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  • Growing nasturtium: planting seeds for seedlings and in open ground
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  • How to plant nasturtium seeds for seedlings. How to grow nasturtium from seeds and properly care for the plant outdoors? When to plant nasturtium seedlings

    How to plant nasturtium seeds for seedlings. How to grow nasturtium from seeds and properly care for the plant outdoors? When to plant nasturtium seedlings

    Nasturtium is a very attractive plant with large, rounded leaves and bright large flowers. Flowers have a delicate scent and many colorful shades. Another name is also known - capuchin. Nasturtium is used for decorating flower beds, balconies, window sills, vertical trellises and hanging baskets. Its homeland is America (South and Central). In nature, it occurs in mountainous or rocky areas, as well as in lowlands and forest thickets. Capuchin is represented in horticulture by many species and varieties. Depending on where the plants will be planted, ampel, shrub or vine varieties are chosen. This flower is used both in the culinary arts and for medicinal purposes.

    Among the main advantages of this ornamental plant are its long and lush flowering, as well as unpretentiousness. These features have made nasturtium very popular with flower growers.

    There are annual and perennial varieties of nasturtium. Both those and others grow in their homeland. In our climate with cold winters, sowing this flower in open ground is possible only as an annual plant.

    How to grow nasturtium in the country or at home?

    There are three ways to propagate a plant:

    • directly by seeds;
    • seedlings;
    • cuttings.

    Rare species are propagated by cuttings when seeds are difficult to get on sale. The same method is used to develop new varieties.

    Sowing nasturtium can be done directly into the ground, using seeds for this. This method is preferred by many summer residents, as it is very simple.

    Sometimes it is advisable to first grow seedlings at home and then transplant them to a country flower bed or vase. This is usually done to speed up the onset of flowering.

    Let us dwell in more detail on the seedling method of breeding capuchin.

    How to prepare seeds?

    Before the future seedlings are planted, it is necessary to carry out a special treatment of the nasturtium seeds.

    • First, you need to sort out the seeds and choose the best ones. Small, underdeveloped and with defects are immediately removed.
    • The second step is disinfection. To do this, peas of seeds are placed in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for a short time (up to 15 minutes). You can take hot water for these purposes (up to 50 degrees Celsius).
    • Then the peas are wrapped in cheesecloth and placed in water for a day. If the seeds are prepared for seedlings, then they can be soaked for a longer period. For example, until the small sprouts appear.

    All these actions will help to soften the dense shell of the seeds and create conditions for their accelerated germination.

    Planting seeds for seedlings

    Pea seeds are planted in late March - early April.

    The prepared seeds are planted in separate containers with a diameter of up to 10 cm. You can use peat cups or pots in which the bottom is removed.

    Containers are chosen from which it is then convenient to transplant plants into the ground by transferring them together with a lump of earth. The roots of nasturtium are weak and easily damaged, for this reason the plant does not tolerate transplanting well. The seedling method of reproduction is not very convenient, it is better for beginners not to use it.

    Varieties intended for cultivation in an apartment are immediately planted in a pot of soil and remain to grow there constantly.

    Choosing the right soil

    The soil where the seeds will be planted can be bought ready-made in the store (a special composition for flower seedlings). Another option is to cook it yourself. For example, peat is combined with sand and leafy soil.

    Biocontainers, peat tablets are good for future seedlings. What it is?

    • Biocontainer is compressed vermicompost in granules. Contains an optimal composition of nutrients of organic origin, no chemical additions. Biohumus is created by earthworms, processing manure. You can plant seeds in such a container. After the seedlings have germinated, they are placed in the ground. There, the special shell of the biocontainer disintegrates, and a favorable environment for further growth is created in the soil for the plants.
    • - products of a rounded shape from a pressed top layer of peat. It contains nutrient mixture for plants, and thanks to special pores, the roots receive more air. It is convenient to transplant seedlings in tablets. The entire tablet is placed in the soil and the material used to create the tablet is dissolved. It won't take long to fertilize the planted plants.

    The planting is carried out as follows: in the ground (or in the finished substrate in the form of a tablet or granule), recesses of 2-3 cm are made. 2-3 peas are placed in each hole.

    We create conditions for growth

    In the room where the germinated seeds were sown, they maintain a comfortable temperature (slightly more than 20 ° C).

    When two weeks have passed, the temperature should be reduced by a couple of degrees. At this time, the seedlings should already sprout.

    An important condition is the availability of sufficient lighting. Lack of light creates prerequisites for the development of weak and painful seedlings. It will stretch out and bloom poorly.

    Ready-made seedlings are planted in open soil at the beginning of summer; by this time, the sprouts should be at least 7 cm high. Nasturtium is afraid of the cold, it is unacceptable to sow the plant if frosts still occur on the soil at night.

