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  • Nutrition for children after 3 months. Artificial feeding of a baby of the third month of life

    Nutrition for children after 3 months. Artificial feeding of a baby of the third month of life

    Breast milk is a natural, nutritious food for babies in the first months of life. At the age of three months, the baby's digestive system, as a rule, adapts to work outside the mother's womb, the intensity and frequency of colic decreases significantly, the child becomes less sensitive to changes in the mother's diet. Let's figure out how the nutrition of a nursing woman can change during this period.

    Three-month milestone: changes in mom's diet

    3 months after giving birth, the mother's vegetable diet is significantly expanded

    By the age of 3 months, the baby's body, as a rule, is already strong, its natural defense mechanisms are working almost at full strength. The baby is no longer considered a newborn and is less likely to experience difficulties with digestion due to foods in the mother's diet. However, the only source of nutrition for a baby is still breast milk, which contains vitamins and minerals necessary for its full development.

    Breastfeeding experts are of the opinion that a breastfeeding woman does not need to follow a strict diet, but her diet should be balanced, consisting of healthy and hypoallergenic foods. At the age of three months, the baby's menu can be gradually expanded, to include complex dishes made from healthy products, which previously were more likely to provoke colic or allergies in the baby than now. The time of "strict regime" of food is over.

    The main principle of a balanced diet 3 months after childbirth is to include nutrient-rich foods in the daily menu in a certain ratio:

    1. Cereals and foods rich in complex carbohydrates. Mom needs a lot of energy to produce milk and care for her baby. It is recommended to eat cereal products mainly in the first half of the day, so as not to negatively affect the woman's figure. About 40% of the daily diet should be carbohydrate foods containing fiber (cereals, durum wheat pasta, whole grain bread, etc.). At 3 months, the mother can also other types of cereals with gluten, which previously could provoke colic in the baby.
    2. Vegetables and fruits. Unlike previous periods, now the fruit and vegetable menu can be more varied. So, foods of bright colors (tomatoes, bell peppers, beets, berries and others) may appear in the diet. It's time to introduce onions and garlic into the diet. The share of vegetables and fruits in the pyramid of mom's daily nutrition is about 30%.
    3. Protein food. Animal protein is necessary for the growth and development of the baby, maintaining the well-being of the mother. 3 months after giving birth, meat and becomes more varied - it's time to try pork, offal, red fish varieties. Meat and fish must be on the menu at least 2 times a week, chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs. per week or quail eggs - 8-10 pcs. in Week. It is advisable to eat soups with meat or fish broth every day. Mom can also afford to eat a handful of nuts. Dairy and fermented milk products should also be included in the daily menu. You can drink 2 glasses of milk, 0.3 liters of fermented baked milk, yogurt or kefir per day. Sour cream (up to 50 g), (50–70 g) and butter (5–10 g) are allowed in smaller quantities. Protein-rich foods account for about 20% of the daily diet.

    The remaining 10% of the mother's daily diet is filled with vegetable oils, confectionery, drinks and other products that she uses in small quantities. The share of sweet treats should still be kept to a minimum. It is recommended to give up "chemical" sweets, chocolate, soda - these products often provoke allergies in babies of any age. homemade cakes, marshmallows, marshmallows, dried fruits will help mom for crumbs.

    The preferred methods of cooking 3 months after childbirth are cooking, stewing, and baking. However, mom can now fry the food a little before stewing. For example, brown carrots and onions for soup, meat for pilaf or other complex dishes. This can be done only in the absence of digestive problems in the mother and baby.

    Table: what you can eat three months after giving birth

    Product groupMeat and meat brothsA fishCereals / pastaDairyBeveragesEggsFruitVegetablesVegetable oilsPastry and sweetsNutsLeafy greens
    Cooking methodsCooking, stewing, bakingCooking, stewing, bakingBoiled, as a side dish or as part of dishesPasteurized, ready-to-eatWarm or room temperatureHard boiledFresh, baked, mashed, in compoteFresh, boiled, stewed, bakedWithout heat treatmentReady to eatFresh, driedFresh or boiled in complex dishes
    Preferred food varietiesRabbit
    Lean Pork Offal
    Pike perch Salmon
    Rice Barley
    Pearl barley
    Durum wheat pasta
    Pasteurized milk
    Cottage cheese
    Sour cream
    Black tea
    Green, white tea
    Fruit and berry fruit drinks
    Freshly squeezed juices
    Local berries
    Dried fruits
    Bell pepper
    Green beans
    Beetroot Celery
    Whole Grain Bread
    Bran bread
    Galette cookies
    Cashew nuts
    Green onions

    Unwanted foods at 3 months GW

    Allergenic foods - chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, peanuts can cause unwanted reactions in the baby

    In some cases, the diet of a nursing mother remains limited even 3 months after childbirth. Most often, mothers of infants prone to allergies are forced to adhere to a strict diet. At the same time, babies who have not previously experienced such problems may react negatively to new foods in their mother's diet, so they need to be introduced gradually, starting with minimal portions.

    Food allergens include:

    • cocoa, chocolate;
    • citrus fruit;
    • strawberry;
    • peanut;
    • seafood.

