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  • Birthday number 3. Numerical value of number three in numerology

    Birthday number 3. Numerical value of number three in numerology


    Born on the 3rd of any month

    This number is ruled by the planet Jupiter. It indicates morality, pure love, justice, and is known to give the greatest advantage and spiritual uplift. The vibrations emitted by this number are harmonious and lead to compassion and a constant desire to do good to everyone, sincere piety and a sense of dignity. The misuse of these vibrations is fraught with the stimulation of the properties of Jupiter, leading to hypocrisy, especially in religious matters. You are often kind.
    You are usually happy in life. The vibrations emitted by you attract all good things to you, and your affairs will flourish. Wise decision makers, doctors and church leaders, teachers and philosophers are usually ruled by the number 3. Since your birth number suggests that you will be dealing with the masses and speaking in public, notoriety and contact with a large number of people take are most of your life. Intelligence and natural charm bring you many friends, you are the center of attention in any company. You are versatile and flexible, so it is not always clear what form of expression your talents may take. You therefore tend to scold yourself, and you should understand that focusing on one thing will bring more results than scattering.
    You have a strong desire for peace and harmony, and you feel well when any opposition arises. Usually you are polite, benevolent, strive to be on good terms with other people, but always maintain an independent spirit so that no one can impose their will on you, taking advantage of the fact that you do not want to quarrel.
    You are easy to adapt, but you are easily pissed off - for example, with unfriendly criticism; you are taking everything too personally.

    You are confident in your abilities. You rely on your own strength, you make decisions yourself. In the habit of speaking loudly. You love order and law. Your feelings are healthy, you don't really hold them back. You are free to express yourself.
    From an early age you are actively interested in sports and outdoor activities. Obsessed with enthusiasm, not self-centered. Your intelligence is high. You understand the world and love it as it is, not as it should be. You are tolerant, have a sense of humor and strive for justice. You are open-minded and almost never jealous.

    Your main qualities are: ambition, leadership, religiosity, pride, dignity, love of nature, enthusiasm, Generosity, respect and deference.


    You are lucky in financial affairs and have everything you need. You have opportunities to take higher positions in life and earn big money. Your ambition, leadership, and enthusiasm are always pushing you forward, and you usually get a lot out of life. You grow up early and successfully overcome poverty.

    To successfully run financial affairs, turn to Chapter 15 and find out your lucky money number. Conduct your financial activities based on this number.


    There are many professions in the world, but the professions listed below provide an opportunity to reveal your abilities, which, if applied correctly, will make you a happy and successful person.

    With your need to have a position in society and to lead, you can become a politician. I have seen people ruled by this number, who held very high positions, were ministers, ambassadors, judges, secretaries. You are created for public life, government, high officials, etc., you can find your place in the army and in the church. You will make a good teacher or priest. The professions of a doctor, banker, advertiser and actor are also suitable for you.


    In general, you are in good health, and even if you fall ill, you recover quickly. And yet you are prone to some ailments. Number 3 has a great effect on blood circulation and vascular system. It also controls the sense of smell, fat storage, and has an effect on the skin and kidneys. Therefore, you can have problems with the chest and lungs, suffer from throat diseases, gout, and fever. You must avoid consuming excessive sugar. Any manifestations of diabetes should be given the most serious attention.


    You have a natural affinity for people born between June 21st to July 29th and October 21st to November 20th. It is advisable for you to find a marriage partner among people born during this period. You are also related to those who are ruled by the numbers 3,6, 7 and 9. Choose partners from these numbers and from the periods indicated above.

    Number 3: husband

    Usually, people born under the rule of the number 3 reach maturity early and get married early. However, because you are ambitious, you expect too much from your spouse and are often disappointed. You want to have a wife to be proud of. She must be attractive in appearance, have a high social position, charming manners and a sharp mind. It would be nice for you to choose a woman under the control of the numbers 3 or 6. You are a loving, caring, delicate person. Your feelings are intense and need immediate gratification.