    Transplanting ready-made seedlings: tips

    • Plants should be transplanted into open ground in early June (in good weather, it is possible from mid-May).
    • The gap between individual plants should be at least 20 cm. If the variety grows strongly, then a distance of 30-40 cm will be required.
    • The weather should be warm and sunny.
    • It can still be cold at night; during the adaptation period, it is better to cover young shoots with a film at this time of day.
    • The seedlings must be carefully dumped into the ground together with a clod of earth, without damaging the root system.
    • Before the transplant is carried out, preferably seedlings for about three days in the open air.
    • The place for future nasturtiums should be well lit, sheltered from drafts.
    • Let the soil be selected optimally: too wet will destroy the plants, too fertilized will cause an abundance of greenery and a modest size of flowers, poor soil will not give lush flowering. It is better to choose a land with low acidity, airy and fertile enough.
    • Mineral fertilizers are good for nasturtium. Fresh organic ones are best avoided.

    How to care for seedlings?

    Caring for nasturtium is simple, but it should not be neglected. The requirements for the care of germinating seeds and planted seedlings will be the same.

    Long colorful flowering, bright green leaves, a variety of species and varieties, unpretentiousness - all this is a capuchin. Choose the variety that you like, decorate your house, balcony, summer cottage. Compliance with simple but important rules for breeding nasturtium (how to sow and care) is within the power of everyone.

    When you want to speed up the onset of the flowering pore, grow the seedlings in advance at home for further transplanting them in open ground. The use of modern biocontainers for seedlings will greatly facilitate this task, especially for novice growers.

    How nasturtium grows, growing from seeds, when to plant and properly care for a plant - information that gardeners who want to decorate their site with beautiful flowers should familiarize themselves with. This culture is presented in the form of liana or shrub, in which the stem is succulent, the leaves are lobed, and the flowers are irregular in shape.

    Nasturtium - planting and care

    This crop is planted in three ways:

    1. You can sow the planting material directly into the open ground, which simplifies the acclimatization of the plant, so the seedlings grow quickly.
    2. Nasturtium, grown from seeds of which can be carried out at home, will bloom faster with the seedling method, and the flowers will last for a long time. There is a risk of loss of seedlings after transplanting from a container to open ground.
    3. The flower is planted by cuttings using wet sand or water. As a result, you can quickly get roots and transplant the cutting to a permanent place on the site. This is the perfect way to spread exotic varieties.

    It is important not only to know how to plant seeds, but also how to grow and care for a plant, so, mandatory procedures include:

    1. Timely watering is of great importance, especially during seedling germination. Watering is significantly reduced during flowering. Spraying is prohibited because the flower loves dry air.
    2. After the seedlings appear, you need to thin them out by removing small and weak specimens.
    3. Growing involves regularly loosening the soil and getting rid of weeds.
    4. Fertilizer is usually applied once a month, excluding the addition of a large amount of nitrogenous fertilizers. Potash and phosphorus supplements should be chosen.
    5. When the flowering phase begins, you need to remove dead flowers in time and then new specimens will appear in their place. Use scissors to cut off shoots and leaves.

    How to plant nasturtium seeds for seedlings?

    For planting seeds, you can use, in which you need to put 1-2 seeds. Planting nasturtium seeds for seedlings can be carried out in pots with special soil, which you can buy or do yourself by mixing part of the sod land, sand and peat. Stir the mixture, sift and pour over a hot solution of potassium permanganate. After two days, the mixture can be divided into containers and planting can begin:

    1. Deepen the seeds by 2 cm. Put 2-3 seeds in each container.
    2. Press the ground a little on top and pour everything from a watering can with a nozzle. You can use a spray bottle.
    3. Place the pots on a sunny windowsill.

    When to plant nasturtium seedlings?

    The seeds of this plant can be stored for a long time, since they remain viable for 4-5 years. If you are interested in when to sow nasturtium for seedlings, then it is important to know that the most suitable period is from the end of April to the beginning of May. In addition, the recommendations for each variety should be taken into account, since some species do not tolerate frost.

    How to germinate nasturtium seeds for seedlings?

    Before planting, it is recommended to pre-prepare the planting material in order to accelerate the emergence of shoots. How nasturtium germinates, growing from seed, when to plant are all important information to learn to get powerful and flowering bushes.

    1. Go through the seeds, removing small and damaged specimens.
    2. Before planting seeds, for disinfection, they should be put in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 10-15 minutes. or in hot water (no more than 50 ° С).
    3. To soak nasturtium seeds in water, they should be put in cheesecloth and immersed in water for a day. Seedlings may require longer germination.

    Planting nasturtium seeds in the ground

    Outdoors, the flower can be planted in pots and flower beds. For curly species, support is needed. For nasturtium cultivation and outdoor care, it is important to choose loamy soil that must be drained. If there is a lot of fertilizer in the ground, then powerful leaves will develop to the detriment of flowering. For proper growth, you need regular watering, fertilizing every three weeks and removing wilted flowers.

    How to plant nasturtium outdoors?

