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  • Tatiana Chernigovskaya: Children should be taught metaskills
  • Chernigovskaya in her youth. Tatiana Chernigovskaya: Children should be taught metaskills

    Chernigovskaya in her youth. Tatiana Chernigovskaya: Children should be taught metaskills

    Tatiana Vladimirovna Chernigovskaya (February 7, 1947, Leningrad) - Russian biologist, linguist, semioticist and psychologist, specializes in neuroscience and psycholinguistics, as well as the theory of consciousness.

    Graduated from the English Philology Department of the Philological Faculty of the Leningrad State University. She specialized in experimental phonetics. Until 1998, she worked at the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry. IM Sechenov Russian Academy of Sciences in the laboratories of bioacoustics, functional asymmetry of the human brain and comparative physiology of sensory systems (leading researcher). Deputy Director of the NBIK Center of the Kurchatov Institute.

    In 1977 she defended her Ph.D. and in 1993 her doctoral dissertation "Evolution of linguistic and cognitive functions: physiological and neurolinguistic aspects." Doctor of Biological Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Professor (St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philology).

    She was engaged in experimental and clinical research of the mental vocabulary of Russian speakers. Now these studies are continued, including by N. A. Slyusar and T. I. Svistunova.

    Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (2010). On her initiative, in 2000, the educational specialization "Psycholinguistics" was first opened (at the Department of General Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University).

    Books (8)

    4th International Conference on Cognitive Science

    This collection includes materials of the Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Science, held in Tomsk, June 22-26, 2010.

    The conference is devoted to the discussion of the development of cognitive processes, their biological and social determinism, modeling of cognitive functions in artificial intelligence systems, the development of philosophical and methodological aspects of cognitive sciences. The discussion centered on the problems of learning, intelligence, perception, consciousness, representation and acquisition of knowledge, the specifics of language as a means of cognition and communication, the brain mechanisms of complex forms of behavior. Specialized symposia were devoted to such topical topics as the relationship between language and thinking, the study of eye movements, cognitive computer modeling, memory and the unconscious, neurophysiological mechanisms of organizing behavior, philosophy and cognitive science.

    Materials are abstracts of lectures, oral and poster presentations, as well as speeches at symposia. All abstracts were reviewed and selected as a result of a competitive procedure. They are published in the author's edition.

    These materials are presented in electronic form on the conference website (, as well as on the website of the Interregional Association for Cognitive Research (

    Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Science

    This collection includes materials of the Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Science, held in Kaliningrad, June 18-24, 2012.

    The conference is dedicated to the discussion of issues of the development of cognitive processes, their biological and social determinism, modeling of cognitive functions in artificial intelligence systems, the development of philosophical and methodological aspects of cognitive sciences.

    The discussion focused on the problems of learning, intelligence, perception, consciousness, representation and acquisition of knowledge, the specifics of language as a means of cognition and communication, the brain mechanisms of complex forms of behavior. Specialized workshops were devoted to such topical topics as active vision and communication, brain function in pathology, computer modeling, higher cognitive functions of animals, speech production processes, neurocognitive mechanisms of language behavior, decision making.

    The materials represent theses of lectures, oral and poster presentations, as well as speeches at workshops. All abstracts were reviewed and selected as a result of a competitive procedure. They are published in the author's edition.

    These materials are presented in electronic form on the conference website (, as well as on the site of the Interregional Association for Cognitive Research (

    Sixth International Conference on Cognitive Science

    This collection includes materials of the Sixth International Conference on Cognitive Science, held in Kaliningrad on June 23-27, 2014.

    The conference is devoted to the discussion of cognitive processes, their biological and social determinism, modeling of cognitive functions in artificial intelligence systems, the development of philosophical and methodological aspects of cognitive science. Discussions at the conference focus on the problems of learning, intelligence, perception, consciousness, representation and acquisition of knowledge, the specifics of language as a means of cognition and communication, and the brain mechanisms of complex forms of behavior.

    The conference program also includes a series of specialized workshops devoted to such topical topics as conceptual structures, features of development in bilingualism, the problem of human maturity, language communication, decision making. Materials are theses of plenary lectures, oral and poster presentations, as well as speeches at workshops. All abstracts were reviewed and selected as a result of a competitive procedure. They are published in the author's edition.

