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  • Which of the officials was elected to the Academy of Sciences? Whose children went to wounds and which of the famous scientists did not get into the academy

    Which of the officials was elected to the Academy of Sciences? Whose children went to wounds and which of the famous scientists did not get into the academy

    And in them, magical like a Demon,
    The universe rules, reclines,
    Antibukashkin, academician,
    And feels Lollobrigid.

    Andrey Voznesensky

    Alexander Fradkov New elections to the RAS members have been announced. In May 2016, meetings of Academic Councils were held throughout the country, at which candidates for the Academy were nominated. The next line of those wishing to enter the number of immortals was formed. I received a timely reminder from the management that it was time to be nominated, however, after some thought, I decided to refuse. Since several people have already reacted with surprise to this decision and demanded an explanation, I thought that I should speak out publicly.

    In folk mythology, the idea of \u200b\u200bacademicians as the country's highest elite, inferior in terms of affection by fate only to ministers and members of the Politburo, has taken root since the post-war times, when those who forged the nuclear-missile shield of the Motherland had, indeed, everything they could wish for. ... At the same time, the practice appeared to consider the title of academician as a reward to the director of the institute for solving a complex scientific and technical problem by his team, even if his personal contribution had little to do with science. As a result, there were many directors in the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, who became famous not for their scientific, but for their organizational abilities. Such directors began to be elected to the Academy of their own kind, others of their own kind, etc. As a result, it became problematic for some of the academicians to comply with the Charter, which says that “Scientists who have enriched science with works of primary scientific importance are elected as full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Still, the role of the director is not scientific, but organizational, and for the solution of a complex and important scientific-technical or scientific-organizational problem by the team, prizes, orders and medals should be given, but not the titles of academicians.

    Of course, they will tell me that I needlessly disgrace the Academy, whose reputation has already fallen in the course of the reform. And what did the academicians themselves do to raise the reputation of the RAS? Members of the RAS, such as M.V.Kovalchuk, on the contrary, are doing everything possible to trample on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe RAS as a community of independent authoritative scientists. Researchers are outraged, and most of the RAS members are silent or discuss the situation only among themselves. Only a few raise their voices, addressing society and power.

    The internal affairs of the Academy are not even publicly discussed. Perhaps the only statement in the press by the academician with a public criticism of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences is the letter of Academician F.L. Chernousko, which arouses great respect primarily for its adherence to principles.

    I have participated in the elections to the RAS Corresponding Members six times, since 1997. First, according to the lists of the "young", then - according to the lists of the "old men". He was nominated for the 7th time in 2013, and the documents have already gone to Moscow, but ... the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences broke out, and the elections were canceled. Now the elections are scheduled again. The previous elections were five years ago, in December 2011. Has anything changed in these five years? Yes and no.

    In May 2011, just before the start of the next nomination, the famous post of Dmitry Dyakonov (nickname on the forum - DD) appeared on the forum: “ The bitter smile of a deceived son over a squandered father”, Which proposed a radical plan for reforming the Russian Academy of Sciences from within. And the prophetic words were spoken: “ If you do not immediately carry out a smooth and scientifically controlled reform of the RAS from the inside, it will inevitably be reformed from the outside under difficult conditions that scientists cannot influence, or the RAS will simply lose its greatness, significance and independence, repeating, for example, the path of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences". The words are eerily prophetic, since the RAS did not just repeat the path of the RASHN, but merged into it (or merged with it - now it is impossible to make out).

    However, the RAS continues to act as if nothing had happened, relying on the Charter, which has changed only purely cosmetic. Is it worth participating in elections in such RAS?

    On the one hand, those who become members of the RAS will have the opportunity to influence the RAS from within, influence the Charter, the outcome of elections, etc. On the other hand, this opportunity is ephemeral: the conservative majority will never allow radical changes. Is it possible to imagine, for example, that the “5th point” of the DD proposals “ 5. Elimination, after the adoption of the new Charter of the feudal system, of lifelong scholarships for members of the RAS and other class privileges. Lifetime scholarship is preserved for already elected members of RAS"? If this item were adopted, I honestly would immediately go to the polls. Because not for money, but for an idea. Because this would mean that the tone in the RAS began to be set by those academics whom I deeply respect and whose scientific achievements I admire.