    Number 3: wife

    You are a good conversationalist and friend for your husband. You are not intruding into his life, but at the same time you are actively interested in his activities. You are a good housewife and are great with children. Your feelings are healthy and joyful, in carnal love you are refined and passionate.


    K. your best friends are people ruled by the numbers 1, 3, 5, 6, 7.


    Your lucky days are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.


    You should use all shades of yellow, purple, magenta and green.


    Your jewelry should be with topaz, and the lucky stones should be amethyst and cat's eye.


    Your important years: 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48.57.66, 75, etc. The most joyful and auspicious events occur precisely
    these years. You will either graduate from school, or get your first "job, or get a promotion, or buy a House, or get married, or some other fortunate event happens.


    Positive Negative
    Ambition Cruelty
    Dignity Dictatorship
    Personality Hypocrisy
    Philosophy Propensity for prodigality
    Prestige Vanity


    Pay attention to the month of your birth. Compare your qualities, lucky days, colors and stones, recommended by the number you are under, with those shown by your month of birth. Draw your conclusions. However, if there is no common ground, follow the lucky days, flowers, and stones as the guide number recommends, not the month.
    The study of numbers is psychoanalysis. Deeply rooted feelings, emotions, ambitions, abilities are best represented by numbers. You can take advantage of your abilities and try to overcome the disadvantages to make life easier and more enjoyable.


    Destiny number is the number obtained by adding the numbers that make up the full date of birth. If the sum of all the digits is 3, this means the following.

    Money matters will always be of the utmost importance to you. Opportunities to gain or lose will come naturally, but with common sense there is an opportunity to make significant improvements in your financial status.
    Many friends come to you in connection with your career. Mostly you will be with successful people.
    In general, you are in good health, but you need to take care of your digestion.


    To make the best use of the information gained from this book and achieve success in life, you should follow these guidelines:
    1. All important business takes place on happy days and dates. You can try your luck in the lottery by buying a ticket where the sum of the digits gives your lucky number or where the last digit is your lucky number.
    2. You can gain confidence by using your lucky colors to decorate your living room or bedroom, or when shaping your wardrobe.
    3. You can amplify your vibration by wearing lucky jewelry.
    4. You should plan all your activities so that the most important part of it falls on favorable years.

    TROIKA - synthesis, harmony at a given level, stability, local self-sufficiency, centripetal, adaptability; time base period (time measurement characteristic).

    Commentary: 3 \u003d 2 + 1 - overcoming the opposition of two means the birth of the third, which qualitatively changes the picture of interaction. A synthesis takes place, the result of which is a triple union, quite harmonious for its participants, but lying in one layer of being: the triple is symbolized by a flat triangle, which feels great in its plane and either does not see or ignores the rest of the space.


    Another interpretation number two - this is the period of the time development of the event, that is, the sequence of states of sattva, tamas, rajas - creation, design, destruction. This is the complete time cycle of the existence of any object on this plane; in other words, the triple is the main characteristic of the temporal dimension. (In addition to the temporal, there are also horizontal and vertical measurements; their characteristics are 8 and 7, respectively, see below.)

    Troika rooted in the time stream; it seems to be at the beginning, middle and end. At the same time, at a low level of development, it gradually slows down the flow of time and goes into hibernation. At a high level, it chooses a turbulent flow and stabilizes it.

    By the look troika beautiful, confident, non-violent. Her interest in the world is purely selfish; it radiates harmony into the world, but also takes it back to some extent.


    Expressive troika full of humor, talent, creativity, enthusiasm and animation - it is a carrier of joy. Holders of this number thrive in creative expression, theater, literature and rhetoric.

    They rule over words and expression and are often writers, actors and orators. They have a powerful ability to influence other people with words, expressiveness, warmth, and an outgoing manner. Their enthusiastic attitude towards life attracts friends and happiness to them.

    Troika symbolizes expansion, expansion. This is a wise, understanding, easily trained and loving travel figure in foreign countries, seeking to experience life in all its manifestations. Three is a figure of high intelligence, it is often found in the lives of teachers and specialists in their field.

