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    Christian motives in the poem by a. r

    In memory of the poet Henri Volokhonsky, who composed the words to the hymn about heavenly Jerusalem

    Liliana BLUSHTEIN

    Henri Girshevich, who composed a lot of great things, became famous for his poem "Paradise".

    At the same time, his name as an author did not appear for a very long time - Boris Grebenshchikov "forgot" about him, who sang this song, turning heavenly Jerusalem into completely earthly only by replacing "above" with "under". Aleksey Khvostenko, a frequent co-author of Volokhonsky, is sure that BG simply did not hear the words. Well, yes, Gd is with him ...

    Anri Volokhonsky was born on March 19, 1936 in Leningrad, Wikipedia indicates. Graduated from the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute, postgraduate studies at the Institute of Lake Fisheries.

    For twenty four years he worked in various fields of chemistry and ecology. Participated in expeditions to the oceans, seas and lakes.

    In the late 1950s, he began writing poetry, songs and plays; published in samizdat (starting with the typewritten books of the mid-1960s, published by Vladimir Erl).

    At the end of 1973, Volokhonsky received permission to travel abroad, lived from December 31, 1973 in Israel, in the fall of 1985 he moved to Munich, where until August 1995 he worked as editor of the news department of Radio Liberty, after which he moved to Tubingen. Since 2004 he lived in the village of Reksingen near the town of Horb.

    Volokhonsky owns a large number of poetic works, from ironic miniatures to poems, in which epic and mythological motives are subjected to unexpected processing, combining irony with metaphysics. In the early works of Volokhonsky, fables and songs predominate, many of which were written jointly with Alexei Khvostenko (general signature A. Kh. V.).

    Of the works of Volokhonsky, the most famous is the poem "Paradise" ("Above the blue sky ..."), written to the music of Vladimir Vavilov and subsequently performed by Alexei Khvostenko, and then by Boris Grebenshchikov in the film "Assa". The Italian composer Francesco da Milano, as the Israeli writer Zeev Geisel found out, has nothing to do with this melody.

    Geisel writes:

    “In this case, we are talking about the City, with a capital letter. More precisely, about the image, and the unambiguous one -“ Heavenly Jerusalem. ”Just in case, I asked A. Volokhonsky, and he confirmed:“ Of course, I meant Heavenly Jerusalem. I did not see real Jerusalem then (in 1972). "

    This is what the original text looks like in the collection "Anri Volokhonsky. Poems" 1983, Hermitage USA and read (the author's punctuation is preserved):

    "Above the blue sky

    There is a golden city

    With transparent gates

    And a bright wall

    And there is a garden in the city

    All herbs and flowers

    Animals walk there

    Of unprecedented beauty

    One like a red firemane lion

    Another is an ox full of eyes

    Third - the golden eagle of heaven

    Whose unforgettable gaze is so bright

    And in the blue sky

    One star is burning

    She's yours oh my angel

    She is always yours

    Who loves is loved

    Who is bright and holy

    Let your star lead

    Dear to the wonderful garden

    Firemane will meet you there

    And a blue ox full of eyes

    With them the golden eagle of heaven

    Whose eyes are so bright, unforgettable. "

    There are many other versions. For example, Elena Kamburova sang "Above the blue firmament". By the way, she noticeably edited the poem itself, in my opinion, improving it.

    In any case, many - especially the tribesmen of Anri Girshevich - perceive these verses as a hymn to Jerusalem, which immortalized the name of Volokhonsky.

    Another page has been turned over in the book of idols.

    Before I could mourn Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Anri Volokhonsky left. Such different, but such wonderful poets. Moreover, the second is clearly underestimated.

    The soul of Henri Girshevich soared to where there is a golden city above the blue sky ...

    There he will be met by a fiery lion, and a blue ox full of eyes, with them a golden eagle of heaven, whose unforgettable gaze is so bright ...