    MOSCOW, November 24 - RIA Novosti. The RAS ruled out the possibility of officials leaving the academy, since membership in it is for life. At the same time, the organization noted that each applicant for an "academic" place made a decision to participate in the elections independently.

    The day before, President Vladimir Putin threatened to fire civil servants-academicians in order to leave them time for scientific research.

    Tulokhonov: only officials are forbidden to combine work with membership in the RASThe President said unequivocally about the executive authorities, about the civil service, in which it is really impossible to combine activities, this "absolutely does not concern parliamentarians," Senator Arnold Tulokhonov believes.

    At the end of October, 25 officials ran for election to the RAS, 14 of whom received academic titles as a result.

    In particular, Senator Arnold Tulokhonov became an academician, and Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs - Head of the Investigation Department Alexander Savenkov, Head of the Registration and Archival Funds of the FSB Vasily Khristoforov and Deputy Director for Science of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Igor Sheremet - Corresponding Members.

    Scientific work only

    At a meeting of the Council for Science and Education, Putin recalled that at the end of 2015 he asked his colleagues not to take part in the elections to the RAS. The head of state then explained his position by the fact that it is difficult to combine scientific and administrative activities.

    Governors are also concerned: Putin recalled the rules of membership in the RASA person cannot hold major positions, notable ones, which require him to devote his efforts and time and at the same time engage in serious research work, the Russian president noted.

    "Nevertheless, some of our colleagues from the Presidential Property Management Department, from the Ministry of Education, from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from the Ministry of Defense, from the Federal Security Service, from the FSB and from some other departments took part in the election (to the Academy of Sciences) and were elected ", - said Putin.

    RAS President Vladimir Fortov told the president that all candidates had assured that they had received permission to participate in the competition. As a result, the officials passed the tests "without any exception or exception."

    “I think that I will have to give them the opportunity to engage in science, because, apparently, their scientific activity is much more important than performing some routine administrative duties in the government and administration,” Putin said.

    "The question arises whether they can carry out scientific research in full with the desired results," the president added.

    Personal initiative

    Peskov assessed the chances of officials elected to the RAS to keep their postsThe head of state promised the employees of the Presidential Administration, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, who were elected to the Russian Academy of Sciences, to provide the opportunity to engage only in scientific activities instead of working in government bodies.

    The Chief Scientific Secretary of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences Mikhail Paltsev said that each official personally made a decision to participate in the elections. However, he admitted that the academy knew about Putin's recommendation.

    "We accepted them according to scientific criteria. Everyone who participated in the elections met these requirements," Paltsev said.

    According to the procedure, each applicant must speak to academicians six times, after each speech, the current members of the academy vote on candidates.

    Meanwhile, a RIA Novosti source in the Russian Academy of Sciences said that if the officials-members of the academy decide to give up the title, they will not be able to do so.

    "These appeals will not be accepted at all, because they do not comply with the (RAS) charter," the agency's source said.

    The head of the RAS, Vladimir Fortov, later said that none of the newly minted scientists had yet asked to expel him from the academy. The Office of the President of Russia will take all the necessary personnel decisions in accordance with the instructions of the President to give the opportunity to engage only in scientific activities for those representatives of the authorities who were elected Corresponding Members of the RAS.

    Meanwhile, the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov noted that Putin clearly stated his position on this issue.

    “All relevant departments have unambiguously listened to what the president said. Now they are dealing with this situation,” Peskov told reporters.

    "But the ultimate goal is clearly defined by the president," concluded Peskov.

    What does an academic title give

    RAS is the largest state academy of sciences in Russia, now it includes 944 academicians, all of them are elected for life.

    Formally, the title "Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences" is not considered an academic title, but it gives a number of privileges. Among them is the right to a monthly bonus to the official salary at the place of work.

