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  • Mushroom boletus edible and false, description and varieties. Description of the common boletus mushroom: where it grows, how to collect Are there poisonous boletus mushrooms

    Mushroom boletus edible and false, description and varieties.  Description of the common boletus mushroom: where it grows, how to collect Are there poisonous boletus mushrooms

    Mushroom boletus is widely eaten and grows in different climatic conditions. It has excellent taste properties in different types of preservation.

    This is the next of kin white fungus, which differs from it in grayish or black small scales on the leg.

    Experienced mushroom pickers, after picking and drying, carefully look at the state of the cut on the mushroom. If over time it darkens, this means that this mushroom is edible.

    Where and when do birch trees grow

    The name of the fungus is associated with the formation of microrhiza with birch, occasionally with aspen or pine. Therefore, wherever birch groves or individual trees mixed with other species grow, this type of mushroom can grow.

    To find a boletus in the forest, you must remember that this mushroom does not like direct sunlight. It hides in bushes, tall grass or under a layer of fallen leaves.

    Therefore, to find young individuals, you need to look closely. Or rake grass and dry leaves with a stick.

    Boletus boletus appears around July and continues to grow until the autumn months. Rainy summers can encourage mushrooms to appear earlier.

    According to observation, each individual adds 4 cm in height per day. 6 days after emergence, it becomes too old to eat. Therefore, mushroom pickers try to go to the forest the next morning after the rain in search of young boletus.

    What does a boletus look like

    Poisoning by poisonous mushrooms can be fatal due to their high toxicity of the substances they release. Therefore, a novice mushroom picker should remember the main features of the mushroom they need: a hat can reach 15 cm in diameter and its color can range from gray to black, including spotted and gray-brown.

    The legs of the boletus necessarily have thickenings and scales. The tubular layer of the fungus depends on age: from white in young animals to dirty brown in mature ones. The pulp of the mushroom is white or pale pink without a pronounced taste and smell.

    The one who went to the forest for the first time needs to take a photo of boletus mushrooms in order to visually compare the found individual with the sample in case of doubt.

    Depending on the area, the boletus may have a slightly different appearance. For example, in moist deciduous forests, mushrooms on a thin stem of olive or brown color are considered boletus.

    In dry forests they have thick, scaly legs. In these cases, edibility is determined by dense and aromatic pulp. Separately, a swamp boletus with greenish hats, on thin legs with watery pulp, is isolated.

    Types of mushrooms of the boletaceae family

    Where does such an external variety of boletus come from? There are several varieties of this mushroom:

    The cap of the common boletus has a semi-convex shape. The leg is whitish, cylindrical, with pronounced scales, 4 cm in diameter and 17 in length, at the cut point it begins to turn pink.

    The gray boletus has an alternative name for the hornbeam. Its cap is brown in color, and the yellowish flesh, when broken, begins to turn blue (to a purple hue) and then blacken. Longitudinal fibers are clearly visible on the stem.

    The marsh boletus, which loves wet places, is distinguished by a brown hat and a light leg. To check the mushroom for edibility, break the leg: it should not turn blue.

    Despite their bright color (from pink to bright orange and brown), multi-colored boletus is not very popular among mushroom pickers. The reasons for this are not very pleasant taste and difficulties in cooking.

    Black boletus stands out among its relatives due to the corresponding color. Large tubules in the porous layer and black scales on the legs are its distinguishing features.

    Properly cooked black boletus will be a worthy decoration of any table.

    The pinking boletus is found in North America and Europe. It is named so for the peculiarity of the pulp, which begins to turn pink in the fault zones.

    White boletus is distinguished by the corresponding color of the cap and creamy flesh. This species is so unpretentious that it can be grown in the garden.

    Harsh boletus grows in mixed forests. It is distinguished by a hat in a palette from gray to pale purple on a high leg. This species is loved by mushroom pickers, since the hard pulp is not very attractive to worms. And the sweetish taste of the mushroom makes it a great addition to the dinner table.

