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  • Verbena seed cultivation and care. Features of growing verbena from seeds

    Verbena seed cultivation and care. Features of growing verbena from seeds

    This plant belongs to the Verbenov family, which have up to two hundred varieties. Grown in tropical and subtropical climates, and originally from America. It is famous not only for its beauty and pleasant smell, but also for its magical properties. The plant has been used as an ingredient in potions since druidic times. Verbena growing from seeds is a fairly simple exercise. Some species have medicinal effects.

    All types of verbena are not used for planting a flower with seeds for seedlings. Only some of them are capable of cultivation in our climatic conditions.

    The main ones are:

    Verbena species Description
    Verbena straight one of the varieties of a flower that is grown in the central strip. Reaches a meter in height, the leaves are gray-green, the edges are jagged. Flowering duration is shorter than that of cultivated plants.
    Buenos Aires verbena in places with a warm climate, they are grown as a perennial flower, reaching 120 centimeters in height. The plant is upright with shoots extending to the sides. The shade resembles amethyst, the inflorescences look like opened umbrellas. Blooms for a long time.
    Canadian verbena thermophilic variety, perennial. It blooms profusely and for a long time, the inflorescences are like umbrellas, and the length of the stems reaches 20cm. Has flowers of pink, lilac, lilac, white shades. There is the ability to self-seeding. Planting material can be stored for up to 3 years.
    Verbena hard differs in highly branched stems that can rise or creep along the ground. The leaves of the plant are tough with a hairy surface and pronounced veins. The diameter of the flower reaches 1 cm. The seeds retain the ability to germinate up to 5 years.
    Hybrid verbena is the most popular flower. The height of the branched stems is 20-50 centimeters. The inflorescences are collected in umbrellas that have regular shapes and a pleasant smell. It is divided into two types:
    Mammoth (large-flowered) species reaches 40-50 cm, with creeping stems and shoots growing upward. There are two varieties:

    1) cyclops;

    compact, undersized vervains rise 20-30cm. Has varieties:

    2) Spectrum mouth;

    3) imaging;

    4) moon river.

    The last two subspecies can be grown in hanging planters and pots. This is possible due to the compact location of the root system.

    Growing verbena

    For sowing verbena, you must use quality seeds. Some of its species have the peculiarity of self-seeding. However, the collected material does not retain varietal characteristics. Propagation from the rhizome leaves them unchanged.

    When to sow for seedlings?

    The ideal time for planting from seeds is considered the second half of March. It is possible to plant vervain from the end of February, but it will be necessary to provide sufficient illumination, because without it the seedlings will develop more slowly. Flowers, planted in April, germinate well, but begin to bloom in mid-summer. Sowing dates can be seen in the lunar calendar.

    Soil and pots

    The soil in which verbena seeds are planted should have low acidity, good moisture absorption, and looseness. Ready-made soil can be purchased at a specialized store or prepared by yourself.

    This will require:

    To increase water absorption and airiness, you can add an overflow of 0.5 cups per liter of composition. To disinfect the soil, it must be steamed for one hour or spilled with a fungicide solution. This will help prevent blackfoot infestation of the flowers, but will not protect against weeds during growing.

    How to sow verbena on seedlings so that the flowers develop the same way? Just treat the seeds with growth enhancers before planting.

    Boxes, shallow pots, etc. are suitable as containers for planting material at home. The main thing is that there is an opportunity to create a greenhouse effect by wrapping it with a film or covering it with glass. They need to be ventilated and moisture removed from the inside of the makeshift greenhouse.

    Seed preparation

    Some seeds have a dense shell due to which the cultivation of seedlings takes place with a significant difference in time. To ensure germination, in approximately one period, it is necessary to place the planting material on a damp cloth, wrap it with foil and keep it on the lower shelf of the refrigerator for 4 to 5 days.

