan Pamuk for the book "My Strange Thoughts". The Turkish writer will receive a prize of one million rubles. The translator of the laureate's book, Apollinaria Avrutina, won a prize of 200,000 rubles.

    A special Samsung Readers' Choice Award was also awarded. The winner of the prize - a trip to South Korea for two - was Narine Abgaryan, the author of the story "Three Apples Fell From the Sky" - the work that received the most votes according to the results of an open reader's online voting on the recommendation service

    About the award

    Literary award "Yasnaya Polyana" was created by the museum-estate of Leo Tolstoy and Samsung Electronics in 2003. In 2015, the total amount of the bonus fund increased significantly and now stands at RUB 7 million.

    Every year the prize is awarded to writers whose works carry the humanistic and moral ideals of Russian classical literature. The award jury selects the best works of traditional form in the categories "Modern Classics", "XXI century" and "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth", as well as in the categories "Foreign Literature" and "Readers' Choice", introduced with the support of Samsung in 2015.

    The jury of the award includes literary critic Lev Anninsky, writer and critic Pavel Basinsky, writer, Doctor of Philology Yevgeny Vodolazkin, researcher of Russian literature of the 20th century Alexei Varlamov, critic Valentin Kurbatov, writer and essayist Vladislav Otroshenko.

    Today, the ceremony of awarding the laureates of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize, established by the museum-estate of L.N. Tolstoy and Samsung Electronics.

    Vladimir Makanin became a laureate in the category "Modern classic" for the book "Where the sky converged with the hills", receiving a cash prize of 1,500,000 rubles.

    In nomination "XXI Century" For the first time in the history of the award, the jury chose two laureates: Narine Abgaryan for the story "Three apples fell from the sky" and Alexandra Grigorenko for the story "The blind man lost his pipe." The winners shared the cash prize, and each received 1,000,000 rubles.

    The prize fund of the short list of this nomination, amounting to 1,000,000 rubles, will be evenly distributed among the finalists who did not become laureates in the 21st century nomination:

    1. Aflatuni Sukhbat. Adoration of the Magi. – M.: Ripol Classic, 2015
    2. Minaev Boris. Soft fabric. - M.: Time, 2016
    3. Eisner Vladimir. Pomegranate Island. - St. Petersburg: "Written with a pen", 2015
    4. Yuzefovich Leonid. Winter road. - M .: Journal "October", No. 4, 5, 6, 2015

    Marina Nefedova became a laureate in the category "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" for the book "The Forester and His Nymph", having received a cash prize of 500,000 rubles.

    The finalists of this nomination shared 300,000 rubles among themselves:

    1. Moskvina Marina, Govorova Yulia. You, most importantly, write about love. – M.: Gayatri, 2016.
    2. Yakovleva Julia. Raven children. – M.: Samokat, 2016

    nomination winner "Foreign literature", designed to select the most significant foreign book of the 21st century and celebrate its translation into Russian, became Orhan Pamuk for the book "My Strange Thoughts", which received a prize of 1,000,000 rubles. Laureate book translator, Apollinaria Avrutina, became the owner of an award in the amount of 200,000 rubles.

    The experts in the category "Foreign Literature" are translators, publishers of foreign literature, journalists and literary critics - they proposed books that they consider the most important books on foreign language, and the members of the jury of the award chose the winner. The list of books included in the long list of the Foreign Literature category was announced in March 2016. There is no short list in this nomination.

    Was also awarded Samsung Readers' Choice Special Award. The winner of the prize - a trip to South Korea for two - was Narine Abgaryan, author of the story Three apples fell from the sky- works from the short list of the nomination "XXI century", which received the largest number of votes according to the results of an open reader's Internet voting on the recommendation service

    “Behind the shoulders of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize is, indeed, fourteen years. There's a whole story behind it already. The laureates of previous years are wonderful - we are not ashamed of any of them - but there has never been such a choice as this year in the entire history of the award. All authors deserve to become laureates, and the long list of the Foreign Literature nomination can be considered a guide to world literature and perceived as a landmark,” said Vladimir Tolstoy, chairman of the jury for the Yasnaya Polyana literary award, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on culture.

