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  • How to plant nasturtium seeds in flowerpots. What is nasturtium care

    How to plant nasturtium seeds in flowerpots. What is nasturtium care

    Nasturtium is an amazingly beautiful and unpretentious flower grown in different territories. It belongs to the Nasturtium family and also belongs to herbaceous plants. The homeland of the flower is South America, however, it was brought to Russia for a long time, and it is found everywhere, since modern flower growers often give preference to it when creating flower beds and flower beds.

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      Essential features

      Before growing flowers, you should learn everything about nasturtiums in order to clarify how to plant them correctly, what methods can be used for this, and also what difficulties you may encounter in the process of caring for them.

      The main advantages of growing this flower in any area include:

      • unpretentiousness, which allows not to pay too much attention to care, and at the same time the color will delight the owners of the site with a wonderful and long flowering;
      • possession of unique healing properties that allow the plant to be used for medicinal purposes;
      • the ability to use nasturtium for the preparation of various teas and infusions, and its taste is at its best;
      • long flowering time that allows you to enjoy beautiful and bright flowers for a long time in any area.

      Nasturtiums are represented in some varieties, some of them are annuals, and others are perennials. Most often they are represented by vines, equipped with a large and full stem. Semi-shrubs are also in demand. Flowers can be single or double, as well as semi-double. They have a non-standard and unique shape, and they usually have five or more petals. They come in a variety of colors, but the most common are red and yellow flowers. Leaves can be lobed or thyroid, as well as alternate.

      In nasturtium, not only flowers have healing properties, since the stems are also used for medicinal purposes. They are also used in the preparation of delicious and delicious dishes.

      Nasturtium in Russia it is used exclusively as an annual plant, since even varieties are perennialnicky cannot withstand severe winter frosts.

      Cultivated plant species

      Before planting nasturtium, you need to decide what kind of species will be grown, and the most often selected varieties are:

      • Canary. Represented by a vine imported from South America. It has green stems, and often their length even reaches 350 cm. Ideal for creating a hedge, and also acts as an exquisite decoration for various small architectural forms available on the site. Flowering occurs in mid-summer, and you can enjoy beautiful flowers until the first frost. The flowers are small and yellow in color. The leaves are small and also divided into five or seven parts.
      • Big. It has fragile and bare stems, characterized by significant branching. Their length often reaches 250 cm. The most commonly used cultivation of nasturtium from seeds. The leaves are not symmetrical, and are also round and thyroid.
      • Cultural. It has branched stems, which have not only a green tint, but also often purple in color. It is presented in numerous varieties, differing in shape and size.

      The choice of a particular species and variety depends entirely on the grower himself, since he must decide which particular nasturtium will look great in his garden. It is allowed to grow this flower not only in the open field, but also in pots installed in pots located on the site. In this case, with the onset of frost, nasturtium is brought into the house, and in warm conditions it easily tolerates winter, therefore it pleases the next year with the same bright and beautiful flowering.

      How to get quality planting material?

      If a decision is made that flowers will be grown by seed, it is important to prepare the planting material itself. Initially, it is important to know when to harvest nasturtium seeds for planting. The seeds ripen as the flowers wither, therefore, in the fall, before the first frost begins, it is necessary to collect the required amount of planting material. Determining whether the seeds are mature enough is easy as they turn whitish and then easily detach from the peduncle. Usually they themselves fall to the ground, but it is advisable to be in time and independently separate from the flower. Collect in this way the right amount of seeds used in the future to obtain beautiful and flowering plants.

      It is advisable to store the collected planting material in a cardboard box before planting, and it is important that moisture does not get on it.

      Before sowing, you need to perform a certain seed preparation, which consists in some sequential steps:

      • Calibration. Due to it, all available seeds are sorted, therefore, crumpled or damaged elements in any way are eliminated, since they are unsuitable for sowing, and it is not advisable to use them for seedlings, since there is a high probability that the plant will not grow. Calibration consists in the fact that it is recommended to soak the seeds in a water-salt solution, and empty seeds easily float to the surface. The remaining quality seeds are dried.
      • Next, you need to soak the seeds just before planting them. To do this, they are placed initially on a damp cloth or directly into water. Water changes every day, and the rag should not dry out. After pecking the seeds, the soaked shoot is planted directly in the open ground or in a pot if you plan to initially get high-quality seedlings.
      • Etching. They are made to protect nasturtiums from pests or various diseases. Special chemicals are used for this plant. They are sold in specialized flower shops. It is allowed to use complex action products used for all flowering plants.

      After preparing the seeds, you can plant them outdoors in the correct way.

      How to grow flowers with seeds?

      Before growing nasturtium, it is important to decide which method will be used for these purposes. Most often, seed propagation is used for this, and this process is considered so simple that even a novice florist can handle it.

      When to plant nasturtium directly in open ground? This process is carried out in May, however, it is important that the frost stops. It consists of several successive stages:

      1. 1, a suitable planting site is initially selected, and an area is selected that is well lit and also protected from the wind, since if there is shading, then the flowering of nasturtium will be weak and short;
      2. 2 fertile and light soil is prepared, and it is optimal if its acidity is weak, and high-quality drainage is also done;
      3. 3 it is not advisable to choose organic soils for planting, since they will have a large number of leaves from the plant, however, the flowering is too weak, but on stagnant soil, rotting of the flower is guaranteed;
      4. 4 before planting a plant in open ground, it is recommended to make sure that there will be no more frosts, therefore, the very end of May or the beginning of June is chosen;
      5. 5 planting of nasturtium is performed in pre-prepared holes, and their depth is no more than 2 cm;
      6. 6 the distance between these recesses should be approximately 30 cm;
      7. 7 planting with seeds is carried out using the nesting method, for which 4 seeds are loaded into one hole;
      8. 8 if the presence of insignificant frost is still expected, it is recommended to additionally cover the sown area with polyethylene or other material intended for covering the soil;
      9. 9 planted seeds are watered in spring only with warm water;
      10. 10 if the conditions were exactly met, then the first shoots will be obtained literally in a week and a half.

      Thus, if you follow the correct instructions exactly, it turns out to quickly and efficiently plant the seeds, which will ensure early seedlings emerge. In this case, a long and lush flowering will be obtained.