    Troika has energy common to two signs - Leo and Sagittarius and managed Jupiter ... In a positive sense, the troika is optimistic, full of understanding and philosophical views of life. In the negative, he likes to take unjustified risks, often does stupid things and may be big, pessimistic.

    Many representatives number 3 in date of birth a wide range of interests - they would like to take part in various fields of activity. But if they are attracted by a major success, they should choose an area in which their ability to act as an intermediary would be in particular demand.

    The ability to entertain, show yourself in a favorable light, evoke positive emotions allows you to use your acting talents, and mastering the word makes them journalists and writers. Loud fame, however, can be bypassed if they choose modest professions, for example, a teacher or a sales agent, but a huge audience will always expect them, which is what they actually want.

    Representatives numerical vibration 3 find inspiration in incessant travel, movement, changes (an obvious similarity to the 3rd house of the horoscope, if it is clearly expressed in the chart) in everyday life. Staticness and routine repels them.

    Most of all to carriers number 3 violet, magenta, mauve and lilac colors are suitable. Composed of red and blue, these vibrant colors symbolize the life-affirming power of the first primary color and pacify the effect of the second. This emphasizes and at the same time controls the tendency towards impulsivity, so characteristic of people of number 3.

    Purple color of representatives number 3 always captivates someone. Anyone who loves purple is a natural seducer. Moreover, the temptation is carried out very subtly: the victim often does not even have time to blink an eye, as he finds himself in the nets of love.

    So if people number 3 If they use these colors wisely, they will be able to enchant others and strengthen their self-esteem, which at times - when doubts and uncertainty grip the soul - they especially need.

    Number 3, according to Pythagoras, symbolizes the final part of the great trilogy of father, mother and child. But this does not mean that this number is dominant in the family of numbers. After all, family values \u200b\u200bare embodied by the number 2. A troika is the child of numbers 1 and 2, as well as the sequence of numbers 1, 2, 3 brings joy from the unity and cohesion of the primary unit of society.

    Born under the number 3 usually envy. People love them and they love people. Bearers of the number 3 are gentle with children, but without excessive sentimentality. A happy child carries with him spontaneity, hope for a bright future. Therefore, as pals, they are very similar in their interests.

    Children with birth number 3

    Endurance and modesty are by no means the qualities that distinguish children number 3... They love to assert themselves and demand endless attention from parents and peers. Girls can be deprived of a sense of proportion - using their charm, they will strive by all means to be in the center of attention of others.

    All these children need a reaction from the audience, which would allow them to better identify their own inclinations, on which their future depends to a large extent. Sometimes it seems that there is a vacuum in their souls that needs to be filled with the souls of other people.

    In fact, it is different. These personalities have a very strong vibration, but it can manifest itself only in interaction with the vibration of other people. Left to their own devices or isolated from their peers, these children become like plants left without water - they dry up and die.

    In early childhood, these guys are noisy and capricious: almost according to them, they stage scenes. If at this stage the parents show weakness, then the child will turn into a real beast. These children should not be indulged, especially if their behavior repels other children.

    It is worth, perhaps, to hold them an evening or two in the nursery - they will grow wiser. Seeing that selfishness does not lead to anything good, children will change their behavior and soon find that they can communicate well with everyone. The older they get, the more they realize that they like being popular, and then the once wayward child gradually turns into a young, gifted, sociable person.

    They tend to leave their home early and if their parents oppose this, their opinion will not be taken into account. Hence, when the time comes, parents should "release" their "chicks" - let them gain experience, learning from their own mistakes.

    Remember: carriers numbers 3 are optimists who always look into the future. True, in adulthood, a sense of duty, not to mention sincere love for parents, will lead them to realize the enormous value of the bonds established in the past.

    Birthday number 3 implies the talents of a creative person. You came to this world to make it even more beautiful. You are given the opportunity to change reality to your liking.

    For people born on the 3rd of the month

    Your strengths

    People born on the 3rd of any month are very creative and often do a lot to develop and expand their talents. Number 3 are artistic at heart and have excellent performing, writing and visual skills. If they are not already involved in these areas, they should consider pursuing them as a hobby.