    There are also foods that are difficult to digest in the stomach, often provoking flatulence, colic or diarrhea. At the same time, they are rich in nutrients necessary for the development of the crumbs and the well-being of the mother, so you should not give them up. At the age of three months, the baby begins to be introduced into the menu in small quantities:

    • white cabbage;
    • legumes;
    • grapes;
    • cucumbers;
    • plums and others.

    There is also a list of foods that are highly undesirable in the diet of a nursing mother. These types of food and drinks are not only not beneficial for women and babies, but can also negatively affect well-being. It is recommended to completely exclude:

    • alcohol;
    • fast food;
    • strong coffee;
    • canned food and pickled foods;
    • fast food;
    • forest mushrooms;
    • mayonnaise;
    • products with chemical additives.

    When my son was 3 months old, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. The frequency of colic decreased noticeably, the night sleep improved, the child was more often in a good mood, compared to the first months. My diet during this period became much broader - I almost returned to my prenatal menu, excluding, perhaps, only citrus fruits, chocolate and fast food. At the same time, I could afford to treat myself to store-bought desserts in small quantities, treat myself to ice cream and fresh fruits. I have two children, and comparing their health at 3 months of age, I find a lot in common. For example, in the first month in both cases it seemed to me that I had little milk, the children did not gorge themselves and therefore were constantly worried. When I realized that the problem was in their digestion, I tried to follow a diet, exclude any foods that provoke colic. As a result, I came to the conclusion that I ate almost only buckwheat with chicken, but the colic did not go away. And only after 3 months after childbirth, lactation stabilized, my morale and the well-being of children finally improved. I concluded that in the first months, of course, it is worth choosing the menu carefully, avoiding allergenic and gas-provoking foods. However, upon reaching the age of 3 months of the baby, you can diversify the diet - this will benefit both the mother and the baby. Especially if this period falls on the summer months and there are various vegetables and fruits from the backyard freely available. But do not forget that all children are different, and their reaction to the product may differ. To avoid problems, try new foods a little and watch your baby.

    Sample menu for a week

    From 3 months of age, a baby is allowed to introduce many previously undesirable foods into the diet.

    The nutrition of a nursing mother at 3 months should be varied, consisting of safe and high-quality products. This will enrich the diet and composition of breast milk with valuable nutrients. Do not forget about the importance of a complete drinking regime for successful lactation. In addition to the liquid contained in the dishes, the mother needs to drink about 1.5-2 liters of water or permitted drinks. Let's give an example of a mom's menu 3 months after giving birth for a week.

    Table: menu options for the week

    1 day2nd dayDay 3Day 4Day 56 dayDay 7
    Breakfast milk rice porridge with butter and sugar;
    whole grain bread with cheese;
    buckwheat milk porridge with butter and sugar;
    whole grain bread with cheese;
    oat milk porridge with butter and sugar;
    whole grain bread with cottage cheese;
    omelet with vegetables;
    crispbreads with cheese;
    dairy with butter and sugar;
    crispbreads with cheese;
    milk barley porridge with butter and sugar;
    whole grain bread with cheese;
    curd pudding with semolina;
    whole grain bread with butter;
    Snack an Apple;
    dried fruits;
    the juice.
    fruit salad;
    fermented baked milk.
    an Apple;
    Borsch with sour cream;
    black bread;
    mashed potatoes with stew;
    pickle with sour cream; pilaf;
    black bread;
    berry fruit drink.
    fish soup;
    meat goulash with stewed vegetables;
    Rye bread;
    vegetable soup with meat broth;
    stewed cauliflower;
    wheat bread;
    naval pasta;
    buckwheat soup with meat broth;
    stewed meat with vegetables;
    black bread;
    mashed potatoes;
    soup with dumplings in meat broth;
    fish soufflé with vegetables;
    black bread;
    boiled pasta;
    in meat broth;
    meat balls;
    Rye bread;
    braised cabbage;
    the juice.
    Afternoon snack fruit juice;
    biscuit biscuits.
    fermented baked milk;
    a crouton of white bread.
    cottage cheese casserole;
    pancakes with jam;
    the juice.
    Dinner stewed fish;
    vegetable stew;
    cottage cheese casserole;
    vegetable salad with oil;
    mashed potatoes;
    chicken breast with vegetables and vegetable oil;
    lazy dumplings with sour cream;
    vegetable salad with vegetable oil;
    milk vermicelli;
    chicken eggs;
    boiled rice;
    mashed potatoes;
    liver pancakes;

    Recipes for nursing mothers from the third month

    Fruits and vegetables can be eaten fresh if the baby does not have a negative reaction to them

    The menu of a nursing mother 3 months after giving birth still includes healthy and safe meals for the baby. However, the list of ingredients for making soups, meat, fish, vegetables and other dishes can be expanded. Do not forget about the rules of caution with HS - prepare complex dishes with new ingredients only after you introduce these products in their pure form and make sure that there is no negative reaction in the baby. Here are examples of recipes that will diversify the diet of a nursing mother 3 months after giving birth.