    Video "Verbena growing from seeds"

    Seedling care

    After preparation, the seeds are laid out on moist soil without further deepening and a greenhouse is built. This design is placed in a warm place (25 * C) before the first shoots. Then you need to lower the degrees to 5-10 thermometer divisions and increase the illumination.

    Watering, when growing seedlings, is done from a spray bottle and very carefully. Moisture stagnation must not be allowed!


    The first shoots form up to 10 days. The latest in the third week. After the appearance of three full-fledged leaves, you can remove the film. And also, now you need to make a pick. Ampel verbena varieties can be docked after eight leaves appear to make the flower more bushy.

    They are seated in separate containers with the obligatory presence of holes and a drainage layer. The soil should be up to the cotyledonous leaves. After two weeks, you can feed the flowers for the first time.

    Landing in a permanent place

    A broken brick or rubble is placed in the dug holes for drainage. When it is planned to plant in dry weather, then the prepared pits must be watered with two glasses of water, if after rain or a cloudy day, then you can do without this procedure.

    If it is high, then it is necessary to pour a glass of wood ash or ½ cup of dolomite flour into the recesses. The introduction of fertilizers of non-organic origin with phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium is encouraged.

    It is necessary to plant verbena seedlings at a distance of 30 cm from each other. For varieties that spread on the ground, the gap is increased by 10 cm. Place the flower in the hole, sprinkle it with soil and tamp it a little.

    When grown outdoors, it grows like an annual, and when planted in pots and at home, it lives up to 10 years. This is subject to annual replanting.

    Verbena is a popular herb or shrub type of ornamental flower bed plants up to 35-40 cm high. It belongs to the verbena family and has 250 varieties (the most popular type is hybrid verbena).

    The flowers are white, pink, red, blue and blue. Sometimes the bases of the petals are white or cream in color.

    The harsh Russian cold is destructive for a delicate flower - it will not survive the winter... But if the temperature does not drop below zero, then he will perfectly wait for spring.

    That is why perennial verbena is planted mainly in pots or pots, which are covered indoors with the onset of winter and taken out into the street with the onset of spring.

    How to propagate vervain

    Depending on the climate, verbena is cultivated as an annual or perennial plant. In Russia, it is mainly grown as a herbaceous annual.

    Growing verbena from seeds - when to plant?

    In the case of verbena, growing from seeds at home is not a difficult process, it is easy to grow seedlings from seeds:

    • distribute them evenly over a layer of soil mixture or sand, do not bury or sprinkle;
    • cover with glass until sprouts appear, create a temperature of 25 degrees;
    • after pecking, ensure that the temperature and humidity are not too high.

    When to plant vervain seedlings? Do not sow the seeds before the beginning of spring - a lack of light will make them germinate for a long time, and the seedlings will turn out to be weak.


    To grow a specimen from a cutting:

    • dig up the plant in the fall and store it together with the earthy clod at a temperature of 10 degrees;
    • with the arrival of spring, cut off shoots with several pairs of leaves;
    • process the cut with crushed coal, remove the lower leaves;
    • plant the cuttings in a prepared mixture of sand and peat (or perlite) 2 cm;
    • cover with foil, ventilate regularly.

    The root system will develop in a few weeks.

    How to plant and care for vervain

    Below we have tried to disclose all the stages in as much detail as possible, if you have any questions - ask in the comments.

    Landing in open ground

    When to plant or sow seeds? Start planting seedlings or cuttings in open ground when the spring heat is finally established. Verbena will also suffer a short-term drop to -3 degrees, but the cold negatively affects its development and health.

    We found photos and videos about the correct planting and caring for vervain, where the processes are shown and described in detail, we advise you to look if you have time.