    Number 3 is very resourceful, witty, and quite blessed when it comes to speaking skills. They are always full of enthusiasm, and other people often find them charming and inspiring. 3rd born people represent successful salespeople and have a friendly and social personality to match. These people are also very loving, affectionate and charismatic.

    Everything they do has a sense of taste, and this shows how they decorate their homes or how they dress.

    Your weaknesses

    People who were born on the 3rd are prone to mood swings. They are happy one moment and sad the next. Anyone born on the 3rd should be careful with wasting time and energy. Especially when they are dealing with trivial questions. Focusing on long-term goals should be their priority.

    Emotions and sex

    The dominant emotion number 3 is aggression accompanied by ambition. As in number 1, they have little time for love and romance, but when it comes, they want to chase. The pleasure of persecution is as great as the consumption of passion. As with number 1, the object of their emotional commitment must be subordinate to them. They do not like that the partner plays a parallel role or is somehow equivalent. The partner should complement and never overshadow.

    In their sex lives, they are masculine and earthly. They are aggressive and powerful and must chase, not flee. They often lose interest after they catch their prey.

    Harmonious relationship

    Partners for 3rd day must be submissive and humble if they want to keep their feelings. Under no circumstances should they try to achieve anything close to equality. Number 3 must be a leader. The connection with number 3 can only be successful if the other person wants or can take second place.


    Number 3 Is a very strong figure, and everyone who was born under his influence can reach great heights, since they have all the qualities necessary for a leader, and if they are softened by diplomacy and influence. Such people must learn to control their moods, intolerance and excessive ambition. If they don't, they become a victim of themselves. Number 3 is an exaggerated form of number 1 - the qualities they possess are almost the same. If it can be controlled, a person born with number 3 can achieve many successes in their life.


    The most likely diseases of those born under number 3 are joint and skin diseases.


    Regular consumption of red beets, pumpkins, mulberries, peaches, olives, pomegranates, pineapple, grapes, mint, cloves, figs, and almonds has the greatest benefits for this number and prevents these diseases.

    Gems that bring happiness

    The stone of greatest benefit - sapphire.

    Metals that bring happiness

    A lucky metal for the number 3 is copperthat can be combined with any metal. It should be at least 4 grams. Otherwise, the impact will be absolutely non-trivial.

    Colors that bring happiness

    Happy colors - blue and pink... They should always be present in your wardrobe. If this is not possible, then at least one of the two colors should be worn.

    Lucky numbers

    Affinity numbers for 3:

    • number 3 ... As with number 1, similar ones are attracted. They are in perfect harmony.
    • numbers 12, 21 and 30.
    • numbers 5, 14 and 23... The last two collected give a prime number 5.
    • numbers 6, 15 and 24... The sum of the last two gives the prime number 6.

    Unfavorable numbers

    Numbers that do not match digit 3:

    Numbers 4, 13 and 31.

    Auspicious dates

    Dates favorable for those who were born on the 3rd are a prime number 3 , and numbers, the sum of which gives a prime number 3, for example: 12, 21 and 30.

    Unfavorable dates

    Dates unfavorable for those born on the 3rd are 4, 13, 22, 24.

    Good days

    The most favorable days - tuesday, Thursday and Friday... If these days coincide with favorable dates, the positive effect increases.

    Unfavorable days

    Unfavorable days for the 3rd - monday and Saturday. But if they coincide with favorable dates, the bad influence decreases.

    Favorable months

    The most favorable months for everyone born under the influence of the number 3 - march and June.

    Unfavorable months

    Unfavorable months for those born under the influence of the 3rd - august and October.

    If you were born on the 3rd, then you have every chance of becoming a writer. You are especially energetic when inspired by something, which helps you to get rid of sadness or illness very quickly. Even if you are faced with a lot of hard work, you are so carried away that you only feel the magnitude of what you have done when you are almost finished. It is common for you to discuss your plans before you start doing anything. Once you agree on your solution with a third party and find the really best way to solve the problem, then proceed with it. You seem like a very obligatory person and can be surprisingly bossy and even stubborn in case someone tries to interfere in your affairs.