    Pearl barley is rich in fiber and is absorbed in the body for a long time, so it is not recommended to eat it up to 3 months of a baby's life


    • chicken 0.3 kg;
    • water 2 l;
    • potatoes 2 pcs.;
    • pearl barley 100 g;
    • turnip onion 1 head;
    • garlic 2 cloves;
    • carrots 1 pc .;
    • pickled cucumbers 2 pcs.;
    • dill and parsley;
    • spices and salt to taste.

    Cooking process:

    1. Rinse the meat, boil in water until tender.
    2. Peel the vegetables, cut into cubes.
    3. Finely chop the garlic and herbs with a knife.
    4. Pour pearl barley into the broth, cook for 30 minutes.
    5. Add vegetables, cook for another 20 minutes.
    6. Season with salt, add herbs and chopped garlic.
    7. Simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
    8. Serve with sour cream and bread.

    From 3 months of a baby's life, you can cook fish casseroles with red fish varieties


    • fish fillet 500 g;
    • potatoes 700 g;
    • turnip onion 2 heads;
    • cheese 100 g;
    • sour cream 200 g;
    • salt and spices to taste.

    Cooking process:

    1. Peel the potatoes, coarsely grate or chop in a food processor.
    2. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes.
    3. Grate the cheese.
    4. Mix sour cream with salt and spices.
    5. Grease the bottom of the baking dish.
    6. Put half of the potatoes in the first layer.
    7. Top with chopped fish fillets and onions.
    8. Cover with a layer of leftover potatoes.
    9. Grease with sour cream.
    10. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
    11. Sprinkle with cheese.
    12. Bake for another 10 minutes.

    From 3 months of life of a baby, you can add bell peppers, onions, garlic, tomatoes to meat goulash


    • veal 500 g;
    • potatoes 2 pcs.;
    • turnip onion 1 head;
    • carrots 1 pc .;
    • bulgarian pepper 1 pc .;
    • tomatoes 2 pcs.;
    • garlic 2 cloves;
    • vegetable oil 50 g;
    • salt and spices to taste.

    Cooking process:

    1. Peel the onions and carrots, cut into cubes.
    2. Wash the bell pepper, remove from the core, cut into cubes.
    3. Cut the meat into cubes.
    4. Pour oil into a saucepan, put peppers, carrots and onions, lightly fry.
    5. Add meat, pour 1 liter of water.
    6. Simmer for about 1 hour.
    7. Peel the potatoes, cut into large cubes, pour into a saucepan.
    8. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin, chop with a knife, add to the stewpan.
    9. Simmer for about 30 minutes.
    10. Add salt, spices and garlic.
    11. Turn off the heat and let the goulash cool slightly in a skillet under the lid.
    12. In addition to dried apricots and raisins, you can add prunes, dates and other dried fruits to the composition


    • cottage cheese 5-9% fat, 500 g;
    • sour cream 200 g;
    • semolina 100 g;
    • chicken eggs 2 pcs.;
    • sugar 100 g;
    • a handful of raisins and dried apricots;
    • butter 50 g;
    • icing sugar 10 g.

    Cooking process:

    1. Rinse dried fruits, add water and leave for 30 minutes.
    2. Mix cottage cheese with sour cream, semolina, eggs, sugar, knead the dough.
    3. Drain the water from the dried fruits, cut with a knife, add to the curd mass.
    4. Grease a baking dish with butter.
    5. Lay out the dough, flatten.
    6. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
    7. Allow casserole to cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

    Expert opinions

    Some foods eaten by mom, for example, legumes and white cabbage, have a bad effect on the child's intestines - they increase gas production, sometimes cause diarrhea.

    The higher the fat content of milk, the more effort it will take to digest it, the harder it will be for the child to suck and the mother to express. Therefore, it is not necessary to consciously increase the fat content of milk by absorbing large quantities of fats (sour cream, pork, butter creams, etc.). Vegetable fats (sunflower, olive and corn oils) are preferred over animal fats.

    If you do not have significant problems with your own weight, then it is very good to eat a plate of semolina in the evening. You need vegetables and fruits (at least 500 g per day), various and preferably fresh, not canned. In general, the less canned food a nursing mother eats, the better.

    Komarovsky Evgeniy Olegovich, children's doctor, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category

    Make lists for healthy women who have normal stomachs, etc. I don't see the point. In all other cases, when a mother has some kind of disease or intolerance to certain foods, she herself knows her "list" of unwanted and useful foods. It is individual for everyone, so it is difficult to derive a general list. We can only emphasize that a nursing mother has a chance to take a closer look at her health and finally hear her body.

    Naturally, mayonnaise and other products of the so-called fast food are far from natural / natural things, so we do not advise anyone to eat them. Citrus fruits are potential allergens, but again there are women who tolerate them normally and this does not affect lactation in any way.

    Razakhatskaya Natalya, International Breastfeeding Consultant (IBCLC), sling consultant, coach

    The nutrition of a nursing mother 3 months after childbirth can become more varied, since in most babies by this time the intensity of infant colic decreases, and the digestive processes are improving. However, expanding the diet, you need to take care of the quality of the products, their safety for the baby and a balanced diet.

