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  • Korablev L. Leonid ships. and with a preface
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  • Korablev L. Leonid ships

    Korablev L. Leonid ships

    Come under the full moon
    In the stones of the saints ring
    And to the south turn your back
    And to the North - face
    And ask the runes three times
    That in the distance
    But do not interfere with the will of Heaven
    And trust your hand.
    Then sleep in the forest between the grasses,
    Trees and flowers
    But know - Dreams have an insidious disposition
    And don't forget about that.
    Do not trill the nightingale forest,
    Not a boar stomp -
    Ringing the bells of ice
    Wake up from sleep
    It will break your heart
    Like a bowl at a feast;
    From now on, rock leads with you
    A dangerous game
    Reckless of cards or bones ...
    Oh mirror, say:
    Where by the crossing of passions
    A long way lies
    To the forgotten northern country
    What the spirits guard
    Where is the one that you saw in your dream
    Danced in the snow
    It seemed like a reflection of fire
    But the reflection was dark ...
    The soul of ice flew away,
    Signs of destiny.
    Walk, seeking the Ways,
    Through the Mirror - forward!
    And know: to find the hidden
    Ice will help you.
    And let them predict trouble
    Signs to you
    But the Raven and the Wolf will lead
    You - to your Destiny.

    Leonid Korablev.

    As the ancients often said and wrote, with the advent of the human kingdom, the people of elves began to gradually, as it were, de-incarnate, turn pale and lose their physical forms visible to the eyes of the Mortals. However, they have not yet turned into ethereal spirits and, thus, have not finally passed into the immaterial world. It means that we, people, the second after them, elves, people, can try to look for ways to communicate with them. For they have ideal knowledge about the nature of being and about the complete history from the beginning of our world, including knowledge about what happened long before those times that are now commonly called "primordial history."

    The lions taught people the culture and art of writing. They are able to penetrate the mind into the future and read the thoughts of the Mortals (alfar skilja, that is, "elves feel, understand, foresee"; gefinn skilnings andi / ei sizt alfum og svo nornum ... "the spirit of insight (deep understanding) is given, not less to the elves, as well as the Norns ... "). And by their appearance they are similar to ideal tall people, but, of course, not to "literary" winged dwarfs.

    Also, according to the testimony of the mystics of the Middle Ages, elves have special books of Knowledge:
    "people with the gift of ghost-vision confirm that the interior design of their [ie elf-books] is similar to the old manuscripts of the Ires [Irish], only they are inscribed in golden letters; and everything there is of amazing colors, with graceful ligature and ornaments inside and outside, decorated. "
    (Joun Gvüdmundsson Scientist "Tidfordrif", 1644)

    In addition, it is believed that the elves taught people in addition to all of the above, also herbal healing:
    "It is said that through such communication [with the Scottish elves] knowledge was acquired about the medicinal powers of many herbs ..."
    (Patrick Graham "Descriptive Sketches ... of Perthshire", 1806)

    We find exactly the same idea among the Celtic people of Wales. (See W. Sikes, J. Rhys)

    Also, as the ancients mention, elves, although they are now invisible, are able to help, or even can save people friendly to them in a moment of extreme danger. (See J. Gudmundsson, R. Graves)

    The countries where the Mortals can meet with the Elves are the following: the most remote areas of Iceland, Wales, Ireland, Central England, Scotland, Faroe Islands, Orkney Islands, perhaps, but quite rarely, somewhere in Scandinavia, South of Germany (?), North -western Russia: the region below Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Valaam, Lake Onega, the coast of the White Sea, [its name by the Vikings in ancient times was GAND-vik "Arcane Bay", compare GAND-alfr "An enchanting (" elven ") creation with a magic wand ".]
    ... At that time, throughout Europe, including, however, only the western part of Russia, the lingering Il-korindi [Elves] spoke their own dialects of the common Elvish language ...
    [From early drafts by Professor J. Tolkien]

    Elves do not live in the "New World" (Americas), East, Africa and Siberia. There is a lot of evidence about this. Especially Irish (Celtic) about North America. (The most unbearable conditions for spiritual existence.)