    You have such a vivid imagination that sometimes it seems as if you live in some kind of magical world. Plus, you are a great storyteller. Even serious enough stories you manage to present in a funny anecdotal style, which, if desired, would allow you to turn an uncomplicated story into a work that would bring good profit. It also helps you perform brilliantly at public events. There is another trait in people who were born on the 3rd: in their speech they constantly include a huge number of proverbs and speech turns, thereby enriching their language, which is why they cope so well with the position of best man, toastmaster and presenter of television programs.

    You really enjoy show business, both popular TV programs and serious cultural events. You are critical and enjoy reading. Sometimes you show interest in several languages \u200b\u200bat once, but you never think about the fact that you could improve your proficiency in at least one of them. You are in constant contact with a huge number of people, have short but meaningful conversations, and are also a very emotional person.

    It is really difficult for you to decide what kind of activity you would like to devote your whole life. This is due to the fact that you have a huge choice of what you could do. Traveling is likely to be one of the most important aspects of your life, so you might want to consider getting started in that direction. Or, at least, you need to organize your working day so that you can move freely during the day, and not sit constantly at the table. While traveling, you gain experience, become interested in many events, constantly discover new talents in yourself. Your job should definitely include communication with people. You are an excellent advisor, you would make a good teacher and consultant in the field of public relations. You could be a good lawyer, actor, or writer. You are also close to work related to theater, directing and television, especially since such an activity would provide you with some freedom.

    Be wary of the sheer number of commitments you constantly make. Of course, you have many talents, but you should not take on several tasks at once. Try first to improve one of your qualities, with the help of which you could reveal yourself completely. Childishness and wastefulness are traps you can fall into because you never know when enough is enough. Despite this, you often get a tidbit, so you often do not mind doing a little business.

    Choice of profession

    A person whose day number is "3", regardless of whether he recently started working or is already an experienced professional in his field, has an insightful mind, never sits still and is constantly looking for new ways and ways to satisfy his curiosity ... Since you are a three, you are a very cheerful, energetic and cheerful person. Moreover, the people around you always feel and appreciate your enthusiasm. It is worth reiterating that whether you are a newbie or a VP of a company, everyone wants to discuss their thoughts and ideas with you so that you can express your point of view. Even as you rise to the top of your career, you still want to listen to the opinions of others, spread your ideas, consult - that is, do everything to achieve the desired result.

    Variety is the spice of life

    Work will delight and excite you only if you will encounter something new every day. If you have to do one thing for too long, you will soon get bored with everything, because the most important thing for you is to quickly cope with the task and immediately see the fruits of your labors. You are enthusiastic about your studies, so you often wait, looking for a field of your activity in order to surrender to it completely. You almost always want to tackle multiple tasks at once. You will never tolerate mediocrity, and this applies both to people in general and to work in particular. You have very idealistic ideas about work, so no matter what you do, you always want to be sure that what you do is of great importance to others.

    In fact, you can become something of a social activist, especially if you are well educated and feel like you have great ideas and wise suggestions. You really want justice to prevail, so that people treat each other with warmth. You promote friendliness at work, which makes you popular with colleagues who never tire of admiring you. If you feel you can do even a little to change the atmosphere at work, you will of course try to influence those around you. You are constantly tormented by the question of why some people spend their working hours mediocre and show no interest in the business. You often add fun to your work environment.

