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  • Promising varieties of cucumbers for open ground. Highest-yielding outdoor cucumber varieties

    Promising varieties of cucumbers for open ground. Highest-yielding outdoor cucumber varieties

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    Parthenocarpics - self-pollinated cucumber varieties for open ground

    "Vyaznikovsky - 37" - an ancient, Russian, early variety of cucumbers (from the appearance of the first shoots to fruiting - 50 days). It is advisable to grow outdoors. It is characterized by an elongated ovary (up to 10 cm). This variety is universal: it is suitable for consumption directly fresh, as well as processing.

    Hybrid F1 Zador

    Seedlings should be watered with water at room temperature as the earthen coma dries out. In no case should the soil become overmoistened or dry out. A few days before planting, you can feed it with a solution of complex mineral fertilizers. The optimum age of seedlings for planting is 20-25 days: it should be with 3-4 true leaves.


    Self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers for open ground F1 Picas


    Raphael F1 Hybrid



    F1 White Angel


    So that there are no problems with growing the crop, so that all the work is not in vain, and it is of high quality and rich, you should responsibly approach the choice of varieties and hybrids. Whether the vending variety is suitable for the conditions that will be provided to it. Very often, gardeners sow varieties that are intended for planting in a greenhouse, directly in the open ground, and remain disappointed. If there are no shoots, do not blame the manufacturer - you should carefully study the recommendations on the bag.

    Self-pollinating hybrid cucumber care

    There are also dozens of hybrid varieties with combined properties. Most hybrids appear to be more hardy than the progenitor varieties and are suitable for greenhouse cultivation as well as outdoor conditions.

    Not so long ago, only varieties of cucumbers were grown in the open field, which were pollinated by bees. Such cucumbers are distinguished by their amazing taste, they can be salted and pickled. But gradually they began to be replaced by self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers for open ground (parthenocarpics), or self-fertile F1 hybrids. Their fruits can be set without pollination by bees. Initially, such varieties were invented for closed greenhouses, but, as it turned out, they give high yields, growing on open land plots.

    "Competitor" is a fruitful, early ripening, pickling variety of cucumbers. Resistant to bacterial spot, powdery mildew. The fruit weighs 120-130g. This variety of cucumbers is recommended to be grown in greenhouses, in the open field.

    The site should be protected from the north and from the prevailing winds, but at the same time well lit and warm. It is best to locate the garden from north to south, then it will be illuminated by the sun throughout the day.

    The most productive varieties of cucumbers: which is better to grow outdoors


    Cucumber varieties: types and groups


    Loyal friends

    1. Olesya
    2. Geisha
    3. Treasure island

    You can select the best cucumber seeds that will delight gardeners with a quality harvest.

    If you start growing cucumbers outdoors, you can start experimenting with the most common varieties, mainly local ones. Long-term selection has already adapted them to local conditions, so it will be much easier to care for them than for all kinds of exotic. This is especially important for the northern regions: local varieties will be able to grow in almost any conditions, but the southern ones very poorly adapt to a more severe climate.

    These cucumbers have undeniable benefits. Self-fertile hybrids are characterized by extremely high yields and green quality. Their fruits taste great without bitterness. Fruiting occurs continuously, and the plant itself is resistant to the most harmful diseases and unfavorable climatic conditions. Given the fact that bee populations are getting smaller every year, self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers for open ground have become a real boon for all gardeners and field growers. In addition, during the period of mass flowering of cucumbers, the weather is often cool, and then gardeners are faced with a problem: there are plenty of flowers, but no ovary. Therefore, self-pollinated high-yielding varieties of cucumbers for open ground are currently the most in demand in modern vegetable growing.

    Cucumber "Kustovoy" is an early ripening and fruitful variety of cucumbers. The form of plants is bushy. The cucumber tastes excellent. From germination to fruiting - 55 days. This variety is universal. Outdoor cultivation is preferred. Cucumber "Kustovoy" is an early bee-pollinated variety for open ground. Has flowers of the female type. The length of juicy green fruits is 9-12cm. The variety is versatile and suitable for fresh consumption, and for salting or canning.

    Cucumber is highly demanding on soil. It should be fertile and loose, preferably with a neutral reaction (pH \u003d 6.0-7.0). The site planned for a cucumber should be dug up to a depth of 25-30 cm in the fall, adding buckets of fresh manure to 1 m 2 and, if necessary, 2 tbsp. spoons of lime. In the spring, when the soil dries up a little, you should dig it up to a depth of 10–15 cm if the soil is loamy, or 15–20 cm if it is clayey. At the same time, you can add rotted sawdust, peat, straw, humus. Special attention should be paid to the looseness of the soil, since the root system of cucumber plants does not tolerate stagnant moisture.


    • Moravian gherkin
    • Asterix
    • Pickled little bison
    • Eskimo
    • The leader

    For greenhouses, hybrids that do not require formation are well suited, i.e. there is no need to pinch their whips.

    To obtain a large harvest of cucumbers in central Russia, you can use the following varieties:

    Not so long ago, domestic breeders have bred a parthenocarpic hybrid, which has not only excellent taste, but is also perfect for pickling and salting. F1 Zador belongs to the gherkin type hybrid, to the group "early varieties of self-pollinated cucumbers for open ground". This species is characterized by high productivity. Cucumber fruits are tasty, without bitterness, dark green color, with large tubercles and whitish pubescence. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, up to 10 cm long. It is these cucumbers that are considered the most successful option for pickling. Their skin is rather thin, which contributes to good penetration of salt. There are no seeds in these hybrid cucumbers, so there is no void inside when salted.

    "Zozulya" is an early ripening parthenocarpic variety of cucumbers. The period from germination of these cucumbers to their fruiting lasts about 48 days. The degree of susceptibility of this variety to white and root rot is medium. The vine is weak. The length of the main lash is medium. The leaves are green, round - pentagonal, medium in size. The ovary is cylindrical in shape with a slightly lumpy surface. Zelenets of this variety has a smooth base. Pubescence is rare, white. The length of the cucumber reaches 23cm, and the weight is up to 290g. Fresh fruit has good taste. This variety is distinguished by early and friendly fruiting. These cucumbers are recommended to be grown in greenhouses.

    Open field cucumbers



    1. Reliable
    2. Altai, Far East 27, Vladivostok 155, Cascade, Dar of Altai, Universal, Far East 6, Avangard 121, Kit.
    3. Hector
    4. Kai
    5. The best hybrids that are capable of producing crops in the first month of fruiting are Temp and Bouquet.
    6. Super early hybrid variety Sparta F1, begins to bear fruit much earlier than others. The plant is pollinated by bees, with regular pollination it is able to bear fruit during the entire growing season. The length of the cucumbers is about 9-11 cm, thanks to their thin skin and strong crunchy flesh, they will be tasty fresh, and are perfect for pickling.

    Early varieties of self-pollinated cucumbers for open ground Zador are grown both by direct sowing in open ground and through seedlings. The plant is extremely resistant to disease, rot and bad weather. The stem is well branched. The cucumber lashes are half open, the leaves are medium in size, which makes it easy to pick the fruit.

    "F1 Moravian Gherkin" - medium ripening cucumbers. This hybrid is grown both in the open field and in greenhouses. Pollinated by bees. The fruit reaches a length of 8-10 cm, has no bitterness. A variety of universal use. It is used fresh, it is also suitable for salting and canning.

    Cucumber seeds: proper harvesting of cucumber seeds and cultivation features

    Kid, Malyshok, Shrub, F1 Puccini (hybrid of the female flowering type)

    The best cucumber seeds in the photo for open ground and greenhouses

    Dutch cucumber seeds are quite popular. They are resistant to various diseases, great for canning, not bitter. Hybrids Masha and German are popular. Both of them yield high yields. They are usually sown at the end of March.


    Barrel Salting

    Early triple hybrids:

    In the European part of Russia, the following are popular: Altai early 166, Nerosimy 40, Muromsky 36, Graceful, Vyaznikovsky 37.

    Tarapunka F1



    The following are distinguished by long-term fruiting:

    Zozulya F1 is the most favorite varieties of gardeners, which has received wide recognition precisely because of its high yield. It belongs to the early maturing, from the time of planting to fruiting, the plant will need no more than 45-50 days. It can be grown both in a greenhouse or greenhouse, and in the open field, since pollination by insects is not necessary to obtain fruits. With a normal planting density from one meter of the garden area, you can eventually get up to 40 kg of fruit.

    These vegetables are mid-season varieties: it takes about 55 days from germination to fruit. The plants are very vigorous, with a long main shoot. The hybrid has an average shoot-forming ability. These cucumbers can be grown in greenhouses or open field, after holding the plants for some time under a film. In early May, you can sow seedlings. When two or three true leaves appear, the plant is planted in the ground. This usually happens in May-June. When landing, it is better to use a 40 x 40 scheme.

    Cucumber "F1 Connie" is an early maturing, productive parthenocarpic hybrid. The plant has an average number of lashes, the formation of ovaries is bundled. The fruit has white thorns, not bitter, cylindrical in shape. It is a versatile variety that is disease resistant.

    Compact, with a lot of fruits in a knot. Do not turn into "jungle"

    Growing cucumber seeds has its own characteristics. This is a thermophilic culture. Seeds begin to see clearly at temperatures not lower than 12 ° C. Seedlings can appear in ten days at 18 ° C. If the temperature is 25-30 ° C, then after 3-6 days. In the event that the temperature drops below 10 ° C, the seedlings turn yellow and rot. If the temperature is below 6 ° C, then physiological processes are disturbed.



    Vyaznikovsky 37

    In Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, in addition to varieties of European origin (Donskoy 175, Vyaznikovsky 37, Nerosimy 40, Nezhinsky 12, and others), local varieties are grown - Pervenets of Uzbekistan 265, Tashkent 86, Kuylyuk 262, Uzbek 40, Margelansky 822, In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”




    The Grade Yischechny belongs to the early maturing and cold-resistant varieties, it is ideal for open ground in the middle lane. It got its name because of the small size of the fruits - they do not grow more than 10 cm in length. The first harvest is removed from the plants after 40 days from the moment of planting, about 7 kg of cucumbers are obtained from a square meter of the sown area. The fruits are mainly used for canning.

