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  • Plant nasturtium seeds. Growing nasturtium: planting seeds for seedlings and in open ground

    Plant nasturtium seeds. Growing nasturtium: planting seeds for seedlings and in open ground

    Annuals in the garden and on the balcony always create a bright atmosphere, improve the mood. Today we will focus on growing nasturtium from seeds - we will determine the timing of when to plant seeds, consider popular species and varieties, and also take a look at photos of successful compositions in the garden and vegetable garden.

    Description, types and varieties of nasturtium

    Nasturtium (Tropaéolum) is an annual plant native to South America. The flower is especially popular with gardeners for the beauty of the leaves and long unusual flowering. Another name for nasturtium is capuchins, since the back of the flower resembles medieval monastic hoods.

    Growing a plant in a flower bed is quite simple, even a beginner can handle it. Capuchins look good in flower beds, garden beds and balcony boxes. The flowers of nasturtium are quite bright and eye-catching. They are usually yellow, orange and red in color. The green leaves of the plant adorn the flower bed even before flowering. It is simply impossible to confuse this amazing flower with another ornamental plant.

    The most popular among gardeners are bush and climbing plant species. Compact bushes during the flowering period are covered with numerous buds and bright flowers. In simple forms - the inflorescence has 5 petals, but there is also a double form of this plant.

    Breeders regularly develop new varieties of nasturtium. Today, lovers can delight themselves with popular varieties:

    Low-growing nasturtium forms a bush up to 20 cm in height. By placing such plants side by side, you can get a blooming carpet. The shrub spreads beautifully along the ground. This flower looks good in flower beds and balcony boxes. In the garden, the rare blotches of bushes of undersized nasturtium are especially pleasant (and useful, by the way). It begins to bloom in June. If autumn is warm, then new inflorescences are formed before the end of October. The flower prefers a sunny spot in the garden. The plant does not tolerate cold weather.

    Terry forms are distinguished by their extraordinary colors. Such a bush does not bloom for long - from July to August. One of the varieties "Apricot Elf" is an annual climbing plant. It blooms with huge flowers that reach 6 cm in diameter. The color of the inflorescences is bright orange. The length of the lash can be up to 1.5 meters. This type of nasturtium smells very good.

    Climbing nasturtium is an annual, beautiful plant that blooms until the first frost. The bush lets out lashes up to 3 meters, on which there are bright and fragrant flowers. As a rule, the inflorescences are very large, terry forms can be found. Curly nasturtium is often used to decorate gazebos. The scourge of the plant needs support.

    Nasturtium: grown from seed when planted outdoors

    It is better to grow it from seeds immediately in the open field, since the seedlings take root very poorly if the roots are disturbed during planting. Seeds are planted in 2 pieces per hole in the same period when tomato seedlings are planted: with us it is usually mid-May. Then the weaker sprout is pinched.

    The following features will help you decide how and when to plant nasturtium outdoors:

    1. It is necessary to sow seeds when the threat of return frosts has passed. The plant does not tolerate even a short-term drop in temperature. The place should be sunny, protected from the wind.
    2. Sprinkle hot water over the soil before sowing seeds. This technique will help the plant germinate earlier and enter the flowering phase.
    3. Seedlings are planted in the ground only by transshipment - the delicate plant is transferred with a lump of earth into the hole without disturbing the roots.

    Growing nasturtium through seedlings

    It also happened that long spring rains did not allow direct sowing in open ground, and we tried to grow nasturtium through seedlings. In peat tablets or cups, the seedlings are excellent. Although, of course, she stretched out a little, but she endured the transplant perfectly.

    The seeds were sown directly into swollen tablets, without presoaking. Seedlings appeared on the 3rd day and immediately rushed to the light. Therefore, literally after 3 days they began to be taken out into the street for hardening, and planted in the ground after another 3 days - this time they compacted a bed of determinant tomatoes. After harvesting the radishes, they will cover the soil with their greens and save moisture.

    Capuchin care

    Caring for nasturtium is very simple and includes a number of activities:

    • regular watering;
    • weed mulching;
    • systematic feeding.

    Like tomatoes, nasturtium reacts too violently to nitrogen fertilization - the bush increases its green mass to the detriment of flowering. To ensure lush and long-lasting flowering, weed tinctures are best connected when the first buds appear. Well, for getting ripe seeds you cannot imagine a better fertilizer than ash infusion.

    Nasturtium does not tolerate weeds, so it is better to immediately stop their germination by mulching the soil around the plant. It is better to water the flower in the evening. This will increase the humidity around the bush, which has a good effect on the well-being of nasturtium on hot days - the turgor of the leaves improves. During flowering, the frequency of watering should be slightly reduced, otherwise the formation of new inflorescences will be delayed.

    Diseases and pests

    The smell of nasturtium repels many pests, so it is often grown in vegetable beds. But still, some insects are not averse to feasting on its leaves and stems.

    1. Earthen fleas are often infect the plant. To combat them, you need to use tobacco-garlic infusion.
    2. Also affects nasturtium aphids. She carries viral diseases that affect the bush. The leaves become pale, a mosaic pattern or light brown spots form on them - this is a sign of ring spot or mosaic (Not to be confused with varietal characteristics - there are varieties with piebald veins on the leaves).
    3. A spider mite often attacks the plant. To combat the pest, repeated moistening of the leaves with a finely dispersed sprayer is used.

    Nasturtium: benefits for the garden

    Nasturtium is grown not only for decorative purposes. It brings great benefits to the garden, scaring off many pests with its smell, in particular - whitefly, cabbage. You can sow the plant near potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage. She will also protect beans with pumpkin.

    Nasturtium in the garden is used not only as a repellant that repels pests. It cleans the soil of pathogens with its phytoncides, so it is desirable to introduce it into the crop rotation system, and safely include it in the combined planting scheme. The smell of blooming nasturtium attracts many beneficial insects to the garden, so it is advisable to place the flower bed near fruit trees.

    Many gardeners grow nasturtium for culinary and medicinal purposes. In cooking, the plant has long been used in salads and as a seasoning for meat. Capuchin leaves stimulate appetite and have a spicy taste. A spicy sandwich paste is prepared from the inflorescences. The flower goes well with potatoes, green peas and eggs. The dried parts of the plant are used to make homemade wine and tea.

    In medicine, nasturtium is used as a fight against colds. It is rich in vitamin C and natural antibiotics. Tinctures from the plant are used for respiratory diseases. But in case of peptic ulcers and gastritis, the use of a flower is prohibited.

    In cosmetology, flowers and leaves of nasturtium are used for hair loss. Raw materials are crushed and used as a tincture for a week. Hair becomes shiny and grows well.