    For landing:

    • prepare the soil - it is better to provide verbena with loose, fertile loam;
    • immediately before the procedure, apply a universal fertilizer and add humus;
    • dig holes in the ground according to the number of copies, place fragments of broken brick or expanded clay on the bottom;
    • if it rains, do not water the soil. In dry weather, pre-pour half a liter of water into the holes;
    • wait until it is absorbed, and transplant the seedlings along with the soil in which it grew;
    • sprinkle the pits with soil, lightly press on the stems;
    • if the transplant is carried out in a container, then put drainage material on the bottom of the container, and add perlite to the soil.

    Observe the distance between the bushes. It also depends on their size and compactness. If it grows vertically, then it will be 20 or 25 cm, if the plant spreads - up to 30 cm. Consider the design of the flower bed and its size as additional factors.

    Lighting and temperature

    Verbena is not demanding on growing conditions, but the best flowering is achieved in well-lit, sun-warmed areas... This is a thermophilic variety, it develops well and feels at temperatures of +28 and above, it is not afraid of direct rays.

    It is not grown indoors.... She needs an abundance of light, warmth and moisture, which are difficult to provide at home. Better to use a planter or container, placing them outdoors.

    Varieties in containers are easy to cultivate as perennials, hiding them for the winter from the cold and taking them outside in the spring.

    Care, watering and feeding

    The flower needs abundant watering at the beginning of the growing season and flowering. Then the amount of water is reduced. If the summer is dry, then periodically loosening of the soil is required to supply the roots with oxygen.... Do the same after rain. In the heat, place mulch on the ground near the stems to reduce moisture evaporation. The best fertilizers are conventional complex types, apply 3-4 times per season.

    This flower does not react well to fresh organic fertilizers. Do not give such feeding too often and excessively - in this case, instead of verbena flowers, only numerous shoots will appear.

    Diseases and pests of verbena

    Despite the unpretentiousness, sometimes problems arise when growing verbena flowers:

    To extend the flowering period, pick off wilted flowers and buds in time. In this case, the plant blooms until frost.

    Verbena is a great design solution for city flower beds and decoration of your garden plot... Unpretentiousness and bright large flowers make its presence mandatory both in the household of an experienced florist and a beginner. The variety of varieties and long flowering with proper care attract the attention of plant lovers.

    Small varieties are well suited for container or border decoration. This flower is also grown for bouquet arrangements. Cut verbena will stay in a vase for up to 10 days. A large selection of colors and endurance make it indispensable when creating jewelry from fresh flowers.

    In addition, we post a video on how to grow hybrid verbena from seeds at home.

    Since ancient times, verbena has a reputation as a magical herb. It was used to cleanse the body and home, made amulets, with its help they attracted wealth and love, and women kept youth ...

    Is this really so? Easy to check. You just need to grow verbena on your site. But in order to be completely sure of success, it is advisable to awaken the plant to life with your own hands. There is one reliable way to do this - this is growing verbena from seeds at home.

    Time will tell whether the flower becomes witchcraft. But its beauty, unpretentiousness, vitality will bring a lot of positive emotions, and at the same time decorate and extend your life.

    Growing verbena seedlings

    1. When to plant vervain

    Verbena's vitality is already embedded in its seeds. Most varieties retain germination for up to five years. Of course, with age, the energy of the seeds fades away, but there are proven ways in which even the laziest will sprout together. More on this later. In the meantime, information for the most hasty florists.

    It is better to plant verbena in March.

    Strive for your verbena to bloom earlier than everyone else? Please note that a flower has its own distinct biorhythms. You shouldn't plant it in January or February, just create yourself some extra trouble.

    The best sowing time is mid-March. At this time, the seeds germinate easily, the plants develop faster, and both winter crops and spring crops bloom almost simultaneously.

    2. How to prepare the ground

    Verbena seeds are completely undemanding to soil fertility. Main conditions:

    • good water and air permeability,
    • neutral acidity,
    • loose structure.

    Can be used:

    1. ready-made primer for flowers,
    2. sand,
    3. prepare the soil mixture yourself (sand, earth, peat in a ratio of 0.5: 1: 2),
    4. perlite or vermiculite.

