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  • Dome house drawing. Do-it-yourself dome construction

    Dome house drawing. Do-it-yourself dome construction

    There are various technologies to build any type of dwelling. The designs of such buildings are significantly different. It all depends on what form is chosen for this and what materials are used in construction. We can say with confidence that the house-sphere is quite common today. This is an extraordinary architectural structure that has regained popularity.

    Finished project of a spherical house

    A sphere house is a building that has a rounded shape of both walls and a roof structure. It is endowed with certain technical characteristics, which have long been appreciated by construction experts around the world.

    Some buildings of this type have survived to this day. These are architectural monuments of architecture of the past centuries. Sphere houses are called domed in another way.

    Technologies for the construction of domed houses

    There are several ways to build a domed house with your own hands. Materials from which they can be erected:

    • brick;
    • foam concrete;
    • monolith;
    • expanded polystyrene;
    • styrofoam;
    • clay.

    Spherical houses, built of brick, foam concrete or monolithic, have almost the same characteristics as the standard construction of any home. But the rest of the materials may not always be used.

    The original project of the domed house

    More interesting is the construction of a domed house made of expanded polystyrene and foam according to Japanese technology. Such houses have certain characteristics, and in some cases specialists improve them a little in order to be able to live in them all year round.

    Another technology for the construction of domed houses is the frame construction of a structure.
    In this case, the frame can be made of any material, and all its elements are connected by special connectors of different sizes and types.

    The advantages of a domed house

    Spherical houses, which are built using any selected technology, are endowed with similar properties and characteristics.

    There are several advantages to such houses.

    Moreover, it can be installed at home in any climatic conditions. Domed roofs can easily withstand snow loads. They do not leak, since the precipitation does not linger on the roof structure.

    The price for the construction of such a structure is low. The basis of the structure is often a frame, which is faced with various modern materials. It can be:

    • oSB sheets;
    • plywood;
    • styrofoam;
    • drywall;
    • other similar sheet materials.

    Finishing the frame of the domed house with sheet materials

    Thanks to modern means that are used in the construction of domed houses, the buildings are endowed with a high rate of energy efficiency. ...

    Do not forget in the process of constructing a structure about the ventilation system, which is needed for any structure.

    Such a house is considered an excellent sound insulator. Especially if it is built from expanded polystyrene, these are Japanese dwelling construction technologies.

    Varieties of domed dwellings

    The technology for the construction of spherical cottages can be any. An important role is played by the projects of the future structure and its appearance. So, domed houses can be complete or not.

    That is, in the first case, only the roof structure is built in the form of a dome, and in the second - the entire house. Building all this yourself will not be difficult.

    Variant of the project of a two-story domed house

    Most importantly, it is necessary to correctly draw the design drawings and the calculation of all building materials.
    By the type of roof structure, spherical houses can be in the shape of an icosahedron or based on simple polyhedra.

    The first type is considered today a rational option, which allows you to correctly divide the space into certain vectors.

    And this only adds strength to the structure, since all the elements will be connected by connectors.

    The technology for erecting a dome-shaped roof is quite complex. It includes the calculation of the required number of wooden beams, planks and other structural elements that must be installed on a solid foundation. This is often a wireframe.

    If the structure is full and is a spherical house, then the shape of the dome itself can be:

    The first type of structure is based on a round frame. The structure itself has the shape of a ball. The second type is characterized by the fact that it is assembled on a certain structure, the height of which can be any. The oval shape of the spherical house is more interesting than all the others.

    The base can be round or oval. Semicircular structures are structures that have walls 1-1.5 meters high on the foundation, and only after that a dome is built. Polygonal houses are considered unusual. They are based on polygonal structures and also have the shape of a ball, only with an imperfectly flat surface.

    The layout in each type of building is different. It all depends on what functionality is initially put into the home.

    Special devices for the construction of a domed house

    First, in order to build spherical houses, it is necessary to initially determine what shape and type they can be. Secondly, you need to make the correct calculation of materials and means for their construction. Next, a construction technology is selected, which can be with or without a frame.
    So, the construction of a domed house is possible only with the use of:

    • connectors;
    • metal corners;
    • various special mountings and so on.

    The connector is an element that serves to connect the timber frame of both the roofing structure and the entire structure.

    It can be five- and six-rayed. It should be noted that the usable area of \u200b\u200bthe cottages built using the frame technology is quite large. Thanks to this, a unique interior of the home is created.

    An example of a design of the interior of a spherical house

    Metal corners are used to build small domed cottages. They are practical and can also be mounted on a wooden frame. There are also plastic fasteners, with the help of which domed houses from foam plastic are erected. This construction technology is considered the easiest and fastest to perform.