    These materials are presented in electronic form on the conference website (, as well as on the website of the Interregional Public Organization "Association for Cognitive Research" (MAKI,

    Seventh International Conference on Cognitive Science

    The conference is devoted to the discussion of cognitive processes, their biological and social determinism, modeling of cognitive functions in artificial intelligence systems, the development of philosophical and methodological aspects of cognitive science.

    The conference program includes a series of specialized workshops devoted to such topical topics as age-related characteristics of cognitive development, mental resources of different levels, eye movements during reading and multimodal communication. Published materials are theses of plenary lectures, oral and poster presentations, as well as presentations at workshops.

    These materials are presented in electronic form on the conference website (, as well as on the website of the Interregional Public Organization "Association for Cognitive Research" (MAKI,

    Cognitive research. Collection of scientific papers. Issue 2

    The Cognitive Research series was created to publish monographs and collections of articles on various aspects of cognitive science - from psychology and linguistics to knowledge engineering and artificial intelligence problems. Issue 2 was prepared based on the materials of the Second International Conference on Cognitive Science, held in St. Petersburg in 2006. The articles included in the collection reflect some of the priorities of researchers in this area.

    Communicative systems of animals and human language

    The problem of the origin of the language.

    The collection contains extended texts of the reports of the participants of the Round table "Communication between humans and animals: the view of a linguist and biologist" (Moscow, 2007).

    A number of articles are devoted to the discussion of known and new results on teaching anthropoids to "intermediate languages" and a comparative analysis of the "language of" speaking "anthropoids" both with the language of man and with the developed communicative systems of animals (bees, green monkeys, ants, etc.), analysis of instrumental activity and communication of chimpanzees in natural conditions.

    A related range of topics includes: cognitive models and mechanisms of the functioning of a person's language and thinking, the influence of various factors on the child's assimilation of the native language, the identification of unique components of these mechanisms inherent only in humans (recursive procedures, multi-level hierarchical structures of knowledge, the specificity of higher mental functions, the universal character of human language as a communication system, etc.). Another important topic is the evolution of signaling and zoosemiotic systems of animals, the possibility of transforming them into a "real" human language, discussion of the criteria that characterize such a language.

    Cycle of public discussions. How does it feel to be a stone?

    Transcript of the public discussion by T.V. Chernigovskaya, V.A. Lektorsky and K.V. Anokhina: Subjective reality and the brain. (Nikitsky Club, March 2015)

    An academic interest in subjective reality makes practical sense. Especially when there is no explanation for one or another phenomenon in objective reality, everyday life. And the question "How does it feel to be a stone?" sometimes no more difficult than asking what it is like to be ... and further down the list from a neighbor to a neighboring country. What fundamental science can say about this and what (so far?) Cannot answer is in the content of this Issue of the Nikitsky Club.

    Cheshire smile of Schrödinger's cat. Language and consciousness

    Schrödinger's Cheshire Cat Smile. Language and Consciousness ”is a series of studies by the author, which began with sensory physiology and gradually moved into the field of neuroscience, linguistics, psychology, artificial intelligence, semiotics and philosophy - now called cognitive research and is an example of convergent and transdisciplinary development of science.

    The initial hypothesis coincides with the title of one of the sections of the book - language as an interface between the brain, consciousness and the world, and this reflects the position of the author and his view on the evolution and nature of verbal language and other higher functions, their phylo- and ontogeny, on genetic and cross- cultural aspects of the development of consciousness and language and their brain correlates, on the possibilities of interspecies communication and modeling of human cognitive processes.

    And scientists (cognitivists, neurophysiologists, neuropsychologists, neuroanatomists) who are studying this organ that is cosmic in scale. However, Russian researchers have not yet been mentioned, although their contribution is invaluable. Recall at least Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, who integrated the disparate areas of study of the nervous system (neurology, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropsychology, neurosurgery, psychiatry), laying the foundation for the development of domestic neuroscience. Or Alexander Romanovich Luria, the world-recognized founder and undoubted leader of such a powerful direction as experimental neurolinguistics. And, of course, how not to mention Academician Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva, who entered the world guild of pioneers in the development of neurophysiology - the most powerful science of the brain, on whose achievements all modern studies of this organ are based. How information is memorized, speech processing, the formation of emotions, how the brain helps us to make decisions, how it performs its functions and, most importantly, how to treat those whose functions are impaired - the range of issues that have been successfully solved by Russian scientists.