    Nasturtium in landscape design

    Nasturtium belongs to unpretentious plants. It can often be found in hanging pots, in flower beds or beds. Shrub forms are beautifully combined with both perennials (cuff, geraniums, phlox) and annuals (calendula, zinnia, cannes).

    Vases on verandas and loggias are decorated with curly shapes, planted along fences and arbors. Or you can let them grow freely, then you get an original carpet array.

    In general, having even a little experience in caring for plants, it is not difficult to grow nasturtium: its seeds are large, special tricks with their germination are not needed. You just need to choose the optimal time when to plant them in open ground or pots, and monitor soil moisture, then growing nasturtium will delight you and your loved ones!

    In the endless row of garden flowers, nasturtium has a special place. Eye-catching orange-red curtains make any garden boring, suitable for all types of flower decoration. There are many varieties of unpretentious, but there are those with which you have to "negotiate". Among the 25 cultivated species, there are interesting options for both beginner gardeners and “bison” floriculture. Planting nasturtium and care in the open field is not difficult, but a few nuances should be taken into account so that possible "surprises" do not come as a surprise.

    Types of nasturtium

    There are 88 species of wild-growing nasturtium in nature. Most are from Central or South America. All of them attract with elegant foliage and simple, but very graceful flowers in a sunny red and yellow tones. The characteristic shape of the five-petalled flower is distinguished by the presence of a mandatory spur at the bottom of the corolla. The silhouette resembles the traditional hood of a medieval Capuchin monk. Therefore, the original name of nasturtium is capuchin. Plant shape - from low bushes to dense vines and creeping varieties. In culture, there are 25 species and many hybrids, among them both popular with domestic gardeners and less well-known.

    Large nasturtium... The oldest species, it has been cultivated since the end of the 17th century. A native of the western regions of South America. A perennial variety, cultivated as an annual. Distinguish between weakly (slightly) creeping and creeping plants. Stems are juicy, branched, fragile, up to 2.5 m long; in erect (slightly creeping) nasturtiums at the base, they can rise to a height of 25–70 cm. Leaves are thyroid, asymmetric, rounded. Diameter 8–10 cm, surface light green, smooth, long petioles. The back is smoky, bluish. Flowers with a characteristic pleasant aroma, large, simple or of varying degrees of doubleness. Coloring from yellow to brown-red, with a lighter calyx, velvety, with elongated spurs.

    Differs in long-term abundant flowering, generous self-seeding.

    Foreign nasturtium (aka Canary)... Curly member of the family from South America. The length of the stems reaches 3.5 m, often grown on a trellis, they quickly "wrap" gazebos, hedges, balconies.

    The leaves are very beautiful, with five or seven lobes. Small flowers stand out not only in size, but also in corrugated bright yellow petals.

    Seeds in our climate do not fully ripen, ripening is required.

    Shield-bearing nasturtium... Originally from the southwestern tip of the South American continent. In culture - an annual shrub with long creeping stems. The leaves are thyroid. The flowers are traditional in shape, the petals are deep red.

    Cultural nasturtium... The species combines hybrids and varieties bred as a result of the activities of breeders. They are obtained by crossing the large and shield nasturtium. Forms are bushy, creeping, curly, ampelous. Height from dwarf (15 cm) to giant, with stems 4 m long. Color from light green to reddish, depending on the variety. The flowers are double or simple. Monochrome or multicolor coloring. Tones from milky white and yellow to red-brown, cherry and even azure-lilac. Bred hybrids with contrasting spots and strokes on the petals.

    Small nasturtium (she is short)... A short group with slender stems, miniature leaves and flowers. Height no more than 30 cm, can be grown in a pot or flowerpot. The flowers are velvety, yellow, with darker spots. The spurs are short.

    Tuberous nasturtium.Less common , with spectacular powerful leaves and flowers; azure, with an unusual color of the corollas; tricolor, with an original unconventional flower shape; multi-leaved, which is appreciated for its decorative foliage and is used to decorate alpine hills and stone gardens.

    The best regions to grow

    Growing nasturtium in the open field is not difficult, it has taken root in all regions and climatic zones. In the South, a heat-loving plant is sown earlier, it blooms longer, and perennial species can be grown. In the middle lane and to the north, the short summer limits the flowering period, but here the capuchin also feels great, reproduces well by self-sowing. Experienced growers are trying to bring the appearance of buds closer, for this they grow nasturtium through seedlings.

    Disembarkation requirements

    The correct choice of location ensures success in growing nasturtium in the country and the absence of further excessive hassle, therefore, the definition of the "place of residence" of the flower should be considered carefully. Nasturtium does not like an excess of humus; it is better for it to pick up soil with average fertility, but always with a slightly acidic reaction. The introduction of fresh organic fertilizers, dressings with a high nitrogen content, lime or dolomite flour is contraindicated. The soil should be loose, breathable, well-drained, lightweight. In this case, it is necessary to ensure sufficient moisture capacity, loam is an ideal option, but sandy loam is also suitable. Sand must first be added to dense soil.

    Before planting, they dig up the earth to a depth of 25–30 cm (on a shovel bayonet).

    In sunny areas, nasturtium blooms intensely, brightly, in a light sliding penumbra it feels good. But in the shade it looks depressed and unattractive. Choose the sunniest corner in the garden for her. Drafts are detrimental to this plant. At least on one, and preferably on both sides, there should be protection from the wind, for example, ornamental shrubs, hedges, buildings.

    Growing seedlings

    Nasturtium blooms in the first half of June, if grown through seedlings. The flower is endowed with a weak root system. This feature must be taken into account when choosing containers. It is better to give preference to peat pots and fill them with a light soil mixture. Together with them, you can painlessly plant plants in a permanent place. At home, you can sow nasturtium in regular plastic seedling cups. When moving from them, it is necessary to ensure the integrity of the earth clod. Do not forget to lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the containers, for example, from expanded clay.

    Seedlings of nasturtium should be planted in a flower garden without damaging the earthen lump. The plant does not tolerate transplanting well.

    Capuchin seeds for seedlings are sown about 30-40 days before the intended planting in a flower bed. Focus on the timing of the onset of stable positive night temperatures in your area and the microclimate of the site. The generally accepted sowing dates are April-May. Sowing earlier is not worth it: overgrown seedlings will take root worse after planting. In each container, 2-3 nut seeds are placed to a depth of no more than 2 cm, watered, placed in a warm place with a temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C, at the same time, preventing overheating of the nursery.