    Where your talent really shines

    Here are some of the qualities of the troika that come into play.
    ... You dream that each of your companions will succeed in their business, so that everyone will be at their best. It gives you responsibility and makes you a leader.
    ... Your imagination and high intelligence allow you to constantly look for more profitable and complex ways to do something. You can be a very emotional person when necessary; it encourages the people around you to follow you and accept your ideas. You will make a good leader.
    ... You love beautiful things, and many of the items that you possess are very dear to you. Moreover, your work, which supports the desire to please yourself with such things, is often associated with aesthetics. This type of activity is great for unleashing your potential and provides an excellent path to success.
    ... Despite having a reputation for being lightheaded and excitable, you are surprisingly reliable as long as you believe in what you are doing. This is extremely important for your satisfaction with the profession. You will strive to create the best possible working environment for your company or business. Once you achieve this, you will expect the same from your employees.
    ... You will hardly be happy if you have to work in an environment where it is almost impossible to demonstrate your creativity and public speaking skills. In this case, you should look for something in which you can apply your artistry. Consider changing jobs.
    ... Thanks to a well-developed imagination, as well as a belief in fairy tales, you can devote your life to literature or become a consultant whose work will necessarily be related to analysis. Your figure creates excellent prospects for the development of writing, creating fantastic stories and fairy tales. You can work in the entertainment industry, be a travel agent, guide, toastmaster. In addition, you are able to work in organizations whose activities are related to charity and fundraising for any needs. And if you open a diner, then it will be popular with visitors. Your ability to pay attention to detail and your dedication to the ideal will help you succeed.

    Thus, beauty, compassion, contact, good communication skills, a willingness to do several things at once - these are the elements of your portfolio. You want to have beautiful things and are ready to go to any lengths to achieve this, so your work should definitely inspire you, as well as give you the opportunity to develop your talents. Moreover, work will give you satisfaction only if you are sure that your creative activity will be appreciated according to its merits. After all, working only to get money is not your goal.

    Entertainment industry. Your mimicry and oratory abilities create a fertile ground for any activity related to performance. And it doesn't matter if you want to speak yourself or write scripts and speeches for others. The behind-the-scenes work of a production director, photographer or agent of a celebrity can also attract you, especially since this type of activity can be seen both as a hobby and as a favorite profession. Thus, theater, publishing and music are the options for your successful career.

    The property. Real estate jobs may also interest you. This is mainly due to the fact that you really enjoy communicating with clients, moving around during the working day, and not sitting in the office. Moreover, in this type of activity, your charm helps you a lot, which turns you into a successful seller. You will always find an approach to a person, you will understand what he really needs, so you could become an excellent consultant in the real estate market. Working in real estate, people whose day number is “3” often manage to get additional income as well.

    Work related to luxury goods. Luxury goods can also be the backbone of your business. You are capable of manufacturing, selling and marketing. Moreover, you can realize yourself in this regard in such areas as television, restaurant business or tourism. Or you can just make expensive, luxurious gifts for your loved ones. You always know exactly what will interest the client and how to give the product an appropriate look.

    Legal and legislative spheres. Activities related to jurisprudence and legislation attract you by the fact that here you can fully apply your oratory skills. Therefore, any work, even partly related to this, will delight you. You love justice, you love it when people are guided by strong arguments, so the legal field will always be a favorite way to realize your opportunities and build a more than successful career.

    Work related to psychology and therapy. Your work can also be related to therapy, as in this area you are able to 100% realize yourself and become a first-class specialist. You know how to talk to people so that they open up to you and trust what worries them. And more importantly, you really care about how they feel, you are genuine about each person's problem. Hence, you will excel in any area that is therapy related. Even possessing some degree of prophetic qualities, you base your therapy not only on "reading" the inner thoughts and experiences of people, but also on identifying the causes of the problem. You have a talent for psychoanalysis. A huge number of people trust you, they feel your sincere attitude towards them. On top of that, you have a great sense of humor, so you can always make people laugh and show the other side of their problem with laughter. Currently, there are a huge number of places where specialists with the skills of therapy and psychology are needed. For example, you can become a union representative, whether it is your official place of work or not.

    Art critic, reviewer, commentator. It goes without saying that people whose number of the day is "3" know how to talk wittily about the themes of art and beauty. Moreover, they can skillfully express their thoughts about the beauty in this world in various kinds of reviews and reviews.

    Science and computer technology. A person whose day number is "3" will be interested in these activities if they require a huge amount of skills from him and will contribute to the disclosure of his talents. Work in isolation, alone, which is typical for people whose day numbers are "7" and "1", a person with the number "3" cannot. After all, he needs work, necessarily connected with the team, where he will communicate with colleagues and share his thoughts and ideas.