    On such a solid foundation, modern research is being built, the emphasis of which has shifted towards a comprehensive study of the human brain at the intersection of neurobiology and cognitive sciences. And, oddly enough, there are again more questions than answers in this area. The age-old problem of defining consciousness ("what is consciousness?"), Questions of the relationship between language and thinking (what is primary?), The study of the mechanisms of understanding, human memory, the formation, storage and transmission of information - all these aspects appeared before scientists in a new light, taking into account the development modern technologies (artificial intelligence systems, robotics, applied mathematics), psychology, neurophysiology, semiotics, philosophy.

    Today we decided to make a selection of lectures and interviews by Tatyana Chernigovskaya - professor, doctor of philological and biological sciences, head of the laboratory for cognitive research at St. neurosciences.

    All these lectures were delivered at different times for different audiences, but they have one thing in common - a conversation about the brain, its abilities and riddles. It should be noted right away that it hardly makes sense to watch all the lectures in a row - many examples are repeated, references are made to the same sources, because the subject of the conversation remains unchanged. But each speech is devoted to a specific problem - and it is through the prism of this problem that the scientist talks about the brain. So it is better to choose the lectures of Tatiana Chernigovskaya on the topics that are most interesting to you and listen to them. Enjoy your viewing and welcome to the matrix.

    Why will brain research take center stage in the 21st century?

    (Why will the studies of brain take center stage in the 21st century?)

    On the well-known educational platform Ted Talks, Tatyana Vladimirovna Chernigovskaya talks about what we managed to learn about ourselves and about the brain, how this knowledge changed the picture of reality and what biological dangers await us in the new century after all the discoveries (manipulating memory, creating individual genetic portraits and etc.)

    Creativity as the purpose of the brain

    One of Tatiana Chernigovskaya's lectures, in which she explains the importance of creativity to the brain, how music changes the brain at a functional level, and why musicians are less likely to meet "Alzheimer's and Parkinson's grandfather" in old age. And you will also learn that the division of people into left-hemisphere and right-hemisphere has no meaning for a long time, for what reason the general scale of measuring abilities is not applicable to geniuses (USE, IQ) and why we should learn how to remove cognitive control, that is, let the brain think about what he thinks.

    Ariadne's thread, or Madeleine's cakes: neural network and consciousness

    Everyone knows what consciousness is, only science does not.

    At the 7th Festival of Science, Tatyana Vladimirovna delves into the problem of defining consciousness, which has a history of thousands of years, explains how paradoxically our memory is arranged, how it affects social evolution and why Proust's novel "In Search of Lost Time" is a real textbook for those who study mneme. In addition, the professor talks about the meaning for our kind of neuroevolution and the biggest problem in cognitive science, concerning subjective reality.

    What is Mind, Wisdom, Genius, Intelligence

    What can be considered the criterion of the mind - education, erudition, good memory? Can a person be smart and stupid at the same time? What is the difference between intelligence, wisdom, intelligence? How does our accumulated knowledge influence our destiny? How does a “good” brain differ from a “bad” one? Who commands whom - are we the brain or is he us? How free are we and how programmed are we? Is it possible to create an artificial brain and why are computer games dangerous? Tatiana Chernigovskaya talks about this and many other things in the program of the TVC channel "The Lord of the Intellect".

    View selection

    Mental lexicon

    In another public lecture, Tatyana Vladimirovna Chernigovskaya explains how the neural network is arranged, where it contains information, what role language plays for this network, why language competence is our main characteristic as a biological species (although most people do not even use their language to the full, and communicate in cliches) and what we can call "the dark matter of our brain."

    A horse and a quivering doe: a scientist at the intersection of sciences

    In a lecture delivered at the symposium "Topical Issues of Neurophilosophy", Tatiana Chernigovskaya tells about the range of issues facing researchers of the 21st century in the field of neurophilosophy, including the problem of understanding, the impact of science and art on our brain, myths that envelop knowledge about the work of the brain, switching language codes. The speaker also draws attention to the question of what distinguishes a person from a cyborg, and why the problem of the existence of the mental level is a problem that may indicate that the usual physical picture of the world is erroneous.

    How to teach the brain to learn

    Within the framework of the Open Space project, Tatiana Chernigovskaya delivered a lecture in which she highlighted the anthropological changes that have taken place in the world, talked about the problems that the increasing flow of information poses to mankind, and about the changes necessary for education in a new situation (refusing to “memorize logarithms "And teach children" meta "- working with information, control of attention and memory, etc.).