    Seedlings appear after 1.5–2 weeks, after which it is necessary to lower the air temperature by 8–10 ° С and remove the shelter. Take care of intense, but diffused lighting so that young plants don't stretch out and actively grow powerful greenery. Start hardening a few days before planting. With the establishment of stable night values \u200b\u200bof at least 7–9 ° С, nasturtium can be planted in a permanent place. This is usually May, and for more severe regions, early June. If in doubt, temporarily cover the seedlings with agrofibre.

    Disembarkation scheme:

    • bush hybrids 25 × 25 cm;
    • climbing 35 × 35;
    • weakly creeping and creeping - 40 × 40 or 50 × 50 cm.

    Flowering occurs in about 2 weeks. The seedling method is preferable in areas with long frost periods and short summers. Plants get to the flower bed strong, mature, quickly move to flowering. Among the disadvantages of the method:

    • labor intensity of the process;
    • difficult survival of plants in a permanent place if the earthen lump has been disturbed.

    Planting seeds in the ground

    Planting nasturtium seeds in the ground gives good results, especially in the southern regions, where the heat comes early. You can sow here at the end of April or in May, the first flowers will appear in about a month and a half. In Siberia and in the Ural gardens, they are sown in late May or early June. Seedlings appear in a week or two, return frosts are fatal for them. Therefore, for each region, the sowing period will be different, and nasturtium will begin to bloom in about 1.5–2 months.

    In an unpredictable spring in the middle zone, for example, in the Moscow region, or in Siberia, it is better to cover crops with foil or agrofibre. Before planting nasturtium in the open ground, they dig up the ground, if necessary add sand, humus, mineral fertilizers - superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 30 g each (tablespoon or matchbox) per 1 m². Prepare small holes at a distance of 25 cm for bush varieties and 40-50 cm for climbing. In each well, 2-3 seeds are embedded to a depth of 2 cm. Water immediately after sowing, then every two to three days.

    Compared to growing through seedlings, this is a less time-consuming method, there is no problem of survival. At the same time, in cold areas, flowering begins in the middle of summer and lasts for a relatively short time, because the first frosts come early. Loss of seed germination can lead to the formation of "bald spots" in the flower garden. Weak seedlings that have emerged can die if the temperature drops below zero.

    For double and semi-double varieties, it is better to prefer propagation by cuttings. This ensures the transfer of varietal properties of the parent plant.

    Care features

    Let's consider how to create optimal growing conditions.


    Pay extra attention to watering: nasturtium does not react well to both excess moisture and drought. At the beginning of growth, carry out the procedure every two to three days, preferably with warm water. As soon as the first flowers appear, shorten the interval. During this period, watering is necessary only as the soil dries out, but it is undesirable to allow drought. It is a good idea to use mulch to maintain optimal moisture levels. It will also help to get rid of weeds, and will ensure the delivery of organic elements in a form acceptable for nasturtium.

    Top dressing

    Nasturtium is responsive to phosphorus-containing fertilizers that promote intense flowering. Add 30-40 g of superphosphate diluted in a bucket of water to the root once a month during watering. Add potassium nitrate in the same proportion as superphosphate. Potassium strengthens the immune system and maintains the vitality of the flowering plant. Avoid mineral nitrogenous and fresh organic feed. Excess nitrogen leads to lush foliage at the expense of flower development.

    Pests and diseases: control methods

    Here are some possible options:

    • sprinkle flowers with wood ash or tobacco dust;
    • spray with ash infusion (pour a glass of ash with boiling water, leave for a day, then dissolve the resulting mass in a bucket of water);
    • treat the flower bed with a strong solution of laundry or tar soap, light blue solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid;
    • use special preparations (Fitoverm, Karbofos, Alatar), prepare the working solution as indicated in the instructions on the package.

    Typical nasturtium diseases are associated with viral and bacterial lesions - spotted or ring mosaic, rust, gray rot. A diseased plant lags behind in development, spots appear on pale-colored leaves, flowering stops. It is useless to treat such plants. They need to be dug out faster so that other plantings do not suffer, and burned.

    How to harvest seeds correctly

    For sowing, seeds ripened on the plant are suitable. The fruit should be light brown and easily detach from the stem. It is impossible to delay collecting them, because they quickly fall off. Nasturtium seeds are harvested not only for subsequent sowing, but also for the preparation of culinary masterpieces. Large nut seeds are removed and stored in a paper bag in a dry room. Dose, as a rule, is not necessary, with the exception of Canary (foreign) nasturtium. Store in optimal conditions for no more than 4 years. Green fruits are removed for cooking, although both brown and light yellow are used to make dry spices.

    Wintering and storage of perennial tubers

    Tubers of perennial species winter in the soil only in warm regions. The aerial part of the flower is cut off in autumn, the planting site is covered with mulch - humus, rotted leaf litter, bark. At the end of winter, the mulch is removed. In temperate climates, the tubers should be dug up after the end of the growing season, stored in boxes filled with peat in a cool dry place. In early spring, they are taken out for germination and division.

    The main mistakes of growers for growing

    The most common errors are:

    • improper selection of soil for a flower garden - too heavy loam, alkaline, dense, fertile soil;
    • introduction of fresh organic matter, excess nitrogen;
    • insufficient lighting;
    • strong winds, drafts;
    • insufficient or excessive watering.

    Weeds can be detrimental to flowers, especially with a powerful aggressive root system - creeping wheatgrass, sow thistle. When preparing the soil for nasturtium, all roots should be carefully removed, weeding should be carried out on time. Weed control will be facilitated by mulching.


    In landscape design

    There are no limits to the ways in which nasturtium can be used in the garden landscape.

    1. Creeping flowers create picturesque glades, accents on a smooth lawn.
    2. Low bush capuchins are good in curbs, small balcony pots, ridges, in the front tier of mixborders.
    3. Ampel nasturtiums are planted in tall and suspended flowerpots.
    4. Climbing plants decorate gazebos, pergolas, hedges, balconies, facades, fences.

    Nasturtium is used to decorate fantasy garden compositions, ponds and waterfalls, window openings, corners and joints of buildings.

    Medicinal properties

    Nasturtium delivers not only aesthetic joy, but also health benefits. All parts of the plant are rich in vitamins, trace elements, essential oils, and are used in official and folk medicine. Nasturtium is useful as a remedy:

    • vitaminizing and toning;
    • expectorant, antiseptic, diuretic;
    • stimulating metabolism, hematopoiesis processes.

    Carotene and sulfur are used to prevent vascular sclerosis. The flower has a high content of vitamin C, 2 times higher than that of currants. Nasturtium preparations are used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, heart disease, vitamin deficiency, anemia, and dermatitis. Burns and wounds are treated with juice by applying plant leaves to them. It is used to prepare products for strengthening and stimulating hair growth, and other cosmetic products - balms, creams, ointments, lotions.