    Obviously, when trying to communicate with elves, it is necessary to observe certain conditions, such as: special forms of abstinence, the absence of metal objects (except for silver) on oneself. Some (semi-) gems help. It is appropriate here to recall the experience of Icelandic mystics and their miracle stones (natturu steinar): Diacodos, etc. There are also ideas for using various other remedies in this procedure (for example, four-leaf clover, special eye ointment, etc.). Perhaps some magic "staves" will help: band-run (ir) "a complex sign composed of different runes" [literally "bunch of runes"]; galdra-stafur "a sign of several magical symbols brought together"). [Youn from Grunn-wick, for example, writes that two band-run (s) "GAPALDUR" and "GINFAXI" were cut in order to enter the hills to the elves. See J. Arnason and Galdrabok published by N. Lindqvist and S. Flowers.]

    Now let's move on to the main thing. WAYS OF COMMUNICATION WITH THE HIDDEN PEOPLE.

    In Iceland: Four ways are mentioned: to compose a laudatory ice (ljod); use the magic rod sproti; try "bjoda alfum heimum" - the ancient formula; possibly uti-setur (?!).

    In Ireland and Scotland: The traditional ways of getting inside the elven hills are mentioned. (Dun-shi, Rath).

    In ancient Scandinavia: alfa-blot (?).

    In Wales: mention of the possibility of being halfway in the elven cylch glas or other enchanted places.

    Or compare Professor Tolkien's ideas that elves themselves will come to a person in his consciousness or sleep. (See below.) But, nevertheless, it seems that this happens extremely rarely.
    More details.

    Iceland. In accordance with the manuscripts of Joun Gwüdmundsson the Scientist (17th century), it is enough to compose a song of praise in honor of the elven family and pronounce it appropriately in the right place - then you will receive an answer.
    "Because almost all trolls and elves are prone to revenge," said Wilhjalm, "if they are mistreated or insulted, but they will no less try to repay with good if they are treated with respect."
    (Icelandic "Saga of Sigurd the Silent", ZM. 6, 14 PERSONS)

    The song form must be either magical, i.e. ljod (compare the mentions of this form when describing Odin's magical arts), or in the style of lilju-lag (the old name is hrynhenda), ferskeytt visa; thulur. Such a song should have an eight-syllable poetic stanza instead of the usual six-syllable, three-time alliterative repetition. As the son (?), Grandson (?) Of Joun the Scientist (he composed three such songs) told: Huldu-folks mal ("Speech about the Hidden People"), Theim godu jardarinnar innbuum tilheyri thessar oskir ("May these [good] wishes be fulfilled for the good people [elves] ") and Ljuflings-kvaedi (" Song of Lewling ").

    The first two survived in manuscripts only in fragments, the last, unfortunately, has been lost. The most recent example of the use of the rhymed form ljod and a favorable response to it is the testimony recorded in the Icelandic collection of stories about elves and magicians by J. Arnason. (see there "Grims-borg", or in my translation "Rocky Castle Grima")

    Since ancient times, the most famous place in Iceland where you can, with luck, meet elves is Skagafjordur ("Jutting Fjord" in the north of this island). For evidence of this, see the "Kormaks saga" (Kormaks saga, approx. 11th c.): "Holl einn ... er alfar bua i"; in the "Saga of Gudmund Arason the Good" (Gudmundar saga goda, 13th century): "That was Wonderful" Winter ... two suns [stood] in the sky at the same time, and people saw how elves and other wonderful people passed together in many in the Skaga Fjord ", and in the" Saga of Modar "(Modarz saga, 15-16 centuries).

    Apparently it is necessary to pronounce a magic appeal to the elves in some way in accordance with the more ancient description given in the "Saga of Eirik the Red" (Eireks saga rauda), tk. the scenes and motives in this saga are almost identical to the aforementioned testimony about the elves "Grims-borg": "Meanwhile, Thorhall the Hunter disappeared ... (the people) found Thorhall on the top of some rock. He lay and looked at the sky, his mouth open and puffing nostrils, and muttering * something ... A little later a whale washed ashore ... Then Thorhall the Hunter said: "... I got this for the poetry that I wrote in honor of ..." (* "Murmured" from Icelandic thylja "to hum something quietly, monotonously and without interruptions or pauses." Compare the poetic-magical form of thulur, also galdra-thulur.)