    “It is not only the opinion of a highly professional jury that makes the award truly popular. I am very grateful to our partners - Samsung Electronics - for the fact that for the second year the special prize "Readers' Choice" has been awarded. This year the opinion of the readers coincided with the opinion of the jury. Users of the website chose the novel “Three Apples Fell From the Sky” by Narine Abgaryan,” said Ekaterina Tolstaya, director of the L.N. Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana"

    “There are books when reading which you forget that you are a member of the jury, you forget about short and long lists, you forget that summer is around, you generally forget about everything and just thank the author for leading you into some kind of wonderful world. ”, - said Alexey Varlamov, jury member of the Yasnaya Polyana literary award, prose writer, researcher of Russian literature of the 20th century.

    “For 14 years now, the Yasnaya Polyana Prize has been celebrating the works of talented promising authors and real classics of our time. We are proud that, by supporting it, from year to year we contribute to the development of great literary traditions in the context of today's Russia. In addition, we are pleased to open new masterpieces to readers, which, I am sure, will rightfully take their place in the rich cultural heritage of our country. I congratulate the winners and prize-winners of 2016 and wish them new creative success,” said Kim Yi Tak, President of Samsung Electronics CIS Headquarters.

    The Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize was established by the L. N. Tolstoy Estate Museum and Samsung Electronics in 2003. Every year the prize is awarded to writers whose works carry the humanistic and moral ideals of Russian classical literature. The jury of the award selects the best works of art of the traditional form in the categories "Modern Classics", "XXI Century" and "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth”, as well as in the categories “Foreign Literature” and “Readers' Choice”, introduced with the support of Samsung in 2015. The total amount of the bonus fund is 7 million rubles.

    On this moment This is the largest annual literary award in Russia.

    The partners of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize are: the central state news agency of Russia TASS, the recommendation service, on the site of which Internet voting is carried out, as well as the federal chain of bookstores Chitay-Gorod.

    Quotes from the Yasnaya Polyana Prize Jury members about the laureates

    Alexey Varlamov about Narine Abgaryan, laureate of the Yasnaya Polyana Prize in the 21st century nomination for 2016

    There are such books when reading which you forget that you are a member of the jury, about short and long lists, you forget that summer is around - you generally forget about everything and are simply grateful to the author for leading you into some wonderful world. It was with this feeling that I read Narine Abgaryan's book “Three Apples Fell From the Sky”. The action of the book takes place in a remote mountainous Armenian village, which, of course, has a history, but it is completely different from the history of large countries - this history is private, local.

    Vladislav Otroshenko about Alexander Grigorenko, laureate of the Yasnaya Polyana Prize in the 21st century nomination for 2016

    Grigorenko's story tells about a Siberian family where a long-awaited child is born - Shurka - but he is born with paralysis, half-holy fool. With all the love of his family for him, he dies. Because that's how life works. This story answers the age-old questions: what to do, and who is to blame? Do nothing and no one is to blame - such is the nature of Russian life.

    Valentin Kurbatov about Marina Nefedeva, laureate of the Yasnaya Polyana award in the Childhood. Adolescence. Youth” for 2016

    Reading the book by Marina Nefedova “The Forester and His Nymph”, you understand how much grief Russian literature takes upon itself. And you believe that writing is the salvation of a child's heart through the experience and living of grief. You have to endure childhood suffering to write such a book.

    Evgeny Vodolazkin about Vladimir Makanin, laureate of the Yasnaya Polyana Prize in the Modern Classics nomination

    The story is a tool that can sometimes express more than a novel. The writer we're honoring today in the Modern Classics category is a great writer without a stretch. The story of Vladimir Makanin "Where the sky converged with the hills" is a great literature.

    Letter from Vladimir Makanin in response to receiving the Yasnaya Polyana Prize

    “The 80th anniversary is a milestone. Words and thoughts are still in abundance, but there is almost no strength and health left to give them life. There is little positive in the existence of an old sick person, his destiny is seclusion, and what they remembered about me is a light and joy. I am grateful to Vladimir Tolstoy and all members of the Yasnaya Polyana jury for their attention, and I congratulate my colleagues on the award.”