    Tatyana Vladimirovna Chernigovskaya is a professor at St. Petersburg State University, head of the laboratory for cognitive research. She was born in St. Petersburg. Graduated from the Department of English Philology, Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University. She specialized in experimental phonetics.

    Until 1998, she worked at the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry. Sechenov Russian Academy of Sciences in the laboratories of bioacoustics, functional asymmetry of the human brain and comparative physiology of sensory systems (leading researcher). In 1977 she defended her candidate's, and in 1993 her doctoral dissertation "Evolution of linguistic and cognitive functions: physiological and neurolinguistic aspects" in two specialties "Theory of Linguistics" and "Physiology". He teaches courses "Psycholinguistics", "Neuro-linguistics" and "Cognitive processes and the brain" for students and post-graduate students of the philological, biological and medical faculties of St. Petersburg State University. Works in the interdisciplinary field of cognitive science - at the intersection of linguistics, psychology, artificial intelligence and neurosciences.

    "Geniuses pay too much for their genius"

    Tatiana Chernigovskaya, a psycholinguist, professor of St. Petersburg State University and twice Doctor of Sciences (in biology and philology), who has just added the title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation to all her regalia, is a pure "owl", and therefore broadcasts on Channel Five - "Night. Intelligence. Chernihiv ". “For me morning is a terrible time, it doesn’t mean that I can’t force myself to get up early, - of course, exams have to be taken, but if there is a choice, I will never choose the morning,” smiles Tatyana Vladimirovna. - Therefore, at lectures, I always honestly tell students: the best thing we can do for ourselves is to get to know ourselves as early as possible ... The sooner you find out how fast or slow you are, are you afraid of people or not, extrovert or introvert, "owl" or "lark", the fewer mistakes you make when choosing your path in life, work. "

    - Tatyana Vladimirovna, I confess right away, I was scared to go to you for an interview - I thought you would crush me with intellect ...

    - I have a type of intelligence that does not press (laughs).

    - Do you know your IQ?

    - IQ is a very bad test, and I'm not the only one who thinks so ... I dealt with this issue professionally, discussed it with Moscow experts in intelligence and measurement of intelligence, and we all came to the conclusion that this is nothing more than a test of one type of intelligence ... I am sure that if we chased Mozart and Pushkin through IQ, they would have received a very low score.

    Wouldn't have got into the intellectual elite - absolutely exactly what tells us about the irrelevance of this test, because there is no doubt about the genius of Mozart and Pushkin ... Pushkin, as we know, was a C grade, he finished his lyceum with difficulty - so what? Nothing! And Einstein was considered underdeveloped - he could not speak, then he was expelled from college. Mendeleev at school had two marks in chemistry - there are a billion such examples! This suggests that testing such as IQ is not the measure. It measures one type of intellectual ability, namely the ability to think logically, make conclusions, count ... Once, my colleague adapted one of these tests for a Russian-speaking audience and gave me a floppy disk so that I could check if the test was good. There were questions of this kind: if a dress in Texas costs $ 134.5 and sales tax is $ 3.8, and the same dress in Iowa costs so much, sales tax costs so much, then where is it is it more profitable to buy? You can hang me on a rack, I cannot solve this problem. Because I think very badly. I cannot say that this is my dignity, but it is a fact. And what follows from this? That I am a fool, or what?

    - Sounds ridiculous from the lips of twice a doctor of sciences!

    - I know, and everyone around me too, that I think well, and I do not want to pretend that this is not so. But the fact that at the same time I cannot multiply 184 by 132 in my mind simply means: this piece of my mental capabilities is bad ...

    - Why, then, are they constantly imposed on us this notorious IQ?

    - It's still some kind of line that firms use when they want to hire employees. IQ is used by the whole world, which, by the way, does not make this world a better place.

    - But then we must honestly say that this is not the only way to test intelligence ...