    The above list of occupations and professions cannot be called exhaustive - the triplets will find ways to realize themselves in any activity. Despite this, we advise you to pay attention to this list, as it really offers a good selection of those activities that suit exactly your number. Remember that the main feature of the business personality "3" regardless of profession is that you like to communicate with people, cheer them up and see a smile around.

    What do you need for good luck

    Regardless of your profession and occupation, you will be most successful if your name (or your company name) has the letters B, K, Y or b. Keep this in mind when choosing a name for your company. Good luck will accompany you if you decorate your place of work in ruby, red and brown tones, symbolizing the rising summer sun. In case you are preparing for an important interview, these colors will positively set you up for the upcoming speech, help you concentrate and show your best side.

    From Titania Hardy's book "Number of Life. Code of Destiny". - M .: Ripol classic, 2009

    The number 3 gives a person love of life, gaiety, a kind of recklessness. He is easy-going and quickly adapts to any situation, striving to get as much pleasure from life as possible. A heightened sense of humor helps to survive difficult moments, and since a person with a three is an optimist by nature, he always believes that everything that happens is only for the best. He considers any experience a blessing, believing that even troubles are a useful life lesson. He is not particularly embarrassed by the choice, letting events take their course, because most often he has a lot of opportunities. At the same time, he often misses a brilliant chance given by fate. Over time, he will understand that he should not turn away from the smiles of fortune; otherwise the bird-luck can fly away to distant distances irrevocably. But, unfortunately, this realization comes to a person with a three in the birthday number closer to old age.
    The "troika" man has the ability to do several things at once. He will not worry about trifles, because you can always find yourself a new interesting occupation. A person whose birthday number is 3 loves and knows how to work with his hands and prefers to express himself through creative activity. Despite some lightheadedness, he is inclined to keep records of the course of events, his observations. If a person is forced to follow the established rules, then he will certainly control the strict implementation of them by others.
    In an effort to keep everything in time, he takes on several tasks at the same time, sometimes bringing himself to complete exhaustion. And although a person with the number 3 is extremely hardy, he, like anyone else, needs to learn how to distribute forces to different areas of application, to manage his impulses to embrace the immensity in order to get a positive result as a result of his activities.
    The "troika" man is very ambitious. Always has a desire to climb to the very top of the career ladder. He is not satisfied with the subordinate position. He can only be fully satisfied when he has power over other people. Therefore, he really does not like to be obliged to anyone. He carries out his ideas passionately and does not tolerate any doubts from the outside. He strives to establish his own laws in everything. It is from such people-"threes" that real dictators are made.
    A broad creative nature, charm and wit, openness and a certain self-confidence, combined with a subtle sense of humor, inspire others and attract potential partners. The "troika" man needs increased attention to his own person for life. He is very sociable and loves to spend time in public. Each new meeting brings him joy, arouses genuine interest. But since impermanence is part of his nature, he flutters like a butterfly from flower to flower, enjoying freedom. And even stopping at the only one (s), subconsciously continues to strive for new adventures. But it happens, although rarely, that, having fallen deeply in love, for a long time focuses all attention exclusively on the subject of passion.
    Sometimes life makes a person born under the number 3 cynical and embittered. In this case, he becomes picky and intolerant of those who are less energetic or, on the contrary, more successful than himself. Then all his proud, hot-tempered nature manifests itself in full glory. It is better to stay away from such a person. He will overcome the bouts of blues with the help of his love of life, carried away, for example, by a new exciting occupation, and for the people who are in contact with him, life will cease to seem sweet for a long time. Especially if they manage to get to her tongue during this not the best period for the "troika". The vibration of the number 3 disposes its owner to washing the bones of everyone he knows, and he does not miss the opportunity to gossip with anyone and whenever he wants, and often thereby makes himself a lot of enemies.
    At times, a person born under the number 3 feels cornered. But if he has learned to fully express himself in at least one area of \u200b\u200bactivity, for example, in creative work or family relationships, then he will definitely find peace of mind and self-confidence and will be able to feel comfortable in any environment.