    You can buy all the elements for a better connection of the frame of the house in any specialized store. Although some modern craftsmen make them on their own.
    The price for metal corners and connectors will be more expensive than for similar devices made of dense plastic.

    Detailed layout of the sphere house

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    Today, perhaps, it is no longer possible to surprise someone with an architectural decision when building a house. But not a domed house! This type of buildings is unique in itself, as it is unusual for our area. But this is not the only advantage of the domed house. Each project will be different from the other, as there is a possibility of variation in literally every detail of the house. This is a significant plus of such buildings, because the useful space in such a house is as functional as possible. Therefore, this architectural solution is becoming more and more popular in construction. In this article, we will consider in detail the domed houses: projects and prices, photo examples of finished buildings.

    Building a spherical shape is a great way to stand out from the monotony of neighboring houses

    Formally speaking, a domed house is a building with a spherically rounded roof. Outwardly, it may resemble the dwelling of the Eskimos - an igloo. But, nevertheless, in their performance modern domed houses have stepped much further. The design of projects can translate into reality seemingly completely unfeasible tasks from the point of view of construction.

    Thus, one main sphere can be combined with five attached ones, which will present us with an abstract and bold decision of the designer. Yes, exterior photos, projects and prices of domed houses will largely depend on the imagination of the architect-designer ligament.

    History of domed buildings

    Dome houses appear in the Byzantine period. It is difficult even to imagine in what year the Eskimos began to build houses of rounded snow in the north. The northern peoples of Scandinavia used a more durable material, like stone, in rounded buildings.

    One thing can be said for sure - houses used to be popular in the past. And most likely, the appearance is not the main requirement for a spherical house. People have noticed that the wind resistance of such houses is much higher than that of corner houses. Here you can add seismic resistance and much more.

    Note! Buckminster Fuller in 1951, having noticed the spherical shape as an option for the construction of houses, decided to patent a design solution in architecture.

    Photo of domed houses

    And it is really possible to translate into reality! The smooth lines of such a house look very natural in nature. Such houses fit perfectly into any landscape picture. Wherever you build such a house, in the photo it will always look like a dream house.

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    Projects of frame houses with photos and prices. From this review, you will learn about the technologies for erecting frame houses, prices for some models and many myths about frame houses.

    Technologies for the construction of domed houses

    In order to build a domed house, you first need to build a frame. The material for this requires strong enough, although it can be light. Wood is ideal. It is very convenient in installation, because it does not require additional costs, installations, etc.

    Foundation for construction

    The frame is placed on a strip or pile type foundation. Here's a little more detail. For each area, the layer of chernozem will be different in size, but it must be removed. Having reached the clay layer, it is necessary to compact the area where the foundation is planned. goes into one layer of mesh, the cell of which is 10X10 cm - 15X15 cm. The thickness of the reinforcement can be from 8 mm to 16 mm. The mesh is knitted with a start of plus 10 cm or more, on each side of the estimated wall thickness. The concrete layer and grade is calculated depending on the mass of the building, according to the construction project.

    Frame erection and finishing

    The frame, as already mentioned, can be erected from wood, but metal can also be used, which makes construction more expensive. It is also possible to build domed houses from expanded polystyrene.

    In some cases, an additional, so-called, temporary frame or supports can be used. Its role is reduced to supporting the dome until the moment of a set of materials, after which it will be dismantled. Sometimes the project provides for supporting columns or walls, on which the dome also rests. They are being erected simultaneously with the frame. The main frame, external, is mounted according to the principle of triangular edges, which allows you to vary the shape of the house in any direction.

    Helpful advice! To obtain an even sphere, it is better to perform the fragments of the frame according to one pattern, then folding them together and checking them. The more accurately the copies are made, the less the offset will be during editing.

    At the junction of the triangular blocks, as well as at the vault of the dome, it is better to use special industrial connectors called connectors for dome houses. They undergo technical control for loads and performance.

    When using basalt insulation, it will be correct to use waterproofing impregnation. Having impregnated blocks of cotton wool with such a solution, a humid environment will not subsequently threaten the development of fungus or mold on the walls.

    Openings in round houses should be with reinforced frames. This is especially true for doorways. As for windows, unlike doors, they can be of completely different shapes. Spherical houses can be covered with bituminous shingles, which is very convenient because of its flexible properties. In operation, bituminous shingles are unmatched. Its waterproofing properties are of the highest level today. For the owner of the house, it remains only to decide on the choice of the manufacturer of this material.