      How to grow nasturtium seedlings?

      Another way to plant nasturtium is to use seedlings. It can be grown independently at home or already purchased ready-made. Through the use of seedlings, it is possible to obtain earlier and lush flowering.

      Initially, the land is prepared, and fertile and non-acidic land is used to obtain better and better seedlings. It is advisable during this process to use special peat glasses or small pots equipped with a retractable bottom. The grown color is planted with a simple method:

      • in each glass with high-quality fertile soil, a small hole is made, and the optimal depth for planting is 2 cm;
      • it is advisable to put about 3 seeds in one hole;
      • cups are left in a suitable warm and bright room, and the temperature should not drop below 20 degrees;
      • shoots will be obtained in about a couple of weeks, however, it is important to provide them with proper lighting and regular watering;
      • disembarkation is carried out directly with the existing earthen lump, and this process is recommended to be carried out in open ground in June;
      • it is advisable to leave a distance between plants of 30 cm;
      • since nasturtium is afraid of cold weather, it is advisable to cover it with a film for the first time after landing at night;
      • flowering will begin in about a month.

      Thus, it is possible to grow beautiful nasturtium flowers in a variety of ways. At the same time, it is important to choose only high-quality seeds and provide the plants with regular and proper care.

      Allowed forbreeding nasturtium use cuttings, for which the resulting cuttings are rooted in water or wet sand, but this method is considered optimal for terry plant varieties.

      How to properly care for a plant?

      Properly planted flowers need regular and quality care. It consists of several correct actions:

      • in order not to be afraid of weeds in the future, during planting it is recommended to immediately mulch the soil next to each plant;
      • watering should be regular and abundant, and this is especially true at the very beginning after planting, during the growth period;
      • when flowering begins, watering is ensured only if the soil dries out, because if the soil is overly moistened, this will lead to the appearance of a large number of leaves, but the flowering will be weak;
      • in the process of flowering, the regular elimination of dried flowers is certainly ensured, if it is not planned to use them to extract seeds for planting next year;
      • top dressing is applied weekly, and special fertilizers are selected for nasturtium, which include potassium and phosphorus, and such dressing is performed before the direct flowering of plants;
      • after flowering stops, it is important to gradually reduce watering, after which it stops completely;
      • in winter, the color does not survive in the open field, so in the fall a plot is dug up, and the tops are burned.

      Thus, in the care of nasturtium is an unpretentious plant, since it does not need to pay too much attention to it. It is only important to monitor the absence of drying out of the soil, apply fertilizers during the growth process, and also eliminate faded inflorescences. This will not only have a positive effect on the splendor of flowering, but the flower bed itself or the flower garden will look well-groomed and beautiful.

      Pests and diseases

      The main advantages of growing nasturtium in any area include not only the ability to beautifully decorate it with lush and bright flowers, but also use it as a medicine or to scare off various pests. For example, it is considered deterrent for Colorado beetles and cabbage, as well as for other types of insects that are dangerous to cultivated plants.

      However, diseases can destroy a flower, and it is most often affected by specific diseases:

      • bacterial wilt, which is very simple to determine, since the lower leaves weaken significantly, after which they wither, and this process continues until the whole plant completely withers;
      • gray rot manifests itself in the form of the appearance of brown spots on the leaves, and after that the plant begins to dry out;
      • rust, and it is very simple to define it, since brown or black specks appear on the leaves, gradually transforming into small bumps;
      • mosaic is a complex virus that produces an unusual mosaic pattern on the leaves.

      If the above diseases are determined, then the only solution to the problem is the elimination of the infected leaves, as well as their burning. The remaining leaves of the plant are treated with protective medicinal compounds that act directly on the bacteria that cause the disease.

      The most difficult pests for nasturtium are:

      1. 1 Aphids and cabbage moth, and you can deal with them with the help of ash, which crumbles directly onto the plant and around it. It is best to carry out the process in warm weather and in the absence of wind. Insects do not die from this agent, but leave the plants. This treatment can be repeated any number of times, since ash does not harm the flowers in any way.
      2. 2 Spider mite. It causes significant harm to the plant, and 96% alcohol is used to combat it. If nasturtium is grown in pots, then it is advisable to treat the container itself with alcohol.

      Thus, planting and caring for nasturtiums in the open field are simple and straightforward actions that are easily performed even by novice growers. The resulting plants are not only attractive, bright and sophisticated, but also effectively used as an additional ingredient in the preparation of second courses or salads. They are a wonderful decoration for a festive table. If you collect the seeds on time, and also dry them properly, then they will be an excellent substitute for black pepper.

      With the help of the leaves, various skin rashes are treated, and they are also used in the preparation of various medicines for hair, which stimulates hair growth. Therefore, growing nasturtium is a useful solution for every owner of their own plot. Care is simple and straightforward, so there is nothing more complicated in the process of preparing and planting a plant. Moreover, it pleases with a unique, bright and long flowering. It can be planted in pots or outdoors, but it looks great on its own or in a flower bed with other flowers.

      As a garden plant and home flower, nasturtium (capuchin) has been cultivated for over 500 years. Over the years of breeding, flower growers in America and European countries seem to know everything about nasturtium, they have bred 25 cultivated species (there are about 90 varieties of this flowering plant in the world). The homeland of nasturtium is the South American continent and Central America.

      Growing nasturtium in gardens, city parks, summer cottages and at home does not require high costs. The correct technology of planting and care, adherence to the sowing time, the correct choice of fertilizers and planting sites will help to grow a beautiful plant with many bright large flowers that will delight the eye from June to October.

      The flowers of this plant are large, they have different sizes, different shapes and the number of petals. The color of the flowers is very bright, the petals can be orange, fiery red, yellow, crimson, crimson, variegated orange-yellow. In shape, the flowers of some varieties of nasturtium are similar to the flowers of a bell.

      Nasturtium leaves are round, dense, dark green or bright green, their size and quantity depends on the plant variety. Leaves, stems and petals can be used to prepare exquisite, exotic dishes. The plant is bred with seeds and layering. This is how both wild and cultivated nasturtium multiply. Growing from seeds is the most popular way to breed the plant.