    Healthy eating: cooking applications

    Interestingly, nasturtium got its name from the spicy taste of leaves and shoots, reminiscent of watercress. Like some other spices, it was called Nasturtium officinale at the time. By analogy with him, the capuchin flower received a second name - nasturtium. For culinary specialists, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits are interesting - everything, except for the roots. In addition to being delicious, it is also extremely healthy. Green fruits are pickled, ripe fruits are used to make a spicy dry seasoning. Flowers and leaves are added to sauces, fresh salads, first courses, to meat and fish, to vegetable stews.

    "Capers". Green fruits are selected, as soon as the flower sheds petals, blanch in slightly salted water, laid out in jars. At the same time, a hot marinade is prepared: for 0.5 liters of water, take 2 tablespoons of vinegar, a tablespoon of salt and sugar. Allspice, cloves, bay leaves are added to taste. The “capers” are poured with marinade, the jars are rolled up, placed upside down under the “fur coat” until they cool down. The appetizer is good for fish, meat dishes, mushrooms. It is added to meat and vegetable salads. Salads. For the preparation of salads, flowers and leaves of the plant are collected:

    • a handful of nasturtium greens are mixed with two tablespoons of any chopped nuts, one grated tomato, a little honey and vegetable oil are added;
    • cut into slices 100 g of radish, add 30-40 g of nasturtium greens, mustard to taste, mayonnaise or vegetable oil;
    • cut fresh cucumbers into thin strips, prepare the same volume of chopped capuchin leaves, hard-boiled egg, green onions, mix, add mayonnaise.

    Cold tonic drink. A horseradish root (about 20 g) is passed in a meat grinder or grated, mixed with chopped nasturtium leaves (50 g is enough), add 0.5 cups of sugar, dilute everything in 1 liter of water. Insist 12 hours, filter and store in the refrigerator. Growing nasturtium outdoors is possible in temperate regions. Such a simple flower, familiar from childhood, may interest an experienced gardener with unusual shapes and colors. He will surprise the one who takes the first steps with his undemandingness. The gourmet will delight with the prospect of preparing new and interesting dishes. Nasturtium promises you many more pleasant discoveries, and your garden is always a blooming species.

    When the garden is already equipped, I want to start decorating it. And so that this activity does not take up much of the gardener's time. But it was pleasing to the eye for a long time. In this matter, it can be very useful to know how to grow nasturtium in the country. Because it is a very unpretentious plant that is beautiful and blooms for a long time. By the way, it can also become a decoration for a city apartment, since it is quite feasible to grow nasturtium on a balcony. She does not require large areas, and a corner of nature will appear in the house.

    The most famous gardeners - the British, claim that nasturtium should be planted in the garden next to the cabbage head. Then cabbage pests will resort to its aroma and take up nasturtium, not paying attention to cabbage. And it's not a joke.

    Interestingly, the leaves, stems, flowers and fruits of nasturtium are edible and contain substances inherent in the cabbage family. Young leaves and flowers taste like watercress or mustard, while green pickled fruits replace capers.

    How to plant nasturtium seeds

    There are two options for growing this plant. The first is planting nasturtium with seeds and growing nasturtium from seeds. This method saves the time of summer residents and allows you not to bother yourself with worrying about seedlings.

    If you choose to grow nasturtium from seeds, then you need to choose the right time for this. Although she is not picky and resistant to frost, there is no need to rush.

    When to plant nasturtium when grown from seed

    The optimal time is from late April to early May. Better yet, read the recommendations for this variety to find out how a particular species relates to frost. You may need to wait until the end of May.

    Before planting nasturtium seeds, they should be soaked in warm water throughout the day. One of the most popular and beloved by summer residents varieties of terry nasturtium, growing from the seeds of this plant in open ground is carried out according to the following scheme. A step about 30 cm long is made in a row. Up to 3 seeds are dropped into a small hole to a depth of about 2 cm. You do not need to sprinkle them on purpose. It will be enough that earth that crumbles from the edges of the depression.

    There are no difficulties with how to grow nasturtium from seeds. Moreover, this allows you to avoid problems with diseases at an early stage of growth. However, the considered method does not allow enjoying early flowering. To do this, you will have to turn to sowing seedlings.

    How to plant nasturtium seedlings

    If you do not want to deal with seedlings, but you want to achieve flowering early, then the seedlings can be purchased. In this case, you need to focus on compact bushes with a large number of buds without blossoming flowers, then planting and maintenance will be easier. A young plant takes root faster and easier. But it is still better to sow nasturtium seedlings yourself.

    Here you need to take into account the fact that it has a very fragile root system. Therefore, when sowing nasturtium for seedlings, it is better to immediately choose large containers so that you do not dive later. Because any damage to the delicate roots will lead to their death. During planting on a flower bed, you need to try to take out the entire clod of earth or take containers that rot in the ground.

    Now it is necessary to decide when to plant nasturtium seedlings. It is recommended to perform this action a couple of weeks before transplanting to a flower bed. If planting is at the end of May, then it is advisable to sow in its first half.

    Sowing is also carried out in 3 seeds at a depth of 2 cm. To grow strong and strong seedlings, you need to take into account the fact that they need a lot of light. Therefore, after sowing nasturtium on seedlings and with the appearance of the first shoots, the containers should be placed on a well-lit surface. If the plants are very elongated, they will begin to hurt in a permanent place and will not give abundant flowering.

    Having fulfilled this important condition, you can ensure that planting nasturtium seedlings will succeed. When the day of disembarkation comes up, you need to wait for cloudy weather and place the bushes on the prepared flower bed. It is advisable to put the containers outside for hardening before this.

    After a couple of months, the plant will already be strewn with flowers. This phenomenon will persist until the first frost.

    When to plant nasturtium in spring

    • When to plant nasturtium seedlings:sowing nasturtium for seedlings is possible from the second half of April.
    • In open ground sow nasturtium in mid-May directly on the garden or flower bed, 2-3 pieces per hole after 20-40 cm. Seeds sprout within 1-2 weeks. Seedlings are moderately watered and fed with a weak solution of complex fertilizers.

    What is the care of nasturtium. Planting and care in the open field

    At the end of summer, you can dig up the bush nasturtium and put it in a pot in a protected area. The bushes will bloom until October.

    Wherever nasturtium grows: on a balcony or a flower bed, we must not forget about weeding and watering. The second point is especially important. Because excess moisture during the flowering stage will lead to its termination. At this time, it is simply necessary not to allow the soil to dry out.