    To navigate in such a variety of boletus mushrooms, the mushroom picker needs to take into account some features.

    First, it is necessary to take into account the area and what types of mushrooms grow there. Secondly, it does not hurt to take a photo of a birch boletus with you, so as not to confuse an edible mushroom with its double.

    The benefits of boletus

    In addition to salting, these mushrooms are fried, pickled or dried. They are used as an addition to a side dish, an appetizer on a festive table or a component in a soup.

    Due to the presence of vitamins and nutrients, boletus can help regulate blood sugar and eliminate toxins, improve skin and hair, and calm the nervous system.

    And due to their low calorie content, these mushrooms are considered a dietary product.

    However, too frequent use of mushroom dishes is contraindicated, because due to their slow absorption, a person may develop problems with the gastrointestinal tract. And in order to preserve the useful properties of the product, mushrooms should not be stored in galvanized containers.

    How to identify false boletus

    In conclusion, we will consider an important question for a novice mushroom picker: how to distinguish a real boletus from its double?

    In order not to make a mistake, you should remember a few simple rules. Firstly, boletus do not like light. If you saw a similar mushroom growing in an open area, this is already a reason for doubt.

    Secondly, false boletus usually tastes bitter, so the worms do not eat them. Examine the mushroom. If it is perfectly clean, with veins on the legs in the form of blood vessels, then most likely you are holding an inedible mushroom in your hands.

    Thirdly, a proven way to determine whether it is a real boletus or not is to break the hat. Here, the false mushroom will immediately give itself away, starting to noticeably turn blue. And if after such an action the pulp has practically not changed, feel free to put the mushroom in a basket.

    Photo of boletus mushroom

    Many mushrooms have well-deserved "speaking" names - boletus, boletus, boletus. Why did these unusual organisms become so called? Because they began to grow under certain trees.

    Leccinum is a member of the boletaceae family, it got its name not by chance, because this fungus grows near birch roots.

    The common boletus is an edible mushroom endowed with high taste qualities.

    Description of the boletus

    This organism, growing under birch trees, may have external differences between species, of which there are about 40. Although all relatives are very similar to each other. Young mushrooms may sport white caps that darken to dark brown as they mature. The Leccinum is found singly and in groups.

    The hat resembles a hemisphere pattern, gradually turning into a kind of pillow. If stable wet weather is issued, the hat becomes covered with a sticky substance. In a young individual, the flesh is often dense and white. When cut, the edges of Leccinum gradually darken. Overripe individuals lose their taste properties, and their flesh becomes watery and inelastic. The size of the cap of an adult plant increases significantly, which can reach 18 cm.

    The length of the stem of the mushroom is an average of 15 cm. It has a cylindrical shape, white color and 3 cm thick. On the entire surface of the legs are gray scales. The leg of the old individual becomes fibrous, stiff and rough.

    For boletus is characterized by rapid growth. A young mushroom can increase in size by 4 cm per day. Full maturation of a young individual occurs on the 6th day, after which the inevitable “old age” occurs. In just a couple of days, the edible pulp becomes a home for worms.

    What are the varieties

    In nature, there are about 40 varieties of Leccinum, which can be distinguished from each other by their areas of growth and external differences.

    Such types of boletus are known:

    In Russia, only 9 species can be found, among which the most common is the common boletus, as well as the hornbeam.

    The people "decided" to name the common species:

    • "grandmother";
    • "butterfly";
    • "birch".

    Despite the name "common boletus", this type of mushroom is one of the most delicious among the whole family. The hat has a reddish or brown uniform color. The leg of the plant is always massive and dense, with a thickening at the root, covered with grayish longitudinal scales. When broken, a strong aroma is felt. Differs in high palatability.

    marsh view

    The marsh species of Leccinum is more common in wet areas. Therefore, its leg is thin, and the hat is painted in light brown tones. The pulp of the marsh variety of the fungus has a loose structure, which, even after an incision, does not change its white color. In terms of taste, this type of mushroom occupies an average position.