    In order for the plant to develop well and please with its color, you need to choose a well-lit area with fertile soil for planting. Many are interested in when to plant nasturtium in the ground, and in the southern regions, direct sowing of seeds can be carried out at the end of May. It is imperative to do the soaking of the planting material. Instructions on what nasturtium needs, growing from seeds, when to plant and properly care for, includes the following rules:

    1. The site should be dug up, loosened and fertilized. Use some compost, wood ash, etc.
    2. There should be a distance of 25-30 cm between the plantings. 2-3 seeds should be placed in each hole, deepening them by 2.3 cm.
    3. If everything was done according to the rules and the seeds were good, then the seedlings will already appear in 14 days. Flowering occurs in 40-50 days.

    Diseases - nasturtium

    The plant is known for repelling various insects: whitefly, aphids, Colorado potato beetle and cabbage. If the care of nasturtium is carried out incorrectly, then diseases may appear, which can be eliminated by removing the infected leaves and treating the bushes with special chemical or bacteriological agents.

    1. Bacterial wilting, in which the lower leaves deteriorate, and then the whole plant disappears.
    2. When growing incorrectly, mosaic infestation is possible, in which a mosaic pattern can be seen on the leaves.
    3. manifests itself as gray-brown spots on the leaves.
    4. If nasturtium is sick with rust, then small spots of brown or black form, which turn into bumps.
    5. With ring spotting, small dots are visible on the leaves, surrounded by a red-brown border.

    Nasturtium is a simple and chic flower at the same time. Bright decorative petals leave no one indifferent, and at the same time caring for nasturtium is easy. In addition, the plant has pronounced medicinal properties, and can even be used in cooking.

    All these advantages create many good reasons for growing nasturtium in your own garden. In the article, we will consider this very issue: we will find out how to properly plant nasturtium in open ground, and how then to care for the plant.


    Nasturtium came to our gardens from South and Central America, where it is found in the wild. This plant of the nasturtium family is interesting for the varied color of its petals: almost all possible shades of yellow, red and orange are presented. The leaves of nasturtium are bright green, and are arranged alternately on the stem. Foliage also gives the plant a decorative effect, since it has a beautiful shiny surface and a dense texture.

    In the photo - nasturtium:


    Flowers of nasturtium can be simple, as well as semi-double and double. The last two varieties are particularly decorative. The average nasturtium flower is about 5 cm in diameter and usually has five petals. The shape of the flower is funnel-shaped, the inflorescence has a small proboscis, which gives additional decorative effect.

    The plant is a kind of liana, but it is also possible to breed semi-shrub species. Because of its high decorative qualities, nasturtium is highly prized by gardeners and landscape designers. The plant is able to perfectly fit into almost any garden landscape: it looks great and picturesque in flower beds, rock gardens, hanging gardens, and other elements of garden decor.

    With the help of this plant, it is possible to decorate borders, arches, arbors, and decorate various vertical surfaces. At the appropriate height of the trellis, nasturtium can reach a length of four meters.

    In landscape design, nasturtium looks great next to ornamental cabbage, as well as verbena. The best places for her: next to the house, near trees, in flower beds, flower beds, next to roses. The vine also looks great in wicker pots, suspended along the perimeter of the terrace or porch. Dwarf nasturtiums are used mainly to decorate balcony flower containers. But what the flowers of curly nasturtium look like will help to understand from the article.

    On video - Nasturtium from seeds:

    Thanks to these decorative properties and rapid growth, with the help of nasturtium, you can decorate almost any garden elements, as well as hide unsightly landscape details that spoil the overall appearance.

    Growing features

    We will find out what specific nuances you need to keep in mind when planning to grow nasturtium in the open field.

    Due to the delicate structure of nasturtium and its southern origin, in our climate, the plant is cultivated only as an annual. But in its native, natural environment, the flower is a perennial. Note that the plant is unpretentious, and even a completely inexperienced gardener can grow it.

    The quality of the soil is important for nasturtium: it loves fertile soil with a slightly acidic reaction. The soil should be well-drained, as the plant does not tolerate stagnant water.

    If the soil is not fertile enough, then the vine will not be able to fully please with its decorative qualities: it will bloom poorly, poorly, it will turn out to be weak, lethargic. On the other hand, overfeeding the plant with fertilizers is also not desirable, since in this case the nasturtium will actively increase the green mass, completely forgetting about flowering. The result is a lush green bush with a few flowers. For those who want to know more about how stunted Nasturtium is grown from seeds, you should go to this

    The video shows the features of growing flowers:

    If the soil is heavy, clayey, it can lead to rotting of the plant roots. Therefore, choose sandy or loamy soils for nasturtium, without close occurrence of groundwater.

    Good lighting is also important for the plant. Since nasturtium is native to their warm sunny countries, it needs warmth and light. In this case, it is also necessary to protect the delicate plant from drafts and gusts of wind. You should not place nasturtium in the shade, and even in partial shade: it will refuse to bloom in such conditions.

    Planting and breeding

    Nasturtium is most often propagated by seeds and seedlings. And professional breeders also use plant cuttings to develop new interesting varieties. We will learn how to correctly plant a flower in open ground.