    By the way, about the soil. Whatever the nasturtium (climbing), growing from seeds or seedlings requires a suitable soil. It should be fertile and light, drained and slightly acidic.

    The main problem that can harm a plant is associated with aphids. In order to prevent its spread, ampelous nasturtium requires regular inspection. If affected leaves are found, they must be removed immediately. And for prevention, spray with an alcohol solution with a small content of liquid soap.

    Nasturtium blooms profusely in an open, sunny place, prefers loose, moderately fertile soil. In partial shade, its flowering will not be so lush and noticeable.

    With the question of when to plant nasturtium on seedlings or seeds, everything is clear. Also understandable with soil requirements. There remains a moment about the amount of light. There should be a lot of it when caring for flowers. Otherwise, the flowers will not be large, their number will not become large, and the flowering duration will be short. It is not recommended to plant nasturtium in the shade, because there it will give a large number of leaves.

    Most species of this plant are annuals. But you don't need to dig nasturtium out of the ground for the winter. It perfectly covers the soil surface and protects it from frost. And in the spring it can be used as mulch.

    Nasturtium itself does not tolerate persistent frosts. But for her seeds, frost is not so terrible. Therefore, if they were naturally sown into the soil, then in the spring new plants may appear there.

    • If you want to admire the flowering before October, then at the end of summer you can dig up the nasturtium and transplant it into a pot.
    • In the garden, bush nasturtium is ideal for flower beds and for bordering paths, since they keep their shape well.
    • Climbing nasturtiums are good as ground cover and ampel plantings, and especially in balcony boxes, hanging baskets, garden vases.

    Nasturtium in landscape design

    It is good to use nasturtium as a curb and plant it along garden paths. Nasturtium looks especially good when planted in a bunch of several plants. It is also grown in garden pots, containers for decorating terraces and balconies.

    Nasturtium (Tropaeolum), also called capuchin, is a member of the Nasturtium family. This genus is represented by herbaceous plants, it unites about 90 species. The homeland of nasturtium is Central and South America, however, it has been grown in mid-latitudes for a very long time, and it is quite popular. This plant is unpretentious to growing conditions, and it also possesses demanded taste characteristics and medicinal properties. And also during flowering, nasturtium looks extremely impressive, and can become a decoration of any garden plot. This plant was brought to Russia from Holland, and they began to call it capuchin there at first, due to the shape of the flower, which looks like a hood. However, over time, this plant increasingly began to be called nasturtium. The scientific Latin name "Tropaeolum" was given to the flower by Carl Linnaeus.

    What time to plant

    Planting of nasturtium seedlings in open soil is carried out in the first decade of June. For planting, you need to choose a sunny area that has reliable protection from cold winds. If this flower crop is grown in a shaded place, then its flowering will not be so lush and spectacular. The soil needs light, nutritious, slightly acidic, and well-drained. If there is too much organic matter in the soil, then the greens near the bushes will grow very intensively, but they will not bloom. When nasturtium is grown on overly depleted soil, its leaf plates become small, which makes the shoots look bare, and the flowering loses its high decorative effect. If you choose stagnant wet soil for planting, then the plant will rot.

    Growing nasturtium

    There are five secrets of growing nasturtium that must be considered for novice growers.

    1. Nasturtium is very thermophilic, so there is no need to rush to sow nasturtium seeds in the garden. Nasturtium seedlings caught under frost will inevitably die. Sow nasturtium seedlings in April for landscaping the balcony and for early flowering in the garden.
    2. Nasturtium does not tolerate transplanting well (this plant has a superficial and delicate root system). Therefore, it is better to grow seedlings in peat cups or in cups with a retractable bottom.
    3. Nasturtium loves a bright location - plant it in the sun or in partial shade under trees. With a lack of light, nasturtium has a miserable appearance: it forms stunted shoots, grows and almost does not bloom.
    4. Nasturtium prefers moderately fertile and draining soil. On fertile and manured soil, nasturtium develops a lot of greenery, but blooms very poorly; does not tolerate fresh manure. The plant responds well to fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus, continuously forming an abundance of flowers.
    5. Nasturtium prefers moderately moist soil. Young plants need to be watered regularly, then they grow well. After the beginning of flowering of nasturtium, it is necessary to water it only when the soil is very dry (otherwise the plant will have few flowers and a lot of foliage). On heavy soil, with an excess of moisture, the roots of nasturtium rot.

    Sowing seeds

    The seeds of nasturtium are large, germinate quickly, the seedlings are intensively gaining green mass, so there is no great need for growing seedlings. Flowers are recommended to be sown directly into the soil.

    Sowing dates are calculated based on the time of seed germination (12-14 days) and the disappearance of the threat of recurrent night frosts. In the middle lane, this is the second half of May.

    The flower bed is loosened, too poor soil is filled with compost at the rate of 1 bucket / m². If you know that there will be no time for feeding, you can fill the bed with prolonged-release fertilizers. These are capsules that will dissolve gradually under the influence of rain and watering.

    To accelerate the germination of nasturtium, it is recommended to cover the plantings with agrofibre - the material retains heat and does not interfere with the care of the seedlings.

    Growing seedlings

    If, nevertheless, there is a desire to get an earlier flowering, they practice growing seedlings. This is done 1–1.5 months earlier than the intended sowing in open ground, approximately in late March - early April.

    What you need to know about growing nasturtium seedlings?

    1. The plant does not tolerate transplanting, so plant the seeds in cups, from which the seedling then rolls over into the open ground with a lump of earth.
    2. Don't dive for nasturtium! Her root system is weak, any injury stops growth and slows down the development of the plant.

    The seeds are sown in the same way as in the soil. To maintain the optimal temperature and humidity, the planting container is covered with polyethylene, another transparent material, and kept in a bright place, for example, on a windowsill, until shoots appear.

    Seedlings are planted when the soil warms up to 10–15⁰ and the threat of frost has passed.

    How to achieve abundant flowering?

    Nasturtium loves to loosen, but since it weaves along the ground, it is extremely inconvenient to do this. As a way out, mulching of the soil in the projection of the bush can be proposed - it can be rotted sawdust, bark, decorative expanded clay.

    If the soil was properly tucked during planting, during the summer nasturtium can not be fed. The exception is ampelous varieties growing in a small volume of soil. They need to be watered with a nutrient solution every 1.5–2 weeks, reducing the recommended fertilizer dose by half.

    Planting nasturtium in flower beds can also be fed 2-3 times per summer. To do this, prepare a liquid solution or use granular fertilizer (a pinch under the bush).