    (talkn-) SPROTI: A special rod-rod made of thin whale bone, studded with copper at the end. With his help, you can try to get to the elves in their hidden houses, which seem to the uninitiated Mortal rocks and hills. (Compare the Gaelic ones below about the same idea.) Moreover, it is necessary to know and pronounce at the right time a special magic formula. You also need to have with you tied sticks with fleece staves cut on them (see above). For examples and more detailed information on sproti, see the treatises of Joun the Scientist (17th century), Joun Eggertsson (17th century), Eggert Olavsson's Guide to Iceland (18th century), and the collection of recent testimonies about elves by J. Arnason.


    Yone Scientist (?):
    "It was believed that some people were so deeply knowledgeable that they knew how to open the earth's covers and go inside. They entered both the hills and the rocks, talked there with the people living inside, and received gifts from them (these gifts were seen by many ), and there, [having learned] a lot about the secret and the hidden, they became wiser. "
    ["Tidfordrif" (?), 1644 G.]

    Joun Eggertsson:
    "Many were said to have mastered the art of opening the earth's covers [rocks] and going inside; and they communicate there with the Lewlings (the elves who are called that); eat and drink with this people there inside; besides, they become wise, and in addition they receive gifts. "
    ["Um runakonstina": "On the rune art", 17th century]

    From the collection of Youn Arnason:
    "They walk in this way, as long as they approach one hill. Bjorn then pulls out a cane from a pr o t and hits it on the hill. After that, the hill opens, and they see as if a door has opened in it ..."
    ["Holgongur Silunga-Bjarnar" eftir Olafur Sveinsson i Purkey, UFT-GSH 81-82];

    "Then the bishop takes the rod from the back, leaves the tent, makes three circles with the rod around the tent, and then goes to the elves."
    ["Brynjolfur biskup ...", UFT-GSH 57-58];

    "They walk to the outer edge of the cultivated, near the farm, the field, to one hill there. The priest strikes a cane against the hill. The hill opens then ..."
    ["Holgangan" (M.G.), UFT. 559].

    One of the variants of the magic formula necessary for use with sproti may be a phrase in the elf language reconstructed by Professor Tolkien "Sindarin", said by the magician Gandalf at the gates of the underground country of Moriah.

    It is necessary to be somewhat more careful with the following two, not quite clear now, methods: "bjoda alfum heimum" (that is, inviting elves to their own home on Christmas night or on New Year's Eve) and uti-setur on the same holidays, plus the night before the summer solstice.

    In the first case (i.e. bjoda alfum heimum), at the indicated time, they light all the lights in the house, clean everything clean, set the table, and, walking around the house and all the buildings adjacent to it with light, recite the following magic formula three times elf invitations: "komi their sem koma vilja, fari theim sem fara vilja, mer og minum ad mein (a) -lausu!" or "veri their sem vera vilja, fari their sem fara vilja, mer og minum ad skada-lausu!" ("Boldly enter those who desire it and come from everywhere those who intend to come, but do not harm me or what I have!) Then they wait. This procedure may be associated with a certain danger, because the probability is high the arrival of the Dark Elves (Dokk-alfar), evil spirits (ill-vaettir) or even the undead (draugar). In this case, it is possible for those who invited a fatal outcome. However, see some evidence from the collection of J. Arnason about what they do when they position.

    Uti-seta [pl. num. uti-setur] - (literally "sit outside"). Even less certain in this case. Usually, people camped on the night of Christmas, New Years or before the summer solstice right in the center of the crossroads of four roads somewhere in the mountains, thus preventing the movement of the elf cavalry troops at this time. If you are lucky, the elves will appear from any of the four roads, and the main thing is to remain silent, no matter what they do. The price of breaking the prohibition on uttering even one word in response to the elves is madness. (Although in some cases with the ability to foresee the future; see some evidence from the collection of J. Arnason.) The unclear side of this occupation is that in ancient times people believed that in addition to elves, there was a high probability of the appearance of night demons and spirits of the dead. Thus, it strongly resembles necromancy (dead-magic). IN THIS CASE, BEWARE "UTI-SETA" AS A FIRE. At the cost of the immortality of the soul. In all Old Scandinavian (early Christian) laws that have come down to us, the practice of uti-setur (s) is prohibited. But it is quite possible that there were nevertheless different types of uti-seta - some for summoning elves, others for manipulating necromancers. In any case, the description of the necessary rituals at the crossroads when waiting for the elves and summoning the dead is somewhat different. (For example, can the usual uti-seta be performed almost at any time of the year at night?) See again the collection of stories by Y. Arnason. Also compare the mention of uti-seta in the Orkney Jarl Saga

    Leonid Korablev

    From stories about Old Icelandic witchcraft and the Hidden People

    Translation from Icelandic

    and notes

    Leonid Korableva

    General editorship

    and with a preface

    Anton Platova

    BBK 86.4 I32

    I32 From stories about Old Icelandic witchcraft and the Hidden People / Per. from Old Iceland, - M .: Publishing House "Sofia", 2003. - 176 p.