    Before placing seeds in the ground, they must be placed in water heated to 40 degrees for a short time. This measure contributes to the fact that most of the harmful microorganisms present on the seed die. This means that in the future the plant will be more protected from various diseases. After staying in forty-degree water, the seeds are soaked in ordinary water for a day.

    Sowing takes place either in open ground - in the southern regions, or more often - in seedling boxes. The soil for nasturtium seeds should be well loosened, dug up, without lumps. Warm up the soil in advance: this will help the seeds to take root and germinate safely. If all recommendations are followed, nasturtium will bloom in a month and a half after the first shoots appear.

    If you are planting seeds directly into the ground, then make the holes with a distance of 25 cm. Place two seeds in each hole.

    After the seeds have fallen into the ground, the soil is watered from above and covered with a film until shoots appear.

    In the video - flower reproduction:

    Growing with seedlings gives a more guaranteed result: and this is the way most gardeners choose. For seedlings, nasturtium seeds are planted in small plastic cups. The sprouts will appear in room heat in 10 days. It is recommended to use special cups with a retractable bottom for seedlings: in this case, you can carefully and painlessly transplant the plant into open ground when the time comes.

    After the sprouts appear, observe the temperature and light conditions: the first should be about +18 degrees, and the second - abundant. It is possible to plant seedlings in the ground only after stable heat has been established on the street without night frosts. As for the planting time, in the case of sowing seeds directly into open ground, June is recommended, and for seedlings - April-May.

    Placing seedlings in the ground

    To safely transplant seedlings into open ground, it is necessary to prepare a bed: loosen it, fertilize it, dig it up. It is recommended to mulch the soil with dry peat or compost: this layer will avoid the appearance of a large number of weeds, and at the same time will act as drainage.

    In the garden, holes are made in advance, with a depth of a plastic cup, in which the seedling is currently located. Observe the distance between the holes: optimal - 20-40 cm.

    The seedlings are removed from the glasses along with the earthen clod, and carefully placed in the holes. Follow the procedure carefully so as not to damage the fragile roots of the plant. After the sprout is in the ground, it is squeezed from all sides with soil and watered with water.

    In the first week after the "housewarming" it is recommended to cover the nasturtium with a film or other non-woven material at night in order to exclude the possibility of frost damage to the plant. But how is growing from Lupine seeds, you can learn more from this

    Do not place nasturtium outdoors early: both seeds and seedlings. In this case, there is a high probability that the plant will be killed by night frosts.


    The plant is extremely unpretentious, for which gardeners especially love and appreciate it. However, it will not hurt to observe some points. What recommendations for plant care must be followed so that nasturtium can delight with its decorative flowering for a long time. But what can be planted in the country with a minimum of care is described in great detail in this


    The plant needs to provide sufficient watering, although without fanaticism: nasturtium does not like waterlogging. Particular attention should be paid to watering during the period of active plant growth. And when flowering begins, moisture must be reduced by watering the nasturtium only if it is very hot. But whether it can be used, this information will help you figure it out.

    Top dressing

    The plant needs fertilization, especially if the soil is not fertile. It is important not to use fresh manure for feeding nasturtium - the roots of the plant can rot from this organic matter. Old, rotted manure, compost - it is possible, but in small quantities.

    To feed the plant, you can use phosphorus and potash fertilizers, but in small quantities: one teaspoon per sq. m of soil. Nasturtium nitrogen fertilizers are not needed.

    Diseases, pests

    The plant is not afraid of many common insect pests, scaring them away even from neighboring flowers. However, nasturtium is susceptible to such a disease as wilting, which gradually, starting from the bottom, "eats" the leaves "of the entire plant. In addition, gray mold damage is possible, which can be identified by the characteristic grayish-brown spots on the leaves.

    Prone to nasturtium and rust disease. In this case, reddish and brown spots familiar to many gardeners appear on the leaves. Over time, these spots turn into bumps, with voids inside, completely destroying the leaf.

    Diseased leaves are removed, and the remaining parts of the plant are sprayed with fungicides, sometimes washed.

    Other points

    Withered flowers must be removed so that the remaining inflorescences get more nutrients, and so that the decorative appearance of the vine does not deteriorate. Removing the wilted inflorescences will also stimulate the plant to form new buds.

    The plant needs weeding: it is recommended to carry out this procedure simultaneously with loosening the earth.

    If you decide to get your own nasturtium seeds, then leave one of the largest ovaries: in this case, the seeds will be obtained in sufficient quantities, they will be strong, viable.

    By the way, in the southern regions, nasturtium seeds that fell into the ground in the fall may well overwinter and grow safely in the spring. However, this is already an uncontrolled, spontaneous dilution, which in most cases is unacceptable.

    We examined the features of growing nasturtium in the open field. As you can see, there are no special wisdom in plant cultivation and care. But with the help of this flower, you can give any garden a festive, cheerful atmosphere, hide household details that spoil the landscape, and find many more uses for the unique liana. Nasturtium is loved by most gardeners - it's time to get this beauty in the garden and for you.