    Alexey Varlamov about Orkhan Pamuk, the winner of the nomination “Foreign Literature” for 2016

    The polyphonic narration of Orkhan Pamuk's novel “My Strange Thoughts”, composed of different meanings, gives voice to many heroes. It's a long saga tied to a single location. A place far away that quickly becomes close.

    When I read this book, I forgot that it was not originally written in Russian. A painstaking, subtle translation with an amazing melodious intonation is the work and merit of Apollinaria Avrutina.

    Orkhan Pamuk's letter in response to receiving the Yasnaya Polyana Prize

    For me, this award is an award on behalf of all great Russian literature. Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Chekhov… The very sound of these names is like a poem for me, like music. I am not the only one – all Turkish literature has learned a lot from the Russian classics.

    Due to lectures at Columbia University, I will not be able to take part in the awards ceremony, which will be held at the Bolshoi Theater. However, in February I will come to Yasnaya Polyana to receive the award. When I was twenty-five years old and writing my first novel, reading Tolstoy, I dreamed that one day I would go to Moscow, from there to Yasnaya Polyana, where I would see Tolstoy's house. Forty years later my dreams are coming true and I am very excited about going there.

    About the Prize:

    The annual all-Russian literary award "Yasnaya Polyana", established in 2003 by the L.N. Tolstoy and Samsung Electronics, is one of the most prestigious and well-known literary awards in Russia. The award supports the traditions of classical and current trends in modern Russian literature. The award jury, headed by the great-great-grandson of the writer Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy, includes well-known Russian writers, literary critics and public figures. Anton Utkin, Alexey Ivanov, Zakhar Prilepin, Vasily Golovanov, Mikhail Tarkovsky, Elena Katishonok, Yevgeny Vodolazkin, Roman Senchin, Fazil Iskander, Valentin Rasputin, Yuri Bondarev have become laureates of the award in various categories at different times.

    The award is given for the best work of art of the traditional form in the categories: "Modern Classics", "XXI Century", "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". In 2015, the award was presented for the first time in the Foreign Literature category, as well as in the special Samsung Readers' Choice category.

    In 2015, the total amount of the bonus fund increased significantly and now stands at 7 million rubles. Distribution of awards among the winners in the categories:

    • Nomination "Modern Classics" - 1,500,000 rubles
    • Nomination "XXI century" -2,000,000 rubles
    • Nomination "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth "- 500,000 rubles
    • Prize fund for shortlisted finalists - 1,000,000 rubles
    • Prize fund for the finalists of the nomination "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" - 300,000 rubles
    • Prize fund of the nomination "Foreign Literature": 1,000,000 rubles - a laureate - a foreign writer, 200,000 rubles - a translator of the laureate's book into Russian.

    Award Jury:

    • Anninsky Lev Alexandrovich, Soviet and Russian literary critic, writer, publicist, literary critic;
    • Basinsky Pavel Valerievich, Russian literary critic and literary critic;
    • Varlamov Alexey Nikolaevich, prose writer, researcher of Russian literature of the twentieth century
    • Vodolazkin Evgeny Germanovich, writer, Doctor of Philology, laureate of the Literary Prize "Yasnaya Polyana"
    • Kurbatov Valentin Yakovlevich, writer, publicist, literary critic;
    • Otroshenko Vladislav Olegovich, Russian writer and essayist, laureate of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize;
    • Tolstoy Vladimir Ilyich, chairman of the jury, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on culture, journalist.

    Samsung Electronics has been working in Russia for 25 years and takes an active part in the social and cultural life of the country. Samsung Electronics is the oldest official sponsor of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater (since 1991), a partner of the State Hermitage Museum (since 1997) and the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve (since 2013). Since 2003, together with the L.N. Tolstoy's "Yasnaya Polyana", Samsung acts as a co-founder of the annual literary award "Yasnaya Polyana". Samsung Electronics actively supports contemporary art exhibitions.