    On the night of April 8, at the age of 81, the poet Anri Volokhonsky died in a dream, reports the Cursor edition with reference to his friends.
    Henri Volokhonsky owns a large number of poetic works, of which the most famous is the poem "Paradise" ("Above the blue sky ...").

    Anri Volokhonsky was born on March 19, 1936 in Leningrad. Graduated from the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute, postgraduate studies at the Institute of Lake Fisheries. For twenty four years he worked in various fields of chemistry and ecology. Participated in expeditions to the oceans, seas and lakes.
    In the late 1950s, he began writing poetry, songs and plays; published in samizdat (starting with the typewritten books of the mid-1960s, published by Vladimir Erl).
    Only one poem was published in the USSR - the Centaur fable in the Aurora magazine in 1972.
    At the end of 1973 Volokhonsky received permission to travel abroad, lived from December 31, 1973 in Israel, in the fall of 1985 he moved to Munich, where until August 1995 he worked as the editor of the news department of Radio Liberty, after which he moved to Tübingen. Since 2004 he lived in the village of Reksingen near the town of Horb.
    In exile, Volokhonsky was engaged in literary translation: he published a book of transcriptions from Catullus (1982), "LINE" - extracts from the book "Zohar" (1984) and a collection of fragments translated from the novel by James Joyce "Finnegans Wake" (2000) ...
    Volokhonsky is famous for his translations of liturgical texts. It is important that these translations were made by a deeply religious person, a wonderful poet. "The tonality of freedom and trust" distinguishes A. Volokhonsky's translations, says Hieromonk Dimitriy (Pershin), chairman of the Moscow Missionary Commission. He is confident that these texts will cause a lot of criticism in the church environment, but they "are already entering the church life." To make the language of the Church understandable - this tendency is evident in some of the divine services that Patriarch Kirill has been celebrating for several years now, reading the Gospel in Russian, Fr. Demetrius. When there is a "waiting, a request", new translations should appear, he said.

    Henri Volokhonsky owns a large number of poetic works, from ironic miniatures to poems, in which epic and mythological motives are subjected to unexpected processing, combining irony with metaphysics. Of the works of Henri Volokhonsky, the most famous is the poem "Paradise" ("Above the blue sky ..."), written to the music of Vladimir Vavilov and subsequently performed by Alexei Khvostenko, and then by Boris Grebenshchikov in the film "Assa".
    “The person who wrote such a brilliant song must remain in the history of Russian music forever. I have never heard or sang anything better than this song. "- said Grebenshchikov.

    There is a city of gold under the blue sky
    With transparent gates and a bright star,
    And in that city there is a garden, all herbs and flowers,
    Animals of unprecedented beauty are walking there:
    One, like a yellow firemane lion,
    Another ox full of eyes
    With them is the golden eagle of heaven,
    Whose eyes are so bright and unforgettable.
    And in the blue sky one star is burning.
    She is yours, oh my angel, she is yours always.
    He who loves is loved, who is bright is holy,
    Let the star lead you on the way to the wonderful garden.
    A fiery lion will meet you there,
    And a blue ox full of eyes
    With them is the golden eagle of heaven,
    Whose eyes are so bright, unforgettable.