    Nasturtium is a representative of the numerous genus of nasturtium, numbering up to 90 species, of which 25 species of such plants are actively cultivated. This is an annual herb with rounded bright juicy green leaves, similar to the shields of warriors, and the flowers in various shades of yellowish-red tones resemble ancient warrior helmets. Here is such a modest flower, and so reliably "armed". Nasturtium spread throughout the world from Central and South America.

    Most often, in the summer and until late autumn, we see large nasturtium on city lawns and summer cottages, pleasing to the eye with bright abundant flowers and juicy rounded leaves compactly covering the entire nasturtium bush - the resemblance to a shield is justified.

    Competing with nasturtium is a large cultural nasturtium, which is distinguished by larger flowers, saturated in yellow and orange-burgundy shades, double and ordinary, and the ability to creep branching, which, if supported, are able to braid it into the desired decorative shape: pyramids, cylinders and more complex configuration.

    Due to the ease of care, universal decorativeness, long-term and abundant bright flowering, the possibility of ampelous cultivation with vertical gardening of tall species and their ability to cover a significant area of \u200b\u200bthe flower garden; Along with stunted species, which are quite decorative in ridges, borders and large flower beds, nasturtium has remained a relevant and desirable plant everywhere for many years.

    Growing and caring for nasturtium

    For planting nasturtium seedlings, you should choose a place that is sufficiently lit with the likelihood of short-term shading. With a lack of sunlight, it will react with long, thin shoots and a weakening of color, leaves and flowers, which may not be there at all.

    Nasturtium prefers moderately fertile and even poor soil with adequate drainage. The consequence of over-fertilization of the soil will be a powerful growth of leaves and an almost complete absence of flowers. Like all plants, nasturtium is painful to unripe organic matter (manure and compost), and the dosed use of potassium and phosphorus fertilizers, which should be resorted to no more than once a month during the growing season, gives it the opportunity to develop normally, bloom profusely and delight healthy leaves-shields.

    The correct watering regime is very important for nasturtium, taking into account the characteristics of the soil growing. This is especially true for heavy soil with poor drainage, when nasturtium should be watered sparingly, but without drying out, otherwise it will either rot the roots or wither from a lack of moisture. Normal watering of the developing young nasturtium should be regular for the bush to grow successfully. As soon as the first flowers appear, it is necessary to water it sparingly, preventing the soil from drying out, since excess moisture is excessive greenery and weak flowering.

    Nasturtium begins to bloom at the age of one and a half months under conditions of proper care. Each nasturtium flower will bear a ball-seed, which in milky-wax ripeness can be collected, dried and used as a seasoning for meat dishes, these balls can even be pickled and then they can compete with expensive capers. Moreover, nasturtium leaves have a spicy smell and taste of salad greens, therefore, they can be included in salads. What a beauty this nasturtium is! But if you are more interested in the decorative qualities of nasturtium, then the faded flowers should be removed in order to stimulate its more abundant and prolonged flowering.

    Transplantation and reproduction of nasturtium

    Nasturtium is very capricious for breeding seedlings and is vulnerable to direct sowing of germinated or dry seeds into the ground. Even with careful transplanting of nasturtium seedlings, its delicate roots suffer and at first the plant looks withering, but with regular watering and a mini greenhouse in the form of a two-liter plastic bottle with a cut-off bottom, with an unscrewed cork, it will quickly return to normal.

    It is optimal to grow nasturtium seedlings in two plastic cups, in one of them, cut off the bottom completely, and in the second, cut off the edge of the bottom for drainage. The seeds are placed in a cup with soil for seedlings 2-3 grains in April, and after 2 weeks the seedlings will sprout. In open ground, it can be planted according to climatic weather conditions in May, but usually in early June.

    At the time of planting the seedlings, carefully remove the cup with seedlings without a bottom from the cup with a drainage bottom, place it in a shallow flower hole in open ground and sprinkle it, compacting the soil around the seedling. Then pour and mulch around the stem. When the seedling is completely rooted and shows new leaves, after watering, you can carefully raise the glass, carefully cut and remove, or you can even leave it in place. As an option: the inner cup can be immediately cut from the side when the nasturtium seed is planted, so that later, provided that the seedlings are rooted, it would be easier to remove it.

    Before sowing nasturtium seeds in open ground, you should check their germination by soaking them in water for a day. After a day, those seeds that will sprout with a swollen sprout, select and sow into prepared holes 2-3 from the selected seeds with a distance between the holes from 25 to 30 centimeters. In the open ground, the seeds will also germinate in two weeks, and climatic frosts must be taken into account, which can destroy them, therefore, there is no need to rush to sowing in open ground. Early flowering of nasturtium can be achieved by planting seedlings, in which the accompanying efforts will pay off with a positive result.

    Seeds of nasturtium need 40-50 days from the moment the flower withers to fully ripen. Possessing a thick protective shell, nasturtium seeds remain viable for up to 3-4 years. With good care, nasturtium blooms profusely and sets many seeds, which, when ripe, crumble and, in mild winter conditions, are able to self-sow in spring after wintering.