    About the museum-estate "Yasnaya Polyana"
    The museum-estate of Leo Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana" is a literary museum, opened in 1921 in the family estate of the writer Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910). Here he was born, lived most of his life, and here, on the edge of a ravine, under the canopy of trees, he was buried. Every year a huge number of people from all over the world come here. Now Yasnaya Polyana is a large museum complex, a recognized cultural center of world significance. Lectures, scientific conferences, seminars are regularly held here, in which philologists and literary critics from different countries. Since 1996, the estate has hosted International Writers' Meetings.

    On November 2, the ceremony of awarding the laureates of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize took place in Moscow.

    The winner in the nomination "Modern Classics" was Vladimir Makanin for the book "Where the sky converged with the hills" (prize 1,500,000 rubles).

    In the nomination "XXI century" for the first time the jury chose two laureates: Narine Abgaryan for the story "Three apples fell from the sky" and Alexandra Grigorenko for the story "I lost a blind pipe" (each of them received 1,000,000 rubles).

    The prize fund of the short list of this nomination (1,000,000 rubles) is distributed among the rest of the finalists. This - Sukhbat Aflatuni("The Adoration of the Magi") Boris Minaev("Soft tissue"), Vladimir Eisner("Pomegranate Island") and Leonid Yuzefovich("Winter road").

    In "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth” became the laureate Marina Nefedova for the book "The Forester and His Nymph" (prize 500,000 rubles).

    Finalists in this category - Marina Moskvina, Yulia Govorova(“You, most importantly, write about love”) and Julia Yakovleva("Children of the Raven") - divided among themselves 300,000 rubles.

    The winner in the nomination "Foreign Literature", designed to select the most significant work of a foreign author and to mark its translation into Russian, was Orhan Pamuk for the book "My Strange Thoughts" (prize 1,000,000 rubles). Her translator Apollinaria Avrutina received a prize of 200,000 rubles. It should be noted that the experts of this nomination - translators, publishers, journalists and literary critics - proposed books that they consider the most important (the long list was announced in March of this year, the short list is not selected), and the jury members, in turn, chose the laureate .

    There was also a special prize "Readers' Choice" - a trip to South Korea for two. Its owner was Narine Abgaryan, author of the story "Three apples fell from the sky." This work from the short list of the nomination "XXI century" gained the largest number of votes according to the results of an open reader's Internet voting on the recommendation service

    “Behind the shoulders of the Yasnaya Polyana literary prize is fourteen years,” noted Vladimir Tolstoy, Chairman of the Prize Jury, Cultural Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation .- Already a whole story. The laureates of previous years are remarkable - we are not ashamed of any of them. However, there has never been such a choice as this year in the entire history of the award. All authors deserve to become laureates, and the long list of the Foreign Literature nomination can be considered a guide to world literature and taken as a guide.”

    According to member of the jury, writer and researcher of Russian literature of the twentieth century Alexei Varlamov , “there are such books, reading which you forget that you are a member of the jury, you forget about short and long lists, you forget that summer is around, you forget about everything and just thank the author for leading you into some wonderful world ".

    “It is not only the opinion of a highly professional jury that makes the award truly popular,” said Director of the Yasnaya Polyana Estate Museum Ekaterina Tolstaya .- I am very grateful to our partners - Samsung Electronics - for the fact that for the second year in a row the special prize "Readers' Choice" has been awarded. In this, the opinion of the readers coincided with the opinion of the jury. Users of the site chose the novel “Three Apples Fell From the Sky” by Narine Abgaryan.”

    Recall: the largest annual literary award in Russia "Yasnaya Polyana" was established by the museum-estate of Leo Tolstoy and Samsung Electronics in 2003. It is awarded to writers whose works carry the humanistic and moral ideals of Russian classical literature. The jury selects the best works of art in the traditional form in the categories "Modern Classics", "XXI Century" and "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth”, as well as in the categories “Foreign Literature” and “Readers' Choice”, introduced last year. The total amount of the bonus fund is seven million rubles.