    It is not necessary to subject the finished soil to additional processing. Sand must be spilled with boiling water.

    But you will have to work with the soil of your own preparation:

    I would especially like to say about perlite and vermiculite. Both of these natural materials do not require special processing. When sown in perlite, seedlings rarely have fungal diseases. Vermiculite acts as a temperature stabilizer. It evens out the temperature of the soil. This is important if the plants are exposed to frequent temperature changes. These materials can be used in pure form, mixed with each other, and also as a component during the preparation of soil for sowing.

    White - perlite, dark - vermiculite

    3. Preparation and sowing of seeds

    Verbena is capable of self-seeding propagation. Its seeds can be harvested and used, but the qualities of the mother plant may not be preserved. It is best to buy verbena seeds from producers, especially since every year breeders delight us with more and more specimens that meet a variety of needs.

    Verbena seeds.

    The packaging usually says how to grow a particular variety correctly. Do not miss this important information, as some varieties do not require incorporation into the soil, but, on the contrary, germinate well under the influence of light.

    Verbena seeds are very small, so there is no point in sowing each one separately. For sowing, you need to prepare as many containers as the purchased varieties of this flower, and sow each variety in a separate container. In the process of growing seedlings, a pick will be needed. Then a separate container for each plant will come in handy. Cups with a capacity of 150-200 ml will be enough.

    We sow seeds in a container.

    And now the promised secret methods of growing verbena from seeds

    1. Sowing should be done in warm soil and, after sowing, place the container in a warm place. A solar window will not work as temperature will be lost on cloudy days and at night. The best thing is to place the containers on the radiator with a wooden chopping board or book underneath. In a couple of days, the first shoots will appear. This is a signal to rearrange the containers on the window and, if necessary, add lighting. All vervains tolerate cold easily, but are sensitive to lack of light. In 5-7 days all the rest will rise together.
    2. In some varieties, the seed coat is so dense that the sprouts cannot open it. Stratification can help the situation. You need to sprinkle the seeds on a damp cloth, wrap them, put everything in a plastic bag and put them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 4-5 days. During this time, the shell will soften, and the sprouts will be able to break it. Whether your verbena needs stratification will be indicated on the seed package.
    3. And one more extreme, but the most effective way. It is suitable when there is no information about seed germination, and you do not know what to apply, heat or cold?

    Soak the purchased seeds in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, then dry and sow in a container. Let them stand for one day just at room temperature. We alternate the next three days: we put the container on the battery in the daytime, put it in a bag at night and put it on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. On the fourth day, the most curious begin to peek out. Immediately place the container under the lamp. Growing in this way gives the most friendly shoots.

    The first shoots appeared.

    4. Choosing a place for seedlings

    The sunniest window is for verbena. If there are not many sunny days in your area, then the seedlings will need additional lighting.

    Here, on the windowsill, one danger may await young verbena. On cloudy days and at night, the cold coming from the glass significantly lowers the temperature of the soil, and this is a favorite situation for all and similar diseases. Old unnecessary books that can be placed under containers will help. This will help bring the seedlings closer to the lamp, and the sprouts will not stretch out from lack of light.

    Verbena seedlings will thrive in good light.

    5. How to care

    The main care during this period is to provide enough light and regular watering. Verbena will report a lack of light with elongated pale sprouts. Watering should be moderate, without bays and overdrying.

    So verbena grows up to the formation of 2 - 3 true leaves, and then an important and responsible procedure awaits it - picking.

    6. How to dive

    For seedlings, you need to prepare a nutritious soil and cups of 150-200 ml. You can also unpack into a common large box or container, but there are two reasons why you should refuse from the "dormitory":

    1. When planting in open ground, you will have to injure the roots again.
    2. It is not possible to specify the verbena variety on each plant.

    If the choice is still in favor of a common container, then a planting interval of 4-5 cm must be observed.