    Like many other types of ornamental plants, nasturtium can be planted with cuttings that are pre-rooted either in water or in wet sand at sufficient temperature and humidity. The method is troublesome and applicable for breeding rare species of nasturtium, in particular, with double flowers.

    Variety of nasturtiums

    Numerous varieties of nasturtium are divided into bush and creeping or climbing. The choice of these is directly related to the decorative task of florists: growing in pots, hanging baskets or designing borders.

    Of the widely known varieties, the following are offered:

    • creeping or curly - light cherry, deep orange or yellow flowers; lashes reach from 1.5 to 2.5 meters;
    • semi-creeping - semi-double flowers of mixed color (yellow, red and orange); branch length up to 30 centimeters;
    • bush - dense red flowers, towering over dark green leaves; the height of the stems is 20 centimeters.

    Pests and diseases of nasturtium

    In addition to beauty, nasturtium brings undeniable benefits to the garden: it is able to scare off some pests, including the whitefly, aphids, the cabbage butterfly and even the Colorado potato beetle. Although she herself is prone to certain diseases.

    More dangerous than others are the so-called bacterial wilting, leaf spot, rust, leaf mosaic, ring spot viruses and gray rot. With bacterial wilting, decrepitude of the lower leaves is observed, leading to the wilting of the entire plant. Leaf spot is marked by small dots with reddish-brown edges that grow and cover the entire leaf surface. Rust is identified by small black and brown specks, which eventually turn into convex irregular pads. According to the mosaic pattern of light green spots, which can lead the entire plant to death, they recognize the viral disease of nasturtium mosaic, in which nasturtium loses its decorative appeal and stops developing. Dry gray-brown spots on nasturtium leaves indicate a fungal disease with gray rot.

    At the first signs of the listed diseases of nasturtium, as a general rule, the damaged parts of the plant must be removed and destroyed. Next, spray the remaining healthy parts of the nasturtium with special preparations of chemical or biological protection, depending on the degree of damage to the plants. The biological defense system is undoubtedly preferable, but under certain conditions it can be poorly effective. You will have to decide on your own or resort to the advice of experienced florists.

    1. It is recommended to plant nasturtium seedlings in the ground when it reaches 5 centimeters in height. However, keep in mind that the decorating properties of nasturtium can be used as a screen for a compost heap or garbage container, or even for an opening in a fence.
    2. By filling a tall tub or other container with potting soil mixed with river sand. Reinforce in the center a strong stick or rail with slots in its upper part, to which attach 12 cords, pin the end of each of them to the edge of a barrel or other capacious container. A sprouted nasturtium seed should be sown near each cord. Water the crops regularly, and after two weeks sprouts will appear, and after another 3-4 weeks a flower tent will appear from 12 lashes of nasturtium, which can decorate a patio or an open terrace.
    3. Several nasturtium bushes can be planted in a greenhouse or between rows of tomatoes to scare off whiteflies.

    The planted nasturtium bushes will distract cabbage butterflies from the cabbage, which will willingly lay their eggs on nasturtium leaves, from where they can later be collected.

    If you plant tuberous nasturtium on the site, then in addition to the spectacular red and golden flowers that can crawl along the trellis, growing luxuriantly even in a damp and cool summer, you can get an additional crop of tubers that taste like a radish, with blue veins that fade during heat treatment. Can be cooked like potatoes or eaten raw in salads. In some regions of South America, they are called ysanyo, where they are widely and variedly used in cooking.

    Nasturtium is a flower that can be seen in most city beds, gardens and even balconies in summer. This popularity is simply explained - the plant is unpretentious in care, grows well and is able to decorate any place of its growth. To achieve profuse flowering of nasturtium, you need to know some of the features of growing this crop.

    When to plant nasturtium

    Nasturtium is a welcome guest on a wide variety of flower beds and balconies. Rarely can anyone remain indifferent to the beauty of a capuchin - this is the second name of nasturtium, given in ancient times for the similarity of its flowers with the hoods of monks of the same name.

    These flowers are perennials by nature, but due to the peculiarities of our climate, they are cultivated as annual crops. Most types of nasturtium are propagated by seed.

    How to choose seeds and seedlings

    Nasturtium seeds are eaten, but they do it when they are still fresh, green in color. Over time, the peas dry out, the skin becomes wrinkled and gradually turns into a crust, becomes light beige or brown. These are suitable for planting seedlings or directly into open ground.

    When buying seedlings, prefer those plants that have a large number of buds and leaves in their compact size. It makes no sense to acquire a flowering plant. The same can be said for seedlings with few leaves.

    Whether to collect seeds grown in your flower bed

    This question is relevant for all lovers of growing nasturtium at home. And it's not a desire to save money on store seeds. An inquisitive gardener is always interested in the development cycle of a plant and the possibility of growing it in the next season.