    Harsh grade

    In another species - a harsh boletus - the color of the hat can be grayish, purple and brown. Young individuals of the fungus are covered with scales along a cylindrical leg, the color of which is painted in light colors: white at the cap and cream at the root. If you press on the pulp, which is endowed with a sweetish taste, you can feel the rich mushroom aroma.

    Mushroom with black cap

    The blackhead, or black birch-root lover, got its name from the black color of the hat. The leg of the fungus of this species is thick and short, with scales. It should be recognized that this tasty specimen rarely gets into the baskets of mushroom pickers and is therefore highly valued.

    Variety Leccinum

    The multi-colored species of Leccinum wears a hat of orange, gray-pink, beige. In wet weather, the surface of the cap becomes covered with mucus, and in drought it becomes dry. The leg is often painted white with gray scales.

    Places of growth

    On a quiet hunt for boletus should go to deciduous or mixed forests , where there is a lot of light. The main condition is birches. Such forests are found in Eurasia, South and North America. Judging by the name, this type of fungus can be found even in the tundra and forest-tundra, where dwarf birch varieties grow.

    The popular signal for the start of the hunt for Leccinum is the beginning of the flowering of fragrant bird cherry. And you can enjoy the harvest until the fall. A light patch of forest, an edge or an open meadow with growing deciduous trees serves as a guideline for searching for a boletus.

    Beneficial features

    Boletus is a tasty and healthy mushroom. It contains many trace elements and few calories, which makes this product desirable for dietary nutrition. By eating boletus, you can help regulate blood sugar levels and have a positive effect on the NA.

    Despite the fact that the boletus is considered an edible mushroom, you should be on the lookout for this product and adhere to safety measures. Cannot be eaten raw mushrooms or have undergone insufficient heat treatment.

    During the collection, it is recommended to put the “finds” in a basket or an enameled bucket. It is worth collecting mushrooms only near birch trees and only with 100% certainty that they belong to the category of boletus. Harvest should be processed immediately upon returning home. Boletus mushrooms can be fried, pickled, stewed, frozen and dried for future use.

    Edible mushrooms often have inedible counterparts. So, the false boletus is the gall fungus Tylopilus felleus. You can distinguish a false mushroom from an edible one by the color of the cut, which turns red, while the boletus has an evenly colored flesh.

    Collecting mushrooms is an extremely exciting activity, but at the same time not easy. A novice (and sometimes experienced) mushroom picker is waiting in the forest for unexpected difficulties, and sometimes dangers, the main of which may be a meeting with poisonous mushrooms. Today we will tell you about the boletus. Perhaps someone does not know that this edible mushroom has a double - this is a false boletus.

    Boletus "common"

    Today there are more than 40 varieties of boletus. In our country, the following types are most often found:

    • "ordinary";
    • "grey";
    • "harsh";
    • "rosy";
    • "colorful".

    All these species settle in close proximity to birch, but many mushrooms feel great next to poplar or aspen. Most often, they take root in places well warmed by the sun, but the soil should always remain slightly moist.

    The common boletus has a red-brown cap with a slightly slimy, smooth surface. In dry and hot weather, it shines. In young mushrooms, it is in the form of a convex hemisphere. Mature mushrooms are covered with a pillow-shaped hat. It reaches 15 cm in diameter. The pores under the cap of young mushrooms are painted in cream shades, in mature ones they are grayish. The stem of the mushroom sometimes reaches 17 cm in height and about four centimeters in diameter, cylindrical in shape, expanding towards the bottom. The leg is covered with brownish scales. The flesh is pure white, without any specific smell.

    Boletus "black"

    This variety is distinguished by a dark brown, and sometimes black color of the cap and a dense leg, which is covered with small black scales. "Black" boletus is most often found in damp, wetlands.

    Boletus "rosy"

    This mushroom has an ocher cap, off-white stem covered with darker scales, and dense flesh that turns pink when cut.

