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  • Meals for the expectant mother for weeks. Maternity menu for every day, week, trimester

    Meals for the expectant mother for weeks. Maternity menu for every day, week, trimester

    Hello, our loyal readers and those who have looked at the blog for the first time! The topic of today's conversation will be how to eat during pregnancy, so that the baby has enough of all the substances necessary for growth, and the mother feels good. What is recommended, what in this important period of life will have to be abandoned, with what to be more careful.

    You will probably be surprised why we touch on this topic on our blog. Therefore, I want to remind you that, first of all, this year we are passing under the motto "Healthy blogging is the way to healthy earnings." We wrote about this in detail in the article.

    After all, bloggers can be pregnant girls and women, who in no case should forget about themselves and their nutrition. To be honest, I had such cases when I was so fond of something that I allowed myself to have a snack right in front of the monitor and deprived myself of a walk for the sake of, for example, writing a new article on a blog. Then I began to reproach myself, swear that this would not happen again, but time passed and I again stepped on the same rake.

    Related articles:

    Therefore, my dear readers, eat right, which is called "wisely", watch your regime and then you can avoid many problems.

    Waiting for the addition to the family imposes special requirements on expectant mothers. Sometimes it seems to women that a growing fetus requires some incredible energy replenishment, but this is not so. The first three months, the calorie content of food does not need to be changed at all: 2000-2500 kcal per day. Unless in the case of twins or if pregnancy came after exhausting diets, then a little more.

    And only then the algorithm - the menu of proper nutrition during pregnancy - changes somewhat: it is worth adding about 200-300 calories every quarter. The need for protein (protein) is especially great, because it is from it that the cells of the new organism are built.

    The expectant mother also needs an increased dose of carbohydrates; lunches and afternoon snacks with fruits and small portions of sweets will help to get them in abundance.

    A full set of micro and macro elements, vitamins are also needed, the first place in their list is occupied by iodine, iron, calcium, folic acid. Indeed, now another circle of blood circulation is formed in the mother's body, and it must be saturated with everything that is required for the development of the fetus and the formation of tissues.

    Basic rules: what to look for

    The principles of proper nutrition during this period differ little from those that nutritionists recommend to everyone who wants to be healthy. Wise women begin to prepare the body for a responsible mission in advance, even before pregnancy they build a daily routine, a harmonious diet. Then it is very easy to stick to it in the most important months.

    So, what we pay attention to:

    • Mode: it is advisable not to allow breaks between meals for more than 3.5 hours;
    • A full breakfast, at least a quarter of the daily calorie content;
    • A varied lunch that does not burden the digestive system; dinner plus a couple of intermediate snacks;
    • Dinner - 2-3 hours before bedtime;
    • Protein, carbohydrates and other nutrients should be abundant, but not in excess;
    • To normalize the activity of the digestive tract, include more fruits and vegetables, cereals in the menu;
    • Sprouted wheat grains, whole grain breads, legumes - carbohydrate suppliers will add energy;
    • End the day with dairy products, best of all - fermented milk;
    • It is useful to include complexes and dietary supplements specially designed for pregnant women in the diet.

    Where are the dangers?

    • Do not allow dehydration: we drink at least two liters of water a day, preferably in small portions;
    • We limit the use of fats, beef liver (harmful substances accumulate in it);
    • We minimize the consumption of starchy foods, sweets, exclude fast food;
    • More thoroughly than usual, we treat food preparation, hygiene rules;
    • During pregnancy, we do not buy sliced \u200b\u200bfood, seafood, anything that gives rise to any doubts about freshness, we must check the shelf life of dairy products and other purchases;
    • More often we direct "revisions" in the refrigerator;
    • Even ardent fans of vegetarianism should forget about food restrictions while preparing for the birth of a baby, otherwise the baby will not receive the substances necessary for growth.

    First trimester (1-13 weeks)

    In the first three months of the term, there is no need to eat heavily. The main thing is that the products are of high quality and contain a set of substances necessary for the baby.

    In the basics of proper nutrition by trimester, there are always recommendations for folic acid. Otherwise, it is called vitamin B9, it is extremely important for harmonious development, clear cell division, the formation of tissues and organs of the fetus, in particular, the basic structures of the nervous systems. The lack of this element is manifested in mummy by increased fatigue, irritability, apathy, loss of appetite.