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    At the age of three months, the child has already noticeably grown up and gained weight. How much should a baby eat at 3 months to continue to grow well? What if the child eats less than the norm and constantly hangs on the chest? Read the answers to these questions below. The main thing is not to rush to follow all the advice at once. It is necessary to carefully analyze them and follow the most rational "way" of feeding the child.

    Nutritional norm for a three-month-old baby

    Children of this age should receive one of two types of food: natural breast milk or adapted milk formula. The use of cow's, goat's or mare's milk is not encouraged by pediatricians in our country. How much a child should eat at 3 months depends on what he is fed with.


    By the age of three months, an individual diet is already being developed.

    The feeding rate of a 3-month-old baby: 6-7 meals a day and consumption of 850-900 ml of breast milk per day.

    It is worth considering the peculiarities of feeding in the morning. Mom sleeps at night, which means she doesn't eat. Therefore, breast milk in the morning has no high energy value. And when Mommy has breakfast, she will have nourishing milk for dinner.

    At night, the baby should not take long breaks between meals, since the hormone prolactin is produced at night, it is he who is responsible for high-quality lactation.

    At three months, children drink about 180 ml of the mixture at a time. During the day, you must switch to five meals a day.

    There is a simple way to calculate the required amount of formula for a child who is 3 months old. bottle-fed. You need to multiply its weight by 1/7, and you get the daily volume of the mixture. We divide by the number of feedings and we get a single dose. For example, the weight of a child is 5 460 * 1/7 \u003d 780 ml, this is the amount of food per day; further: 780/5 \u003d 156 ml.

    But in practice, it is extremely difficult to prepare 156 ml of the mixture, since it is prepared just before a meal. If 150 ml of the mixture was enough for a child during the day, then in the evening, after active games, he may get hungry, and he will not have enough of the usual amount of food. In this case, the addition of 25 ml will not go beyond the daily norm.

    There are exceptions, this applies to children born with a large weight. For them, it is worth calculating based on the need for calories per kilogram of weight. At the age of three months, a child spends 115 kcal per 1 kg of weight.

    First, we calculate the baby's daily calorie requirement based on his weight. Then we calculate the volume of the mixture per day, based on its calorie content, according to the following formula: the need for calories per day * 1000 ml, the result is divided by the energy value of the mixture (it is indicated on the package).

    For example, a child's weight is 6000 grams. The energy value of the mixture is 650 kcal / l. Hence, 115 * 6 \u003d 690 kcal. Further (690 * 1000) / 650 \u003d 1062 ml of the mixture per day. We divide this volume into 5 feedings: 1062/5 \u003d 212 ml is needed for one feeding.

    Mixed feeding

    First, the child is always offered breast, and preferably both, so that while he is hungry he actively ate more wholesome food. If you see that he is not full, then bottle feed.

    The volume of the mixture can be different: from 25 ml to 120. Children on mixed feeding are not for long. This is because breast milk is difficult to get, and the mixture flows from the bottle almost unhindered. The baby increasingly prefers bottle food and soon switches to artificial feeding.

    How can you tell if your baby is full?

    How often should a 3 month old baby eat? How long should the feeding last?

    With any type of feeding, if the baby gets enough food, he will most often fall asleep. But sleep is not the only indicator of satiety. When the baby has drunk all the liquid from the bottle or sucked milk from the breast without a trace and does not sleep, but smiles, walks and wants to play, this means that he is full and happy.

    Feeding times can vary from 15 to 35 minutes. The intervals between meals directly depend on the energy value of breast milk or formula.

    How to tell if a baby is getting enough milk? If, when feeding with one breast, the baby is not satisfied, then he begins to cry and does not stop sucking. Also, the mother should make sure that there is no more milk in the breast with which she was feeding, and offer another. Is the baby still hungry? Then you need to bottle feed him.

    Babies who are getting enough milk put on weight. When there is not enough food, then the increase will be insignificant. The average statistical rate of increase for the third month is reflected in this table.

    Abnormalities in breastfeeding

    All children are individual from birth. With prematurity, pediatricians do not react at all to many deviations from the norm. And the norms for babies born with a lot of weight differ significantly from those adopted for average children.

    What if the child eats less than the norm?

    The main thing is not to panic! Poor appetite can provoke anything.

    1. Disease, for example ARVI, stomatitis.
    2. Environmental changes such as moving, staying for a long time, lack of sleep.
    3. Climatic changes, especially a sharp rise in temperature to high numbers in the summer.
    4. Change of diet, transition to a new mixture. Or maybe mom ate something inappropriate and the baby doesn't like the taste of milk.

    All these factors have a short-term effect on the change in appetite. But if the baby does not eat well for two days, then you need to see a doctor.

    A periodic decrease in lactation for natural reasons occurs 2 times a month, during hormonal surges - this is the period of menstruation and ovulation.

    A decrease in lactation due to cyclical changes in a woman's body is not critical and recovers on its own within a couple of days. But there are some tips you can follow to improve your lactation process.

    Change your diet

    Increase the calorie content of your food intake. For example, increase the amount of meals that are high in carbohydrates, especially cereals.