    The soil can be used universal neutral acidity, or you can prepare it yourself using the method described above. In any case, you need to add a complex mineral fertilizer at the rate of half a tablespoon per 3 liters of soil.

    Before diving, cups with soil and a container with seedlings should be well watered. This is necessary, since it is easier to isolate a sprout from moist soil without damaging the roots.

    Place the selected vervain in a recess in a glass along the very cotyledons and slightly compact the soil around. For greater reliability, you can add some more water, but closer to the edge of the glass. With such a gentle transplant, the plants take root well. Transplanted vervains do not require high temperature and frequent watering, but they should have enough light.

    Seedlings after picking.

    7. Care after a dive

    After a week, it is worth carrying out the first fertilizing from to build up green mass. Further, fertilizing is carried out every 10-14 days before planting in the ground, but the proportion of nitrogen in their composition should be less than potassium and phosphorus. This way we stimulate root growth, prepare plants for outdoor cultivation and abundant flowering.

    Soon there will be a need to pinch the ampelous copies so that they branch out. We cut off the top of the sprout after the fifth true leaf, then new branches will appear from the side buds. Shrub varieties grow without help.

    It happens that the moment is missed, and the ampelous verbena has a too long sprout. It's even good. Let it grow 10 - 12 cm long, then you need to carefully cut it off from the mother plant and plant it in the ground. For these purposes, you can define a separate glass and place several cuttings there. Verbena very good

    Ampel verbena

    8. Seedlings are ready for planting in the ground

    We plant the verbena in open ground after a stable warm temperature is established. Most often, this period occurs in the second decade of May.

    By the time of planting, these are already lush strong plants. Pre-hardening with a decrease in temperature will further strengthen their immunity, and vervains will hardly notice the transplant.

    Verbena (lat.Verbena) belongs to the genus of the Verbenaceae family, which includes more than 200 species that grow in tropical and subtropical regions of America. In common parlance, the verbena flower is called pigeon, iron or cast-iron grass, and in a more poetic version - “the tears of Juno”, “the herb of Hercules”, “the blood of Mercury” or “the veins of Venus”. Christians consider vervain a sacred herb, because, according to the parable, the first vervain flowers appeared in the place where the drops of blood of the crucified Jesus fell.

    Verbena has long been surrounded by a halo of mysticism: the druids made a love drink out of it, and the Celts hung dry bunches of it in their homes so that it would protect the family hearth, attract wealth into the house and deprive their enemies of hatred and malice; in addition, verbena, along with garlic, silver bullets, and aspen stakes, were considered powerful weapons against vampires. For a long time, the healing properties of verbena have been known, which not only decorates the garden with its flowering from June to late autumn, but is also widely used in folk medicine as a remedy for many ailments.

    Listen to the article

    Planting and caring for verbena

    • Landing: sowing stratified seeds for seedlings - in March or April, planting seedlings in the ground - in the second half of May or early June.
    • Bloom: from June to October.
    • Lighting: bright sunlight, diffused light, partial shade.
    • The soil: fertile loam is best, but any soil will do.
    • Watering: until the second half of summer - moderate, regular, from August watering is gradually reduced.
    • Top dressing: 3-4 times during the season with complex mineral fertilizers with a low nitrogen content.
    • Reproduction: seeds, less often cuttings.
    • Pests: spider mites, aphids and nematodes.
    • Diseases: powdery mildew, black leg, root rot, gray rot, spotting.

    Read more about growing verbena below

    Growing conditions

    Verbena is a rhizomatous plant, depending on the type and growing conditions, it can be both an annual and a perennial herb or a shrub. Stems can be erect, creeping or spread, rough or smooth. Leaves are opposite, pubescent, sometimes alternate or whorled, dark green, toothed, dissected or pinnately incised, and in some species whole. Terminal paniculate or corymbose inflorescences, ears or brushes consist of 30-50 small flowers from one and a half to two and a half centimeters in diameter.