    If you do not plan to collect seeds, remove the ovary immediately after the flower wilts. The plant spends up to a third of the nutrients on the formation and ripening of seeds - let them be better for flowering.

    How to collect nasturtium seeds

    Nasturtium usually produces abundant self-seeding, which, under favorable conditions, will germinate the next year. The seeds are harvested after flowering, they remain viable for at least 4 years. They are removed from the most liked copies. Mature seeds are brown in color. After collecting them, they are dried and stored in paper bags. Perennial species are planted in the spring (5-7 plants per 30-45 cm container at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other) and exposed on a well-lit windowsill.

    Wintering of perennial nasturtium and storage of tubers

    In the fall, the bushes are cut to the ground. And in cold climates, the tubers are dug up and stored in a cool place in a box with dry peat.

    Perennial species are propagated by dividing tubers in March. After that, they are laid out for germination or immediately planted in pots with nutritious soil, and after the onset of warm days they are taken out into the street. Perennial species of this tropical beauty have just begun to conquer the market, while little known.

    Propagation of nasturtium by cuttings

    Nasturtium can be grafted. This method is used when breeding terry varieties. The cuttings are rooted in wet sand or a glass of water, after processing them with root. They plant 1 cuttings in a glass; when transplanted into open ground, they do not violate the earthen coma. The main method of reproduction of nasturtium is still seed. It is the simplest, most readily available, and is widely used.

    Pests and diseases

    It is affected by gray rot, rot, mosaic. If changes are found in the form of a mosaic pattern, wilting of the lower leaves, small brown spots, the damaged parts of the plant should be removed.

    It will not be superfluous to additionally process the plantings with special preparations. Usually diseases develop actively in damp weather and in thickened, poorly ventilated plantings. Observe the recommended seeding distance. This is one of those cases when it is better to plant less often, and then your flower garden will not be afraid of many diseases.

    Pests of nasturtium are aphids, spider mites and cruciferous fleas. Chemicals can be used to combat them. If you eat the plant for food, use folk methods - daily pollination of plants with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust or spraying with vinegar (1 glass of 9% vinegar or 2 tablespoons of vinegar essence in a bucket of water). Ash can be scattered around the bushes.

    Nasturtium helps to increase the yield of vegetables. It distracts insect pests, which willingly choose the capuchin for laying their eggs. Therefore, by growing nasturtium near vegetable beds, you will protect them from whitefly, cabbage butterfly, Colorado potato beetle. You can combine plantings by mixing nasturtium with vegetables or making decorative curtains from it. Nasturtium is one of the most sought-after flowers of many gardeners. Unpretentious, blooms for a long time and pleases the eye with a magnificent outfit, serves as protection from many insects.

    Popular varieties of nasturtium

    The use of nasturtium in cooking

    In common garden nasturtiums, all parts of the plant are edible except for the roots. Fresh young leaves and stems rich in vitamin C add some piquancy to salads and sandwiches, extracts from flowers are added to cheeses and butter, vinegar is infused on nasturtium flowers, they are stuffed with various fillings, and also used as an edible decoration in salads, soups and drinks. Finally, dried, peeled and milled seeds have a spicy peppery flavor and are used as a condiment to a wide variety of dishes (it is said that in many countries they used milled nasturtium seeds quite actively instead of black pepper during the Second World War).

    Useful properties of nasturtium

    Nasturtium is used not only as an ornamental and edible plant, but also as a medicinal plant. It treats vitamin deficiency, anemia, skin rashes, nephrolithiasis, bronchitis and other diseases, it promotes hair growth. Nasturtium has proven itself especially well as an antiscorbutic agent. The amount of vitamin C in it is ten times higher than in ordinary lettuce leaves!

    It is even richer in strong antimicrobial substances: phytoncides and provitamin A. Clinical trials of tropolein, a substance isolated from the essential oil of nasturtium, showed that when it was used in patients with chronic coronary insufficiency caused by atherosclerosis, angina attacks stopped, pain disappeared, and well-being improved. Nasturtium began to enjoy great popularity when it was established that dishes made from it have dietary and medicinal properties in a number of diseases, and especially in atherosclerosis and metabolic disorders associated with age-related changes. It has been established that tubers in tuberous species contain substances that reduce the level of testosterone in the body and thus act as an anti-Viagra

    Nasturtium is a perennial flowering light-loving and thermophilic ornamental plant. In garden plots, it is cultivated as an annual plant, which should be located on the sunny side and protected from the wind. In the article we will tell you about growing nasturtium from seeds, and give recommendations for care.
    Nasturtiums are fast-growing lush plants that bloom with many bright flowers. The plant is distinguished by fleshy stems, on which rounded thyroid leaves are alternately located. Flowers are divided into simple and double with various shades - from light yellow to orange-red; pink and white-colored forms are found. Flower petals are most often streaked, interspersed with fiery red, scarlet, crimson.

    Propagation of nasturtium seeds in open ground

    Experienced gardeners recommend propagating nasturtiums by sowing seeds in open ground, since young plant sprouts are difficult to tolerate transplanting (picking). The root system of nasturtium is directly dependent on the development of suction hairs that develop on the root branches extending into the soil. When transplanting young shoots, the suction hairs are most often damaged, which subsequently leads to poor plant development and slow adaptation of young shoots to the soil.

    The optimal time for sowing seeds in open ground is mid-May. You can grow a profusely flowering plant using seeds in the open field by following the instructions:

    Autumn soil preparation. The soil for cultivation is prepared in the fall. Autumn soil preparation includes deep digging and removal of weed residues. Since nasturtiums feel better on moderately fertile soils, organic fertilizers should be applied in small quantities during autumn digging of the soil. Nasturtiums are best grown in loose, moist soils. With an excess of manure and humus in the soil, nasturtiums in 95% of cases overgrow with large dark green leaves to the detriment of flowering.

    Spring soil preparation before sowing. The soil should be loosened and fertilized. Organic fertilizers are not applied, and only potash is used from mineral fertilizers. The soil is moistened abundantly with warm water.

    Seed preparation.Small and large nasturtium seeds are suitable for planting in open ground, since, regardless of size, they are characterized by a high percentage of germination. Small seeds, unlike large ones, should be mixed with disinfected sand for better distribution of seeds during sowing. Seeds are disinfected before sowing in 2% formalin solution or 5% potassium permanganate solution.

    Landing scheme.Crops are made by ordinary, tape and nesting crops. When sowing seeds in rows, the rows are formed at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. Large seeds are sown in rows at a distance of no more than 1 cm. Small seeds are sown in a continuous method in a row.