    Vitamin B9 is found in abundance in green onions, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, beets, soybeans, peas, caviar, cheese, cottage cheese, liver, and egg yolk.

    To smooth out the manifestations of toxicosis in the morning it is good to drink water, eat biscuits, dry biscuits, crackers. There is a little, with frequent receptions. Refuse spicy, smoked, salty foods, preservatives, confectionery. Give preference to fruits, vegetables, protein foods (meat, fish, milk).

    You must adhere to the simple rules of good nutrition. And listen to your body, because "whims" do not arise from scratch, so the body replenishes those substances, the reserves of which are insufficient. For example, I really want sea cabbage, so, most likely, this is a signal: not enough iodine, add!

    Therefore, allow yourself some "Wishlist", but only without frills. Do not forget that vitamin C is found in vegetables and fruits, berries, cabbage; В1 - in fish; B6 and potassium - in bananas; vitamin A - in carrots, citrus fruits.

    Second trimester (14-26 weeks)

    During this period, the baby's organs are already beginning to function - this is the nervous system, heart, kidneys, intestines, liver and others. The fruit is actively growing, and the need for energy grows in parallel. Caloric content in comparison with the first trimester increases by 200-300 units.

    The baby really needs vitamin D, as well as potassium and calcium, in case of a lack of them, not only bones, teeth, but also all other organs, especially the nervous and cardiovascular system, suffer.

    And mom will suffer from this "hunger", probably the development of osteoporosis, tachycardia, and other complications. There are foods that inhibit the assimilation of these useful food components, first of all, these are sweets, soda, semolina, white bread, and salinity.

    The diet in this period of pregnancy involves a significant reduction, and, if necessary, the exclusion of these menu items.

    But what is shown to expectant mothers is sea fish, eggs, spinach, green onions, milk in the entire range, oatmeal and other cereals (except semolina), raisins, butter.

    Often in this trimester, symptoms of anemia appear, that is, a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. We stop the problem by increasing the consumption of foods rich in iron. These are apples, meat, vegetables (especially peppers) and eggs, berries and fruits, rose hips.

    Third trimester (27-42 weeks)

    In the third trimester, nutrition is almost the same as what we built in the previous period. A balanced diet at the very end, "at the end" of the term, that is, after the 32nd week, is even a slight decrease in calorie content. It's a good idea to organize light fasting days once a week, which will be a good preparation for childbirth. The body needs to be cleaned a little, to tone it up so that it is easier to cope with the upcoming most important but difficult work in life.

    Also during this period there is a likelihood of late gestosis. This form of toxicosis is rather unpleasant in its manifestations, it is more difficult to tolerate and can have a number of complications, including for the baby. Here the requirements of nutritionists are becoming tougher: to limit salt, sweets and all other excesses. Pay special attention to allergenic products, you will have to be extremely careful with them.

    Prevention and control of constipation is also often a problem for pregnant women. Intestinal peristalsis decreases, as the uterus presses on it, and even the hormonal background changes, the body protects the fetus, and this “reverberates” with a negative, especially on the intestines.

    In such cases, dishes with a high fiber content will help - the same vegetables, cereals, legumes, as well as dairy products. If you experience heartburn, seek help from carrots, seaweed, honeycomb, alkaline mineral water.

    How an expectant mother should eat

    I suggest watching a video that tells how a mother should eat during pregnancy and how nutrition can affect the development of a baby.

    Fractional nutrition for expectant mothers

    One of his tasks is to avoid excess weight gain by expectant mothers. Yes, and an excess of kilograms is not good for a child: and the process of birth will be more difficult, birth injuries are possible, and this is also a minus for health.

    A fractional meal system means dividing the daily volume into 5 or 6 parts with approximately equal intervals between meals.

    What is it good for?

    Overeating is not allowed, the clear work of the stomach and intestinal tract is debugged, as a result, the small and large intestines maintain their tone, their motility is not disturbed, which means that the woman avoids stagnation in the digestive tract. In addition, toxins do not accumulate, there are no phenomena of fermentation, gas formation, and a regular stool.

    This has a beneficial effect on the entire body, both on the skin and on the condition of the figure. An optimally functioning intestine is one of the main building blocks of beauty.