    The academicians elected the director of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sergeev as the head of the RAS. He calls the current status of the Academy "insignificant" and wants to return to the scientists the leadership of the research institute and the distribution of money

    Alexander Sergeev (Photo: Dmitry Lebedev / Kommersant)

    Young winner

    The Russian Academy of Sciences announced the results of the second round of presidential elections for the organization. The elected head of the RAS was the director of the Institute of Applied Physics, 62-year-old Alexander Sergeev: he received 1,045 votes. His rival in the second round was the head of the Institute of Oceanology. P.P. Shirshova Robert Nigmatulin (77 years old). In the first round, Sergeev also took first place and twice as many votes as Nigmatulin.

    In the first round, the general director of the Institute of Molecular Electronics (AFK "Sistema") Gennady Krasnikov (59 years old, took third place), the head of the Institute for Problems of Laser and Information Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Board of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Foundation for Basic Research" Vladislav Panchenko ( 70 years old, fourth place) and the general director of the All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials Evgeny Kablov (65 years old, fifth place).

    The favorites of the election, Sergeev and Nigmatulin, are members of the influential “July 1” club of scientists. This community includes academics who opposed the RAS, which was launched in 2013. Then the government established the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO), to which it reassigned the management of all property of the institutes of the Academy, and united the RAS with the agricultural and medical academies.

    Sergey Khokhlov, Vice-Rector of Moscow State University, was nominated by the government from the list of candidates for the RAS president. He urged all his supporters to vote for Sergeev. At the time of his withdrawal from the elections, Khokhlov was openly supported by 70 academicians. For Sergeev and the former head of the RAS Vladimir Fortov. He called the head of the Institute of Applied Physics a world-renowned scientist who knows how to "work well in a team." Fortov was considered the main contender for the post of head of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the spring, during the academicians' time to elect their president.

    The press service of the Ministry of Education and Science declined to comment on the election results, pointing out that according to the law on the Russian Academy of Sciences, the choice of academicians must be the country's president. RBC expects a response from the press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov, whether the president will approve the new president of the academy.

    Candidate Kovalchukov

    For the first time, academics were supposed to elect their president on March 20. Elections, since all three candidates - Fortov, Panchenko and director of the Institute of Molecular Biology Alexander Makarov - withdrew their candidacies. Unsettled "procedural issues" that could affect the election results - this is how academics explained the disruption of the election. The wording about "procedural issues" was a cover, and the real reason was the desire of the presidential administration to replace Vladimir Fortov, after the elections, RBC's sources in the Kremlin and the Academy of Sciences.

    The interlocutor of RBC called Vladislav Panchenko a candidate from the presidential administration. He has relations with the president of the Kurchatov Institute, Mikhail Kovalchuk, who several times unsuccessfully tried to be elected to the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physicist Mikhail Kovalchuk is the elder brother of Yuri Kovalchuk, a shareholder of Rossiya Bank (the latter owns 39.8% of Rossiya, according to SPARK-Interfax). Yuri Kovalchuk was included by the US Treasury Department in the sanctions list as a representative of Vladimir Putin's "inner circle" in 2014.

    The election campaign within the "Putin's Politburo" was tough, Yevgeny Minchenko, director of the International Institute for Political Expertise, told RBC. “It’s unexpected that the Kovalchuk group was unable to promote their man,” he said.

    “To be honest, I'm surprised that Panchenko didn't even make it to the second round. It seemed to everyone that this was going to happen. Even in spite of the fact that academicians perceived his withdrawal in March as an insult, "- said RAS Corresponding Member Askold Ivanchik in a conversation with RBC. RAS Scientific Secretary Mikhail Paltsev also RBC in July that Panchenko lost the support of the scientific community after re-nomination in the elections. “Makarov and Fortov are people of their word. They made a decision [not to participate in the elections again], they carried it out. I cannot explain how Panchenko behaved. It defies logic, ”he explained.