    ISBN 5-9550-0008-9

    © L. Korablev, text, comments, 2003 © A. Platov, foreword, 2003 ISBN 5-9550-0008-9 © VD "Sofia", 2003

    WONDERFUL PEOPLE (Editor's Foreword)

    They were called by different names. Wonderful, Ancient, Elder, Tall; elves, alves, aulva, elba; fay, firey; seeds or shi; Inhabitants of the Hills or, finally, just Those... The real old names are now almost forgotten, almost everywhere supplanted by English elf and French faerie. And the names that were used earlier were hardly true - if only because they were invented by the people themselves: in Scotland they were called Daoine Sithe, "Wonderful People" in Wales - Tylfyt Teg, "Marvelous Births", in Ireland - Huldu, Huldu Folk, "Ancient People" ...

    The notions of elves - let's take this name here for brevity - the notions of elves were very “tenacious” in Europe, in spite of both Christianization and progress that was striding by leaps and bounds. In the British outback, for example, they talked about elves in the late 19th and early 20th centuries:

    I'm sorry, what? Tell you about the elves? Well, elves, they are different. I don’t know how where, but here in Sussex the old elves - those who lived in the forests and underground - have gone a long time ago. It is said that they loved to settle in the old ruins. In Sussex, these elves once lived on the ruins of Barlow Castle, near Arlington. Now almost nothing remains of the castle itself - only fragments of walls here and there - but at a time when each country had its own king, it was a very famous and famous place. But whatever it was before, a hundred years ago none of the local residents dared to come close to the ruins after it got dark - they were afraid of the elves.

    It is also said that earlier, at midnight on the eve of the summer solstice, elves could be seen dancing on the peaks of Tabbury Hill and Gissbury; there, too, were fortresses a long time ago. And at one of the old burial grounds we even saw an elven funeral procession ...

    But what can I say, it was a long time ago! Now I am already quite an old man, and when I was still quite a boy, the then old people told that these elves did not like at all how life was changing in England, and the new manners of people simply outraged them. Already in those days, there were fewer and fewer of them, and their last refuge - the last in Sussex, and perhaps in all of England! - was Harrow Hill. Harrow Hill is a large hill near Patching where there are old flint mines and where there was once a fortress too. Maybe the elves would have lived there to this day, but somehow learned people - archaeologists - came and began to excavate Harrow Hill. These were not interested in any elves; they laughed when we told them about the Fairy People ... Well, then these last elves took offense to death and left forever ...

    One old woman once told me that it is from elven dances that magic rings remain in the grass - you know, such circles made of crushed grass. And what if you go around such a ring nine times on the first night of the new moon, then you can hear their music from underground, which cannot be more beautiful. What's the point - those elves are no longer here ...1

    There is a great variety of materials associated with elves - if we understand by this term the Wonderful People in general, and not narrowly "supernatural beings of Anglo-Saxon and German folklore" - there is a great variety: these are texts of European legends and traditions, and descriptions in chronicles, and folklore evidence of the last centuries , and much more. And nevertheless, it is better to start acquaintance with the Wonderful People with fairy tales that keep the very spirit. an ancient tradition associated with elves.

    With all the huge variety of fairy tales associated with elves, some of them are so common, and they have so much in common among the most different peoples that they may well claim to be considered classics of fairy tales about the Wonderful People. Perhaps one of the most common such plots is those that once allowed to add one more to a number of names - Marvelous, Ancient, Tall: Fair.

    In Ireland, this tale is told about the elves of the ancient Knockgrafton Hill 2. As if a poor hunchback, nicknamed Foxtail, once lived in the Aherloe Valley, kind and hard-working, but so terrible because of his hump that people shunned him. Once he happened to return from the town of Kahir, where he was selling baskets woven with his own hands, and the night found him at the foot of Knockgrafton Hill ...