    The answer is simple: you can, but this applies only to varietal nasturtium, there are no talks about hybrids. Another thing: when should you collect the seeds? Here you should count forty days from the beginning of flowering and observe the final ripening of the fruit pods. It's easy to find out the right moment - the boxes will acquire a slightly brownish (or they also say - milky-coffee) shade and will be easily removed from the stalk. You can simplify the task and collect seeds that have already fallen to the ground. Your further concern will be to dry and preserve the seeds until next year. Capuchin seeds can be stored for up to 4 years.

    Self-seeding reproduction

    Nasturtium reproduces well by self-seeding. This is important for those who grow a flower at home, where it is always warm, since any frost, even the weakest, is detrimental to young shoots. Therefore, in your apartment you can arrange a year-round nasturtium growing cycle. But remember that this is possible only if, in addition to heat, it is possible to provide the plant with sufficient light. Nasturtium is very fond of sunlight, which is so lacking in winter, and it is not so easy to replace it with artificial one.

    Varieties for every taste: ampelous, long-leaved, undersized

    There are so many varieties of nasturtium that everyone will find something to their liking. Usually, ampelous, terry, curly, bush and climbing varieties of this flower are distinguished. All of them can be successfully grown in the garden.

    As for growing on the balcony, ampelous semi-leafy varieties that are planted in pots and boxes are best suited here.

    Description of some varieties:

    • Vesuvius is good not only for its compact size, but also for its amazing flowers, where the pale pink hue smoothly turns into orange, there are red spots on the petals;
    • Day and night has flowers in two shades - cream and red. Thanks to this combination, the variety got its name. This nasturtium blooms especially well against the background of light green leaves;
    • Cherry rose - and the name is beautiful, and the appearance corresponds to it. Anyone who loves unusual shades will love this pink (closer to raspberry) color. The variety is terry;
    • Terry mix is \u200b\u200banother representative of the terry type, characterized by a wide range of colors. In addition, the plant tends to exude a pleasant aroma that attracts pollinating insects to the site;
    • Alaska is the very case when, even in a non-flowering form, nasturtium looks spectacular, thanks to the marble color of the leaves;
    • Yeti - for lovers of long-leaved varieties. Scourges grow up to two meters, and creamy white flowers with yellow spots towards the center bloom on the emerald carpet of foliage;
    • Birdie (Canary) is a real exotic in your garden: its petals somehow resemble either wings or feathers of a bird, and the leaves do not at all look like traditional ones, but nevertheless it is nasturtium;
    • Birds of Paradise is a variety that forms neat, small bushes with fragrant and bright flowers. Good not only for a loggia, but also for giving when grown in pots and pots;
    • A diamond is especially good for planters. Some may be embarrassed that its lashes grow up to 3 m, so shorten them as necessary, at the same time causing more abundant branching and flowering. The flowers are dark red;
    • The purple gloss has bright red double flowers up to 6 cm in diameter. Compact enough - the lashes do not exceed 1.2 m in length.

    Photo gallery: varieties of nasturtium, decorating the home garden

    The flowers of the Yeti variety have almost snow-white petals, which take a yellow tint closer to the center
    A truly exotic variety Ptashechka (or Canary) loves warmth very much, but is able to grow in mid-latitudes.
    Nasturtium Cherry rose will appeal to lovers of extraordinary flowers
    For the contrast of light and dark flowers, the variety was given the name Day and Night
    Alaska is a familiar variety of traditional nasturtium
    Nasturtium Terry Blend Unique Flower Shape
    The Vesuvius variety is good for its pale pink, turning into an orange shade of flowers
    Purple gloss - a variety with fairly short whips, appreciated by lovers of growing nasturtia at home
    The Birds of Paradise variety will make any flowerpot or flowerpot the colorful center of the garden composition
    Variety Brilliant bushes well and takes up little space, but at the same time blooms magnificently

    Planting nasturtium

    You can plant nasturtium both with seeds and seedlings. Both methods have their strengths and weaknesses.

    Seedling method

    Planting nasturtium seedlings is a good option when you want to see flowering as soon as possible. In addition, in this way it can be protected from low temperatures, which can catch the plant by surprise when sowing directly into the ground. You can start planting in mid-April. This period lasts until early May - it all depends on how quickly the warm period begins in your region.

    Landing order:

    1. Be sure to soak the seeds for at least a day in warm water, and then dip them 1 cm into the soil, having prepared small containers of peat in advance. Such a container will be optimal for planting in open ground, since nasturtium tolerates this process very painfully.
    2. After placing the seeds on the bottom of the grooves, sprinkle them with soil and tamp them a little. Pour and cover with plastic. The room temperature should be no higher than 22 ° C.
    3. In a couple of weeks, the first shoots will appear. Now the nasturtium needs to be provided with a slightly cooler atmosphere - up to 18 ° C. It is also recommended to highlight the seedlings so that they do not stretch out from lack of light.
    4. After a month, the seedlings will be ready for transplanting to the site. The main thing is that the threat of recurrent frosts has already passed on the street at this time. When transplanting, be sure to save the pot so as not to damage the earthen ball. If the forecast promises a drop in temperature for the coming days, cover the planting with film overnight.