    Boletus "marsh"

    It has a whitish-cream, sometimes with a bluish or greenish tint, a hemisphere-shaped hat, a thin gray leg covered with whitish scales, and watery flesh.

    These types of boletus belong to category II edible mushrooms. They are well kept. When dried, they become almost black, which does not affect their taste. These mushrooms are usually fried, boiled or pickled.

    Edible boletus contains about 35% protein, which are enriched with various amino acids. They contain a huge amount of vitamin PP and other micro and macro elements.

    What does a false boletus look like?

    A mushroom, outwardly very reminiscent of a boletus, can often be found in forests in various regions of our country. Today, many manuals for mushroom pickers are published, in which you can find a description of the gall fungus (aka false boletus). His photo shows a striking resemblance to an edible mushroom. Therefore, it is quite difficult to recognize it. It grows mainly on loamy soils and sandstones, covered with a thick layer of fallen needles.

    We have already mentioned that the false boletus has a second name - bile. This is due to the fact that its pulp is unusually bitter in taste. The false boletus has a leg gray with a mountain ash, the same color and shape of the cap as that of an edible mushroom, which successfully imitates a true boletus. A small piece of this “double” is enough to spoil the taste of real boletus pans with bitterness. It will be impossible to eat such a treat. After cooking, the already very bitter and unpleasant taste becomes more pronounced.

    And yet it is possible to identify the deceiver. The method is quite simple, somewhat unpleasant, but very effective. If you have doubts about a picked mushroom, touch its tubular surface with the tip of your tongue. This does not threaten poisoning, and a feeling of bitterness will be an occasion to throw such a find away.

    We want to warn you right away that doctors do not recommend this method of testing. They claim that after a while, the mushroom picker will experience slight dizziness, and direct contact with the skin will allow toxins to get into internal organs. Therefore, you need to learn to visually determine the double.

    False boletus: signs

    Almost every edible mushroom has poisonous counterparts. The boletus is no exception. Beginning mushroom pickers are often interested in what signs a false boletus can give out.

    To begin with, carefully examine the find: because of the terrible bitterness, even insects and worms do not eat false boletus. Therefore, if the mushroom does not have the slightest speck, this should alert you.

    The false boletus, the photo of which you can see in our article, has a hat with a velvety surface, while the real boletus has an absolutely smooth surface. Although the place where the mushroom grows can change its appearance, color and texture - they can become dry and smooth, a little velvety or moist, even in hot and dry weather. Wet caps of mature false mushrooms lose their shape when touched.

    This boletus has a thin leg or slightly thickened towards the bottom. His hat is no more than 18 cm in diameter. The false mushroom is most often massive, does not have veins in the form of tubules. At a more mature age, a tuberous leg appears in him, then the hat straightens out and takes the form of a saucer.

    The gall fungus often grows in places unusual for boletus: in oak groves or deciduous forests, near rotten stumps and in ditches.

    In a real boletus, spots are clearly visible on the leg, resembling a pattern on a birch trunk. If it is missing, discard your find. On the leg of the false boletus, you can see veins resembling thin blood vessels.

    False boletus has a reddish-greenish or bright brown cap. If you find a green color on it, it is strictly forbidden to eat such a mushroom. An edible boletus cannot have these colors. Pay attention to the bottom of the hat. In the gall fungus, it is pinkish in color, while in the edible mushroom it is pure white.


    Among experienced mushroom pickers, there is an opinion that because of the incredible bitterness, they do not eat false boletus. Poisoning by this fungus has not been proven by scientists. Rather, they cannot come to a consensus. Some experts argue that the bitterness of the false boletus is not dangerous to humans. Others are sure that its pulp contains toxins that can be absorbed into the bloodstream even when touched by the mushroom. After that, they gradually penetrate into the internal organs, destroying them.

    Therefore, going on a quiet hunt, study edible mushrooms and their counterparts well. To avoid unpleasant consequences, do not pick mushrooms that cause you the slightest suspicion.