    Not to vote for a candidate from the government without specifying names, Vladimir Fortov at the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences on September 25. He emphasized that academicians should independently choose a candidate, and their decision should not be influenced by rumors about a candidate from the government. “The Academy of Sciences asked the president, and the president met us halfway in agreeing on candidates. It means a lot. This means that the president of the country trusts these five candidates. And he has stated many times that he does not imply any pressure on you and me. We can absolutely consciously and freely make our choice, ”he said.

    Nizhny Novgorod physicist

    Alexander Sergeev graduated from the Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) State University named after V.I. N.I. Lobachevsky with a degree in radio physics in 1977. Elected Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2003, Academician - in 2016.

    Sergeev's candidacy will still suit the authorities, Minchenko believes. “It doesn't matter what the surname is, the main thing is that a certain agenda is implemented. Its essence is that the academy is not a freeman of some academic institutions, but an instrument for implementing state policy in the scientific sphere. And I think the new president will pursue the policy exactly what is needed, ”he summed up.

    Sergeev's program assumes close interaction between the state and science. “We must return the trust and respect of the authorities and society to the RAS,” he said during his campaign speech. Trust, he said, "is built on consensus." At the same time, Sergeev criticized the reform of the property and functions of the RAS. “The reform, which includes the division of competences [between the RAS and FANO], is a mistake. And over the past four years, we see that the state of science has become even worse. The Academy of Sciences must find tools in order to really participate in the formation of the country's scientific and technical policy. We do not have such tools now. The status of the academy is insignificant - we cannot do anything, ”he said.

    In order for the Academy of Sciences to have such tools, Sergeev proposes to amend the law on the Russian Academy of Sciences - scientists should have the right to organizational leadership of scientific institutions, including the distribution of funds. In addition, the new president of the Russian Academy of Sciences plans to create a board of trustees of the academy headed by Vladimir Putin.

    In total, the RAS was replenished with 518 new members and began to number more than 2300 people. The average selection competition reached four applicants for the advertised vacancy, but in some specialties it even reached 10.

    Of the new replenishment, the lion's share (over 400) falls on the central part of Russia (the overwhelming part is Moscow and St. Petersburg), and several dozen vacancies were allocated to three regional offices - Ural, Siberian (the most powerful) and Far East. (About 30 people were received from the Urals, 16 from the Far East, 38 from Siberians).

    Note one more feature of the current elections, predetermined by the conditions for nominating candidates: a third of the newly elected full members of the RAS are under 60 years old and half of the corresponding members are under 50 years old. The scientific community was faced with the task of rejuvenating the RAS, and partly the goal was achieved. Before the elections, the average age of full members of the Academy was approaching 75, now it is about 70. The composition of corresponding members has lowered the average age from 70 to 65 years.

    Among the newly elected to the RAS (including the Siberian Branch), as never before, there are many heads of scientific institutions. This is also understandable, because in the five years that have passed since the previous elections, there has been a radical rejuvenation of the leadership of the directors of institutes belonging to the FANO (Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations).

    Here is how the chairman of the Siberian Branch, Academician Alexander Aseev, has already commented on the election of new members of the RAS:

    “I believe that the elections were extremely successful for the Siberian branch. Worthy candidates have passed, the "young wave" is especially happy - we have fulfilled and even exceeded all age requirements.

    We again have fifty-year-old academicians, one of whom is Pavel Logachev, he heads the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the SB RAS, one of the largest in the country.

    It is important that Muscovites appreciate us: according to the vacancies in the central part of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academicians Alexander Anikin, Valery Vernikovsky, Arnold Tulokhonov became academicians. And entering a new period of turbulence associated with the completion of the three-year period of the RAS reform, we have significantly strengthened. "

    In mid-September, a preliminary selection of candidates was held at the regional, Siberian level. And at the beginning of last week in Moscow, at the meetings of the branches of science, the final selection of candidates for voting at the General Meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences took place, and on Friday the voting results were finally announced. In general, the election of new members of the RAS, in spite of all the democratism of this scientific structure, is a very complex and multi-stage matter. They begin with the filing of an application, as a rule, of a very famous scientist who has a solid baggage of scientific discoveries, developments, publications and students. So the age of the applicants is already mature. But there are also cases when outstanding scientists a little over 30 years old became members of the Academy, as happened at one time with the Novosibirsk nuclear physicist Alexander Skrinsky.