    Analyze the water load

    The amount of liquid you drink should be at least 2-2.5 liters. What can you consume? Only natural products: tea, natural juices, plain water.

    Drink tea for lactation

    Do not forget about teas for improving lactation, which are available at your nearest pharmacy.

    Breastfeed your baby more often at night

    The more he sucks, the more prolactin is produced by your body and the better the lactation will be the next day.

    The child is constantly "hanging" on the chest

    Very often, the baby likes to sleep under the breast: he is already asleep, but does not let his mother go. Usually, this is not a sign of a lack of milk. It's just that the little one really likes to be with her mother. But there are also more complex cases.

    Ekaterina, 25 years old, mother of five-month-old Yegor: “At about 3 months I faced a problem: the morning feeding was so long that it turned into an afternoon snack, and then into lunch. He seems to be full, but he does not let me go, he smacks once or twice for 5 minutes, swallows a little milk and sleeps again. You put him in the crib and he cries again, looking for me. "


    This behavior in breastfed babies can begin at any age. But most often this is observed at 1 and 3 months. This is due to the lactation crisis.

    There is a decrease in the level of lactation against the background of the constantly growing need of the child for milk. Not having eaten his fill, he continues to suck and gradually gets the necessary food.

    It is necessary to understand that children must fully satisfy the need for sucking. Therefore, you should not use radical pedagogical methods, for example, to show who is in charge in the house, putting the baby in the crib to cry alone. There will be no positive result from such actions.

    What to do?

    The way out of this situation is simple: give the little man what he wants. Let him suck as much as he needs. To free your mother's hands for household chores, get a sling: both hands are free, and the baby is in business.

    You can organize a joint sleep throughout the day and night. In this case, the mother will have the opportunity to rest, recuperate. And then energy will appear to improve lactation. And in household chores it is worth attracting relatives who are so fond of giving advice.

    Karina, 22 years old, mother of a girl of 4 months: “I have heard a lot about sling, about their incredible convenience and benefits. But I was skeptical of them until we started to "hang" on our chest. I was in no hurry to buy for myself, I took it from a friend for a test. And literally the next day I ran to buy. I, like a kangaroo, did everything with her on my chest: I cooked food, cleaned, and started the washing machine, and even danced. "


    When is the best time to feed a 3 month old baby? There is only one answer: it is strictly individual, especially for breastfed babies. Some kids, thanks to the mother's high-calorie milk, can withstand 6-7 hour intervals (especially at night), others want to eat again after 4 hours.

    The diet of the child at 3 months in the afternoon

    Babies sleep less at 3 months. Periods of wakefulness during the day they occupy themselves with learning about the world around them, communicating with loved ones, but eating most often occurs according to an individual schedule. The following table shows an approximate feeding schedule for babies three months old.

    Feeding hours can change for various reasons: late waking up, high calorie foods, and so on.

    Diet at night

    A child's nighttime meals at 3 months should be three times. Estimated feeding hours are at 22:00, 1:30 and 3:30. These are averages and should not be considered a strict rule.

    It often happens that a child skips a meal at night. It is not recommended to wake up, hunger will make itself felt, and the baby will wake up on its own, only later.

    Need for fluid


    Parents often think about what the child's need for fluid is. Modern pediatrics does not recommend giving water to infants under 6 months. The only exception is the hot season, when the volume of liquid per day for the milk of a 3-month-old child reaches an average of 200 ml. But regular breastfeeding will easily replace this amount of "risky" fluid.

    After research, it was found that water washes away the protective mucus that the digestive tract produces along its entire length. Along with water, foreign microflora enters the intestines, since it is impossible to give absolutely clean water at home.

    The baby receives food from the mother from the clean mother's breast directly into its little body, and the risk of getting unwanted microorganisms is minimal.


    For formula-fed and mixed-fed babies, clean water is essential. How to calculate your daily fluid intake? This can be done at the rate of 50 ml per 1 kg of weight. For example, a child weighing 5300 should receive 250 ml of clean water. Mixing liquid is not included in this figure.

    Will I "feed" to be or not to be?

    The Union of Pediatricians of Russia, together with the National Association of Nutritionists, the State Universities of Children's Health and Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, in 2009 developed the "National program for optimizing feeding of children 1 year of age in the Russian Federation."

    It clearly states that the introduction of complementary foods can be started no earlier than 4 months. Until this time, the children's intestines will not be able to break down "adult" food. The small intestine absorbs everything: both useful and harmful.

    At 3 months, the child's gastrointestinal tract does not produce all enzymes, intestinal immunity is not formed. The baby has a very pronounced spoon-pushing reflex.

    The only reason for the expansion of the diet may be the urgent need for minerals, vitamins and an urgent increase in the energy value of his food.

    In practice, such cases are rare, so the diet of children at three months remains practically the same. Only the regimen and the amount of food consumed change. If your baby is healthy, then all the purees are put off for at least a month.


    Babies who are breastfed at 3 months eat 6-7 times a day and consume about 900 ml of breast milk. It is important to maintain breastfeeding during the lactation crisis. It is not recommended to add water to infants.

    Bottle-fed babies receive 180 ml of formula at a time. It is recommended to switch to 5 meals a day. The volume of the recommended daily water intake is 250 ml, excluding liquid for preparing the mixture.