    Interior decoration is carried out with the same materials and work procedure as for ordinary houses. Gypsum and cement-sand putties, cement screeds, wooden clapboard cladding, tiles, parquet, linoleum, wallpaper - all this is easily applicable in round houses.

    Planning a domed house with your own hands: highlights

    A real flight of imagination begins with the layout of the interior space. The spherical design allows for very interesting design ideas. It should be noted that not all of them can be due to practicality and functionality. We offer to look at projects, photos of round houses:

    Advantages and disadvantages of spherical houses

    The advantage of domed houses over conventional houses:

    • Appearance;
    • Wind resistance;
    • Seismic resistance;
    • Low weight of the building;
    • Lightweight foundation;
    • Does not require the participation of special equipment;
    • The possibility of year-round construction;
    • Profitability;
    • Energy intensity;
    • Ease of maintenance;
    • 100% functionality of the area;
    • A feeling of unrivaled comfort.

    Among the disadvantages it is worth noting:

    • The complexity of calculating the project and building materials due to the spherical shape;
    • To carry out the work, it is better to contact builders specializing in buildings of this type (so you will incur minimal costs);
    • Non-standard forms of windows, which can complicate their manufacture and cost;
    • Finishing any curved surface will cost more, be it wallpaper, plaster, tile or drywall.

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    Dome houses: projects and prices, photos of structures

    Through search engines on the Internet, you can easily find domed houses, projects, prices and photos, as well as a highly qualified team for the construction of this type of buildings. It has always been and remains the best solution to seek help or advice from specialists. It is only through practical experience that one can competently approach construction. Especially when it comes to non-standard solutions.

    A spherical building complicates the work by an order of magnitude and requires mathematical, geometric, physical and mechanical calculations. And this is not all that such a project requires. Geodetic data, landscape measurements - in a word, a lot of directions in calculations for the construction of a domed house suggests that qualified specialists should be invited to the case.

    About the cost of domed buildings

    You can buy a domed house at a price about 30% lower than usual. First of all, the reduction in price occurs due to roofing materials, since their supporting structure is not needed. The walls of the house themselves serve as the basis. And the saving of masonry material is hidden in the very formula of the spherical figure. With detailed calculations, it becomes visible to the naked eye.

    Spherical, domed dwellings have been known for a long time - yarangas, plums, wigwams, etc. - built on this principle. They are distinguished by their high stability and ease of construction, which earned the popularity of our ancestors. But domed houses in their pure form, as a phenomenon of modern construction, appeared not so long ago - approximately in the second half of the last century. When the American scientist Fuller decomposed the dome structure into simple figures - triangles, from which the whole structure is often assembled. It is on this principle that many spherical houses are built today.

    Dome houses: technologies and their features

    Dome or spherical house are the names of one building technology. Actually, the name reflects the peculiarity of this type of housing construction - the house is not rectangular, but made in the form of a hemisphere. Rather - in the form of a polyhedron, approaching in appearance to a sphere.

    This shape better withstands wind and snow loads, with an equal building spot with a rectangular one, has more usable area. But in such a house there is hardly at least one rectangular or square room. At least one side will be uneven. This complicates the layout, decoration, selection and installation of furniture. Most likely, all or most of the furnishings will have to be made "to order", according to their own sizes and sketches.

    Dome houses are being built, mainly using frame technology, so that the construction is lightweight. The frame is assembled from a bar or metal pipes, sheathed with sheet building material (plywood, OSB). Insulation (expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, foam glass, ecological materials such as jute, dried algae, etc.) is placed between the frame posts. That is, apart from the unusual shape, there is no news, the materials are selected as for an ordinary frame house.

    Dome houses are also made of monolithic reinforced concrete. But this technology is used infrequently, especially in our country, where lumber is sometimes cheaper. If we also take into account the need for good thermal insulation of the concrete dome, its unpopularity becomes clear.

    With the frames of domed houses, not everything is so simple. There are two technologies by which they are assembled: geodesic and stratodesic domes. They have their own characteristics that can influence your choice.

    Geodesic dome

    The dome is divided into triangles, from which the polyhedron is assembled. The peculiarity of this technology is that a large number of beams converge at one point. To ensure their reliable fixation, connectors are used - special devices made of steel, which allow reliably connecting the elements of the supporting structure. Each of the connectors costs from 600 to 1500 rubles ($ 10-25).

    A geodesic dome for a spherical house is built on the basis of triangles

    Despite the fact that the number of connectors is in the tens or even hundreds, their presence greatly affects the cost of construction. Those who plan to build a domed house with their own hands try to do without connectors or make them on their own too. The reasons are clear, but if the connection strength is insufficient, the building can collapse under loads. So you have to be very, very careful with the savings on this site.