    Anri Volokhonsky, who wrote the poem "Paradise" ("Above the blue sky ..."), died yesterday in Germany. Henri; Guy; rshevich Volokho; nsky (03/19/1936, Leningrad - April 8, 2017, Horb am Neckar, Germany) - Russian poet, prose writer, philosopher, translator, scientist.
    The most famous work of Volokhonsky is "Song of Paradise" ("Above the Blue Sky"), written in 1972 to a melody recorded by Vladimir Vavilov (1925-1973) on the disc "Lute Music". This song was repeatedly performed by bard Aleksey Khvostenko, and then Boris Grebenshchikov, the latter sang it in the film "Assa" with a changed word at the beginning of the text ("UNDER THE BLUE SKY"). Ranked third in the list of the 100 best songs of Russian rock in the XX century. The Time Out magazine was included in the list of “100 songs that changed our lives.” The poem uses biblical images from the Old Testament Book of the Prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1:10), and A.G. Volokhonsky himself points to this book as a source.
    Others see in the text a description of Heavenly Jerusalem from the Revelation of John the Theologian (Apocalypse) (Rev. 21: 1-3, 21: 11-22: 2), in the Christian tradition considered the image of paradise, and four animals from the Apocalypse (Rev. 4: 6 -9) - tetramorphic.
    Perhaps the work was also inspired by the mosaic panel "Sky" in the studio of the Leningrad artist Boris Axelrod, where the poet often visited.
    "Axel was doing this very" Heaven on Earth "back then ... And we pretended to help Axel - they stabbed smalt and made pieces of mosaics according to his paintings, however, it was quite mediocre. Axel had to correct us. And I generally lazed around for the most part. In the sense of the word, he did not say anything or advise me, but the atmosphere was the same, "the poet wrote.
    In Grebenshchikov's version there are several differences from the original text, the main of which, by and large, is the replacement in the first line "Above the blue sky ..." with "Under the blue sky ...".
    "Somewhere in the late eighties, we put on Soviet television, and suddenly I saw BG singing my song. Well ... He sings well. Well, the text distorts a little, but it doesn't matter. It happens. But all the songs exist in more or less Take, say, “Khasbulat the daring.” There is a completely different text than the one that is being sung. In general, I was even delighted. I had no right ... Why? Of course I did. So it's okay. "
    (Anri Volokhonsky)
    Grebenshchikov himself says about this difference:
    “And then we compared our versions: I, without hearing, sang“ Under the blue sky ”, and he [Khvostenko] -“ Above the blue sky. ”A fundamental theological difference, which we then, in Paris, argued about at four in the morning We compared our versions. I tell him: “As an author, you are naturally obliged to support your version, but I heard and remembered this song like this, and it seems to me that paradise does not have to be sought somewhere else, it seems to me that he can be seen on Earth. ”I think he appreciated my point of view.
    According to culturologist S. B. Borisov (2015), replacing the formula "Above the blue sky" with the formula "Under the blue sky", Boris Grebenshchikov lexically and rhythmically, consciously or unconsciously, relied on the first line of the poem by A.S. Pushkin (1799-1837 ) "Under the blue sky of his native country" (1826)
    The song gained all-Union popularity after it was performed by Aquarium in Sergei Solovyov's film Assa.
    In 2008, the German pop group Highland recorded the song "Under Blue Sky", which was based on the song "Golden City" (the main part of the melody and lyrics in Russian).

    Above the blue sky
    There is a golden city
    With transparent gates
    And with a bright wall
    And there is a garden in the city
    All herbs and flowers
    Animals walk there
    Of unprecedented beauty
    One like a red firemane lion
    Another ox full of eyes
    The third golden eagle of heaven

    And in the blue sky
    One star is burning
    She's yours oh my angel
    She is always yours
    Who loves is loved
    Who is bright and holy
    Let the star lead you
    Dear to the wonderful garden
    A fiery lion will meet you there
    And the blue ox full of eyes
    With them the golden eagle of heaven
    Whose unforgettable gaze is so bright

    In the last ringing of the rains, transparent and sad
    Unbearable initial shine
    On clouds invisible to the winds
    Fell scattered and the wedding breeze
    The appearance of wet herbs in the sky
    Among the beautiful herbs
    The extraordinary has risen
    Feather blooming through the air
    So that the eye is not fatal and white
    Bared with a violet rib
    Twisted blue greens are blue
    Like two streams pouring cold into the sea
    Driven by them next to me soared above
    Permeated by the crystal of many gold
    Expanded horn and fiery and ginger
    Like a bugle where the heat rings and where the ash
    And in him the string was
    And the branch above him was ala
    And the edge was red and so deep
    That only turned pale, barely transforming into the air
    From different ribbons of a blinding knot
    And this weathered image arising
    From a splendor impossible for an eye
    Slowly flowing over the waves
    For the good of the eye, woven arch
    Through the void the desired colored
    There was a bright hand
    Flowing down to the edge ice
    And the stones of the mountains are painted in smoke
    I know a bird I know where your rock is
    You grew a flower in that distant mouth
    Where it is high - through the wind of the dome
    That city of my dear dreams and sadness

    ANRI VOLOKONSKY ..........