    Boletus is famous not only for its pleasant taste, but also useful properties. Mushroom dishes are prepared simply, but they turn out incredibly tasty.

    Boletus is famous not only for its pleasant taste, but also for its beneficial properties.

    This is one of the most common and valuable mushrooms that can be found on the territory of Russia and the CIS countries. It belongs to the genus Lekcinum (another name is Obabok) of the Boletov family (famous representatives are boletus mushrooms), which include aspen mushrooms.

    These are rather large mushrooms (up to 20 cm in diameter of the cap) with well-defined parts - the stem and the cap. The hat is round, prostrate or hemispherical, has no gloss, pleasant to the touch (velvet). Its color varies greatly: from light milky to dark brown, gray and even black. The older the boletus, the darker it is. The leg is straight, but slightly thickens near the mycelium. Contrasting scales are noticeable on it: white or black.

    Grow fast enough(up to 3-4 cm per day), the most precocious by the 6th day reach their maximum length. After the pulp becomes more watery, mucus appears, which becomes an excellent bait for worms. After another 4-5 days, the fungus dies.

    In the people, the mushroom is called boletus, birch, obabok or blackhead.

    Boletus is one of the most common and valuable mushrooms that can be found on the territory of Russia and the CIS countries.

    Where does the boletus grow

    As you can see by the name, which the fungus received for good reason, it forms mycorrhiza with birches, therefore it is often found near them. Almost all species love bright places open to the sun. Appears in June after cherry blossoms, disappears in October or November.

    Prefers forest-steppe zones, but feels good even in the tundra next to dwarf birches. Such individuals are jokingly called birch trees, because they are often much higher than these plants.

    Boletus boletus are widespread on almost all continents: Eurasia and both Americas.

    Where and how to collect boletus (video)

    Edible types of boletus

    All species of the genus Leccinum are edible, they differ slightly in their taste. They can be consumed raw, fried, dried, boiled or pickled, or frozen for the winter.

    In total, there are about 40 species of boletus, but The following can be found throughout the country:

    • Ordinary;
    • pinking;
    • marsh;
    • multi-colored;
    • black;
    • harsh.

    Common boletus

    Common boletus

    The most common type. It has a delicate and pleasant taste. You can distinguish it by a reddish hat with a brown tint. The gray leg is compacted, has a clear thickening at the bottom.

    rosy boletus

    Unlike its “brothers”, the cut of which darkens over time, this obabok acquires an unusual brick-pink hue. More common in swampy areas. You can recognize it by its characteristic low leg, which sharply bends to the side.

    swamp boletus

    Prefers moist soil and dark places. The color of the mushroom is light, the flesh is loose, it breaks well.

    Black boletus

    Birch multi-colored

    Very beautiful representative, famous for his unique color. Hat of non-uniform color: dark base with white and beige stains, covered with yellow, orange, brick or grayish spots.

    Black boletus

    Rare mushroom. It is difficult to find it, it is a real success even for an experienced mushroom picker, because a dish made from them will be remembered even by those who do not like “forest bread”. The brown, bluish-black cap is noticeable from afar, the leg is almost completely covered with dark blotches.

    Boletus harsh

    The sweet and fragrant mushroom is quite tough, but after processing it becomes pleasant in texture. Thanks to the purplish-brown hat, obabok is difficult to confuse with other species. The thick stalk is smooth in old specimens, and strongly scaly in young ones.

    Boletus belongs to the second mushroom category

    Useful properties and taste of boletus

    It is known that the mushroom was collected in the times of Ancient Russia, it was actively used for food and harvested for future use. But most often the blackhead was mixed with other mushrooms (porcini, mushrooms or russula), as it was believed that they did not have a pronounced taste. But today gourmets believe that this is one of the most valuable representatives of "forest bread", it just needs to be cooked correctly. But so far, the boletus belongs to the second mushroom category.