    A child's body at the age of three months is not physiologically ready for the introduction of complementary foods. Children should remain breastfed or formula fed.


    The first year of a baby's life is characterized by a rapid pace of development. News appears literally weekly. Most of all it concerns the 3rd month. During this time, the child has already learned a lot. After the baby has adapted to the new conditions of existence, he actively explores the surrounding space and society.

    The formation of his body is gaining momentum. Mothers highlight the key achievements that the child achieved at 3 months: development and nutrition are rhythmically and interdependent, the baby becomes stronger, more round, his movements and some skills are improving. The baby's day regimen is stabilized: he eats, sleeps and is awake at approximately the same time, which makes it easier for mom to plan her affairs.

    How does a baby grow at 3 months

    During the 3rd month, the baby gains about a quarter of its original weight, and its height adds about a tenth of the previous one. This only happens in a fairy tale, where it is said about a hero who grows by leaps and bounds. There is an active development of all internal organs and systems of the baby. Such a rapid growth of the baby requires a proper supply of energy to the body. And the sources of energy necessary for the baby are long sleep and sufficient nutrition, which will ensure the extraordinary speed of the baby's development.

    The baby's proper sleep lasts 18-20 hours during the day, and during this time he eats mother's milk, equal to a fifth of his weight. Of course, this is the average. All children are different and they grow in different ways. The mother does not need to worry if the baby eats a little more or less. He himself knows how much he needs, and will be able to convey this to his mother in his own ways. If, at the 3rd month, the baby's sleep and feeding regime is not adjusted, the baby sleeps and eats less than normal, and its weight and growth are insufficient, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

    Height and weight depend on:

    • indicators of height and birth weight;
    • genetics;
    • floor;
    • way of feeding.

    During the 3rd month, a boy usually adds about 800 g, and a girl 750 g.

    Energy for growth - in nutrition

    Nutrition for a 3 month old baby is the main goal and joy in his life. The baby gets the initial concepts of reality from the conditions in which he grows up, and the first ideas about people - from the mother who feeds him. The instinct of hunger is familiar to all living things, especially babies. A chronically malnourished baby will not allow himself to be left hungry; he will demand the necessary portion of food with the help of a cry. Usually the baby wakes up from hunger and cries most often from what he wants to eat. This is easily determined by how greedily he catches the nipple or pacifier.

    Sucking is hard for a baby. He puffs, doing a difficult task, even sweats with zeal. It will not be possible to take away the source of food from him before full saturation comes, otherwise an indignant cry will tell about his appetite. Only after receiving exactly the amount of milk that is required, he quickly falls asleep. Even asleep, he continues to smack him, as if he is dreaming of continuing feeding, and on his face you can notice a manifestation of bliss.

    You should not force the baby to eat more milk than necessary. For this reason, he may lose his appetite. Trying to avoid eating too much, he will tend to fall asleep early or stubbornly refuse to breast. By this, he instinctively protects himself from excesses. But such a situation is fraught with a loss of interest in the very process of feeding and the loss of pleasure from it. Receiving food should remain bliss for the baby, and mother should be his best friend and nurse. This is an essential factor for the baby's conviction in the trustworthiness of others, which is laid by the baby's diet at 3 months.

    How to set up a feeding schedule

    A three-month-old baby will feel more comfortable getting used to sleeping and eating at certain times. Adaptation to the regime is faster with the help of mom. With the growth of the baby's weight, the time intervals between feedings increase. Supporting the mother in establishing regular feedings and reducing daily feed intake is essential. A long wait for food makes an impatient baby suffer, but he will not resist, but, on the contrary, will be very happy if he is gently awakened 3 or 4 hours after the previous feeding.

    Children with a birth weight of up to three kilograms usually require a 3-hour interval between meals, and with a weight of about 4.5 kg, 4 hours are enough. A mother can reinforce the stereotype of a 4 hour break between feedings by feeding her baby after 4 hours. Thus, the baby's nutrition at 3 months will become stable, in accordance with the regimen. If the baby tries to disrupt the regularity of eating, crying after 2 hours, you can overcome this difficulty without going up to him for some time and giving him a chance to fall asleep again. If crying continues, you can give a drink of water. In this way, the baby will adapt to regular breaks in food intake.

    A mother who feeds her baby as soon as he moves, even if she fed him less than 2 hours ago, develops the child's habit of eating in small portions, at short intervals. Different babies get used to the regimen in different ways, although most of them from a month already switch to a 4-hour interval with a skip of night feeding.

    Learning to follow the regime is not easy, it takes patience and effort.

    Age ration

    The powerful progress that is taking place in the development of a three month old baby requires a change in the feeding process. The basis, as before, is liquid food: the use of breast milk or artificial formula continues. From 3 months onwards, no complementary foods are allowed in the diet. Acceleration of growth and physical activity causes an increase in appetite. Because of this, a regimen that has been established with such difficulty, or even not yet established, may collapse to resume on-demand breastfeeding, which will most likely have to be increased. This is not a cause for grief; closer contact with the baby and his smile will become an incentive.