    Outdoor hybrids:

    The fruits are dark green in color, have a cylindrical shape and reach 20 cm with a mass of 180-220 grams. Up to three ovaries are formed in each node of the plant. The hybrid is quite resistant to rot and powdery mildew. This variety has a high yield. The taste is excellent. Poorly suitable for salting.

    Cucumber F1-Masha is the earliest parthenocarpic hybrid. The length of its fruits ranges from 8 to 11cm. The variety is versatile. This hybrid is resistant to major diseases such as cladosporia, powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic virus. It is intended for cultivation both in the open and in the closed ground.

    Unpretentious, versatile

    If the nights are too cold in summer and early autumn, then the number of female flowers on the plant decreases. In addition, there is a risk of the formation of ugly fruits and the development of diseases.


    Siberian gherkin

    In greenhouses and under the film, they are most often grown: Altai early 166, Muromsky 36, Graceful, Nerosimy 40, Kharkovsky 6, Vyaznikovsky 37.




    Buratino is a variety designed specifically for open ground. It is early maturing, the fruits can already be removed 44 days after planting. One of the main advantages of the variety is resistance to cold and transportability, the fruits will be well stored for a long time. The variety itself can be classified as salad.

    Self-pollinated varieties of open field cucumbers F1 Raphael belong to mid-season hybrid species with a period of 50 days from germination to the beginning of fruiting. The length of the main shoot can reach 3-3.5 meters, while the shoot is medium.

    Of the parthenocarpic ones, the following can be distinguished:

    Cucumber "F1 New Nezhinsky" is a fruitful, early maturing, bee-pollinated hybrid of the pickling type. The fruit has a fruit length of 8-10cm, without bitterness. The plant forms long lashes. The variety is excellent for outdoor cultivation and greenhouses. It is one of the best pickling varieties.

    F1 Christina, F1 Darling, F1 Adam, F1 Carolina, F1 Stash, F1 Cappuccino, F1 True friends

    Not all gardeners know how to harvest cucumber seeds. Harvesting cucumber seeds is a simple procedure. The main caveat is that you should not harvest them from hybrids - they will not yield a crop. The F1 lettering on the bag means it's a hybrid.

    Bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids for growing in a greenhouse:



    There are different types of cucumbers. It is customary to divide them by storage method or use. These are salad cucumbers, for pickling and canning.



    They are capable of giving early harvests and fruiting in them is bouquet - several greens from each bosom. Their advantages and the fact that they can set fruit in poor lighting and at low temperatures.

    Muromsky 36 is an early ripe variety with a fruit length of up to 14 cm, it is suitable for growing cucumbers in a vegetable garden, as it is pollinated by insects. The fruits are not very well stored and quickly begin to turn yellow, but they are excellent for salting and some canning options.

    The hybrid is more suitable for greenhouses, however, planting seedlings in the ground is also practiced. Sowing for seedlings can be done in early May, and direct planting in the ground at the end of the month. The length of the greenery reaches 20 cm. At the same time, the fruits are dark green in color. The taste is high. Up to two ovaries can form in one node. The fruits are not suitable for pickling. The plant is resistant to root rot and various diseases.

    The F1 Champion cucumber is a hybrid for open and closed ground, which gives a very high yield. Early variety, parthenocarpic. The fruits are rather large, lumpy. Very well suited for canning. This hybrid is resistant to many diseases.

    For covering soil, you can choose:

    Decent varieties and hybrids:

    Mama's favorite

    Do not grow different species side by side. As they grow, they all get mixed up with each other in the beds. If you canned together species suitable and unsuitable for this procedure, then soon the banks will have to be thrown away.

    Grasshopper F1

    Take a walk


    These are just some of the varieties that are suitable for the garden in order to get a rich harvest. Many gardeners are self-breeding.

    Hybrid White Angel F1 refers to mid-season varieties with a very high degree of parthenocarp (self-pollination). Flowering type - mixed. The variety is intended both for cultivation in greenhouses and in the open field (subject to temporary use of a protective film).

    "Phoenix - 640" is a bee-pollinated variety of female type of flowering and late ripening. The lashes are long, branched. The fruits are large, crispy, without bitterness, do not turn yellow for a long time. The variety is resistant to major diseases, universal use. It is consumed fresh, suitable for processing. Fruiting until the onset of frost.

    Good fresh

    The ripe cucumber is cut, the seeds are separated and washed. Then a saline solution is poured into an enamel bowl. And they put the seeds there. After a few days, they are washed again and dried.

    In the southern regions of Russia, the best varieties are:




    Kuzmich F1

    Spring whim

    Okhotny Ryad

    After a successful harvest, the seeds can be used for planting the next year, for this the largest and healthiest fruits are selected.

    The plant has a high degree of shoot formation. Up to two ovaries can form in the axils of each leaf. The color of the cucumber is unusual - green-whitish. The fruits reach 8 cm in length and have infrequent tubercles. The fruits can be eaten both fresh and pickled or canned. Productivity from one bush - up to 4 kg.

    "Spring" is a fruitful, bee-pollinated variety of pickling cucumbers. Fruiting earlier (48-50 days). Fruits weighing up to 120 g are of excellent commercial quality, there is no bitterness. However, this cucumber variety requires a pollinator variety. Grown both in the open field and in greenhouses.

    F1 Athos, F1 Claudine, F1 Moscow Nights, F1 Goosebump, F1 Porthos, F1 Shchedrik, F1 South Emerald

    They will germinate a little earlier than purchased ones, and besides, they will not hurt. Ovaries on plants are in no way inferior to those purchased. To prevent the crop from being bitter, harvest from the front of the fruit.


    For pickling, vegetables are grown in the open field and plucked very small. These are Delicatessen, Regia F1 and Leandro F1.


    Choosing a variety for growing is a responsible business. Some are suitable for open ground, others only for greenhouses. In addition, you need to pay attention to which area the variety was bred for. If you make a mistake with the choice, then the vegetables may not grow at all. Not many varieties are able to grow well in the south and north.

    In the Far East and Siberia:


    To choose a good variety, you need to study all its properties and determine whether it is suitable for a given climate.

    To obtain high germination of seeds, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 13 degrees Celsius. The ideal temperature for seed germination is considered to be 18 degrees at night and 24 degrees during the day.

    "Courage F1" is an early ripe, self-pollinated hybrid (flowering type - female). The growing season for this hybrid is 50 days. The plant is vigorous, has 4-6 ovaries in a node. The fruit is dark green, with light stripes, weighing up to 130g and up to 15cm long. Frequently tuberous, with white spines. There is no bitterness in the fruits, the quality of the taste is high. The variety is resistant to disease. Universal use, grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.

    Salad destination, with juicy and aromatic fruits

    Short fruits are used for salting:

    However, there is a risk that if they are planted next year, many barren flowers will grow. For this reason, they should be planted only after three years.




    Call 238


    By the pike's behest

    Any cucumber is a heat-loving and light-loving plant, demanding on moisture. Insufficient watering can leave you without a crop at all, whichever variety you choose.

    Therefore, sowing high-yielding varieties of self-pollinated cucumbers for open ground (Rodnichok and other bee-pollinated varieties are similar) should be done when the soil is well warmed up. The garden bed should be located on the sunny side and protected from the wind. Sowing is slightly mulched with humus, and then covered with film protection to protect the soil from drying out.

    "Herman F1" is one of the most popular high-yielding parthenocarpic hybrids of early maturing cucumbers (comes into fruiting after 45 days). The plant is vigorous. Fruit length reaches 12cm. Pubescence is white, color is dark green, cylindrical shape, bitterness is completely excluded. The hybrid is large tuberous, dense. Up to 6 fruits can form in one node. This plant is resistant to cladosporia, downy mildew and powdery mildew, as well as the cucumber mosaic virus. This cucumber is used for fresh consumption and processing. This hybrid is grown by seedlings. Landing scheme: 70 by 30cm.

    For stock preparation

    It is better to store them in paper bags. In the refrigerator or in the cellar. For convenience, on the bags, write the year of collection and a description of the advantages of the variety.




    Barrel F1



    There should be enough light, but some varieties grow well in partial shade, and it is easier for them to find a suitable place.

    In the case of planting seedlings, the harvest can be expected 2-3 weeks earlier than when sowing seeds. When breeding seedlings, it is better to use a special substrate containing large amounts of high-moor peat.

    The universal varieties of cucumbers include: Stork, Beregovoy, Vostok, Blagodatny, Ducky, Druzhina, Duet, Dachny, Unity, Whale, Zhuravlenok, Cruise, Libelle, Levina, Marinda, Pasamonte, Moravian gherkin, Regia, Seversky, Nightingale, Serpentine, Sagittarius, Farmer, Ussuriisky 3, Photon, Khabar, Squadron, Epilogue and many others.

    F1 Perseus, F1 Nord, F1 Zodiac

    Cucumber succeeds well not only in the greenhouse, but also in the open field, assures



    Best cucumbers for salad:


    The winner



    An essential condition for a truly good harvest is the correct crop rotation: cucumbers cannot be constantly planted in the same place, it is better if tomatoes or cabbage become the predecessors.

    Top dressing for cucumbers should be done carefully, at the root, using water-soluble mineral fertilizers of low concentration once a week. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature.

    Shape and size are not the only characteristics that distinguish between hybrids and varieties of cucumbers. The pubescence (prickly) of the fruit is sometimes completely absent, and sometimes it is quite thick. Thorns, depending on the variety, can be small or large. They also vary in color (brown, black, white).

    Good for canning

    Breeder of the selection and seed-growing company "Poisk" Lyubov Chistyakova


    Movir 1


    The following are considered universal varieties:

    Smak F1



    You can name the basic rules for growing cucumbers:

    Cucumbers have been grown in our country for a very long time, and breeding work over many centuries has made it possible to breed dozens of varieties that differ not only in yield and ripening time, but also in many other properties. Some of them are more suitable for greenhouse cultivation, and some are originally intended for planting in beds. How to choose the most productive varieties of cucumbers for open ground?

    Cucumbers with white thorns are usually salad-type cucumbers. They are not suitable for salting. It is the cucumbers that have white thorns that come to our shelves from greenhouses at any time of the year. Even on the long, smooth fruits of the cucumber, you can see rare white thorns.

    Salting, F1 Dasha, F1 Rodnichok, F1 Topolek, F1 Farmer, F1 Zhuravlenok, F1 Ambassador, F1 Stash

    ... She believes: if you choose the right varieties, grow seedlings, then place the plants in a good place and properly care for them, then the harvest will be mandatory.






    Almost all types of soil are suitable for cucumbers, but they will need regular feeding about once every two weeks. During the fruiting period, fertilizer with a high content of potassium and nitrogen is necessary, mineral fertilizer can be combined with a diluted mullein or poultry droppings

    Experienced gardeners know that cucumbers are similar only externally, but the pulp of different varieties of fruits is completely different. They can be more or less watery, some of them are much more suitable for various canning options, rather than for eating fresh.

    Brown or black thorns are a sign of a versatile or pickling type of cucumber. Most often, these varieties and hybrids are intended for cultivation in the open field or in greenhouses. Such fruits are consumed fresh, salted and pickled. However, these varieties of cucumbers also have a drawback: they quickly overripe, turn yellow, and become rough. Again, I recommend taking a break from reading and watching the following helpful video on how to choose the right cucumber varieties.

    Suitable for salting

    Spicy, Smak, Sugar baby: which variety of cucumber to choose




    Ant F1



    The main planting period is mid-April, early May. By this time, the soil is already warming up to a temperature of 10 degrees, so the seeds will be warm enough. However, if you plant them too early, a sharp temperature drop and late frost are possible, because of this, the garden will have to be sown again.

    All cucumber varieties can be divided into several groups:

    Dutch Cucumber Seeds

    Growing cucumber seeds

    Cucumbers are a valuable food product that has won well-deserved popularity among the population of various countries on our planet. In this article, we will look at the best varieties of cucumbers that are suitable for certain conditions and needs. But do not forget, choosing a good variety is not all, cucumbers still need to be grown, so be sure to read the following articles: Growing Cucumbers Indoors and Growing Cucumbers Outdoors.

    For growing in open ground, varieties and hybrids are needed that are resistant to the main diseases - powdery mildew, peronospora, cucumber mosaic virus (CMV).

    How to collect cucumber seeds


    Unbearable 40


    Red mullet

    First class


    One of the secrets to a successful planting is that the seeds do not need to be presoaked. Because of this, they can die with temperature changes, which can occur at any time. If you plant dry seeds in the ground, they will gradually take up moisture in a natural way and will not suffer. As the name implies, they are grown specifically for salting, so fresh they may not seem very tasty. Usually the fruits are small to medium in size, their flesh is very dense, and the skin is thin. This allows them to quickly pass the brine and acquire the desired taste. At the same time, the pulp absorbs the aromas of seasonings well, and with proper salting, the taste is bright and rich.Early varieties ripen quickly and give a harvest. However, later varieties of cucumbers are more resistant to disease and bear fruit for a long time.

    When choosing cucumbers for greenhouse cultivation, you can absolutely not think about anything else, except for the convenience and high yield of these wonderful vegetables. However, if we are talking about growing cucumbers in the open field, then in this case the most important factor is their zoning (for each region there is one or another variety of cucumbers). It is on this factor that not only the degree of yield depends, but also the question of how cucumbers of this variety will grow and whether you will grow at all. It should be noted that the further north your region is, the more important it is that the variety you grow in the garden is zoned (local). Only a few varieties grow equally well in the south and north.

    Find the "right" varieties

    The long-known and beloved cucumbers Phoenix 640, Phoenix Plus, Competitor are still reliable in terms of disease resistance, but modern varieties and hybrids ripen earlier and give a higher yield. When choosing, proceed from your capabilities and family preferences.


    Use seedlings


    Donskoy Passage



    Find the right place

    The fruits must be picked regularly as soon as they reach a length of 7-8 cm. Large cucumbers are often too watery and not too tasty, in addition, the plant spends too much energy on their cultivation.

    Canned varieties intended for pickling in cans. The fruits are also small in size, while they can be curved. Their flesh is quite dense, and the rind is thin, in many respects they are similar to salting.

    The cucumbers you choose to grow must be resistant to weather conditions as well as diseases that are common in your area.

    There are a huge number of varieties of cucumbers, but only the right, competent choice of varieties will allow you to get a good harvest and satisfaction from the work performed.

    Growing through seedlings speeds up fruiting by 2 weeks. Sowing is carried out in May in order to plant the plants in open ground on June 7-10, when the threat of frost has passed.







    For watering, it is advisable to use only warm water, and the soil around the roots is watered, and not the plant itself. If the water does not go well into the ground, you can carefully pierce the soil with a pitchfork, trying not to damage the roots.

    Salad varieties - cucumbers intended for fresh consumption. It is in this group that the most productive varieties are included, and their fruits can be truly huge in size. Due to their very hard peel, it is undesirable to use them for salting, since the pulp may turn out to be flabby and will not acquire the desired taste.

    If the variety is parthenocarpic (female flowering type), then a pollinator must be planted with it. Otherwise, the selected variety will not give the expected results - it will bloom profusely, and few fruits will be tied. In addition, parthenocarpic varieties are usually grown in film shelters or greenhouses. If these varieties are pollinated by bees, then the fruits will be ugly and twisted. Therefore, you should refrain from growing these varieties outdoors, unless there is an indication that they are suitable for this purpose.

    First of all, it is necessary to plant varieties that are zoned in a given climatic zone. Some varieties of cucumbers can only be grown outdoors, others in greenhouses or greenhouses.

    The cucumber does not tolerate transplanting well, so it is better to sow it immediately in individual pots. For seedlings to be healthy and strong, good soil is needed. These can be high-quality commercial mixes intended for cucumbers and zucchini. The pots must be strong and have drainage holes. The soil mixture is filled into containers 1 cm below the edge, compacted well and spilled abundantly. When the excess water drains off, you can start sowing: make a hole in the center to a depth of 1–1.5 cm, put a seed there, then sprinkle on top with dry soil mixture and press lightly. Cover the pots with plastic wrap and place in a bright and warm place.

    The best varieties of cucumbers




    Salty ears

    Square dance

    List of the best varieties of cucumbers


    It is often necessary to loosen the soil within the first three weeks after planting, in the future it is enough to loosen the soil at least once a week.

    In gardening magazines, you can also find the division into "Blackthorn" and "Whitethorn" varieties according to the color of the pimples on the fruits. It is the white-thorn varieties that are intended to be eaten fresh, and the black-thorn varieties are considered only pickled and canned.

    It is a well-known fact that after many years of experimentation, the genetics of the United Arab Emirates have produced cucumbers with square fruits, which are convenient both for storage and for transportation. They say that the taste of such cucumbers does not differ from ordinary ones.

    By studying this article, you can get acquainted with the best varieties of cucumbers for open and closed ground, consider the concept of the yield of varieties, their characteristics, purpose (salad, pickling). Choosing from the varieties offered by the modern market, experienced gardeners still prefer varieties of cucumbers of domestic selection and those that are most adapted to growing in the region of their residence.

    At a temperature of 25-28 ° C, seedlings will appear in 3-4 days, at a lower temperature - in 5-7 days. When growing seedlings, it is advisable to monitor the temperature regime: during the day 20-22 ° C, at night 19-20 ° C. This difference between day and night temperatures ensures good root development and stimulates the formation of female flowers. If your seedlings begin to stretch, you can lower the temperature at night to 16-17 ° C. Do not create drafts: they are destructive for a cucumber.



    Far Eastern 27




    Relatively simple recommendations will provide the most comfortable conditions for cucumbers in the beds, and this will allow you to get a large harvest. Personal selection when planting several varieties in a limited area will allow you to get new hybrid varieties that will be ideally adapted to the conditions in your garden.

    Cucumber varieties are also divided into greenhouse and ground ones.

    Having carefully studied the varieties of cucumbers proposed above, as well as following our recommendations for growing, you will certainly find a variety or hybrid of this vegetable that suits you and you will be able to delight yourself and your family with beautiful, crispy green fruits grown on your site.

    How to choose the best variety.

    Before you continue to study the best varieties of cucumbers, I recommend watching the following video, where the girl clearly and intelligibly explains which varieties of cucumbers are best sown in certain conditions and for what purposes.

    And in the salad, and on the face. The benefits of cucumbers were known back in ancient India


    Video on how to choose a variety of cucumbers

    Little Humpbacked Horse


    Nezhinsky 12



    More information can be found in the video.

    Common varieties of cucumbers for open ground rarely produce high yields, since they are usually grown not for sale, but for home use. Greenhouse varieties allow you to get a large number of fruits in a limited area, in addition, they can yield a crop not only in summer, but also in winter, subject to certain conditions.

      The best varieties of eggplant for open ground The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

    As a vegetable grown by humans for consumption, cucumbers have been known for thousands of years. During this time, many varieties of this vegetable were bred that can grow under different weather conditions. And breeding work to improve the culture continues now. New varieties, hybrids are being bred now. Growing cucumbers is not an easy process, especially when they are planted in open ground. Much depends on the weather, soil, care, but the vegetable variety also plays a huge role. High-yielding varieties of cucumbers for open ground are well adapted to the growing conditions of central Russia.

    High-yielding varieties

    Verified varieties are chosen for planting. They yield crops even under unfavorable conditions and require very little maintenance.

    Delicacy variety. It belongs to the early maturing. Very resistant to cold snaps. However, only when they do not take very long time. At the end of May, a landing is made in the ground. The fruits, as they ripen, are harvested for quite a long time. Cucumbers resemble small cylinders in shape. The surface is covered with tubercles. The fruits are dark green in color. Excellent variety for preservation.

    The son of the regiment. The first fruits of these small gherkins appear after planting for a maximum of 45 days. By the type of flowering, they are female. The cucumbers themselves are oval, covered with rather large tubercles. They are rarely located on the surface. Fruits grow up to 8 cm. They cannot outgrow, which makes them especially valuable. They are not very susceptible to diseases.

    Madam. Kornishonov is another representative. This is a mid-season variety. Female flowering type. 48 days is the time of fruit ripening. Can be pollinated by bees. Cylindrical fruits up to 12 cm long. The tubercles are small. The color is bright green. White stripes are a characteristic feature of this hybrid cucumber. They are subtle. The fruits are not prone to overgrowth.

    Alligator. Good hybrid for soil. It belongs to a self-pollinated species. It also bears fruit well in the greenhouse. Cucumbers are 40 cm long, they are dark green, with small. Dark green fruits reach a length of 40 cm, small tubercles on their surface. Cucumbers taste sweet. The hybrid has a high resistance to various diseases.

    Chinese disease resistant. Strong, very resistant plant with small leaves. The name suggests that this variety is not very susceptible to various kinds of diseases. It tolerates temperature changes perfectly. Fruit color is green. Cucumbers with a completely flat surface without tubercles, 35 cm long.

    April. An early hybrid. This hybrid is perfectly cultivated at home, on a balcony or veranda. And for open ground, April is an excellent choice. The first cucumbers appear on the 55th day. Cucumbers grow large, their weight is 250 grams, length is 25 cm. Large fruits weighing up to 250 grams and a length of 25 cm. The length of the fruits is not as great as in previous varieties, but the weight is impressive. These sweetish cucumbers are well suited to salads, and are also used to prepare various dishes. From the name itself it is clear that seeds can be planted in April. The variety is really very resistant to changes in the weather, not pretentious in terms of soils.

    Erofei. A variety similar to April. What unites them is that a rather early landing is possible. Erofey is pollinated by bees, so he has no other options for planting, except for soil. Fruits are very small, elongated, up to 7 cm, medium tuberosity. The taste is sweetish. These cucumbers are good in salads and for canning. Powdery mildew is not terrible for an already grown plant; Erofei is practically not susceptible to it.

    Corinna... Super early hybrid. It is very little susceptible to changes in air temperature. For this reason, this is an excellent option for soil. Dark green gherkins 10 cm long are covered with small tubercles. At the end of May, the seeds are planted in the beds. Care is most needed. A large harvest is always collected from the plot.

    Connie. The variety belongs to the mid-season. The end of May is the best time to put seeds in the ground. Flowers are pollinated by bees. At the end of 45 days, the first cucumbers ripen and they can be removed from the branches. The first fruits appear after 45 days, so this variety can be attributed to early ripening. In shape, the fruits are similar to cylinders, their length is 8 cm. Do not be afraid that they will outgrow their size - this is excluded. Salads, canning are the main areas of application for Corinna cucumbers.

    Nezhinsky. For lovers of vegetables such as cucumbers, their size is often very important. The larger the cucumber, the more difficult it is to preserve it, and its taste after salting will be poor. Therefore, small-sized vegetables are most acceptable in any quality. This is a mid-season variety, when ripe, the length of the fruit is 12 cm. It is also necessary to take into account the elementary fact that the plants of this variety are pollinated only by bees, therefore the most convenient way of planting it is to place the seeds in the ground.

    The listed varieties are mainly domestic, but there are indications of dutchwhich also bring very good harvests. When they are sown in the beds. Of these, the most persistent and fruitful for central Russia can be distinguished. These include the "Chinese Serpent". These cucumbers are very tender, sweet, they are most useful in salads. And in general, this variety is exactly salad, at best such fruits can only be salted at the level of lightly salted. This series also includes a number of hybrids, such as "Chinese heat-resistant", for example, or "Emerald Stream". All of them are just salad options that ripen quickly enough in the open field. And their appearance is about the same, it is presented in the next photo.

    Ecole F1. This hybrid belongs to those who bear early fruits. It is 40 days, just like the dead, and green cucumbers 12 cm long appear. There are many small bumps on the surface, and the bushes are very tall. The fruits do not overripe, but you need to know that you do not need to wait for them to reach the established standard of length, you need to pick them already at the level of 8 cm. These are cucumbers primarily for salads, snacks based on cucumber slices. But salting them is also worth trying.

    Pace F1. This hybrid ripens early. His bush is not very branched. Weaving not developed on a single branch ripens 2 - 3 cucumbers. They are long, similar to cylinders, their length is 10 cm, the ripening period is 45 days. But we always ask ourselves how to use this or that variety, hybrid. This one can be safely used both in salads and in conservation.

    Herman F1. This is also a hybrid, like many of the previous ones. And its distinguishing feature is that it bears early fruit. But this is not even the most important thing, because there are other varieties that bear fruit early. Its main advantage over all is a very large number of ripe cucumbers collected from the bushes. Oddly enough, but its fruits are distinguished by a dark shade of green, there are many small bumps on their surface. Definitely this cucumber goes directly to the salad. But the main thing for us is its ability to salt it. And these prospects are excellent - you can safely and a lot of salt.

    The varieties, hybrids of cucumbers, which are indicated above, are part of self-pollinated plants, and some require partial pollination. They are very resistant to external changes in the environment, as well as to cold weather, precipitation.

    They are capable of producing large yields, and many of them are among those that ripen very early. Having planted seeds of these varieties in the ground, the gardener will certainly collect a good collection of green fruits, and they can be eaten with fresh ones and salted.

    Self-pollinated cucumber varieties

    The plant will bear fruit if its flowers are pollinated by insects. This axiom is not always effective, because there are options when in one plant there are two principles, both male and female. In this case, self-pollination can very easily occur, that is, it is enough for the action of the wind or special human actions with the help of which the pollen is transferred, and the formation of the fetus will occur. This is a very convenient way to propagate cucumbers. In this case, varieties and hybrids are needed that are simply ideal for a self-pollinated method, when grown simply in a garden with seeds.

    Alliance F1... A hybrid that produces highly abundant crops. We take a square meter and collect 17 kg of cucumbers from it. Unusual at 15 cm long, and each weigh 125 grams. Fifty days is the time of their ripening and therefore they are called mid-season.

    Fervor F1. A very early variety. On the 38th day, small fruits up to 8 cm ripen. They require a minimum of care and watering, they are very adapted to various climatic conditions, they even endure unexpected frosts, which other cucumbers can destroy. The dense pulp of these cucumbers makes it possible to use them in salads, as well as salt in unlimited quantities.

    Gerda. The variety is very good for growing small cucumbers. 10 cm long, light green color, moderate tuberosity. Their taste is sweetish, this type of cucumber is good for pickling, preserving and just cooking different dishes. In a way, this is a special kind of gherkins.

    City gherkin. This variety is not called so by chance, it can be grown at home on a balcony or veranda in small tubs. Moderate watering, proper care will give results. In winter, you can pick large cucumbers, which weigh 100 grams and reach a length of 12 cm. If you plant seeds in the ground, then after 40 days you can collect 17 kg of cucumbers from the plot, and this is a very good result.

    Orpheus F1. A miracle happens after sowing this hybrid in the ground. Since when the 38th day expires, a small cucumber is born on each branch. Its length is 13 cm, and all 100 grams. Small bumps cover its surface. If you try the fruit, it is sweet, which means that the salad will be excellent based on this vegetable, and the canning will be at the highest level.

    A friendly family. Another representative of mid-season cucumbers. They mature after planting in 45 days and produce good yields. The varieties of advantages can also be attributed to diseases, resistance and unpretentiousness to changes in external environmental conditions.

    Machaon. This hybrid is very resistant to diseases. Even at the stage of seedling ripening. Bears fruit quite a lot. You can collect 15 kg of cucumbers 13 cm long, weighing 100 grams from one bush. In the case when they occupy an area of \u200b\u200bone square meter.

    Advance payment F1. The hybrid ripens perfectly, which is in the cultivated land. It was planted with seeds, not seedlings. It is resistant to fungal diseases due to this it is necessary to explain its adaptability to weather changes. In the middle part of the Russian country, these changes are so common.

    Cupid F1. This hybrid belongs to the very early ones. Thirty-eight days and he's ripe. Cucumbers are large and dense, they are good for pickling, they are also quite useful in daily use. The surface of the cucumbers is even, with numerous tubercles, the flesh is very fleshy, there are few seeds.

    Growing cucumbers in the ground features

    Varieties, hybrids of cucumbers are quite applicable in order to be planted in the ground and they grow, give fruits. Considering all the peculiarities of the weather in central Russia. But in order for business to go most successfully, certain conditions must be observed.

    1. Even in the fall, prepare the garden bed by carefully digging it up, and in the spring having dug it up, the soil for the cucumbers should be well loosened. We must proceed from the fact that the bed should be 70 cm wide and 30 cm deep, so that there are five seedlings per meter.
    2. Having prepared the garden bed in the fall in the center, we make a depression about 30 cm, we put peat, foliage, grass and sawdust in it. Cover with earth and leave until spring. We supplement this compost in May with manure, earth, and also add 20 grams of superphosphate, 10 grams of potassium and a little manganese solution
    3. All the prepared mixture from the pit is evenly distributed over the surface of the garden bed, which is carefully dug again. After that, the soil is ready for planting or seeds or seedlings.
    4. Planting seedlings is the most effective way to grow cucumbers, but for the varieties and hybrids listed, the best way is to immediately place the seeds in the prepared soil and then they form excellent shoots that give the fruits of early cucumbers or mid-ripening ones.

    Planting cucumbers in open ground is the most traditional and understandable for an ordinary gardener, who is used to growing his crops without resorting to special tricks in the form of greenhouses. By simply planting a change in prepared soil, good fruit can be grown using varieties that are best suited to normal growth.

    Naturally, each gardener has his own personal list of favorite varieties of cucumbers that show the best results specifically on his site for a long period when grown outdoors. However, it will be useful for novice summer residents to learn about the hybrids and varieties of cucumbers that have received the most popularity and recognition among experienced gardeners. And here a rational approach will be needed to find the options that are right for you, which give the highest and most stable yields. As you know, the ripening time, taste, appearance and resistance to diseases and pests are very important.

    What are the best cucumber hybrids and varieties for outdoor cultivation?

    For obvious reasons, it is believed that they are optimal for growing in open ground, and in a greenhouse - (not requiring pollination).

    Interesting! On packs of some parthenocarpic cucumbers, it is written that the hybrid is intended for indoor use (greenhouses). But this does not mean at all that you cannot plant it in the open field, because among the main advantages of growing parthenocarpic cucumbers in the open field are the following: they tolerate temperature extremes better (for example, if you have an unstable climate), get sick less, store well , do not turn yellow and do not lose their presentation for a long time.

    Also for pollination you don't need bees (bumblebees), which you may not have in sufficient quantity at all (although you don't need a lot of them).

    Before buying cucumber seeds, namely choosing a specific hybrid or variety, you should ask yourself a few questions:

    • In which place you will have cucumber bed - in the sun or in partial shade?

    By the way! It is believed that only a few self-pollinated cucumber hybrids can bear fruit normally in low light conditions, but almost all bee-pollinated ones. However, a sufficient number of shade-tolerant both parthenocarpic and bee-pollinated cucumbers have now been bred.

    • Are you planning collect cucumber seeds, that is, do you need varietal (then - yes) or hybrid seeds (then - no, because seeds of F1 hybrids do not retain their maternal properties, there is no point in collecting them)?

    By the way! About, how to properly collect and harvest cucumber seeds, written in detail.

    Also, depending on the ripening period, cucumbers are divided into early (early ripening), medium or late ripening. But all popular varieties, as a rule, are exactly early or early maturing.

    The following will provide a brief overview and description of the most popular hybrids and varieties of cucumbers for open ground depending on the type of pollination: self-pollinated (and it is more correct to say exactly “ parthenocarpic"Or" not requiring pollination ") and bee-pollinated.

    Interesting! How to easily distinguish a hybrid from a variety:

    • the hybrid first has a small cucumber, and then it reveals flower.
    • the variety at first just a yellow flower appears, which is not the fact that it will become a cucumber (perhaps it is a male flower).

    The best bee-pollinated cucumbers for open ground: top 15

    The list of the best bee-pollinated cucumbers for open ground is prepared on the basis of, reviews personal opinion of the author... List given alphabetically.

    Bee-pollinated cucumber hybrids: top 7 best

    Loyal friends F1

    • Early maturing bee-pollinated hybrid. It starts bearing fruit on the 37-39 day after germination.
    • The plant is climbing, indeterminate, weakly growing, mainly of the female flowering type. Bundle ovary in the nodes from 2-3 to 5-8 or more ovaries are formed.
    • For open ground, tunnels, spring greenhouses.
    • The fruits are tuberous, black-spiky, oval-cylindrical in shape.
    • Length - 8-10 cm, diameter - 3.5-4.1 cm, weight - 90-105 g.
    • Productivity - up to 2.5-3 kg per sq. meter (in the open field).
    • Salting and taste qualities are very high.
    • Cold hardy, resistant to olive spot, cucumber mosaic virus, tolerant to powdery mildew and downy mildew.

    Hector F1

    • Early maturing bee-pollinated hybrid.
    • The plant is determinant, bush, compact, predominantly female flowering type.
    • For growing in the open field.
    • The fruit is cylindrical, green, large tubercles (sparse tubercles), white pubescence.
    • Weight - 95-100 g, length - 10-12 cm, diameter - 3.0-3.3 cm.
    • Productivity - up to 3.94 kg per square meter.
    • The taste is excellent.
    • Universal: salad, canning.
    • Resistant to olive spot, cucumber mosaic virus, powdery mildew.

    Kids on the F1 branch

    • Early maturing bee-pollinated hybrid (from germination to the beginning of fruiting 42-45 days).
    • The plant is indeterminate, vigorous, medium-branched, predominantly female flowering type. Bundle ovary, in the bosom of each leaf, 2-3 cucumbers are simultaneously formed.
    • Recommended for growing in open ground and under cover films.
    • The fruit is short, cylindrical, small-tuberous, pubescence is white, dense.
    • Weight - 90-100 g.
    • Productivity - up to 10-11 kg per sq. meter (in the greenhouse).
    • Excellent taste, not bitter, no voids, juicy and crunchy.
    • Universal use: great fresh, in salads, perfect for all types of pickling and pickling.

    Brownie F1

    • Medium early bee-pollinated hybrid, the period from germination to fruiting 45-48 days.
    • The plant is indeterminate, medium-sized, medium-branched.
    • Designed for growing in open ground and under film shelters.
    • Fruits are short, even, fusiform, large tuberous, white pubescence, of medium density.
    • Length - 6-9 cm, weight - 80-110 g.
    • Productivity - up to 10-11 kg per sq. meter.
    • Excellent taste, crunchy, no bitterness, no yellowing.
    • Excellent fresh, salted and pickled.
    • Resistant to cladosporium, true and downy mildew.

    Libelle F1

    • A mid-season bee-pollinated hybrid that starts bearing fruit 49-52 days after germination.
    • The plant is long-leaved.
    • For cultivation in open ground, film shelters and greenhouses.
    • The fruit is elongated-elliptical, small tuberous, dark green.
    • Length - 12-14 cm, weight - 100-150 g.
    • Productivity - up to 5-10 kg per square meter.
    • Possesses excellent appearance and taste.
    • Universal use: salad and canning.
    • Resistant to downy mildew, olive spot.

    Lord F1

    • Mid-season bee-pollinated hybrid. It starts bearing fruit 40-44 days after full germination.
    • The plant is indeterminate, medium branched, female flowering type, the number of female flowers in a node is 1-2.
    • For growing in open and protected ground.
    • The fruit is small, with a short neck, fusiform, slightly ribbed, green with short stripes, large tuberous, white thorn.
    • Length - 10-12 cm, weight - 90-120 g.
    • Productivity - up to 9-13 kg per square meter
    • Universal: pickling, canning and taste qualities are very high.
    • Possesses good cold resistance. The hybrid is resistant to powdery mildew, olive spot, common cucumber mosaic virus, tolerant to downy mildew.

    Spring F1

    • Medium early (from germination to fruiting 40-48 days).
    • A bee-pollinated hybrid of a predominantly female flowering type.
    • The fruit is cylindrical, slightly elongated towards the base, green with light stripes, black and brown thorny, medium tuberous.
    • Length - 9-10 cm, weight - 80-100 g.
    • Productivity up to 5 kg from 1 plant.
    • The taste is excellent.
    • Ideal for pickling and preserving.
    • Anthracnose resistant, relatively resistant to downy mildew, bacteriosis and olive spot.

    Other bee-pollinated hybrids

    Note! Some firms sell the same hybrids(usually Dutch or Russian author's selection).

    • Production firm "Manul"(for open ground and greenhouses): Farmer F1, Maisky F1 (all the usual ones are classic), Alphabet F1, Acorn F1, Captain F1, Compass F1, Teremok F1, Saltan F1 (all). Relay F1, Olympiada F1, Manul F1 (ideal for preparing salads).
    • Firm "Gavrish"sell a huge variety of bee-pollinated hybrids: Authority F1, Athlete F1, Bucks F1, Borovichok F1, Brigadier F1, Boomer F1, Valdai F1, Merry Notes F1, Blues F1, Uncle Fedor F1, Crane F1, Stash F1, Green Snake F1, King of the garden F1, Krakow F1, Cucuy F1, Kum-da-Kuma F1, Swallow F1, Maisky F1, Salted F1, Moravian Gherkin F1, Moskovsky Dude F1, Nasoli! F1, Otel F1, Cellar F1, Ambassador F1, Pososhok F1, Prince Mix F1, Razgulyay F1, Russian fun F1, RusCrust F1, Towel F1, Semcross F1, Slobodskoy F1, Nightingale F1, Tearaway F1, Topolek F1, Suitor F1, Khlebosolny F1, Khutorok F1, Gypsy F1, Chizhik F1, Southern Emerald F1, Fair F1.
    • Firm "Aelita"sells no less number of bee-pollinated hybrids (Annushka F1, Appetizing F1, Aty-Bati F1, Afonya F1, Ajax F1 and many others, especially highlight - No hassle F1, Kumanek F1 and Kids from the F1 garden).
    • And other companies, for example, agricultural firms "Search", "Sedek", "Partner" (Baikonur F1, Zhuravlenok F1, Swallow F1, etc.).
    • Also excellent bee-pollinated hybrids for open ground are ( company "Semko"): Twixie F1, Understudy F1, Actor F1, Stuntman F1, Artek F1, Eaglet F1, Semcross F1.

    Video: bee-pollinated cucumber hybrids for open ground (review of seeds of the company "Semko")

    Bee-pollinated varieties of cucumbers: top 8 best


    • An early maturing bee-pollinated variety (fruiting occurs in 40-50 days).
    • The plant is medium-growing.
    • For outdoor cultivation.
    • Fruits are small lumpy, whitish.
    • Length - 10-13 cm, weight - 140 grams (according to other sources, length -9-12, weight - 90-110 grams).
    • Productivity - 1.1-7.2 kg per square meter (according to other sources 5-7 kg).
    • Great taste. Perfect for both fresh consumption and for pickling, pickling, canning.
    • Possesses high cold resistance. Resistant to olive spot.

    Chinese snake

    • Medium late bee-pollinated variety.
    • The plant is powerful, intensively developing, with a long fruiting period.
    • For growing outdoors using temporary cover films.
    • To increase productivity, the main shoot is pinched after 6-7 leaves.
    • The fruit is very long, up to 60 cm, serpentine, dark green, large, sparsely tuberous, with a short handle.
    • Productivity with proper agricultural technology is up to 30 kg per sq. meter.

    Chinese cucumber varieties are famous for their unsurpassed taste and aroma of fruits: sweet, juicy, without voids, with a thin delicate skin and small seed chambers - ideal for preparing fresh summer salads.

    • The variety is picky about soil fertility; regular feeding is recommended.


    • Mid-season bee-pollinated variety (46-52 days from sowing to fruiting)
    • The plant is highly branched, the length of the main whip is 140-200 cm.
    • The fruit is oval-cylindrical, green with longitudinal light stripes, large lumpy, complex thorns, black.
    • Length - 10-14 cm, diameter - 3.5-5 cm, weight - 65-95 g.
    • Productivity - up to 7.8 kg per sq. meter.
    • The taste is high.
    • Mostly ideal for canning and pickling.
    • Resistant to a complex of diseases.


    • Ultra-early maturing bee-pollinated variety (41-43 days from full germination to fruiting).
    • The plant is bushy, compact (lash length 40-42 cm), slightly branched. Bundle arrangement of ovaries... Up to 6 ovaries are laid in the leaf axil.
    • For growing in the open field and under temporary cover films.
    • The fruit is elliptical, with large, sparse tubercles, with white pubescence,
    • Length - 9-10 cm, weight - 80-115 g.
    • Great taste. Used fresh and for canning.
    • Productivity - 3.4-3.9 kg per square meter.


    • Mid-season bee-pollinated variety (46-51 days from fruiting shoots).
    • The plant is indeterminate, vigorous, highly branched, of a mixed type of flowering.
    • Recommended for growing in open ground and under cover films.
    • Fruits are short, ovate, green with stripes of medium length, large lumpy, black pubescence, rare.
    • Length - 9-11 cm, weight - 80-110 g.
    • Productivity - up to 4.9 kg per sq. meter.
    • The taste is excellent.
    • Universal use: salad, canning.
    • Resistant to olive spot and cucumber mosaic virus.

    Parisian gherkin

    • An early maturing bee-pollinated variety (the period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 38-45 days).
    • The plant is indeterminate, medium-sized, medium-branched, mainly of the female flowering type. FROM bundle arrangement of ovaries.
    • Designed for growing in open ground and under temporary film shelters.
    • Fruits are short, fusiform, large tuberous, black-spined,
    • 8-9 cm long, weight 60-80 g.
    • Productivity - 3-4 kg per sq. meter.
    • Excellent taste, no bitterness, dense, crunchy.
    • Universal purpose. Ideal for cooking lightly salted, pickled and canned cucumbers.
    • Resistant to true and downy mildew.

    Variety beam, which means that it requires daily collection of gherkins.


    • Early maturing bee-pollinated variety (44-46 days from germination to fruiting).
    • The plant is indeterminate, strongly plaited, medium-branched, with bundled ovaries.
    • Recommended for outdoor cultivation.
    • The fruit is elongated-cylindrical, dark green, with medium-length stripes and weak spotting, large tubercles, sparse tubercles, white pubescence.
    • Length - 9.2-12.7 cm, diameter - 2.7-3.4 cm, weight -114-120 g.
    • Productivity - 1.8-2.9 kg per sq. meter (in the open field).
    • The taste is excellent.
    • Universal use: for preparing salads, canned food, pickling.
    • Differs in long-term fruiting - more than 60 days.
    • Tolerant to downy mildew.

    Phoenix 640

    • Late ripening, fruiting 55-65 days after germination.
    • Bee-pollinated variety.
    • The plant is vigorous, the length of the main stem can reach 3 meters.
    • Designed for growing in open ground and under temporary film shelters.
    • The fruit is green, oval-cylindrical, with longitudinal light stripes, large lumpy, complex thorns, white.
    • Length - 12-16 cm, weight - 120-180 g.
    • Good taste.
    • Salad: intended for fresh consumption.
    • Possesses complex resistance to powdery mildew and cucumber mosaic virus.
    • Differs in a long fruiting period.

    Other bee-pollinated varieties

    Of course, the whole variety of bee-pollinated cucumbers is not limited only to the aforementioned varieties. Also, the following are still quite popular:

    • Stork;
    • Altaic;
    • Vyaznikovsky 37;
    • Far East 27;
    • Salting;
    • Reliable;
    • Monastic;
    • Muromsky.
    • Phoenix plus.

    The best self-pollinated (parthenocarpic) cucumbers for open ground: top 5

    Note! Bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic cucumbers cannot be grown on the same bed., otherwise, with such a joint planting, the greens will turn out to be crooked and ugly, as well as, as a rule, pear-shaped (bottle) shape. The fact is that pollinating insects (bees, bumblebees) will, among other things, also pollinate the flowers of parthenocarpic cucumbers, which do not need this and will only harm them (their shape will change).

    Most Popular Parthenocarpic Cucumbers: Top 5 Biggest Hits

    Note! The list of the best parthenocarpic (no pollination) cucumbers for open field prepared on the basis of the popularity of hybrid names, reviews experienced gardeners, as well personal opinion of the author... List given alphabetically.

    Herman F1

    An ever popular hybrid of Dutch breeding.

    • Early ripe parthenocarpic hybrid, fruiting in 40-45 days from germination.
    • ... With sufficient nutrition, it forms 6-7 fruits on each node.
    • It is intended for growing in open ground, under temporary film shelters, as well as in protected ground (film greenhouses).
    • The fruits are dark green, even, cylindrical, tuberous, with white pubescence.
    • Length - 10-12 cm, diameter - 2.9-3.1 cm, weight - 70-90 g.
    • Productivity - up to 8.5-9 kg per square meter.
    • Taste good or great. There is no bitterness.
    • Universal use: perfect for pickling, pickling and fresh consumption.
    • It is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, cladosporium disease and powdery mildew.

    Zozulya F1

    One of the oldest (bred in the 70s) domestic varieties.

    • An early ripe hybrid, fruiting 45-50 days after germination (according to other sources, 40-45 days).
    • Partially parthenocarpic. It has mainly female flowers, but bears fruit better at the initial bee pollination.
    • The plant is medium-growing, branching is weak.
    • For growing indoors (film greenhouse).
    • Can be grown on the balcony.
    • Fruits are cylindrical, slightly lumpy, whitish.
    • Length - 14-24 cm, weight - 150-300 grams.
    • High yield - up to 40 kg per sq. meter (according to other sources up to 15-25 kg).
    • Great taste. The fruits do not taste bitter, do not turn yellow and retain their presentation for a long time.
    • Mainly for salad purposes, but young greens can go for salting.
    • Relatively cold-resistant.
    • Differs in amicable and long-term fruiting.
    • Resistant to olive spot and cucumber mosaic virus.

    Courage F1

    A permanent hit from the Russian breeding company "Gavrish".

    • Early ripening parthenocarpic hydride, from germination to fruiting 45-50 days.
    • Designed for growing in film greenhouses.
    • Plants are indeterminate, vigorous, shoot-forming ability is average. With bunched ovaries, in the nodes 2-4 ovaries are formed (up to 5-6 pieces).
    • The fruit is dark green, with light stripes, lumpy, white-thorn.
    • Length - 12-15 cm, diameter - 4.0-4.5 cm, weight - 120-130 g.
    • Productivity - 6-8 kg per plant or up to 16-18 kg per square meter.
    • Good and excellent taste, no bitterness.
    • Universal use (for salad and canning).
    • Relatively resistant to major diseases.

    Masha F1

    Along with Hermann, this is one of the most popular Dutch breeding hybrids.

    • Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid, fruiting occurs 37-39 days after germination.
    • The plant is determinate, medium-sized, with limited shoot-forming ability. With bunched ovaries... With sufficient nutrition, the plant forms up to 6-7 fruits in each node.
    • Suitable for growing in the open field and under a film cover.
    • Fruits are cylindrical, leveled, dark green, lumpy, whitish.
    • Length - 8-9 cm, diameter - 3.0-3.5 cm.
    • Productivity - up to 10-11 kg per sq. meters.
    • Excellent taste. Without emptiness and bitterness.
    • Resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, downy mildew and downy mildew, cladosporiosis.

    Shosha F1

    The biggest hit among the new hybrids in 2018. The originator of the variety is Blokin-Mechtalin Vasily Ivanovich.

    • Early ripe parthenocarpic hybrid, fruiting occurs 39-43 days after germination.
    • The plant is indeterminate, medium-branched. In the knot, from 1 to 3 ovaries are formed (with a tendency to beam type of ovary arrangement).
    • For growing in open ground and under temporary film shelters, as well as in closed ground (film greenhouses).
    • The fruit is dark green, cylindrical, medium tuberous, with thorns and white pubescence.
    • Length - 9-11 cm, diameter - 3-3.5 cm, weight - 50-80 g.
    • Productivity - up to 12 kg per sq. meter in open ground and up to 18 kg per sq. meter in a protected (greenhouse).
    • The taste is good.
    • Universal use: for fresh consumption and canning.
    • Resistant to major diseases: cucumber mosaic virus, powdery mildew, target leaf spot and cucumber vein yellowing virus. Tolerant to peronosporosis.

    Other parthenocarpic hybrids

    Naturally, there are a huge number of equally excellent and proven parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids for open ground ( alphabetically):

    • Adam F1;
    • Cupid 1801 F1;
    • April F1;
    • F1 artist;
    • Garland F1;
    • Gunnar F1;
    • F1 Director;
    • Zyatek F1;
    • Emerald F1 earrings;
    • Emerald Stream F1;
    • Claudia F1;
    • Connie F1;
    • Marinda F1;
    • Meringue F1;
    • Goosebump F1;
    • Real Colonel F1;
    • Paratunka F1;
    • Mother-in-law F1;
    • Ecole F1.

    Now you just have to choose the most suitable hybrid or variety of cucumbers for yourself and your growing conditions, which you will sit in your garden (in the open field) this season.

    Advice! And next year, be sure to try a new one.

    Video: an overview of cucumber seeds for open ground

    In contact with

    It would seem that such a thing as growing cucumbers is not a big deal. According to knowledgeable people, this is actually the case. True, if you arm yourself with certain knowledge. For example, how to choose the right type of vegetable. You can understand all the cucumber variety by answering three questions.

    How to choose the right variety?

    • Where will the vegetable be grown? As a rule, "green ones" grow in a greenhouse, greenhouse or open field. It is not uncommon to grow them on the windowsill.
    • When would you like to get the harvest? You can eat young cucumbers in early June. The most patient are ready to wait until July or August.
    • How long would you like to get a harvest of cucumbers?

    According to this principle, the "green ones" are conventionally divided into early, middle and late... It is worth remembering that early plant varieties are more likely to get sick. In addition, compared to the late ones, they have a shorter fruiting period. If the variety of cucumbers is chosen correctly, they are not afraid of either false or real, or bacteriosis. The main thing is to pay attention to the increased resistance of plants to these misfortunes.

    It is worth deciding what vegetables are for. After all, someone prefers to salt them, while someone is not averse to crunching fresh. And then lettuce, pickling and universal varieties are distinguished. Naturally, each of them has certain advantages.

    The best varieties of cucumbers for outdoor cultivation

    Many of those varieties that are recognized as successful are hybrids. Them easy to distinguish by F1 mark... Hybrids are obtained by crossing with seeds of the first generation. Such a plant should be:

    1. hardy;
    2. productive;
    3. have an enviable fruit taste.

    April F1

    The hybrid, which is early maturing and versatile, bears fruit in 45–55 days from the time of germination. By the way, it is easily grown not only in the open field, but also on the windowsill and balcony. The reason for this is the compact size of the plant and its ability to self-regulate branching. Cylindrical fruits are large in size. Their mass often reaches 200-250 grams, and their length - up to 22-25 centimeters. Pleasant additions are undemanding care, lack of bitterness, cold resistance.

    Masha F1

    The hybrid has the ability to form fruits without pollination and fertilization. In addition, it is ultra-early (35–39 days) and high-yielding, with a long fruiting period. The fruits are gherkins with large tubercles, their shape is regular-cylindrical. They have excellent taste and do not taste bitter. Delicious not only canned, but also "straight from the garden." Bonus - resistance to many diseases. Unfavorable growing conditions will also not prevent you from getting a “crispy crop”.

    Ant F1

    Possesses such qualities as self-pollination and ultra-early maturity (35-39 days). Medium-leaved plant has limited lateral branching. Fruits, which grow up to 12 centimeters, have large tubercles and a cylinder shape. Besides downy mildew and powdery mildew, the cultivar is immune to olive spot.

    Spring F1

    The hybrid belongs to bee-pollinated and early varieties. You will have to wait for the fruits only 48–55 days. Immune to a variety of diseases. Cucumbers with small tubercles and sparse spines are cylindrical. They do not taste bitter, and are actively salted and canned. The length of the ready-to-eat cucumber is 12 centimeters, and the weight is about 100 grams.

    Connie F1

    A gherkin type hybrid that does not need pollination and has an increased yield. After 43–45 days (the starting point is the emergence of seedlings), the plant will please with its harvest. Medium-growing bush. Cucumbers are small - only 6-7 centimeters in length, 60-80 grams in weight, have the shape of a cylinder. Nice to look at:

    1. small lumpy;
    2. with whitish spines;
    3. bright green.

    Crispy, juicy, tasty fruits are absolutely not bitter. The hybrid is resistant to overgrowth, it is not afraid of root rot and powdery mildew. Cucumber tastes equally good both fresh and canned.

    Miranda F1

    The hybrid is distinguished by:

    1. early maturity;
    2. high yield;
    3. versatility.

    On a plant without pollination, fruits with a female type of flowering appear. Fruits grow up to 11–12 centimeters long, and 110–120 grams in weight. They have white spines and a cylinder shape. The color is green with white specks, and up to the middle part - also stripes. Juicy fruits with a great aroma are good in salads and pickles. Supplements - cold resistance and resistance to the most common diseases.

    More marked with F1

    Ira F1

    This bee-pollinated hybrid belongs to the ultra-early maturing. The plant will take about 50 days to form fruit. The grown cucumbers are cylindrical, with large tubercles, dark green in color, with white pubescence. The length is about 15 centimeters and the weight is about 85 grams. The flesh is firm and crispy and tastes good. The plant gives an excellent harvest of cucumbers and is immune to diseases.

    Emerald Stream F1

    Early hybrid - it takes about 48 days for the fruit to ripen. The bush is weak, vigorous. The female type of flowering prevails. Cucumbers are elongated-cylindrical, with tubercles, dark green in color, with a thin skin. The length is about 50 centimeters, and the weight is about 200 grams. The taste and aroma of cucumbers are simply great. They are:

    1. cold-resistant;
    2. shade-tolerant;
    3. do not suffer from powdery mildew;
    4. have a long fruiting period.

    Indispensable in salads.

    Corinna F1

    The hybrid is distinguished by high yield and ultra-early maturity. Cucumbers are an improved version of Connie F1. These are gherkins, reaching a length of 10 centimeters, dark green, with small tubercles and white spines, without bitterness. They have an excellent consistency. The hybrid is immune to many diseases. When salted, they retain crispness and density.

    Gherkin "Madame" F1

    An early bee-pollinated hybrid produces fruits 48 days after shoots become visible. These vigorous plants are dominated by the female type of flowering. The shape of the cucumbers is cylindrical, they are short, with small, frequently-located tubercles, white spines, and a thin delicate skin. Have small white stripes. Length in centimeters - 12, weight in grams - 85. Dense fruits do not outgrow or turn yellow. There is no bitterness. The plant is not affected by root rot and downy mildew, it has intense fruit formation. Cucumbers are consumed fresh, pickled and canned.

    In addition, varieties not marked with F1 can be planted outdoors. They also have the advantages of being able to grow them this way.

    For the purpose of growing outdoors, experienced gardeners recommend using several varieties of such cucumbers.


    The variety is bee-pollinated, early maturing - the fruits appear in about 60 days. They are white-spine, with small tubercles, reaching 13 centimeters in length and 140 grams in weight. The variety is cold-resistant and immune to olive spot. Cucumbers are delicious both fresh and salted.


    The mid-season bee-pollinated variety is universal. Perfect for both pickles and fresh food. The plant is vigorous and highly branched. Zelenets is small in size - only 6-7 centimeters, has an elongated ovate, slightly tuberous shape. Downy mildew is not afraid of him.


    The plant will take 45 to 55 days to ripen the cucumbers. Such early maturity, coupled with increased productivity and unsurpassed taste, make cucumbers an excellent pickling variety. Fruits up to 12 centimeters long, the shape of which is elongated-oval or cylindrical, completely cover large tubercles. And the weight did not disappoint - 120 grams. The plant will be able to resist bacterial blight and powdery mildew.

    Nezhinsky 12

    As gardeners say, one of the best pickling varieties. It is mid-season and bee-pollinated. In addition, cucumbers are unpretentious in their care and are immune to disease. The bush is long-leaved. Fruitlets:

    1. short;
    2. large tuberous;
    3. with black spines;
    4. crispy and delicious.

    The shape is elongated-ovoid, weight is from 80 to 100 grams, and the length is up to 12 centimeters. The variety does not suffer from bacteriosis and olive spot.


    The early maturing plant is powerful, with long branches. Fruits are cylindrical, with small tubercles, delicate dark green skin, grow up to 12 centimeters. The pulp is firm, with a lot of sugars. The small size of the seed chamber means that these cucumbers are better pickled.

    Deserved recognition of gardeners for planting in open ground and such varieties of "green" as "Phoenix" and "Dalnevostochny".

    What do the gardeners say?

    "Spring F1" and "Masha F1", probably the most fruiting... The second is also good for those who want to grow vegetables on their windowsill. But if, nevertheless, cucumbers grow in open ground, the main thing for them is moderate watering. So there is a chance to harvest even in October.

    There is nothing better than F1 Alligator cucumbers. Long fruiting period and excellent taste - for those who prefer fresh fruits. But to salt such a variety is better cut into slices.

    "Chinese disease-resistant" F1, gherkins "Son Polka" F1, cucumbers of the "Zasolochny" variety are distinguished by long and abundant fruiting, indicative taste and market characteristics, therefore they are recommended for salting. In addition, they are resistant to the most common diseases.

    What else is important to know?

    Among the hybrid varieties of cucumbers, there are bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic, that is, capable of forming ovaries and bearing fruit without pollination. When choosing the first, it is important that bees are found on the site.

    The presence of male and female flowers will help to avoid barren flowers. Usually, the first have a three-sided, and the second - a four-sided shape. You can determine the sex of the plant by the first fruit. To do this, you need to cut it across, and see how the seeds are located. In the male cucumber, they are in three segments, in the female cucumber, in four.

    When determining those varieties of cucumbers that are more suitable for growing in the open field for you, you should remember about zoned seeds, tested by more than one generation of gardeners.

    Cucumbers are vegetables that every Russian gardener grows, and all because the climatic conditions of our country allow you to enjoy them in full in the summer. However, in order to preserve part of the summer harvest of cucumbers, this vegetable is used as a material for pickling. In order to have time to taste salads and enjoy greens from a jar in winter, it is best to plant more cucumbers. Since spacious greenhouses are not present in every vegetable garden, we will talk about which cucumbers are the best varieties for open ground.

    Before we begin a detailed examination of the specific varieties of the culture of interest to us, which are perfectly grown in an unprotected street environment, it is necessary to identify two main groups into which all available varietal varieties are subdivided.

    Table 1. The main categories of cucumber varieties

    Self-pollinating cucumbersInsect-pollinated cucumbers
    Cucumber varieties that can self-pollinate during growth are characterized by:
  • increased immunity to negative environmental factors;
  • bountiful harvest.

    The thing is that these varietal varieties, in order for the flower to pollinate, do not need outside help from insects, because the inflorescences have:

  • and pistils;
  • and stamens.

    Consequently, the harvest is obtained from almost all peduncles.

  • Plants that belong to the category of insect-pollinated cucumbers can only set a fruit from a flower if there is the mentioned outside help from bees, bumblebees, etc.

    However, these varieties are used because it is the varieties that do not pollinate independently that produce fruits that smell and taste much more appetizing than their self-pollinated companions.

    In addition, cucumbers of the described category can produce crops even if they grow in the shade, and rarely catch the sun's rays.

    When determining which variety of the crop of interest to us, suitable for cultivation directly in the conditions of unprotected street stalls, you need, first of all, indicate to yourself what is the main goal of the cultivation processes you set:

    • obtaining the maximum amount of harvest;
    • obtaining cucumbers of excellent taste.

    Of course, it is also possible to achieve a large number of fruits from non-self-pollinated cucumbers, as well as to grow crispy, tasty fruits from self-pollinated ones, but nevertheless, the sought parameters will be average compared to what they would ideally be.

    So that you can more easily and quickly make a choice of one or another varietal variety, or choose several at once, further in this section we present the most popular varieties among domestic gardeners, which are planted directly on the street at the beginning of each growing season.

    Prices for cucumber seeds

    cucumber seeds

    Self-pollinated varieties

    First of all, let's see which self-pollinated varieties are suitable for gardeners who want to grow cucumbers in open ground.

    Grade No. 1 - "Zozulya"

    This variety is hybrid and produces excellent yields. Partially may show a predisposition to parthenocarpia (lack of seeds inside the fetus).

    Zozulya cucumbers are perfect for eating raw or salted

    A feature of "Zozuli" is its resistance to viruses characteristic of this culture. As for the growing fruits, they:

    • have a traditional green tint;
    • covered with delicate skin;
    • have a moderately pronounced tuberosity;
    • the taste is juicy, tender and not tart.

    Zozulya is a favorite variety of many gardeners who grow cucumbers in the open field. Unfortunately, little is known about it in the northern regions, since the weather conditions in this area of \u200b\u200bthe country hardly allow growing cucumbers without a film, polycarbonate or glass shelter.

    It is best to plant this hybrid in the ground in the form of seedlings. The fruits obtained as a result of growing are actively used:

    • in salads;
    • salted.

    It takes about 35 days to ripen a set cucumber, sometimes a little less or more. The fetus can reach the following indicators:

    • the maximum length is 22 centimeters;
    • the greatest weight of one cucumber is 300 grams.

    As a rule, 2-3 fruits are formed on one knot of the lash.

    Grade No. 2 - "Claudia"

    This hybrid variety is also parthenocarpic, and in a similar way to Zozula, it shows resistance to viral diseases that are typical for cucumbers.

    The fruits that give the whips of "Claudia":

    • have a bright taste that does not give off bitterness even if the fruit is overripe;
    • painted in a bright green shade;
    • have a medium bumpy surface.

    This varietal variety is suitable for planting:

    • as in open ground;
    • and in the greenhouse.

    It takes up to 50 days for the crop to ripen, while the grown fruits reach the following values:

    • maximum 12 centimeters in length;
    • up to 90 grams of weight.

    One wattle knot can have from 6 to 8 cucumbers.

    Variety No. 3 - "Connie"

    This hybrid variety is famous for the abundance of yields it brings. Like other self-pollinating cucumber varieties, it is parthenocarpic. This variety shows particular resistance to the following diseases characteristic of this culture:

    • root rot;
    • powdery mildew.

    Fruits born in bushes of this variety:

    • have a green tint;
    • does not taste bitter, very tender and sweet;
    • covered with a lumpy skin.

    It is used by gardeners very willingly, both as an ingredient for salad and as a material for rolling pickles. The bush ripens for about 50 days. Fruits grow small:

    • in length constituting only about 9 centimeters;
    • weighing about 80 grams.

    At the same time, up to 5 fruits can fall on one wattle knot.

    Grade No. 4 - "Masha"

    This varietal variety of the culture of interest to us belongs to the category of hybrids. She can suggest to the gardener who has chosen her:

    • the fastest ripening crop;
    • copious amount of fruit.

    In addition, "Masha" fights easily and in most cases does not even allow herself to suffer from ailments typical of culture, namely:

    • powdery mildew;
    • mosaic.

    "Masha" bears fruit with cucumbers:

    • having an emerald color;
    • cylindrical shape;
    • very juicy flesh that does not taste bitter at all.

    Masha cucumbers look neat and look good on every table

    Planting of the varietal variety under consideration is carried out both in unprotected street conditions and in a film shelter. The set fruits come to maturity within one and a half months, while their characteristics will be as follows:

    • maximum size up to 12 centimeters;
    • maximum weight 110 grams.

    On each wattle ovary, up to 6-8 pieces of delicious cucumbers are potentially formed.

    Variety No. 5 - "Ant"

    This varietal variety also belongs to the category of hybrids, famous for their yield. At the same time, "Ant" produces gherkin type cucumbers. Adult bushes are very resistant to the effects of ailments such as:

    • powdery mildew;
    • olive spot;
    • ordinary cucumber mosaic.

    At the same time, the fruits of the plant are green, have rather large-sized bumps on their skin, covered with white thorns.

    The taste of the fruit is very pleasant, the cucumbers are not bitter, but they are best eaten fresh.

    This variety is suitable for:

    • growing exclusively in the open field;
    • salting for the winter.

    Of course, you can also eat these fresh cucumbers, but they are slightly inferior in taste to other varieties, but in the form of pickles they are famous for their excellent taste and crunchy structure.

    It takes about 35 days for the desired culture to ripen, while vegetables grow:

    • no more than 12 centimeters in length;
    • weighing no more than 100 grams.

    One whip at each node forms a different number of cucumbers, varying between 2-7 pieces.

    Grade No. 6 - "Firm's Secret"

    This hybrid variety belongs to the category of vigorous plants. At the same time, it gives a solid yield and is, which is typical for self-pollinating varieties, parthenocarpic.

    Shows pronounced resistance to the so-called:

    • olive spot;
    • root rot;
    • powdery mildew.

    Fruits on a bush of medium spreading are born:

    • dark green hue;
    • having large bumps;
    • with white thorns.

    It is the "secret of the firm" that gardeners love most, since its taste is just as good as that of bee-pollinated plants, while the abundance of the harvest remains at the level traditional for self-pollinated cucumbers

    Their taste is so pleasant that this variety can be found in the city of almost every Russian gardener who grows this crop in the open field.

    The parameters of growing fruits on average will be as follows:

    • in length, each cucumber will be no more than 15 centimeters;
    • the weight of each fruit will not exceed 120 grams.

    The desired variety is used, both in salads or other dishes, and for salting. You can plant seedlings:

    • as in open ground;
    • and in the greenhouse.

    The crop will ripen for about 60 days.

    Bee-pollinated varieties

    Now that we have considered a sufficient number of the most outstanding in terms of yield and taste of cucumber varieties that are pollinated without outside help, we turn to the consideration of varieties pollinated by bees.

    Grade No. 1 - "Azbuka"

    This hybrid variety belongs to the category of early maturing varieties of the culture we are considering today. His fruits grow gherkin type, while on the bush you can find a really solid amount of cucumbers.

    The sought-after variety is particularly resistant to:

    • spotted olive;
    • common cucumber mosaic;
    • powdery mildew.

    The fruits on the lashes are formed in a traditional green shade, while they are covered with:

    • tubercles;
    • black thorns.

    As for the taste of the variety, then, according to reviews of numerous gardeners, they are beyond praise. The flesh of the fruit is not bitter, it is juicy and literally melts in your mouth.

    The planting of the desired variety can be carried out only in open ground. The harvested crop is equally popular for fresh food and as pickles.

    The crop ripens in 40 days, sometimes a little less. At the end of the specified period, fruits are formed on the bushes:

    • 11 centimeters long;
    • weighing no more than 115 grams.

    At the same time, from 3 to 10 fruits can form on one knot of the lash.

    Grade No. 2 - "True friends"

    This hybrid belongs to early ripening varieties, and quite quickly, in about 42 days, gives a solid harvest. Gherkin type cucumbers taste equally good in fresh dishes and preserves.

    The plant itself shows an enviable resistance to such negative environmental influences as frost, as well as to diseases, for example, to:

    • powdery mildew;
    • false dew.

    Loyal friends is another bee-pollinated variety that yields as bountiful as self-pollinated crop varieties

    An adult plant grows fruits that have an average length of about 10 centimeters, covered with large tubercles, at the tip of which you can find black thorns.

    Grade No. 3 - "Compass"

    Cucumbers of the "Compass" variety are used mainly for pickling, while planting is carried out exclusively in open ground. Fruit ripening takes about 45 days, while the parameters of the grown cucumbers will be as follows:

    • 12 centimeters;
    • 120 grams.

    One node produces approximately 9 or less fruits.

    Grade No. 4 - "Lord"

    This hybrid is also pollinated by the efforts of insects, and not independently, but also gives a first-class harvest in terms of taste.

    At the same time, an adult plant exhibits resistance to diseases such as:

    • powdery mildew;
    • cucumber mosaic;
    • olive spot.

    The fruits grow bright green, covered with bumps, on the ends of which there are white thorns.

    This varietal variety can be grown both in open beds and in a greenhouse. The fruits are used in various dishes, including twists for the winter.

    The cucumber variety "Lord" is especially resistant to ailments typical for the culture, which leads to the frequent choice of gardeners in its favor

    Grade No. 5 - "Nezhinsky"

    The sought-for varietal variety is very high-yielding, while it also ripens early, forming the first fruits within about 50-60 days.

    All major cucumber diseases are usually bypassed. Growing cucumbers range from dark green to light green. At the same time, the skin of the fruit is speckled with bumps.

    The taste of the fruits of the "Nezhinsky" variety is sweet, without bitterness. Vegetables of the sought-for varietal variety are usually used for pickling, but they can be eaten fresh. This variety of cucumbers is intended for cultivation without shelter, in open ground.

    The length of one fruit is 12 centimeters, the weight reaches the traditional 100 grams.

    Variety No. 6 - "Farmer"

    The sought varietal variety of the culture we are considering is also included in the category of bee-pollinated plants. Shows resistance to most of the ailments characteristic of cucumbers, as well as to cold weather and other negative manifestations of weather conditions.

    The fruits are covered with small bumps with white thorns at the ends. The taste of the fruits of the plant is very pleasant, sweet and juicy.

    As for the purpose of this variety, it can be either salad or twist. The fruits grow medium in size, up to 12 centimeters in length and up to about 100 grams in weight.

    Last on the list, but not in taste or quality, the Farmer variety is perfect for outdoor cultivation

    Let's sum up

    Cultivation of cucumbers is a laborious process, therefore wise domestic gardeners make it easier for themselves to take care of the crop in advance by choosing the right variety. In each case, the choice will depend on the following factors:

    • you need a very plentiful or delicious harvest;
    • in which regions do you want to cultivate the culture;
    • what will be the method of keeping it (in a greenhouse or open ground);
    • other nuances that are no less important for gardeners.

    In addition, it is desirable that the planted plants show resistance to at least any diseases characteristic of the culture of interest to us. We urge you to carefully study the presented material again, and then make a choice of the variety that you liked the most.

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    Video - The best varieties of cucumbers for open ground