    The color spectrum of flowers is unusually wide: white, yellow, cream, dark red, salmon, dark blue, light blue, as well as with a cream or white eye. The fruit is a four-piece assorted nut. Verbena blooms from June to November.

    Vervain is grown not only in the open field, but also in containers. For example, ampelous verbena grown in hanging pots decorates terraces and balconies. In our climate, verbena is cultivated as an annual, because it does not tolerate cold winters.

    Growing verbena from seeds

    Verbena stratification

    Verbena reproduces well by seeds, but in some of its species the seeds are covered with a too dense shell, which makes it difficult for them to germinate. In such cases, they resort to their stratification, that is, cold treatment. This is done in this way: verbena seeds are laid out on a damp cloth, placed with it in an opaque plastic bag and placed in the vegetable section of the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

    In the photo: Blooming verbena in the garden

    Sowing seedlings

    Stratified seeds can be sown directly into open ground, but we will tell you how to sow verbena for seedlings, since the seedling method of seed propagation is much more reliable than seedless propagation. In general, verbena seeds remain viable for three to five years, but this indicator is not equally high in all species.

    For example, in hybrid vervain, the percentage of seed germination is not higher than 30, therefore, when multiplying vervain by seed, all possible risks must be taken into account.

    Sowing verbena seeds for seedlings is carried out in March in boxes with light humus soil, which can be replaced by sand or perlite. From above, the seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of humus and kept under glass at a temperature of 18-20 ºC, aerating the crops and removing condensation from the glass. Verbena from seeds germinates gradually after 20-30 days, and it is immediately transferred to a slightly cooler place.

    Seedling care

    Caring for sprouted verbena primarily consists in maintaining the desired water balance: the plants are sprayed with water only when the soil dries out. A month later, after the seedlings have two pairs of leaves, they are dived into mesh containers or personal pots, and after another two weeks, when they settle in a new place, they are fed with complex mineral fertilizer. To enhance tillering, the top of the ampelous varieties is pinched over the fifth or sixth leaf, but this does not apply to undersized varieties, since they branch well by themselves.

    In the photo: Delicate verbena flower

    Planting verbena

    When to plant

    Verbena seedlings are planted in the ground only after warm weather has finally established. Verbena will withstand light short cold snaps down to -3 ºC, but a strong and prolonged drop in temperature can cause irreparable harm to young plants. Any place for verbena is suitable, but it grows best in a well-lit area, and even direct sunlight does not harm it.

    The best soil for verbena is fertile loam, but it grows well on other, even heavy soils, if you lighten them by digging up with sand.

    In the photo: Verbena inflorescence

    How to plant

    Planting vervain is carried out according to the following principle: the distance between specimens of compact varieties should be about 20 cm, and between creeping bushes - 25-30 cm.But before planting vervain, place a little drainage material in each hole - broken bricks or rubble - so that water did not stagnate in plant roots. If the soil is dry, pour two glasses of water into each hole, wait until it is slightly absorbed, dip the verbena with an earthen ball into this liquid gruel, cover the hole with earth and squeeze it around the bush. If you are planting verbena in rainy weather or after rain, then you do not need to additionally moisten the soil.

    Photo: Growing verbena in the garden

    Verbena care

    How to grow

    Growing and caring for verbena is subject to very simple rules, the observance of which is necessary, but not tiring. You need to water the plant regularly during active growth and flowering; in the second half of summer, watering the verbena is reduced. It is necessary to loosen the area only in extreme heat conditions after abundant watering in order to ensure air circulation for the root system. If the verbena bushes are planted in a group, then the weeds will have to be weeded only the first time after planting, until the bushes grow. Single plants need to be weed out all the time. If, after planting, you mulch the area with rotted foliage or decorative material, then you will not have to loosen the soil or fight weeds.