    By the way, when using wooden beams, there is a connectionless technology, but the assembly of such units requires a high level of carpentry skill and precise execution. And one more thing: they are not as reliable as connections with metal connectors.

    The advantage of this type of frame is its stable construction. When 35% of the elements are destroyed, the dome does not collapse. This has been tested in seismically active regions, with hurricanes. This stability allows you to easily remove a number of jumpers. That is, the opening under the doors, windows can be made anywhere, in almost any size. The only thing to consider is that the windows will be triangular. There is no escape from this in this design. For many, this is a critical flaw.

    Another feature - when assembling the frame, without sheathing, it has good resistance to torsional loads, but does not take horizontal loads very well. Therefore, the frame is first assembled completely and only then it is sheathed.

    Stratodesic dome

    Dome houses of this design are assembled from trapezoidal sections. That is, its fragments are more like rectangles or squares. This structure allows the use of doors and windows of a standard design. For many, this is a big plus.

    The disadvantage of the statodesian dome is that it is possible to remove the structural elements only after careful calculation and strengthening of the adjacent structures. So the transfer of a door or window, resizing are possible only after the change in the bearing capacity of this site or even the dome as a whole has been calculated.

    This technology has its own assembly feature. The frame should be sheathed as the racks are installed. That is, the second row of racks is assembled only after the first row is sheathed, the third row - after the second is sewn up with sheet material, etc. This is due to the fact that in an unfinished form - without sheathing - the frame has a high bearing capacity for vertical loads and is not very resistant to torsional loads. Once the edges are sheathed, it becomes very stable and reliable.

    Unlike a geodesic dome, a stratodesic connector is not required for assembly. The vertical parts of the frame are connected using locks of a special shape. The horizontal lintels are fastened with a plate, which is fixed with bolts, under which a metal plate is laid.

    There is one more nuance that affects the cost of a domed house. When cutting sheet material for a stratodesic dome, there are more scraps left than with a geodesic device. This increases the cost of materials to some extent. But they are compensated by the fact that windows and doors are used in a standard design, they are cheaper than triangular ones. As a result, the cost of the dome of different technologies is not much different.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Nobody will argue with the fact that domed houses look unusual. If you want to have a house or dacha "not like everyone else" and have nothing against frame housing construction, take a closer look at this technology. The solution is really non-standard. Besides, they say it is economical. The cost per square meter starts at $ 200. But as you understand, this is the minimum price. Such an economical option.

    Pros of domed houses

    In addition to the unusual appearance, the advantages of spherical houses are as follows:

    The domed houses look very attractive in terms of their characteristics. In addition, many say that much less money is required for the construction - due to the smaller wall surface, material is saved. According to mathematical calculations, the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls is almost a third less. But if there is any savings, it will not be so big - the construction is specific, using specific components that increase the cost of construction. In fact, the cost per square meter turns out to be about the same as with the usual form.


    There are also disadvantages and they are also quite serious. In any case, it is worth knowing about them and taking them into account.

    There is also an unusual layout, but it will not work unambiguously to attribute it to disadvantages. I like domed houses precisely for their originality. So, the non-standard shape of the premises is, rather, a feature that must be taken into account when selecting / ordering furniture and choosing finishing materials.

    Projects and layout features

    It is far from easy to plan a round building so that it is rational, beautiful, and even convenient. There are a few basic tricks that most people follow. The first thing that catches your eye is that there simply cannot be corridors in such a house. They just have nowhere to lead. This is not bad, but it makes the layout of the house more difficult. Let's start with a simple one - how to arrange the entrance to the house.

    Entry group

    For our climate, it is desirable that the entrance doors go into a small room, and not into a large room. In this case, a small vestibule saves. O can be allocated from the general area or attached. A covered veranda performs approximately the same tasks. This is a more "civil" way to solve the problem.

    Not everyone likes this approach. Today, there are other trends in the world - from the front door they get into a large spacious hall / living room. Such a layout is also possible, but additional measures are needed to cut off cold air - a heat curtain near the entrance. It is done using convectors built into the floor or by installing several powerful radiators near the door. The first method is more effective, the second is easier to execute. All these nuances are typical for domed houses. The only difference is that you have to puzzle over how to fit the built-in vestibule. The other two methods are easier to solve.

    Let's look at the options for the device of the entrance group using examples. In the picture above, the project on the right, the entrance doors open onto the living / dining room. This decision is typical for Europe and America. It is gradually gaining popularity here, but due to the harsher climate it often brings inconveniences - each door opening in winter brings a significant portion of cold air, which reduces comfort.