    The process of replenishing the academic ranks according to the Charter of the RAS should take place every two years, but after the reform of 2013 and the merger of three state academies into one whole (RAS, RAAS and RAMS), a three-year moratorium was declared, and therefore this year's elections became the first in the last five years ...

    Full members (academicians) of the RAS were elected:
    - Director of the Institute of Thermophysics. S. S. Kutateladze SB RAS Sergei Vladimirovich Alekseenko,
    - Head of the sector of the Institute of Philology of the SB RAS Alexander Evgenievich Anikin,
    - Director of the Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology SB RAS Boris Vandanovich Bazarov,
    - Director of the Research Institute of Mental Health Nikolay Alexandrovich Bokhan,
    - Director of the Institute of Catalysis. G. K. Boreskova SB RAS Valeriy Ivanovich Bukhtiyarov,
    - Head of Laboratory at the Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics named after A. A. Trofimuka Valery Arnoldovich Vernikovsky,

    Director of the Research Institute of Therapy and Preventive Medicine Mikhail Ivanovich Voevoda,
    - Director of the Institute of Mathematics. S. L. Sobolev SB RAS Sergei Savostyanovich Goncharov,
    - Director of the Yamalo-Nenets branch of INGG SB RAS Oleg Mikhailovich Ermilov,
    - Scientific Director of the Scientific Center for Family Problems and Human Reproduction Lyubov Ilyinichna Kolesnikova,
    - Director of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics. A.V. Rzhanova SB RAS Alexander Vasilievich Latyshev,
    - Director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics. G. I. Budker SB RAS Pavel Vladimirovich Logachev,
    - Director of the International Tomographic Center of the SB RAS Viktor Ivanovich Ovcharenko,
    - Head of the Laboratory of the INP SB RAS Vasily Vasilievich Parkhomchuk,
    - Acting Director of the Research Institute of Cardiology Sergei Valentinovich Popov,
    - Head Department of IT SB RAS Mikhail Rudolfovich Predtechensky,
    - Director of the Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS Nikolay Alexandrovich Ratakhin,
    - Scientific director of the Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS Arnold Kirillovich Tulokhonov.

    Corresponding members of RAS were elected:
    - Doctor of Medical Sciences Olga Leonidovna Barbarash (Director of the Research Institute of Complex Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Andrey Vladislavovich Boyko (Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics named after S. A. Khristianovich SB RAS),
    - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Dmitry Petrovich Gladkochub (Director of the Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS),
    - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences Aleksey Vladimirovich Kochetov (Deputy Director of the Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS),
    - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Ivan Yurievich Kulakov (INGG SB RAS),
    - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Galina Gennadievna Lazareva (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS),
    - Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladimir Vladimirovich Lomivorotov (Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Blood Circulation Pathology named after E.N. Meshalkin),
    - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Andrei Evgenievich Mironov (IM SB RAS),
    - Doctor of Medical Sciences Andrey Grigorievich Pokrovsky (Director of the Institute of Medicine and Psychology of NSU),
    - Doctor of Medical Sciences Evgeny Anatolyevich Pokushalov (Deputy Director of NIIPK),
    Doctor of Chemistry Dmitry Vladimirovich Pyshny (Deputy Director of the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the SB RAS),
    - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Igor Ilyich Ryabtsev (IPP SB RAS),
    - Doctor of Medical Sciences Yulia Igorevna Ragino (Deputy Director of Research Institute TPM),
    - Doctor of Technical Sciences Valery Alekseevich Stennikov (Deputy Director of the Institute of Energy Systems named after L.A. Melent'ev SB RAS),
    - Doctor of Medical Sciences Vadim Anatolyevich Stepanov (Acting Director of the Research Institute of Medical Genetics),
    - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Nikolay Vladimirovich Surovtsev (Institute of Automation and Electrometry SB RAS),
    - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Alexey Vladimirovich Taichenachev (Acting Director of the Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS),

    Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yuri Anatolyevich Tikhonov (Deputy Director of the INP),
    - Doctor of Medical Sciences Olga Ivanovna Urazova (Professor of the Siberian Medical University),
    - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Viktor Sergeevich Fadin (INP SB RAS),
    - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Mikhail Petrovich Fedoruk (Rector of NSU),
    - Doctor of Medical Sciences Nadezhda Viktorovna Cherdyntseva (Deputy Director of the Tomsk Research Institute of Oncology),
    - Doctor of Historical Sciences Mikhail Vasilyevich Shunkov (Director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS).

    Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, whose list is replenished every year, are the owners of the highest status in Russian science. A citizen of the Russian Federation who publishes scientific works of great public importance in various fields of knowledge can count on the title of academician. For 2017, there are almost a thousand RAS academicians in Russia, to be precise - 932. According to the charter, their main and only goal is to enrich science with their achievements.

    How to become an academician?

    In 2012 he became a Doctor of Science. His research interests also include electron cooling of beams, their generation, storage rings, and object-oriented programming.

    Academician at 32

    One more physicist, Alexander Nikolaevich Skrinsky, was the earliest of all living people. He was born in Orenburg in 1936.

    He was engaged in experimental problems and studied accelerators and high-energy physics. With his participation, the latest types of colliders were developed and created. Since 1968 Corresponding Member At that time he was only 32 years old. Two years later he received the title of "Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences".

    Later, he developed a method for electron cooling and detection of polarized beams. He played a decisive role in the development of applied physics, as well as in the creation of the latest types of lasers and the production of beam technologies.


    In 2016, full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences accepted physiologist Lev Girshevich Magazanik into their ranks. To receive an honorary title at this age is a kind of record, at least among living academics.

    Lev Girshevich was born in Odessa in 1931. In the field of his scientific research - the work of ion channels, the effect of neurotoxins on various types and types of receptors. Among his inventions are unique tools that made it possible to study the organization of molecules in membranes.

    Magazanik conducted joint research with foreign scientists around the world - in France, Switzerland, Great Britain, Germany. The result of his work was the creation of new drugs that help to establish interaction between neurons in healthy and sick

    Physicians among academicians

    Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences are elected today in 12 departments and sections. Medicine occupies one of the key places on this list. The majority of women academics are here. One of them is obstetrician-gynecologist Leyla Vladimirovna Adamyan.

    She was born in Tbilisi. Educated in Moscow. From 1989 to the present day he has been the head of the Department of Operative Gynecology at the corresponding research institute. In 2004 she was awarded the title of academician.

    Leyla Adamyan is famous for being fluent in all types of gynecological operations known to today's science. The objects of her research are the use of X-rays in reproductive medicine. He works a lot on issues of treatment of pregnant women and children.

    Thanks to her, modern surgical technologies are used today, which have made it possible to at least halve the severity and consequences of adhesions that occur after gynecological operations.

    Academic mathematicians

    Another area of \u200b\u200bknowledge traditionally preferred by academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the list of which is replenished after that, is mathematics.

    Today, one of the most famous scientists in this field is Ludwig Dmitrievich Faddeev, who became a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences back in 1976. He specializes in the field of mathematical physics.

    Most of his work and research is devoted to solving three-body problems in quantum mechanics. In modern science, this problem is known by his name - the Faddeev equation. He also deals with the Schrödinger equation. He penned two hundred scientific works and monographs.

    They can be proud that among them there is RAS. Mathematicians devote a lot of time to theoretical work, however, it is often appreciated at its true worth. In 2008, Ludwig Faddeev received the Shao Prize in Hong Kong, which is presented annually to the world's best scientists. He received the award in the category "Mathematics" with another compatriot Vladimir Arnold. Their contribution to the popularization of mathematical physics was appreciated.