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        What do nasturtium seeds look like?

        After flowering, a fruit is formed in the center of each flower. The fruit consists of three identical capsules-lobes, tightly pressed against each other. Green fruits have thick, light green, "fleshy" rind. There are three longitudinal projections on its surface, which stretch along the entire length of the capsule, from top to bottom.

        As they ripen and dry, the capsules become hard, change color to beige or light brown. The dried lobes are the seeds of the plant; they have a curved, kidney-round, elongated shape. The size of the lobe in length is from 5 to 15 mm. The dried seeds are large but light. 1 gram of seed contains 10 to 14 seeds.

        Interestingly, green flower pods can be preserved in jars for the winter. The larger and juicier the fruits, the tastier they will be in pickled form.

        Flower in the landscape design of the site

        Before you start planting, you need to choose the right place in the garden, in the flower bed or in the garden. Nasturtium goes well with many flowering plants and shrubs. It can be part of multi-level or single-level flower beds, looks good on rocky and grassy slopes.

        Shrub nasturtium can decorate narrow areas along walls and curbs, climbing varieties are able to climb high on a decorative trellis. These flowers can be planted in flower beds near fruit bushes and trees.

        Bright, profusely flowering bushes will decorate the backyard, made in country style, in landscape, English style, in the style of Chinese and Japanese traditional gardens. The owners of the estate can come up with their own design, and these plants will take the most worthy place in it.

        On verandas, fences and vertical walls, flowers are grown not only on the ground, but also in hanging boxes and flowerpots. The flowerpot and box can be hanging and floor.

        Choosing a landing site

        Before choosing and preparing a place for flowers, you need to read the instructions that come with the seeds. Among these flowers there are light-loving varieties and those that tolerate partial shade well. But it must be remembered that nasturtium should not be planted in places where there is almost no direct sunlight. This plant loves bright light, long daylight hours and summer warmth.

        Soil preparation

        The soil should be moderately fertilized. If the land contains a large amount of organic matter, rotted manure was added to the soil in abundance, then the nasturtium will grow large and tall, the bushes will have a lot of dark green large foliage and few flowers. The flowers of plants grown on such soil are few in number and do not differ in large sizes.

        On very poor, never fertilized, soil, the bushes will be small, there will be few leaves, and the flowers will cover the entire bush. But the bloom will also not be abundant. The leaves will be pale and the plant will look sickly. The soil should contain a moderate amount of organic matter.

        Mineral fertilizers (potash, phosphorus and complex) promote intensive flower formation. They need to be used according to the dosage printed on the package.

        Mineral fertilizers are applied in spring, before planting, then periodically, in very small doses, throughout the entire flowering period.

        The less organic matter, the better the nasturtium will feel. Planting and caring for the plant must be timely and correct.

        How to plant seeds outdoors?

        Growing nasturtium from seeds does not require a lot of time and money. At the same time, choosing flowers for a flower garden is not an easy task, you need to think in advance and decide how to plant nasturtium and other plants.

        Sowing seeds in the soil is done in May, at the beginning or middle of the month. In early spring and in April, the soil is not yet warmed up. In any case, the grower should be guided by the local weather. By the time the plants are planted, there should be no frozen ground and night frosts. Preparatory work and the planting process include:

        • Purchase (retrieval from storage) and inspection of seeds. They should be free of chips, other damage and mold.
        • Seed soaking. Before planting, the seeds must be soaked for 20-36 hours in clean water at room temperature (possibly in lukewarm water). It is recommended to add additional fertilizing to the water ("Humat", "Zircon", NI-101, "Epinu"). These preparations impregnate the seed coat, and soaking helps to soften the hard outer scales. Soaking helps the shell dissolve and the seed will germinate faster. Mushroom starch and other substances contained in the outer layer of seeds serve as nutrients for them. When soaking, the seeds should be covered with water; for this procedure, it is better to use a small saucer, a piece of gauze or a porous cloth that is placed on top of the seeds.
        • Layout of flower beds.
        • Soil preparation. The beds or flower beds are dug up, if necessary, mineral fertilizers are applied according to the instructions (dilute the dry matter of the package and water the soil). The loosened earth is leveled with a rake.
        • Sowing preparation. In the soil, holes are made about 2 cm deep. The distance between the holes is 20-30 cm (for low varieties of nasturtium). The distance between the rows is about 30 cm.If liana-like varieties are planted, then the distance between the planting pits increases to 50-100 cm.
        • Placement of seeds in the prepared wells. Experience shows that planting material rarely germinates one hundred percent, therefore, 2-3 seeds are placed in each hole. The wells are carefully covered with earth, which can be slapped slightly from above.
        • Watering flower beds from a watering can. After watering, you need to make sure that the water does not accidentally reveal the seeds. If this happens, they are sprinkled with earth again.

        The sprouts will appear in 7-14 days. The time from planting to the appearance of the first shoots depends on the climate, weather conditions of the current year, the quality of the soil and seeds.

        In areas where the soil remains cold for a long time, it freezes at night, and at night the earth suffers from frost, it is better to plant seeds in pots for seedlings. After the weather settles, the seedlings can be safely transplanted into a flower bed and not be afraid for them. It is better to close the garden bed sown in the middle lane in May at night.

        Growing seedlings

        Florists know that this plant does not like transplants, therefore, sowing nasturtium on seedlings is best done in such a way as not to injure the root system later. Seedlings that have received minimal injuries will quickly and well take root in the ground. Only very small, barely germinated seeds with short roots can easily tolerate the transplant. To plant seed material for seedlings in greenhouse boxes or at home, you must:

        • Prepare a container for planting. Peat pots are ideal containers for germinating seeds. Young plants do not need to be removed from them, the pot is simply buried in the ground along with the sprout. You can plant seeds in paper (cardboard) cups.
        • Prepare the soil. It can be fertilized garden, garden soil, not saturated with organic matter. You can buy a special "Universal soil for flowers" in a shop for gardeners and florists.
        • Prepare nasturtium seeds (remove from the place where they were stored in winter, remove from the bag).
        • If the seeds are very dry or have been stored for several years, soak them.
        • After 20-36 hours, the soaked seed is taken out and planted in a peat pot, into which the earth is poured. The seeds are placed on the ground, watered a little and poured 5 mm of earth on top. You can plant up to 3 seeds in one pot.
        • Depending on the dryness and shelf life of the seed, seedlings appear in 6-14 days.