    The option on the left is with an attached vestibule. There are two exits from the vestibule - one to the winter garden, the other to the kitchen / dining room. The solution is no less modern, but the problem of cold air entering the living quarters has been solved. So this idea is worth taking on board.

    If it is decided to make the vestibule built-in, obviously, you will have to allocate some area of \u200b\u200bthe house. The minimum is three squares (on the left project). It is logical if the living / dining room will be located further.

    Another way is to allocate a large area and use it as a hallway. Place a wardrobe here, a hanger for things "for now" (draft law). If space permits, it will be possible to install a small sofa. For a frequent home, having a hallway is almost a necessity. Dirt and sand are less dragged into the house. And this is another argument in favor of a dedicated entrance group. Attached or fenced off - this is your choice. But the entrance area is convenient. In any case, in our reality.

    Organization of space

    Most often, the central part of the space of a domed house is allocated for a common room. From this central area, you can get to all the other rooms, which are located in a circle. In general, the central room turns out to be inconvenient, since it is "very passable".

    It will not be possible to relax in it if it is a living room, it is not very convenient to cook in it, if an idea comes up to use this room as a kitchen, as a dining room it is also not the best option. Projects that use this space in this way are presented above. It looks great in the picture, but in real life it will not work to count on a chamber setting. So the passage rooms are not the most inhabited.

    Not the worst way to use this walk-through area is by installing a ladder. After all, most of the domed houses have two floors, and here the spiral just asks. Just take into account that if you just twist it around the post, it will be inconvenient to use - too sharp turns are obtained. If you construct a staircase like a "well", it is difficult to build it yourself. So this part will have to be entrusted to someone.

    Otherwise, domed houses are planned in the same way as ordinary ones. The basic rule to remember: to make engineering systems not very expensive, all "wet" rooms are located close to each other. The location of bedrooms, offices and other "dry" rooms - to your taste.

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    Most private houses are constructed according to the standard and typical for all technologies, which are represented by a type of cubic forum of the building. But not everyone wants to build typical structures. One of the most beautiful and practical options is the construction of a spherical house.

    Dome houses are distinguished by their unusual, attractive exterior, non-standard shape and allow practical and competent construction of all the necessary systems that ensure a comfortable life. Dome type houses have a large number of advantages and design features.


    The first thing that distinguishes dome structures is their high level of strength... Their main feature is that the level of the bearing capacity of a structure increases with an increase in its diameter. It is also important that the strength characteristics of the structure do not change from what materials are used for its construction.

    The domed house is a kind of constructor. Its constituent elements are typical and calculated independently. To calculate the parameters of the base frame, there is a special calculator for the domed house. For convenience, when creating the foundation of a structure, there is a domed house calculator in Russian. Assembling such a constructor is quite simple and quick. This technology is used to erect wooden domed houses.

    It is easy to assemble the base-frame of the domed house by hand. All elements necessary for the construction are characterized by small dimensions and weight. Due to the fact that the geodesic house is ideal in terms of aerodynamic properties, it can be erected in an unstable climate. For example, in an area with frequent hurricanes or earthquakes.


    The essence of a spherical design is dividing space using vectors. Based on the type of dome, the following types of domed houses can be distinguished:

    • dome-type houses, the elements of which are based on a tetrahedral polyhedron;
    • the basis is an icosahedron. The design is considered the most optimal. The more the frequency of the vectors is used to partition the space, the higher the strength of the entire structure.

    By the difference in shape, houses are:

    • waist;
    • convex;
    • oval;
    • consisting of several polyhedra;
    • semicircular.

    You can build a domed house from various materials. The construction technology depends on this. The simplest is the frame one, in which the main material for the construction is wood. There are other construction options.


    For the manufacture of domed houses using Japanese technology, they use expanded polystyrene... Foam panels are manufactured in such a way that during assembly they are firmly bonded to each other. During production, concrete is applied to the surface of the foam, which gives the material increased strength properties.

    Dome houses using Japanese technology are quite simple to build, you just need to order the required number of panels, build a foundation and assemble a house. A domed house made of expanded polystyrene turns out to be very light, therefore it does not need a solid and massive foundation. The price for a domed house made of polystyrene was set in the range of $ 300-400 per 1 m2.

    Reference: Despite the fact that foam is used to build a house, Japanese domed houses are durable and reliable, as well as safe to live in.


    Dome house made of bricks erected without a frame. Brick material is laid depending on the selected shape of the geodesic dome.