    Diet and balanced nutrition

    Just do not confuse the concept of dietary food and fasting, restrictions in the quantity and quality of food. This, when applied to pregnant women, means nothing more than a healthy diet, that is, rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals with a small but sufficient amount of fat and calorie count.

    If you put on a few extra pounds, and labor is approaching, you need to limit the number of calories to 2,000 per day. It is not worth less, as this can negatively affect the baby, and he will soon have to actively work, getting out into the world.

    Juices, fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, bran bread, nuts are very necessary. As well as the entire spectrum of the protein diet. Salt should be limited because it retains water in the tissues and no one benefits from swelling. The rest of the recommendations are the same as we have already given for trimesters.

    The term "balance" sometimes worries moms, but there is nothing scary about it. Just one term describes the tips described above.

    Balance means a competent approach, adherence to the optimal proportions of the content of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and other components, the daily regimen, the correct meal plan, the use of a sufficient amount of water and other liquids.

    Help products for pregnant women

    There are certain foods that can help a woman avoid many problems during pregnancy. The video reveals three superfoods for pregnant women.

    Sample menu

    Now let's look at the composition of a sample menu that will be useful during pregnancy.

    For breakfast, cereals are very useful: it can be in the form of muesli or whole grain bread, wheat sprouts, which give a boost of energy without going over calories. Other options for morning foods include eggs, an apple or other fruit, toast, croutons, etc.

    As a lunch (as well as an afternoon snack), fruits are ideal, both fresh and baked, or in compote, mousse, jelly, fruit drinks. Yogurt, milk, cocoa, juice. Nuts are also great for invigorating and improving mood.

    Dinner: boiled chicken, scrambled eggs or boiled eggs, legumes, vegetable salad, cheese, crackers, nuts.

    It is clear that these are products to choose from, in addition, other dishes can be added to the list, just not to go beyond the calorie content and "permissibility" in terms of probable harm.

    9 months of happiness

    I also recommend all pregnant readers and expectant mothers to read the book. E.P. Berezovskaya "9 months of happiness"... It's just a whole encyclopedia, which contains a lot of useful information.

    I'm sure this book will become your desktop for at least 9 months, or even longer. It is not for nothing that the well-known doctor Komarovsky recommends it to everyone. I think you know who it is and he needs no introduction 🙂

    Here's what he says:

    In terms of the number of issues that arise, pregnancy can be compared, well, except perhaps the first month of motherhood. So many unusual, incomprehensible, ambiguous. How many fears, myths and prejudices! How many dubious advice, recipes, opinions. And what a lack of a reliable, sensible, knowledgeable friend! A friend who does not intimidate and does not make pregnancy a disease! A friend who is always there is always ready to help. A friend who knows what he is talking about! It is with great pleasure that I present and recommend to you the book of Dr. Elena Berezovskaya "Handbook for Pregnant Women". I know for sure that this book will become a good friend and reliable assistant for thousands of women! Read, study, consult, smile!

    I will give a small fragment of the book's content.

    This publication describes a lot of issues of concern to expectant mothers, if not to say that all. Including you can find such information on how to eat right and what should be the weight gain, what dangerous consequences obesity can cause, what diet is better to follow during pregnancy, the benefits of vitamins, etc.

    It is very convenient that all the material is collected in one book. You don't have to buy a lot of other prints. The text itself is not designed with a long "sheet", but convenient and readable, quotes are highlighted in color.

    The book contains many different necessary and useful tables with indicators of the norm and possible deviations. You will always be aware of how your pregnancy is progressing, whether everything is normal, etc.

    In general, if you want to have at hand a handbook containing all the answers to questions related to the course of pregnancy, then this book should be it. You can buy an encyclopedia with postal delivery here, and get it in electronic form here.

    Now it's time to say goodbye, dear friends! We really hope that you received useful information, and we will definitely continue the conversation about health and moving forward on the next pages of the blog.

    Don't forget to update your blog!

    Bye bye everyone

    Ekaterina Kalmykova was with you

    If it happens that you gain excess weight during pregnancy, you need to do something about it. Overweight in a pregnant woman is associated with the risk of developing late toxicosis (edema, increased blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine), fetal hypoxia, excessive weight of the child, which will complicate the process of childbirth, and weakness of labor may also be observed.

    Diet for pregnant women by day

    If you could not keep your weight within the normal range, you will have to resort to a diet for pregnant women to lose weight. This diet can be followed throughout pregnancy - from 1 to 3 trimesters.


    • breakfast: omelet with herbs, a glass of milk, a few fruits or berries;
    • lunch: grated carrot salad with apple and sour cream, fruit juice;
    • dinner: salad of fresh cabbage and carrots, seasoned with sunflower oil, soup with meatballs in vegetable broth, mashed potatoes with boiled chicken and green peas, dried fruit compote;
    • afternoon snack: biscuits, rosehip broth, apple;
    • dinner: fish stewed with onions, vegetable garnish, kefir;
    • at night: low-fat and unsweetened yogurt.


    • breakfast: cottage cheese with nuts, raisins and sour cream, banana, tea with milk;
    • lunch: kefir, boiled egg, apple;
    • dinner: vegetable salad with sunflower oil, vegetarian borscht, meat or fish meatballs with buckwheat, fruit juice;
    • afternoon snack: rosehip broth, fruit salad dressed with yogurt;
    • dinner: pancakes with boiled beef and fried onions, green salad, jelly with natural juice;
    • at night: kefir.


    • breakfast: oatmeal porridge with milk or muesli, rye bread and cheese sandwich with butter, fruit juice;
    • lunch: cheese mass, milk;
    • dinner: vinaigrette (without pickles), green cabbage soup with sour cream, beef stroganoff with sour cream sauce and pasta, tea with a slice of lemon;
    • afternoon snack: rosehip broth, fresh berries with sugar;
    • dinner: fish cutlet and boiled carrot puree, kefir;
    • at night: yogurt.


    • breakfast: carrot and zucchini pancakes, boiled egg, milk;
    • lunch: processed processed cheese with rye bread, fruit juice;
    • dinner: oat soup, cabbage rolls with rice, salad of beets, apples with sour cream, dried fruit compote;
    • afternoon snack: apple, rosehip broth;
    • dinner: boiled chicken with mashed potatoes, vegetable salad with sour cream;
    • at night: kefir.


    • breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, a sandwich with cheese and butter on rye bread, milk;
    • lunch: boiled egg, fruit juice;
    • dinner: vegetable salad with vegetable oil, vegetarian borscht with sour cream, steamed beef cutlet with boiled rice, coffee with milk;
    • afternoon snack: fruit salad dressed with yogurt, rosehip broth;
    • dinner: vegetable stew with sour cream, doctor's sausage, kefir;
    • at night: yogurt or fruit juice.


    • breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, fruit juice, a sandwich with cheese and butter on rye bread;
    • lunch: boiled egg, milk, berries or fruits;
    • dinner: grated apple and carrot salad with sour cream, vegetable soup with meat broth, fish cutlet with potatoes, cocoa with milk;
    • afternoon snack: rosehip broth, fruits or berries with sugar;
    • dinner: buckwheat porridge with milk, fruit jelly;
    • at night: kefir.


    • breakfast: omelet with herbs and tomatoes, a sandwich with cheese and butter on rye bread, milk;
    • lunch: curd mass with raisins, fruit juice;
    • dinner: salad of green vegetables with vegetable oil, vegetable broth with sour cream, boiled chicken with beans and butter, herbal tea;
    • afternoon snack: fruit, rosehip broth;
    • dinner: cabbage cutlets, apple salad, beetroot with sour cream, kefir;
    • at night: milk.
    Drastic measures

    If weight is gained at a rapid pace, despite all efforts, you can arrange fasting days throughout pregnancy, approximately every 7-10 days.

    The most common unloading diets for pregnant women are kefir, apple and curd day. During a kefir day, you need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir per day. With an apple diet, you can eat up to one and a half kilograms of apples, distributing this amount over 5-6 meals throughout the day. If you decide to arrange a curd day, eat 600 grams of curd, use 2 glasses of sugar-free tea as a drink.

    Eating during pregnancy is different from usual, especially if the expectant mother has previously allowed herself unnatural food of poor quality. The entire diet should now consist of environmentally friendly products that have been minimally heat treated. It is advisable to eat only freshly prepared homemade meals.