    His useful qualities hit:

    1. Fiber (of which a quarter consists of birch) helps to cleanse the body.
    2. Normalizes blood sugar levels, reduces glucose.
    3. Treats kidney disease.
    4. Calms the nervous system, helps to overcome insomnia.
    5. Suitable for cancer prevention.
    6. Useful for mucous membranes and maintaining good skin condition.
    7. Improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, joints and spine.

    It is worth noting and low calorie "forest bread" and a high content of vitamins, micro and macro elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, boletus can be used by people who limit their diet, wanting to lose weight.

    Boletes are widespread on almost all continents.

    What does a false boletus look like

    Mushroom picking is often referred to as silent hunting. And indeed, the mushroom picker is looking for his "prey", wanting to find the best. But dangers lie in wait for every hunt, and this process is no exception. It is important not to make a mistake and not confuse an edible mushroom with a poisonous one.

    Bile (false) boletus practically does not differ from its tasty counterpart. He successfully imitates obabok, so often even experienced people make mistakes and bring the "liar" home. One small piece of gall can spoil the whole pan of other mushrooms, because heat treatment helps to fully reveal the unpleasant taste. False boletus is not poisonous, however, scientists believe that its pulp contains toxins that can worsen a person's well-being.

    1. "Imitator" is not eaten by insects, birds and animals, so it can be recognized by its untouched appearance.
    2. The wet surface of the caps quickly deforms when touched.
    3. There are no tubular veins at the bottom of the cap.
    4. The size of the gall fungus often exceeds the usual birch.
    5. There are no spots on the stem that a real blackhead has (resembling birch colors) and there are thin veins that look like blood vessels.

    These signs will help to recognize the false boletus.

    Biliary (false) boletus practically does not differ from its tasty counterpart

    How to cook tasty mushroom boletus

    Obabok often darkens during cooking, due to which its taste deteriorates a little, and its appearance becomes unpresentable. Therefore, it is desirable to soak it in a solution with citric acid. Don't keep the mushrooms in the water for more than 20 minutes or their texture will become too watery. After the birch trees, it is necessary to rinse and boil for 40-50 minutes, regularly removing the resulting foam.

    Mushrooms in sour cream sauce

    The first young mushrooms are especially tasty with tender rustic sour cream.

    For the dish you will need:

    • Mushrooms - 300-400 gr.;
    • sour cream - 5 tbsp. l.;
    • flour - 1 tsp;
    • salt and spices - to taste.

    Cooking steps:

    1. Cut the birch trees into small pieces.
    2. Fry them in a pre-heated pan. Wait until the moisture is completely gone. Add the onion to the dried mushrooms immediately.
    3. Salt the mixture and fry the vegetable until golden brown.
    4. At this time, dilute sour cream with spices (garlic, paprika, black pepper) and flour.
    5. Pour the mixture over the mushrooms and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat.

    False boletus is not poisonous


    An unusual breakfast diversifies the menu. You will need the following products:

    • Boiled mushrooms - 150 gr.;
    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • milk - 2 tablespoons;
    • hard cheese - 30-50 gr.
    • salt, herbs - to taste.

    Let's start cooking:

    1. Boletus fry for 5-10 minutes.
    2. Whisk eggs with milk.
    3. Pour the mixture into the skillet;
    4. After 3 minutes, cover with a lid and lower the heat.
    5. Wait until a crust forms on the base of the omelette and the top becomes fluffy.
    6. Sprinkle with herbs and grated cheese. The dish is especially tasty with croutons.

    How to fry boletus (video)


    Soup Ingredients:

    • Mushrooms - 450-500 gr.;
    • potatoes - 200 gr.;
    • carrots - 50-70 gr.;
    • onion - 2 small;
    • tomato - optional;
    • noodles or cereals - optional;
    • greens - to taste.

    Cooking process:

    1. Boil the mushrooms in brackish water.
    2. Add finely chopped vegetables (first potatoes, then tomatoes, followed by onions and carrots).
    3. Pour in cereal or noodles. The term depends on what exactly you have chosen, pasta can be poured just before turning it off so that they do not boil.
    4. 10 minutes before stopping cooking, add herbs and spices.