        The pots are placed on the windowsill in the southern part of the house or apartment, since nasturtium is a light-loving and thermophilic plant, whose homeland is the subtropics. The containers need to be turned daily, so that the sprouts reaching for the light will not tilt to one side.

        Pre-soaking of seeds when planting seedlings is necessary only if they are very dry, stored in a room with low humidity, at a high temperature, or were harvested the year before last and earlier. Seed material of nasturtium remains viable for 4 to 5 seasons.

        Flowers planted with seeds in early May will bloom in 8-10 weeks. If the plants are planted with seedlings, then flowering will begin one to one and a half weeks earlier.

        Plant care in the open field

        Caring for nasturtium is easy. If the weather conditions are in the range of average long-term norms, then no special measures of protection and care are needed.

        Growing in soil from seed makes seedlings more resilient and hardy compared to flowers grown in pre-seedlings. Flower care activities include:

        • Systematic weeding of flower beds. Weeds should be removed as soon as they appear. Mulching flower beds (covering the soil between shoots with grass, thin branches of a bush) can get rid of weeds.
        • Watering flower beds. The earth is moistened as it dries. When the plants are very small, and the lush foliage covering the soil has not yet formed, you need to water more often. May heat can destroy tender sprouts. At the same time, water stagnation in the soil should not be allowed, abundant watering will lead to increased leaf growth with a small number of flowers.
        • Caring for the appearance of nasturtium bushes consists in the constant removal of yellowed, withered leaves and drying, withered flowers. Leave only those faded flowers from which the seeds are supposed to be obtained.
        • Weekly (or once every two weeks, judging by the condition of the plants), feeding with potash and phosphorus fertilizers, which are diluted in water according to the instructions for the preparation. For top dressing, it is enough to spray the soil in the area of \u200b\u200bthe root system.
        • Fight against rust fungus. The fungus can completely infect the leaf, which leads to its death. The disease is spread from plant to plant and can affect all flowers in a flower bed. To destroy the rust fungus, nasturtium should be sprayed with fungicide preparations (Polyram, Abiga-Peak, Strobi, Cumulus), Bordeaux liquid (1%), preparations containing colloidal sulfur.
        • Fight against viral infections (primarily mosaic). Mosaic can be the result of the development of not one, but several different viruses on the leaves. It is impossible to rid the plant of these viral infections. Affected nasturtium must be removed, burned, and plants that may be affected by viruses of this type should not be planted in the beds for several years. The soil from the affected area should not be allowed to fall on "healthy" areas of the garden.

        After most of the flowers have faded, watering the bushes is stopped. Plants in this state do not need a lot of moisture, and its excess will lead to the appearance of mold under the leaves and the development of fungus. In October, the withered tops must be collected and burned. It is advisable to dig up the flower beds for the winter.

        Seed collection

        The seeds begin to ripen in July-August, they can be harvested before frost. You can determine the ripeness of the seeds and the readiness to harvest by changing the color: the shell of the capsule will turn brownish, beige or coffee-brown and harden. Dried fruits do not stick well to the stem (pedicel), so they are not easy to harvest. In order not to lose the harvest, you can spread a newspaper or canvas under a flower bush. Before storage, the harvested crop must be dried, since the seeds contain a lot of moisture and can become moldy.

        Growing at home

        If there is no garden plot, but you want to plant flowers, then you need to make the most of the balcony, loggia and window sills. The question arises: how to grow nasturtium at home? And when to plant nasturtium, which will grow with a lack of light and sunlight?

        Every plant has its own biological clock. If you plant seeds of a flower at home in the fall, which grows intensively only in summer, then, of course, it will grow, but very slowly. And only in the spring will it grow. To grow beautiful nasturtium at home, you need to adhere to the following rules:

        • Planting nasturtium seeds in pots and containers is carried out in early March. The sun at this time is already bright, in the daytime it warms up the window panes and window sills well. It must be remembered that a flower grown in an apartment cannot be illuminated throughout the day as well as a plant planted in open ground.
        • A home flower can be immediately planted in a container in which it will grow. For planting, you should choose dwarf varieties. If it is assumed that the plant will curl along the decorative lattice of a balcony or window, you can purchase climbing types of nasturtium, again taking into account the free space in the room or on the loggia.
        • For one flower, you need to take a pot with a volume of at least 2 liters. Pots are often placed in planters and hung. For normal growth, even a dwarf nasturtium needs at least 2-3 kilograms of land.
        • Pots and boxes should have drainage holes. Before pouring the earth, you need to put river pebbles, construction rubble or broken brick on the bottom of the container.
        • For planting, garden or vegetable garden soil that is not oversaturated with organic matter is best suited. Suitable and "Universal soil", which is sold in shops for flower growers.
        • Nasturtium can only be planted if the house has solar (southern) windows.
        • Plants can be fed with preparations for flowering indoor plants ("Bud", "Humate" and others), solutions with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
        • Watering is done as the soil dries. Do not allow the soil to dry out strongly, this can destroy the nasturtium.
        • If the flowers have grown strongly up and to the sides, you need to make a support for them. The stems can be gently leaned against or tied to a support.
        • At the onset of cold weather, you need to bring potted flowers home at night. Leaves and flowers cannot stand freezing temperatures and plants will disappear. Flowers that were brought into the house in the fall can bloom for another month or more.

        Flowering plants are pleasing to the eye, and one commonly used plant for landscaping is nasturtium. Planting and grooming in the open field does not take long. The soil does not need complex processing, the only requirement for the soil is to limit the amount of natural organic matter. Nasturtium is undemanding, caring for this plant is simple. One of the main advantages of this flower is disease resistance.

      Garden flowers appear on most home gardens. Knowing the main thing about planting and caring for nasturtiums outdoors, you can create beautiful compositions that will look very attractive in your garden design.