    He was tired and exhausted, and he still had to drag very far away, he would have to walk all night - it was just that one could come to despair at the thought of it. So he sat down by the hill to rest and looked sadly at the moon.

    Soon, he heard the discordant sounds of some wild melody. Little Fox Tail listened and thought that he had never heard such delicious music before. It sounded like a choir of several voices, and one voice merged so strangely with the other that it seemed as if only one voice was singing, and yet all the voices pulled different sounds ...3

    The beautiful foam coming from the Hill so captured the hunchback that he himself did not notice how he began to quietly sing along and even added a few of his own words to the elven - and these were the elves, of course - song.

    Suddenly everything spun in front of Fox Tail, and now he is already standing in a beautiful banquet hall inside the Hill, and the elves surrounding him tell him that rarely has any mortal managed to catch the elven singing so beautifully. But then the elves parted, and a large procession came forward. The Majestic Lady, who was at the head of the procession, approached the short hunchback and uttered the words of a spell:

    Fox's tail! Fox's tail!
    Your word - by the way,
    Your song is in place
    And you yourself - to the court.
    Look at yourself, rejoicing, and not grieving:
    There was a hump, and there is no hump 4.

    And as soon as the words were heard, Foxtail felt his terrible hump disappear from his back. And then…

    ... all with great surprise and admiration he began to look over and over again all the objects around him, and from time to time they seemed to him more beautiful and more beautiful; this splendor made his head spin, his eyes darkened, and, at last, he fell into a deep sleep, and when he woke up, long ago it was day, the sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing tenderly. He saw that he was lying at the foot of Knockgrafton Hill, with cows and sheep grazing peacefully around.

    Fox Tail returned to his town, and everyone was very surprised that his hump had completely disappeared, and that he himself had become such a sturdy man.

    After some time, an old woman from a distant village came to Fox Tail and told that her neighbor's son had a big terrible hump and that, having heard about the miracle that happened to Fox Tail, he wanted to try to get rid of the hump in the same manner.

    Fox Tail, as already mentioned, was a kind man and, without hiding anything, told his whole story to the old woman. She returned home, and word for word told everything to her neighbor's son - humpwell named Jack Madden. Without hesitation, he got ready for the journey and one night - with the help of his mother and her neighbor who went to Fox Tail - he got to the foot of Knockgrafton Hill.

    And when darkness finally hid the Hill, the most beautiful singing came from its depths. True, it didn’t seem beautiful to Jack - he was too busy dreaming that the elves would appear now, and would thank him, and remove the boring hump from him to death. Without thinking about the rhythm, or the melody, or the beauty of the song, Jack Madden began to tighten.

    And no sooner had the first words escaped his lips, as some force lifted him into the air, and he found himself in a beautiful hall inside the Hill. Everything seemed to be the same as with Fox Tail, only that the elves for some reason looked angry. And one of them approached Jack and uttered a spell:

    Jack Madden! Jack Madden!
    Your word is not new
    Speeches - they contradict the song,
    And you yourself are out of place.
    You howled poor, became rich,
    A humpback howled, became a double humpback.

    ANDbarely the words were heard, when poor Jack's hump doubled. And then everything began to spin before his eyes, and when he woke up, it was already morning, and he was lying at the foot of Knockgrafton Hill.

    Leonid Korablev

    From stories about Old Icelandic witchcraft and the Hidden People

    Translation from Icelandic

    and notes

    Leonid Korableva

    General editorship

    and with a preface

    Anton Platova

    BBK 86.4 I32

    I32 From stories about Old Icelandic witchcraft and the Hidden People / Per. from Old Iceland, - M .: Publishing House "Sofia", 2003. - 176 p.

    ISBN 5-9550-0008-9

    © L. Korablev, text, comments, 2003 © A. Platov, foreword, 2003 ISBN 5-9550-0008-9 © VD "Sofia", 2003

    WONDERFUL PEOPLE (Editor's Foreword)

    They were called by different names. Wonderful, Ancient, Elder, Tall; elves, alves, aulva, elba; fay, firey; seeds or shi; Inhabitants of the Hills or, finally, just Those... The real old names are now almost forgotten, almost everywhere supplanted by English elf and French faerie. And the names that were used earlier were hardly true - if only because they were invented by the people themselves: in Scotland they were called Daoine Sithe, "Wonderful People" in Wales - Tylfyt Teg, "Marvelous Births", in Ireland - Huldu, Huldu Folk, "Ancient People" ...