    What other mushrooms grow under a birch

    Not only boletus grows near birches. This tree loves a lot of mushrooms:

    • White;
    • flywheel green;
    • the breast is wet and aspen;
    • Champignon;
    • boletus;
    • russula;
    • raincoat.

    It is worth spending a day picking a birch tree to enjoy its taste. But be careful not to pick up the gall fungus.

    Post Views: 190

    One of the popular objects of "silent hunting" - boletus mushroom, as its name implies, prefers to grow under birch trees, so it can most often be found in white-trunked groves.

    But often such mushrooms grow in mixed forests.

    Let's find out what a boletus looks like and see a photo of this handsome forest.

    Boletus: description

    An edible representative of cap spongy mushrooms, common boletus, belongs to the genus Obabok of the Boletov family. Meet the boletus in the forests middle lane it is possible from the second half of June to the end of October in damp deciduous forests.

    Interesting fact! In the tundra, the fungus prefers to grow next to dwarf birches and is called birch.

    In numerous photos you can see the following characteristics common boletus (namely, this is how the well-known mushroom is called in science):




    • It has no pronounced taste or aroma.
    • It can be distinguished from false poisonous mushrooms due to its uniform color: at the cut or broken places, the color of the stem does not turn red, but may turn slightly black.

    Knowing this description of the mushroom will help the novice mushroom picker not to make a fatal mistake and not bring a whole basket of poisonous mushrooms into the house.

    Boletus: Wikipedia

    The most popular online encyclopedia contains an article on this wonderful mushroom. Here you can see his photo, as well as find out a general description, the most popular varieties, how to recognize a mushroom and where to find it.

    The composition of the boletus is very valuable, since it includes a whole arsenal of vitamins: B, D, C, E, P. P. This mushroom also contains manganese, calcium and phosphorus - trace elements necessary for the human body.

    This delicious mushroom has several varieties with slight differences in description. Consider them:

    In total, the boletus has about 40 varieties, but not every one of them can be found in Russian forests.

    Most of the described varieties are good in cooking, have amazing taste and are very nutritious.

    false mushroom

    It is very important to be able, according to the description and appearance of the fungus, to distinguish it from its counterpart, the gall fungus, otherwise - bitterness. It is not poisonous, but has a very unpleasant taste, so one such specimen, once in a dish, will nullify all your efforts. What are its features?

    • Leg. Similar in color to boletus. But it’s worth taking a closer look: in an edible mushroom, the scales resemble a pattern on a birch trunk, but in a false one, they are located in a completely different way. And the prominent veins on the leg are similar in location to the capillaries of the human leg.
    • Hat. At false fungus the shade itself will be different than that of the edible: the bile forest dweller has a characteristic greenish or brick hue. When broken, his hat turns pink.

    Knowing these features will help you not to make a mistake and not bring home a gall fungus.

    Boletus mushrooms: how to cook

    Mushroom pickers are sure that, in terms of their taste characteristics, obabki are second only to the true monarchs of the forest - porcini mushrooms. Therefore, they are safely used in a huge number of recipes: fried, marinated, salted, added to salads and soups. Pies stuffed with these fragrant mushrooms are very tasty, and for the winter, boletus can be dried or frozen. Some housewives first fry the mushrooms with onions, and only then freeze them.

    Such dishes from boletus are delicious:

    • fried mushrooms with sour cream and herbs;
    • julienne;
    • stew;
    • gourmet soup.

    Advice! If you picked mushrooms in the immediate vicinity of the road or bought from an unverified seller, it is best to boil them in lightly salted water for at least 40 minutes before cooking.

    Mushroom boletus

    Secrets for mushroom pickers

    Boletus is considered to be one of the most delicious representatives of the kingdom of mushrooms. The possibilities of using them in cooking are truly endless, the resulting dishes come out fragrant and nutritious, perfectly satisfy hunger and become real decorations for any table.