      High-quality seed germination lasts up to 4 years. They should be stored in paper bags.

      Seeds are planted in open ground in the last days of May. If the spring is warm, then the landing is shifted to an earlier date and is carried out in mid-May. In the southern regions, the culture is planted in the ground much earlier - in late March, early April.

      Agrotechnical requirements for growing

      Agrotechnics when growing nasturtium should be strictly observed, as this will allow you to get strong plants with abundant and violent flowering.

      If grown improperly, nasturtium will stretch and waste energy on small, nondescript leaves, instead of picking up buds and blooming.

      Growing nasturtium from seeds is not difficult, which even a novice florist can easily handle.

      Planting in open ground with seeds

      In order for the seeds to germinate well, they need to be slightly soaked. To do this, on the eve of planting, the seeds are soaked for a day. Do this by wrapping them in a highly damp cloth.

      The seed holes should be spaced 30 cm apart, as when the crop begins to develop, it will need a lot of space. The seeding depth is 2 cm. 3-4 seeds should be placed in each hole. After planting the seeds, the soil is watered with warm water. When there is a risk of recurrent frost, the bed is covered with polyethylene. Seedlings appear in 10-14 days.

      Growing seedlings

      When nasturtium is grown through seedlings, the plant will bloom earlier. Sowing seeds is carried out in the same way as they are sown in the ground. For seedlings, it is better to use peat cups, then diving is not required. When planted in open ground, peat pots prevent root damage. The place where the seedlings are standing should be light.

      Sowing seeds for seedlings should be a month earlier than in open ground. Early planting is not recommended because if the plants outgrow and stretch out, they will not be able to produce quality flowering.

      Proper care of nasturtium

      Proper care of the nasturtium flower will allow you to admire the rapid flowering before the onset of frost. Regardless of the selected variety, agricultural technology will be the same.

      Soil and lighting requirements

      Nasturtium is a light-loving crop, and the sunniest areas should be chosen for it. It is better to do this in the fall, even before the foliage falls. This will allow you to accurately assess the selected area. If the plant is planted in partial shade, it will not disappear, but you will not have to expect abundant flowering from it.

      The soil for nasturtium requires slightly acidic and well-drained so that water stagnation and waterlogging do not occur. The soil must be light and fertile. An overabundance of organic matter should not be allowed, since in this case the bushes are very actively gaining green mass and do not bloom at all. If the soil is poor in nutrients, the stems will stretch, produce few leaves and look bare. Nasturtium will not produce flowers either.

      The plant blooms well in the sun, forms rich foliage in the shade.

      Watering and fertilizing

      The plant needs regular watering. Nasturtium is afraid of waterlogging the soil, but its overdrying is destructive for the flower. During the peak flowering period, water the plant only at the moment when the soil dries up noticeably. The rest of the time, watering is carried out 1 time in 3 days, unless, of course, it rains. When the soil is too wet, watering is stopped and the soil is given time to dry out. This avoids root rot.

      It is necessary to feed nasturtium 2 times during the whole season - before flowering and closer to its end - to stimulate a set of new buds. It is optimal to use the nitrophoska preparation for this. If the flowers are grown in an area with fertile soil and feel good, then fertilizers are not needed.

      Post-flowering care

      Usually nasturtium blooms well before frost. If the plant has stopped picking up new buds too early, then it is worth pushing it to this.

      For these purposes, it is best to use the following methods:

      • picking off faded and fading flowers;
      • watering with special preparations with flowering stimulants;
      • watering with hydrogen peroxide solution.

      When all measures do not bring results, it is worth digging up one of the bushes and looking at the roots. If they began to rot from dampness, then it is no longer possible to help nasturtium and you should not try to get new buds from the flower.

      How to collect seeds?

      To obtain seeds, leave 2-3 bushes and do not pluck the fading flowers from them. You can only harvest nasturtium seeds if the plant is varietal and not hybrid. The seeds ripen at the very end of the season. Only the variety retains its properties during seed propagation. In order to prevent self-seeding due to the falling of ripe seeds, it is important to constantly monitor their condition at the end of ripening. If the seeds fall from the touch, they must be collected. This is done by the piece. Usually mature capsules, the seeds from which can be stored, turn a dark brown color.

      Store seeds in a paper bag in a cool dry place.

      If self-sowing has occurred, this does not mean that the seeds have disappeared. They winter well in the soil and in the spring, if they are not eaten by rodents, give high-quality shoots.

      Reproduction of nasturtium

      If you wish, you can breed nasturtium not only with seeds, but also with cuttings. To do this, cut off middle-aged shoots from the plant and root them in wet sand under a plastic bag. As a result of such reproduction, a new plant is obtained that fully retains its parental properties. Unfortunately, rooting occurs only 60% of the time. Most often, rare varieties of nasturtium are propagated in this way, the seeds of which are quite difficult to find on the market.

      Pest control

      The unpretentious nasturtium is often attacked by pests. Cruciferous fleas are big fans of the fresh leaves of the plant. In order to prevent snails and slugs from eating it, which are the main enemies of the flower, it is required to process nasturtium with special preparations. They are sold in a wide variety of gardening stores. This processing is carried out up to 3 times per season.

      Nasturtium in landscape design

      A little more and it's time to plant nasturtium. The month will fly by quickly, which means it's time to think about landing right now.

      After all, it is a pleasure to grow this flower: the seeds are large (even a child can be entrusted with sowing), the flower has no special requirements for soil and care, it grows quickly and looks beautiful. And another big plus of nasturtium is that although it begins to bloom at the beginning of summer, its bloom lasts right up to the very cold.

      Nasturtium in nature is a perennial plant, but under cultivated conditions it is grown as an annual plant. It can be grown by seeds or cuttings.


      Plant nasturtium in a well-lit area. Although, in principle, light can be not only direct, but also diffused, that is, it can be planted in partial shade. But in no case should nasturtium be planted in unlit places, otherwise the plant will be stunted and will not bloom.

      Also, the nasturtium planting site should be sheltered from the winds (she loves warmth).

      The soil

      In principle, any soil, even not very fertile, is suitable for nasturtium. Conversely, an overly fertilized, oily soil will harm the flowering of nasturtium, since under such conditions it will actively grow and produce a large amount of green mass.

      But with this development of events, she will not have the strength to bloom. Poor soil for nasturtium is also not the most suitable choice, it will not be able to provide the flower with all the necessary substances, the leaves will become small and fall off. The mechanical composition of the soil.

      Also, the soil for nasturtium should be light (for example, sandy). Acidity. The acidity level should be light, slightly acidic soil is quite suitable. Soil moisture.

      The soil must be well drained, otherwise the nasturtium roots can rot (especially in heavy soil).


      Nasturtium can be planted in several ways: sow seeds directly into the soil, sow seeds for seedlings, plant using cuttings. The first method is good because the plants grow strong and hardened, less susceptible to diseases. But the seeds planted by seedlings begin to bloom earlier, and of course, they can be planted later, which means they will not be subject to return frosts.


      Nasturtium seeds germinate well during the first 4 years after they are harvested. After this period, seed germination decreases. Seed preparation.

      First, nasturtium seeds should be soaked for 20 minutes in hot water (about 50 ° C), then soaked in warm water (room temperature) for a day. After that, the seeds should be taken out of the water and dried slightly (until flowing). The seeds are ready for planting. Sowing dates.

      Nasturtium seeds should be planted in the last decade of May, when the frost has finally and irrevocably passed. The weather must be stable, because nasturtium sprouts die at temperatures closer to 0 ° C. Sowing with seeds in the ground.

      Make holes 2 cm deep in the soil. Maintain a distance of about 30 cm between them. Put several seeds in each hole (in any case, at least one seed will sprout).

      Cover with earth.

      Sowing seeds for seedlings

      Sowing dates. You can sow nasturtium seeds in April or May. Sowing seeds for seedlings. It is very important to remember that nasturtium has a rather weak and delicate root system.

      In order for the seedlings to undergo transplanting well, it is better to immediately plant the seeds in peat pots. As a last resort, if you could not get peat pots, you should plant seeds for seedlings immediately in separate containers. Both in peat pots and in separate containers you need to sow nasturtium seeds according to the same scheme.

      Fill the pot (or container) with moistened soil. Sow a few seeds (2 or 3) in each pot (or container) to a depth of about 2 cm.

      Until the seeds germinate, create greenhouse conditions for them and a temperature of about + 22 ° C, you can cover the seeds with foil (do not forget to air and water them). After seed germination, the film should be removed and the temperature should be lowered to + 18 ° C. Landing in the ground.

      Seedlings should be planted when the frost has finally passed. Better to take your time. Sometimes, due to weather conditions, the time for planting seedlings has to be postponed as early as the beginning of June. If you grew seedlings in peat pots, then you should plant seedlings with him. Moisten it well the day before planting.

      Peat pots during planting in the soil must be buried a couple of centimeters below the soil level. If you grew seedlings in separate containers, then they should be planted in the ground by transferring (that is, together with an earthen clod) so as not to damage the roots. At the same time, nasturtium should be transplanted into the ground at the age of two true leaves. Otherwise, the seedlings will endure the transplant worse and hurt longer until they take root. Leave the distance between the sprouts at planting about 30 cm, but in general it will depend on the variety you choose.

      Planting by cuttings

      From cuttings, nasturtium is grown mainly if they want to grow a new variety. First, it is necessary that the cuttings take root. To do this, they are planted in wet sand or placed in water.

      When the cuttings take root, they can immediately be planted in open ground.


      Nasturtium should be watered and weeded. But if you don't want to waste time weeding, then just mulch the soil around the flowers.

      When the nasturtium begins to bloom, watering should be done moderately. In order for your nasturtium to bloom long and profusely, you should remove the wilted flowers and ovaries (if you are not going to collect seeds). Fertilizers. Nasturtium does not tolerate organic fertilizers, especially fresh ones. But mineral dressings have a good effect on it.

      Seed collection

      If nasturtium grows in you in favorable conditions, then when it drops the seeds, they will winter well and sprout on their own next year. But if you want to collect the seeds yourself, and not expect whether the fallen seed will germinate or not, then you should do so. Seed ripening occurs as the flowers wilt. The seeds change their color from green to white and fall off, so don't miss the moment.

      After flowering

      After the nasturtium has faded, watering should be gradually stopped. Then the site should be dug up and the tops should be burned, since nasturtium is grown mainly as an annual plant.

      Here are a couple of very interesting articles on this topic:

      Nasturtium: planting and care

      In this article, you will learn all about nasturtium: varieties, propagation and care. This flower will become a decoration of any area, but only if you know how to properly care for it.

      With a lack of theoretical knowledge, nasturtium will be miserable, depressed, but if the gardener observes all the recommendations for care, then he will be rewarded in the form of a luxurious flowering. Nasturtium, or as it is sometimes called capuchin, has about a hundred species, there are many hybrids and varieties, but, unfortunately, they do not propagate by seeds, only by cuttings.

      The homeland of the flower is America, South and Central, where it grows as a perennial plant. In our area, nasturtium is grown as an annual. The most common and famous species is considered to be large nasturtium, it was she who was taken as the basis for breeding hybrids.

      It has bright, large gramophone flowers with five petals cut to the base of the neck, the leaves are round, bright green, erect stems, from 20 to 80 centimeters in height, or creeping, up to 2.5 meters in length. bush, climbing nasturtium, dwarf nasturtium, foreign nasturtium, terry nasturtium, stunted nasturtium. Popular varieties of nasturtium: Vesuvius, Cherry rose, Day and night, Canary liana or Canary, Terry mix, Alaska, Yeti. Color of flowers, leaves, length of shoots. the compactness of the rosette and the height of the bush depends on the variety, there are nasturtiums with flowers of bright orange, coral, yellow, cream, white and variegated. crimson color.

      Nasturtium is grown not only as a beautiful garden flower, but also as a medicinal and edible plant. On the site, nasturtium will delight you with flowering, and will also benefit the whole garden. The fact is that the aroma of its leaves scares away harmful insects (whitefly, cabbage whitefly), the smell of flowers lures useful ones, in general, the bush is a good remedy for nematodes and bends. Aphids love nasturtium, she prefers this flower to other plants.

      Plant nasturtium next to a crop that is valuable to you and the aphids will not touch it... And it is easy to remove this pest from nasturtium, it is enough to cut off the affected stems and burn them.

      In the garden, nasturtium is recommended to be planted next to tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin, beans. Nasturtium is rich in vitamin C, carotene, many vitamins and minerals, essential oils. Leaves and flowers of nasturtium are eaten.

      Planting, breeding nasturtium

      Nasturtium is mainly grown by seeds, but it can also be propagated by cuttings, which allows you to preserve varietal characteristics (terry, complex color). Nasturtium can be sown in two ways: for seedlings and in open ground. When planted in open ground, nasturtium seeds are planted in late spring, when the night frosts have definitely passed.

      Even a short-term drop in temperature to 0-5 degrees kills the plant. Seeds are laid out on the bottom of a hole 1.5-2 centimeters deep, it is better to put 2-3 seeds in one hole at once, then the bush will be thicker and there will definitely not be a gap in the garden due to non-similarity. The distance between the holes should be about 25 centimeters. If the weather in spring in your region brings surprises, then the soil is spilled with hot water before planting, sprinkled with straw on top of the sown area, covered with foil.

      The shelter is removed at the beginning of summer, with the onset of constant heat. Or, nasturtium is initially planted on seedlings.

      Since this flower has a superficial and very delicate root system, it is better to grow each plant in a separate peat cup, then nasturtium can be easily transplanted into open ground, without stress and damage. Nasturtium, planted on seedlings, blooms earlier. For seedlings, seeds of nasturtium are sown 2-3 pieces in a peat bag to a depth of 2 centimeters.

      Crops should be kept at a temperature of 20-23 degrees, the soil should be constantly moistened. After sprouting, which will happen in 10-15 days, the temperature can be lowered to 17-18 degrees.

      It is very important to provide the seedlings with good lighting at this time, with a lack of light, the plant will be weak, depressed. Nasturtium begins to bloom 1-1.5 months after planting and continues until the onset of cold weather. Nasturtium seeds can be stored for four years. Before planting, they can be soaked in warm water for a day. When propagating by cuttings, a cut of the stem is placed in water or a wet mixture of peat and sand.

      Nasturtium takes root very easily and willingly. The stalk that has started up the roots is planted in a peat bag, and then in the ground or a pot. To preserve the nasturtium variety, it is necessary to provide a warm winter at home.

      Caring for nasturtium

      For nasturtium, it is necessary to select well-lit, sunny areas, protected from the wind, only in this way it will bloom profusely. In the shade, the plant grows extremely slowly, the flowering is poor, the flowers are small. Nasturtium prefers warmth, dies from frost.

      The soil is of great importance, it should be fertile, light, drained, slightly acidic. If the soil is saturated with organic matter, too “rich”, then the plant will “fatten”, that is, increase the green mass and bloom poorly.

      In poor soil, the flower loses its beauty, shrinks, the stems are bare, flowering is absent or defective. In clayey, heavy, waterlogged soil, the roots of nasturtium rot and the plant dies. The technique of watering nasturtium depends on the stage of flower development.

      Abundant watering is needed for seedlings and seedlings of seedlings, with active growth and development. But when flowering occurs, watering is reduced, the soil is moistened only after drying.

      If the soil is constantly wet, greenery will develop, and not flowers. To stimulate further flowering, wilted flowers and seed ovaries should be removed. If you want to get seeds, then you need to let the ovary develop and ripen. Seeds are harvested as they ripen, in warm climates they can overwinter in the soil, but usually self-seeding is not allowed.

      Nasturtium: preparing for winter

      In the open field, nasturtium does not hibernate; it is grown as an annual plant. To preserve varietal nasturtium, it is sent to the house for the winter, to a bright, cool window.

      The temperature should be at least 15-17 degrees. In the fall, good, dense cuttings are cut off from the bush and rooted in water or peat with sand, then planted in a pot. In the spring, the nasturtium bush is transferred into open ground.

      Nasturtium (sometimes called capuchin) is one of the most popular plants among flower growers. This annual plant is found in both the artisanal and herbaceous versions. An unpretentious flower with proper care delights with its bright and luxurious flowers for a long time.

      Planting nasturtium in open ground and caring for it

      If you are fond of bright flowers and unusual round nasturtium leaves, planting and caring for it will not be difficult and will not take much of your time. For open ground, it is best to use the seedling method:

      1. Around the beginning of April, you need to start sowing seeds. You can sow them in peat pots, a few pieces in each or in paper cups. The seeds are deepened into the soil by about 1 cm. After filling with the top layer of earth, it is well compacted. When the seedlings germinate, it is very important to place them in a place with a temperature of no more than 18 ° C, otherwise they can stretch out. As soon as you are sure that the frost is behind, the nasturtium can be transplanted into the open ground.

      For landing, you should choose a well-lit place that is not blown by the winds. They land with an earthen clod. Capuchin is not tolerant of fresh organic fertilizers, likes moderate watering and does not need to be fed more often than once a month.

      In order to have more flowers, it is necessary to regularly remove wilted flowers and ovaries.

      How to grow nasturtium at home

      If you want bright flowers to delight you in the apartment, nasturtium is also suitable for you, planting and caring for which at home is even easier than outdoors. You can plant capuchin at home directly from seeds. It is very easy to do this:

      1. Place the seeds for 10-15 minutes in hot water (40-50 ° C). Soak in water for 24 hours (this will speed up the germination process). Make shallow holes (no more than a couple of centimeters, at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other, if you plan to plant several plants in one pot). Plant 3-4 seeds in each hole. Fill the holes with soil and water.

      If everything was done correctly, the first shoots will be visible in two weeks. As for care, the recommendations are the same as in the case of planting a plant in open ground: a lot of sun, no drafts, moderate watering and complementary food.

      Useful information about other flowers that can be grown both in the garden and at home: In the charts of the most unpretentious, fast-growing and flowering plants, nasturtium would certainly take one of the first places! I remember her from childhood, when I was entrusted with such an important task, how to bury nasturtium seeds in balcony boxes.

      Fortunately, her seeds are so large - there is something that you can hold in your hands without fear and even entrust planting to a child. And she, in return, will delight you with her interesting, intricate shoots. If you have ever seen how drops of water, gathered in large peas, on the leaves of nasturtium, glow, then you must admit that the spectacle is not to take your eyes off.

      Needless to say about the time when this wondrous plant appears before you completely covered with cheerful red faces, exuding a pleasant, delicate aroma. Nasturtium, or as it is also called, Capuchin, is used in decorative floriculture as an annual. The length of the shoots of this plant, depending on the variety, ranges from 25 cm to 3 or more meters.

      Nasturtium is very decorative, not only during lush flowering, its rounded thyroid leaves, covered with a bluish bloom, look very attractive. The stems and leaves of nasturtium are so juicy that it continues to bloom even when pulled out of the ground. The flowers are simple and double, bright warming shades: cream, yellow, orange, bright red, dark cherry, and salmon.

      Growing nasturtium from seeds.

      Growing nasturtium is not difficult at all. Perhaps this is the very plant from which your floriculture business may well begin. Even those who do not really like planting and their only favorite flower is the "lawn", the funny wrinkled nasturtium achene will certainly make you want to stick it into the ground. And that's half the battle! ?

      sowing seeds in open ground

      How and when to sow?

      As a lover of everything big and thick, I love to sow nasturtium seeds. Its large seeds can be sown outdoors around mid-May.

      You should not rush too much, since nasturtium does not tolerate frost, and this is perhaps its only weak point. Sow seeds in 3 pieces in holes no more than 2 cm deep, at a distance of about 25-30 cm. Cute, unusual sprouts of nasturtium will appear in one to two weeks. seedling method.

      But it should be remembered that nasturtium does not tolerate transplanting well and it is better to sow it in separate containers so that in the future, when planting in the ground, it does not disturb the root system. For example, in peat pots, also 3 seeds in each.

      Start sowing seedlings not earlier than the second half of April, since the older it is, the more difficult it is to take root. Plant in the ground at the end of the spring frost. To the soils nasturtium is completely undemanding.

      Do not overdo it when planting with organic matter, it is better to give it up altogether. Otherwise, nasturtium will increase you a huge mass, though beautiful, but still tops. Landing place we select nasturtium solar, or in diffused penumbra, for example, under the crown of an apple tree.

      In the shade, we get loose bushes with a bunch of greenery and rare flowers.? For propagation of nasturtium, it is very convenient to use seeds of your own collection. It is very easy and even interesting to stock up on them. Nasturtium seeds are gathered together in three large ribbed "peas".

      You can take them off when they become whitish and easily separate from the peduncle. My nasturtium successfully propagates itself, that is, by self-sowing, but I still collect the seeds, as it is just a pleasure.

      Caring for nasturtium.

      Nasturtium care is kept to a minimum. Before flowering, this is moderate watering, preventing the soil from drying out. When growing this flower, I do without feeding.

      But if you really like to feed your plants with something, then choose phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, but not nitrogen ones, or something "for flowering plants."

      Nasturtium in the garden.

      Shrub forms of nasturtium are suitable for decorating flower beds, borders and ridges, they keep their shape well and do not look "ragged" on rainy days. Also, nasturtiums can be grown in hanging baskets and outdoor flowerpots, will serve as an excellent decoration for balconies.

      Climbing forms of nasturtium will decorate a gazebo or pergola, or can be grown as ground cover and ampelous plants.? By the way. All aerial parts of the garden nasturtium plant are edible. And leaves, and flowers, and even seeds.

      They have such a spicy, I would say mustard or peppery taste, and fresh seeds resemble capers.

      Nasturtium - from pests.

      If you plant nasturtium near cabbage, then cabbage butterflies and cruciferous fleas will prefer tender nasturtium, that is, it will distract the attention of pests by taking a hit on itself. Nasturtium, sown next to phloxes, will protect them from nematodes. It is believed that several nasturtium bushes are planted on a garden bed or in a greenhouse with tomatoes, they scare away the whitefly. You can plant it in the near-trunk circles of fruit trees, since the fight against aphids on them is very, very difficult, and again this ubiquitous pest will give preference to nasturtium, where he will be us " caught and disarmed, ”much easier than on a tree. In the same way, you can save your favorite roses, which are simply adored by aphids. But do not think that nasturtium only attracts pests, most of them simply cannot stand its smell, so nasturtium will be a good companion for almost all plants in the garden!

      Compact low bushes or long hanging lashes with bright inflorescences of various colors that bloom until autumn are the beauty of nasturtium. It looks equally good both on the flowerbed and on the balcony, and ampelous varieties will decorate gazebos and summer terraces.

      Most often, nasturtium is grown in seedlings. It allows for a closer flowering time, and is also more suitable for rare varieties. There are not so many seeds in the purchased bags of seeds, and given that it is recommended to plant them in open ground, 2 pieces per hole and not all sprout, it is much more profitable to grow seedlings.

      By and large, this plant will not cause much trouble for flower growers, since it grows well even with minimal care, but one caveat exists and it is associated with the timing of planting. Since the flower is thermophilic and does not tolerate frost, especially young plants, it is important to know when to plant nasturtium seedlings in order to send it to the flower bed in time.

      Seed sowing time

      It is better to start planting a couple of weeks before the moment when it is planned to plant it in open ground. If the transplant is in mid-May, then the seeds are sown at the end of April.

      Separately, it is worth mentioning the cultivation of nasturtium in pots, indoors. In this case, sowing seeds is possible at an earlier date, for example, in March, the main thing is that the flowers are warm and light.

      Features of growing seedlings

      Nasturtium seeds are large enough and covered with a dense shell, besides, they do not have 100% germination capacity, therefore, they require preliminary soaking.

      Since the roots are fragile and often break during the transplanting process, it is necessary to immediately pick up separate containers for the seedlings and put one seed in each one. This will help to avoid the process of diving and additional injury to the seedlings. For the same reason, a transfer to a permanent place is done by a transshipment method. For even development of nasturtium seedlings and to prevent stretching, it must be provided with good lighting.