    The notions of elves - let's take this name here for brevity - the notions of elves were very “tenacious” in Europe, in spite of both Christianization and progress that was striding by leaps and bounds. In the British outback, for example, they talked about elves in the late 19th and early 20th centuries:

    I'm sorry, what? Tell you about the elves? Well, elves, they are different. I don’t know how where, but here in Sussex the old elves - those who lived in the forests and underground - have gone a long time ago. It is said that they loved to settle in the old ruins. In Sussex, these elves once lived on the ruins of Barlow Castle, near Arlington. Now almost nothing remains of the castle itself - only fragments of walls here and there - but at a time when each country had its own king, it was a very famous and famous place. But whatever it was before, a hundred years ago none of the local residents dared to come close to the ruins after it got dark - they were afraid of the elves.

    It is also said that earlier, at midnight on the eve of the summer solstice, elves could be seen dancing on the peaks of Tabbury Hill and Gissbury; there, too, were fortresses a long time ago. And at one of the old burial grounds we even saw an elven funeral procession ...

    But what can I say, it was a long time ago! Now I am already quite an old man, and when I was still quite a boy, the then old people told that these elves did not like at all how life was changing in England, and the new manners of people simply outraged them. Already in those days, there were fewer and fewer of them, and their last refuge - the last in Sussex, and perhaps in all of England! - was Harrow Hill. Harrow Hill is a large hill near Patching where there are old flint mines and where there was once a fortress too. Maybe the elves would have lived there to this day, but somehow learned people - archaeologists - came and began to excavate Harrow Hill. These were not interested in any elves; they laughed when we told them about the Fairy People ... Well, then these last elves took offense to death and left forever ...

    One old woman once told me that it is from elven dances that magic rings remain in the grass - you know, such circles made of crushed grass. And what if you go around such a ring nine times on the first night of the new moon, then you can hear their music from underground, which cannot be more beautiful. What's the point - those elves are no longer here ...1

    There is a great variety of materials associated with elves - if we understand by this term the Wonderful People in general, and not narrowly "supernatural beings of Anglo-Saxon and German folklore" - there is a great variety: these are texts of European legends and traditions, and descriptions in chronicles, and folklore evidence of the last centuries , and much more. And nevertheless, it is better to start acquaintance with the Wonderful People with fairy tales that keep the very spirit. an ancient tradition associated with elves.

    With all the huge variety of fairy tales associated with elves, some of them are so common, and they have so much in common among the most different peoples that they may well claim to be considered classics of fairy tales about the Wonderful People. Perhaps one of the most common such plots is those that once allowed to add one more to a number of names - Marvelous, Ancient, Tall: Fair.

    In Ireland, this tale is told about the elves of the ancient Knockgrafton Hill 2. As if a poor hunchback, nicknamed Foxtail, once lived in the Aherloe Valley, kind and hard-working, but so terrible because of his hump that people shunned him. Once he happened to return from the town of Kahir, where he was selling baskets woven with his own hands, and the night found him at the foot of Knockgrafton Hill ...

    He was tired and exhausted, and he still had to drag very far away, he would have to walk all night - it was just that one could come to despair at the thought of it. So he sat down by the hill to rest and looked sadly at the moon.

    Soon, he heard the discordant sounds of some wild melody. Little Fox Tail listened and thought that he had never heard such delicious music before. It sounded like a choir of several voices, and one voice merged so strangely with the other that it seemed as if only one voice was singing, and yet all the voices pulled different sounds ...3

    The beautiful foam coming from the Hill so captured the hunchback that he himself did not notice how he began to quietly sing along and even added a few of his own words to the elven - and these were the elves, of course - song.

    Suddenly everything spun in front of Fox Tail, and now he is already standing in a beautiful banquet hall inside the Hill, and the elves surrounding him tell him that rarely has any mortal managed to catch the elven singing so beautifully. But then the elves parted, and a large procession came forward. The Majestic Lady, who was at the head of the procession, approached the short hunchback and uttered the words of a spell:

    Fox's tail! Fox's tail!
    Your word - by the way,
    Your song is in place
    And you yourself - to the court.
    Look at yourself, rejoicing, and not grieving:
    There was a hump, and there is no hump 4.