    He created a large number of poetic works, from ironic miniatures to poems, in which epic and mythological motives are subjected to unexpected processing, combining irony with metaphysics.

    Anri Volokhonsky and Vladimir Vavilov

    Of the works of Henri Volokhonsky, the most famous is the poem
    "Paradise" ("Above the blue sky ..."), written to the music of Vladimir Vavilov.

    The first performer of the song was Anri's friend, Aleksey Khvostenko, and all this happened
    in the Brezhnev era of stagnation in 1972. At first, it sounded in the repertoire of bards, from the stage of a small Leningrad theater studio, where it was heard by Boris Grebenshchikov.

    He became its main performer, and the fame of the song was brought by the film "Assa", where the cinema-goers of the country heard it. In the song, the lyrics are only slightly changed, in particular - not above, but under the blue sky.

    There is a golden city under the blue sky.
    With transparent gates and a bright star.
    And in that city there is a garden, all the herbs and flowers
    Animals of unprecedented beauty are walking there.

    More than a hundred times "City" sounded at concerts of "Aquarium" in dozens of cities, in 1986 the song was included in the album "Ten Arrows". In 1987, she sounded all over the country in the cult film by Sergei Solovyov "Assa", however, without the names of the song's creators in the credits, so since then Boris Grebenshchikov has been widely considered the author.

    Aquarium "Under the blue sky ...

    "City" has become a kind of anthem for a whole generation.
    Did you know that this song ranks third in the list of the 100 best songs of Russian rock in the 20th century. Time Out magazine listed her as one of the 100 Songs That Changed Our Lives.

    Anri Volokhonsky:

    “I am extremely grateful to him. He made this song so popular. After all, Grebenshchikov sang this song when it was impossible to name my name, and even in the film, and in such a popular film! The stories that I allegedly sued him are nonsense. "

    Vladimir Kalinin. What should be alive!

    It is a little sad that for so many years few have mentioned that the authors of the song "Golden City" Anri Volokhonsky and Vladimir Vavilov, but not everyone was lucky enough to write a work that the whole country knows and loves. Moreover, both are related by desire: "The main thing is to be heard."

    V. Vavilov - The City of Gold. I recommend watching ...

    Anri Volokhonsky was born on March 19, 1936 in Leningrad. In the late 1950s, he began writing poetry, songs and plays. In his youth, the future author worked as a chemist and fisheries specialist, and took part in hydrographic expeditions many times.

    In the late 1950s, Volokhonsky began to publish his plays, songs and poems in samizdat. In the early 1960s, he met an aspiring poet, artist, playwright and singer Alexei Khvostenko, with whom he subsequently wrote a number of works under the common pseudonym A. Kh. V.

    A native of Leningrad in the early 1970s, he immigrated to Israel, where he worked as a biochemist, after which he moved to Munich, Germany, where he became a news editor for Radio Liberty. The poet spent his last years in Horb am Neckar in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg in Germany. Not long before his death, a collection of translations of liturgical texts and psalms from Church Slavonic and Hebrew languages \u200b\u200bwas published.

    Hummingbird "Orlandina". Poems: Volokhonsky

    In addition to "Under the Blue Sky", the most frequently performed song based on Volokhonsky's verses is "Orlandina", which, in addition to Khvostenko, was recorded by such different musical groups as "AuktsYon" and "Kolibri". “AuktsYon” used a number of poet's texts: Volokhonsky's monologue can also be heard on the solo album of the vocalist of this group Leonid Fedorov.