    Fertilizing verbena

    The cultivation of verbena also involves the introduction of fertilizers, both mineral and organic, but organic matter is applied only once a season so as not to overload the soil with nitrogen, from which the verbena turns magnificently green, but, alas, refuses to bloom. Top dressing of verbena with complex mineral fertilizer is done 3-4 times per season.

    In the photo: Hybrid verbena


    If you feed verbena correctly, without overusing the nitrogenous component in fertilizers, nothing will prevent it from decorating your garden with its beautiful flowers, especially since the delicate aroma of verbena is an additional bonus to its enchanting beauty. And if you remove wilted flowers in a timely manner, then the wonderful verbena bloom festival will last in your garden almost until frost.

    Pests and diseases

    Verbena rarely gets sick, and with proper care, never. But with excessive watering or humid, hot summers, the plant can be affected by powdery mildew, which is treated with saprole, sulfur or Fundazol.

    Sometimes the plant is attacked by ticks or aphids, which are eliminated with insecticides.

    Excessive watering can lead to a plant disease with a black leg, various rot and spots, so try to follow the rules of care so that you do not have to deal with fungi and nematodes that cause diseases, especially since this struggle does not always end with the victory of the grower.

    Photo: Growing verbena in a pot

    Verbena after flowering

    How and when to collect seeds

    The vervain grown in our climate as an annual plant is destroyed in the fall, and the site is dug up. But if you want to collect seeds from your own plants, then do so when most of the pods are dry and brown. Place the cut inflorescence with capsules on paper or cloth and let it dry, turning it over from time to time so that it does not become moldy, then get seeds from the nuts, pour them into a paper bag or box and sign.

    But keep in mind that the seeds you collect will not preserve the varietal characteristics of their parents, so it is better to purchase planting material in the store in the spring - thank God, there is no shortage of verbena seeds.


    There is only one type of verbena that can be grown as a perennial in our climate - straight verbena (Verbena stricta), and if you are the lucky owner of this rare plant in cultivation, then before the onset of winter, cut the stems of the plant to ground level and throw spruce branches into the remains of the bush in case of too frosty or snowless winter.

    In the photo: Delicate pink verbena

    Types and varieties of verbena

    Of the many representatives of the verbena genus, not so many species are grown in culture.

    Verbena straight (Verbena stricta)

    The only perennial grown in the middle lane up to one and a half meters high. Sessile leaves are grayish-green, oval with a serrated edge up to 9 cm long and 5 cm wide. Dark violet-blue flowers are collected in an inflorescence up to 40 cm long. It does not bloom as long as other cultivated species.

    In the photo: Verbena stricta

    Verbena of Buenos Aires (Verbena bonariensis)

    In the edges of natural habitat it grows as a perennial plant, the height of erect bushes is up to 120 cm, the main stem is pronounced, side shoots extend from the base of the bush. Leaves are opposite, elongated, lanceolate, with a serrated edge. Small flowers of amethyst shade are collected in spikelets, forming umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Long and abundant flowering.

    Photo: Verbena of Buenos Aires (Verbena bonariensis)

    Canadian Verbena (Verbena canadensis)

    It is also a thermophilic perennial with thin stems 15-20 cm long, oval, pointed, deeply divided leaves. The flowers are lilac, lilac, white or pink in umbrella-shaped inflorescences. It blooms profusely, reproduces by self-seeding. Seeds remain viable for up to three years.

    In the photo: Canadian Verbena (Verbena canadensis)

    Verbena rigida (Verbena rigida)

    This verbena is characterized by branched stems, ascending or creeping. Hard leaves are almost wedge-shaped with convex veins and a hairy leaf plate on the underside. Lilac or purple flowers up to 1 cm in diameter are collected at the ends of the shoots in complex inflorescences up to 3.5 cm in diameter. Seeds do not lose their germination up to five years!