    Thanks to this approach, you can see blooming nasturtium already in mid-June and admire it until the first frost.

    Video: planting nasturtium seeds for seedlings

    Seedless way

    This approach avoids the problems associated with the survival rate of nasturtium in a new place. Plants sown directly in open ground will be stronger, will develop more actively, but will not begin to bloom until mid-July. Another hitch - they sow seeds in summer cottages, usually in mid-May, and the threat of frost when shoots appear is still relevant. However, it is the simplest and most reliable way to grow nasturtium.

    Necessary actions:

    1. To begin with, we soak the prepared seeds in a damp cloth for up to 3 days (it is best to use a cotton cloth).
    2. When the seeds are swollen, we prepare them for them in a section of a hole up to 2 cm deep with an interval of 25 to 50 cm (the distance depends on the type of nasturtium: for bushy varieties, the distance between holes is up to 30 cm, and for climbing varieties - up to 50 cm).

    The same scheme applies when planting seeds in pots, flowerpots and boxes located on the balcony. The only difference is that in this case it will be much easier to create the necessary conditions for the seeds to hatch.

    Video: planting in open ground and subsequent care

    Possible problems during germination

    Gardeners often complain that the planted nasturtium does not want to produce friendly shoots. This most often happens when planting seeds directly in open ground.

    • First of all, this may be due to too much water for irrigation. And the owner of the site is not necessarily to blame for this, diligently trying to provide seeds and soil with water. Sometimes there is too much rain during the planting period, which, in combination with watering, is only harmful.
    • Sometimes the seeds are buried too deeply, and they do not have sufficient access to oxygen, and the sprout does not have enough strength to break through to the top.
    • The previous problem can be exacerbated by clay soil, which is not as oxygenated as, for example, loam or sandy loam. Therefore, before planting, be sure to dilute it with peat and river sand, mixing them in equal proportions.
    • Low temperatures negatively affect nasturtium even at the stage of pecking, therefore, if the soil is not warmed up enough before and after planting, then it is hardly worth counting on a good result.
    • The simplest reason for the lack of seedlings, if all the previous conditions were met, is the poor quality of the seeds. Is it worth mentioning once again that you do not need to buy them from the hands of private traders. It is better to trust registered and verified manufacturers. If you collect and harvest seeds yourself, then remember that the planting material remains viable for 3-4 years.

    Description of plant care


    Water the nasturtium as needed - when the soil around it becomes dry. Moreover, this recommendation is effective in the first stages of growth, then watering should be reduced. Do not overdo it with the volume of water - it is enough to wet only the topsoil, and not spill the area for a week in advance. This is especially true for clay soil, which retains water for a long time.

    Top dressing

    Nasturtium is not one of those plants that love organic feeding, and nitrogen fertilization will not do it well. It is better to use potassium-phosphorus fertilizers like Nitrofoska (4 tablespoons per bucket of water followed by spraying the leaves) or Agricola (1 tablespoon is enough for 10 liters of water). Top dressing is done once - before the flowering of nasturtium. Thanks to her, there will be much more flowers.

    Favorable conditions during flowering

    In order for the plant to bloom profusely, the following conditions must be met:

    1. Faded inflorescences must be cut off at the first signs of wilting - thereby the nasturtium is stimulated to further abundant flowering, because a new one will soon form in the place of the cut inflorescence.
    2. In a similar way, you need to do with damaged parts of the plant in order to prevent the appearance of diseases or pests.
    3. Loosen the soil as necessary so that water does not stagnate and there is always an oxygen flow to the roots.

    Nasturtium planted in a greenhouse will save you from whitefly, placed next to cabbage will protect it from cabbage. Capuchin is often a true target for aphids, and distracts pests from other garden crops. Agree, it is much easier to destroy aphids that have accumulated on nasturtium plantings than those scattered throughout the site.

    Diseases and pests of nasturtium

    Nasturtium has a whole list of "ill-wishers" in the form of aphids, whiteflies, spider mites and other pests, and is also susceptible to various diseases.

    Diseases and enemies of nasturtium, methods of dealing with them:

    The so-called mosaic on nasturtium leaves is usually a sign of a lack of essential trace elements (if the plant is not fed), and does not pose a threat. Unless only the appearance of flowers is no longer so attractive.

    Perennial varieties in winter: greenhouse or warm balcony

    Perennial varieties of nasturtium in our area are grown as annuals, since no shelter will help them survive the winter. However, you can try to keep such a capuchin in your greenhouse or on your balcony, but only if you can provide enough warmth and light. If not, consider any nasturtium only as an annual crop.

    Photo gallery: flowers for food

    Lettuce leaves, asparagus, nasturtium - the base of a salad a la Nice
    Nasturtium leaves, which are wrapped in lamb, add a spicy taste to dolma
    A variation of the famous Italian pesto sauce made from nasturtium leaves
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    Pickled green nasturtium seeds will replace expensive capers
    Spicy nasturtium complements the bland taste of the squash salad