    The basic rules of rational nutrition include regularity of meals, enrichment of the body with vitamins and microelements and exclusion from the diet of anything that can harm the health of mother and child.

    The expectant mother should:

    1. Observe the diet:

    • take food in small doses, but often - every 2-4 hours;
    • healthy breakfast. In the morning, the body will be grateful for dairy products, whole grain bread, muesli, fruits. It is best to avoid eating food immediately after waking up. A glass of fresh water without any additions will be most beneficial;
    • lunch must be complete, and not in the form of a light snack with a sandwich;
    • light dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime, consisting of vegetable salad, kefir or fruit.

    2. Eliminate harmful products:

    • sweet (anything containing white sugar);
    • flour (avoid eating white flour);
    • fatty (minimize the consumption of animal fats);
    • fried (only occasionally you can lightly fry food in butter);
    • smoked (sausage, fish, cheese);
    • carbonated drinks.

    3. Beware of extremes:

    • you can not overeat. You should not even abuse healthy products, eating them in large quantities. Get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, avoiding heaviness in the stomach;
    • you must not be malnourished. If you lost your appetite, you should not follow his lead. You need to include in your daily diet vegetables and fruits that will make you want to eat. A lack of nutrients can have irreversible consequences.

    4. Enrichment of the body:

    • proteins are essential building blocks for the growth and full development of the embryo. It is very important to include in your daily diet such foods as eggs, chicken and turkey meat, fish, milk;
    • A, E, C, D, B play an important role in the formation of the skeleton, bones, muscles of the baby. Stimulates and strengthens the mother's immunity, contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems;
    • trace elements are necessary for the formation of bones, cartilage and the normalization of hemoglobin levels, which contributes to the preservation of the fetus until the end of the term.

    The consequences of malnutrition

    1. The expectant mother:

    • anemia;
    • bleeding;
    • infectious complications.

    2. The child:

    • intrauterine growth retardation;
    • hyperactivity;
    • decreased resistance to infections;
    • prematurity.

    If during gestation you gained a few extra pounds, you will probably be interested, without harm to your health and the health of the baby!

    You should know that already inside the mother, the child forms basic taste preferences that will guide him throughout his life. Therefore, by changing unhealthy eating habits, a woman will provide him not only with normal development and birth, but also with the correct course in relation to a healthy lifestyle.

    What and how to eat for an expectant mother is a rather serious question. Good nutrition for a pregnant woman is a guarantee of a healthy baby. A food ration for two in this case requires a serious approach. It's not about the quantity of food, but the quality.

    It is not necessary to carry out cardinal changes in the diet, it is enough to remember that you should eat in small portions, fractionally, at least four times a day, without overeating, especially at night. The body already begins to work in an "emergency" mode, and a large portion of your favorite potatoes with meat is an additional load on the body's systems - the stomach, liver, etc.

    If with the question: how to eat for the expectant mother, her diet is more or less clear, then what to eat for the expectant mother is a whole science. The restructuring of the hormonal background during this crucial period is reflected in the taste preferences of a woman. Do you remember the story of O. Henry, when a man went at night to "get" a peach for his beloved? Only, while he was running like crazy around the city, the desire of his beloved changed dramatically.

    A woman does not become capricious, no, this body sends signals when there is a lack of certain vitamins and minerals, so quite often the nutritional desires of a pregnant woman can change even during the day. Hence the conclusion: future dads should be patient, caring and attentive. If at an early stage of pregnancy the wife is sick of the smell of food alone, which characterizes early toxicosis, the husband should take over the duties of a cook.

    What is the proper nutrition for a pregnant woman? Protein is an important building block of cells. It is extremely unreasonable to refuse during pregnancy. It is meat that is the main source of protein. It can also be obtained from fish and legumes - peas, lentils, beans, but you must admit that legumes are quite heavy food for the stomach of even an ordinary person. Of course, the meat should not be fatty - veal, rabbit or chicken, so as not to provoke excess weight. Foods high in fat increase the stress on the digestive tract. The point is not only that such food is difficult to digest, due to the enlargement of the uterus, all organs of the abdominal cavity are already in a depressed state.