    Verbena is a flower that is grown by more than one generation of amateur flower growers. In addition to being a beautiful plant, it is also useful ( Verbena officinalis), and grows quite easily. In nature, there are about 120 species of this plant. Among them there are both annual and perennial species, there are also semi-shrubs and creeping ones, which we willingly grow as ampelous plants. Vervain is popularly called “ Pigeon grass". I never found a clear explanation for this name. But vervain is attributed to a great many different magical properties - from kindling love, to the ability to open locks and locks.

    She was revered by both the Druids and the ancient Greeks with the Romans, and the Christians also revere her. It is believed to be watered with the blood of Christ. It is rather difficult to confirm or deny all this, but what is known for certain is that verbena is an excellent medicinal plant used both in folk and official medicine to treat many diseases.

    The most popular type among florists is "". It is she who can most often be found in flower beds and flower beds.

    Growing verbena from seeds

    Like most annual garden flowers, vervain is best planted outdoors in seedlings. But sowing seeds directly into the ground is also practiced. This method is more suitable for southern latitudes, where spring comes much earlier.

    The most suitable time for sowing verbena seeds for seedlings is mid-March. If you sow them earlier, then due to a lack of light, the seedlings will not grow evenly, artificial lighting will be required. With late sowing (in April), it will bloom on the flower garden only by mid-summer.

    Preparing verbena seeds for sowing

    Verbena care


    Watering vervain is required only when necessary, but without allowing the soil to dry out for a long time. Otherwise, if the plant does not dry out, then due to the weak development of the roots, it will be frail and stunted. No less dangerous for her and excessive moisture, fraught with rot, fungal diseases. The combination of watering and loosening the soil after them will have a beneficial effect on the plant. At the end of summer, regular watering stops.

    Top dressing

    There is no need for frequent feeding of verbena. It will be enough 3-4 dressings with mineral fertilizer or one organic fertilizer. Overfed verbena will bloom reluctantly. Especially if the fertilizer contains a lot of nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering.


    In order to achieve long-term flowering of verbena, it is important not only to remove faded inflorescences in time, but also to cut off long shoots (in ampel varieties, in particular). They are cut to about a quarter of the length.

    Verbena after flowering and seed collection

    Verbena can bloom until the first frost. After flowering, fruits remain on it - nuts with seeds. Ripe seed pods are dark brown in color. After drying, they can be opened and the seeds removed.

    Wintering verbena

    This plant is grown here mainly as an annual. It is unable to endure our winters. But the life of verbena can be extended by transferring it to the category of indoor plants. To do this, before the onset of frost, it is dug up together with a lump of earth and placed in a flower pot. If you put a verbena in ordinary room conditions, then it can continue to bloom for some time, but this is usually where its further existence ends. In order to preserve the verbena until next spring and, depending on your desire, achieve its flowering at home or for planting in open ground, it must be provided with a rest period. It will be kept indoors in cool conditions. The temperature should not exceed + 10-12 degrees. At a higher temperature, the growth of new shoots is possible, or even the onset of premature flowering. In this case, it may be necessary to remove the inflorescences and pruning the shoots.

    Reproduction of verbena by cuttings

    Usually, the verbena saved for the winter wakes up in late winter - early spring. This is the best time to get a new plant from cuttings. They are taken from the tops of the shoots. Each verbena stalk must have at least four pairs of leaves, while the bottom pair is removed after cutting. The cuttings are planted in separate containers with a mixture of sand and peat, deepening them to the first lower node. Containers with cuttings are covered with a glass (jar) or plastic bag cap. Optimal conditions: good lighting and temperature + 20-22 degrees. After about a month, the cutting will grow its own viable roots. After that, young verbena can be transplanted into more nutritious soil. The advantages of propagating verbena by cuttings are not only that you will get a stronger and more suitable plant for planting in open ground, but all the varietal characteristics of the mother plant will remain, which is not always possible when grown from seeds.

    Verbena from seed (video)

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