    And as soon as the words were heard, Foxtail felt his terrible hump disappear from his back. And then…

    Birthday August 17, 1971
    contemporary Russian writer, runologist, philologist-Germanist, linguist, specialist in Icelandic culture, artist


    Member of the Union of Writers of Russia. Graduated from the Moscow Secondary Art School. Tomsky at the V.I. Surikov. Certified sculptor. The first exhibitions of his graphic and sculptural works dedicated to the work of J. Tolkien were held in Moscow, and later, in 1994 - 1998, in San Francisco, Framingham, Minnesota, Boston (USA). Published in the American magazines Eldalamberon, Tyaliё Tyelellieva, Ravenhill, Beyond Bree (graphics, articles). In 1996 the Leonid Korablev Gallery website was created in the USA. On the same site in 1997, he published "A Treatise on how to find ways to communicate with ... true elves" and other works. Published in Russian since 2000. Author of 26 books and over 40 articles in Russian on Scandinavian and Germanic culture, mythology, Icelandic folklore, elves and runes. Some of his works have been translated into English, Icelandic and Swedish. He was twice awarded by the Ambassador of Iceland to the Russian Federation, was awarded a grant from the Aurtni Magnus-son Institute of Manuscripts in Iceland for the promotion of Icelandic culture in Russia. The books of Leonid Korablev are kept in the National Library of Iceland. He was awarded the "Yesenin Gold Medal" and the diploma "For Faithful Service to Russian Literature".


    Books and brochures

    "The Graphic Magic of Icelanders" (2002) ISBN 5-88875-029-8
    "From Tales of Old Icelandic Witchcraft and the Hidden People" (2003) ISBN 5-9550-0008-9
    "Runic Conspiracies and Apocryphal Prayers of Icelanders" (2003) ISBN 5-88875-039-5
    “Runology of Youn Oulafs-son of Grunnwick. Icelandic treatises of the 17th century "(2005) ISBN 5-88875-053-0
    "Witchcraft Flight: Runic Astrology" (2005) ISBN 5-98047-002-6
    The Book of Stories of Elves (2008) ISBN 978-5-093055-089-4
    Yone the Scribe-Wizard (2009) ISBN 978-5-93055-130-3
    "The graphic magic of the Icelanders." Second edition, revised and expanded (2009) ISBN 978-5-9901627-2-3
    "Book of Stories of Elves" (2011) ISBN 978-9979-70-919-0
    “Anglo-Saxon magic. Icelandic Herbalist "(2010) ISBN: 978-5-91366-231-6
    "Fourteen Arcane Fleece Rows of Iceland." Independent publication, Moscow, 2011
    "Uti-setur" or magic in the open air. " Independent publication, Moscow, 2011
    "Icelandic magic futork". Independent publication, Moscow, 2012
    "Elder Futhark: Runic Mythology". Independent publication, Moscow, 2012
    Runic Cryptography: Elven Runes. Independent publication, Moscow, 2012
    "Travel of L. Korablev to the elven places of Iceland (2008, 2011 and 2012)". Independent publication, Moscow, 2013
    “Gray skin. The main magic book of Iceland "(2013) ISBN: 978-5-904844-59-2
    “Anglo-Saxon magic. Icelandic Herbalist ", second edition (2013) ISBN: 978-5-904844-65-3
    "Brinhild (Sigrdriva) Runic Honey". Independent publication, Moscow, 2014
    “About fortune telling on the runes in the ancient Germanic tradition. Two systems of divination: Icelandic and Swedish. "
    Independent publication, Moscow (2013)
    "Yone the Scribe-Wizard". Independent publication, Moscow (2014)
    “Gray skin. The main magic book of Iceland. " second edition (2014) ISBN 978-5-600-00268-5
    Galdrakwer's Book of Wizardry. Independent publication, Moscow (2015)
    "Runic alphabet". Independent publication, Moscow (2015) ISBN 978-5-9907446-0-8
    "Ancient Germanic mythological dictionary". Independent publication, Moscow (2017) ISBN 978-5-9907446-1-5
    "Ancient Germanic mythological dictionary". Moscow, 2019, AST Publishing House, ISBN 978-5-17-109549-9. Second edition
    "Runic conspiracies and apocryphal prayers of the Icelanders." Independent edition, Second edition, M. 2019, ISBN 978-5-00095-711-0