    Lenya Fedorov - Galilee (text-Henri Volokhonsky)

    Lenya Fedorov sings Henri Volokhonsky's song "Galileo", in the living room of Larisa Volokhonskaya
    in Paris (15.10.2014). The song is addressed to Alexey Khvostenko and is dedicated to him.

    I sing the flute of the Galilean lute
    About a lake that looks like a violin
    And in the strings the voice of a friend or a fish
    Yes the lake is like a bird

    In 2012 in the Moscow publishing house "New Literary Review"
    a three-volume collection of Volokhonsky's works was published.

    Anri Volokhonsky

    For almost half a century, the amazing song "City" has been living in the world, and has been singing it completely
    new generation. And the next one will sing. Because so many wonderful people have invested
    into it the best they have. And because people have always been and will be
    nothing happened outside the window, the need for light, purity, love, in the starry sky overhead.

    Vladimir Kalinin. City of Gold and Reflection. Title picture - He who stands at the Window

    On the night of April 8, the poet Anri Volokhonsky died at the age of 81, reports the Cursorinfo news agency. According to friends of the poet, he died in a dream. Anri Volokhonsky was born on March 19, 1936 in Leningrad. Graduated from the Leningrad Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute, the Institute of Lake Fisheries. For twenty four years he worked in various fields of chemistry and ecology. Participated in expeditions to the oceans, seas and lakes. In the late 1950s, he began writing poetry, songs and plays; published in samizdat. Only one poem was published in the USSR - the fable "Centaur" in the magazine "Aurora" in 1972.

    At the end of 1973, Volokhonsky received permission to travel abroad, lived from December 31, 1973 in Israel, where he worked as a biochemist, lived in Tiberias, studying Lake Tiberias (Kinneret). In the fall of 1985, he moved to Munich, where until August 1995 he worked as a news editor for Radio Liberty, after which he moved to Tübingen. Since 2004 he lived in the village of Reksingen near the town of Horb. Volokhonsky owns a large number of poetic works, from ironic miniatures to poems, in which epic and mythological motives are subjected to unexpected processing, combining irony with metaphysics. In the early works of Volokhonsky, fables and songs predominate, many of which were written jointly with Alexei Khvostenko (general signature of A.Kh.V.).

    Of the works of Henri Volokhonsky, the most famous is the poem "Paradise" ("Above the blue sky ..."), written to the music of Vladimir Vavilov and subsequently performed by Alexei Khvostenko, and then by Boris Grebenshchikov in the film "Assa". Several texts were written by Volokhonsky in prose; the most famous of them is the novel "The Roman-the Dead". In emigration, Volokhonsky also worked in literary translation, publishing a book of transcriptions from Catullus (1982), "Blesk" - extracts from the book "Zohar" (1984) and a collection of fragments translated from the novel by James Joyce "Finnegans Wake" (2000).

    Song of Hasar // Salamander-2: Lit. almanac. - Tel Aviv, 1989.S. 154-157.

    song of hasar

    Genghis Khan, the mighty khan, the universal khan
    Conquered endless space
    East to West Sea
    From ice to fiery deserts
    Where dead air boils over the sands.
    And the khan had a brother - a great archer
    In the name of Hasar. Boom whistling
    A mile away could a nut from the top of a cedar
    Crush it without damaging the core
    And I did not know what a mistake is.

    Here is Chinggis Khasar's brother calling:
    What is all to me over the steppe and above the steppe?
    I want over the very Roof of the World
    Fly over the crown of Tibet,
    Yes, take away the spouse of the Shtyr-Khakan,
    Sovereign of the free Tanguts,
    Snake-Beauty, which is not whiter.
    So get an eagle, Hasar, oh my brother,
    Give me, Hasar, eagle feathers
    Feathered so that winged blood
    I stole a fidgety one in crooked claws.