    One of the modern technologies used for the construction of a domed house is "inflatable" or with the use of a pneumatic frame. Material for construction - concrete... Thanks to this technology, monolithic domed houses are obtained.

    The walls of the building are erected using a special inflatable ball, which is preliminarily spread on the foundation. The inflatable ball is represented by a durable membrane. On its surface, a wooden formwork is installed, equipped with reinforcing steel fittings. The concrete mix is \u200b\u200bevenly distributed over it.

    After waiting for the moment when the concrete "seizes", but not yet fully hardened, the membrane is inflated. Together with the ball, the concrete is lifted, which takes the desired shape. After that, we can assume that the domed concrete house is ready. When the concrete hardens completely, the membrane is deflated. It is reused later.

    From straw

    Dome construction is also quite simple. The building will require a strip or columnar foundation on which the frame is attached. Any shape of the dome is allowed. Straw bales are used as material for the walls, but during laying they are broken in half. The sheaves are laid in a horizontal plane, after which they are pulled together with a strong cord.

    A domed thatched house requires mandatory plastering. For this, the surface of the bales is covered with a net, on which a plaster solution is applied. For external and internal decoration, clay or lime plasters are used.

    Pros and cons

    The properties inherent in a spherical structure determine the positive characteristics that a domed house possesses. The advantages are as follows:

    • the volume inside the house turns out to be significantly larger than when erecting a "rectangular" structure with the same parameter of usable area. It is not too expensive to build a domed house, its price is reduced by 30% in comparison with the usual one;
    • considering that the outer surface of the building is also smaller, this allows you to reduce costs by. In winter, the house does not give off thermal energy to the outside, and in summer it does not heat up;
    • due to the low weight of the entire structure of the house, there is no need to build a powerful foundation;
    • the presence of windows and doors in the house does not affect its strength characteristics. Windows can be placed in any quantity and in any place;
    • a high level of seismic resistance is characteristic;
    • a domed house in winter is able to withstand heavy snow loads;
    • ideal aerodynamic properties make it possible to erect dome structures in regions with frequent hurricanes;
    • due to the fact that the domed house is round, you can place it on the site as you like;
    • a domed house is a warm floor. There is no need to install any other heating systems, as the heat emitted from the floor surface spreads throughout the house;
    • the layout of the domed house is absolutely free. The design of the house does not imply the presence of load-bearing walls, and therefore it is possible to install room partitions in any convenient place. This also allows you to make the design of the domed house exactly according to the wishes of the residents;
    • comfortable living in the house also ensures less noise coming from the street. This is due to the smaller surface area of \u200b\u200bthe structure;
    • the interior of a domed house is as simple to organize as in a conventional cubic structure. Ordinary furniture with sharp corners fits perfectly into the premises;
    • the appearance of the domed house is unusual and attractive.

    Despite the large number of advantages of the structure, for those who want to build a domed house, the disadvantages also play an important role. The domed house has the following disadvantages:

    • it is difficult to carry out calculations for the construction of the base of the house. It is impossible to draw a drawing in two planes. It is necessary to have not only a good spatial imagination, but also to be able to use 3D programs designed to create a layout. This moment can be disregarded if it is possible to order a finished project;
    • specificity of technology. Such a house cannot be erected by an ordinary builder, since the technology for the construction of domed houses does not belong to classical housing construction. It is necessary to find professionals in dome construction;
    • a geodesic domed house requires the use of specialized elements. For example, standard windows for a house will not work; you need to install triangular windows.


    The construction of domed houses can be ordered from the following companies:

    • Dome-Dom... If there is no desire to build a domed house with your own hands, then the company will build a turnkey domed frame house. If there is an opportunity to engage in construction without anyone's help, but there is no desire to calculate the domed house, then the company will provide a kit for assembling the frame of the house.
    • Skydom... Produces high-strength self-assembly frames. Builds turnkey domed houses, the cost of the minimum designer (Sky7.7) is 1,790,000 Russian rubles.
    • Dobrosphere... Will make and deliver a home kit. Will provide all the necessary information required for the assembly, and will also accompany in its process. The price of a house kit with a minimum radius (Z4) is 32,000 rubles.

    How to build

    Calculations and a project are the first things that are needed for those who want to build a domed house with their own hands. A calculator is a must for this. When the project is ready, the construction of the domed house begins with preparatory work.