    With band sowing, rows are formed at a distance of 10 cm from each other. The resulting 2 lines form a ribbon. The distance between the ribbons is 50-60 cm. Seeds are sown in each line at a distance of 0.5 cm. As soon as the shoots appear, they should be thinned out so that the distance between the shoots is from 10 to 25 cm, depending on the bushiness of the variety.

    When nesting, planting holes are formed. The distance between the holes is 20X30 cm. 3-4 seeds are sown in each hole.

    Careconsists in the timely abundant watering, fertilizing and cleansing the plantings from weeds. Watering should be carried out regularly before flowering, and after watering is performed as needed - the soil dries out. Before flowering, plants are fed only with mineral fertilizers, mainly potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. With a lack of light, the stalks of nasturtium stretch out, and the leaves become small, which significantly impairs decorativeness.

    If all these conditions are met, nasturtium will begin to bloom profusely from June until frost.

    Tip # 1: Nasturtium blooms profusely in the sun, and develops more leaves in partial shade. It can propagate by cuttings that root well in water and wet sand. This technique is used when breeding new, especially terry varieties. Since nasturtium is a perennial plant, you can leave the most outstanding specimens to winter in a pot on a bright cool window with limited watering, and cut them in the spring.

    Nasturtium - growing from seeds

    How to grow seedlings from nasturtium seeds

    The seedling container should be convenient for removing sprouts with an earthen clod for planting seedlings in a permanent place. Young sprouts of nasturtium are hard to tolerate picking, so it is best to plant seeds in peat tablets or small plastic cups with a diameter of 7-8 cm.

    The soil for sowing nasturtium seeds should be loose, therefore it is recommended to mix garden soil with clean disinfected sand in a ratio of 3: 1. Before sowing, the soil is watered abundantly with warm water. The germination capacity of nasturtium seeds is quite high, but before sowing, it is recommended to disinfect the seeds in a weak solution of formalin or potassium permanganate. For sowing in containers, it is advisable to choose the largest seeds.

    In the prepared moist soil, the seeds are buried by 1.5-2 cm. 2-3 pieces of seeds are placed in each container with a diameter of at least 7 cm. After sowing, the topsoil is covered with a thin layer of clean sand and watered. Watering is carried out by spraying with warm water. The containers are covered with foil and placed in a bright, warm place.

    Removal of condensation from the surface of the film. Watering as the soil dries up. Watering is carried out by spraying. When shoots appear, the seedling containers are moved to the brightest place. It is not recommended to remove the film, young plants should reach 5 cm. Planting in the ground is carried out only with an earthen lump. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in loose and moist soil in early May.

    Seedlings appear in 12 days at temperatures from + 16 ° C to + 23 ° C. In the table, we will consider the main disadvantages and advantages of nasturtium propagation by sowing seeds directly into open ground and by seedling:

    Breeding method Benefits disadvantages


    Does not require physical effort and additional financial costs.

    Late bloom

    Poor quality seeds give weak sprouts. The seeds may not germinate, so in the areas instead of a beautiful flower garden, voids are formed. In case of insufficient lighting or a short daylight hours, the sprouts become stretched out and become fragile. Low air temperature leads to the death of immature shoots.

    Seedlings Early flowering

    The strongest seedlings are planted

    Ability to control temperature and lighting

    Requires picking

    Growing nasturtium on a veranda and balcony without land

    To grow nasturtium using hydroponics, you need to prepare a regular flower box. The inside of the box is covered with a special waterproof asphalt varnish in several layers. The time interval between the layers is at least 30-40 minutes. One of the following nutrient solutions is poured into the finished box:

    • Zhireke

    The nutrient solution is poured into flower boxes about 6-7 cm. For sowing seeds or growing nasturtium seedlings, a frame is installed in a flower box with a stretched nylon mesh. The sides of the frame should have a height of 5 cm. Crushed peat is placed in the frame and seeds are sown in it or seedlings are planted, then the frame with planting material is installed in a flower box. The bottom of the frame should barely touch the solution in the flower box.

    Nasturtiums grown hydroponically on an open balcony are brought into the premises in the fall, before the onset of frost.

    Seedlings that do not yet have roots, therefore, do not reach the nutrient solution, are watered with the same solution until sucking hairs appear, thanks to which the plant begins to receive nutrients from the solution at the bottom of the flower box.

    Using the hydroponic method, nasturtium can be grown in flowerpots, flower beds and in special boxes outside the premises. To grow climbing plants using landless crops, plant supports in the form of a nylon cord or wooden frames in the form of a trellis are required.

    How to use nasturtium flowers correctly in landscaping

    Nasturtium belongs to the group of decorative hanging plants, which makes it attractive for landscape design. Ampel nasturtiums are distinguished by beautifully hanging down stems, and thanks to the huge number of leaves on the stems of the plant, such a plant ideally decorates the outer sides of, for example, a nondescript planting tank. In landscape design, nasturtium is used:

    • for two-row planting of flowering plants, where nasturtiums are planted in the first row;
    • when planting flowering plants in three rows, where nasturtiums are located in the last row.

    Tip # 2. In the first case, planting boxes of 100x20 cm are used. Hanging varieties of nasturtium are planted in the first row, and in the second, standing varieties of nasturtium or any others.

    For three-row planting, large flower beds or flowerpots are used, installed in front of the trellis or trellis. On the outside of the flower beds, any varieties of your favorite flowers are planted, and climbing varieties of nasturtiums are planted in the last row, which will climb up the trellises or trellises and beautifully frame a window or wall.

    Supports for plants are made of wire, bamboo, thin wooden lattices of a nylon cord.

    The main types and the best varieties of nasturtium

    Nasturtiums are divided into two types - curly with long stems and spreading-bushy with half-straight stems. Flowers of both species have a bright color palette. Climbing varieties of nasturtium are widely used as ampelous and ground cover plants, as well as suitable for vertical gardening of buildings, balconies, windows.

    Spreading-bushy varieties are planted in flowerpots for landscaping flower beds in the form of wide ribbons and borders, rabatok, for landscaping paths and rocky placers. Consider the widespread varieties of nasturtiums that are suitable for growing in our conditions.

    Large nasturtium (Indian watercress)

    The most beautiful species of nasturtium. The varieties related to large nasturtium are distinguished by flowers of fiery-bright colors and the presence of bright spots and streaks on the flower petals. There are also white-colored flowers with bright blotches. Stems can be whip-like, erect and creeping. It blooms from June to late autumn. Plants form a compact bush, reaching a height of 70 cm.