    - We say it everywhere! But there are more serious things that no one wants to hear about ... My colleagues in Moscow - academician Deborah Aronovna Farber and director of the Institute of Developmental Physiology Maryana Mikhailovna Bezrukikh - keep saying that children who enter school at the age of seven need to be very careful look, in the sense that the passport age and their real biological age may not coincide for a year, if not two. And from this it follows that the child may not be ready for the educational process - he begins to fall into deuces and colas, that is, he becomes a deuce forever. And if the parents gave their child in a year, then there would be a completely different picture. You see, this is related to the brain: a child may be considered mentally not very strong, but in fact he matures more slowly - this may be the case of Einstein, for example, although this option is critical. And if they let his brain mature in time, he could put everyone on his shoulder blades with his fives ...

    Than our brains are better than American ones

    - Is it so easy for us to miss a genius?

    - Well, this is done quite often ... In general, my pathos boils down to the fact that normal countries attract scientists to power and listen to them.

    And here scientists provide information that is important for society, but the society does not want to listen to it. It turns out an absurd story: scientists are playing, as it were, their own separate game - they like to do science, well, let them do it, let's give them three rubles ... Here is President Obama - frankly, not my hero - recently spoke to the US National Academy of Sciences and said that triples its budget, despite the fact that it is several times higher than ours even without tripling. So we just have to leave, quietly lie under the bush and not disturb anyone. But our brains are not only not worse than American ones, but to a greater extent - better ...

    - And why are they better? What is our superiority?

    - In education. Undoubtedly, Russian, and before that, Soviet education had a well-deserved reputation as one of the best in the world. The fact is that now all over the world they have followed the line of narrow education, which is understandable. They train specialists - for example, on the screw of the left arch of the glasses. And there is no better specialist of this kind on earth, because he knows his business like no one else. And this is the necessary knowledge. But if you ask him about the right bow, then he no longer knows about it, and even more so about the stars. So our education was distinguished by the fact that it was broad, not to the detriment of depth, encyclopedic. Another question is that then it was necessary to specialize ... Why are our scientists in great demand? They have a wide range, they can find similarities in the most unexpected places, and this is intelligence. After all, discoveries come suddenly, come when you look in different directions ...

    - And how do scientists living in different countries, on different continents come to the same discovery? ..

    - There is some kind of objective movement of knowledge in the world. And people who work in the same field are of about the same level - it is easy to guess that they have read the same books, walked along the same or close "roads" ... Therefore, it is natural that they stumbled upon a sharp point. But whoever digs up earlier - there is already an element of luck. For example, the Nobel laureates who discovered the double helix of DNA - Watson and Crick - simply "stumbled upon" it: they walked past the table on which the materials of one scientist lady were lying - she did not see it, did not realize it, could have done it for another 50 years look ... And these two Cambridge dudes, who like to spend time in pubs and with young ladies (by the way, I am familiar with one of them), saw the discovery, therefore they are rightfully discoverers.

    No need to go into nature with your pig's snout

    - Tatyana Vladimirovna, we say that from love to hate - one step ... And from genius to ... insanity? After all, Lombroso claims that there is a direct connection between these phenomena.

    - Maybe not one step - one millimeter, or maybe there is no such difference ... I will not say that a genius is a madman, but this is a pathology. After all, pathology is everything that is not an average norm. What is the norm? In our society, it is customary not to put your feet on the table, but in another society, on the contrary, it is considered the norm when you put your feet on the table. You see, the norm is a matter of the contract. And it’s the same in intelligence, in ability. A deviation in one direction is exactly the same pathology as a deviation in the other direction. And genius is the maximum deviation from the norm, so they are extremely rare. And here the question is not whether he is crazy or not crazy. It's just a different brain, a different consciousness, a different personality, and geniuses pay dearly for this, by the way. For humanity, this is a serious question: are we willing to pay such a price? Another thing is that no one asks us! If we argue hypothetically: let's agree that we will not have these outbursts, we will have a good average population on the planet. Then the end of civilization, the end of breakthroughs, both artistic and scientific, and philosophical - we will get a society of quiet and mediocre people ...

    - Is it believed that nature rests on great children? Scientists confirm this pattern?

    - This is not necessary - nature both rests and does not rest ... We know families in which geniuses go in a row ...

    - Then maybe genius is inherited?

    - Yes, genius is inherited - I speak about it directly. But Watson, the author of the DNA double helix, believes that stupidity is inherited! This is actually a complex cocktail: the number will not work without innate data. That is, genes need to be obtained, and then you should be careful with them, because what is the dose of innateness in this cocktail, and what is acquired is a very difficult task.