    Why do I pay attention to the inclusion in the diet of meat products that will provide a full nutrition for a pregnant woman? Not only because plant foods are less rich in proteins, but also because they do not have the necessary set of amino acids, of which proteins are made up. Unfortunately, not all amino acids can be produced by the human body. There is such a term essential amino acids. These are the ones that can only be obtained with food intake. So, vegetable protein contains no more than 16 irreplaceable amino acids, while animal protein contains about 30 of them.

    Many people know that carbohydrates are simple and complex, but what's the difference? The slower they are absorbed and enter the bloodstream, the better the pancreas works, the more likely you are not threatened with spikes in blood sugar due to excess insulin release. Remember: cereals, vegetables with fiber content should be in the diet every day. Vegetable products are purely domestic, besides, they are not expensive - cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, celery, beets, spinach. People with low income can afford it. Add olives if possible. Concerning fruits and berries. They contain natural, simple sugars such as fructose. The safest in this regard are pears, apricots, peaches. What should be discarded from products is muffins and various sweets.

    In order for the fetus to develop without pathologies, the expectant mother should eat especially fully from the second month of pregnancy. In the first weeks, the body uses its reserves of nutrients, but then, when the placenta is formed, an organ that is literally responsible for the development and growth of the unborn baby, the mother will need not only proteins, carbohydrates, fats, but a sufficient amount of trace elements and folic acid ...

    Ideally, of course, preparation for pregnancy in advance with the creation of stocks of these useful substances, but, alas, pregnancy planning in our society has not yet become the norm. Therefore, it is so important for the expectant mother with the onset of pregnancy to take vitamin and mineral complexes rich not only in vitamins, but also in microelements - iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, etc. It is interesting that the body itself gives signals about the lack of substances it needs. For example, if a pregnant woman is “drawn” to pickled cucumbers, a deficiency of vitamin C is likely. If there is a desire to “eat” with chalk, then the body does not have enough calcium. Do you want beer or dry wine? This is a signal of a lack of vitamin B1.

    For the normal formation and development of the child's brain and spinal cord, his peripheral nervous system, substances such as and are needed. You can, of course, "lean" on eggs, liver, seafood, etc., but with the ever-increasing demand of the fetus for vitamins, minerals, proteins, whether modern nutrition can provide the body of a pregnant woman with all vital ingredients is a big question. The surrounding ecology also plays its negative role, acting on the fetus through the mother's body.

    What to eat for an expectant mother in order to ensure adequate nutrition for a pregnant woman for the birth of a healthy baby and to prevent various complications is not an easy question. NSP specialists have developed a program that allows you to supplement the diet with the necessary natural biologically active substances literally for every week of pregnancy. It was compiled by highly qualified obstetricians - gynecologists. As the long-term experience of using the program has shown, as a result, healthy babies were born, and women did not have complications. If someone is interested in the program, please contact me, I will share information.

    Be that as it may, it is worth remembering that pregnancy is a special state of the body, and whether it passes a kind of strength test depends largely on how a woman will eat in an "interesting" position, on her lifestyle.

    In fact, as such, a diet for pregnant women does not exist - losing weight during pregnancy is completely inappropriate. However, a balanced diet required by every pregnant woman requires natural adjustments. And precisely because you need to eat right, nutritionists offer expectant mothers balanced nutrition for the full development of the baby.

    Today we will tell you how to balance and regulate your diet in order to take care of yourself and your baby's health. How to avoid extra pounds after pregnancy, and what sweets should be preferred during pregnancy!

    ☀ Consider every bite! It must be remembered that the most important thing is the quality, not the quantity of the food taken. Pregnancy is a great excuse to introduce a balanced diet into your life forever.

    ☀ The main thing is utility! Replace the bun with whole grain bread and the chips with jacket baked potatoes. And there are many such examples. Sometimes you have to sacrifice taste in favor of a natural product.

    ☀ Starving woman makes her child starve! Conventional weight loss diets during pregnancy are unacceptable. Your child needs regular and proper nutrition.

    ☀ Variety! Your daily menu should be designed in such a way that it contains proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, as well as essential vitamins and other trace elements. This is the best way to get all the nutrients you need.

    ☀ Carbohydrates contribute to weight gain, but they are essential! This task is easy enough to solve. Include in your diet more complex carbohydrates and less simple ones. The latter are the most insidious enemies of a good figure. In our case, the best sources of complex carbohydrates are fiber and starch. Simple carbohydrates can be obtained from fruits.