    The best varieties of large nasturtium:

    • "Ladybug"
    • "Cherry rose"
    • "Peach Melba"
    • "Alaska"

    Shrub compact nasturtium

    These are compact, medium-sized, flowering varieties of nasturtium. The plant has creeping stems. Bloom begins in early July to September. Plants retain their shape, reach up to 50 cm in height

    The best varieties of bush nasturtium:

    • "Snow Maiden"
    • "Ruby"
    • "Othello"

    Climbing nasturtium with large flowers

    The plant is distinguished by a dense green mass and leaves covered with a waxy bloom. The flowers are large, from 3 to 5 cm in diameter. Blooms from June to frost.

    The best varieties of climbing nasturtium:

    • "Aurora"
    • "King Theodore"
    • "Cardinal"
    • "Orange ball"

    All flowers belonging to the species of climbing nasturtium have stems up to 2 m long.

    Dwarf nasturtium (perennial)

    A beautiful plant, grown as a perennial in pots in home landscaping and flowerpots when landscaping garden plots. The plant reaches a height of 40 cm.

    The best varieties of dwarf nasturtium:

    • "Black Prince"
    • "Queen of India"
    • "Yellow Beauty"

    Terry nasturtium with vibrant colors

    A plant with large flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. The flowers are lush with a lot of petals. It begins to bloom in July to the end of September. The plant reaches a height of up to 60 cm.

    The best varieties of terry nasturtium:

    • "Terry"
    • "Mahogany"
    • "Cherry"

    Under favorable conditions, nasturtium sets many seeds, which, crumbling, are able to overwinter in the soil. Nasturtium flowers do not stand well in water. In the table, we will consider 5 types of nasturtiums and the most suitable places for planting them:

    Types of nasturtium Landscaping places
    Large nasturtium Suitable for landscaping a personal plot and decoration in the form of a hedge.
    Bush nasturtium Suitable for landscaping and landscaping vases, balconies and curbs.
    Climbing nasturtium Suitable for decoration in the form of hedges and vertical landscaping for walls, balconies, fences.
    Terry nasturtium For decorating a private plot and landscaping a veranda, balcony and windows.
    Dwarf nasturtium For the decoration of residential premises and landscape design.

    Top 5 types of fertilizers

    Top dressing should be applied 2-3 times before mass flowering. The best food for nasturtium is mineral fertilizers. In the table, we will consider the listed types of mineral fertilizers and their application rates

    Name Main fertilization Top dressing Efficiency
    Nitroammofoska 25-30 g per m2 After planting in 12-15 days, at the stage of budding and flowering, 15 g per m2 Up to 95%
    Kaliyphos-N 20-25 g per m2 5-6 g for each bush. At a distance from the stem 10 cm Up to 98%
    Azofoska 5 g for 1 liter of water 15 ml for each bush. At a distance from the stem 10 cm Up to 95%
    Diamofoska 2 g for 1 liter of water 10-15 ml for each bush. At a distance from the stem 10 cm Up to 90%
    Superphosphate 25-30 g per m2 5 g for each bush. At a distance from the stem 10 cm Up to 98%

    Prevention of nasturtium diseases in open and closed ground

    The main diseases of the nasturtium plant are gray rot, perforated spot, and rust. Regular and thorough weeding will help increase resistance to disease. In the table, we will consider the most resistant varieties to diseases:

    Disease preventive measures are common regardless of plant variety and planting site. Let's consider the main ways:

    • Digging the soil in spring and autumn to a depth of more than 20 cm;
    • Removal of diseased plant organs and their burning;
    • When watering, check if moisture accumulates in the soil;
    • Apply fungicides before leaf emergence, during budding and after flowering.

    Nasturtium is very thermophilic, so there is no need to rush to sow seeds

    The best regions to grow nasturtium

    All types of nasturtium are widely cultivated in central Russia. But despite this, nasturtium belongs to the group of plants, the resistance of which to the effects of frost is very low. It is known that nasturtiums die at temperatures between -2 ° C ... -3 ° C. Breeders found that at a temperature of -1 ° C in 98% of cases, the generative and vegetative organs are damaged.

    In this regard, nasturtiums are not suitable for growing in open ground in the northwestern part of Russia. However, nasturtium tolerates rainy weather, cool springs, damp cold summers, persistent cloudy days and short spring mornings, making it attractive and suitable for growing in temperate regions.

    Do-it-yourself folk bait recipe for nasturtium flowers

    Folk dressing recipes are designed to maintain plants that have slow growth and weak stems, as well as low disease resistance. Used for dressing natural products containing nutrients. Folk dressings are used as supplementary food to the main mineral dressings. Consider several such dressings:

    • Sugar is a source of vital energy for a plant, promotes respiration and assimilation of heavy mineral compounds. It is a building material and activates the work of the root system. Cooking recipe: sugar is diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. for 0.5 liters of water. It is advisable to use this top dressing together with mineral fertilizers. Feed the plant with sugar no more than once a month.
    • Tea brew - used after tea. The tea leaves are spread on the surface of the soil and watered.
    • Yeast - excellently stimulates plant growth. Recipe: 20 g of yeast is diluted in 2 liters of warm water and 1 tbsp is added. Sahara. The resulting solution is insisted for no more than 2 hours. The resulting concentrate is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 5. Water the plant in the spring 1 time before flowering.
    • Tooth powder - used for weak plant growth. Recipe: Tooth powder is mixed with woody hall and copper sulfate in a ratio of 3: 3: 1. The dry mixture is diluted with 1.5 liters of water. A technical pause of 5-10 minutes is maintained and the mixture is suitable for use. Use 2 times throughout the growing season, excluding the dormant period of plants.

    Common mistakes when growing nasturtium

    Experienced gardeners identify several common mistakes that are often made when growing nasturtiums:

    1. The plant is grown on the shady side of the plot.
    2. Grown in fertile soils.
    3. Application of mineral fertilizers during flowering.
    4. Irregular watering before and after flowering.


    Despite the ease of growing and unpretentiousness of the plant, a number of questions arise among gardeners. Let's consider the most common questions.

    Question number 1. Is it true that nasturtium is a protective plant?

    It is known that the scent of nasturtium flowers is feared by such pests as the groundfly, lurking proboscis, whitefly and scoop.

    Question number 2. For which vegetable crops is nasturtium a good precursor?

    Tomatoes, cucumbers and peas grow well after nasturtium.

    Question number 3. Can nasturtiums be grown under trees?

    Nasturtiums prefer to grow in full sun; they grow under trees in light partial shade.

    Question number 4. How to prolong the bloom of nasturtium?

    Regular removal of faded flowers will extend flowering for another month.

    Question number 5. Which plants should not be planted with?

    Nasturtium does not get along well with plantings of parsley and garlic.