    - Nevertheless, Hitler tried to solve it, when he was fond of eugenics and wanted to improve the human breed, that is, with the help of selection methods he was going to bring out a "superman" ...

    - It was a monstrous idea from Hitler, because people are not drosophila flies, from which many generations are quickly born! I want to ask: who is the person who will appreciate your stupidity or intelligence? They begin to evaluate my intellect, but I don't know how to count, and what: go into the stove, madam, since you didn't come out with your mind? The Lord has already solved all these questions. Whether by artificial, natural selection - everything settles in nature, so you don't have to go there with your pig's snout and engage in the production of good biological creatures! By the way, Hitler was not alone, there were a lot of people obsessed with the same idea. Do you know what happened in the United States in the 1920s and 1930s? Genetic laws were also adopted there - and they, by the way, were enforced - sterilized people who were considered unsuitable for society ... And this was done by the intellectual elite! And although they had good intentions - but who gave them the right to do so?

    When everything is too good it is dangerous

    - Tatyana Vladimirovna, you intrigued me by saying that genius and stupidity are inherited. What about simple human happiness - is it inherited?

    - I think, in a sense, yes, if it is a successful psychophysiological type. Well, you were born so cheerful, cheerful and open! We know that there are such people - “severe depressants”: you bring him the best wine in the world, and he will say that the weather is not the right one to drink this wine, and there is no way to please them. And there are people who, whatever the weather, are still happy ... In a sense, this is an innate ability, but again: what kind of childhood he had, how he was treated, whether his parents pressed him or not ...

    - What is happiness, in your opinion?

    - Happiness is when your own feeling of yourself and the situation you are in, what you have achieved, and so on coincide. After all, happiness is not necessarily - this is when you have made progress in your career. On the contrary, you can go to the forest, where there will be birds and foxes walking around, and you will sit, watch the clean water and drink it and feel happy ... This is who needs it. Therefore, happiness is how you managed to arrange your life the way you yourself would like to arrange it.

    - Are you satisfied with the way you have arranged your life? Yes?

    - I am interested in the life I live ... Despite the fact that it is very difficult for me - I have no time to breathe, I am always busy, but such a life suits me. I have a wonderful family, wonderful friends, and I consider myself lucky.

    - But I heard from psychologists that there are no absolutely happy people, if a person claims that he is completely happy - this is akin to an illness ...

    - Yes, he is either lying, or his position is to show that everything is fine with him. I often visit America and know her well - I lived there for some time when I taught. Americans are always happy with everything. They smile, everything is always fine with them: the family is like no one else, the house is like no one else's. Of course, this does not mean that they are like this all the time. This means that society has a goal to always smile and not release any blackness and darkness to the surface. This makes some sense - a person learns not to tell everyone about his troubles, not to put pressure on others with his condition. On the other hand, this idiotic gaiety and constant smile is also not good. I love America (although I love Europe more), but Americans play with fire - it's dangerous when everything is too good. We know from ourselves that when you walk and everything is too good, then sometimes you think: let me stumble, let my wallet be stolen - God be with him, but everyone is healthy ...

    - Tatyana Vladimirovna, I would like to ask about the feminine and masculine ... Sometimes they refer to feminine logic - what is it?

    - It is a myth. I will find you men as much as you want - I will bring you by the hand, and of very high intelligence and professionally successful, who will demonstrate to you hysteria, emotional immaturity, generally the absence of any logic, bias, irascibility, that is, those traits that are usually attributed to vulnerable young ladies ... And how many women you want with a tough, solid mind, with the ability to decompose everything and draw serious conclusions. So this is nonsense, this is not a question of feminine and masculine, but this is what our science calls "cognitive type" - there are such and such in both sexes, it is not a question of gender ...

    - But what about the statement that even the most sophisticated female mind cannot be compared in quality with the male? ..

    - This myth also needs to be debunked. Feminists will kill me now, but since I hate feminists, I’ll say: I don’t see female geniuses - that’s the trouble.

    - And Sophia Kovalevskaya? Maria Sklodowska-Curie?

    - Rare exceptions, disappearing values \u200b\u200bcompared to the number of genius men ... Where is the woman - Leonardo da Vinci? Where is the woman - Mozart? As an intelligent woman, I tell you - they are not. I once argued with feminists in New York, who argued that men had all the opportunities for development, and women could not realize themselves, because they give birth to children, do the kitchen ... Of course, some of this is true, but history Humanity of Raphael women and Bach women does not show us - this is not a question of gender. However, it is impossible to say that, in general, the male mind is better than the female one. Have you seen idiots men?