    To build a domed house with your own hands you must first prepare the site, start clearing the soil and leveling it. After that, the soil surface is covered with crushed stone and sand. It is possible to erect a stratodesic domed house using the following technology:

    • Initially, instead of the foundation, a decagon is built, on which the entire structure will rest. Depending on what load is assumed on a given base, a certain section of the boards for the polygon is selected.
    • Purchased boards are cut using an electric saw. You need to get a trapezoid shape at the exit.
    • The sand pillow is snatched with roofing material and trapezoidal boards are laid on top, fastening them with screws.
    • Further work is carried out in the vertical plane. For the first row of the wall, you will need boards fastened together in squares.
    • Further wall construction consists in assembling triangular elements. If a ready-made frame-constructor was purchased, then this greatly facilitates the task. You just need to assemble it in accordance with the instructions.

    Important: Each wooden element requires preliminary treatment with special antiseptic preparations.

    • After the construction of the frame, they begin to cover it with OSB panels from the inside. Elements are pre-cut according to the design parameters.
    • For external finishing of the structure, you will need to cover its surface with roofing felt and sheathe, using, for example, shingles.
    • It is recommended that the whole process be carried out alternately, moving from one triangle to another. Cutting the roofing material of the desired shape, attach it to the frame and install the tiles.
    • It is better to fix the roofing material with resin or glue.
    • When all the work is completed, proceed to the interior decoration. Using the selected materials, the floors are built, all communications are carried out and the walls are insulated, after which they are pre-finished.

    The device of the domed house will give warmth and comfort in the winter season, freshness and coolness in the summer. There are several varieties and features of the construction of domed houses. We will analyze how to build a domed house further.

    General information about domed houses

    A domed house is a dwelling that has a round base. The roof in such a house is cone-shaped. Walls are made from a variety of materials such as wood, stone, concrete.

    Dome houses were widespread among the Celtic peoples. Contemporary domed houses were invented by the American designer Richard Fuller.

    The use of domed houses is relevant when it is necessary to obtain the maximum volume of the room, using the minimum amount of materials that significantly reduce the weight of the structure.

    The dome shape is used to arrange:

    • stadiums,
    • exhibition centers,
    • scientific objects,
    • industrial buildings.

    Studying reviews about domed houses, we highlight the following advantages of using domed houses:

    • originality of appearance,
    • the construction of a domed house takes no more than two months,
    • lack of walls and the possibility of free planning,
    • installation in various climatic conditions,
    • no requirements for the arrangement of the foundation,
    • the cost of installing a domed house is much lower than the usual one,
    • aerodynamic shape provides high wind resistance,
    • resistance to earthquakes, since the dome consists of triangular parts, the load is evenly distributed throughout the house,
    • the domed house looks aesthetically pleasing and modern,
    • high level of energy efficiency: small area provides good heat dissipation and good ventilation system,
    • the domed house has low acoustic properties.

    Dome houses photos:

    Varieties of domed houses

    Dome houses are equipped in the form of a geodesic dome, which are of several types. A geodesic dome is a shape that is based on the distribution of space into vectors.

    Depending on the type of geodesic dome, there are:

    • domed houses based on tetrahedral polyhedra,
    • a domed house in the form of an icosahedron is the most optimal option for dividing space into vectors, the strength characteristics of the structure depend on the frequency of the splitting.

    Depending on the shape of the dome, there are:

    • belt-type domed houses,
    • domed houses of a convex type,
    • houses in the form of an oval dome,
    • polygonal domed houses, which consist of several polyhedrons,
    • domed houses of the semicircular type.

    The main stages and technology for the construction of domed houses

    The construction of a domed house consists of two main stages.

    The first stage includes a number of preparatory work and the manufacture of the main structural elements, processing, marking, disassembly and packaging of these elements.

    Work on the preparatory stage:

    • first you need to take measurements, determine the place where the domed house will be located, divide the site and make markings for the construction of the house;
    • then start drawing up the estimate documentation and draw up a sketch of the domed house;
    • in order to choose the right model of a domed house, it is necessary to take into account the shape, size of cells, the number of connectors and rafters;
    • if possible, make a computer calculation of the domed house;
    • then you should start making connectors, rafters, plywood elements of the house;
    • metal connectors should be treated with anti-corrosion compounds.

    After completing these works, proceed to the second stage of work on the domed house, which includes:

    • carrying out foundation work;
    • installation of communication systems;
    • preparation of parts for assembly;
    • assembly of the frame of the domed house;
    • the cladding of the domed house from the outside;
    • installation of windows and doors;
    • roof installation works;
    • insulation work;
    • interior cladding of the house;
    • installation of floors, walls and partitions in the room;
    • finishing the interior of the house;
    • work on conducting communications.

    Making a domed house with your own hands

    A connector is a metal element that is a junction point for the wooden parts of a domed house.