    Observing the reaction of a 3-month-old baby gives the mother the opportunity to pay attention to signs of satiety or, conversely, a lack of food. A well-fed infant slows down sucking, turns away from the breast or from the bottle.

    By the end of 3 months, most babies have a time of increased growth. Appetite is also growing. Mothers may have the impression that she is short of milk, and the baby wants to eat more and more often. Some, on the contrary, turn away from their breasts and are capricious. Breastfeeding is sometimes hindered by the baby's emerging interest in the world around him, when he turns, looking at everything around him and distracting himself from the breast.

    Not knowing about such situations, mothers in panic turn to complementary foods, which should not be done. The quick-witted baby, realizing that it is much easier to get food from a bottle, completely refuses to breast. This is a fairly common reason that three-month-old babies first switch to mixed, and later to artificial nutrition.

    In reality, there is no less milk, just the baby has increased his nutritional needs. This phenomenon is called a lactation crisis. It does not last long, and after a few days it passes.

    Premature feeding

    Transferring the baby to supplementary feeding will not solve the problem, on the contrary, it will aggravate it. Mixtures are digested for a much longer time and are absorbed worse than mother's milk. A sharp transition to a different composition of food changes the microflora in the intestines of the baby. Reverting to breast milk will not bring her back to her previous state. The child's intestines are filled with anaerobic microbes, and their reproduction begins. With just one feeding of the mixture per day, irreversible consequences can be achieved.

    Introducing supplementary foods into baby food from 3 months, its assortment should not be diluted using goat's milk or kefir, which are not adapted nutrition. These products are not suitable for the age of 3 months, they harm children under one year old, increasing the burden on the kidneys and pancreas.

    There are situations when breastfeeding is not feasible (medication, illness). In such cases, the child is transferred to formula nutrition. Not being able to breastfeed should not make the mother feel guilty. With artificial feeding, pediatricians advise to use partially free feeding - a method in which the amount of food is given at the request of the baby, but within a limited range, and fed at a fixed time. At the same time, a little more mixture is poured into the bottle than is required to find out how much food the baby needs. You should not captivate him and feed him if he does not want to.

    • give the child water;
    • strictly observe the method of preparing the mixture;
    • no increase or decrease in dose is advised;
    • it is strictly forbidden to combine different mixtures;
    • it is advisable to pour out the contents of the bottle that the baby has not eaten;
    • do not recommend force-feeding the baby.

    By the age of three months, the child grows up, gains weight and develops. This period favors the establishment of the baby's diet and sleep patterns. Mother's milk continues to be the only source of nutrition. Due to the increased need for crumbs in breast milk, it is advisable to increase the intervals between feedings. Breastfed babies receive breast milk on demand and are not limited in the time they spend at the breast. Doctors advise not to rush with the introduction of supplementary feeding, so as not to harm the health of the baby.

    Breast milk is an ideal and unique product that fully covers all the needs of a small child.

    It contains a huge amount of nutrients and trace elements that allow the baby to grow and develop normally. But in some cases, a woman is forced to transfer her baby to artificial feeding.

    Reasons for transferring a child to artificial nutrition:

    1. Production of insufficient or no breast milk. This can be due to depression, improper attachment, stress, or the mother's personality.
    2. A woman needs urgent treatment with strong drugs that are prohibited during breastfeeding.
    3. Diseases of the child associated with metabolic disorders.
    4. The mother suffers from alcohol or drug addiction.
    5. The woman has been diagnosed with diseases in which natural feeding is strictly contraindicated (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis), and also has mental disorders.

    In addition, there are frequent cases when mothers unreasonably transfer their babies to formula, justifying themselves by the fact that they simply do not want to breastfeed, they are afraid of losing its shape, are often forced to leave for school or need to go to work.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Transfer to Mix

    The artificial way of feeding a baby has good and bad sides; before deciding to switch to a formula, the mother must carefully weigh and think over every moment.

    The advantages of transferring to IoT are the following:

    1. Any family member can bottle-feed the baby, and the mother has the opportunity to go away on business or do household chores.
    2. A woman can not limit herself in food, without fear that the product will cause allergies in the child.
    3. You can constantly monitor and adjust the amount of formula that the infant ate.
    4. The number of feedings is less than with breastfeeding, the baby is not tied to the breast.

    There are more disadvantages to artificial feeding than advantages:

    Better breast milk has not yet been invented, so all doctors strongly recommend not to quit breastfeeding without justified reasons and switch to formula only in extreme cases.

    Baby food rules

    Correct transition to IoT

    It's easy to switch to artificial feeding. If the baby receives the mixture from birth, then at three months he is already well acquainted with this food, and problems should not arise. In the case of weaning, gradualness and smoothness are important. For two weeks, you need to regularly feed the child with a mixture and observe the reaction of his body.

    In the absence of negative phenomena in the form of a rash, itching, gastrointestinal tract disorders, you can increase the portion of baby food, gradually replacing it with breast milk. If an urgent transfer to artificial feeding is required, then the child is immediately given a mixture instead of a breast, and if allergies or abdominal pains appear, the doctor will help you choose supportive therapy or advise another type of milk substitute.