    Tatiana Chernigovskaya is skeptical about exams - and, according to her, would give everyone an A.

    In schizophrenia, the sense of humor disappears

    - Tatyana Vladimirovna, you are a well-known linguist, a specialist in cognitive (intellectual) research and the brain, I'm afraid to assume that in obscene vocabulary too ...

    - Why? I own it - I can demonstrate (laughs) ...

    - Can you tell when people swear, what happens in their brains? Does it have something to do with convolutions?

    - No, I can't connect it with the brain, because the brain contains everything - and the author's business is what to take out of this brain ... There is such a concept as speech genres and language styles - in one language I speak with children, in another - with professors , the third - in a friendly feast, the fourth - during a lecture, etc. But I must be aware of where I am talking and with whom, despite the fact that I understand when the game with the language starts ... I, for example, can deliberately pronounce "PORTFEL", which I did in a conversation with one person at the Academy of Sciences. And it did not even occur to me that I could be suspected of being serious. And this man, having heard "parrot", blushed and said: "I somehow did not expect this from you, you have an excellent education - and suddenly such an emphasis!" I fell to the floor laughing ...
    - If a person does not understand humor, can a diagnosis be made?
    - First, there are very different types of humor. There are jokes at the Comedy Club level, there are jokes even lower ... There are jokes that only an exquisite intellectual, the elite, will understand: four and a half people can tell each other a joke and will laugh, while the rest will not understand what is the matter. On the other hand, in schizophrenia, the sense of humor is greatly disturbed or disappears altogether, so this is associated with the disease.
    - Tatyana Vladimirovna, you have done so much research, written 300 scientific papers. Tell me, did it bring you closer to religion or, on the contrary, alienated you from it?

    - In my deepest conviction, science is engaged in trying to find out, to the best of its weak forces, how the Lord arranged the world. The more you know scientifically, the more you see the unthinkable complexity of what happened, and at the same time the clarity and universality of these laws in the Universe - this suggests that everything is not accidental ...

    The development of neurolinguistics as a science is directly related to neuropsychology, on the one hand, and linguistics and psycholinguistics, on the other. Touching upon such scientific disciplines and directions as linguistics, psychology, the doctrine of the creation of artificial intelligence, neuroscience, philosophy, this science requires a special approach and professional knowledge of many disciplines.

    In Russia today, there are two schools engaged in research in the field of neurolinguistics. The first is in Moscow, the second is in St. Petersburg. The head of the Petersburg School of Neurolinguistics, whose position is currently held by Tatiana Vladimirovna Chernigovskaya, will be discussed further.

    A bit from the biography of Tatyana Vladimirovna Chernigovskaya

    Tatyana Vladimirovna was born on February 7, 1947 in St. Petersburg, then still Leningrad. After finishing school, she entered the philological faculty of St. Petersburg State University, where, under the leadership of L.R. Singer, L.A. Verbinskaya and L.V. Bondarenko was engaged in experimental phonetics.

    After receiving a liberal arts education, she went to biology, having worked at the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry. IM Sechenov Russian Academy of Sciences until 1998. Since 1998 - Professor of St. Petersburg State University. He teaches courses "Psycholinguistics", "Neurolinguistics" and "Cognitive Processes and the Brain" for students and postgraduates of the philological and medical faculties of St. Petersburg State University.

    Chernigovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna - Doctor of Philology and Biology. In 1977 she defended her thesis. In 1993 she defended her doctoral dissertation "Evolution of linguistic and cognitive functions: physiological and neurolinguistic aspects" in two specialties "Theory of Linguistics" and "Physiology".

    Why brain research will take center stage in the 21st century

    This is the topic of the lecture that Tatyana Vladimirovna gave in 2009 in Perm at the TEDxPerm conference. This talk gives the best idea of \u200b\u200bwhat she does after all.