    Allocate connectors:

    • five-beam type,
    • six-beam type.

    The connector is used to make large and spacious domed houses. When arranging a domed house of small diameter, it is possible to use a connectorless method.

    The roof of a domed house is:

    • aluminum,
    • roofing felt,
    • made of flexible shingles.

    The foundation for a domed house is:

    • tape,
    • in the form of a concrete cushion,
    • equipped with a wooden or concrete slab.

    To calculate the amount of material, when building a domed house, there are special calculators.

    New developments allow not to use connectors for the construction of a domed house, but are based on the CONE technology, which implies precise manufacturing of ribs, connection with a minimum number of seams.

    The size of the cross-section of the beams depends on the load on the dome of the house.

    When using double: inner and outer sheathing, the size of the beams must be increased.

    The technology of a domed house is quite complicated, but compared to the arrangement of an ordinary house, a domed one will require much less building materials, time and money investments.

    There are several ways to connect edges, such as:

    • use of internal metal plates with screws,
    • or the CONE screwless circuit.

    Dome houses projects:

    The assembly sequence for the domed house consists of:

    1. Choosing a site for the device at home.

    2. Laying a support consisting of ten corners.

    3. Installation of vertical walls.

    4. Installation of window and door structures.

    5. External cladding of vertical walls.

    6. Blanks of ribs for the construction of the dome frame.

    7. Erection of the frame structure.

    8. Sheathing of the frame structure.

    9. Finishing the dome with roofing felt or shingles.

    10. Interior decoration of the house.

    Materials for making a domed house:

    • bars with a section of 5x5 cm,
    • screws,
    • galvanized metal sheet 250x125 cm,
    • screws,
    • nuts,
    • self-tapping screws,
    • nails,
    • assembly foam,
    • roofing materials in the form of roofing material or shingles.

    To create a domed house, you must have:

    • roulette,
    • level,
    • electric corner,
    • hacksaws,
    • jigsaw,
    • electric drills,
    • woodworking machine,
    • roofing scissors,
    • hammer,
    • gloves,
    • brushes,
    • grinders,
    • phillips screwdriver.

    Instructions for making a domed house with your own hands

    1. Preparatory work includes: preparing a place for a domed house. The radius of the location of the domed house must be cleared of the ground cover and covered with rubble, and then with sand.

    2. Instead of a foundation, we install a supporting decagon, for which ten boards are required, the section of which depends on the load on the structure.

    3. It is necessary to make trapezoids from the boards using a jigsaw or an electric saw.

    4. Roofing material and trapeziums should be laid on the sandy base. Check the evenness of the structure using a level. Trapeziums are connected with screws.

    5. The next stage involves the construction of a vertical wall, which will require bars connected with screws.

    6. For the manufacture of the door frame, use two vertical and two horizontal boards.

    7. The location of windows and doors depends on the height of the domed house.

    8. To sheathe vertical walls, use planks that need to be nailed in such a way that water does not enter the house during slanting rain.

    10. Before installing the ribs, the surface should be coated with varnish and special impregnations that prevent the formation of mold and mildew.

    11. To make plate connectors, use plates that should be cut from sheet metal.

    12. To do this, you need a grinder, with the help of which you should cut out pentagonal or hexagonal connectors, depending on the type of construction.

    13. After the connectors are ready, you should start filling them. Bakelite resin or polyurethane foam is suitable for these purposes. The second option is more successful, since it does not contain substances harmful to human health.

    14. To erect the frame of the dome, pay attention to the drawing of the domed house and calculate the number of parts. Use a joinery table and screws to connect the parts.

    15. For the inner lining of the dome, use ordinary wood plywood, which is able to regulate the humidity in the room, and is also an environmentally friendly and harmless material.

    16. After finishing work on the interior of the room, proceed to the exterior wall decoration with roofing felt and shingles.

    17. For this, layers of shingles and roofing felt should be applied sequentially. Roofing material triangles should be cut on the joinery table.

    18. To fix the roofing material, use resin or special glue.

    19. After that, proceed with the interior decoration of the domed house, which includes:

    • flooring,
    • provision of water supply,
    • ventilation,
    • wall insulation,
    • wall decoration.

    1. If it is planned to carry out sewerage and water supply in a domed house, the presence of two holes should be additionally provided.

    2. If you have a bedroom or second floor, provide several windows with opening sashes.

    3. To insulate the structure of the domed house, it is possible to use sawdust.

    4. The best option for making a domed house would be to use white acacia, which has high strength characteristics.

    5. Worry about the presence in the house of outlets, lamps and other power supply devices.

    Dome houses video: