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  • How to grow good seedlings of onion exible. Onion cultivation, exibition variety from seedlings

    How to grow good seedlings of onion exible. Onion cultivation, exibition variety from seedlings

    The Exhibichen onions stand out from their counterparts with their large head size and sweet taste without pronounced bitterness. It is for this that many gardeners love him, despite the laborious cultivation. Dutch breeders have done a great job. In order to get a full harvest, it is important to take into account the requirements of this crop for agricultural technology, which will be described below.

    Description of the Exibishen variety

    Exibition belongs to the late varieties. When ripe, the crop forms a large, attractive bulb with an unusual taste. The head mass ranges from 300 to 500 grams.

    If you grow onions in seedlings, the fruits will be even larger (individual specimens can reach a weight of 1 kg). The bulbs covered with golden scales are round in shape. The taste of the spicy vegetable is sweetish, without the characteristic bitterness of onions, the pulp is delicate in texture, very juicy.

    There are fewer essential oils in this onion than in other varieties, it can be cut without risking "shedding tears." Due to its properties, Exibishen is excellent for fresh consumption and preparation of salads. Ripening of the bulbs occurs in 90-100 days.

    The variety can be grown by direct sowing in the ground and through seedlings. The seedling method gives an advantage in the form of an earlier ripening, the crop can be harvested in August. This is an important advantage of the crop for growing in cold regions.

    On a note! The variety has a high yield, but does not have a very long shelf life, which can be considered a disadvantage. Even under ideal conditions, the bulbs will only last until December.

    When growing, Exhibishen onions are picky about agricultural technology, without observing the recommended conditions, it will not give you the harvest that it can give. Experienced summer residents are advised to grow this variety through seedlings.

    Only in this case will the bulbs grow strong and of enormous size. In warm regions, this rule can be neglected and the seeds can be sown directly into the ground, however, in this case you will not get kilogram bulbs.

    With the seedling method, it is worth considering that at least 80 days will pass from the moment of planting on the ridge to the harvest. It takes about 2 months to develop seedlings.It will be necessary to sow seeds in the Moscow region in the second decade of February, and in August full-fledged bulbs will ripen.

    Landing times are adjusted depending on the region. Since the threat of frost in Siberia and the Urals disappears later, it is better to sow seeds for seedlings in the first half of March, since the timing of planting them in open ground is also postponed.

    There should be no problems with buying Exhibitive onion seeds. They are popular, so they can be found in almost any gardening store. Before landing, you need to do the preparatory work.

    Preparation of land and seeds

    With the preparation of seeds, you can not be too "wise". The whole procedure takes place in three stages:

    • the seeds are wrapped in gauze and dipped in warm water for several hours to swell;
    • after that, the material is left in the same gauze, or wrapped in a damp cotton cloth and put in a plastic bag to keep moisture, for several days;
    • before planting, the seeds that have hatched must be soaked for 2-3 hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect, after which they are slightly dried.

    It is better to prepare the soil in the fall by mixing garden soil and sand with humus in equal parts, adding 1 glass of wood ash to the bucket of the mixture. If this is not possible, land for seedlings from the store is suitable. Sowing boxes, cassettes and plastic cups can be used. If the container is used again, it must be thoroughly washed with soap and a brush, and then rinsed with boiling water.


    • Seeds are sown densely in pre-moistened soil.
    • On the surface of the soil, grooves are cut with a depth of 1 cm, where the planting material is distributed.
    • From above, the crops are lightly sprinkled with earth and moistened with water from a sprayer.
    • After that, the container should be covered with foil to create a greenhouse environment.
    • Now the seedlings should be placed in a warm, shaded place for 1-1.5 weeks before germination.

    The optimum temperature for this period will be + 25 ° C. No need to water. As soon as the first shoots appear, the container is placed in a lighted place and the temperature in the room is slightly reduced (to 17-18 ° C). If the windowsills are cold, the pots should stand on insulating supports so that the roots of young plants do not freeze.

    For seedlings to grow healthy, they need to provide sufficient lighting, proper watering, loosening and feeding. For growing seedlings of Exhibichen onions, the duration of daylight hours should be at least 10-12 hours. This can be achieved by installing additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

    It is necessary to water the seedlings with settled warm water. Watering should be moderate but regular.Watered soil must be loosened so that a hard crust does not form on the surface. It is best to do this immediately after watering. Be careful not to damage the delicate roots. Onions are fed once a week with complex fertilizers for vegetable crops.

    Advice! The room where the seedlings are standing must be regularly ventilated, while protecting the seedlings from drafts.

    A feature of the seedlings of this onion is that it drives out a long feather, which is recommended to be cut, leaving no more than 10 cm in length. This technique stimulates the active growth of seedlings and, moreover, feathers in this case will not interfere with transplanting into the ground.

    2 weeks before planting the seedlings in a permanent place, it must be hardened, accustoming to weather conditions. The box with seedlings is taken out daily to fresh air, gradually increasing the hardening time. This technique promotes the health of the seedlings and their quick adaptation in the garden.

    In the middle lane, Exhibishen onions are planted in the garden in mid-May. By this time, the seedlings should be at two months of age.... The ridge should be positioned so that it is well illuminated by the sun and at the same time protected from the winds. Onions like loose and nutritious soils with neutral acidity. If the soil is acidic, neutralize it with dolomite flour or limestone to get a good harvest.

    It is necessary to prepare a place for planting onions in the fall. Fertilizers are applied to the soil in the form of superphosphate, potassium salt and humus. Fresh manure and not rotted compost can not be used for fertilizing.

    As soon as a positive temperature is established outside, the seedlings can be planted in open ground. When landing, use the scheme: 30x30. Do not plant Exhibiting more often, it needs space.

    In the summer, Exhibiting onion care is quite standard. It includes watering, feeding, loosening, weeding, and mulching. Immediately after planting above the seedlings, it is recommended to install arches for a film cover. In such conditions, the onion will take root faster and will be protected from the vagaries of the weather, unexpected frosts. At first, the garden will look half empty, but soon everything will change. The bulbs will grow and fill, in such free conditions the culture will be very comfortable to develop.

    1. Exhibit is watered every 15-20 days, avoiding waterlogging. Water from a well or well cannot be used, it is too cold. Let it sit for a few hours to warm up. Towards the end of July, watering is reduced, and then stopped altogether - this will contribute to the formation of high-quality bulbs.
    2. Loosening is carried out immediately after watering,to prevent a hard crust from forming near the bulbs. This must be done very carefully, the Exibition onions protrude above the surface and the heads are easily damaged. Weeding is carried out just as carefully.
    3. Top dressing is carried out using a complex mineral fertilizer and organics in the form of infusion of mullein and bird droppings. Organic fertilizers are applied only in the first half of summer. Feeding is carried out once every 3 weeks. It is not recommended to do this more often. A month before harvesting onions, fertilization is stopped.
    4. Row spacings are mulched with cut grass or straw... It is undesirable to use sawdust for these purposes, since they change the acidity of the soil. Recently, many people use black film with cutouts for the bulbs instead of mulch.

    During onion cultivation, experts do not advise cutting off the feather, otherwise you will not get large heads.

    Huge bow in one season. Sort Exhibition: video

    Diseases and pests

    Of all diseases, onions are most often affected by rot of the bottom. Zthe problem can be identified only at the stage of harvesting. Affected bulbs subsequently begin to rot and soften, such heads cannot be stored. In this case, it will no longer be possible to save the crop. Disease occurs due to improper care when water stagnates after irrigation in the garden. Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to drain the soil or water the plants sparingly.

    It happens that onions are affected by smut - a fungal disease. It can be recognized by the appearance of longitudinal gray stripes on the leaves. This disease has no cure, the affected plants must be removed from the garden in a timely manner so that neighboring bulbs do not become infected. Spores of this fungus remain in the ground for up to 4 years. Therefore, next time you can plant onions on this garden bed no earlier than after a four-year period.

    Over-watering onions can affect gray rot. The root collar begins to deteriorate, and then the whole plant. Diseased bulbs are destroyed. Prevention of disease is the correct agricultural technology.

    You can harvest from mid-August. This moment is determined by the state of the feather, if it turned yellow and lay down - it's time to start collecting the bulbs. For digging and drying, they take a fine sunny day. It is most convenient to dig the onions by prying them from below with a pitchfork. After that, the soil is shaken off, and the onion itself is laid out directly on the ridge.

    Then the crop is transferred to a dry, ventilated room for final drying. It could be a barn or an attic. You can also dry onions by tying them in bunches and hanging them upside down. The feather is trimmed after the bulbs are completely dry, leaving hemp 3-5 cm long.

    Exhibiting onions should be stored in a cool room at a temperature of 4-5 ° C. Since table varieties are stored for no more than 3-4 months, the bulbs must be eaten during this time.

    Exhibiting onion differs from its counterparts in almost everything: weight, taste, aroma and even cultivation technology. This is, without exaggeration, a giant onion variety. Its enormous size, as well as its unusual and pleasant taste, made it quite popular among gardeners. But this vegetable has a rather difficult cultivation technology. Therefore, many gardeners give their preference to onions that are smaller and tastier, but easier to grow.

    This variety was bred by breeders from Holland. Its main feature is its huge size, which often exceeds the average parameters of a bulb onion. One head here can weigh from 500 to 800 g.

    ARTICLE IN THE TOPIC: Preparing seeds for sowing seedlings

    In addition to its large size and weight, Exhibichen differs from other varieties in its taste. Its pulp is devoid of bitterness and has a sweetish taste. No tears will flow from your eyes as you cut the giant onion. Due to its special taste, this onion can be eaten fresh.

    This variety has a short growing season. Cultivation of the Exibishen variety takes place within 80 days, no more. In the middle lane and the northern regions of the country, this plant can be grown only by the seedling method.

    Despite the presence of such impressive characteristics, this variety has two significant disadvantages: difficult growing technology, which requires not only picking up a good seed, but also taking care of the plantings throughout the growing season of the plant, as well as its poor preservation. If you create the right conditions for storing the bulbs, then they can only be preserved until the New Year.

    One of the methods of growing the Exibishen variety is the seedling method. This method requires a significant investment of time and effort, as well as attention, and in case of violation of the technology, in most cases, will lead to a negative result. Despite the complexity of reproduction, only the seedling method of growing, with the correct implementation of all agronomic requirements, will guarantee a rich and tasty harvest. It is with him that the bulbs will have their maximum size.

    The seedlings (sevok) obtained in this way are able to tolerate transplanting well into the soil even in a situation where there will be no earthen lump on their roots. As a result, you can use the seedling method for growing Exhibitive onions in apartments of multi-storey buildings. In this case, you can do without picking.

    Seeds to get sowing must be sown in early March. You can find information that the sowing of planting material should be carried out at the end of February.

    Before planting, it is always necessary to carefully select and prepare all the selected seeds in order to increase the success of the enterprise. To prepare seeds for planting, you need to do the following with them:

    ✿ We select seeds. They must be healthy and free of mold. Also, do not use frozen seeds, as they will not grow well.
    ✿ We immerse the planting material in warm filtered water for several hours. In order to "awaken" the seeds, a little freshly squeezed aloe juice can be dripped into warm and filtered water.
    ✿ We remove the seeds from the water and wrap them in gauze or cloth. They should stay in this position for 2-4 days.
    ✿ After this period, we carry out the procedure for disinfecting the planting material. To do this, immerse the seeds in a solution prepared from 1 g of potassium permanganate, dissolved in 1 liter of water. The water temperature should be around 40 ° C.

    After you have done all the above manipulations, you need to prepare the place for sowing seeds. In the selected planting containers (for example, in wooden boxes, plastic small cups or long flower pots) we place the earthen mixture. It is made from turf, humus, and well-rotted mullein. All these components should be squeezed in a ratio of 10: 9: 1, respectively.

    When the planting containers are prepared, we sow seeds in them. We simply sow the planting material on top of the ground, and then cover it with soil on top. The top layer of earth should have a thickness of about 1.5 cm. After that, we water the plantings with plenty of water and cover all the planting containers with plastic wrap. This creates greenhouse conditions that accelerate the seed germination process.

    Planting containers must be placed in a shaded area. Here they have to stand for 7-10 days. It is during this time that the first shoots should appear on the soil surface. When they have broken through the soil, we remove the polyethylene from the planting containers and put them in a well-lit place. It is best to place the boxes on the south side of the windowsill.

    In order for the Exibishen onion to give good seedlings (sets), it is necessary to organize proper care for the seedlings. It consists in carrying out the following manipulations:

    ✿ Top dressing should ideally be applied every day. For this, complex mineral fertilizers are used, 1 g of which is diluted in 2 liters of water.
    ✿ Regular watering with warm water.
    ✿ Sevok should grow at an air temperature of about 20 ° C.
    ✿ Ventilation of the room in which the onion sprouts are located must be carried out once every few days.

    Such conditions must be maintained for two months. If, in the process of growing onions, his feathers began to sag, then they can be carefully trimmed. The sevok should then have feathers 10 cm long.

    Remember that in a couple of weeks after planting seedlings in open ground, the planting containers must be hardened. To do this, it is recommended to take them out on the balcony during the day. Hardening will reduce stress on seedlings when they are transplanted into open ground. Usually the seedlings are transplanted in early May. Its landing is as follows:

    ✿ Choose a well-lit area with moist, loose and well-draining soil.
    ✿ In terms of acidity, the soil should be neutral or slightly acidic.
    ✿ Do not apply manure before planting. Otherwise, the flesh of the onion will turn out to be loose.
    ✿ Small holes are made with your finger.
    ✿ Deepening the roots of the seeding should be carried out by 2.5-3 cm.

    To plant seedlings, you need to use a 20x30 cm scheme. After planting is completed, the plants are taken care of in a standard way.

    Exquisite bow
    growing from seed

    Exhibichen onions can also be grown from seeds. This method is much easier in terms of growing technology than the seedling method. But he cannot guarantee a bountiful harvest.

    You need to start growing this variety in early April. At this time, strong night frosts will no longer be observed. As in the seedling method, a certain preparation of the planting material is also needed here. In this case, you need to prepare seeds as follows:

    ✿ The seeds of this onion are very small, which makes them difficult to prepare. Therefore, to simplify the procedure, the seeds should be glued to a piece of toilet paper or an ordinary white napkin.
    ✿ You need to glue not on super glue, but on a specially prepared paste. To prepare it, you must dissolve 1 tsp. starch in cold water (150 ml). Then the mixture is heated to a creamy state. Then we cool the finished mixture and add the AVA fertilizer to it. This will reduce the number of dressings in the future, since this fertilizer is not washed out of the soil.
    ✿ Apply the finished and cooled paste on a paper base drop by drop at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. Then place one seed in each drop and leave it to dry. This will take approximately one day.
    ✿ Twist the dried paper into a roll and place it in plastic bags. In this form, they can be stored until planting. Seeds prepared in this way will be much easier to plant then in open ground. Also, after planting in the future, it will not be necessary to thin out the beds due to the insignificant weed vegetation.

    Planting of prepared seeds is carried out in loose soil, which has been treated with "Fitospirin". The seeds are placed in shallow trenches and covered with earth. After that, you need abundant watering and further proper care of the emerging seedlings.

    Onion exibition care

    After planting seedlings in open ground or the appearance of the first shoots (growing by seed method), Exhibishen needs proper care. It is not very difficult and includes the following actions:

    ✿ Moderate and regular watering. If the watering has been properly organized, then the bulbs will turn out tasty and juicy. Watering is stopped at the end of July. Otherwise, the bulbs will become too watery and poorly stored.
    ✿ To prevent the soil from drying out very quickly, you can cover the ground between the plants with straw, peat or moss.
    ✿ After watering, the soil is loosened.
    ✿ Carrying out preventive measures to combat pests and pathogenic microflora. To protect planting from insects, onions can be grown next to carrots.
    ✿ Application of top dressing. Here you should use nitrogen, potash, phosphorus and magnesium fertilizers.
    ✿ Weeding should be done periodically to remove weeds. Weeding must be done very carefully so as not to damage the vegetables being grown.

    Onion Exhibition has a simple harvesting technology, which is not much different from other varieties. The signal to the fact that it is time to collect the long-awaited harvest is laid down greenery. This is due to the fact that simultaneously with the wilting of the tops, the dying off of the root system occurs. Therefore, it is very important to harvest this vegetable on time, as otherwise the bulb may take root again. And this will lead to a reduction in shelf life.

    Usually, Exibition is removed in dry and windy weather around mid-August. The bulbs are plucked or dug out of the ground and allowed to dry slightly in the sun. Then the crop should be well dried in a barn or attic for one month. When the neck of the onion becomes thin, the onion is cleaned of dry scales and sent for winter storage.

    We will carry out all agrotechnical recommendations correctly, starting from the receipt of the seeding and ending with the harvest, you will receive a quality product that will be stored for the entire period allotted for this. At the same time, Exibishen onions will be tasty and healthy.

    The Scientific and Production Association "Sady Rossii" has been introducing the latest achievements in the selection of vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops into the wide practice of amateur gardening for 30 years. In the work of the association, the most modern technologies are used, a unique laboratory for microclonal reproduction of plants has been created. The main tasks of NPO Sady Rossii are to provide gardeners with high-quality planting material for popular varieties of various garden plants and novelties of world selection. Delivery of planting material (seeds, onions, seedlings) is carried out by Russian post. We are waiting for you for shopping:

    Most experienced summer residents advise growing Exhibitive onions, which are valued for their delicate taste and large size. This variety is a breeding masterpiece. But to get a high-quality and rich harvest, you need to make a lot of effort.

    Origin and description of the variety

    Exibition is a medium late Dutch onion produced by the seed company Bejo Zaden. It takes 100-130 days from the emergence of mass shoots to the collection of vegetables. The peculiarity of the variety is large heads, the mass of which varies within 300-1000 grams... The maximum weight is achieved when growing a crop through seedlings.

    The bulbs have a rounded, elongated shape with a massive neck. The outer scales are thin and dry, colored straw brown. The pulp is white, juicy and tender. The taste is sweet, without any sharp bitterness. Exibishen is appreciated for the fact that when cutting it does not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes.

    In order for the onion to bring a good harvest, it must be grown taking into account the peculiarities of agricultural technology, description and characteristics of the variety. Then from one square meter of the garden it will be possible to collect up to 4.3 kg of a juicy vegetable. The bulbs cannot be stored for a long time, so they are eaten fresh and added to salads. They are prone to germination.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Vegetable growers love Dutch onions due to the following properties:

    • high productivity;
    • does not cause tears when cutting;
    • the possibility of obtaining bulbs of large and giant sizes;
    • has a sweetish, pleasant taste without bitterness;
    • can be planted both in winter and in spring.

    Exhibiting is popularly called a salad variety, as it harmonizes well with other ingredients and does not give an unpleasant aftertaste.

    Of the shortcomings of this variety, gardeners note poor keeping quality. Since it is prone to germination, it is recommended to store it for no more than 4 months. It can be affected by nematodes, rot, smut and peronosporosis, but timely preventive treatments will help to avoid diseases. The variety is demanding in terms of agricultural technology and care, so efforts will have to be made to obtain a high-quality harvest.

    Agrotechnical requirements

    To harvest a high-quality crop, you need to choose the right place for planting Exhibiting onions:

    1. The site should be sunny and open, but protected from strong winds. If you plant a crop in the shade, the plant will be weak.
    2. Exhibichen feels comfortable on loose, fertile and light soil. Heavy and clayey soil will significantly reduce the yield.
    3. Wetlands and lowlands should be avoided. The plant prefers moderately moist soil.
    4. The soil should be slightly acidic. To lower the pH, a liming procedure is carried out.

    The best precursors of onions are tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, perennial herbs, early cabbage. The culture can be returned to its original place only after 3 years.

    Exibishen is grown in three ways: planting seeds, seedlings and seedlings.

    Growing from seeds

    Some summer residents prefer to grow Exibishen onions from seeds. You won't be able to get large vegetables in one season. But by providing the plant with favorable conditions and regular care, you can harvest a good harvest.

    It is recommended to prepare the beds and seeds a month before planting. Onions are planted in open ground both in spring and before winter. This method is more suitable for growing vegetables in the southern regions of Russia. You can get the seeds yourself or buy them from the store.

    Preparing the garden

    The beds are dug up, cleaned of weeds and roots. Rotted humus or compost, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are applied to the site at the rate of 10 g / m2.

    Dolomite flour or lime is added to acidic soil, and river sand is added to heavy soil. Before sowing onions, the soil is loosened and leveled with a rake.

    Preparation of planting material

    First, quality seeds are selected. They are poured into a saline solution, which is prepared from 1 tbsp. water and a pinch of salt. Onion seeds that have sunk to the bottom are good. Remaining on the surface are not suitable for planting.

    1. Prepare paste. Add 1 tbsp to 0.1 l of water. l. starch, put on low heat and cook until thick. In consistency, the mixture should resemble sour cream.
    2. Cut the toilet paper into equal strips 2-3 cm wide and 0.8-1 m long.
    3. Using a match, dot the paste onto the tape with an interval of at least 5 cm.
    4. Place a seed in each drop.
    5. Leave the strips to dry for 24 hours and roll them up.

    Arrange the blanks in plastic bags and leave until warming.

    Spring sowing

    The onions should be planted in late April - early May, when the ground warms up to +10 degrees. It is important to take into account the peculiarities of the region so that Exibishen does not die from a sudden arrival of frost.

    First, using a hoe, parallel grooves are made and spilled with Fitosporin solution at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. preparation for 10 liters of water. The spacing between the rows should be 15-20 cm, and the sowing depth should be 1-1.5 cm. Rolls of planting material are unwound and the tape is laid out along the width of the groove. Sprinkle the strips with earth and pour abundantly with warm water.

    So that onion seeds grow faster and they are not afraid of sudden frosts, it is recommended to cover the bed with a film.

    Sowing before winter

    This method has worked well. If you plant the Exhibiting onion before winter, it will rise faster and it will form a strong immune system. The procedure should be carried out when the soil slightly freezes. For central Russia, this is mid-October.

    Step-by-step instructions for planting seeds before winter:

    1. Using a hoe or a shovel handle, grooves are made 2 cm deep at a distance of 20 cm.
    2. Seeds are densely covered. In spring, seedlings can be thinned out.
    3. The furrows are covered with 1.5 cm soil and spilled with warm, settled water by sprinkling.
    4. Mulch the bed with sawdust, peat or straw with a layer of 2 cm. This will save the onion from frost and prevent moisture from quickly evaporating.
    5. For additional protection, the site is covered with snow.
    6. In the spring, the shelter is removed so that the soil warms up faster.

    Further planting care is standard.

    Growing from seed

    In the first year after planting the Exhibichen seeds, it is not always possible to grow a large vegetable. With dense sowing, small onions are obtained, which are used as seedlings. You can also buy it at the store.

    Gardeners plant sevok both in spring and before winter. Previously, it is soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and treated with special preparations to protect against pathogenic microorganisms. They are dug into the soil 4-5 cm, and the top of the bulbs is sprinkled with mulch.

    Growing through seedlings

    This method requires additional effort, but only with the help of it it will be possible to collect large vegetables already in August of the same year. It is especially convenient to grow Exhibishen onions through seedlings in the Urals, Siberia and the North-Western part of the country, since in April there may still be snow there.

    Seeds for seedlings are planted in late February or early March. For sterilization, they are soaked in a weak solution of manganese (dissolve 1 g of the substance in 1 liter of water) for 20 minutes. To awaken the seeds, they are treated with a growth stimulant according to the attached instructions. The planting material is washed with warm water and wrapped in a damp cloth or gauze for 2-3 days.

    Then you should start preparing the substrate. It should include garden soil, humus and coarse sand. Various containers, pots and boxes are used as containers. The seeds are planted at a depth of 1-1.5 cm with an interval of 2 cm. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle, cover the container with film or glass and take it to a shaded, warm place. The room temperature must be maintained at 25 degrees. After about 1-2 weeks, when the first shoots appear, the boxes are taken out to a lighted, but cooler place.

    In order for onion seedlings to grow faster, a set of plant care measures is carried out:

    • as the soil dries out, irrigate with warm filtered water;
    • the moistened soil is carefully loosened, trying not to hurt the root system of the sprouts;
    • so that the seedlings do not stretch out, install special fluorescent lamps;
    • the room must be ventilated every three days, but drafts are not allowed;
    • seedlings are fed once a week with complex preparations or ash infusion (half a glass of ash per 5 liters of water).

    In early May, when the frost passes, the seedlings are planted in open ground. Two weeks before that, it is taken out into fresh air for hardening. If the onion has long feathers, they are cut by 9-11 cm, then the roots will grow more actively. Seedlings are planted according to the scheme 20x30 cm to a depth of 2-3 cm. They are covered with earth and watered abundantly with warm water.

    Features of outdoor care

    Regardless of which method of planting onions on the site was used, it needs regular watering, loosening and feeding. Exibition is picky about leaving.

    Watering mode

    Onions are sensitive to moisture. Both overflow and drying out of the earth must not be allowed. On average, the plant is watered every 15-20 days, taking into account the weather conditions. The procedure is recommended to be performed in the evening. The water should be warm and settled.

    At the end of July, watering is reduced, and 25-30 days before harvesting it is stopped.

    Mulching and loosening

    The onion bed should be cleared of weeds as soon as they appear. It is convenient to combine this procedure with loosening, which is recommended after watering. The peculiarity of the variety is that the bulbs rise 2/3 above the ground, so it is important not to hurt them.

    To keep moisture in the soil for a long time, it is mulched. To do this, use straw, sawdust or mowed grass.

    Top dressing

    Onion Exibition is fertilized with complex preparations based on nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Plants should be fed once every 21 days. In the first half of summer, mullein or bird droppings are introduced into the soil, which is previously diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and 1 to 20, respectively. A month before collecting the bulbs, feeding is stopped.

    Diseases and pests

    Onions are prone to the following diseases:

    1. Rot. The fungus attacks the vegetable from the inside, it becomes soft and slimy. The plant cannot be treated.
    2. Onion smut. Feathers are covered with dark ash-colored stripes. The disease can be defeated if the infected leaves are removed immediately.
    3. Oversporosis. The feathers and neck dry up, and the bulb stops gaining weight. Bordeaux liquid and copper oxychloride are used to fight.
    4. Nematode. This is a worm that settles in the bulbs, and they crack and rot. The leaves wither and curl. Diseased plants are burned.

    The best protection of onions from diseases and pests is timely prevention with special preparations.

    Harvesting and storage

    If the onions have turned yellow and feathers have died, it's time to collect it. Cleaning is usually done in the second half of August. For this, choose a clear, dry day. The bulbs are slightly undermined with a pitchfork, shaken off the ground and laid out on the garden bed to dry.

    Then the vegetables are removed to a dry and dark room (attic, barn). When the neck of the onion is thinned and completely dry, remove the excess husk. Vegetables are stored in a dry, well-ventilated place with a temperature of about +5 degrees. It is advisable to eat it within 3-4 months.

    Each gardener should try to grow Exhibishen onions on his plot. Subject to all the requirements of agricultural technology, you can enjoy a tasty and healthy vegetable until the New Year.


    At the summer cottage, experimental varieties are increasingly found, which amaze with their size, shape and color; Exhibishen onions are also included in this category. If you want to grow this Dutch variety, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of growing and care in order to get a large-fruited harvest.

    Onion Exibishen belongs to the Dutch selection of the seed company Bejo Zaden. This is a late variety with large bulbs, 500-700 g, with good agricultural technology, the fruits grow over 1 kg. Up to 3 kg of onions are harvested from one square meter of the field. The shape of the fruit is round-elongated. In addition to its use in cooking, the variety is grown for the exhibition, it is fed with carbide (urea) to obtain extremely large sizes. However, for home use with frequent addition of urea, it is better not to experiment. The record size of the bow was registered in the British county of Leicestershire, its weight was 8 kg 490 g.

    Onion variety Exibishen

    Exibichen is ideal for fresh consumption, used for conservation for the winter. Unlike other varieties, this onion is not bitter and has a pleasant sweet taste. Therefore, many gourmets prefer to eat it whole without heat treatment. The variety also has disadvantages, and the main one is low keeping quality. At a temperature of 4 ° C, onions can be stored for up to 3-4 months. This disadvantage must be taken into account when sowing the seeds of the variety.

    Growing the Exibishen onion variety with seeds is not difficult. Depending on the region, sowing of onions in the ground is carried out in late April – early May, however, we recommend preparing the seeds in advance - in late February or early March. Since the Exhibitive onion seeds are small, we glue them on a paper strip using an adhesive solution. To prepare it, you will need 1 tsp. starch and 125 ml of cool water. Add both components to the saucepan and stir the mixture over low heat until thick sour cream forms, let the mass cool slightly. In the meantime, cut toilet paper strips equal to the width of the row.

    Planting onions using seeds

    We distribute drops of paste over a paper strip and glue a seed on each. Use a match or toothpick for convenience. This method helps to evenly place the seeds on the surface of the strip and prevent planting from becoming thickened. After all the seeds are distributed, we are waiting for the sticky mass to harden, it will take about a day. Next, we roll up the strips with seeds into a roll and place them in a plastic bag. In this state, the seeds are perfectly stored until planting. In April-May we start sowing, focusing on the weather in your region and on. Before planting in the soil, do not forget to prepare the beds, freeing them from weeds. The introduction of granular AVA fertilizers and soil treatment with a weak solution of Fitosporin-M, at the rate of 1 tbsp, helps to increase seed germination, yield and disease resistance of onions. l. preparation for 10 liters of water.

    Place the prepared strips with seeds in the furrows and sprinkle them with soil 1–1.5 cm thick. Summing up, I would like to note that the Exhibishen onions grown by seeds ripen worse and getting a large fruit, declared by the manufacturer, is not an easy task. Therefore, we recommend growing seedlings. It is this method that allows you to reveal all the delights of the variety and be content with large bulbs.

    Video: Growing onions Exibishen

    Since the Exibition onion belongs to the late varieties, for regions with a short summer, we plant seedlings. To harvest the ready-made crop by August, we begin to germinate seeds in late February or early March. We pre-prepare them by soaking them in an antifungal solution. As a disinfectant for seeds, we use a weak solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 1 g of substance per 1 liter of water. From the available home remedies, you can also use a solution of hydrogen peroxide, a teaspoon for 0.5 liters of water, or purchase the Epin biostimulator. We leave the seeds in the solution for 8 hours, after which we remove the excess water with a napkin.

    Seedling Exibishen

    The soil for growing onion seedlings should be light and nutritious. A simple option is a peat-humus mixture with the addition of complex mineral fertilizers. For a more fertile composition, take ten parts of sod land, nine parts of humus and part of a rotted mullein. We recommend spilling the prepared soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or steaming it for half an hour in the oven to prevent the risk of fungal diseases, in particular black leg, which can infect the seedlings at the initial stage of growth.

    The seeding depth is 1–1.5 cm. Place the planting material at a comfortable distance from each other so that it is more convenient for you to dive the seedlings when they grow up. And it's better to immediately sow the seeds in separate cups, since the root system of the onion is weak and easily injured during transplantation. For active germination of seeds, we maintain a constant temperature of 20–25 ° C, create a mini-greenhouse, covering the container with a piece of a plastic bottle, a plastic bag, pulling on shoe covers. When the first shoots hatch, remove the covering material. Onion seedlings do not like humid air, and condensation always collects under an artificial mini-greenhouse.

    To get strong seedlings, we transfer the container to a cooler place with a temperature of 14–17 ° C, providing good light for at least 12 hours. If short daylight hours do not allow you to do this, use it. Remember, lack of lighting leads to stretching of seedlings; it will be difficult to get a good harvest from it. We also recommend installing plant supports in cups with seedlings, which help to maintain a strictly vertical direction of growth. Top dressing for the development of strong seedlings will not harm, the main thing is not to overdo it with them. The introduction of two dressings of mineral nitrogen fertilizers with an interval of 14 days is quite enough.

    In order for the Exhibishen onion to develop well, we carry out further cultivation of mature seedlings on sandy loam soil, having previously prepared the bed for planting. We remove weeds, dig up the ground and apply fertilizers. For 1 m 2 you will need 2 buckets of humus, 50-60 g of complex mineral fertilizer, a glass of ash, as well as a handful of ground eggshell, which helps to fight the bear.

    Proper preparation of the beds for planting

    Before planting in the ground, we take out the seedlings, carefully separate them, you can slightly trim the upper thin feather with scissors, having previously disinfected them with alcohol. To prevent the onion fly from smelling the essential oils after trimming the green feather, we recommend dusting the seedlings with baby powder. Due to the content of zinc oxide, talc, starch and other auxiliary substances in it, it has a good antifungal effect, neutralizes the odor that attracts pests. The onion will be a good company next to carrots.

    We observe the distance between the seedlings in a row - 20 cm, and in the aisle - 30 cm. We deepen the planting material by 3 cm, making sure that the roots do not bend. It is important to protect onion seedlings from spring frosts. To do this, install arcs next to the beds, if necessary, cover them with a covering material, for example, lutrasil or non-woven geotextile. At the end, we carry out abundant watering and mulch the beds with peat or sunflower husks.

    Care after planting - three important rules

    After planting onions, Exhibichen needs abundant watering, which is carried out during the first half of the summer, as well as the introduction of mineral dressings containing nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. For the growth of large bulbs, we recommend feeding the seedlings every 14 days with a solution of urea or ammonium nitrate.

    Video: Collecting seeds in August and sowing Exibishen onions in the new season

    Each watering and feeding is accompanied by loosening. This procedure helps keep the earth crust from building up on the soil surface, allowing minerals and fresh air to flow to the root system. The month before harvest, usually in August, watering is reduced. The harvesting signal is yellowing and lodging of the onion feather. After digging, we dry the bulbs in the street or attic, after which we use them for fresh consumption. For long-term storage in the basement, the Exibition variety is not suitable.

    Onions are a great vegetable that is actively used in the preparation of various dishes. First, summer residents pluck a long-awaited green feather from a young onion, and then pull a turnip. Every year, breeders bring out more and more new varieties. One of them is very interesting - Exibishen onions. It has excellent taste. It is sweet, completely without bitterness. Exhibiting onion salads are incredibly tasty. Try it!

    The Exibishen bow comes from Holland. Therefore, cultivation requires careful adherence to agricultural technology. We have carefully studied this Exhibichen onion variety in order to tell you the technology of growing it from seeds throughout Russia. So that everyone can be convinced of the high quality of the crop.

    Description of an unusual variety of onions Exhibichen

    It is supposed to start with the size of the turnip: its average values \u200b\u200brange from 200 to 500 grams. But there are also larger specimens that grow up to 1 kg.

    The yellow bulbs are round in shape. They are elongated. The taste of this salad variety is sweetish. He has practically no bitterness, so his eyes do not water.

    From the day of germination to the ripening of the crop of this variety, 130 days must pass. In order for the turnip to grow by the end of August, seed shoots are supposed to hatch in mid-April at the latest. It turns out that it is possible to grow Exibishen onions from seeds in one season. You just need to thoroughly prepare and start preparing for sowing at the end of February.

    A significant disadvantage of the bulbs of this variety is its poor preservation. They are practically not stored. It is supposed to be consumed in the next 3 months after harvest. Impossible, and they don't put it in storage. Therefore, sowing a lot of it is not recommended.

    How to grow Exhibitive onions from seeds?

    For this, it is necessary to understand the agricultural technology of growing this crop. It's worth starting with the fact that you will have to sow onions so as to plant them in the spring as seedlings. So you need to know about when to sow Exhibishen onions for seedlings.

    The days of the last week of February are considered optimal for planting in central Russia. Then the seedlings will have time to get stronger enough by the time they are transplanted to the garden bed and you can grow Exhibitive onions from seeds in one season.

    How is Exhibiting onion planted for seedlings?

    1. Disinfect the seeds. To do this, wrap them in cloth and immerse them in a solution of potassium permanganate. Leave them on for about 20 minutes. Then they are supposed to be washed and dried on a battery.

    2. Prepare boxes for planting. They are supposed to be filled with a nutrient mixture, which consists of black soil combined with peat and compost.

    3. Sowing seeds. To do this, on moistened soil, you need to make long grooves at a distance of about 2 cm, so that one seed is placed in them every 1.5 cm. Sprinkle them lightly with soil. Cover the planting with foil. Place the box in a warm place.

    4. Observe the cultivation of Exibishen onions from seeds. In the second week from sowing, seedlings will appear. Greens grow very slowly. They need to be watered with light spraying from a spray bottle.

    1.sow in late February in a deep cake bowl;

    2. in phase 3, trim the leaves by 1/3;

    The real experience of growing Exible onions in 1 season.

    Inspired at the beginning of March, she sowed the Exhibishen and Red Baron onions. At the end of March, he died with me safely. But I wanted an experiment, and on April 1, I sowed Exibishen in the bowl again. Seeds of Mars. Got up slowly.

    In mid-April, she took him to the greenhouse. I planted thin blades of grass in open ground. The earth is sand. I did not add humus, but only brought in ash. I cut off the feathers by one third and cut the roots a little. A total of 16 pieces were obtained, 4 in each groove. It was scary to look at them - you would cry.

    Fed up with agriculture for onions and garlic and several times fermented grass. At first they just stuck out, and then they began to grow. they grew beautiful, of the same size, 300 grams each. I'm glad of that too. A good onion also grew from a turnip, but less Exibishen, there was no small one at all. But the onion fly spoiled a lot. I fought with her all summer. I will definitely plant Exibition and try Globo. It may be possible to grow larger onions.