    ☀ Sahara fight! These are empty calories that you do not need at all during this period. Do you want something sweet? At your disposal are all the same berries and fruits - fresh and dried.

    ☀ The simpler the better! An old Japanese proverb says: “Good food remembers where it came from” In other words, the shorter and easier the path of a product from “raw material” to a finished dish, the higher its nutritional value. How to use it? For example, instead of canned green peas, always choose fresh or frozen.

    ☀ More fun together! Sitting on a diet alone is a chore. Therefore, so that the diet is not a burden for you, the rest of the family must support you. Firstly, it will be much easier psychologically. And secondly, it saves you the trouble of preparing two meals a day. Plus, eating healthy will only benefit J.

    ☀ Bad habits can kill the best diet! Forget about alcohol, cigarettes and other stimulants!

    Maternity diet menu

    The diet menu should include the following foods:

    Vegetables and fruits, rich in fiber, which is found in significant amounts in kale, lettuce, pumpkin, sweet corn, green beans, and avocado. Fiber plays an important role in digestion and bowel cleansing, so you should definitely include it in your diet during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester.

    Fresh multicolored vegetables, fruits and berries. They will not only become a source of important trace elements and vitamins, but will also cheer you up with a juicy color.

    Fatty fish, such as mackerel, herring, tuna, contains essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. They are responsible for the immunity of the unborn baby, his psychomotor state and emotional stability, and also prevent allergic reactions in the baby, prolonged labor, bleeding and postpartum depression in the mother.

    Omega-3 and 6 elements, along with fish, contain fish oil and vegetable oils (soybean, corn, cedar). Oils must be unrefined (odorless).

    Foods containing vitamin E (nuts, green parts of vegetables and a number of wild plants, unrefined vegetable oils), since it is he who helps the absorption of fatty acids, so vegetable oils in your menu will be very helpful. Such oils should not be cooked because vitamin E is destroyed when heated.

    Seafood (if there is no intolerance) are a valuable source of such important trace elements as zinc, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron. Include them in your diet, and you will receive more than half of the nutrients naturally.

    A pregnant mother can compose a diet menu on her own, since the range of permitted products is very wide.

    What should pregnant women refuse

    A number of foods that need to be excluded from the diet of a pregnant woman:

    • fresh bread, confectionery (pastries, cakes), sweets;
    • ice cream, milkshakes;
    • fatty meats, fish and poultry;
    • spicy, fried, smoked food;
    • fast food;
    • preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers (sweet carbonated drinks, semi-finished products);
    • mushroom dishes;
    • alcohol;
    • strong tea and coffee (replace with green tea or herbal decoctions);
    • fermented milk products with high fat content (cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, cheese).

    Pregnant nutrition rules

    The diet of a pregnant woman should be different from that of a normal woman. The expectant mother eats more often, but in small portions, because the increasing uterus presses on the organs and they become smaller.

    There should be 4-5 meals per day, and from the end of the second trimester - 5-7.

    For breakfast and lunch, it is better to eat meat, fish, cereals, and in the afternoon milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese and plant products.

    Eat the last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime.

    When drawing up a diet for pregnant women by day, it must also be remembered that during pregnancy, you cannot spicy, salty, fatty, fried smoked, canned, pickled and sour foods. Such foods are harmful to the gallbladder and liver.

    When composing a diet during pregnancy by day, an important principle must be taken into account: simplicity and usefulness. It is important to cook and eat in a good mood in a relaxed environment and eat at the same time. I note that it is better to cook once, so that the dish does not need to be reheated.

    Nutrition for a pregnant woman by months

    ࿋ Nutrition for a 1 month pregnant woman

    So, in the first month, expectant mothers most often do not know about their situation. And pregnancy is diagnosed no earlier than the third week. During this period, it is important to register with a doctor and receive individual recommendations. And start taking folic acid. It is rich in greens and lettuce, as well as cereals. If the first months of your pregnancy are in the fall, winter or spring, take folic acid capsules. It is also recommended to focus on foods containing calcium. These are hard cheeses, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, sesame seeds.