    Power by the hour

    Breastfed babies usually receive food on demand, but the formula is much harder and takes longer to digest, so the artificial must be fed by the hour and give the same amount of food each time.

    The interval between meals is usually 3.5 hours during the day and 6 hours at night. This time is enough for the mixture to be absorbed.

    How to feed your baby?

    When feeding a baby, it is better to pick up and tilt the bottle so that the nipple is filled with liquid and the air rises to the bottom.

    This will help the baby not to swallow excess air, which causes gas and colic. After the baby has eaten, it is necessary to hold him upright so that the belching comes out and the likelihood of regurgitation of food decreases.

    If a child is already starting to receive complementary foods at 3 months, then he should have a separate clean plate and a plastic or silicone spoon. The baby can be hand-fed or, for the convenience of eating, place him reclining in a sun lounger.

    How much should a baby eat at 3 months?

    All children are individual, their nutritional needs can vary greatly. On average, a three-month-old baby should eat between 800 and 1000 ml. mixtures per day for 6-7 feedings. To more accurately calculate how much food a child relies on one feeding, you need to calculate 1/6 of his body weight.

    These norms are of an average nature and you should always watch how the child reacts to the proposed portion. Some toddlers may feel full, while others will worry and ask for more. The mother needs attention and timely adjustment of the volume of the mixture.

    Menu features

    At 3 months, the main food for an artificial baby is formula milk. But if the doctor diagnoses underweight, poor appetite, or frequent allergic reactions, he may recommend starting complementary foods.

    The introduction of new food must be strictly coordinated with the pediatrician.... Sometimes it is better to postpone this stage until 5-6 months. Complementary foods must be given in a diluted form.

    Each product should be tried for 5-7 days to make sure that there are no undesirable consequences and, if they appear, quickly exclude from the diet. The dish must be monocomponent and puree.

    At three months, it is allowed to introduce hypoallergenic products:

    It is during the period of the introduction of complementary foods that the baby's taste preferences begin to form.

    It is better to immediately accustom him to the natural taste of vegetables, cereals and fruits. It is strictly forbidden to add sugar and salt to products..

    Where can you try to start complementary foods?

    For the first sample, it is preferable to choose buckwheat, zucchini and an apple from the products allowed at 3 months. A new product can be introduced every week, subject to normal tolerance.

    At three months, babies still need breast milk. Breast milk has an ideal composition and fully covers the needs of the child's body. At this age, children do not need the introduction of complementary foods. And those that are artificial and those that are breastfed. The only thing is that you can give supplementary feeding if there is not enough breast milk, the so-called mixed feeding. It is advisable to keep at least partial breastfeeding as long as possible. The nutrition of a child at 3 months can only be varied with juices and scraped apples, a banana. Juices and fruit purees do not count towards your daily nutritional requirements. Juices can be increased up to 30 ml per day. At this stage, milk has the same composition and contains the entire set of necessary trace elements, antibodies, enzymes, hormones. Water can be given in unlimited quantities, it is clear that the child will not drink much. It should be noted that the intake of medicines by a nursing mother should be limited.

    In any case, you need to consult a doctor who will make you an appointment. The immune system of the child's body is just beginning to develop and by about a year it becomes more mature.

    Therefore, the nutrition of a child at 3 months is a very important issue and should be taken seriously. Do not forget to carry out vitamin D correction in order to prevent rickets.

    Diet of a child at 3 months

    There are few innovations in the diet of a child at 3 months, so we can safely say that the child remains breastfed on demand. Of course, it is possible that at this stage, problems may arise and you will need to switch to artificial feeding. To do this, you need to consult a pediatrician, who will calculate the amount of milk formula required per day and per feeding. The time between feedings should increase due to the fact that milk mixtures are curdled a little longer.

    At this age, you should not introduce complementary foods in the form of soups, vegetables, meat, cottage cheese, fish, since the gastrointestinal tract is not yet perfect, the enzymatic system is not sufficiently developed. Plus, solid food can be a mechanical cause. Still, it is worth trying to preserve natural feeding, this can be achieved by improved nutrition, adequate sleep and rest, and walking in the fresh air. Lactation is best influenced by rest together, this is a kind of psychological stimulation of milk production. In order to calculate the amount of milk per day, you can use one of the calculation methods.

    Calorie calculation method. The first need 115-120 kcal / kg / day. The calculation is carried out according to the weight and height of the child. X \u003d (500 x1000) -700 \u003d 710, where 500 is the number of calories per day per month, with a mass of 4 kg. 700 kcal is found in 1 liter of breast milk. This means you need 710 ml of breast milk. From 3 months, energy consumption is 95-100 kcal / kg.

    The volumetric method implies that 1/6 of the body weight is needed.

    Baby menu at 3 months

    The development process of children is very fast and energy-intensive. The daily amount of milk per day increases markedly. The child's menu at 3 months is almost the same as at 1-2 months, only more in volume. If you are breastfed and gain weight well, it is great not to introduce complementary foods and supplements. If the child is not gaining weight well, it is necessary to carry out a control weighing, if necessary, introduce supplementary feeding from an adapted milk formula.