    The subject of neurolinguistics and the topic that Tatyana Chernigovskaya has been studying for a long time is the brain. In her speech, she draws our attention to the fact that "the brain is the most complex thing in the universe," while it is a prism through which we perceive the world. This explains why each of us sees the world in his own way, but no one knows how real this world is. As an example, Chernigovskaya T.V. leads a person suffering from hallucinations:

    “The person who sees them cannot be convinced that they do not exist. They are as real to him as the glass on this table is to me. The brain is fooling him, feeding all the sensory information that the hallucination is real. So what reason do you and I have to believe that what is happening now is real, and is not inside our hallucination? "

    So how, then, can humans coexist together? - you ask. - Everyone has their own reality in their heads, their own vision of the world. The answer is simple: language. It is he who is the "interface between the universe, us and our brain", allows you to transmit thoughts, experiences, memories, contributes to the formation, if not a uniform, then a similar view of any situation. Thus, language, acting as a means of human interaction, provides an opportunity for a more or less unified understanding of reality.

    "Bad", "good" brain

    T.V. Chernigovskaya in his lectures he also uses the concepts of "bad" brain and "good" brain. What does it mean? A "good" brain from a "bad" one is distinguished by the complexity of the neural network. A neural network is a combination of what a person was born with and what he is dealing with (life experience). Thus, not only heredity is important, but also everything that shapes us as individuals: the books we read, the music we listen to, the people we communicate with, and much more. “The brain is not a sieve, nothing spills out of it,” everything that we see and hear remains in our brain, so it is extremely important to surround ourselves with good people, listen to the right music and read books that make us better.

    Thus, it is important to understand that we are completely dependent on our brain. We can look, but it is the brain that sees, we can listen, but the brain hears. He interprets the information he receives and perceives it in his own ways - the way he needs it. Therefore, I suppose, there is no need to explain how important research on the work of the brain is at this stage of the development of society.

    T.V. Chernigovskaya herself to the question of what knowledge about the brain might affect, he answers: "Exactly, for example, how education should be organized"

    Her reasoning on this topic from the lecture "Free Will and Neuroethics":

    We must figure out how to teach people to extract information from the outside world. This information is now so abundant that in fact it is almost all the same whether it is there or not. There are tons of different data every day. They are not only impossible to comprehend, they cannot even be stored. As a matter of fact, it is not even clear why it is necessary to store it if we cannot comprehend it, digest it. How do you teach people to learn?

    Indeed, every day there is a lot of new knowledge that cannot be grasped, even if you choose information only in your specialty. How to build an education system for these new living conditions? Teach children not 11, but maybe 15, 20 years old? Indeed, there is still no answer to this question, but it becomes obvious that something needs to be done with the education system, it is necessary to create some kind of new learning scheme, new methods and ways of finding and assimilating information, obtaining high-quality comprehensive knowledge.

    This is also important because the process of mastering new information is the main force that shapes us as individuals, as individuals. As Chernigovskaya herself argues:

    We are what we remember. We are how we identify ourselves. We are how we place ourselves in objective space. We are our own time and the ability to keep the individual time axis in consciousness, to “recognize ourselves”, despite all the changes that are taking place.

    Thus, everything that we have read, heard and seen becomes a part of ourselves, makes us who we are. How else to explain that, having lost memory, a person loses the individuality that he possessed, he can no longer identify himself as before and determine his place in the world. And at the same time, memory itself is not a “box” where memories are located, it is a process that is constantly forming and changing. And the smooth operation of this process is ensured by the entire neural network.

    Summing up

    Tatiana Vladimirovna Chernigovskaya is a neuro-linguist, twice Doctor of Science and Professor of St. Petersburg State University who is trying to answer some of the most important questions of the modern world.

    These are questions about what memory is, what the mind is and what kind of person can be called smart, how the “good” brain differs from the “bad” one, who controls the brain - we or himself. She touches on the important problems of information overload and asks questions about how to teach people how to receive and perceive this information correctly.

    1. Internet page URL
    2. Tatiana Chernigovskaya: we need a thinker (program "Hamburg Account", ORT)
    3. T.V. Chernigovskaya. Lecture - Freedom of will and neuroethics / Public lectures at SNOB lecture hall (Moscow) 04.12.2012
    4. T.V. Chernigovskaya. Why brain research will take center stage in the 21st century / TED, Perm, 2009
    5. T.V. Chernigovskaya. Lecture - Master of Intellect / Program from the cycle "Non-Obvious-Probable" on TVC channel, 2014
    6. T.V. Chernigovskaya. Ariadne's thread, or Madeleine's cakes: neural network and consciousness / Lecture at the VII Science Festival in Moscow, 13.10.2012