    ࿋ Nutrition for a 2 month pregnant woman

    In the second month of pregnancy, all major systems and organs are already actively laid in the embryo. At this stage, in addition to fermented milk products, your diet must include green vegetables and fruits: apples, broccoli, spinach, green beans, greens, bell peppers, and so on. Turkey, lean pork, veal, oatmeal, bananas, raisins and eggs are considered saturated with all the necessary vitamins for this period.

    ࿋ Nutrition for a 3 month pregnant woman

    In the third month, and in someone even earlier, problems with stool may occur and toxicosis may begin. Drink plenty of fluids during this period. Eat soups. Drink low-fat kefir. Eat nuts instead of meat products. Boil prunes and dried apricots. The diet this month is vegetable and fruit.

    ࿋ Nutrition for a 4 month pregnant woman

    Due to the increased need for fiber, you should eat more cereals and grains. The richest in fiber are bran, whole grain bread, almonds, wheat. Also during these weeks, the baby begins to gain weight. Therefore, you should consume more protein: hard cheeses, beef and lean pork, fish, nuts, legumes, cottage cheese.

    ࿋ Nutrition for a 5 month pregnant woman

    The fifth month ... and half the way has already been passed. Your child continues to grow, and at this stage you should consume 2000 - 2500 kcal per day. You should divide your food intake by 5-6 times a day. Eat small meals. After all, the tummy grows, and the internal organs are compressed under the pressure of the uterus. To avoid heartburn and discomfort, you should reduce the amount of food you eat.

    ࿋ Nutrition for a 6 month pregnant woman

    During this period, your baby's eyesight is being laid. Therefore, nutrition should focus on vitamin A and beta - carotene. Vitamin A is absorbed better when fats and proteins are present in food, so remember to combine. Natural sources of vitamin A are carrots, broccoli, parsley, apricots, red and yellow peppers, pumpkin, persimmon, viburnum. Consume them fresh.

    ࿋ Nutrition for a 7 month pregnant woman

    Your baby continues to grow. The diet should be varied. The foods you eat should be rich in both fats, proteins, and calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium. Do not forget that meals should be fractional. Focus on iron-containing foods - beef, beef liver and heart, fatty fish, nuts, and sunflower seeds.

    ࿋ Nutrition for 8 months pregnant

    At the eighth month, your baby is already big enough. His skeleton develops and teeth are laid. A high intake of calcium is recommended this month. Focus on low to medium fat dairy products. At the 8th month of pregnancy, it is not the quantity but the quality of food that is important, namely, its saturation with vitamins, acids, and minerals. Pay attention to this.

    ࿋ Nutrition of a pregnant woman in the last, 9 month

    The ninth month is the final stage of your pregnancy. Almost all mothers in the last weeks want one thing - to give birth faster. This is the most difficult month. Therefore, be attentive to your body, try to rest more and do not overuse food. Eat a banana instead of sweets or add 1 teaspoon of natural honey to your tea.

    Keep your patience and remember - very soon your baby will take a carefree nap, but not in your belly, but in his bed. Therefore, enjoy this unforgettable miracle of nature - your pregnancy!

    1. With constant regular sports, you should not completely abandon physical activity. Simplify exercise and continue your normal life. Substitute relaxation exercises for strength exercises as the duration increases.
    2. If there was no sport in your daily life, then regular morning exercises and some simple exercises to maintain tone, strengthen muscles and relax them will be sufficient.
    3. Jumping should be replaced with calmer elements.
    4. Pool classes, yoga or dancing for pregnant women are encouraged.
    5. Taking a hot bath should be postponed until the baby is born. But a warm bath, shower, and even a bath are allowed. Regarding the bath, the question is rather complicated, this requires a doctor's permission and moderate temperatures.
    6. Be sure to include walking in a street, park, or forest in your schedule.

    Why are extra pounds dangerous for a pregnant woman?

    A pregnant woman who is overweight initially and / or is overweight increases the risk of:

    • the development of late toxicosis (first of all, an increase in blood pressure, edema is possible, the appearance of protein in the urine, while the work of many organs and systems of the expectant mother is disrupted), premature aging of the placenta;
    • the occurrence of fetal hypoxia (oxygen deficiency);
    • the birth of a large fetus;
    • the occurrence of weakness in labor, post-term pregnancies are more often observed.