    Meanwhile, a golden eagle soars at a distance.
    And Hasar raised his weapon
    A whistle is heard - but like a sin from the river
    Just then a stinking cormorant took off
    And at the feet of the great Chinggis
    Knocked down by a brother's arrow
    He fell flat as a dead perch in mud.
    Following, echoing the vile banner,
    The owl died. And the khan is scared:
    Kill the owl! Hit the bird of evil happiness!
    The bowstring groans, and again in vain:
    Not an owl, but a cute hoopoe
    Guided messenger of fortune
    I nailed the iron tip.
    The khan said: Alas, envy is terrible!
    I suspect Hasar's harmful eye,
    Happiness was ruined by wanting evil -
    He grabbed my hatun with his hands,
    I honored the Khakan with the paws of a cormorant,
    He does not carry feathers, does not catch eagles ...
    Tie him to a creaky cart!
    Give no water or bread!
    Let him gnaw the veins of dead yaks,
    In the morning, frost licks from iron,
    Spends the night in the shade between the wheels during the day!

    At the head of the twelve tyumen
    Chinggis goes hiking in Tibet
    Not in an eagle's sheepskin coat, so in hooves
    He does not fly to Tibet, but jumps.
    Rose at midnight as a stony cube
    Before him is a huge mass
    Highest forehead of deep thought
    In the morning revealed a cobblestone skull
    Two holes, two coal pits
    Two roads through dim orbits
    They go into its hollow interior.
    But it is worth rotating with the third eye
    Between the eye sockets on the nose of the witch
    And revolts the khan with vile abuse,
    A bad word leading to damage.

    Damn you, World Master!
    You that sit on a horse like a toad
    Resting humps on a crooked back!
    Your mother can be seen moaning under the camel
    Raising a snake in a lousy yurt!
    And it's not in vain that the dogs howled that night
    In chorus under a hollow on a ferret spirit -
    That is why you yourself are grinning
    Half-dry, half-dry hare!
    Where did you recruit this bastard?
    Or did your mother urinate in the anthill
    So that we crush the sour thing here?
    The witch's ants viciously trample -
    Khan's Tyumen began to die
    Of the twelve, the plague took twelve.
    How to be here? There was a cry of order:
    Hey, bring me Hasar here!

    What is this creak on the mud roads?
    Why did the past of the steppes float like dust?
    This archer goes to Tibet in a cart
    This is the best shooter squeaks his cart.
    For a year he licked from the shackles of iron frost
    Chewed the sinew of fallen yaks for a year
    He grew thin, he became like a skeleton -
    Before the khan, it sways like a skeleton.
    Khan said: Here's a target for you in case!
    Do you see the mudra? An arrow into the navel and beat it!
    For the third time Hasar rustles in a quiver
    And the old woman fell off the ledge
    But Hasaru has neither bow nor bowstring,
    No bridle, no saddle and no koumiss ...

    And Chingis - to the half-dead witch,
    Under the rock: Go, tell me where to me?
    He hears: How dear you go right,
    So you will reach the magic Shambhala
    There are twelve wise gurus
    Against them are twelve faithful rishis
    And they repeat in a consonant chorus of mantras
    In unison with the twelve mahatmas.
    And when you go dear left,
    You will go straight to the kingdom of the Pin-hakan
    And the Tangut king is an experienced shaman,
    The werewolf-shifter is grasping
    Changes the tambourine skin three times a day:
    Walks in the morning as a golden cobra
    During the day walks a speckled cheetah
    And then like a blond lad
    He fumbles all night with his hatun.
    And with you, child of Esugai,
    The same will be what happened to me!

    She rolled her eyes and fell backwards,
    The shameless sorceress fell on her back
    And from the shame she has the Hasar shell
    Looks into the sky with a gray minaret ...
    Genghis Khan eagle rump
    He grinned: I aimed at the navel - I hit it lower,
    Everything is passing by with these archers -
    So let the woman's talk pass us by!
    And he left for Si-xia on the left road.

    And Hasar went to sing along to the mahatmas.