    Articles (research, translations, stories)

    Galdra-becoming "One"
    Icelandic undead draugi
    Awakening Angantir
    Viestein Oulason's book "Dialogues with the Viking Age", 1998
    "Thor's Hammer" at the National Museum of Iceland
    I became wise under the waterfalls
    Book "Using Magic and Raising Spirits"
    "Dark runes" of Icelandic folklore
    "Germanic" heritage in Icelandic books
    Apocryphal prayers of the Icelanders
    Magical book-quarto by Pastor Snorri of Khusa-fetl
    Stephen Flowers (Flowers) Stephen Flowers. The Galdrabok. An Icelandic Grimoire "
    Egil, head of horse and fish
    An old Swedish conspiracy of the 17th century
    Lecture by Oxford professor J.R.R. Tolkien on the Old English poem "Beowulf"
    Germanic mythological parallels to Russian folklore
    The saga of Samson the Beautiful
    Night trolls at Curlingar Hotell
    Source book on medieval Elves
    Eddical Writings of Tolkien (Eddurit Jons Tolkiens)
    Comments to the "Saga of the inhabitants of the Sandy Coast"
    Confusing letters (villuletur)
    Icelanders in 21st century Iceland (autobiographical sketch)
    Dream Elves / Draum-Alfar
    Who are the "aulvas" in the book of Halldor Kilian Gvudzion Laxness "Independent people" or "stories about elves" by H. Laxness (XX century), quotes from the book
    Addition to the list of names of Icelandic runes and characters, images of which were discovered by L. Korablev in Icelandic manuscripts of the 17th-20th centuries.
    Icelanders in XXI century Russia (autobiographical sketch)
    Iceland's "wolf" - arctic fox
    "Runes" by Sir Thomas More
    Icelandic signs
    Charo-Leifi and the elves
    How in the old days the winter holiday was celebrated in the North-West of Europe
    A treatise on how to seek and find ways of communication with the now hidden Light people, that is, with the true elves
    Icelandic Authors Writing About Elves During the “Golden Ages of Belief in Elves” in Iceland
    True Elves of Europe
    Icelandic folk calendar and calendars of other Germanic peoples
    Runes of speech and Mighty runes
    The bowls of the Dream and Bodn will slowly fill
    Those who see through mountains and hills
    The witch who knew the white demons, for that is how they (Vostaki) called the elves

    Audio Video

    7. Galdur (Wolfsblood “ALU”, 2007, Cynfeirdd, France)
    Lecture on runes Part 1 "Unique magic of futarka"
    Lecture on runes Part 2a "Runes: the circle is closed"
    Lecture on runes Part 2b "Runes: the circle is closed"
    Lecture on runes Part 2c "Runes: the circle is closed"
    Lecture on runes Part 3 "Icelandic runes and galdra-staves"
    Report "The Variety of Icelandic Folklore"

    Korablev L.L. - about the author

    Until the age of seventeen, he bore the surname Matsuev, after - Korablev (actual translation from German into Russian of the surname Schipper on the maternal side). Graduated from the Moscow Secondary Art School. Tomsky at the V.I. Surikov. Certified sculptor. Member of the Union of Writers of Russia.

    The first exhibitions of his graphic and sculptural works dedicated to the work of J. Tolkien were held in Moscow, and later, in 1994 - 1998, in San Francisco, Framingham, Minnesota, Boston (USA). Published in American magazines. In 1996 the Leonid Korablev Gallery website was created in the USA. On the same site in 1997, he published "A Treatise on how to find ways to communicate with ... true elves" and other works.

    Korablev L.L. - books for free:

    Runic magic played an important role in the culture and life of the northern Germanic peoples. The oldest known runes of the north date back to the third century AD. People believed that the runes themselves were invented by the ace - the patron saint of magic - Odin ...

    In the minds of modern people there is a stable opinion (and, accordingly, the idea) that elves are “small, silly and with wings like butterflies; and they certainly refer to the childhood period of a person's life ... ".

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